Re: [GNC-dev] Sha256 for win installer

2020-03-31 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 5:25 PM John Ralls  wrote:

> I've confirmed that the sha-256 for gnucash-3.6.setup.exe is in fact
> 760959d41588329ccbceda0527d2b6f847ca85b6460051a935c99f377e2545ff

That hash seems to agree with the sha256 I get from both Sourceforge and
Github downloads just now.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sha256 for win installer

2020-03-31 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 1:37 AM Cristian Marchi via gnucash-devel <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm getting this report from facebook users after the release of GnuCash
> 3.9:
> "Sha256 Hash does not match for gnucash-3.9.setup.exe"
> Can someone check, please?

I downloaded the file from sourceforge and confirm: the sha256 hash I got
differs from the hash published in the release email.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-11-02 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 9:54 PM Tommy Trussell 

> I finally jumped through the hoops and uploaded my backported package of
> GnuCash 3.7 to my own launchpad PPA.

> ... if anyone still wants a pre-built version for Bionic or Mint or any
> other Ubuntu Bionic-derived distro, here it is, ready to install. I can
> certify that it's essentially the same package as provided for Ubuntu 19.10
> "Eoan Ermine," built for Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic Beaver."
Tonight I uploaded the eoan version of GnuCash 3.7 as a package for Ubuntu
19.04 "Disco," unmodified, and it built fine. I still cannot explain why
Stephen and I both had trouble building for Disco the other day; today it
worked fine in my VM as well as on the PPA build server.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-11-01 Thread Tommy Trussell
I finally jumped through the hoops and uploaded my backported package of
GnuCash 3.7 to my own launchpad PPA.

Several other folks have done it, but I wanted to follow the backport rules
and hopefully demonstrate I had made only minimal changes to the upload.
(Though I am beginning to think it probably won't get picked up by a
backport volunteer, regardless.)

Anyway, if anyone still wants a pre-built version for Bionic or Mint or any
other Ubuntu Bionic-derived distro, here it is, ready to install. I can
certify that it's essentially the same package as provided for Ubuntu 19.10
"Eoan Ermine," built for Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic Beaver."
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Package Build Fails now

2019-10-29 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 1:44 PM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> Tommy,
> Well, I was able to build the 3.7 package for Disco a couple months
> back.  Now it fails even though cmake and make work just fine.  I get
> these notices:
> Output:
> --
> * 16:01:20  WARN  failed to load gncmod-backend-dbi from
> relative path
> * 16:01:20 ERROR  required library gncmod-backend-dbi not
> found.
> * 16:01:20  WARN  failed to load gncmod-backend-xml from
> relative path
> * 16:01:20 ERROR  required library gncmod-backend-xml not
> found.
> * 16:01:20  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 16:01:20  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 16:01:20  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 16:01:20  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 16:01:20  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> ...
> Any idea on why it might not find those libraries?
> --Steve
Now that I have tried, I'm finding nothing is building for me, either.

For example, I just attempted to build the eoan package in an eoan chroot,
and it SHOULD have worked, but it failed with essentially the same errors
you showed. I cleared the apt cache. I changed the resolver preference.
Same result.

If your output is like mine,  these builds are failing on tests number 126
and 127

126/127 Testing: sqlite3test
> 126/127 Test: sqlite3test
> Command: "/<>/.build/bin/sqlite3test"
> Directory: /<>/.build/bindings/python
> "sqlite3test" start time: Oct 30 01:03 UTC
> Output:
> --
> * 01:03:46  WARN  failed to load gncmod-backend-dbi from
> relative path
> * 01:03:46 ERROR  required library gncmod-backend-dbi not
> found.
> * 01:03:46  WARN  failed to load gncmod-backend-xml from
> relative path
> * 01:03:46 ERROR  required library gncmod-backend-xml not
> found.
> Test time =   0.01 sec
> --
> Test Passed.
> "sqlite3test" end time: Oct 30 01:03 UTC
> "sqlite3test" time elapsed: 00:00:00
> --
> 127/127 Testing: python-bindings
> 127/127 Test: python-bindings
> Command: "/usr/bin/python3" "/<>/bindings/python/tests/
> Directory: /<>/.build/bindings/python/tests
> "python-bindings" start time: Oct 30 01:03 UTC
> Output:
> --
> * 01:03:46  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 01:03:46  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 01:03:46  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 01:03:46  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> * 01:03:46  WARN  no backend loaded, or the backend
> doesn't define register_cb, returning 0
> ...
> --
> Ran 43 tests in 0.199s
> OK
> Test time =   0.39 sec
> --
> Test Passed.
> "python-bindings" end time: Oct 30 01:03 UTC
> "python-bindings" time elapsed: 00:00:00
> --

Since both tests referenced python bindings, I looked at the Python
versions. libpython3.7 for eoan and disco have had a couple of updates in
the past few weeks, but nothing since early October. I would think that if
the recent security updates, etc. had broken something we would see lots of
folks complaining. So surely it must be something we're doing differently.
And the bionic python package versions haven't changed since April.

But I am not making any progress tonight. Sorry I cannot offer any useful
suggestions. Maybe someone else will see this and recognize the core issue.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Fwd: Re: Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-10-19 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 11:33 PM Andre Joost  wrote:

> BTW there are already PPAs with Gnucash 3.7 available:
Thank you greatly. I will point to those and another in the bug report;
hopefully that will garner a sponsor.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-10-18 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 11:10 AM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> On 10/17/19 2:44 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> > My NEXT step (to "sweeten" the backport request) is to upload the
> > patched file to a PPA but (in my usual very slow style) I am still
> > puzzling out how to sign the packages. I have a published key I
> > created years ago but apparently I'm missing some (literal) key
> > concepts. :-P
> Is your PPA on Launchpad?  If so, did you upload your public key to your
> account on that site?

Yes I uploaded the key back in 2016, but I'm having trouble getting my head
around how to use the old key to sign a package.

I may end up creating a new key because I can't figure out how to get the
old key into the right place.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-10-17 Thread Tommy Trussell
My NEXT step (to "sweeten" the backport request) is to upload the patched
file to a PPA but (in my usual very slow style) I am still puzzling out how
to sign the packages. I have a published key I created years ago but
apparently I'm missing some (literal) key concepts. :-P

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 10:51 AM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> Thanks Tommy for this info.  I've been slammed the last couple of
> weeks.  Hopefully will be able to look at this next week.  --Steve
> On 10/9/19 9:32 AM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> > Here's a tested working procedure for building and installing GnuCash
> > under Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS. I presume it should also work with Mint
> > or any other distro based on Bionic.
> >
> > An Ubuntu Bionic installation *with bionic-backports activated. (I
> > used a minimal Xubuntu installation in a VirtualBox VM for this test.)
> >
> > 1) Create a source directory
> >
> >   $ mkdir bionic37
> >   $ cd bionic37
> >
> > 2) Get the latest Ubuntu package
> >
> >   $ dget
> >
> >
> > 2b) Move into the directory created by the source package
> >
> >   $ cd gnucash-3.7
> >
> > 3) Comment out a build flag line in debian/rules so it will build in
> > Bionic
> >
> >   $ sed -i 's/export DEB_CXXFLAGS/#export DEB_CXXFLAGS/' debian/rules
> >
> > 4) Make this your custom version (so any "official" release should
> > supersede it).
> >
> >   $ dch --nmu
> >
> > 4b) Edit the version at the top so it reads something like
> >   gnucash (1:3.7-1ubuntu18.04~1)
> >
> > 4c) Add a comment under your name and email in the first comment
> > saying something like
> >   "Commented out DEB_CXXFLAGS instruction in debian/rules"
> >
> > 4d) Save and exit the editor.
> >
> > 5) Upgrade debhelper
> >
> >   $ sudo apt install debhelper/bionic-backports
> >
> > 6) Build the package
> >
> >   $ dpkg-buildpackage
> >
> > 7) You will see the package files in the bionic37 directory, ready to
> > install.
> >
> >   $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb *.ddeb
> >
> >   $ sudo apt install -f
> >
> > The dpkg -i command above attempts to install gnucash .deb files (and
> > the optional .ddeb debugging files). In a fresh installation, "dpkg
> > -i" will fail because of missing dependencies, so the "apt install -f"
> > command will install the missing dependencies and finish installing
> > gnucash.
> >
> --
> Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
> 253-350-0166
> ---
> GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Mouse usage in Gnucash

2019-10-12 Thread Tommy Trussell
The Gnome Documentation Style Gude says to refer to Left, Middle, and Right
mouse buttons or clicks

KMymoney seems to use the same or similar convention

I know one of the things that generated the discussion was concern about
tablets, touchpads, touchscreens or other non-mouse interactions... so I
looked for the Android documentation style guide. My interpretation is they
encourage writers to emphasize the task more than the mechanics.

I had some more thoughts but I want to ponder them more carefully...

And before I put my foot in my mouth... is there already a GnuCash
documentation Style Guide, or some suggestions for writers? I vaguely
recall seeing something, but I may be mistaken.

On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 6:30 AM David Carlson 

> Are there examples in other major applications  to compare to?
> David Carlson
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019, 11:33 PM D via gnucash-devel <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On October 12, 2019, at 3:45 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >> On Oct 10, 2019, at 10:26 PM, David Cousens  >
> > wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Do we by any chance have some sort of standard description of mouse
> > usage in
> > >> GNuCash on the various OS.
> > >>
> > >> I am updating documentation. Docbooks has tags for description of
> mouse
> > >> operations.  With configurable mouses for LH or RH operation terms
> like
> > Left
> > >> Click and Right Click start to become ambiguous. DocBooks has tags for
> > >> . In a review of some recent changes Frank suggested
> using
> > >> Button1, Button2 and Button 3 rather than Left, Middle and Right to
> > avoid
> > >> the LH/RH mouse conundrum.  I haven't been able to find anything in
> the
> > >> documentation re input devices but I could have missed it
> > >>
> > >> Two of my mice have 6 buttons and two scroll wheels (basic config is
> a 2
> > >> button + central scroll/button) and  another only has 2 buttons and a
> > single
> > >> scroll wheel/button. Linux Mint can configure that for LH operation,
> > >> emulation of a centre button by pressing both buttons together,
> > scrolling
> > >> reversal and double click timeout and I presume most OSs will have
> > something
> > >> similar. Then we go to Macs and we have single buttons and magic mice
> to
> > >> contend with.  Then there are tablets and touchpads and gestures.
> GTK3
> > >> seems to support a wide range
> > >> and
> > does
> > >> interpret the scroll wheel appropriately on my mice but the wheel
> button
> > >> inserts "another" each time it is pressed while editing a transaction
> > in a
> > >> register - not too useful.
> > >>
> > >> It is clearly far too onerous to describe all possible mice/input
> > >> variations.
> > >>
> > >> My own preference would to perhaps settle on a fairly common 2 button
> RH
> > >> basic mouse and keyboard configuration and describe operations in
> terms
> > of
> > >> that. Perhaps then offer in a wiki section some translations from this
> > >> configuration to other configurations like track pads that could be
> > >> populated by users. I think Left (Centre) Right  for a RH mouse is
> > likely to
> > >> be far less confusing to translate than a "Button1 Button2, Button3
> > where
> > >> it is totally ambiguous whether the mouse is LH RH or upside down.
> > >>
> > >David,
> > >The middle-button behavior on Linux is an X-Windows thing: The right
> > button begins a selection, the left button completes the selection, and
> the
> > middle button pastes the selection. I don't know if Wayland has that
> > behavior as well. Gtk has a GdkSelection class to try to provide it on
> > other Ones but it was implemented only partly on Windows and not at all
> on
> > MacOS. It's been deprecated for some time.
> > >If you don't like "left click" or "click button 1", how about "primary
> > click" and "secondary click"? You could even say "primary click/tap" to
> > include the touchpad users.
> > >I don't think that it's particularly useful for our documentation to try
> > to teach users the basics of using their computers, and explaining
> > everything at that level quickly gets tiresome for the majority of users
> > who know how to click a button, select some text, or open a context menu.
> > >Regards,
> > >John Ralls
> > >___
> > >gnucash-devel mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > +1 to John's comments.
> >
> > I think it best to focus on the task, rather than the specific mechanics.
> >
> > David T.
> > ___
> > gnucash-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing 

[GNC-dev] down?

2019-10-11 Thread Tommy Trussell
I presume this message won't go through (assuming it's hosted at the same
place) but I am unable to load is working at the moment.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-10-09 Thread Tommy Trussell
I requested a backport of GnuCash 3.7 from Ubuntu eoan 19.10 to bionic 18.04

UNFORTUNATELY I still don't understand why I cannot get the eoan package to
build in an sbuild bionic chroot with bionic-backports. I also cannot get
the eoan gnucash-docs package to build, either inside or outside a chroot.
A task for another day...
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-10-09 Thread Tommy Trussell
Here's a tested working procedure for building and installing GnuCash under
Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS. I presume it should also work with Mint or any
other distro based on Bionic.

An Ubuntu Bionic installation *with bionic-backports activated. (I used a
minimal Xubuntu installation in a VirtualBox VM for this test.)

1) Create a source directory

  $ mkdir bionic37
  $ cd bionic37

2) Get the latest Ubuntu package

  $ dget

2b) Move into the directory created by the source package

  $ cd gnucash-3.7

3) Comment out a build flag line in debian/rules so it will build in Bionic

  $ sed -i 's/export DEB_CXXFLAGS/#export DEB_CXXFLAGS/' debian/rules

4) Make this your custom version (so any "official" release should
supersede it).

  $ dch --nmu

4b) Edit the version at the top so it reads something like
  gnucash (1:3.7-1ubuntu18.04~1)

4c) Add a comment under your name and email in the first comment saying
something like
  "Commented out DEB_CXXFLAGS instruction in debian/rules"

4d) Save and exit the editor.

5) Upgrade debhelper

  $ sudo apt install debhelper/bionic-backports

6) Build the package

  $ dpkg-buildpackage

7) You will see the package files in the bionic37 directory, ready to

  $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb *.ddeb

  $ sudo apt install -f

The dpkg -i command above attempts to install gnucash .deb files (and the
optional .ddeb debugging files). In a fresh installation, "dpkg -i" will
fail because of missing dependencies, so the "apt install -f" command will
install the missing dependencies and finish installing gnucash.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-09-30 Thread Tommy Trussell
I woke up with one realization this morning -- sbuild was not picking up
the changed packages from backports etc. because it's probably set to
prefer anything that's already loaded into it (remember "normally" it grabs
fresh packages EVERY TIME you build, but I got impatient weeks ago and
pre-loaded all the dependencies).

Since I couldn't even build a known "clean" cmake package from a PPA I have
to assume I had basically ruined the chroot build environment somehow. SO I
deleted the old chroot and created the new chroot, and sure enough it's
building the cmake package just fine.

Here's how I deleted the chroot:
$ sudo sbuild-destroychroot bionic-amd64
[The above command does NOT delete the chroot -- it locates it and tells
you how. Useful!]

$ lsof /var/lib/schroot/chroots/bionic-amd64
$ sudo rm --recursive --one-file-system
$ sudo rm /etc/schroot/chroot.d/sbuild-bionic-amd64

Here's the process I used to create a bionic chroot with backports enabled:
$ mk-sbuild bionic

... [lots of stuff going into the chroot]
Done building bionic-amd64.

 To CHANGE the golden image: sudo schroot -c source:bionic-amd64 -u root
 To ENTER an image snapshot: schroot -c bionic-amd64
 To BUILD within a snapshot: sbuild -A -d bionic-amd64 PACKAGE*.dsc
 To BUILD for : sbuild -A -d bionic-amd64 --host  PACKAGE*.dsc

$ schroot -c source:bionic-amd64 -u root

# cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
# cat > bionic-backports.list
deb bionic-backports main restricted
universe multiverse
deb-src bionic-backports main restricted
universe multiverse

# apt update
# apt upgrade
# exit


The cmake source package is still building. It creates lots of binaries. I
typed this up while I was waiting...

Next thing to try: the GnuCash 3.7 package for Ubuntu Eoan with the GCC 9
build flag commented out...
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-09-29 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 11:46 AM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> On 9/28/19 9:46 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> > Stephen -- I got a reply on the Repositories and Backports forum:
> >
> >
> ...
> > Then you can update apt in the chroot to see that the backports
> > repository is available.
> Now to figure out how to start over and remove the existing xxx-amd64
> environments.

I haven't done it yet, but it sounds fairly straightforward to blow away
the chroot

Just go to wherever they are installed, delete them, and you can create new
ones. Be sure you don't have suspended processes hanging around. I kept
having that happen until I changed the sbuild preferences so they weren't

I have been trying to follow up on my theory that the sbuild fails because
of the buggy cmake version in Bionic. I found the PPA where this guy was
trying to get them to do an SRU (Stable Release Update) to upgrade / patch
the version of cmake.

but no matter what I try I can't get the sbuild chroot to load his version

I'm using this command that SHOULD point to his PPA

$ sbuild -Avs -d bionic-amd64  --extra-repository="deb [trusted=yes] deb
bionic main"

But it doesn't seem to be loading his package no matter what I put into

SO I grabbed his package and tried to build it...

created a source directory; cd to it

$ dget

tried to sbuild...
Strangely enough that build is failing in exactly the same way. Ugh.

SO I am stymied for now. I bet it's something simple I'm not seeing because
I'm tired.

Time to rest; have an appointment tomorrow.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-09-28 Thread Tommy Trussell
there was a typo in my little procedure. I tried it the first way and it
didn't work, but this way works:

Create a new file for sources.list in the chroot having two lines
$ sbuild-shell bionic-amd64
$ su
# cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
# cat > bionic-backports.list
   [paste the following two lines into the file, and then type ctrl-Z]
deb bionic-backports main restricted
universe multiverse
deb-src bionic-backports main restricted
universe multiverse

On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 11:46 PM Tommy Trussell 

> Stephen -- I got a reply on the Repositories and Backports forum:
> SO this person said we should be using the Backports repository. That
> changes all the rules! I added a follow-up question.
> In case you don't know, Backports is a special standard repository for
> each version of Ubuntu containing newer packages for that release. It's
> fairly easy to get packages into Backports. (See below.**) It turns out
> nowadays (for quite a few years now; I missed the memo) backports is
> activated by default in Ubuntu. But apparently NOT in the sbuild chroot!
> I probably won't be able to try again this weekend. It should be fairly
> straightforward to activate the backports repository in sbuild, but if you
> or I start tinkering with a PPA I don't know what to do. I suppose they
> have it activated there.
> Here's what I would suggest. Create a new file for sources.list in the
> chroot having two lines
> $ sbuild-shell bionic-amd64
> $ su
> password:
> # cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> # cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bionic-backports.list
> [paste the following two lines into the file, and then type ctrl-Z]
> deb bionic-backports main restricted
> universe multiverse
> deb-src bionic-backports main
> restricted universe multiverse
> Then you can update apt in the chroot to see that the backports repository
> is available.
> **The backport process: Someone wants a newer package, and builds it (on
> sbuild or pbuilder or a PPA) to confirm it builds in x version of Ubuntu,
> then that person requests that it go into the Backports repository for
> Ubuntu x. A backport volunteer confirms that it builds, and copies into the
> repository for Ubuntu x. The new version then becomes available to everyone
> who has the Backports repository activated (everyone).
> If, for example, the latest GnuCash package builds without errors with
> backported packages for Bionic, then theoretically it can easily go into
> the Backports repository for Bionic. No PPA needed! (Not that I expect this
> to happen for Bionic, but it might work for Disco, for example.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-09-28 Thread Tommy Trussell
Stephen -- I got a reply on the Repositories and Backports forum:

SO this person said we should be using the Backports repository. That
changes all the rules! I added a follow-up question.

In case you don't know, Backports is a special standard repository for each
version of Ubuntu containing newer packages for that release. It's fairly
easy to get packages into Backports. (See below.**) It turns out nowadays
(for quite a few years now; I missed the memo) backports is activated by
default in Ubuntu. But apparently NOT in the sbuild chroot!

I probably won't be able to try again this weekend. It should be fairly
straightforward to activate the backports repository in sbuild, but if you
or I start tinkering with a PPA I don't know what to do. I suppose they
have it activated there.

Here's what I would suggest. Create a new file for sources.list in the
chroot having two lines
$ sbuild-shell bionic-amd64
$ su
# cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
# cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bionic-backports.list

[paste the following two lines into the file, and then type ctrl-Z]

deb bionic-backports main restricted
universe multiverse
deb-src bionic-backports main restricted
universe multiverse

Then you can update apt in the chroot to see that the backports repository
is available.

**The backport process: Someone wants a newer package, and builds it (on
sbuild or pbuilder or a PPA) to confirm it builds in x version of Ubuntu,
then that person requests that it go into the Backports repository for
Ubuntu x. A backport volunteer confirms that it builds, and copies into the
repository for Ubuntu x. The new version then becomes available to everyone
who has the Backports repository activated (everyone).

If, for example, the latest GnuCash package builds without errors with
backported packages for Bionic, then theoretically it can easily go into
the Backports repository for Bionic. No PPA needed! (Not that I expect this
to happen for Bionic, but it might work for Disco, for example.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Ubuntu Eoan has GnuCash 3.7

2019-09-27 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 12:57 PM John Ralls  wrote:

> > On Sep 27, 2019, at 9:59 AM, Tommy Trussell 
> wrote:
> >
> > I just noticed Gianfranco Costamagna  patched
> and
> > uploaded GnuCash 3.7 for Ubuntu 19.10 "Eoan Ermine":
> >
> >
> >
> > I was just looking at the packaging diff hoping I would find it
> > instructive. It looks like Gianfranco added a lot of patches to get it to
> > build.
> >
> >
> Look more closely at those patches. You might recognize the author. ;-)
> Regards,
> John Ralls

I DID notice a certain name showing up there! ;-)

I see (some? all?) of them (plus a few OTHER things we've discussed here
even in the past few days) in the git log for GnuCash after the 3.7 tag.
:-/  Such is the nature of moving targets!

I'm a little surprised the Ubuntu people accepted this upload after the
freeze date with so many patches to the 3.7 tarball, but I gather there are
folks yelling loudly for the aqbanking fixes.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Ubuntu Eoan has GnuCash 3.7

2019-09-27 Thread Tommy Trussell
I just noticed Gianfranco Costamagna  patched and
uploaded GnuCash 3.7 for Ubuntu 19.10 "Eoan Ermine":

I was just looking at the packaging diff hoping I would find it
instructive. It looks like Gianfranco added a lot of patches to get it to
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Missing Package

2019-09-25 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 8:44 PM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> I started from the point of building a minimal
> Disco schroot environment.  Knowing that GnC compiles in my environment
> under the full Disco set of packages but fails with the below snippet
> from the end of the string of messages, I made the presumption that the
> failure was due to a package missing in the minimal environment.
> Hopefully, if we can figure this out for Disco under schroot, then we
> can do Bionic in a similar environment.

As far as I know, the only difference between an "ordinary" operational
environment you build in and a chroot should be that the build chroot won't
have anything in it that you haven't carefully specified for the build. If
you watch as it starts up, you'll see it install every package specified in
your control file and all their dependencies. (N.B. To save time on
subsequent build attempts, you can manually insert packages into the
chroot. But of course then it won't be "clean" anymore.)

You might do a side-by-side comparison of the packages that have been
installed, either by examining the log from the early part of the build
process, or by opening a suspended chroot and issuing a package list
command to see what has been installed, and compare it with the same
command in your working build environment. (But your running system will
tend to have lots of extraneous packages installed.)

apt list --installed

There are several utilities, dpkg-depcheck for one example, that will watch
your build and compile a list of every package needed. You might use it to
watch your successful build.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Missing package

2019-09-25 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 12:00 PM Tommy Trussell 

> Yes it seems likely that code that was new in July would not be in the
> Disco repositories because they froze before April. So the trick is to make
> the code available for building.

You see, we have multiple realities to reconcile... Code that was created
in July that needs to line up with code that froze in April.

It occurs to me for my Bionic 18.04 goal it might be easier for me to
tackle it by rolling back GnuCash to those versions that came out before
Bionic froze in early 2018, and get those to build, and work on each "fails
to build" problem one at a time, as they develop.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Missing package

2019-09-25 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 11:49 AM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> On 9/25/19 7:19 AM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 3:22 AM Tommy Trussell
> >>> wrote:
> >
> > I know very little about C, but literally I believe this is saying
> > there's an undeclared function.
> >
> >  ...
> >
> > The specific section of that file says
> >
> > /* These two values must be set because newest bank
> > regulation requires
> > the bank servers to require it. The string itself
> > results from our
> > registration with the German bank association at
> >
> > (where the
> > registration was requested and is managed by cstim).
> > The function call was
> > introduced in aqbanking-5.99.25 and aqbanking-5.7.9. */
> > AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue(api,
> > "fintsRegistrationKey", "412748A1836CDD07181CE1910");
> > AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue(api,
> > "fintsApplicationVersionString", PACKAGE_VERSION);
> > #endif
> >
> >
> > Must one install aqbanking-5.99.25 or aqbanking-5.7.9 (or higher) in
> > order for GnuCash to compile (or at least to pass this CMake test)? I
> > haven't dug into that but I presume the
> > AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue function must be in aqbanking code.
> Which package name do you have installed for AQB?  I found and installed
> libaqbanking-dev before attempting to compile.  So that must not be all
> that is needed.  Or, maybe I need a later version than on the Disco
> repository.

Sorry, I should have specified --you are treading much further along than I
am. I am very slow. I jumped to your question to give you some hints and to
show how I would investigate. I just looked in the code to find it.

Yes it seems likely that code that was new in July would not be in the
Disco repositories because they froze before April. So the trick is to make
the code available for building.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Help packaging GnuCash 3.x for Ubuntu Bionic

2019-09-24 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 1:13 PM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> On 9/23/19 10:24 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> > I followed Stephen Butler's work on the GnuCash lists and hoped his
> > packaging procedure could produce clean Bionic builds. However it seems
> > Stephen quit building for Bionic quite a few weeks ago.
> Yup.  When I upgraded to Disco.  It's not for lack of trying but my
> feeble efforts have been fruitless so far.
> I tried the Docker approach but ran out of disk space!  I do have
> schroot on my plate but that hasn't born fruit yet.

I, too, tinkered with Docker but I didn't feel like it was getting me where
I wanted to go. I'm sure it can be useful but I don't think it's (yet?) the
primary environment for developing Debian / Ubuntu packages. So I have
uninstalled it for now.

You'll see two primary utilities for creating clean Debian / Ubuntu build
environments: pbuilder and sbuild. (You'll also see mentions of cowbuilder
-- that's a pbuilder wrapper that invokes cowdancer -- a "copy on write"
environment to optimize build performance.) You'll see more web pages about
pbuilder because it has been around longer, but sbuild seems to be what's
now being used in (most? many?) build servers.

I find that once sbuild is set up (including a local package repository) it
seems quite user friendly -- for example I don't have to remember to update
the packages in the chroot -- the system automatically does so whenever I
run a process in them. It's also dead simple to create and remove build
chroot environments, by release name (such as "disco" "buster," etc.). But
it's been awhile now since I played with pbuilder and maybe they've added
that feature too. Both seem to be actively developed.

By the way, a chroot in linux is a special virtualized process that's
isolated from the rest of the system. (If you've ever tinkered with a
Ubuntu installation as it's happening from a liveCD, that process happens
in a chroot environment.) The schroot utilities are handy for poking around
and running processes inside chroot filesystems as if an "ordinary" user.
Again these seem to be pretty refined and I think the same utilities
probably work the same for pbuilder or sbuild chroots, though I haven't
verified that.

What do you need from me to help you build on Bionic?  I'm able to build
> on Disco.  Have you been able to figure out the PPA on Launchpad?

I haven't gotten as far as playing with PPAs; I presume once a package
builds in sbuild it will build in a PPA. I strongly suspect an obscure bug
in the Bionic libraries is the major block, so the steps will be to A) find
a fix or workaround and B) tell the package how to implement the fix or

Unfortunately the Debian packaging process is a bit arcane, especially once
you get something as complex as GnuCash. I feel as though I have learned
only maybe 10% of what I need to know after lots of study.

It sounds like you might want to start by ordering a bigger hard drive, or
reorder things you have to free up space. Apparently the 500GB SSD on my
laptop still has some room left, but I've been pretty brutal about deleting
VMs and chroots when I'm through with them. I also tend to copy things to
my old slow machine for long-term storage.

If you have a multi-core processor and haven't played with VirtualBox, I
recommend it as a great way to keep several complete operating systems
sitting around for occasional or test use. Right now it looks like I have
copies of Ubuntu 19.10, 19.04 (the same as the host OS) a "bare" 18.04, a
regular 18.04, Debian 10, Fedora 30, FreeDOS (for a failed experiment in
upgrading a BIOS) Android x86 (time to delete that one) and a free Windows
VM (that self destructs after 30 days, which is fine by me; I just roll
back to the original install whenever I use it).

I tinkered with the flatpak and snap containers but they have some
significant limitations.

For example in my office I use an old two-core system with only 3GB RAM
available. I have upgraded it to a cheap SSD for the OS and I use a 1TB
rotational drive for data storage (/home). I stay with Ubuntu LTS OS
releases on it partly because it takes me at least a full day to fix things
like the document scanner after an upgrade. A flatpak of GnuCash ran out of
RAM so I couldn't run anything else. Also I keep my office data in a
"shared" user account so I might need to modify it for a flatpak or snap
because the sandboxing prevents access to the data.

SO that's why I am invested in creating a "proper" Ubuntu package for
GnuCash 3.x
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Yahoo blocking GnuCash Email

2019-09-20 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 12:38 PM Derek Atkins  wrote:

> Starting around September 10, Yahoo appears to have started blocking
> SMTP (email) originating at  This means that yahoo
> users have been prevented from receiving any mail (including list mail
> and bug mail), and worse, they've been blocked from sending mail *to*
> the list as well (due to sender-verify blocking them because yahoo is
> blocking us).

Does it affect other domains, too? In 2008 ATT bought Yahoo!, and for years
the Yahoo! people handled email for all the former telecom domains under
the ATT umbrella. Now (since 2017?) Verizon owns (part of) what used to be
Yahoo! but the same entity may still handle email for some of the former

Here's a list of domains I found (though several may no longer be active).
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] About the "$HOME/.local" installation prefix

2019-05-02 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 6:02 AM Geert Janssens 

> Our current wiki on building gnucash for Ubuntu 16.04 (https://
> suggests $HOME/.local as a valid
> installation prefix.

> So personally I would recommend against using $HOME/.local as installation
> prefix. I am however curious where this suggestion originally came from.

This is entirely speculation... I'm looking at this system where I've been
testing the GnuCash versions available as Snap and Flatpak... and I see
that the Flatpak installation apparently added
~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share to the $XDG_DATA_DIRS environment

Maybe whoever wrote the wiki entry was also working with Flatpak and
thought .local would be a good place to stash things to make them more
accessible to Flatpak.

I would think ~/bin would be a more ideal suggestion because I see it is
already defined in my bash $PATH on this Ubuntu machine. (And I'm pretty
sure I didn't add it, though I may have.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Import PDF to GnuCash

2018-07-31 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 1:08 AM jeffrey black 

> As near as I understand it, Quickbooks imports a specially formatted pdf
> file of a statement for reconciliation.  I am sure there is a large
> amount of money flowing between Quickbooks and Adobe for this right.
> Adobe has gone to great lengths to make their files viewable and printer
> printable only, unless you pay fees for features that used to be built
> in, like export to M$document files (which I used to use extensively for
> university extension publications).

At some point Adobe declared PDF to be an "open" format, so in many cases
you can peek inside and do something interesting with the files. PDFs are
"container" files and can contain more than one representation of a
document at a time.

The kind of PDFs that get generated by desktop applications and such
generally contain an abbreviated version of the PostScript page declaration
language. A PDF generated by a scanner application normally contains a
compressed TIFF image because that's directly compatible with fax software.
(And even if it isn't, ImageMagick can generally convert to whatever image
format you need.)

Some widely available applications, such as LibreOffice, can generate a PDF
with multiple items in the container at once. LibreOffice calls theirs a
"Hybrid PDF," and those PDF files contain the PostScript image AND the
document's editable source.

All this to say... If you acquired of one of the "specially formatted" PDF
documents intended for Quickbooks, I wonder what other document type might
they have they embedded into the file? For Quickbook's purposes it would
likely be a Quickbooks or OFX file because parsing the PostScript or
another image file format might be too unreliable. Of course they might do
something uncharitable like encrypt it or even compress it in an unusual
fashion to make reverse-engineering it a hurdle.

Most linux distributions include several useful PDF parsing and
manipulation utilities, so conceivably extracting useful data might be
relatively straightforward with a bit of command-line tinkering.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Build issues and some free testing

2018-01-23 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 8:56 PM, Robert Merkel 

> So, for the first time for quite a while, I have tried to download and
> build gnucash from the git repository using cmake.  I've found the
> following build issues:
> * The build process requires xsltproc and makeinfo, which are not mentioned
> in the dependency list and cmake doesn't seem to check for them.
> * The build failed on my Ubuntu machine with the stock version of
> libwebkit2-gtk available on that distribution (2.4.11).  It appears that
> Gnucash requires version
> 2.6 of this library, as "WebKitNavigationAction" was apparently added in
> version 2.6.  Again, the minimum version isn't listed and cmake doesn't
> have a check for it.
Hi -- I have been tinkering with the Ubuntu builds lately myself, but
mainly because GetDeb has gotten behind, and I'm trying to teach myself
enough packaging to figure out if I can help. Unfortunately "backporting"
even the stable GnuCash packages to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial" in recent
months has become trickier as it drifts farther from the current release of

You didn't mention which version of Ubuntu you are building for, nor which
release of GnuCash you're building. I presume you're probably building the
unstable release of GnuCash.

As an Ubuntu user you might find it interesting looking at the Debian
Tracker for Gnucash so you can see what the Debian maintainer for the
GnuCash package is up to. The tracker also shows the latest version that
has been automatically included in the development release of Ubuntu, and
links to the launchpad pages.

Be sure to hover over all the symbols and follow some of the links to get
more of the useful information that dense tracker page points to.

As you can see Micha Lenk is keeping close track of the 2.7 / 3.0 release
(because otherwise GnuCash was to get dropped from Debian due to the legacy
dependence upon the old webkit) but the package is only barely in
Experimental. If you notice his .dsc file for GnuCash 2.7.3 has these
dependencies (which of course are Debian package names, some of which may
differ from your version of Ubuntu):

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10), intltool, pkg-config, dh-python, cmake,
> googletest, guile-2.0-dev, imagemagick, libaqbanking-dev, libboost-dev,
> libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-locale-dev,
> libboost-regex-dev, libdbi-dev, libdbd-sqlite3, libglib2.0-dev,
> libsecret-1-dev, libgoffice-0.10-dev, libgtk-3-dev, libgwengui-gtk2-dev,
> libofx-dev, libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev, libxml2-dev, libxslt1-dev, python,
> python-dev, texinfo, xsltproc, zlib1g-dev, locales-all
> Build-Conflicts: guile-1.8

As we get closer to release maybe you can add your collected hints or tips
on the relevant page(s) on the GnuCash wiki. I presume the Building page
might need new sections to cover GnuCash unstable /2.7.x/ 3.0 and the
upcoming Ubuntu 18.04 LTS "Bionic" release as it passes its freeze dates.

> __
> gnucash-devel mailing list
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash wiki error on reCAPTCHA

2017-12-22 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 2:43 AM, Geert Janssens <>

> Op woensdag 20 december 2017 23:31:45 CET schreef Tommy Trussell:
> > On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Tommy Trussell <
> >
> > wrote:
> > > I'm trying to update the Ubuntu page at that I have
> > > updated in the past. It's been months since I've been logged in, so I
> just
> > > logged in anew.
> > >
> > > I made the change to the page, which includes a new URL, so I get the
> > > reCAPTCHA.
> > >
> > > When I enter the CAPTCHA text I get a blank page containing the error
> > >
> > > "Could not open socket"
> > >
> > > I have tried Firefox and Chromium, both with the same result.
> > >
> > > Various web searches imply the error is due to a network issue between
> the
> > > wiki server and the captcha server, but the problem has persisted for
> more
> > > than a half hour.
> > >
> > > Is the problem affecting other folks, too, or am I missing something?
> >
> > I'm still trying to update, and 24 hours later am still getting the
> "Could
> > not open socket" message.
> >
> > I deleted the two obsolete releases of Ubuntu (didn't trigger CAPTCHA)
> > I am still trying to add the information for Ubuntu 17.10.
> >
> > If someone with edit rights to the wiki could go to the page
> >
> >
> >
> > and paste the markup below at the correct spot (above 17.04) and let me
> > know whether you get the same error.
> >
> >
> > === Ubuntu 17.10 ("Artful Aardvark") ===
> >
> > GnuCash 2.6.17 is included in Ubuntu 17.10, released October 2017
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> I have added the section for you without problems. But I'm probably not a
> good
> reference as I have more rights in the wiki than most users...
> Derek, can you help debug this ?
> Tommy, perhaps this would be easier to test in an interactive session with
> Derek on irc. His nick there is 'warlord'.
> Geert
Geert, thank you for adding the URL!  I'm disappointed you didn't see the
bug, but glad to know it doesn't affect everyone.

I'm not in front of a screen reliably until next week; I will put on my
schedule to check back and see if I can get the error when Derek is
available to look at the server.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash wiki error on reCAPTCHA

2017-12-20 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Tommy Trussell <>

> I'm trying to update the Ubuntu page at that I have
> updated in the past. It's been months since I've been logged in, so I just
> logged in anew.
> I made the change to the page, which includes a new URL, so I get the
> When I enter the CAPTCHA text I get a blank page containing the error
> "Could not open socket"
> I have tried Firefox and Chromium, both with the same result.
> Various web searches imply the error is due to a network issue between the
> wiki server and the captcha server, but the problem has persisted for more
> than a half hour.
> Is the problem affecting other folks, too, or am I missing something?
I'm still trying to update, and 24 hours later am still getting the "Could
not open socket" message.

I deleted the two obsolete releases of Ubuntu (didn't trigger CAPTCHA) BUT
I am still trying to add the information for Ubuntu 17.10.

If someone with edit rights to the wiki could go to the page

and paste the markup below at the correct spot (above 17.04) and let me
know whether you get the same error.

=== Ubuntu 17.10 ("Artful Aardvark") ===

GnuCash 2.6.17 is included in Ubuntu 17.10, released October 2017
gnucash-devel mailing list

GnuCash wiki error on reCAPTCHA

2017-12-19 Thread Tommy Trussell
I'm trying to update the Ubuntu page at that I have
updated in the past. It's been months since I've been logged in, so I just
logged in anew.

I made the change to the page, which includes a new URL, so I get the

When I enter the CAPTCHA text I get a blank page containing the error

"Could not open socket"

I have tried Firefox and Chromium, both with the same result.

Various web searches imply the error is due to a network issue between the
wiki server and the captcha server, but the problem has persisted for more
than a half hour.

Is the problem affecting other folks, too, or am I missing something?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: gnucash update on debian errors, then stops

2017-08-14 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:45 AM, John Ralls 

> > On Aug 11, 2017, at 5:09 AM, Lincoln A Baxter 
> wrote:
> > Can the group make a clear statement on the gnucash user list about the
> plan and time line for getting Gnucash back in Debian? If the wait is long
> for 2.8, should we be thinking about a maintenance release for 2.6, if for
> no other reason than to get it back into Debian?
> Lincoln,
> Geert's trying to get a 2.7.0 release ready for the end of the month when
> I get back from vacation. It will have WebKit2Gtk4 and if Sébastien wants
> to pick it up for Debian Testing he can. Once we have some users banging on
> 2.7 we can evaluate whether we need the full 6 month cycle to release 2.8
> or can accelerate it. Do you happen to know when Ubuntu makes their
> packaging decisions for their April release?

In the most recent LTS (Long Term Support) releases (which a few other
distros base their repository upon), Ubuntu took the last "snapshot" of
Debian testing in February before the April LTS release. SO it probably
won't be extremely critical until early next year. I haven't seen dates for
18.04 LTS; they don't usually set the LTS dates until around the time of
the fall non-LTS release.

Last year, when I saw that an especially buggy version of GnuCash was going
into the Ubuntu LTS release, I kicked off the process of getting a newer
version into the Ubuntu repository. I detailed the success of the process
in my message to the gnucash-user and gnucash-devel lists dated April 18,
2016 titled "GnuCash 2.6.12 made it to Ubuntu LTS [WAS: Re: Ubuntu LTS
GnuCash "Frozen" at 2.6.9; exception needed]."

Presumably the Debian GnuCash package will be upgraded and reinstated in
Debian before February 2018.

HOWEVER -- The next Non-LTS release (17.10) is scheduled for October 24th.

I am sure a few GnuCash users may upgrade Ubuntu with every release every
six months. (I don't, at least not for the systems I use for GnuCash.)

I just looked and GnuCash 2.6.15 is still in the Artful repository.
Assuming we want to make sure GnuCash stays in this next non-LTS release,
the freeze happens August 24th, and someone who is planning to use it will
want to watch its status in case we need to petition to keep the package
included despite its Debian dependency issue.

Any Ubuntu users seeing this who want to keep GnuCash in Artful Aardvark
this October -- you'll need to have a system or a virtual image capable of
running the Ubuntu snapshots for 17.10, and can verify that it continues to
build without errors for the release in October.

I presume one of us might be able to get a sponsor at Ubuntu if necessary.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: FYI: GnuCash removed from Debian (testing) due to webkitgtk deprecation

2017-08-03 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Tommy Trussell <>

> As I just mentioned in the gnucash-user list, GnuCash got bumped out of
> Debian on July 31st because it depends upon webkitgtk. I haven't seen any
> discussion about it on this list so I figured I would mention it.
> I haven't been in touch with the maintainer, though it's the same person
> who has done it for years, and I presume he might have been in touch via
> IRC or somewhere.
> Package page:
> Debian Bug report:
> 790204
I don't know why my message(s) aren't appearing on gnucash-dev but I now
see the extensive discussion at  (linked from the Debian
bug above).
gnucash-devel mailing list

FYI: GnuCash removed from Debian (testing) due to webkitgtk deprecation

2017-08-03 Thread Tommy Trussell
As I just mentioned in the gnucash-user list, GnuCash got bumped out of
Debian on July 31st because it depends upon webkitgtk. I haven't seen any
discussion about it on this list so I figured I would mention it.

I haven't been in touch with the maintainer, though it's the same person
who has done it for years, and I presume he might have been in touch via
IRC or somewhere.

Package page:

Debian Bug report:
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: wiki login difficulties

2017-02-13 Thread Tommy Trussell
I had to clear the cookies and close and reopen the pages but that worked.

Thank you!

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 8:11 PM, David T. <> wrote:

> I had the same problem. Clear your cookies and try again.
> > On Feb 14, 2017, at 6:29 AM, Tommy Trussell <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi -- the revision list for my username says it's been over a year since
> I
> > edited something in the GnuCash wiki. I know this isn't right as I can
> see
> > MUCH more recent edits I made on the Ubuntu page. Weird.
> >
> > In any case I am unable to log in at the moment. Have logins been locked
> > for some reason? I get an error when I try to use the password reset
> page.
> >
> > Wiki username: twt
> > ___
> > gnucash-devel mailing list
> >
> >
gnucash-devel mailing list

wiki login difficulties

2017-02-13 Thread Tommy Trussell
Hi -- the revision list for my username says it's been over a year since I
edited something in the GnuCash wiki. I know this isn't right as I can see
MUCH more recent edits I made on the Ubuntu page. Weird.

In any case I am unable to log in at the moment. Have logins been locked
for some reason? I get an error when I try to use the password reset page.

Wiki username: twt
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: What distro to use for screendumps?

2016-08-03 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 1:06 AM, Chris Good 

> Hi,
> reenshots
> says:
> It is better if you can use a theme similar to "clearlooks" for linux in
> order to keep consistency with existing images.
> After I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04, my virtualbox gnome flashback
> clearlooks-thenix theme titlebar is now Ubuntu black.
> I could not figure out, or find on the internet, how to change the titlebar
> colour, so I tried to modify the Unity Radiance theme to look like
> Clearlooks as I did find how to do that.
> Unfortunately, I've now found that many of the graphics (like checkboxes),
> use .png files that also have Ubuntu orange, and there is not a simple
> mapping between the clearlooks and Ubuntu graphics widgets.
> I'm thinking it would be easier to set up a new VM running whatever distro
> is preferred for GnuCash screendumps.
> What distro and version and theme should that be?

It might be easier to use a VM -- for all sorts of reasons -- but I see
there's a Clearlooks theme package for Ubuntu:

If you find the traditional Gnome desktop more convenient for this purpose,
you might also try installing Ubuntu Mate (or another distro using the Mate
desktop) or even just installing the mate-desktop package in Ubuntu. After
installing other desktops, you can select which desktop you're using by
clicking the small icon next to the password on the Ubuntu login screen.

If you're comfortable configuring a distro in a VM for the purpose of
documentation and testing, I would suggest trying Debian. As an Ubuntu user
you will find it familiar in many ways.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: New Report to End All Reports

2016-06-06 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Wm  wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Jun 2016 11:26:55 -0400, in gmane.comp.gnome.apps.gnucash.devel,
> Aaron Laws  wrote:
> Wm:
> >> I find a report as follows useful
> >>
> >> Reports / A & L / Net worth bar / then use the unfortunately fiddly
> >> but still useable accounts tab to exclude non current stuff (in my
> >> case assets of pension and government owing me money not expected
> >> soon, etc and liabilities of some money I owe my father payable
> >> when I can, etc; I don't have a mortgage but that would be the sort
> >> of obvious liability to exclude if you have one of them) and you
> >> should have a nice view.
> >
> >
> > Yes, this is exactly the sort of information I'm seeking. I accidentally
> > looked over that report in my search because I'm looking for a text-based
> > report rather than a graph, but the information is certainly there.
> Using Report Options:
> Display / Show table
> will give you the text you want
> General / [Start|End] Date = Today
> or whatever date is appropriate for you will give you Net Worth at a point
> in time (i.e. a balance sheet view so the graph doesn't have an x-axis over
> time)
Many of the reports (including this one, I just discovered, when you turn
on the table) are designed so the data will correctly copy --> paste into a

Other reports may need additionial adjustments, but the Transaction Report
(for example) includes a helpful "Table for Exporting" option.

I think the real issue may be that even the existing reports have a lot of
features and uses that aren't immediately obvious, and even those of us who
have used GnuCash for years stumble around without much knowledge of them,
but we find something that works we stick with that.

If anyone contributing to this thread has a moment, please consider
contributing to this wiki page:

And also think about if a generic FAQ entry or two might help point folks
to features in the existing reports that might do what they need. Or point
them to that page, if it seems helpful.

OH and remind them to ask questions on the gnucash-user list (instead of
gnucash-devel), too. ;-)
gnucash-devel mailing list

GnuCash 2.6.12 made it to Ubuntu LTS [WAS: Re: Ubuntu LTS GnuCash "Frozen" at 2.6.9; exception needed]

2016-04-18 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Tommy Trussell <>

> Earlier today on gnucash-user I suggested the next LTS version of Ubuntu,
> 16.04 "Xenial Xarus" would include GnuCash 2.6.11. After I wrote that
> message I checked [1] and found that's not exactly correct... according to
> the release schedule [2] Ubuntu Xenial's Debian Import Freeze occurred a
> few days ago. While the import picked up the 2.6.11 version of the
> documentation package, the software is still at version 2.6.9. I believe
> the mis-match should not be a problem for the documentation package.
> HOWEVER I wish the repository did not contain GnuCash 2.6.9. That version
> has a major QIF import bug and a few other important things that were fixed
> in 2.6.11 (see the announcement at for a list).

> 1) I find the Debian Tracker [5] useful.
>  ...

> [1]
> [2]

> [5]

It looks like GnuCash 2.6.12 made it into the forthcoming release of
Ubuntu, "Xenial Xerus" 16.04 LTS (Long Term Support). Great news!

It seemed important because the LTS releases are used "downstream" to
several other distros. Besides, GnuCash seems to be one of the important
packages promoted in the newly redesigned package tool in Xenial. It's
always good to know new users will have the newest version possible!

[Background: The past LTS release, "Trusty Tahr" 14.04, included a
particularly buggy version (2.6.1) that caused many new or inexperienced
users to GnuCash to have a less-than-optimal experience.]

Thank you to Amr Ibrahim who opened the detailed bug [6] and Logan Rosen,
the member of the Ubuntu sponsors team who tested and verified that the
latest Debian Testing (aka "stretch") source packages work without
modification. Thank you also to the many others who helped in other ways.

The new packages haven't yet appeared in the Ubuntu section of Debian's
package tracker [5] but you can see them in Ubuntu's Launchpad for
GnuCash[7] and GnuCash documentation[8] packages.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Reports: Utilization of urls

2016-03-07 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 12:10 AM, Carsten Rinke  wrote:

> when trying to introduce line charts to all graphical reports I run into
> the effect, that warnings are thrown in the area of setting up urls for the
> charts.
> I think that is to make the charts interactive, so you can click on lines
> and bars or account names in the legend to open the corresponding account
> registers.
> With the introduction of jqplot these kind of url utilization is not
> supported anymore (at least, I did not find support for it in the jqplot
> pages).
I haven't tinkered with jqplot, but it seems like something it should be
able to do.

I discovered there's a jqplotDataClick binding method (in the plugins for
many of the graph types):

I didn't find the method in the documentation, it is in jqPlot's code and

And you'll see it in the comments for the plugins. For example:

An alternative option I found is inserting html into label text:
gnucash-devel mailing list

Ubuntu LTS GnuCash "Frozen" at 2.6.9; exception needed

2016-02-25 Thread Tommy Trussell
Earlier today on gnucash-user I suggested the next LTS version of Ubuntu,
16.04 "Xenial Xarus" would include GnuCash 2.6.11. After I wrote that
message I checked [1] and found that's not exactly correct... according to
the release schedule [2] Ubuntu Xenial's Debian Import Freeze occurred a
few days ago. While the import picked up the 2.6.11 version of the
documentation package, the software is still at version 2.6.9. I believe
the mis-match should not be a problem for the documentation package.

HOWEVER I wish the repository did not contain GnuCash 2.6.9. That version
has a major QIF import bug and a few other important things that were fixed
in 2.6.11 (see the announcement at for a list).

As we have seen, some fraction of Ubuntu users (including me) plus a number
of other linux distros use the Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) repository.
That's why for almost two years we've had to talk many folks through
updating from the unusually buggy version 2.6.1 of GnuCash in the Ubuntu
14.04 LTS "Trusty" repository.

I want to create a bug to petition to get 2.6.11 into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
"Xenial," as described in [3].

Unfortunately I may need some help; it looks like before the bug gets
accepted it needs the Ubuntu deb source package (and the build logs to
prove it works).

Does anyone here have a the necessary skills? Would it be unfair to use the
getdeb source package (maybe with a few minor textual updates for Xenial)?

I just finished downloading a daily image of Xenial [4] but I haven't yet
tried to build GnuCash in it.

I'm willing to tackle this myself but I am slow. Maybe someone else on
these lists is closer than I am already.

1) I find the Debian Tracker [5] useful.
2) I don't know of a way to get items from the repository
without adding it to your sources.list, but of course it's easy enough to
add a deb-src entry, apt-get update, grab gnucash using apt-get source,
then remove it again.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Translation of Help

2016-01-07 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 4:51 AM, Pedro Albuquerque 

> Hi and a Happy New Year to all,
> two issues:
> 1 - I'm getting this error:
> /GnucashGit/gnucash-help$ xmllint --noout --noent --valid
> help/pt_PT/gnucash-help.xml
> help/pt_PT/gnucash-help.xml:6028: element xref: validity error :
> IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID
> "budgeting-book-options"
> help/pt_PT/gnucash-help.xml:6027: element xref: validity error :
> IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "book-options"
> Removing those references allows to continue testing, but I'm not sure
> that is the best solution;
> 2 - about the legal notice, what should be done? German help file
> doesn't have it, Italian help file has it in English.
> I searched a bit and it seems that in general it should not be
> translated because of legal issues in different countries.
> Can some one advise, please?
> Regards,
> Pedro.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list

Greetings, and Happy New Year to you, too!

I saw you had no responses on the User list so I am copying the
gnucash-devel list (INSTEAD of gnucash-user) as I suspect you might find
more assistance from developers.

Unfortunately I am still learning the documentation structure myself, and I
am not a translator at all, so I may not be able to help directly. However
I just tried running the xmllint command on the C version of
gnucash-help.xml and did not see the errors you reported, so I suggest your
translated files probably contain additional or missing text affecting that

According to grep, the only two files that contain the
"budgeting-book-options" link are Help_ch_Customize.xml (where it's defined
in a sect2 tag) and in Help_ch_GUIMenus.xml (where it's linked in an xref
tag). Is it possible you accidentally changed or deleted the  tag? (line 1406 in the C version of
Help_ch_Customize.xml file) or maybe you translated the tag differently in
the two files. (Obviously you don't have to translate the tag itself except
as a help to fellow translators.)

As for the legal notices, I just used Google to search for "FDL translated
to Portuguese" and the first I found was at Wikipedia. They handle the
issue by showing the English license and a small link to an unofficial
Portuguese version:

I am not an attorney, it appears to me that the FDL itself specifies that
the FDL text must appear with a translation. If you decided to include a
translation of the FDL itself, I think you must also include the legally
binding English version with a disclaimer in the translated version.

> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Using LibreOffice for Documentation

2015-09-03 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Mike Evans  wrote:

> A new but related thread then.
> It seems many documenters are not prepared to accept anything but a
> WYSIWIG solution, even though I feel then learning the arcanery of
> LibreOffice is harder than learning Asciidoc. Oh well.
> LibreOffice was mentioned ealier, somewhere so I thought I'd experiment a
> bit.  I've put the results of my experiment at
> It's not a perfect
> conversion but reasonably good.  Each file is still separate, and git
> trackable, and these are included into the master document "guide.odm".
> Just thought I'd throw it into the mix.
> Mike E
I have been following the discussions with interest, and using pandoc was a
tack I had not expected. Thanks!

I have two concerns that jump out immediately...

1) To be "better" trackable in git I would assume .fodt (flat uncompressed
xml) would be "better" than .odt, but it appears Pandoc doesn't have that
as an option. Oh, and I'm also aware of the spurious page markers (and
other things?) that makes git tracking of .fodt more difficult, and that
the LibreOffice folks don't intend to fix it. If this is a "one-shot"
conversion then that's not a problem, because the files could be converted
then be kept in whatever format works best.

2) To be "better" trackable, maintainable and functional I would assume the
doc files would need to pass through some sort of lint utility or something
to check or enforce "proper" stylesheet application and such -- because as
we know with WYSIWYG you can make it "LOOK" right (set the font attributes
etc.) but not "WORK" right (set the headings as necessary to generate the

I don't have a ready-made solution. I would think an open-source
application like LibreOffice / OpenOffice would be ideal platform for
building an editor or utility that could enforce document structure, or at
the very least have a macro to highlight the obvious problems. But if
anyone has done this I haven't seen it.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Suggested (and Requested) Feature

2015-02-12 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Neal Lithwick

 I have one problem (so
 far). I need to have the ability to set a Starting Balance for the balance
 sheet items as I am not starting anew but migrating over from Money Smith.
 Since every transaction needs to be reconciled, I would have to go back 7
 years and enter each transaction to get this to work

I may be misunderstanding your question but I think you would benefit
greatly from reading the GnuCash documentation. Here's a link to one
particular place, but you should at least skim the previous chapters:

The short answer is you do NOT have to enter every transaction back seven
years (unless you want to). To begin your reconciliation you need only go
back to a particular point (such as a recent bank statement) and enter data
and reconcile from there.

You are really asking a user question -- if you aren't already, you should
probably subscribe to the gnucash-user list, and get clarification there.

(Oh and if you respond to this message, please be sure to copy the list.
I'm not a developer.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

GnuCash 2.6.4 in Debian

2014-09-28 Thread Tommy Trussell
I just noticed GnuCash 2.6.4 has been uploaded to Debian Unstable, but
haven't seen a notice here or on the web site for the release
of 2.6.4.

Surprising! Though I gather the package maintainer(s) is (are) closing some
outstanding bugs reported in Debian.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: International Income Tax Info

2013-09-26 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Carsten Rinke wrote:

 4. I am not familiar with the US tax system, but the the current dialog
 seems to be TXF focussed, and I wonder how much this is related to paper
 form based tax declarations. I would prefer a dialog that is structured
 more in analogy to the old school paper form declarations like
 1. choose a form from a set of forms given for a certain type of tax
 declaration (here: income tax)
 2. choose the line in this form to be filled in
 3. choose the column to be filled in (if applicable, e.g. column for
 husband or wife)
 4. choose the accounts that are relevant for the selected field

If I recall the TXF data format *IS* based on the US tax forms. TXF was
created as an interchange format to exchange data between the folks who
created online tax forms and the folks who want to get or send the data
between those forms and other systems.

When someone sets up the tax information in GnuCash (I believe, as I have
never gone to the trouble) I think the various TXF settings actually
specify which lines the data is intended to fill on whatever specific US
Tax forms (paper or electronic; as they are available as PDFs nowadays), in
all their mind-numbing complexity. I cannot speak for the German setup, but
I suspect it may be similar.

SO You might start out by looking for a TXF-like file format for the
country you're interested in addressing. It may be that such a thing works
very much like the US TXF format.

I hope that observation is helpful.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash OFX import not matching accounts of same ID

2013-09-12 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 7:44 PM, David Carlson carlson...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 This reference gives a start for definitions of records of various

 It doesn't cover everything, it has no examples, and it doesn't explain
 how to connect various sections together, so you probably need more than

The QIF reference USED to be at the Intuit web site. Unfortunately they
seem to have purged it.

Now the most complete reference I've seen is at Wikipedia:
(Notice they have a link to an archived version of the original!)

Here's another I had saved at some point; maybe it has a few helpful
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Strategy for deleting wiki spam pages

2013-08-11 Thread Tommy Trussell
As a non- (or not-yet-) developer who has tinkered with several pages
in the GnuCash wiki over several years I hope you don't mind if I
weigh in briefly on this discussion... [My password database says I
created the twt username in 2008.]

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Christian Stimming wrote:
 Other wikis around have disabled the normal user registration altogether for
 this very same reason, see e.g.  . Maybe this is
 a possibility for us as well? The vast majority of edits in the actual content
 is done by known developers from here. By this, we can argue that an increased
 restriction of the write access doesn't do much harm, but would make our life
 a lot easier.

I am all for making it a lot easier. I really appreciate the work it
must take to prune such frequent spam from the wiki.

Since I am NOT a known developer, however, I am concerned how I and
other people who haven't (yet) contributed code might be reasonably
validated for editing the wiki.

I am also concerned how admins might reasonably prune or restrict the
EXISTING wiki userbase. If my wiki account was compromised I would
completely understand being shut out, but a few months of inactivity
between edits could easily describe my normal behavior on the GnuCash
wiki. :-)

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 6:59 PM, John Ralls wrote:

 On Aug 10, 2013, at 4:13 PM, John Ralls wrote:

 I'm absolutely in favor of taking a more aggressive approach. By shutting 
 off the
 normal registration, do you mean that new users would require an 
 administrator to validate them?

 The mediawiki manual has a long page on preventing and removing spam:

 with links to other pages with still more information on the subject.

I read the mediawiki page referenced above and it seems to me (unless
some more automated solution can be devised) maybe the gated
community solution they describe would not be too terrible. I don't
know how it looks from the admin side, but I don't believe the hurdle
of requesting permission would have stopped me from taking on the few
pages I have worked on. On the downside, it pushes the spam vs. ham
task to a wiki admin who might rather not have registration validation
added to their plate.

By the way, it was a pain when the GnuCash wiki started making me
re-capcha my edits every time I update pages with links. HOWEVER if it
deters even one spambot then it probably deters hundreds of others and
I can live with it. But if I could get it turned off by getting on a
trusted list I would appreciate it.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Feature discussion: Access restriction for gnucash files by password

2013-06-27 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:

 Tommy Trussell writes:

  I know this goes beyond the measures you have described, but doesn't the
  zip compression library include support for a password? What if (when
  compressed xml) GnuCash included the password when compressing and
  uncompressing the file?

 We don't use 'zip', we use 'gzip'..  And I don't think it includes that


Ooops thanks, and I apologize for the noise.

I mistakenly conflated several different concepts; password-protected zip
archives, gzip library, and the password feature of OpenOffice /
LibreOffice files (which are XML), but the password protection in those
files is apparently is much more robust and involved than I was aware of.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Feature discussion: Access restriction for gnucash files by password

2013-06-26 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Geert Janssens

 On Wednesday 26 June 2013 22:45:24 Christian Stimming wrote:
  Am Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013, 14:20:33 schrieb John Ralls:
   I suppose that this isn't too harmful so long as it's clear that it
   conveys a false sense of security and that simply having separate
   userids is a better solution.
   Note that the MySql and Postgresql backends do provide for
   authentication, but we defeat it by storing the userid and
   password. In those cases we should  pop up the authentication
   dialog rather than storing the credentials rather than using a KVP
   parameter on the book.
  Where do we store the passwords? Just in the full URL? That means if
  there is no password the connection just doesn't open. We don't have
  an extra password dialog if the SQL server responds but asks for a
  password, correct?

 If I remember correctly, I implemented this as follows:
 - if the user enters a password in the file open/save as dialog, it's used
 - if no password is entered, a password request dialog pops up before
 attempting a connection
 - when a keychain is available, the password is stored in there
 automatically. This part may
 need some refinement.

I know this goes beyond the measures you have described, but doesn't the
zip compression library include support for a password? What if (when using
compressed xml) GnuCash included the password when compressing and
uncompressing the file?

I realize this wouldn't do anything about securing the log files or
sanitizing the data in RAM or any of the other places a truly secure
program would do AND it seems possible different zip libraries on different
platforms might implement the password in subtly different ways. HOWEVER
this would further protect the data file from casual inspection, and
might be a free feature provided by the zip library.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Address fields on checks

2012-06-26 Thread Tommy Trussell
Last I tried, you CAN print the payee's address on a check using the
appropriate template. HOWEVER to do that you must manually enter each
address when you print each check.

The OP (SWIconics) may be looking for a way to use the check template to
automatically pull address data stored in GnuCash, so the OP needs to
specify exactly what he or she is looking for.

This is probably a question for the user list, because there may be a way
to do what the OP wants with the existing template, so I'm copying the
gnucash-user list.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 3:50 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:

 Hello SWIconics,

 Am 25.06.2012 21:17, schrieb SWIconics:

  Has there been any progress (or interest) in providing for addresses on

 There are several better places for this enhancement request:

 1. Bugzilla should be the first place
  [ENH] add ADDRESS to check printing - is marked as fixed.

 Christian, was here something forgotten?

 2. Uservoice:**forums/101223-feature-request/**

 The background is, messages on the mailing list are often after a short
 time forgotten, while in bugzilla details can be collected also over a
 longer time period.


 gnucash-devel mailing list**mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Can't transfer quicken files - HELP please

2011-04-29 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:36 PM, David Blair wrote:
  Dear friends,
 I have been attempting to import my Quicken Home  Office files.  I am using
 Windows XP SP3.  I have downloaded the gnu cash program.  But when I try to
 import my Quicken files nothing happens.
 Does it normally take a while before the import begins?
 David Blair

I realize you have gotten other responses but I don't believe anyone
sent you to the FAQ yet -- Try the procedure described there,

and if you run into trouble with that procedure, send a question to
the gnucash-user list[1] as John Ralls suggested yesterday.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: No DBD drivers found warning when running make check

2011-01-31 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Bill Hammond wrote:

 I am having trouble running make check on r20217.  Here's what's happening:


 I'm running Ubuntu 10.10.  I checked and the dbd drivers have been
 installed in /usr/lib/dbd.

I just happened to check out and build r20217 this afternoon on this
Ubuntu 10.04 box, and it worked fine.

I did go through all the steps exactly as described at

so if you used different ./configure parameters that might explain why
mine worked and yours didn't... ?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: No DBD drivers found warning when running make check

2011-01-31 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Bill Hammond wrote:

 I am having trouble running make check on r20217.  Here's what's happening:


 I'm running Ubuntu 10.10.  I checked and the dbd drivers have been
 installed in /usr/lib/dbd.

 I just happened to check out and build r20217 this afternoon on this
 Ubuntu 10.04 box, and it worked fine.

 I did go through all the steps exactly as described at

I'm going to amend my previous comment to say that I followed the
instructions exactly including choosing to install libdbd-sqlite3

-- based on recent discussions on this list I ALMOST edited the wiki
to remove the libdbd-{sqlite3,pgsql,mysql} notation and insert just
libdbd-sqlite3 there -- squlite is becoming the new standard file
format and most folks would start experimenting with sqlite. the
libdbd-pgsql or libdbd-mysql libraries might be mentioned separately
along with some notes about those databases.
gnucash-devel mailing list

dbi default on .configure has changed

2010-08-16 Thread Tommy Trussell
I haven't compiled in awhile, and was following the steps for building
gnucash on the wiki at
(specifically Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04)

The .configure fails on the dbi portion UNLESS I add --disable-dbi to
the .configure options.

Since this didn't happen a few weeks ago, was the option changed to
encourage folks to try the dbi backend instead of using the
traditional xml file?

If so the wiki needs to be updated, and I presume this should also
include a recommendation of which database is preferred.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: dbi default on .configure has changed

2010-08-16 Thread Tommy Trussell
 fOn Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
 I haven't compiled in awhile, and was following the steps for building
 gnucash on the wiki at
 (specifically Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04)

 The .configure fails on the dbi portion UNLESS I add --disable-dbi to
 the .configure options.

 Since this didn't happen a few weeks ago, was the option changed to
 encourage folks to try the dbi backend instead of using the
 traditional xml file?

 If so the wiki needs to be updated, and I presume this should also
 include a recommendation of which database is preferred.

I found the previous discussions of this, including the announcement
for 2.3.12 back on April 21 (has it been that long since I

 * Change default from --disable-dbi to --enable-dbi. This
   is needed so that 'make distcheck' will work with the
   business sql backend tests.

Sorry for the noise. I will add a mention of --disable-dbi to the wiki.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: dbi default on .configure has changed

2010-08-16 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Phil Longstaff wrote:
 On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 16:20 -0500, Tommy Trussell wrote:
 fOn Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
 I found the previous discussions of this, including the announcement
 for 2.3.12 back on April 21 (has it been that long since I

              * Change default from --disable-dbi to --enable-dbi. This
                is needed so that 'make distcheck' will work with the
                business sql backend tests.

 Sorry for the noise. I will add a mention of --disable-dbi to the wiki.

 Now that the business objects have been moved into the core area, it is
 possible we can set it back to --disable-dbi as default.

It might not matter; on a closer inspection of the wiki, someone
already added the libdbi0-dev package as a requirement, which pulls in
all that's needed to compile, even without any of the particular
database libdbd-{sqlite3,pgsql,mysql} packages included...

HOWEVER, not having even tried the database backends, is one of them
preferred for any reasons or is it a tossup?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GNUcash

2010-08-11 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Gregory Forster wrote:

    I have one question.  I've looked through the documentation, both on-line
 and the help files with the program.  However, I cannot find the issue I am
 looking for.  How do you use GNUcash for multiple entities?  I do the
 accounting for our church.  I also am self employed having two very small
 businesses.  Currently, I use Peachtree Complete Accounting 2008 for all.
  However, GNUcash looks to be rather good.  Grant it, I'd have to use a
 spreadsheet for payroll and depreciation calculations, but that's no
 problem.  I just can't figure out how to use GNUcash for all 3 entities.


Greetings -- your question is not a DEVELOPER question, so I am
copying it and my answer to the gnucash-USER list, too. Please sign up
for that list and copy any responses to that list (not to me).

You can create more than one GnuCash data file, one per entity.
GnuCash will list all the files as available to open (though by
default it will only open one at a time), or you can create shortcuts
in your desktop environment to open them. Just be sure to name your
files carefully, keep them in separate directories, and note that
things like custom reports may be dependent upon the accounts and
fiscal years defined for each entity, though GnuCash will present the
same custom reports for all data files.

To get started, just create another new data file in GnuCash.

(If you have more questions remember to respond to the list rather
than replying to me.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation patching process

2010-07-28 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 6:50 AM, Thomas Bullock wrote:
 P.S.: Whatever you decide to do I think an explicit procedure should
 go in the wiki and/or the source files so we can point people to it.

 When that is ready, I will need someone to put it on the appropriate wiki, 
 since I don't know anything about creating or modifying same.  If you want to 
 volunteer, I will be glad for your participation, but no pressure from me if 
 you cannot.

I will be happy to help when I can. The wiki is open to editing by
anyone so feel free to log in and make whatever changes you want. Wiki
markup is pretty straightforward. (I hesitate to say the wiki markup
is simpler than XML or vice versa... just different.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Confirming that no one else is working on Guide Documentation, Chapter 3

2010-07-27 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Thomas Bullock wrote:
 Thanks for your offer to review drafts of documentation changes. What is the 
 customary way of
 Handling that?  I would not want to send a draft to the devel list, lest it 
 be confused as a patch.
 Or should that concern be handled by bold identification that the attached is 
 a draft and not
 A final proposed patch?

As far as customary goes, I am getting the idea that your predecessors
have experimented and improvised as they went along. I'm going to
suggest two options and you can pick and choose or suggest another
option. In a nutshell, I think you can

1) Create a patch and file it in bugzilla
2) Publish an html version people can review

I just looked at and of
the things it says I think the most careful way would be to create a
patch file (using diff) and file it as a documentation bug in (Alternatively you could post the entire updated
file but a patch would make it clearer exactly where your changes

For example, once you revise a section then you could create a patch
against trunk in svn and post the patch as a documentation bug against
gnucash in (identifying the particular patch as a
draft you want people to review).

If I want to review your patch I could copy the documentation trunk to
my local machine and download and apply the patch to the local files
and have a look. I can then make my comments to the bug in bugzilla.

I think there are some advantages to this procedure. There haven't
apparently been many documentation patches in bugzilla, but I found a
couple examples so you can see. For example Note that you can
view the patch as a diff and see the exact changes in context. To me
that might make it worth the effort of creating the patch and the bug

(The HACKING doc also suggests posting patches to the gnucash-patches
mailing list. I haven't subscribed to that list, however, and it seems
like bugzilla might have some advantages.)

Since you can alternatively output HTML as described in you
could post the draft to a public site (a free one such as google sites
or google docs would probably do) and invite comments by posting a
notice on the developer's list and include the url there and in the
bug report. I think the reviewers can most efficiently make their
comments in bugzilla.

P.S.: Whatever you decide to do I think an explicit procedure should
go in the wiki and/or the source files so we can point people to it.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Confirming that no one else is working on Guide Documentation, Chapter 3

2010-07-26 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Tom Bullock wrote:

 On 7/23/2010 5:47 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:

 I am not working on that section

 Should I infer you are working on another part of the documentation?

I apologize for my wording -- so far all the work I have done has been
to several pages in the wiki. For example, after the storm of reports
messages in the past few weeks I have contributed some small things to
one new wiki page

I hope that ultimately the information people contribute to that page
(like other information in the wiki) might be refined to the point
where it could go into the canonical documentation that gets
distributed with the documentation and gets managed in the svn

 and I don't know the official

 Answers from whom can be taken as official?  a number of developers have
 stated they are currently on vacation.

Again, I apologize for my wording -- you are now the person in charge
of the documentation (at least the part you're working on) because you
are currently doing the (laudable and much-appreciated) work! Since
the (apparently failed as Derek confirmed) 2006 experiment using the
wiki for edits may not reflect the canonical documentation, I
suggest you might use information in the wiki to inform your work and
maybe document your ideas and procedures, but continue updating the
docbook source.

I did a few Google searches and found some scripts that might convert
docbook to wiki, and some OTHER scripts that might convert wiki to
docbook. However, because I know of no bidirectional conversion
utility, I would be leary of trusting either.

Since svn can publish the docbook source directly to the web, but the
wiki cannot reliably update the svn, using the wiki for reviews or
edits may be a mistake anyway. Maybe we should even consider deleting
the wiki pages holding the docbook drafts and instead publish links
directly to the docbook pages in svn. The wiki might continue be used
to collect suggestions or drafts on their way to docbook, but for that
purpose, regular clipboard cut-and-paste might be sufficient.

I have background working with documentation and hope to contribute
more eventually, but am not quite there yet, so I apologize for
muddying the waters. When you have sections you want others to review
I hope I can help you in that way.

Sorry for the noise.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Confirming that no one else is working on Guide Documentation, Chapter 3

2010-07-23 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Tom Bullock wrote:
  Is anyone else working on Chapter 3?  If so, I would like to coordinate
 with that person.  If not, can you all tell me to proceed with sending in a

 Assuming you did tell me to proceed, another question.  When making changes
 to the documentation, what is the method to let all translators know so that
 they can add the changes to their to-do list for their language versions
 of the documentation?

I am not working on that section and I don't know the official
answers, but when you learn them (or create them?) you might also
update the wiki to reflect the current process:

I found that page by looking at the all pages page in the wiki. I
also discovered that in 2006 someone used the wiki to present/edit the
parts of the Concept Guide (and presumably started the page above,
too). See
and the other linked text.

The wiki might be a convenient way to get revision suggestions and
feedback, especially if you use an automated tool to convert the
sources between Docbook and wiki. I gather there are several but I
can't immediately tell which were used in 2006... and depending on the
scripts the diffs back to the existing docbook source might be a
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: monthly summary of accounts

2010-06-30 Thread Tommy Trussell
I'm copying this question and answer to the user list, where we have
been having quite a discussion about the adequacies and inadequacies
of the existing reports. It does seem to be a USER question, after

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 4:16 PM, David T. wrote:

 With regard to your request for a summary of one account for a particular 
 time period:

 1) Create a transaction report
 2) Open Options
 3) Select only the account you want, and the time range
 4) Optionally, change columns not to display amounts, which will only show 
 you a total of transactions for the time period. Note that this is not an 
 Opening or Closing balance--just a total amount of the transactions in 
 that account.

 Now, if you want a single report that shows amounts for multiple months for 
 multiple accounts (as indicated in the original subject line), you *can* 
 accomplish this, with a little creative thinking. The trick is to use 
 Gnucash's Budgeting features.

 First, create a Budget that includes the accounts you ultimately want to keep 
 track of, and a date range that is useful to you. Save this budget.

 Next, create a budget report, and in the options for this report, deselect 
 the Show Budget Amounts check box. The resulting report will list monthly 
 transaction totals for each account in the budget.


 --- On Wed, 6/30/10, Geert Janssens wrote:

 From: Geert Janssens
 Subject: Re: monthly summary of accounts
 To: suhas paranjape
 Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 10:37 AM
 On Wednesday 30 June 2010, suhas
 paranjape wrote:
  thanks, geert for the prompt response
  an example: i want a summary of the account `household
 expenses: local
  travel' between the dates 15 May 2010 to 26 june 2010.
 is there a way of
  generating that?
  does that make it clear? and does that make sense?
 What would you want this report to display ?
 * All transactions that happened to/from that account in
 this period ? For
 that you can use the transacton report.
 * Only the difference between the starting and the ending
 balance for that
 account in that period (= cash flow) ? Then you can use the
 cash flow report.

 gnucash-devel mailing list

 gnucash-devel mailing list

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Problems with Gnucash development environment on Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-05 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Tao Wang wrote:
 Did you check wiki and follow it's instructions for Ubuntu 10.04?

I'm updating this thread since I broke the URL with a tiny change:

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx is an LTS (Long Term Support) release, a
distinction which may be important to someone reading this page trying
to decide what versions need some sort of attention. The previous LTS
release was identified that way so I added it to the heading.

 On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:25 PM, wrote:
 Using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit.  Attempting to compile GnuCash 2.3.12.

 Configure fails out with the following:

 eir...@wolkenheim:~/gc/gnucash-2.3.12$ ./configure
 checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
 checking whether build environment is sane... yes
 checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
 checking for gawk... gawk
 checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
 checking for gcc... gcc
 checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
 checking whether the C compiler works... yes
 checking whether we are cross compiling... no
 checking for suffix of executables...
 checking for suffix of object files... o
 checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
 checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
 checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
 checking for style of include used by make... GNU
 checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
 checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together... yes
 checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
 checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
 checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
 checking for ANSI C header files... yes
 checking for sys/types.h... yes
 checking for sys/stat.h... yes
 checking for stdlib.h... yes
 checking for string.h... yes
 checking for memory.h... yes
 checking for strings.h... yes
 checking for inttypes.h... yes
 checking for stdint.h... yes
 checking for unistd.h... yes
 checking minix/config.h usability... no
 checking minix/config.h presence... no
 checking for minix/config.h... no
 checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
 checking whether NLS is requested... yes
 checking for intltool-update... /usr/bin/intltool-update
 checking for intltool-merge... /usr/bin/intltool-merge
 checking for intltool-extract... /usr/bin/intltool-extract
 checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext
 checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge
 checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
 checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
 checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
 checking for perl = 5.8.1... 5.10.1
 checking for XML::Parser... ok
 Using config source xml:merged:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults for schema
 Using $(sysconfdir)/gconf/schemas as install directory for schema files
 checking locale.h usability... yes
 checking locale.h presence... yes
 checking for locale.h... yes
 checking for LC_MESSAGES... yes
 checking libintl.h usability... yes
 checking libintl.h presence... yes
 checking for libintl.h... yes
 checking for ngettext in libc... yes
 checking for dgettext in libc... yes
 checking for bind_textdomain_codeset... yes
 checking for msgfmt... (cached) /usr/bin/msgfmt
 checking for dcgettext... yes
 checking if msgfmt accepts -c... yes
 checking for gmsgfmt... (cached) /usr/bin/msgfmt
 checking for xgettext... (cached) /usr/bin/xgettext
 checking for catalogs to be installed...  ca cs da de el en_GB es_NI es eu
 fa fi fr he hu it ja ko lt lv_LV nb ne nl pl pt_BR pt ro ru rw sk sv ta tr
 uk vi zh_CN zh_TW
 checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
 checking for fgrep... /bin/grep -F
 checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
 checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
 checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B
 checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
 checking whether ln -s works... yes
 checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
 checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes
 checking whether the shell understands +=... yes
 checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
 checking for objdump... objdump
 checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
 checking for ar... ar
 checking for strip... strip
 checking for ranlib... ranlib
 checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
 checking for dlfcn.h... yes
 checking for objdir... .libs
 checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
 checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
 checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
 checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
 checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes

Editing GnuCash source with Eclipse

2010-02-25 Thread Tommy Trussell
I chatted a few nights ago with someone (Geert?) on irc about
recommended environments for tinkering with GnuCash source,
specifically the scheme report code and some things I want to
experiment with regarding menus.

Geert recommended trying Eclipse but I had some trouble (as a very
casual programmer) getting the environment working. Yesterday I made
some progress, so I wanted to share. I had already found an existing
wiki page (linked from nowhere in the wiki but indexed by Google) so I
added a section with my hints about making it work in Ubuntu (and
presumably Debian)...

Sadly, the Eclipse editor isn't quite as good as gedit for
code-highlighting of .scm files, but it's not terrible. I'm probably
missing a lot, though, being a raw beginner. Does Eclipse do
code-folding when it knows how? Is that even possible for Scheme? Can
it create jumps to notable places in the code to jump around easier?

I haven't even started looking at the C sources... I also haven't
played with the svn integration...

... if anyone else is interested please reply here or use that wiki
page (and/or its talk page) to share suggestions. Thanks!
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [MAINT] GnuCash services planned downtime around Feb 17-18

2010-02-19 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
 In case you haven't noticed, the server is back online.  It came back
 around 2am last night after working with some routing issues locally.

is the wiki down? I can't get it to respond... I just rebooted my
router to be sure, and is pointing to,
which is responding to pings but not http ...
gnucash-devel mailing list

Error compiling from trunk in Ubuntu 9.10

2010-02-12 Thread Tommy Trussell
Today I upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10, and gnucash threw an error
when trying to compile, whereas it worked fine under 9.04

A few days ago I had grabbed trunk using svn as described at
 and it compiled perfectly

Today, after the upgrade, I went through the steps at
to get the updated libraries, and got the error (listed below). On IRC
Warlord suggested I try deleting the directories and pulling a fresh
copy out of svn, which I did. Same error.

My configure line:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/unstable/gnucash --enable-debug
--enable-doxygen --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings

The error:
In file included from gnc-backend-sql.c:48:
gnc-backend-sql.h:718: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘/’ token
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
gnc-backend-sql.c: In function ‘gnc_sql_init_object_handlers’:
gnc-backend-sql.c:910: error: implicit declaration of function
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash v2.2.9 and Quicken 2000 Deluxe

2009-12-02 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Michael wrote:
 I have been using Quicken 2000 Deluxe since 2000. I don't know if
 I can continue using Quicken in Ubuntu .. running under Wine.

 I read that I can import Quicken files into GnuCash. It referred to
 QIF files; among a couple others. However, my copy of Quicken
 2000 Deluxe does not any files as .QIF. I do have the following


 So, can I import my Quicken 2000 Deluxe into GnuCash?

The procedure is to export the data from Quicken in QIF format, then
import the QIF files into GnuCash.

There is a FAQ entry about this

When I transferred my data from Quicken a few years back (data going
back to 1993) I tested the import and ultimately decided the historic
data was not worth the trouble. I ultimately imported just the prior
calendar year to the present.

The QIF importer has gotten a lot of attention since then, so you may
find it better. But plan to start from scratch a few times to get the
kinks out.

(If you have additional questions please be sure to reply to the
gnucash-users list
instead of to me.)
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: gnucash request

2009-08-21 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Derek wrote:
 Gabriel Gabak Technologies writes:

 I m Gabriel and i would like to watch some video tutorial about this
 nice software can it be posible?

 This is a user question and should have been asked on Gnucash-User.
 I'm afraid there is no video tutorial, just the written one.  Sorry.

Video tutorials have become very popular and maybe soon someone will
produce one. I did a Google Video search and found a couple, one of
which might be useful to someone:

On my system this video has no sound, and the transactions seem to be
entered using Russian (Cyrillic) text, but the account names and the
GnuCash GUI are in English.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Moving from 2.2.6 to 2.2.9 and dropping src/register/register-gnome/gnucash-sheet.c patch (use g_hash_table_new_full to request g_free on de-allocated items)

2009-06-02 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
 Loïc Martin writes:

 Spoke too fast. I can't find any bugs on launchpad that relates to
 this problem, and there's no way a Stable Release Update would be
 granted if it doesn't solve any bugs in Ubuntu. Unless some Ubuntu
 users can point me to the bug or, at least, submit it to Launchpad.

 I suspect if you ask on the gnucash-user list you could find a number
 of people who might be willing to file a bug report for you..

I did a few searches against the email lists and I didn't find any
Ubuntu-specific problems people have reported publicly except possibly
the recent issue of over-maximized GnuCash windows under Ubuntu 9.04
Jaunty. (Reported independently by Erik Felthauser and Jamar.) That
hasn't happened to me on Jaunty so I cannot confirm. One was an
upgrade from an older GnuCash version under Fedora and the other
appears to be new with a data conversion from Quicken.

HOWEVER there have been numerous bugfixes since 2.2.6. For various
complaints the first recommendation on the Users list is to try a
later version, and the only options for Ubuntu users have been to
either self-compile or download the package at I have been
hesitant to recommend folks point to Löic's PPA (upload/download area
for Ubuntu developers) but a PPA might be the simplest workaround
until the Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 (October) release.

Possibly Löic would rather most users be advised upgrade from another
place -- maybe a PPA dedicated to GnuCash upgrades (PPAs are offered
free for the asking, but are associated with a specific person or team
defined in
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation Questions

2009-04-03 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Tax Assistance Program - ( taptax ) wrote:
 2.  How is the documentation process managed?  I picture some sort of draft, 
 review, and finalization process (whether simple or composed of many stages). 
  How does one enter this effort and what mechanisms need to be used?

I'm going out on a limb here because I am not an official member of
anything, However I have been using GnuCash (mostly) very happily and
successfully for several years. Plus I have filed several bug reports
and have responded to several messages on the lists, so maybe that
makes me a part of the team. (Think of me as a weak link if you
like.) ;-)

My observation is that ALL one has to do to be a part of GnuCash is to
contribute. That includes documentation. If you can learn to produce
documentation in a way that integrates properly and easily into the
existing structure (or I presume, do all the work required to create a
new structure) then the existing folks are much more likely to accept
your changes and updates quickly.

I do say all this (again) as an active user, but also as a person with
years of experience writing software documentation BUT too busy with
the business tasks to contribute much to GnuCash at the moment. You
would think that I of all people would be horrified at the substandard
documentation, but believe me, there are plenty of paid commercial
products having worse.

 3.  Since the actual development of the product has exceeded the pace of the 
 documentation, where do I find a list of features not documented and a brief 
 statement of the purpose of these features?  There must be some sort of notes 
 that established an agreed goal that the programmers used to guide their work.

I believe you will find most of what you are looking for as links from -- the design documents are in svn, though I should
let others comment on the up-to-date and agreed goal parts.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Best Repositories for GnuCash in Ubuntu ?

2009-02-13 Thread Tommy Trussell
I was just looking over the GnuCash wiki at and I noticed that the latest package
available in the unofficial Ubuntu Packaging Team PPA is 2.2.6, but the Debian
information recommends using -- which not only contains the more recent version 2.2.8,
but the wiki describes GetDeb as being targeted toward Ubuntu users.

I have not used so I don't know how reliable or
authoritative its packages may be. Does anyone here have experience
with it, or is the person who uploaded the package to GetDeb
(Christoph Korn) active on this list? I would be hesitant to recommend
it if nobody is familiar with it.

I suspect the Ubuntu Packaging Team is packaging the latest in Debian
Unstable (currently 2.2.6), which I think most people would consider
fairly reliable and authoritative, if not completely up-to-date. (I
see Reinhard Tartler, Rolf Leggewie, and Saïvann Carignan listed as
members of that team.)

I am curious about the delays in getting updated packages to Ubuntu
via Debian but I haven't seen a place where ongoing discussion happens
except in specific bug reports. Is Debian packaging of GnuCash pretty
much dependent upon Thomas Bushnell alone? My impression is that the
Debian process produces a high degree of accountability and stability,
but is slowed by its support for so many platforms. I'm sure GnuCash
also is more complicated than most.

I have wondered how more Ubuntu folks might help and/or make the
process smoother. Is there a forum or list where these issues get
discussed? Has there been any discussion of getting a dedicated
developer who could promote GnuCash into Ubuntu's Main repository?

(my apologies for sending a single message with so many questions )
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: request a backport for Hardy?

2008-05-08 Thread Tommy Trussell
On 5/8/08, Ben Gladwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are backports created for things like this in Ubuntu?  Or are these
  types of requests not really considered?

I just reread the page describing backports at and now I believe
you are correct that Backports must be the most correct place for such
things. HOWEVER as it also says on that page that mixing libraries
from different releases is strongly discouraged (and requires
additional documentation showing the implications before it's

  The Debian Gnucash package is compiled without the --enable-hbci option
  because that requires use of OpenSSL, wherein lies the licensing
  problem.  However, --enable-hbci enables integrated downloading of
  transactions, which is a great feature.

  And yes, in Hardy its not as simple as just compiling it in.  Some of
  the packages that --enable-hbci depends on have moved on to a version
  that gnucash does not support.  Building Gnucash with --enable-hbci
  involves getting older packages from Gutsy.  I didn't realize this at
  the time I requested the backport.

I see now that this will require some analysis to sort out. I haven't
been able to track down the licensing issue. Maybe it has been
resolved? The library incompatibilities obviously will involve some
legwork, too.

As for THIS discussion, I presume we have moved out of the realm of
GnuCash-Users and probably need to take it to GnuCash-Devel. We can
also collect the required information in your Ubuntu bug and link to
other bugs as needed.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: testing the book zeroing code (maybe for backport?)

2007-12-28 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Dec 28, 2007 9:08 AM, Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   * It might also be a good idea for the user to be presented with a review
   dialog with suitable warning about book closing. Something like This
   will create a zeroing transaction for all your income and expense
   accounts as of $DATE_SELECTED with the obligatory OK/CANCEL buttons.
  Sure, this is easy enough to do, but it's pretty annoying.  Why would you
  need this?  It's pretty easy to undo; you just have to delete two
  Also, it's not going to do anything until you click that first OK, and
  the operation isn't dangerous.  It's not like it's going to delete
  any transactions or do anything that isn't immediately recoverable.  So
  I'm not sure the operation warrants a warning dialog like that.

 I'm thinking from the user's perspective. Yes, it's not dangerous and is
 easily undone and may be slightly annoying to some, but, any time a user
 performs a large operation on their data file, it'd be nice to be sure they
 really want to do it.

alternatively, maybe you could display a review created transactions
tab showing the newly-created transactions like the since last run
dialog of scheduled transactions can create. This makes it even easier
to back out and it's consistent with another part of the software.

[disclaimer: I'm just reading the discussion -- I haven't tried the
new feature.]
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Warning - new GnuCash Version in Ubuntu

2007-10-17 Thread Tommy Trussell
On 10/12/07, Richard Mancusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Todays updates for Ubuntu 7.04 has a new version on GnuCash
 if the user has the Backports repository enabled.  This will take
 the user from 2.0.5 r15617 to 2.2.1 r16462.

This is actually related to the GREAT news, which is that Ubuntu 7.10
Gutsy Gibbon will ship with the latest stable release of GnuCash!
The upcoming Ubuntu release is fully sync'ed with the latest source
and docs available in Debian.

I requested the GnuCash Feisty Backport. It wasn't urgent for me, but
I was learning how to get it synced with the UVFe (exception getting
GnuCash into Ubuntu Gutsy after the freeze date). I am glad to have
learned enough about the Backports and UVF process to understand how
these things happen.

If any of the other Ubuntu or Debian folks who did the HARD work are
on this list, thanks to you!

Next hurdle: get GnuCash into the MAIN Ubuntu repository before the
NEXT (8.04) release! (Applications in main would appear to new users
as available to be installed without having to change your software
gnucash-devel mailing list