Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-23 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 10/02/2019 19:46, Alex Aycinena wrote:

It is possible that Wm is noting a problem in gnucash that I'm trying to
address with my 'Book Currency' enhancement (unfortunately, a bit delayed).

I'm not antagonistic to your idea, Alex, just not sure I understand it.

For most users who deal in a home currency most of the time and
occasionally buy a foreign currency, say on a trip, and spend it on
expenses, this deficiency won't show itself.

Agree, we've a person in devel yelling about just that.

But for people who deal in
multiple currencies often, with complicated transactions, it may.

Consider the following scenario:

1. A user is based in Europe and considers their home currency to be Euros


2. The user uses Euros to buy multiple lots of GBPs at different times. The
transactions each have different implicit exchange rates in the individual
splits, but gnucash doesn't do any automatic lot tracking. 

I think I have to intervene and say Trading Accounts is your fairy 

If you aren't using them you are a silly boy, Alex.

Some of the GBPs
are used for expenses expressed in EURs. The splits associated with these
expenses also have implicit exchange rates, but they don't have any
relationship to the purchased GBP's costs unless the user makes carefull
off-line calculations and enters the right amounts.

I think that is a broken example.  Small transactions are allowed to be 
discarded and joined into "we went out, bought a meal, had some some 
drinks with lovely people in a pub", I'm not a social media person 
(think it is all silly really) but don't have a problem with reality.

I think Alex is wanting to track lots when he shouldn't.

Alex: significant lots? sure; small amounts of spending? nope.  trading 
accounts do this for free anyway.

3. The user then uses left-over GBPs to buy USDs. The split entered into
gnucash has an implicit exchange rate of USDs to GBPs but nothing expressed
in Euros.

You and I my be agreeing on a problem that I have noticed in the TB 
regarding presumed valuations.

If you want to run a report representing these transactions in Euros there
is no way to do so unless you use an externally supplied exchange rate
(e.g., from the price db) because the splits themselves don't have all the
required information.

Yes!  I think you are a man so we will hug rather than kiss :)

All: I think I may have insulted Alex by not reading everything he said 
before.  It gets confusing sometimes.

Alex: you are allowed to say I am an idiot or fool.

If you want to run a report 'at cost', you also can't do this because item
3, above, doesn't contain the right information (so you have to 'fudge it'
with an amount from the price db).

This is wrong, the cost is yours or mine, an actual cost not a price.db 
cost for a remote commodity.  I agree with Alex.

This can be overcome procedurally in
gnucash by using the trick of entering the #3 transaction in a register of
an account denominated in Euros even if that account isn't involved in the

Why would you do that?  I am asking because I can't see the point.

One split will sell the GBPs in EURs, the other will buy USDs
in EURs and as soon as you hit the enter key, the transaction will
'disappear' from the register it was entered in (since neither of the
splits were for that account).

I wrote some stuff below and now I am asking, how do you get gnc to 
disappear splits?  I am in favour of gnc keeping them.

The transaction, however, will show up in
the registers for the accounts involved and they will contain the implicit
exchange rates that were missing above (but not necessarily with any lot
tracking and still requiring a lot of off-line calculations to figure out
the right numbers to enter into the splits).

Alex: you said something important there.  I'm sure I'm not fighting 
with you.

Thinking: there is something significant in Alex's para above, I think I 
need to read it again.  I may not reach the same conclusion but it would 
be stupid if I didn't understand.

Now a report 'at cost' could
be run, but only if the trick was used procedurally for every transaction
not involving the home currency. Of course, this can't be assumed to be the

I'm not convinced, if the report shows holdings in each commodity and 
currency and it works every time <-- it has to, there are some times 
pretending to be clever doesn't work, I think we are getting to that 
point with Alex's proposal.

The 'book currency' feature is intended to deal with this by, if the 'book
currency' feature is selected, forcing every non-book-currency split to be
denominated in book-currency 

No!  No!  No!  Don't be aggressive towards good accounting!

(i.e., like the trick, above, but without
having to use a third account register) 

you don't need to

and enforcing lot tracking for each
of these transactions (to get rid of all the off-line calculations),

also superfluous (there are reasons to use 

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-11 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 11/02/2019 17:30, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

Please tell me the intent is to *add* the book currency value, not replace the 
actual currency value.

Our USA friends are still thinking about what a TB is for.

I would hope that the actual currency transaction data would still be available.


The actual transaction values should be prime in a TB.

If you have to reconcile against statements or receipts (or suffer an audit) 
with foreign amounts sans their ‘book currency’ equivalents, such original data 
would be critical.

Agreed, you know how much the tx was for, your audit should agree.

A trial balance should never be speculative (unless you voted for Trump 
in which case buying shares in jewish orientated russian biased golf 
clubs that own wall building companies would seem a good idea).

Please check if your financial adviser is qualified before taking their 
advice and it is with regret that I mention Judaism, Trump's son in law 
is a nasty person regardless of religion.

If so, this is how I originally conceived GC was operating till I learned 

Shrug, where do we learn more about "book currency".

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-11 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Please tell me the intent is to *add* the book currency value, not replace the 
actual currency value.

I would hope that the actual currency transaction data would still be 
available. If you have to reconcile against statements or receipts (or suffer 
an audit) with foreign amounts sans their ‘book currency’ equivalents, such 
original data would be critical.

If so, this is how I originally conceived GC was operating till I learned 


> On Feb 10, 2019, at 1:46 PM, Alex Aycinena  wrote:
> The 'book currency' feature is intended to deal with this by, if the 'book
> currency' feature is selected, forcing every non-book-currency split to be
> denominated in book-currency (i.e., like the trick, above, but without
> having to use a third account register) and enforcing lot tracking for each
> of these transactions (to get rid of all the off-line calculations), thus
> providing a basis for tracking cost and eliminating the need for an
> external price reference (unless you want to see an estimate of current
> value).

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-11 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 11/02/2019 04:03, David Carlson wrote:

Wm,  before you run off at the mouth with all your innuendos, look at facts.

I'm hoping you get a message from Liz

If you don't there is something rotten in this list's administration.

Did you try running a test on one of your backups from around June 2016
using Gnucash 2.6.12 or earlier? 

No.  Why? Because I own a transaction stream.  Watermelon.  My 
transaction stream is the same regardless of how it is interpreted. 
Golf ball.

I think that if you do you will find that
the Trial Balance Report is correct if you scrupulously check the settings
to use the Average Price valuation method and check your price database to
be sure that the transaction generated prices are present.

you may be a person of high IQ in your local community.  you don't 
understand a trial balance.

  John Ralls
alluded to that earlier today.

JohnR isn't saying the same thing to me and you, Trump voter.

In fact, I bet 

yay, how much are you prepared to bet, you piece of shit?

My estimate is that you will bet fuck all because you are wrong.  You 
are just a noisy person.

> you could try re-running the Trial Balance Report in release

3.4 on a current data file using the Average Balance method of valuation.

There is no point, the valuation approach is wrong.

There was a period when GnuCash was not entering transaction generated
prices into the price database as Alex noted, but that was corrected some
time ago and recent prices from recent transactions are all entered in the
price database. 

The price db has FUCK ALL to do with the TB

 Granted, it will be difficult to find many of  those old

missing transaction generated prices that involve the base currency but
maybe they might get added back by using the trading accounts feature.  I
have not tried that, but it might be worth a try.

You don't appear to have a clue what the issue is.

  As Alex suggested,
transactions that do not involve the base currency would need to be dealt
with some other way.

David Carlson

Do *not* invoke other people without their permission in future, David 

I *know* I get Liz angry but you have broken all the rules regarding 
good manners by being an actual liar.  That is not easily forgiven.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-11 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 09/02/2019 13:03, D via gnucash-devel wrote:

That sounds to me like it's using a different exchange rate from one day to 
another, and I'd agree with your assessment in that case. I would have thought 
that the exchange rate in the transaction would be used.

You are correct.  I have an amount of something (shares, foreign 
currency, whatever) worth (nominally) what I paid for it.

Mind you, I can't wrap my head around the subtleties that seem to apply on this 

There should not be any subtleties in a TB, it is an internal document 
not a public facing one, the tax people don't ask for your trial balance 
in any place I know unless they think you are  bad person in the first 

If I don't buy or sell some of whatever it is, I just have what I have 
for TB purposes.

If I want to place a value on whatever I put a price in the price 
database on a date and use a Balance Sheet report.

The TB is about *actual* tx not values at some putative point in time later.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-11 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 10/02/2019 22:52, David Carlson wrote:

Wm,  Where does unrealized income fall into tb if there is no price in the
database on the closing date for one or more security or currency accounts
because it was not sold?

Essentially it doesn't occur, it is just a number of something if you 
aren't using Trading Accounts.

The TB isn't about the *value* of stuff, it is about what you paid for 
it at a time and how much of it you have at a point in time or over a 
point in time.

The Balance Sheet is about the value of stuff at a point in time.

The Income Statement is about how you got to a value over a specific 
period of time.

The TB is worthless or pointless if it "double dips" into either of 
those major reports remits.


Consider this tx

Assets:Cash -100
Assets:XYZa +100

Cash is real money in your home currency
XYZa is an unlisted investment

What your TB should show wrt XYZa is that you have 100 home currency 
units (usually called money) worth of it.  That never changes unless 
something else happens.

Consider this tx

Assets:Cash -100
Assets:XYZa +4 shares @ 25 each

Unless someone else is buying and selling those XYZa shares they are 
only worth what you paid for them at best, your TB should reflect that 
you have 4 XYZa shares not guess what their value is.

Am I explaining this well or not?

The Balance Sheet allows you to put a value on stuff

The Income Statement says how you got there

The Trial Balance should say what you actually have and what actually 
happened rather than what you think you have and would like to have 
happened.  Why?  Because it is good accounting.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 10/02/2019 12:40, David Carlson wrote:

Lets all step back a second and consider what the report is supposed to
show before deciding whether it is always correct.

I think the report is conceptually broken.

The report is supposed to cover all of the assets and liabilities that were
selected when configured only over time interval which was also selected
during the configuration. 

It doesn't do that as far as I can tell.

It is supposed to use a method of valuation for
accounts not in the base currency which is also selected during the report

It doesn't do that, actually.

My reading of the code (and I am an acknowledged fool when it comes to 
scheme) is that it uses a balance sheet type approach rather than a p+l 
type approach to time.  If I am right then the report is wrong to begin 
with, because a trial balance can be for either,

a P+L type report (i.e. tx from begin date to end date)

OR for

a Balance Sheet type report (i.e. start at the beginning up to a point, 
what have we got?)

Over the last several years there have been a number of discussions about
whether the various valuation methods work correctly, with respect to
report dates vs dates available in the data file  and even whether the
values should be displayed or calculated with exact i.e. fractional numbers
or in floating point.  All of that is in the infrastructure, not in the
actual report code.

That is incorrect.  A trial balance is a report, it shouldn't be doing 
valuations at all *except* right at the end, maybe.  If it is going to 
do valuations they should be presented separately from the account balances.

Remember flox, at trial balance (and it can be from any date to any 
date) you have something like

100 in your own currency
1 in your fantasy currency
10 shares (or similar) in investment A
11 units (or similar) in investment B

*that* is what a trial balance should report, the *money* value of 
investment A, Investment B and the fantasy currency is what the Balance 
Sheet, etc is for, the TB is a different animal.

I believe there were some code changes implemented over the life of the 2.6
code series, and there were more changes in the transition to 3.x.

I don't think we're getting anywhere (I have read the bug thread)

I think the bottom line is that yes, different code releases will give
different results with some data even if the report configurations are
scrupulously checked to be identical.

That's scary.

Now, where do we want to go from here?

I think we need a new TB.  The problem is it can't be implemented 
however good it is because we're stuck with Scheme reports.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 10/02/2019 16:54, John Ralls wrote:

The "Average Cost" price source creates a price based on the actual transaction prices 
and is designed for the TB report, see the thread beginning with I broke it for 
2.6.13-2.6.21, see The "Average Cost" 
and note that even 2.6.21 didn't fully fix it; that didn't happen until 3.2.

Average cost is the *only* price source that works for the Trial Balance Report. In particular the 
"Nearest in Time" and "Most Recent" sources will take prices from the price 
database that are unlikely to reflect the actual prices for the transactions and will vary 
depending on the date of the report. I agree with Adrien that we should consider removing the price 
source option from that report and hard-wire it to average cost.


Why average cost?  A TB should use actual numbers.  We are meant to be 
checking what happened rather than the value of what happened.

There are separate reports for that, we call them the Balance Sheet, 
Equity Statement, Income Statement and similar.

The TB is internal.

At the risk of pushing too much burden onto you, JohnR, for which I 
apologise, I'm not at all sure gnc's TB should be there as it stands 
*unless* one rarely uses commodities of any sort.  If you're a home 
currency only person that thinks stock markets are the devil's own work 
it will probably be good enough.  Otherwise I think it is time we said, 
not fit for purpose.

The logical problem for me is that the SQL is so simple and the Scheme 
involved in a new report when it is being deprecated is largely pointless.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 10/02/2019 09:14, Geert Janssens wrote:

Op zondag 10 februari 2019 09:56:51 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:

I’m in agreement on that note. I understand why someone who doesn’t close
books would like a report that shows a current position. But the Trial
Balance report is really only useful for the close books crowd. It should
only reflect actual transactions in the various registers. In the case of
assets then, it shouldn’t be estimating based on any user choice of
average, nearest date or such, it should be taking actual purchase price
just like you would if you did it on paper.

In Belgium you have the choice (or at least used to have - I haven't checked
We can/could report the balance using purchase values or using current values,
with current values meaning current at the report date.

that would be for a balance sheet, p+l or similar public facing 
document, not a trial balance

a trial balance is an internal document or work sheet to help figure out 
(usually) human type accounting errors like something being put on the 
balance sheet side rather than the p+l side or similar (e.g. an expense 
as a liability or some such, these are quite easy mistakes to make if 
you don't have formal accounting knowledge or even if you do, happen to 
be busy and think "I'll just post it and sort it out later")

some people actually stop formal accounting training at trial balance 
stage in the UK, I am not joking.  if you can bring a set of accounts to 
trial balance you will probably find work.  the balance sheet and p+l 
are the easy parts if someone else has done the work :)

if the value of a tx changed because of a share price rising or falling 
or an exchange rate changing it doesn't affect the trial balance at all, 
it is the numbers that we are seeking to balance, not their values

in english language accounting we call it the trial balance because it 
is for testing the stuff we produce later (p+l, bs, etc)


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread Alex Aycinena
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: John Ralls 
> To: Adrien Monteleone 
> Cc: "" 
> Bcc:
> Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 08:54:03 -0800
> Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I
> think it is gnc not me
> The "Average Cost" price source creates a price based on the actual
> transaction prices and is designed for the TB report, see the thread
> beginning with
> I broke it for 2.6.13-2.6.21, see
> The "Average Cost" and
> note that even 2.6.21 didn't fully fix it; that didn't happen until 3.2.
> Average cost is the *only* price source that works for the Trial Balance
> Report. In particular the "Nearest in Time" and "Most Recent" sources will
> take prices from the price database that are unlikely to reflect the actual
> prices for the transactions and will vary depending on the date of the
> report. I agree with Adrien that we should consider removing the price
> source option from that report and hard-wire it to average cost.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

It is possible that Wm is noting a problem in gnucash that I'm trying to
address with my 'Book Currency' enhancement (unfortunately, a bit delayed).

For most users who deal in a home currency most of the time and
occasionally buy a foreign currency, say on a trip, and spend it on
expenses, this deficiency won't show itself. But for people who deal in
multiple currencies often, with complicated transactions, it may.

Consider the following scenario:

1. A user is based in Europe and considers their home currency to be Euros
2. The user uses Euros to buy multiple lots of GBPs at different times. The
transactions each have different implicit exchange rates in the individual
splits, but gnucash doesn't do any automatic lot tracking. Some of the GBPs
are used for expenses expressed in EURs. The splits associated with these
expenses also have implicit exchange rates, but they don't have any
relationship to the purchased GBP's costs unless the user makes carefull
off-line calculations and enters the right amounts.
3. The user then uses left-over GBPs to buy USDs. The split entered into
gnucash has an implicit exchange rate of USDs to GBPs but nothing expressed
in Euros.

If you want to run a report representing these transactions in Euros there
is no way to do so unless you use an externally supplied exchange rate
(e.g., from the price db) because the splits themselves don't have all the
required information.

If you want to run a report 'at cost', you also can't do this because item
3, above, doesn't contain the right information (so you have to 'fudge it'
with an amount from the price db). This can be overcome procedurally in
gnucash by using the trick of entering the #3 transaction in a register of
an account denominated in Euros even if that account isn't involved in the
transaction. One split will sell the GBPs in EURs, the other will buy USDs
in EURs and as soon as you hit the enter key, the transaction will
'disappear' from the register it was entered in (since neither of the
splits were for that account). The transaction, however, will show up in
the registers for the accounts involved and they will contain the implicit
exchange rates that were missing above (but not necessarily with any lot
tracking and still requiring a lot of off-line calculations to figure out
the right numbers to enter into the splits). Now a report 'at cost' could
be run, but only if the trick was used procedurally for every transaction
not involving the home currency. Of course, this can't be assumed to be the

The 'book currency' feature is intended to deal with this by, if the 'book
currency' feature is selected, forcing every non-book-currency split to be
denominated in book-currency (i.e., like the trick, above, but without
having to use a third account register) and enforcing lot tracking for each
of these transactions (to get rid of all the off-line calculations), thus
providing a basis for tracking cost and eliminating the need for an
external price reference (unless you want to see an estimate of current

I don't know if this is related to the problem Wm is seeing, but it might

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread David Carlson
Lets all step back a second and consider what the report is supposed to
show before deciding whether it is always correct.

The report is supposed to cover all of the assets and liabilities that were
selected when configured only over time interval which was also selected
during the configuration. It is supposed to use a method of valuation for
accounts not in the base currency which is also selected during the report

Over the last several years there have been a number of discussions about
whether the various valuation methods work correctly, with respect to
report dates vs dates available in the data file  and even whether the
values should be displayed or calculated with exact i.e. fractional numbers
or in floating point.  All of that is in the infrastructure, not in the
actual report code.

I believe there were some code changes implemented over the life of the 2.6
code series, and there were more changes in the transition to 3.x.

I think the bottom line is that yes, different code releases will give
different results with some data even if the report configurations are
scrupulously checked to be identical.

Now, where do we want to go from here?

David Carlson

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 3:17 AM Geert Janssens  Op zondag 10 februari 2019 09:56:51 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> > I’m in agreement on that note. I understand why someone who doesn’t close
> > books would like a report that shows a current position. But the Trial
> > Balance report is really only useful for the close books crowd. It should
> > only reflect actual transactions in the various registers. In the case of
> > assets then, it shouldn’t be estimating based on any user choice of
> > average, nearest date or such, it should be taking actual purchase price
> > just like you would if you did it on paper.
> In Belgium you have the choice (or at least used to have - I haven't
> checked
> lately):
> We can/could report the balance using purchase values or using current
> values,
> with current values meaning current at the report date.
> Regards,
> Geert
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 10 februari 2019 09:56:51 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> I’m in agreement on that note. I understand why someone who doesn’t close
> books would like a report that shows a current position. But the Trial
> Balance report is really only useful for the close books crowd. It should
> only reflect actual transactions in the various registers. In the case of
> assets then, it shouldn’t be estimating based on any user choice of
> average, nearest date or such, it should be taking actual purchase price
> just like you would if you did it on paper.

In Belgium you have the choice (or at least used to have - I haven't checked 
We can/could report the balance using purchase values or using current values, 
with current values meaning current at the report date.



gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I’m in agreement on that note. I understand why someone who doesn’t close books 
would like a report that shows a current position. But the Trial Balance report 
is really only useful for the close books crowd. It should only reflect actual 
transactions in the various registers. In the case of assets then, it shouldn’t 
be estimating based on any user choice of average, nearest date or such, it 
should be taking actual purchase price just like you would if you did it on 


> On Feb 10, 2019, at 2:47 AM, D via gnucash-devel  
> wrote:
> Ok. I'll preface my comments with the note that every time I try to 
> understand how the trial balance report works, someone on the list points out 
> how misguided my understanding is
> That being said, I don't understand how a trial balance of completed 
> transactional history could change value based on a change in price history 
> settings. The euros I bought last week might be worth more this week, but I'd 
> expect the report to be based on what was real, versus the imaginary value 
> those euros have gained or lost since then.
> David T.
> On February 10, 2019, at 2:40 AM, David Carlson  
> wrote:
> Following up on my last email, in version 2.6.17 the Trial Balance report 
> does default to nearest in time as the default valuation procedure.   I don't 
> know what happens in 3.4.
> David Carlson

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-10 Thread D via gnucash-devel
Ok. I'll preface my comments with the note that every time I try to understand 
how the trial balance report works, someone on the list points out how 
misguided my understanding is

That being said, I don't understand how a trial balance of completed 
transactional history could change value based on a change in price history 
settings. The euros I bought last week might be worth more this week, but I'd 
expect the report to be based on what was real, versus the imaginary value 
those euros have gained or lost since then.

David T.

On February 10, 2019, at 2:40 AM, David Carlson  

Following up on my last email, in version 2.6.17 the Trial Balance report does 
default to nearest in time as the default valuation procedure.   I don't know 
what happens in 3.4.

David Carlson

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 9:05 AM David Carlson  

Now if there is an exchange rate entry for 12-19 and 12-16 but not for 12-18 or 
12-17-2017 and the report is using nearest in time, that could cause what you 
are seeing.

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 7:04 AM D via gnucash-devel  

That sounds to me like it's using a different exchange rate from one day to 
another, and I'd agree with your assessment in that case. I would have thought 
that the exchange rate in the transaction would be used.

Mind you, I can't wrap my head around the subtleties that seem to apply on this 


On February 9, 2019, at 5:56 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel 

On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
> Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years.  This hasn't been a 
> problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all 
> is relatively well with my accounts.  Over the last week or so I decided 
> to try again and I think the gnc TB report is b0rked.

OK, have a think about this.

Having deleted the tx previously mentioned.

If I run a TB report to 2017-12-17 it balances.

If I run a TB report to 2017-12-18 it is out by .01

Problem?  There are no tx on 2017-12-18

The ordinary use of a TB is to help find accounting errors.  If the 
report introduces errors I say it is not fit to be used.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-09 Thread David Carlson
Following up on my last email, in version 2.6.17 the Trial Balance report
does default to nearest in time as the default valuation procedure.   I
don't know what happens in 3.4.

David Carlson

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 9:05 AM David Carlson 

> Now if there is an exchange rate entry for 12-19 and 12-16 but not for
> 12-18 or 12-17-2017 and the report is using nearest in time, that could
> cause what you are seeing.
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 7:04 AM D via gnucash-devel <
>> wrote:
>> That sounds to me like it's using a different exchange rate from one day
>> to another, and I'd agree with your assessment in that case. I would have
>> thought that the exchange rate in the transaction would be used.
>> Mind you, I can't wrap my head around the subtleties that seem to apply
>> on this report.
>> David
>> On February 9, 2019, at 5:56 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel <
>>> wrote:
>> On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
>> > Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years.  This hasn't been a
>> > problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all
>> > is relatively well with my accounts.  Over the last week or so I
>> decided
>> > to try again and I think the gnc TB report is b0rked.
>> OK, have a think about this.
>> Having deleted the tx previously mentioned.
>> If I run a TB report to 2017-12-17 it balances.
>> If I run a TB report to 2017-12-18 it is out by .01
>> Problem?  There are no tx on 2017-12-18
>> The ordinary use of a TB is to help find accounting errors.  If the
>> report introduces errors I say it is not fit to be used.
>> --
>> Wm
>> ___
>> gnucash-devel mailing list
>> ___
>> gnucash-devel mailing list
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-09 Thread David Carlson
Now if there is an exchange rate entry for 12-19 and 12-16 but not for
12-18 or 12-17-2017 and the report is using nearest in time, that could
cause what you are seeing.

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 7:04 AM D via gnucash-devel <> wrote:

> That sounds to me like it's using a different exchange rate from one day
> to another, and I'd agree with your assessment in that case. I would have
> thought that the exchange rate in the transaction would be used.
> Mind you, I can't wrap my head around the subtleties that seem to apply on
> this report.
> David
> On February 9, 2019, at 5:56 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel <
>> wrote:
> On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
> > Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years.  This hasn't been a
> > problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all
> > is relatively well with my accounts.  Over the last week or so I decided
> > to try again and I think the gnc TB report is b0rked.
> OK, have a think about this.
> Having deleted the tx previously mentioned.
> If I run a TB report to 2017-12-17 it balances.
> If I run a TB report to 2017-12-18 it is out by .01
> Problem?  There are no tx on 2017-12-18
> The ordinary use of a TB is to help find accounting errors.  If the
> report introduces errors I say it is not fit to be used.
> --
> Wm
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-09 Thread D via gnucash-devel
That sounds to me like it's using a different exchange rate from one day to 
another, and I'd agree with your assessment in that case. I would have thought 
that the exchange rate in the transaction would be used.

Mind you, I can't wrap my head around the subtleties that seem to apply on this 


On February 9, 2019, at 5:56 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel 

On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
> Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years.  This hasn't been a 
> problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all 
> is relatively well with my accounts.  Over the last week or so I decided 
> to try again and I think the gnc TB report is b0rked.

OK, have a think about this.

Having deleted the tx previously mentioned.

If I run a TB report to 2017-12-17 it balances.

If I run a TB report to 2017-12-18 it is out by .01

Problem?  There are no tx on 2017-12-18

The ordinary use of a TB is to help find accounting errors.  If the 
report introduces errors I say it is not fit to be used.


gnucash-devel mailing list
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-09 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years.  This hasn't been a 
problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all 
is relatively well with my accounts.  Over the last week or so I decided 
to try again and I think the gnc TB report is b0rked.

OK, have a think about this.

Having deleted the tx previously mentioned.

If I run a TB report to 2017-12-17 it balances.

If I run a TB report to 2017-12-18 it is out by .01

Problem?  There are no tx on 2017-12-18

The ordinary use of a TB is to help find accounting errors.  If the 
report introduces errors I say it is not fit to be used.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] tb, gnc or me? my trial balance is wrong and I think it is gnc not me

2019-02-09 Thread Wm via gnucash-devel

On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years.  This hasn't been a 
problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all 
is relatively well with my accounts.  Over the last week or so I decided 
to try again and I think the gnc TB report is b0rked.

OK now it is getting weird, this tx involves no fx or trading accounts 
but throws the TB report out by a penny.

Exp:Week:Rec Dr 4.00
Liabilities:Accounts Payable:Y Cr 4.00

I kid you not, the tx is for 4.00 but the TB goes wrong by .01


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