Re: problema driver flash memory card

2003-09-08 Thread Francesco P. Lovergine
On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 04:29:11PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Qualcuno mi potrebbe cortesemente spiegare perchè alcuni driver per la 
 di flash memory card in PCMCIA sviluppati in kernel-image-2.2.20 non sono
 più presenti nei kernel successivi?
 Sul mio portatile ho installato il kernel 2.4.18-686 ed ora 2.4.20-686,
 con relativi pacchetti moduli PCMCIA, ma i driver di cui necessito (iflash2+
 ed iflash 2) non sono più presenti.
 Credevo che i kernel successivi contemplassero tutto il precedente.
 Devo pensare che non posso gestire flash memory card con i pacchetti .deb
 con i nuovi kernel?
 Non sono uno sviluppatore, ma un banale utente che non si spiega la mancanza.

In generale puo' essere benissimo. Se le card in questione diventano
obsolete e/o non si trova gente disponibile a mantenere il tutto
up-to-date, i moduli vengono rimossi dai source (se non sono proprio
compilabili). Sicuro che il supporto non sia fornito adesso da altri

Francesco P. Lovergine

Re: debian/ et upstream

2003-09-08 Thread Michael Scherer

On Monday 08 September 2003 09:57, Georges Mariano wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 09:57:40 +0200

 Xavier Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Autre argument: votre application n'est pas specifique a Debian,
  donc mettre le repertoire debian/ ne va pas aider les empaqueteurs
  d'autres distributions (mandrake, etc.)

 ça va pas les déranger non plus! cf les .spec pour rpm qui sont
 maintenant dans beaucoup de sources. 

Et qui sont inutiles, car souvent prévus pour une autre distribution et 
donc ne respectant pas les conventions et les macros mises en places.
Sans compter que je doute fortement de la qualité d'un rpm fait par un 
développeur qui n'a pas l'habitude et qui fait souvent ça comme un 

 Jusqu'à preuve du contraire, les 
 méthodes d'empaquetage sont indépendantes, elles peuvent donc
 cohabiter dans les mêmes sources ...

 (au passage : ça facilite bien la tâche d'un utilisateur rpm qui
 reçoit ces sources alors pourquoi pas aider l'utilisateur debian ?)

Ça ne facilite que dalle. En général, il y a un .spec, qui correspond a 
RH quand on est chanceux et a rien dans la plupart des cas. Ce genre de 
rpm ne prends pas en compte les conventions pour les menus, ou pour le 
placement des fichiers. Et je ne parle même pas de la politique de 
nommage des paquets ou des dépendances qui se retrouve totalement 
si le but est d'installer des rpms crades pour polluer le système, oui, 
ça permet d'arriver plus vite à ses fins.

A mon sens, il faut s'en tenir aux paquets officiels des distribs, sur 
debian comme sur les autres.

 Enfin, un projet libre est souvent le résultat d'efforts conjoints
 (développement, documentation, test,...). De nos jours, l'empaquetage
 (pour k distributions) devient une tâche intégrée au développement...
 La séparation n'est donc certainement pas une nécessité.

Chacun fait son boulot.

La mise en paquet est géré par le distributeur, au niveau de la 
distribution. Je ne voit donc pas l'intérét de placer les mêmes 
fichiers à 2 endroits différents.
Chacun distribution posséde sa politique de gestion des versions des 
paquets, et ne pas la suivre ne peut qu'ajouter une confusion inutile.

 Pour terminer, un truc bien rageant que chacun ici a probablement
 vécu... quand on achète un magazine/CD avec des _tonnes_ de sources
 gentiment fournis (sympa quand on a(vait) pas l'ADSL ;-) alors qu'il
 n'y a bien souvent pas de .deb, ni de debian/, en revanche il y
 souvent le rpm et le .spec :-((

Et ça conduit les gens à installer des rpms venant de n'importe ou sur 
leur distribution, et à la foutre en l'air à petit feu.
Pour ma part, je ne voit pas pourquoi on devrait favoriser tel distro 
par rapport a tel autre, et inciter les gens à ne pas prendre des  
paquets officiels.

Il est peut être facile pour nous de voir si un paquet est de qualité 
par rapport à un autre, mais c'est pas le cas de tout le monde. 

Et même si ça semble facilité la vie sur le court terme, les effets 
secondaires sur le long terme risque d'être plus que nuisible.


Michaël Scherer

Re: apache2 php4 and all folk

2003-09-08 Thread Bertrand PERRINE
J'ai réalisé quelques paquets php4 avec apache2 sous debian woody.
J'ai utilisé un retroportage du paquet apache2 et j'ai inclus une
dépendance sur mpm-prefork en raison d'extensions PHP ne supportant pas
les threads. 
A noter qu'APXS est configuré en support thread. Pour lever cela, il
faut refaire le paquet apache2.


On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 16:07, Georges Roux wrote:
 Je fabrique un paquet de php-4.3.3 pour apache2 pour mon serveur apt, vu 
 qu'il n'y a rien de dispo sur apt-cache
 Le paquet fonctionne deja bien sans les dependances, mon probleme
 et que j'utilise apache2-mpm-prefork et que celui-ci ne fourni rien du tout,
 du coup ma question est que faut il mettre dans mon fichier
 debian/control  a la ligne Depends pour realiser une dependance avec 
 ou faut t'il  que je reface aussi le paquet apache?
 Georges Roux
   URL :
 Key fingerprint = D337 5884 2821 9B59 A02D  B4DF 728D F440 E2E7 4EA9

Re: debian/ et upstream

2003-09-08 Thread Georges Mariano

 Tous ça pour dire que même entre fichiers .deb il peut y avoir des
 problèmes si ils ne font pas parti de la même distribution, homogène et
 suivant des règles communes.

Ben c'est quand même prévisible, non ? du temps où j'utilisais du Ximian, ça
marchait bien. Évidemmment, je _savais_ qu'en faisant des mixtures je prenais
des risques... et donc, à un moment donné j'ai fais la bascule. Point.

 Et même si l'upstream avait inclu un debian/ rien ne dit que Debian
 et/ou Ximian ne le modifiront pas en fonction de règles différentes.

Euh, dans mon esprit, en supposant qu'upstream fasse correctement les choses
(c'est souvent le cas non ?;-), je supposais qu'a priori le debian/ était celui
de la debian oficielle, éventuellement maintenu par le DD officiel...

Et je suppose qu'il ne serait pas difficile de trouver un exemple où le paquet
fait par upstream serait plus correct que celui fait par un DD... ;-)

Mais bon tous ça c'est des suppositions et quasiment des procès d'intention
(bonnes ou mauvaises), ça n'explique toujours pas en quoi _techniquement_ (i.e
objectivement == sans *pré*juger la qualité du résultat) ce serait un
problème... Que certains utilisent cela à mauvais escient, c'est une fatalité
(on peut obtenir les mêmes bétises à partir d'un apt-get source !)

En cas de divergence entre upstream et debian, où est le problème ? actuellement
un DD récupère les sources et y place son debian/, pourquoi cela serait
soudain impossible (il existe des ajustements plus lourds que 'mv debian


Re: debian/ et upstream

2003-09-08 Thread Georges Mariano
Selon Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  soudain impossible (il existe des ajustements plus lourds que 'mv debian
 Ca pollue le .diff.gz et rend les choses plus difficile pour le

hmm, oui, tiens... à quel moment le diff.gz entre-t-il dans la danse ? il n'est
 généré qu'à la construction du paquet n'est-ce pas ? (inutile de le stocker?)

 Si upstream souhaite maintenir un repertoire debian, il faut souvent
 mieux qu'il le maintienne directement sous un autre nom (deb par
 exemple) que le mainteneur peut utiliser ou pas.

i.e le nom est indifférent donc ... (tiens, est-ce paramétrable dans les outils 

 Ou encore, on peut arriver a une situation ou upstream devienne
 co-mainteneur du package, et que le mainteneur deviennent son sponsor.

oui, c'est un scenario sain (et préférable évidemment).
Mais nous sommes bien d'accord(?), c'est pas une difficulté technique...



Re: debian/ et upstream

2003-09-08 Thread Sven Luther
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 08:33:30PM +0200, Georges Mariano wrote:
  Tous ça pour dire que même entre fichiers .deb il peut y avoir des
  problèmes si ils ne font pas parti de la même distribution, homogène et
  suivant des règles communes.
 Ben c'est quand même prévisible, non ? du temps où j'utilisais du Ximian, ça
 marchait bien. Évidemmment, je _savais_ qu'en faisant des mixtures je prenais
 des risques... et donc, à un moment donné j'ai fais la bascule. Point.
  Et même si l'upstream avait inclu un debian/ rien ne dit que Debian
  et/ou Ximian ne le modifiront pas en fonction de règles différentes.
 Euh, dans mon esprit, en supposant qu'upstream fasse correctement les choses
 (c'est souvent le cas non ?;-), je supposais qu'a priori le debian/ était 
 de la debian oficielle, éventuellement maintenu par le DD officiel...
 Et je suppose qu'il ne serait pas difficile de trouver un exemple où le paquet
 fait par upstream serait plus correct que celui fait par un DD... ;-)
 Mais bon tous ça c'est des suppositions et quasiment des procès d'intention
 (bonnes ou mauvaises), ça n'explique toujours pas en quoi _techniquement_ (i.e
 objectivement == sans *pré*juger la qualité du résultat) ce serait un
 problème... Que certains utilisent cela à mauvais escient, c'est une 
 (on peut obtenir les mêmes bétises à partir d'un apt-get source !)
 En cas de divergence entre upstream et debian, où est le problème ? 
 un DD récupère les sources et y place son debian/, pourquoi cela serait
 soudain impossible (il existe des ajustements plus lourds que 'mv debian

Ca pollue le .diff.gz et rend les choses plus difficile pour le

Si upstream souhaite maintenir un repertoire debian, il faut souvent
mieux qu'il le maintienne directement sous un autre nom (deb par
exemple) que le mainteneur peut utiliser ou pas.

Ou encore, on peut arriver a une situation ou upstream devienne
co-mainteneur du package, et que le mainteneur deviennent son sponsor.


Sven Luther

Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 04:26:57PM -0700, Joshua Kwan wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 06:40:46PM -0400, W3C List Manager wrote:
  This is a response to a message apparently sent from your address to
  Subject: Re: Thank you!
  Date:Sat, 6 Sep 2003 18:40:45 --0400
  Your message has NOT been distributed to the list; before we distribute it,
  we need your permission to include your message in our Web archive of all
  messages distributed to this list.
 How ironic... C-R system at work :)

This one's a bit different.  It's only asking for permission to archive
posts to the list - I guess W3C's just trying, as hard as possible, to avoid
any possible legal problems.

The best way for this would be that the e-mail sent goes immediately to the
list, and lives in a holding pen for archiving.  Future e-mails just get
sent straight to the holding pen until OK'd for archival, without bothering
the sender.  That way, if you don't want your messages archived, you just
ignore the first e-mail and continue on your way.

Of course, if it's not done this way (eg you send a please OK to archive
for each message) then sending a message to one of these lists, purporting
to be from another similarly configured list, would cause quite a stir...

Still, if you don't want it put on the web, don't send it.  *Especially* to
a mailing list of (potentially) thousands of people.

- Matt

[no subject]

2003-09-08 Thread Justin Delaporte
hay u suck u faget u lick dick suck yr mu

is your /usr/share/info/dir in perfect shape?

2003-09-08 Thread Dan Jacobson
Gentlemen, the Info dir on my system is not in tip top shape, and may
not be also on yours.  Try this simple test for duplicate entries:
$ sort /usr/share/info/dir|uniq -d|fgrep \*
* patch: (diff)Invoking patch.   Apply a patch to a file.
* sdiff: (diff)Invoking sdiff.   Merge 2 files
* testsuite: (autoconf)testsuite Invocation. Running an Autotest test

So some packages are using install-info imperfectly.

Maybe instead of relying on perfect use of install-info by each
package, perhaps just remaking /usr/share/info/dir from whatever info
files are on the system might be less error prone?

$ sed -n 's/:.*//p' dir|sort|uniq -d
* Gnus
* Info
* Message
* patch
* sdiff
* testsuite
* true
* tty
* uname
* users
* who
* whoami
* yes

for me reveals that I need to do
$ install-info --remove /usr/share/info/
as apparently that wasn't done when those tools were moved to a
different package.  Same with fileutils...

Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...

- Matt

Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-08 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:57:54PM +1000, Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 04:26:57PM -0700, Joshua Kwan wrote:
  On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 06:40:46PM -0400, W3C List Manager wrote:
   This is a response to a message apparently sent from your address to
   Subject: Re: Thank you!
   Date:Sat, 6 Sep 2003 18:40:45 --0400
   Your message has NOT been distributed to the list; before we distribute 
   we need your permission to include your message in our Web archive of all
   messages distributed to this list.
  How ironic... C-R system at work :)
 This one's a bit different.  It's only asking for permission to archive
 posts to the list - I guess W3C's just trying, as hard as possible, to avoid
 any possible legal problems.

It's still an instance in which the autoresponse would not have been
triggered had any half-decent AV/AS system been used to filter out spam
and viruses.  This was a response to the SoBig.F worm.

I'm coming to the view that we're approaching the era where all mail is
going to have to be subject to filtering, at the MTA level.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What Part of Gestalt don't you understand?
In his dream he was walking late at night along the East Side,
beside the river which had become so extravagantly polluted that new
lifeforms were now emerging from it spontaneously, demanding welfare
and voting rights.

Description: PGP signature

Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:04:39AM +0100, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:57:54PM +1000, Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

[W3C's autoresponder]

  This one's a bit different.  It's only asking for permission to archive
  posts to the list - I guess W3C's just trying, as hard as possible, to avoid
  any possible legal problems.
 It's still an instance in which the autoresponse would not have been
 triggered had any half-decent AV/AS system been used to filter out spam
 and viruses.  This was a response to the SoBig.F worm.

Sorry, I didn't make my position sufficiently clear.  This system is as
broken as every other Challenge-Response, in that it has the potential to
annoy the shit out of a lot of people very easily, and become a nice
anonymous harassing agent.

I was just making the point that it isn't the same as a regular C-R system,
in that the intent wasn't so much to say I want to make sure you're not a
spammer and more I want to make sure you agree to your posts being
publically archived - at the very least it's a little less offensive than
normal (it's not saying You're a spammer - prove me wrong!).

 I'm coming to the view that we're approaching the era where all mail is
 going to have to be subject to filtering, at the MTA level.

Depends on how useful you want your e-mail box to be.  g

- Matt

Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-08 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 15:40:15 +1000
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:04:39AM +0100, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  I'm coming to the view that we're approaching the era where all mail is
  going to have to be subject to filtering, at the MTA level.
 Depends on how useful you want your e-mail box to be.  g

It has been my experience that filtering at the MTA level has increased
the usefulness of my mailbox considerably.  Something that C-R will never be
able to claim.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: PGP signature

Re: ruby-defaults 1.8.0

2003-09-08 Thread Matthias Klose
Fumitoshi UKAI writes:
 Hi, ruby package maintainers!
 I've upload new ruby-defaults that make ruby 1.8.0 the debault version of 
 I contains some new binary package so it takes time to get into unstable.
 You can get the new ruby-defaults from
  deb ./
  deb-src ./
 Note that 
  - packages that depends on ruby ( 1.7) will be removed by dist-upgrade.
It must be fixed to depend on ruby1.6, or to change dependency version
if it works with ruby 1.8.
  - I don't recommend that package depends on libruby. Instead, ruby module
package should depend on libruby1.8 or libruby1.6.
  - module packages that build-depends on ruby-dev MUST be fixed to
use ruby1.8-dev (or ruby1.6-dev) instead of ruby-dev.

I did a NMU for swig1.3 (depending on ruby). I'm wondering why make a
version the default, if it does not build on all archs (powerpc). How
are package maintainers supposed to handle this? what will the
ruby-defaults package default to on the powerpc architecture?

Thanks, Matthias

installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Mathieu Roy

I did not noticed clear answer about my proposal about the non-free
software installer in contrib.

Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software?

If so, which severity is appropriate? I do not think that the issue is
so trivial, so I do not think it can be considered as only a wish.


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

Bug#209178: ITP: jamin -- Audio mastering from a mixed down multitrack source with JACK

2003-09-08 Thread Robert Jordens
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-09-08
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: jamin
  Version : 0.5.12+cvs030908
  Upstream Author : Steve Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : Audio mastering from a mixed down multitrack source with 

JAM is a tool for producing audio masters from a mixed down multitrack source.
It runs in the JACK Audio Connection Kit, and uses LADSPA for its backend DSP
work, specifically the swh plugins created by Steve Harris, JAM's main author.

 * Linear filters (though this seems to be going out of fashion, oh well)
 * JACK i/o
 * 30band graphic EQ
 * 1023band graphic EQ
 * Spectrum analyser
 * 3band peak compressor
 * Lookahead brickwall limiter

 Planned features (in rough order of difficulty):
 * Multiband stereo processing
 * Parametric EQ
 * Loudness maximiser
 * Presets and scenes

Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Krzysztof Krzyzaniak
W licie z pon, 08-09-2003, godz. 06:41, Matthew Palmer pisze: 
 Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
 work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
 debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...

Take look at


Re: tmda: Challenge-response is fundamentally broken (RAPNAP)

2003-09-08 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 11:32:04PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
 DNSBL's and spamassasin seem quite good at dealing with spam and are much
 less annoying.  That combined with some new laws that are being enacted to
 combat spam should keep it to a managable level.

oh, please tell me that these new laws are going to be the replacement of Duck
Season with Spammer Season (Jan to Dec in any year).

that'll work.  i sometimes think that it's the ONLY thing that will really work.


translations and the ddtp

2003-09-08 Thread Martin Quinson
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:21:18AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
 Op vr 05-09-2003, om 09:16 schreef Martin Quinson:
  On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 10:44:08PM -0700, Joshua Kwan wrote:
   On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 07:15:57AM +0200, Martin Godisch wrote:
Are these actually used somewhere? If I switch my browser language I see
packages.d.o still in English, if I switch my environment, dselect and
apt-cache show package descriptions still in English... What are these
translations good for?
   Oh, also debconf templates are translated there for use in po-debconf,
   but those usually get to the BTS anyway.
  Err, AFAIK, the ddtp translates the old-style debconf templates. 
 Well, your knowledge is outdated, then. Please check your facts next
 time :-)

It's not so often that I'm so happy to be wrong ;) 

Are you sure that the templates are stored under the po format during their
whole lifetime? Since when is it so? Where did I oversee the announcement?

Are the templates extracted from the source package now, or still from the

Thanks for correcting me, Mt.

Und auch jetzt ist ein Mensch mehr Affe als irgend ein Affe.
  --- F. Nietzsche

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 06:59:18PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:58:03AM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 06:08:06PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:
   On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 17:23, Branden Robinson wrote:
Man, that's ugly.  I use:

if [ -n $var ]; then
   I have been using
   if [ $var ]; then
   I hope that's kosher too; otherwise I have a few scripts to fix.
  In general, no.  If the contents of $var are a test operator, you'll get
  a syntax error.
 POSIX requires this not to be the case, because of the argument-counting
 algorithm that 'test' is supposed to follow. See

But if $var contains more than one shell word...

You might get different results dependening on whether you remember to
quote the shell variable or not.  My own preliminary tests leave this
unclear.  :)  Probably not worth leaving to the vagaries of shell
implementations, anyway.

It's just too unpredictable to rely upon.  Especially if $var can be a
variable that is derived from user input without Stalinistic validation.

I personally stongly advocate -n and -z over [ $var ] and really
horrible tests like:

if [ x$var = x ]
if [ x$var != x ]

Those just strike me as obscurantist (which might explain why they
feature prominently in shell scripts by Ian Jackson, heh).  test -n and
-z exist for a reason, even if one has to come up with pretty dodgy
mnemonics for remembering them.  The other benefit to using test flags
instead of a hand-rolled string test is that they're *documented in the

G. Branden Robinson|It may be difficult to to determine
Debian GNU/Linux   |where religious beliefs end and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |mental illness begins. |-- Elaine Cassel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:17:45AM +0200, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak wrote:
 W li?cie z pon, 08-09-2003, godz. 06:41, Matthew Palmer pisze: 

  Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
  work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
  debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...

 Take look at

Although note that not all translators work with or through the DDTP -
I'd guess that I get more translations directly than via the DDTP.  When
I've asked people have generally said that they're the only persont they
know of working on a given language so there's nobody else to coordinate

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever.

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
Sorry to give offense, Manoj.  I should have grepped the whole chapter
before wondering about unknown, and I should have mentioned that I
really just use section 6.4 most of the time (because I *think* I
remember what each of the cases are for).

The fact that a non-version-number string literal with shell redirection
operators in it was a valid value of old-version, new-version,
most-recently-configured-version, and so forth, did not occur to me.

I'd propose a Policy amendment dropping support for this long-obsolete
dpkg behavior, but I reckon I've lost my Policy-amendment-proposing
credentials in your eyes.

I do continue to think that:

if [ -n $var ]

is more readable than

if [ ${var+set} = set ]

...but I remain open to being directed to a section of the Policy manual
that firmly establishes my wrongness on that front as well.  :)

G. Branden Robinson|Men use thought only to justify
Debian GNU/Linux   |their wrong doings, and speech only
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |to conceal their thoughts. |-- Voltaire

Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 09:42:40PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 10:23:15AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  Where did you come by this, and if it's something we should worry about,
  why isn't it documented in Policy?
 It is, but you shouldn't worry about it anyhow because nobody's crazy enough
 to try doing anything with a dpkg that old and current packages. It would
 likely fail in way much more spectacular than this, and we caution against
 it in the Release Notes.

Do you think it would be a good idea to drop that clause from section
6.6 of Policy?

I mean, in theory, Policy is supposed to document current practice, and
until Manoj posted his snippet I'd never seen a Debian postinst script
or portion there of that bothered to see if $2 could be 'unknown'.

G. Branden Robinson|  The National Security Agency is
Debian GNU/Linux   |  working on the Fourth Amendment
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  thing. |  -- Phil Lago, Deputy XD, CIA

Description: PGP signature

Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:35:45AM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
 I did not noticed clear answer about my proposal about the non-free
 software installer in contrib.

It might help if you posted a summary of the thread.

 Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
 not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software?

Not until after the summary has been evaluated.

 If so, which severity is appropriate? I do not think that the issue is
 so trivial, so I do not think it can be considered as only a wish.

When in doubt, use severity normal, and let the package maintainer
decide which severity might be more appropriate.

But do no filing at all on this issue until after a consensus has been
reached on this mailing list.

G. Branden Robinson|   Yesterday upon the stair,
Debian GNU/Linux   |   I met a man who wasn't there.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   He wasn't there again today, |   I think he's from the CIA.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:17:45AM +0200, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak wrote:
 W li?cie z pon, 08-09-2003, godz. 06:41, Matthew Palmer pisze: 
  Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
  work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
  debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...
 Take look at

AFAICT, that site only covers descriptions.  I'm looking for somewhere (if
it exists, even as a link farm) to the DDTP, Debconf, and documentation
translation efforts.

- Matt

Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Frank Lichtenheld
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 02:41:14PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
 work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
 debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...

Normally the contact persons and translation procedures for each 
language should be listed at

Frank Lichtenheld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Andreas Metzler
Hash: SHA1

Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fact that a non-version-number string literal with shell redirection
 operators in it was a valid value of old-version, new-version,
 most-recently-configured-version, and so forth, did not occur to me.

 I'd propose a Policy amendment dropping support for this long-obsolete
 dpkg behavior, but I reckon I've lost my Policy-amendment-proposing
 credentials in your eyes.

I would support it.

 I do continue to think that:

 if [ -n $var ]

 is more readable than

 if [ ${var+set} = set ]

I agree, but usually use »[ x${var} != x ]« for no particular
reason but the fact that when reading it later I can discern its
purpose much faster than test -n or just [ $var ].

 ...but I remain open to being directed to a section of the Policy manual
 that firmly establishes my wrongness on that front as well.  :)

I don't think it should.
cu andreas
- -- 
Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Andreas Metzler
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:17:45AM +0200, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak wrote:
 W li?cie z pon, 08-09-2003, godz. 06:41, Matthew Palmer pisze: 
 Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
 work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
 debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...

 Take look at

 AFAICT, that site only covers descriptions.  I'm looking for somewhere (if
 it exists, even as a link farm) to the DDTP, Debconf, and documentation
 translation efforts.

Check the left column, it does cover debconf.
· Anyone
· Translators
· Reviewers
· Pkg Maintain

cu andreas

Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:42:06AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 06:59:18PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:58:03AM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
   In general, no.  If the contents of $var are a test operator, you'll get
   a syntax error.
  POSIX requires this not to be the case, because of the argument-counting
  algorithm that 'test' is supposed to follow. See
 But if $var contains more than one shell word...
 You might get different results dependening on whether you remember to
 quote the shell variable or not.

Whoa. You don't reflexively quote shell variables and have to think
about when *not* to quote them? :) Certainly, if you leave the variables
unquoted, 'test -n $var' is hardly any more reliable than just 'test
$var', and I would trust neither against hostile input.


Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:35:45AM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
 Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
 not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software?

How can they do so? Installing a package with 'dpkg -i' in the postinst
of another package isn't possible, since dpkg's status area is locked.


Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:21:00AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
 Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:17:45AM +0200, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak wrote:
  W li?cie z pon, 08-09-2003, godz. 06:41, Matthew Palmer pisze: 
  Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
  work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
  debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...
  Take look at
  AFAICT, that site only covers descriptions.  I'm looking for somewhere (if
  it exists, even as a link farm) to the DDTP, Debconf, and documentation
  translation efforts.
 Check the left column, it does cover debconf.

OK, that looks good.  Is there a similar coordination page or site for
documentation translations?

- Matt

Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Mathieu Roy
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapoté :

 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:35:45AM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
  Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
  not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software?
 How can they do so? Installing a package with 'dpkg -i' in the postinst
 of another package isn't possible, since dpkg's status area is locked.

At this point, the question is not how to do it (anyway, I think
there are several way to do it, it's not a big deal).

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:08:34PM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
 Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapot? :
  On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:35:45AM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
   Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
   not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software?
  How can they do so? Installing a package with 'dpkg -i' in the postinst
  of another package isn't possible, since dpkg's status area is locked.
 At this point, the question is not how to do it

I think it absolutely is. If something is impossible to do correctly
then filing [1] bugs against packages claiming that they don't do it is
rather unfair.

[1] P.S. When talking about bugs the verb is file, not fill, and
filing, not filling. This seems to be a common mistake.

 (anyway, I think there are several way to do it, it's not a big deal).

OK. How does one create an installer package which correctly does the

  * creates a Debian package for the thing it's installing

  * installs that package in such a way that it's registered in dpkg's

  * doesn't rely on internal implementation details of dpkg such as
/var/lib/dpkg/status and /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list files

  * when the installer package is considered by dpkg as fully
configured, the package it's installing is also fully configured

  * if some error happens when installing the created package, the
installer package will throw an error during configuration

? I think that's a minimal specification for a correct installer package
which does its work by creating Debian packages; unless you think that
it's better for the installer package to spit out a .deb somewhere which
you then have to install separately, which seems to me like a step
backwards in convenience.



Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Nicolas François
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:48:37AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 I do continue to think that:
 if [ -n $var ]
 is more readable than
 if [ ${var+set} = set ]

both are not equivalent:
  the first one test if var is empty or unset
  the second one test if var is unset

with bash:
  $ a=1  ; [ -n $a ]  echo a is not empty
  a is not empty
  $ a=; [ -n $a ]  echo a is not empty
  $ unset a ; [ -n $a ]  echo a is not empty
  $ unset a ; [ ${a+set} = set ]  echo a is set
  $ a=; [ ${a+set} = set ]  echo a is set
  a is set
  $ a=1   ; [ ${a+set} = set ]  echo a is set
  a is set

IMO, [ -n $var ] is equivalent to [ ${var:+set} = set ].

The first form seems to be more readable and less error prone :)

PS: what is the simplest way to test if a variable is set?

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:50:38AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
   Where did you come by this, and if it's something we should worry about,
   why isn't it documented in Policy?
  It is, but you shouldn't worry about it anyhow because nobody's crazy enough
  to try doing anything with a dpkg that old and current packages. It would
  likely fail in way much more spectacular than this, and we caution against
  it in the Release Notes.
 Do you think it would be a good idea to drop that clause from section
 6.6 of Policy?
 I mean, in theory, Policy is supposed to document current practice, and
 until Manoj posted his snippet I'd never seen a Debian postinst script
 or portion there of that bothered to see if $2 could be 'unknown'.

It should probably be demoted to a historic footnote.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Mesajiniz Alinmistir...

2003-09-08 Thread Kral Ferdi Tayfur Online

Mesajiniz bize ulasmistir. En kisa zamanda geregi yapilacaktir.


Draw font with different size

2003-09-08 Thread Tomas Kratochvil
  could you help me, please. I wrote X aplication which draw text into
window. How could I draw text with different font size? I`m able only
use fonts which are in font.aliases. And I want to draw text with size
50, 54, 60,...

// this way I do it now.
// init font
font1 = XLoadQueryFont(display,*-helvetica-*-12-*); 
font2 = XLoadQueryFont(display,*-helvetica-*-18-*); 
font3 = XLoadQueryFont(display,*-helvetica-*-24-*); 

// draw text 
void Win::DrawText(int x, int y, char *text, char *col, int fnt)
XFontStruct *ft;

if (fnt==FONT_SMALL) ft = font1; else
if (fnt==FONT_MEDIUM) ft = font2; else ft = font3;

XSetForeground(display, gc, get_color(col));

XSetFont(display, gc, ft-fid);
XDrawString(display, buffer, gc, x, y+ft-ascent, text, strlen(text));



debian menu system and capital letters

2003-09-08 Thread Jonathan Dowland
Hi all,

A small annoyance I have with debian's menu system is an inconsistency
in the naming of programs on the menus:


The ordering of the menu is dictated by the menu system rather than my
window manager. I would like the menu to be alphabetical, but the
existing ordering (alphanumerical I presume) would suffice if the
packages all agreed on starting either with a capital or a lower-case

Do you think that there should be a menu policy as to the capitalisation
(or general presentation) of entries? Where should the responsibility for
ordering menus lie, in the menu system, or the program which exhibits a
menu (E.g., the window manager)?

If anyone could point me at an existing discussion of this topic I
would be very grateful.

Jon Dowland

Re: unrebuildable ruby packages (Re: ruby-defaults 1.8.0)

2003-09-08 Thread Fumitoshi UKAI

At Sun, 7 Sep 2003 15:20:09 -0400,
Joey Hess wrote:

 I'm probably the only ruby package maintainer who doesn't speak ruby.. :-)
 Luckily I have eager ruby minions to take care of that part of mooix.
 However, we were a bit suprised to have to make the configure script
 check for$VERSION. Are you sure that's a good idea? Some
 reason you cannot provide a for the default version of ruby,
 so that non-debian software that just links -lruby can work?

I just look into mooix source. Hmm, I think mood/Makefile should be fixed as:

 ifeq (${EMBED_RUBY},yes)
 SOURCES += ruby.c
 CFLAGS += -DEMBED_RUBY -I`ruby -rrbconfig -e puts Config::CONFIG['archdir']`
 RUBY_LINK=`ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG[LIBRUBYARG_SHARED]n'`

Here, Config::CONFIG[LIBRUBYARG_SHARED] is the appropriate linker option
to link with ruby library.
Note that -rrbconfig option is the same meaning of require 'rbconfig'
(rbconfig.rb is in /usr/lib/ruby/version/arch/rbconfig.rb)

So, once ruby-defaults becomes 1.8.x, /usr/bin/ruby will be ruby 1.8.x and
configuration parameters will be changed for ruby 1.8.x.
If it build-depends on ruby1.8 instead of ruby (and ruby1.8-dev of course), 
and use /usr/bin/ruby1.8 instead of /usr/bin/ruby, you can build your
package for ruby1.8 before ruby-defaults becomes 1.8.x.

  I plan to submit bug reports and/or NMU to fix this issue within a few 
 I plan to release a new mooix with the ruby changes in somewhere in the
 neighborhood of three weeks. If you need the changes before then I can
 try to backport them.


Fumitoshi UKAI

Description: PGP signature

Bug#209214: ITP: hbf -- A 3D real time strategy game based in an Heroic Fantasy realm with different races

2003-09-08 Thread Julien Danjou
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-09-08
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: hbf
  Version : Not yet released (CVS only) 
  Upstream Author : Boris Lesner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : A 3D real time strategy game based in an Heroic Fantasy 
realm with different races

Heroic BattleField is a 3D real time strategy game written with OpenGL and SDL.
The game is based in an Heroic Fantasy realm with different races who are
Good and Evil.
The different races are : Humans (good), Elves, Dwarves, Humans (evil),
Orcs and Undead.

This is a pre-ITP since the game is not yet released.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux selmak 2.4.21 #1 Tue Aug 12 20:42:49 CEST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=fr_FR, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR

Re: ruby-defaults 1.8.0

2003-09-08 Thread Fumitoshi UKAI
At Mon, 8 Sep 2003 08:19:14 +0200,
Matthias Klose wrote:

  I've upload new ruby-defaults that make ruby 1.8.0 the debault version of 
  I contains some new binary package so it takes time to get into unstable.
  You can get the new ruby-defaults from
   deb ./
   deb-src ./
  Note that 
   - packages that depends on ruby ( 1.7) will be removed by dist-upgrade.
 It must be fixed to depend on ruby1.6, or to change dependency version
 if it works with ruby 1.8.
   - I don't recommend that package depends on libruby. Instead, ruby module
 package should depend on libruby1.8 or libruby1.6.
   - module packages that build-depends on ruby-dev MUST be fixed to
 use ruby1.8-dev (or ruby1.6-dev) instead of ruby-dev.
 I did a NMU for swig1.3 (depending on ruby). I'm wondering why make a
 version the default, if it does not build on all archs (powerpc). How
 are package maintainers supposed to handle this? what will the
 ruby-defaults package default to on the powerpc architecture?

Oh, I didn't notice that powerpc buildd failed to build ruby1.8.
However, I've successfully build ruby1.8 in pure sid environment on my
friend's powerpc machine.  I suspect the reason why ruby1.8 failed to 
be built is that powerpc buildd uses old toolchains gcc-3.3_1:3.3.2-0pre1.
I use 1:3.3.2-0pre2 and ruby1.8 works fine. 

# dpkg -l gcc gcc-3.3
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  gcc3.3.1-2The GNU C compiler.
ii  gcc- GNU C compiler

Anyway, I'll upload ruby1.8_1.8.0-2_powerpc.changes, so 
all architectures are ready to go ruby1.8.

Fumitoshi UKAI

Description: PGP signature

erratic autoconf emacsen-common bug

2003-09-08 Thread Camm Maguire
Greetings!  This turned up recently in autobuilding gcl:

Setting up autoconf (2.57-10) ...
ERROR: emacsen-common being used before being configured.
ERROR: This is likely a bug in the autoconf package, which needs to
ERROR: add one of the appropriate dependencies.
ERROR: See /usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz
ERROR: for details.

Funny thing is, its quite erratic.  I suppose the autobuilders might
leave emacsen-common configured in some circumstances?  Anyway, I've
filed a bug with autoconf -- is there a way I can work around this
temporarily to ensure that gcl build everywhere?  Pre-depending on
emacsen-common comes to mind, but I think policy states that
'permission' is needed first.

Advice appreciated,

The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.  --  Baha'u'llah

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Steve Greenland
On 08-Sep-03, 03:42 (CDT), Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I personally stongly advocate -n and -z over [ $var ] and really
 horrible tests like:
 if [ x$var = x ]
 if [ x$var != x ]
 Those just strike me as obscurantist (which might explain why they
 feature prominently in shell scripts by Ian Jackson, heh).

Probably because Ian learned shell scripting in the days (or from
scripts written in those days) when

   [ $var = foo ] 

was likely to cause problems when $var was undefined. So we learned to do

   [ X$var = Xfoo ]

which leads to using '[ X$foo = X ]' to test for empty.


Steve Greenland
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
world.   -- seen on the net

Re: Single point of entry for translation work?

2003-09-08 Thread Martin Quinson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 07:29:27PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:21:00AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
  Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:17:45AM +0200, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak wrote:
   W li?cie z pon, 08-09-2003, godz. 06:41, Matthew Palmer pisze: 
   Is there a page somewhere that I can point people to for all translation
   work relating to Debian (DDTS, po-debconf, etc)?  Just trying to make the
   debian-mentors FAQ as useful as possible...
   Take look at
   AFAICT, that site only covers descriptions.  I'm looking for somewhere (if
   it exists, even as a link farm) to the DDTP, Debconf, and documentation
   translation efforts.
  Check the left column, it does cover debconf.
 OK, that looks good.  Is there a similar coordination page or site for
 documentation translations?

Please don't use the ddtp as entry point to translation. Use w.d.o/intl.

Thanks, Mt.

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.  And 
if you
really don't like all the standards you just have to wait another year until 
the one
arises you are looking for
  -- Tannenbaum, 'Introduction to Computer Networks'

Re: debian menu system and capital letters

2003-09-08 Thread Jason Chambers
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 02:45:49PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 Hi all,
 A small annoyance I have with debian's menu system is an inconsistency
 in the naming of programs on the menus:
 The ordering of the menu is dictated by the menu system rather than my
 window manager. I would like the menu to be alphabetical, but the
 existing ordering (alphanumerical I presume) would suffice if the
 packages all agreed on starting either with a capital or a lower-case

You can get the case ignored when ordering by adding the following
to /etc/menu-methods/menu.h.


Then run update-menus to regenerate them.

 .''`.  Jason Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
: :'  : Registered linux user #271693 
`. `'`  
  `- - The Universal Operating System

Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:10:34AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:42:06AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  But if $var contains more than one shell word...
  You might get different results dependening on whether you remember to
  quote the shell variable or not.
 Whoa. You don't reflexively quote shell variables and have to think
 about when *not* to quote them? :) Certainly, if you leave the variables
 unquoted, 'test -n $var' is hardly any more reliable than just 'test
 $var', and I would trust neither against hostile input.

People *should* quote their shell variables in general, yes.  But this
subthread is both about recommended practices and the Policy manual.

It's not a Policy violation for someone to say if [ $var ], it's just a
bad idea.  :)

G. Branden Robinson| Communism is just one step on the
Debian GNU/Linux   | long road from capitalism to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | capitalism. | -- Russian saying

Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:11:34AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
  I do continue to think that:
  if [ -n $var ]
  is more readable than
  if [ ${var+set} = set ]
 I agree, but usually use »[ x${var} != x ]« for no particular
 reason but the fact that when reading it later I can discern its
 purpose much faster than test -n or just [ $var ].

By readable, I mean exactly ease of discerning purpose.

My proposed method *is* the idiomatic way of using test(1) to check for
a non-null value.  I don't defend test(1) as a miracle of clarity,
though.  -h is a synonym for -L.  Go figure.  :-/

G. Branden Robinson|To Republicans, limited government
Debian GNU/Linux   |means not assisting people they
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |would sooner see shoveled into mass |graves.  -- Kenneth R. Kahn

Description: PGP signature

Re: ruby-defaults 1.8.0

2003-09-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:16:51PM +0900, Fumitoshi UKAI wrote:
 Oh, I didn't notice that powerpc buildd failed to build ruby1.8.
 However, I've successfully build ruby1.8 in pure sid environment on my
 friend's powerpc machine.  I suspect the reason why ruby1.8 failed to 
 be built is that powerpc buildd uses old toolchains gcc-3.3_1:3.3.2-0pre1.
 I use 1:3.3.2-0pre2 and ruby1.8 works fine. 

Declare a Build-Conflict on broken versions of the compiler, as I did
recently with XFree86.

Build-Conflicts: gcc-3.3 ( 1:3.3.2-0pre1)

(Looks like the GCC regression that bit you got fixed a little later
than the one that bit me.)

G. Branden Robinson| That's the saving grace of humor:
Debian GNU/Linux   | if you fail, no one is laughing at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you. | -- A. Whitney Brown

Description: PGP signature

Security Reseller Application - Invitation

2003-09-08 Thread Secure IT Systems Ltd

Secure IT Systems are a leading UK based manufacturer of Physical 
Computer Security systems.

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Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Bob Proulx
Branden Robinson wrote:
 test -n and -z exist for a reason, even if one has to come up with
 pretty dodgy mnemonics for remembering them.

  -n   Nonzero size string
  -z   Zero size string

Dodgy mnemonics?  I find them very mnemonic!


Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Bob Proulx
Branden Robinson wrote:
 I don't defend test(1) as a miracle of clarity, though.  -h is a
 synonym for -L.  Go figure.  :-/

I think you can blame BSD for that one.  IIRC test -h was the original
option used to test for a symlink.  Whoever wrote that test probably
did not like upper case letters for options.  The transition to -L did
not come until much later.  But by then all of the code that used BSD
had implemented -h but never heard of -L.  The implementation of -L
has been playing catchup ever since.

Today I can't find a system that does not implement 'test -L'.  But I
did find at least one commercial system that had not gotten around to
documenting it that they had done it.  So by reading the man page
there you would still be thinking that it had not.


Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 03:48:37 -0500, Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 I do continue to think that:

 if [ -n $var ]

 is more readable than

 if [ ${var+set} = set ]

 ...but I remain open to being directed to a section of the Policy
 manual that firmly establishes my wrongness on that front as well.

Now you are talking style issues.

I still code reflextively from days when the only portable way
  if [ X$var != X ]; then foo; fi

 Readability lies in the eye of the beholder; for me this is idiomatic
 and eminently readable.  I confess that I rarely use the ${var+set}
 idiom, I don't remember why I used it in favour of the X$2 idiom

The finest eloquence is that which gets things done.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Mathieu Roy
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapoté :

 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:08:34PM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
  Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapot? :
   On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:35:45AM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software?
   How can they do so? Installing a package with 'dpkg -i' in the postinst
   of another package isn't possible, since dpkg's status area is locked.
  At this point, the question is not how to do it
 I think it absolutely is. If something is impossible to do correctly
 then filing [1] bugs against packages claiming that they don't do it is
 rather unfair.

At this point, the question is not how to do it. I can think about 30
ways to do it, while I'm surely not the expert here. So I'll rephrase
my question to avoid having you being obstructive.

Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software,
as long as a technical solution is provided?

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 11:11:34 +0200, Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [...]
 The fact that a non-version-number string literal with shell
 redirection operators in it was a valid value of old-version,
 new-version, most-recently-configured-version, and so forth,
 did not occur to me.

 I'd propose a Policy amendment dropping support for this
 long-obsolete dpkg behavior, but I reckon I've lost my
 Policy-amendment-proposing credentials in your eyes.

 I would support it.

Why? Policy does not ask you to cater to ancient versions of
 dpkg; it merely mentions historical behaviour, and you can't
 retroactively go back and change dpkg implementations from way back

 who can see no reason to go back and edit working postinst scripts
 just to remove compatibility with improbably old versions of dpkg
Knowledge, sir, should be free to all! Harry Mudd, I, Mudd, stardate
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:14:46AM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Today I can't find a system that does not implement 'test -L'.

Solaris' /bin/sh didn't do so at least up to 2.9. Of course, it's not a
POSIX shell in other ways anyway: for example, the lack of 'test -e' is
far more annoying and harder to work around.


Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Manoj Srivastava

[I apologize for following up to this mail a second time;; I
should not post before I have had coffee]

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 03:48:37 -0500, Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 I do continue to think that:

 if [ -n $var ]

 is more readable than

 if [ ${var+set} = set ]

 ...but I remain open to being directed to a section of the Policy
 manual that firmly establishes my wrongness on that front as well.

As Nicolas François pointed out, the difference is between an
 empty, but set, variable, and an unset variable. (so, an empty $2
 means no recently configured version, an unset $2 means this is an
 ancient dpkg. Not that most people care for these distinctions

 glad to have reconstituted the logic behind the odd construct
Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize
it. Mark Twain
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Bug 70132 (on atari-fdisk)

2003-09-08 Thread Gunnar Wolf
This is a very old FTBFS bug (28 Aug 2000), which was closed in 23 Aug
2003 and reopened in 3 Sep 2003. After this, Frank Lichtenheld comments:

 I verified that it builds correctly with an added Build-Depends to
 But before producing a NMU patch I wonder if this package should be
 orphaned. Last upload 2 years ago was a NMU, a few simple to fix, long
 outstanding bugs...

I agree with Frank. This is quite an old bug, I also managed to build it
correctly with debhelper. I think this should be brought to
debian-devel. Does anyone object orphaning this package? Is anyone
willing to adopt it? It is a base package, priority required for m68k,
and otherosfs priority: extra for all other architectures. 


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:42:46PM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:

[Please stop sending me private copies of list mail.]

 Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapot? :
  On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:08:34PM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
   Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapot? :
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:35:45AM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
 Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer
 that do not build a proper debian package when installing
 non-free software?

How can they do so? Installing a package with 'dpkg -i' in the
postinst of another package isn't possible, since dpkg's status
area is locked.
   At this point, the question is not how to do it
  I think it absolutely is. If something is impossible to do correctly
  then filing [1] bugs against packages claiming that they don't do it is
  rather unfair.
 At this point, the question is not how to do it. I can think about 30
 ways to do it, while I'm surely not the expert here.

I asked you a question which could be answered quite simply by producing
one of those ways. Go on. It's my honest belief that it can't be done
correctly; I'm open to hearing ways in which I'm wrong.

 So I'll rephrase my question to avoid having you being obstructive.

Er, I'm not being obstructive! I'm trying to figure out if there's any
point to your proposed mass-bug-filing.

 Would it be acceptable to fill a bug against each installer that do
 not build a proper debian package when installing non-free software,
 as long as a technical solution is provided?

I guess so, if the technical solution is correct. Severity something
less than release-critical, though.



Re: debian menu system and capital letters

2003-09-08 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 04:10:20PM +0100, Jason Chambers wrote:
 You can get the case ignored when ordering by adding the following
 to /etc/menu-methods/menu.h.
 Then run update-menus to regenerate them.

I've had a play around with this, and found that putting a custom menu.h
in ~/.menu-methods works for a user. However, I then need to keep
up-to-date copies of anything from /etc/menu-methods/ in this directory
too, if I want a menu generated. Is it currently impossible to override
some, but not all of the /etc/menu-methods folder, on a user-by-user

Thanks for your help,

Jon Dowland

Re: Bug 70132 (on atari-fdisk)

2003-09-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 12:01:39PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 This is a very old FTBFS bug (28 Aug 2000), which was closed in 23 Aug
 2003 and reopened in 3 Sep 2003. After this, Frank Lichtenheld comments:

  I verified that it builds correctly with an added Build-Depends to

  But before producing a NMU patch I wonder if this package should be
  orphaned. Last upload 2 years ago was a NMU, a few simple to fix, long
  outstanding bugs...

 I agree with Frank. This is quite an old bug, I also managed to build it
 correctly with debhelper. I think this should be brought to
 debian-devel. Does anyone object orphaning this package? Is anyone
 willing to adopt it? It is a base package, priority required for m68k,
 and otherosfs priority: extra for all other architectures. 

It seems clear that the package has already been orphaned; filing a bug
against wnpp for it is merely a formality.  ISTR that Roman is not
actively involved in m68k development anymore, so it wouldn't surprise
me that he's not taking an interest in this package.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003, Guido Guenther wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 10:23:15AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  if [ -n $var ]; then
 Just of out curiosity, is this in any way different from the shorter:
 if [ $var ]; then


Bug#209257: debian menu system and capital letters

2003-09-08 Thread Daniel Burrows
Package: menu
Severity: normal

On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 04:10:20PM +0100, Jason Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
was heard to say:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 02:45:49PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
  Hi all,
  A small annoyance I have with debian's menu system is an inconsistency
  in the naming of programs on the menus:
  The ordering of the menu is dictated by the menu system rather than my
  window manager. I would like the menu to be alphabetical, but the
  existing ordering (alphanumerical I presume) would suffice if the
  packages all agreed on starting either with a capital or a lower-case
 You can get the case ignored when ordering by adding the following
 to /etc/menu-methods/menu.h.

  This should be the default.  Filing a severity 'normal' bug because
case-sensitive sorting here is absolutely terrible UI.  [when case has
an agreed-upon meaning, as in Unix filenames, there may be some
justification, but when it's just haphazard, as in menu files, it should
be ignored]

  There is probably an argument for consistent capitalization on
aesthetic grounds, but I'll let someone else make it.


/ Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---\
|Do you know why the prisoner in the |
| tower watches the flight of birds? |
|  -- Terry Pratchett, _Reaper_Man_   |
\ Be like the kid in the movie!  Play chess! -- ---/

Re: imformation leakage in debian binaries

2003-09-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Joey Hess wrote:

 It's interesting to examine what information about maintainers' build
 environments slips into binary packages, and consider the possible
 consequences and what, if anything, we can do about it.

 Here's an annotated and edited version of the output of the command
 strings -f /usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /bin/* /usr/lib/* /lib/* /sbin/* | \
   egrep '/home/.*/' | sort | uniq
 If you're only interested in checking your own packages, I suggest
 for d in *.deb; do dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile $d | zgrep -a $HOME ; done

 # Given the __assert_fail in the symbol table, this is probably
 # displayed as part of an assertian. One of the more common cases.
 # Of course this leaves the user wondering why the program is
 # complaining about this adam person and his nonexistent home
 # directory. Hmm, raid0?
 # Note that assert only puts the full path to a file in if you give that
 # full path to gcc. A minor modification to dpkg's Makefiles would
 # convert this into just utils/start-stop-daemon.c and save us all a
 # few bytes. I'll skip the other ~50 copies in dpkg, dselect, etc.

I've thought about doing this for dpkg's build system, before, because of the
long path that is encoded.

I'll probably be part of dpkg 2.0.

Re: imformation leakage in debian binaries

2003-09-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Adam Heath wrote:

 On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Joey Hess wrote:

  It's interesting to examine what information about maintainers' build
  environments slips into binary packages, and consider the possible
  consequences and what, if anything, we can do about it.
  Here's an annotated and edited version of the output of the command
  strings -f /usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /bin/* /usr/lib/* /lib/* /sbin/* | \
  egrep '/home/.*/' | sort | uniq
  If you're only interested in checking your own packages, I suggest
  for d in *.deb; do dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile $d | zgrep -a $HOME ; done
  # Given the __assert_fail in the symbol table, this is probably
  # displayed as part of an assertian. One of the more common cases.
  # Of course this leaves the user wondering why the program is
  # complaining about this adam person and his nonexistent home
  # directory. Hmm, raid0?
  # Note that assert only puts the full path to a file in if you give that
  # full path to gcc. A minor modification to dpkg's Makefiles would
  # convert this into just utils/start-stop-daemon.c and save us all a
  # few bytes. I'll skip the other ~50 copies in dpkg, dselect, etc.

 I've thought about doing this for dpkg's build system, before, because of the
 long path that is encoded.

 I'll probably be part of dpkg 2.0.

Ok.  I have it fixed.

bash-2.05b$ strings build/src/lib/tests/hashtable-test |grep hashtable-test.c

I might be able to fix it even better, by overriding __FILE__ myself(with -D)
on the cmdline, instead of letting it be filled in by cpp from -c.

Re: debian menu system and capital letters

2003-09-08 Thread Jason Chambers
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 05:57:16PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 04:10:20PM +0100, Jason Chambers wrote:
  You can get the case ignored when ordering by adding the following
  to /etc/menu-methods/menu.h.
  Then run update-menus to regenerate them.
 I've had a play around with this, and found that putting a custom menu.h
 in ~/.menu-methods works for a user. However, I then need to keep
 up-to-date copies of anything from /etc/menu-methods/ in this directory
 too, if I want a menu generated. Is it currently impossible to override
 some, but not all of the /etc/menu-methods folder, on a user-by-user

No. According to section 5.1 in the menu documentation /etc/menu-methods
is ignored if the user has a ~/.menu-methods.  

 .''`.  Jason Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
: :'  : Registered linux user #271693 
`. `'`  
  `- - The Universal Operating System

Description: PGP signature

Re: installer for non-free packages in contrib

2003-09-08 Thread Travis Crump
Colin Watson wrote:
? I think that's a minimal specification for a correct installer package
which does its work by creating Debian packages; unless you think that
it's better for the installer package to spit out a .deb somewhere which
you then have to install separately, which seems to me like a step
backwards in convenience.
As a user, it always is my expectation that an installer package won't 
actually install the package in its postinst, but rather just install a 
script that needs to be run separately in order to fetch the binary, 
build a deb, and install the deb(perhaps just put a 'su -c dpkg -i 
created.deb' at the end of the script) or make you then install the 
deb[like the nvidia drivers used to work].  Fetching the binary takes a 
significant amount of bandwidth and would be annoying during the install 
of the installer when you may be installing other packages as well and 
are not necessarily connected to the internet.

Description: PGP signature

Re: unrebuildable ruby packages (Re: ruby-defaults 1.8.0)

2003-09-08 Thread Dmitry Borodaenko
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 04:01:31AM +0900, Fumitoshi UKAI wrote:
 As Marcelo pointed out on Bug#209052, ruby-dev has been obsoleted, so
 packages that build-depend on ruby-dev can't be built now.
 We have ruby1.6-dev (for ruby1.6) and ruby1.8-dev (for ruby1.8), so
 please rebuild your packages to use ruby1.6-dev and/or ruby1.8-dev.

I've uploaded libyaml-ruby_0.49.1-2 and libdbd-ruby_0.0.20-3 which
follow the Debian Ruby Policy.

I see no point in uploading new libjttui-ruby, since I've orphaned this
package (see #206718) and it should not go into Debian/stable in its
current form anyway (it is unused and its upstream is inactive for well
over a year).

Four of new Ruby/DBI packages, libdbd-pg-ruby1.6, libdbd-pg-ruby1.8,
libdbd-mysql-ruby1.6, and libdbd-mysql-ruby1.8 depend on libpgsql-ruby
and libmysql-ruby, respectively. This is required for these packages to
be installable right now, but is obviously not correct: current versions
of libpgsql-ruby and libmysql-ruby provide modules only for Ruby 1.6,
and upcoming versions will expectedly depend on -ruby1.6 variants, and
later on -ruby1.8 variants. Hence:

Taku, Christian,

Please let me know when you upload new modules for both Ruby 1.6 and
Ruby 1.8, so that I can upload DBDs with correct dependencies. Or let me
know if you don't have time to do it and approve someone to NMU it for
you; beware that adopting these packages to the Ruby policy will require
major changes to their build system, thus it's better that you do it

Dmitry Borodaenko

bitmap vectorizers

2003-09-08 Thread Artur R. Czechowski
[ note: I have no interests in denying any of those packages, there is ]
[ a result of digging through wnpp bugs]

There are two packages looking similar:
#206859: O: autotrace -- Bitmap to vector graphics converter
#208508: ITP: potrace -- utility to transform bitmaps into vector graphics

Maybe them should be compared and better one schould be choosed?


python (parted) question

2003-09-08 Thread Paul Telford

[no response from debian-python, trying my luck here]

I've been banging my head against a python problem in a package I'm
interested in for quite a while trying to fix a bug.  I'm certainly not a
python expert, so maybe someone here can help...

I have python + python-parted + libparted1.6, all current versions from 
unstable.  Given the above, I need to generate a simple partitioning 
script.  It should be something like:

- init parted
- get probed Device
- get Disk from Device
- create Partition on Disk
- create Filesystem on Partition
- :wq!

Assuming I dont need any error-checking at this point, the above should be
fairly straight forward.  I've studied pgi and some other python tools and
I'm still up against a road block.  Whenever I try to create a Partition
it returns an error that it is unable to do so.  Any help or pointers to
basic, easy to understand, examples would be much appreciated.


Paul Telford | 1024D/431B38BA | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   C903 0E85 9AF5 1B80 6A5F  F169 D7E9 4363 431B 38BA

[ruby] SURVEY: which ruby module packages should support both ruby1.6 and ruby1.8?

2003-09-08 Thread Fumitoshi UKAI

I'd like to ask you which ruby module packages should support 
both ruby1.6 and ruby1.8 until ruby1.6 is removed from archive.

Some ruby module packages are used for specific ruby applications. 
In such case, we can safely remove ruby1.6 support from these ruby 
module packages.  However, some ruby module packages, such as xml parsers,
are widely used for several ruby applications and other ruby modules.
I think it is nice that such ruby modules are built for both ruby1.6 
and ruby1.8.

Which ruby packages do you want to keep ruby1.6 support?

Fumitoshi UKAI

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Fwd: False Representation at]

2003-09-08 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Branden Robinson may or may not have written...

 On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:02:09AM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
 It wan't asking for help, it was asking that we change the way we do
 things for their minor benefit.

 Thinking that the world revolves around yourself is a serious attitude
 problem, and not something that we want to pander to.

 Precisely.  As all right-thinking people know, the world revolves around

Not possible. You'd have to be made of compact matter, and I'm quite sure
that somebody would have noticed the gravitational effects by now... ;-)

| Darren Salt   | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at
| woody, sarge, | Northumberland | youmustbejoking
| RISC OS   | Toon Army  | demon co uk
|   Oh, sarge too...

As the dyslexic Jedi said, Sith happens.

Re: python (parted) question

2003-09-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:52:35AM -0700, Paul Telford wrote:

 [no response from debian-python, trying my luck here]
 [...snip vague problem report...]

You probably didn't get a response because you didn't provide any
information about 1) the code you are running, or 2) what actually happens
when you run it (no, it returns an error is not sufficient).

 - mdz

Jemand hat Dir eine Nachricht geschickt! ID Xscaadsvlv

2003-09-08 Thread Gruesse
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Re: Bug 70132 (on atari-fdisk)

2003-09-08 Thread Wouter Verhelst
Op ma 08-09-2003, om 19:46 schreef Steve Langasek:
 It seems clear that the package has already been orphaned; filing a bug
 against wnpp for it is merely a formality.  ISTR that Roman is not
 actively involved in m68k development anymore, so it wouldn't surprise
 me that he's not taking an interest in this package.

Actually, Roman is still the buildd admin for kullervo. That doesn't
mean he's terribly active, but he's still involved.

I would pick up the package if I had an atari, which I don't.

Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux --
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie --
Stop breathing down my neck. My breathing is merely a simulation.
So is my neck, stop it anyway!
  -- Voyager's EMH versus the Prometheus' EMH, stardate 51462.

Description: Dit berichtdeel is digitaal ondertekend

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Andreas Metzler
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 11:11:34 +0200, Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 
 Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [...]
 The fact that a non-version-number string literal with shell
 redirection operators in it was a valid value of old-version,
 new-version, most-recently-configured-version, and so forth,
 did not occur to me.

 I'd propose a Policy amendment dropping support for this
 long-obsolete dpkg behavior, but I reckon I've lost my
 Policy-amendment-proposing credentials in your eyes.

 I would support it.


It is cruft and policy has over 300KB. Afaik policy's purpose is not
to document historical behaviour in dpkg but technical requirements
for packages in Debian.

 Policy does not ask you to cater to ancient versions of
 dpkg; it merely mentions historical behaviour, and you can't
 retroactively go back and change dpkg implementations from way back

The simple fact that it is documented in policy without big fat
markers Don't implement today, this is *ancient* dpkg, it is useless
today makes it a suggestion.

I recently modified some postinst and (following policy) added the
nowadays completely useless test for 'unknown' because I did not
check dpkg's changelog ATM.
[o] Stupid  [o] Overzealous   [o] Avoidable

 who can see no reason to go back and edit working postinst scripts
 just to remove compatibility with improbably old versions of dpkg

Removing the paragraph from policy would not force you to edit working
postinst scripts.
  cu andreas

Re: imformation leakage in debian binaries

2003-09-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Adam Heath wrote:

 Ok.  I have it fixed.

 bash-2.05b$ strings build/src/lib/tests/hashtable-test |grep hashtable-test.c

 I might be able to fix it even better, by overriding __FILE__ myself(with -D)
 on the cmdline, instead of letting it be filled in by cpp from -c.

Btw, for those who want to fix this in their own source, when making the build
directory, and then calling configure, use a relative path to the location of
configure.  The relative path will then be used in the encoding of $srcdir,
and standard rules should be able to cope with it.

Re: python (parted) question

2003-09-08 Thread Paul Telford
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 You probably didn't get a response because you didn't provide any
 information about 1) the code you are running, or 2) what actually happens
 when you run it (no, it returns an error is not sufficient).

Fair enough.  I should have been more descriptive...

The code in question is autoinstall.  I'm trying to get it 
working with the latest version of libparted as 1.4 doesn't exist in 
unstable anymore.  

Upon trying to create a partition, the return code is 'None'.  
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any more verbose output available.  
I'm using the exact same syntax as with libparted1.4, so maybe the library
upgrade requires a change in my script?  If so, its not obvious from any
documentation or changelogs that I have found.


Paul Telford | 1024D/431B38BA | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   C903 0E85 9AF5 1B80 6A5F  F169 D7E9 4363 431B 38BA

Re: Bug#209116: exim daemon does not restart after last two security upgrades

2003-09-08 Thread Mark Baker
Zygo Blaxell wrote:
I have exim configured in daemon mode and I use xinetd instead of inetd.
The last two security updates left me with no running exim daemon and
nothing listening in port 25.  The latest one was nice enough to create
an /etc/inetd.conf that was empty except for this line:
smtpstream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/exim exim -bs

That is expected behaviour.
The postinst runs update-inetd to install in inetd.conf if it isn't 
there already. It can't tell that you've deliberately deleted it, so 
helpfully creates one for you.

The startup script for the daemon only runs it if it isn't running from 
inetd, in order that you don't get both trying to run. I suppose I could 
check that inetd is running, though that would only work if exim starts 
before inetd (which by default it will, but I wouldn't want to rely on 
that always being the case, especially since there's no obvious reason 
why it should matter).

Had you left an inetd.conf file with a commented-out exim entry, all 
would be well.

Having said that the behaviour is expected, that doesn't mean that it's 
nice. Partly this is due to what I would consider to be flaws in the 
design of update-inetd, partly due to an inevitable result of using 
inetd, and probably also partly my fault. I wish I had never supported 
using inetd, but it's a bit late to change that now.

The exim package is nearing the end of its life (it will remain in the 
next debian release, but will no longer be the default mailer, as exim4 
will replace it),  This means that a) I'm not inclined to put a lot of 
effort into changes to the package, and b) I don't want to do anything 
that increases the risks of upgrade. So I don't want to force people to 
run as a daemon or any other major change like that. However, I am open 
to suggestions for minor changes that will make things easier for users 
like this, which is why I've copied this to debian-devel.

One I am considering is only running update-inetd --add on a new 
install, and just update-inetd --enable on an upgade. I think this 
should solve this particular problem; what do people think of it?

The other common problem, which it wouldn't solve, is people who think 
that using update-inetd to disable something is a good idea - 
update-inetd should only be used by maintainer scripts, but this isn't 
made clear enough to users. So they disable something using it, and then 
are surprised when it comes back on an upgade.

[Debian-devel:  note that this is also copied to the bug report. Leave 
this in or take it out of your replies as appropriate. Please leave me 
in anyway as I don't normally read debian-devel. Oh, and thanks in 
advance for your help]

Re: python (parted) question

2003-09-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:15:03PM -0700, Paul Telford wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  You probably didn't get a response because you didn't provide any
  information about 1) the code you are running, or 2) what actually happens
  when you run it (no, it returns an error is not sufficient).
 Fair enough.  I should have been more descriptive...

I should have been more specific.  If you expect the members of the list to
understand your problem, you need to send a copy of the actual code which
has the problem, and the exact result when you run it.  The real thing is
far more useful than a description of it in your own words.

 The code in question is autoinstall.  I'm trying to get it 
 working with the latest version of libparted as 1.4 doesn't exist in 
 unstable anymore.  

I don't know what autoinstall is, and am not motivated to go out and find it
just to be able to answer your question.

 Upon trying to create a partition, the return code is 'None'.  

The return code from what?  What function did you call, and what parameters
did you pass to it?

 - mdz

Re: Mcrypt maintainer.

2003-09-08 Thread Francesco Paolo Lovergine
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 03:53:58PM -0500, Andrés Roldán wrote:
 Is the mcrypt maintainer MIA?
 The last mcrypt package was released the last year (November) and 
 there are newer mcrypt and libmcrypt upstream releases.


Francesco P. Lovergine

Re: Bug#209116: exim daemon does not restart after last two security upgrades

2003-09-08 Thread Ray Miller
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:04:29PM +0100, Mark Baker wrote:
 The startup script for the daemon only runs it if it isn't running from 
 inetd, in order that you don't get both trying to run. I suppose I could 
 check that inetd is running, though that would only work if exim starts 
 before inetd (which by default it will, but I wouldn't want to rely on 
 that always being the case, especially since there's no obvious reason 
 why it should matter).

I don't much like the way the exim init script tries to do this, and
prefer to leave the decision firmly in the hands of the system
administrator.  I'm currently testing a patched init script (patch
attached FYI) and some defaults in /etc/default/exim:


Of course, if you're using this and running inetd, you have to make
sure the exim maintainer scripts don't try to start exim from inetd,
and might also want to disable the queue-runner cron jobs.

Ideally, these choices would be managed by debconf, and the package
postinst obey the debconf settings.

I haven't looked at the exim4 packages, so apologies if you've already
thoguht through these issues and come up with a cunning solution!

Ray Miller, Unix Systems Programmer  Team Leader
Systems Development  Support, Oxford University Computing Services
--- /etc/init.d/exim.ORI  Mon Mar  4 23:05:40 2002
+++ /etc/init.d/eximMon Sep  8 15:31:39 2003
@@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
 #! /bin/sh
 # /etc/init.d/exim
 # Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED].
 # Modified for Debian GNU/Linux by Ian Murdock [EMAIL PROTECTED].
 # Modified for exim by Tim Cutts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 set -e
-# Exit if exim runs from /etc/inetd.conf
-if [ -f /etc/inetd.conf ]  grep -q ^ *smtp /etc/inetd.conf; then
-exit 0
-test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
+# Read in some defaults
+if [ -f $DEFAULTS ]
+[ -x $DAEMON ]  [ $RUN_DAEMON = YES ] || exit 0
 case $1 in
 echo -n Starting MTA: 
 start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/exim/ \
-   --exec $DAEMON -- -bd -q30m
 echo exim.
@@ -35,7 +40,7 @@
 start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile /var/run/exim/ \
--oknodo --retry 30 --exec $DAEMON
 start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/exim/ \
-   --exec $DAEMON -- -bd -q30m
 echo exim.

music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Brown, Darryl JU0
Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to get it if


Re: Bug#209116: exim daemon does not restart after last two security upgrades

2003-09-08 Thread Andreas Metzler
Ray Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:04:29PM +0100, Mark Baker wrote:
 The startup script for the daemon only runs it if it isn't running from 
 inetd, in order that you don't get both trying to run. I suppose I could 
 check that inetd is running, though that would only work if exim starts 
 before inetd (which by default it will, but I wouldn't want to rely on 
 that always being the case, especially since there's no obvious reason 
 why it should matter).

 I don't much like the way the exim init script tries to do this, and
 prefer to leave the decision firmly in the hands of the system
 administrator.  I'm currently testing a patched init script (patch
 attached FYI) and some defaults in /etc/default/exim:


 Of course, if you're using this and running inetd, you have to make
 sure the exim maintainer scripts don't try to start exim from inetd,
 and might also want to disable the queue-runner cron jobs.

 Ideally, these choices would be managed by debconf, and the package
 postinst obey the debconf settings.

I don't see any bonus in managing these little details with debconf.

 I haven't looked at the exim4 packages, so apologies if you've already
 thoguht through these issues and come up with a cunning solution!

The exim4 init-script contains a similar test as exim3 for inetd,
which might have been a good or bad idea - I don't know for sure but
changing it now would require all the brave souls who had hand-edited
inetd.conf to make exim4 run with inetd to also edit the init-script.

The init-script supports a default file, supporting your options and
more (actually it is that complicated to prepare for mailfilter
interaction). There is nothing cunning about it, though. ;-)
  cu andreas
Hey, da ist ein Ballonautomat auf der Toilette!
Unofficial _Debian-packages_ of latest unstable _tin_

Re: music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:50:25PM -0600, Brown, Darryl JU0 wrote:
 Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to get it if

If you spelt it differently - Duelling Banjos - you'd get some nice hits
at Google for Duelling Banjos sheet music.

- Matt

bug report #208857 disappeard ?

2003-09-08 Thread Christophe Barbe
I don't understand why but I am unable to find a bug report I filled 3
days ago. Can someone explain me what happen?

See below the ack from I even submitted more info (a
full trace that took me a long time to get).


-Message suivi-
From: Debian Bug Tracking System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: christophe barbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bug#208857: Acknowledgement (gimp1.3: Segfault on Layer Mask in Layer 
Dialog on PowerPC)
Date: 05 Sep 2003 12:33:06 -0500

Thank you for the problem report you have sent regarding Debian.
This is an automatically generated reply, to let you know your message has
been received.  It is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other
interested parties for their attention; they will reply in due course.

Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s):

If you wish to submit further information on your problem, please send
it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (and *not* to

Please do not reply to the address at the top of this message,
unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Christophe Barbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG FingerPrint: E0F6 FADF 2A5C F072 6AF8  F67A 8F45 2F1E D72C B41E

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	=?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e?=

Re: music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Jim Penny
On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 08:14:59 +1000
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to
  get it if possible.
 If you spelt it differently - Duelling Banjos - you'd get some nice
 hits at Google for Duelling Banjos sheet music.
 - Matt

The problem, amazingly enough, is that he did google for dueling
banjos sheet music, and Debian is the number one and number two hit!

This has become a self-perpetuating google-flop.  People google, google
points them  to Debian to get this sheet music, and the act of asking 
reinforces google's notion that debian is a good place to get the music!

Jim Penny

Re: unrebuildable ruby packages (Re: ruby-defaults 1.8.0)

2003-09-08 Thread Joey Hess
Fumitoshi UKAI wrote:
 I just look into mooix source.

The released source that is.

  RUBY_LINK=`ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG[LIBRUBYARG_SHARED]n'`

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ruby -v   
ruby 1.6.8 (2003-07-09) [i386-linux]

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:55:31PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
   Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to
   get it if possible.
  If you spelt it differently - Duelling Banjos - you'd get some nice
  hits at Google for Duelling Banjos sheet music.
 The problem, amazingly enough, is that he did google for dueling
 banjos sheet music,

You missed the spelling detail -- one l vs two. With the latter, Debian
list archives aren't in the top ten.

Of course, Matthew's post with the other spelling will now probably muddy
that distinction, too. :)

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: bug report #208857 disappeard ?

2003-09-08 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:26:27PM -0400, Christophe Barbe wrote:
 I don't understand why but I am unable to find a bug report I filled 3
 days ago. Can someone explain me what happen?
 ~~~   ~~~

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:55:31PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 08:14:59 +1000
 Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to
   get it if possible.
  If you spelt it differently - Duelling Banjos - you'd get some nice
  hits at Google for Duelling Banjos sheet music.
  - Matt
 The problem, amazingly enough, is that he did google for dueling
 banjos sheet music, and Debian is the number one and number two hit!

Thanks for that, but you're speaking to a man well steeped in Duelling
Banjos/Debian lore, having been around for many iterations of the famous
banjos.  I just decided this time to give the poor sod a bit of help - and
maybe, just maybe, get this thread to the top of the list instead.

- Matt

Re: music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 01:00:11AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:55:31PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to
get it if possible.
   If you spelt it differently - Duelling Banjos - you'd get some nice
   hits at Google for Duelling Banjos sheet music.
  The problem, amazingly enough, is that he did google for dueling
  banjos sheet music,
 You missed the spelling detail -- one l vs two. With the latter, Debian
 list archives aren't in the top ten.
 Of course, Matthew's post with the other spelling will now probably muddy
 that distinction, too. :)

Aaaah crap, didn't think of that.  Of course, with all the quoting, we're
pushing it ever higher...

- Matt

Re: /etc/shells management

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 12:59:24PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 On Sun, 7 Sep 2003, Guido Guenther wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 10:23:15AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
   if [ -n $var ]; then
  Just of out curiosity, is this in any way different from the shorter:
  if [ $var ]; then

Have you tried that? No POSIX shell will have a problem.


Re: bug report #208857 disappeard ?

2003-09-08 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 01:01:11AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:26:27PM -0400, Christophe Barbe wrote:
  I don't understand why but I am unable to find a bug report I filled 3
  days ago. Can someone explain me what happen?
  ~~~   ~~~

Or just use the short URL ( if you can't
remember the full forms.


Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-08 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:40:15PM +1000, Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:04:39AM +0100, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  on Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:57:54PM +1000, Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL 
  PROTECTED]) wrote:
 [W3C's autoresponder]
   This one's a bit different.  It's only asking for permission to archive
   posts to the list - I guess W3C's just trying, as hard as possible, to 
   any possible legal problems.
  It's still an instance in which the autoresponse would not have been
  triggered had any half-decent AV/AS system been used to filter out
  spam and viruses.  This was a response to the SoBig.F worm.
 Sorry, I didn't make my position sufficiently clear.  This system is
 as broken as every other Challenge-Response, in that it has the
 potential to annoy the shit out of a lot of people very easily, and
 become a nice anonymous harassing agent.
 I was just making the point that it isn't the same as a regular C-R
 system, in that the intent wasn't so much to say I want to make sure
 you're not a spammer and more I want to make sure you agree to your
 posts being publically archived - at the very least it's a little
 less offensive than normal (it's not saying You're a spammer - prove
 me wrong!).


This is the difference between broken-by-configuration, and
broken-by-design.  I wasn't saying that the problem was identical to
that of C-R, only that _any_ autoresponder should make reasonable
efforts not to do Joe-Jobs.

MTA behavior can be fixed (or at least greatly remedied) by filtering.
C-R cannot as it assumes the solution to the problem is to offload the
authentication on a third party, itself unverified, unknown,
unauthenticated, and untrusted.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What Part of Gestalt don't you understand?
The truth behind the H-1B IT indentured servant scam:

Description: PGP signature

Re: music sheet

2003-09-08 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 09:11:09AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 01:00:11AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:55:31PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
 Do you have the sheet music for dueling banjos?  I would like to
 get it if possible.

If you spelt it differently - Duelling Banjos - you'd get some nice
hits at Google for Duelling Banjos sheet music.
   The problem, amazingly enough, is that he did google for dueling
   banjos sheet music,
  You missed the spelling detail -- one l vs two. With the latter, Debian
  list archives aren't in the top ten.
  Of course, Matthew's post with the other spelling will now probably muddy
  that distinction, too. :)
 Aaaah crap, didn't think of that.  Of course, with all the quoting, we're
 pushing it ever higher...

why dont we just put up a page on with the requested sheet music
(or, if it's copyrighted then appropriate links to sites where it can be

we could also put the tale of Google and The Dueling Banjos on the same page.

then make sure that there are enough links to this page that it gets the
highest rank on google (perhaps by editing the archives to include a link in
every page that mentions the song).


ps: i just searched google for it myself and debian is down to 6th  7th place. 

autoconf and setting prefix

2003-09-08 Thread David Meggy
Hi, I don't know if this has been asked before or not, but I couldn't
find anything using google.

I'm trying to build a gcc 3.3.1 cross compiler package for woody, so I
use the following line in debian/rules
(cd build  ../configure --target=arm-linux --enable-target-optspace
--enable-languages=c,c++,java --disable-multilib --disable-threads
--with-gnu-ld --disable-nls --disable-shared --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
--build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr
--mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info )

from debian/rules install line
(cd build  $(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/gcc4arm/usr)

When I get to this install line, it tries to install includes to
/usr/arm-linux/include, instead of

Is this a problem with autoconf/automake?  Has anyone run into this

I've already made cross compiling packages for binutils, kernel headers,
and a C library, which all use /usr/arm-linux as the base for arm
libraries  headers, and I'm currently trying to get the c++ and java
cross compilers built.


 David Meggy

Technical Solutions Inc.
Unit #1 7157 Honeyman St
Delta BC Canada, V4G 1E2

Tel: 604 946 TECH (8324)
Fax: 604 946 6445

Re: autoconf and setting prefix

2003-09-08 Thread James Michael Greenhalgh
Hash: SHA1

On September 08, 2003 20:28, David Meggy wrote:
 from debian/rules install line
 (cd build  $(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/gcc4arm/usr)

Hi David,

Dunno about 'prefix=' ... I've always used 'DESTDIR='?

- -James

- -- 
James Michael Greenhalgh
open minds providing open source solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: autoconf and setting prefix

2003-09-08 Thread David Meggy
Actually after saying that, I had an epiphany.  Why don't I just look at
the gcc debian package source.

Everyone can ignore that last message



 David Meggy

Technical Solutions Inc.
Unit #1 7157 Honeyman St
Delta BC Canada, V4G 1E2

Tel: 604 946 TECH (8324)
Fax: 604 946 6445

Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-08 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:09:57PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 15:40:15 +1000
 Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:04:39AM +0100, Karsten M. Self wrote:
   I'm coming to the view that we're approaching the era where all mail is
   going to have to be subject to filtering, at the MTA level.
  Depends on how useful you want your e-mail box to be.  g
 It has been my experience that filtering at the MTA level has increased
 the usefulness of my mailbox considerably.  

aol me too /aol

stats from last week's mail.log (from my home mail server which handles mail
for about half a dozen people):

  1 Bad HELO
 10 RBL
 11 Recipient Domain Not Found
 22 RBL
 25 strict 7-bit headers
 31 Relay access denied
 32 RBL
 34 Sobig.F Virus
 42 body checks
 49 RBL
 56 header checks
 61 RBL
182 IP Address in HELO
193 RBL
218 RBL
271 Local access rule: Helo command rejected
342 RBL
492 RBL
924 RBL
   1080 Local address forgery
   1099 Recipient address rejected
   1133 Sender Domain Not Found
   1771 RBL
   1825 Dynamic IP Trespass
   1902 RBL
   2471 Local access rule: Client host rejected
   3005 Need FQDN address
   3581 Local access rule: Sender address rejected
   4267 User unknown

  25130 TOTAL

Spamassassin stats:
382 spam
   4093 clean
   4475 TOTAL

spam:non-spam (25512/29605) 86.17%
accepted spam (382/4475) 8.54%
rejected spam (25130/25512) 98.50%

i'm reasonably happy with that.  98.5% of all spam was rejected outright.  only
382 spams (1.5%) made it through my postfix access lists, RBLs, etc to be
tagged by spamassassin.

these stats also demonstrate just how bad the spam problem has become.  86% of
all attempts to deliver mail to my server were spam, ~25500 spams and ~4100
legit messages.

if i wasn't blocking spam at the MTA, then at least half of those spams would
have ended up in MY personal mailbox (or, more likely, tagged by spamassassin
and saved into my spam.incoming folder)about 13000 more spams than i
currently receive.


ps: i love postfix.  it has the best anti-spam features of any MTA.

pps: anyone who wants my simple script can get it from

Re: bug report #208857 disappeard ?

2003-09-08 Thread christophe barbe
Sorry for this. Let's say it was Monday.


On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:26:27PM -0400, Christophe Barbe wrote:
 I don't understand why but I am unable to find a bug report I filled 3
 days ago. Can someone explain me what happen?
 See below the ack from I even submitted more info (a
 full trace that took me a long time to get).
 -Message suivi-
 From: Debian Bug Tracking System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: christophe barbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Bug#208857: Acknowledgement (gimp1.3: Segfault on Layer Mask in 
 Layer Dialog on PowerPC)
 Date: 05 Sep 2003 12:33:06 -0500
 Thank you for the problem report you have sent regarding Debian.
 This is an automatically generated reply, to let you know your message has
 been received.  It is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other
 interested parties for their attention; they will reply in due course.
 Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s):
 If you wish to submit further information on your problem, please send
 it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (and *not* to
 Please do not reply to the address at the top of this message,
 unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system.
 Debian bug tracking system administrator
 (administrator, Debian Bugs database)
 Christophe Barbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GnuPG FingerPrint: E0F6 FADF 2A5C F072 6AF8  F67A 8F45 2F1E D72C B41E

Christophe Barbé [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG FingerPrint: E0F6 FADF 2A5C F072 6AF8  F67A 8F45 2F1E D72C B41E

Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.

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