Re: [ClusterLabs Developers] Building clufter on EL8

2019-10-31 Thread Digimer
On 2019-10-31 3:37 a.m., Jan Pokorný wrote:
> Hi Digimer o/
> On 30/10/19 16:24 -0400, Digimer wrote:
>> While waiting to see what CentOS 8 will do with regard to HA,
> you are not the only surprised here
>> I decided to rebuild the rhel 8 packages for our own repo[1]. To
>> this end, I've rebuilt all packages, except clufter.
>>   The clufter package relies on jing, and jing is not provided in RHEL
>> 8. Obviously, clufter was build for RHEL 8, so I'm curious how this was
>> done...
> Note that buildroot packages are a superset of packages available
> through the main channels, for various non-technical reasons,
> e.g. giving up on support for such.  Brand new for RHEL 8 are
> "no support" channels like Code Ready Builder (CRB), and it might
> be there, or not.
> Frankly, I've put quite some effort to have jing (and sibling, trang)
> up for straightforward grab, but it was basically killed in/by the
> process without receiving any further support, leaving me detached
> altogether on these political basis.  Can consider myself lucky to
> at least have jing in said buildroot :-/
>> I started the process of building jing myself, but very quickly fell
>> into a very deep dependency well.
>> Tips?
> Your options are:
> 1. use jing (and a very few deps, perhaps) from said CBR (if
>available), Fedora or older CentOS

Not being a very good packager, I've never really gotten a good handle
on buildroot. With all the competing pressures with development of the
Anvil!, I can't really justify the time to learn it until at least next
summer. So for now, this option is beyond me, I think.

> 2. edit spec file so that it skips jing-involved steps altogher;
>note that such measure was added only to provide additional
>guarantee that even if clufter itself is not updated, at least,
>on every rebuild (such as in various mass ones in Fedora),
>the newest schema from pacemaker at the time will be automatically
>adopted (clufter requires single-file type of schemas, whereas
>pacemaker is shipped with decomposed file hierarchy of these,
>and to that end, there is no known way to aggregate the content
>like this, except for some unmaintained XSL stylesheet I found
>back then and did not exactly trust it), but for generic use
>case, it shall be OK to use even older bundled versions, and as
>mentioned earlier, there was no allocation for clufter to catch
>up on various aspects of the recent development, meaning that
>3.0+ schema support is on may-work basis

I tried grabbing jing from F29, but that depended on;
* bsh
* isorelax
* javacc
* qdox
* relaxngDatatype
* relaxngDatatype-javadoc
* testng
* xalan-j2
* xerces-j2
* xml-commons-resolver

None of which are in RHEL8. So I tried to build 'bsh', but that depends on;

* ImageMagick
* bsf
* glassfish-servlet-api
* javacc
* javapackages-local
* junit

Again, none of which are in RHEL8. This is where I realized I was
sliding off a cliff, as I hadn't even gotten to the java stuff...

> Btw. I am a long time prononent of engaging jing validator in
> pacemaker itself, since libxml2 based RelaxNG schema validation
> is not capable of precise diagnostics, and is prone to bad
> performance (compared to jing, due to the nature of different
> approaches, I believe) for more complex documents (and/or grammars).
> I.e. what we have in pacemaker right now downright hurts the
> user experience shall there be violations in the base XML.
> Beside, libxml2 RelaxNG schema validation tends to be buggy
> to this day (just a few months back, I fixed some of these
> long lurking issues, but some aside regression tests effectively
> require jing because of that).

How feasible would it be to add a '--without jing' conditional to the
clufter.spec? It sounds like jing is needed, but you also mention "edit
spec file so that it skips jing-involved steps all together". If it's
feasible, having this switch would make it a lot easier to maintain the
package until/unless CentOS 8 adds support for it.

> P.S. I noticed you've sent the question also to cluster-devel
>  beside developers@c.o ML without actually sending just
>  a singleton, meaning I cannot reply-all conveniently,
>  but I tried my best to cover that.

Ya, that was a goof on my part. I assumed that list was dead, which is
why I basically ignored it and resent it here (and why I'm dropping it
off this reply).

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[ClusterLabs Developers] Building clufter on EL8

2019-10-30 Thread Digimer
Hi all,

  While waiting to see what CentOS 8 will do with regard to HA, I
decided to rebuild the rhel 8 packages for our own repo[1]. To this end,
I've rebuilt all packages, except clufter.

  The clufter package relies on jing, and jing is not provided in RHEL
8. Obviously, clufter was build for RHEL 8, so I'm curious how this was
done... I started the process of building jing myself, but very quickly
fell into a very deep dependency well.


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Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent
have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops." - Stephen Jay Gould
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