[GNC-dev] Wiki Building Instructions Reorganization

2018-09-19 Thread David Cousens
To all interested parties,

As a first step to doing a restructure I decided to map (fairly roughly) the
area of the wiki associated with Building GnuCash from Sources that was
accessible from the main wiki Building GnuCash page in an attached Freeplane
Mindmap  BuildingGnucashMap20180920.mm

.  It is fairly instructive in illustrating the problem. (Freeplane and
Freemind maps are not totally compatible as they diverged from a common
source some time ago )

I will construct a second mindmap to illustrate how I propose to restructure
this section of the wiki and then post it in this thread for comment

David Cousens

David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-Dev-f1435356.html
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] ImpEx Sample files

2018-09-19 Thread David Cousens

I too had a look around and couldn't find any sample/test files but I had found 
the SWIFT and DTAUS. I am surprised the
maintainers of the standards don't generate them to allow testing for 
compliance. If absolutely necessary I will
generate my own. I'm reluctant to produce my own as there is no guarantee that 
they will conform but anything is better
than nothin. I guess there is a lot of work in defining a sample file which 
tests all possible nuances of a given
formatand particularly so when there is continuing development

Thanks for the information on the set of sample files.I'll check them out and 
add any I do manage to find. 

On Tue, 2018-09-18 at 17:46 +0200, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:
> Am 18.09.18 um 15:00 schrieb David Cousens:
> > One problem I will have is getting sample files for the MT940, MT942 and 
> > DTAUS formats so I can run through the
> > interfaces. I have a friend who was a manager with Deutsche Bank a few 
> > years ago but Klaus is now working for
> > another
> > company in Melbourne.
> > 
> > If you know where I can find any sample files I would appreciate getting 
> > hold of them.  It would be good to have a
> > collection of  sample files for testing Gnucash in any case as part of the 
> > program. No problem for the internal ones
> > that Gnucash can export. 
> In theory we keep a set of sample files in
> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/tree/maint/doc/examples and might add
> the missing there, if we get them, too.
> MTxxx formats
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWIFT_message_types
> are defined by SWIFT
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_Worldwide_Interbank_Financial_Telecommunication
> There is Transition in progess from ISO 7775 over ISO 15022 to ISO 20022
> The genaral standard
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_15022
> has in 2 flavours:
> traditional line oriented MT-formats (message types)
> and modern UNIFI (ISO 20022) xml files aka MX-format
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_20022
> Often the german wiki page has more details like field descritions. But
> I didn't see nice example files.
> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datentr%C3%A4geraustauschverfahren
> Was introduced by the german bank association ZKA
> - today: https://die-dk.de/en/ -
> in 1976 for magnetic tapes, later floppies, ...
> 2016-02-01 it was officially abandoned and replaced by
> B2B:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Banking_Internet_Communication_Standard,
> else: the above-mentioned ISO20022 (XML-Format).

Agreed better to concentrate on the replacement formats. Banks in Australia are 
very conservative at
adopting anything that allows direct online access by users. They tell me it is 
security related. I think they have by
passed all of the European developments driven primarily from Germany so i am 
stuck with  downloaded OFX files. 

Since the above are fairly well defined standards there is probably no more to 
it than selecting a file correctly
formatted with the right extension in any case. Perhaps just put a note to the 
effect they are now obsolete and have
been replaced by...

David Cousens
> While the wikipedia page describes the structure IMHO there is no need
> to document a abandoned format.
> So, if you think we should add example files we should ask on
> gnucash-user and gnucash-de.
> > Best wishes 
> > David (Cousens)
> ~Frank
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Documentation update problems

2018-09-19 Thread David Cousens
John, Geert, Adrien, David

Thanks for all the prespectives. I will attempt a restructure of the Building 
Gnucash page and its derivatives, trying
to push as much information back to the generic Linux level as I can from the 
BuildingUbuntu 16.04 pages. I have no
experience of building on Windows or MacOS X so I will definitely leave that to 
someone else. I'll start with Geert's
comments as an overall plan and try to address the rest of your comments. I can 
set VMs up for the other distros so I
can check them out a bit better

With the dependencies I compiled as complete a list as I was able to from my 
own experience and other users experiences
when a lot of people were building v3.0-3.2 as it wasn't available from the 
distros. . I had a clean Linux Mint install
at the time I did that so I captured a few that are usually already installed 
once you get a bit of other software on
board. Some distros do seem to use slightly different names for some libraries 
and headers so perhaps a warning to check
your own distros naming using the equivalent of apt-cache search. I'll do as 
much as I can from the online documentation
for the other distros. I  I'll have a closer look and if I can get away perhaps 
with a subsitute "dnf" and "yum"and
"apt" for apt-get as a note along the lines if compiling on xxx subsitute yyy 
for apt-get in the following.

I was reluctant originally to touch the Fedora and Gentoo sections as I hadn't 
had any experience of them. It would
appear the major difference is likely to be the name of the package manager on 
the various distros. I appreciate there
are sometimes also slight differences in the interpretation of the Linux File 
Heirarchy as well.

I'll come back when I've done a restructure and get everyone to check it out

David Cousens

On Wed, 2018-09-19 at 10:34 +0200, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Op dinsdag 18 september 2018 10:19:02 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> > John, David, Frank
> > 
> > I wonder at the value of the Build Tools page as a separate orphan entity
> > given the more detailed instructions given in the Building Gnucash page.
> > There is a fairly good example of dupllcation with it and the following for
> > the Gnucash progarm build.
> > 
> > https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building
> > 
> > and the breakout from it for recent Ubuntu versions
> > 
> > https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/BuildUbuntu16.04
> > 
> > The main building page is a massive tome. I did start breaking out some
> > parts of it into smaller logical chunks when I updated the BuildUbuntu16.04
> > ( which covers 16.04, 18.04 and Linux MInt 18 and 19 in effect.). The Build
> > Tools page may be a logical breakout from there with some of the detail in
> > the first page cut into it. There is also a short summary recipe for
> > building the Docs at the end of the BuildUbuntu16.04 page which lacks detail
> > but does work on Ubuntu and most linux distros. It has no details about the
> > dependencies in it though.
> > 
> > Would a page on building the docs be better as a breakout from the main
> > building Gnucash page perhaps with a shared section on the build tools
> > referenced from both. For build instructions I ususaly find the recipe the
> > most useful bit with explantions of the specific tools as breakouts. If you
> > need the information and background you can follow the links. If you only do
> > a build occasionally you follow the recipe.  I.e only read the manual when
> > you have to.
> > 
> I wrote my previous mail before looking at the wiki pages you mentioned and I 
> agree the current structuring is not guiding the reader to a successful build 
> in the most efficient way.
> The page could be restructured to be more recipe like with links to pages/
> sections with more details.
> The general structure of the general instructions is good, but I would not 
> differentiate between general and distro specific variants. Building on 
> Windows and OS X do merit a separate mention as their build instructions are 
> very different. For linux distros as written before the only difference is 
> how 
> to get the necessary dependencies set up. It would make sense to add a 
> section 
> for this right before getting the gnucash sources.
> And as I suggested, the info should be very short on the main building page, 
> with a link to a more detailed page specifically about setting up 
> dependencies 
> per distro or distro group.
> The configuring gnucash section could be reduced to indicating what to do for 
> gnucash 2.6.x and what to do for gnucash 3.x by default. More details on 
> configuration options could go to a more detailed page on configuring gnucash.
> In my opinion the mention of the compiler is not relevant here. If it should 
> be mentioned it should be in the section or details on setting up 
> dependencies.
> All the sections under OS/Distro specific information (other than the two 
> links to OS X and Windows should IMO be removed from this page. The details 
> of 

Re: [GNC-dev] Documentation update problems

2018-09-19 Thread Adrien Monteleone
For users to be able to obtain the latest (or otherwise particularly desired) 
version not in their repos, I would agree with David C. & Geert here that a 
single generic linux recipe for tarballs, augmented with links to quirks for 
particular *non-deprecated* distributions and/or historical GnuCash versions 
would be the simplest and non-developer friendly approach.

Any other build would be from git, would be more geared to developers/testers, 
or those who wanted/needed bleeding edge nightlies. Those build instructions 
would more likely cover Windows and Mac in addition to Linux, and explain the 
GnuCash git repos. (and any build quirks from trying to use them)

I don’t think that latter sort of info should be on the same page(s) as those 
geared towards non-developers/testers. It will only serve to confuse.


> On Sep 19, 2018, at 4:16 PM, David Cousens  wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-09-18 at 13:16 -0400, David T. via gnucash-devel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a general question about building. Forgive me if this is naive. The 
>> last time I used Linux was last century,
>> and I believe that Linux has changed just a tad since then.
>> Since GnuCash is now developed over git, can't 
>> users|developers|writers|yetis use git for most distros to obtain
>> source code and compile it on their machines? IOW, rather than offer 
>> voluminous directions on how to obtain the
>> sources and compile GnuCash on every variant of YetiCompute, could we simply 
>> advise the majority of the community
>> (yetis included) to use git to clone our repos and compile using git? It 
>> seems to me to be a colossal waste of
>> community effort to attempt to account for every flavor of every distro. I 
>> contrast this with the (IMHO correct)
>> stance on encryption, in which circumstance we advise users to find 
>> appropriate encryption tools, rather than build a
>> half-crap version of our own.
> David, 
> A lot of users rather than developers will build from the tarballs rather 
> than from the github repositories. While this
> page was I think originally targeted primarily at developers, with the 
> release of v3.2 quite a lot of users on Ubuntu
> based systems started building because the distribution repositories didn't 
> have, and still don't have in may cases, the
> latest Gnucash available. More people were also moving to Ubuntu 18.04 and 
> Linux Mint Tara based on Ubuntu 18.04 was
> also being released. The change to 3.2 also resulted in some updates to the 
> dependencies along with the move to cmake
> form./configure becoming compulsory. I had a few problems initially  with the 
> build, so I updated the
> BuildingUbuntu16.04 page as I sorted out issues and I updated it as other 
> issues came up on the Gnucash User forum along
> with a few other contributors.
>> Focusing our efforts on *a* GnuCash Way of building the program would 
>> simplify the wiki immensely.
> I think the prefrred way for users is from the tarballs not github. Too many 
> options with master maint, tags on releases
> etc., that unless you have some programming background it would put new users 
> off rather than encourage them.
> David Cousens
>>> On Sep 18, 2018, at 12:18 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>>  wrote:
> The main building page is a massive tome. I did start breaking out some
> parts of it into smaller logical chunks when I updated the 
> BuildUbuntu16.04
> ( which covers 16.04, 18.04 and Linux MInt 18 and 19 in effect.). 
 Shouldn’t it be renamed to BuildUbuntu then?
>>> I agree, the link text/page title is confusing and there have already been 
>>> questions about what instructions to use
>>> for building on 18.04.(yes, I see that it says this is for 18.04 as well, 
>>> but clearly someone didn’t or they
>>> wouldn’t have asked)
>> If we continue with the Massive Tome Approach, I would recommend a title of 
>> “Building on Ubuntu"
>>> If replacing content with a link to a dedicated page is desired practice 
>>> for cleaning up the wiki, then I’d propose
>>> all of the material for building on Ubuntu be moved to that page, that it 
>>> be renamed simply BuildUbuntu and that the
>>> main build page be left with a link to it for the Ubuntu section. As it is, 
>>> the original build page still contains
>>> long outdated info. I would have instead expected to see the most current 
>>> instructions there and then maybe a link
>>> for older versions.
>>> Along with that, if older material for older systems and versions isn’t 
>>> going to be moved to its own ‘archive’ page,
>>> then it should always appear down the page in chronological order. The 
>>> current state of the build instructions is a
>>> bit messy in that regard.
>> Older content should be removed altogether, not archived.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>>> ___
>>> gnucash-devel mailing list
>>> gnucash-devel@gnucash.org

Re: [GNC-dev] Documentation update problems

2018-09-19 Thread David Cousens
On Tue, 2018-09-18 at 13:16 -0400, David T. via gnucash-devel wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a general question about building. Forgive me if this is naive. The 
> last time I used Linux was last century,
> and I believe that Linux has changed just a tad since then.
> Since GnuCash is now developed over git, can't users|developers|writers|yetis 
> use git for most distros to obtain
> source code and compile it on their machines? IOW, rather than offer 
> voluminous directions on how to obtain the
> sources and compile GnuCash on every variant of YetiCompute, could we simply 
> advise the majority of the community
> (yetis included) to use git to clone our repos and compile using git? It 
> seems to me to be a colossal waste of
> community effort to attempt to account for every flavor of every distro. I 
> contrast this with the (IMHO correct)
> stance on encryption, in which circumstance we advise users to find 
> appropriate encryption tools, rather than build a
> half-crap version of our own.

A lot of users rather than developers will build from the tarballs rather than 
from the github repositories. While this
page was I think originally targeted primarily at developers, with the release 
of v3.2 quite a lot of users on Ubuntu
based systems started building because the distribution repositories didn't 
have, and still don't have in may cases, the
latest Gnucash available. More people were also moving to Ubuntu 18.04 and 
Linux Mint Tara based on Ubuntu 18.04 was
also being released. The change to 3.2 also resulted in some updates to the 
dependencies along with the move to cmake
form./configure becoming compulsory. I had a few problems initially  with the 
build, so I updated the
BuildingUbuntu16.04 page as I sorted out issues and I updated it as other 
issues came up on the Gnucash User forum along
with a few other contributors.
> Focusing our efforts on *a* GnuCash Way of building the program would 
> simplify the wiki immensely.

I think the prefrred way for users is from the tarballs not github. Too many 
options with master maint, tags on releases
etc., that unless you have some programming background it would put new users 
off rather than encourage them.

David Cousens
> > On Sep 18, 2018, at 12:18 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> >  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > The main building page is a massive tome. I did start breaking out some
> > > > parts of it into smaller logical chunks when I updated the 
> > > > BuildUbuntu16.04
> > > > ( which covers 16.04, 18.04 and Linux MInt 18 and 19 in effect.). 
> > > 
> > > Shouldn’t it be renamed to BuildUbuntu then?
> > 
> > I agree, the link text/page title is confusing and there have already been 
> > questions about what instructions to use
> > for building on 18.04.(yes, I see that it says this is for 18.04 as well, 
> > but clearly someone didn’t or they
> > wouldn’t have asked)
> If we continue with the Massive Tome Approach, I would recommend a title of 
> “Building on Ubuntu"
> > 
> > If replacing content with a link to a dedicated page is desired practice 
> > for cleaning up the wiki, then I’d propose
> > all of the material for building on Ubuntu be moved to that page, that it 
> > be renamed simply BuildUbuntu and that the
> > main build page be left with a link to it for the Ubuntu section. As it is, 
> > the original build page still contains
> > long outdated info. I would have instead expected to see the most current 
> > instructions there and then maybe a link
> > for older versions.
> > 
> > Along with that, if older material for older systems and versions isn’t 
> > going to be moved to its own ‘archive’ page,
> > then it should always appear down the page in chronological order. The 
> > current state of the build instructions is a
> > bit messy in that regard.
> Older content should be removed altogether, not archived.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> > ___
> > gnucash-devel mailing list
> > gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> > https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
> gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] There was an error parsing the file...

2018-09-19 Thread chris graves

> On Sep 17, 2018, at 9:53 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Sep 17, 2018, at 8:00 AM, chris graves  wrote:
>> Same thing happens when using the new build to create a new gnucash file.  
>> Removing the duplicate lines allows the file to open, but they are placed 
>> right back at the next save.
>>> On Sep 16, 2018, at 11:56 AM, chris graves  wrote:
>>> I performed a git clone of the maint branch on July 31st, built and
>>> have been using it successfully since.  Today I performed a git pull in
>>> the unmodified clone.  Now using the freshly compiled gnucash, when opening 
>>> a saved (via save as) copy
>>> of a previously okay gnucash file I get the error:
>>> "There was an error parsing the file".
>>> Uncompressing and doing an sdiff -s on the original file and the 
>>> non-working saved file:
>>> mbp:gnucashSaves chris$ sdiff -s ok.gnucash bad.gnucash 
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:vendor="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/vendor;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:addr="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/addr;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:billterm="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/billterm;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:bt-days="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/bt-days;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:bt-prox="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/bt-prox;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:cust="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/cust;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:employee="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/employee;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:entry="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/entry;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:invoice="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/invoice;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:job="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/job;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:order="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/order;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:owner="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/owner;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:taxtable="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/taxtable;
>>>   >  
>>> xmlns:tte="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/tte;
>>> mbp:gnucashSaves chris$
>>> It turns out that each of the above lines appears twice in the non-working 
>>> file.  After
>>> manually removing the duplicates, the file opens just fine.
>>> Thoughts...
>> __
> I couldn't replicate this.
> What accounts did you select in the New Account Hierarchy Setup Assistant?
> Is your system set to English/United States as your email address suggests it 
> might be?
> Regards,
> John Ralls

I took all the defaults.
Yes, English/United States.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Git Questions With Documentation

2018-09-19 Thread Geert Janssens

Considering David T's expressed concern regarding git, setting up 
collaboration in one repo is probably the least complicated. That would allow 
you to help out with the more subtle git operations, and allow David T. to 
worry less about that part.


Op dinsdag 18 september 2018 15:28:14 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> Thanks Geert,
> I have so far been able to clone David Ts PR into a local copy  on my
> computer. That is not convenient though as it isnt configured as a server
> and has an ISP allocated IP address which changes each time I login.
> I have been looking at the ways github can be used for collaboration.
> > > One other way to do it may be to create the bug branch for the doc
> > > update
> > > in the main Gnucash repository if John and Geert are willing to do that.
> > 
> > I prefer not to and I don't really see the need. There are other ways to
> > collaborate.
> I didn't really think this was a good idea.
> > There is not really anything special about the Gnucash/gnucash-docs repo.
> > What you can do there, you can equally do with your personal forks.
> > 
> > And for that you even don't need to fork David T's repo. You can still
> > pull
> > requests against it from your current Gnucash/gnucash-docs fork.
> > 
> >  You would do
> > 
> > so like any other pull request. The difference is that instead of going
> > with the defaults proposed by github, you change the target repo to David
> > T's repo (sunfish62).
> > 
> > You can publish your changes to your own fork and David T. can look at
> > them
> > there. Or you create PR's and then David T. can review them as part of his
> > builds.
> OK will investigate doing this. I'm OK with git for simple things between a
> local repo and a github repo. I'll just have to explore pulling DavidT's
> changes from his repo and doing PR's to it.
> > Yet another method could be that one of you adds the other as collaborator
> > to your personal fork. In that case both of you can work directly on the
> > same repo.
> > 
> > Regardless of the chosen route, be aware this will require more than basic
> > understanding of how git works. You'll now be on the pulling end of a pull
> > request, which means git's merge mechanics need to be understood.
> Always something new to learn. I have been exploring git in more detail
> lately so time to dig deeper.
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Documentation update problems

2018-09-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 18 september 2018 10:19:02 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> John, David, Frank
> I wonder at the value of the Build Tools page as a separate orphan entity
> given the more detailed instructions given in the Building Gnucash page.
> There is a fairly good example of dupllcation with it and the following for
> the Gnucash progarm build.
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building
> and the breakout from it for recent Ubuntu versions
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/BuildUbuntu16.04
> The main building page is a massive tome. I did start breaking out some
> parts of it into smaller logical chunks when I updated the BuildUbuntu16.04
> ( which covers 16.04, 18.04 and Linux MInt 18 and 19 in effect.). The Build
> Tools page may be a logical breakout from there with some of the detail in
> the first page cut into it. There is also a short summary recipe for
> building the Docs at the end of the BuildUbuntu16.04 page which lacks detail
> but does work on Ubuntu and most linux distros. It has no details about the
> dependencies in it though.
> Would a page on building the docs be better as a breakout from the main
> building Gnucash page perhaps with a shared section on the build tools
> referenced from both. For build instructions I ususaly find the recipe the
> most useful bit with explantions of the specific tools as breakouts. If you
> need the information and background you can follow the links. If you only do
> a build occasionally you follow the recipe.  I.e only read the manual when
> you have to.
I wrote my previous mail before looking at the wiki pages you mentioned and I 
agree the current structuring is not guiding the reader to a successful build 
in the most efficient way.

The page could be restructured to be more recipe like with links to pages/
sections with more details.

The general structure of the general instructions is good, but I would not 
differentiate between general and distro specific variants. Building on 
Windows and OS X do merit a separate mention as their build instructions are 
very different. For linux distros as written before the only difference is how 
to get the necessary dependencies set up. It would make sense to add a section 
for this right before getting the gnucash sources.

And as I suggested, the info should be very short on the main building page, 
with a link to a more detailed page specifically about setting up dependencies 
per distro or distro group.

The configuring gnucash section could be reduced to indicating what to do for 
gnucash 2.6.x and what to do for gnucash 3.x by default. More details on 
configuration options could go to a more detailed page on configuring gnucash.

In my opinion the mention of the compiler is not relevant here. If it should 
be mentioned it should be in the section or details on setting up 

All the sections under OS/Distro specific information (other than the two 
links to OS X and Windows should IMO be removed from this page. The details of 
setting up dependencies can be grouped on the new page for this, the build 
instructions themselves are identical for all distros. Oh and anything that's 
valid only for obsolete distros should be removed completely. The oldest 
supported Ubuntu distro is 14.04 LTS, for Fedora that's 27. I would not 
mention distro releases unless it's necessary to differentiate. In that case I 
would write the default instructions for the current distro (omitting distro 
release info) and exceptional instructions for the older distro(s) (adding for 
which distro this matters). That will make it easier to maintain the 
documentation in the future:
- if nothing changes when a new disto release comes out, documentation doesn't 
need to be updated
- if a distro becomes obsolete, it's easy to find and remove all info that's 
no longer relevant.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] translation of new register helper panels

2018-09-19 Thread Alain Sanguinetti


It was my mistake, I am using 2.1.1 of Poedit but I didn't know that 
strings starting with an empty "" appeared first at the top when sorted 
alphabetically. (Don't really understand why, since strings starting 
with \n are on the contrary still sorted according to the letter of the 
first following word)

Thanks for your help, now I can get to do some translation !

Best regards,


On 8/25/18 5:36 PM, John Ralls wrote:


Perhaps you are using too old a version of Poedit? I just downloaded 
2.11 and it has no problem with that msgid.

John Ralls

On Aug 25, 2018, at 5:02 AM, Alain Sanguinetti > wrote:


Thanks for your input.

So what's happening is that PoEdit doesn't process correctly the 
strings starting with an empty line ""

By removing the empty "" they are displayed correctly in PoEdit, 
otherwise i just an't seem to find them in the interface.

I don't know why i couldn't find the strings in the po files, maybe a 
settings of the search.

How do you advise me to handle this problem? Is this something 
related to PoEdit ?

Best regards,

Alain Sanguinetti

On 8/18/18 12:57 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:

Hello Alain,

Am 17.08.2018 um 22:35 schrieb Alain Sanguinetti:


I'm getting started, as of today, in helping translating to French.

I tried to round up the translation of the initial new file helper 
but I

can't seem to find the strings corresponding to the 4th and 5th panels.

I generated the pot and merged with the existing fr.po but they don't
seem to be anywhere :/

If i don't find them in fr.po, where are they ?


You checked out the maint branch of Gnucash?
In the directory po, not po/glossary,
the file fr.po as it is currently on github
has starting in line 7773 the section:
#: ../gnucash/gnome/gtkbuilder/assistant-hierarchy.glade.h:10
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select categories that correspond to the ways that you foresee you will
use "
"GnuCash. Each category you select will cause several accounts to be"
"Note: the selection you make here is only the starting point for
your "
"personalized account hierarchy. Accounts can be added, renamed, 
moved, or"

"deleted by hand later at any time."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez les catégories correspondantes à votre utilisation de
GnuCash. "
"Chaque catégorie sélectionnée entrainera la création de plusieurs
comptes. "
"Choisissez les catégories vous concernant. Vous pourrez toujours créer
des "
"comptes supplémentaires manuellement plus tard."

The fuzzy flag says the msgid changed after the msgstr was last edited.
So you should compare the msgstr with the new msgid and after updating
the msgstr remove the "#, fuzzy" line to reenable the translation.

Page 5 begins in line 7819.

Because you have run make pot;msgmerge ...
The line number in your version might be slightly different, but you can
either search the file for the english text (=msgid) or the source,
here: assistant-hierarchy.glade.

I would be interested to read, what went wrong in your case.


Alain Sanguinetti

gnucash-devel mailing list

Alain Sanguinetti

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Documentation update problems

2018-09-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 19 september 2018 05:19:08 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> It’s Debian and derivatives: Ubuntu is a derivative--or these days maybe a
> symbiote, there are Canonical reps on the Debian board--of Debian.
> I frankly don’t understand why Ubuntu needs a per-release explanation of how
> to build it, especially since Debian doesn’t. `sudo apt-get build-dep
> gnucash` installs everything you need to build 2.6; there are a few
> additional packages (cmake, ninja, swig, xsltproc, libgtk-3-dev,
> libboost-all-dev, googletest, and libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev) to build 3. After
> that it’s the same directory creation, clone gnucash.git, cmake, and ninja
> reqardless of distro version.

The build instructions are generic for *all* linux distributions, not only 
Debian and derivatives. The only part that differs is getting the required 
dependencies on your system. As there are plenty flavors of package managers, 
this part needs to be detailed per platform.

The Debian/Ubuntu world has more or less standardized on the apt family of 
tools, so for those the same instructions can probably be used.

On Fedora the primary package manager is dnf, and the instructions would be 
written for dnf. The dnf equivalent of
"sudo apt-get build-dep gnucash"
"sudo dnf builddep install gnucash"

The devil on the other hand is in the details.

While we don't actively develop on gnucash 2.6 any more we know many users 
will stick to this series until they are comfortable to make the switch. There 
are even users on 2.4 still. We decided recently that any wiki information 
older than that release should be considered obsolete. Which inversely also 
means anything more recent is not.

That's why we still have build documentation for 2.6.x next to documentation 
for 3.x. While the effort to migrate to cmake was started in the 2.6 series 
I'm not sure it was bug free. So I understand build instructions for 2.6.x are 
still documenting the autotools way. Yet in 3.x cmake is the only supported 
build environment. That leads already to two different sets of build 

Next, what "apt-get build-dep gnucash" and "dnf builddep install gnucash" 
really install depends on the version of gnucash supported by default on the 
chosen system. For example Fedora 27 by default still ships gnucas 2.6.21, so 
the builddep command will install build dependencies for that version. If you 
want to build gnucash 3.x on that system one has to manually install the new 
dependencies, as John mentioned for apt above. In theory it would be the other 
way around when your distro ships gnucash 3.x by default. In practice however 
it's very unlikely you can still "easily" build gnucash 2.6 on such systems. 
Most of these distros have dropped libwebkitgtk-1 due to security issues.

So how do we proceed practically from here?

I think a generic page for autotools based build and one for cmake based 
builds would be useful. We can even consider abandoning the autotools based 
page to save time. This should be accompanied with a page that explains how to 
set up the proper dependencies based on your platform. The Build instructions 
page itself would then become a very short recipe referring to these two or 
three pages.

Zooming in on the generic build instructions, it may be worth starting with a 
preferred directory setup, a section (or a link to) how to clone the git repo 
and check out the proper branch.


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