Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

> export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
> in .xinitrc. The reference to makes me think this may
> be a similar problem.

Well -- this did not work. I finally decided on a new, especially
thorough, purging of anything having to do with java,
web-browsers, macromedia, and flash. Lots of times doing
"updatedb" and "locate"; removing many dot-files and
dot-directories in /etc and in my home directory.

Then installed (after saving bookmarks & passwords)

 - iceweasel
 - vuze (which pulls in lots of openjdk-6 stuff)
 - icedtea6-plugin (browser plugin for openjdk-6)
 - flashplugin-nonfree

All sun-java stuff had been purged (AFAIK).

And now it works. I mean both applets and the
login page work.The unsatisfactory thing is, I still don't know
which of the countless files I removed was the real culprit. But
it works now. Thanks all who thought about this.

Regards, Jan.

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