The Queen of Kansas




Governor Kathleen Sebelius has been making a name for herself on the
national stage recently, fueling rumors that she is destine for bigger
arenas than Topeka, Kansas. Gov. Sebelius is on the short list to be
Barak Obama’s Vice Presidential running mate as he gets closer to
securing the nomination. Gov. Sebelius has been actively campaigning
for Obama on network political talk shows and campaign stops which
helped Obama coast over Clinton in the Kansas caucus and Midwestern

In January Gov. Sebelius was bestowed the honor of delivering the
Democratic response to President Bush’s last State of the Union
Address, which was viewed by millions of people across the world. She
has also been making constant headlines with her historic battle
against coal plants being built in western Kansas. Currently the
Democratic Governor has a 64% approval rating in the traditionally
conservative state of Kansas.

However, Gov. Sebelius’ most telling sign that she is heading for
bigger things might be her invitation and attendance at the 2007
meeting of the notorious Bilderberg Group in Istanbul, Turkey. The
Bilderberg Group is a collection of the world’s most elite and powerful
people who secretly meet once a year among tremendous mystery and
security. The conferences attendees are sworn to secrecy and are under
strict instructions to not divulge what goes on at the conference to
outside sources.

The Bilderberg Group was officially formed in 1954, primarily by the
powerful banking families of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers,
along with royal Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The group annually
includes around 130 guests who consist of Europe and America’s most
wealthy and noble elite from politics, royalty, business, banking,
education, media, and the military. 

Notable Bilderberg attendees include David Rockefeller, Rothschild
Family Banking, George Soros, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry
Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Prince
Charles, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Nelson Rockefeller, Richard Perle, Tony
Blair, Gordon Brown, Alan Greenspan, Rupert Murdoch, as well as the
CEO’s of mega corporations and financial institutions such as Deutsche
Bank, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, The Federal Reserve Banks, IBM, Goldman
Sachs, Siemens AG, Google, Eli Lilly, etc.

The overall goal of the Bilderberg Group is to bring about a
one-world government and global financial system, under the political
body of UN style government and the central banking systems of the
Rockefellers and Rothschilds. David Rockefeller described the group’s
goals in 1991 as the Chairman of the Bilderbergs, 

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time
magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost
forty years. ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our
plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of
publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated
and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again
know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity."

The Bilderberg Group is credited with conceiving and establishing
the European Union as the centerpiece of their global government plan.
Like their purely American brother, The Council on Foreign Relations,
the Bilderbergs are devoted to the rapid spread of globalization
through the government and economy, with themselves positioned at the
top to control the wealth of the world. 

One central idea in this group is that of rejecting national
sovereignty in favor of multi-national non-democratic institutions,
such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank, European Union, and
the emerging North American Union. The Bilderbergs, along with the CFR,
have been making gradual process toward a one-world government since
the end of WWII. In America, globalization has already rapidly changed
the economic and political landscape through treaties such as NAFTA and
the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), which are intent on
forming a North American community of government and economy.

Bilderberg Group founders Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and the
Rockefellers were notoriously involved in eugenics and had ties to the
Nazi Party. Prince Bernhard was a member of the elite SS. Since his
death, his daughter, Queen Betrix has taken his place. Award winning
investigative journalist Daniel Estulin claims that the elite inner
circle of the Bilderberg Group still advocates aspects of modern
eugenics and has the end goal of eventually reducing the world‘s
population by 80%, as called for by the 1974 UN Assessment on

So what exactly is Governor Sebelius doing meeting with the ultra
elite of the world, and what good did it do for Kansas? The trip was
scarcely reported on by the Kansas media. The Governor’s office
released a statement saying she was there to speak about “cooperation
and consensus-building in government”. Sebelius’ spokeswoman, Nicole
Corcoran, was quoted as saying about the visit, “It is a rather
prestigious group. She was pleased to be invited.” 

The Bilderbergs paid for Gov. Sebelius’ travel expenses, however the
Kansas taxpayers picked up the rest of the tab, totaling $1,274. The
only other Governor invited to attend was Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, who
apparently teamed with Gov. Sebelius on her presentation about
“cooperation and consensus-building in government” at the conference.

The choice of Gov. Perry for the Bilderbergs is fairly obvious,
since Gov. Perry has been the leading advocate of the Bilderberg backed
‘NAFTA Superhighway’ project, specifically the Trans-Texas Corridor
portion which is set to stretch across Texas despite massive protests
from citizens. The Texas Congress tried to put a two-year moratorium on
the Trans-Texas Corridor, which will grab millions of acres of private
land, however Gov. Perry vetoed it.

The ‘NAFTA Superhighway’ is a central key to the plan of the North
American Community put forth by globalists such as the Bilderbergs. The
proposed KC Smartport is suppose to be a future central inland port of
the superhighway system which will extend all of North America from
southern Mexico to northern Canada. Like the superhighway, the KC
Smartport would be foreign owned and would place Mexican customs
officials at the inland port to check all the cargo coming in from the
south. Gov. Sebelius has been supportive of the proposed KC Smartport,
even though it is technically located in Missouri. Is the Governor
indicating that she might favor the expansion of the ‘NAFTA
Superhighway’ to Kansas and has no problem with it as a threat to
American sovereignty?

This raises a number of questions of Gov. Sebelius, her connections
to the globalists of the power elite and what that means for Kansas.
Gov. Sebelius has also been supportive of other globalist positions
such as driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, which is currently
being challenged in the Kansas Congress. Given her track record on
illegal immigration it seems that Gov. Sebelius would support further
measures which threaten American workers and sovereignty such as the
expansion of the ‘NAFTA Superhighway’ in Kansas. 

The highway system is made up from existing roads such as I-70 and
I-35, making Kansas the central crossroads of the project. Once the KC
Smartport is complete, Kansas will be a key asset to the Mexican
trucking companies looking to freely move across the United States…at
the expense of American workers.

Will Gov. Sebelius sell out Kansas workers to the globalists and
their foreign workers, or will she simply catapult passed us onto the
national stage? It should be noted that Sen. John Edwards attended the
Bilderberg Conference in 2004, shortly before being named the
Democratic Vice Presidential candidate. Perhaps the Queen of Kansas
will soon have a new crown.

Posted to:  
    Election 2008, Kansas politics





March 4, 2008

Victor Lazlo





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