[Apache Struts Wiki] New: ModuleConfigImpl

2004-07-08 Thread dev
   Date: 2004-07-07T23:03:48
   Wiki: Apache Struts Wiki
   Page: ModuleConfigImpl
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/struts/ModuleConfigImpl

   no comment

New Page:

Describe ModuleConfigImpl here.
this caused problem when re-deploying struts program.
public void 
 doesn't match with the one from Digester, it refers to old-instance.


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discussing RequestWrapperI (was FW: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts

2004-07-08 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Matthias Wessendorf
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts


i used the examples, that were shipped via struts-faces.

there is a *link* to URL

okay, struts does it's way (the FacesRequestProcessor of

Action.clazz gets processed. it returns an ActionForward-Objekt. (called
success), but in struts-config the Actionforward points to a path
/registration.faces. ok fine.

in FacesRequestProcessor, that is used instead of *default*
RequestProcessor, the method doForward() checks, if URI
(/registration.faces) is an Struts-Request. it is not that case.

so it creates a FacesContext 
// Create a FacesContext for this request if necessary
LifecycleFactory lf = (LifecycleFactory)
Lifecycle lifecycle = // FIXME - alternative lifecycle ids
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (context == null) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(  Creating new FacesContext for ' + uri +
FacesContextFactory fcf = (FacesContextFactory)
context = fcf.getFacesContext(servlet.getServletContext(),
  response, lifecycle); 

after that it creates a new ViewRoot, delegates the context to our
JSPViewHandler, finally it calls responseComplete() code
// Create a new view root
ViewHandler vh = context.getApplication().getViewHandler();
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(  Creating new view for ' + uri + ');
context.setViewRoot(vh.createView(context, uri));

// Cause the view to be rendered
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(  Rendering view for ' + uri + ');

so the Servlet-Path is still the *.do - thing,

that code works *directly* with RI, 

 This will be the correct one in
 your case 
 but might be wrong in some other case.

jupp :-) that was the reason of my question.
do you need any more information on that?


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RE: [Struts-Faces] wrapping a HttpServletRequest

2004-07-08 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

i tried the struts-faces-example with myfaces
and RI (worked out of the box)

this happens with myfaces:

i clicked LINK editRegistration.do?action=Create
and become IllegalArgumentException:

could not find pathMapping for servletPath = /editRegistration.do
requestPathInfo = null






okay, after that i looked in myfaces JspViewHandlerImpl.java
and noticed we only react on FacesServlet-Mappings (eg *.faces,
i changed it, now it works

but as a result of following discussion on myfaces-mailinglist
(see the three forwards)

i decided to create that wrapper,
that sets requestPath from struts (*do)
to faces (*.faces) now it works again with myfaces and of course RI

so perhaps you have other hints on that?


 -Original Message-
 From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 3:27 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: [Struts-Faces] wrapping a HttpServletRequest
 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hi, i tried the faces-struts-lib with RI.
 It works.
 Could you please explain in more detail exactly what appears 
 to you to 
 be a bug in the struts-faces library that requires this wrapper, and 
 also what unspecified behavior in the RI is being relied on?  This is 
 not at all obvious to me -- and I intend to pull the wrapper back out 
 unless you can show me why it's needed.  The explanation 
 below, and all 
 the mail threads and messages on bug 29809, still haven't 
 made it clear 
 to me what the problems you are trying to solve really are.
 But not with Open-Source-Implementation *MyFaces*.
 i notices, that in struts-faces the servletPath is
 a *.do (or that for struts).
 But it must be an faces-mapping for servlet-Path
 (*.faces e.g.)
 the FacesRequestProcessor know if request is for
 ActionSerclet or not.
 If not, it delegates it to JSF-Impl.
 Base of checking is a URI, that is configed
 in forward name=success path=/test.faces/ (e.g.)
 so i wrote a simple HttpServletRequestWrapper
 which wrappes the uri as new ServletPath.
 now everything is fine.
 like this (in FacesRequesProcessor)
FacesContextFactory fcf = (FacesContextFactory)
 HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = new
 context = 
   response, lifecycle);
 it is not an error in myfaces-impl. 
 it is an bug in the RI.
 please see the email of Ted Husted (on myfaces-list)
 On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 20:21:49 -0700, 
 the MyFaces implementation is correct in this aspect and I 
 don't think
 we should clone the bugs of the RI just because struts 
 relies on them.
 I hope spec-compliant does not mean we have to have the 
 same bugs the
 RI has ;-)? By the way, if the RI is fixed, struts will not 
 work there
 any longer, too.
 The RI and Struts-Faces were created in tandem, so it's not 
 the same assumptions crop up in each. But, no, 
 does not mean that we should rely on bugs in any implementation, 
 including the RI. In fact, the Struts tradition has been to 
 expose bugs 
 in implementations so that vendors are compelled to fix them.
 If you develop any patches you would like applied, please 
 bring them to 
 my attention. Once we can get 1.2.1 out-the-door (could be 
 this week), 
 we will be setting up several subprojects, including 
 Struts-Faces, that 
 can be released separately.
 So the clean solution from my point of view is to fix the issue in
 struts. For example it would be possible to wrap the 
 servlet request 
 before the FacesContext is created. The wrapper takes the 
 uri of the 
 view to be displayed to simulate a valid jsf servlet path 
 for the view
 manager. What do you think?
 and here is the simple wrapper-class:
 i can apply a patch, but on that i will
 do a bit better documentation of that
  * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You 

discussing RequestWrapperII (was FW: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts)

2004-07-08 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Oliver
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts

Manfred Geiler wrote:

 Matthias, Oliver,

 After some investigation I found out the following:
 The RI works, because they always default to extension mapping. So,
 like MyFaces they won't find the right mapping in the web.xml, but 
 since they do not handle this as an error condition, it works.

 Your patch might work in many cases but there are scenarios where it
 is subject to fail. The addressed loop's purpose is to find the actual

 servlet mapping that led to the faces request. Your patch would cut 
 off the comparison of the actual extension and the mapping extension. 
 So the loop would always exit on the very first extension mapping. 
 This will miss the goal. Imagine two mappings in web.xml: one 
 extension mapping for struts *.do, one mapping for direct calls to 
 faces *.jsf.
 If there is a *.jsf call, the loop will find the first *.do 
 mapping and assume, that this is the seeked mapping. On a navigation 
 the destination viewId will get the wrong extension .do instead of 
 .jsf and the following request will wrongly go to struts.

 There are two possible solutions I think:
 1. Write a StrutsJspViewHandlerImpl as Oliver suggested
 -1 from me, because different configuration needed for struts

 2. After the loop finishes without a match: instead of throwing an
 exception, log a warning only (struts folk can set the log severity 
 for JspViewHandlerImpl to error if they feel bothered) and return 
 null. Of course, depending methods must handle this default case.
 +1 from me, because the mapping is not that critical (it works or it
 works not, it won't change daily for an application), we get a
 warning, which is enough hint if there are problems and we are more RI



the MyFaces implementation is correct in this aspect and I don't think 
we should clone the bugs of the RI just because struts relies on them. I

hope spec-compliant does not mean we have to have the same bugs the RI 
has ;-)? By the way, if the RI is fixed, struts will not work there any 
longer, too.

So the clean solution from my point of view is to fix the issue in 
struts. For example it would be possible to wrap the servlet request 
before the FacesContext is created. The wrapper takes the uri of the 
view to be displayed to simulate a valid jsf servlet path for the view 
manager. What do you think?




 i used the examples, that were shipped via struts-faces.

 there is a *link* to URL 

 okay, struts does it's way (the FacesRequestProcessor of

 Action.clazz gets processed. it returns an ActionForward-Objekt. 
 (called success), but in struts-config the Actionforward points to 
 a path /registration.faces. ok fine.

 in FacesRequestProcessor, that is used instead of *default* 
 RequestProcessor, the method doForward() checks, if URI 
 (/registration.faces) is an Struts-Request.
 it is not that case.

 so it creates a FacesContext code
 // Create a FacesContext for this request if necessary
 LifecycleFactory lf = (LifecycleFactory)

 Lifecycle lifecycle = // FIXME - alternative lifecycle ids
 FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 if (context == null) {
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Creating new FacesContext for ' + uri +
 FacesContextFactory fcf = (FacesContextFactory)
 context = 
   response, lifecycle); 

 after that it creates a new ViewRoot, delegates the context to our 
 JSPViewHandler, finally it calls responseComplete() code
 // Create a new view root
 ViewHandler vh = context.getApplication().getViewHandler();
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Creating new view for ' + uri + ');
 context.setViewRoot(vh.createView(context, uri));

 // Cause the view to be rendered
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Rendering view for ' + uri + ');

 so the Servlet-Path is still the *.do - thing,

 that code works *directly* with RI,

 This will be the correct one in your case but might be wrong in some
 other case.

 jupp :-) that was the reason of my question.
 do you need any more information on that?



RE: Struts 1.2.1 release?

2004-07-08 Thread Ted Husted
I'm now testing, tagging, and rolling Struts 1.2.1. Please stand by :)


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cvs commit: jakarta-struts build.properties.sample.lib

2004-07-08 Thread husted
husted  2004/07/08 06:19:57

  Added:   .build.properties.sample.lib
  Add a simplified build.properties file for use by developers who are not actively 
involved in Jakata Commons development. This template assumes the developer is using 
the JARs from our lib distribution.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  jakarta-struts/build.properties.sample.lib
  Index: build.properties.sample.lib
  # -
  # build.properties.sample.lib
  # This is a simplified build.properties file that assumes you are using the
  # lib directory distributed with Struts, rather than building against
  # the development versions of each of the Jakarta Commons projects.
  # If you are not active in Jakarta Commons development, this is the
  # preferred template for your build.properties file.
  # First, you will need to install Ant 1.5.4 per the instructions on the
  # Ant website ant.apache.org.
  # Then, to build Struts using this file,
  #   * copy it as build.properties,  and
  #   * extract the Stuts Library distribution to a folder named lib under 
  # your Struts distribution
  #   * place a copy of the servlet.jar for your container in the same folder.
  # If you prefer to keep the JARs at another location, the properties
  # at the very top of the file may changed. If you require more versatility
  # in specifiying JAR locations, see the original build.properties.sample file.
  # Only the shared properties are required for a typical build. 
  # Running the Catcus unit tests is tricky. See the DEV list if you need help 
  # with those.
  # Although experimental, new developers may want to try the Maven build.
  # After installing Maven (maven.apache.org), you can change to your
  # jakarta-struts directory and execute:
  #  maven
  # All the dependencies will be automatically downloaded and installed for
  # you.
  # $Id: build.properties.sample.lib,v 1.1 2004/07/08 13:19:57 husted Exp $
  # -
  # Properties related to local files
  # -
  # TODO: List of packages needed to be installed to run all these tasks
  # -- required for shared --
  # struts-lib.home - Where the Struts library is kept
  # servlet.home - Where JAR file containing the Servlet API classes is kept
  # Compile against either version 2.2 or 2.3
  # -- required for contrib -
  # jstl.home - Where the JSTL distribution is kept
  jstl.home = /opt/Taglibs/jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.0.5
  # struts.home
  struts.home = ../../
  # -- required for testing -
  junit.home = /opt/JUnit
  # JUnit jar file, version 3.81 required
  junit.jar = ${junit.home}/junit3.8.1/junit.jar
  # apache.home - Where other precompiled jar files from Apache are kept
  # This may (optionally) include Ant, Cactus,Tomcat, and Xerces
  # -- used by other optional tasks---
  # The JAR file containing the Checkstyle package version 2.4, if available. If
  # you do not have Checkstyle installed, do not set this property.
  # checkstyle.jar = /opt/CheckStyle/checkstyle-2.4/checkstyle-all-2.4.jar
  # The Directory containing the PMD package distribution, 1.2.1, if available. If
  # you do not have PMD installed, do not set this property.
  # pmd.home = /opt/pmd/pmd-1.2.1
  # Properties related to Struts shared
  # -
  # For more about these dependencies, see the installation page in the UserGuide
  # Properties related to Struts contrib
  # -
  # These links to the JSTL jar files are only required for building the
  # Struts-EL contrib library.  If they are not present, it will not build that
  # contrib library (although it doesn't prevent you from building it directly in
  # contrib/struts-el.
  jstl.jar   =${jstl.home}/lib/jstl.jar
  jstl.tld.dir =${jstl.home}/tld
  # Properties related to 

cvs commit: jakarta-struts/doc/userGuide installation.xml

2004-07-08 Thread husted
husted  2004/07/08 06:22:24

  Modified:.build-webapp.xml build.properties.sample build.xml
   doc/userGuide installation.xml
  (Hopefully) final round of changes before tagging 1.2.1.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.17  +0 -1  jakarta-struts/build-webapp.xml
  Index: build-webapp.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/build-webapp.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision 1.17
  diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17
  --- build-webapp.xml  7 Jul 2004 11:12:02 -   1.16
  +++ build-webapp.xml  8 Jul 2004 13:22:23 -   1.17
  @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
 pathelement location=${commons-fileupload.jar}/
 pathelement location=${commons-logging.jar}/
 pathelement location=${commons-validator.jar}/
  -  pathelement location=${jdbc20ext.jar}/
 pathelement location=${servlet.jar}/
 pathelement location=${struts.libs}/struts.jar/
 pathelement location=${webapp.libs}/
  1.53  +8 -18 jakarta-struts/build.properties.sample
  Index: build.properties.sample
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/build.properties.sample,v
  retrieving revision 1.52
  retrieving revision 1.53
  diff -u -r1.52 -r1.53
  --- build.properties.sample   8 Mar 2004 23:27:34 -   1.52
  +++ build.properties.sample   8 Jul 2004 13:22:23 -   1.53
  @@ -32,31 +32,31 @@
   # if you are going to execute the deploy.catalina target.
  -# The JAR file containing the Beanutils package (Version 1.6.1 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the Beanutils package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  -# The JAR file containing the Collections package (Version 2.1 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the Collections package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  -# The JAR file containing the Digester package (Version 1.5 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the Digester package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  -# The JAR file containing the FileUpload package (Version 1.0 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the FileUpload package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  -# The JAR file containing the Lang package (Version 1.0.1 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the Lang package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  -# The JAR file containing the Logging package (Version 1.0.3 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the Logging package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  -# The JAR file containing the Validator package (Version 1.1.2 or later)
  +# The JAR file containing the Validator package (see Installation page)
   # from the Jakarta Commons project.
  @@ -106,16 +106,6 @@
   # you do not have PMD installed, do not set this property.
   pmd.home = /Java/Programs/SourceForge/pmd-1.2.1
  -#Maven Variables ###
  -# CVS Start Change Log date
  -cvs.start=17 April 2003
  -# If you are using ssh tunneling  have a .cvspass file setup
  -#End of Maven Variables 
   # Properties related to Struts Contrib
   # -
  1.133 +1 -1  jakarta-struts/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.132
  retrieving revision 1.133
  diff -u -r1.132 -r1.133
  --- build.xml 7 Jul 2004 17:00:25 -   1.132
  +++ build.xml 8 Jul 2004 13:22:23 -   1.133
  @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
   property name=project.name value=jakarta-struts/
   !-- Version of the project --
  -property name=project.version value=1.2.1-dev/
  +property name=project.version value=1.2.1/
   !-- == Derived Properties  --
  1.30  +21 -10jakarta-struts/project.xml
  Index: project.xml

[VOTE] Struts 1.2.1 Alpha, Beta, or GA? (was Re: Struts 1.2.1 release)

2004-07-08 Thread Ted Husted
The repository is tagged for STRUTS_1_2_1, and the release is available for review at

* http://www.apache.org/~husted/struts/v1.2.1

Once you have had a chance to review the release, please respond as to whether we 

[ ] Keep this release at Alpha. Followup reports filed to Bugzilla.

[ ] Promote this release to Beta and announce on Struts User for further testing

[ ] Promote this release to General Availability now (*)

(*) A vote to promote Struts 1.2.1 to GA must follow a corresponding vote to promote 
Commons Validator 1.1.3 to GA.

Releases are subject to majority approval of the PMC, and the status may be changed at 
any time.

Votes and feedback from *all* Struts developers is very welcome.


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Re: Struts 1.2.1 release?

2004-07-08 Thread KUROSAKA Teruhiko
I'm now testing, tagging, and rolling Struts 1.2.1. Please stand by :) 
As far as I can tell by monitoring this list, 1.2.1 seems to fix
only face related few bugs.  It didn't pick most patches available
in bugzilla.
Could you tell comitters pick patches for the next release? Only
by a chance?
I'm not complaining.  I just want to know what else I can do
to make sure my patch will be picked next time.
KUROSAKA (Kuro) Teruhiko, San Francisco, California, USA
Internationalization Consultant --- now available for new contracts!
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Re: [Struts-Faces] wrapping a HttpServletRequest

2004-07-08 Thread Craig McClanahan
Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
i tried the struts-faces-example with myfaces
and RI (worked out of the box)
this happens with myfaces:
i clicked LINK editRegistration.do?action=Create
and become IllegalArgumentException:
could not find pathMapping for servletPath = /editRegistration.do
requestPathInfo = null





okay, after that i looked in myfaces JspViewHandlerImpl.java
and noticed we only react on FacesServlet-Mappings (eg *.faces,
i changed it, now it works
but as a result of following discussion on myfaces-mailinglist
(see the three forwards)
i decided to create that wrapper,
that sets requestPath from struts (*do)
to faces (*.faces) now it works again with myfaces and of course RI
so perhaps you have other hints on that?

Thanks for the forwards ... I'm going to get out my trusty debugger and 
walk through this in detail.  At first glance, it appears more likely 
that the problem is in Struts, calculating the view id in the created 
component tree (the processing should convert /registration.faces to 
/registration.jsp in the particular example webapp, before calling 
ViewHandler.renderView()).  If that were to be done,  a ViewHandler 
implementation that relied solely on the view id *should* work, with no 
wrapper -- we'll see if that prediction comes true or not.

This chunk of code is bringing back bad memories :-) of the work it took 
to get this to run at all.  I see that it needs some more work :-) :-).

The change in servletPath is part of what a RequestDispatcher.forward() 
call normally does (that's what happens on a normal Struts request).  I 
ran into quite a few difficulties making an RD.forward() to the Faces 
servlet do the right thing here -- but if using a wrapper ends up being 
the right solution, there's some other things we'll need to change as 
well so that it works with a prefix mapped FacesServlet (/faces/*) too.

More news as I debug this further.
PS:  There was an implication in the mail and bug report comments that 
the RI is violating the spec in its view handler implementation.  If it 
is, I'd like to fix that, and my commit privileges there still work 
:-).  Can you point to any specific place where that might be true?

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RE: Struts 1.2.1 release? - patches take-up

2004-07-08 Thread Roberto Tyley

Given that the committers are busy people, I'd guess one way to get a patch considered 
is to actively seek out struts developers who are experiencing the problem that your 
patch fixes, and get them to test it for you - you're doing them a favour, and if 
several of them add a 'works for me' to the ticket, there's a better chance it'll get 
noticed by the commiters.

Would I be right in assuming your patch is the one on bug 29824 - that handles 
parameters that are not encoded in ISO-8859-1? That actually sounds like it /might/ 
solve a problem I recently had with struts - a form was turning the acute 'e' in 
'café' into garbage, hmm! I'd been thinking I needed to change character encoding in 
tomcat or something, but I'll try applying your patch and see what happens.

Myself, I've got a teenie-tiny patch to add message parameter XML-escaping to 
html:messages (bug 26112) that isn't going anywhere - it hasn't received any 
feedback. Still, running a patch version of Struts does make one feel 'special' :-)


-Original Message-
From: KUROSAKA Teruhiko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 July 2004 15:58
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Struts 1.2.1 release?

As far as I can tell by monitoring this list, 1.2.1 seems to fix
only face related few bugs.  It didn't pick most patches available
in bugzilla.

Could you tell comitters pick patches for the next release? Only
by a chance?

I'm not complaining.  I just want to know what else I can do
to make sure my patch will be picked next time.

KUROSAKA (Kuro) Teruhiko, San Francisco, California, USA
Internationalization Consultant --- now available for new contracts!

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-faces/src/java/org/apache/struts/faces/taglib AbstractFacesTag.java BaseTag.java ErrorsTag.java HtmlTag.java MessageTag.java StylesheetTag.java WriteTag.java

2004-07-08 Thread Craig McClanahan
James Holmes wrote:
The problem is/was that the s:base tag was rendering invalid base
The JSPs in the struts-faces war (i.e. logon.jsp) have an s:base
id=base/ that generates the following:
base href=/struts-faces/logon.faces /
The href should have a fully qualified url (i.e. http://...) right?  This
causes the browser to not be able to find the stylesheet for the page.

Not only should it be absolute (although the browser I tried it with 
actually still worked right with a server relative path), it needs to be 
the path of the JSP page itself.  That isn't critical if you use 
extension mapping for FacesServlet, but it really matters if you use 
prefix mapping, where the generated HREF would have been 
/struts-faces/faces/logon.jsp and therefore added a directory level.

I presume you have fixed after seeing your last commit?

Yep, it should be fixed now ... can you give it a try?


-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 8:33 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: cvs commit:
AbstractFacesTag.java BaseTag.java ErrorsTag.java HtmlTag.java
MessageTag.java StylesheetTag.java WriteTag.java

James Holmes wrote:

Just curious if these changes fix the problem with the broken s:base tag?
Basically the tag was outputting and invalid href attribute on the
generated base tag.
This is a problem almost everyone was experiencing.  Myself included.


Sorry to be dense, but *what* broken output?  What's wrong with it?  Is 
there a bugzilla report on this?

Both example apps work for me on Tomcat 4.1.29 and 5.0.25.  But that was 
true before today's changes too; and I didn't change anything that 
should affect the URL being created.




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Re: Struts 1.2.1 release?

2004-07-08 Thread Joe Germuska
At 7:58 AM -0700 7/8/04, KUROSAKA Teruhiko wrote:
I'm now testing, tagging, and rolling Struts 1.2.1. Please stand by :)
As far as I can tell by monitoring this list, 1.2.1 seems to fix
only face related few bugs.  It didn't pick most patches available
in bugzilla.
Could you tell comitters pick patches for the next release? Only
by a chance?
I'm not complaining.  I just want to know what else I can do
to make sure my patch will be picked next time.
As far as I know, there's no formal way in which patches are applied. 
Obviously, non-enhancements are applied sooner, especially if there 
is a test case available to help guarantee that the patch fixes the 
problem and doesn't cause others.

As for enhancement requests, Ted has indicated that he is most 
interested in applying patches that have a healthy discussion in 
Bugzilla, because it indicates to him that there are interested 
parties.  Bugzilla also supports votes for patches, and I think 
that it makes sense for people to vote for enhancements which they 
think would be particularly good additions to Struts.  Finally, users 
who are really interested in helping out can apply patches themselves 
to their own CVS repository and provide feedback about whether they 
work as advertised and don't break anything.

You can understand that committers are hesitant to apply every 
enhancement simply because it has been requested.  I'd be reluctant 
to commit a patch if I didn't feel that I could test it adequately. 
Hence, it is helpful if in addition to submitting enhancements other 
users of Struts can also test enhancements that they think would be 
good to add.

Just my opinion (plus one paraphrase of Ted :^)
PS While I was composing this, Roberto wrote:
Given that the committers are busy people, I'd guess one way to get 
a patch considered is to actively seek out struts developers who are 
experiencing the problem that your patch fixes, and get them to test 
it for you - you're doing them a favour, and if several of them add 
a 'works for me' to the ticket, there's a better chance it'll get 
noticed by the commiters.
As long as developers is understood as any user who is willing to 
treat the source code as his own, I agree completely -- just don't 
think that developers == committers.

Joe Germuska
In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn 
back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place.
   - Carlos Santana

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Re: Version of Jakarta-ORO (Re: Tonight's Nightly Build Dependencies)

2004-07-08 Thread Martin Cooper

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Joe Germuska wrote:
At 12:41 AM -0700 7/6/04, Craig McClanahan wrote:
I've updated my nightly build script (effective with the 20040706 build) 
to use the following dependnet libraries, which I'm assuming corresponds 
to what we'll actually use in a Struts 1.2.1 release. Can whoever is going 
to be release manager for this confirm the version numbers?

jakarta-oro 2.0.7
I just happened to be looking this over to check the versions in the Struts 
1.2.1 distribution and I noticed that we're using Oro 2.0.7 but the current 
release is 2.0.8.

Is our general plan always to use the newest release of all libraries?  If 
so, we should update the Oro dependency.  Small, I'm sure, but still...
I think it would be good to update to ORO 2.0.8, since there are a couple 
of fixes to regexp matching in there. See:

Of course, it's also easy for people to upgrade it themselves if they 
encounter the problems, so it's not that big of a deal.

Martin Cooper

Joe Germuska[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://blog.germuska.comIn 
fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn back; I'll know 
I'm in the wrong place.
  - Carlos Santana

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FW: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts

2004-07-08 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

-Original Message-
From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: FW: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts

Hey Craig,

this email (from manfred geiler) i missed

after that oliver pointed out, that RI has a bug.

do you need more?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Manfred Geiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Myfaces-develop] Fwd: MyFaces - Struts

Matthias, Oliver,

After some investigation I found out the following:
The RI works, because they always default to extension mapping. So, like

MyFaces they won't find the right mapping in the web.xml, but since they

do not handle this as an error condition, it works.

Your patch might work in many cases but there are scenarios where it is 
subject to fail. The addressed loop's purpose is to find the actual 
servlet mapping that led to the faces request. Your patch would cut off 
the comparison of the actual extension and the mapping extension. So the

loop would always exit on the very first extension mapping. This will 
miss the goal. Imagine two mappings in web.xml: one extension mapping 
for struts *.do, one mapping for direct calls to faces *.jsf. If
there is a *.jsf call, the loop will find the first *.do mapping 
and assume, that this is the seeked mapping. On a navigation the 
destination viewId will get the wrong extension .do instead of .jsf and 
the following request will wrongly go to struts.

There are two possible solutions I think:
1. Write a StrutsJspViewHandlerImpl as Oliver suggested
-1 from me, because different configuration needed for struts

2. After the loop finishes without a match: instead of throwing an 
exception, log a warning only (struts folk can set the log severity for 
JspViewHandlerImpl to error if they feel bothered) and return null. Of 
course, depending methods must handle this default case.
+1 from me, because the mapping is not that critical (it works or it
works not, it won't change daily for an application), we get a warning, 
which is enough hint if there are problems and we are more RI compatible


 i used the examples, that were shipped via struts-faces.
 there is a *link* to URL
 okay, struts does it's way (the FacesRequestProcessor of
 Action.clazz gets processed. it returns an ActionForward-Objekt.
 (called success), but in struts-config the Actionforward points to a

 path /registration.faces. ok fine.
 in FacesRequestProcessor, that is used instead of *default*
 RequestProcessor, the method doForward() checks, if URI 
 (/registration.faces) is an Struts-Request.
 it is not that case.
 so it creates a FacesContext
 // Create a FacesContext for this request if necessary
 LifecycleFactory lf = (LifecycleFactory)
 Lifecycle lifecycle = // FIXME - alternative lifecycle ids
 FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 if (context == null) {
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Creating new FacesContext for ' + uri +
 FacesContextFactory fcf = (FacesContextFactory)
 context = fcf.getFacesContext(servlet.getServletContext(),
   response, lifecycle); 
 after that it creates a new ViewRoot, delegates the context to our
 JSPViewHandler, finally it calls responseComplete() code
 // Create a new view root
 ViewHandler vh = context.getApplication().getViewHandler();
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Creating new view for ' + uri + ');
 context.setViewRoot(vh.createView(context, uri));
 // Cause the view to be rendered
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Rendering view for ' + uri + ');
 so the Servlet-Path is still the *.do - thing,
 that code works *directly* with RI,
This will be the correct one in
your case
but might be wrong in some other case.
 jupp :-) that was the reason of my question.
 do you need any more information on that?
 This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training. Attend
 Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self 
 defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched 
 networking opportunities. Visit www.blackhat.com 

Re: Version of Jakarta-ORO (Re: Tonight's Nightly Build Dependencies)

2004-07-08 Thread Craig McClanahan
Joe Germuska wrote:
At 12:41 AM -0700 7/6/04, Craig McClanahan wrote:
I've updated my nightly build script (effective with the 20040706 
build) to use the following dependnet libraries, which I'm assuming 
corresponds to what we'll actually use in a Struts 1.2.1 release. Can 
whoever is going to be release manager for this confirm the version 

jakarta-oro 2.0.7

I just happened to be looking this over to check the versions in the 
Struts 1.2.1 distribution and I noticed that we're using Oro 2.0.7 but 
the current release is 2.0.8.

Is our general plan always to use the newest release of all 
libraries?  If so, we should update the Oro dependency.  Small, I'm 
sure, but still...

Has anyone tested with 2.0.8?  If so, I don't have any problem with 
picking this up in a subsequent 1.2.x release.  I'll update the nightly 
build dependencies for tonight's run.

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Re: Struts 1.2.1 release? - patches take-up

2004-07-08 Thread KUROSAKA Teruhiko
Roberto and all,
Given that the committers are busy people, I'd guess one way to get 
 a patch considered is to actively seek out struts developers who are
 experiencing the problem that your patch fixes, and get them to test
 it for you - you're doing them a favour, and if several of them
 add a 'works for me' to the ticket, there's a better chance it'll
 get noticed by the commiters.
Here's a problem I see in this process
My patch (for 29824, you guesset it right) is to make
it easy for casual struts developers to use Struts.
The target audience is not serious developers.  They
are not interested in (or even capable of)  building Struts
libraries.  They would rather apply a workaround than
building Struts by themselves.
Is it OK that I create a personal version of Struts that
has my patch applied and publish the binary from my
private site?

Would I be right in assuming your patch is the one on bug 29824 - 
 that handles parameters that are not encoded in ISO-8859-1? That
actually sounds like it /might/ solve a problem I recently had with 
 struts - a form was turning the acute 'e' in 'café' into garbage, hmm!
Your problem is probably due to something else.  The offending
character in your problem is part of ISO-8859-1
which is a default charset; my patch would not fix your problem.
If you tell me your problem (in individual email), I can take a look.
KUROSAKA (Kuro) Teruhiko, San Francisco, California, USA
Internationalization Consultant --- now available for new contracts!
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Re: Version of Jakarta-ORO (Re: Tonight's Nightly Build Dependencies)

2004-07-08 Thread Ted Husted
On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 09:36:42 -0700, Craig McClanahan wrote:
 Has anyone tested with 2.0.8?  If so, I don't have any problem with
 picking this up in a subsequent 1.2.x release.  I'll update the
 nightly build dependencies for tonight's run.

I did consider changing the dependency, but decided against an 11th hour change.

If people think it's a worthwhile change, we can roll Struts 1.2.2 after we see if 
there is feedback on other issues.


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Re: Simplifying Struts

2004-07-08 Thread Ted Husted
Another approach to simplifying Struts would be to add more flexibility to the 
struts-config. One patch I'd love to apply would provide the extends capability 
found in Tiles to all the Struts elements. This would suck a lot of the redundant, 
bug-generating redundancy [:)] out of larger modules.

Another patch I'd like to see is support for including a properties file, a la Ant and 
iBATIS. People could then use ${properties} in the Struts config -- another redundancy 
killer [:)]

A very cool usage would be to import that same properties file into the Struts config 
and your source code, which might yield a way to share tokens like success and 
failure -- jumping the XML gap.


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Re: Version of Jakarta-ORO (Re: Tonight's Nightly Build Dependencies)

2004-07-08 Thread Joe Germuska
Has anyone tested with 2.0.8?  If so, I don't have any problem with 
picking this up in a subsequent 1.2.x release.  I'll update the 
nightly build dependencies for tonight's run.
I've been running a Struts 1.2.x app against ORO 2.0.8 for several 
months using at least email validation and having no problems. 
Martin is right that it's trivial for users to upgrade.  I think we 
should update nightlies and not worry about it for Struts 1.2.1 and 
not bother with a Struts 1.2.2 if it's just to roll that in.

Joe Germuska
In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn 
back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place.
   - Carlos Santana

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s:base tag fixed!

2004-07-08 Thread James Holmes
I re-ran the struts-faces example app this morning and it is working
properly, generating the proper fully-qualified href for the base tag.

It looks like your fixes are working.


-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 10:49 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: cvs commit:
AbstractFacesTag.java BaseTag.java ErrorsTag.java HtmlTag.java
MessageTag.java StylesheetTag.java WriteTag.java

James Holmes wrote:

The problem is/was that the s:base tag was rendering invalid base

The JSPs in the struts-faces war (i.e. logon.jsp) have an s:base
id=base/ that generates the following:

base href=/struts-faces/logon.faces /

The href should have a fully qualified url (i.e. http://...) right?  This
causes the browser to not be able to find the stylesheet for the page.


Not only should it be absolute (although the browser I tried it with 
actually still worked right with a server relative path), it needs to be 
the path of the JSP page itself.  That isn't critical if you use 
extension mapping for FacesServlet, but it really matters if you use 
prefix mapping, where the generated HREF would have been 
/struts-faces/faces/logon.jsp and therefore added a directory level.

I presume you have fixed after seeing your last commit?

Yep, it should be fixed now ... can you give it a try?




-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 8:33 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: cvs commit:
AbstractFacesTag.java BaseTag.java ErrorsTag.java HtmlTag.java
MessageTag.java StylesheetTag.java WriteTag.java

James Holmes wrote:


Just curious if these changes fix the problem with the broken s:base
Basically the tag was outputting and invalid href attribute on the
generated base tag.

This is a problem almost everyone was experiencing.  Myself included.


Sorry to be dense, but *what* broken output?  What's wrong with it?  Is 
there a bugzilla report on this?

Both example apps work for me on Tomcat 4.1.29 and 5.0.25.  But that was 
true before today's changes too; and I didn't change anything that 
should affect the URL being created.





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