Re: Mousepad Not Saving Prefs

2015-05-23 Thread Stephen R Guglielmo
On Mon, 18 May 2015 17:52:47 +0200
Sven Arvidsson wrote:
 On Mon, 2015-05-18 at 11:31 -0400, Stephen R Guglielmo wrote:
  Hi list,
  I'm running Debian Stretch/testing (updated daily). I use Xfce4 and
  Mousepad as my GUI text editor. It seems that Mousepad is no longer
  saving my preferences.
  Any ideas on how to investigate this?
 Looks like mousepad uses dconf for settings, so it could be a problem
 with that. 

I've been unable to figure out why this is happening. I've tried to
investigate myself, but I don't know anything about the dconf system.

I've filed a bug report.

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Re: diferença entre sh e ./

2015-05-23 Thread Tiago Pigazao
Boa Noite ,

eu fiz os testes que o @listeiro propôs e realmente ficou bem esclarecido ,
essa questão das Shells

Obrigado a todos !

Em 23 de maio de 2015 03:20, Listeiro 037

 Tenho a proposta de um exercício se você topar e tiver um
 tempo. Experimenta apagar a primeira linha com she-bang do script
 (deixar a linha em branco) e põe ele prá rodar:

 1) com ./script
 1) com sh script
 2) com sh ./script
 3) com bash script
 4) com bash ./script

 Depois você elimina a permissão de escrita com um chmod -x script e
 refazestes testes, executando. Depois você digita sh no prompt e aperta
 enter prá entrar no dash e refaz os testes.

 A variável $PATH de seu ambiente terminal possui vários diretórios de
 arquivos binários para a execução. Diretórios como /bin /usr/bin e se
 você for root também terá /sbin e /usr/sbin e outros
 como /usr/local/bin podem entrar nessa lista.

 Para confirmar basta você executar um echo $PATH e irá ver como está
 sua variável PATH de busca de caminhos de execução.

 Agora se você adicionar no seu $PATH um caminho para seu
 diretório /home/usuario (supondo seu usuário ter o nome de usuario),
 então o script rodará sem o ./ para você. Ele rodará que nem um ls, que
 não precisa de um /bin/ls prá rodar como o script precisa de
 um ./script para rodar.

 Não é recomendado colocar na variável PATH o diretório home por
 questões de segurança (até onde sei, pelo que aprendi). Continue
 executando comandos dentro de home com ./

 Em Sat, 23 May 2015 00:04:40 -0300
 Tiago Pigazao escreveu:

  então independente do que for usado na execução sh ou ./ ele de certa
  forma não vai considerar aquele sha-bang do inicio #!bin/bash ?
  Em 22 de maio de 2015 23:34, Listeiro 037
   sh é um link em /bin/sh. No Debiian aponta para /bin/dash.
   Dash é uma implementação do Almqvist Shell (ash) para o Debian. É
   shell diferente do Bash.
   ./ executa o script com shell do ambiente
   Dash entende as coisas diferentes do que Bash entende. São como que
   linguagens de scripts diferentes.
   Por isso é que há uma orientação prá se escrever scripts que
   funcionem não apenas com bash ou zsh, mas com csh, ksh, dash e
   muitos outros. No caso do if há dois comandos prá serem usados
   junto com ele chamado expr e test.
   Uma versão do seu script para Dash seria:
   for var in $(seq 100) ; do
   if test $(expr $var % 2) -eq 0
   echo $var
   fi ;
   Em Fri, 22 May 2015 23:04:25 -0300
   Tiago Pigazao escreveu:
Boa noite
Pessoal alguem sabe, qual é a diferença de se executar um shell
script com sh ou com ./ ?
estou com o seguinte cenário..
tenho um script com permissão de execução ok , ao executar com
sh ele não funciona (da problema na linha do if), agora se
executar com ./  funciona ok... segue script abaixo :
for var in $(seq 100) ; do
if (( $var % 2 == 0 ))
echo $var
fi ; done
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Re: CLI download interface/tool for Google Images?

2015-05-23 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 05/23/2015 09:55 PM, Emanuel Berg wrote:

Sven Arvidsson writes:

I have seen a couple of different scripts that
scrape the image search, for example:

That didn't work, and the style of the program
including the documentation tells me it isn't mature
in more than one sense of the word...

Feel free to mature it and show us what you call a mature piece of code.

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Re: [OT] 2 dhcp server on same lan

2015-05-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Eike Lantzsch wrote:
 DHCP failover on a small network does not seem to be worth the
 effort, except for training purposes. Exactly that is why this
 thread was very informative for me. Just for kicks (training) I was
 trying for a while to set up two dhcp servers on my network. One
 OpenBSD on a router and the other on Debian arm isc-dhcp-server on a

Training is almost always worth the effort as long as something is
learned in the process.

 One sends sync messages and the other connects to ip-ports - duh!
 The philosophy of OpenBSD dhcp seems to be really wide area networks not 
 on the same premises and isc-dhcp seems to be better fitted for LAN.
 Now I know that my endeavours are futile.

They were not futile.  You learned something from them.  Therefore the
effort had good value.

 The synchronization between two OpenBSD dhcp servers and the
 failover isc-dhcp-server are essentially different and do not work
 together. Either 2 * isc-dhcp-server (which is available for OpenBSD
 as a package) or 2 * OpenBSD dhcp servers (which does not exist for
 the armv7l cubietruck) = need another machine or maquinita.

Even better you shared your experience with the mailing list and
allowed me to learn something too.  I am completely unfamiliar with
the OpenBSD dhcp daemon but now I know a little more about it.  (I use
the ISC dhcp software.)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Postfix comportement étrange

2015-05-23 Thread Samuel

Le 23/05/2015 18:47, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

Le 23/05/15 à 14:03, Samuel a écrit :
S Je ne vois pas comment utiliser username_field pour récupérer et
S l'alias et le user dans 2 tables différentes.
S Si j'ai bien compris que c'est à ce niveau qu'il faut intervenir.

Probable, je connais pas ta structure de table, tu dois écrire une requete sql 
qui sorte login
ou alias dans un seul champ, et tu utilise cette requete dans postfix, sans 
toucher aux
requetes déjà écrites pour dovecot.

On est bien d'accord, c'est dans postfix qu'il faut agir ... intervenir 
dans dovecot complique la chose.

Si t'es pas à l'aise avec des if dans le select, tu peux indiquer 2 requetes 
dans ta conf

cle = mysql:/path/to/, mysql:/path/to/

et tu regarde la doc pour la syntaxe de ces fichier cf, c'est du genre

user = xxx
password = xxx
hosts = xxx
dbname = xxx
query = SELECT champ FROM table WHERE autreChamp = '%s'

Le %s dépend de cle (ça peut être une adresse, un domaine, suivant le 
contexte), ce que tu
doit remonter dépend aussi du contexte.

C'est ce que j'ai utilisé : accéder directement au contenu de la table 
quota via pré-sélection dans table users et forwards :

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access mysql:check_quota
check_quota_query = select if(bytes'12582912', '552 5.2.2 Quota 
exceeded (mailbox for user is full)', 'PERMIT') from quota where email = 
'%u@%d' or email=(select destination from forwards where source='%u@%d')

Et c'est vrai que cette rustine fonctionne bien ... mais sur une Jessie, 
dans le fichier /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf, il est mentionné 
cette page qui concerne l'utilisation du service quota-status pour 
postfix :

Cette page donne cette commande pour interroger ce service (port 12340) 
depuis postfix :

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:

Mon problème est que cette commande envoie en variable l'alias en valeur 
finale (qui n'existe pas dans la table quota de postfix - unknown 
user)  et non pas le user final (après mapping de l'alias).

Ma question était donc de savoir comment interroger un service via cette 
commande de postfix en choississant sa variable à envoyer. Je n'arrive 
pas à lier le check_policy_service inet à une requête SQL, ni même 
comment passer une variable en valeur.

La rustine employée fonctionne bien, mais je me demandais comment faire 
fonctionner la méthode telle que conseillée dans les fichiers de conf 
sur Jessie ...



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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread David Christensen

On 05/23/2015 07:30 AM, German wrote:

I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI KVM
is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.

I run and work on many different makes and models of PC-compatible 
computers.  VGA and PS/2 are the lowest-common-denominator interfaces -- 
especially for servers, retail point of sale, and business desktops. 
So, I have an 8-port KVM with VGA and PS/2 connectors, and a monitor, 
keyboard, and mouse to match.  I use various PS/2-to-USB, DVI-I-to-VGA, 
DisplayPort-to-VGA, etc., adapters at the computer end of the KVM 
cables.  I don't use USB or microphones through the KVM.  I use a 
passive line-level mixer for speakers.

Determining compatibility before making a purchase is tough.  Hardware 
tends to be identified by product manufacturer name and model number, 
while software (device drivers) tends to be identified by chip 
manufacturer name and part number.  After searching and reading whatever 
you can, you will need to buy a KVM, plug it in, and find out for 
yourself.  Make sure you buy the KVM through a vendor that will allow 
you to use it for a week or two, and return it if you don't like it.  I 
went through several KVM's before finding one (IOGEAR GCS78) that worked 
reliably with Windows and Linux, and put the hotkeys where they didn't 
interfere with other applications (notably games).


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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 20 de mayo de 2015, 17:23, CZOMCA escribió:
 Saludos a todos:

 A mi tampoco me arranca después de instalar el 8.0 y veo que el hilo
 creado anteriormente se ha quedado parado.

 Puedo añadir que aunque con el 7.8 también tenia nouveau, lo he
 sustituido por el driver de nvidia y tampoco arranca.

 He instalado MATE en vez de Gnome y tampoco arranca

 Tampoco me arranca un DVD con Ubuntu 15.04

 Pero si arranca y funciona con Gnome en recovery mode.

 ¿Alguien sabría decirme algo al respecto?

Es posible que se esté atascando en la inicialización de algún
dispositivo o en el chequeo de los discos.

Si esperas un tiempo largo y no arranca, en el próximo reinicio en en
modo recovery podrás intentar ver los logs del proceso de inicio
anterior con el comando: journalctl -b -1


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Re: Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Gaël

Adrien Dewulf a écrit :
 Merci pour le lien. J'ai déjà réalisé la configuration qu'il présent.

 Mais quand j'exécute
 # fstrim -v /home
 fstrim: /home: the discard operation is not supported

Et avec fstrim -v / ?
As tu bien mis les issue/allow-discards pour cette partition?

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test if fan is working

2015-05-23 Thread Anil Duggirala
How can I test if my fan is working in Debian?, thanks,

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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 22:13, CZOMCA escribió:
 El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin
 problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell
 ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el
 gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.

 Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
 shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y
 sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/



 Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.


Si arrancas en modo rescate no se produce la situación de error, por
lo que no vas a ver nada.
haz como te comenté en un mensaje anterior.

Arranca de forma que se produzca el fallo, reinicia y mira a ver el
log de la sesión anterior con journalctl -b -1


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Re: Problem Running Application with Alias

2015-05-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Petter Adsen wrote:
 On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:36:31 -0400
 This is an obvious thing that jumps out at me, this line should be:
 as LD_LIBRARY_PATH is meant to contain directories where shared
 libraries can be found, not an executable binary.

I have a small comment concerning the syntax.  I am sure you are
correct about the problem.  But both of those assume that
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH already exists in the environment.  If it does then
fine.  Let me use foo as a stand-in for the explanation.

  $ foo=/bar
  $ foo=/opt/somepath:$foo
  $ echo $foo

But if it does not exist then it leaves the environment variable with
a hanging colon at the end.

  $ unset foo
  $ foo=/opt/somepath:$foo
  $ echo $foo

That is bad and actually has been argued is a security consideration
in other paths such as PATH.

To avoid that the following shell syntax is typically used.

  $ foo=/bar
  $ foo=/opt/somepath${foo+:$foo}
  $ echo $foo

  $ unset foo
  $ foo=/opt/somepath${foo+:$foo}
  $ echo $foo

Or to append to the end of the path put the colon on the other side.

  $ foo=/bar
  $ foo=${foo+$foo:}/opt/somepath
  $ echo $foo

  $ unset foo
  $ foo=${foo+$foo:}/opt/somepath
  $ echo $foo

The dash documentation on this standard shell feature is:

 ${parameter:+word}Use Alternative Value.  If parameter is unset or
   null, null is substituted; otherwise, the expansion
   of word is substituted.

 In the parameter expansions shown previously, use of the colon in the
 format results in a test for a parameter that is unset or null; omission
 of the colon results in a test for a parameter that is only unset.

The form without the colon is correct for path handling so that it
maintains the state in the case that the variable was already set to
an empty value indicating the current working directory.

  $ foo=
  $ foo=${foo+$foo:}/opt/somepath
  $ echo $foo

Note however that an empty path indicating using the current working
directory is almost never desirable.  In the case of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
one would never want to have it set to an empty value.


Description: Digital signature

Re: test if fan is working

2015-05-23 Thread Haines Brown
On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 01:01:54PM -0700, Anil Duggirala wrote:
 How can I test if my fan is working in Debian?, thanks,

I've installed the xsensors package. It continually reports the RPM of
three fans. Would this do?

Haines Brown

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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 22:20 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:
 El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 22:13, CZOMCA escribió:
  El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
  Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin
  problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell
  ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el
  gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.
  Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
  shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y
  sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/
  Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.
 Si arrancas en modo rescate no se produce la situación de error, por
 lo que no vas a ver nada.
 haz como te comenté en un mensaje anterior.
 Arranca de forma que se produzca el fallo, reinicia y mira a ver el
 log de la sesión anterior con journalctl -b -1
Lo siento porque lo hago como tu dices, pero al dar comando que tu dices
responde que la dirección -1 no puede ser asignada.

Es verdad que el listado corresponde a la última entrada, o sea a la
recovery mode, pero con tu comando no se obtiene la anterior.


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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread Juan Lavieri


Lo que voy a comentar me sucedió en testing, así que no se si aplica a 
este caso, pero quizás tes sirve de guía.

El 23/05/15 a las 16:28, CZOMCA escibió:

El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 22:20 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 22:13, CZOMCA escribió:

El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin
problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell
ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el
gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.

Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y
sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/



Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.


Si arrancas en modo rescate no se produce la situación de error, por
lo que no vas a ver nada.
haz como te comenté en un mensaje anterior.

Arranca de forma que se produzca el fallo, reinicia y mira a ver el
log de la sesión anterior con journalctl -b -1


Lo siento porque lo hago como tu dices, pero al dar comando que tu dices
responde que la dirección -1 no puede ser asignada.

Es verdad que el listado corresponde a la última entrada, o sea a la
recovery mode, pero con tu comando no se obtiene la anterior.

En una de las actualizaciones comenzó a fallar todo lo que fuera gnome 
(shell o clásico), sin embargo podía entrar con plasma de kde.

Al día siguiente, ayer,  cuando iba determinado a resolver el problema 
ya no arrancaba ni con kde, pero al igual que tu si podía entrar en modo 

Quiero hacer notar que en mi caso, aún cuando no veía nada, podía 
acceder a los terminales con cntl + alt + Fn y aunque no veía podía 
emitir comandos para hacer reboot y cosas así.

Luego se me ocurrió instalar en modo recovery LXDE y así me funcionó.

Navegando un poco por la red encontré un viejo bug relacionado con los 
gráficos intel y el kernel por lo que decidí instalar el kernel 3.16.0-4 
y se solucionó.

En realidad no se que le paso al kernel anterior (3.10-2).

Espero que puedas solucionarlo.



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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 23:14, CZOMCA escribió:
 El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 22:20 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:
 El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 22:13, CZOMCA escribió:
  El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
  Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin
  problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell
  ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el
  gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.
  Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
  shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y
  sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/
  Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.

 Si arrancas en modo rescate no se produce la situación de error, por
 lo que no vas a ver nada.
 haz como te comenté en un mensaje anterior.

 Arranca de forma que se produzca el fallo, reinicia y mira a ver el
 log de la sesión anterior con journalctl -b -1


 He utilizado la opción --list-boots y resulta que solo hay un boot, el
 cero que corresponde a la entrada en recovery mode. Con este metodo no
 se puede ver el log de la sesion anterior.


Vale, hay que configurar el sistema para que guarde logs.

mira el man de:


y el fichero /etc/systemd/journald.conf


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 23 May 2015, Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:04:55 -0700
 Patrick Bartek wrote:
  On Sat, 23 May 2015, Petter Adsen wrote:
   On Fri, 22 May 2015 23:53:14 -0700
   Patrick Bartek wrote:

Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so)
to replace my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which
parts). Going to abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very
portable in the next year or two. Two questions to begin:

1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot
through the OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However,
I've read some makes (Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it
directly through BIOS without needing to boot Windows?  True?
Any others?
   I don't have a laptop myself (don't like them), but every one I've
   seen so far has had a switch to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS.
   AFAIK, that switch is mandatory to adhere to the Built For
   Windows 8 MS program, although it is only optional for the
   coming Windows 10 program. That might be something to watch out
  I've read about that, but right now until W10 in its final form is
  release, nobody really knows for sure.
 Well, yes and no. We *do* know that the status has changed from
 mandatory to optional, but whether hardware manufacturers will
 actually remove the ability to turn Secure Boot off remains to be

Yes.  I read that.  Wonder what Microsoft has up its sleeve?
Maybe, this is indicative of W10 being even more insecure than previous
Windows' OSes.

   If this is going to become a real problem or not, we will just
   have to wait and see.
2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on
the Desktop.  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else
entirely?  Except Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to
run in Legacy mode for future compatibility.  I won't be
installing a desktop, just a window manager.  Probably Openbox.
   You can find details here:
  Yes, I read that during my initial research.
   I believe the Canonical people have put some effort into becoming
   fully Secure Boot-compliant, but if you do not like them, then
   that is not an option. There are also others (RedHat?) but I can't
   remember who.
  That compatibility comes from the Linux manufacturer buying a
  Microsoft Secure Boot key which Canonical and RH have.  SUSE, too, I
  think. Don't know how much that costs them.  I prefer not to have
  Linux under Microsoft's thumb that way.
 I absolutely agree.
  I have no problems with turning Secure Boot off and leaving it off.
  It's just that I fear that in the future one won't be able to turn
  it off.  And that will really throw a wrench in the Linux community.
  We'll see.
 The Linux Foundation is also examining the possibility of obtaining a
 key that can be used to sign images for distributions (free of
 charge), and there is also work being done on signing a shim that
 will launch a real bootloader. As the Perl people lovingly remind
 us, there's more than one way to do it :)

Where there's a will, there's a way I suppose.  Although, instead of a
patch or shim, the threat of a class action lawsuit by Linux developers
might be more effective.


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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin 
 problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell 
 ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el 
 gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.
 Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
 shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y 
 sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/
Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.


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Re: NAS con WD MyCloud

2015-05-23 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
buenas tardes yo uso un iomega de 1TB y mi fstab es el siguiente

// /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/VIDEOS cifs
username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
// /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/FOTOS cifs
username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
// /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/DOCUMENTOS cifs
username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
// /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/MUSICAS cifs
username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
// /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/RESPALDOS cifs
username=admin,password=XX,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0



instala samba y cifs-utils

por ultimo como root

mount -a para forzar que monte los fs

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

El 22 de mayo de 2015, 13:57, Juan escribió:

 El 22/05/2015 a las 14:55, Gerardo Diez García escribió:
  - para compartir por NFS
  - para los clientes (es la página que abre pinchando
  Siguiente en el enlace anterior, pero por si acaso)

 Son links para Red Hat / Fedora / Centos, por eso no se si me van a
 servir. Los vi ayer, son los primeros que aparecen al buscar en español,
 pero como no son especificos de Debian, no sabía si me sirven.

  Ya que puedes usar ssh. Lo mismo hasta te interesa usar ssh para montar
  las carpetas

 Este es el proximo paso.

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Re: Fwd: rc.local and systemd

2015-05-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Rainer Dorsch wrote:
 Nevertheless I am still wondering why it has the failed status,
 rc.local has an hard exit 0 return code (?) :

Look at the first line of /etc/rc.local script.

 rd@nanette:/etc$ cat rc.local
 #!/bin/sh -e
The set -e  ^^ here is what sets the -e flag for the shell.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 22:20 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:
 El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 22:13, CZOMCA escribió:
  El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
  Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin
  problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell
  ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el
  gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.
  Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
  shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y
  sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/
  Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.
 Si arrancas en modo rescate no se produce la situación de error, por
 lo que no vas a ver nada.
 haz como te comenté en un mensaje anterior.
 Arranca de forma que se produzca el fallo, reinicia y mira a ver el
 log de la sesión anterior con journalctl -b -1

He utilizado la opción --list-boots y resulta que solo hay un boot, el
cero que corresponde a la entrada en recovery mode. Con este metodo no
se puede ver el log de la sesion anterior.


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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread Juan Lavieri

El 23/05/15 a las 16:44, CZOMCA escibió:

El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 22:20 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

El día 23 de mayo de 2015, 22:13, CZOMCA escribió:

El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 19:19 +, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin
problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell
ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el
gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.

Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y
sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/



Ya esta. El usuario es czomca1. Que te sea leve.


Si arrancas en modo rescate no se produce la situación de error, por
lo que no vas a ver nada.
haz como te comenté en un mensaje anterior.

Arranca de forma que se produzca el fallo, reinicia y mira a ver el
log de la sesión anterior con journalctl -b -1


He utilizado la opción --list-boots y resulta que solo hay un boot, el
cero que corresponde a la entrada en recovery mode. Con este metodo no
se puede ver el log de la sesion anterior.


Disculpapero ¿no puedes ejecutar el viejo #cat /var/log/syslog?

A mi todavía me funciona, de hecho cuando tenía el problema lo ejecuté 
redireccionando la salida a otro archivo en mi /home, así como lo hice 
con el log Xorg.0.log.

Claro lo tuve que hacer a ciegas y luego en modo recovery vi la salida.


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Re: CLI download interface/tool for Google Images?

2015-05-23 Thread Emanuel Berg
Mihamina Rakotomandimby writes:

 Feel free to mature it and show us what you call
 a mature piece of code.

I don't have to show a lamer like you anything.

The reason I call it immature as a program is that it
outputs it logo using Unicode chars for no reason
(especially not recommended for a CLI program); it
output strings one char at a time which is irritating
and absolutely not called for in this type of
application the reason for which is speed and
convenience; it creates a directory with the name
tmp instead of using the input data to make a name;
it doesn't work; and, it has the following line in the
documentation: gmp hot chicks drinking beer.


underground experts united

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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread David Christensen

On 05/23/2015 12:26 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

There is, in my opinion, a significant difference in visual quality
between the digital and analog display feeds.

I have one machine that can do dual-head.  The primary display feed 
starts as analog DVI-I, is adapted to VGA, goes into the VGA KVM, and 
then goes into the VGA port of a consumer 22 LED LCD monitor.  The 
secondary display feed starts as DisplayPort (digital), is converted to 
VGA, and then goes into the VGA port of an older 22 LCD monitor:

1.  The primary image looks pretty good for desktop/ server stuff, but 
shows its shortcomings with LCD monitor test images:

2.  The secondary image is not as good as the primary, and the 
flourescent backlight causes nasty flickering on some of the test images.

3.  The motherboard and secondary monitor both have DVI-D ports.  If I 
change the secondary display feed to DVI-D (digital), I don't see *any* 
difference in the image quality (including flickering).

4.  Changing the secondary display feed back to analog, I don't see 
*any* difference.

I can only conclude that there is no difference in image quality between 
analog and digital display feeds.

But, there is a big difference in analog (VGA) vs. digital (DVI) KVM 
product offerings and prices:

1.  My IOGEAR 8-port VGA PS/2 KVM with cables (analog) is $159 on Amazon.

2.  For comparison with the digital product, the 8-port VGA KVMP (adds 
PS/2 or USB connectivity and two shared USB ports) is $364 with cables.

3.  The DVI KVMP is $679.

While USB or PS/2 connectivity is nice, USB to PS/2 adapters are only 
$14 each.  I don't want or need shared USB peripherals.


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Re: test if fan is working

2015-05-23 Thread Anil Duggirala
Ive installed the xsensors package as well, it only shows me 2
temperature readings, temp1 and core 0, cant see any rpm (Im running
lxde). Is there a way for me to manually turn the fan on?

On Sat, May 23, 2015, at 01:16 PM, Haines Brown wrote:
 On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 01:01:54PM -0700, Anil Duggirala wrote:
  How can I test if my fan is working in Debian?, thanks,
 I've installed the xsensors package. It continually reports the RPM of
 three fans. Would this do?
 Haines Brown
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Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Adrien Dewulf
Pour le fstrim sur la racine c'est le même résultat, je le fais sur mon
/home parce que c'est cette partition qui est full.

Par-contre, si tu pouvais détailler un peu plus le issue/allow-discards.
J'ai repris le details des configuration que j'ai effectué dans le premier

 On 23 May 2015 21:48, Gaël wrote:


 Adrien Dewulf a écrit :
  Merci pour le lien. J'ai déjà réalisé la configuration qu'il présent.
  Mais quand j'exécute
  # fstrim -v /home
  fstrim: /home: the discard operation is not supported

 Et avec fstrim -v / ?
 As tu bien mis les issue/allow-discards pour cette partition?

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Re: sistema operacional Debian linux

2015-05-23 Thread Luiz L. Marins
Thiago Zoroastro disse:
...Software livre não é para ser gratuito, pois se fosse não seria livrepara 
ganhar dinheiro com isto...
Esta fala é um tiro no pé. A liberdade zero da FSL diz que:
   - A liberdade de executar o programa como você desejar, para qualquer 
propósito (liberdade 0).
Ora, seu eu não posso ou não quero comprar um SL comercial, como posso 
Você não fornece sem receber o pagamento. Então, esta fala é um tiro no pé 
porque fere a liberdade zero.Ou seu conceito está errado, ou sua fala está 
errada ... as coisas não podem estar corretas.
Obs. eu sei que o código é aberto, mas de nada adianta isso, se não posso 
compra-lo para executar e satisfazer a liberdade zero.

  De: Thiago Zoroastro
 Enviadas: Sábado, 23 de Maio de 2015 10:17
 Assunto: Re: sistema operacional Debian linux
Eai Felipe,

Debian é chamado de 'sistema operacional universal', e a vasto conteúdo
acerca disso dificulta responder sem que lance mão das fontes sendo
muito mais fácil dispor o que você quer.

De alguma forma ou outra o que é gerado pelo Debian está mais próximo
das pessoas que imaginam. Ao meu ver, o Debian é uma variante do sistema
operacional Gnu/Linux, mas Gnu e Linux são ao mesmo tempo coisas
distintas do Debian como 'oranizações independentes e autônomas'.

Software livre não é para ser gratuito, pois se fosse não seria lvire
para ganhar dinheiro com isto. As pessoas pagam o quê, quando e quanto
querem. Software livre é uma multiplicidade de comunidades, arquiteturas
e iniciativas interdependentes, que se ajudam o desenvolvem software com
direitos autorais rígidos, mas pelo Copyleft. Quer dizer que não é
domínio público, mas sim que os proprietários dão autorização prévia a
outros potenciais autores interferirem, corrigirem, melhorarem e
atualizarem os softwares, com liberdade. E Debian é uma organização
mundial de pessoas que se associam meio que voluntariamente para
desenvolver software livre.

A Google é uma empresa que utiliza algo derivado disto, seja com uma
parte advindo do Debian ou não. O sistema Android é linux, e o AppStore
(ou PlayStore ou GooglePlay) é uma derivação do Central de Programas do
Ubuntu. O Ubuntu é um sistema operacional derivado do Debian, e o
sistema para computadores da Google é derivado do Ubuntu, sendo assim,
provavelmente utiliza pacotes .deb (de Debian).

Acho que a partir dessa introdução e contextualização pode ser que você
possa estar um pouco mais situado. Espero que tenha lhe ajudado. Att.

On 22-05-2015 22:00, Felipe Soares wrote:
  ola , sei que é um sistema de suporte do Debian , mais estou fazendo
 um trabalho sobre oque é e como funcional esse mesmo sistema , como
 usa-lo e quais suas vantagens 
  poderia me ajudar dizendo algo sobre o sistema Debian linux? qualquer
 informação sera bem vinda 

 agradeço sua atenção desde já.

 ass: Felipe 
 Curso : Redes de Computadores 

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Re: problema al instalar hp laserjet 1020 en debian jessie

2015-05-23 Thread Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
Usando el el programa hp-setup del hplip pude instalarla y funciona bien.
El problema q tengo ahora es referente al error q me dices pues cuando la
comparto la impresora se pone en pausa en cups y no quiere nada.

Como inicializo la impresora?
El 22/05/2015 10:52, Camaleón escribió:

 El Fri, 22 May 2015 16:17:45 +0200, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez

 (ese html...)

  Efectivamente, tengo problemas al instalarla.
  En si los drivers oficiales no funcionan, ni los gutenprint.
  E seguido el siguiente tutorial:

 Por aquí¹ recomiendan el driver foo2zjs-z1.

  pero cada vez que trato de instalar el paquete foomatic-filters, parece
  que no es compatible con el cups-filters, asi que si lo instalo, me
  borra el cups y sus dependencias completamente.

 Manda la salida completa del mensaje que recibes cuando intentas instalar
 ese paquete pero quizá sólo necesites tener instalado uno de los dos (si
 tienes CUPS, cups-filter).

  Aun asi, logro compilar el driver e instalarlo, y luego nuevamente
  instalo cups, efectivamente el driver nuevo esta en la lista, pero
  tampoco me funciona.
  A ver si me sugieren que hacer.

 Son cosas distintas y necesitas ambas (instalación del controlador y los
 filtros) para que la impresora pueda funcionar con CUPS.

 De todas formas, como parece que se ha instalado bien, mira a ver si no
 aparece como detenida en CUPS, algunas veces si dan error al imprimir
 la política de CUPS es dejarlas paradas y hay que iniciarlas.




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Re: Boot menu entries

2015-05-23 Thread Emil Payne

On 05/22/2015 04:56 PM, Brian wrote:

On Fri 22 May 2015 at 16:24:29 -0500, Emil Payne wrote:

On 05/22/2015 03:24 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

$ uname -r

Don't remove the running kernel nor the latest kernel.  Remove all of
the others.


BTW What is the linux-header? Is that just to compile my own? Do I
need to keep these?

You are full of questions but very short on saying whether the advice
you have been given answers your needs,

Delete headers packages too. You put them there and should know whether
you need them.

As far as I know, I never put them there. I've had to reinstall Debian a 
few times lately and it kept adding new entries to the boot menu.

This is my latest:

$ update-grub2
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found background image: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
  No volume groups found

I'm a home user and know enough to be able to do some technical things, 
but sometimes I don't know everything that they do. I try to study the 
stuff on the web but there is too much conflicting info.

Right now the boot menu is more manageable so I'll leave it at that.

Thanks everyone.

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OT curiosidad maquinas virtuales

2015-05-23 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
buenas noches comunidad

les escribo por que se me ocurrio una idea un poco tonta para algunos pero
es solo cuestión si es factible de realizar, supongamos que tengo un disco
particionado con windows y linux en dual boot, la pregunta es las siguiente

¿desde una maquina virtual puedo levantar el sistema operativo de la otra

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

Re: sistema operacional Debian linux

2015-05-23 Thread Listeiro 037

Por exemplo, a antiga Conectiva e a RedHat como está hoje
enquadrariam-se como?

Em Sun, 24 May 2015 00:36:49 + (UTC)
Luiz L. Marins escreveu:

 Thiago Zoroastro disse:
 ...Software livre não é para ser gratuito, pois se fosse não seria
 livrepara ganhar dinheiro com isto... Esta fala é um tiro no pé. A
 liberdade zero da FSL diz que: 
- A liberdade de executar o programa como você desejar, para
 qualquer propósito (liberdade 0). Ora, seu eu não posso ou não quero
 comprar um SL comercial, como posso executa-lo? Você não fornece sem
 receber o pagamento. Então, esta fala é um tiro no pé porque fere a
 liberdade zero.Ou seu conceito está errado, ou sua fala está
 errada ... as coisas não podem estar corretas. Obs. eu sei que o
 código é aberto, mas de nada adianta isso, se não posso compra-lo
 para executar e satisfazer a liberdade zero.
   De: Thiago Zoroastro
  Enviadas: Sábado, 23 de Maio de 2015 10:17
  Assunto: Re: sistema operacional Debian linux

 Eai Felipe,
 Debian é chamado de 'sistema operacional universal', e a vasto
 conteúdo acerca disso dificulta responder sem que lance mão das
 fontes sendo muito mais fácil dispor o que você quer.
 De alguma forma ou outra o que é gerado pelo Debian está mais próximo
 das pessoas que imaginam. Ao meu ver, o Debian é uma variante do
 sistema operacional Gnu/Linux, mas Gnu e Linux são ao mesmo tempo
 coisas distintas do Debian como 'oranizações independentes e
 Software livre não é para ser gratuito, pois se fosse não seria lvire
 para ganhar dinheiro com isto. As pessoas pagam o quê, quando e quanto
 querem. Software livre é uma multiplicidade de comunidades,
 arquiteturas e iniciativas interdependentes, que se ajudam o
 desenvolvem software com direitos autorais rígidos, mas pelo
 Copyleft. Quer dizer que não é domínio público, mas sim que os
 proprietários dão autorização prévia a outros potenciais autores
 interferirem, corrigirem, melhorarem e atualizarem os softwares, com
 liberdade. E Debian é uma organização mundial de pessoas que se
 associam meio que voluntariamente para desenvolver software livre.
 A Google é uma empresa que utiliza algo derivado disto, seja com uma
 parte advindo do Debian ou não. O sistema Android é linux, e o
 AppStore (ou PlayStore ou GooglePlay) é uma derivação do Central de
 Programas do Ubuntu. O Ubuntu é um sistema operacional derivado do
 Debian, e o sistema para computadores da Google é derivado do Ubuntu,
 sendo assim, provavelmente utiliza pacotes .deb (de Debian).
 Acho que a partir dessa introdução e contextualização pode ser que
 você possa estar um pouco mais situado. Espero que tenha lhe ajudado.
 On 22-05-2015 22:00, Felipe Soares wrote:
   ola , sei que é um sistema de suporte do Debian , mais estou
  um trabalho sobre oque é e como funcional esse mesmo sistema , como
  usa-lo e quais suas vantagens 
   poderia me ajudar dizendo algo sobre o sistema Debian linux?
  informação sera bem vinda 
  agradeço sua atenção desde já.
  ass: Felipe 
  Curso : Redes de Computadores 

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Re: diferença entre sh e ./

2015-05-23 Thread Listeiro 037

Tenho a proposta de um exercício se você topar e tiver um
tempo. Experimenta apagar a primeira linha com she-bang do script
(deixar a linha em branco) e põe ele prá rodar:

1) com ./script 
1) com sh script
2) com sh ./script
3) com bash script
4) com bash ./script

Depois você elimina a permissão de escrita com um chmod -x script e
refazestes testes, executando. Depois você digita sh no prompt e aperta
enter prá entrar no dash e refaz os testes.

A variável $PATH de seu ambiente terminal possui vários diretórios de
arquivos binários para a execução. Diretórios como /bin /usr/bin e se
você for root também terá /sbin e /usr/sbin e outros
como /usr/local/bin podem entrar nessa lista.

Para confirmar basta você executar um echo $PATH e irá ver como está
sua variável PATH de busca de caminhos de execução.

Agora se você adicionar no seu $PATH um caminho para seu
diretório /home/usuario (supondo seu usuário ter o nome de usuario),
então o script rodará sem o ./ para você. Ele rodará que nem um ls, que
não precisa de um /bin/ls prá rodar como o script precisa de
um ./script para rodar.

Não é recomendado colocar na variável PATH o diretório home por
questões de segurança (até onde sei, pelo que aprendi). Continue
executando comandos dentro de home com ./

Em Sat, 23 May 2015 00:04:40 -0300
Tiago Pigazao escreveu:

 então independente do que for usado na execução sh ou ./ ele de certa
 forma não vai considerar aquele sha-bang do inicio #!bin/bash ?
 Em 22 de maio de 2015 23:34, Listeiro 037
  sh é um link em /bin/sh. No Debiian aponta para /bin/dash.
  Dash é uma implementação do Almqvist Shell (ash) para o Debian. É
  shell diferente do Bash.
  ./ executa o script com shell do ambiente
  Dash entende as coisas diferentes do que Bash entende. São como que
  linguagens de scripts diferentes.
  Por isso é que há uma orientação prá se escrever scripts que
  funcionem não apenas com bash ou zsh, mas com csh, ksh, dash e
  muitos outros. No caso do if há dois comandos prá serem usados
  junto com ele chamado expr e test.
  Uma versão do seu script para Dash seria:
  for var in $(seq 100) ; do
  if test $(expr $var % 2) -eq 0
  echo $var
  fi ;
  Em Fri, 22 May 2015 23:04:25 -0300
  Tiago Pigazao escreveu:
   Boa noite
   Pessoal alguem sabe, qual é a diferença de se executar um shell
   script com sh ou com ./ ?
   estou com o seguinte cenário..
   tenho um script com permissão de execução ok , ao executar com
   sh ele não funciona (da problema na linha do if), agora se
   executar com ./  funciona ok... segue script abaixo :
   for var in $(seq 100) ; do
   if (( $var % 2 == 0 ))
   echo $var
   fi ; done
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Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread Dalios
On 05/23/2015 08:58 AM, mudongliang wrote:
 Yesterday I installed the LMDE(Linux Mint based Debian Jessie),which is 
 a rolling release issued by Linux Mint!
 The installation is of no question! But when I want to install 
 openyoudao from ppa , it returns me not support ppa!
 So I search it ! Although I don't find some real proof , but I can see 
 one thing ! Maybe debian will not support ppa ,
 because in the talk of Neil McGovern, he says some weakness of ppa! And 
 from the development of Debian ,
 ppa's development seems to be not able to ensure its stablity!
 What's your opinion?

I don't know what openyoudao is but when running Debian it is highly
recommended not to mix repositories with Ubuntu or other linux
distributions. In your case you are not even running Debian but only
Debian based Mint (as far as I know though LMDE is Debian compatible in
the repository level).

That said you can try to install the .deb package with other ways (for
example using gdebi) but the main drawback (apart from any
inconsistencies already mentioned) is that the package won't be updated
with the rest of the system because apt/synaptic will not be able to do


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Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread mudongliang

On 05/23/2015 03:28 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:

On Sat, 23 May 2015 15:13:33 +0800
mudongliang wrote:

On 05/23/2015 02:37 PM, Dalios wrote:

That said you can try to install the .deb package with other ways
(for example using gdebi) but the main drawback (apart from any
inconsistencies already mentioned) is that the package won't be
updated with the rest of the system because apt/synaptic will not
be able to do this.

At last , I want to talk about the future of ppa in Debian! Even the
leader has said the weakness of ppa! Maybe Debian will not use ppa!
Maybe LMDE is just a hint! Isn't it!?

The major problem with using a ppa is that the software has not been
vetted by the Debian project. It could contain malware or other
security problems, and the maintainer of the ppa can suddenly decide to
drop support of it, leaving you with a package that does not receive

You need to consider whether you trust the person running the ppa to
not introduce weaknesses to your system. With the Debian repositories,
there is a system in place to handle all of this. Adding a foreign
repository _can_ make you vulnerable. You just don't know.
I think Debian is a distribution which focuses security and stablity. So 
maybe it should help these interesting ,useful,meaning project import 
into Debian project!

Things out of control may be a bomb I think!
Sometimes, you should not rely on the users to classify the problem of 
application in ppa! The users may only know its function ,but not its 
details ,or dependency!

Maybe it has many vulnerablities for attacker to hack! Maybe it is a virus!

There is also the matter of dependencies, if the repository you are
using is not intended for your exact distribution.

It's not a matter of not supporting ppas, it's a matter of not
recommending them. You can always add the repository to sources.list
and add the key manually.
I have to confess what you said! The user who write list file for 
his/her system may know much about this software or be an experienced 
user of Debian!


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Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Adrien Dewulf
Bonjour à tous,

Je désire activer le trim sur mon système (j'avais pu l'activer sous Wheezy
et sur le même ordi),  j'utilise Debian Jessie 3.16.0-4-amd64 depuis qu'il
est passé en stable. J'ai suivi les étapes de l'installateur et j'ai
choisis l'option LVM avec encryption.
J'ai zapper l'histoire des trims (n'ayant du le faire qu'une fois il y a
longtemps). Maintenant mon disque est plein(ici ce trouve mon problème). Je
rencontre des difficultés pour libéré de la mémoire. Mon SDD ne faisant que
64 GO.
Je mets ici le lien du site ou j'ai lu le tout:
Je mis ici en dessous les informations que j'ai.

Cordialement et merci à ceux qui pourront m'aider.



1. J'ai éditer /etc/defaut/grub

Ca ressemblait à ca:
entre d'autres lignes


Maintenant ressemble à ca:
Avec cette ligne comme modèle:


Je n'ai pas la certitude non-plus que sda-5 soit le volume LUKS, mais je
l'ai vu dans mapper.
fstrim n'est pas supporté.

root@monordi:/#fstrim -v /home
fstrim: /home: the discard operation is not supported
Mon cryptab
root@monordi:/# cat /etc/crypttab

# target UUID Device key file options
sda5_crypt UUID=54000-0045-d457-a5774-124452405ea13c none luks,discard

mon dev/mapper

root@monordi:/# ls dev/mapper/
monordi--vg-home  monordi--vg-root  monordi--vg-swap_1  control  sda5_crypt
J'ai déjà édité le fichier /etc/lvm/lvm.conf

issue_discards = 1
Après ca je fais un

root@monordi:/# update-initramfs -u -k all
update-initramfs: /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64 has been altered.
update-initramfs: Cannot update. Override with -t option.

Cette commande ne donne pas de retour clair, le prompt disparait un moment
et revient.
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r`

La commande:  dmsetup table, m'a un temps retourné un allow-discard. Mais
il a disparu du retour de la commande...

Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Patrick Bartek

Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to replace my 
aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which parts).  Going to abandoned 
the Big Box forever.  Need to be very portable in the next year or two. Two 
questions to begin:

1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot through the OS, 
Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However, I've read some makes (Asus, 
Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it directly through BIOS without needing to boot 
Windows?  True?  Any others?

2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the Desktop.  Or 
is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else entirely?  Except Ubuntu 
variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run in Legacy mode for future 
compatibility.  I won't be installing a desktop, just a window manager.  
Probably Openbox.



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Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Juha Heinanen
Patrick Bartek writes:

 2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the
 Desktop.  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else entirely?
 Except Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run in Legacy mode
 for future compatibility.  I won't be installing a desktop, just a
 window manager.  Probably Openbox.

Then get Acer C720 Chromebook (with 4 GB of RAM) and install a bigger
SSD to it.  Everything works in Debian Jessie once you upgrade kernel to
a newer version.  Boots in a few seconds and no need to pay tax to MS or
have UEFI hassles.

-- Juha

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Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread mudongliang

On 05/23/2015 02:37 PM, Dalios wrote:

On 05/23/2015 08:58 AM, mudongliang wrote:

Yesterday I installed the LMDE(Linux Mint based Debian Jessie),which is
a rolling release issued by Linux Mint!
The installation is of no question! But when I want to install
openyoudao from ppa , it returns me not support ppa!

So I search it ! Although I don't find some real proof , but I can see
one thing ! Maybe debian will not support ppa ,
because in the talk of Neil McGovern, he says some weakness of ppa! And
from the development of Debian ,
ppa's development seems to be not able to ensure its stablity!

What's your opinion?

I don't know what openyoudao is but when running Debian it is highly
First , openyoudao is an open source project on the github! The designer 
says we can use ppa to install it!

recommended not to mix repositories with Ubuntu or other linux
distributions. In your case you are not even running Debian but only
Debian based Mint (as far as I know though LMDE is Debian compatible in
the repository level).
Second , I run Debian Jessie on my desktop! It can install software from 
ppa! I forget to note it! I'm sorry!

That said you can try to install the .deb package with other ways (for
example using gdebi) but the main drawback (apart from any
inconsistencies already mentioned) is that the package won't be updated
with the rest of the system because apt/synaptic will not be able to do
At last , I want to talk about the future of ppa in Debian! Even the 
leader has said the weakness of ppa! Maybe Debian will not use ppa!

Maybe LMDE is just a hint! Isn't it!?


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Fri, 22 May 2015 23:53:14 -0700
Patrick Bartek wrote:

 Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to
 replace my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which parts).
 Going to abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very portable in
 the next year or two. Two questions to begin:
 1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot through
 the OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However, I've read some
 makes (Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it directly through BIOS
 without needing to boot Windows?  True?  Any others?

I don't have a laptop myself (don't like them), but every one I've seen
so far has had a switch to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS. AFAIK, that
switch is mandatory to adhere to the Built For Windows 8 MS program,
although it is only optional for the coming Windows 10 program. That
might be something to watch out for.

If this is going to become a real problem or not, we will just have to
wait and see.

 2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the
 Desktop.  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else
 entirely?  Except Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run in
 Legacy mode for future compatibility.  I won't be installing a
 desktop, just a window manager.  Probably Openbox.

You can find details here:

I believe the Canonical people have put some effort into becoming fully
Secure Boot-compliant, but if you do not like them, then that is not an
option. There are also others (RedHat?) but I can't remember who.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 15:13:33 +0800
mudongliang wrote:

 On 05/23/2015 02:37 PM, Dalios wrote:
  That said you can try to install the .deb package with other ways
  (for example using gdebi) but the main drawback (apart from any
  inconsistencies already mentioned) is that the package won't be
  updated with the rest of the system because apt/synaptic will not
  be able to do this.
 At last , I want to talk about the future of ppa in Debian! Even the 
 leader has said the weakness of ppa! Maybe Debian will not use ppa!
 Maybe LMDE is just a hint! Isn't it!?

The major problem with using a ppa is that the software has not been
vetted by the Debian project. It could contain malware or other
security problems, and the maintainer of the ppa can suddenly decide to
drop support of it, leaving you with a package that does not receive

You need to consider whether you trust the person running the ppa to
not introduce weaknesses to your system. With the Debian repositories,
there is a system in place to handle all of this. Adding a foreign
repository _can_ make you vulnerable. You just don't know.

There is also the matter of dependencies, if the repository you are
using is not intended for your exact distribution.

It's not a matter of not supporting ppas, it's a matter of not
recommending them. You can always add the repository to sources.list
and add the key manually.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 16:28:19 +0800
mudongliang wrote:

 On 05/23/2015 03:28 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:
  The major problem with using a ppa is that the software has not been
  vetted by the Debian project. It could contain malware or other
  security problems, and the maintainer of the ppa can suddenly
  decide to drop support of it, leaving you with a package that does
  not receive updates.
  You need to consider whether you trust the person running the ppa to
  not introduce weaknesses to your system. With the Debian
  repositories, there is a system in place to handle all of this.
  Adding a foreign repository _can_ make you vulnerable. You just
  don't know.
 I think Debian is a distribution which focuses security and stablity.
 So maybe it should help these interesting ,useful,meaning project
 import into Debian project!

If you want to get the package adopted by Debian, there is nothing to
stop you from offering to maintain it yourself. Somebody needs to take
on the responsibility of building the package for Debian, and provide
updates and fixes.

In the Debian community, this happens within a framework. Everyone is
free to contribute and suggest packages for adoption, but it is still
dependent on someone actually taking responsibility for the package in
question. I have no idea what the package you are talking about is, but
if there is a significant need for it, I suggest you go through the
appropriate channels to have it adopted. There is probably information
on how to do this on the wiki, I'm just too lazy to check.

(OK, I checked ;)

Read this:

That is a guide on building/maintaining Debian packages. You should also
take a look at:

And read this if you want the package to actually be adopted:

If there are other things you need to know about, I hope someone else
will speak up, as I know little about this.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Generar Reportes/Documentación

2015-05-23 Thread javier frf
El día 22 de mayo de 2015, 18:20, Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus escribió:
 Podrías probar con pandoc a XML (bien formado) y de ahí con ConTeXt
 pasar a pdf sin el HTML. Aunque para saber mejor que usar sería bueno
 saber cual es tu entrada en pandoc. Si es desde Writer puedes sacar el
 pdf directamente sin tanto engorro.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Tambien puedes usar jasperreports, metes todo en una base de datos, y
generas los reportes con un pequeño programa en java. si te interesa
te puedo pasar algunos códigos

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Re: FreeBSD ou Linux

2015-05-23 Thread David S.

Le 2015-05-23 15:26, Qassem Debian a écrit : 

 Je veux installer Debian,sur un Dell E5450,avec un noyau FreeBSD mais 
 seulement j'hésite un ne sais pas si l'administration d'une Debian 
 GNU/kFreeBSD est identique à celle d'une Debian avec noyau Linux.Quel est le 
 shell par défaut? Les outils d'administrations sont-ils les mêmes que ceux 
 offerts par le noyau Linux?...
 Quelqu'un voudrait bien m'aider à faire un choix éclairé?


Si tu veux tester FreeBSD, teste directement la distribution source, la
version FreeBSD de Debian ayant été abandonnée lors du passage à Jessie.

My 2cts. 


Re: Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Sylvain Tgz

J'ai le même schéma (luks + lvm) que toi, je n'ai rien configuré au
niveau de grub.
Je pense que tout est ok niveau configuration.
Pour recréer l'initram tu peux tenter un dpkg-reconfigure


Le 23 mai 2015 11:57, Adrien Dewulf a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,

 Je désire activer le trim sur mon système (j'avais pu l'activer sous Wheezy
 et sur le même ordi),  j'utilise Debian Jessie 3.16.0-4-amd64 depuis qu'il
 est passé en stable. J'ai suivi les étapes de l'installateur et j'ai choisis
 l'option LVM avec encryption.
 J'ai zapper l'histoire des trims (n'ayant du le faire qu'une fois il y a
 longtemps). Maintenant mon disque est plein(ici ce trouve mon problème). Je
 rencontre des difficultés pour libéré de la mémoire. Mon SDD ne faisant que
 64 GO.
 Je mets ici le lien du site ou j'ai lu le tout:
 Je mis ici en dessous les informations que j'ai.

 Cordialement et merci à ceux qui pourront m'aider.



 1. J'ai éditer /etc/defaut/grub

 Ca ressemblait à ca:
 entre d'autres lignes


 Maintenant ressemble à ca:
 Avec cette ligne comme modèle:


 Je n'ai pas la certitude non-plus que sda-5 soit le volume LUKS, mais je
 l'ai vu dans mapper.
 fstrim n'est pas supporté.

 root@monordi:/#fstrim -v /home
 fstrim: /home: the discard operation is not supported
 Mon cryptab
 root@monordi:/# cat /etc/crypttab

 # target UUID Device key file options
 sda5_crypt UUID=54000-0045-d457-a5774-124452405ea13c none luks,discard

 mon dev/mapper

 root@monordi:/# ls dev/mapper/
 monordi--vg-home  monordi--vg-root  monordi--vg-swap_1  control  sda5_crypt
 J'ai déjà édité le fichier /etc/lvm/lvm.conf

 issue_discards = 1
 Après ca je fais un

 root@monordi:/# update-initramfs -u -k all
 update-initramfs: /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64 has been altered.
 update-initramfs: Cannot update. Override with -t option.

 Cette commande ne donne pas de retour clair, le prompt disparait un moment
 et revient.
 mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r`

 La commande:  dmsetup table, m'a un temps retourné un allow-discard. Mais il
 a disparu du retour de la commande...

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Re: Problems getting started with QtQuick and QtCreator

2015-05-23 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sat, 2015-05-23 at 08:24 +0300, Jarle Aase wrote:
 Hi all,
 Sorry for the noise.
 I started trying more of the suggestions in different forum threads
 regarding this problem, and
aptitude install qtdeclarative5-dev
 solved it.

That sounds like a dependency problem, be sure to file a bug so others
won't have the same problem!

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Postfix comportement étrange

2015-05-23 Thread Samuel

Le 23/05/2015 01:30, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

Le 21/05/15 à 15:24, Samuel a écrit :
S C'est ce que j'avais mis en place (en changeant la requête user_query de
S dovecot)

Ah ben non, faut que tu crée une nouvelle requete pour cet usage de 
check_policy_service sans
casser les requêtes existantes, sinon évidemment dovecot va utiliser cette 
requete modifiée
pour trouver les users et ça va remonter les alias aussi et évidemment créer 
d'autre problèmes.

Le problème est que la table quota est gérée par dovecot (ajout 
suppression de champ etc ...) et que le fichier de conf lié à cette 
table quota est très sommaire et ne permet, à priori, pas de 
personnaliser les requêtes (rien vu en ce sens sur :

connect = host= dbname=mail user=test password=test
map {
  pattern = priv/quota/storage
  table = quota
  username_field = email
  value_field = bytes
map {
  pattern = priv/quota/messages
  table = quota
  username_field = email
  value_field = messages

Je ne vois pas comment utiliser username_field pour récupérer et 
l'alias et le user dans 2 tables différentes.

Si j'ai bien compris que c'est à ce niveau qu'il faut intervenir.


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Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread Reco

On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:28:55 +0200
Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015 15:13:33 +0800
 mudongliang wrote:
  On 05/23/2015 02:37 PM, Dalios wrote:
   That said you can try to install the .deb package with other ways
   (for example using gdebi) but the main drawback (apart from any
   inconsistencies already mentioned) is that the package won't be
   updated with the rest of the system because apt/synaptic will not
   be able to do this.
  At last , I want to talk about the future of ppa in Debian! Even the 
  leader has said the weakness of ppa! Maybe Debian will not use ppa!
  Maybe LMDE is just a hint! Isn't it!?
 The major problem with using a ppa is that the software has not been
 vetted by the Debian project. It could contain malware or other
 security problems, and the maintainer of the ppa can suddenly decide to
 drop support of it, leaving you with a package that does not receive
 You need to consider whether you trust the person running the ppa to
 not introduce weaknesses to your system. With the Debian repositories,
 there is a system in place to handle all of this. Adding a foreign
 repository _can_ make you vulnerable. You just don't know.
 There is also the matter of dependencies, if the repository you are
 using is not intended for your exact distribution.
 It's not a matter of not supporting ppas, it's a matter of not
 recommending them. You can always add the repository to sources.list
 and add the key manually.

I'd like to add something to your excellent points.

$ wget
$ lintian openyoudao_0.4-1_amd64.deb | wc -l

Whoever packaged this software did abysmally bad job. I doubt that this
package would be accepted in Debian archive in the current shape.


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RE: Problem Running Application with Alias

2015-05-23 Thread Stephen P. Molnar
-Original Message-
From: Petter Adsen [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Problem Running Application with Alias

On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:36:31 -0400
Sephen P. Molnar wrote:

 VI am running Wheezy (v-7.8.0)  in a VM and have encountered rather a 
 strange problem .with an application, MOPAC (a well established 
 quantum chemistry program).
 The application is installed in /opt/mopac (required by the
 executable) and, in order to execute the program the following is an 
 entry in the user .bashrc:

This is an obvious thing that jumps out at me, this line should be:


as LD_LIBRARY_PATH is meant to contain directories where shared libraries
can be found, not an executable binary.

In this case, I expect that the shared libraries will not be found, since
the loader will look for them in a _directory named_ MOPAC2012.exe, not

 alias mopac='/opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe'
 The permissions for /opt/mopac are:  drwxrwxrwx
 (I should note at this point that this works flawlessly in my 
 production machine.)

Maybe there are copies of the libraries in another directory that the loader
searches, or /opt/mopac is listed in /etc/

 comp@inga:~$ /opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe
 /opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe: error while loading shared libraries: can
 not open shared object file: No such file or directory
 The workaround is to copy the argument to /opt/mopac, run the 
 executable for the calculation, and then transfer the results to the 
 working directory.
 This is most inconvenient and I would really appreciate a solution to 
 the problem.

Try fixing the line that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or adding /opt/mopac
to /etc/ and run ldconfig to update the cache.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Well, that was a red-faced forehead slapper.  The solution, or rather the
problem, was staring me in the face and I faled to comprehend.

Thanks very much for your reply!

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.Life is a fuzzy
Foundation for Chemistry   Stochastic and
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

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Re: Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Adrien Dewulf

Merci, le dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 a du bien fonctionné
puisque je n'ai pas de retour d'erreur quand j’exécute le #
update-initramfs -u -k all.

C'est manifestement le mkinitramfs qui a posé un problème. Je viens de le

Est ce que quand tu exécutes # dmsetup table tu as un allow-discard qui
apparaît dans le retour ?


Le 23 mai 2015 12:43, Sylvain Tgz a écrit :


 J'ai le même schéma (luks + lvm) que toi, je n'ai rien configuré au
 niveau de grub.
 Je pense que tout est ok niveau configuration.
 Pour recréer l'initram tu peux tenter un dpkg-reconfigure


 Le 23 mai 2015 11:57, Adrien Dewulf a écrit :
  Bonjour à tous,
  Je désire activer le trim sur mon système (j'avais pu l'activer sous
  et sur le même ordi),  j'utilise Debian Jessie 3.16.0-4-amd64 depuis
  est passé en stable. J'ai suivi les étapes de l'installateur et j'ai
  l'option LVM avec encryption.
  J'ai zapper l'histoire des trims (n'ayant du le faire qu'une fois il y a
  longtemps). Maintenant mon disque est plein(ici ce trouve mon problème).
  rencontre des difficultés pour libéré de la mémoire. Mon SDD ne faisant
  64 GO.
  Je mets ici le lien du site ou j'ai lu le tout:
  Je mis ici en dessous les informations que j'ai.
  Cordialement et merci à ceux qui pourront m'aider.
  1. J'ai éditer /etc/defaut/grub
  Ca ressemblait à ca:
  entre d'autres lignes
  Maintenant ressemble à ca:
  Avec cette ligne comme modèle:
  Je n'ai pas la certitude non-plus que sda-5 soit le volume LUKS, mais je
  l'ai vu dans mapper.
  fstrim n'est pas supporté.
  root@monordi:/#fstrim -v /home
  fstrim: /home: the discard operation is not supported
  Mon cryptab
  root@monordi:/# cat /etc/crypttab
  # target UUID Device key file options
  sda5_crypt UUID=54000-0045-d457-a5774-124452405ea13c none
  mon dev/mapper
  root@monordi:/# ls dev/mapper/
  monordi--vg-home  monordi--vg-root  monordi--vg-swap_1  control
  J'ai déjà édité le fichier /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
  issue_discards = 1
  Après ca je fais un
  root@monordi:/# update-initramfs -u -k all
  update-initramfs: /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64 has been altered.
  update-initramfs: Cannot update. Override with -t option.
  Cette commande ne donne pas de retour clair, le prompt disparait un
  et revient.
  mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r`
  La commande:  dmsetup table, m'a un temps retourné un allow-discard.
 Mais il
  a disparu du retour de la commande...

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Re: Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Gaël
Hello !

 Bonjour à tous,

 Je désire activer le trim sur mon système

Si tu parles un peu anglais, c'est grave bien expliqué ici :


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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: sistema operacional Debian linux

2015-05-23 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Eai Felipe,

Debian é chamado de 'sistema operacional universal', e a vasto conteúdo
acerca disso dificulta responder sem que lance mão das fontes sendo
muito mais fácil dispor o que você quer.

De alguma forma ou outra o que é gerado pelo Debian está mais próximo
das pessoas que imaginam. Ao meu ver, o Debian é uma variante do sistema
operacional Gnu/Linux, mas Gnu e Linux são ao mesmo tempo coisas
distintas do Debian como 'oranizações independentes e autônomas'.

Software livre não é para ser gratuito, pois se fosse não seria lvire
para ganhar dinheiro com isto. As pessoas pagam o quê, quando e quanto
querem. Software livre é uma multiplicidade de comunidades, arquiteturas
e iniciativas interdependentes, que se ajudam o desenvolvem software com
direitos autorais rígidos, mas pelo Copyleft. Quer dizer que não é
domínio público, mas sim que os proprietários dão autorização prévia a
outros potenciais autores interferirem, corrigirem, melhorarem e
atualizarem os softwares, com liberdade. E Debian é uma organização
mundial de pessoas que se associam meio que voluntariamente para
desenvolver software livre.

A Google é uma empresa que utiliza algo derivado disto, seja com uma
parte advindo do Debian ou não. O sistema Android é linux, e o AppStore
(ou PlayStore ou GooglePlay) é uma derivação do Central de Programas do
Ubuntu. O Ubuntu é um sistema operacional derivado do Debian, e o
sistema para computadores da Google é derivado do Ubuntu, sendo assim,
provavelmente utiliza pacotes .deb (de Debian).

Acho que a partir dessa introdução e contextualização pode ser que você
possa estar um pouco mais situado. Espero que tenha lhe ajudado. Att.

On 22-05-2015 22:00, Felipe Soares wrote:
   ola , sei que é um sistema de suporte do Debian , mais estou fazendo
 um trabalho sobre oque é e como funcional esse mesmo sistema , como
 usa-lo e quais suas vantagens 
  poderia me ajudar dizendo algo sobre o sistema Debian linux? qualquer
 informação sera bem vinda 

 agradeço sua atenção desde já.

 ass: Felipe 
 Curso : Redes de Computadores 

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Problem Running Application with Alias

2015-05-23 Thread Sephen P. Molnar
VI am running Wheezy (v-7.8.0)  in a VM and have encountered rather a 
strange problem .with an application, MOPAC (a well established quantum 
chemistry program).

The application is installed in /opt/mopac (required by the executable) 
and, in order to execute the program the following is an entry in the 
user .bashrc:

alias mopac='/opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe'

The permissions for /opt/mopac are:  drwxrwxrwx

(I should note at this point that this works flawlessly in my production 

Now, for the problem, the alias or MOPAC2012.exe work only if evoked in 

If, I attempt running the alias in /home/comp (the user), for instance, 
I get:

comp@inga:~$ mopac
/opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe: error while loading shared libraries: can

not open shared object file: No such file or directory

Alternately, if I try to run with the ful path to the executabe I get:

comp@inga:~$ /opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe
/opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe: error while loading shared libraries: can

not open shared object file: No such file or directory

The workaround is to copy the argument to /opt/mopac, run the executable 
for the calculation, and then transfer the results to the working directory.

This is most inconvenient and I would really appreciate a solution to 
the problem.

Thanks iin advance.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set
Foundation for Chemistry Stochastic and Multivariate
Skype:  smolnar1

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Testing - login screen and console very dark

2015-05-23 Thread Jape Person
At some point during the recent slew of updates in testing I 
noticed that one of my four systems began exhibiting a strange 
behavior. When I log out from a desktop session to the greeter 
or switch to a console screen, the display is so dark I can 
hardly see its content. I would point out that the first time 
the login screen is seen after boot it shines at normal brightness.

The affected  system is a Lenovo Thinkpad T520i, the only system 
among my 4 machines running the AMD64 kernel. Fortunately it has 
screen brightness control built into the hardware, so remedying 
the dim screens is easy enough.

I recall having to fiddle with screen brightness on in the DE 
(Xfce) more than once in the past as versions of the power 
manager changed. But, in those cases, the login screen and 
console screen brightness were not affected.

The other odd effect I see is that using the screen brightness 
keys when at the login screen or on the console doesn't step the 
brightness. The first touch of the brightness control takes 
brightness all the way to 100%. Once logged in, the brightness 
control is properly granular.

One more oddity about brightness control on the system is that 
the new power manager plugin for the Xfce panel behaves as I 
would expect -- except that, if it is sitting in the 
notification area instead of out on the panel, use of the mouse 
scrollwheel  with the cursor positioned over the power icon does 
not control screen brightness.

This latter issue might well be attributed to the plugin itself, 
but is the issue of login screen and console screen brightness 
not a function of non-DE components?

There are many, many reports online of people having problems 
with display brightness recently, but none that I have read 
seems at all a close match to my situation.

Could someone here steer me toward documentation or testing 
methods that could help me resolve the issue of login screen and 
console brightness?


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Re: discuss debian 's attitude to ppa

2015-05-23 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 01:58:16PM +0800, mudongliang wrote:
 Yesterday I installed the LMDE(Linux Mint based Debian Jessie),which is a
 rolling release issued by Linux Mint!

LMDE is based on Debian but not exactly a Debian.  It's Linux Mint.

 The installation is of no question! But when I want to install openyoudao
 from ppa , it returns me not support ppa!
 So I search it ! Although I don't find some real proof , but I can see one
 thing ! Maybe debian will not support ppa ,

PPA created by Debian and based on Debian will be supported but that
still has not been created.  Random PPA style archive is not supported
although some binaries may work.

 because in the talk of Neil McGovern, he says some weakness of ppa! And from
 the development of Debian ,
 ppa's development seems to be not able to ensure its stablity!

I do not know what you are talking about, but I thought Neil is pushing
to create PPA asa paert of service.


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FreeBSD ou Linux

2015-05-23 Thread Qassem Debian

Je veux installer Debian,sur un Dell E5450,avec un noyau FreeBSD mais seulement 
j'hésite un ne sais pas si l'administration d'une Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 
est identique à celle d'une Debian avec noyau Linux.Quel est le shell par 
défaut? Les outils d'administrations sont-ils les mêmes que ceux offerts par le 
noyau Linux?...

Quelqu'un voudrait bien m'aider à faire un choix éclairé?

Re: Problem Running Application with Alias

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:36:31 -0400
Sephen P. Molnar wrote:

 VI am running Wheezy (v-7.8.0)  in a VM and have encountered rather a 
 strange problem .with an application, MOPAC (a well established
 quantum chemistry program).
 The application is installed in /opt/mopac (required by the
 executable) and, in order to execute the program the following is an
 entry in the user .bashrc:

This is an obvious thing that jumps out at me, this line should be:


as LD_LIBRARY_PATH is meant to contain directories where shared
libraries can be found, not an executable binary.

In this case, I expect that the shared libraries will not be found,
since the loader will look for them in a _directory named_
MOPAC2012.exe, not /opt/mopac.

 alias mopac='/opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe'
 The permissions for /opt/mopac are:  drwxrwxrwx
 (I should note at this point that this works flawlessly in my
 production machine.)

Maybe there are copies of the libraries in another directory that the
loader searches, or /opt/mopac is listed in /etc/

 comp@inga:~$ /opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe
 /opt/mopac/MOPAC2012.exe: error while loading shared libraries: can
 not open shared object file: No such file or directory
 The workaround is to copy the argument to /opt/mopac, run the
 executable for the calculation, and then transfer the results to the
 working directory.
 This is most inconvenient and I would really appreciate a solution to 
 the problem.

Try fixing the line that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or adding /opt/mopac
to /etc/ and run ldconfig to update the cache.


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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 10:30:33 -0400
German wrote:

 Hi list, 
 I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
 even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
 instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
 KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI KVM
 is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.

DVI-D = digital, DVI-I = digital + analog, VGA = analog.

One thing to be aware of is that you *might* get issues with HDCP
(DRM) when using DVI.



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udev hwdb question

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
In followup to the question I asked about a Logitech mouse a couple of
days ago; I can add a file in /etc/udev/hwdb.d and remap a binding as


But where can I find a list of what I can map them _to_ (ie, the back
in this example)?


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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: udev hwdb question

2015-05-23 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sat, 2015-05-23 at 16:38 +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
 In followup to the question I asked about a Logitech mouse a couple of
 days ago; I can add a file in /etc/udev/hwdb.d and remap a binding as
 But where can I find a list of what I can map them _to_ (ie, the back
 in this example)?

I think that is /usr/include/linux/input.h but in lowercase and without
the KEY_ prefix.

I haven't tried it myself though.

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 11:17:18 -0400
German wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015 16:53:37 +0200
 Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Sat, 23 May 2015 10:30:33 -0400
  German wrote:
   Hi list, 
   I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am
   not even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have
   DVI instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in
   price? VGA KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no
   object, DVI KVM is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can
  DVI-D = digital, DVI-I = digital + analog, VGA = analog.
 Most of the monitors are DVI-D, right? Now, my attention was caught by
 DVI-I KVM because of affordable price. Do I need some sort of adapter
 for DVI-D monitor? How much it is usually running at? Or DVI-I will
 fit DVI-D output? Thanks

Well, all you really need to know is in the link I gave you :) For the
connectors, see this:

AFAIK, a DVI-D connector/cable can be plugged into both DVI-D and
DVI-I ports, but a DVI-I cable carries extra (analog) signals, so it
has extra pins that won't fit in a DVI-D port.

A DVI-I KVM will carry both the digital and the analog signal, so you
can use a DVI-D cable to connect it to a DVI-D screen - it just won't
carry the analog signal, which you wouldn't need or be able to use

You can see illustrations of the connectors in the above link - I
really advice you to read it, since it thoroughly explains everything
you may need to know. I also remember seeing a quick and dirty
rundown of the differences on the nVidia site, you will find it if you
search for it. The above link is far more exhaustive, though.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 May 2015 17:22:34 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 El vie, 22-05-2015 a las 13:34 +, Camaleón escribió:


  2. Que vaya todo bien. ¿Quieres la copia de algún archivo o que haga
  alguna prueba?
 Si va todo bien (sería extraño) ya pensamos qué hacer :-)
 Todo va bien y he estado haciendo cosas un rato, como por ejemplo: la
 obtencion de los datos hw que te daré mas adelante.

Caray, pues sí que es raro que no arranque directamente y sí lo haga 
desde línea de comandos. Así a bote pronto no te sabría decir qué 
diferencia podría haber entre una situación y la otra como para evitar 
que el sistema se cargue normalmente.

 En esta maquina (la que no arranca Debian 8 ni Ubuntu 15.04) han corrido
 perfectamente bien hasta ahora todas las versiones de Debian (de hecho,
 ahora mismo estoy usando la 7.8) y todas las de Ubuntu (al menos hasta
 la 14.04).
 Hay gente que culpa a nouveau, pero tambien esta en D-7.8. Lo nuevo es
 systemd. ¿Se podria eliminar y sustituir por SysV para probar?. Digo con
 probabilidades de que no se maten entre ellos.

Sí, es posible pero mira, no te lo recomiendo. Nos vamos a tener que 
tragar systemd nos guste o no así que si algo no funciona mejor que 
ignorarlo es informar y que lo arreglen.

Comparto contigo que nouveau no debería ser el culpable (y de hecho, si 
te ha iniciado gnome-shell con nouveau parece indicar que no lo es).

Cierto es que gnome-shell ahora pide que el driver gráfico tenga soporte 
para EGL y no sé en qué estado se encontrará nouveau con esa 
característica (no olvidemos que nouveau es un desarrollo de ingeniería 
inversa ya que nvidia no proporciona código fuente alguno por lo que todo 
lo hacen a ciegas y pisando terreno pantanoso por eso los drivers 
propietarios de nvidia son bastante mejores que los de código abierto).

 En estos dias he estado con una maquina Medion parecida a esta, en la
 que corren perfectamente D-8 y U-15.04. Los datos hw son:
 Proc. Intel Pentium G630 @2.70Ghz 1600Mhz VGA   Intel 2nd generation
 core processor PCI   Intel 6 Series/C200 Chipset.
 Los datos de la que falla (HP) son:
 Proc. AMD Athlon II X2 250 processor 800Mhz.
 VGA   nVidia C61 GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 PCI   nVidia MCP61

La mayoría de las tarjetas gráficas de Intel no dan problemas porque 
disponen de controladores de código abierto pero eso sí, su rendimiento 
deja bastante que desear para según qué tareas.



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Re: Postfix comportement étrange

2015-05-23 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 23/05/15 à 14:03, Samuel a écrit :
S Je ne vois pas comment utiliser username_field pour récupérer et 
S l'alias et le user dans 2 tables différentes.
S Si j'ai bien compris que c'est à ce niveau qu'il faut intervenir.

Probable, je connais pas ta structure de table, tu dois écrire une requete sql 
qui sorte login
ou alias dans un seul champ, et tu utilise cette requete dans postfix, sans 
toucher aux
requetes déjà écrites pour dovecot.

Si t'es pas à l'aise avec des if dans le select, tu peux indiquer 2 requetes 
dans ta conf

cle = mysql:/path/to/, mysql:/path/to/

et tu regarde la doc pour la syntaxe de ces fichier cf, c'est du genre

user = xxx
password = xxx
hosts = xxx
dbname = xxx
query = SELECT champ FROM table WHERE autreChamp = '%s'

Le %s dépend de cle (ça peut être une adresse, un domaine, suivant le 
contexte), ce que tu
doit remonter dépend aussi du contexte.


J'aurais aimé être publicitaire pour faire dire des conneries aux vedettes.

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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 16:42 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 May 2015 18:32:39 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
  El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 16:14 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 23 May 2015 17:22:34 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
  Caray, pues sí que es raro que no arranque directamente y sí lo haga
  desde línea de comandos. Así a bote pronto no te sabría decir qué
  diferencia podría haber entre una situación y la otra como para evitar
  que el sistema se cargue normalmente.
  A ver, me parece que no me he explicado bien. Con recovery mode llego
  hasta el modo grafico: pantalla de seleccion de usuarios..
  Hay una parada intermedia en la que se podria entrar en modo texto, pero
  con Ctrl-D continua hasta el final.
 Entonces ¿aún no has podido iniciar con GNOME classic, cerrar la sesión e 
 intentar de nuevo con gnome-shell? Ya me parecía raro que funcionara :-)

Perdona, pero hay algo en lo que no te entiendo: mi secuencia ha sido la

1. Arranco con recovery mode.
2. Cuando aparece la pregunta de usuario+password, le doy Ctrl-D y
continua la carga hasta que aparece la pantalla de entrada grafica en la
que esta mi nombre de cuenta.
3. Aparte de poner la pwd, selecciono el modo que quiera:
predeterminado, gnome, gnome-classic y un 4º que no funciona. Entro y
trabajo un rato, para ver que no se vuelve a quedar colgado-tv.
4. Puedo apagar o salir de sesion y volver a entrar con un modo
diferente, sin problemas.

Podrias decirme modo guia-burros, o sea al estilo americano, que quieres
exactamente que haga.

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Re: FreeBSD ou Linux

2015-05-23 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 23/05/15 à 16:13, David S. a écrit :
DS  Bonjour,
DS  Je veux installer Debian,sur un Dell E5450,avec un noyau FreeBSD mais 
seulement j'hésite
DS  un ne sais pas si l'administration d'une Debian GNU/kFreeBSD est 
identique à
DS  celle d'une Debian avec noyau Linux.Quel est le shell par défaut? Les 
DS  d'administrations sont-ils les mêmes que ceux offerts par le noyau 
DS  Quelqu'un voudrait bien m'aider à faire un choix éclairé?
DS Bonjour, 
DS Si tu veux tester FreeBSD, teste directement la distribution source, la
DS version FreeBSD de Debian ayant été abandonnée lors du passage à Jessie.

Et la question n'est pas tellement celle du shell (tu peux mettre bash ou zsh 
ou celui que tu
veux), mais bien de tous les outils d'administration.

Tu vas retrouver la plupart des outils gnu (ps  co), mais parfois avec des 
options que tu as
l'habitude d'utiliser qui changent un peu, et surtout une organisation assez 
(système de ports vs packets, filesystem efficace mais évidemment avec des 
outils spécifiques,
gestion des services qui change aussi, etc).

Ça dépend aussi si c'est pour du desktop ou du serveur.

J'étais tenté à une époque (surtout pour ZFS et le never reboot), pour des 
serveurs, mais je
veux avoir la même chose sur mon desktop (pour avoir une conf de test locale 
Ayant un peu regardé ça et testé une install sur une partition libre j'ai 
réalisé que ça me
prendrait bcp de temps pour arriver à maîtriser ça autant que linux pour un 
desktop (la gestion
des périphériques est nettement plus compliqué par manque de pilotes dispo en 
configurer un chipset wifi ou un scanner peut demander pas mal d'efforts, mais 
c'était y'a
plusieurs années, ça a sûrement évolué depuis). J'en avais conclu qu'il valait 
mieux pour
moi investir ça dans l'amélioration de ma compréhension d'un linux (avec 
nettement plus de docs
La solution aurait pu être de passer les serveurs en BSD et en virtualiser un 
sur mon desktop
linux, mais ça impose quand même de maîtriser les deux, j'ai eu la flemme et 
manqué de temps.

Mais tu peux tester simplement avec un multiboot en dégageant une petite 
partition primaire
pour démarrer un BSD avec éventuellement le reste sous LVM si t'as besoin de 
plus de place.

Et raconte nous ensuite ;-)


Je bois pour oublier que je suis un ivrogne.
Alphonse Allais

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Running Debian with only 213MB Ram?

2015-05-23 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

On my old laptop I chose Openobex as window manager because Gnome is too heavy
for it.  I get though:

$ free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   213207  5  4 23111
-/+ buffers/cache: 73140
Swap:  952  0952

with just Openobex and Emacs and a couple of terminal emulators running, not
else.  Do you think that is too little?  Then maybe I should gave up hoping to
use Debian on that machine, and look for - if any exists - other systems?

Another thing: reading an old post of mine on Linux Debian Users mailing list,
some years ago, the above command would show 216 as total Memory.  Is it
possibile that it's decreased since then??

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Running Debian with only 213MB Ram?

2015-05-23 Thread Reco

On Sat, 23 May 2015 14:47:27 +
Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 Hi all.
 On my old laptop I chose Openobex as window manager because Gnome is too heavy
 for it.  I get though:
 $ free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:   213207  5  4 23111
 -/+ buffers/cache: 73140
 Swap:  952  0952
 with just Openobex and Emacs and a couple of terminal emulators running, not
 else.  Do you think that is too little?

Your 'free -m' result cleary show that you have 140M free memory. I.e.
65% of your memory is free. Moreover, you managed to avoid using the
swap. An excellent result, if you ask me.

Also, see [1]. And BTW, it's openbox, not Openobex :)

  Then maybe I should gave up hoping to
 use Debian on that machine, and look for - if any exists - other systems?

Why would you choose to do so? As long as overall performance
satisfies you - there's no need to change anything.

 Another thing: reading an old post of mine on Linux Debian Users mailing list,
 some years ago, the above command would show 216 as total Memory.  Is it
 possibile that it's decreased since then??

I have no idea of e-mail you're talking about, so no help from me here,



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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El vie, 22-05-2015 a las 13:34 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 21 May 2015 19:27:27 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

  No voy a tener acceso al ordenador que da los problemas en un par de
  dias, por lo que me gustaria concretar un poco mas la prueba.
  Se trata de llegar a la caratula de selección de usuarios, cambiar
  gnome-classic por predeterminado y entrar. Puede ocurrir:
  1. Que se descontrole: Te contaré lo que ocurre y si puedo hacer algo
  para retomar el control. ¿Algo mas?
 Si, si es posible me interesa los siguientes datos:
 1/ El archivo de registro completo que tienes en /var/log/syslog, 
 el .greeter.0 que está dentro del directorio /var/log/gdm3 y por si 
 acaso, el /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
 2/ Si al iniciar la sesión aparece en la pantalla texto, el que sea, una 
  2. Que vaya todo bien. ¿Quieres la copia de algún archivo o que haga
  alguna prueba?
 Si va todo bien (sería extraño) ya pensamos qué hacer :-)
Todo va bien y he estado haciendo cosas un rato, como por ejemplo: la
obtencion de los datos hw que te daré mas adelante.

En esta maquina (la que no arranca Debian 8 ni Ubuntu 15.04) han corrido
perfectamente bien hasta ahora todas las versiones de Debian (de hecho,
ahora mismo estoy usando la 7.8) y todas las de Ubuntu (al menos hasta
la 14.04).

Hay gente que culpa a nouveau, pero tambien esta en D-7.8. Lo nuevo es
systemd. ¿Se podria eliminar y sustituir por SysV para probar?. Digo con
probabilidades de que no se maten entre ellos.

En estos dias he estado con una maquina Medion parecida a esta, en la
que corren perfectamente D-8 y U-15.04. Los datos hw son:

Proc. Intel Pentium G630 @2.70Ghz 1600Mhz
VGA   Intel 2nd generation core processor
PCI   Intel 6 Series/C200 Chipset.

Los datos de la que falla (HP) son:

Proc. AMD Athlon II X2 250 processor 800Mhz.
VGA   nVidia C61 GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
PCI   nVidia MCP61


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Re: Testing - login screen and console very dark

2015-05-23 Thread Jape Person

On 05/23/2015 10:07 AM, Jape Person wrote:

At some point during the recent slew of updates in testing I
noticed that one of my four systems began exhibiting a strange
behavior. When I log out from a desktop session to the greeter
or switch to a console screen, the display is so dark I can
hardly see its content. I would point out that the first time
the login screen is seen after boot it shines at normal brightness.

The affected  system is a Lenovo Thinkpad T520i, the only system
among my 4 machines running the AMD64 kernel. Fortunately it has
screen brightness control built into the hardware, so remedying
the dim screens is easy enough.

I recall having to fiddle with screen brightness on in the DE
(Xfce) more than once in the past as versions of the power
manager changed. But, in those cases, the login screen and
console screen brightness were not affected.

The other odd effect I see is that using the screen brightness
keys when at the login screen or on the console doesn't step the
brightness. The first touch of the brightness control takes
brightness all the way to 100%. Once logged in, the brightness
control is properly granular.

One more oddity about brightness control on the system is that
the new power manager plugin for the Xfce panel behaves as I
would expect -- except that, if it is sitting in the
notification area instead of out on the panel, use of the mouse
scrollwheel  with the cursor positioned over the power icon does
not control screen brightness.

This latter issue might well be attributed to the plugin itself,
but is the issue of login screen and console screen brightness
not a function of non-DE components?

There are many, many reports online of people having problems
with display brightness recently, but none that I have read
seems at all a close match to my situation.

Could someone here steer me toward documentation or testing
methods that could help me resolve the issue of login screen and
console brightness?


Additional Information:

Once the first use of the brightness key has brightened the 
login screen or the console screen, the control becomes granular 
when decreasing or increasing screen brightness. Each time a 
brightness control keypress is made with a console screen 
visible, a ^@ appears on the command line or prompt line in 
addition to the change in screen brightness.

The initial adjustment to screen brightness has to be performed 
separately on the login screen and one of the console screens. 
(Obviously, I think, making the adjustment on one console screen 
affects all console screens.)

If I adjust the brightness on a console screen, then switch to 
the login screen, then switch back to the console screen, the 
console screen has become dimmed again.

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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 May 2015 18:32:39 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 16:14 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 May 2015 17:22:34 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
 Caray, pues sí que es raro que no arranque directamente y sí lo haga
 desde línea de comandos. Así a bote pronto no te sabría decir qué
 diferencia podría haber entre una situación y la otra como para evitar
 que el sistema se cargue normalmente.
 A ver, me parece que no me he explicado bien. Con recovery mode llego
 hasta el modo grafico: pantalla de seleccion de usuarios..
 Hay una parada intermedia en la que se podria entrar en modo texto, pero
 con Ctrl-D continua hasta el final.

Entonces ¿aún no has podido iniciar con GNOME classic, cerrar la sesión e 
intentar de nuevo con gnome-shell? Ya me parecía raro que funcionara :-)

 Sí, es posible pero mira, no te lo recomiendo. Nos vamos a tener que
 tragar systemd nos guste o no así que si algo no funciona mejor que
 ignorarlo es informar y que lo arreglen.
 Comparto contigo que nouveau no debería ser el culpable (y de hecho, si
 te ha iniciado gnome-shell con nouveau parece indicar que no lo es).
 Cierto es que gnome-shell ahora pide que el driver gráfico tenga
 soporte para EGL y no sé en qué estado se encontrará nouveau con esa
 característica (no olvidemos que nouveau es un desarrollo de ingeniería
 inversa ya que nvidia no proporciona código fuente alguno por lo que
 todo lo hacen a ciegas y pisando terreno pantanoso por eso los
 drivers propietarios de nvidia son bastante mejores que los de código
 Creo recordar haber intentado instalar el driver propietario
 (nvidia-legacy-304xx driver) pero sin ningun exito. Es mas, con un rato
 de trabajo, se queda colgado con la pantalla tipo tv-desincronizada.

Jolines qué de problemas... ¿y con el driver de nvidia podías iniciar con 
gnome-shell? En fin, mejor sigamos con la prueba que está pendiente a ver 
qué sucede.

 Supongo que como la des/instalación la hice con Synaptic quizas quedase
 algo del paquete nouveau; ¿podria desmontarse todo lo dependiente de
 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau?¿quizas con aptitude?¿como seria el comando?

No te adelantes, aún no sabemos qué falla.

 Por cierto: tampoco arranca archlinux (la version ultima 2015-05-01)
 pero si LinuxMint 17.1 que usa el kernel 3.13.0-37.

Yo no creo que el kernel sea el problema, por lo que ido comentando 
simplemente es gnome-shell la que te esté dando guerra :-/



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Fwd: Melhor alternativa de Backup para x empresas.

2015-05-23 Thread Rodrigo Batista
Boa Tarde Galera.

Gostaria de saber de vocês qual melhor solução.

*Carbonite Business x Mozypro X SafeBackup*
Atualmente Utilizo o Mozypro e vendo esse serviço para vários clientes.
E gostaria agora de montar uma solução semelhante, em um servidor proprio
que tenho.
o que vocês me indica de solução ? Se possível soluções Livre.

@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
*Rodrigo Batista*
Celular :. 011-7865-6291
 °v°   Seja Livre...
/(  )\  Use Linux..
 ^ ^

Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:02:15 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 16:42 +, Camaleón escribió:


 Entonces ¿aún no has podido iniciar con GNOME classic, cerrar la sesión
 e intentar de nuevo con gnome-shell? Ya me parecía raro que funcionara
 Perdona, pero hay algo en lo que no te entiendo: mi secuencia ha sido la
 1. Arranco con recovery mode.
 2. Cuando aparece la pregunta de usuario+password, le doy Ctrl-D y
 continua la carga hasta que aparece la pantalla de entrada grafica en la
 que esta mi nombre de cuenta.
 3. Aparte de poner la pwd, selecciono el modo que quiera:
 predeterminado, gnome, gnome-classic y un 4º que no funciona. Entro y
 trabajo un rato, para ver que no se vuelve a quedar colgado-tv.
 4. Puedo apagar o salir de sesion y volver a entrar con un modo
 diferente, sin problemas.
 Podrias decirme modo guia-burros, o sea al estilo americano, que quieres
 exactamente que haga.

Se trata de saber si puedes o no iniciar en una sesión gráfica con gnome-

Antes has dicho que con gnome-classic accedes sin problemas, vale, pero 
¿y con gnome-shell? ¿Qué sucede cuando seleccionas gnome-shell (gnome) 
cuando estás en el paso 3/? ¿Puedes iniciar sesión y trabajar con 



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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 17:14 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:02:15 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:
  El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 16:42 +, Camaleón escribió:
  Entonces ¿aún no has podido iniciar con GNOME classic, cerrar la sesión
  e intentar de nuevo con gnome-shell? Ya me parecía raro que funcionara
  Perdona, pero hay algo en lo que no te entiendo: mi secuencia ha sido la
  1. Arranco con recovery mode.
  2. Cuando aparece la pregunta de usuario+password, le doy Ctrl-D y
  continua la carga hasta que aparece la pantalla de entrada grafica en la
  que esta mi nombre de cuenta.
  3. Aparte de poner la pwd, selecciono el modo que quiera:
  predeterminado, gnome, gnome-classic y un 4º que no funciona. Entro y
  trabajo un rato, para ver que no se vuelve a quedar colgado-tv.
  4. Puedo apagar o salir de sesion y volver a entrar con un modo
  diferente, sin problemas.
  Podrias decirme modo guia-burros, o sea al estilo americano, que quieres
  exactamente que haga.
 Se trata de saber si puedes o no iniciar en una sesión gráfica con gnome-
 Antes has dicho que con gnome-classic accedes sin problemas, vale, pero 
 ¿y con gnome-shell? ¿Qué sucede cuando seleccionas gnome-shell (gnome) 
 cuando estás en el paso 3/? ¿Puedes iniciar sesión y trabajar con 

Si. Cuando arranco y llego por primera vez a la pantalla de entrada,
puedo seleccionar predeterminado, gnome (los dos son el mismo) o

Entre en el que entre, puedo acabar sesion y volver a entrar desde otro
modo distinto al anterior sin problemas.


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KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread German
Hi list, 

I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI KVM
is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.

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Re: FreeBSD ou Linux

2015-05-23 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 23 May 2015 16:13:08 +0200,
David S. a écrit :

 Le 2015-05-23 15:26, Qassem Debian a écrit : 
  Je veux installer Debian,sur un Dell E5450,avec un noyau FreeBSD
  mais seulement j'hésite un ne sais pas si l'administration
  d'une Debian GNU/kFreeBSD est identique à celle d'une Debian avec
  noyau Linux.Quel est le shell par défaut? Les outils
  d'administrations sont-ils les mêmes que ceux offerts par le noyau
  Quelqu'un voudrait bien m'aider à faire un choix éclairé?
 Si tu veux tester FreeBSD, teste directement la distribution source,
 la version FreeBSD de Debian ayant été abandonnée lors du passage à
 My 2cts. 


j'ai un petit faible pour puffy ( OpenBSD ) ...


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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread German
On Sat, 23 May 2015 16:53:37 +0200
Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015 10:30:33 -0400
 German wrote:
  Hi list, 
  I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
  even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
  instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
  KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI
  KVM is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.
 DVI-D = digital, DVI-I = digital + analog, VGA = analog.

Most of the monitors are DVI-D, right? Now, my attention was caught by
DVI-I KVM because of affordable price. Do I need some sort of adapter
for DVI-D monitor? How much it is usually running at? Or DVI-I will fit
DVI-D output? Thanks

 One thing to be aware of is that you *might* get issues with HDCP
 (DRM) when using DVI.

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Re: Jessie LVM2 et LUKS, problème pour activer le TRIM.

2015-05-23 Thread Adrien Dewulf
Merci pour le lien. J'ai déjà réalisé la configuration qu'il présent.

Mais quand j'exécute
# fstrim -v /home
fstrim: /home: the discard operation is not supported

Le 23 mai 2015 13:31, Gaël a écrit :

 Hello !

  Bonjour à tous,
  Je désire activer le trim sur mon système

 Si tu parles un peu anglais, c'est grave bien expliqué ici :


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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread CZOMCA
El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 16:14 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 May 2015 17:22:34 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 Caray, pues sí que es raro que no arranque directamente y sí lo haga 
 desde línea de comandos. Así a bote pronto no te sabría decir qué 
 diferencia podría haber entre una situación y la otra como para evitar 
 que el sistema se cargue normalmente.

A ver, me parece que no me he explicado bien. Con recovery mode llego
hasta el modo grafico: pantalla de seleccion de usuarios..

Hay una parada intermedia en la que se podria entrar en modo texto, pero
con Ctrl-D continua hasta el final.

 Sí, es posible pero mira, no te lo recomiendo. Nos vamos a tener que 
 tragar systemd nos guste o no así que si algo no funciona mejor que 
 ignorarlo es informar y que lo arreglen.
 Comparto contigo que nouveau no debería ser el culpable (y de hecho, si 
 te ha iniciado gnome-shell con nouveau parece indicar que no lo es).
 Cierto es que gnome-shell ahora pide que el driver gráfico tenga soporte 
 para EGL y no sé en qué estado se encontrará nouveau con esa 
 característica (no olvidemos que nouveau es un desarrollo de ingeniería 
 inversa ya que nvidia no proporciona código fuente alguno por lo que todo 
 lo hacen a ciegas y pisando terreno pantanoso por eso los drivers 
 propietarios de nvidia son bastante mejores que los de código abierto).

Creo recordar haber intentado instalar el driver propietario
(nvidia-legacy-304xx driver) pero sin ningun exito. Es mas, con un rato
de trabajo, se queda colgado con la pantalla tipo tv-desincronizada.

Supongo que como la des/instalación la hice con Synaptic quizas quedase
algo del paquete nouveau; ¿podria desmontarse todo lo dependiente de
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau?¿quizas con aptitude?¿como seria el comando?

Por cierto: tampoco arranca archlinux (la version ultima 2015-05-01)
pero si LinuxMint 17.1 que usa el kernel 3.13.0-37.


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 23 May 2015, Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Fri, 22 May 2015 23:53:14 -0700
 Patrick Bartek wrote:
  Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to
  replace my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which parts).
  Going to abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very portable in
  the next year or two. Two questions to begin:
  1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot through
  the OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However, I've read some
  makes (Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it directly through BIOS
  without needing to boot Windows?  True?  Any others?
 I don't have a laptop myself (don't like them), but every one I've
 seen so far has had a switch to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS.
 AFAIK, that switch is mandatory to adhere to the Built For Windows
 8 MS program, although it is only optional for the coming Windows 10
 program. That might be something to watch out for.

I've read about that, but right now until W10 in its final form is
release, nobody really knows for sure.

 If this is going to become a real problem or not, we will just have to
 wait and see.
  2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the
  Desktop.  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else
  entirely?  Except Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run
  in Legacy mode for future compatibility.  I won't be installing a
  desktop, just a window manager.  Probably Openbox.
 You can find details here:

Yes, I read that during my initial research.
 I believe the Canonical people have put some effort into becoming
 fully Secure Boot-compliant, but if you do not like them, then that
 is not an option. There are also others (RedHat?) but I can't
 remember who.

That compatibility comes from the Linux manufacturer buying a Microsoft
Secure Boot key which Canonical and RH have.  SUSE, too, I think. Don't
know how much that costs them.  I prefer not to have Linux under
Microsoft's thumb that way.

I have no problems with turning Secure Boot off and leaving it off.
It's just that I fear that in the future one won't be able to turn
it off.  And that will really throw a wrench in the Linux community.
We'll see.

Thanks for your input.


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:04:55 -0700
Patrick Bartek wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Fri, 22 May 2015 23:53:14 -0700
  Patrick Bartek wrote:
   Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to
   replace my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which
   parts). Going to abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very
   portable in the next year or two. Two questions to begin:
   1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot
   through the OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However,
   I've read some makes (Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it
   directly through BIOS without needing to boot Windows?  True?
   Any others?
  I don't have a laptop myself (don't like them), but every one I've
  seen so far has had a switch to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS.
  AFAIK, that switch is mandatory to adhere to the Built For Windows
  8 MS program, although it is only optional for the coming Windows
  10 program. That might be something to watch out for.
 I've read about that, but right now until W10 in its final form is
 release, nobody really knows for sure.

Well, yes and no. We *do* know that the status has changed from
mandatory to optional, but whether hardware manufacturers will
actually remove the ability to turn Secure Boot off remains to be seen.

  If this is going to become a real problem or not, we will just have
  to wait and see.
   2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the
   Desktop.  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else
   entirely?  Except Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run
   in Legacy mode for future compatibility.  I won't be installing a
   desktop, just a window manager.  Probably Openbox.
  You can find details here:
 Yes, I read that during my initial research.
  I believe the Canonical people have put some effort into becoming
  fully Secure Boot-compliant, but if you do not like them, then that
  is not an option. There are also others (RedHat?) but I can't
  remember who.
 That compatibility comes from the Linux manufacturer buying a
 Microsoft Secure Boot key which Canonical and RH have.  SUSE, too, I
 think. Don't know how much that costs them.  I prefer not to have
 Linux under Microsoft's thumb that way.

I absolutely agree.

 I have no problems with turning Secure Boot off and leaving it off.
 It's just that I fear that in the future one won't be able to turn
 it off.  And that will really throw a wrench in the Linux community.
 We'll see.

The Linux Foundation is also examining the possibility of obtaining a
key that can be used to sign images for distributions (free of charge),
and there is also work being done on signing a shim that will launch a
real bootloader. As the Perl people lovingly remind us, there's more
than one way to do it :)


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

CLI download interface/tool for Google Images?

2015-05-23 Thread Emanuel Berg
I like to use Google Images as a way to get images but
I don't like the interface which involves looking at
hundreds of tiny thumbs and clicking on numerous links
to download a single image.

I wonder, did anyone do a tool so you can just type,

$ google-img-dl -s 1024x768 -n 100 jungle

to download the 100 first jungle hits that are of
size 1024x768?

Then you can use whatever software to examine the
material and decide what to use and what to discard.

underground experts united

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Re: Query about possible impact of leap second on Debian Linux

2015-05-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Bret Busby wrote:
 And, with Debian 6 LTS, in /etc/apt/sources.list, I have, apart from
 the commented out lines,
 deb squeeze main contrib non-free
 deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free
 deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
 deb-src squeeze-lts main contrib non-free

I am only commenting for the archive to confirm that those should be
good.  Here are references for those reading later and wish to check
for updated information.


Description: Digital signature

Re: CLI download interface/tool for Google Images?

2015-05-23 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sat, 2015-05-23 at 19:20 +0200, Emanuel Berg wrote:
 I like to use Google Images as a way to get images but
 I don't like the interface which involves looking at
 hundreds of tiny thumbs and clicking on numerous links
 to download a single image.
 I wonder, did anyone do a tool so you can just type,
 $ google-img-dl -s 1024x768 -n 100 jungle
 to download the 100 first jungle hits that are of
 size 1024x768?
 Then you can use whatever software to examine the
 material and decide what to use and what to discard.

I have seen a couple of different scripts that scrape the image search,
for example:

I haven't tried it myself though, and do be careful when trying random
scripts found on the web :)

If that doesn't work, I don't think it can be too hard to write
something form scratch, either scraping the results or using Googles


Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Boot menu entries

2015-05-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi Reisz wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  The newest latest kernel installed is on the bottom.
 Not here.  I have the oldest on the bottom.
 lisi@Tux-II:~$ dpkg -S /boot/vmlinuz-*
 linux-image-3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64
 linux-image-3.16-0.bpo.2-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16-0.bpo.2-amd64
 linux-image-3.16-0.bpo.3-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16-0.bpo.3-amd64
 linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64

I got caught by version sorting lexicographical!  Good catch!  I had
the same two with 3.2 and 3.16 too but didn't see it because for me
those were buried in the middle.

I guess I could have used the ls --sort=version sort to sort the order
first.  Just because I am pedantic try this:

  $ dpkg -S $(ls -v /boot/vmlinuz-*)
  linux-image-2.6.39-2-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.39-2-amd64
  linux-image-3.0.0-2-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-2-amd64
  linux-image-3.1.0-1-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.1.0-1-amd64
  linux-image-3.2.0-1-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-1-amd64
  linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-amd64
  linux-image-3.2.0-3-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-3-amd64
  linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64
  linux-image-3.8-2-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.8-2-amd64
  linux-image-3.9-1-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.9-1-amd64
  linux-image-3.10-1-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10-1-amd64
  linux-image-3.10-2-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10-2-amd64
  linux-image-3.10-3-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10-3-amd64
  linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64
  linux-image-4.0.0-1-amd64: /boot/vmlinuz-4.0.0-1-amd64

The docs on ls -v are:

 Sort by version name and number, lowest first.  It behaves like a
 default sort, except that each sequence of decimal digits is
 treated numerically as an index/version number.



Description: Digital signature

Re: CLI download interface/tool for Google Images?

2015-05-23 Thread Emanuel Berg
Sven Arvidsson writes:

 I have seen a couple of different scripts that
 scrape the image search, for example:

That didn't work, and the style of the program
including the documentation tells me it isn't mature
in more than one sense of the word...

 If that doesn't work, I don't think it can be too
 hard to write something form scratch, either
 scraping the results or using Googles APIs?

If you do it, please tell me :)

underground experts united

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Re: Fwd: rc.local and systemd

2015-05-23 Thread Rainer Dorsch
Hi Michael,

thanks for your prompt reply.

Am Montag, 18. Mai 2015, 22:21:42 schrieb Michael Biebl:
 Am 18.05.2015 um 22:01 schrieb Rainer Dorsch:
  root@nanette:~# systemctl status rc-local.service
  ● rc-local.service - /etc/rc.local Compatibility
 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service; static)
 Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2015-05-18 14:29:04 CEST;
  May 18 14:29:02 nanette rc.local[741]: Loaded 750 prior measurements
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette rc.local[741]: Error opening terminal: unknown.
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette rc.local[741]: RAPL device for cpu 0
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette rc.local[741]: RAPL device for cpu 0
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette rc.local[741]: RAPL device for cpu 0
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette systemd[1]: rc-local.service: control process
  exited, code=exited status=1
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette systemd[1]: Failed to start /etc/rc.local
  May 18 14:29:04 nanette systemd[1]: Unit rc-local.service entered failed
 So, as you can see, /etc/rc.local *is* run.
 As you can also see, powertop exits with a non-zero return code. Since
 /etc/rc.local uses set -e, your script exits at this point and the
 service is marked as failed.
 Everything working as expected from the systemd side.

Hmmseems that systemd does not define the TERM variable. Defining that at 
least makes powertop performing the expected settings. Nevertheless I am still 
wondering why it has the failed status, rc.local has an hard exit 0 return 
code (?) : 

rd@nanette:/etc$ diff -u rc.local~ rc.local
--- rc.local~   2015-01-31 15:34:33.044782111 +0100
+++ rc.local2015-05-23 14:27:42.043875921 +0200
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
 # By default this script does nothing.
-powertop --auto-tune
+TERM=vt100 powertop --auto-tune
 exit 0
rd@nanette:/etc$ systemctl status rc-local.service 
● rc-local.service - /etc/rc.local Compatibility
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service; static)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2015-05-23 12:26:46 CEST; 8h 
  Process: 795 ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
rd@nanette:/etc$ cat rc.local
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will exit 0 on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

TERM=vt100 powertop --auto-tune

exit 0


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Re: Debian 8.0 tampoco me arranca a mi

2015-05-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 May 2015 19:25:47 +0200, CZOMCA escribió:

 El sáb, 23-05-2015 a las 17:14 +, Camaleón escribió:


  Podrias decirme modo guia-burros, o sea al estilo americano, que
  quieres exactamente que haga.
 Se trata de saber si puedes o no iniciar en una sesión gráfica con
 Antes has dicho que con gnome-classic accedes sin problemas, vale, pero
 ¿y con gnome-shell? ¿Qué sucede cuando seleccionas gnome-shell (gnome)
 cuando estás en el paso 3/? ¿Puedes iniciar sesión y trabajar con
 Si. Cuando arranco y llego por primera vez a la pantalla de entrada,
 puedo seleccionar predeterminado, gnome (los dos son el mismo) o
 Entre en el que entre, puedo acabar sesion y volver a entrar desde otro
 modo distinto al anterior sin problemas.

Es decir, que puedes estar trabajando normalmente con gnome-shell sin 
problemas ¿es así? Si es así, ya no se trata de un problema de gnome-shell 
ni de la gráfica ni del kernel, hay que averiguar por qué no se carga el 
gestor de sesiones (GDM) al iniciar.

Bien, pues inicia en modo rescate y accede a una sesión gráfica con gnome-
shell, vete a una consola y como root ejecuta journalctl -b  log.txt y 
sube a el archivo completo (lo tendrás en /root/



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Re: Fwd: rc.local and systemd

2015-05-23 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 23.05.2015 um 20:56 schrieb Rainer Dorsch:
 Am Montag, 18. Mai 2015, 22:21:42 schrieb Michael Biebl:
 As you can also see, powertop exits with a non-zero return code. Since
 /etc/rc.local uses set -e, your script exits at this point and the
 service is marked as failed.


 Hmmseems that systemd does not define the TERM variable. Defining that at 
 least makes powertop performing the expected settings. Nevertheless I am 
 wondering why it has the failed status, rc.local has an hard exit 0 return 
 code (?) : 

The exit 0 is useless since, as already explained, the script use set
-e. If a command returns a non-zero exit status, the script will stop
at this point and return that exit status. Which means you'll never
reach exit 0 in such a case.

From help set

-e  Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread German
On Sat, 23 May 2015 11:18:16 -0700
David Christensen wrote:

 On 05/23/2015 07:30 AM, German wrote:
  I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
  even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
  instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
  KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI
  KVM is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.
 I run and work on many different makes and models of PC-compatible 
 computers.  VGA and PS/2 are the lowest-common-denominator interfaces
 -- especially for servers, retail point of sale, and business
 desktops. So, I have an 8-port KVM with VGA and PS/2 connectors, and
 a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to match.  I use various PS/2-to-USB,
 DVI-I-to-VGA, DisplayPort-to-VGA, etc., adapters at the computer end
 of the KVM cables.  I don't use USB or microphones through the KVM.
 I use a passive line-level mixer for speakers.
 Determining compatibility before making a purchase is tough.
 Hardware tends to be identified by product manufacturer name and
 model number, while software (device drivers) tends to be identified
 by chip manufacturer name and part number.  After searching and
 reading whatever you can, you will need to buy a KVM, plug it in, and
 find out for yourself.  Make sure you buy the KVM through a vendor
 that will allow you to use it for a week or two, and return it if you
 don't like it.  I went through several KVM's before finding one
 (IOGEAR GCS78) that worked reliably with Windows and Linux, and put
 the hotkeys where they didn't interfere with other applications
 (notably games).

Thanks for your thoughts, David. You have mentioned adapters. So it
makes sense to use for instance vga-to-dvi adapter? How about the
quality of this connection? Is this worth it?

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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread David Christensen

On 05/23/2015 11:38 AM, German wrote:

So it
makes sense to use for instance vga-to-dvi adapter? How about the
quality of this connection? Is this worth it?

My DVI-I-to-VGA adapter came with my Intel motherboard and seems to work 
without problems or visual artifacts (signal degradation).  I suspect 
that it is a passive device that simply wires through the right pins 
and/or sockets for the analog signal path.

I assume there are VGA-to-DVI-I adapters, but I haven't had the need and 
don't own one.

A key specification for devices that pass analog video is the bandwidth 
-- the higher the better.  That shouldn't be a problem today, but...

As for quality and worth, that's up to you to measure and decide.  As 
with the KVM, researching adapters can be tough and the only way to find 
out for sure is to buy one and try it.


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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-23 Thread Bob Proulx
German wrote:
 I am shopping locally here for a good KVM switch. For now, I am not
 even sure what type should I get. What are advantages to have DVI
 instead of VGA interface? Are there any justifications in price? VGA
 KVM is about $20, where is DVI is $100. If money is no object, DVI KVM
 is better than VGA? Thanks for all info you can share.

There is, in my opinion, a significant difference in visual quality
between the digital and analog display feeds.  For me I might not pay
$100 for a digital KVM but I also would not give up my digital display
feed for an analog KVM one either.

Analog was okay for lower resolution CRT analog monitors.  Higher
resolution LCD monitors really look a lot better with a digital feel
than with an analog feed.  Feeding a large high resolution LCD monitor
with an analog VGA feed in my opinion really looks terrible.  There
are dynamic artifacts.  It's awful.

My advice is to try it yourself.  Try two tests side by side.  One
being an analog feed of your display and the other being a digital
feed of your display.  It's a brain thing and maybe for your brain you
will look at it and go, I don't see anything significant there.  If so
that is great.  Don't spend any money on it.  On the other hand you
may be like me and find the analog feed to the LCD monitor to be
really pretty annoying.  You should try it and see how it works for

Another possibility is that a lot of monitors have both an analog VGA
and a digital DVI input and can switch between them using the
monitor's on screen display.  You could plug the KVM into the analog
VGA for some light use but still use the digital DVI for your main
work and enjoy the full quality resolution there.  Just an idea.


Description: Digital signature

No sound at boot

2015-05-23 Thread Mark Allums
I have a decent setup with an ASUS ROG motherboard (overkill for Linux, 
I know).  I was tooling along nicely, when, after an update (back when 
Jessie was Testing), sound quit working at boot.  Of course, the first 
thing I tried was

root@persephone:~# modprobe snd-hda-intel

and that got me sound again.  However, I have to run it manually after 
every boot.  What steps do I need to take to get it to load at boot 
again?  Re-Installing ALSA does nothing, of course, and I guess I have 
no Google skills, because all I can find with Google is advice to 
reinstall ALSA.


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 12:46:10 -0700
Patrick Bartek wrote:

 On Sat, 23 May 2015, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:04:55 -0700
  Patrick Bartek wrote:
   I've read about that, but right now until W10 in its final form is
   release, nobody really knows for sure.
  Well, yes and no. We *do* know that the status has changed from
  mandatory to optional, but whether hardware manufacturers will
  actually remove the ability to turn Secure Boot off remains to be
 Yes.  I read that.  Wonder what Microsoft has up its sleeve?

If I were to guess, this is in preparation for at some point in the
future requiring Secure Boot to be used, without the ability to turn it

You know, think of the children!.

 Maybe, this is indicative of W10 being even more insecure than
 previous Windows' OSes.

Secure Boot itself is not actually such a bad idea, in some
circumstances it might be nice to have a fully signed chain. IMHO.

In itself, it should help to make Windows *more* secure, but this is
hardly the right place for that particular discussion. Nor do I care :)

   I have no problems with turning Secure Boot off and leaving it
   off. It's just that I fear that in the future one won't be able
   to turn it off.  And that will really throw a wrench in the Linux
   community. We'll see.
  The Linux Foundation is also examining the possibility of obtaining
  a key that can be used to sign images for distributions (free of
  charge), and there is also work being done on signing a shim that
  will launch a real bootloader. As the Perl people lovingly remind
  us, there's more than one way to do it :)
 Where there's a will, there's a way I suppose.  Although, instead of a
 patch or shim, the threat of a class action lawsuit by Linux
 developers might be more effective.

Hardware manufacturers will have to take into account the fact that
there are a large number of people and organizations that run their
machines without Windows, so I don't think there will be a lack of
machines that can turn Secure Boot off in the near future.

But will it become something to watch out for when buying new hardware?
Most certainly, at least for a period of time. I have a sneaking
suspicion that it might become a bigger problem for laptop users than
for desktop users, although I'm unable to back that up. For those of us
who prefer to build their own machines, I think it will be much less of
a problem.

The cleanest option would probably be to allow the owner of the machine
to install his/her own keys in the firmware, and sign the boot image
with those.

And we still have legacy mode. For now.

In my view, a solution for Linux that doesn't work for our BSD brethren
and other people would not be good enough - we shouldn't settle for it.
I remember all too well how hard it was to get Linux (or BSD, for that
matter) up and running with new hardware back in the day, and I don't
want a return to that state of things.

There may very well be another Linus quietly tinkering away at
something that might become the Next Big Thing out there, and it would
be a shame if we were to limit hardware to not make that possible.

I am also not sure MS really _wants_ to lock Linux/others out of the
playing field. If they do, I assume the murmurs of class-action and
anti-competition would rise in pitch, and someone might do something
that could *really* hurt them. They really should work with the
community to come up with a solution that works for everyone before
someone forces them to.


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Fuja do Design padrão

2015-05-23 Thread Capitular

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Re: Problem Running Application with Alias

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 14:28:54 -0600
Bob Proulx wrote:

 Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:36:31 -0400
  This is an obvious thing that jumps out at me, this line should be:
  as LD_LIBRARY_PATH is meant to contain directories where shared
  libraries can be found, not an executable binary.
 I have a small comment concerning the syntax.  I am sure you are
 correct about the problem.  But both of those assume that
 $LD_LIBRARY_PATH already exists in the environment.  If it does then
 fine.  Let me use foo as a stand-in for the explanation.
   $ foo=/bar
   $ foo=/opt/somepath:$foo
   $ echo $foo
 But if it does not exist then it leaves the environment variable with
 a hanging colon at the end.

Oooops, sorry.

Another thing I should have mentioned last night, but I was getting
really tired:

On Sat, 23 May 2015 09:36:31 -0400
Sephen P. Molnar wrote:

 The permissions for /opt/mopac are:  drwxrwxrwx
In this case, adding /opt/mopac to /etc/ without first fixing
up the permissions is probably not a good idea either.

The shell expansion I must admit I didn't even think about.

Thanks, Bob.


PS: What _are_ the security implications of having a PATH set to

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: No sound at boot

2015-05-23 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sat, 23 May 2015 23:29:27 -0500
Mark Allums wrote:

 I have a decent setup with an ASUS ROG motherboard (overkill for
 Linux, I know).  I was tooling along nicely, when, after an update
 (back when Jessie was Testing), sound quit working at boot.  Of
 course, the first thing I tried was
 root@persephone:~# modprobe snd-hda-intel
 and that got me sound again.  However, I have to run it manually
 after every boot.  What steps do I need to take to get it to load at
 boot again?  Re-Installing ALSA does nothing, of course, and I guess
 I have no Google skills, because all I can find with Google is advice
 to reinstall ALSA.

Take a look in /etc/modules-load.d - you can add a file called, say,
sound.conf there with the contents:


That should load that module on boot. I haven't tested it, as I've
never had the need to force a module to load in recent years, but it
should work.


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I'm positive.

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