[SPARK-25299] A Discussion About Shuffle Metadata Tracking

2020-03-13 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

A working group in the community have been having ongoing discussions regarding 
how we can allow for flexible storage solutions for shuffle data that is 
compatible with containerized systems, more resilient to node failures, and can 
support disaggregated storage architectures.

One of the core challenges we have been trying to overcome is navigating the 
space of shuffle metadata tracking, and reasoning about how we approach 
recomputing lost shuffle blocks in the case when the shuffle file storage 
system is not resilient.

I have written a design document on the subject, and a proposed set of APIs to 
fix it. These should be considered as part of the APIs for 
SPARK-25299<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-25299>. Once we have 
reached some common conclusion on the proper APIs to build, I can modify the 
original SPARK-25299 SPIP to reflect the choices we’ve made. But I wanted to 
write more extensively on this topic separately to encourage focused discussion 
on this subset of the problem space.

You can find the design document here: 

If you would like to catch up on the discussions we have had so far, I give 
some background to the subject matter and have linked to other relevant design 
documents and discussion threads in this document.

Feedback is definitely appreciated – I acknowledge that this is a fairly 
complex space with lots of potential viable options, so I’m looking forward to 
engaging with dialogue moving forward.


-Matt Cheah

Re: Thoughts on Spark 3 release, or a preview release

2019-09-17 Thread Matt Cheah
I don’t know if it will be feasible to merge all of SPARK-25299 into Spark 3. 
There are a number of APIs that will be submitted for review, and I wouldn’t 
want to block the release on negotiating these changes, as the decisions we 
make for each API can be pretty involved.


Our original plan was to mark every API included in SPARK-25299 as private 
until the entirety was merged, sometime between the release of Spark 3 and 
Spark 3.1. Once the entire API is merged into the codebase, we’d promote all of 
them to Experimental status and ship them in Spark 3.1.


So, I’m -1 on blocking the Spark 3 preview release specifically on SPARK-25299.


-Matt Cheah


From: Xiao Li 
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 12:00 AM
To: Erik Erlandson 
Cc: Sean Owen , dev 
Subject: Re: Thoughts on Spark 3 release, or a preview release


https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28264 [issues.apache.org] 
SPARK-28264 Revisiting Python / pandas UDF sounds critical for 3.0 preview 




On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 12:22 PM Erik Erlandson  wrote:


I'm in favor of adding SPARK-25299 [issues.apache.org] - Use remote storage for 
persisting shuffle data

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-25299 [issues.apache.org]


If that is far enough along to get onto the roadmap.



On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 11:37 AM Sean Owen  wrote:

I'm curious what current feelings are about ramping down towards a
Spark 3 release. It feels close to ready. There is no fixed date,
though in the past we had informally tossed around "back end of 2019".
For reference, Spark 1 was May 2014, Spark 2 was July 2016. I'd expect
Spark 2 to last longer, so to speak, but feels like Spark 3 is coming

What are the few major items that must get done for Spark 3, in your
opinion? Below are all of the open JIRAs for 3.0 (which everyone
should feel free to update with things that aren't really needed for
Spark 3; I already triaged some).

For me, it's:
- DSv2?
- Finishing touches on the Hive, JDK 11 update

What about considering a preview release earlier, as happened for
Spark 2, to get feedback much earlier than the RC cycle? Could that
even happen ... about now?

I'm also wondering what a realistic estimate of Spark 3 release is. My
guess is quite early 2020, from here.

SPARK-29014 DataSourceV2: Clean up current, default, and session catalog uses
SPARK-28900 Test Pyspark, SparkR on JDK 11 with run-tests
SPARK-28883 Fix a flaky test: ThriftServerQueryTestSuite
SPARK-28717 Update SQL ALTER TABLE RENAME  to use TableCatalog API
SPARK-28588 Build a SQL reference doc
SPARK-28629 Capture the missing rules in HiveSessionStateBuilder
SPARK-28684 Hive module support JDK 11
SPARK-28548 explain() shows wrong result for persisted DataFrames
after some operations
SPARK-28372 Document Spark WEB UI
SPARK-28264 Revisiting Python / pandas UDF
SPARK-28301 fix the behavior of table name resolution with multi-catalog
SPARK-28155 do not leak SaveMode to file source v2
SPARK-28103 Cannot infer filters from union table with empty local
relation table properly
SPARK-28024 Incorrect numeric values when out of range
SPARK-27936 Support local dependency uploading from --py-files
SPARK-27884 Deprecate Python 2 support in Spark 3.0
SPARK-27763 Port test cases from PostgreSQL to Spark SQL
SPARK-27780 Shuffle server & client should be versioned to enable
smoother upgrade
SPARK-27714 Support Join Reorder based on Genetic Algorithm when the #
of joined tables > 12
SPARK-27471 Reorganize public v2 catalog API
SPARK-27520 Introduce a global config system to replace hadoopConfiguration
SPARK-24625 put all the backward compatible behavior change configs
under spark.sql.legacy.*
SPARK-24640 size(null) returns null
SPARK-24702 Unable to cast to calendar interval in spark sql.
SPARK-24838 Support uncorrelated IN/EXISTS subqueries for more operators
SPARK-24941 Add RDDBarrier.coalesce() function
SPARK-25017 Add test suite for ContextBarrierState
SPARK-25083 remove the type erasure hack in data source scan
SPARK-25383 Image data source supports sample pushdown
SPARK-27272 Enable blacklisting of node/executor on fetch failures by default
SPARK-27296 User Defined Aggregating Functions (UDAFs) have a major
efficiency problem
SPARK-25128 multiple simultaneous job submissions against k8s backend
cause driver pods to hang
SPARK-26731 remove EOLed spark jobs from jenkins
SPARK-26664 Make DecimalType's minimum adjusted scale configurable
SPARK-21559 Remove Mesos fine-grained mode
SPARK-24942 Improve cluster resource management with jobs containing
barrier stage
SPARK-25914 Separate projection from grouping and aggregate in logical Aggregate
SPARK-26022 PySpark Comparison with Pandas
SPARK-20964 Make some keywords reserved along with the ANSI/SQL standard
SPARK-26221 Improve Spark SQL instrumentation and metrics
SPARK-26425 Add more constraint checks in file streaming source to
avoid checkpoint corruption

Re: Thoughts on Spark 3 release, or a preview release

2019-09-12 Thread Matt Cheah
+1 as both a contributor and a user.


From: John Zhuge 
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 4:15 PM
To: Jungtaek Lim 
Cc: Jean Georges Perrin , Hyukjin Kwon , 
Dongjoon Hyun , dev 
Subject: Re: Thoughts on Spark 3 release, or a preview release


+1  Like the idea as a user and a DSv2 contributor.


On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 4:10 PM Jungtaek Lim  wrote:

+1 (as a contributor) from me to have preview release on Spark 3 as it would 
help to test the feature. When to cut preview release is questionable, as major 
works are ideally to be done before that - if we are intended to introduce new 
features before official release, that should work regardless of this, but if 
we are intended to have opportunity to test earlier, ideally it should.


As a one of contributors in structured streaming area, I'd like to add some 
items for Spark 3.0, both "must be done" and "better to have". For "better to 
have", I pick some items for new features which committers reviewed couple of 
rounds and dropped off without soft-reject (No valid reason to stop). For Spark 
2.4 users, only added feature for structured streaming is Kafka delegation 
token. (given we assume revising Kafka consumer pool as improvement) I hope we 
provide some gifts for structured streaming users in Spark 3.0 envelope.


> must be done

* SPARK-26154 Stream-stream joins - left outer join gives inconsistent output

It's a correctness issue with multiple users reported, being reported at Nov. 
2018. There's a way to reproduce it consistently, and we have a patch submitted 
at Jan. 2019 to fix it.


> better to have

* SPARK-23539 Add support for Kafka headers in Structured Streaming

* SPARK-26848 Introduce new option to Kafka source - specify timestamp to start 
and end offset

* SPARK-20568 Delete files after processing in structured streaming


There're some more new features/improvements items in SS, but given we're 
talking about ramping-down, above list might be realistic one.




On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 9:53 AM Jean Georges Perrin  wrote:

As a user/non committer, +1 


I love the idea of an early 3.0.0 so we can test current dev against it, I know 
the final 3.x will probably need another round of testing when it gets out, but 
less for sure... I know I could checkout and compile, but having a “packaged” 
preversion is great if it does not take too much time to the team...




On Sep 11, 2019, at 20:40, Hyukjin Kwon  wrote:

+1 from me too but I would like to know what other people think too.


2019년 9월 12일 (목) 오전 9:07, Dongjoon Hyun 님이 작성:

Thank you, Sean. 


I'm also +1 for the following three.


1. Start to ramp down (by the official branch-3.0 cut)

2. Apache Spark 3.0.0-preview in 2019

3. Apache Spark 3.0.0 in early 2020


For JDK11 clean-up, it will meet the timeline and `3.0.0-preview` helps it a 


After this discussion, can we have some timeline for `Spark 3.0 Release Window` 
in our versioning-policy page?


- https://spark.apache.org/versioning-policy.html [spark.apache.org]






On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 11:54 AM Michael Heuer  wrote:

I would love to see Spark + Hadoop + Parquet + Avro compatibility problems 
resolved, e.g. 


https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-25588 [issues.apache.org]

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-27781 [issues.apache.org]


Note that Avro is now at 1.9.1, binary-incompatible with 1.8.x.  As far as I 
know, Parquet has not cut a release based on this new version.


Then out of curiosity, are the new Spark Graph APIs targeting 3.0?


https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/24851 [github.com]

https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/24297 [github.com]




On Sep 11, 2019, at 1:37 PM, Sean Owen  wrote:


I'm curious what current feelings are about ramping down towards a
Spark 3 release. It feels close to ready. There is no fixed date,
though in the past we had informally tossed around "back end of 2019".
For reference, Spark 1 was May 2014, Spark 2 was July 2016. I'd expect
Spark 2 to last longer, so to speak, but feels like Spark 3 is coming

What are the few major items that must get done for Spark 3, in your
opinion? Below are all of the open JIRAs for 3.0 (which everyone
should feel free to update with things that aren't really needed for
Spark 3; I already triaged some).

For me, it's:
- DSv2?
- Finishing touches on the Hive, JDK 11 update

What about considering a preview release earlier, as happened for
Spark 2, to get feedback much earlier than the RC cycle? Could that
even happen ... about now?

I'm also wondering what a realistic estimate of Spark 3 release is. My
guess is quite early 2020, from here.

SPARK-29014 DataSourceV2: Clean up current, default, and session catalog uses
SPARK-28900 Test Pyspark, SparkR on JDK 11 with run-tests
SPARK-28883 Fix a flaky test: ThriftServerQueryTestSuite
SPARK-28717 Update SQL ALTER TABLE RENAME  to use TableCatalog API
SPARK-28588 Build a SQL 

Re: DataSourceV2 : Transactional Write support

2019-08-05 Thread Matt Cheah
There might be some help from the staging table catalog as well.


-Matt Cheah


From: Wenchen Fan 
Date: Monday, August 5, 2019 at 7:40 PM
To: Shiv Prashant Sood 
Cc: Ryan Blue , Jungtaek Lim , Spark Dev 
Subject: Re: DataSourceV2 : Transactional Write support


I agree with the temp table approach. One idea is: maybe we only need one temp 
table, and each task writes to this temp table. At the end we read the data 
from the temp table and write it to the target table. AFAIK JDBC can handle 
concurrent table writing very well, and it's better than creating thousands of 
temp tables for one write job(assume the input RDD has thousands of partitions).


On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 7:57 AM Shiv Prashant Sood  

Thanks all for the clarification.





On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 12:49 PM Ryan Blue  wrote:

> What you could try instead is intermediate output: inserting into temporal 
> table in executors, and move inserted records to the final table in driver 
> (must be atomic) 


I think that this is the approach that other systems (maybe sqoop?) have taken. 
Insert into independent temporary tables, which can be done quickly. Then for 
the final commit operation, union and insert into the final table. In a lot of 
cases, JDBC databases can do that quickly as well because the data is already 
on disk and just needs to added to the final table.


On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 7:25 PM Jungtaek Lim  wrote:

I asked similar question for end-to-end exactly-once with Kafka, and you're 
correct distributed transaction is not supported. Introducing distributed 
transaction like "two-phase commit" requires huge change on Spark codebase and 
the feedback was not positive. 


What you could try instead is intermediate output: inserting into temporal 
table in executors, and move inserted records to the final table in driver 
(must be atomic).



Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)


On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 4:56 AM Shiv Prashant Sood  



I understood that DataSourceV2 supports Transactional write and wanted to  
implement that in JDBC DataSource V2 connector ( PR#25211 [github.com] ). 


Don't see how this is feasible for JDBC based connector.  The FW suggest that 
EXECUTOR send a commit message  to DRIVER, and actual commit should only be 
done by DRIVER after receiving all commit confirmations. This will not work for 
JDBC  as commits have to happen on the JDBC Connection which is maintained by 
the EXECUTORS and JDBCConnection  is not serializable that it can be sent to 
the DRIVER. 


Am i right in thinking that this cannot be supported for JDBC? My goal is to 
either fully write or roll back the dataframe write operation.


Thanks in advance for your help.






Name : Jungtaek Lim
Blog : http://medium.com/@heartsavior [medium.com]
Twitter : http://twitter.com/heartsavior [twitter.com] 

LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/heartsavior [linkedin.com]



Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: DataSourceV2 : Transactional Write support

2019-08-02 Thread Matt Cheah
Can we check that the latest staging APIs work for the JDBC use case in a 
single transactional write? See 


But also acknowledge that transactions from a more traditional RDBMS sense tend 
to have pretty specific semantics we don’t support in the V2 API. For example, 
one cannot commit multiple write operations in a single transaction right now. 
That would require changes to the DDL and a pretty substantial change to the 
design of Spark-SQL more broadly.


-Matt Cheah


From: Shiv Prashant Sood 
Date: Friday, August 2, 2019 at 12:56 PM
To: Spark Dev List 
Subject: DataSourceV2 : Transactional Write support




I understood that DataSourceV2 supports Transactional write and wanted to  
implement that in JDBC DataSource V2 connector ( PR#25211 [github.com] ). 


Don't see how this is feasible for JDBC based connector.  The FW suggest that 
EXECUTOR send a commit message  to DRIVER, and actual commit should only be 
done by DRIVER after receiving all commit confirmations. This will not work for 
JDBC  as commits have to happen on the JDBC Connection which is maintained by 
the EXECUTORS and JDBCConnection  is not serializable that it can be sent to 
the DRIVER. 


Am i right in thinking that this cannot be supported for JDBC? My goal is to 
either fully write or roll back the dataframe write operation.


Thanks in advance for your help.




Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion

2019-08-02 Thread Matt Cheah
I agree that having both modes and let the user choose the one he/she wants is 
the best option (I don't see big arguments on this honestly). Once we have 
this, I don't see big differences on what is the default. What - I think - we 
still have to work on, is to go ahead with the "strict mode" work and provide a 
more convenient way for users to switch among the 2 options. I mean: currently 
we have one flag for throwing exception on overflow for operations on decimals, 
one for doing the same for operations on other data types and probably going 
ahead we will have more. I think in the end we will need to collect them all 
under an "umbrella" flag which lets the user simply switch between strict and 
non-strict mode. I also think that we will need to document this very well and 
give it particular attention in our docs, maybe with a dedicated section, in 
order to provide enough visibility on it to end users.


I’m +1 on adding a strict mode flag this way, but I’m undecided on whether or 
not we want a separate flag for each of the arithmetic overflow situations that 
could produce invalid results. My intuition is yes, because different users 
have different levels of tolerance for different kinds of errors. I’d expect 
these sorts of configurations to be set up at an infrastructure level, e.g. to 
maintain consistent standards throughout a whole organization.


From: Gengliang Wang 
Date: Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 3:07 AM
To: Marco Gaido 
Cc: Wenchen Fan , Hyukjin Kwon , 
Russell Spitzer , Ryan Blue , 
Reynold Xin , Matt Cheah , Takeshi 
Yamamuro , Spark dev list 
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion


Hi all,


Let me explain a little bit on the proposal.

By default, we follow the store assignment rules in table insertion. On invalid 
casting, the result is null. It's better than the behavior in Spark 2.x while 
keeping backward-compatibility. It is 

If users can't torrent the silently corrupting, they can enable the new mode 
which throws runtime exceptions.

The proposal itself is quite complete. It satisfies different users to some 


It is hard to avoid null in data processing anyway. For example, 

> select 2147483647 + 1

2147483647 is the max value of Int. And the result data type of pulsing two 
integers are supposed to be Integer type. Since the value of (2147483647 + 1) 
can't fit into Int, I think Spark return null or throw runtime exceptions in 
such case. (Someone can argue that we can always convert the result as wider 
types, but that's another topic about performance and DBMS behaviors)


So, give a table t with an Int column, checking data type with Up-Cast can't 
avoid possible null values in the following SQL, as the result data type of 
(int_column_a + int_column_b) is int type.

>  insert into t select int_column_a + int_column_b from tbl_a, tbl_b;


Furthermore, if Spark uses Up-Cast and a user's existing ETL job failed because 
of that, what should he/she do then? I think he/she will try adding "cast" to 
queries first. Maybe a project for unifying data schema over all data sources 
has to be done later on if he/she has enough resource. The upgrade can be 
painful because of the strict rules of Up-Cast, while the user scenario might 
be able to tolerate converting Double to Decimal, or Timestamp to Date. 





On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 4:55 PM Marco Gaido  wrote:

Hi all, 


I agree that having both modes and let the user choose the one he/she wants is 
the best option (I don't see big arguments on this honestly). Once we have 
this, I don't see big differences on what is the default. What - I think - we 
still have to work on, is to go ahead with the "strict mode" work and provide a 
more convenient way for users to switch among the 2 options. I mean: currently 
we have one flag for throwing exception on overflow for operations on decimals, 
one for doing the same for operations on other data types and probably going 
ahead we will have more. I think in the end we will need to collect them all 
under an "umbrella" flag which lets the user simply switch between strict and 
non-strict mode. I also think that we will need to document this very well and 
give it particular attention in our docs, maybe with a dedicated section, in 
order to provide enough visibility on it to end users.





Il giorno gio 1 ago 2019 alle ore 09:42 Wenchen Fan  ha 

Hi Hyukjin, I think no one here is against the SQL standard behavior, which is 
no corrupted data + runtime exception. IIUC the main argument here is: shall we 
still keep the existing "return null for invalid operations" behavior as 


Traditional RDBMS is usually used as the final destination of CLEAN data. It's 
understandable that they need high data quality and they try their best to 
avoid corrupted data at any cost.


However, Spark is different. AFAIK Spark is usual

Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion

2019-07-31 Thread Matt Cheah
Sorry I meant the current behavior for V2, which fails the query compilation if 
the cast is not safe.


Agreed that a separate discussion about overflow might be warranted. I’m 
surprised we don’t throw an error now, but it might be warranted to do so.


-Matt Cheah


From: Reynold Xin 
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 9:58 AM
To: Matt Cheah 
Cc: Russell Spitzer , Takeshi Yamamuro 
, Gengliang Wang , Ryan 
Blue , Spark dev list , Hyukjin Kwon 
, Wenchen Fan 
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion


Matt what do you mean by maximizing 3, while allowing not throwing errors when 
any operations overflow? Those two seem contradicting.



On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 9:55 AM, Matt Cheah  wrote:

I’m -1, simply from disagreeing with the premise that we can afford to not be 
maximal on standard 3. The correctness of the data is non-negotiable, and 
whatever solution we settle on cannot silently adjust the user’s data under any 


I think the existing behavior is fine, or perhaps the behavior can be flagged 
by the destination writer at write time.


-Matt Cheah


From: Hyukjin Kwon 
Date: Monday, July 29, 2019 at 11:33 PM
To: Wenchen Fan 
Cc: Russell Spitzer , Takeshi Yamamuro 
, Gengliang Wang , Ryan 
Blue , Spark dev list 
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion


>From my look, +1 on the proposal, considering ASCI and other DBMSes in general.


2019년 7월 30일 (화) 오후 3:21, Wenchen Fan 님이 작성:

We can add a config for a certain behavior if it makes sense, but the most 
important thing we want to reach an agreement here is: what should be the 
default behavior? 


Let's explore the solution space of table insertion behavior first:

At compile time,

1. always add cast

2. add cast following the ASNI SQL store assignment rule (e.g. string to int is 
forbidden but long to int is allowed)

3. only add cast if it's 100% safe

At runtime,

1. return null for invalid operations

2. throw exceptions at runtime for invalid operations


The standards to evaluate a solution:

1. How robust the query execution is. For example, users usually don't want to 
see the query fails midway.

2. how tolerant to user queries. For example, a user would like to write long 
values to an int column as he knows all the long values won't exceed int range.

3. How clean the result is. For example, users usually don't want to see 
silently corrupted data (null values).


The current Spark behavior for Data Source V1 tables: always add cast and 
return null for invalid operations. This maximizes standard 1 and 2, but the 
result is least clean and users are very likely to see silently corrupted data 
(null values).


The current Spark behavior for Data Source V2 tables (new in Spark 3.0): only 
add cast if it's 100% safe. This maximizes standard 1 and 3, but many queries 
may fail to compile, even if these queries can run on other SQL systems. Note 
that, people can still see silently corrupted data because cast is not the only 
one that can return corrupted data. Simple operations like ADD can also return 
corrected data if overflow happens. e.g. INSERT INTO t1 (intCol) SELECT 
anotherIntCol + 100 FROM t2 


The proposal here: add cast following ANSI SQL store assignment rule, and 
return null for invalid operations. This maximizes standard 1, and also fits 
standard 2 well: if a query can't compile in Spark, it usually can't compile in 
other mainstream databases as well. I think that's tolerant enough. For 
standard 3, this proposal doesn't maximize it but can avoid many invalid 
operations already.


Technically we can't make the result 100% clean at compile-time, we have to 
handle things like overflow at runtime. I think the new proposal makes more 
sense as the default behavior.



On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 8:31 PM Russell Spitzer  

I understand spark is making the decisions, i'm say the actual final effect of 
the null decision would be different depending on the insertion target if the 
target has different behaviors for null.


On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 5:26 AM Wenchen Fan  wrote:

> I'm a big -1 on null values for invalid casts. 


This is why we want to introduce the ANSI mode, so that invalid cast fails at 
runtime. But we have to keep the null behavior for a while, to keep backward 
compatibility. Spark returns null for invalid cast since the first day of Spark 
SQL, we can't just change it without a way to restore to the old behavior.


I'm OK with adding a strict mode for the upcast behavior in table insertion, 
but I don't agree with making it the default. The default behavior should be 
either the ANSI SQL behavior or the legacy Spark behavior.


> other modes should be allowed only with strict warning the behavior will be 
> determined by the underlying sink.


Seems there is some misunderstanding. The table insertion behavior is fully 
controlled by Spark. Spark decides when to add cast and Spark decided whet

Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion

2019-07-31 Thread Matt Cheah
I’m -1, simply from disagreeing with the premise that we can afford to not be 
maximal on standard 3. The correctness of the data is non-negotiable, and 
whatever solution we settle on cannot silently adjust the user’s data under any 


I think the existing behavior is fine, or perhaps the behavior can be flagged 
by the destination writer at write time.


-Matt Cheah


From: Hyukjin Kwon 
Date: Monday, July 29, 2019 at 11:33 PM
To: Wenchen Fan 
Cc: Russell Spitzer , Takeshi Yamamuro 
, Gengliang Wang , Ryan 
Blue , Spark dev list 
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Follow ANSI SQL on table insertion


>From my look, +1 on the proposal, considering ASCI and other DBMSes in general.


2019년 7월 30일 (화) 오후 3:21, Wenchen Fan 님이 작성:

We can add a config for a certain behavior if it makes sense, but the most 
important thing we want to reach an agreement here is: what should be the 
default behavior? 


Let's explore the solution space of table insertion behavior first:

At compile time,

1. always add cast

2. add cast following the ASNI SQL store assignment rule (e.g. string to int is 
forbidden but long to int is allowed)

3. only add cast if it's 100% safe

At runtime,

1. return null for invalid operations

2. throw exceptions at runtime for invalid operations


The standards to evaluate a solution:

1. How robust the query execution is. For example, users usually don't want to 
see the query fails midway.

2. how tolerant to user queries. For example, a user would like to write long 
values to an int column as he knows all the long values won't exceed int range.

3. How clean the result is. For example, users usually don't want to see 
silently corrupted data (null values).


The current Spark behavior for Data Source V1 tables: always add cast and 
return null for invalid operations. This maximizes standard 1 and 2, but the 
result is least clean and users are very likely to see silently corrupted data 
(null values).


The current Spark behavior for Data Source V2 tables (new in Spark 3.0): only 
add cast if it's 100% safe. This maximizes standard 1 and 3, but many queries 
may fail to compile, even if these queries can run on other SQL systems. Note 
that, people can still see silently corrupted data because cast is not the only 
one that can return corrupted data. Simple operations like ADD can also return 
corrected data if overflow happens. e.g. INSERT INTO t1 (intCol) SELECT 
anotherIntCol + 100 FROM t2 


The proposal here: add cast following ANSI SQL store assignment rule, and 
return null for invalid operations. This maximizes standard 1, and also fits 
standard 2 well: if a query can't compile in Spark, it usually can't compile in 
other mainstream databases as well. I think that's tolerant enough. For 
standard 3, this proposal doesn't maximize it but can avoid many invalid 
operations already.


Technically we can't make the result 100% clean at compile-time, we have to 
handle things like overflow at runtime. I think the new proposal makes more 
sense as the default behavior.



On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 8:31 PM Russell Spitzer  

I understand spark is making the decisions, i'm say the actual final effect of 
the null decision would be different depending on the insertion target if the 
target has different behaviors for null.


On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 5:26 AM Wenchen Fan  wrote:

> I'm a big -1 on null values for invalid casts. 


This is why we want to introduce the ANSI mode, so that invalid cast fails at 
runtime. But we have to keep the null behavior for a while, to keep backward 
compatibility. Spark returns null for invalid cast since the first day of Spark 
SQL, we can't just change it without a way to restore to the old behavior.


I'm OK with adding a strict mode for the upcast behavior in table insertion, 
but I don't agree with making it the default. The default behavior should be 
either the ANSI SQL behavior or the legacy Spark behavior.


> other modes should be allowed only with strict warning the behavior will be 
> determined by the underlying sink.


Seems there is some misunderstanding. The table insertion behavior is fully 
controlled by Spark. Spark decides when to add cast and Spark decided whether 
invalid cast should return null or fail. The sink is only responsible for 
writing data, not the type coercion/cast stuff.


On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 12:24 AM Russell Spitzer  

I'm a big -1 on null values for invalid casts. This can lead to a lot of even 
more unexpected errors and runtime behavior since null is  


1. Not allowed in all schemas (Leading to a runtime error anyway)
2. Is the same as delete in some systems (leading to data loss)

And this would be dependent on the sink being used. Spark won't just be 
interacting with ANSI compliant sinks so I think it makes much more sense to be 
strict. I think Upcast mode is a sensible default and other modes should be 
allowed only with strict warning 

Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API

2019-06-14 Thread Matt Cheah
We opened a thread for voting yesterday, so please participate!


-Matt Cheah


From: Yue Li 
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 7:22 PM
To: Saisai Shao , Imran Rashid 
Cc: Matt Cheah , "Yifei Huang (PD)" , 
Mridul Muralidharan , Bo Yang , Ilan Filonenko 
, Imran Rashid , Justin Uang 
, Liang Tang , Marcelo Vanzin 
, Matei Zaharia , Min Shen 
, Reynold Xin , Ryan Blue 
, Vinoo Ganesh , Will Manning 
, "b...@fb.com" , "dev@spark.apache.org" 
, "fel...@uber.com" , 
"f...@linkedin.com" , "tgraves...@gmail.com" 
, "yez...@linkedin.com" , Cedric 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API


+ Cedric, who is our lead developer of Splash shuffle manager at MemVerge. 


Fully agreed with Saisai. Thanks!






From: Saisai Shao 
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 2:52 PM
To: Imran Rashid 
Cc: Matt Cheah , "Yifei Huang (PD)" , 
Mridul Muralidharan , Bo Yang , Ilan Filonenko 
, Imran Rashid , Justin Uang 
, Liang Tang , Marcelo Vanzin 
, Matei Zaharia , Min Shen 
, Reynold Xin , Ryan Blue 
, Vinoo Ganesh , Will Manning 
, "b...@fb.com" , "dev@spark.apache.org" 
, "fel...@uber.com" , 
"f...@linkedin.com" , "tgraves...@gmail.com" 
, "yez...@linkedin.com" , Yue Li 

Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API


I think maybe we could start a vote on this SPIP.  


This has been discussed for a while, and the current doc is pretty complete as 
for now. Also we saw lots of demands in the community about building their own 
shuffle storage.





Imran Rashid  于2019年6月11日周二 上午3:27写道:

I would be happy to shepherd this.


On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 7:33 PM Matt Cheah  wrote:

Hi everyone,


I wanted to pick this back up again. The discussion has quieted down both on 
this thread and on the document.


We made a few revisions to the document to hopefully make it easier to read and 
to clarify our criteria for success in the project. Some of the APIs have also 
been adjusted based on further discussion and things we’ve learned.


I was hoping to discuss what our next steps could be here. Specifically,
Would any PMC be willing to become the shepherd for this SPIP?
Is there any more feedback regarding this proposal?
What would we need to do to take this to a voting phase and to begin proposing 
our work against upstream Spark?



-Matt Cheah


From: "Yifei Huang (PD)" 
Date: Monday, May 13, 2019 at 1:04 PM
To: Mridul Muralidharan 
Cc: Bo Yang , Ilan Filonenko , Imran Rashid 
, Justin Uang , Liang Tang 
, Marcelo Vanzin , Matei Zaharia 
, Matt Cheah , Min Shen 
, Reynold Xin , Ryan Blue 
, Vinoo Ganesh , Will Manning 
, "b...@fb.com" , "dev@spark.apache.org" 
, "fel...@uber.com" , 
"f...@linkedin.com" , "tgraves...@gmail.com" 
, "yez...@linkedin.com" , 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API


Hi Mridul - thanks for taking the time to give us feedback! Thoughts on the 
points that you mentioned:


The API is meant to work with the existing SortShuffleManager algorithm. There 
aren't strict requirements on how other ShuffleManager implementations must 
behave, so it seems impractical to design an API that could also satisfy those 
unknown requirements. However, we do believe that the API is rather generic, 
using OutputStreams for writes and InputStreams for reads, and indexing the 
data by a shuffleId-mapId-reduceId combo, so if other shuffle algorithms treat 
the data in the same chunks and want an interface for storage, then they can 
also use this API from within their implementation.


About speculative execution, we originally made the assumption that each 
shuffle task is deterministic, which meant that even if a later mapper overrode 
a previous committed mapper's value, it's still the same contents. Having 
searched some tickets and reading 
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/22112/files [github.com] more carefully, I 
think there are problems with our original thought if the writer writes all 
attempts of a task to the same location. One example is if the writer 
implementation writes each partition to the remote host in a sequence of 
chunks. In such a situation, a reducer might read data half written by the 
original task and half written by the running speculative task, which will not 
be the correct contents if the mapper output is unordered. Therefore, writes by 
a single mapper might have to be transactioned, which is not clear from the 
API, and seems rather complex to reason about, so we shouldn't expect this from 
the implementer.


However, this doesn't affect the fundamentals of the API since we only need to 
add an additional attemptId to the storage data index (which can be stored 
within the MapStatus) to solve the problem 

[VOTE][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle Storage API

2019-06-13 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,


I would like to call a vote for the SPIP for SPARK-25299, which proposes to 
introduce a pluggable storage API for temporary shuffle data.


You may find the SPIP document here.


The discussion thread for the SPIP was conducted here.


Please vote on whether or not this proposal is agreeable to you.




-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API

2019-06-05 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,


I wanted to pick this back up again. The discussion has quieted down both on 
this thread and on the document.


We made a few revisions to the document to hopefully make it easier to read and 
to clarify our criteria for success in the project. Some of the APIs have also 
been adjusted based on further discussion and things we’ve learned.


I was hoping to discuss what our next steps could be here. Specifically,
Would any PMC be willing to become the shepherd for this SPIP?
Is there any more feedback regarding this proposal?
What would we need to do to take this to a voting phase and to begin proposing 
our work against upstream Spark?



-Matt Cheah


From: "Yifei Huang (PD)" 
Date: Monday, May 13, 2019 at 1:04 PM
To: Mridul Muralidharan 
Cc: Bo Yang , Ilan Filonenko , Imran Rashid 
, Justin Uang , Liang Tang 
, Marcelo Vanzin , Matei Zaharia 
, Matt Cheah , Min Shen 
, Reynold Xin , Ryan Blue 
, Vinoo Ganesh , Will Manning 
, "b...@fb.com" , "dev@spark.apache.org" 
, "fel...@uber.com" , 
"f...@linkedin.com" , "tgraves...@gmail.com" 
, "yez...@linkedin.com" , 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API


Hi Mridul - thanks for taking the time to give us feedback! Thoughts on the 
points that you mentioned:


The API is meant to work with the existing SortShuffleManager algorithm. There 
aren't strict requirements on how other ShuffleManager implementations must 
behave, so it seems impractical to design an API that could also satisfy those 
unknown requirements. However, we do believe that the API is rather generic, 
using OutputStreams for writes and InputStreams for reads, and indexing the 
data by a shuffleId-mapId-reduceId combo, so if other shuffle algorithms treat 
the data in the same chunks and want an interface for storage, then they can 
also use this API from within their implementation.


About speculative execution, we originally made the assumption that each 
shuffle task is deterministic, which meant that even if a later mapper overrode 
a previous committed mapper's value, it's still the same contents. Having 
searched some tickets and reading 
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/22112/files more carefully, I think there 
are problems with our original thought if the writer writes all attempts of a 
task to the same location. One example is if the writer implementation writes 
each partition to the remote host in a sequence of chunks. In such a situation, 
a reducer might read data half written by the original task and half written by 
the running speculative task, which will not be the correct contents if the 
mapper output is unordered. Therefore, writes by a single mapper might have to 
be transactioned, which is not clear from the API, and seems rather complex to 
reason about, so we shouldn't expect this from the implementer.


However, this doesn't affect the fundamentals of the API since we only need to 
add an additional attemptId to the storage data index (which can be stored 
within the MapStatus) to solve the problem of concurrent writes. This would 
also make it more clear that the writer should use attempt ID as an index to 
ensure that writes from speculative tasks don't interfere with one another (we 
can add that to the API docs as well).


From: Mridul Muralidharan 
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 8:18 PM
To: "Yifei Huang (PD)" 
Cc: Bo Yang , Ilan Filonenko , Imran Rashid 
, Justin Uang , Liang Tang 
, Marcelo Vanzin , Matei Zaharia 
, Matt Cheah , Min Shen 
, Reynold Xin , Ryan Blue 
, Vinoo Ganesh , Will Manning 
, "b...@fb.com" , "dev@spark.apache.org" 
, "fel...@uber.com" , 
"f...@linkedin.com" , "tgraves...@gmail.com" 
, "yez...@linkedin.com" , 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][SPARK-25299] SPIP: Shuffle storage API



Unfortunately I do not have bandwidth to do a detailed review, but a few things 
come to mind after a quick read:


- While it might be tactically beneficial to align with existing 
implementation, a clean design which does not tie into existing shuffle 
implementation would be preferable (if it can be done without over 
engineering). Shuffle implementation can change and there are custom 
implementations and experiments which differ quite a bit from what comes with 
Apache Spark.



- Please keep speculative execution in mind while designing the interfaces: in 
spark, implicitly due to task scheduler logic, you won’t have conflicts at an 
executor for (shuffleId, mapId) and (shuffleId, mapId, reducerId) tuple.

When you externalize it, there can be conflict : passing a way to distinguish 
different tasks for same partition would be necessary for nontrivial 



This would be a welcome and much needed enhancement to spark- looking forward 
to its progress !



Re: [VOTE] Functional DataSourceV2 in Spark 3.0

2019-02-28 Thread Matt Cheah
I want to specifically highlight and +1 a point that Ryan brought up:


A commitment binds us to do this and make a reasonable attempt at finishing on 
time. If we choose not to commit, or if we choose to commit and don’t make a 
reasonable attempt, then we need to ask, “what happened?” Is Spark the right 
place for this work?


What I don’t want is to work on it for 3-4 more months, miss the release, and 
then not have anyone take that problem seriously because we never said it was 
important. If we try and fail, then we need to fix what went wrong. This 
removes the option to pretend it wasn’t a goal in the first place. That’s why I 
think it is important that we make a statement that we, the community, intend 
to do it.


This is the crux of the matter we want to tackle here. Whether or not we block 
the release is a decision we can make when we are closer to the release date. 
But the fact of the matter is that Data Source V2’s new APIs have not been 
given the prioritization and urgency that they deserve. This vote is binding us 
to consider Data Source V2 so important that it needs to be prioritized far 
more highly than it is right now, to the point where we would at least consider 
delaying the release if it meant we could finish the work.


I also don’t quite follow the reason why we shouldn’t consider features to be 
as important to target as API breaks in major versions. When major versions of 
any software product are introduced, they certainly include API breaks as 
necessary, but they also add new features that give users incentive to upgrade 
in the first place. If all we do is introduce API breaks but no new features or 
critical bug fixes (and critical bug fixes are often severe enough that they’re 
backported to earlier branches anyways), what appeal is there for users to 
upgrade to that latest version?


-Matt Cheah


On 2/28/19, 1:37 PM, "Mridul Muralidharan"  wrote:


  I am -1 on this vote for pretty much all the reasons that Mark mentioned.

    A major version change gives us an opportunity to remove deprecated

    interfaces, stabilize experimental/developer api, drop support for

    outdated functionality/platforms and evolve the project with a vision

    for foreseeable future.

    IMO the primary focus should be on interface evolution, stability and

    lowering tech debt which might result in breaking changes.


Which is not to say DSv2 should not be part of 3.0

    Along with a lot of other exciting features also being added, it can

    be one more important enhancement.


But I am not for delaying the release simply to accommodate a specific 

    Features can be added in subsequent as well - I am yet to hear of a

    good reason why it must be make it into 3.0 to need a VOTE thread.





On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 10:44 AM Mark Hamstra  


    > I agree that adding new features in a major release is not forbidden, but 
that is just not the primary goal of a major release. If we reach the point 
where we are happy with the new public API before some new features are in a 
satisfactory state to be merged, then I don't want there to be a prior 
presumption that we cannot complete the primary goal of the major release. If 
at that point you want to argue that it is worth waiting for some new feature, 
then that would be fine and may have sufficient merits to warrant some delay.


    > Regardless of whether significant new public API comes into a major 
release or a feature release, it should come in with an experimental annotation 
so that we can make changes without requiring a new major release.


    > If you want to argue that some new features that are currently targeting 
3.0.0 are significant enough that one or more of them should justify an 
accelerated 3.1.0 release schedule if it is not ready in time for the 3.0.0 
release, then I can much more easily get behind that kind of commitment; but I 
remain opposed to the notion of promoting any new features to the status of 
blockers of 3.0.0 at this time.


    > On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 10:23 AM Ryan Blue  wrote:


    >> Mark, I disagree. Setting common goals is a critical part of getting 
things done.


    >> This doesn't commit the community to push out the release if the goals 
aren't met, but does mean that we will, as a community, seriously consider it. 
This is also an acknowledgement that this is the most important feature in the 
next release (whether major or minor) for many of us. This has been in limbo 
for a very long time, so I think it is important for the community to commit to 
getting it to a functional state.


    >> It sounds like your objection is to this commitment for 3.0, but 
remember that 3.0 is the next release so that we can remove deprecated APIs. It 
does not mean that we aren't a

Re: [VOTE] SPIP: Spark API for Table Metadata

2019-02-28 Thread Matt Cheah
+1 (non-binding)


From: Jamison Bennett 
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 8:28 AM
To: Ryan Blue , Spark Dev List 
Subject: Re: [VOTE] SPIP: Spark API for Table Metadata


+1 (non-binding) 

Jamison Bennett

Cloudera Software Engineer


515 Congress Ave, Suite 1212   |   Austin, TX   |   78701



On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 10:20 AM Ryan Blue  wrote:

+1 (non-binding)


On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 8:34 PM Russell Spitzer  

+1 (non-binding) 

On Wed, Feb 27, 2019, 6:28 PM Ryan Blue  wrote:

Hi everyone, 


In the last DSv2 sync, the consensus was that the table metadata SPIP was ready 
to bring up for a vote. Now that the multi-catalog identifier SPIP vote has 
passed, I'd like to start one for the table metadata API, TableCatalog.


The proposal is for adding a TableCatalog interface that will be used by v2 
plans. That interface has methods to load, create, drop, alter, refresh, 
rename, and check existence for tables. It also specifies the set of metadata 
used to configure tables: schema, partitioning, and key-value properties. For 
more information, please read the SPIP proposal doc [docs.google.com].


Please vote in the next 3 days.


[ ] +1: Accept the proposal as an official SPIP

[ ] +0

[ ] -1: I don't think this is a good idea because ...






Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer




Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [VOTE] Functional DataSourceV2 in Spark 3.0

2019-02-28 Thread Matt Cheah
+1 (non-binding)


Are identifiers and namespaces going to be rolled under one of those six points?


From: Ryan Blue 
Reply-To: "rb...@netflix.com" 
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 8:39 AM
To: Spark Dev List 
Subject: [VOTE] Functional DataSourceV2 in Spark 3.0


I’d like to call a vote for committing to getting DataSourceV2 in a functional 
state for Spark 3.0.

For more context, please see the discussion thread, but here is a quick summary 
about what this commitment means:

· We think that a “functional DSv2” is an achievable goal for the Spark 
3.0 release

· We will consider this a blocker for Spark 3.0, and take reasonable 
steps to make it happen

· We will not delay the release without a community discussion

Here’s what we’ve defined as a functional DSv2:

· Add a plugin system for catalogs

· Add an interface for table catalogs (see the ongoing SPIP vote)

· Add an implementation of the new interface that calls SessionCatalog 
to load v2 tables

· Add a resolution rule to load v2 tables from the v2 catalog

· Add CTAS logical and physical plan nodes

· Add conversions from SQL parsed plans to v2 logical plans (e.g., 
INSERT INTO support)

Please vote in the next 3 days on whether you agree with committing to this 

[ ] +1: Agree that we should consider a functional DSv2 implementation a 
blocker for Spark 3.0
[ ] +0: . . .
[ ] -1: I disagree with this goal because . . .

Thank you!


Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2

2019-02-26 Thread Matt Cheah
Will that then require an API break down the line? Do we save that for Spark 4?


-Matt Cheah?


From: Ryan Blue 
Reply-To: "rb...@netflix.com" 
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 4:53 PM
To: Matt Cheah 
Cc: Sean Owen , Wenchen Fan , Xiao Li 
, Matei Zaharia , Spark Dev 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2


That's a good question. 


While I'd love to have a solution for that, I don't think it is a good idea to 
delay DSv2 until we have one. That is going to require a lot of internal 
changes and I don't see how we could make the release date if we are including 
an InternalRow replacement.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:41 PM Matt Cheah  wrote:

Reynold made a note earlier about a proper Row API that isn’t InternalRow – is 
that still on the table?


-Matt Cheah


From: Ryan Blue 
Reply-To: "rb...@netflix.com" 
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 4:40 PM
To: Matt Cheah 
Cc: Sean Owen , Wenchen Fan , Xiao Li 
, Matei Zaharia , Spark Dev 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2


Thanks for bumping this, Matt. I think we can have the discussion here to 
clarify exactly what we’re committing to and then have a vote thread once we’re 

Getting back to the DSv2 discussion, I think we have a good handle on what 
would be added:

· Plugin system for catalogs

· TableCatalog interface (I’ll start a vote thread for this SPIP 

· TableCatalog implementation backed by SessionCatalog that can load v2 

· Resolution rule to load v2 tables using the new catalog

· CTAS logical and physical plan nodes

· Conversions from SQL parsed logical plans to v2 logical plans

Initially, this will always use the v2 catalog backed by SessionCatalog to 
avoid dependence on the multi-catalog work. All of those are already 
implemented and working, so I think it is reasonable that we can get them in.

Then we can consider a few stretch goals:

· Get in as much DDL as we can. I think create and drop table should be 

· Multi-catalog identifier parsing and multi-catalog support

If we get those last two in, it would be great. We can make the call closer to 
release time. Does anyone want to change this set of work?


On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 PM Matt Cheah  wrote:

What would then be the next steps we'd take to collectively decide on plans and 
timelines moving forward? Might I suggest scheduling a conference call with 
appropriate PMCs to put our ideas together? Maybe such a discussion can take 
place at next week's meeting? Or do we need to have a separate formalized 
voting thread which is guided by a PMC?

My suggestion is to try to make concrete steps forward and to avoid letting 
this slip through the cracks.

I also think there would be merits to having a project plan and estimates 
around how long each of the features we want to complete is going to take to 
implement and review.

-Matt Cheah

On 2/24/19, 3:05 PM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

Sure, I don't read anyone making these statements though? Let's assume
good intent, that "foo should happen" as "my opinion as a member of
the community, which is not solely up to me, is that foo should
happen". I understand it's possible for a person to make their opinion
over-weighted; this whole style of decision making assumes good actors
and doesn't optimize against bad ones. Not that it can't happen, just
not seeing it here.

I have never seen any vote on a feature list, by a PMC or otherwise.
We can do that if really needed I guess. But that also isn't the
authoritative process in play here, in contrast.

If there's not a more specific subtext or issue here, which is fine to
say (on private@ if it's sensitive or something), yes, let's move on
in good faith.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 3:45 PM Mark Hamstra  
> There is nothing wrong with individuals advocating for what they think 
should or should not be in Spark 3.0, nor should anyone shy away from 
explaining why they think delaying the release for some reason is or isn't a 
good idea. What is a problem, or is at least something that I have a problem 
with, are declarative, pseudo-authoritative statements that 3.0 (or some other 
release) will or won't contain some feature, API, etc. or that some issue is or 
is not blocker or worth delaying for. When the PMC has not voted on such 
issues, I'm often left thinking, "Wait... what? Who decided that, or where did 
that decision come from?"



Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer




Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2

2019-02-26 Thread Matt Cheah
Reynold made a note earlier about a proper Row API that isn’t InternalRow – is 
that still on the table?


-Matt Cheah


From: Ryan Blue 
Reply-To: "rb...@netflix.com" 
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 4:40 PM
To: Matt Cheah 
Cc: Sean Owen , Wenchen Fan , Xiao Li 
, Matei Zaharia , Spark Dev 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2


Thanks for bumping this, Matt. I think we can have the discussion here to 
clarify exactly what we’re committing to and then have a vote thread once we’re 

Getting back to the DSv2 discussion, I think we have a good handle on what 
would be added:

· Plugin system for catalogs

· TableCatalog interface (I’ll start a vote thread for this SPIP 

· TableCatalog implementation backed by SessionCatalog that can load v2 

· Resolution rule to load v2 tables using the new catalog

· CTAS logical and physical plan nodes

· Conversions from SQL parsed logical plans to v2 logical plans

Initially, this will always use the v2 catalog backed by SessionCatalog to 
avoid dependence on the multi-catalog work. All of those are already 
implemented and working, so I think it is reasonable that we can get them in.

Then we can consider a few stretch goals:

· Get in as much DDL as we can. I think create and drop table should be 

· Multi-catalog identifier parsing and multi-catalog support

If we get those last two in, it would be great. We can make the call closer to 
release time. Does anyone want to change this set of work?


On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 PM Matt Cheah  wrote:

What would then be the next steps we'd take to collectively decide on plans and 
timelines moving forward? Might I suggest scheduling a conference call with 
appropriate PMCs to put our ideas together? Maybe such a discussion can take 
place at next week's meeting? Or do we need to have a separate formalized 
voting thread which is guided by a PMC?

My suggestion is to try to make concrete steps forward and to avoid letting 
this slip through the cracks.

I also think there would be merits to having a project plan and estimates 
around how long each of the features we want to complete is going to take to 
implement and review.

-Matt Cheah

On 2/24/19, 3:05 PM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

Sure, I don't read anyone making these statements though? Let's assume
good intent, that "foo should happen" as "my opinion as a member of
the community, which is not solely up to me, is that foo should
happen". I understand it's possible for a person to make their opinion
over-weighted; this whole style of decision making assumes good actors
and doesn't optimize against bad ones. Not that it can't happen, just
not seeing it here.

I have never seen any vote on a feature list, by a PMC or otherwise.
We can do that if really needed I guess. But that also isn't the
authoritative process in play here, in contrast.

If there's not a more specific subtext or issue here, which is fine to
say (on private@ if it's sensitive or something), yes, let's move on
in good faith.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 3:45 PM Mark Hamstra  
> There is nothing wrong with individuals advocating for what they think 
should or should not be in Spark 3.0, nor should anyone shy away from 
explaining why they think delaying the release for some reason is or isn't a 
good idea. What is a problem, or is at least something that I have a problem 
with, are declarative, pseudo-authoritative statements that 3.0 (or some other 
release) will or won't contain some feature, API, etc. or that some issue is or 
is not blocker or worth delaying for. When the PMC has not voted on such 
issues, I'm often left thinking, "Wait... what? Who decided that, or where did 
that decision come from?"



Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2

2019-02-26 Thread Matt Cheah
What would then be the next steps we'd take to collectively decide on plans and 
timelines moving forward? Might I suggest scheduling a conference call with 
appropriate PMCs to put our ideas together? Maybe such a discussion can take 
place at next week's meeting? Or do we need to have a separate formalized 
voting thread which is guided by a PMC?

My suggestion is to try to make concrete steps forward and to avoid letting 
this slip through the cracks.

I also think there would be merits to having a project plan and estimates 
around how long each of the features we want to complete is going to take to 
implement and review.

-Matt Cheah

On 2/24/19, 3:05 PM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

Sure, I don't read anyone making these statements though? Let's assume
good intent, that "foo should happen" as "my opinion as a member of
the community, which is not solely up to me, is that foo should
happen". I understand it's possible for a person to make their opinion
over-weighted; this whole style of decision making assumes good actors
and doesn't optimize against bad ones. Not that it can't happen, just
not seeing it here.

I have never seen any vote on a feature list, by a PMC or otherwise.
We can do that if really needed I guess. But that also isn't the
authoritative process in play here, in contrast.

If there's not a more specific subtext or issue here, which is fine to
say (on private@ if it's sensitive or something), yes, let's move on
in good faith.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 3:45 PM Mark Hamstra  
> There is nothing wrong with individuals advocating for what they think 
should or should not be in Spark 3.0, nor should anyone shy away from 
explaining why they think delaying the release for some reason is or isn't a 
good idea. What is a problem, or is at least something that I have a problem 
with, are declarative, pseudo-authoritative statements that 3.0 (or some other 
release) will or won't contain some feature, API, etc. or that some issue is or 
is not blocker or worth delaying for. When the PMC has not voted on such 
issues, I'm often left thinking, "Wait... what? Who decided that, or where did 
that decision come from?"

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2

2019-02-21 Thread Matt Cheah
To evaluate the amount of work required to get Data Source V2 into Spark 3.0, 
we should have a list of all the specific SPIPs and patches that are pending 
that would constitute a successful and usable revamp of that API. Here are the 
ones I could find and know off the top of my head:
Table Catalog API: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-24252
In my opinion this is by far the most important API to get in, but it’s also 
the most important API to give thorough thought and evaluation.
Remaining logical plans for CTAS, RTAS, DROP / DELETE, OVERWRITE: 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-24923 + 
Catalogs for other entities, such as functions. Pluggable system for loading 
Multi-Catalog support - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-25006
Migration of existing sources to V2, particularly file sources like Parquet and 
ORC – requires #1 as discussed in yesterday’s meeting

Can someone add to this list if we’re missing anything? It might also make 
sense to either assigned a JIRA label or to update JIRA umbrella issues if any. 
Whatever mechanism works for being able to find all of these outstanding issues 
in one place.


My understanding is that #1 is the most critical feature we need, and the 
feature that will go a long way towards allowing everything else to fall into 
place. #2 is also critical for external implementations of Data Source V2. I 
think we can afford to defer 3-5 to a future point release. But #1 and #2 are 
also the features that have remained open for the longest time and we really 
need to move forward on these. Putting a target release for 3.0 will help in 
that regard.


-Matt Cheah


From: Ryan Blue 
Reply-To: "rb...@netflix.com" 
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 2:22 PM
To: Matei Zaharia 
Cc: Spark Dev List 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2


I'm all for making releases more often if we want. But this work could really 
use a target release to motivate getting it done. If we agree that it will 
block a release, then everyone is motivated to review and get the PRs in. 


If this work doesn't make it in the 3.0 release, I'm not confident that it will 
get done. Maybe we can have a release shortly after, but the timeline for these 
features -- that many of us need -- is nearly creeping into years. That's when 
alternatives start looking more likely to deliver. I'd rather see this work get 
in so we don't have to consider those alternatives, which is why I think this 
commitment is a good idea.


I also would like to see multi-catalog support, but that is more reasonable to 
put off for a follow-up feature release, maybe 3.1.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 1:45 PM Matei Zaharia  wrote:

How large would the delay be? My 2 cents are that there’s nothing stopping us 
from making feature releases more often if we want to, so we shouldn’t see this 
as an “either delay 3.0 or release in >6 months” decision. If the work is 
likely to get in with a small delay and simplifies our work after 3.0 (e.g. we 
can get rid of older APIs), then the delay may be worth it. But if it would be 
a large delay, we should also weigh it against other things that are going to 
get delayed if 3.0 moves much later.

It might also be better to propose a specific date to delay until, so people 
can still plan around when the release branch will likely be cut.


> On Feb 21, 2019, at 1:03 PM, Ryan Blue  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In the DSv2 sync last night, we had a discussion about roadmap and what the 
> goal should be for getting the main features into Spark. We all agreed that 
> 3.0 should be that goal, even if it means delaying the 3.0 release.
> The possibility of delaying the 3.0 release may be controversial, so I want 
> to bring it up to the dev list to build consensus around it. The rationale 
> for this is partly that much of this work has been outstanding for more than 
> a year now. If it doesn't make it into 3.0, then it would be another 6 months 
> before it would be in a release, and would be nearing 2 years to get the work 
> done.
> Are there any objections to targeting 3.0 for this?
> In addition, much of the planning for multi-catalog support has been done to 
> make v2 possible. Do we also want to include multi-catalog support?
> rb
> -- 
> Ryan Blue
> Software Engineer
> Netflix



Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: building docker images for GPU

2019-02-11 Thread Matt Cheah
I will reiterate some feedback I left on the PR. Firstly, it’s not immediately 
clear if we should be opinionated around supporting GPUs in the Docker image in 
a first class way.


Firstly there’s the question of how we arbitrate the kinds of customizations we 
support moving forward. For example if we say we support GPUs now, what’s to 
say that we should not also support FPGAs?


Also what kind of testing can we add to CI to ensure what we’ve provided in 
this Dockerfile works?


Instead we can make the Spark images have bare minimum support for basic Spark 
applications, and then provide detailed instructions for how to build custom 
Docker images (mostly just needing to make sure the custom image has the right 
entry point).


-Matt Cheah


From: Rong Ou 
Date: Friday, February 8, 2019 at 2:28 PM
To: "dev@spark.apache.org" 
Subject: building docker images for GPU


Hi spark dev, 


I created a JIRA issue a while ago 
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-26398 [issues.apache.org]) to add 
GPU support to Spark docker images, and sent a PR 
(https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/23347 [github.com]) that went through 
several iterations. It was suggested that it should be discussed on the dev 
mailing list, so here we are. Please chime in if you have any questions or 


A little more background. I mainly looked at running XGBoost on Spark using 
GPUs. Preliminary results have shown that there is potential for significant 
speedup in training time. This seems like a popular use case for Spark. In any 
event, it'd be nice for Spark to have better support for GPUs. Building 
gpu-enabled docker images seems like a useful first step.






Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS] Identifiers with multi-catalog support

2019-01-22 Thread Matt Cheah
+1 for n-part namespace as proposed. Agree that a short SPIP would be 
appropriate for this. Perhaps also a JIRA ticket?


-Matt Cheah


From: Felix Cheung 
Date: Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 4:48 PM
To: "rb...@netflix.com" , Spark Dev List 

Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Identifiers with multi-catalog support


+1 I like Ryan last mail. Thank you for putting it clearly (should be a 


I agree and understand the need for 3 part id. However I don’t think we should 
make assumption that it must be or can only be as long as 3 parts. Once the 
catalog is identified (ie. The first part), the catalog should be responsible 
for resolving the namespace or schema etc. Agree also path is good idea to add 
to support file-based variant. Should separator be optional (perhaps in *space) 
to keep this extensible (it might not always be ‘.’)


Also this whole scheme will need to play nice with column identifier as well.



From: Ryan Blue 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 11:38 AM
To: Spark Dev List
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Identifiers with multi-catalog support 


Any discussion on how Spark should manage identifiers when multiple catalogs 
are supported? 


I know this is an area where a lot of people are interested in making progress, 
and it is a blocker for both multi-catalog support and CTAS in DSv2.


On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 2:22 PM Ryan Blue  wrote:

I think that the solution to this problem is to mix the two approaches by 
supporting 3 identifier parts: catalog, namespace, and name, where namespace 
can be an n-part identifier:
type Namespace = Seq[String]
case class CatalogIdentifier(space: Namespace, name: String)
This allows catalogs to work with the hierarchy of the external store, but the 
catalog API only requires a few discovery methods to list namespaces and to 
list each type of object in a namespace.
def listNamespaces(): Seq[Namespace]
def listNamespaces(space: Namespace, prefix: String): Seq[Namespace]
def listTables(space: Namespace): Seq[CatalogIdentifier]
def listViews(space: Namespace): Seq[CatalogIdentifier]
def listFunctions(space: Namespace): Seq[CatalogIdentifier]
The methods to list tables, views, or functions, would only return identifiers 
for the type queried, not namespaces or the other objects.

The SQL parser would be updated so that identifiers are parsed to 
UnresovledIdentifier(parts: Seq[String]), and resolution would work like this 
def resolveIdentifier(ident: UnresolvedIdentifier): (CatalogPlugin, 
CatalogIdentifier) = {
  val maybeCatalog = sparkSession.catalog(ident.parts.head)
  ident.parts match {
    case Seq(catalogName, *space, name) if catalog.isDefined =>
  (maybeCatalog.get, CatalogIdentifier(space, name))
    case Seq(*space, name) =>
  (sparkSession.defaultCatalog, CatalogIdentifier(space, name))
I think this is a good approach because it allows Spark users to reference or 
discovery any name in the hierarchy of an external store, it uses a few 
well-defined methods for discovery, and makes name hierarchy a user concern.

· SHOW (DATABASES|SCHEMAS|NAMESPACES) would return the result of 

· SHOW NAMESPACES LIKE a.b% would return the result of 
listNamespaces(Seq("a"), "b") 

· USE a.b would set the current namespace to Seq("a", "b") 

· SHOW TABLES would return the result of listTables(currentNamespace) 

Also, I think that we could generalize this a little more to support path-based 
tables by adding a path to CatalogIdentifier, either as a namespace or as a 
separate optional string. Then, the identifier passed to a catalog would work 
for either a path-based table or a catalog table, without needing a path-based 
catalog API.



On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 1:38 PM Ryan Blue  wrote:

In the DSv2 sync up, we tried to discuss the Table metadata proposal but were 
side-tracked on its use of TableIdentifier. There were good points about how 
Spark should identify tables, views, functions, etc, and I want to start a 
discussion here.

Identifiers are orthogonal to the TableCatalog proposal that can be updated to 
use whatever identifier class we choose. That proposal is concerned with what 
information should be passed to define a table, and how to pass that 

The main question for this discussion is: how should Spark identify tables, 
views, and functions when it supports multiple catalogs?

There are two main approaches:

1.   Use a 3-part identifier, catalog.database.table 

2.   Use an identifier with an arbitrary number of parts 

Option 1: use 3-part identifiers

The argument for option #1 is that it is simple. If an external data store has 
additional logical hierarchy layers, then that hierarchy would be mapped to 
multiple catalogs in Spark. Spark can support show tables and show databases 
without much trouble. This is the approach used by Presto, so there is some 

SPARk-25299: Updates As Of December 19, 2018

2018-12-19 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,


Earlier this year, we proposed SPARK-25299, proposing the idea of using other 
storage systems for persisting shuffle files. Since that time, we have been 
continuing to work on prototypes for this project. In the interest of 
increasing transparency into our work, we have created a progress report 
document where you may find a summary of the work we have been doing, as well 
as links to our prototypes on Github. We would ask that anyone who is very 
familiar with the inner workings of Spark’s shuffle could provide feedback and 
comments on our work thus far. We welcome any further discussion in this space. 
You may comment in this e-mail thread or by commenting on the progress report 


Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks,


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [DISCUSS] Function plugins

2018-12-14 Thread Matt Cheah
How would this work with:
 Codegen – how does one generate code given a user’s UDF? Would the user be 
able to specify the code that is generated that represents their function? In 
practice that’s pretty hard to get right.
Row serialization and representation – Will the UDF receive catalyst rows with 
optimized internal representations, or will Spark have to convert to something 
more easily consumed by a UDF?

Otherwise +1 for trying to get this to work without Hive. I think even having 
something without codegen and optimized row formats is worthwhile if only 
because it’s easier to use than Hive UDFs.


-Matt Cheah


From: Reynold Xin 
Date: Friday, December 14, 2018 at 1:49 PM
To: "rb...@netflix.com" 
Cc: Spark Dev List 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Function plugins


Having a way to register UDFs that are not using Hive APIs would be great!




On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 1:30 PM, Ryan Blue  wrote:

Hi everyone,
I’ve been looking into improving how users of our Spark platform register and 
use UDFs and I’d like to discuss a few ideas for making this easier.

The motivation for this is the use case of defining a UDF from SparkSQL or 
PySpark. We want to make it easy to write JVM UDFs and use them from both SQL 
and Python. Python UDFs work great in most cases, but we occasionally don’t 
want to pay the cost of shipping data to python and processing it there so we 
want to make it easy to register UDFs that will run in the JVM.

There is already syntax to create a function from a JVM class 
[docs.databricks.com] in SQL that would work, but this option requires using 
the Hive UDF API instead of Spark’s simpler Scala API. It also requires 
argument translation and doesn’t support codegen. Beyond the problem of the API 
and performance, it is annoying to require registering every function 
individually with a CREATE FUNCTION statement.

The alternative that I’d like to propose is to add a way to register a named 
group of functions using the proposed catalog plugin API.

For anyone unfamiliar with the proposed catalog plugins, the basic idea is to 
load and configure plugins using a simple property-based scheme. Those plugins 
expose functionality through mix-in interfaces, like TableCatalog to 
create/drop/load/alter tables. Another interface could be UDFCatalog that can 
load UDFs.
interface UDFCatalog extends CatalogPlugin {
  UserDefinedFunction loadUDF(String name)
To use this, I would create a UDFCatalog class that returns my Scala functions 
as UDFs. To look up functions, we would use both the catalog name and the 
function name.

This would allow my users to write Scala UDF instances, package them using a 
UDFCatalog class (provided by me), and easily use them in Spark with a few 
configuration options to add the catalog in their environment.

This would also allow me to expose UDF libraries easily in my configuration, 
like brickhouse [community.cloudera.com], without users needing to ensure the 
Jar is loaded and register individual functions.

Any thoughts on this high-level approach? I know that this ignores things like 
creating and storing functions in a FunctionCatalog, and we’d have to solve 
challenges with function naming (whether there is a db component). Right now 
I’d like to think through the overall idea and not get too focused on those 




Ryan Blue 

Software Engineer



Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?

2018-11-13 Thread Matt Cheah
I just added the label to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-25908. 
Unsure if there are any others. I’ll look through the tickets and see if there 
are any that are missing the label.


-Matt Cheah


From: Sean Owen 
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 12:09 PM
To: Matt Cheah 
Cc: Sean Owen , Vinoo Ganesh , dev 

Subject: Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?


As far as I know any JIRA that has implications for users is tagged this way 
but I haven't examined all of them. All that are going in for 3.0 should have 
it as Fix Version . Most changes won't have a user visible impact. Do you see 
any that seem to need the tag? Call em out or even fix them by adding the tag 
and proposed release notes. 


On Tue, Nov 13, 2018, 11:49 AM Matt Cheah  wrote:

My non-definitive takes --

I would personally like to remove all deprecated methods for Spark 3.
I started by removing 'old' deprecated methods in that commit. Things
deprecated in 2.4 are maybe less clear, whether they should be removed

Everything's fair game for removal or change in a major release. So
far some items in discussion seem to be Scala 2.11 support, Python 2
support, R support before 3.4. I don't know about other APIs.

Generally, take a look at JIRA for items targeted at version 3.0. Not
everything targeted for 3.0 is going in, but ones from committers are
more likely than others. Breaking changes ought to be tagged
'release-notes' with a description of the change. The release itself
has a migration guide that's being updated as we go.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 5:49 PM Matt Cheah  wrote:
> I wanted to clarify what categories of APIs are eligible to be broken in 
Spark 3.0. Specifically:
> Are we removing all deprecated methods? If we’re only removing some 
subset of deprecated methods, what is that subset? I see a bunch were removed 
 for example. Are we only committed to removing methods that were deprecated in 
some Spark version and earlier?
> Aside from removing support for Scala 2.11, what other kinds of 
(non-experimental and non-evolving) APIs are eligible to be broken?
> Is there going to be a way to track the current list of all proposed 
breaking changes / JIRA tickets? Perhaps we can include it in the JIRA ticket 
that can be filtered down to somehow?

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Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?

2018-11-13 Thread Matt Cheah
The release-notes label on JIRA sounds good. Can we make it a point to have 
that done retroactively now, and then moving forward?

On 11/12/18, 4:01 PM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

My non-definitive takes --

I would personally like to remove all deprecated methods for Spark 3.
I started by removing 'old' deprecated methods in that commit. Things
deprecated in 2.4 are maybe less clear, whether they should be removed

Everything's fair game for removal or change in a major release. So
far some items in discussion seem to be Scala 2.11 support, Python 2
support, R support before 3.4. I don't know about other APIs.

Generally, take a look at JIRA for items targeted at version 3.0. Not
everything targeted for 3.0 is going in, but ones from committers are
more likely than others. Breaking changes ought to be tagged
'release-notes' with a description of the change. The release itself
has a migration guide that's being updated as we go.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 5:49 PM Matt Cheah  wrote:
> I wanted to clarify what categories of APIs are eligible to be broken in 
Spark 3.0. Specifically:
> Are we removing all deprecated methods? If we’re only removing some 
subset of deprecated methods, what is that subset? I see a bunch were removed 
 for example. Are we only committed to removing methods that were deprecated in 
some Spark version and earlier?
> Aside from removing support for Scala 2.11, what other kinds of 
(non-experimental and non-evolving) APIs are eligible to be broken?
> Is there going to be a way to track the current list of all proposed 
breaking changes / JIRA tickets? Perhaps we can include it in the JIRA ticket 
that can be filtered down to somehow?

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Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?

2018-11-12 Thread Matt Cheah
I wanted to clarify what categories of APIs are eligible to be broken in Spark 
3.0. Specifically:

Are we removing all deprecated methods? If we’re only removing some subset of 
deprecated methods, what is that subset? I see a bunch were removed in 
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/22921 for example. Are we only committed 
to removing methods that were deprecated in some Spark version and earlier?
Aside from removing support for Scala 2.11, what other kinds of 
(non-experimental and non-evolving) APIs are eligible to be broken?
Is there going to be a way to track the current list of all proposed breaking 
changes / JIRA tickets? Perhaps we can include it in the JIRA ticket that can 
be filtered down to somehow?



-Matt Cheah

From: Vinoo Ganesh 
Date: Monday, November 12, 2018 at 2:48 PM
To: Reynold Xin 
Cc: Xiao Li , Matei Zaharia , 
Ryan Blue , Mark Hamstra , dev 

Subject: Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?


Makes sense, thanks Reynold. 


From: Reynold Xin 
Date: Monday, November 12, 2018 at 16:57
To: Vinoo Ganesh 
Cc: Xiao Li , Matei Zaharia , 
Ryan Blue , Mark Hamstra , dev 

Subject: Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?


Master branch now tracks 3.0.0-SHAPSHOT version, so the next one will be 3.0. 
In terms of time lining, unless we change anything specifically, Spark feature 
releases are on a 6-mo cadence. Spark 2.4 was just released last week, so 3.0 
will be roughly 6 month from now.


On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 1:54 PM Vinoo Ganesh  wrote:

Quickly following up on this – is there a target date for when Spark 3.0 may be 
released and/or a list of the likely api breaks that are anticipated? 


From: Xiao Li 
Date: Saturday, September 29, 2018 at 02:09
To: Reynold Xin 
Cc: Matei Zaharia , Ryan Blue , 
Mark Hamstra , "u...@spark.apache.org" 

Subject: Re: time for Apache Spark 3.0?


Yes. We should create a SPIP for each major breaking change. 


Reynold Xin  于2018年9月28日周五 下午11:05写道:

i think we should create spips for some of them, since they are pretty large 
... i can create some tickets to start with 


excuse the brevity and lower case due to wrist injury



On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 11:01 PM Xiao Li  wrote:

Based on the above discussions, we have a "rough consensus" that the next 
release will be 3.0. Now, we can start working on the API breaking changes 
(e.g., the ones mentioned in the original email from Reynold). 






Matei Zaharia  于2018年9月6日周四 下午2:21写道:

Yes, you can start with Unstable and move to Evolving and Stable when needed. 
We’ve definitely had experimental features that changed across maintenance 
releases when they were well-isolated. If your change risks breaking stuff in 
stable components of Spark though, then it probably won’t be suitable for that.

> On Sep 6, 2018, at 1:49 PM, Ryan Blue  wrote:
> I meant flexibility beyond the point releases. I think what Reynold was 
> suggesting was getting v2 code out more often than the point releases every 6 
> months. An Evolving API can change in point releases, but maybe we should 
> move v2 to Unstable so it can change more often? I don't really see another 
> way to get changes out more often.
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 11:07 AM Mark Hamstra  wrote:
> Yes, that is why we have these annotations in the code and the corresponding 
> labels appearing in the API documentation: 
> https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/common/tags/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/annotation/InterfaceStability.java
>  [github.com]
> As long as it is properly annotated, we can change or even eliminate an API 
> method before the next major release. And frankly, we shouldn't be 
> contemplating bringing in the DS v2 API (and, I'd argue, any new API) without 
> such an annotation. There is just too much risk of not getting everything 
> right before we see the results of the new API being more widely used, and 
> too much cost in maintaining until the next major release something that we 
> come to regret for us to create new API in a fully frozen state.
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:49 AM Ryan Blue  wrote:
> It would be great to get more features out incrementally. For experimental 
> features, do we have more relaxed constraints?
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:47 AM Reynold Xin  wrote:
> +1 on 3.0
> Dsv2 stable can still evolve in across major releases. DataFrame, Dataset, 
> dsv1 and a lot of other major features all were developed throughout the 1.x 
> and 2.x lines.
> I do want to explore ways for us to get dsv2 incremental changes out there 
> more frequently, to get feedback. Maybe that means we apply additive changes 
> to 2.4.x; maybe that means making another 2.5 release sooner. I will start a 
> separate thread about it.
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:31 AM Sean Owen  wrote:
> I think this doesn't necessarily mean 3.0 i

Re: [DISCUSS][K8S] Local dependencies with Kubernetes

2018-10-08 Thread Matt Cheah
Relying on kubectl exec may not be the best solution because clusters with 
locked down security will not grant users permissions to execute arbitrary code 
in pods. I can’t think of a great alternative right now but I wanted to bring 
this to our attention for the time being.


-Matt Cheah


From: Rob Vesse 
Date: Monday, October 8, 2018 at 10:09 AM
To: dev 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][K8S] Local dependencies with Kubernetes


Well yes.  However the submission client is already able to monitor the driver 
pod status so can see when it is up and running.  And couldn’t we potentially 
modify the K8S entry points e.g. KubernetesClientApplication that run inside 
the driver pods to wait for dependencies to be uploaded?


I guess at this stage I am just throwing ideas out there and trying to figure 
out what’s practical/reasonable




From: Yinan Li 
Date: Monday, 8 October 2018 at 17:36
To: Rob Vesse 
Cc: dev 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][K8S] Local dependencies with Kubernetes


However, the pod must be up and running for this to work. So if you want to use 
this to upload dependencies to the driver pod, the driver pod must already be 
up and running. So you may not even have a chance to upload the dependencies at 
this point.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Feedback Requested] SPARK-25299: Using Distributed Storage for Persisting Shuffle Data

2018-09-04 Thread Matt Cheah
Yuanjian, Thanks for sharing your progress! I was wondering if there was any 
prototype code that we could read to get an idea of what the implementation 
looks like? We can evaluate the design together and also benchmark workloads 
from across the community – that is, we can collect more data from more Spark 


The experience would be greatly appreciated in the discussion.


-Matt Cheah


From: Yuanjian Li 
Date: Friday, August 31, 2018 at 8:29 PM
To: Matt Cheah 
Cc: Spark dev list 
Subject: Re: [Feedback Requested] SPARK-25299: Using Distributed Storage for 
Persisting Shuffle Data


Hi Matt, 

 Thanks for the great document and proposal, I want to +1 for the reliable 
shuffle data and give some feedback.

 I think a reliable shuffle service based on DFS is necessary on Spark, 
especially running Spark job over unstable environment. For example, while 
mixed deploying Spark with online service, Spark executor will be killed any 
time. Current stage retry strategy will make the job many times slower than 
normal job.

 Actually we(Baidu inc) solved this problem by stable shuffle service over 
Hadoop, and we are now docking Spark to this shuffle service. The POC work will 
be done at October as expect. We'll post more benchmark and detailed work at 
that time. I'm still reading your discussion document and happy to give more 
feedback in the doc.



Yuanjian Li


Matt Cheah  于2018年9月1日周六 上午8:42写道:

Hi everyone,


I filed SPARK-25299 [issues.apache.org] to promote discussion on how we can 
improve the shuffle operation in Spark. The basic premise is to discuss the 
ways we can leverage distributed storage to improve the reliability and 
isolation of Spark’s shuffle architecture.


A few designs and a full problem statement are outlined in this architecture 
discussion document [docs.google.com].


This is a complex problem and it would be great to get feedback from the 
community about the right direction to take this work in. Note that we have not 
yet committed to a specific implementation and architecture – there’s a lot 
that needs to be discussed for this improvement, so we hope to get as much 
input as possible before moving forward with a design.


Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions on the JIRA ticket or on the 
discussion document.


Thank you!


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[Feedback Requested] SPARK-25299: Using Distributed Storage for Persisting Shuffle Data

2018-08-31 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,


I filed SPARK-25299 to promote discussion on how we can improve the shuffle 
operation in Spark. The basic premise is to discuss the ways we can leverage 
distributed storage to improve the reliability and isolation of Spark’s shuffle 


A few designs and a full problem statement are outlined in this architecture 
discussion document.


This is a complex problem and it would be great to get feedback from the 
community about the right direction to take this work in. Note that we have not 
yet committed to a specific implementation and architecture – there’s a lot 
that needs to be discussed for this improvement, so we hope to get as much 
input as possible before moving forward with a design.


Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions on the JIRA ticket or on the 
discussion document.


Thank you!


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Kubernetes] Resource requests and limits for Driver and Executor Pods

2018-03-30 Thread Matt Cheah
The question is more so generally what an advised best practice is for setting 
CPU limits. It’s not immediately clear what a correct value is for setting CPU 
limits if one wants to provide guarantees for consistent / guaranteed execution 
performance while also not degrading performance. Additionally, there’s a 
question of if there exists a sane default CPU limit in the Spark pod creation 
code. Such a default seems difficult to set because the JVM can spawn as many 
threads as it likes and a single executor can end up thrashing in between its 
own threads as they contend for the smaller CPU share that is available.


From: Yinan Li 
Date: Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 11:08 PM
To: David Vogelbacher 
Cc: "dev@spark.apache.org" 
Subject: Re: [Kubernetes] Resource requests and limits for Driver and Executor 


Hi David, 


Regarding cpu limit, in Spark 2.3, we do have the following config properties 
to specify cpu limit for the driver and executors. See 





On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:14 PM, David Vogelbacher  



At the moment driver and executor pods are created using the following requests 
and limits:

LimitUnlimited (but can be specified using 
spark.[driver,executor].cores)[driver,executor].memory + 


Specifying the requests like this leads to problems if the pods only get the 
requested amount of resources and nothing of the optional (limit) resources, as 
it can happen in a fully utilized cluster.


For memory:

Let’s say we have a node with 100GiB memory and 5 pods with 20 GiB memory and 5 
GiB memoryOverhead. 

At the beginning all 5 pods use 20 GiB of memory and all is well. If a pod then 
starts using its overhead memory it will get killed as there is no more memory 
available, even though we told spark

that it can use 25 GiB of memory.


Instead of requesting `[driver,executor].memory`, we should just request 
`[driver,executor].memory + [driver,executor].memoryOverhead `.

I think this case is a bit clearer than the CPU case, so I went ahead and filed 
an issue [issues.apache.org] with more details and made a PR [github.com].


For CPU:

As it turns out, there can be performance problems if we only have 
`executor.cores` available (which means we have one core per task). This was 
raised here [github.com] and is the reason that the cpu limit was set to 

This issue stems from the fact that in general there will be more than one 
thread per task, resulting in performance impacts if there is only one core 

However, I am not sure that just setting the limit to unlimited is the best 
solution because it means that even if the Kubernetes cluster can perfectly 
satisfy the resource requests, performance might be very bad.


I think we should guarantee that an executor is able to do its work well 
(without performance issues or getting killed - as could happen in the memory 
case) with the resources it gets guaranteed from Kubernetes.


One way to solve this could be to request more than 1 core from Kubernetes per 
task. The exact amount we should request is unclear to me (it largely depends 
on how many threads actually get spawned for a task). 

We would need to find a way to determine this somehow automatically or at least 
come up with a better default value than 1 core per task.


Does somebody have ideas or thoughts on how to solve this best?





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Re: Toward an "API" for spark images used by the Kubernetes back-end

2018-03-22 Thread Matt Cheah
Re: Hadoop versioning – it seems reasonable enough for us to be publishing an 
image per Hadoop version. We should essentially have image configuration parity 
with what we publish as distributions on the Spark website.


Sometimes jars need to be swapped out entirely instead of being strictly 
additive. An example is a user wanting to build an application that depends on 
a different version of an existing dependency. Instead of adding multiple jars 
with different versions to the classpath, they would like to put their own jars 
that their application has perhaps resolved via Maven. (They could use the 
userClassPathFirst constructs, but in practice that doesn’t always work 
particularly for jars that have to be present at JVM boot-time.) So having an 
extra image version that is “empty” without any jars is reasonable. In this 
case, we’d want to define the API for where the image’s jars have to live – 
perhaps in a fixed directory like /opt/spark/jars, or specified by some 
environment variable that the entrypoint knows to look up. I like the idea of 
having that location defined by an environment variable, since it allows for 
more flexibility – but the tradeoff seems negligible between those two options.


From: "Lalwani, Jayesh" 
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 10:19 AM
To: Rob Vesse , "dev@spark.apache.org" 

Subject: Re: Toward an "API" for spark images used by the Kubernetes back-end


I would like to add that many people run Spark behind corporate proxies. It’s 
very common to add http proxy to extraJavaOptions.  Being able to provide 
custom extraJavaOption should be supported.

Also, Hadoop FS 2.7.3 is pretty limited wrt S3 buckets. You cannot use 
temporary AWS tokens. You cannot assume roles. You cannot use KMS buckets. All 
of this comes out of the box on EMR because EMR is build with it’s own 
customized Hadoop FS. For standalone installations, It’s pretty common to 
“customize” your Spark installation using Hadoop 2.8.3 or higher. I don’t know 
if a Spark container with Hadoop 2.8.3 will be a standard container. If it 
isn’t, I see a lot of people creating a customized container with Hadoop FS 

From: Rob Vesse 
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 6:11 AM
To: "dev@spark.apache.org" 
Subject: Re: Toward an "API" for spark images used by the Kubernetes back-end


The difficulty with a custom Spark config is that you need to be careful that 
the Spark config the user provides does not conflict with the auto-generated 
portions of the Spark config necessary to make Spark on K8S work.  So part of 
any “API” definition might need to be what Spark config is considered “managed” 
by the Kubernetes scheduler backend.


For more controlled environments - i.e. security conscious - allowing end users 
to provide custom images may be a non-starter so the more we can do at the 
“API” level without customising the containers the better.  A practical example 
of this is managing Python dependencies, one option we’re considering is having 
a base image with Anaconda included and then simply projecting a Conda 
environment spec into the containers (via volume mounts) and then having the 
container recreate that Conda environment on startup.  That won’t work for all 
possible environments e.g. those that use non-standard Conda channels but it 
would provide a lot of capability without customising the images.




From: Felix Cheung 
Date: Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 06:21
To: Holden Karau , Erik Erlandson 
Cc: dev 
Subject: Re: Toward an "API" for spark images used by the Kubernetes back-end


I like being able to customize the docker image itself - but I realize this 
thread is more about “API” for the stock image.


Environment is nice. Probably we need a way to set custom spark config (as a 



From: Holden Karau 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 10:44:20 PM
To: Erik Erlandson
Cc: dev
Subject: Re: Toward an "API" for spark images used by the Kubernetes back-end 


I’m glad this discussion is happening on dev@ :)


Personally I like customizing with shell env variables during rolling my own 
image, but definitely documentation the expectations/usage of the variables is 
needed before we can really call it an API.


On the related question I suspect two of the more “common” likely 
customizations is adding additional jars for bootstrapping fetching from a DFS 
& also similarity complicated Python dependencies (although given the Pythons 
support isn’t merged yet it’s hard to say what exactly this would look like).


I could also see some vendors wanting to add some bootstrap/setup scripts to 
fetch keys or other things.


What other ways do folks foresee customizing their Spark docker containers? 


On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 5:04 

Re: Spark on Kubernetes Builder Pattern Design Document

2018-02-05 Thread Matt Cheah
I think in this case, the original design that was proposed before the document 
was implemented on the Spark on K8s fork, that we took some time to build 
separately before proposing that the fork be merged into the main line.


Specifically, the timeline of events was:

We started building Spark on Kubernetes on a fork and was prepared to merge our 
work directly into master,
Discussion on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-18278 led us to move 
down the path of working on a fork first. We would harden the fork, have the 
fork become used more widely to prove its value and robustness in practice. See 
On said fork, we made the original design decisions to use a step-based builder 
pattern for the driver but not the same design for the executors. This original 
discussion was made among the collaborators of the fork, as much of the work on 
the fork in general was not done on the mailing list.
We eventually decided to merge the fork into the main line, and got the 
feedback in the corresponding PRs.

Therefore the question may less so be with this specific design, but whether or 
not the overarching approach we took - building Spark on K8s on a fork first 
before merging into mainline – was the correct one in the first place. There’s 
also the issue that the work done on the fork was isolated from the dev mailing 
list. Moving forward as we push our work into mainline Spark, we aim to be 
transparent with the Spark community via the Spark mailing list and Spark JIRA 
tickets. We’re specifically aiming to deprecate the fork and migrate all the 
work done on the fork into the main line.


-Matt Cheah


From: Mark Hamstra <m...@clearstorydata.com>
Date: Monday, February 5, 2018 at 1:44 PM
To: Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com>
Cc: "dev@spark.apache.org" <dev@spark.apache.org>, "ramanath...@google.com" 
<ramanath...@google.com>, Ilan Filonenko <i...@cornell.edu>, Erik 
<e...@redhat.com>, Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>
Subject: Re: Spark on Kubernetes Builder Pattern Design Document


That's good, but you should probably stop and consider whether the discussions 
that led up to this document's creation could have taken place on this dev list 
-- because if they could have, then they probably should have as part of the 
whole spark-on-k8s project becoming part of mainline spark development, not a 
separate fork. 


On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 1:17 PM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,


While we were building the Spark on Kubernetes integration, we realized that 
some of the abstractions we introduced for building the driver application in 
spark-submit, and building executor pods in the scheduler backend, could be 
improved for better readability and clarity. We received feedback in this pull 
request[github.com] in particular. In response to this feedback, we’ve put 
together a design document that proposes a possible refactor to address the 
given feedback.


You may comment on the proposed design at this link: 


I hope that we can have a productive discussion and continue improving the 
Kubernetes integration further.




-Matt Cheah


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Spark on Kubernetes Builder Pattern Design Document

2018-02-05 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,


While we were building the Spark on Kubernetes integration, we realized that 
some of the abstractions we introduced for building the driver application in 
spark-submit, and building executor pods in the scheduler backend, could be 
improved for better readability and clarity. We received feedback in this pull 
request in particular. In response to this feedback, we’ve put together a 
design document that proposes a possible refactor to address the given feedback.


You may comment on the proposed design at this link: 


I hope that we can have a productive discussion and continue improving the 
Kubernetes integration further.




-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Kubernetes: why use init containers?

2018-01-10 Thread Matt Cheah
With regards to separation of concerns, there’s a fringe use case here – if 
more than one main container is on the pod, then none of them will run if the 
init-containers fail. A user can have a Pod Preset that attaches more sidecar 
containers to the driver and/or executors. In that case, those sidecars may 
perform side effects that are undesirable if the main Spark application failed 
because dependencies weren’t available. Using the init-container to localize 
the dependencies will prevent any of these sidecars from executing at all if 
the dependencies can’t be fetched.

It’s definitely a niche use case – I’m not sure how often pod presets are used 
in practice - but it’s an example to illustrate why the separation of concerns 
can be beneficial.

-Matt Cheah

On 1/10/18, 2:36 PM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 2:30 PM, Yinan Li <liyinan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Retries of init-containers are automatically supported by k8s through 
> restart policies. For this point, sorry I'm not sure how spark-submit
> achieves this.

Great, add that feature to spark-submit, everybody benefits, not just k8s.

> 2. The ability to use credentials that are not shared with the main
> containers.

Not sure what that achieves.

> 3. Not only the user code, but Spark internal code like Executor won't be
> run if the init-container fails.

Not sure what that achieves. Executor will fail if dependency download
fails, Spark driver will recover (and start a new executor if needed).

> 4. Easier to build tooling around k8s events/status of the init-container 
> case of failures as it's doing exactly one thing: downloading 

Again, I don't see what is all this hoopla about fine grained control
of dependency downloads. Spark solved this years ago for Spark
applications. Don't reinvent the wheel.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Kubernetes: why use init containers?

2018-01-10 Thread Matt Cheah
> With a config value set by the submission code, like what I'm doing to 
> prevent client mode submission in my p.o.c.?

The contract for what determines the appropriate scheduler backend to 
instantiate is then going to be different in Kubernetes versus the other 
cluster managers. The cluster manager typically only picks the scheduler 
backend implementation based on the master URL format plus the deploy mode. 
Perhaps this is an acceptable tradeoff for being able to leverage spark-submit 
in the cluster mode deployed driver container. Again though, any flag we expose 
in spark-submit is a user-facing option that can be set erroneously, which is a 
practice we shouldn’t be encouraging.

Taking a step back though, I think we want to use spark-submit’s internals 
without using spark-submit itself. Any flags we add to spark-submit are 
user-facing. We ideally would be able to extract the dependency download + run 
user main class subroutines from spark-submit, and invoke that in all of the 
cluster managers. Perhaps this calls for a refactor in spark-submit itself to 
make some parts reusable in other contexts. Just an idea.

On 1/10/18, 1:38 PM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 1:33 PM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:
> If we use spark-submit in client mode from the driver container, how do 
we handle needing to switch between a cluster-mode scheduler backend and a 
client-mode scheduler backend in the future?

With a config value set by the submission code, like what I'm doing to
prevent client mode submission in my p.o.c.?

There are plenty of solutions to that problem if that's what's worrying you.

> Something else re: client mode accessibility – if we make client mode 
accessible to users even if it’s behind a flag, that’s a very different 
contract from needing to recompile spark-submit to support client mode. The 
amount of effort required from the user to get to client mode is very different 
between the two cases

Yes. But if we say we don't support client mode, we don't support
client mode regardless of how easy it is for the user to fool Spark
into trying to run in that mode.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Kubernetes: why use init containers?

2018-01-10 Thread Matt Cheah
If we use spark-submit in client mode from the driver container, how do we 
handle needing to switch between a cluster-mode scheduler backend and a 
client-mode scheduler backend in the future?

Something else re: client mode accessibility – if we make client mode 
accessible to users even if it’s behind a flag, that’s a very different 
contract from needing to recompile spark-submit to support client mode. The 
amount of effort required from the user to get to client mode is very different 
between the two cases, and the contract is much clearer when client mode is 
forbidden in all circumstances, versus client mode being allowed with a 
specific flag. If we’re saying that we don’t support client mode, we should 
bias towards making client mode as difficult as possible to access, i.e. 
impossible with a standard Spark distribution.

-Matt Cheah

On 1/10/18, 1:24 PM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 1:10 PM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:
> I’d imagine this is a reason why YARN hasn’t went with using spark-submit 
from the application master...

I wouldn't use YARN as a template to follow when writing a new
backend. A lot of the reason why the YARN backend works the way it
does is because of backwards compatibility. IMO it would be much
better to change the YARN backend to use spark-submit, because it
would immensely simplify the code there. It was a nightmare to get
YARN to reach feature parity with other backends because it has to
pretty much reimplement everything.

But doing that would break pretty much every Spark-on-YARN deployment,
so it's not something we can do right now.

For the other backends the situation is sort of similar; it probably
wouldn't be hard to change standalone's DriverWrapper to also use
spark-submit. But that brings potential side effects for existing
users that don't exist with spark-on-k8s, because spark-on-k8s is new
(the current fork aside).

>  But using init-containers makes it such that we don’t need to use 
spark-submit at all

Those are actually separate concerns. There are a whole bunch of
things that spark-submit provides you that you'd have to replicate in
the k8s backend if not using it. Thinks like properly handling special
characters in arguments, native library paths, "userClassPathFirst",
etc. You get them almost for free with spark-submit, and using an init
container does not solve any of those for you.

I'd say that using spark-submit is really not up for discussion here;
it saves you from re-implementing a whole bunch of code that you
shouldn't even be trying to re-implement.

Separately, if there is a legitimate need for an init container, then
it can be added. But I don't see that legitimate need right now, so I
don't see what it's bringing other than complexity.

(And no, "the k8s documentation mentions that init containers are
sometimes used to download dependencies" is not a legitimate need.)


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Re: Kubernetes: why use init containers?

2018-01-10 Thread Matt Cheah
A crucial point here is considering whether we want to have a separate 
scheduler backend code path for client mode versus cluster mode. If we need 
such a separation in the code paths, it would be difficult to make it possible 
to run spark-submit in client mode from the driver container.

We discussed this already when we started to think about client mode. See 
https://github.com/apache-spark-on-k8s/spark/pull/456. In our initial designs 
for a client mode, we considered that there are some concepts that would only 
apply to cluster mode and not to client mode – see 
But we haven’t worked out all of the details yet. The situation may work out 
such that client mode is similar enough to cluster mode that we can consider 
the cluster mode as being a spark-submit in client mode from a container.

I’d imagine this is a reason why YARN hasn’t went with using spark-submit from 
the application master, because there are separate code paths for a 
YarnClientSchedulerBackend versus a YarnClusterSchedulerBackend, and the deploy 
mode serves as the switch between the two implementations. Though I am curious 
as to why Spark standalone isn’t using spark-submit – the DriverWrapper is 
manually fetching the user’s jars and putting them on a classloader before 
invoking the user’s main class with that classloader. But there’s only one 
scheduler backend for both client and cluster mode for standalone’s case.

The main idea here is that we need to understand if we need different code 
paths for a client mode scheduler backend versus a cluster mode scheduler 
backend, before we can know if we can use spark-submit in client mode from the 
driver container. But using init-containers makes it such that we don’t need to 
use spark-submit at all, meaning that the differences can more or less be 
ignored at least in this particular context.

-Matt Cheah

On 1/10/18, 8:40 AM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

On a side note, while it's great that you guys have meetings to
discuss things related to the project, it's general Apache practice to
discuss these things in the mailing list - or at the very list send
detailed info about what discussed in these meetings to the mailing
list. Not everybody can attend these meetings, and I'm not just
talking about people being busy, but there are people who live in
different time zones.

Now that this code is moving into Spark I'd recommend getting people
more involved with the Spark project to move things forward.

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 8:23 PM, Anirudh Ramanathan
<ramanath...@google.com> wrote:
> Marcelo, I can see that we might be misunderstanding what this change
> implies for performance and some of the deeper implementation details 
> We have a community meeting tomorrow (at 10am PT), and we'll be sure to
> explore this idea in detail, and understand the implications and then get
> back to you.
> Thanks for the detailed responses here, and for spending time with the 
> (Also, you're more than welcome to attend the meeting - there's a link 
> if you're around.)
> Cheers,
> Anirudh
> On Jan 9, 2018 8:05 PM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> One thing I forgot in my previous e-mail is that if a resource is
> remote I'm pretty sure (but haven't double checked the code) that
> executors will download it directly from the remote server, and not
> from the driver. So there, distributed download without an init
> container.
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 7:15 PM, Yinan Li <liyinan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The init-container is required for use with the resource staging server
> If the staging server *requires* an init container you have already a
> design problem right there.
>> Additionally, the init-container is a Kubernetes
>> native way of making sure that the dependencies are localized
> Sorry, but the init container does not do anything by itself. You had
> to add a whole bunch of code to execute the existing Spark code in an
> init container, when not doing it would have achieved the exact same
> goal much more easily, in a way that is consistent with how Spark
> already does things.
> Matt

Re: Kubernetes: why use init containers?

2018-01-09 Thread Matt Cheah
A few reasons to prefer init-containers come to mind:


Firstly, if we used spark-submit from within the driver container, the 
executors wouldn’t receive the jars on their class loader until after the 
executor starts because the executor has to launch first before localizing 
resources. It is certainly possible to make the class loader work with the 
user’s jars here, as is the case with all the client mode implementations, but, 
it seems cleaner to have the classpath include the user’s jars at executor 
launch time instead of needing to reason about the classloading order.


We can also consider the idiomatic approach from the perspective of Kubernetes. 
Yinan touched on this already, but init-containers are traditionally meant to 
prepare the environment for the application that is to be run, which is exactly 
what we do here. This also makes it such that the localization process can be 
completely decoupled from the execution of the application itself. We can then 
for example detect the errors that happen on the resource localization layer, 
say when an HDFS cluster is down, before the application itself launches. The 
failure at the init-container stage is explicitly noted via the Kubernetes pod 
status API.


Finally, running spark-submit from the container would make the SparkSubmit 
code inadvertently allow running client mode Kubernetes applications as well. 
We’re not quite ready to support that. Even if we were, it’s not entirely 
intuitive for the cluster mode code path to depend on the client mode code 
path. This isn’t entirely without precedent though, as Mesos has a similar 


Essentially the semantics seem neater and the contract is very explicit when 
using an init-container, even though the code does end up being more complex.


From: Yinan Li <liyinan...@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 7:16 PM
To: Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.cham...@gmail.com>
Cc: Anirudh Ramanathan <ramanath...@google.com.invalid>, Marcelo Vanzin 
<van...@cloudera.com>, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com>, Kimoon Kim 
<kim...@pepperdata.com>, dev <dev@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Kubernetes: why use init containers?


The init-container is required for use with the resource staging server 
 The resource staging server (RSS) is a spark-on-k8s component running in a 
Kubernetes cluster for staging submission client local dependencies to Spark 
pods. The init-container is responsible for downloading the dependencies from 
the RSS. We haven't upstream the RSS code yet, but this is a value add 
component for Spark on K8s as a way for users to use submission local 
dependencies without resorting to other mechanisms that are not immediately 
available on most Kubernetes clusters, e.g., HDFS. We do plan to upstream it in 
the 2.4 timeframe. Additionally, the init-container is a Kubernetes native way 
of making sure that the dependencies are localized before the main 
driver/executor containers are started. IMO, this guarantee is positive to have 
and it helps achieve separation of concerns. So IMO, I think the init-container 
is a valuable component and should be kept.


On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:25 PM, Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.cham...@gmail.com> 

I’d like to point out the output of “git show —stat” for that diff:
29 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 1560 deletions(-)

+1 for that and generally for the idea of leveraging spark-submit.

You can argue that executors downloading from
external servers would be faster than downloading from the driver, but
I’m not sure I’d agree - it can go both ways.

On a tangentially related note, one of the main reasons spark-ec2[github.com] 
is so slow to launch clusters is that it distributes files like the Spark 
binaries to all the workers via the master. Because of that, the launch time 
scaled with the number of workers requested[issues.apache.org].

When I wrote Flintrock[github.com], I got a large improvement in launch time 
over spark-ec2 simply by having all the workers download the installation files 
in parallel from an external host (typically S3 or an Apache mirror). And 
launch time became largely independent of the cluster size.

That may or may not say anything about the driver distributing application 
files vs. having init containers do it in parallel, but I’d be curious to hear 




On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 9:08 PM Anirudh Ramanathan 
<ramanath...@google.com.invalid> wrote:

We were running a change in our fork which was similar to this at one point 
early on. My biggest concerns off the top of my head with this change would be 
localization performance with large numbers of executors, and what we lose in 
terms of separation of concerns. Init containers are a standard construct in 
k8s for resource localization. Also how thi

Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images

2018-01-08 Thread Matt Cheah
Think we can allow for different images and default to them being the same. 
Apologize if I missed that as being the original intention though.

-Matt Cheah

On 1/8/18, 1:45 PM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 1:39 PM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:
> We would still want images to be able to be uniquely specified for the
> driver vs. the executors. For example, not all of the libraries required 
> the driver may be required on the executors, so the user would want to
> specify a different custom driver image from their custom executor image.

Are you saying that we should *require* different images for driver
and executor, as is the case today, or that we should *allow*
different images, but default to the same, as I'm proposing?

I see zero reason to require different images. While it's true that
the driver may need more libraries than the executor, 99% of the time
it's ok to just have those libraries everywhere - it makes
configuration easier and doesn't do any harm.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images

2018-01-08 Thread Matt Cheah
// Fixing Anirudh's email address

From: Matt Cheah
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 1:39:12 PM
To: Anirudh Ramanathan; Felix Cheung
Cc: 蒋星博; Marcelo Vanzin; dev; Timothy Chen
Subject: Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images

We would still want images to be able to be uniquely specified for the driver 
vs. the executors. For example, not all of the libraries required on the driver 
may be required on the executors, so the user would want to specify a different 
custom driver image from their custom executor image.

But the idea of the entry point script that can switch based on environment 
variables makes sense.

I do think we want separate Python and R images, because Python and R come with 
non-trivial extra baggage that can make the images a lot bigger and slower to 
download for Scala-only users.

From: Anirudh Ramanathan <ramanath...@google.com.INVALID>
Date: Monday, January 8, 2018 at 9:48 AM
To: Felix Cheung <felixcheun...@hotmail.com>
Cc: 蒋星博 <jiangxb1...@gmail.com>, Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>, dev 
<dev@spark.apache.org>, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com>, Timothy Chen 
Subject: Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images

+matt +tim

For reference - here's our previous thread on this dockerfile unification 
problem - 

I think this approach should be acceptable from both the customization and 
visibility perspectives.

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Anirudh Ramanathan 
<ramanath...@google.com<mailto:ramanath...@google.com>> wrote:


We discussed some alternatives early on - including using a single dockerfile 
and different spec.container.command and spec.container.args from the 
Kubernetes driver/executor specification (which override entrypoint in docker). 
No reason that won't work also - except that it reduced the transparency of 
what was being invoked in the driver/executor/init by hiding it in the actual 
backend code.

Putting it into a single entrypoint file and branching let's us realize the 
best of both worlds I think. This is an elegant solution, thanks Marcelo.

On Jan 6, 2018 10:01 AM, "Felix Cheung" 
<felixcheun...@hotmail.com<mailto:felixcheun...@hotmail.com>> wrote:


Thanks for taking on this.

That was my feedback on one of the long comment thread as well, I think we 
should have one docker image instead of 3 (also pending in the fork are python 
and R variant, we should consider having one that we official release instead 
of 9, for example)

From: 蒋星博 <jiangxb1...@gmail.com<mailto:jiangxb1...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018 10:57:53 PM
To: Marcelo Vanzin
Cc: dev
Subject: Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images

Agree it should be nice to have this simplification, and users can still create 
their custom images by copy/modifying the default one.

Thanks for bring this out Marcelo!

2018-01-05 17:06 GMT-08:00 Marcelo Vanzin 

Hey all, especially those working on the k8s stuff.

Currently we have 3 docker images that need to be built and provided
by the user when starting a Spark app: driver, executor, and init

When the initial review went by, I asked why do we need 3, and I was
told that's because they have different entry points. That never
really convinced me, but well, everybody wanted to get things in to
get the ball rolling.

But I still think that's not the best way to go. I did some pretty
simple hacking and got things to work with a single image:


Is there a reason why that approach would not work? You could still
create separate images for driver and executor if wanted, but there's
no reason I can see why we should need 3 images for the simple case.

Note that the code there can be cleaned up still, and I don't love the
idea of using env variables to propagate arguments to the container,
but that works for now.


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Anirudh Ramanathan

Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images

2018-01-08 Thread Matt Cheah
We would still want images to be able to be uniquely specified for the driver 
vs. the executors. For example, not all of the libraries required on the driver 
may be required on the executors, so the user would want to specify a different 
custom driver image from their custom executor image.


But the idea of the entry point script that can switch based on environment 
variables makes sense.


I do think we want separate Python and R images, because Python and R come with 
non-trivial extra baggage that can make the images a lot bigger and slower to 
download for Scala-only users.


From: Anirudh Ramanathan <ramanath...@google.com.INVALID>
Date: Monday, January 8, 2018 at 9:48 AM
To: Felix Cheung <felixcheun...@hotmail.com>
Cc: 蒋星博 <jiangxb1...@gmail.com>, Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>, dev 
<dev@spark.apache.org>, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com>, Timothy Chen 
Subject: Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images


+matt +tim

For reference - here's our previous thread on this dockerfile unification 
problem - https://github.com/apache-spark-on-k8s/spark/pull/60[github.com] 

I think this approach should be acceptable from both the customization and 
visibility perspectives.



On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Anirudh Ramanathan <ramanath...@google.com> 



We discussed some alternatives early on - including using a single dockerfile 
and different spec.container.command and spec.container.args from the 
Kubernetes driver/executor specification (which override entrypoint in docker). 
No reason that won't work also - except that it reduced the transparency of 
what was being invoked in the driver/executor/init by hiding it in the actual 
backend code.   


Putting it into a single entrypoint file and branching let's us realize the 
best of both worlds I think. This is an elegant solution, thanks Marcelo. 


On Jan 6, 2018 10:01 AM, "Felix Cheung" <felixcheun...@hotmail.com> wrote:



Thanks for taking on this.

That was my feedback on one of the long comment thread as well, I think we 
should have one docker image instead of 3 (also pending in the fork are python 
and R variant, we should consider having one that we official release instead 
of 9, for example)



From: 蒋星博 <jiangxb1...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018 10:57:53 PM
To: Marcelo Vanzin
Cc: dev
Subject: Re: Kubernetes backend and docker images 


Agree it should be nice to have this simplification, and users can still create 
their custom images by copy/modifying the default one. 

Thanks for bring this out Marcelo!


2018-01-05 17:06 GMT-08:00 Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>:

Hey all, especially those working on the k8s stuff.

Currently we have 3 docker images that need to be built and provided
by the user when starting a Spark app: driver, executor, and init

When the initial review went by, I asked why do we need 3, and I was
told that's because they have different entry points. That never
really convinced me, but well, everybody wanted to get things in to
get the ball rolling.

But I still think that's not the best way to go. I did some pretty
simple hacking and got things to work with a single image:


Is there a reason why that approach would not work? You could still
create separate images for driver and executor if wanted, but there's
no reason I can see why we should need 3 images for the simple case.

Note that the code there can be cleaned up still, and I don't love the
idea of using env variables to propagate arguments to the container,
but that works for now.


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Anirudh Ramanathan

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: SPIP: Spark on Kubernetes

2017-08-18 Thread Matt Cheah
The problem with maintaining this scheduler separately right now is that the 
scheduler backend is dependent upon the CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend class, 
which is not as much a stable API as it is an internal class with components 
that currently need to be shared by all of the scheduler backends. This makes 
it such that maintaining this scheduler requires not just maintaining a single 
small module, but an entire fork of the project as well, so that the cluster 
manager specific scheduler backend can keep up with the changes to 
CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend. If we wanted to avoid forking the entire project 
and only provide the scheduler backend as a pluggable module, we would need a 
fully pluggable scheduler backend with a stable API, as Erik mentioned. We also 
needed to change the spark-submit code to recognize Kubernetes mode and be able 
to delegate to the Kubernetes submission client, so that would need to be 
pluggable as well.


More discussion on fully pluggable scheduler backends is at 


-Matt Cheah


From: Erik Erlandson <eerla...@redhat.com>
Date: Friday, August 18, 2017 at 8:34 AM
To: "dev@spark.apache.org" <dev@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: SPIP: Spark on Kubernetes


There are a fair number of people (myself included) who have interest in making 
scheduler back-ends fully pluggable.  That will represent a significant impact 
to core spark architecture, with corresponding risk. Adding the kubernetes 
back-end in a manner similar to the other three back-ends has had a very small 
impact on spark core, which allowed it to be developed in parallel and easily 
stay re-based on successive spark releases while we were developing it and 
building up community support.


On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 7:14 PM, Mridul Muralidharan <mri...@gmail.com> wrote:

While I definitely support the idea of Apache Spark being able to
leverage kubernetes, IMO it is better for long term evolution of spark
to expose appropriate SPI such that this support need not necessarily
live within Apache Spark code base.
It will allow for multiple backends to evolve, decoupled from spark core.
In this case, would have made maintaining apache-spark-on-k8s repo
easier; just as it would allow for supporting other backends -
opensource (nomad for ex) and proprietary.

In retrospect directly integrating yarn support into spark, while
mirroring mesos support at that time, was probably an incorrect design
choice on my part.


On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Anirudh Ramanathan
<fox...@google.com.invalid> wrote:

> Spark on Kubernetes effort has been developed separately in a fork, and
> linked back from the Apache Spark project as an experimental backend. We're
> ~6 months in, have had 5 releases.
> 2 Spark versions maintained (2.1, and 2.2)
> Extensive integration testing and refactoring efforts to maintain code
> quality
> Developer and user-facing documentation
> 10+ consistent code contributors from different organizations involved in
> actively maintaining and using the project, with several more members
> involved in testing and providing feedback.
> The community has delivered several talks on Spark-on-Kubernetes generating
> lots of feedback from users.
> In addition to these, we've seen efforts spawn off such as:
> HDFS on Kubernetes with Locality and Performance Experiments
> Kerberized access to HDFS from Spark running on Kubernetes
> Following the SPIP process, I'm putting this SPIP up for a vote.
> +1: Yeah, let's go forward and implement the SPIP.
> +0: Don't really care.
> -1: I don't think this is a good idea because of the following technical
> reasons.
> If there is any further clarification desired, on the design or the
> implementation, please feel free to ask questions or provide feedback.
> SPIP: Kubernetes as A Native Cluster Manager
> Full Design Doc: link
> JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-18278[issues.apache.org]
> Kubernetes Issue: 
> https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/34377[github.com]
> Authors: Yinan Li, Anirudh Ramanathan, Erik Erlandson, Andrew Ash, Matt
> Cheah,
> Ilan Filonenko, Sean Suchter, Kimoon Kim
> Background and Motivation
> Containerization and cluster management technologies are constantly evolving
> in the cluster computing world. Apache Spark currently implements support
> for Apache Hadoop YARN and Apache Mesos, in addition to providing its own
> standalone cluster manager. In 2014, Google announced development of
> Kubernetes which has its own unique feature set and differentiates itself
> from YARN and Mesos. Since its debut, it has seen contributions from over
> 1300 contributors with over 5 commits. Kubernetes has cemented itself as
> a co

Proposal for SPARK-18278

2016-11-29 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

Kubernetes is a technology that is a key player in the cluster computing world. 
Currently, running Spark applications on Kubernetes requires deploying a 
standalone Spark cluster on the Kubernetes cluster, and then running the jobs 
against the standalone Spark cluster. However, there would be many benefits to 
running Spark on Kubernetes natively, and so 
SPARK-18278<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-18278> has been filed 
to track discussion around supporting Kubernetes as a cluster manager, in 
addition to the existing Mesos, YARN, and standalone cluster managers.

A first draft of a proposal outlining a potential long-term plan around this 
feature has been attached to the JIRA ticket. Any feedback and discussion would 
be greatly appreciated.


-Matt Cheah

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Spark 2.0.0 (RC1)

2016-06-24 Thread Matt Cheah
-1 because of SPARK-16181 which is a correctness regression from 1.6. Looks 
like the patch is ready though: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/13884 – it 
would be ideal for this patch to make it into the release.

-Matt Cheah

From: Nick Pentreath <nick.pentre...@gmail.com<mailto:nick.pentre...@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, June 24, 2016 at 4:37 AM
To: "dev@spark.apache.org<mailto:dev@spark.apache.org>" 
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Spark 2.0.0 (RC1)

I'm getting the following when trying to run ./dev/run-tests (not happening on 
master) from the extracted source tar. Anyone else seeing this?

error: Could not access 'fc0a1475ef'
File "./dev/run-tests.py", line 69, in 
Failed example:

 for x in determine_modules_for_files( 
identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("fc0a1475ef", target_ref="5da21f07"))]
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/nick/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in 
compileflags, 1) in test.globs
  File "", 
line 1, in 

 for x in determine_modules_for_files( 
identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("fc0a1475ef", target_ref="5da21f07"))]
  File "./dev/run-tests.py", line 86, in 
  File "/Users/nick/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 573, in 
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
CalledProcessError: Command '['git', 'diff', '--name-only', 'fc0a1475ef', 
'5da21f07']' returned non-zero exit status 1
error: Could not access '50a0496a43'
File "./dev/run-tests.py", line 71, in 
Failed example:
'root' in 
 for x in determine_modules_for_files(  
identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("50a0496a43", target_ref="6765ef9"))]
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/nick/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in 
compileflags, 1) in test.globs
  File "", 
line 1, in 
'root' in 
 for x in determine_modules_for_files(  
identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("50a0496a43", target_ref="6765ef9"))]
  File "./dev/run-tests.py", line 86, in 
  File "/Users/nick/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 573, in 
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
CalledProcessError: Command '['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '50a0496a43', 
'6765ef9']' returned non-zero exit status 1
1 items had failures:
   2 of   2 in __main__.identify_changed_files_from_git_commits
***Test Failed*** 2 failures.

On Fri, 24 Jun 2016 at 06:59 Yin Huai 
<yh...@databricks.com<mailto:yh...@databricks.com>> wrote:
-1 because of 

This jira was resolved after 2.0.0-RC1 was cut. Without the fix, Spark SQL 
effectively only uses the driver to list files when loading datasets and the 
driver-side file listing is very slow for datasets having many files and 

Re: spark 2.0 issue with yarn?

2016-05-09 Thread Matt Cheah
@Marcelo: Interesting - why would this manifest on the YARN-client side
though (as Spark is the client to YARN in this case)? Spark as a client
shouldn’t care about what auxiliary services are on the YARN cluster.

@Jesse: The change I wrote excludes all artifacts from the com.sun.jersey
group. So to allow usage of the timeline service, we specifically need to
find the thing that we don’t want to exclude and exclude everything but
that from the YARN dependencies.

I think the class that’s missing in this particular stack trace comes from
com.sun.jersey:jersey-client. Refactoring the exclusions in pom.xml under
hadoop-yarn-api to not exclude jersey-client should fix at least this.
Again – we want to exclude all the other Jersey things that YARN is
pulling in though, unless further errors indicate otherwise.

In general I’m wary of having both Jersey 1 and Jersey 2 jars on the class
path at all. However jersey-client looks relatively harmless since it does
not bundle in JAX-RS classes, nor does it appear to have anything weird in
its META-INF folder.

-Matt Cheah

On 5/9/16, 3:10 PM, "Marcelo Vanzin" <van...@cloudera.com> wrote:

>Hi Jesse,
>On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Jesse F Chen <jfc...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
>> Sean - thanks. definitely related to SPARK-12154.
>> Is there a way to continue use Jersey 1 for existing working
>The error you're getting is because of a third-party extension that
>tries to talk to the YARN ATS; that's not part of upstream Spark,
>although I believe it's part of HDP. So you may have to talk to
>Hortonworks about that, or disable that extension in Spark 2.0 for the

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Understanding fault tolerance in shuffle operations

2016-03-10 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I have a question about the shuffle mechanisms in Spark and the fault-tolerance 
I should expect. Suppose I have a simple job with two stages  – something like 

The questions I have are,

  1.  Suppose I’m not using the external shuffle service. I’m running the job. 
The first stage succeeds. During the second stage, one of the executors is lost 
(for the simplest case, someone uses kill –9 on it and the job itself should 
have no problems completing otherwise). Should I expect the job to be able to 
recover and complete successfully? My understanding is that the lost shuffle 
files from that executor can still be re-computed and the job should be able to 
complete successfully.
  2.  Suppose I’m using the shuffle service. How does this change the result of 
question #1?
  3.  Suppose I’m using the shuffle service, and I’m using standalone mode. The 
first stage succeeds. During the second stage, I kill both the executor and the 
worker that spawned that executor. Now that the shuffle files associated with 
that worker’s shuffle service daemon have been lost, will the job be able to 
recompute the lost shuffle data? This is the scenario I’m running into most, 
where my tasks fail because they try to reach the shuffle service instead of 
trying to recompute the lost shuffle files.


-Matt Cheah

Re: HashedRelation Memory Pressure on Broadcast Joins

2016-03-02 Thread Matt Cheah
I would expect the memory pressure to grow because not only are we storing
the backing array to the iterator of the rows on the driver, but we’re
also storing a copy of each of those rows in the hash table. Whereas if we
didn’t do the copy on the drive side then the hash table would only have
to store pointers to those rows in the array. Perhaps we can think about
whether or not we want to be using the HashedRelation constructs in
broadcast join physical plans?

The file isn’t compressed - it was a 150MB CSV living on HDFS. I would
expect it to fit in a 1GB heap, but I agree that it is difficult to reason
about dataset size on disk vs. memory.

-Matt Cheah

On 3/2/16, 10:15 AM, "Davies Liu" <dav...@databricks.com> wrote:

>UnsafeHashedRelation and HashedRelation could also be used in Executor
>(for non-broadcast hash join), then the UnsafeRow could come from
>so We should copy the rows for safety.
>We could have a smarter copy() for UnsafeRow (avoid the copy if it's
>already copied),
>but I don't think this copy here will increase the memory pressure.
>The total memory
>will be determined by how many rows are stored in the hash tables.
>In general, if you do not have enough memory, just don't increase
>or the performance could be worse because of full GC.
>Sometimes the tables looks small as compressed files (for example,
>parquet file),
>once it's loaded into memory, it could required much more memory than the
>of file on disk.
>On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I had a quick question regarding our implementation of
>> and HashedRelation. It appears that we copy the rows that we’ve
>> into memory upon inserting them into the hash table in
>> UnsafeHashedRelation#apply(). I was wondering why we are copying the
>> every time? I can’t imagine these rows being mutable in this scenario.
>> The context is that I’m looking into a case where a small data frame
>> fit in the driver’s memory, but my driver ran out of memory after I
>> increased the autoBroadcastJoinThreshold. YourKit is indicating that
>> logic is consuming more memory than my driver can handle.
>> Thanks,
>> -Matt Cheah

HashedRelation Memory Pressure on Broadcast Joins

2016-03-01 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I had a quick question regarding our implementation of UnsafeHashedRelation and 
 It appears that we copy the rows that we’ve collected into memory upon 
inserting them into the hash table in UnsafeHashedRelation#apply(). I was 
wondering why we are copying the rows every time? I can’t imagine these rows 
being mutable in this scenario.

The context is that I’m looking into a case where a small data frame should fit 
in the driver’s memory, but my driver ran out of memory after I increased the 
autoBroadcastJoinThreshold. YourKit is indicating that this logic is consuming 
more memory than my driver can handle.


-Matt Cheah

Re: Preserving partitioning with dataframe select

2016-02-08 Thread Matt Cheah
Interesting ­ I might be misinterpreting my Spark UI then, in terms of the
number of stages I¹m seeing in the job before and after I¹m doing the

That said, I was mostly thinking about this when reading through the code.
In particular, under basicOperators.scala in org.apache.spark.sql.execution,
the Project gets compiled down to child.executor.mapPartitionsInternal
without passing the preservesPartitioning flag. Is this Projection being
moved around in the case that the optimizer wants to take advantage of
co-partitioning? Guidance on how to trace the planner¹s logic would be

-Matt Cheah

From:  Reynold Xin <r...@databricks.com>
Date:  Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 11:11 PM
To:  Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com>
Cc:  "dev@spark.apache.org" <dev@spark.apache.org>, Mingyu Kim
Subject:  Re: Preserving partitioning with dataframe select


Thanks for the email. Are you just asking whether it should work, or
reporting they don't work?

Internally, the way we track physical data distribution should make the
scenarios described work. If it doesn't, we should make them work.

On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 6:49 AM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> When using raw RDDs, it is possible to have a map() operation indicate that
> the partitioning for the RDD would be preserved by the map operation. This
> makes it easier to reduce the overhead of shuffles by ensuring that RDDs are
> co-partitioned when they are joined.
> When I'm using Data Frames, I'm pre-partitioning the data frame by using
> DataFrame.partitionBy($"X"), but I will invoke a select statement after the
> partitioning before joining that dataframe with another. Roughly speaking, I'm
> doing something like this pseudo-code:
> partitionedDataFrame = dataFrame.partitionBy("$X")
> groupedDataFrame = partitionedDataFrame.groupBy($"X").agg(aggregations)
> // Rename "X" to "Y" to make sure columns are unique
> groupedDataFrameRenamed = groupedDataFrame.withColumnRenamed("X", "Y")
> // Roughly speaking, join on "X == Y" to get the aggregation results onto
> every row
> joinedDataFrame = partitionedDataFrame.join(groupedDataFrame)
> However the renaming of the columns maps to a select statement, and to my
> knowledge, selecting the columns is throwing off the partitioning which
> results in shuffle both the partitionedDataFrame and the groupedDataFrame.
> I have the following questions given this example:
> 1) Is pre-partitioning the Data Frame effective? In other words, does the
> physical planner recognize when underlying RDDs are co-partitioned and compute
> more efficient joins by reducing the amount of data that is shuffled?
> 2) If the planner takes advantage of co-partitioning, is the renaming of the
> columns invalidating the partitioning of the grouped Data Frame? When I look
> at the planner's conversion from logical.Project to the physical plan, I only
> see it invoking child.mapPartitions without specifying the
> preservesPartitioning flag.
> Thanks,
> -Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Preserving partitioning with dataframe select

2016-02-05 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

When using raw RDDs, it is possible to have a map() operation indicate that the 
partitioning for the RDD would be preserved by the map operation. This makes it 
easier to reduce the overhead of shuffles by ensuring that RDDs are 
co-partitioned when they are joined.

When I'm using Data Frames, I'm pre-partitioning the data frame by using 
DataFrame.partitionBy($"X"), but I will invoke a select statement after the 
partitioning before joining that dataframe with another. Roughly speaking, I'm 
doing something like this pseudo-code:

partitionedDataFrame = dataFrame.partitionBy("$X")
groupedDataFrame = partitionedDataFrame.groupBy($"X").agg(aggregations)
// Rename "X" to "Y" to make sure columns are unique
groupedDataFrameRenamed = groupedDataFrame.withColumnRenamed("X", "Y")
// Roughly speaking, join on "X == Y" to get the aggregation results onto every 
joinedDataFrame = partitionedDataFrame.join(groupedDataFrame)

However the renaming of the columns maps to a select statement, and to my 
knowledge, selecting the columns is throwing off the partitioning which results 
in shuffle both the partitionedDataFrame and the groupedDataFrame.

I have the following questions given this example:

1) Is pre-partitioning the Data Frame effective? In other words, does the 
physical planner recognize when underlying RDDs are co-partitioned and compute 
more efficient joins by reducing the amount of data that is shuffled?
2) If the planner takes advantage of co-partitioning, is the renaming of the 
columns invalidating the partitioning of the grouped Data Frame? When I look at 
the planner's conversion from logical.Project to the physical plan, I only see 
it invoking child.mapPartitions without specifying the preservesPartitioning 


-Matt Cheah

Quick question regarding Maven and Spark Assembly jar

2015-12-03 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

A very brief question out of curiosity ­ is there any particular reason why
we don¹t publish the Spark assembly jar on the Maven repository?


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: DataFrames Aggregate does not spill?

2015-09-21 Thread Matt Cheah
I was executing on Spark 1.4 so I didn¹t notice the Tungsten option would
make spilling happen in 1.5. I¹ll upgrade to 1.5 and see how that turns out.

From:  Reynold Xin <r...@databricks.com>
Date:  Monday, September 21, 2015 at 5:36 PM
To:  Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com>
Cc:  "dev@spark.apache.org" <dev@spark.apache.org>, Mingyu Kim
<m...@palantir.com>, Peter Faiman <peterfai...@palantir.com>
Subject:  Re: DataFrames Aggregate does not spill?

What's the plan if you run explain?

In 1.5 the default should be TungstenAggregate, which does spill (switching
from hash-based aggregation to sort-based aggregation).

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Matt Cheah <mch...@palantir.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I¹m debugging some slowness and apparent memory pressure + GC issues after I
> ported some workflows from raw RDDs to Data Frames. In particular, I¹m looking
> into an aggregation workflow that computes many aggregations per key at once.
> My workflow before was doing a fairly straightforward combineByKey call where
> the aggregation would build up non-trivially sized objects in memory ­ I was
> computing numerous sums over various fields of the data at a time. In
> particular, I noticed that there was spilling to disk on the map side of the
> aggregation.
> When I switched to using DataFrames aggregation ­ particularly
> DataFrame.groupBy(some list of keys).agg(exprs) where I passed a large number
> of ³Sum² exprs - the execution began to choke. I saw one of my executors had a
> long GC pause and my job isn¹t able to recover. However when I reduced the
> number of Sum expressions being computed in the aggregation, the workflow
> started to work normally.
> I have a hypothesis that I would like to run by everyone. In
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.Aggregate.scala, branch-1.5, I¹m looking at the
> execution of Aggregation
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_apache_spark_
> blob_branch-2D1.5_sql_core_src_main_scala_org_apache_spark_sql_execution_Aggre
> gate.scala=BQMFaQ=izlc9mHr637UR4lpLEZLFFS3Vn2UXBrZ4tFb6oOnmz8=hzwIMNQ9E9
> 9EMYGuqHI0kXhVbvX3nU3OSDadUnJxjAs=MY0QvbkaVGKP6m7L6daL19eak5Q_ByWt_84mRZfff8
> k=2f8iTPkA6bsre40-juWK2Q5xA-v_5y6f3ucP4cKKa1s=> , which appears to build
> the aggregation result in memory via updating a HashMap and iterating over the
> rows. However this appears to be less robust than what would happen if
> PairRDDFunctions.combineByKey were to be used. If combineByKey were used, then
> instead of using two mapPartitions calls (assuming the aggregation is
> partially-computable, as Sum is), it would use the ExternalSorter and
> ExternalAppendOnlyMap objects to compute the aggregation. This would allow the
> aggregated result to grow large as some of the aggregated result could be
> spilled to disk. This especially seems bad if the aggregation reduction factor
> is low; that is, if there are many unique keys in the dataset. In particular,
> the Hash Map is holding O(# of keys * number of aggregated results per key)
> items in memory at a time.
> I was wondering what everyone¹s thought on this problem is. Did we consciously
> think about the robustness implications when choosing to use an in memory Hash
> Map to compute the aggregation? Is this an inherent limitation of the
> aggregation implementation in Data Frames?
> Thanks,
> -Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

DataFrames Aggregate does not spill?

2015-09-21 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I¹m debugging some slowness and apparent memory pressure + GC issues after I
ported some workflows from raw RDDs to Data Frames. In particular, I¹m
looking into an aggregation workflow that computes many aggregations per key
at once.

My workflow before was doing a fairly straightforward combineByKey call
where the aggregation would build up non-trivially sized objects in memory ­
I was computing numerous sums over various fields of the data at a time. In
particular, I noticed that there was spilling to disk on the map side of the

When I switched to using DataFrames aggregation ­ particularly
DataFrame.groupBy(some list of keys).agg(exprs) where I passed a large
number of ³Sum² exprs - the execution began to choke. I saw one of my
executors had a long GC pause and my job isn¹t able to recover. However when
I reduced the number of Sum expressions being computed in the aggregation,
the workflow started to work normally.

I have a hypothesis that I would like to run by everyone. In
org.apache.spark.sql.execution.Aggregate.scala, branch-1.5, I¹m looking at
the execution of Aggregation
/apache/spark/sql/execution/Aggregate.scala> , which appears to build the
aggregation result in memory via updating a HashMap and iterating over the
rows. However this appears to be less robust than what would happen if
PairRDDFunctions.combineByKey were to be used. If combineByKey were used,
then instead of using two mapPartitions calls (assuming the aggregation is
partially-computable, as Sum is), it would use the ExternalSorter and
ExternalAppendOnlyMap objects to compute the aggregation. This would allow
the aggregated result to grow large as some of the aggregated result could
be spilled to disk. This especially seems bad if the aggregation reduction
factor is low; that is, if there are many unique keys in the dataset. In
particular, the Hash Map is holding O(# of keys * number of aggregated
results per key) items in memory at a time.

I was wondering what everyone¹s thought on this problem is. Did we
consciously think about the robustness implications when choosing to use an
in memory Hash Map to compute the aggregation? Is this an inherent
limitation of the aggregation implementation in Data Frames?


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

PySpark GroupByKey implementation question

2015-07-14 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I was examining the Pyspark implementation of groupByKey in rdd.py. I would
like to submit a patch improving Scala RDD¹s groupByKey that has a similar
robustness against large groups, as Pyspark¹s implementation has logic to
spill part of a single group to disk along the way.

Its implementation appears to do the following:
1. Combine and group-by-key per partition locally, potentially spilling
individual groups to disk
2. Shuffle the data explicitly using partitionBy
3. After the shuffle, do another local groupByKey to get the final result,
again potentially spilling individual groups to disk
My question is: what does the explicit map-side-combine step (#1)
specifically benefit here? I was under the impression that map-side-combine
for groupByKey was not optimal and is turned off in the Scala implementation
­ Scala PairRDDFunctions.groupByKey calls to combineByKey with
map-side-combine set to false. Is it something specific to how Pyspark can
potentially spill the individual groups to disk?


-Matt Cheah

P.S. Relevant Links:


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [SQL] Write parquet files under partition directories?

2015-06-02 Thread Matt Cheah
Excellent! Where can I find the code, pull request, and Spark ticket where
this was introduced?


-Matt Cheah

From:  Reynold Xin r...@databricks.com
Date:  Monday, June 1, 2015 at 10:25 PM
To:  Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com
Cc:  dev@spark.apache.org dev@spark.apache.org, Mingyu Kim
m...@palantir.com, Andrew Ash a...@palantir.com
Subject:  Re: [SQL] Write parquet files under partition directories?

There will be in 1.4.

df.write.partitionBy(year, month, day).parquet(/path/to/output)

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 10:21 PM, Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com wrote:
 Hi there,
 I noticed in the latest Spark SQL programming guide
 P3ylblUaOYNr68mj286s8zIdQ8s=VQxAw6mG9yopDs37lNi7H_CnYiFQumqDAn9A8881Xyce= ,
 there is support for optimized reading of partitioned Parquet files that have
 a particular directory structure (year=1/month=10/day=3, for example).
 However, I see no analogous way to write DataFrames as Parquet files with
 similar directory structures based on user-provided partitioning.
 Generally, is it possible to write DataFrames as partitioned Parquet files
 that downstream partition discovery can take advantage of later? I considered
 extending the Parquet output format, but it looks like
 ParquetTableOperations.scala has fixed the output format to
 Also, I was wondering if it would be valuable to contribute writing Parquet in
 partition directories as a PR.
 -Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[SQL] Write parquet files under partition directories?

2015-06-01 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi there,

I noticed in the latest Spark SQL programming guide
https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-programming-guide.html , there is
support for optimized reading of partitioned Parquet files that have a
particular directory structure (year=1/month=10/day=3, for example).
However, I see no analogous way to write DataFrames as Parquet files with
similar directory structures based on user-provided partitioning.

Generally, is it possible to write DataFrames as partitioned Parquet files
that downstream partition discovery can take advantage of later? I
considered extending the Parquet output format, but it looks like
ParquetTableOperations.scala has fixed the output format to

Also, I was wondering if it would be valuable to contribute writing Parquet
in partition directories as a PR.


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: JavaRDD Aggregate initial value - Closure-serialized zero value reasoning?

2015-02-18 Thread Matt Cheah
But RDD.aggregate() has this code:

// Clone the zero value since we will also be serializing it as part of
var jobResult = Utils.clone(zeroValue,

I do see the SparkEnv.get.serializer used in aggregateByKey however. Perhaps
we just missed it and need to apply the change to aggregate()? It seems
appropriate to target a fix for 1.3.0.

-Matt Cheah
From:  Josh Rosen rosenvi...@gmail.com
Date:  Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 6:12 AM
To:  Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com
Cc:  dev@spark.apache.org dev@spark.apache.org, Mingyu Kim
m...@palantir.com, Andrew Ash a...@palantir.com
Subject:  Re: JavaRDD Aggregate initial value - Closure-serialized zero
value reasoning?

It looks like this was fixed in
WSrjQQZX1rW_e9ws=lOqRteYjf7RRl41OfKvkfh7IaSs3wIW643Fz_Iwlekce=  /
rW_e9ws=60tyF-5TbJyVlh7upvFFhNbxKFhh9bUCWJMp5D2wUN8e= .  Can you see
whether that patch fixes this issue for you?

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 8:31 PM, Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I was using JavaPairRDD¹s combineByKey() to compute all of my aggregations
 before, since I assumed that every aggregation required a key. However, I
 realized I could do my analysis using JavaRDD¹s aggregate() instead and not
 use a key.
 I have set spark.serializer to use Kryo. As a result, JavaRDD¹s combineByKey
 requires that a ³createCombiner² function is provided, and the return value
 from that function must be serializable using Kryo. When I switched to using
 rdd.aggregate I assumed that the zero value would also be strictly Kryo
 serialized, as it is a data item and not part of a closure or the aggregation
 functions. However, I got a serialization exception as the closure serializer
 (only valid serializer is the Java serializer) was used instead.
 I was wondering the following:
 1. What is the rationale for making the zero value be serialized using the
 closure serializer? This isn¹t part of the closure, but is an initial data
 2. Would it make sense for us to perhaps write a version of rdd.aggregate()
 that takes a function as a parameter, that generates the zero value? This
 would be more intuitive to be serialized using the closure serializer.
 I believe aggregateByKey is also affected.
 -Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[Performance] Possible regression in rdd.take()?

2015-02-18 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

Between Spark 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1, I have noticed that rdd.take()
consistently has a slower execution time on the later release. I was
wondering if anyone else has had similar observations.

I have two setups where this reproduces. The first is a local test. I
launched a spark cluster with 4 worker JVMs on my Mac, and launched a
Spark-Shell. I retrieved the text file and immediately called rdd.take(N) on
it, where N varied. The RDD is a plaintext CSV, 4GB in size, split over 8
files, which ends up having 128 partitions, and a total of 8000 rows.
The numbers I discovered between Spark 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1 are, with all
numbers being in seconds:
1 items

Spark 1.0.2: 0.069281, 0.012261, 0.011083

Spark 1.1.1: 0.11577, 0.097636, 0.11321

4 items

Spark 1.0.2: 0.023751, 0.069365, 0.023603

Spark 1.1.1: 0.224287, 0.229651, 0.158431

10 items

Spark 1.0.2: 0.047019, 0.049056, 0.042568

Spark 1.1.1: 0.353277, 0.288965, 0.281751

40 items

Spark 1.0.2: 0.216048, 0.198049, 0.796037

Spark 1.1.1: 1.865622, 2.224424, 2.037672

This small test suite indicates a consistently reproducible performance

I also notice this on a larger scale test. The cluster used is on EC2:

ec2 instance type: m2.4xlarge
10 slaves, 1 master
ephemeral storage
70 cores, 50 GB/box
In this case, I have a 100GB dataset split into 78 files totally 350 million
items, and I take the first 50,000 items from the RDD. In this case, I have
tested this on different formats of the raw data.

With plaintext files:

Spark 1.0.2: 0.422s, 0.363s, 0.382s

Spark 1.1.1: 4.54s, 1.28s, 1.221s, 1.13s

With snappy-compressed Avro files:

Spark 1.0.2: 0.73s, 0.395s, 0.426s

Spark 1.1.1: 4.618s, 1.81s, 1.158s, 1.333s

Again demonstrating a reproducible performance regression.

I was wondering if anyone else observed this regression, and if so, if
anyone would have any idea what could possibly have caused it between Spark
1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1?


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Performance] Possible regression in rdd.take()?

2015-02-18 Thread Matt Cheah
I actually tested Spark 1.2.0 with the code in the rdd.take() method
swapped out for what was in Spark 1.0.2. The run time was still slower,
which indicates to me something at work lower in the stack.

-Matt Cheah

On 2/18/15, 4:54 PM, Patrick Wendell pwend...@gmail.com wrote:

I believe the heuristic governing the way that take() decides to fetch
partitions changed between these versions. It could be that in certain
cases the new heuristic is worse, but it might be good to just look at
the source code and see, for your number of elements taken and number
of partitions, if there was any effective change in how aggressively
spark fetched partitions.

This was quite a while ago, but I think the change was made because in
many cases the newer code works more efficiently.

- Patrick

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Between Spark 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1, I have noticed that rdd.take()
 consistently has a slower execution time on the later release. I was
 wondering if anyone else has had similar observations.

 I have two setups where this reproduces. The first is a local test. I
 launched a spark cluster with 4 worker JVMs on my Mac, and launched a
 Spark-Shell. I retrieved the text file and immediately called
rdd.take(N) on
 it, where N varied. The RDD is a plaintext CSV, 4GB in size, split over
 files, which ends up having 128 partitions, and a total of 8000
 The numbers I discovered between Spark 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1 are, with
 numbers being in seconds:

 1 items

 Spark 1.0.2: 0.069281, 0.012261, 0.011083

 Spark 1.1.1: 0.11577, 0.097636, 0.11321

 4 items

 Spark 1.0.2: 0.023751, 0.069365, 0.023603

 Spark 1.1.1: 0.224287, 0.229651, 0.158431

 10 items

 Spark 1.0.2: 0.047019, 0.049056, 0.042568

 Spark 1.1.1: 0.353277, 0.288965, 0.281751

 40 items

 Spark 1.0.2: 0.216048, 0.198049, 0.796037

 Spark 1.1.1: 1.865622, 2.224424, 2.037672

 This small test suite indicates a consistently reproducible performance

 I also notice this on a larger scale test. The cluster used is on EC2:

 ec2 instance type: m2.4xlarge
 10 slaves, 1 master
 ephemeral storage
 70 cores, 50 GB/box

 In this case, I have a 100GB dataset split into 78 files totally 350
 items, and I take the first 50,000 items from the RDD. In this case, I
 tested this on different formats of the raw data.

 With plaintext files:

 Spark 1.0.2: 0.422s, 0.363s, 0.382s

 Spark 1.1.1: 4.54s, 1.28s, 1.221s, 1.13s

 With snappy-compressed Avro files:

 Spark 1.0.2: 0.73s, 0.395s, 0.426s

 Spark 1.1.1: 4.618s, 1.81s, 1.158s, 1.333s

 Again demonstrating a reproducible performance regression.

 I was wondering if anyone else observed this regression, and if so, if
 anyone would have any idea what could possibly have caused it between
 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1?


 -Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Performance] Possible regression in rdd.take()?

2015-02-18 Thread Matt Cheah
Ah okay, I turned on spark.localExecution.enabled and the performance
returned to what Spark 1.0.2 had. However I can see how users can
inadvertently incur memory and network strain in fetching the whole
partition to the driver.

I¹ll evaluate on my side if we want to turn this on or not. Thanks for the
quick and accurate response!

-Matt CHeah

From:  Aaron Davidson ilike...@gmail.com
Date:  Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 5:25 PM
To:  Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com
Cc:  Patrick Wendell pwend...@gmail.com, dev@spark.apache.org
dev@spark.apache.org, Mingyu Kim m...@palantir.com, Sandor Van
Wassenhove sand...@palantir.com
Subject:  Re: [Performance] Possible regression in rdd.take()?

You might be seeing the result of this patch:


which was introduced in 1.1.1. This patch disabled the ability for take() to
run without launching a Spark job, which means that the latency is
significantly increased for small jobs (but not for large ones). You can try
enabling local execution and seeing if your problem goes away.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com wrote:
 I actually tested Spark 1.2.0 with the code in the rdd.take() method
 swapped out for what was in Spark 1.0.2. The run time was still slower,
 which indicates to me something at work lower in the stack.
 -Matt Cheah
 On 2/18/15, 4:54 PM, Patrick Wendell pwend...@gmail.com wrote:
 I believe the heuristic governing the way that take() decides to fetch
 partitions changed between these versions. It could be that in certain
 cases the new heuristic is worse, but it might be good to just look at
 the source code and see, for your number of elements taken and number
 of partitions, if there was any effective change in how aggressively
 spark fetched partitions.
 This was quite a while ago, but I think the change was made because in
 many cases the newer code works more efficiently.
 - Patrick
 On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Matt Cheah mch...@palantir.com wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  Between Spark 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1, I have noticed that rdd.take()
  consistently has a slower execution time on the later release. I was
  wondering if anyone else has had similar observations.
  I have two setups where this reproduces. The first is a local test. I
  launched a spark cluster with 4 worker JVMs on my Mac, and launched a
  Spark-Shell. I retrieved the text file and immediately called
 rdd.take(N) on
  it, where N varied. The RDD is a plaintext CSV, 4GB in size, split over
  files, which ends up having 128 partitions, and a total of 8000
  The numbers I discovered between Spark 1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1 are, with
  numbers being in seconds:
  1 items
  Spark 1.0.2: 0.069281, 0.012261, 0.011083
  Spark 1.1.1: 0.11577, 0.097636, 0.11321
  4 items
  Spark 1.0.2: 0.023751, 0.069365, 0.023603
  Spark 1.1.1: 0.224287, 0.229651, 0.158431
  10 items
  Spark 1.0.2: 0.047019, 0.049056, 0.042568
  Spark 1.1.1: 0.353277, 0.288965, 0.281751
  40 items
  Spark 1.0.2: 0.216048, 0.198049, 0.796037
  Spark 1.1.1: 1.865622, 2.224424, 2.037672
  This small test suite indicates a consistently reproducible performance
  I also notice this on a larger scale test. The cluster used is on EC2:
  ec2 instance type: m2.4xlarge
  10 slaves, 1 master
  ephemeral storage
  70 cores, 50 GB/box
  In this case, I have a 100GB dataset split into 78 files totally 350
  items, and I take the first 50,000 items from the RDD. In this case, I
  tested this on different formats of the raw data.
  With plaintext files:
  Spark 1.0.2: 0.422s, 0.363s, 0.382s
  Spark 1.1.1: 4.54s, 1.28s, 1.221s, 1.13s
  With snappy-compressed Avro files:
  Spark 1.0.2: 0.73s, 0.395s, 0.426s
  Spark 1.1.1: 4.618s, 1.81s, 1.158s, 1.333s
  Again demonstrating a reproducible performance regression.
  I was wondering if anyone else observed this regression, and if so, if
  anyone would have any idea what could possibly have caused it between
  1.0.2 and Spark 1.1.1?
  -Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

JavaRDD Aggregate initial value - Closure-serialized zero value reasoning?

2015-02-17 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I was using JavaPairRDD¹s combineByKey() to compute all of my aggregations
before, since I assumed that every aggregation required a key. However, I
realized I could do my analysis using JavaRDD¹s aggregate() instead and not
use a key.

I have set spark.serializer to use Kryo. As a result, JavaRDD¹s combineByKey
requires that a ³createCombiner² function is provided, and the return value
from that function must be serializable using Kryo. When I switched to using
rdd.aggregate I assumed that the zero value would also be strictly Kryo
serialized, as it is a data item and not part of a closure or the
aggregation functions. However, I got a serialization exception as the
closure serializer (only valid serializer is the Java serializer) was used

I was wondering the following:
1. What is the rationale for making the zero value be serialized using the
closure serializer? This isn¹t part of the closure, but is an initial data
2. Would it make sense for us to perhaps write a version of rdd.aggregate()
that takes a function as a parameter, that generates the zero value? This
would be more intuitive to be serialized using the closure serializer.
I believe aggregateByKey is also affected.


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[Classloading] Strange class loading issue

2014-11-05 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I¹m running into a strange class loading issue when running a Spark job,
using Spark 1.0.2.

I¹m running a process where some Java code is compiled dynamically into a
jar and added to the Spark context via addJar(). It is also added to the
class loader of the thread that created the Spark context. When I try to run
any job that only references the dynamically-compiled class on the workers,
and then convert them to some other value (say integers) before collecting
the result at the driver, the job completes successfully.

We¹re using Kryo serialization. When I try to run a similar workflow but
request for objects containing fields of the type of the dynamically
compiled class at the driver (say by collect()) the job breaks with the
following exception:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.security.PrivilegedActionException: org.apache.spark.SparkException:
Job aborted due to stage failure: Exception while getting task result:
com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Unable to find class: TBEjava1

Where ³TBEjava1² is the name of the dynamically compiled class.

Here is what I can deduce from my debugging:
1. The class is loaded on the thread that launches the Spark context and
calls reduce(). To check, I put a breakpoint right before my reduce() call
and used Class.forName(TBEjava1, false,
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); and got back a valid class
object without ClassNotFoundException being thrown.
2. The worker threads can also refer to the class. I put breakpoints in the
worker methods (using local[N] mode for the context for now) and they
complete the mapping and reducing functions successfully.
3. The Kryo serializer calls readClass() and then calls Class.forName(Š)
inside Kryo, using the class loader in that Kryo object. The class not found
exception is thrown there, however the stack trace doesn¹t appear as such.
I¹m wondering if we might be running into
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-3046 or something. I looked a
bit at the Spark code, and from what I understand, the thread pool created
for task result getter does not inherit the context class loader of the
thread that created the Spark Context, which would explain why the task
result getter threads can¹t find classes even though they are available via

Any suggestions for a workaround? Feel free to correct me on any incorrect
observations I¹ve made as well.


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Spark shuffle consolidateFiles performance degradation numbers

2014-11-03 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I'm running into more and more cases where too many files are opened when
spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles is turned off.

I was wondering if this is a common scenario among the rest of the
community, and if so, if it is worth considering the setting to be turned on
by default. From the documentation, it seems like the performance could be
hurt on ext3 file systems. However, what are the concrete numbers of
performance degradation that is seen typically? A 2x slowdown in the average
job? 3x? Also, what cause the performance degradation on ext3 file systems


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Spark shuffle consolidateFiles performance degradation quantification

2014-11-03 Thread Matt Cheah
Hi everyone,

I'm running into more and more cases where too many files are opened when
spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles is turned off.

I was wondering if this is a common scenario among the rest of the
community, and if so, if it is worth considering the setting to be turned on
by default. From the documentation, it seems like the performance could be
hurt on ext3 file systems. However, what are the concrete numbers of
performance degradation that is seen typically? A 2x slowdown in the average
job? 3x? Also, what cause the performance degradation on ext3 file systems


-Matt Cheah

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature