Re: speeding up installs

2019-06-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Adam Borowski  writes:

> There are two massive recent improvements:
> * eatmydata helps a lot, and eating a power-lossed install is not a loss

We did an experiment at work about four years ago with using eatmydata
inside a D-I run, and had to revert because we ran into no end of problems
with zero-length files after the first system reboot, even though we did
an explicit sync before reboot.

This is potentially obsolete data (this was with Ubuntu 12.04, IIRC), but
it's made me fairly cautious of eatmydata ever since.

Also, I think your proposal is not to use LD_PRELOAD and other hacks but
to instead have a native package installation mode that understands when
to sync, and perhaps that wouldn't have the same behavior.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bug#929834: Buster/XFCE unlock screen is blank

2019-06-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Yves-Alexis Perez  writes:

> Actually it seems to me that the bug is a bad interaction with light-
> locker/lightdm locking system (which relies on vt switch) and the Intel
> driver. It only seems to happens on this driver, and I think it's also
> been reproduced just by doing vt-switches (but can't remember where it
> was reported).

Ah, good call.  I was also seeing other problems with the Intel driver in
combination with light-locker where the monitor resolution would be set to
some incorrect value after restore from lock.  This would come with kernel
errors like:

[drm:intel_set_cpu_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]] *ERROR* uncleared fifo 
underrun on pipe B
[drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe B FIFO 

and then lots and lots of:

[drm:intel_dp_start_link_train [i915]] *ERROR* Timed out waiting for DP idle 

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: mail

2019-06-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Marco d'Itri  writes:
> On Jun 03, Russ Allbery  wrote:

>> A possibly useful compromise is to do what Marco suggested: publish SPF
>> records for domains like, where all the mail is coming
>> from Debian infrastructure.  That can easily be -all.  And then at
>> least we have the option of moving some of the most important official
>> mail messages (password reset links and so forth) to a subdomain with
>> -all SPF records, without affecting the flow of mail.

> I have never suggested using -all because we are discussing improving
> deliverability issues and -all cannot do this.  -all would stop some
> forged emails, but we do not have forged email issues.

Right, sorry, I should have been clearer that DKIM should be the top
priority rather than worrying about SPF, since that will do the most to
directly improve our sender reputation.  The point that you raised was
using subdomains, which I think is by far the easiest way to proceed. itself is a complicated problem, but we can do a lot for, say, or by adding DKIM signing without
tackling that problem.

That said, it has been my anecdotal experience that adding restrictive
DMARC or SPF policies does help with sender reputation somewhat, but I
haven't tested this in any scientific way and it may be that I was
confusing correlation with causation.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: mail

2019-06-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Sam Hartman  writes:
>>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Lange  writes:

> Daniel> To do better, we should really offer SMTP submission/IMAP
> Daniel> services for as soon as possible and - after a
> Daniel> grace period - publish a mx -all SPF record.

> Actually publishing the SPF record seems fairly problematic.

A possibly useful compromise is to do what Marco suggested: publish SPF
records for domains like, where all the mail is coming
from Debian infrastructure.  That can easily be -all.  And then at least
we have the option of moving some of the most important official mail
messages (password reset links and so forth) to a subdomain with -all SPF
records, without affecting the flow of mail.

(The same all applies to DKIM, of course, and DKIM is probably more
generally useful these days.  SPF is slowly dying in favor of DKIM most

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Buster/XFCE unlock screen is blank

2019-06-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Jonathan Dowland  writes:
> On Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 09:20:48PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:

>> I can't reproduce this in a quick test:
>> Terminal 1: sleep 5 ; notify-send foo
>> Terminal 2: xscreensaver-command -lock
>> No "foo" notification pops up over the screensaver image.
>> (This is with awesome, maybe the story is different for desktop
>> environments.)

> I cannot reproduce it with gnome (1:3.30+1) running in an Xorg session
> (rather than Wayland). Perhaps it has been fixed.

Ah, excellent.  Thank you both!

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Realizing Good Ideas with Debian Money

2019-06-01 Thread Russ Allbery
"G. Branden Robinson"  writes:

> My two cents[4] is that DSA should make its purchasing and hardware
> solicitation decisions with the architectural security issue fairly far
> down the priority list.  It saddens me to say that, but this new class
> of exploits, what van Schaik et al. call "microarchitectural data
> sampling" (MDS), is a playground for security researchers right now; a
> big rock has been turned over and bugs are erupting from the soil in a
> squamous frenzy.  It will take months or years for the situation to
> settle down.

> To acquire hardware based on what is known today is to risk buyer's
> remorse.  Plan on inescapable remorse later; every chip vendor will let
> us down until corporate managers learn to treat confidentiality and
> integrity as feature rather than cost centers.  (And count on them to
> forget what they've learned after a few quarters pass without
> embarassing headlines.)

+1 to this.  So far as I can tell, about the only thing that seems to
correlate with being less likely to have side-channel attacks is less
sophisticated scheduling pipelines and processor architecture (read:
simpler, slower processors).  And this area of security research is
changing very rapidly.  I would expect several more novel attacks to

Processors that don't have a bunch of non-free, unauditable bullshit as a
proprietary control plane would obviously be better, but you'd be paying a
prohibitive performance price (not to mention other issues).  There just
aren't any good options right now.  Buy (or accept donations of) whatever
makes sense for other reasons, and expect there to be mandatory microcode
updates, kernel and virtualization workarounds, and security bugs.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Buster/XFCE unlock screen is blank

2019-06-01 Thread Russ Allbery
Georg Faerber  writes:
> On 19-06-01 11:04:28, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I did some research on that a while back and ended up not filing a bug
>> about it because it looked relatively pointless.  It appeared to be a
>> deep design choice on both sides, and not something anyone was likely
>> to solve, so I just switched to a desktop-aware locker.

> If I may ask, which one?

light-locker, hence why I know about the bug that started this thread.  :)
(I never filed it as a bug since I didn't mind the workaround.  In
retrospect, I should have.)

Obviously given the discussion here I'm not sure I'd recommend that one.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Buster/XFCE unlock screen is blank

2019-06-01 Thread Russ Allbery
gregor herrmann  writes:

> I can't reproduce this in a quick test:

> Terminal 1: sleep 5 ; notify-send foo
> Terminal 2: xscreensaver-command -lock

> No "foo" notification pops up over the screensaver image.

> (This is with awesome, maybe the story is different for desktop
> environments.) 

Yeah, I think it may be DE-related.  I ran into it with Xfce and, IIRC,
GNOME (although it would have been older GNOME).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Buster/XFCE unlock screen is blank

2019-06-01 Thread Russ Allbery
Adam Borowski  writes:

> But, the culprit is light-locker.  In general, it's in such a buggy
> state that I believe it shouldn't be in the distribution at all, much
> less a default of any kind.  After it replaced xscreensaver[1] as the
> xfce's dependency, I went into some pretty heated arguments, but then
> stormed off and ignored the issue.

It's worth noting here that xscreensaver has an IMO serious security
vulnerability (unless maybe this has been fixed?): because it doesn't
integrate properly with the desktop, it doesn't hide desktop
notifications.  Desktop notifications will appear above the lock screen.
If you therefore leave a locked computer in some relatively public place
(such as an open plan office at work), you may be exposing things on your
screen that you didn't expect, such as direct messages from some messaging
system that's plugged into desktop notifications.

I did some research on that a while back and ended up not filing a bug
about it because it looked relatively pointless.  It appeared to be a deep
design choice on both sides, and not something anyone was likely to solve,
so I just switched to a desktop-aware locker.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Buster/XFCE unlock screen is blank

2019-05-31 Thread Russ Allbery
(This probably belonged on debian-user, but since I have background on
this specific problem and already did the research.)

Raj Kiran Grandhi  writes:

> In a fresh install of Buster with XFCE desktop, locking the screen
> blanks the monitor and the monitor enters a power save state. After
> that, neither moving the mouse nor typing on the keyboard would turn
> the monitor back on.

Ctrl-Alt-F7 will also restore the desktop (which I think is just another
version of your solution 2 of switching VTs).

This appears to be a bug in light-locker specifically, which is the
default screen lock program with XFCE with lightdm.  See, for instance:

Switching to another greeter from the default gtk-greeter appears to help
according to that bug, which may mean that the bug is actually in
lightdm-gtk-greeter.  There doesn't appear to be a Debian bug for this; it
might be a good idea to open one against light-locker (or, if you confirm
switching to slick-greeter per that bug, lightdm-gtk-greeter).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Consensus Call: Do We Want to Require or Recommend DH; comments by 2019-06-16

2019-05-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Jonas Meurer  writes:

> Depending on the software you packages, doing the initial packaging
> already requires a lot of knowledge about library handling, doc build
> systems, makefiles, the filesystem hierarchy standard, language-specific
> toolchains, etc.

> To properly build the package you have to learn either sbuild or
> pbuilder. Which involves understanding and creating chroots/VMs/...

> For proper version controlling, things like git-buildpackage (and/or
> dgit) and the "3.0 (quilt)" format need to be understood.

> And for testing, you need to learn about piuparts, autopkgtest, as well
> as again chroots and/or containers for local testing.

> That's a very high bar for entering the world of Debian packaging.

I completely agree.

How can we fix this?  I've written some documentation of my personal
approaches, but I think documentation, even with step-by-step
instructions, may not be the best way to cut through all that complexity.

When I look at other ecosystems, there often is less diversity than we
have in Debian (newer languages like Rust or Go, for instance, have
converged strongly on a single choice of build system), but perhaps even
more helpfully they've automated a lot of that flow or at least wrapped it
into single tools.

Debian rightfully values its diversity, and while I think pushing us to
think about whether that diversity is still serving a purpose is valuable,
I am sure we don't want to give it up entirely.  But I think there's a
missing gap here for a very opinionated combination of a tool and a
document that says "here is one coherent way to package things for Debian;
you don't have to do things this way at all, but if you don't have
opinions about all this stuff, use this."  I don't think we have that
right now.

By this, I mean way more than just the packaging.  Imagine a world where
you apt-get install decisive (name made up) and then run decisive setup
and it sets up an sbuild environment for you, and then run decisive init
on an upstream directory and it builds a packaging template using dh and
3.0 (quilt) and autogenerates your copyright file using licensecheck.
Running decisive format runs cme fix, running decisive lint runs lintian
and cme check, running decisive check runs puiparts for you, and
autopkgtest, and whatever else we can come up with.  Running decisive
upload runs dgit push for you.  And so forth.

We have some of those pieces already, of course, and writing this sort of
tool is a little fraught for all the tools upstream of them since they'll
get an influx of user bugs from people who don't really understand how the
tool works because they're not using it directly.  So this isn't without
cost.  But I don't think we've ever assembled the *entire* packaging
workflow into a tool like this that has strong opinions and a mandate to
*not* allow every possible variation and instead just focus on being a
very simple and easy-to-understand workflow for the 80% case.  (Obviously
we'd want to try to design it so that it's relatively easy to use
selectively as someone gets better at packaging and makes some alternate

To be clear, I personally don't have time to work on this.  But I think it
would fill a valuable niche in our ecosystem, particularly if accompanied
by a supporting document that lays out *why* those tools were chosen and
provides a few pointers to alternatives for someone who starts getting
curious about other ways to do things.  I've seen this kind of approach be
successful elsewhere; the idea is to make common things easy while getting
out of your way if you need to do something uncommon and complicated.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Difficult Packaging Practices

2019-05-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Sam Hartman  writes:

> I think it's a combination of a lot of things.  We have high standards,
> a lot of complexity, and you have to get most or all of that right to
> contribute.  You have to have a package that meets our standards.  You
> have to have a copyright file that meets our standards.  You have to be
> able to figure out our processes.  You have to be willing to follow our
> processes.  And you eventually have to deal with the PGP mess.

> If you don't find value in the things where we have high standards,
> Debian doesn't make a lot of sense.  If you just want to get upstream's
> idea of their package onto a system with their release schedule and
> their recommended dependency versions, there are better ways than
> getting a package into Debian.

This is my experience as well.  I've occasionally tried to get people at
work (at various jobs) interested in packaging software for Debian,
without all that much success.  The problem seems less any one specific
thing and more that they're perfectly content with a Debian package
created by running fpm on some install tree, and don't see the point in
doing any more work than that.  This is usually in the context where
there's some other config management system in use, so to them all the
packaging format is good for is as a container of files with a version
number attached.

It's not that they don't understand the merits of having what they think
of as the base operating system properly maintained and integrated; it's
more that they don't see any value in doing that work for the incremental
thing that they're adding.  They cobble together some combination of local
config management and a deployment method until it works and then move on
to some (from their perspective) more interesting problem.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Preferred git branch structure when upstream moves from tarballs to git

2019-05-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Ansgar  writes:
> On Thu, 2019-05-02 at 09:15 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I'm confused.  I'm a happy user of dgit and don't have to think about
>> any of those things as part of using dgit.  I choose to use branches,
>> but I certainly wouldn't have to, and merging, multiple remotes, and so
>> forth don't seem related to using dgit at all.

> How do you update the package to a new upstream release?

I think I understand what I was missing.  Are you using a separate
repository for only the debian directory and merging that with an unpacked
upstream tarball without using a version control system to do so?  I don't
know how that works with dgit if that's the case.

For whatever it's worth, I'm in the camp that believes the combination of
the Debian packaging and the imported upstream releases should be merged
into a single coherent Git history, because the packaging changes are
heavily dependent on the upstream changes and have an important sequencing
between upstream imports that is a key component of the total history of
the package.  Having to manually stitch together two separate histories is
exactly the kind of tedious chore that I think computers are good at and
humans are bad at, so I'd rather let Git do it.  YMMV, of course.

> The "dgit" repository is also separate from the "real" repository; if
> you just use "dgit clone ${something}" you won't get the current
> "master" branch (unless it happens to be identical to the last release),
> or totally different if the maintainer doesn't use dgit.

Yes, that's true, and somewhat inherent in the model.  I don't know that
that's avoidable without standardizing the actual Git tree used by every
maintainer for in-progress work, which is a much harder lift.  dgit stays
out of the business of investigating how the maintainer does work, at the
cost of only having visibility to the commits that have been pushed to the

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Preferred git branch structure when upstream moves from tarballs to git

2019-05-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Ansgar  writes:

> Having to know about branches, merging, dealing with multiple remotes,
> ... *is* an entry barrier compared to not having to know about it.  Now
> you have to teach people that before you even get to how to write a
> build recipe.

I'm confused.  I'm a happy user of dgit and don't have to think about any
of those things as part of using dgit.  I choose to use branches, but I
certainly wouldn't have to, and merging, multiple remotes, and so forth
don't seem related to using dgit at all.

Maybe you're using dgit in a way that's suboptimal for your workflow?

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Preferred git branch structure when upstream moves from tarballs to git

2019-04-29 Thread Russ Allbery
Gard Spreemann  writes:

> For one of my packages, I maintain two public git branches: one is
> upstream/latest, where I've been importing upstream's released tarballs,
> and the other is debian/sid that contains the packaging.

> Recently, upstream has finally started using git. What is the
> recommended way for me to maintain a sane branch structure for the
> packaging repository while starting to use upstream's git master as the
> upstream branch to follow?

A lot of people have told you that you have a lot of options, which is of
course true.  But in case you're looking for an opinionated answer rather
than a range of options: in cases like this, I track the upstream master
branch in my repository as master, just as if I had a regular clone of
upstream, and use debian/master (or debian/sid if you want) for the

I experimented with a few other approaches, and this one seemed to cause
the least amount of pain.  It means I'm not renaming the upstream branches
when I pull them into my repository (which is possible to do in Git but
tedious and irritating if you get the .git/config runes incorrect or some
tool doesn't pay attention and merges the wrong branch).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: [Idea] Debian User Repository? (Not simply mimicing AUR)

2019-04-09 Thread Russ Allbery
Mo Zhou  writes:

> Plus, it's super important to write every packaging bit into a single
> file. That would enable simple copy from github or any other
> resources. If you provide a directory, things will become more
> complicated. More impotantly, the proposed single file specification
> virtually adds NO overhead.

This is one of those vi vs. Emacs things: I don't think you're going to
convince anyone who prefers it the other way.  Possibly my least favorite
thing about RPMs is the spec files, because by smashing everything
together into the same file, the syntax of that file is absurd.  This bit
is a shell script!  This bit is a configuration file!  This bit is
human-readable text!  This bit is a patch list!  This bit is a file
manifest!  This bit is a structured changelog!  This bit is a bunch of
preprocessor definitions!  Aie.

One syntax per file, please.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted libnet-duo-perl 1.02-1 (source all) into unstable

2019-03-09 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2019 14:36:00 -0800
Source: libnet-duo-perl
Binary: libnet-duo-perl
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.02-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 libnet-duo-perl - Perl API for Duo multifactor authentication service
Closes: 924127
 libnet-duo-perl (1.02-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
 - Use pagination to retrieve users and integrations via the admin
   API.  (Closes: #924127)
   * Update to debhelper compatibility level V12.
 - Depend on debhelper-compat instead of using debian/compat.
   * Update to standards version 4.3.0 (no changes required).
   * Stop explicitly setting xz compression in debian/source/options.
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
 384fb35e19b3e9c70df9929299a672f1b4c9945b 2156 libnet-duo-perl_1.02-1.dsc
 9cfd1ca35f6e0fe0f7bd4345247ab3b7384ece6d 55196 libnet-duo-perl_1.02.orig.tar.xz
 13a53de4c5c20678bcc0c86587a0ee9346ea63a2 488 
 d8ba9dcaaadd93e33cf981af0b4fc123a3d96d54 9500 
 52e9c22107a2eb0af0c3b97233668ee2d0912c13 93316 libnet-duo-perl_1.02-1_all.deb
 1501abee60ec1a100af4c8462f1c19973494d9f8 7582 
 67ec46801b879b6430977f3a4ad4989bc6529248d5ac98c03f0240a3ab4bdf24 2156 
 ec743438e33368731586f4e6040c64be873df24d7951aebcef16b9a6f5081a27 55196 
 ba120e573d91213d777b78cd10b3adf8f378783de2ad478b0aafec6c3ab71fe4 488 
 386c94412467eb0bfb3ca57b883c7b37f2b0aa0a784f3dd9b90c97323320105c 9500 
 318971077c0aca17f3a7b3019e2d7c7bc1e83afee3364fadda9f38c0e63963c7 93316 
 aea5b0125f13987ae39b119ff36891418f4524310315323c24473ca30f39a31f 7582 
 4987cf9db60f2015f75bd501d76a8e7f 2156 perl optional libnet-duo-perl_1.02-1.dsc
 2a06a8a7191525fd7fc03a555ed29bae 55196 perl optional 
 527aee12f5a23a82c951798962605b53 488 perl optional 
 557eb51b499758cd09f8e7cbfa7def55 9500 perl optional 
 73af182e0018d8ec253d270c96717cde 93316 perl optional 
 b6dd34d7e1223030d252a8f4d3bee0b1 7582 perl optional 



Re: Please drop anacron from task-desktop

2019-03-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Simon McVittie  writes:

> anacron/cron don't have a built-in way to skip particular cron jobs
> other than open-coding it in the cron job itself.

Maybe we should just fix this?  cron is effectively maintained by the
distributions anyway; there hasn't been an official upstream release in
more than twenty years.  This seems like a reasonable feature to add.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: merged-/usr-via-symlinks damage control (was Re: usrmerge -- plan B?)

2019-02-25 Thread Russ Allbery
Julian Andres Klode  writes:

> Having symlinks in /bin and so on would be unclean: We'd have to maintain
> one symlink per binary in /usr. This is a lot of symlinks.

Does the quantity of symlinks matter?

> We also cannot ever get rid of them - it would break the property.

Well, on any given system, once every file in /bin was a symlink to the
same-named file in /usr/bin and we had some guarantee that no new packages
would break this property, we could in theory replace the entire directory
with a symlink.  Doing that feels like it would require new primitives in
the package management software, though, and it might be hard to do
safely.  (It would also create a break point where packages from before
that flag day could no longer be installed on the system.)

> It also fails to handle subdirectories in lib{exec}. We do want
> /usr/lib/systemd and /lib/systemd to be the same.

You can use the same approach recursively and symlink every file.  This is
an old package manager trick that I think Nix is still using to this day,
and which was used to some success by such things as GNU stow (albeit for
different reasons).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Unifying logging by default

2019-02-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Josh Triplett  writes:

> Both syslog and journald support multi-line log messages

syslog does not support multi-line log messages in any reasonable way.  It
just escapes the newline (if you're lucky) and jams all the lines
together, and is rather likely to break whatever log parser you have on
the other end.

> Again, I'm aiming for the common case here, and I expect this to be a
> years-long effort, not an overnight one.

I think what's missing for me is what you're trying to accomplish with
this thread.  Are you just trying to make people aware of this as
something we *could* do and get people thinking about it in the
background?  Are you forming a team of people who is going to tackle this
problem in Debian and are looking for volunteers?  Are you asking
packagers to do work today?  Are you asking for the project as a whole to
reach some consensus that this is something we should do?

If you're asking whether that sort of work seems like a good idea to other
people, I personally think it probably does for line-structured logs with
no performance issues (and that are actually logs, not execution traces or
data dumps or some other thing -- see below), but the devil is going to be
in the details, and blindly dumping existing log messages into syslog
without thinking a little about how they're structured is not a good idea.
In other words, I think this requires some per-package thought and
analysis.  But I previously made this change (relative to upstream
behavior) for the logging from shibboleth2-sp, and that seems to have been
a good idea, or at least not a bad idea.

If you want to get things to change, you're probably going to have to
start doing the required work (or recruiting people to do so), which means
something closer to "I have identified the following 14 Debian packages
that are currently logging to files, have investigated why this is the
case, believe that they would be equally happy logging to syslog for the
following reasons, and here are diffs to make that change."

I suspect you're not going to get a meaningful consensus in advance that
this is something we should do with just an abstract write-up, but may get
traction with an inventory of packages in Debian that currently log to
files and a plan for how to deal with them.  Down that path is
(potentially, if successful) a Lintian check to discourage introduction of
new cases, possibly with some carefully crafted exceptions, but I think a
more comprehensive analysis would be needed first.

Not everything in /var/log is a log in the syslog sense, though.  I see
some logs that I as a system administrator do not want in syslog and would
be quite unhappy if they were just dumped into syslog because they're pure
noise and I'd then have to filter them out again in my log analysis
pipeline.  /var/log/fontconfig.log is an excellent example.  That appears
to be a local debugging trace log for fontconfig that I suspect has only
one user (reportbug when filing bugs against fontconfig, if it even knows
to grab that log) and is otherwise pretty useless.  So I don't think that
should go into syslog, and it would cause me work if it did.

Another example is /var/log/popularity-contest.  I don't think that's
actually a log; it looks like data that popularity-contest gathered.  I
definitely do not want that dumped into my syslog.

Maybe you could start with Xorg.0.log.  :)

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Unifying logging by default

2019-02-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Josh Triplett  writes:

> While there are *absolutely* configurations in which system
> administrators want to log to arbitrary locations and files, I would
> like to propose that for consistency we should configure software to
> unify logging into syslog and/or journald by default. In particular, I'd
> propose that daemons and applications should default to logging to
> syslog (working with any installed syslog implementation providing
> /dev/log), and that daemons run via systemd units may detect or be
> configured to log to stdout/stderr which will be wired to the sysadmin's
> preferred log target.

I've seen three main reasons why packages do not use syslog:

* The log data is not line-structured.  Example: /var/log/apt/history.log
  Dumping that as-is into syslog sounds like an awful idea.  This would
  therefore block on an upstream feature request to change log formats
  first, with all that entails.

* Performance.  Good examples here are Apache and INN, both of which have
  per-request logs that are intentionally not line-buffered and are logged
  directly to files, since losing some log messages is not as much of a
  concern as performance and disk I/O.  I've tried to reroute things like
  that through syslog in the past, only to find syslog now taking a
  substantial portion of all available system resources trying to keep up.

* The package does its own log analysis.  INN again is an excellent
  example: it has a bespoke but very comprehensive and incredibly useful
  log analysis package that ships with the software and requires access to
  the raw logs.  Anything that moves those logs out of their expected
  locations will break that tool, which is a significant regression for
  our users.

I think you're going to need a much more concrete and specific proposal
with worked examples of how to deal with cases like this.  As is, I think
this proposal is much too vague to really discuss, let alone implement.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted rssh 2.3.4-12 (source) into unstable

2019-02-18 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:58:27 -0800
Source: rssh
Architecture: source
Version: 2.3.4-12
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 rssh (2.3.4-12) unstable; urgency=high
   * The fix for the scp security vulnerability in 2.3.4-9 combined with
 the regression fix in 2.3.4-10 rejected the -pf and -pt options, which
 are sent by libssh2's scp support.  Add support for those variants.
 (LP #1815935)
 a6155903c2d3f1d91a7892cef46017ad547912ef 1553 rssh_2.3.4-12.dsc
 998db96d54c658c59760cbb37b431b5e45f00ad2 30448 rssh_2.3.4-12.debian.tar.xz
 5cbe2303853f9137c26b8e290e90e8efc9d67ba0744bf3fa2e405c2a6dc40328 1553 
 29890c92481e04a07179ccdb42a5eac57029591f3f17278dee2846b7b9c28fa1 30448 
 41b018c6beba829d2bccd3fd03cbbe88 1553 net optional rssh_2.3.4-12.dsc
 36bff8ad0ea6635a9635fd3a45143ab7 30448 net optional rssh_2.3.4-12.debian.tar.xz



Re: Tainted builds (was Re: usrmerge -- plan B?)

2019-02-18 Thread Russ Allbery
Guillem Jover  writes:

> So I think I'll go ahead with the current name for now, it's going to be
> an optional field anyway, so if there's a better name proposed that
> conveys a satisfactory meaning, I'll be happy to consider it and do a
> rename, and handle any users of the current name.

Why not some variation of "build environment properties"?

I feel like the general feature here is to capture possibly relevant
information about the build environment, and that's the most general form.
For instance, I could imagine it being interesting in the future to
capture whether the build was done via sbuild, pbuilder, or cowbuilder,
none of which would arguably qualify as "tainted" but which may have
different behavior and may therefore be useful in tracking down a bug.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Use of the Build-Conflicts field

2019-02-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Tollef Fog Heen  writes:

> I think we should (over time) aim towards non-reproducible builds being
> release critical bugs, and I think «builds differently in an unclean
> chroot» is a class of non-reproducibleness we need to tackle («fails to
> build» is really just a subset of «builds differently»).

This feels like a very hard problem if we try to express it through
Build-Conflicts or through careful tuning of upstream build systems.  It's
working at cross-purposes with the goal of a lot of upstream build
systems, which try to dynamically discover available optional features and
packages and compile in optional features.

It's so much easier to solve this problem with containers, and the places
where I'm aware of it being solved at scale, it's done with containers, or
with namespacing and related features.  One hides from the build system
everything that isn't supposed to be part of the build, and then this
problem becomes much easier to solve.

To be clear, sometimes there are good reasons for Debian to do the hard
thing and try to solve a problem more deeply than others do.  But I'm not
sure this is a good example of that, or a good place to invest significant
resources, particularly since it's in the class of problems that would
require work from every individual package maintainer to carefully
configure their build system to not behave differently in the presence of
unexpected packages.  Making it seamless and simple to build inside an
isolated namespace feels like a more productive investment and would
benefit every package.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted rssh 2.3.4-11 (source) into unstable

2019-02-10 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 11:17:28 -0800
Source: rssh
Architecture: source
Version: 2.3.4-11
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
Closes: 921655
 rssh (2.3.4-11) unstable; urgency=high
   * The fix for the scp security vulneraability in 2.3.4-9 introduced a
 regression that blocked scp of multiple files from a server using
 rssh.  Based on further analysis of scp's command-line parsing, relax
 the check to require the server command contain -f or -t, which should
 deactivate scp's support for remote files.  (Closes: #921655)
 dceb7da45abf1c64e300c426f879bd38d23f46a2 1553 rssh_2.3.4-11.dsc
 73edbba658c448753fcf9343d1d273f470bdd992 30332 rssh_2.3.4-11.debian.tar.xz
 a601be045c621b4cadca033ac836e6da753b2ce25df09442ce22d2bd2d2e17a8 1553 
 464eac3ff45d55591ab23a22de2d205bc09e8bf8258655cc0291c41b25438404 30332 
 db5723bf5557ea2f342e8fe20f3795b7 1553 net optional rssh_2.3.4-11.dsc
 b6c0efbbde4855832db40aa5b1ce5a12 30332 net optional rssh_2.3.4-11.debian.tar.xz



Re: Namespace for system users

2019-02-09 Thread Russ Allbery
Sam Hartman  writes:

> I'd like to support the _user convention as well.
> It works well as packages move around between distributions and things
> get upstreamed.

Agreed.  I think we should just write this up as the recommended approach
for all new system users in Policy.

(Changing the existing ones is sadly a much more complicated problem.)

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted rssh 2.3.4-10 (source) into unstable

2019-02-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2019 10:59:47 -0800
Source: rssh
Architecture: source
Version: 2.3.4-10
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 rssh (2.3.4-10) unstable; urgency=high
   * Also reject rsync --daemon and --config command-line options, which
 can be used to run arbitrary commands.  Thanks, Nick Cleaton.
   * Unset the HOME environment variable when running rsync to prevent popt
 (against which rsync is linked) from loading a ~/.popt configuration
 file, which can run arbitrary commands on the server or redefine
 command-line options to bypass argument checking.  Thanks, Nick
 Cleaton.  (CVE-2019-3463)
   * Do not stop checking the rsync command line at --, since this can be
 an argument to some other option and later arguments may still be
 interpreted as options.  In the few cases where one needs to rsync to
 files named things like --rsh, the client can use ./--rsh instead.
 Thanks, Nick Cleaton.
   * Remove now-unused variables from the rsync validation patch.
 653927e9f563caa618bc79ceed492b020f741db2 1553 rssh_2.3.4-10.dsc
 a5e4f8cab40c8c7f9f454e2154ee4e7b38f8235a 30280 rssh_2.3.4-10.debian.tar.xz
 100519617bc5ebe7e9873af0f9fa360801ee0d75dcc8ec25a9583aec5d06d9f5 1553 
 2c41e3c3905ae87249b0ad028b20e88a86d1bf4445e3be216ff87733221e1b5d 30280 
 bfaf5c2799545bf54f8d7b0b68fb81a2 1553 net optional rssh_2.3.4-10.dsc
 3acfc99e2106da0343f47f9a71e3f2e1 30280 net optional rssh_2.3.4-10.debian.tar.xz



Accepted rssh 2.3.4-9 (source) into unstable

2019-01-28 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 21:03:59 -0800
Source: rssh
Architecture: source
Version: 2.3.4-9
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
Closes: 919623
 rssh (2.3.4-9) unstable; urgency=high
   [ Russ Allbery ]
   * Validate the allowed scp command line and only permit the flags used
 in server mode and only a single argument, to attempt to prevent use
 of ssh options to run arbitrary code on the server.  This will break
 scp -3 to a system running rssh, which seems like an acceptable loss.
 (Closes: #919623, CVE-2019-118)
   * Tighten validation of the rsync command line to require --server be
 the first argument, which should prevent initiation of an outbound
 rsync command from the server, which in turn might allow execution of
 arbitrary code via ssh configuration similar to scp.
   * Add validation of the server command line after chroot when chroot is
 enabled.  Prior to this change, dangerous argument filtering was not
 done when chroot was configured, allowing remote code execution inside
 the chroot in some configurations via the previous two bugs and via
 the mechanisms in CVE-2012-2251 and CVE-2012-2252.
   * Document that the cvs server-side dangerous option filtering is
 probably insufficient and should not be considered secure.
   * Remove ancient upgrade support in debian/postinst.
   * Remove debian/source/options, which was forcing compression to xz (now
 the default).
   * Update to debhelper compatibility level V12.
   * Update standards version to 4.3.0 (no changes required).
   [ Ondřej Nový ]
   * d/watch: Use https protocol
 42eccc8a40da4bccb24eb1cae17e5f60b95cae52 1548 rssh_2.3.4-9.dsc
 ef0b4a667e16c3f09209dd6c049e5bed6e4f119a 29704 rssh_2.3.4-9.debian.tar.xz
 59a60a8c4c703752afd349e56a5acf848f4e6a8ba9a7de14b25b8522a716711e 1548 
 aae025b0d9b2d335ad140ecb872b97ec162cd26aae81aaf979d97478db9a4a24 29704 
 c7e597dcb58a210e377ce83771cce0d9 1548 net optional rssh_2.3.4-9.dsc
 11e4877e55f793e5b2efeb24ed9c5d49 29704 net optional rssh_2.3.4-9.debian.tar.xz



Re: Potentially insecure Perl scripts

2019-01-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Ben Hutchings  writes:

> People have said this about ASLR, protected symlinks, and many other
> kinds of security hardening changes.  We made them anyway and took the
> temporary pain for a long-term security gain.

Well, Perl has a deprecation mechanism with warnings and so forth,
although I don't think Perl has ever actively broken a feature outside of
"use " with a later version, except for features marked as
experimental.  But I suppose it's possible.

Good luck with that -- there was a long discussion about this when <<>>
was introduced, and as one can tell, that viewpoint did not prevail.
Maybe it's used less now and it might be easier to get rid of it?

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Potentially insecure Perl scripts

2019-01-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Colin Watson  writes:

> Ah, I see.  I think it would have been clearer what you meant with a bit
> more context, so here it is for others:

>If one can be sure that a particular program is a Perl script
>expecting filenames in @ARGV, the clever programmer can write
>something like this:

>% program f1 "cmd1|" - f2 "cmd2|" f3 < tmpfile

>and no matter which sort of shell it's called from, the Perl
>program will read from the file f1, the process cmd1, standard
>input (tmpfile in this case), the f2 file, the cmd2 command,
>and finally the f3 file.  Pretty nifty, eh?

Note also that you can modify @ARGV in the program and then use <>, and I
know of Perl programs (I have even written Perl programs, back in the day)
that do this to introduce pipes and other constructs and then use <> to
loop through the results.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Potentially insecure Perl scripts

2019-01-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson  writes:

> Apparently this has been klnown about for EIGHTEEN YEARS
> and no-one has fixed it or even documented it.

It's been documented for pretty close to eighteen years too.  See

   The null filehandle "<>" is special: it can be used to emulate the
   behavior of sed and awk, and any other Unix filter program that
   takes a list of filenames, doing the same to each line of input
   from all of them.  Input from "<>" comes either from standard
   input, or from each file listed on the command line.  Here's how it
   works: the first time "<>" is evaluated, the @ARGV array is
   checked, and if it is empty, $ARGV[0] is set to "-", which when
   opened gives you standard input.  The @ARGV array is then processed
   as a list of filenames.  The loop

   while (<>) {
   ... # code for each line

   is equivalent to the following Perl-like pseudo code:

   unshift(@ARGV, '-') unless @ARGV;
   while ($ARGV = shift) {
   open(ARGV, $ARGV);
   while () {
   ... # code for each line

   except that it isn't so cumbersome to say, and will actually work.
   It really does shift the @ARGV array and put the current filename
   into the $ARGV variable.  It also uses filehandle ARGV internally.
   "<>" is just a synonym for "", which is magical.  (The pseudo
   code above doesn't work because it treats "" as non-magical.)

   Since the null filehandle uses the two argument form of "open" in
   perlfunc it interprets special characters, so if you have a script
   like this:

   while (<>) {

   and call it with "perl 'rm -rfv *|'", it actually
   opens a pipe, executes the "rm" command and reads "rm"'s output
   from that pipe.  If you want all items in @ARGV to be interpreted
   as file names, you can use the module "ARGV::readonly" from CPAN,
   or use the double bracket:

   while (<<>>) {

> I think this is a serious bug in Perl which should be fixed in a
> security update.

There is absolutely no way.  So much stuff in Perl depends on this.  You
will break all kinds of scripts.  It's been a feature of the language for
basically forever.

There have been extensive discussions of this on perl5-porters, and
there's some general consensus that it was a bad idea originally, but
changing this destroys backwards compatibility.  You just can't; it's like
removing strcpy from libc.  The best you could do would be to add a
pragmata to turn it off, and *maybe*, *someday*, enable that pragmata by
default with a sufficiently new version in "use".

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Nix and non-standard-toplevel-dir

2019-01-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Kai Harries  writes:

> I have filled an ITP for the Nix package-manager [1]. During packaging
> lintian pointed out [2] that Nix relies on a non-standard-toplevel-dir.

> The Nix package-manager keeps by default all packages in the path
> `/nix/store`. In principal this path can be changed, but it would make
> it impossible to use pre-build binaries from the standard Nixpkgs
> channels [3].

> The problem are retained dependencies. A package keeps references to
> a package it depends on. And this references contain the absolute
> path (including `/nix/store`).

> Section 5.5.3 and 6.1 of the PHD thesis "The Purely Functional
> Software Deployment Model" [4] on which Nix is based gives some more
> insight.

> I would like your advise on how to proceed.

I think this is a case where we should waive FHS for this package, due to
the unique nature of this package.

The top-level purpose of FHS is consistency on the system, partly for
other packages but primarily for the local systems administrator.  All
namespaces that aren't covered in FHS are implicitly reserved for the
local administrator, and they know that the distribution will use the FHS
directories for specific purposes and can set disk allocations, remote
mounts, and so forth accordingly.

Nix is effectively a completely different model and concept for how to lay
out software packages.  It's therefore not surprising that it doesn't
comply with the FHS, since it's not even trying to be the same sort of
system that the FHS anticipates.  It's an experiment with something new.

I think including the package manager in Debian, if possible, is a great
way to let Debian users experiment with some interesting concepts, and is
very much in line with our goals to be a universal operating system and to
provide a common basis for people to experiment and do interesting things.
Thank you for working on this!

I also don't think that anyone who installs and then uses the Nix package
manager is going to be surprised that it doesn't follow the FHS.  This is
pretty experimental stuff, and I doubt anyone is going to use it without
expecting it to be a bit weird.  If anything, they probably already know
how Nix works and are expecting it to use those paths.  There doesn't seem
to be much drawback in this carefully-chosen lack of compliance with the

I don't think it's worth writing an explicit Policy exception for this,
since it's a single edge case.  Instead, I think it's a good use of a
Lintian override documenting what's going on.  Obviously, if Nix becomes
really popular in the long run, we can then go back and write this into

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: including complete corresponding licence information should stay a requirement (was Re: Debian Policy released)

2018-12-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Thorsten Glaser  writes:
> Sean Whitton dixit:

>>2.3 & 4.5
>>In cases where a package's distribution license explicitly permits
>>its copyright information to be excluded from distributions of
>>binaries built from the source, a verbatim copy of the package's
>>copyright information should normally still be included in the
>>copyright file, but it need not be if creating and maintaining a
>>copy of that information involves significant time and effort.

> I quite disagree. Downstreams will require the licence information,
> and if it’s included in the source package, it’s easy enough to add
> it to the binary package, and if not, the above does not apply either.

Hi Thorsten,

Just a procedural note here: ftp-master is the responsible team for the
minimum standards in debian/copyright files, and there has been a very
long-standing desire to align Policy with the actual practices of the
ftp-master team to avoid confusion.  This change was made in large part
towards that end, and was based on guidance from ftp-master, specifically:

| 4.  The FTP team believes that documenting copyright holders in
| debian/copyright is a good idea.  If policy were modified to make it
| along the lines of SHALL if the license does not explicitly allow it to
| be left out of binary distributions and SHOULD in all other cases, the
| FTP team believes this would be a good change make maintainer's efforts
| easier when a package license allows for it.

(Quoted in the start of

I'm not sure if you're objecting to how that guidance was worded in Policy
(in which case we can certainly fix it if we can come up with clearer
language), or the substance of that advice.

If the latter, this of course doesn't mean that you shouldn't object if
you feel it's wrong.  It does mean, though, that you're probably going to
need to convince ftp-master that their practices are wrong here for it to
make sense to revert this change on the Policy side.  Otherwise, we would
be going back to having Policy say one thing but having the standards for
the archive be something else entirely, something that we all have been
collectively unhappy about for probably at least a decade.  I think
there's a pretty strong consensus for keeping the wording of Policy in
tighter alignment with what ftp-master actually requires.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Sending using my in gmail

2018-12-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Jeremy Stanley  writes:
> On 2018-12-05 14:58:08 +0100 (+0100), Thomas Goirand wrote:

>> Absoultely not. Adding some DMARC records in our DNS doesn't break any
>> server not checking DMARC records.

> Migrating _client_ configurations/workflows to all submit via
> Debian-controlled relays on the other hand would be necessary, to
> avoid servers who check DMARC records rejecting messages from people
> using their addresses in other ways (for example, yours
> seems to have been sent through an MTA in GPLHost for relaying to
> the lists.d.o MX).

Right, the whole point of DMARC is to say that messages from a given
domain only originate from a small and well-defined set of servers, or
from servers with access to specific private key material.

Right now, people can use their address and send mail from
anywhere.  For example, this message is being sent from my personal
servers and, were it not addressed to a Debian mailing list, would not go
anywhere near Debian infrastructure.

If we're not going to require that anyone sending mail from a
address do so through project infrastructure (which is a large change),
there's basically no point in doing anything with DMARC.  It would only
increase the chances that mail not sent through Debian infrastructure
would be rejected by over-aggressive implementations that treat unknown as

Whether we want to continue to support that use case is certainly
something we can ask, and balance against the benefits of setting up
proper DMARC, SPF, DKIM, and so forth.  The advantage would be that
project mail might be more reliably deliverable, and we would allow
receiving systems to discard more forged spam.  The disadvantage is that
setting up infrastructure, documentation, and client configuration to send
all mail from addresses through project infrastructure would be
a lot of work, particularly since I'm sure that, in the grand Debian
tradition, there are at least as many ways we all send mail as there are
Debian developers.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-12-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Guillem Jover  writes:

> The current merged-/usr deployment (via usrmerge or the bootstrapping
> symlink generation before unpack) is a major hack, and bypasses the dpkg
> understanding of the filesystem, it breaks dpkg-query, and while we
> could workaround the breakage there, it's still the wrong way to go
> around this.

Does this imply that you're considering adding support for merging /usr
*properly* directly inside dpkg, with all the correct updates to dpkg's

Because that would be an awesome way to fully support this.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Tainted builds (was Re: usrmerge -- plan B?)

2018-12-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Guillem Jover  writes:

> … and then I'm not entirely sure a non-minimal environment should be
> qualified as tainted? For example contrast using a minimal but outdated
> installation to a non-minimal, but clean and up-to-date one.

> I think I'm still of the opinion that a user should be able to build on
> a normal (clean and up-to-date) system and get a proper result. I guess
> the problem might be how to define "clean". :)

Tainted is a loaded term that may make this more confusing.  I think it
may be better to instead think of it as additional metadata to figure out
why a package is buggy, if a bug shows up.  Some build states we know are
more likely to cause problems than others, but if a bug exists only in the
versions of the package built in a minimal chroot and not in the versions
built on a regular system, that's a useful clue to what may be causing

But perhaps the reproducible build testing infrastructure is the better
solution to this problem.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Tainted builds (was Re: usrmerge -- plan B?)

2018-12-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Guillem Jover  writes:

> Whether a package is being built within a chroot or not, has nothing
> to do with how that installation is being managed IMO. It feels a bit
> like recording what's the form factor of the machine being run on? :)

I think what people are trying to get at here is "was the package built on
a system with packages other than build dependencies plus build-essential
plus essential/required packages installed."

I do think this would be very useful to track, but it's a bit complicated
to work out, and there are probably a few other exceptions that would need
to be in place.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: wicd-daemon-run_1.0_amd64.changes REJECTED

2018-11-28 Thread Russ Allbery
Lorenz  writes:

> That will work for runit-init, but what about runit-sysv and
> runit-systemd?  Let's say I have systemd (as init), runit-systemd and a
> foo daemon installed; and 'runscripts' package ship a run script for
> foo. How can I detect if the user wants to manage foo with runit or with
> systemd?

I think a command would work for that case as well.  What I'm imagining
would look something like this:

- If runit-init is installed, it installs a trigger that runs the command
  for any change to the runit metadata directory.  That command sets up
  the users, runit configuration, and does whatever other actions are
  needed to maintain a consistent system.

- If runit-init is not installed, by default all services are run through
  the regular init system.  However, the local system administrator can
  run the command manually, specifying a specific service, and it then
  sets up that service to run via runit in a similar way and also disables
  the systemd unit or init script.

- runit-sysv and runit-systemd install a different trigger that runs the
  script with a flag that says to update all configuration that was
  previously manually enabled by the system administrator (so that you can
  update service definitions or delete ones when packages are removed),
  and ignore all the other configurations.

Note that a lot of the runit metadata can probably be derived from systemd
units for services that have unit files.  For example, if the systemd unit
runs the daemon as a different user, runit can probably use the same user,
and the systemd unit may well also run the daemon in the foreground since
systemd prefers that for the same reasons runit does.  So it's conceivable
that you could get out of shipping explicit runit data for a lot of
packages, or ship something that just notes that the unit file can be
autoconverted.  This would cut down on the maintenance burden of the
primary package maintainer a lot.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Michael Stone  writes:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 08:54:43AM +, Simon McVittie wrote:

>> If I was wrong in assuming good faith and you were being argumentative
>> for the sake of being argumentative, please stop: that is not
>> constructive.
>> Either way, please don't call me stupid. That is not *at all*
>> constructive - especially if you want things you say in future to
>> change my opinion on anything! - and contributes to an atmosphere of
>> hostility that drives away Debian contributors.

> I agree. I wish you were just as busy policing memes like "people who
> have issues with mandatory usrmerge are just scared of change".

There is not enough energy in the world to police all of the unnecessarily
confrontational and counter-productive things people have said in this
thread.  :(

I wholeheartedly agree: the argument here is not about fear of change.
It's primarily about a cost/benefit tradeoff and an orderly transition
that is well-understand and won't surprise anyone, and secondarily about
Debian's ongoing severe social problems around having a constructive
technical discussion.

Thank you so much, Simon, for your incredibly useful and productive
messages in this thread.

I am certain there are technical approaches and good compromises here that
will make everyone happy, but we're not going to be able to reach them if
everyone falls into the trap of loudly repeating their position, getting
defensive, and lashing out at each other.

We had some things break because of a change to buildd configuration that
caught some people by surprise.  It's entirely reasonable that the first
reaction to that was "woah, wait, hold on, slow down, what's going on
here?"  A wonderfully productive next step would be for someone with the
time to do so (which sadly I do not right now) to write up a summary of
what the desired end state should be for Debian (maybe with a few options)
and then a more detailed transition plan about how to get from where we
are now to where we want to be.  That will give us something concrete to
debate and to test against the risks that people perceive, and hopefully
will reduce the hardening of positions on all sides.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Our build system may be broken: /bin vs /usr/bin

2018-11-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Wouter Verhelst  writes:

> How can it do so, though, if the build system hardcodes paths to
> binaries[1]? Isn't it better (and easier) to have non-usr-merged buildd
> chroots as long as we still support such systems?

> [1] Yes, I know policy says you shouldn't do that, but if there's a
> 3000-line upstream file that does so all over the place,
> fixing that might be involved, for questionable benefit (exaggerating
> here, but you get the point).

This was mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but just for the sake of
clarity, Policy doesn't say that.  Policy says only that maintainer
scripts should not hard-code paths.

Whether other binaries should or should not is a somewhat complicated
question that is a little case-dependent.  For instance, we decided in an
earlier debian-devel thread that Perl and Python scripts should hard-code
paths rather than using the env trick.

This therefore makes your point even stronger.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: individual packages moving binaries from /bin to /usr/bin

2018-11-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Ansgar Burchardt  writes:

> If we want to support packages such as iptables moving binaries from
> /{s,}bin to /usr/{s,}bin while setting up compat symlinks on
> non-merged-/usr systems, it might be useful to have a dh-usrmerge
> package creating the maintainer scripts.  (Also for some files below
> /lib, but most libraries could just be moved without compat symlinks.)

> This should be similar to what OpenSUSE has done; see the section around
> `#UsrMerge` on

> This could also be seen as a slower path to merged-/usr: programs such
> as `sed` would be in both /bin and /usr/bin and hard-coding either would
> be fine (as with merged-/usr, but not without).  Less static files would
> be on a read-write root file system (if /usr is a separate read-only
> fs).

Yes, this exactly, thank you.  This is a much better description of what I
was seeing as an alternative to the current usrmerge approach, assuming a
(not yet decided) project consensus that we want to do something like
usrmerge in the long run.

This approach will obviously take forever, and be another one of those
Debian transitions that someone five years from now has to do a bunch of
work to finally finish, assuming that happens at all.  But it would be
backward-compatible the entire way.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-22 Thread Russ Allbery
 into a set of possible strategies to move forward, but I don't
feel like we've even separated the strands of things we're arguing about
yet, let alone clearly explored the options.

> We can then have this discussion again early in the bullseye release
> cycle.  If we must.

That idea makes me wince.  This will just result in the same thing
happening again.  Let's have the discussion *now*, when the problems are
fresh in our mind, and then defer *action* to early in the bullseye
release cycle (which I suspect is likely to happen anyway given how long
it usually takes us to sort through questions of large migrations like

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Ansgar Burchardt  writes:

> Moving files around in such a matter that they are still available in
> the old location (via a symlink) is not a very invasive change, so there
> is only a small risk of problems.

I think it's fair to note that our past experience in Debian doesn't
really support this.  I've run into multiple problems in unstable with
uninstallable packages due to various bugs in this sort of change, most
recently with iptables.  We repeatedly get the details of this change
wrong in various subtle ways that create issues in some upgrade paths and
not others.

This may be acceptable temporary breakage, and I don't think any of it
made it into stable (and it usually doesn't even make it into testing),
but if we're going to do a lot of this, I think we need better tools, such
as declarative support in packaging metadata that tells dpkg to do the
right thing, so that we can lean on a single, well-tested, robust

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson  writes:
> Michael Stone writes ("Re: usrmerge -- plan B?"):

>> Let's restate this so it can stand clearly on its own:

>> "We ran into some unanticipated issues when we usrmerged our build
>> systems, and we think the way to fix that is to force merge every one
>> of our users' systems."

> That does seem to be the position that is being advanced.

I think this is an unfair characterization of the thread, and adds
considerably more heat than light.

We ran into unanticipated problems *with supporting full portability of
packages between usrmerged systems and non-usrmerged systems*.  (And I'm
not sure the problems were really that unanticipated -- that problem is
hard.)  We're now evaluating what that means for the overall goal of
supporting systems with merged /usr.  One possibility is to not attempt to
support that use case, which can be done in two ways: never merging /usr,
or merging all systems.

In this sort of discussion, it's very important to keep distinct the point
we're discussing and our positions on that point, and try to maintain our
agreement on what is even under discussion while we disagree.

To support my side of that, I promise to not mischaracterize consensus on
*what we're debating* as consensus on *what the outcome should be*, and
keep those two things entirely separate.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Michael Stone  writes:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 02:19:56PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Doing this check in reproducible-builds definitely helps allievate my
>> concerns as a backstop, but this is still fragile and we don't have a
>> tight test/fix cycle.  And, in general, I'm dubious of a path where we
>> support building a package on both merged and unmerged systems and then
>> allow running it on both merged and unmerged systems.  There are so
>> many places that binary paths creep into software build processes, and
>> so many different upstream software build processes to analyze.

> I'm likewise generally dubious of a process where we try to merge two
> directories into one directory during a system upgrade as a side effect
> of installing a package. I've just seen too many strange things on real
> systems. If not supporting legacy installs isn't an option, we never
> should have started this.

I don't believe supporting legacy installs *without doing the migration*
is an option, or at least an option that we should take.  We could
theoretically make it work, but the ongoing burden to packagers and to
our testing infrastructure would be high.  It would be yet another obscure
and irritating thing that you'd have to mess with when packaging and that
was very hard to test, and we already have way too many of those.

So yes, this is exactly the decision before us.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Matthias Klumpp  writes:

> (At the moment I don't actually see the upcoming doom - a few packages
> broke, bugs were fixed, life goes on. If it turns out that we are not
> able to cope with new bugs in time, we can always change decisions
> later).

The reason why I personally jumped into this thread is that I don't think
the initial fix proposed for R was good engineering.  We should not be
doing that sort of fragile machinations in Autoconf configuration.  It
will end in tears.  We will miss some other binary later, or Autoconf will
change flags or how it probes, and we won't catch the breakage.

Doing this check in reproducible-builds definitely helps allievate my
concerns as a backstop, but this is still fragile and we don't have a
tight test/fix cycle.  And, in general, I'm dubious of a path where we
support building a package on both merged and unmerged systems and then
allow running it on both merged and unmerged systems.  There are so many
places that binary paths creep into software build processes, and so many
different upstream software build processes to analyze.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Holger Levsen  writes:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 12:38:53PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> But it's not just my opinion that matters.  I think we need to decide
>> this somehow as a project, whether via the TC or via GR or something,
>> because there's a real disagreement here over whether we can or should
>> force-upgrade all Debian systems and I don't believe doing something
>> short of that is going to be supportable.

> why do you think we need to decide it via TC or GR, without letting
> whoever is responsible for the affected packages decide?

Because we have no idea what packages are affected (possibly a lot).  It's
not just packages that ship files in /lib, /bin, and /sbin (although
that's already lots); it's every package that uses something in those

Personally, I think the chances of breakage are reasonably small and I
think Marco has already done a ton of work to try to find that breakage,
but it's a very sweeping, global change, which is what makes it

> (Or are you just forseeing that someone will want to go to the TC?)

> As a user, I couldnt care less if usrmerge is enabled or not. 0 visible
> differences. /bin is a link to /usr/bin, the sun still rises in the
> morning.

If we can decide via consensus that no one objects to the goal and it's
just a matter of getting enough testing to make usrmerge essential (and
working out the timing for when we have enough testing), great.  Given the
general trend of the threads, I'm dubious we'll get there, but consider me
+1 for that position if it helps.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Michael Stone  writes:

> How many long-running production systems do you think people have run
> usrmerge on? I'd guess close to zero, since there is no advantage
> whatsoever to doing so. I'd also expect those to be the systems most
> likely to have issues.

Yup, lack of testing is definitely a valid point.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Jeremy Bicha  writes:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 3:39 PM Russ Allbery  wrote:

>> But it's not just my opinion that matters.  I think we need to decide
>> this somehow as a project, whether via the TC or via GR or something,
>> because there's a real disagreement here over whether we can or should
>> force-upgrade all Debian systems and I don't believe doing something
>> short of that is going to be supportable.

> If we are going to have a vote, we don't have a lot of time. I think
> that if Debian were to choose to convert all systems to usrmerge for
> the Buster release, it ought to be complete in Buster before the
> Transition Freeze which is scheduled for January 12. [1]

> [1]

We could also skip buster, hold usrmerge out of the buster release as a
not-yet-supported configuration (or ship it with a bunch of disclaimers; I
have no strong opinion either way), and then aim for the next release, and
in the meantime double down on trying to get as much testing of usrmerge
systems as possible.

That's going to be a disappointing delay for a lot of people, I'm sure,
but it's still better for them than never doing this at all.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Michael Stone  writes:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 09:59:24AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> If we just force-merge every system on upgrade, none of those
>> inconsistencies matter, and I do believe we could successfully complete
>> that process (with some bumps, of course).

> I think that's likely to be the most painful upgrade since a.out. We'd
> need one heck of a lot of testing that needs to have already started
> unless we want to push back buster.

This seems like too high of a level of pessimism given that the usrmerge
package already implements this sort of force-merge and some people have
it installed and don't seem to be running into a bunch of bugs.  The last
round of problems was on systems without it installed, because packages
generated that way weren't backward-compatible, not with the forward
direction of forcing the merge.

That said, if we do want to go down this path, getting as many people as
possible to install usrmerge now and make sure it doesn't break anything
(or report bugs if it does) seems like a good idea.  (Just don't build
Debian packages for upload on the resulting system; use a build chroot

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Marco d'Itri  writes:
> On Nov 21, Russ Allbery  wrote:

>> I think there are some arguments to be made for just force-merging and
>> moving on, but they're mostly "tidiness" arguments (letting everyone

> No, they are not that at all. I have never argued about "tidiness", nor
> did anybody else that is working to support merged-/usr.  A merged-/usr
> is an enabler for new features, like stateless systems, clones,
> appliances and better containers.  Simon McVittie today was patient
> enough to explain some of them.

I read all of Simon's message, which was excellent and which I greatly
appreciate.  The arguments he listed there are, however, the arguments I
was classifying as "tidiness" arguments.

We shouldn't get caught up on terminology, since whether or not my
adjective is correct isn't really the point.  The point is that every use
case he describes is possible without usrmerge.  It's just more
complicated because it requires manipulating multiple paths instead of
one, which requires a bit more ingenuity and fragility (via symlink
redirections and the like) to make atomic.

I completely understand why merged /usr makes it easier, and removes a lot
of avoidable bugs.  But it is not a *requirement* for doing any of the
things that he spells out in that message.  There is still a tradeoff

>> strategy of (for example) moving each binary out of /bin manually, but

> As I explained, this cannot really work.

Of course it can work.  It will just take forever and produce a bunch of
minor bugs along the way and won't be something you'll be able to wait for
before tackling other goals.

In reality, it might well mean just giving up on merging entirely because
people won't be willing to sustain the effort over that length of time.

Personally, I consider separate /bin and /usr/bin to be a historic
artifact whose remaining useful properties have become obsolete or been
replaced with other, better techniques (such as mounting /usr in
initramfs), and we'd all be better off following Red Hat and Arch, dealing
with the pain of merging every system, and then saving ourselves the time
and energy we spend on this separation.  It definitely makes some system
design patterns simpler.  I also agree that this isn't a diversity
question; so far as I know, there aren't any remaining viable use cases
for split /bin and /usr/bin that work in Debian today or have any hope of
working in a Debian of the future.  /bin is already useless without /usr
mounted, and is basically certain to remain so.  The remaining argument is
just that the transition is difficult and may not be worth the effort.

But it's not just my opinion that matters.  I think we need to decide this
somehow as a project, whether via the TC or via GR or something, because
there's a real disagreement here over whether we can or should
force-upgrade all Debian systems and I don't believe doing something short
of that is going to be supportable.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: usrmerge -- plan B?

2018-11-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Adam Borowski  writes:

> Thus, either usrmerge Essential or not included in Buster -- no middle
> way.

I think I agree with this.

My impression is that most of the problems with usrmerge are because we're
trying to support a halfway position that Red Hat did not try to support,
where some systems are merged and some aren't.  This creates a ton of
complicated edge cases and inconsistencies, and now we're looking at
making invasive changes to package build systems to try to fix those edge
cases.  This feels like a vast waste of developer time and resources that
could be put to better purposes.

If we just force-merge every system on upgrade, none of those
inconsistencies matter, and I do believe we could successfully complete
that process (with some bumps, of course).  But this halfway slow
migration is death by a thousand cuts.

I think there are some arguments to be made for just force-merging and
moving on, but they're mostly "tidiness" arguments (letting everyone
recycle the brain cells they're currently using to keep track of whether
something is in /bin or /usr/bin and try to make decisions about this,
getting rid of all the compatibility symlinks, permanently eliminating all
minor bugs from omitting /bin or /sbin from PATH, and so forth).  Those
are real benefits that I don't think we should underestimate, but I'm not
sure they're strong enough benefits to create a bunch of hard feelings and
frustration and anger inside the project.  They're also mostly benefits
for packagers; there aren't a ton of benefits for users here.

If we're *not* going to commit to force-merging all systems, I think we
should just stop, or at least slow way down, because there are a *lot* of
edge cases and it's going to require a lot of work to go through them.
I'm very dubious of the viability of any strategy that requires people
override the paths to binaries in their debian/rules file to undo Autoconf
auto-probing, for example.

It feels to me like we should decide as a project whether we're going to
do the same thing Red Hat did and just do the merge and be done with it,
or whether we're going to do a much slower migration by some more robust
strategy of (for example) moving each binary out of /bin manually, but
either way, the current strategy does not seem viable to me.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Our build system may be broken: /bin vs /usr/bin

2018-11-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson  writes:
> Russ Allbery writes ("Re: Our build system may be broken: /bin vs /usr/bin"):
>> Marco d'Itri  writes:

>>> Actually this is the root problem: policy says that packages should
>>> use the $PATH to search for commands, but your package (like many
>>> others) hardcodes their full path.

>> Policy only says that for maintainer scripts.  I agree that it's not a
>> good idea in any location, but I don't believe we've explicitly
>> forbidden it anywhere.

> We don't even have consensus that it is a bug!  We have, for example,
> at least one important component which *requires* hardcoded paths in
> their critical configuration files.

Sorry, my "not a good idea" phrase needs more nuance.

I think the general argument against hard-coding paths in maintainer
scripts generally applies here as well.  However, there are going to be
exceptions that need to hard-code specific paths for other reasons, so
it's going to have to be a case-by-case determination.  A good
counter-example where we do want to hard-code paths is to interpreters
(see previous debian-devel discussion).

I would be pretty dubious of Policy language here stronger than "should."

I would also consider anything other than /bin/sh, /bin/bash, etc. in
shell scripts to be a bug, and I'm worried that some upstream build
systems will generate /usr/bin/sh or /usr/bin/bash if they decide to use
Autoconf to find shells.

Tactically, I'm in favor of not using usrmerge on buildds.  I feel like
this is the *last* place we should enable usrmerge, since it's likely to
require all systems consuming the built packages to also have usrmerge

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Our build system may be broken: /bin vs /usr/bin

2018-11-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Marco d'Itri  writes:
> On Nov 19, Dirk Eddelbuettel  wrote:

>> GNU R has long been relying on sed, tar, bzip2, ... and many more base
>> tools. No issues there. Generally looked for in /bin and found there.

> Actually this is the root problem: policy says that packages should use 
> the $PATH to search for commands, but your package (like many others) 
> hardcodes their full path.

Policy only says that for maintainer scripts.  I agree that it's not a
good idea in any location, but I don't believe we've explicitly forbidden
it anywhere.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: I resigned in 2004

2018-11-11 Thread Russ Allbery
Carsten Leonhardt  writes:
> Russ Allbery  writes:

>> The general principle that I would advocate for here, though, is that
>> if someone says clearly and explicitly "never contact me again," we
>> should do what we can to never contact them again.

> If the message would be signed I'd agree, but for a non-signed message
> that would open abuse potential. I wouldn't like to find out I've been
> retired from Debian because someone faked a message like that in my
> name...

This theoretically could happen, but in practice using some basic
intuition while reading the message will, I think, reduce the chances to
nearly zero.  For instance, the original reply did not feel like the kind
of thing someone would forge (it's too specific, too emotional, and too
full of easily falsifiable details), not to mention that it's hard to
figure out a motive for someone to forge such a message from someone who
had been inactive in Debian for a long time.

Also, if that does happen, it's remediable later, as Wouter points out.
We're not going to do anything completely irreversible.

"Never contact me again" is what one is supposed to tell someone if they
feel like they're being harassed.  It's the sort of thing that I do think
we want to try to honor unless we have some reasonable reason to believe
that something weird is going on.  I think it's highly unlikely that
anything good for anyone will ever come out of sending another message to
someone who says that.

To be very clear, I'm not saying this to defend the rudeness of the reply,
or to say that anyone did anything wrong by following our normal MIA
process.  Just advocating for a change in procedure in the future if
someone sends that type of reply.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: I resigned in 2004

2018-11-10 Thread Russ Allbery
Mattia Rizzolo  writes:

> Indeed, I was very bothered.

> On the other hand, most of my reply to willy's mail was not addressed to
> him, but to debian-devel@ at large, to have everybody else understand
> how silly what he did was.  Replying to my email in d-private@ saying
> "aye aye, I really want to go away" wold have been *far* more effecting
> (even if process-wise I'd have preferred him click the damn buttons we
> sent him) and his case would most likely already been closed.

> Instead, he decided to throw such a bothersome mail in debian-devel.

The general principle that I would advocate for here, though, is that if
someone says clearly and explicitly "never contact me again," we should do
what we can to never contact them again.  (We're probably not organized
enough to guarantee we'll succeed in this, but we can make the attempt.)
Pretty much however obnoxiously they make that statement, to me that's
sort of a "magic phrase," and unless there's some legal or emergency
reason why we *absolutely* have to contact them, I'd just stop talking to
them completely and take whatever default actions we would take if we had
never been able to contact them again.

To be clear, I think his reply was unnecessarily nasty, and I greatly
appreciate the work that you're doing.  This is not intended as any sort
of dissatisfaction with your work, just a suggestion for if this comes up

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Q: secure boot

2018-11-06 Thread Russ Allbery
Holger Levsen  writes:
> On Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 10:08:10AM +0100, Bastian Blank wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 01:09:50AM +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:

>>> But only the stock kernel, which turns it non-free software.

>> What is non-free?  Signing stuff does not change the freeness of the
>> software.

> it does introduce however.

I'm not sure how us signing our stuff does that.  The computer's firmware
may do this if it enforces secure boot and doesn't provide a way to turn
it off.  But only running signed software is a valid and sometimes
desirable security configuration, which our users may want to choose.

By default, apt will only install software signed by Debian's archive keys
and will refuse to install anything else.  We rightfully don't consider
that to be Tivoisation.  I feel like supporting secure boot is similar.

By this, I am not trying to defend hardware vendors who lock the owners
of the hardware out of installing software of their choice, only
contending that Debian signing its software doesn't create that problem.

One could argue that we should refuse to ever sign anything on the grounds
that it makes it possible to use Debian with hardware that requires
signatures, and we should be boycotting such hardware.  And indeed I
wouldn't be surprised to see an FSF distribution take such a stance.  But
I think that would be incompatible with our project choice to allow our
users to run Debian on non-free hardware and leave that choice up to the
user.  (I also don't think this would be useful from a tactical
standpoint; vendors making such locked-down hardware don't care whether
Debian runs on it.)

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Should libpam-elogind Provide libpam-systemd ?

2018-11-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Adam Borowski  writes:

> Conflicts would greatly simplify packaging, but I'm afraid we need
> coinstallability at least for upgrades.  With d-i installing systemd,
> the user needs to be able to switch to sysvinit -- and, horrors, some
> might want to go the other way.

> It'd be damage to allow two loginds running at the same time, thus what
> about:
> * the "systemd" package starts its logind only if systemd is pid 1
> * elogind starts its logind only if pid 1 is not systemd

I may be missing some complexity here, but it feels as if there should be
a PAM module that determines which logind is running and then dispatches
the PAM calls to the appropriate module for the running logind.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: no{thing} build profiles

2018-10-25 Thread Russ Allbery
The Wanderer  writes:
> On 2018-10-25 at 20:00, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> The Depends field should be used if the depended-on package is
>> required for the depending package to provide a significant amount of
>> functionality.

> This does not actually seem to conflict with the "would be found
> together in all but unusual installations" definition for Recommends; in
> a case where the depending package can still provide meaningful
> functionality without the depended-on package, but will miss "a
> significant amount of functionality" if the latter package is not
> present, both definitions would seem equally applicable.

I don't know why you would expect otherwise?  That seems entirely natural
and expected given that Depends is a stronger relationship than
Recommends, and therefore is naturally a subset of the things that would
qualify as Recommends.

You choose the strongest relationship that is applicable.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: no{thing} build profiles

2018-10-25 Thread Russ Allbery
Marvin Renich  writes:

> I certainly agree with you that 99.9% is clearly a wrong number for
> this.  However I disagree that even 0.1% justifies using a different
> definition for Recommends than policy gives.

libgpgme11 is not doing that.  The library is literally unusable for its
actual technical purpose without gnupg installed, which clearly meets the
definition of Depends in Debian Policy:

The Depends field should be used if the depended-on package is
required for the depending package to provide a significant amount of

There is absolutely no question that gnupg is required for libgpgme11 to
provide a significant amount of functionality, given that the library can
do essentially nothing other than generate error messages if gnupg is not

Now, there is *also* an interesting argument in this thread that we should
consider the usability of programs linked against a shared library for
optional features sufficiently strongly to warrant demoting dependencies
of shared libraries to Recommends.  There is some support for this given
the special nature of shared libraries and the interaction between their
dependencies and the Debian practice of linking with shared libraries for
all optional features.  We can have (and are having) a debate over whether
we should *amend* the rule about dependencies to single out shared
libraries for special treatment due to that property.

But I think it's simply incorrect to say that libgpgme11 is in any way
doing something wrong given what Policy says right now.  This *clearly*
meets the definition of Depends as currently stated in Policy.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: no{thing} build profiles

2018-10-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson  writes:
> Russ Allbery writes ("Re: no{thing} build profiles"):

>> Minimal installation size is *not* the only goal here.  Ease of use and
>> lack of surprise is important to.  Personally, I'd much rather have
>> numerous unused packages installed than to have something break in an
>> opaque way when I try to use it, even if I'm unlikely to need to use
>> it.

> I would note that none of this is an argument against demoting this
> dependency to a Recommends.

It is *an* argument, but definitely not as strong of an argument.

I'm pretty strongly opposed to Suggests here.  I think that's simply
wrong.  Recommends is a trickier question, and I can see the case for
asking shared libraries to use Recommends instead of Depends for cases
like this, even if it makes the library essentially non-functional.  I'm
not sure I'm convinced, but there's definitely a strong case, particularly
in cases like gnupg where the package is of non-trivial size.

The primary thing that gives me pause is the error handling.  It needs to
be *really obvious* to the user what to do to make the optional
functionality work if the required package was removed for some reason
(and remember that can be for reasons other than disabling Recommends,
which I agree is an advanced configuration; Recommends aren't enforced
across all conflicting package scenarios), and I'm concerned that shared
libraries throwing some API error is not going to bubble up to the user in
any useful way.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: no{thing} build profiles

2018-10-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Adam Borowski  writes:

> Thus, I'd re-propose a Policy change that was mentioned in multiple
> threads in the past:

> "A runtime library should not Depend: or Recommend: on any packages than
> other libraries or dormant data, unless the library or its programming
> language provides a convenient scheme for it being loaded only
> optionally.  Any such dependencies should be declared by programs linked
> against such a library."

I think the prerequisite for making a change like this would be for the
library to be able to surface this transitive requirement in metadata so
that debhelper could support automatically adding it to the dependencies
of all linked programs (and I'm not sure that sort of collapse of our
dependency structure is a good idea).

Otherwise, if a user does want to use the functionality that GnuPG
provides but doesn't have gnupg installed since it's been relegated to a
Suggests, do they have much hope of figuring out what's wrong and how to
fix it?  Or will the package just look broken?

Minimal installation size is *not* the only goal here.  Ease of use and
lack of surprise is important to.  Personally, I'd much rather have
numerous unused packages installed than to have something break in an
opaque way when I try to use it, even if I'm unlikely to need to use it.
This is particularly the case when the additional packages don't do things
like run services or (much) increase the attack surface.

Personally, I think people in this thread are too worried about trying to
remove as many packages from their system as possible and not worried
enough about a straightforward user experience.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support

2018-10-17 Thread Russ Allbery
Paul Wise  writes:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 5:24 AM Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Timer units are also a more complicated problem since they're not a
>> superset of cron behavior.  They do some things better than cron jobs;
>> they do other things much *worse* than cron jobs.  I have cron jobs
>> that I wanted to convert to timer units and discovered I couldn't
>> because timers simply wouldn't work for what I was trying to do.

> Could you give some examples of the issues you discovered with systemd
> timers?

> BTW, we have in systemd-cron a tool for generating systemd units from
> crontab/etc.

MAILTO was the main thing that I remember missing in terms of pure

The other problem I can recall wasn't functionality, but was ease of use:
a timer unit can only trigger a service unit, and service units aren't
suitable for doing arbitrary shell scripting.  Here, this wasn't for
packaging but was instead as a local system administrator.  I have a lot
of cases where I drop a simple 20-line shell script into /etc/cron.daily
that has some logic intermixed with variables that list things like, say,
directories to back up to another host.  I looked at replacing that with a
timer unit, just as an experiment, but I would have had to write the timer
unit to control the timing, a separate exec unit that specifies what
command to run, and then put the shell script into yet a third file (with
no particularly obvious location for the local system administrator).
Since I don't like using /usr/local/bin for such things, I'd probably end
up extracting configuration from the script, sticking the script in a
local Debian package, and installing the configuration separately.  I now
have four different files just to replace a single file dropped into a

Admittedly, this was to replace something run from cron.daily, and maybe
the solution there (if one is considering a system that doesn't need a
separate cron daemon, which in theory should be possible if one wanted to
do it although not necessary of course) would be to have a single timer
unit that uses run-parts the way that cron runs cron.daily.  Timer units
were a closer match for cron.d, although I'm still missing MAILTO.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support

2018-10-17 Thread Russ Allbery
Philipp Kern  writes:
> On 17.10.2018 06:52, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I think a package of a daemon that does not inherently require any
>> systemd-specific features and would work straightforwardly with
>> sysvinit, but has only a systemd unit file and no init script, is not
>> only buggy but RC-buggy.  That's what Policy currently says.

> And it would not be buggy if it does not ship any init integration or
> relies on a non-init service supervision system like runit. (The crux
> being that systemd is not modular to be run that way and not portable.)

No, I think that's also buggy.  If it's a daemon that should be started at
boot and it doesn't include init integration, I think that's an obvious
bug.  It's very hard to write a Policy rule that says this, since it's
more of a common sense sort of bug.

> You say "more than adequate". I don't particularly see it as providing a
> solid system as you don't get restart on failure. Now I can see how
> people say that this is not a problem as daemons should not crash in the
> first place. Maybe I just value reliability of service more highly than
> being woken up at night being told that my service is unreliable.

My point is that sysvinit is a non-default configuration and it's
reasonable to expect that it may be missing some features or robustness.
If you have the time and resources to put into equaling the robustness
that you would get under systemd, that's great, but sysvinit is much more
of a fire-and-forget system and is known to in general not have that
robustness property.  sysvinit users who care will run something like
monit that watches health externally and takes appropriate action.

I think every packager owes it to the social fabric of the project to make
the effort to provide a basic init script, in the same way that we do
basic porting to other architectures and investigate build failures.
There is some point, which is subjective, beyond which I think it's
reasonable to ask someone who cares about sysvinit to do more complicated
work, but I think a basic init script tested under systemd's init support
is a reasonable request.

My personal concern is more about the social community of the project than
about the technical details.  I consider providing an init script even if
I don't personally use sysvinit to be extending the hand of community and
solidarity to other Debian community members who use it.  To say to them
that their concerns have been heard and supported, even if I don't agree
with their concerns.  Personally, I find that extremely important, a
principle that's as important as the technical quality bar we try to reach
in our packages.

> Is a possible answer here to ship an init script and then provide
> additional supervision options using override files - to enhance
> whatever is provided by the sysv generator?

I personally would tend to maintain separate init and systemd unit files
and only lightly test the init script unless I knew there was something
tricky going on, but this answer varies based on the complexity of the

> This statement also does not address a daemon that only runs through
> socket activation - passing an fd to the daemon. But I don't have any
> example handy and this might be a strawman argument. Except that I could
> see that for simplicity newer daemons might be written in this way as it
> does cut a significant amount of socket handling code.

Yes, at the point where we have an upstream daemon that was written
explicitly for use with systemd in that fashion, I think that turns into a
different sort of question.  This is now more akin to porting, and that's
a different bar.  I don't think we can place hard requirements on what a
maintainer chooses to do here, other than asking for them to take patches
from porters if those are offered.

> To some degree I regret that we cannot provide a fully integrated
> distribution by mandating that the core layers (be it kernels or init
> systems) can be switched out. systemd still supports init scripts but on
> the other side there's pretty much complete stagnation with the onus on
> the systemd maintainers to keep things working. There could as well have
> been an effort to support a subset of the unit language for sysvinit.

I do completely agree with the general thrust of this thread: sysvinit
needs an active maintenance team, and without that work, it will
eventually die.  There's a limit to how much people who don't use it
should feel obligated to keep it working.  Hopefully those who do use it
will be able to find the resources to support and improve it (and indeed
being able to support the unit *syntax* would be a huge step towards
making sysvinit support in Debian more robust).

> I suppose one answer would be a cron generator. Given that policy
> specifies naming schemes for /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,d},
> there could proba

Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support

2018-10-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Philipp Kern  writes:

> I don't understand. If I submit a merge request to the maintainer, it's
> on me to test what I submit actually works. So if I add stuff for a
> completely different init system I have to test it. The question is: Is
> the package buggy if it does not contain an init script but a systemd
> unit and it seems to be the case. Note that there are a *lot* of useful
> options in a systemd unit that would need emulation to make properly
> work with sysvinit.

I think a package of a daemon that does not inherently require any
systemd-specific features and would work straightforwardly with sysvinit,
but has only a systemd unit file and no init script, is not only buggy but
RC-buggy.  That's what Policy currently says.

It is quite easy to write a sysvinit init script for most daemons that
will basically work.  I don't think the maintainer is obligated to do much
more than that (for instance, I don't think you need to try to duplicate
systemd hardening configuration or other features that are quite
challenging to do under sysvinit without more tool support, although some
of that may be coming in start-stop-daemon).

I don't think it's reasonable to expect every Debian maintainer to have a
system booted into sysvinit to test the init script, since that can be
quite an undertaking if one isn't using sysvinit normally, but thankfully
you don't need to do that to test the init script.  Just delete the unit
file and then test the init script with systemd.  For nearly all daemons
that don't involve tight system integration, this will be more than

If you want to do more than the minimum and try to replicate more unit
file features in the init script, that's great, but I think it's also
reasonable to not do so and wait for sysvinit users to file bugs.  But I
do think it's a key and important part of our general project-wide
compromise that maintainers of packages that include daemons continue to
do the reasonable minimum to keep those daemons basically working with
other init systems, until such time as the project as a whole decides that
sysvinit support should not be maintained.

> It'd need to run much more often (every 15 minutes). So cron.daily
> wouldn't fit. For the sake of the argument it'd need to be a shell
> script that checks multiple conditions (see [1]). And we currently don't
> have timer/cron deduplication, unfortunately. That means it'd also need
> to disable itself on systemd systems (but of course cron would still
> invoke the script periodically). Similarly - as a more general remark -
> having it as a cronjob doesn't let you monitor it in quite the same way.

I think we should solve the problem of timer/cron de-duplication before
opening the door to timer units.  I agree that timer units would be a very
valuable addition to a lot of packages, but timer/cron de-duplication
feels like an entirely tractable problem that's useful to resolve in its
own right.  Maybe we can just do that?

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bug#906183: Dependency change and upgrade

2018-09-25 Thread Russ Allbery
"Devarajulu, Mohanasundaram"  writes:

> There are few reasons why I believe upgrade does not bring in entirely
> new packages by default when dependencies are changed.

IIRC there's a difference here between "apt-get upgrade" and "apt
upgrade".  The latter is equivalent to "apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade",
I believe.

apt(8) says:

   upgrade (apt-get(8))
   upgrade is used to install available upgrades of all packages
   currently installed on the system from the sources configured via
   sources.list(5). New packages will be installed if required to
   satisfy dependencies, but existing packages will never be removed.
   If an upgrade for a package requires the remove of an installed
   package the upgrade for this package isn't performed.

In general, I recommend to any new Debian user that they use apt instead
of apt-get as their normal interaction mechanism with the package system.
Sometimes the other tools are useful for getting more specific behavior,
but the defaults of apt seem well-tuned for the typical user and typical
use cases.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bumping epoch and reusing package name "elisa"

2018-09-25 Thread Russ Allbery
Marc Haber  writes:

> Why do we have them then, and why do we keep tightening up Policy in a
> way that we'd better write "don't use epochs, they're evil"?

The original Policy documentation of why we have epochs (which I think has
been essentially unchanged forever) is:

Note that the purpose of epochs is to allow us to leave behind
mistakes in version numbering, and to cope with situations where the
version numbering scheme changes. It is *not* intended to cope with
version numbers containing strings of letters which the package
management system cannot interpret (such as ``ALPHA`` or ``pre-``), or
with silly orderings.

I think the canonical example is a package that was using version numbers
like 20180925 and then switches to semver 1.0 versions.  (Policy
recommends always using 0.0.20180925 as the version for packages versioned
by date for exactly this reason, but if someone didn't notice that and
uploads the package using date versions for a while, epochs are our only
way to convert to upstream's versioning system shy of renaming all the

That said, it feels like the general sentiment in the project has turned
quite strongly against epochs.  When I first got involved in Debian, it
was common to use epochs whenever we had to package an older version of
upstream for some reason, but my impression is that this has fallen out of
favor.  That reduces the use of epochs considerably.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bumping epoch and reusing package name "elisa"

2018-09-24 Thread Russ Allbery
Christoph Biedl  writes:

> For me this concern is about asking upstream for a change that is caused
> by something more or less Debian-internal - although other distributions
> might have that issue as well. So it should rather be handled inside
> Debian.

> And I subscribe to that position.

Upstreams are going to vary a lot here.  For example, I as upstream would
be happy to bump a version number for a similar problem in Red Hat, since
meh, I don't attach a ton of significance to version numbers anyway as
long as they go up and vaguely follow semver.  (The only thing that would
give me pause is going from a 0.x to a 1.x version number, since that
carries some more semantic weight.)  But I could see some people being
irritated by the request.

I think there's no substitute for knowing upstream and having a feel for
how they'd react.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bumping epoch and reusing package name "elisa"

2018-09-24 Thread Russ Allbery
Andrey Rahmatullin  writes:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 09:21:14AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> apt is going to have no idea what to do for a system that already has
>> the previous package installed.

> This is not a problem as upgrading to an unrelated software is not
> something that we should care about.

I agree it's probably not going to cause problems in practice in this case
(ironically, it's probably worse for the new software to have a higher
version in terms of unexpected apt behavior), but it's still breaking
apt's version model, and I'm not sure I can think through all the

Ideally, we would never reuse the name of a binary package for some
unrelated piece of software, although I know that's not realistic in the
real world.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bumping epoch and reusing package name "elisa"

2018-09-24 Thread Russ Allbery
Andrey Rahmatullin  writes:
> On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 10:53:04PM +0200, Aurélien COUDERC wrote:

>> FTP masters rejected the upload of the new elisa 0.2.1-1 as the package
>> has a lower version than the former Elisa project and they proposed
>> bumping the epoch and reusing the name.

> I don't find this reasonable to be honest.
> Unless it has some other reasons than just "lower version".

This causes a ton of headaches for the archive software.  IIRC, I believe
dak is rather unhappy about version numbers going backwards, and of course
apt is going to have no idea what to do for a system that already has the
previous package installed.  Consider also systems like and what they have to do to deal with this.

It's basically a whole bunch of pain that can be relatively easily avoided
and probably isn't worth chasing in every piece of software.  Version
numbers should be monotonically increasing, and I think it's reasonable
for a lot of software to bake in the assumption that's the case.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Limiting the size of installed changelogs

2018-09-13 Thread Russ Allbery
Ben Hutchings  writes:

> - A large part of the changelog is listing the changes in upstream
> stable updates.  These are mostly important changes, and we already try
> to leave out those that are clearly irrelevant to Debian.  Should we
> continue to include these, or limit to those that address CVEs or Debian
> bug reports?

For the record, I've found these curated summaries of the upstream changes
*incredibly* helpful more times than I can count.  So I'd love to see
these continue to be available somewhere.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Updating the policy for conflicting binaries names ? [was: Re: Re: New package netgen-lvs with binary /usr/bin/netgen - already taken]

2018-09-12 Thread Russ Allbery
Adrian Bunk  writes:

> I thought this would would have been less offensive than the normal
> "This is a lie." when a statement is the exact opposite of the
> truth (compare [1] with the claim "no upstream release since 2013"), 
> but as non-native speaker I accept your explanation that I was wrong
> on that.

"I don't think this is correct" is a less confrontational way of phrasing
this that assumes the other person is writing in good faith and just made
a mistake, as opposed to maliciously attempted to deceive people, which is
what both your original phrasing and "this is a lie" (unintentionally, I
assume) implied.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Updating the policy for conflicting binaries names ? [was: Re: Re: New package netgen-lvs with binary /usr/bin/netgen - already taken]

2018-09-09 Thread Russ Allbery
Paride Legovini  writes:

> It would certainly work, but as you say it is still irritating. I like
> the idea of putting the binaries in a different directory *and*
> providing a "name compatibility package", as it has been already
> suggested. This package would provide the symlinks in /usr/bin and set
> the needed Conflicts. In this way we allow both packages to be installed
> at the same time while leaving the users enough freedom to chose what to
> have in their PATH.

Oh, hm, yes, I rather like this idea too, particularly combined with
putting those symlink packages in their own namespace (and maybe their own

Maybe this is overkill for the relatively small number of these packages
we run into, but it provides some basis for writing more interesting
tools.  For example, if we could standardize an alternatives-style way of
selecting between various packages providing the same binary names, we
could provide user tools that would let individual users select which one
to prefer by updating their own PATH.

I agree that we're likely to see more of this problem as the overall
universe of software available and has been packaged continues to expand,
and not all of the problems have relatively easy solutions.

(Node, which came up elsewhere in this thread, was a particularly
challenging problem because it was an interpreter and had to be referenced
in #! lines.  Hopefully we won't have that specific problem frequently.)

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Updating the policy for conflicting binaries names ? [was: Re: Re: New package netgen-lvs with binary /usr/bin/netgen - already taken]

2018-09-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Paride Legovini  writes:

> However, there are clearly cases where renaming binaries makes several
> people unhappy (most likely: the package maintainers, upstream, people
> writing scripts, users of different distributions), while not making a
> single user happier. This is especially true with low popcon packages
> with a small use case intersection.

If the packages conflict, though, this is extremely unfriendly to the
users who do want to use both packages.  They cannot use both packages on
the same OS installation, and have to resort to chroots or VMs or
containers, which is a lot of extra complexity.  I'm therefore in favor of
keeping Policy's prohibition on using Conflicts for this case; maybe a
combination of two packages will get lucky and there will be literally no
users who want to use both at the same time, but it's very hard to tell
when that's the case and the failure mode is ugly.

I kind of like the solution of putting the binaries in a different
directory.  This is also a little irritating, since users have to add an
additional directory to their PATH, but they only have to do that once and
it works consistently going forward, and they can still use the other

It's not totally unheard of to have to modify PATH to use a package,
particularly one that wants to use a bunch of very generic command names.
That was always the official way to use MH, for example.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted krb5-strength 3.1-2 (source) into unstable

2018-08-31 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:07:43 -0700
Source: krb5-strength
Binary: krb5-strength
Architecture: source
Version: 3.1-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 krb5-strength - Password strength checking for Kerberos KDCs
 krb5-strength (3.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update standards version to 4.2.1.
 - Enable verbose test output.
 - Install the upstream release notes as NEWS.gz, not changelog.gz.
 - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
 - Use https for URLs in debian/copyright.
 - Change priority to optional.
   * Update to debhelper compatibility levl V11.
   * Bump debian/watch version to 4 and use https.
   * Add upstream-vcs-tag configuration to debian/gbp.conf.
   * Remove obsolete debian/source/options that was forcing the compression
 format to xz (now the default).
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
 4b2a90dbbe10fb7b40ef93d054912987f8cbefbf 2049 krb5-strength_3.1-2.dsc
 af88124e6038acc3b5ba09019c248d07744956ce 15500 
 6e38492ce5877c7a428ee7baa3afb02bdb520ef1296ae351d777eef1d907f0ad 2049 
 6d5aa5a461ce711a671a8fb8a9b9ba8e9be214bec0d66e3d488be89f393ae205 15500 
 5dffe29a8b0c82a3912fa86094d6d378 2049 net optional krb5-strength_3.1-2.dsc
 6363dc0a973abbcdf327563f8ae3d274 15500 net optional 



Accepted xfonts-jmk 3.0-22 (source) into unstable

2018-08-31 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 15:52:25 -0700
Source: xfonts-jmk
Binary: xfonts-jmk
Architecture: source
Version: 3.0-22
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 xfonts-jmk - Jim Knoble's character-cell fonts for X
Closes: 802389 901123
 xfonts-jmk (3.0-22) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Add eight missing runic letters to neep (10x20 and 6x13), thanks to
 Ben Wong.  (Closes: #901123)
   * Convert to the dgit-maint-merge(7) package workflow.
 - Remove all build output files from the source package.  I previously
   avoided this since it will create a large Debian patch, but better
   to optimize simplicity of workflow than the size of still-tiny
   archive artifacts.
 - Add include-removal to debian/source/options.
 - Remove debian/source/local-options and local-patch-header.
 - Create debian/gbp.conf from dgit-maint-merge(7) but enable
   pristine-tar, since the package was already using it.
 - Add single-debian-patch and auto-commit to debian/source/options.
 - Add a slightly modified version of the default patch header.
   * Use a placeholder file to ensure neep/ascii exists consistently in all
 representations of the source package even though its contents are
 otherwise removed by debian/rules clean, since it contains only
 generated files.
   * Use /bin/echo in modd/Makefile.modd to support -n and -ne regardless
 of shell, allowing the modd fonts to be rebuilt during package build.
   * Remove modd fonts and makefile machinery on debian/rules clean.
   * Remove neep/fragments/neep-post-ampersand-05x11-bold.bdf.orig from the
 source package, dropping a dh_clean override that preserved it.  This
 file was previously preserved since it's in the upstream tarball
 release, but since I'm cleaning up the source package by removing
 generated files anyway, remove this additional special case at the
 cost of slightly bloating the Debian diff.
   * Change Homepage, debian/watch, and, in debian/copyright, Source to the
 mirror of the now-defunct original upstream web site maintained by Nik
 Nyby.  (Closes: #802389)
   * Add Multi-Arch: foreign.
   * Override INSTDATFLAGS during install to avoid making installed font
 files read-only and then breaking dh_strip_nondeterminism.
   * Change package short description to use "Jim Knoble" rather than
 "James M. Knoble," matching upstream's LSM entry and spec file (and
 also removing a Lintian false positive).
   * Update standards version to 4.2.1.
 - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
 4e0d48778dcaea316057f249d5e31b1eefe61d25 1627 xfonts-jmk_3.0-22.dsc
 f3715140a664a917be08290f97259a75bc34ef77 192080 xfonts-jmk_3.0-22.debian.tar.xz
 947e4478749149f51f7fa56411580f70b9256f375ac87907e66bc14940459944 1627 
 dff9baa6cbc986270506aee40b4972422062e8dbcb1ba274f88189a6da551fd9 192080 
 6d88575cf533748d06280522856795af 1627 fonts optional xfonts-jmk_3.0-22.dsc
 f49823e8d8a065b0552e31257083bdfc 192080 fonts optional 



Accepted libpam-krb5 4.8-2 (source) into unstable

2018-08-31 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 10:57:00 -0700
Source: libpam-krb5
Binary: libpam-krb5 libpam-heimdal
Architecture: source
Version: 4.8-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 libpam-heimdal - PAM module for Heimdal Kerberos
 libpam-krb5 - PAM module for MIT Kerberos
 libpam-krb5 (4.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Move canonical packaging repository to
   * Update standards version to 4.2.1.
 - Enable verbose test output.
 - Install the upstream release notes as NEWS.gz, not changelog.gz.
 - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
   * Add upstream release tag pattern to debian/gbp.conf.
   * Bump watch file version to 4.
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
 a62f08ede6c0ba06beea70903188496f1537b3c2 2050 libpam-krb5_4.8-2.dsc
 ca146dc25c972124ac353037055eaf350b173295 25388 libpam-krb5_4.8-2.debian.tar.xz
 f0a29e20858a926f77f41ae3557966fa458708d54a675a6bef12a048a0ddf792 2050 
 cfec8f962d3b979ab80f026d87ee261507e36ef14a0114e27b182d1e288f3cf5 25388 
 9fdf7f5ba492dcb4ef0a78d66aea2035 2050 admin optional libpam-krb5_4.8-2.dsc
 9af3df195f01f40a53e8c0cb47f0e48d 25388 admin optional 



Accepted krb5-sync 3.1-2 (source) into unstable

2018-08-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 18:17:15 -0700
Source: krb5-sync
Binary: krb5-sync-plugin krb5-sync-tools
Architecture: source
Version: 3.1-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian QA Group 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 krb5-sync-plugin - MIT Kerberos Active Directory synchronization plugin
 krb5-sync-tools - Kerberos Active Directory synchronization tools
 krb5-sync (3.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Orphan the package (see #907366).
   * Move packaging repository to
   * Update to debhelper compatibility level V11.
 - Remove --parallel flags, no longer needed.
 - Remove dh-autoreconf dependency and sequence, no longer needed.
   * Update to standards version 4.2.1.
 - Enable verbose test output.
 - Install the upstream release notes as NEWS.gz, not changelog.gz.
 - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
 - Use https for URLs in debian/control and debian/copyright.
 - Change priority to optional.
   * Remove old Breaks and Replaces against krb5-sync.
   * Remove versioned dependency constraints satisfied by oldstable.
   * Bump watch file version to 4 and use https for URL.
   * Switch to the DEP-14 branch layout and update debian/gbp.conf and
 Vcs-Git accordingly.
   * Remove debian/source/local-options and local-patch-header and switch
 to normal patch management.
   * Remove debian/source/options configuration to force xz compression,
 which is now the default.
   * Remove debian/rules override to force xz compression of the binary
 package, since this is now the default.
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
   * Run wrap-and-sort -ast.
 d56ea878af1c77b929cfeda1151277f995f178e8 1856 krb5-sync_3.1-2.dsc
 59d87b9a1c26ca952d4b99c62b22ea228be42122 17256 krb5-sync_3.1-2.debian.tar.xz
 8e9a5840c1c1162378d0cf3d341bd99e08d3836e3d3b95c202374406b5b4cd97 1856 
 5b51eb854c335138beaca281a3ffa2d44a6a649f23ffa9beecd25ab8f3c86689 17256 
 28df1c1b2e5a018707f0e8e4f54c518c 1856 net optional krb5-sync_3.1-2.dsc
 900252c9be0e5a6968a917b7cc1fbbcd 17256 net optional 



Accepted libpam-afs-session 2.6-2 (source) into unstable

2018-08-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 16:11:10 -0700
Source: libpam-afs-session
Binary: libpam-afs-session
Architecture: source
Version: 2.6-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian QA Group 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 libpam-afs-session - PAM module to set up a PAG and obtain AFS tokens
 libpam-afs-session (2.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Orphan the package (see #907361).
   * Move the packaging repository to Salsa from Alioth and update Vcs-*.
   * Update to debhelper compatibility level V11.
 - Remove --parallel flags, no longer needed.
 - Remove dh-autoreconf dependency and sequence, no longer needed.
   * Update standards version to 4.2.1.
 - Enable verbose test output.
 - Install the upstream release notes as NEWS.gz, not changelog.gz.
 - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
 - Use https for URLs in debian/control and debian/copyright.
   * Delete debian/source/local-options and local-patch-header and use
 standard patch handling.
   * Remove debian/source/options forcing xz compression, since this is now
 the default.
   * Bump watch file version to 4 and use https for URL.
   * Remove version qualifications on libpam-runtime and libpam0g
 dependencies, which were older than oldoldstable.
   * Switch to the DEP-14 branch layout and update debian/gbp.conf
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
   * Run wrap-and-sort -ast.
 aa7fd5a47bbdba6bafe32de9fe3adb18890d3b90 1805 libpam-afs-session_2.6-2.dsc
 bb0fd10a102f07405bab3c65cc353d4e728e4adf 16212 
 8f7a3fc3fd0e2473638d8de67aeb08b521baae6e0d3beb062b767d1433aba713 1805 
 54113dcbf9b81968f987ed51bcc5ba3c2f5db137be8384a52ad3263a07756894 16212 
 8f11256f47f9ffbd51377230f5d9d38b 1805 admin optional 
 27d564929d16500d2d519a4625372166 16212 admin optional 



Accepted gnubg 1.06.002-1 (source) into unstable

2018-08-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 15:02:10 -0700
Source: gnubg
Binary: gnubg gnubg-data
Architecture: source
Version: 1.06.002-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 gnubg  - graphical or console backgammon program with analysis
 gnubg-data - data files for GNU Backgammon
 gnubg (1.06.002-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
 - Fix cube value when clicking on a chequers tray in edit mode.
   * Add Suggests on sensible-utils, since sensible-browser is used to
 launch an external browser to report an upstream bug if wanted.
   * Remove Suggests of kbackgammon, which is no longer in Debian.
   * Determine override of __DATE__ macro from SOURCE_EPOCH_DATE via
 /usr/share/dpkg/ and post-processing with the date command
 rather than parsing the output of dpkg-parsechangelog.
   * Update to standards version to 4.2.1 (no changes required).
 4550aac7b81cdf27ed3d3e21964ea453c0278aa1 1968 gnubg_1.06.002-1.dsc
 1f415ab7eb4e308833fe4fd9b9556998261af423 13163681 gnubg_1.06.002.orig.tar.gz
 9a15305cd28d55019ef47427a5ee19e27739d0f9 24576 gnubg_1.06.002-1.debian.tar.xz
 2332549bb7dba970504eb7079b34fd51391cde4a541cbffceade8e6b4e73a29d 1968 
 ce1b0b0c1900717cc598032a14cf8c0ee60faf24d84368b39922c0102983bc87 13163681 
 d0785e74161d2f4fd2d1ce522d23d720a15a19bddd976b490cb3bd22a653540c 24576 
 dd297e4136d3ed6e5db7f721423bcf46 1968 games optional gnubg_1.06.002-1.dsc
 d3823526d5c503a961024d761adefd5e 13163681 games optional 
 04d13595ec2845216aa7e7341a9acd9d 24576 games optional 



Accepted kstart 4.2-2 (source) into unstable

2018-08-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 13:34:55 -0700
Source: kstart
Binary: kstart
Architecture: source
Version: 4.2-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery 
Changed-By: Russ Allbery 
 kstart - Kerberos kinit supporting AFS and ticket refreshing
 kstart (4.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update to debhelper compatibility level V11.
 - Remove --parallel flags, no longer needed.
 - Remove dh-autoreconf dependency and sequence, no longer needed.
   * Update standards version to 4.2.1.
 - Enable verbose test output.
 - Install the upstream release notes as NEWS.gz, not changelog.gz.
 - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
 - Use https for URLs in debian/control and debian/copyright.
   * Bump watch file version to 4 and use https for URL.
   * Switch to the DEP-14 branch layout and update debian/gbp.conf and
 Vcs-Git accordingly.
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
   * Run wrap-and-sort -ast.
 83e36dafb59590b02763b59aa464c7680c522901 1616 kstart_4.2-2.dsc
 dc6669b30f0fb0b476045f4f60a8e44e34ddaae9 15196 kstart_4.2-2.debian.tar.xz
 f438e616f075ba1b8303700f05a0505c9467e56f0c6f6023bb6b97889be29dae 1616 
 8668a52e82b340304c1db5c0c34a3567c36b5ea53c7a1fe9de398f1f5e07d657 15196 
 cb599a01d30523e994cd4b9a91d1ceaa 1616 net optional kstart_4.2-2.dsc
 1773c383b733ad0bd37d525b57be7360 15196 net optional kstart_4.2-2.debian.tar.xz



Re: Debian 9.5 Installer

2018-08-11 Thread Russ Allbery
Carl-Valentin Schmitt  writes:

> Apparently the installer compels each time before Installation to delete
> hard disk too slowly.

> It should be optional to delete (slowly) the harddisk or to format
> harddisk quickly.

> In 9.5 installer there is no option for formatting without deleting.

You can just cancel that step and move on.  (But I am also dubious of its
utility in most situations, and wish it weren't the default or that at
least one was given a prompt first.)

I think a better place to file this issue is as a bug report against
debian-installer (and I suspect there may already be one).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?

2018-07-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Dmitry Smirnov  writes:

> With all due respect, you did not research the matter enough and neither
> am I... Just as I was checking online dictionaries to see if I've missed
> something as terrible as you say, I've found that "boob" is a reference
> to "embarrassing mistake" or "foolish or stupid person".  Evidence
> suggests that "weboob" may be semantically interpreted as word play
> around something entirely non sexual.


This attempt to manufacture excuses for upstream is absurd.

There is a ton of context here, both from the imagery on the upstream web
site and the other program names in the package.  It's completely obvious
that the word "boob" is referring to female anatomy, and the rest of the
package is an extended riff on that joke.

You can certainly disagree about how important that is or what impact it
might have, but let's at least be honest about the obvious intent.  Not
the slightest hint of mind reading is required.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bug#903815: ITP: pw -- A simple command-line password manager

2018-07-18 Thread Russ Allbery
Tollef Fog Heen  writes:

> Assuming it's small enough, using a pipe (or possibly a FIFO) could
> work.  That's kernel memory and iirc it won't be swapped out.  (I'm
> happy to be corrected on this, I'm basing it on what I've heard before
> and my recollection of it.)

There's a Kerberos ticket cache implementation (still a non-standard one,
though) that uses this mechanism since it even works across processes if
one is careful.  It's a really interesting trick, although it has a few

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Concerns to software freedom when packaging deep-learning based appications.

2018-07-12 Thread Russ Allbery
Russell Stuart  writes:

> Apart from the "non-human" intelligence bit none of this is different to
> what we _already_ accept into Debian.  It's very unlikely I could have
> sensible contributions to the game engines of the best chess, backgammon
> or Go programs Debian has now.

For what it's worth, the backgammon engine in Debian now (GNU Backgammon,
which I package as gnubg) uses a trained neural network that was
constructed in much the way that you describe (training the network by
playing it against itself for substantial amounts of time).  It's been in
Debian for many years, long before I packaged it.

I think it's the preferred form of modification in this case because
upstream does not have, so far as I know, any special data set or
additional information or resources beyond what's included in the source
package.  They would make any changes exactly the same way any user of the
package would: instantiating the net and further training it, or starting
over and training a new network.

That may have been a better example to ask about than my scientific data

(For those who are curious, this is the file gnubg.weights in the gnubg
source package.)

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Concerns to software freedom when packaging deep-learning based appications.

2018-07-12 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson  writes:

> Taking a step back: the point of this exercise is to preserve user
> freedom.  That is, a user should be able to make their computer serve
> their interests, and should not be subordinated to upstreams (nor to
> Debian or to one of our derivatives0.

> A user who uses NASA's tables for astronomical data is not subordinated
> to NASA.  If for any reason they don't agree with NASA's views on the
> orbits of planets or whatever, then they can put in their own figures.


> Compare neural networks: a user who uses a pre-trained neural network is
> subordinated to the people who prepared its training data and set up the
> training runs.

> If the user does not like the results given by the neural network, it is
> not sensibly possible to diagnose and remedy the problem by modifying
> the weighting tables directly.  The user is rendered helpless.

This is a great argument.  I'm convinced.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Concerns to software freedom when packaging deep-learning based appications.

2018-07-12 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson  writes:
> Lumin writes:

>>  1. Is GPL-licended pretrained neural network REALLY FREE? Is it really
>> DFSG-compatible?

> No.  No.

> Things in Debian main shoudl be buildable *from source* using Debian
> main.  In the case of a pretrained neural network, the source code is
> the training data.

> In fact, they are probably not redistributable unless all the training
> data is supplied, since the GPL's definition of "source code" is the
> "preferred form for modification".  For a pretrained neural network
> that is the training data.

I'm not sure I disagree, but I think it's worth poking at this a bit and
seeing if it holds up in extension by analogy to other precomputed data.

Suppose that NASA releases a database of features of astronomical objects,
described as a bunch numeric parameters.  Suppose that database is
released in the public domain or some other obviously free license
allowing use, derivative works, and everything else we expect.  However,
suppose that data is derived (using significant computational resources
and analysis code) from huge databases of observational data.  Suppose
that observational data is *largely* released, but it's not at all clear
what pieces were used to build the database of features, and the code to
do so wasn't released alongside the database.

Is that database DFSG-compatible and something we could package?

(I could see a possible argument that it is but a neural network still
isn't if we think about the NASA database as facts about the physical
world, however derived, and the neural network as a program.  But I think
that's an interestingly murky distinction.)

Similar analogies may come up with databases about genome sequences.  For
a lot of scientific data, reproducing a result data set is not trivial and
the concept of "source" is pretty murky.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: get-orig-source and standardized source repacking (was: Debian Policy released)

2018-07-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Andreas Tille  writes:

> My main point is that README.source is just text and no code that I can
> run and test.  That's different from my proposal.

I can definitely see the merits of clear automation the process of
transforming an upstream release into a tarball usable for Debian
packaging (with the caveat that like all packaging it may require
modification for a new upstream release).

get-orig-source was not that, partly because it was originally
underspecified and partly because people used it inconsistently to solve
two subtlely but significantly different problems (as Bill pointed out).
As a result, the get-orig-source targets in the archive are a mixed bag
and are not reliably (or, and I think this is important, testably) usable
for that purpose.

Reintroducing the same target with the same name but with a stricter
definition would almost certainly make a bunch of those packages buggy.
I'm dubious that it's worth disrupting whatever local workflow that they
already have around get-orig-source by asking them to rename that target
if it doesn't match with new semantics.  That doesn't mean it's a bad idea
to have what you're asking for with clear semantics.  However, I think the
best way forward is to have that be something new that has clear semantics
from the start.

For example, I think one promising way to look at this problem is to
define a way to transform a given upstream tarball into its corresponding
Debian source tarball, and then one can test that downloading the upstream
release corresponding to the current Debian source tarball and running
that process on it produces an equivalent tarball to the one used in
current Debian packaging.  This is *not* what at least the get-orig-source
targets I am familiar with did.

I think the way to move forward with that is to write a specification that
clearly defines its scope and addresses the ambiguities discussed in the
original get-orig-source bug report, probably under some new name so that
we don't have the problem of making existing packages buggy and so that
it's clear whether packages are complying with the new specification as
opposed to inheriting some pre-specification get-orig-source target.  We
can certainly then look at that for inclusion in Policy, although I think
it would be worth field-testing with a variety of packages first to make
sure a clearer specification is useful.  There are a bunch of nasty edge
cases in this general problem, and while the specification doesn't need to
deal with all of them, it should be much clearer than get-orig-source was
about where it's declining to try to handle the problem and where
documentation for humans about the process should go (presumably

Personally (although this certainly isn't a requirement), I think this
should build on the work that uscan is already doing and should probably
come in the form of uscan configuration or supporting scripts that uscan
would run automatically, to try to reduce tool proliferation and build on
the tool that's already solving 95% of this problem.  (Or, alternatively,
a lower-level tool that uscan itself, as well as other tools like dgit,
can use, and that borrows from the work uscan has already done.)

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Debian Policy released

2018-07-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Jonathan Nieder  writes:

> Context: I have run into a few packages that used the +dfsg convention
> without documenting what they removed from the tarball and I was not
> able to locally update them. :(

This is one of the cases that now has a better solution and more standard
tools than the get-orig-source target, specifically Files-Excluded in
debian/copyright.  See the documentation of Files-Excluded in uscan(1).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: concerns about Salsa

2018-06-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Colin Watson  writes:

> My experience has been that if I'm working on a complex service then I
> want as little friction as possible for the fast-moving stuff that I'm
> working on directly and so often end up deploying that straight from git
> or whatever, but that I prefer to use packages for everything else below
> that layer.

My personal experience is that there is an interesting cycle of scale

If you have a pretty small environment where you're not doing significant
local development, tracking the Git version of something, or trying to be
on the cutting edge, using packages for everything is best, since it
minimizes your risk and most of your attention is going to be on
configuration and content.  (In other words, the software is just a tool
for something else you're doing.)

If you then start doing substantial amounts of local development, or are
aggressively tracking some upstream package, then it starts making sense
to run that one thing out of Git, since that is the thing you want to
spend time on and do really well, and possibly uniquely well.  It makes
sense to use Debian packages for all the other things that form the
scaffolding on which it's built, since those things you want to be stable
and you don't want to have to think about them.  But the thing that you're
actively working on you want to be as low-friction as possible.  (At this
point, the software *is* your product.)

However, once you get beyond the scale of a few machines, this starts to
break down again because you need a deployment process with stage, canary,
and production, some rollback process, synchronization across lots of
nodes, and so forth.  At this point, you end up having to reintroduce
packaging of everything to get those properties.  However, it's more
common to use containers instead of OS packages once you reach this set of
problems, largely because it's often desirable to allow different
applications to use different underlying library stacks and not have to
upgrade everything in lockstep with dependencies.  Once you hit this
scale, you often have a lot of stuff, and the tighter of coupling you have
between all your stuff, the more you get a combinatorial explosion of
problems during upgrades.  So mechanisms like containers that can loosen
the coupling between your services are immensely valuable.

I think people's varying reactions on this thread may have a lot to do
with where they are in this hierarchy of scale, and what problems they
therefore anticipate.  But the Debian Project infrastructure itself seems
to me to be firmly in that middle tier where it makes sense to run the
core thing out of Git and the supporting scaffolding from packages.  We
have a lot of things that we're working on directly and intensely as the
core mission of that part of the project, but generally they're deployed
on one or two machines and don't need management at scale, canarying, and
rollback properties.

More broadly, one useful way to think about the mission of a Linux
distribution is to make all the things our users *don't* care about
effortless and simple, so that they can invest all of their energy and
attention into the one or two things they *do* care about.  Trying to get
them to package those few things that they care about deeply is more
dubious and often doesn't add much value for them.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: unavailable now (force HTTPS with wrong cert?)

2018-06-04 Thread Russ Allbery
Boyuan Yang <> writes:

> I want to read the DEPs [1] on and find that 
> this site has forced HTTPS access with wrong certificate that 
> is only valid for * and

> Could this issue be fixed recently?

It looks like you now want (probably
because the repository migrated to Salsa).

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted tf5 5.0beta8-7 (source) into unstable

2018-05-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 26 May 2018 19:03:58 -0700
Source: tf5
Binary: tf5
Architecture: source
Version: 5.0beta8-7
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery <>
Changed-By: Russ Allbery <>
 tf5- text-based MU* and chatserver client
 tf5 (5.0beta8-7) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update debhelper compatibility level to V11.
 - Use dh_autoreconf but disable running autoheader.
   * Update standards version to 4.1.4.
 - Use https for Format URL in debian/copyright.
   * Update debian/watch to version 4 and use https.
 c33af121d91fd345671946eb779ce81b27baf03c 1671 tf5_5.0beta8-7.dsc
 44a817dec229d2e1b70396217dfe19be66b8142a 12184 tf5_5.0beta8-7.debian.tar.xz
 f8e321845c28e1c8f80ad293895a56e92159f20453f56ebaadf944452e7d7416 1671 
 7ac37e9546694c84c70e916d5f1670053d15f92c0656c0691d3d1dfbd7b56f19 12184 
 03ba95836cff9e92ae78ca22e1393708 1671 net optional tf5_5.0beta8-7.dsc
 086cc223160fde166afdc4ad153b917b 12184 net optional 



Re: make compilation not so gray

2018-05-25 Thread Russ Allbery
Guus Sliepen <> writes:

> Even more helpful would be to NOT display anything irrelevant. When a
> package fails to build, I am generally only interested in the error
> message, not everything that led up to it, because up until the error
> message everything went fine, and the likelyhood that there was any
> valuable information up to that point is very small. And, since builds
> should be reproducible, once I know there is an error I can probably
> start a rebuild myself with all debugging output enabled if I'd think
> that would help.

For Debian buildds, I really want the full log, because for failures on
some architecture I don't personally have, it's so, so much easier to see
the full compilation command line with all of its flags and so forth.
Often I can fix the problem without needing access to the architecture,
which saves a lot of time messing about with porter boxes and setting up a
proper build environment there.

It would be great to be able to automatically distinguish between
important stuff and noise and provide both views, although given the wide
variety of different tools we use, it's probably not possible in general.
But things like this may be a nice solution for the 80% case.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Accepted libnet-duo-perl 1.01-2 (source all) into unstable

2018-05-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 07 May 2018 16:59:34 -0700
Source: libnet-duo-perl
Binary: libnet-duo-perl
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.01-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <>
Changed-By: Russ Allbery <>
 libnet-duo-perl - Perl API for Duo multifactor authentication service
 libnet-duo-perl (1.01-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Russ Allbery ]
   * Contribute the package to the Debian Perl Group.
 - Change Maintainer to the group.
 - Add myself to Uploaders.
 - Change Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser to point to the pkg-perl repository.
   * Update to debhelper compatibility level V11.
   * Update to standards version 4.1.4.
 - Use https for debian/copyright URLs.
   * Use https for Homepage and debian/watch URL.
   * Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
   * Run wrap-and-sort -ast.
   * Remove debian/gbp.conf and use the standard pkg-perl branch layout.
   * Refresh upstream signing key.
   [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
   * Update Vcs-* headers for switch to
 00a32697dcff8bc33b3447b641c9099c2edfe615 1885 libnet-duo-perl_1.01-2.dsc
 307c25ebe93498ff236540836bd202f35950a0a6 9192 
 d10078b934ab9356e645471bb162a623caea6139 91004 libnet-duo-perl_1.01-2_all.deb
 6d72de379fd26aa258aac40c4d32ace7a061b56b 7507 
 8b367b623bb13fa6b3f6c2c0c990ef0a2e89c6ebede608cd20938672dfa9d427 1885 
 af3d7c4c1aac8bf21b0f3b6dd1229c6a0cb496d9734b15174ed0c16d58010146 9192 
 50d0ae0dffda603985b142d30893fcb3226d91b6aca7ad5699d80f9b08ccadb5 91004 
 d9471157bfd58336a7cb99a39a62795e6bd9ccd9c401187b7a31de8719cc0326 7507 
 dfa6b4f8d6e229014ec96d690712acbe 1885 perl optional libnet-duo-perl_1.01-2.dsc
 aa5b6e3473c3f331dfd1eadb4e50da9e 9192 perl optional 
 70d95e4816a1df399453e8563329aa8a 91004 perl optional 
 5d29fb04d5107c43f447e674c4ded93b 7507 perl optional 



Accepted remctl 3.15-1 (source) into unstable

2018-05-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 05 May 2018 15:30:47 -0700
Source: remctl
Binary: libremctl1 libremctl-dev remctl-client remctl-server libnet-remctl-perl 
php-remctl python-remctl ruby-remctl
Architecture: source
Version: 3.15-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery <>
Changed-By: Russ Allbery <>
 libnet-remctl-perl - Perl client for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 libremctl-dev - Development files for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 libremctl1 - Library for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 php-remctl - PECL module for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 python-remctl - Python extension for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 remctl-client - Client for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 remctl-server - Server for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
 ruby-remctl - Ruby extension for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
Closes: 835677
 remctl (3.15-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
 - Fix possible output truncation for commands receiving data from
   standard input that exit before reading all input data.
 - Do more paranoid validation of more protocol elements.
 - Make a test robust against the first resolved value of not
   being localhost.  (Closes: #835677)
   * Add Multi-Arch: same for libnet-remctl-perl and ruby-remctl.
   * Enable basic pkg-perl-autopkgtests tests with a custom control file,
 since autodep8 doesn't find the Perl package built from this
 more-complex source package.  Don't include the smoke test for now
 since it requires a more complex setup and execution of the test from
 the perl subdirectory.
   * Add the Python import test generated by autodep8 to the package.
 (Unfortunately, autopkgtest-pkg-python in the Testsuite control field
 appears to do nothing if debian/tests/control exists in the package.)
   * Add dh-python to Build-Depends as requested by dh_python2.
   * Add debian/upstream/metadata file.
   * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no.
   * Bump watch file version to 4.
   * Update standards version to 4.1.4 (no changes required).
 02091ae24b6f1160fc1edcc5729669dd3a385b7d 2711 remctl_3.15-1.dsc
 035b4def8872f3c4b11a6c48e120d1821e09ef45 588780 remctl_3.15.orig.tar.xz
 4b33386bb2965be320d4bdff184727989c55245f 488 remctl_3.15.orig.tar.xz.asc
 f85affc1959035afa8dff15327267346f49a443e 26532 remctl_3.15-1.debian.tar.xz
 88d9cfdd4c89e423189b6c165276610eb8e9799181ded19fbf8f6e9f95399474 2711 
 873c9fbba51ff721acb666e927f58f4407f08eb79f53b5a058801f5f404f4db2 588780 
 81cfdcb32fdb73327641363ba19b25f5f586f040c07a9cb0b7867fca37565e1d 488 
 ab70996d6b93894eabf199fb14a095700a9f2e73636566f49dcb0b18321396c1 26532 
 f937ac32ec9e00850f9d73f2c3252944 2711 net optional remctl_3.15-1.dsc
 26782e07c81f33d63e17b463fe956194 588780 net optional remctl_3.15.orig.tar.xz
 c7ae99a4b26f482f4c4e2c3ddd95a830 488 net optional remctl_3.15.orig.tar.xz.asc
 04f37f048c0aa3878a45a42034ecfe1d 26532 net optional remctl_3.15-1.debian.tar.xz



Accepted rssh 2.3.4-8 (source) into unstable

2018-04-22 Thread Russ Allbery
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 10:58:03 -0700
Source: rssh
Binary: rssh
Architecture: source
Version: 2.3.4-8
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Russ Allbery <>
Changed-By: Russ Allbery <>
 rssh   - Restricted shell allowing scp, sftp, cvs, svn, rsync or rdist
 rssh (2.3.4-8) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser for the move to
   * Use https URL for copyright-format 1.0.
   * Update standards version to 4.1.4 (no changes required).
 5fc75dab1f10986fdbaf1393f58348213e548e12 1548 rssh_2.3.4-8.dsc
 3400780a6d77daf80a4796048d8b1cf20e5e51d9 28092 rssh_2.3.4-8.debian.tar.xz
 72b4f9ba9f11d9e1a01dc818dad6980da33f86bcab98f652566bdac0a209ee91 1548 
 5d820eebef3bb5bff4641c6c98d07e20772fc7f4fa72148dd1ea47c737ab8ee8 28092 
 b68c9c00dddfe3f47d8ed56575a838ec 1548 net optional rssh_2.3.4-8.dsc
 7da1a032c3bb1dc558f5d4fefa56968f 28092 net optional rssh_2.3.4-8.debian.tar.xz



Re: Comma in Maintainer field

2018-04-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Michael Stone <> writes:

> Yes, it would probably be best to specify a restricted subset of
> RFC822. Luckily most of the work for that was done in RFC2822, and it
> would probably be sufficient to specify RFC2822 "mailbox" syntax with no
> "obsolete" elements. Multiple mailboxes can be listed with comma
> delimiters. Then if someone wants to get really creative with their
> comments and routing syntax, just file a bug.

I'd be more comfortable with this (well, RFC 5322 at this point), since
this removes a lot of the insanity.  However, note that this is
incompatible with existing Maintainer fields: RFC 5322 requires that . be
quoted.  So any Maintainer field containing an unquoted period would have
to change.

RFC 5322 also prohibits non-ASCII characters, which would have to be
encoded in RFC 2047 encoding.

I have some experience with RFC 2822 and its various related and successor
standards as part of a lot of Usenet standardization work, and I think
people underestimate just how complicated those standards are and how
different this is from our current practice.  This is me waving red flags
and saying "here there be dragons, you may not want to go down this path."

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Bits from the release team: full steam ahead towards buster

2018-04-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery <> writes:
> Adam Borowski <> writes:

>> Thus, there are locales where a purely ASCII word sorts differently
>> when capitalized and when not.

> Yes, including en_US.

Just to head off the noise of the corrections for this error, this last
should have said "yes, including C."

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Comma in Maintainer field

2018-04-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Andreas Tille <> writes:

> From my understanding the names in quotes should be parsed correctly,
> right?

Definitely not.  They will absolutely break with some tools.

Russ Allbery (   <>

Re: Comma in Maintainer field

2018-04-19 Thread Russ Allbery
Ian Jackson <> writes:

> I think nowadays we should specify that this field, and Uploaders, are
> in RF822 recipient field syntax.

I am opposed to this on the grounds that there are two types of RFC822
parsers in the world: correct ones that will drive you insane if you
attempt to understand them, and incorrect ones.  Nearly all of them are in
the latter bucket.

Full RFC822 is incredibly complicated and way, way beyond any tool that we
currently use for Debian packages.

I'm opposed to introducing significance for double quotes in the
maintainer field for the same reason, unless it's part of standardizing
some rather simple syntax.  (I'd much rather just ban commas in Maintainer
except as a separator and ask people with commas in their names to omit
them, which isn't great but which is very common.)

If we're going to change the syntax, I think we need something much, much
simpler to parse than RFC822.

> We can expect any program which wants to split it into separate
> recipients to have a full-on email header parser.

I don't think this assumption is at all justified given the number of
tools in Debian that need to parse the Maintainer field for various
purposes (, dd-list, etc.).

Russ Allbery (   <>

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