[expert] Mandrake 8.0 Kudos

2001-04-20 Thread Tom Berkley

Thanks and Kudos to everyone who worked on Mandrake 8.0

Perfect install on an abit kt7a-raid with duron 850, 256 MB
pc133, sblive!, and ibm deskstar ata/66 drives. Install
finished during the burning of two cd's and part of the 8.0
mandrake extras cd (less than 30 minutes total). Graphical
login was perfect. Network and gateway configuration was
perfect, mounts too, xmms works with music library on a vfat

This system had been crashing and locking up with Win98
second edition even after all the updates, latest bios, and
latest drivers from the vendors. When the sblive software
was installed it became very unstable. Now with Mandrake
8.0, I'm listening to some wonderfully soothing  music from
Adea in my MP3 library (yes I own the cd!) and composing

Cups printing works perfect with my usb connected hp895Cxi
printer using the hp supplied driver. Now if I can figure
out how to make xawtv work with my ati pci all-in-wonder tv
card, I can watch the mariners kick some b while I ...(
what do penguins do anyway?) trundle over the keyboard.

Yeehaa! Thanks! Obrigado! Arigato! Merci Beaucoup! Gratia!
Gracias! Efcaristo (sp?)!

Tom Berkley

Re: [expert] Mandrake 7.2 and SB Live!

2001-03-22 Thread Tom Berkley

I have a Mandrake 7.2 system with an SB Live sound card and
it works fine all the time. Suggest that you fire up the
mixer and see what the settings are when the sound goes off
and see if changing any of them has an effect. 

tom berkley

Arnoud de Jonge wrote:
 I have a Mandrake 7.2 system with a SB Live! card. The sound works fine
 for about an hour and then suddenly mutes. What can I do to solve this??

Re: [expert] Cannot successfully download files greater than 4 meg

2001-01-18 Thread Tom Berkley

No. You have a local problem. I download lots of stuff
greater than 4MB and never had any problems except
occasionally with windows doing that but never linux.

Tom Berkley

Praedor Tempus wrote:
 I have had this problem for a long time, since Mandrake 7.1.  I find that no
 matter what ftp app I use, if I try to download ANY file that is in the range
 of 4 megs or greater, it will download to 100% but then the connection wont
 terminate and it will just sit there stalled.
 If I quit the ftp app (gftp, ncftp, hit the x in the top corner of a
 konqueror download window - under NO circumstances hit "cancel" or the file
 is totally lost) then the file is fine.  If it is an rpm, it installs fine.
 If it is source, it builds fine, and so forth.  The file is perfectly fine
 but the download connection will not terminate.
 This is a real bitch if I am trying to do a batch download.  Files will
 download fine until it comes to a file that is 4 megs or larger.  It will
 download the entire file but then will stall and no other files will download
 as it sits there forever stalled.  I have to quit the app, restart it, and
 restart batch downloading from the next file.  What is this problem?
 I have Mandrake 7.2 plus (kde 2.1 and XFree86-4.0.2) with kernel 2.2.18.
 This problem existed with kernel-2.2.16, 17, and now 18.  It has been there
 with straight installs of 7.1 (possibly 7.0 though I don't recall) AND with
 updates.  I keep hoping that whatever the problem is, it will be resolved in
 some file somewhere so that it goes away when I upgrade files/rpms, but it
 Any ideas?  Has something on the internet changed?
 Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain

Re: [expert] bash command line editing broken for several releases

2001-01-14 Thread Tom Berkley

No problem here with editing command lines. Sometimes when I have
problems installing new updates I will have an rpm -Fvh ..rpm
line that is 8 or ten lines long in a large display window. Never over a
two year period had one problem with line editing, removing several
filenames, adding more.

duane voth wrote:

 Have others here also had the problem where editing a long
 command line using bash (in vi mode) within an xterm causes
 the command line to get all screwed up?  This began for me
 back with 7.0 (I think) and still isn't fixed.  The problem
 might depend on resized xterm windows that were at one time
 wider than 80 columns or wider than their initial size.


Re: [expert] Bt 878, bcast2000 et al

2001-01-14 Thread Tom Berkley

Thats why my Bt-878 is in a windows box right now, because I never could
get it to work with linux. Bt-848 support is in linux and it works. But
I have never had anyone else with a Bt-878 confirm that theirs is
working either.

Tom Berkley

William Bouterse wrote:

 WinTV-Go model 190
 Harddrake identifies it as Bt 878
 LM7.2 -- kernel-2.2.17-21mdk
 video yes sound no
 I have video working
 I Cannot get a squeak from sound.
 xawtv gives static,
 bcast2000 give silence.
 I do have the little audio patch cord in place
 between tv card audio out and sound audio in.

 Sound card works great for everything else!

 Any help would be appreciated

 William Bouterse
 Talkeetna Alaska

Re: [expert] Less does not work in Konsole

2001-01-14 Thread Tom Berkley

Nope, less has been letter perfect for me in linux (mandrake and redhat) and in AIX 
unix too.
Never had a hiccup. You may want to look at the file with an editor that will show you 
all the
characters including the control characters and see if there is one there that's 
causing the
problem. If so, I would forward it to the developer that listed in the docs.

Tom Berkley

Viktor Lakics wrote:

 Hi All,

 When I use the command prompt, I usually use Konsole (the KDE
 "xterm") as an Xterm. I noticed that if I want to list anything with the GNU less 
command it
 does not work. It gives me an empty screen, with the following lines at the
 foo.bar lines 1/1-1(end)
 Obviously, less thinks that there is only 1 line in the file, and
 that line is empty...
 The command "more" lists everything fine. Of course if I open a real
 text console with CTRLALTF2, and try the same text file to be
 listed, either less or more work...

 Has anyone experienced this?

 LM7.2, Stock KDE 2.0...


Re: [expert] [somewhat off-topic]Heretic II and Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-14 Thread Tom Berkley

Did you ask Loki what versions of linux they compiled their game for. I have
been testing a commercial structural analysis program that is certified for
redhat 6.1 and 6.2. It runs under 6.2 just fine and under 7.0 it does some
major hiccups. Next I have to try it with Mandrake, but the purpose of this
conversation is to let you know that all flavors of "linux" are not the same.
Ask the vendor and make your system comply with his specs if you expect to have
it run properly. Even within a revision of a given distro there are problems
that you have to deal with and when you expect every distro to be perfect for
your expectations, you set yourself up for a fall - you know like gnashing
teeth, grumbling, frustration, snarling, smashing 

Tom Berkley

Praedor Tempus wrote:

 Has anyone purchases Heretic II from Loki and actually managed to get it to
 work on Mandrake 7.2?  On a 7.2 system with XFree86-4.0.2?

 I must say I am becoming disgusted with Loki on this.  Linux will NEVER make
 it with the general user if it is impossible to simply install and run a
 freakin' game that is LINUX NATIVE, fer shit's sake.

 Anyway, trying to run the game totally dicks up my X session.  The game
 doesn't run, just get to the game menu, but trying to actually start a game
 crashes it and this totally screws up X - resolution goes to virtual, mouse
 quits working, and I have to do a Ctrl-Bkspc to get it all back into working

 Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain

Re: [expert] Linuxconf update

2001-01-13 Thread Tom Berkley

You need to get the key file off your cd or download from a trusted site
and gpg --import keyfilename while logged in as the user who is going to
do rpm -K. I have both root and my username set up with the imported
key. Then you will get a gpg ok. Also look at mandrake updates web page
for a pointer to their security key for the updates.

Tom Berkley

"Ralph F. De Witt" wrote:
 On Friday 12 January 2001 23:50, you wrote:
  No. I downloaded the linuxconf rpm's (from sunsite mirror) and checked
  them with rpm -K and they checked OK. Install went fine too. However, I
  only use update to tell me if there are updates, then I go get them, ftp
  them into my updates directory, check them with -K, and install them
  after ogling (rpm -qipl). That process worked fine for me.
  Tom Berkley
  "Ralph F. De Witt" wrote:
   Hi all:
   Has any one had problems with the new Linuxconf update. I tried to
   download it from several sites and had Mandrakeupdate tell me either it
   was unsigned or that it was not properly signed, or my Gnupg was
   improperly installed. At any rate it would not install even if I tried to
   force it.
   Ralph F. De Witt MBA
   It said uses Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2
   Proud user of Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Powerpack Deluxe
   Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234
   GPG Public Key available at http://www.keyserver.net
   Key fingerprint = 6426 1CFF 0987 9D51 76D6  06BC F22A CFF4 559A 03E7
 Downloaded the Linuxconf rpm's using kbear from the sunsite mirror and did
 the rpm -K thing all came back with md5 GPG NOT OK. This is very strange, I
 have tried three times with Mandrakeupdate from three different sites, now
 with K bear and a different site all with the same results. Could this be a
 problem with my GPG install even though seems to be working with K-Mail the
 same as it has from the start. Could it have become corroupted with my last
 update to KDE2 beta of 20010109?
 Ralph F. De Witt MBA
 It said uses Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2
 Proud user of Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Powerpack Deluxe
 Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234
 GPG Public Key available at http://www.keyserver.net
 Key fingerprint = 6426 1CFF 0987 9D51 76D6  06BC F22A CFF4 559A 03E7

Re: [expert] /usr/sbin/update-alternatives

2001-01-13 Thread Tom Berkley

Are you using gcc to compile or kgcc?

Tom Berkley

Tib wrote:
 I'm trying to compile a program and it's complaining that my standard gcc can't
 compile executables. I installed ecgs c++ and running ./configure ends up still
 giving the same error. So I try installing the gcc update, but it says it
 requires /usr/sbin/update-alternatives... um I can't find an rpm for that.

Re: [expert]

2001-01-12 Thread Tom Berkley

one solution is to get redhat's rpm update for redhat 6.2. that
particular version was released to take care of the problem that you are
having except

tom berkley

Robert Engel wrote:
 I'm tring to install lsof, but I have version 3.0.4, and when I try to
 install lsof 4.47-5 I get the error
 only packages with major numbers = 3 are supported by this version of RPM
 error: lsof-4.47-5.i386.rpm cannot be installed
 So... I tried to install a newer version of RPM... but of cource...
 only packages with major numbers = 3 are supported by this version of RPM
 error: rpm-4.0-4.i386.rpm cannot be installed
 How do I go about installing lsof?!?
 Linux:  Because rebooting is for hardware upgrades...
   8:50pm  up 102 days,  9:17,  1 user,  load average: 2.31, 2.35, 1.62

Re: [expert] Linuxconf update

2001-01-12 Thread Tom Berkley

No. I downloaded the linuxconf rpm's (from sunsite mirror) and checked
them with rpm -K and they checked OK. Install went fine too. However, I
only use update to tell me if there are updates, then I go get them, ftp
them into my updates directory, check them with -K, and install them
after ogling (rpm -qipl). That process worked fine for me.

Tom Berkley

"Ralph F. De Witt" wrote:
 Hi all:
 Has any one had problems with the new Linuxconf update. I tried to download
 it from several sites and had Mandrakeupdate tell me either it was unsigned
 or that it was not properly signed, or my Gnupg was improperly installed. At
 any rate it would not install even if I tried to force it.
 Ralph F. De Witt MBA
 It said uses Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2
 Proud user of Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Powerpack Deluxe
 Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234
 GPG Public Key available at http://www.keyserver.net
 Key fingerprint = 6426 1CFF 0987 9D51 76D6  06BC F22A CFF4 559A 03E7

Re: [expert] a.d. mono font and new problems

2001-01-11 Thread Tom Berkley

First delete your .kde directory and logout and login again. See if that
helps. Then, if necessary, do a update-menus -v as root. I had to do
this when I updated to kde 2.1

Tom Berkley

Kelley Terry wrote:
 The upgrade solved the konqueror browser font problem - - However, now I have
 a much larger problem - - kde 2.1.  None of my desktop icons for directories,
 cdrom device, or hard drive devices work.  When I click on them instead of a
 konqueror window opening them up I get the "open with menu dialog" as if I
 right clicked on them and selected the open with option.  How do I get the
 device and directory icons to open with konqueror again?
 On Tuesday 09 January 2001 05:50 am, you wrote:
  Have you updated kde yet. kdebase contains the konqueror (don't know
  where the fonts are). If not look on a mirror under
  mandrake-devel/unsupported and you will find some things that may tickle
  you pink after you download and update them.
  Tom Berkley
  Kelley Terry wrote:
   Just compiled 2.4 on my 7.2 install with reiserfs several days ago.
   Everything went well and works fine with the new kernel and I would like
   to keep this install as my main one I use but it had problems from the
   original install.  This one is with my fonts.  No matter where I change
   the fonts (control center or settings in konqueror browser settings) (as
   root) the browser loads this a.d. mono font that is very difficult to
   read.  I've noticed the font explorer in kde control center font manager
   is also stuck on this font also - probably just because it opens with the
   first one alphabetically.  How do I get reset this font in my browser?

Re: [expert] apcupsd on M7.01????

2001-01-10 Thread Tom Berkley

No, you just need to update your rpm rpm. I'm not sure what mandrake
did, but redhat 6.2 has an rpm update that takes care of this kind of
problem. try the mandrake newest first though.

tom berkley

Rusty Carruth wrote:
 Bummer!  I'm running mandrake 7.01 on a 486, and mandrake 7.1 on
 a pentium, and when I try to do anything with the apcupsd I get:
 [root@localhost /tmp]# rpm -i apcupsd-3.8.0-1mdk.src.rpm
 only packages with major numbers = 3 are supported by this version of RPM
 error: apcupsd-3.8.0-1mdk.src.rpm cannot be installed
 [root@localhost /tmp]# rpm --version
 RPM version 3.0.4
 [root@localhost /tmp]#
 (the above is on the 7.1 machine)
 Am I about to embark on the great upgrade safari?
 Or am I just missing something really obvious...

Re: [expert] duplicate ethernet

2001-01-10 Thread Tom Berkley

Look in /etc/modules.conf and see what aliases were created for your
nic's. You may have a legacy alias that you need to edit.

Tom Berkley

Pierre Fortin wrote:
 Anyone know why I would have 3 ethernets defined when I only have 2..?
 I had an Intel EtherExpressPro/10+ (eepro) which is a tad flaky (tx errors), and
 today added a 3Com 3c905B-TX...  When I used DrakConf to configure it, I thought
 it was weird that I was asked for eth[012] parms...
 Now, I get:
 # ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:AA:00:CF:8D:65
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:2301 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:2853 errors:48 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:8
   collisions:3 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:11 Base address:0x210
 eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:02:E8:D8:8D
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:1080 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:1097 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xd000
 [snip lo]
 # ifconfig eth1  (duplicate of eth0.MAC and eth1.IP... -- down)
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:AA:00:CF:8D:65
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:4 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:11 Base address:0x210
 dmesg shows:
 es1370: found adapter at io 0xb800 irq 10
 es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0
  id: 0x64  io: 0x210 eth0: Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 ISA at 0x210,
 00:aa:00:cf:8d:65, IRQ 11, 10BaseT.
  id: 0x64  io: 0x210 eth1: Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 ISA at 0x210,
 00:aa:00:cf:8d:65, IRQ 11, 10BaseT.
 eth0: set Rx mode to 1 address.
 eth0: set Rx mode to 1 address.
 eth0: set Rx mode to 1 address.
 eth1: unable to get IRQ 11.
 Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
 lp0: using parport0 (polling).
 nbd: registered device at major 43
 3c59x.c:LK1.1.11 13 Nov 2000  Donald Becker and others.
 http://www.scyld.com/network/vortex.html $Revision: $
 See Documentation/networking/vortex.txt
 eth2: 3Com PCI 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx at 0xd000, PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device
 PCI: The same IRQ used for device 00:04.2
  00:01:02:e8:d8:8d, IRQ 5
   8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.
   MII transceiver found at address 24, status 786d.
   MII transceiver found at address 0, status 786d.
   Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
 eth2: using NWAY autonegotiation
 # cat ifcfg-eth[012]
 I've searched for a couple of hours and can't find anything related to this.
 Any reference to multiple ethernets is for deliberately configuring such.
 I'm running LM7.2/kernel2.4.0...
 Still researching; but hoping someone has a pointer to the right path...
 Linux (Up 2:32 hours) -- Reboots are for system upgrades...
 Last reboot reason:  01/09/01: eepro debugging

Re: [expert] a.d. mono font

2001-01-09 Thread Tom Berkley

Have you updated kde yet. kdebase contains the konqueror (don't know
where the fonts are). If not look on a mirror under
mandrake-devel/unsupported and you will find some things that may tickle
you pink after you download and update them.

Tom Berkley

Kelley Terry wrote:
 Just compiled 2.4 on my 7.2 install with reiserfs several days ago.
 Everything went well and works fine with the new kernel and I would like to
 keep this install as my main one I use but it had problems from the original
 install.  This one is with my fonts.  No matter where I change the fonts
 (control center or settings in konqueror browser settings) (as root) the
 browser loads this a.d. mono font that is very difficult to read.  I've
 noticed the font explorer in kde control center font manager is also stuck on
 this font also - probably just because it opens with the first one
 alphabetically.  How do I get reset this font in my browser?

Re: [expert]

2001-01-09 Thread Tom Berkley

/usr/lib/libdl.so -- glibc-devel-2.1.3-16mdk
/lib/libdl.so.2  -- glibc-2.1.3-16mdk

you may want to try a link from .1 to .2 and see what happens. I have
7.1 on my laptop still but its not available now to check.

tom berkley

Iknatius wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have installed Mandrake 7.2 and the program Matlab 5.1 gives an error:
 it doesn't find libdl.so.1 (link to .xx)
 That library was included in 7.1 and previous versions and although I
 tried to install previous versions of the package, libdl.so.1 does not
 Any solution? thanks in advance...
 Ignacio Sueiras
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Re: [expert] apcupsd - losing the serial connection

2001-01-08 Thread Tom Berkley

there is an update apcupsd-3.8.0-1.1mdk.i586.rpm. you may want to get it
before you spend a lot more time messing with it.

tom berkley

Andrew Judge wrote:
 I am trying to setup apcupsd for a backUPS 300Va.  I received the serial
 cable directly from APC for the simple UPS.  It seems to start okay, but
 about 5 seconds after it starts, I can see that there is an error stating
 "Serial communications with UPS lost" in /var/log/messages.  Does anyone
 know what might cause this?  I am using the rpm from the 7.2 distribution
 The output I get from apcaccess status is:
 DATE : Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969
 HOSTNAME : igor.aerobuilders.com
 RELEASE  : 3.7.0
 CABLE: APC Cable 940-0020B
 UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
 END APC  : Mon Jan 08 14:15:03 EST 2001
 Also, I get an rwall message saying that the serial connection was lost.
 Any help would be much appreciated

Re: [expert] Latptop - using removeable devices

2001-01-08 Thread Tom Berkley

May depend on how Dell wired the floppy, maybe not. If it uses an atapi
driver thru the ide channel then when you swap, the cdrw needs the
ide-scsi emulation on the ide channel. No compatibility to be had there
and you have created a demand for a hot swap ide driver module. But it
could just be that the floppy module needs to be unloaded and then a new
module loaded for the cdrw. If the devices have modules that can be
unloaded, you could manage them yourself. Look in the kernel
configuration (/usr/src/linux then make xconfig) where the ide stuff is
located, I don't recall the page titles. If the floppy and ide-scsi
stuff has module options then you could compile a custom kernel and try
to unload the module for the floppy before you unplug it and then after
you plug in the cdrw you could load the module for the ide-scsi. Don't
know if this would work but it would be worth a shot. You will want to
learn about lsmod, insmod, modprobe, and kernel compilation. Have fun.

Tom Berkley

Jason Straight wrote:
 Is there anything I can do on my laptop to have the kernel remove and or
 reprobe devices?
 ie. I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 which I'm running Mandrake 7.2, this
 notebook has a removeable device which I share between the CDRW and the
 floppy drive. I boot with the CDRW in and I can hot swap to floppy fine
 and use the floppy drive. When I swap back the the CDRW my machine freezes.

Re: [expert] ssh update probs

2001-01-08 Thread Tom Berkley

ssh changes its connection encryption key every hour and it sounds like
your connection is not getting the key change updated correctly. The
connection then becomes very stupid because it cannot understand
anything. don't know where to check for this. may be better off -Uvh
--oldpackage but communicate to the ssh.org just to be certain.

tom berkley

Klar Brian D Contr MSG SICN wrote:
 I updated ssh via Mandrake Update. I now have an issue that I can log in once. After 
about 1 hour
 I seem to lose connection. I am unable to login again as any user at all. I can 
however use ssh locally
 and all is fine. This problem never happened before update though. It matters not if 
I choose SSH1 or 2
 Any help?
 Brian D. Klar - CVE
 937-973-3125 (Pager)

Re: [expert] Finally! -- KDE2.0.1

2001-01-07 Thread Tom Berkley

I have kpm and it's located in:


tom berkley

Mark Weaver wrote:
 It's taken a little while, but I finally managed to get all the packages for
 KDE2.0.1 to install and it's running. However, there seems to be something
 missing. A program that I really came to know and love is gone. Kpm!
 It doesn't seem to be amongst the menu-living any longer. Is that the way
 it's supposed to be, or could there be something wrong with this installation
 of KDE?
 "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
 "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
 Linus Torvalds

Re: [expert] Why doesn't work the telnet with Mdk 7.2 after install?

2001-01-03 Thread Tom Berkley

first determine if telnet is installed: rpm -q telnet

probably it is not. then find the cd with the telnet rpm or download it from a
mirror site. then install:

rpm -ivh telnet-0.17-7.i386.rpm

now you can use telnet.

tom berkley



 I've just installed Mdk 7.2 and the telnet doesn't work. A friend explained
 me to check that the telnet service is enable in /etc/xinetd/telnet but
 this file doesn't exist.

 Someone could explain me what I've to do to active this service after the

 And Happy New year!


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Re: [expert] Mandrake KDE 2.01

2001-01-02 Thread Tom Berkley

This morning I updated my 7.2 partition that was broken from the
kde-2.0.1 update. So far this new version of kde (2.1-0.20010101.1mdk)
works great, letter perfect. The menu bar at the bottom of the screen
decided that it wanted to be about an inch up from the bottom after the
update and restarting X.  But after futzing with it for a while, I
deleted my .kde directory, logged out, restarted X, and logged back in.
Perfect. Thanks for the support getting this thing fixed. Sound which
was broken with 2.0.1, works nicely. Ditto for the network. 

Oh, yes, before I forget, cups works great. With the new driver for my
hp895 inkjet, I get fantastic resolution and all of the programs that I
have printed from so far work great. usb connection functions fine for
the printer also with the new cups updates.

7.2 has finally matured to point where it can be counted on by me.

Thanks again to all who contributed (or bitched - just another way of

Tom Berkley

civileme wrote:
 On Monday 11 December 2000 18:42, you wrote:
 I d/l'd the new 'official unsupported' KDE2.01 rpms as announced on
   I first ran a 'rpm -Uvh --test' on them all at once and got back a
  slew of messages that the packages ( Chris Molnar's
  ftp://nebsllc.com/pub/KDE_UPDATE ) already installed were newer.
 Out of curiosity, and thinkin I was being none to smart, I forced an
  install of the Mdk 2.01 rpm's anyway.  It was a big MISTAKE.  The
  resulting KDE2.01 was a _downgrade_ from Chris' KDE2 upgrades, and
  introduced a few bugs as well (eg, kedit wouldn't run, I lost a lot of
  recent Konqueror bookmarks, etc.).
  needless to say I chalked my experiment up to user error, and
  have backed out the 2.01 rpms and reinstalled Chris' KDE2.01+ rpms.
  All is well again inspite of myself :)
 Chris's packet was fruit from the CVS tree which is headed directly at KDE
 2.1, but we responded to customer demand for the 2.01 bugfix release.
 Keep in touch with http://mandrakeforum.com:
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Re: [expert] Sound on Dell Inspiron 5000

2001-01-02 Thread Tom Berkley

Sounds normal for an Inspiron and that's the same reponse for info that
I get from my Inspiron 7k but the sound works just fine. Make certain
that you adjust the sound with the volume control on the the side of
your box first ( does the the 5k have an external volume control??). My
sound works fine but I usually compile the maestro 2 driver into a
custom kernel and use that. Since I'm still using 7.1 on the laptop, I
do not remember if I ever got the stock mandrake install kernel to make
the sound work. But if you make your own kernel, it should work fine.
Remove all references in the kernel options for sound except for the
Maestro 2 driver and it will work just fine.

Tom Berkley

Joseph Jenkins wrote:
 I have a Dell Inspiron 5000, I am running Mandrake 7.2, Kde 2.0, and Linux
 Kernel 2.2.17.  I was wondering if anyone had any answers about making KDE
 recognize the Maestro card that is in the Laptop?  When KDE loads it plays
 the startup wave, but I am unable to control the sound in any way.  When I
 go into the control center, it says that there is no information available
 about the soundcard.
 Joseph Jenkins

Re: [expert] Boot CD (was Bit-for-bit CD's)

2001-01-01 Thread Tom Berkley

Thanks a gob. Went to bios, put the ide cdrom above the hard drive in the boot
sequence and voila, linux cd booted! First new thing that I've learned this
year! Omen for the year. Yee haa. Wish the same for all.

Tom Berkley

Brian Hartman wrote:

 It's a BIOS issue.  ide cd-rom's can be bootable, too (mine is), but your
 bios needs to be set for it.  You need to have a bios that supports bootup
 from cdrom and you need to set the boot sequence so that the cdrom is looked
 for first to boot from, rather than the hard drive.

 On Monday 01 January 2001 12:23 am, you wrote:
  Are you sure, I believe it depends on your BIOS first
  and foremost, if you can set it to boot in a priority
  of cd-rom, floppy,HD.
  --- Tom Berkley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You need a cdrom that is bootable. I have never been
   able to boot with an
   ide cdrom drive, however, my plextor cdrom drives on
   my scsi bus are
   bootable. I am in fact reminded often when I leave a
   linux cd in either
   cdrom drive and reboot my system.
   Tom Berkley

 Brian Hartman, MLS

Re: [expert] Boot CD (was Bit-for-bit CD's)

2000-12-31 Thread Tom Berkley

You need a cdrom that is bootable. I have never been able to boot with an
ide cdrom drive, however, my plextor cdrom drives on my scsi bus are
bootable. I am in fact reminded often when I leave a linux cd in either
cdrom drive and reboot my system.

Tom Berkley

"Ronald L. Chichester" wrote:

 "Ronald L. Chichester" wrote:

 Okay folks, I figured out how to make a regular cd using mkisofs and
 cdrecord (still couldn't get any of the GUI routines to work correctly,
 but the command line routines are still available and still work).

 In any case, the last trick that I need is to get the install disk to
 act as a boot disk.  Is there some special incantation with cdrecord
 that I need in order to make the install disk bootable?  I DID read the
 man page for cdrecord, but it wasn't terribly enlightening.  I presume
 that the image that needs to be booted is /boot/vmlinuz in the install
 CD.  Question that I have (aside from making it a boot CD) is how to get
 it to boot that image.

 Thanks in advance,


  If I wanted to make a bit-for-bit copy of my (free) Mandrake 7.2 CD's
  (install + extension), what would be the best program to use?  Note, I
  have an IDE CD (which would read the source) and a SCSI CD-R.  I've
  tried CDRecord, but it can't seem to find my IDE CD.
  Thanks in advance,

Re: [expert] IRQ steering?

2000-12-30 Thread Tom Berkley

The bios assigns the interrupt. Linux does not, so.., figure 
how your bios
assigns the irq (one way is by slot). It is likely that you have not opted for 
extended pci options in
your bios which include these assignments.

Tom Berkley

Svante Signell wrote:

 No response so far, trying again.

 Anyone knows how IRQ 5 is chosen both for my eth0 (tulip, external
 card) driver and sound (maestro, on motherboard) on my Compaq Presario
 5640/5670 when other interrupts are available: 4,6,7,9,10,11?

 Also the graphics card is allocated to IRQ5:
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo Banshee (rev 03) 
(prog-if 00 [VGA])
 Subsystem: Guillemot Corporation Maxi Gamer Phoenix
 Flags: VGA palette snoop, 66Mhz, fast devsel, IRQ 5

 How to steer away one of the units from IRQ 5 to avoid interrupt
 sharing/conflicts? In the documentation to both the tulip and maestro driver I
 have not found any option to control the IRQ. What unit takes care of
 allocating IRQ's if the card driver does not require one, the kernel
 or the BIOS?

 The BIOS for this computer has very limited number of options, and as
 mentioned above the sound hardware is on the motherboard. Also only
 two PCI slots are available (one with the ethernet card, the other
 with a PCTV card, IRQ 3), so shuffling cards is not much to try.

Re: [expert] Laptop recommendations

2000-12-29 Thread Tom Berkley

Take a good look at the Dell Inspiron 7500 or whatever is equivalent
today. I have a 7000 and it has run both redhat and mandrake very  very
well. Forget the internal modem for now although there have been some
rumors that I have not followed up on regarding linux using the
winmodem. There is a project somewhere on this. The 3Com 3CCM156 pcmcia
modem works just fine but be careful if you look at the combo nic/modem
pcmcia (actually cardbus) some have winmodems. I have not used my modem
since last January when my dsl line was installed so I am not very
current with the modem stuff.The 7500 has a megabay which will accept
the cdrom/floppy drive or an additional 30gb hard drive or a battery and
you have two megabays. With a 30gb internal drive you can have 90 gb
total (possibly 96 by now!!).  Dell has served me well with my 7000 and
the 15 inch lcd has 1024x768 but the 7500 goes up to something like
1400x1050 or something close to those numbers. You will very much like
the 15 inch lcd. Its BIG. You can also get an adaptec 1480 cardbus scsi
adapter and connect up a cdburner and whatever else pleases you to the
scsi bus. It requires nothing special. Linux pcmcia software will find
all the stuff there and make accessing it transparent for you.

Do not sweat the lack of Dell providing you linux. Its cheaper to get
the box with windows and then install linux yourself in a dual boot
mode. I have mandrake 7.1 on my 7000 currently but with the problems
that I have had with 7.2 on my desktop box, I do not wholeheartedly
recommend it yet. Either stick with the 7.1 mandrake or use redhat 7.0.
The bugs are pretty much worked on rh7 and its rock stable on my
They have even updated the glibc to 2.2 now and there are no problems
bringing in the development software, if you're into the fun of new
software.growl, nash, yeehah...8-)

Have fun with it

Tom Berkley

Mark Belanger wrote:

 Can anyone recommend a laptop that will
 work well with Linux/Mandrake?

 I'd prefer a modem that works, a screen resolution
 greater than 1024x768.  The cost is not really an issue.

 BTW:  Dell has "temporarily" stopped offering linux
 on their laptops.  A sales rep told me that the
 would be offering it again soon.

 I've been considering the Micron Transport GX+ even though
 the modem is not likely to work.



 Mark Belanger
 LTX Corporation

Re: [expert] tv software

2000-12-29 Thread Tom Berkley

win98se or win2k using the ati drivers.

tom berkley


sorry, just couldn't resist. I use an ati pci tv card in my win2k box
primarily because linux does not have any support for that card yet.

Steve Young wrote:

 i have an all in wonder 128 pro and i was wondering if anyone knew of
 software that would make the tv inputs and output work

Re: [expert] Source RPMS for Cooker?

2000-12-28 Thread Tom Berkley

ftp to a mirror site, I just looked at ftp.wtfo.com to be certain. start at /pub and 
wind your
way down the tree until you get find mandrake-devel. Under mandrake-devel you will 
find a
directory SRPMS which is chocked full of the goodies that you desire.

Tom Berkley

Tom Eastman wrote:

 I can't find a place where I can download source RPMS for the cooker stuff... do 
they exist?

 I want to compile licq version 1.0 from an RPM source instead of the Tarball if I 

 Where can I find it?  Can I at all?


Re: [expert]

2000-12-27 Thread Tom Berkley

My 29030C Ultra narrow is bootable but I've never seen anything about the
2940UW regard bootability. Given how difficult it is to get any info from
adaptec that's not obviously on their web site, I would just plug the sucker
into your box, connect a cdrom drive (a scsi cdrom drive 8-)), fire the
sucker up and put the mandrake 7.2 cd in while it boots and see if it
recognizes it. It will be most obvious if it works.

Tom Berkley

If you get a cd burner, most definitely pay the extra bucks and get a scsi.
You will be most happy with scsi even though your wallet suffered a little.

Anthony Russello wrote:

 Hey everybody,

 I have recently come into aquisition of an Adaptec 2940UW SCSI adapter.

 I'll most likely be making use of this with my next installation of
 Mandrake.  Until then, everything works with my old PCI SCSI card in there

 My main concern is that I intend to completely remove IDE from the system
 and replace it all with a collection of SCSI har ddrives and a CD-ROM
 drive.  But will I be able to boot from that SCSI CD-ROM drive?

 Currently, in one of the older servers I picked up (A dell 4100/200) I
 noticed that during bootup, it actually pops up a message stating that a
 bootable CD was found in the CD-ROM drive.  It's using an onboard adaptec
 7880 SCSI adapter.

 I am curious to know if I would receive the same message while bootup
 detects SCSI devices, prior to the installation of Linux..  What I'm
 hoping is this;

 Boot machine
 detects SCSI devices and powers them up
 detects the CD-ROM drive
 detects that there is a bootable CD in the CD-ROM drive
 begins installation

 What are the odds of this occuring on this 2940 UW card?


 There's plenty of semicolons to go around

Re: [expert] KDE theme manager

2000-12-24 Thread Tom Berkley

some of the results of the command 'locate theme' (you may want to run
updatedb before you use it.):


tom berkley

Mark Weaver wrote:

 Hi List,

 I have been looking everywhere and I just can't find this app anywhere!

 Could someone please tell me where I can find  "kthememgr"?


Re: [expert] GTK text cursor

2000-12-20 Thread Tom Berkley

You are probably using a variable width font and the software that moves the
cursor is not yet aware of this.
You can get some temporary relief by trying a fixed font like courier until
the cursor tracker is fixed.

tom berkley

Martin Hajducek wrote:

 Dear, List

 I am wondering why text cursor in GTK applications like Gnome, GIMP ...
 does not point to actual place where I am typing.

 For example: if I type in text field "m" cursor should be
 on the end of line, instead of this it is displayed somwhere in the s.
 In oposite of this if I type "iii" cursor is displayed
 far from iis.
 Only when I type "oo" cursor is on the right place.

 When I position cursor into text or select some text, strange "space" is
 displayed between characters.

 Have anybody this problem? What is the solution? I am running Mandrake 7.2.


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Re: [expert] XWindows on Inspiron 5000e

2000-12-19 Thread Tom Berkley

You picked lcd monitor 1024x768 during the Xconfiguration?

tom berkley

Orders wrote:

 Hello there,

 Has anybody managed to get Xwindows to work on an Inspiron
 5000e ? I am using Linux Mandrake version 7.2 but cannot find the
 right settings although it recognises the graphics card (ATI Rage
 mobility 128) correctly.

 Please post a working XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file if you can.

 Thanks a lot,


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Re: [expert] How does one get konqueror to work with java?

2000-12-19 Thread Tom Berkley

No it just does not work. You can try http://www.aa.com and get similar results.
Looks like you get to do some programming and help out or just wait for the next
edition like most of us. I've seen this problem discussed here before, but no
solutions have shown up yet.

Tom Berkley

Praedor Tempus wrote:

 Here is the link to the offending, non-working javascript pages:


 Now select "DNA Sequencing" in the left frame.  You will be taken to a page
 with 3 "buttons": Homepage, Publications, Ordering.  Select Ordering.  You
 will then get to a page where you can initiate a sequencing request, review
 your orders, etc.  Select "Initiate Sequencing Request".  This is where the
 failure of javascript occurs for Konqueror (Mozilla 0.6 wont get past the
 previous page at all).  What you SHOULD get is a javascript window for you to
 enter a username and password.  I don't get anything at all.  No error
 messages, no disk activity, nothing.  There is absolutely no effect from
 selecting the "Initiate Sequencing Request" for me with KDE 2.0 and Konqueror

 Does ANYONE get the login window with Konqueror?  If so, what version is it?
 I can get it with Netscape up to 4.76 (haven't tried 6.0) just fine but I
 cannot get it with Mozilla (latest release) either.

 On Tuesday 19 December 2000 15:46, you wrote:

   First of all, the Java Virtual Machine is not required for JavaScript to
  work -- the two are completely different animals. I don't know how to get
  Java working, but JavaScript works fine in konqueror on my system.
  However, there is a caveat with regard to JavaScript: both konqueror and
  Mozilla (and Netscape 6, and Opera) are quite strict with the
  EcmaScript/JavaScript standard. What this means is, there are a LOT of
  websites out there that still won't work in any of these browsers. If you
  are doing any DHTML, for example, you will need to properly re-write your
  scripts to be compatible with Netscape 4.x, IE 4+, and
  konqueror/Mozilla/Netscape 6/Opera. Dreamweaver (and all the rest of the
  WYSIWYG tools) can't do it for you ... yet. Those tools, with their canned
  scripts, only recognize IE 4+ and Netscape 4.x, and make use of the
  non-standard HTML and JavaScript extensions of both browsers.
  At 01:07 PM 12/19/2000 -0700, you wrote:
  OK,  this problem is making konqueror just about useless to me.  I am
   unable to access any sites that require/user javascript.  I am using KDE
   2.0 with Konqueror 1.9.8.
  I do NOT have netscape installed.  I DO have the IBM's Java 1.3 jre
   installed and I do have Mozilla 0.6 installed.  I have tried to force
   Konqueror to use the 1.3 java install by pointing at its directory but it
   doesn't work - and I have tried several variants pointing at several
   potential java directories.
  The end result is that Konqueror does not do java or javascript.
  I NEED to be able to use javascript.  Can anyone explain how one is to use
  java and javascript with Konqueror?
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 Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.


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Re: [expert] cdrecord problem

2000-12-18 Thread Tom Berkley

I would look at the ide-scsi emulation that is used for your device. There was a
lot of conversation about that problem during the early days of 7.1 and I did not
pay a lot of attention to the conversations since I had a scsi drive and was
immune to all of those problems. Should find it in the mandrake archives
somewhere on the website.

tom berkley

Buchan Milne wrote:

 Hi Tom,

 You neglected to say if you tested on  7.2 also, but I assume you

 Your test isn't really going to be of much value (I think) because you
 are using a scsi writer. All the problems so far have been with ide.

 I am wondering if I am getting a variation of the problem mentioned on
 the mandrakeforum.com, which has something to do with the new ide code
 on i586.

 I don't have the time to compile a new kernel today, but I suspect that
 either disabling ata100 or compiling for i486 should make a difference.

 The article refers escecially to the Western Digital drives, and the
 drive on which my images reside is a WD AC32100H.

 I had no problems under redhat 6.2, where I was actually running the
 cdrecord and mkisofs packages from Mandrake 7.2 Thus, the only
 difference can be the kernel 

 Maybe mandrakesoft should make a kernel available for people who are
 having problems with this kind of thing, since I think it will be very
 common. Of course it should also be put on a new bootdisk 


 Tom Berkley wrote:
  Having read of a few people having cdrecord problems, it was time for me
  to burn one and see for myself:
  cdrecord -v dev=4,0 speed=8 -eject msccdrom.iso
  no problem. took just under 10 minutes. this is a plextor 8X burner on
  an adaptec 2930U2 (AIC 7850) narrow fast scsi controller. no problem
  with mandrake 7.1, or redhat 6.2 either. I'll do one on rh7 next time.
  so it does work just fine, and I will continue to be wary about ide cd
  burners with linux.
  tom berkley
  Roger Sherman wrote:
   I've tried several of the CD burning programs that came with 7.2, with no
   success. Can't drag into windows like it says in the directions, when I
   can, hitting whatever button executes the program doesn't work, blah
   I went to Mandrakes home page, and found a tutorial, which I believe has
   led me to the problem. When I type in cdrecord -scanbus, I get the
   [root@ool-18beefd7 rog]# cdrecord -scanbus
   Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg
   Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
   Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
   cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
   0,0,0 0) 'LG  ' 'CD-RW CED-8042B ' '1.07' Removable CD-ROM
   0,1,0 1) *
   0,2,0 2) *
   0,3,0 3) *
   0,4,0 4) *
   0,5,0 5) *
   0,6,0 6) *
   0,7,0 7) *
   Ya see that cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD
   capabilities page? Is that the problem? If so, is there a remedy, or will
   my stock with the Compaq CD-RW not work with Linux? Help! The ability to
   burn CD's is the only thing keeping this a dual boot system, and I'll make
   it a pure Linux box if I can get that CD-RW going...
   Registered Linux user #190719
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Re: [expert] samba locks up with IPC shared memory error - secure kernel

2000-12-18 Thread Tom Berkley

There is a samba rpm update in under mandrake-devel/unsupported on the ftp
mirrors. You may want to get the update before you do a lot more debugging.

Tom Berkley

Buchan Milne wrote:


 I have 3 linux boxes (2 running LM7.1, 1 running LM 7.2). The 7.2 box I
 reinstalled over the weekend from redhat 6.2.

 All machines run samba, however 2 of the 3 (including the reinstalled
 machine which is our printserver) are getting the following error very

 Can't create or use IPC area. Error was File exists
 ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes
 Can't initialise shared memory - exiting

 Both of the boxes that are giving problems are pretty standard installs,
 with virtually nothing compiled from source, both running the mandrake
 secure kernels. The box that is running fine (which happens to be our
 Primary Domain Corntroller - so it's a good thing we don't get this
 error here) is running on a kernel I compiled from vanilla source
 patched for ReiserFS, ide (ata66) and openwall security.

 All machines are currently running Mandrake packages of samba 2.0.7.

 So it appears that there may be a problem with the (secure only?)
 mandrake kernels. Here is another post which indicates a problem with
 Mandrake :http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=sambam=97212115732375w=2

 I have just rebooted the machine with the non-secure kernel, and samba
 seems to be running ok.
 (note to those following the cd-writing problem, this does not fix it
 ... looks like I will be compiling a new kernel for this box anyway)

 So is there a way to run a secure samba box with Mandrake ?? (or am I
 going to be compiling my own kernels for the other 2 boxes).


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Re: [expert] Kernel-smp-2.4

2000-12-18 Thread Tom Berkley

The default configuration for 2.4.0 does not have ppp enabled. You would be wise
to get the source and compile your own. I had 2.4.0-test11 running just fine
until I installed the unsupported kde upgrade. Trashed my sound and I have not
been able to recover it yet, so I'm using redhat 7.0 right now.  I installed the
kde.org upgrades for redhat to 2.0.1 and it works great there but that's another

Tom Berkley

Mogens Jæger wrote:

 Tom Berkley wrote:

  did you compile ppp into the kernel?

 No - I just ran the rpm. I have not downloaded the source-file - is that the
 Mogens Jæger

  tom berkley
  Mogens Jæger wrote:
   Hey list.
   I am using Mandrake 7.2, on the 2.2.17 kernel.
   Then I saw that the 2.4 kernel were aviable, and I downloaded the
   Everything with the update went OK, but when I tried to connect to the
   internet, I got the message that ppp was not supported by the
   kernel! how come.
   I have removed it again and am now using the 2.2.17.
   But one thing has changed - these yellow small boxes, describing
   functions all over my system, has started to blink (flashing?) and I
   can't find the place to change that.
   Please someone help
   Mogens Jæger
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Re: [expert] cdrecord problem

2000-12-17 Thread Tom Berkley

Having read of a few people having cdrecord problems, it was time for me
to burn one and see for myself:
cdrecord -v dev=4,0 speed=8 -eject msccdrom.iso

no problem. took just under 10 minutes. this is a plextor 8X burner on
an adaptec 2930U2 (AIC 7850) narrow fast scsi controller. no problem
with mandrake 7.1, or redhat 6.2 either. I'll do one on rh7 next time.

so it does work just fine, and I will continue to be wary about ide cd
burners with linux.

tom berkley

Roger Sherman wrote:
 I've tried several of the CD burning programs that came with 7.2, with no
 success. Can't drag into windows like it says in the directions, when I
 can, hitting whatever button executes the program doesn't work, blah
 I went to Mandrakes home page, and found a tutorial, which I believe has
 led me to the problem. When I type in cdrecord -scanbus, I get the
 [root@ool-18beefd7 rog]# cdrecord -scanbus
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg
 Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
 0,0,0 0) 'LG  ' 'CD-RW CED-8042B ' '1.07' Removable CD-ROM
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *
 Ya see that cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD
 capabilities page? Is that the problem? If so, is there a remedy, or will
 my stock with the Compaq CD-RW not work with Linux? Help! The ability to
 burn CD's is the only thing keeping this a dual boot system, and I'll make
 it a pure Linux box if I can get that CD-RW going...
 Registered Linux user #190719
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Re: [expert] 7.2, removing cups. . .

2000-12-17 Thread Tom Berkley

printerdrake -lpd

tom berkley

Norvell Spearman wrote:
 When installing 7.2 I chose to use the cups printing system.  I'd like
 to go back to the regular old lpd/lpr system.  After removing the cups
 rpms and firing up printtool, the system wants to go back and re-install
 cups again---i.e., I don't get a choice to use lpd/lpr like I did at
 install.  How do I fix this?
 Thanks for any help with this.
 ---Norvell Spearman
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Re: [expert] KDE 2.0.1 Konqueror

2000-12-17 Thread Tom Berkley

Yes, I have tried them and they blew out my sound installation (ie it
does not work right now). I'm running the 2.4.0-test12 kernel and the
sound module is compiled into the kernel. When I check the
configuration, the sblive sound card is properly recognized by the
system (ie the configuration program gives the correct info on the card)
and that's it.

also screwed up the menus and update-menus did not help at all. had to
delete most of the tool bar icons and install them newly.

tom berkley

Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:
 Has anyone tried these?
 Any problems?
  I really appreciate the time and efforts by Chris Molnar to provide
  these non-cooker, 7.2 compatible KDE2 upgrades.   BTW, they're also
  available here:
  (260 user limit)
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Re: [expert] Kernel-smp-2.4

2000-12-17 Thread Tom Berkley

did you compile ppp into the kernel?

tom berkley

Mogens Jæger wrote:
 Hey list.
 I am using Mandrake 7.2, on the 2.2.17 kernel.
 Then I saw that the 2.4 kernel were aviable, and I downloaded the
 Everything with the update went OK, but when I tried to connect to the
 internet, I got the message that ppp was not supported by the
 kernel! how come.
 I have removed it again and am now using the 2.2.17.
 But one thing has changed - these yellow small boxes, describing
 functions all over my system, has started to blink (flashing?) and I
 can't find the place to change that.
 Please someone help
 Mogens Jæger
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Re: [expert] Fwd: rpm problems

2000-12-16 Thread Tom Berkley

I have seen some buggy rpms that will error out during an update and
leave the original package showing installed in the database. In
addition the package is not removable with the rpm -e command. So you
can rpm -e --allmatches rpmname (and if necessary use --nodeps) to
remove the offending mess then do a new install of the rpm.

tom berkley

tom strickland wrote:
 What does
 # rpm --rebuilddb
 I should have mentioned that I have already tried this.
 [root@lyra tom]# updatedb
 [root@lura tom]# rpm --rebuilddb
 Further checks on the rpm database reveal that some of the packages
 that I recently updated using MandrakeUpdate seem to be duplicated
 in the database:
 ... I'm not sure about any others...
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Re: [expert] how do I kill the lilo menu?

2000-12-16 Thread Tom Berkley

Yoh TF

I think that if you comment out the boot message and menu-scheme in
lilo.conf that it will work. I seem to remember doing this on an old
install somewhere when the menu first started showing up,  but I've
started to like some of the features since I have 5 or 6 o/s installs
and many kernel variations for many of them. I decided that I needed
some help remembering what I did at 1:00 AM last Monday.

Tom Berkley

Trevor Farrell wrote:
 I liked the old inconspicuous LILO: prompt, and would like it back, but can't
 find anywhere in lilo.conf to turn off the new menu.
 Can someone please point me in the right direction?
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Re: [expert] PCMCIA nic cards on lap tops

2000-12-13 Thread Tom Berkley

I have 3Com nics in every computer in this place including my laptop and haven't
had one problem with them. 3Com nics have been working well in linux for a
lng time. Suggest that you either have one going bad, a configuration
problem, or an isp problem. I've never seen a 3Com nic go bad so I would look in
the other two places first. What method are you using to connect to your isp.

tom berkley

Scott Parks wrote:


 I am trying to fight with this little problem of a 3Com PCMCIA nic card on a
 Compaq 7800 lap top.
 Boots, sees the network, can browse the web, ftp, email, etc.  However, if I
 attempt to FTP into
 the machine I can get about 20 files up before all network services on the
 machine stop.  I have
 to reboot to bring the services back.

 Thoughts?  It is Mandrake 7.2 and using ProFTP, tried WUFTP as well.  It is not
 just ftp, if I use
 apache and download email at the same time it is done as well.


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Re: [expert] RPM keeps locking up

2000-12-13 Thread Tom Berkley

Also run

rpm -V rpm

and see if you get any output. No output means everything is hunkydory with
the rpm command.

tom berkley

Andy Judge wrote:

 When I try to install rpms, the computer locks up and becomes unresponsive.
 It does this in all runlevels.  When running in very verbose, it goes
 through the series of ### and then into just a #.  After
 about a minute it stops and prints "Killed "and it exits.  It freezes
 completely in KDE.  Where should I begin to look to solve this?  Any help
 would be much appreciated.


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Re: [expert] hard drive upgrade (ide to scsi)

2000-12-09 Thread Tom Berkley

you need an initrd file for your installation. boot with a floppy and
mount the root partition somewhere.

mkinitrd /boot/initrd_kernel_id.img kernel_id


mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.17 2.2.17

look in your /lib/modules and /boot directories for a list of the
kernels that you have available

put the following line in /etc/lilo.conf below the image definition


run lilo


and your system should be able to find the scsi drives.

There is no scsi support when you boot without an initrd image (initial

Tom Berkley


 I ipgraded my ide system with ut2 scsi controller ( tekram-symbios)
 and 2
 ibm u2w scsi hds.  It detected the controller properly, but I still
 can not
 connect to any of scsi hds.  scsi ids are 0 and 1.  The devices I
 tried to
 access were /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
  ( fdisk /dev/sda). The error message I get is "Unable to open
 /dev/sda" .
 When I run diskdrake it also shows only the ide drive I have in the
 What do I need to do ?

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Re: [expert] hard drive upgrade (ide to scsi)

2000-12-09 Thread Tom Berkley


You're very lucky that your message was readable. Reconfigure your
e-mail and get rid of the HTML.  Its a lot easier to read plain text and
you'll get a better response without it.



 I ipgraded my ide system with ut2 scsi controller ( tekram-symbios)
 and 2
 ibm u2w scsi hds.  It detected the controller properly, but I still
 can not
 connect to any of scsi hds.  scsi ids are 0 and 1.  The devices I
 tried to
 access were /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
  ( fdisk /dev/sda). The error message I get is "Unable to open
 /dev/sda" .
 When I run diskdrake it also shows only the ide drive I have in the
 What do I need to do ?

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Re: [expert] C++ compiler

2000-12-09 Thread Tom Berkley


man g++

8-) tom berkley

Terry Tremaine wrote:


 I recently installed Mandrake 7.2 and cannot get the C++ compiler to work. I
 think it is supposed to be part of the egcs suite of tools for which I have
 installed the latest updates (1.1.2-34) from the Mandrake site. Has anyone
 else encountered this problem and found a solution?

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

 Terry Tremaine

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Re: [expert] iptables, which package?

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Berkley


is this what you are looking for?If so, you will want to install the
hackkernel rpms or get the latest 2.4.0 from http://www.kernel.org.

Tom Berkley

Morten Lund wrote:
 In the old distribution (7.1) I found iptables in netfilter...rpm. But I
 can't find it anywhere in the 7.2 distribution. Does anyone have a clue where
 to find an rpm-package containing iptables?
 Morten Lund
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Re: [expert] SSCSI - is it worth it? (aka how to burn a CD)

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Berkley

If all you want to connect to your system is cd's and cd burners, fast
scsi is more than good enough and you can get an adaptec model for about
$55. SCSI2 disk drives are fast and do not create a lot cpu overhead, so
if you plan on going to scsi disk drives, it may be a good price
depending on the model (???). I would stay completely away from ide cd
burners unless you get the plextor with their burnproof technology. I
have read horror stories about problems with ide cd burners and the
problems that have occurred with getting them running. So unless you
have a lot of time to burn to, go with the scsi burner. The card however
requires some more study. Look on www.pricewatch.com for a price on the
model that is being offered and see what new units cost and go from

Tom Berkley

Ian McLeod wrote:
 I am about to get a Yamaha 8x6x'something' 4mb buffer SCSI burner with a SCSI II 
interface card.
 Is it worth it?  I am still trying to work out what SCSI II is and if a 2 year old 
2nd hand SCSI II PCI card with external interface is worth around $150.
 Is SCSI hard to configure?  Will it burn from a IDE CD ROM / Hard Drive?
 What issues have people encountered?
 Any help will be GREATLY appreciated..
 Thanks in advance!!
 Ian McLeod
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Re: [expert] Modem speed

2000-12-08 Thread Tom Berkley

I rarely reply to html messages anymore unless I know the person. When I
see html, if the subject or first line (when its readable) doesn't grab
me, I delete it in a flash and go on to the next. Its just not worth the
discomfort trying to read the bloody things.

Tom Berkley

Ron Stodden wrote:
 Tom Berkley wrote:
  I agree that html mail is a pain in the eyeball, but netscape has never
  crashed for me responding to html formatted email.
 My Netscape (from 7.2) crashes only with a reply attempt to that
 particular HTML message.  This happens before the compose window
 appears, so you may be interested to try a reply yourself to that
 HTML message.
 Ron. [AU]
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Re: [expert] Modem speed

2000-12-07 Thread Tom Berkley

I agree that html mail is a pain in the eyeball, but netscape has never
crashed for me responding to html formatted email. You likely have a
problem with your install or did you need a compelling reason for people
to not use html format? :-)

tom berkley

Ron Stodden wrote:
 Kindly do NOT post email in HTML format - Netscape crashes when a
 reply is attempted.
 I think it takes a W1 and an
 S??? command in the init string.
  S95=1 will report the true modem speed.
 This is only true for modems using the Rockwell chipset.
 Ron. [AU]
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[expert] Printing with hp895 deskjet

2000-12-07 Thread Tom Berkley

Thanks for mentioning the cdj880 printer driver. I just finished
evaluating several of the printer drivers with my hp895C including the
895, 550, 882, 890, and now the 880 drivers. Without any doubt the
cdj880 driver is the best on the mandrake printer test, the 1 degree
radial lines look perfect, the characters are crisp and clear, and the
colors so sweet. Thank you, masked man! Great to have a driver that
works this well.

And to answer the query about an 895 printer that works, yes, it works
great. Don't hesitate to buy one to use with linux.

Tom Berkley


Don't count on using the usb port anytime soon with your hp895 with
linux. My usb port works great with win98se but with linux, I get a lot
of aritifacts and garbage graphics printed.

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Re: [expert] linux equivalent of Partition Magic?

2000-12-06 Thread Tom Berkley

Its gnu's parted and it works.

Tom Berkley

Sarang Lakare wrote:
 there is something called gnupart or soemthing like that..
 btw, isn't disk drake enuff for u'r needs?
 On Saturday 02 December 2000 16:10, you wrote:
   Is there a linux equivalent to Partition Magic.
  I own a copy of PM and I know that PM is compatible with linux.  But PM
  uses the BIOS to read the partitions.
  Linux will read a much larger hard drive than the bios can read in dos.
  Therefore linux can read and use partitions beyond what the bios can see in
  dos.  Presently PM cannot handle the HD part beyond what the bios sees
  because it really runs in DOS and not really under linux.  That is why I
  wonder if there is a similar utility that actually runs under linux to
  address the part of the hd beyond bios under dos.
  Registered Linux user  183185
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 Sarang Lakare
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Re: [expert] freeze

2000-12-05 Thread Tom Berkley

I have a Viper 770 (32MB) and have had no problems with XFree 4.0.1. I
did have to upgrade the motherboard bios (abit bp6) to the latest (RU)
bios revision to stop the smp kernel from freezing but since then the
system has been running rock solid for days at a time.

Tom Berkley

Anthony Russello wrote:
 You guys aren't alone,  I'm using XFree86 4.0.1 on mdk 7.2 with a Diamond
 Vipr 770 TNT2 card.
 The only times Linux has ever failed on me are when I accidentally leave X
 I would like to get this fixed as I often que up XMMS and listen to my
 mp3s while I work away repairing all the evils of Windows 2000 and Windows
  Your problem is similar to what happened to me a couple of times, a total
  freeze with the restart-button being the only solution. But I'm running my
  ATI Rage 128 (8 Meg) on the XF 4.0.1 (LM 7.2).
  This happened once in HelixGnome and once in KDE, under totally different
  circumstances. It would be interesting to know what causes this. The only
  thing I could imagine as suspect was the mouse (an MS Intellimouse PS/2), at
  least one of those times (in KDE) I was moving at the same time as the
  machine was working with full power. In Helix I was waiting for a page from
  the Internet to show up in Netscape.
  On Tuesday 05 December 2000 10:53, Alain wrote:
   Since I installed Mdk 7.2 I experiment complete (keyboard not responding )
   system freezes about once a week.  I suspect this is the Xserver (3.3.6 BTW
   with an ATI with 8 meg) because it happens not only with KDE but with WM
   also. I want to resolve this problem but in which  log could I find infos
   that would make me sure this is a X problem?
  @~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
  @~~ Running GNU/Linux  KDE ~~@
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Re: [expert] Clock

2000-12-05 Thread Tom Berkley

Not a problem with mandrake. My bp6 with 550 Celerons just smokes along
with the clock dead on the national observatory time. Check your bios
rev and update it if necessary. I had to update mine to RU from NJ to
get it stable with the smp kernel in 7.2 but I've never had a clock
problem. You may want to reset your timezone with the DrakConf after you
fix/check the bios.

tom berkley

Don wrote: 
 I am trying to figure out why does not Mandrake 7.2, and/or KDE2.0 see the
 system clock?  Whenever I reboot this system the time gets reset to 00:00:00
 and starts counting from there.  I usually reset the clock in KDE, but must
 reset the clock each time I reboot.  This is a dual boot machine, with Win2k
 and Mandrake 7.2.  Win2k shows the correct time. I have reloaded MDK7.2 SMP
 on this system 14 times now trying to get  things to run stable.
 Machine Info:
 Abit BP6 with two Celeron 466's not overcclocked
 512 MB memory
 ATI Rage 128 with 32MB Mem (AGP)
 Adaptec 2940 controlling 2GB Jaz drive
 WD 20.5 GB master Drive(Win2k) and 15.3 GB slave on IDE3 (HPT366)
 Linksys NIC 10/100
 Haupauge WINTV card
 73 de kk6wj
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Re: [expert] edit PATH environment

2000-12-04 Thread Tom Berkley

put the command in the .kshrc file in your home directory or better edit
the path command in the .bash_profile in your home directory to include
the /usr/local pathname.


praedor wrote:
 On Sunday 03 December 2000 07:13 pm, you wrote:
   You can do this by issuing this command:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/prog-dir
 EVERY time I have ever done this, the path alteration is temporary - it
 ONLY applies to the console session within which I use that command string
 and makes no permanent change to my environment path variable.
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Re: [expert] linux equivalent of Partition Magic?

2000-12-03 Thread Tom Berkley

gnu parted is supposed to do the same as pm but i haven't
used it yet so i can't yet say first hand. suspect its time
to mess with it next time i get ready to try yet another
distro 8-)

tom berkley

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Re: [expert] Garbage in video programs

2000-12-03 Thread Tom Berkley

I think its a problem with some of the linux usb drivers. I
have the same kind of a problem with my hp deskjet printer.
Works great on a parallel port (or usb in win98) but with
the usb port in linux, I get a lot of artifacts printed.
With graphics printing the frequency of disturbance in the
graphic is about the same as the artifacts in text, both
using the printer driver and just catenating the keyboard to
/dev/usb/lp0. I thought at first the problem was with cups
until I changed to the parallel port. Then I reverified the
usb port using win98.

Tom Berkley

 About two weeks ago I installed Mandrake 7.2 and everything ran fine but
 when I connected my robocam web cam and used xawtv to see if it worked,
 the image was full of garbage (lots of small black point all around). At
 the first time I thought that the problem were the USB drivers but then
 I noticed that plaympeg has the same problem.
 I have a Toshiba Satellite 4015CDT with a chips CT6 display.
 Do you have any idea of why is this happening? Is there a problem with XFree4.01?
 Thank you in advance!
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Re: [expert] NTFS support

2000-12-03 Thread Tom Berkley

with win2k you get to choose whether to use ntfs or fat32.
linux can work with either.

tom berkley

Tom Eastman wrote:
 I'm about to install Windows 2000 on my computer, I know that linux could
 read Windows NT NTFS partitions just fine, but can it read Windows 2000 NTFS?
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Re: [expert] Second stage install hangs

2000-12-03 Thread Tom Berkley

I'm running dual celerons with mandrake just fine and know a
few other who are too. So your statement about mandrake not
liking celerons is not very accurate.

tom berkley

Mark Weaver wrote:
 You know...if I didn't know better I'd say you both were trying to install
 Mandrake on Celeron processor machine with Western Digital hard
 drives. It's a hardware issue. You may want to look at the drives, or the
 chipsets on the mobo's themselves. Celerons and mandrake aren't known to
 get along all that well. Pure Pentium chips and AMD's fair much
 better. And yes, I know that Celeron chips are Intel, however, they're
 _not_ Pentiums.
 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 EagleIce had this to say!
  I've been having this very same problem at work and I haven't found a
  solution 'yet'. But in that case it is not a LM-specific problem, I've tryed
  'almost all' the Linux dists on the market to install on that particular
  computer and they all freeze when loading into ramdisk, except Caldera which
  installs with the help of 'Lisa' the text-based install program.
  Please let me know if you find out.
  On Sunday 26 November 2000 07:10, Ed Ewing wrote:
Not a newbie but certainly feeling like one.
   Burned a cd with the iso image and have tried every install option and
   always hangs when going to second stage.
   Hardware problem? Trying to load on Compaq.
   Thanks for any help.
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Re: [expert] unclutter ?

2000-12-02 Thread Tom Berkley

Yeah, I see it and they both work for me.

Tom Berkley

Sarang Lakare wrote:
 i think he means the "unclutter" option that comes when  u right click..
 it works fine for me (i think!)
 On Friday 01 December 2000 21:12, you wrote:
   By 'unclutter' do you mean the 'Show Desktop' Icon in kde that icons
  everything giving you a clear desktop and then allows you to return to
  the mess of windows that you had before you poked the icon by poking it
  Tom Berkley
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
  Has anybody had 'unclutter' workin on 7.2 ?
  I've used it since 6.0, still had it workin with 7.2b3, but since
   7.2 final (dl edition), and with the KDE2 updates to 20001122, it's
   still no go  :(
   Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay
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[expert] Mandrake 7.1 Menu Update

2000-12-02 Thread Tom Berkley

I tried to use the menu update command in the 7.1 mandrake (kde 1.2)
desktop and got the message menu edit not installed. After looking for a
while nothing stood out. If anyone can enlighten me about which rpm
contains the kde menu editor (note this is 7.1 not 7.2), I would
appreciate it. Thanks.

Tom Berkley

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Re: [expert] KDE Menu crippled!

2000-12-01 Thread Tom Berkley

Did you delete the .kde directory, logout and login again?

Tom Berkley

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 For some reason my KDE menu (as accessed directly from the K launch pad)
 is missing half the entries. No Networking, the Multimedia lacks
 Graphics, Sound, Video. And many others.
 Yet, the KDE Menu Editor (MenuDrake) has EVERYTHING in order. All the
 menu directories and entries are there as they should be.
 How, please, do I fix this and update my Desktop menu?
 Would very much appreciate your help with this cosmetic but disturbing
 Thank you.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web
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Re: [expert] Finding files based on date

2000-12-01 Thread Tom Berkley

rpm -qf `which ps`
rpm -V rpmfromabovecommand
rpm -qf `which ls`
rpm -V rpmfromabovecommand
if these are compromised from a root kit you should install the rpm's

rpm -ivh --replacefiles procps-2.0.6-12mdk.i386.rpm

this will clean out the root kit with new files.

if you suspect that rpm has been messed with, then boot with your boot
and rescue disks, mount the root partition on /mnt/tmp and use the
rescue disk to fix/replace the rpm command. Then fix everything else. 

Also, until you fix your security, keep your system off the net except
to get any files you need.

Now you want to read the security howto, check into bastille-linux if
you want to do it in a hurry, and add portsentry (look it up on
http://freshmeat.net).  You should also get nmap (also on freshmeat) and
use it on your system to see where you are vulnerable.

Tom Berkley

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:
 In the close inspection I've been giving my machine since it was hacked,
 I see that there was a 100kbit/sec upload averaged over 5 minutes.. that
 is a lot of data.  I don't see any new files to account for this, and
 suspect the hacker might have uploaded something naughty.
 Question: how do I do a locate (whereis), based on date?  What I want to
 do is display ALL files that have been created or modified SINCE a
 certain date.. like 2 days ago.
 It would be real nice if the resulting output could give the entire
 pathname to each file.
 I tried messing with some switches in the FIND command, but it didn't
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Re: [expert] unclutter ?

2000-12-01 Thread Tom Berkley

Your emails have two listings of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the
reply section. If you will remove one or not use the reply-all to these
e-mails, we will stop getting two of the same messages from you


Tom Berkley

Don wrote:
 Why does your e-mail show up with very large letters
 You must have your system setup to display 400 by 600
 On Friday 01 December 2000 17:05, you wrote:
  Has anybody had 'unclutter' workin on 7.2 ?
 I've used it since 6.0, still had it workin with 7.2b3, but since
  7.2 final (dl edition), and with the KDE2 updates to 20001122, it's
  still no go  :(
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Re: [expert] unclutter ?

2000-12-01 Thread Tom Berkley

By 'unclutter' do you mean the 'Show Desktop' Icon in kde that icons
everything giving you a clear desktop and then allows you to return to
the mess of windows that you had before you poked the icon by poking it

Tom Berkley

Tom Brinkman wrote:
Has anybody had 'unclutter' workin on 7.2 ?
I've used it since 6.0, still had it workin with 7.2b3, but since
 7.2 final (dl edition), and with the KDE2 updates to 20001122, it's
 still no go  :(
 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay
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Re: [expert] Slow system

2000-11-30 Thread Tom Berkley

I have one stick of atlas precision 128MB ram in this computer and some
installations of linux do recognize more than 64MB of it and some do
not. Its not shared, nor dirty, nor mismatched
Hmm I have to conclude that the following may be some good info but
definitely does not measure up to the claim of the three most common

Tom Berkley

Pj wrote:
 Sorry, I have to disagree. For our new users I'd like to reiterate that
 the three most common reasons that Linux does NOT recognize the correct
 amount of memory are: dirty RAM, mis-matched RAM (different
 manufacturers) and shared RAM.
 Shared RAM can be corrected with a one line script. Dirty RAM can be
 corrected by removing and cleaning the contacts. Mis-matched RAM can
 usually be corrected by buying two or more sticks from the same
 manufacturer or retailer at the same time. Be sure to check the sticks
 ID before you buy it.
 Linux will always recognize the correct amount of RAM. I have previously
 used 64EDO, 128 P-100, 160 P-100 and now I have 256 P-100 on a Tyan
 board with VIA chip. It was all recognized correctly at the first boot.
 Windows almost always recognizes the correct amount of memory just as it
 correctly identifies Winmodems. Unfortunately trying to compare Winblows
 with Linux is like trying to compare a cow and a sailboat. There is not
 comparison and Linux is a lot smarter too!
 I'd also like to make a comment about motherboards and Linux. I recently
 wrestled with a peculiar problem. I couldn't install Mandrake properly
 regardless of what I did, and I was limited basically to the command
 line. After nine months of fooling with the box, the BIOS, the VIA
 chips, etc., I found the board had a bad I/O connection and weak memory.
 Even though the memory was correctly recognized Linux was smart enough
 to know there was something wrong and would not perform properly. I
 haven't had a problem since I changed the board and memory.
 Sarang Lakare wrote:
  I have a Via chip too.. and every version of mandrake found all 1.5 GB of RAM  on 
it!.. Maybe u guys have one chipset thats broken.. write to the kernel mailing list 
to get it fixed!
  On Thursday 30 November 2000 18:35, you wrote:
I'm a newbie just getting started with Linux, but if preponderance of   
evidence is helpful at all, I also have a VIA chipset, and Mandrake 7 hasn't found my 
RAM above 64MB...
   - Av -
   Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian A
Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]
Sent: Thursday, 30 November, 2000 16:40
Cc: Larry Tobos
Subject: Re: [expert] Slow system
On Thursday 30 November 2000 21:39, you wrote:
 In my case, Winblows gets the correct amount of memory...
 Forcing the detection in Lilo as suggested had the impact of
freezing the
 system, until I reverted it ...

 The problem is hardware related: the kernel does not see the
memory, even
 if it is there. I bet my problem is the VIA chipset support in
the kernel
Ahh.. Well, we fixed the performance with hdparm and mem=, but
now, when the
disk use is high (like when starting X) the computer freezes, the
disk spins
down and the harddisk light light constantly.  The only thing I
can figure is
that it must be the ide chipset on the mainboard, which is a VIA
chipset.  I
haven't gotten any response from anybody about this, so I'll past
the last
mail below and hope that someone will answer.  If not we'll have
to change
the mainboard.
Previous mail:
I've had a lot of problems installin Linux Mandrake 7.2 at my friends
computer.  Sent a mail earlier about a problem with the system
being terribly
slow, and got a lot of good help on this, but encountered another problem
(with might be related?) afterwards.  I'll try to get this as
specific as I
possibly can.  Please read on.
The first problem I had was that the system was terribly slow, especially
when starting X and other stuff that takes up more memory than
just bash.  I
got two suggestions on how to deal with this;  the first being to add
"append="mem=128M"" in lilo, something that helped cause the
kernel seemed to
only see 64M.  The second was that I should run hdparm to get the disk in
32bit mode and to use dma, I checked and the disk was running in
16bit and
with dma turned off.  So I fixed both of these problems and
everything seemed
to run a lot faster(16/no-dma=64M in 17seconds, 32/dma=64M in 3seconds).
Then when I tried to install a big rpm from disk2 (hadn't started
X yet) the
system freezed.  I could not do anything at all and the

Re: [expert] I'VE BEEN HACKED!!! Need upgraded wu-ftp for 7.1

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

Get rid of wu-ftpd and install proftpd. Works great in 7.1.

Tom Berkley

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:
 Hi gang,
 Last night, my webserver machine (Mandrake 7.1) was "defaced".  The
 hacker got root access, and uploaded a script that went into every
 virtual host and replaced the index.htm(l) file with his own file.  His
 "defacement" included his email, and a link to his site:
 I sent the guy an email saying "thanks a lot pal... how did you do
 that?"  He replied:
  Yeah, I'm really sorry about wiping out your index files, there were quite
  a few sites, and I didn't want to do it all by hand, so I made a script
  for it, and I guess I coded it wrong, and it didn't copy the index's like
  it was suppose to. Please except my apologies. Well, I got in using a big
  hole in wuftpd 2.6.0(1), you should never use that, it's been a known vulnerability
  since 1999. Again, I'm sorry. Take it easy,
 I did the Mandrake-update thing, and updated wu-ftp, but it still is
 version 2.6.0(1).  I see there is a 2.6.1 rpm, I believe for version
 7.2.   I tried installing it, but it says it depends on XINTED.  I
 snagged that, but it says:
  /etc/init.d is needed by xinetd-
 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1 is needed by xinetd-
 libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) is needed by xinetd-
 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1 is needed by xinetd-
 I tried installing INITSCRIPTS (the /etc/init.d), but it says:
  /etc/init.d is needed by xinetd-
 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1 is needed by xinetd-
 libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) is needed by xinetd-
 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1 is needed by xinetd-
 [root@main /tmp]# rpm -ihv initscripts-5.27-38mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1 is needed by initscripts-5.27-38mdk
 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1 is needed by initscripts-5.27-38mdk
 So... what can a 7.1 user do to get the wu-ftp 2.6.1???
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Re: [expert] linux on dell

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

I have 7.1 on my inspiron 7000 and it works fine. If the sound is the
same in the 3800 then its the Maestro 2 and the kernel has a sound
driver for it that can be compiled in or used as module. Both work. For
a good nic use the 3Com 3CCFE575BT 10/100 works perfectly. Beware the
3CCFEM656, the nic works fine but the modem is a winmodem. Using a
winmodem is still iffy with linux.

Tom Berkley

Laurent Duperval wrote:
 On 28 Nov, Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS wrote:
  I have just ordered a Dell Inspiron 3800 laptop, and was curious if anyone
  knew what problems
  (if any) I will run into installing Mandrake 7.1 or .2 on it. This laptop
  has the external floppy drive
  (parallel port), will that be a problem with linux? I opted not to order the
  network card from dell so
  am also wandering what card any of you would recommend. This network card
  will only be used on
  my home network which right now all machines have 10/100 cards.
  Any info appreciated,
 I used 7.0 on a 3500 and it worked fine. My network card was somem 3com
 10/100 ethernet card. I don't remember ever getting sound to work, tho'.
 Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
 Netergy Networks - Java Centerand we who are here have failed it."
 Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
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Re: [expert] khotkeys in Mandrake 7.2?

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

type this

locate hotkey

you will get some interesting stuff
one of which is /usr/bin/khotkeys
which belongs to the package ...

use the command rpm -qf /usr/bin/khotkeys

and you will get:


Tom Berkley

Hope these clues inspire your curiosity to look in a few new places. 

There is no sarcasm here at least not coming from my end, I was just
going back to when I did not know any of this stuff either. Bom Viagem.

PBone wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get keyboard shortcuts to launch programes in KDE2.0
 in Mandrake 7.2. Apparently a process "khotkeys" is running but while in KDE
 1.2 there was a module in kcontrol to control it there is no such module in
 KDE2. On the KDE Users list it was mentioned that you can configure them via
 kmenu editor but in Mandrake this appears tohave been replaced by menudrake.
 Someone else mentioned a khotkeysrc but this doesn't even exist on my
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Re: [expert] Mandrake PC shut down

2000-11-29 Thread Tom Berkley

the apm is what shuts down the machine. apm is not safe with smp and is
diabled automatically. i do not know any of the details, however, you
get to turn the power off manually on your bp6 just like i do with mine.

as long as you use smp, you get to shut off the machine manually. if you
boot the uniprocessor, it will shut the power off automatically. i have
never tested this since i only used the uniprocessor to solve some
problems with 7.2 and never used it for a shutdown.

Tom Berkley

Vu Nguyen wrote:
 Hi everyone
 I have an BP6 motherboard with dual processors 500MHZ celeron.  When I tried
 to installed Mandrake 7.02 it does not automaticly shut down by software as
 it suppose to.  (With ATX motherboard, it will automaticly shutdown by
 software)  Does anyone know how to setup this.
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Re: [expert] Hdparm options for a Maxtor

2000-11-24 Thread Tom Berkley

Some interesting numbers to compare with your maxtor. The following is
using UDMA-33 with near minimal optimization in Mandrake 7.2:

 multcount= 16 (on)
 I/O support  =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 nowerr   =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 2495/255/63, sectors = 40088160, start =

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.08 seconds =118.52 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.95 seconds = 21.69

 multcount= 16 (on)
 I/O support  =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 nowerr   =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 1650/255/63, sectors = 26520480, start =

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.07 seconds =119.63 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  3.98 seconds = 16.08

Tom Berkley

Leopold Palomo wrote:
  I have a maxtor and you the following
  hdparm -X66 -u1 -d1 -m11 -c1 /dev/hda
  and its works much faster, with no problems
 I have tested some parameters and here is the results of hdparm test. What do
 you think?
 With the parameters hdparm -u1 -d1 -c1 /dev/hda. I runned a hdparm -t -T
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  2.22 seconds = 57.66 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  4.33 seconds = 14.78 MB/sec
 With the parameters hdparm -u1 -d1 -c1 -m16 /dev/hda. I runned a hdparm -t -T
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  2.25 seconds = 56.89 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  4.36 seconds = 14.68 MB/sec
 With the parameters hdparm -u1 -d1 -c3 -m16  /dev/hda. I runned a hdparm -t
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  2.29 seconds = 55.90 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  4.33 seconds = 14.78 MB/sec
 With the parameters hdparm -u1 -d1 -c3 -m16 -X66 /dev/hda. I runned a hdparm
 -t -T
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  2.23 seconds = 57.40 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  4.36 seconds = 14.68 MB/sec
 And now, after have modified my rc.local with the last parameter, I have this
 result. I don't understand it!!
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  2.42 seconds = 52.89 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 30.11 seconds =  2.13 MB/sec
 Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
 Linux User 152692
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Re: [expert] Wheelmouse Functions

2000-11-24 Thread Tom Berkley

I noticed today that when I started netscape mail first, the mouse wheel
worked ok and its still working a half hour later. Hm. 

Check to see that imwheel is still running before you start imwheel in
the shell.

ps -ef | grep imwheel

If it is you should kill the process first before you start another. The
k option will not kill the imwheel process if it was started with the -p

Tom Berkley

mark wrote:
 On Thursday 23 November 2000 19:03, you wrote:
  I have been noticing that indeed my wheelmouse functions sometimes in
  netscape and sometimes not. However, when I start Konqueror first and
  then go to netscape for my mail, then the wheel works in netscape. If I
  start netscape mail first, forget the wheel until I boot up again.
  Haven't experimented yet with just logout/login and start Konqueror
  first. I'll try that later and send the results.
 I have similar probs.  next time imwheel fails in netscape call up terminal
 and type enter imwheel,  I think imwheel is crashing, dont know why
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Re: [expert] Imwheel Netscape

2000-11-23 Thread Tom Berkley

David, thanks.

Long winded? No problem. This conversation that YOU started has
increased my own awareness of the problem. Yes, I am beginning to see
the same things that you are. One of the things that I have noticed is
that if I start netscape first after I start my system and login, then
the wheelmouse does not work. If I start the Konqueror first, then the
wheel works in netscape mail at least for a while and then it stops

When the wheel stops working in netscape, I can kill the current imwheel
process and start another with 'imwheel -k' and then the wheel again
functions everywhere. At least for now it looks like we have an
inconvenient solution to the problem. The problem is likely that some
piece of software possibly something that cron runs periodically is
walking on the imwheel process and disabling it. Interesting problem.

Tom Berkley

David Boles wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 23:35:03 -0800, Tom Berkley said:
 Okay, here goes. I am using Linux-Mandrake 7.2 and its files updated only from
 the Mandrake Update suggested files list. Something, I guess KDE 2.0, loads
 imwheel-p. I can see it as a loaded application with kpm, gtop, or top. The
 wheel mouse does work in everything KDE that I have tried. To date I have NOT
 seen it stop in anything KDE.
 It does NOT work in Netscape. If I type imwheel -k in a terminal window the
 wheel mouse will work in Netscape. Sometimes for hours, sometimes it stops
 working after several minutes. Sometimes it stops after a new web site is
 loaded. You will notice that I said sometimes. I can not even give you the URLs
 that make it happen. Like I said this time, this site maybe works maybe does
 not work. Very frustrating. When it stops working imwheel -k is still listed as
 a loaded application.
 Alan Shoemaker suggested adding a long list of things to the ~./Xdefaults file.
 I have attached this list, as netscape-imwheel.txt to this message. Perhaps it
 should be put somewhere else? Or maybe a typo?
 As I write this, after using kpm to see if imwheel is still loaded, it is, the
 wheel mouse works in all KDE stuff and others but does NOT work in Netscape.
 BTW What does the '' do at the end of the line?
 Sorry to be so long winded.
  I do not use imwheel and the wheel mouse works in kde and Konqueror but
   does not work in netscape. When I start imwheel, then the wheel mouse
   works in netscape. Since I rarely use netscape to browse, I do not have
   all of your observations. However, when it starts to get flakey again,
   just 'imwheel -k ' in a shell and see what happens. If you let us know
   the results after poking around with it for a while, that would be
   appreciated mucho. Thanks.
 David Boles
 eagleice wrote:
  I tryed to ask this on the 'Expert' mailing list without
  any reply at all. I was impressed that the Mandrake 7.2 had
  configured my MS Intellimouse out of the box, the second
  Linux dist that manages to do that (Caldera 2.4 beeing the
  other one). But; when I log in after reboot imwheel is
  working fine with all KDE apps and StarOffice but it's  not
  working in Netscape! After running the imwheel command
  though it works again, why this?
 eiI must have missed this in expert.  I can't succintly
 explain the change between 7.1 and 7.2, but instead of
 rerunning imwheel do this.  Add the code below to the end of
 your ~/.Xdefaults file.
 Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
 Btn1Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
 Btn2Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
 ~ShiftBtn1Up:   ActivateLink()  \n\
 ~ShiftBtn2Up:   ActivateLink(new-window)  \
 ShiftBtn1Up:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
 ShiftBtn2Up:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
 Btn1Motion: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
 Btn2Motion: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
 Btn3Motion: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
 Motion: DescribeLink()  \n\
 Btn3Down:   xfeDoPopup()\n\
 Btn3Up: ActivatePopup() \n\
 CtrlBtn4Down: PageUp()\n\
 CtrlBtn5Down: PageDown()\n\
 ShiftBtn4Down: LineUp()\n\
 ShiftBtn5Down: LineDown()\n\
 AltBtn4Down: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
 AltBtn5Down: xfeDoCommand(back)\n
 Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #override\n\
  ShiftBtn4Down: LineUp()\n\
  ShiftBtn5Down: LineDown()\n\

Re: [expert] I give up on what?

2000-11-23 Thread Tom Berkley

How to get your head realigned when it malfunctions or is in need of
guidance? Just read this. Well said. 

Thanks, Ron.

Tom Berkley

Ron Heron wrote:
 Remember that Linux is a community of people all
 working to making it a better product.  Every mailing
 list, including this one is helping.  There are issues
 solved by the mass community on lists such as these
 that end op being part of future distros.  In other
 words, there is no Linux Inc that makes software.  It
 is a global community of users that all, in some way,
 contribute to the better product.  I suggest you
 attack your problems one at a time, rationally, and
 help the community understand better what you are
 experiencing.  Then, you will probably be a much
 happier person.
I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just
  decides not to work.  You
   spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware
  working (which it very
   rarely ever does), then you do something so small
  like change a character
   in some file, or click the worng button, or not
  even do anything at all,
   then the whole system stops working, just shuts
  down completely.  Someone
   has to come up with an os that's as friendly as
  windoze, with all the perks
   of linux :)
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Re: [expert] is this list seeing double yet again???

2000-11-22 Thread Tom Berkley

That may be one of the problems, but I think that some people need to
check address to lines and make certain that they haven't picked up more
than one occurrence of [EMAIL PROTECTED] when they poke the
reply button in their mail browser.

Tom Berkley

 i guess you are refering to the double copies of email, i think it may
 be the
 users fault since not all emails are duplicated
 so everybody please quit double clicking on your send button

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Re: [expert] more crashes than the Indy 500.

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

had a similar problem with my abit bp6 smp mobo and had to update the
bios before the smp kernel would run without hanging in a similar
fashion to your box. The kernel.org 2.2.17 kernel compiled for smp would
work just fine however. Go figure. In the meantime consider you current
bios rev and evaluate whether you want or need to update it. Also
anything noted in the log files.

Tom Berkley

michael rogers wrote:
 i'm absolutely clueless.  linux simply likes to crash on me.  7.1 and
 7.2 have both been doing it and i don't know why.  and the thing i love
 about linux is the stability!
 so, if anyone knows where such things are logged by the system, or if i
 need to turn logging on, or what could possibly doing this, i'll love
 you forever.  if need be i'll supply a list of my hardware, etc.  but
 when it crashes, it DIES.  i have an MS intellimouse optical, the
 5-button mouse with the 'purdy' red light, and when it dies, even the
 light goes out.  the display still shows, but there is no response,
 help, please.
 michael j. rogers.
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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

SB Live works wooonnderrrfuly combined with my
bose amp, this place rocks or tranquils depending on how I want it.
Never have had any problems with it and linux (redhat, mandrake, debian)

Tom Berkley

Wayne Wilson wrote:
 "Linke, Thomas" wrote:
  you can also use DrakeConf , choose HardDrake. If the system detect the
  soundcard you have a + in the first column, click on it and you see your card.
  Click on the card,  in the right window are the preferences. Now you have a
  button to start a configuration tool. Open it and check the values.
 Yep, as I said, been there and done that.  Tried all permuations just to
 make sure. NO effect, same bad sound when it works.  I am beginning to
 think that the crystal audio drivers are just plain bad.  Does anyone
 have a good audio card that Mandrake 7.2 can install by default that
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Re: [expert] Glibc_2.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

What the h are you talking about? If you're a newbie and it it
sounds like you are, then you want to go hang out with the newbie list
for a while, spend some time reading the howto's http://www.linuxdoc.org
and then come here when you are informed enough to ask an intelligent
question of intelligent people.

Tom Berkley

Ryan La Mothe wrote:
 I have a question...What is the deal with EVERY SINGLE RPM needing
 Glibc_2.2?  What is exactly is the reason and how do I acquire Glibc_2.2
 without seriously messing everything up on Linux?  This is ridiculous...I
 can't even download 1 single RPM anymore, ANYWHERE without it being
 dependant on Glibc_2.2.  Why hasn't Mandrake's website or something at least
 made any mention of this fact/problem before I started wasting my valuable
 time the past couple of weeks looking for tar.gz or src.rpm files so that I
 could try and compile against LM 7.2 Glibc libraries instead of getting what
 I truly need and needing Glibc_2.2?  What I want is a definite answer if
 someone has it.  I am NOT going to compile source for anything at the
 moment, as I need to keep the system in either an all RPM or all tarball
 format, but this particular machine, I don't have the time to waste
 compiling and screwing with the whole tarball mess.  Thanks.
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Re: [expert] Re: 3c905B

2000-11-18 Thread Tom Berkley

was just looking on the 3com web site and found this little tidbit.
think you should research their website a little regarding the card,
firmware, ...

you may need to run a dos config utility on the card to get it to work.
that is a shot in the dark, but i have to go out the door NOW so good


Brent Timmer wrote:
 this probably doesn't help people much, but I too have a 3c905b.  It finds
 it as a boomerang(which it isn't), and it didn't work at all.  I reinstalled
 linux (because of something else), and now miraculously it works fine.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Hoffman
 Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 8:14 PM
 To: Tom Berkley; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Re: 3c905B
 I did that card still is not seen. Also, change the /etc/modules.conf to
 both 3c59x and 3c90x same result.  But I may have a clue
 for everyone...
 Starting scanning the Turbo linux dos and they had this pci config stuff.
 So I found Mandrakes stuff and made a little
 If you look at the pci.lst file not all utilities report the card in the
 same manner perhaps if not being reported correctly it is
 not being initialized correctly.  I also realize engineered message from
 different folks are not indicative of a problem.  But then
 the question is what do the messages mean and where do we find the
 explanation of the messages?
 Run the shell on your system and send me the results so I may compare it to
 Tom Berkley wrote:
  Mandrake does not have problems with 3c905b cards. You want to just get
  that one. Your installation has a problem with the card and the problem
  is to find out what the problem is. Since the 3c905b does not have an
  irq assigned and now that I know that the SMC is the other nic, remove
  it and boot the system and see what happens. I think that you will find
  the problem there. If you are using modules for the nic's, a line to the
  /etc/modules.conf file
  alias eth1 3c59x
  There should also be a way to force the irq, I don't know the syntax,
  but first check the nics for a conflict by removing the smc and
   The eth0 card is SMC-ultra hardware assigned IRQ 3 at io 280.  So I am
 not nuts Mandrake has a problem with 3c905b cards!
   Tom Berkley wrote:
Well, so far I cannot find an IRQ assigned to either eth0 or eth1.
is suspect and something to query the expert list about for starters.
it were not for the eth0 also having no interrupt. Is the cable modem
internal card type of device and if it is then its configuration is
probably conflicting with the eth0. I have no knowledge in that area
cannot help there.
Yeah, the more I look at the files you sent, the more I suspect either
the cable modem conflict or the 3Com just decided to pass on to the
life. To verify the conflict, remove the modem install and see if it
works then. If not then contact 3Com for a swap.
Tom Berkley
Jeff Hoffman wrote:


 Thank you for some good input hard to find!

 I checked everything you said and it seems ok.  Take a look at my
 configuration files I have attached..

 Card comes UP when Linux starts however it just gets configured and
 really comes UP.

 My eth0 is connected to my Cablemodem and is working fine.   The
 3com card is
 eth1and is connected to a 10/100 switch and I have good link lights.

 Tom Berkley wrote:

  I take it that you have fired up linuxconf and gone to the network
  section  to configure the card. I looked at my config there and it
  the 3c59x driver in mandrake 7.2... Its set to manual, there is a
  primary name + domain (elbert.lunkhead), an  ip address, the
 netmask is, (if your netmask is not the same on all your
 machines, it
  may not work) the net device is eth0, and the kernel module is
 3c59x. I
  do not us bind so I have all my machine names and ip addresses in
  /etc/hosts and the /etc/resolv.conf has
  search my_isp_domainname
  nameserver  ipaddress
  nameserver  another ipaddress
  nameserver  yet another ipaddress
  and that's it.
  If that does not work when you restart the network, I would look
  /proc/interrupts and see what interrupt linux assigned to the nic.
  that is shared, then I would disable the hardware that it is
 shared with
  (ie remove it or disable it in the bios if its usb). I would also
  the nic and plug it back in just to make certain that its seated
  properly in the slot. Don't laugh or sneer, I've seen hardware the
  stopped working and started working again when this was done.
  While you're poking around in /proc look

Re: [expert] DHCP isn't working in 7.1

2000-11-18 Thread Tom Berkley

I think you need to read the howto for masquerading. If I remember
correctly there is a specific line you need to add to your startup files
(rc.firewall or rc.local) that allows dhcp to work. I used 7.1 on a
laptop for a while as a firewall and it worked fine there.

Tom Berkley

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:
 I just built a new MDK 7.1 machine to use as a Masq box.
 Tried it on my DSL modem, and for some reason, DHCP doesn't
 seem to work.  Everything works fine if I manually set the
 IP address, but I should be able to use DHCP.. I am using
 DHCP on a MDK 6.1 system with the same DSL modem, so I know
 the DSL is ok.
 The only things that might be "strange" about this box are:
 1. When I installed Mandrake, I didn't have any ethernet
 cards.  Configured them later.
 2. This is not a pentium system, but a Cyrix 586 -120 chip
 (the super-charged 486 type chip, not their pentium clone).
 3. I didn't install very many packages, in an effort to
 cut down on HD usage.
 I do however have dhcpcd and dhclient
 installed.  Both of them try, as I see data going out to
 the modem to attempt to get a dhcp packet, but it never
 seems to get what it wants.
 I can send and receive data on the interface (using the
 same box right now to send this email) when the nic is
 set for PROTOCOL="none", so I know data is ok.
 What is going on?
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Re: [expert] multiple partition woes

2000-11-18 Thread Tom Berkley

Lilo does not currently have a limitation on the size of the disk drive,
so if you are avoiding lilo for that reason, just get the latest version
and use it.

Tom Berkley

Brent Timmer wrote:
 Ok, here's my problem, and it's not an easy one.  I just recently bought a
 40 gig setup, and decided to throw linux on.  I was having a few probelms,
 so decided to reinstall it.  The problem comes in here.  I also have Win ME
 and Win2000 on here, and somehow messed up the bootsector with grub.  Here's
 how it's set up:
 hda1--27.3 gig Windows ME Fat32
 hdc1--25 gig Fat32
 hdc5--9 gig win2000 ntfs
 hdc6--4 gig linux ext2
 hdc7--400 mg linux swap
 I've had this setup before, but with smaller hard drives.  Because of the
 size of my forty gig, I can't just install lilo into a boot rcord, pull it
 into a file with bootpart, and put it into winnt boot loader.  I still
 haven't figured a way to boot linux without a floppy (my second probelm).
 But anyways, back to my first.  The first time around, everything worked
 fine.  When I reinstalled linux, I decided to try to put the grub boot
 loader on hdc.  BIG mistake.  Now everything but winnt works (which is what
 I use most).  My question is is there a way to uninstall grub like there is
 lilo?  How else can I rebuild the daisy chain in my boot record to boot
 The entry for winnt in boot.ini looks like this (although it doesn't like it
 anymore):  signature(cf6461ab)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)
 Any help any of you gurus could lend would be much appreciated, as I'm going
 through heck over here trying to get this to work.
 Thanks in advance
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Re: [expert] 3com 3c90x

2000-11-17 Thread Tom Berkley

3C905 NIC's work with Mandrake and Redhat and Debian just fine. 3C905B
also works just fine and you are receiving this through one of each of
these. The 3C905C however has problems, don't know what the specific
problem is, but for now it is better to avoid the C edition.

Tom Berkley

Jeff Hoffman wrote:
 As I said it works with Turbo Linux just not Mandrake.  Turbo Linux just
 not have a clean interface for IP masqurading.
 So the card works in the hardware I have Mandrake does not!
  Hi Jeff,
  I just kinda got into the tail end of this conversation. I'm just a linux
  newbie but I have a 3c905 card too - which was made in 1997. It
  comes with 2 sets of drivers:B and C, which are similar.
  Considering the aggravation you are having, I strongly suspect it is
  a Windows card as it runs fine otherwise. At the least, I won't put it
  in a linux box. I'd find out what the guru's run and try to get one.
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Re: [expert] ftp automatically sets permissions as 644

2000-11-17 Thread Tom Berkley

Look in your bash documentation for using umask which is set to 022 now.

Tom Berkley

Scott Kopel wrote:
 when files are uploaded via ftp the permissions are automatically 644...but
 I need them to be 664...how can I get the files to have 664 automatically
 ... ie I don't want to have to chmod them all the time..
 Scott Kopel
 English Department-FSU
 Phone 850 644 6177
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Re: [expert] iostream.h lost or missing

2000-11-15 Thread Tom Berkley

egcs-c++-1.1.2-34mdk   or

Tom Berkley

Ken Thompson wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm just starting to learn C++ and tried to run a very simple 1 liner, Hello
 World" got back the error the iostream.h could not be found.
 Did rpm -q egcs and got 1.2.xxx-mdk etc back. S, where is iostream.h
 I'm using LM 7.1 at School and LM 7.2 at home/business and haven't tried it
 on 7.2 yet.
 Thanks in advance,
 Ken Thompson
 Electrocom Computer Services
 Payette, Idaho
 (208) 642-7101  (888) 642-7101
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Re: [expert] switchdesk

2000-11-15 Thread Tom Berkley

You do not need the switchdesk command anymore if you use a graphical
login. The login window has a selector window for the window manager
that you want to use and the system remembers which one you selected the
last time that you logged in. Just select the wm that you want to use
before you hit the enter key with your password and after you enter your

Tom Berkley

generic wrote:
 Nope!  I came accross this the first hour after installing Mdk 7.2,
 and also asked the same question.  After posting to numerous
 newsgroups and mailing lists, and not getting a sufficient answer, I
 did a little research and came up with the following:
 1. /usr/sbin/chksession -l (that gives you a list of window managers)
 2. at a console (Not in X!), type: startx Gnome (or KDE or ...)
 NOTE: you have to use the exact spelling as the output of chksession
 That's it.  I think switchdesk was a RedHat utility and for some
 reason, is not included anymore.
 Stephen Boulet wrote:
  Is the switchdesk program available anymore? Which RPM is it in?
  -- Stephen

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Re: [expert] xcalc problems

2000-11-15 Thread Tom Berkley

That is not true about rpm if you compile from source. Its just a
limitation of your knowledge about rpms. You can use the spec file to
compile the source on your system and assemble it into an rpm so that
you can install the new rpm on your system. Read up on building rpms and
you will not have that limitation.

Tom Berkley

Matthew Micene wrote:
 On Tuesday 14 November 2000 03:02, you wrote:
   Trying to avoid --nodeps?? Never, never, never use nodeps is the
  fundamental rule with rpm's.
 And one of my biggest problems with the rpm system.  If you compile
 utilities and libraries from source, the rpm database has no idea they are
 there, and will therefore fail rpms with dependency problems that do not
 exist.  I have and will continue to use the --nodeps option, but only in
 cases where I am quite certain that rpm is wrong.  It can be a dangerous
 option if misused, but can be necessary at times.  I would put it in the
 expert user catagory of options, not one to ignore and pretend it was a
 misfeature the developers left in.
 Matthew Micene
 Systems Development Manager
 Express Search Inc.
 A host is a host from coast to coast,
 and no one will talk to a host too close
 Unless the host that isn't close is busy, hung or dead
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Re: [expert] Dell Notebooks and Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-15 Thread Tom Berkley

Can't speak to 7.2 yet but 7.1 runs very well on my Inspiron 7000. There
was a bug in the pcmcia that will give you problems if you run 2 nics (I
used it as a firewall while I was building another box to protect my
network). Other than that, its a rock solid combination. Dell uses the
maestro 2 sound card in the laptops. Its marginal for sound quality but
it works just fine now that the kernel has a maestro-2 driver.
supermount works without a hitch and so do all the other aspects of the
pcmcia - just plug n play.

Tom Berkley

Till Kamppeter wrote:
 Someone knows whether and how these notebooks (or other recent Dells)
 work with Mandrake 7.2 (especially graphics and sound):
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Re: [expert] Bootstrapping RPM 4 installation

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

You should be able to boot in rescue mode and then in the files on the
second rescue disk you should have a copy of rpm that you can run. And
next time an rpm complains about dependencies, update the dependencies
list and THEN install the package you want.

Tom Berkley

Laurent Duperval wrote:
 I needed to install an RPM and got an error saying I couldn't install
 version 4 RPMs with my RPM. So I went to download the latest RPM 4 I could
 find on rpmfind.net. When I tried to install it,k I got a lot of
 dependencies problems. So, I decided to compile and install it instead. So I
 got the source and started compiling. ANd in my infinite wisdom, while I was
 compiling I decided to remove the RPM 3 version on my system.
 Well, Murphy made a stop around my laptop and I was unable to compile the
 RPM 4 stuff (something about missing library definitions; looks like the
 libdb on my machine doesn't work with RPM 4). So now, I have a system with
 no RPM installed. I need to bootstrap an installation. But of course, in
 order to install an RPM, I need RPM installed already. So since I couldn't
 compile RPM 4 to get around this problem, how do I bootstrap an installation
 of RPNM 4? Anyone have an idea?
 Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
 Netergy Networks - Java Centerand we who are here have failed it."
 Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
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Re: [expert] Bootstrapping RPM 4 installation

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

Its on the first cd (inst) in the images directory, I just looked. In
linux use:

dd if=rescue.img of=/dev/fd0

or use the dosutil 'rawrite' if you only have an msdos boot available.

Tom Berkley

Laurent Duperval wrote:
 On 13 Nov, Tom Berkley wrote:
  There are two cd's for booting in rescue mode, the first one has the
  kernel on it, the second one is a ramdisk image of system files ( ls,
  rm, cp, mount, ... and rpm). I think that the file is in the images
  directory on the install cd and it is named rescue.img
 Thanks. I got one of those mazine-type CD's so I don't have the second CD.
 I'll get the image from the web site or something, to see what I can do with
 Thanks again,
 Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
 Netergy Networks - Java Centerand we who are here have failed it."
 Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
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Re: [expert] cdr writing

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

The recommendation to use cdrecord from the command line is a very good
one to try. xcdroast made a lot of coasters for me when I started to
burn cd's in linux but when I went to cdrecord from the command line, I
got clean fast burns (10 minutes for a full cd at 8x on my plextor scsi
cdr). cdrecord has never given me a coaster.

Tom Berkley

"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:
 Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS wrote:
  My fault, I thought I put it in there, I only have the one cdrom drive, and
  do make image files to the hd. Thought it doesnt matter. If I try to dup a
  or try to move files from hd to cd. Same result.
  -Original Message-
  From: Scott Tyson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  You might be getting buffer underruns.  I haven't seen one of these with
  Xcdroast so I'm not sure what it spits back when it deos hit one.  Try
  putting the cd contents to Disc then burning from there.  When I do cd-cd
  copies under Windows I have to do this or I get underruns.
  On 11/13/2000 at 2:54 PM Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS scribbled:
  I am having real problems trying to burn a CD-R. No matter what program I
  use, or what account I am
  under (i.e. root, or other users). When I try to either copy a CD, or make
  DATA CD, 5 Megs into it
  I get a failure, medium error. I can burn a CD-RW with no problems though.
  find it hard to believe that I
  am getting the bad one of the stack in Linux, when win will burn every CD
  correctly, instead of a coaster.
  Here is the output of cdrecord on one try. I think I was using Xcdroast
  pregap1: -1
  Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
  TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
  scsidev: '0,0,0'
  scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
  Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
  Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
  atapi: 1
  Device type: Removable CD-ROM
  Version: 0
  Response Format: 1
  Vendor_info: 'SONY'
  Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX100E  '
  Revision   : '1.0j'
  Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
  Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
  Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
  Drive buf size : 1040128 = 1015 KB
  FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
  Track 01: data  500 MB
  Total size: 575 MB (56:59.94) = 256496 sectors
  Lout start: 575 MB (57:01/71) = 256496 sectors
  Current Secsize: 2048
  ATIP start of lead in:  -11640 (97:26/60)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
  Disk type:Long strategy type (Cyanine, AZO or similar)
  Manuf. index: 3
  Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation
  Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 103353
  Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 2 in write mode for single session.
  Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ...
  input buffer ready.
  Performing OPC...
  Sending CUE sheet...
  cdrecord: WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (0) using -150
  Writing pregap for track 1 at -150
  Starting new track at sector: 0
  CDB:  2A 00 00 00 0D CE 00 00 1F 00
  cdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
  Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 0C 09 00 00
  status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
  Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
  Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x09 (write error - loss of streaming) Fru 0x0
  Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
  write track data: error after 7237632 bytes
  Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Writing  time:  113.651s
  Fixating time:0.004s
  Any help would be appreciated since I only use windows right now for
  scanning since I can not find
  support for my parallel scanner. Not a big issue right now either since I
  put the scanner on my gf's
  I can burn a CD-RW with any program I wish to use.
  System is PII-450
 128M RAM
 Sony CRX-100E internal IDE
 KDE2 as my environment
  I have tried to copy both a previously burned cd, and an original
  manufactured CD.
  When I burn a CD, that is all I do, I don't try to run other apps nor do I
  So I have ruled out CPU process problems.
  Brian D. Klar - CVE
 have you tried a running cdrecord from a command line? I had to resort to using
 a command line as I could not get any of the gui versions to work.  Also what
 is the make and speed of your CD-RW?  I found that even though my CD-RW was
 supposed to write at 10X that most cd's whilst being certified to 12X skip the
 10X speed for some reason or another (ie. 1X,2X,4X,6X,8X,12X) .
 Joseph S Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co., Cleveland, OH
 The box said,
 "Requires Windows 3.x or better",
 so I got Linux.
 Registered Linux user #1696600
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Re: [expert] where does this file come from

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

Use the locate command and see if that will find it for you.
qvaluelist.h is part of qt2-devel-2.2.1-3mdk and it is found in

Also there is a /usr/share/doc/qt2-devel-2.2.1/html/qvaluelist.html file
that you may want to look at.

What happens when you do the following query: rpm -q qt2-devel  ?

Tom Berkley 

Leopold Palomo wrote:
 Hi, first off all,
 I write to you too, directly because the topic was posted a lot of days before.
 It's just a little question. I had installed mdk 7.1 till now that I have the
 7.2. When I was using the 7.1 I compiled a litle program, kfoninst without
 problems. I didn't have any QT Professional Edition or similar.
 Now, I have the 7.2, and I have tried to compile the same program, and the
 error (qvaluelist.h) was the same. I thought that I didn't have instaled the
 qt1.44, but no, so I don't know what about it. If you have some news about to
 solve it without a QT professional edition, please tell me something.
 best regards.
  It's a downloadable file - a google search will bring up a number of sites -
  originally from www.trolltech.com for their 'QT Professional Edition" as
  part of the QT Gui Toolkit.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Klar Brian D Contr
  Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 9:21 AM
  Subject: [expert] where does this file come from
  I installed LM 7.2 the other night, I have been having problems installing
  some tar files.
  They fail trying to find files such as qvaluelist.h. I definitely do not
  have this file on the system, however
  I did install "Development" package. What file contains above file.  I have
  qt2.2.1-3 and it's devel package
  and what appears to be all the kde2 and devel packages.
  Brian D. Klar - CVE
  937-973-3125 (Pager)

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Re: [expert] Promise Ultra100 controller

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

How many scsi and ide controllers would you like to add to your system?
I think that is the only limitation that you have to worry about. (Make
certain the device drivers are available too)

Tom Berkley

Jeff Malka wrote:
 Can you combine SCSI and IDE hard drives?  Will such a SCSI handle large HDs
 if the motherboard BIOS can only handle up to 8.4 GB?
 Registered Linux user  183185
 - Original Message -
 From: Alexander Skwar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 5:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [expert] Promise Ultra100 controller
  So sprach Nicky Peeters am Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 03:21:30PM +0100:
   Could anyone tell me what the benefits are of such a card, besides the
   instead ata66 ?
  a) It's ata100 *g*
  b) You can use ata100 drives (or ata66 for that matter) in systems that
  don't support it directly via the mainboard
  c) You can add an additional amount of 4 devices to your system, which
  8 (and only about half as much as a UltraSCSI adaptor is capable to
  Alexander Skwar
  How to quote: http://learn.to/quote (german) http://quote.6x.to (english)
  Homepage: http://www.digitalprojects.com  |  http://www.dp.ath.cx
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Re: [expert] Geforce2, NVidia drivers, and LM 7.2]

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

I do not know how my name got stuck in this conversation like this.
Looks like someone took a clip out of context. You can give someone else
the credit for this one. Thanks.

Tom Berkley

Scott Tyson wrote:
 Danger!! Will Robinson Danger!!
 Do not I repeat do not do everything this script (nv_check.sh) tells
 you.  The very last step talks about "duplicate files" it finds
 specifically : /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1 /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGL.so.1
 /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGL.so.1.0 /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGL.so.3.  If you
 remove (or rename as in my case) you will not be able to start X if
 your running KDE (other Wm's might be affected as well).  I had to put
 these files back to get X to start again.  Having them there has not
 affected Unreal Tournament or Quake3 so They are a don't care for me.
 You mileage may vary.
 On Monday 13 November 2000 16:32, Christian A Strømmen
 [Number1/NumeroUno] wrote:
   On Monday 13 November 2000 23:57, J . A . Magallon wrote:
   On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:18:30 pgeorges wrote:
Tom Berkley a écrit :
ls /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/*
   ^  oops again...
   It seems as you have messed XFree (Mesa) GL-GLX and nVidia's one.
   Please, could you send the output of the followig commands ?:
  If you look at http://www.realityx.net/howto.html you find a script
  (nv_check.sh) that checks for duplicate GL files (Mesa files that
  conflict with nVidia's files) amongst other stuff... Download that,
  run it and do what it tells you to do.
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Re: [expert] xcalc problems

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

Trying to avoid --nodeps?? Never, never, never use nodeps is the
fundamental rule with rpm's. If you used that option just once in an
upgrade, you hosed the upgrade. If you do an upgrade manually then you
have to go thru the entire list of dependencies and install them until
you can install the packages that you want. NEVER means NEVER not
sometimes or most of the time. Just pretend that the --nodeps option
does not exist unless you get your kicks fixing broken software then use
it all you want but please don't bother me with your problems.

Tom berkley

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
 I have problems with xcalc and other packages from the X11-contrib
 package. With xcalc, for instance, all the buttons are placed one above
 the other.
 Since I upgraded my system manually, I figured there is something I
 forgot. But what can it be? I did try to avoid rpm --nodeps et al.
 Anyone else with this problem? Any idea what I might have forgotten?
 The only package that is not straghit from a Mandrake 7.2 mirror is the
 glibc package. But I believe it is either the same or almost the same.
 for reference:
 $ rpm -qf `which xcalc`
 $ rpm -Vf `which xcalc`
 $ ldd /usr/X11R6/bin/xcalc
 libXaw.so.7 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXaw.so.7 (0x40024000)
 libXmu.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXmu.so.6 (0x4008)
 libXt.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.6 (0x40096000)
 libSM.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libSM.so.6 (0x400e8000)
 libICE.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6 (0x400f2000)
 libXpm.so.4 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 (0x4010b000)
 libXext.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so.6 (0x4011b000)
 libX11.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6 (0x4012a000)
 libm.so.6 = /lib/libm.so.6 (0x40204000)
 libc.so.6 = /lib/libc.so.6 (0x40222000)
 /lib/ld-linux.so.2 = /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x4000)
 $ rpm -qf `ldd /usr/X11R6/bin/xcalc |awk '{print $3}'`
 file /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 is not owned by any package
 $ ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4
 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   14 Nov  8 20:26
 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 - libXpm.so.4.11
 $ rpm -qf /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4.11
 L...   /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1
 P.S.: anybody else noticed that the kde2 packages that Mandrake released
 were very bad as upgrade packages? they depended on half of the components
 of Mandrake 7.2 (including XFree4: yes, the kdemultimedia package depends
 on Xaw7. nice)
 Tzafrir Cohen
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Re: [expert] Geforce2, NVidia drivers, and LM 7.2

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Berkley

I do not know how my name got stuck in this conversation like this.
Looks like someone took a clip out of context. You can give someone else
the credit for this one. Thanks.

Tom Berkley

Scott Tyson wrote:
 Danger!! Will Robinson Danger!!
 Do not I repeat do not do everything this script (nv_check.sh) tells
 you.  The very last step talks about "duplicate files" it finds
 specifically : /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1 /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGL.so.1
 /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGL.so.1.0 /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGL.so.3.  If you
 remove (or rename as in my case) you will not be able to start X if
 your running KDE (other Wm's might be affected as well).  I had to put
 these files back to get X to start again.  Having them there has not
 affected Unreal Tournament or Quake3 so They are a don't care for me.
 You mileage may vary.
 On Monday 13 November 2000 16:32, Christian A Strømmen
 [Number1/NumeroUno] wrote:
   On Monday 13 November 2000 23:57, J . A . Magallon wrote:
   On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:18:30 pgeorges wrote:
Tom Berkley a écrit :
ls /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/*
   ^  oops again...
   It seems as you have messed XFree (Mesa) GL-GLX and nVidia's one.
   Please, could you send the output of the followig commands ?:
  If you look at http://www.realityx.net/howto.html you find a script
  (nv_check.sh) that checks for duplicate GL files (Mesa files that
  conflict with nVidia's files) amongst other stuff... Download that,
  run it and do what it tells you to do.
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Re: [expert] Kdevelop

2000-11-12 Thread Tom Berkley


But you can get it from the cooker (ie look in the
'mandrake-cooker' path on one of the ftp mirrors instead of
using the 'mandrake' path)

Tom Berkley

Sridhar Govindarajulu wrote:
 Is Kdevelop included with the ISO images on LM 7.2?
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Re: [expert] Computer Freezes with Mandrake 7.2 SMP Kernel

2000-11-12 Thread Tom Berkley

On this specific issue I can no longer say because I updated
the bios to the RU version for my abit bp6 motherboard and
the problem went disappeared. When I first got the bp6 and
had any problems with any software, the first thing that I
did was to set the clock speed back to 366 and that NEVER
fixed a problem for me. So now its the last thing that I do
though not the last thing that I think of trying.

And yes different OS/kernels can make a difference. I used
the linux kernel 2.2.17 from kernel.org and compiled it on
the computer in uniprocessor mode for smp and that kernel
worked in smp with overclocking just fine.

If you have not tried overclocking, then you will want to
consider it. With this dual Celeron set up, overclocking
366/66 Mhz chips at 550/100 with PC100 ram, I am having a
difficult time finding an economical upgrade path. The mobo
with matched and tested processors cost me $335 plus
shipping a year ago and I have not seen anything with this
cost/performance and reliability. (Yes it has been very
reliable, the problems that I have only show up with new
software. Once the bugs are fixed, the system runs day after
day with NO problems).

Tom Berkley

Douglas wrote:
 The question all of us have, is;
 What happens with this machine when it is NOT overclocked. I don't think
 anybody here want's to tell you to never overclock hardware. I'm curious if
 different OS's/kernel's can make a difference, with the stability with
 overclocked machines.
 On Saturday 11 November 2000 03:29 pm, you wrote:
   I'm using the NJ bios and yes I am overclocking the Celerons
  at 550. But that's not the issue. The 2.2.17 kernel.org
  source code compiled on my system for smp runs just fine.
  It's the mandrake 7.2 (and the redhat 7.0) kernel sources
  that cause the problem.
  Tom Berkley
  stephen boulet wrote:
   Which bios version do you have? Are you overclocking?
   -- Stephen
   On Sat, 11 November 2000, Tom Berkley wrote:
Using the smp installed kernel on Mandrake 7.2 on my dual
Celeron BP6, after running for 1 to 10 minutes, the computer
just stops functioning. The display freezes, the mouse
cursor will not respond to the mouse movements, the
keyboard gets no response and a ping from across the network
gets no response. Using the up kernel, there are no problems
except the lack of speed. Lilo has vga=788 for the smp
kernel. When I set vga=normal or extended with the stock smp
kernel, The computer freezes immediately on login.
I tried to compile a custom kernel using the 7.2 source
code, but the ipchains section has a bug and would not
compile, so I took that out and with the resultant kernel
the problem
continued. Since my rh6.2 installed 2.2.17 smp kernel works
fine, I compiled the 2.2.17 kernel from kernel.org and it
works ok except the usb port does not work. I will try the
tomorrow, in the meantime does anyone have any thoughts
(constructive thoughts you perverts)? Thanks.
Tom Berkley
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Re: [expert] Computer Freezes with Mandrake 7.2 SMP Kernel

2000-11-12 Thread Tom Berkley


Thanks. That was the kind of info that I was needing to
update the bios. NJ was the best smp bios to use until well
past QQ which was the last time that I considered updating
but there were reported problems with QQ so I stuck with the
NJ bios. I updated it last night and the problem kernel is
now rock solid. Thanks again for the info, it was like dry
land in waterworld.

Tom Berkley

Larry Sword wrote:
 Steve Browne wrote:
  On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 16:43:48 -0700, you wrote:
I'm using the NJ bios and yes I am overclocking the Celerons
   at 550. But that's not the issue. The 2.2.17 kernel.org
   source code compiled on my system for smp runs just fine.
   It's the mandrake 7.2 (and the redhat 7.0) kernel sources
   that cause the problem.
   Tom Berkley
  I have essentially the same system, and the same problem. I found that
  the boot-up on the SMP kernel freezes at the point of "checking for
  new hardware." That is the point where the program "kudzu" is being
  called. I solved the problem by booting on "linux-up" (single CPU),
  then going to /etc/rc.d/rc5.d and moving S05kudzu to H05kudzu, thereby
  disabling kudzu at boot-up. In 7.2 you also should change  S05kudzu in
  rc4.d and rc3.d.
  It means that at boot-up my system won't detect new hardware, but I
  can think of worse problems.
  Stephen B. Browne

 I also have the Abit BP6 with Intel Celerons 2x366 running at 550Mhz
 overclock. Have flashed the BIOS to version RU dtd 05/22/2000. Installed
 L-M version 7.2 and haven't experienced any of the problems you are
 having. Maybe you will want to update your BIOS??
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