About Master-Detail / Radio Buttons / Indexed Properties Behavious !!!

2004-07-17 Thread Buland Altaf
 Hi Theres,
I am facing some issues about master-detail / radio button 

for indexed properties. Issues are:-___ Problem 1 __1. I am 
facing later mentioned problem ofmaster-detail from on session time out.I am 
usingDynaActionForms with array properties as form-beanproperty.form-property 
 i have set session as its action scope. But 2.when my application restarts and i 
Re-fresh themasteer-detail form itgives me the following 
error:- Error Start-HTTP Status 500 
- type Exception reportmessage description The server encountered an 
internalerror() that prevented it from fulfilling this request.exception 
 cause java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException  
:763)javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)note The full stack 
trace of the root cause isavailable in the Tomcat logs.Apache 
Tomcat/5.0.16- Error End -I have my own created reset 
button in whichi nullify all teh feilds. But, tis method is now acallback method. I 
do't override thereset(ActionMapping,HttServletRequest) method. All theform properties 
exactly matching with theircorresponding dynaactionfrom properties and thisscreen is 
working properly. It only behave abnormallywhen my web app context restarts or tomcat 
restarts asin that case session will lost.__ Problem 2 _2. 
Also, One more problem.I have tried to fix it butas a new commer I have now stucked. 
Actually, I have abean which i want to use in jsp with iterate tag. andi have like 
this:-logic:present name=individualAccountRegFormproperty=clientlogic:iterate 
id=clientname=individualAccountRegForm property=clienthtml:hidden
 name=client indexed=trueproperty=status/trtd align=lefthtml:text 
name=client indexed=true property=clientId//tdtd align=lefthtml:radio 
name=clientproperty=primaryClient idName=clientvalue=primaryClient 
indexed=true//td /tr/logic:iterate/logic:presentI mean to say that if i 
have indexed properties and iwant to check some equal operator on it then there isno 
indexed attribute in logic:equal or any othercomparison tag. even then it picks the 
indexedproperty value properly. How this happens.Is thie anyauto build flexibility in 
those tags top check thecommign property that either iot is a normal orindexed 
property.__ Problem 3I have the radio buttons, 
but they are not behavingproperly.I want to use radio buttons with 
indexedproperty.Actually one of my indexed property willbehave like radio button and 
if i have more than onerows then i will have more than one radio buttons.Inthat case 
how can i set
 radio button to enable onlyone at a time.I tryied it, but all the button willenable 
at a time(menas previous button will remainenable when we press any other radio button 
to getenable it should disable the previous enable button)



P align=leftFONT face=Times New RomanBuland Altaf Malik,BRSTRONGSr. Software 
Engineer/STRONG, BRSoftech System's(pvt)Ltd. BR10/25 asad jan road lahore,cantt 
- 54810 PakistanBRTel: 92-42-6665812 , 92-42-6660802/FONT/P
P align=leftFONT face=Times New RomanMob: 0333-4344113BRFax: 
P align=leftFONT face=Times New RomanA 

Repository Reorg (Once More With Feeling)

2004-07-17 Thread Craig McClanahan
Here's another crack at trying to get us moving forwards on the 
repository reorg.  Given the feedback of our most recent discussions, 
I'd like to focus on the following motivations for a particular decision 
on the organization of the repository, followed by what seems to make 
sense based on those motivations:

* Use Subversion for the new repository (I've played enough to be sold).
* Use Maven 1.0 for the build tool (we need to deal with
persistent user complaints about complexity of our build
process, plus enable independent module releases gracefully).
* In general, follow Maven's recommendations for directory
layout on multi-module builds.
* Continue to build 1.2.x releases off the old (jakarta-struts)
repository (taking the time pressure off on getting the new
architecture perfect the first time).
* Focus the new repository on supporting 1.3.x development
(generally backwards compatibile, but using chain-based
request processor, adding support for portlet), in prep for
later migration to 2.x.x development (which might end up
in either separate modules or a separate repository -- too
early to tell at this point).
* Separate modules for independently releaseable artifacts.
* Modules can depend on each other (i.e. pretty much all will
depend on core), but we should exercise caution if the
dependency tree gets deep ... complexity lurks here.
* The core module should have no view tier dependencies.
* There is no need for a separate JSP-specific module for TagUtils.
That class is tightly coupled to the legacy tag libraries, so it should
go in the same module.
* We'll need to do some minor refactoring to optimize things after
the rearrangement, but that shouldn't delay getting started.
* Each module (of course) includes its appropriate complement
of unit tests.
Given the above, here's my suggestion for the top-level modules in the 
initial repository, and the packages and classes that should be included 

(1) core -- Core Framework
commons-resources (once graduated)
jakarta-oro (inherited from commons-validator)
Packages and Classes:
org.apache.struts.chain.portlet.* (to be created)
NOTE:  Plan on migrating to commons-resources in 1.3 time frame.
NOTE:  Should end up with a single integrated request processor chain 
for tiles/nontiles.

NOTE:  Should end up with request processor chain that works in portlet 
environment, providing adapters to call 1.x compatible Action methods.

(2) addons -- Standard generic add-in functionality
Dependencies:  core
Packages and Classes:
(3) taglib -- Legacy non-EL based tag libraries
Dependencies:  core
Packages and Classes:
org.apache.struts.taglib.* (i.e. the TagUtils class)
NOTE:  Generation process for TLDs and associated docs should live here, 
but the resulting docs will probably need to be imported into site 

(4) taglib-el -- Legacy EL-based tag libraries
Dependencies:  core, taglib
Packages and Classes:
(5) faces -- Struts-JSF integration
Dependencies:  core
Packages and Classes:
NOTE:  The only components that should be included are those that have 
direct analogs to legacy Struts tags (to easy conversion).  General 
purpose JSF components (if any) should go elsewhere.

(6) examples -- Example Struts-based web applicatons
All the existing example applications from core, tiles, struts-el, 
struts-chain, struts-faces, ... *except* documentation, which gets 
subsumed into the site module.  May need to make sub-modules here; 
remains to be seen.

(7) site -- Struts web site source
Dependencies:  None.
All the usual xdocs stuff to create our website and the associated 

WDYT?  I'd like to take advantage of the fact that I've got a modicum of 

Re: Repository Reorg (Once More With Feeling)

2004-07-17 Thread Martin Cooper
A few comments:

1) I don't consider Tiles to be core Struts functionality at all, and
would very much prefer to see it be its own module, or another part of
'addons'. Note that we've had numerous requests to make Tiles
available unbundled from Struts, and in his session at JavaOne, David
Geary explained how to use Tiles with JSF and without Struts. Plenty
of people are building Struts apps without using Tiles, too,
emphasising the fact that it really isn't core functionality.

2) Is this presuming a change of Servlet / JSP version dependencies?
Otherwise I'm not sure how feasible it would be to move 'upload' to
'addons', because of all the wrapping and unwrapping we have to do for
Servlet 2.2 compatibility.

3) This kind of repackaging seems fairly drastic as part of a point
release, since it will affect how people download and build their
Struts apps. But if everyone else is OK with that, I won't object.

4) This would probably need to wait for 2.x, but I'd like to get away
from the 'strutsel' in the taglibs-el package name, and have it be
perhaps 'struts.el' instead, so that all of Struts is in
'org.apache.struts'. More consistent, and easier for log config as

5) I'd like us to find some kind of plugin mechanism for the web site,
so that the non-core modules had add their piece to the main site
without a lot of dependencies. Not sure how that would work, off the
top of my head, but I think it would be a good goal.

6) I'm not against moving to Maven, but I would like to note that if
we put the same energy into improving the existing build system,
instead of switching to a new one, the one we have wouldn't be as hard
to use as people seem to feel it is...

7) I think we need a better term than 'module', since that's already
taken in the context of Struts apps. ;-)

Martin Cooper

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 14:56:45 -0700, Craig McClanahan
 Here's another crack at trying to get us moving forwards on the
 repository reorg.  Given the feedback of our most recent discussions,
 I'd like to focus on the following motivations for a particular decision
 on the organization of the repository, followed by what seems to make
 sense based on those motivations:
 * Use Subversion for the new repository (I've played enough to be sold).
 * Use Maven 1.0 for the build tool (we need to deal with
 persistent user complaints about complexity of our build
 process, plus enable independent module releases gracefully).
 * In general, follow Maven's recommendations for directory
 layout on multi-module builds.
 * Continue to build 1.2.x releases off the old (jakarta-struts)
 repository (taking the time pressure off on getting the new
 architecture perfect the first time).
 * Focus the new repository on supporting 1.3.x development
 (generally backwards compatibile, but using chain-based
 request processor, adding support for portlet), in prep for
 later migration to 2.x.x development (which might end up
 in either separate modules or a separate repository -- too
 early to tell at this point).
 * Separate modules for independently releaseable artifacts.
 * Modules can depend on each other (i.e. pretty much all will
 depend on core), but we should exercise caution if the
 dependency tree gets deep ... complexity lurks here.
 * The core module should have no view tier dependencies.
 * There is no need for a separate JSP-specific module for TagUtils.
 That class is tightly coupled to the legacy tag libraries, so it should
 go in the same module.
 * We'll need to do some minor refactoring to optimize things after
 the rearrangement, but that shouldn't delay getting started.
 * Each module (of course) includes its appropriate complement
 of unit tests.
 Given the above, here's my suggestion for the top-level modules in the
 initial repository, and the packages and classes that should be included
 (1) core -- Core Framework
 commons-resources (once graduated)
 jakarta-oro (inherited from commons-validator)
 Packages and Classes:
 org.apache.struts.chain.portlet.* (to be created)
 NOTE:  Plan on migrating to commons-resources in 1.3 time frame.
 NOTE:  Should end up with a single integrated request processor chain
 for tiles/nontiles.
 NOTE:  Should end up with request processor chain that works in portlet
 environment, providing 

Re: Repository Reorg (Once More With Feeling)

2004-07-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Craig McClanahan wrote:
* Focus the new repository on supporting 1.3.x development
(generally backwards compatibile, but using chain-based
request processor, adding support for portlet), in prep for
later migration to 2.x.x development (which might end up
in either separate modules or a separate repository -- too
early to tell at this point).
I think there should be support for RiA and SoA in the new request 
processor, which is what the chain enables.
Not many new HTML/HTTP apps will be constructed in '05 to be operated in 
'06, '07.

So one could get a SOAP or similar type request and not have to 
refactor. I think that should be the main goal, have it work with 
RiA/SoA 1st and then look for a way how to make it backaward compatiable 
and support legacy html/html apps (since that is well known how those work).

At worst, make an interface or mechanisam so that people can implement a 

(Also perform() got removed and Struts is still to mark beans and logic 
for depecation. And it be nice that a nightly build ships with a sample 
chain. And ... what happend to 1.2.1 as far as a download link from an 
html page with due note as to release level (red/yellow/orange)).

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