Re: my statements were twisted (was Security of 3DES)

2013-09-03 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 09/03/2013 04:49 PM, Peter Lebbing wrote:

 To expand on what Johan Wevers said: symmetric ciphers do not change the 
 of the encrypted text (by more than the block size). They certainly do not
 compress. Usually, data is compressed before encrypting it (compressing it 
 is pretty useless). If you set your key preferences to not allow compression,
 files encrypted to your key will not be smaller than the original files.

NO TWO PEOPLE ARE THE SAME!  The main thing I am saying is to
make choices work for you but at the same time consider the
others you interact with.  Taking my choices is NOT any better
than the ones on the Debian page.  You have to find your own.
If you have a problem with that I will don my Psychologist cap
and do analysis instead.

I won't answer the other questions because you have grossly
misinterpreted me.  My major point was that what was picked in
that list had the idea that bigger is better and biggest is best.
Zipping was required.

I dropped my 4096R keys and went from them to 2048R more not from
the point of view of which is safer but more from the point of
view of being reasonable for others.  Ditto for going from the
SHA512 hash down to SHA256.  Now I realize that there is a lot
more going on in GnuPG than just using sha256sum and sha512sum.
Nevertheless, doing tests on creating the hashes on 1000 files
made it quite evident that SHA256 wasn't that much of a burden
over SHA1.  But sha512sum consumed gobs more time than using
sha256sum.  So I switched not only the key sizes but the DIGEST
to SHA256 as my first choice.  How bad was SHA512 in other ways?
There were some times the  detached .sig files were as large
as or even larger than the base files!  But it was NOT what ever
I thought was the best for me security-wise driving the decision.
It was the needs and desires of others.  You don't live in a vacuum.
Having that much extra for the task at hand was gross over-kill.

There is nothing wrong with 3DES from my point of view.  There
may be from other people's point of view and that includes people
making government specifications that ignore the fact that CAST5
has not had as much crypton-analysis done on it than has been
done with 3DES.  Have you ever heard the statement there is
the right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way?  In that case
it is NOT your choice driving the decision.  If you were not
supposed to use 3DES then by golly you better not use it.
Didn't I make the statement that you are far more likely to lose
your secret documents via a hacker infecting your machine and
stealing them that way than attacking any of these ciphers?
Didn't I say you are more likely to have somebody go into your
house and attach a key-logger to the end of your keyboard than
by them attacking any of these ciphers directly?  Why did you
ignore these statements?

I only mentioned that 3DES should be considered for low powered
machines.  That statement stands.  If you want 3DES as your first
choice on an umpteen core machine go ahead. Other people with
lower powered machines will be delighted with your choice.  I will
get it implicitly only when that is all they can do but choose not
to add it to my list of ciphers.  Don't feel people have to pick
what you picked.  I hope they pick what works best for them and
the others they interact with.

My whole point is that they lined up things with a bigger is
better and biggest is best mentality.  There are times when
other factors are just as important as the security is.  There
are also the times as in AES vs. AES-256 where bigger doesn't
always mean better - at least according to Bruce Schneier's
thinking.  If you want to argue that point argue it with Bruce,
not me.  Me?  I took his advice and moved the AES to the head
of the AES line-up.  I was about to drop the AES-192 for one
of the Camellia ciphers (see my PS at the end).  It is called
free choice but I will make it considering the needs of others,
not just slap down the biggest one or the smallest one.

As for the zip algorithms I was thinking more along the lines of
what is going on in email and the fact that I much prefer 7-zip
over all the zip algorithms you can specify. You will NEVER
get 7-zip in GnuPG.  Now please don't misunderstand me on that
as well! All I am saying is that 7-zip will never be added to
GnuPG and I prefer 7-zip.  So I will do my compressing outside
of GnuPG.  But there is more going on.  First for what is
going on in email using one of the malware I got yesterday
pretending to come from the Royal Bank of Scotland:

 8859 Sep  4 01:26
11978 Sep  4 01:25 DOC_Sue_Wagner.bin
16870 Sep  4 01:21 DOC_Sue_Wagner.eml
 8859 Sep  4 01:18

The DOC_Sue_Wagner.eml was the email saved as is from
Thunderbird.  In adddition to the ASCII-fied zip it has a fair
sized headers, MIME markings and other things.  The file named
DOC_Sue_Wagner.bin was the eml file stripped down to just the
ASCII zip.  The was the conversion from 

Re: AES256 AES192. (Was: Can I revitalise an old key-pair?)

2013-09-02 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 09/02/2013 06:28 PM, Nicholas Cole wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 5:04 AM, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:

  Paradoxically, AES256  AES192 had
 weaknesses that made them less safe than AES (AES-128) several
 years back.  May I humbly suggest TWOFISH or one of the
 CAMELLLIA ciphers as a first choice UNTIL you determine whether
 or not the fixes for AES-256 and AES-192 are retroactive?  DID
 THEY GET THEM FIXED?  I am just assuming they did but that means
 I HOPE the older implementation and the newer one can easily be
 discerned when you do the decipher.
 I was curious about this. The wikipedia page mentions the Related Key
 Attack on these cyphers, but is vague about whether they were ever
 Does anyone know?
 And did fixes make it into the version used by Gnupg?

Short answer - it wasn't changed and Bruce Schneier still
considers AES-128 to be more secure than AES-256.  Now you
can tap delete.

It is time for Werner, Robert, and the others to speak up.
I usually tailor my statements to novices just getting
started.  It is just that AES-256 is NOT necessarily twice
as secure as AES-128.  In fact going up in bits sometimes
gets you only marginal improvements that are closer to
logarithmic than straight line.  But this time it seems
AES-256 is STILL not as secure as AES (AES-128):

First of Schneier's blogs:

Second of Schneier's blogs:
[Note that Serpent is referenced as a backup plan. If you look
at Bruce's 1:22 PM comment he recommends AES-128 (AES) over
AES-256 due to the poor key-schedule for AES-256. I changed my
cipher order several weeks later with no evidence to the contrary.
For novices you can do that any time you change your mind - but
I have always had TWOFISH first despite his deprecating remarks
about his own 32-bit world cipher.]

Note the figures at the start of Abstract.  Even those are
practically unbreakable.  The quick fix was to use more rounds
but my research is drawing a blank so I suspect nothing was done.
Even so, infecting your machine or hacking into it somehow which
may include personal visits and real world physical lock-picking
is more likely to get them what they want than attacking any of
these ciphers with ANY sort of cipher attack.

There are also different ways for doing the AES family depending
on where they are used with some being weaker implementations
than others.  E.g., in OpenSSL you cannot afford the luxury of
a single machine munching away like it is in GnuPG which means
GnuPG most likely has the strongest implementation of the AES
family.  It will be what ever is in the RFC:

All I was pointing out was that AES-256 versus AES-128 does NOT
imply AES-256 is twice as secure as AES-128.  The idea that just
because it is twice the size then it must be twice as secure
is just a novice point of view.  The quick fix was to use more
rounds and I just assumed that may have been done.  Evidently
I assumed wrong.

Most ciphers have known weaknesses.  But there are lots of crypto
people that work over-time on analyzing them for weaknesses.  That
includes a lot of people here who should speak up because they know
more than me.  I am too busy processing the three variants of
the mini-downloader trojans and wondering why they delivered
the almost same code all at once.  They do a lot of experiments so
it is probably to measure how much the same time reduces their
effectivenes over spreading them out with as little as 8 hours or
as much as 48 hours between each release.  Only 1-2/47 of the AV
at VirusTotal were detecting both the the zips and the exes.
It takes a week  or longer for detection to reach the halfway
mark.  Even after a month about 10-25% of the AV still won't detect
and probably never will - Zeus variant mini-downloader.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Can I revitalise an old key-pair?

2013-09-01 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 09/01/2013 09:15 PM, Pete Stephenson wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 2:57 PM, MartinHvidberg wrote:
 I'm returning to GPG, and Enigmail, and not for the first time. This means
 that I have earlier generated key-pairs and uploaded them to servers like or something like that. I did this first time in 1999 and have
 done several new attempts later, and now have seven key-pairs on the server.
 Latest I have generated a key-pair in 2011.
 While it can be tempting to use particularly old keys (such as those
 made in 1999), the maximum length at the time (1024-bit DSA keys)
 makes them borderline too-short for modern usage. Even if you regain
 access to your 1999-era secret key, you should probably consider
 transitioning to a new, stronger keypair. See for some
 useful information on the subject.

Pete, it is not your advice which I agree with whole-heartedly
but Debian's choice of order for their digests and to a certain
extent their symmetric ciphers where they made the unwarranted
assumption that bigger is better and biggest is best.  Remember
the person on the other side may NOT have your latest and
greatest umpteen-core machine. Taking those people into account
this may be better choice (and is NOT what I use but is close):

setpref SHA256 SHA512 SHA384 SHA224

Actually I have SHA1 as the option before SHA384 and don't
have SHA224 due to some statements that lead me to believe
it could cause problem.  Maybe there wouldn't be problems.
But what if SHA1 is all they can do?  Okay, you can do it but
I don't like it. But SHA1 is better than nothing especially if
it is for just a one-off message.

The reason why is if you pick SHA512 first, while more secure
(unless the argument that they are all vulnerable to the same
attack since they are all the same family) your detached
signatures will be awfully large.  SHA384 and SHA224 may have
limited or no support.  Paradoxically, AES256  AES192 had
weaknesses that made them less safe than AES (AES-128) several
years back.  May I humbly suggest TWOFISH or one of the
CAMELLLIA ciphers as a first choice UNTIL you determine whether
or not the fixes for AES-256 and AES-192 are retroactive?  DID
THEY GET THEM FIXED?  I am just assuming they did but that means
I HOPE the older implementation and the newer one can easily be
discerned when you do the decipher. If that can not be done
then you would have needed to decipher the old style AES-256
before the change happened and will be hosed if time rolls on
and that was not done. CAST5 is a good last choice because some
of the time that is all others can handle. Make sure CAST5 is
always a last or next to last choice because that may be all that
they can do with a limited horsepower box.  You may even want
3DES as a last option for those that got stuck there for some
reason.  IDEA?  Your call.  I assume everybody can handle CAST5.

Compression?  The symmetric ciphers seem to always have better
compression than either zlib (gzip) or zip.  They are on par
with either bzip2 or 7-zip (7-zip is not available in OpenPGP).
I would just use and do use Uncompressed.

Even if the orginal writer can dig up their old keys (the
key-servers have only the public side), do they remember their
pass-phrase?  I know others will disagree with me on this but
that is why I say you should have (unless you work for Amnesty
International, a government attache, high levels of a company
with confidential data, etcetera):

1. Keys created with a time to expire.  I know my 10 year
lifetime is ambitious and they will probably have to be revoked
before then.  But keys with no expire dates are just crazy.
If for no other reason a reasonable time-span (10 years is
really stretching it) allows people to walk away and their
old keys on the key servers will gracefully and mercifully
expire. What happens if you got struck by a Peterbilt and were
killed?  But even if you didn't get killed you can NOT use
them forever.  Time marches on and what was good 10+ years
ago (3DES) is no match for modern CPU power. Actually all
those top-secret places should be creating keys that expire
as well.  Keys that last forever are an impossible hope.

2. A revoke file created with --gen-revoke redirected to a
file and then the file enciphered.  See number 4.

3. The pass-phrase written down on a sheet of paper  and stored
in a safe place.  Remember this is advice for normal people.
Did I do this with mine?  No, but that is because I use them
almost every day.  Store this in a DIFFERENT LOCATION than
where the backup of the keys and the backup of revoke are stored
(see next).  Ditto for the passwords of the zips.  Store them
with the pass-phrase, NOT with the zips.  But be sure to store
both where you can get them later.

4. If possible, the backup of the keys themselves in an
an enciphered file, along with the enciphered revoke all 

Re: Recommended key size for life long key

2013-08-31 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/31/2013 08:27 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:

 Personally, I trust my 4096 bit key for now until ECC is integrated
 into GnuPG. Then, I'll recreate my keys. Looking for a key that will
 never be broken is like looking for the fountain of youth: it's a nice
 idea but not realistic to plan your life around. Security is always
 moving. You have to be prepared to move with it.

And I was flamed for suggesting a 4096 bit key just a short six
years ago.  Currently I am using 2048R/2048R but I don't have
top-secret needs. You should tailor your keys lengths and other
factors to both yours AND OTHERS needs. The last time I checked
I wasn't enciphering top-secret level embassy communiques.  Make
your keys to match their intended uses and part of that is what
others can handle. But other than your key size maybe being too
large for an iPhone (currently) all the rest of the advice you
have given here is good.  I noticed my previous 4096R/4096R did
take a little bit of time and would not be appropriate for a
person with s single core CPU so my current keys are 2048R/2048R
so they can handle it.  I especially like your fountain of youth
analogy.  It lets people know that there is no totally secure.
There is only what is currently best for yours and others
you communicate with needs.

My main concern is that they don't upload those keys instantly to the
key-servers after creating them.  Play around with them for a while.
Many people create keys with the following factors

- no expire date - my current ones were for ten years but I can
  always revoke them if the key sizes finally become too small.
  They have lasted 2+ years now and I see no reason for them
  not to last at least another 3-5 years.  But the day will come
  when they will no longer be adequate.  There is no such thing
  as keys that can be used forever.
- key sizes too large for THEIR needs and most especially for
  other people's needs.  The key size really should be created
  to match OTHER people's needs more than yours.
- passphrases that are either too short and simple or the opposite
  of being so long and and convoluted that even a top Jeopardy
  champion couldn't remember them.
- no thought or knowledge of changing the preferences of their
  ciphers, digests and other factors.  It isn't just the key sizes.
- uploaded WAY too soon to the key-servers without playing
  around with them for a while.  This last issue is CRITICAL.
  They just don't understand the need to play and think for
  a sufficiently long time.  They want to use what they have
  with others immmediately.  LEARN PATIENCE!
- don't immediately generate a key revoke and encipher the
  revoke file.

I think most beginners would actually be better off with
writing down their pass-phrase and storing it in a safety box
but at the same time giving their keys a reasonable expire date.
That is better than a key that they don't use enough, forget the
pass-phrase, and then their key is lodged on the key-servers
forever with no expration date and no chance for it to
gracefully expire and pass on into history.  It would also
give them the opportunity to revoke the keylater on.  I know.
I said they should generate a revoke key file but they didn't
do it.  But at least with with the pass-phrase in a strong
box they have the opportunity to revoke and upload the revoked
keys to the key-servers.

The 10K bit key size being spoken should be a play-toy to
find out why it should NOT be used.  That ten minutes to
generate with the hottest CPU out there would probably be a
pain for me even with my dual-core and lower level quad-core
systems.  I suspect it may take as long as ten seconds to verify
a signed message. They would have no problems sending me an
enciphered message with my shorter 2048R key and even a
TWOFISH cipher. But I would suspect me sending them a PK
enciphered message even with a CAST5 symmetric cipher as
their first choice would take a LONG time.  For an iPhone
user it would be utterly impossible.  PITA my foot!  Just
remember there are probably more iPhone users now than there
are PC owners.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GNUPG and Cast6

2013-08-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/29/2013 06:01 PM, Csabi wrote:
 Hi all,
 Why does not support GNUPG the CAST6 (256 bit key) variant of the CAST
 It supports the CAST5 (128 bit key) variant and it is the default cipher.
 Best regards, Csabi

Because there is no RFC for it in OpenPGP.  Unless there is an
RFC for it being in OpenPGP they won't put it there.  Here is
RFC advice on CAST6 (CAST-256):

Before you flail away at getting it added read this and follow
up by looking at the source links first:

CAST6 was passed over and wasn't one of the five AES finalists.
It is very unlikely that it will ever be included.  CAST5 was
included when very little else was available.  In reality CAST5
is probably more than adequate for my needs despite the fact
that I have TWOFISH as the preferred first choice.  The main
weakness of encryption is PEBKAC and I have more than my fair
share of the illness.  So I focus my attention for improvement


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Serpent?

2013-08-23 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/23/2013 11:00 PM, Faramir wrote:
 El 22-08-2013 9:56, Robert J. Hansen escribió:
 GnuPG extends this with support for Camellia-128, Camellia-192 and 
 Camellia-256.  I don't know the reasoning for introducing Camellia,
 but I'm sure there's a solid basis for it.
   IIRC, somebody said, a long long time ago, that Japan had some
 requirements for using Camellia, so I guess if GnuPG doesn't have it,
 japanese people can't use it without some you are using an
 unnapproved cipher or something like that. But I can't even remember
 who said Japan likes Camellia, so maybe that's not the reason.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone developed the Camellia ciphers:

Advice is given that it is available for use in OpenPGP:

The reason that it is there is because somebody (most likely
the Japanese) wants it and even my semi-old Linux distros have
it in older versions of gpg1 and gpg2

$ gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.10

$ gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.16
libgcrypt 1.4.6

I updated my handy-dandy cheat-sheet for settings I got from
somebody else so you know their designations and can add them
into mix of ciphers with preference:

I will probably add Camellia-128 after TwoFish some place in
there among the AES ciphers and may even let it replace one of
them but will keep AES (AES-128).  So if you want to use one of
the Camllia ciphers use them in good health.

Let me know when Serpent is avaiable.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why trust gpg4win?

2013-08-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/22/2013 06:22 PM, Jasper den Ouden wrote:
 The solution of course is as you urged , to get a
 free operating system such as Linux or BSD, complete with free 
 build tools   compile your own (even non programmers can do that, 
 eg on an OS downloaded from
 Compiling your own fixes the issue of the sources not corresponding to
  binaries. (well possibly there is a hole you compile with a
 compromised binary)

That is why the binaries that are built for you are done by at
least three people and they have to match (diff -b or my hexcmp
spit out nothing and return 0).  That was supposed to handle
the possibility of poison build tools.  If you are that
concerened, disassemble but only programmers that have worked
with assembler code will know what to do with it.  That includes
me but I think we are getting rarer all the time.  But the code
is also getting larger all the time making study of the assembler
code more difficult.

If you ask me, gpg4win was ready for prime time a long time ago.
I haven't finished it but here it is:

If you don't think it is a problem, three of my relatives Windows
OS computers got infected with two of them being in the last two
weeks.  We like Chrome!  I like Firefox not for the browser
itself but because NoScript can be slapped onto Firefox.  There
went over 75% of the malware threats from web-sites.  The main
problem after that is PEBKAC - Let me scan your machine - okay.

Since Phil Zimmerman refused to allow government back end hooks
and almost went to jail for it and all kinds of efforts are made
to give a product that can be trusted, then you have to look at
the people.  Well read the comments of the many people like
Werner Koch, David Shaw, Robert Hansen and others reassures me.
They are always concerned about the security of GPG, and GPG4Win.
I don't even worry about that end because they have never said
anything that raises red flags in me.  Now if they said that
NoScript is useles ...

My trust in GPG4Win is entirely predicated on whether the OS
(this is individual) is safe enough.  The NSA didn't use back
end hooks to take down a hacker selling stolen credit card data.
They watched and got his machine infected with their malware.
They stole his key-ring, monitored his key-strokes with a logger,
and then uploaded all of his files. They deciphered the files
and at the right moment snagged him and dragged him off to
court.  Why didn't they use the back end hooks in GPG4Win?
Answer - the probability for back end hooks is very low.

GPG4Win is ready if the Windows system it is used on is ready.
I suspect well over 95% of the Windows OS that are being
considered for slapping GPG4Win on them aren't ready for
GPG4Win being installed on them.  Worry about that first.

GPG4Win is ready.  Windows users, are you?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: need help for GPG 1.2.1 binary for REHL 5.8

2013-08-21 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/20/2013 09:43 PM, Snehendu Ghosh wrote:
 Hi Peter,
 Thanks for your reply. 
 In brief, the background is that we are replacing an existing
 iHub system which acts as a router for files transfer to and
 from Oracle EBS. In current system, for inbound interfaces,
 encrypted files come from third parties to iHub and being
 decrypted before sending to EBS. Similarly for outbound
 interfaces, files come from EBS, being encrypted in iHub
 before sending it to third party system.
 Now the problem is the existing iHUb system is very old and it
 has 1.2.1 version for encryption/decryption. We are assuming
 all the third parties are using same old version for
 encryption/decryption in their side. And there is no issue with
 encryption/decryption in existing system. It is much stable.
 We are not expecting any of the third party will make any
 changes in their side. That is the reason we want to go with
 the 1.2.1 version to minimize the risk.
 Now assume a scenario, where we implement 1.4 version in our
 to-be system, encrypt a file with 1.4 version and send it to a
 third party. We are not sure if that third party will able to
 do decryption using a lower version.
 We are working from Sydney, Australia. I don't know which time
 zone you are working in.
 Can we set up a tele-conference with you today so that we can
 explain you our requirement ? 

I wish you more knowledgeable people would answer first.

I can not speak for Peter Lebbing but I believe there is a way
you can test this if you have two spare Linux machines and
something (your iHub?) with an existing 1.2.1 GnuPG on it.  You
want something with the 1.2.1 that you can control it manually.
This is sort of similar to what you do in creating a network on
a test rack before you roll it out.

1. Machine 1 - your old system
Backup the ~/.gnupg folder on the existing system with the
older gpg 1.2.1.  I have this desire to be able to put things
right back the way they were.  You will be adding a key you will
not keep.  Generate the public keys as usual for import on
machine 2.
$ cd
$ tar -cvf gnugp.tar ./.gnupg
$ mkdir save.gnupg
$ cp -frp .gnupg/* save.gnupg
$ gpg [-a] --export...

2. Machine 2 - Linux system with the latest 1.X GnuPG on it.
Create dummy new keys on this system.  Import the public keys
exported from machine 1.  lsign them or sign them as desired.
Export the public side of your secret keys on this system and
import them onto machine 1 and lsign them there.  Note that
you CAN have pre-existing key-ring on this system.  If you
don't want to use its keys in the test do:
$ cd
$ zip -r9 ./.gnupg
$ mv .gnupg  save.gnupg
$ gpg --gen-key ...

Do some tests of PK enciphering on machine 1 and deciphering on
machine 2 and then enciphering on machine 2 and then deciphering
on machine 1.  If these work your battle is almost over in seeing
whether it works or not.

3. Machine 3 - new Linux system with the latest 1.x GnuPG on it.
Again like machine 2 if you have a pre-existing ~/.gnupg you
won't be using it so set aside for a while:
$ cd
$ zip -r9 ./.gnupg
$ mv .gnupg  save.gnupg
Somehow copy that gnupg.tar file from machine 1 onto this system
and untar it into the user you are using's top level folder.
Be sure to delete the ~/,gnupg/random_seed file to force it to
create a new random_seed file.  Import the public keys from
machine 2 and lsign just the way you did before.

Now do some tests of PK enciphering on machine 2 and deciphering
on machine 3 and vice-versa.  I don't know whether these scripts
will make things faster or not. Put them in ~/bin and make sure
you change the key number to yours:

Once the tests are all done you can put things back the way
they were:

Machine 1:
$ cd
$ rm -fr .gnupg ; tar -xvf gnupg.tar
# remember you have a second  ~/.gnupg backup: save.gnupg
# I always like multiple ways back from a disaster

Machine 2::
$ cd
$ rm -fr .gnupg
$ if [ -s ]

Machine 3:
Same as machine 2.

If all the enciphering and deciphering tests work you almost
invariably won't have any problems.  But these tests will give
you a fairly good feel for it before you dive in.  Just don't
take the machine with GnuPG 1.2.1 down just yet.  The tests
wtth machine 3 can give you a pretty good idea of whether or
not you can just keep on using your current keys on the new
system with a newer version of GnuPG.  I do know I have continued
using keys generated with an older 1.x version with subsequent
newer versions with no problems.  That rather than the PK
enciphering and deciphering with different versions MAY be more
of a problem than enciphering / deciphering 

Fwd: Re: Issue with --sign option

2013-08-19 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit

I am supplying this so people know what I sent to
Ashish personally.  Will it help?  I don't know but I
hope so.  If you know everything there is to know about
how the optional arguments are handled on 'nix systems
you may want to delete this message.

I assume secmem and and any other things that are going
wrong are already in the archives some place.  Actually
the secmem messages are just bothersome and won't cause
any problems.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Issue with --sign option
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 16:18:54 +
From: Henry Hertz Hobbit
To: Tiwari, Ashish

On 08/18/2013 03:04 AM, Tiwari, Ashish wrote:
 Still not working.
 Saying Inavlid OPtion -sign.
 Ashish Tiwari

Of course it is invalid.  You do NOT use -sign.  You use
single dashes only for single letter arguments.  The way you
have it with just a single dash the only valid interpretation
is that it considers it a short hand for -s -i -g -n.  IOW,
here is what -sign could mean but it seems to be nonsense:

-s  (same as --sign)
-i  (same as --interactive to prevent overwriting files)
-g  NO SUCH OPTION - this is what it is complaining about?
-n  (same as --dry-run which means don't make any changes)

From your previous output gpg/gpg2 seems to be attempting a
correction of what you are doing with a best guess.

gpg and gpg2 just use the standard way that all 'nix commands
are done.  If you want to do a sign, either use the short-hand
-s or --sign (NOTE THE DOUBLE DASHES) which are equivalent.
If you want a sequence of letters to be an atomic unit to a
command on 'nix systems, then you always precede them with a
double dash rather than a single dash.  Example: these commands
for ls  do the same thing:

$ ls -lF
$ ls -l -F

But even ls has double dash atomic multi-character options
with these being just some of them:

--ignore-backups  (chops off files ending with ~)
--color=never  (I do not like color in ls)
(STYLE could be iso for example to chop off the year)

gpg or gpg2 are doing the same thing as ls and all other
GOOD 'nix commands do as the man pages show:

We expected you to know this before you used gpg on a 'nix
system since it is the way ALL of the commands work on 'nix
systems if they are doing it the standard way (there are
some commands that are not standard which makes you think
it must be an English thing - the exceptions to the rules).

Get somebody else to translate this for you if English and
'nix commands are not your native languages.  That is
especially true for the 'nix commands since that seems to be
what is wrong here.  Also, just use the files where they are
at.  An example is me signing the file gnats.txt in /tmp.
An actual sample usage should be highly instructive:

$ cd /tmp
# the next line has the same meaning as the line after it
# gpg --default-key C83946F0 -s gnats.txt
$ gpg --default-key C83946F0 --sign gnats.txt
# I have to type my key passphrase here
$ gpg --verify gnats.txt.sig
gpg: Signature made Sun 18 Aug 2013 02:53:09 PM UTC using RSA key ID
gpg: Good signature from Henry Hertz Hobbit
gpg: aka Henry Hertz Hobbit

The point is that both gnats.txt and gnats.txt.gpg are NOT in
my ~/.gnupg key-ring folder but in /tmp.  Unless you need the output
files some place else you should just put them in the current folder
as where the base file is.  For --clearsign you may want the output
file to be some place else since it modifies the base file.  But
I suggest some place like ~/tmp (be sure to create the folder first).
Why did I use /tmp?  That is where the file gnats.txt file is and
it will remain there until the machine reboots and /tmp is completely

Comprendez vous, n'est-pas?

PS  And here I thought you may have been referring to the secmem
warning.  You have at least two methods for getting rid of
of the secmem warnings.  One thing at a time.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Issue with --sign option

2013-08-18 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/18/2013 03:45 PM, ashish tiwari wrote:


Is this a Turing test?  I wrote a private reply to try
to find if that is what is happening.  I mean, is
--sign as opposed to -sign that hard to understand?
Here is what -sign chould probably mean:

-s  same as --sign
-i  same as --interactive
-n  same as --dry-run.

That is because -sign is the equivalent of -s -i -g -n.
My private reply was with the aim of convincing a human
being the right way to do things and that gpg  gpg2 do
the standard of a single dash means all the letters after
the single dash are combined options.  If you want all of
the characters being considered  a single atomic identity
then you precede them with a double dash.  A lot more detail
was added with an example to show how easy it is.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: No secret key on 1 file

2013-08-16 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/16/2013 04:20 PM, Steven Bonda wrote:
 I did a lot of research and digging and was finally able to get the file to
 c:\tempgpg2 --batch --try-all-secrets --passphrase pass -o temp.txt -d
 gpg: anonymous recipient; trying secret key A328FC0E ...
 gpg: WARNING: cipher algorithm IDEA not found in recipient preferences
 gpg: okay, we are the anonymous recipient.
 gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID 727A253D
 gpg: old style (PGP 2.x) signature
 gpg: Signature made 08/15/13 03:31:01 Eastern Daylight Time using DSA key ID
 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key
 gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected

You are decrypting a public key enciphered file.  The
only way you can do that is you must have the secret key.
That is why Werner told you to list all of the secret keys
below.  Without that secret key you are not going to be
able to decipher the file.  By telling it to try all
of the secret keys it finally found the right secret
key to decipher the file.  gpg2 didn't see IDEA in
your choice of ciphers.

I should not want to see the IDEA cipher either, since
it is not in my preferences.  IDEA is an old archaic
cipher along with 3DES.  But note that I want 3DES only
as a last resort.  I will be much happier with the use of
TWOFISH or AES.  Paradoxically, at one time AES (also
called AES128) was actually stronger than AES256.  I
don't know if this is still the case but have no desire
to change my preferences.

You probably also have a key setup problem in gpg/gpg2.
I never was able to either use my GnuPG keys with PGP or
vice versa without an export of the secret key and import
and then a lot of twiddling with the trust levels and
other things to make them work. Let me show you what
happens with my secret key with a --edit-key (no
--verbose or -v which are the same thing):

What you have that is different than what I have is something
you want to look at as the possible cause of the problem.
I suspect you have a trust problem but gpg / gpg2 can
see that the 727A253D has a secret key available and
deciphered the file although gpg2 didn't like the use
of the IDEA cipher.

Now that I have said all of this I am not so sure that
what Werner said and how he said it isn't actually a lot
better.  What I am hoping is that contrasting what you
have (which is not working) with what I have (which does
work)  might help you.  Just do a ? at the Command 
to get a list of things that can be done.  I think you
may need to change the trust level for your keys.

Start with Werner's commands below minus the verbose,
contrast with mine and then do the commands exactly
as Werner has given and go from there.  If you give
Werner the verbose output he can probably tell you
exactly what needs to be changed but you also may
see the debug information gives you all you need to

 fwiw, I'd welcome any information on what happened just
 because I'd like to know what happened.
 Maybe this helps someone in the future.
 Thanks for all the help.
 -- STeve
 -Original Message-
 From: Werner Koch [] 
 Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:36 AM
 To: Steven Bonda
 Subject: Re: No secret key on 1 file
 On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 14:56, said:
 gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID 727A253D
 gpg: decryption failed: No secret key
 Please check thenoutput of 
   gpg2 -v -K 727A253D
 If you can't see the reason, you may want to
   gpg2 -v --edit-key 727A253D
 to see some more details.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: self signed keys

2013-08-14 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

On 08/14/2013 07:47 AM, Axel Braun wrote:
 one (stupid?) question:
 Where is the requirement to sign your own key documented? I had a
 look into RFC 4880 but could not spot the requirement there.
 Thanks for clarifying Axel

There is no such requirement.  Your own keys are trusted
automatically with ultimate trust when you create them.  You
can stop reading now.

It is basically a requirement for any key to be signed to be
able to use it in any meaningful way.  If it isn't signed and
given some sort of level of trust it cannot be used to verify
either a clear-sign or detached-signature.  I never thought
about attempting to encipher using PK enciphering using
somebody else's public key without signing it but look at
RFC 4880 for what it says about that.  It is just that signing
and verifying is what I do most.  No trust for a key means no
way to have meaningful verification.

You do not not need to sign your own key.  The reason why is
because when you generate your key, it has an entry for it
that is automatically added to the trustdb with ULTIMATE trust.
If it wasn't this way then you would have a chicken versus egg
problem.  You couldn't sign or lsign anybody else's key
using your private / secret key because your own key wasn't
trusted.  But if you try to sign your own key with your own
key ... you can't.  You need a key with ultimate trust to be
used to sign other keys with varying levels of trust in that
key.  So your own keys automatically have ultimate trust when
they are created.

If you cannot trust yourself to be yourself then maybe you have
MPD and need an eminent brain specialist's help.  Either that
or you need to generate your revocation and revoke your keys.
But that is more of a statement that you think somebody may have
your keys + pass-phrase than something about yourself.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Can I create domain keys?

2013-08-14 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/14/2013 08:33 AM, Johan Wevers wrote:
 On 14-08-2013 5:36, Foo Bar wrote:
 I would like to create a domain key, which can be used for all
 emails in a particular domain. For example, if the key is for
 *, then sending to both and
 would use this key.

 Is this possible with GPG?
 You can use each key for each mail, your sender address doesn't have to
 be the address in the key.

I am not saying you are wrong because I don't know. But it does
seem dangerous from a real world practical point of view.
Should I really be able to send a message pretending to come
from when I am really just a visitor
to the University being awarded an Honery degree?  Part of that
was being given a email account since
all people granted a Ph.D. are also given an email account that
they can use until they are dead unless they ask that it be
closed down.

BTW, it is really, not


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Can I create domain keys?

2013-08-14 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/14/2013 10:56 PM, Foo Bar wrote:
 Thank you for your response. Some comments inline...
 - Original Message -
 From: MFPA

 You can create a key with whatever information you wish to
 put in the user-id(s), truthful or otherwise.
 I have tried to enter a wildcard email when gpg asked me for
 the email address during key generation. I tried, and *, but all of them were
 rejected with 'Not a valid email address'. Is there a special
 syntax I should use?

As I pointed out before with my example using,
making a wildcard email for a domain is fraught with abuse
peril to the maximum.  How many users do you need to include
at a given domain?  If somebody asked me to sign such a
key as part of the WOT I wouldn't sign it.  OTOH, if you have
a half dozen or so email addresses at that domain you can add
a UID for each and every one of the email addresses to your
key.  There will be more on those email addresses in a moment.
But I would ask questions why you need so many email addresses
at the same domain for a given key.  Any more than 2-3 email
addresses would be very suspicious.

 A key identifying itself as connected to the email address
 * rather than may be missed 
 when an
 email program passes to GnuPG as the search
 string for an encryption key (and when GnuPG passes the
 string to a keyserver).
 I think the point you just made is the relevant one: Even if I
 would be able to create a key with a wildcard email
 associated with it, would the email client plugins, such as
 Enigmail, be able to deal with it? I guess that's a question
 for the Enigmail developers, once I figure out how to generate
 a key with a wildcard email via gpg.

I hope you cannot do it.  If I was writing the code you would
need something that had a valid TLD on the end and valid
alpha-numeric and optional one - at time for the hostname.
In front of the @HOSTNAME you should only be able to have user
names that are alphanumeric with what ever other characters
(thinking of other character sets for other languages) but
SOMETHING has to be there for the user at that domain.

I don't think you have thought this through carefully though.
I realize some people stupidly put all of their email accounts
into one folder in Thunderbird.  NOT ME!  Each email account
gets its own separate set of folders and I have Local Folders
which accept no email so I can move email messages from the
account folders into the Local area if I need to save those
messages.  If you have a half dozen POP/IMAP email accounts,
not giving each email account its own set of folders can
complicate things terribly with no end of the confusion in
sight.  Even with just two email accounts things can get
complicated in a hurry.  What do you do if one of the email
accounts is closed down?  I just delete that set of folders.

Now we come to Enigmail.  If you use the separate email accounts
the way I said you should, you can actually have multiple keys
for all of the email addresses.  The reason why is Enigmail in
Thunderbird provides a way to specify it manually for each and
every email account:

You cannot see it but I add a UID for every email account
I am going to use with my key and then just let Enigmail find
the appropriate key for the email address.  I could also
do it with a one key fits all with a default-key in the
gpg.conf file.  But how are you going to say use only this
key with ALL of my email accounts in Enigmail if you don't
have specific email folders but dump all of them in one
common folder?

You also could investigate a group names to resolve the problems
you will have.  But this is getting so scary with so many email
addresses I am beginning to believe you will have a goulash mess
in just Thunderbird alone without adding Enigmail to the mix.

A wise man once said: Make every system as simple as possible
but no simpler.  I may contend his saying that gravity is not
a force at all but just a warping of the time-space curve may
be a little bit too simple.  But saying gravity isn't a force
(if gravity isn't a force why is almost every galaxy a spiral?)
or me saying it may still be a force and the discussions thereof
are simple compared to what you are attempting to do.  In fact
what you are attempting to do is giving me a class A migraine
headache.  Who was the man that made the statement about how
systems should not be too complex?  Albert Einstein.  If you are
smarter than him flail away.

My low IQ is now going to be involved in watching the NOVS program
on a member of the Cephalopod family called the Cuttlefish and
after it a program on the new ALMA telescope system being created
on the Atacama plateau.  If I was really brilliant I would be one
of the technicians on-site keeping these telescopes working

Re: How to create new keyring from an existing key in an existing keyring?

2013-08-12 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/12/2013 09:18 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 On 11/08/13 23:11, adrelanos wrote:
 I could think of a way to export the key, change --homedir, create a new
 keyring, and import a the key. But is there a more elegant way?
 gpg --export 0xDEADBEEF | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring \
 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/meat.gpg --import
 (one long command line)

Assumes /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d exists and is a folder (good
assumption for Debian based, not so good for RPM based) and
that the ordinary user can write a file in the folder (bad
assumption even if your flavor is Debian-esque) with no
changes made.  On Debian-esque you may need to do a:

# chmod 1777 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d

then the above command, then:

# chmod 755 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d

Does that get you what you want?  Is the meat some sort of
comment that adrelanos will be dead meat?  The command is
elegant though.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: understanding GnuPG --clearsign option

2013-08-12 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/12/2013 08:40 AM, Martin T wrote:
 one can sign the message with --clearsign option which adds ASCII
 armored(Radix-64 encoding) PGP signature at the end of the text.
 This PGP signature contains the UID of the signer, timestamp and key
 ID. However, two questions:

GnuPG does much more than just the Radix-64 encoding with the

$ gpg --default-key MINE --output list.asc \
 --clearsign list.txt

By that I mean gpg/gpg2 doesn't just do a base64 conversion but also
does other magic stuff.  You can stop reading now.

 1) Where is the UID of the signer, timestamp of the signature and
 signer key-ID stored? If I execute gpg2 --verify file.asc, then I'm
 able to see the UID of the signer, timestamp and signer key-ID, but if
 I decode the Radix-64/base64 data back to binary(base64 -d) and use
 hexdump -C to analyze this data, I do not see the UID, timestamp or
 signer key-ID.

The UID and other things are stored in the string which is usually
more than one line long between the BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE and
END PGP SIGNATURE.  But I am puzzled how you did this part.  If
I copy the now clear signed list.txt to a justsig.txt file and
edit out all but the hash I get a warning.  Actually I get a
warning no matter what content is in the justsig.txt file from
the base file:

$ base64 -d  justsig.asc  list.bin
base64: invalid input

The list.bin file has zero length unless you use nothing but the
hash which is the normal way base64 works for email attachments.
In any event, list.bin created with just the hash has no known
file type that magic understands. e.g.:

$ file list.bin
list.bin: data
$ ls -l list.bin
287 list.bin

Like I said, if you use anything BUT just the hash, list.bin
will contain nothing (zero bytes).  But I will ALWAYS get the
invalid input meaning it is something base64 does NOT understand.
Is this what you did to get a non-zero length file via base64 -d
from a --clearsign file?

 2) What exactly is this PGP signature? Is it a SHA1 hash of the
 message which is encrypted with my private key and then ASCII armored?

It uses the hash in the preferred order of what is associated
with the key used and what the the version of OpenPGP you are
using is capable of handling.  That for me is SHA-256 since that
is my first choice and my version of gpg can handle it.  SHA1
is usually the default unless you set your preferences to
something else since it is still difficult to do a brute
attack on SHA1 (but it can be done):

The hash is created based on the text as input using the private
side of the key and then ASCII armored in such a way that when
you verify it finds the appropriate public key based on the
hash and does the other hash calculation of the text and
see if it matches.  In any event, the markers of --clearsign
make it clear that only an OpenPGP compliant program can handle
it.  The MIME markines are used by email to determine what
handles it since a --clearsign is what you need to make the
signature something you can send in email but it can be
used for other purposes.  It is just that you can NOT send
a non-ASCII signature directly in email without it being
converted to ASCII first.  There are other uses of
-clearsign like when you what the signature and the
file contents together.

base64, the older uuencode and uudecode and similar
programs do nothing more than convert a binary file like
a zip file into ASCII text so the zip file can be sent as an
email attachment.  Send a message to yourself in email with
a attachment. Save the entire message to a file
(for Thunderbird you will have an *.eml file).  Assuming the
file was named test.eml and the attachment was

$ cp test.eml test.base64

Edit the test.base64 file so it has only the hashed material
and note the zip name (assuming was what you
attached and sent).  Also note that it uses base64
as the type in the Content-Transfer-Encoding: if that is
what your email used (it usually is).

$ base64 -i -d  test.base64  test,zip
$ file Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
$ unzip
$ cat test.txt

Hello World

GnuPG does much more than just the Radix-64 binary to
ASCII conversion and only gpg or gpg2 can handle it.
Use base64 only if it is specified in the MIME
markings (the latest malware from PeskySpammer here):

Content-Type: application/zip;
 name=Tax Notices
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;
 name=Tax Notices

Usually you won't need to use base64 and Thunderbird
Evolution, or other mail programs will allow the saving
of the file unless Microsoft Exchange munges it in a bounce
to you.  In that case, if base64 is specified as the Transfer
Encoding type you can save the enter message to file.  Then
edit the file and strip off all the other stuff and get
the file out of the hashed stuff even if your mail

Re: Question about notations and domains

2013-08-08 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/08/2013 09:17 PM, Khelben Blackstaff wrote:

SNIP  (please read the original)

Short answer:  Your github URL converted into an email
address is NOT a good solution.  Read on if you want to
know why.

It is not necessary to own the domain.  For example, I could
perhaps have an email account at (they
make great telescope optics).  There was a joke about a head
coach here in the United States being able to come up to a
potential recruit and say Coach Jared Grasso, Iona College.
To which the potential recruit would reply as he was shaking
the coach's hand; YOU DO!? Even though you don't own the
educational institution you do own an email address there if
one is given to you.  It is yours as long as they let you have

Similarly, if you have an email address at a company you work
at, even though the company may say they own the email box
contents, the address is yours at least to use until you
move on to some place else.

The first reason one of your UIDs needs an email address only
you use is to make the keys (assuming a primary signing key
and an enciphering sub key but there are many other options)
yours.  It is also helpful to have a comment for that
UID with an email address to help persuade others to sign your
keys for the WOT. It also makes it even harder for somebody
to typo-squat on your key-set (key-pair for me).  If you put
your public keys on one of the keyservers about the only way
others can get your key(s) is if at least one of your UIDs has
an email address.  The email address is used to find your key
as well as providing partial authentication that you got the
right key.  This is especially true for web key search tools:
(real names and even the shortened key ID come up blank
for me but email addresses never fail)

In addition to your primary UID which has an email address you
can add as many UIDs as you need.  Make sure you really need
the UIDs. There should not be a problem in making one of the
other UIDs without an email address that has only your name
in the name field and your github URL in the comment field.  I
have many keys on my key-ring that in addition to one or more
UIDs with email addresses have some additional UIDs with just
their name and the Comment field filled in.  So making an extra
UID with your name, no email address, and your github URL in
the comment field is probably the best way to do what I THINK
you are attempting to do.  Are you saying that strange email
address created from your github ID makes it possible for
people to send you a message from POP or web-mail similar
to sending an SMS message to a cell phone?  If it works you
may want to add it but you still should have a UID for your
key-set that has a real email address.  (I answer why in
a separate paragraph).

It is much easier and less expensive to own your own domain
and a POP email account than you would expect.  The domain and
POP email account I am using here is less than $30 per year
at  GoDaddy and others can also set you up.  Your
first and last name run together khelbenblackstaff is
available in the BIZ, COM, INFO, NET, and ORG TLDs.  If you are
in the US, is also available.  So
getting a POP email account is in reach.  It is also something
you can have that is consistent and stays with you from school
to school and job to job as well as many changes in your
physical address and even across multiple ISPs.  If you get an
email account with a mail provider that is using Microsoft
Exchange make sure you write EVERYTHING down.  Others send to
you with the traditional NAME@DOMAIN but you usually access the
POP email in Thunderbird or another MUA by using the internal
Microsoft Exchange name your mail service provider will give
you. E.g,. instead of using hhhobbit[GNAT] I
use m-MYHASHID to access the email for this account.  I also
have to use the m-MYHASHID in the web-mail interface.

I will let others answer your questions about converting your
github URL to an email address.  I don't think too much of it
because another reason for a real email address is so they
can email you an enciphered message and ask is this key
yours?  They enciphered with your public key.  If you don't
have the secret (private) side of the key then you cannot
decipher the message.  If you don't answer the sender gets
paranoid and decides the key is bogus. Can you handle an
enciphered message with that github id converted into an
email address?  I don't think so.  NOW you know why I don't
like that strange github derived email address.

I have taken up WAY too much space in an attempt to give the
greatest clarity.  I will let somebody else answer your pgpmime
question.  All I know is that Enigmail in Thunderbird makes it
explicit with an use PGP/MIME check box.  It works.  So does
Claws Mail on Windows which is bundled with GPG4Win.  I cannot
advise using any MUA (Mail User Agent - Thunderbird, Office,
Claws Mail, etc.) that renders 

Re: [#JYM-378-41570]: Re: Why trust any software?

2013-08-07 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/07/2013 12:49 PM, Jean-David Beyer wrote:

 Is the address actually required? I know is required and it must go to a real
 person, but is any other?


Actually, even postmaster is no longer required.  There are too
many domains like the one I am using right now that doesn't even
have anything but one email address (no http, ftp, or anything
else) so the postmaster requirement was dropped.  The postmaster
requirement made sense in the days of bigger domains and a less
fierce spam problem.  Now most companies are behind firewalls.
They may have info, hostmaster, webmaster or something
like Domain.Administrator.  Actually, due to the same thing
you just had in this list, spam, many now have only a web-form
input with a captcha for abuse and other purposes.  The spam
problem promises to get only worse exponentially.  IMHO, SMTP
needs be replaced by SSMTP where a secure cryptographic token
is required.  I don't know if most mail servers can do the
lookup of MX, then the IP addresses for the MX servers, and
then dropping the message if the sending IP address does not
match one of the mail server IP addresses.  IPv6 makes things
WORSE, not better.  Bernstein's qmail can handle IPv4 but only
if the volume is low. I know people using sendmail (have had
it hacked at least three times) because qmail even without
the extra burden isn't fast enough.

The US Senate and US House of Representatives have used nothing
but a web-form for what seems like at least ten years with a
captcha.  Their captcha probably needs to be upgraded.

PeskySpammer (my name for a specific organization that gave me
yet another piece of malware this morning that only 1 out of 46
AV at detecting at the start) regularly shoves in
about 100+ email messages per day into my other account.  What
sends the messages?  Hacked Windows PC machines that have a
half (send-only) SMTP server dropped onto them.  They attach
directly to the receiving mail servers, bypassing an outbound
SMTP server.  PeskySpammer can do as bad to me as 1000+ messages
per day with dumb mail servers continuing the practice of
bouncing rather than dropping bogus email.  If their bouncing
mail servers strip the URLs and malware attaqchments I am
left with nothing since you don't have the originating IP from
a bounce.  My domain didn't send the message so why tell me?

TeamSpeak didn't cause the problems.  I reformatted the mail
message they sent to me by changing one portion of the email
addresses in an attempt to prevent bot harvesting of the
email addresses and reformatting the FromTeamSpeakMsg.txt
file to make it more readable:

TeamSpeak had hundreds of list servers like gnupg-users
that were pelting TeamSpeak with useless requests.  Maybe
it is time for somebody with 7mm Remington Magnum instead
of what we are doing.  Mine was sighted in to go up through
the line of sight at a little over 100 meters and then
come back down at about 350 meters.  I could shoot five
shot groups in the size of a dime at 100 meters and
shooting one kilometer was not only possible but done
regularly - target barrel on a pre 1964 Winchester
Model 70 long bolt action.  8x - 16X scope but better
scopes are now available (mostly on the .50 caliber
sniper rifles that can almost go through an engine block).
The hackers have create the equivalent of the old west
(or old east in Russia) with no rules.  Naybe it is
time to retaliate.  Anonymous, I don't expect you to
apologize and any tears you have will be just crocodile

gnupg-users was probably abused in the same way that
PeskySpammer is abusing things with SMTP servers that
forges the header.  Better real SMTP servers like postfix
and qmail or hand-crafted SMTP servers preserve the IPv4
address.  Microsoft Exchange does a LOUSY job of preserving
the IPv4 address.  The transition to IPv6 is going to make
things worse.

Your old postmaster days are gone forever.  Actually,
I think they mostly disappeared before the 21st century
started.  But my thousand messages a day made a very
good admin at a University raise his eyebrows in surprise.
Special SMTP servers with a send only design that can be
dropped into place on a Microsoft Windows machine  have
completely changed the spam equation.  List servers need
a first step web-form with captcha to curtail this abuse
which is just going to get infinitely worse.  So don't
blame TeamSpeak for the problems.  Blame the hackers who
are anarchists who want to make things exponentially worse
for everybody else and are selfish and care only about


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Identifying your private key by the public KeyID

2013-08-06 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/06/2013 10:38 AM, Kenneth Jones wrote:
 Good day, and hello to the autoresponder (%]##{}#%^!!!) (just
 my opinion, mind you). I've been toying with PGP GPG GnuPG and
 whatever on and off since mid 1995, but recently have become
 interested again as the political situation in the US seems to
 warrant it. (Warrant? We don't need no stinking warrants...)
 I have a question about procedure...nomenclature, actually.
 Is it normal to refer to the private key by its own keyID, or
 by the KeyID of the mating public key? The public fingerprint
 is the one known by others (natch) and it's the identification
 I associate with the key pair. Is there any time when it is
 appropriate to refer to my private key by its own KeyID? I
 understand that each of the two eight-character sequences is
 unique, and so the private key is in fact not accurately
 identified by using the public key's ID, but is it common to
 do so? Seems to me it would be less confusing (for me, any
 way) to be prompted with the Main KeyID than with that of the
 private key.

Are you speaking of the sub key?   From the perspective of
gpg --list-keys and gpg --list-secret-keys the public and
private side have the same key number.  Usually the first
of a two key pair is defined as sec/pub with the two
matching.  The first key is for sighing.  The second key is
for enciphering and is specified as ssb/sub but still has the
same key number in both --list-keys and list--secret-keys.
Beyond that I will let somebody else elaborate.  You put
just your main key in the ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file on Linux
and everything just works.  Ditto for selecting it on
Windows.  E/g.:

pub   2048R/E05A9F9F 2013-08-06 [expires: 2015-08-06]
uid  Henry Hertz Hobbit (test)
sub   2048R/051516A5 2013-08-06 [expires: 2015-08-06]

You just use the E05A9F9F and now this temporary key
is going away.

Regarding the efforts of the autoresponder, TeamSpeak
didn't do it.  Here are their replies to me with the
full message with headers and just the message itself:
(it is best done this way rather than forwarding since
you get the prime copy)

If the monitoring was for a certain organixation it
shouldn't have been done at all.  All it did was pose
a significantly larger burden for TeamSpeak getting rid
of the garbage.  How did they get there address added?
Some little hackers used the technique PeskySpammer uses.
PeskySpammer is NOT a generic term but refers to a group
of spammers that fill one of my email queues with about
100 spam messages per day but it has gone as high as a
thousand per day:
(search for MX)
(see Mail Admin section)

During this brief time of the gnupg-users problems I have had
three malware shipped to me.  They have to infect their SMTP
servers which are just Microsoft Windows PCs.

Next time, don't monitor.  If it is for a certain organization
I don't want to hear another one of their hacker workers
complaining that I don't deserve the car when I walk past them.
If you don't know what that means the day will come when you do
understand and I foiled their effort to give me a car.  If you
can stop the bounces caused by the spammers, next time stop it

Even madder than you are about the spam situation!



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [#INN-651-31269]: Re: key management APG

2013-08-05 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/04/2013 09:55 PM, MFPA wrote:
 On Sunday 4 August 2013 at 9:24:51 PM, in, Larry Brower wrote:
 What is with the helpdesk being a list member?
 I suspect somebody has forwarded their mail to the helpdesk,
 forgetting to turn off message delivery from the list and thereby
 causing the list to be spammed with those irritating auto-replies.

That doesn't seem likely given the first message was ostensibly
to Philipp Klaus Krause,  The second was to Simon Ward. The
third was to Hauke Laging.  Why would all three be using their
service and leaving it in a bad setting (still possible)?

I could go into more detail on the other possible causes but
won't because they are just that - just POSSIBLE causes.  All
I have are Microsoft Exchange headers which are not very
informative.  I will point to one which is that it is the
same thing as what took down PhishTank's mailing list for
at least a whiile.  I wouldn't know because my efforts to
get most of the spam links and didn't have malware link
in the URLs was successful.  But Phishtank use (used) an
exim list mailer as well.  I won't go into any more details
than that.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Team Speak USA Test

2013-08-05 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
It looks like the initial guess (not my guess) is correct as my
test shows (message from TeamSpeaK USA to me)

Setting up a system like this which can spam a mailing list is
an abuse.  Whether it is accidental or intentional remains to be
seen.  It may be wise to not send until the spam issue can be

Gnome 3, Ubuntu Unity, Windows 8 - poor iPhone GUI on Desktop.
Thinking has been suspended indefinitely.
Anybody caught thinking will be immediately shot!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [#INN-651-31269]: Re: key management APG

2013-08-05 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/05/2013 08:18 AM, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Mon, 05 Aug 2013 09:36:42 +0200
 Werner Koch wrote:
 Hello Werner,
 On Sun,  4 Aug 2013 22:24, said:
 What is with the helpdesk being a list member?  
 They are.  I have set the moderation flag.
 The XOrg list has suffered the same problem.

Then it is malevolent by somebody.  I am bcc'ing this
message to teamspeak's technical contact.  I suspect
somebody is doing it deliberately now.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [#JYM-378-41570]: Re: Why trust any software?

2013-08-05 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/06/2013 12:42 AM, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
 On 08/05/2013 09:23 AM, TeamSpeak Piracy wrote:
 Jean-David Beyer,

 Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated response confirming
 the receipt of your ticket. One of our agents will get back to you as
 soon as possible. For your records, the details of the ticket are listed
 below. When replying, please make sure that the ticket ID is kept in the
 subject line to ensure that your replies are tracked appropriately.

*Ticket ID: *JYM-378-41570
*Subject: *Re: Why trust any software?
*Department: *Piracy [English]
*Type: *Issue
*Status: *Open

 You can check the status of or reply to this ticket online at:

 Kind regards,

 TeamSpeak USA, Inc.

 TeamSpeak Piracy

 Hours of operation for this department are Monday - Friday, 9AM to 5PM
 Pacific Time (UTC-8). We are committed to responding to your inquiry
 within 48 hours, and typically will reply within 24 hours, excluding
 weekends and holidays.
 I thought I posted to gnupg-users list. I was making a remark to a
 previous post. I was not filing a trouble report, and do not think I was
 even addressing the issue of piracy.
 Hence I am very confused that I seem to have been issued a trouble
 ticket and getting two e-mails about this. Is something wrong with a
 server? Or an autoresponder?

I guess you deleted all of my other messages.  ANYBODY WHO POSTS
FIXED.  I have done some preliminary studies and the messages are
posted here:

Look at the ones that start with TeamSpeak.  If the problem cannot be
fixed or won't be fixed, the will have the
very same problems the phishtank-dev list.  What happened there is that
the phishtank-dev list had to be closed.  I assume the same thing is
If you can identify what the problem is and can remove it then you
KILL THE PROBLEM.  If you don't you have to shut down.

I received no comment from TeamSpeak's technical person so I am going
to be blocking ALL of their hosts in my blocking hosts file.  I have
no other choice.  You don't listen to your attorney saying to not say
anything if you are the victime.  You cure the problem.  They didn't
reply so I have no choice.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: best practice for handing over the private key

2013-08-02 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 08/02/2013 01:31 PM, Martin T wrote:
 Your description sounds, to me, as if you are only generating a key for the 
 other persons use.
 Not quite. At the beginning I need to use those keys myself in order
 to create the needed database objects. Once those are done, I need to
 hand over the private key to other person. So basically I'm generating
 a key pair for other persons use which I need to use myself at the
 So you mean that my correspondent sends me his public key, encrypted
 to my public key which he finds from the key-server, in an e-mail.
 Then I generate the key pair needed for the project. Finally I encrypt
 the project private key with his public key and e-mail this encrypted
 private key to him. Once he confirms that he has received the project
 private key, I will delete the project private key from my machine as
 I do not need it any more. Is that what you meant?

I don't know if that is what John meant but this makes me far happier.
I was concerned about the secret (private) key which I assumed you
were creating via either a --export-secret-subkeys or a
--export-secret-keys was being sent en-transit unencrypted.  But
the way you just said it here sounds optimal in protecting the secret
key en-transit.

If he wants only the secret / public  key pair (does not want a
personal key pair), the encryption and zipping of the secret key
for en-transit could be done with 7-zip's AES-128 cipher which avoids
a chicken versus egg problem and still gives some measure of securing
the secret key en-transit:

Send the password for the zip separately and preferably after the
secret key is sent.  If you send the keys in snail mail on a USB stick
use something a little sturdier than an envelope like a small box
with foam peanut shipping padding.

Wait a little longer than you think is necessary before deleting the
secret (private) key just in case something goes wrong.

But the way you just said it sounds best to me.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: change passphrase in batch mode

2013-07-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

On 07/29/2013 11:02 PM, Hauke Laging wrote:
 is it possible to change a passphrase in batch mode?

From what the man pages say, no.  You can delete keys and there
is experimental key creation with notes in the doc/DETAILS of
of the source code on how to do that.  Alterations to code?
Look at the experimental key creation to get some ideas.

You are of course free to investigate using expect, expectk, or
tk on Linux / Unix.  Things like sh / ksh / bash, PERL, BAT, or
PowerShell won't work.  I haven't looked at the GnuPG source
code in a long time but if which ever of gpg or gp2 you are
using does a dup() or dup2() of STDIN then  after the
gpg --edit-key KEY then an internal passwd command you will
have to wait before giving it the old pass-phrase, new
pass-phrase, and then save.

For two way across distance the other side may need the new
public key after the pass-phrase change (not tested).  I would
backup my ~/.gnupg ('nix) or gnupg (somewhere down inside your
Windows %UserProfile% folder) before doing tests in case you
do irreperable damage.


Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: License violation: GoldBug

2013-07-27 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

If the licensing issues can be resolved GoldBug may be the only
chance we have of getting people to use encryption in any form.
I think it is time for attorneys to have their say.

Ergo, GoldBug should have done this a little more transparently
rather than just springing it on us.  But if they had done that
maybe it would not have been done at all.

GoldBug doesn't meet my needs.  I need mail messages with bad
host names given in forward rather than backward notation to get
the mail message past the email scanner and to know if a given
message or file really did come from the sender / file dropper.
I don't have any problems giving the name backwards but I
suspect the others do have problems reading the backwards names
and know they have problems creating them because they complain
about all the bounces they get.  They blame it on my email
account rather than themselves because they refuse to use
enciphering (public key or symmetric).  It took me the longest
time to get somebody to believe he had to zip the EXE file he
was sending me with some other format other than ZIP and to use
enciphering if he wanted to get it to me.  Sigh.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Trust of GPG4Win - Part 1

2013-07-26 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256


Disclamimer:  I have no connections with the GnuPG effort other
than as a thankful end user.

I have a much longer Part 2 of this.  After my tongue in cheek
statment about the article at Technology Review I came up with
what they were citing, not realizing the damage that it would
do.  Here is the pointer to the ACM delivery.  You need to
understand that they were talking about GnuPG running on a VM
(Virtual Machine) in the cloud:

That is nothing close to what GPG4Win is doing running natively
on Windows.  I believe they picked GnuPG for a specific reason.
It is probably one of the most reliable programs written and
they were using that for proof of just how unsafe cloud computing
is.  Ergo ... if GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) can't do it then
nothing probably can.

For a second corroborating source of the SHA1 hashes and file
sizes look here for the current and potential new ones:

I don't want to deliver part 2 any sooner than 12:00 UTC
2013-07-29.  Why such a long time? I have to get it right.
I have already made at least 30 edits and am no where near
satisfied with what I have written.

- -- 
Gnome 3, Ubuntu Unity, Windows 8 - poor iPhone GUI on Desktop.
Thinking has been suspended indefinitely.
Anybody caught thinking will be immediately shot!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: PEBKAC (was GPG weakness)

2013-07-25 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/25/2013 12:59 PM, Manu García wrote:
 I'm not a member of this list, but have read an article that I'd like to
 share, and put into your knowledge (if you don't know it already) because I
 think is rather important.
 In said article, about security in the Cloud you can read this:
 «Michael Bailey, a computer security researcher at the University of
 Michigan, notes that the software attacked—an e-mail encryption program
 called GNUPrivacy guard—is known to leak information, and that the
 experiment wasn’t carried out inside a real commercial cloud environment.»
 I always thought that GnuPG was rather secure, but it seems that among
 experts it's a well known weak and poor ciphering technology which no
 security experts consider seriously. At least that's the impression I get
 reading said article.
 Are devs taking some measures to make GPG really secure?

PEBKAC.  I went to Herr Professor's web-site and there was
nothing to verify the statement.  From now on do your own
checking before asking these questions.

Here is what most people did with Windows:

Used it out of the box as-is.  Should we turn off auto-run, the
infamous idea that made Stuxnet possible?  No!
Should we install Firefox plus Noscript?  Noo!
Should we stop reading POP email with email clients that render
HTML and use something like Thunderbird or another email client
that doesn't render HTML?  Why do I want to use my dad's type
of email?  I use OutLook's web-mail most of the time anyway
doggone it!  I love those phish and make sure I click on the
links that infect my Windows system!

Let's do all of these other things wrong and when we install
GnuPG, by all means we should NOT use an OpenPGP card instead
of the files.  After all, we want the hacker to not only get
the pass-phrase with their key-logger, we want them to get
the whole darn key-ring as well.  We have to take pity on the
poor hacker and help them.  What's the fun in there not being
any files except stubs on the file system saying the keys are
really on the OpenPGP card?  Oh no, we got hacked and instead
of cleaning up the machine and making it safer ahd then just
changing the pass-phrase (we used an OpenPGP card) out went our
entire key-ring with our keys given a life-time of forever
which now belongs to the hacker as well because we refused to
use an OpenPGP card.

BTW, most people now use iPhone instead.  They love Apple
tracking their every move and getting an ad to go to Joe's
Bistro because they are listed as being near the bistro based on
their iPhone giving out its geo-location information and Apple
giving that information because Joe's Bistro pays them to do
it and it is about lunch time anyway isn't it?

Finally, I have no doubt that this will be quoted as authoritative
by Wikipedia.  I have news for you.  In the olden days the
statement made at Technology Review without corroboration is
known as hear-say.  Hear-say is deemed as inadmissable in a
court of law.  Therefore, as Judge Hobbit I deem it inadmissable
in my court-room.  Furthermore I could find no place where
Associate Professor Michael Donald Bailey at the University of
Michigan ever made such a statement.

Case Closed

Judge Henry Hertz Hobbit
Re:  Signed, sealed, and delivered

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why trust gpg4win?

2013-07-25 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/25/2013 07:34 PM, wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 why should I trust gpg4win? I have doubts since it was ordered by the
 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), which has
 close connections to secret services. Is gunPT any better? Finally, why
 should I trust gunpg? I'm a windows user.

That is up to you, but since GPG4WIN has both GnuPG and many
bundled GUI apps and is freely available from Gnu there is
nothing to prevent BSI from using it.  Many human rights
activists also use either GPG4WIN or the pay version of OpenPGP,
PGP from Symantec.  Does that have any effect on your decision?

Did you mean GnuPT?  Under the hood it still is just WinPT plus
GnuPG so you are back at the same feeding trough.  It is just
that WinPT is older than the GUI tools bundled with GnuPG in

A better question might be, should I trust Windows?  With the
10,000 malware I have studied with only a few POC DMG files
for Macintosh and the rest being almost all Windows binaries
maybe not.

I think what you want is GPG4WIN from which
is newer than Windows PT and works much better.  Both WinPT and
Kleopatra and the other programs bundled into GPG4WIN are using
GnuPG at the core.  WinPT is just the older GUI technology that
goes with GnuPG on Windows.  GPG4WIN includes newer GUI tools
that should work better.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GPG detection on Windows?

2013-07-18 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/18/2013 05:15 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 I'm designing an application that will run on Windows and utilize 
 GNUPG. Right now, I'm detecting if GPG is installed by calling it
 then parsing the output of the command to see if it succeeded or
 failed. This is VERY messy and not my preferred way.
 Does GPG4Win install anything to the registry that I could check
 for to see if it's installed?

Yes.  Just fire up regedit and search for gnupg (or maybe just gnu).
There are also the folder / files in:


You probably just want to test whether either of these files
are there since them or one of the others is what you are using:


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: encrypting multiple files into a single output file

2013-07-16 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

On 07/16/2013 03:24 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
 Hi Ira--
 On 07/16/2013 11:08 AM, wrote:
 With PGP you can do something like: pgp -e -r pgpkey filelist
 -o output file name --archive
 This will create a single output file name with the entire
 filelist each individually encrypted.
 I don't have PGP, so i still don't know what the resultant file
 format is.
 I did find this man page description (the X.509 certificate for the
 web site is expired):

  but it doesn't describe the structure of the archive.
 could you send me (privately) one such archive with two small, 
 non-sensitive text files in it?
 You can encrypt the archive to me using my key by fingerprint,
 after first fetching it from the public keyservers:

Ira, how is this different from:

- --multifile --encrypt
- --multifile --decrypt
- --multifile --verify
- --encrypt-files
- --decrypt-files
- --verify-files

where you list the files on the command line or read
them on STDIN?  It won't handle detached signatures.
If you give Daniel a sample you will probably get your
answer much qucker.  Let us know what the end result
is, especially if there is a happy solution.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: encrypting multiple files into a single output file

2013-07-16 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/16/2013 04:04 PM, Werner Koch wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:08, said:
 This will create a single output file name with the entire filelist each 
 individually encrypted.
 That is the PGP Zip format, right?  We support it for ages; our tool is
 called gpg-zip and creates a compatible archive.  Technically this is
 not the common ZIP format but the widely used USTAR format.  BTW,
 GnuPG-2 comes with gpgtar which is used on Windows to implement the PGP
 Zip functionality.

Ira, forget my question.  Just send a sample to Werner and Daniel
and you will probably  be in business real soon.  Depending on
the outcome of the experiments with one of your multiple file
archives my question was probably just answered.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: searching for keys

2013-07-13 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/13/2013 09:56 PM, kardan wrote:
 When I search for a key via browser on [1] I get an unencrypted
 answer from [2]. This happens for some keys that are only
 available on some servers. The problem is that the info, whose
 key I am searching is presented to sniffers in plaintext. I
 think the encrypted pool should not forward to unencrypted web

I am going to give this from the perspective of somebody who has
handled way too much malware.

I question the legitimacy of the first in the first place since
it doesn't even have a WHOIS record for either
or and the browser warns that the
certificate may not be legitimate.  Since I worked with lots of
malware, this would lead me to believe I was well into the red
zone.  The IP addresses are also a little unsetting as well:   (   (   (   (   (   (   (   (

But since it is a pool service it is really their baby and you
would probably best take it up with them.  I think they would
tell you that most people would prefer the redirect than going
without the key that they are searching for.  (OTHERS:  Please
speak up if you disagree with me.)  On the other hand if you
live in the FSA, er, the USA and are searching for the keys
of the human rights advocates sitting next to Edward Snowden
recently I can understand the concern.  I am not trying to
contact those human rights activists so I am not worrying
about that.  These other things are a little unsettling unless
you know the people running the pool key service personally.
But pool services probably should hand off queries to other
servers if they don't have the keys themselves.

PS  The search for my keys were all HTTPS but I drop my
keys onto several servers and they propagate out nicely
to most of the others in two weeks time.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: not recognizing my passphrase after moving from XP to Win7

2013-07-11 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/08/2013 09:22 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 On 07/07/13 21:53, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
 I did the same there but I do modify the random_seed file with hexedit for 
 each key-ring which some people object to.  From my point of view that is far
 better than just having each key-ring having the same random_seed file.
 As one of the people to object, let me repeat that you simply shouldn't copy 
 random_seed file to another system, but let it create its own. I agree that
 having each keyring start out with the same random_seed file is a bad 
 which is trivially avoided. Even removing it after the copying is less work 
 monkey-bashing the hex part of your keyboard in a hexeditor :).

I do NOT just copy it.  I hexedit it and randomly, not pseudo-randomly
replace some of the bytes (actually nibbles).  The reason why again
I when I omitted the random_seed file gnupg (1 or 2) would NOT just
create the file.  I imagine it would if I used the keys on Windows
for either signing or enciphering it may have created the random_seed
file but since I but I don't use them that way but only for verifying
detached signature files for what ever reason they never got created.

Whether you choose to believe my random chaging of nibbles in the
random_seed file (there is NO plan of what to change or even how
many and some of them may even get the same nibble with the change)
is up to you.  I am NOT telling this person to do the same thing.
In this case, since he copied the entire key ring I would advise
that he delete the random_seed file as a security measure.

But in the case of Windows 7 I didn't know where they keys should be
put so I created a dummy key after a GPG4WIN install.  After that
I copied over all of my files BUT the random_seed file in the
AppData\roaming\gnupg folder.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: not recognizing my passphrase after moving from XP to Win7

2013-07-11 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/08/2013 03:42 AM, eMyListsDDg wrote:
 Hello Henry,

 i copied the 32-bit XP gnupg dir contents to this dir on Win 7-64bit
 from:C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\gnupg
 to:  C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\gnupg\

That is the correct folder.  I have no idea on what Windows
7 does with the Documents and Settings folder but I created
dummy keys and then replaced everything in that folder
except for the random_seed file (created when I createdd
the dummy keys) on Windows 7 for the administrative user
and me (yes, two accounts per each Windows 7 system).
They work.  I can create symmetric enciphered files,
public key enciphered files, and detached signatures files
and decipher, decipher, and verify respectively.

 there is a sub-dir C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application 
 that is empty. did i miss getting my priv keys copied over? 

NO, but as Peter said you may have been better off NOT copying
the random_seed file even though I do change mine with hexedit
But for someone to say that I am simply not random they have
never saw my sleeping hours, trips to the store, etc.  I am
as about as random as you can get.  For somebody to say that
human beings are simply not random assumes the idea that all
human beings are alike which I can tell you is not true.  I
can attest to that as both a Psychologist and giving testimony
in a court of law and can tell you that none of the witnesses
experienced the exact same event in the same way.  Humans simply
do NOT see or experience the same event the same way.  Yet we
all assume that is the case.  I can also back that statement up
with my Psychology degree and years of experience with
experiments in perception and learning theory.  I can remember
that episode of MASH where the Ferret experienced events one way
and Hawkeye a completely different way.  Believe it or not
that is the norm, not the exception.  I can assure you I have
NO plan of what gets replaced in a random_seed file and I
certainly don't make the mistake of making sure I don't
replace a nibble with the very same thing. The replacements
are all over the file with no plans of how to move.  It is
pure serendipity.  The files may or may not get the same
changes but so far a hexcmp always gives me the first byte
that is different and it is never the same.  It is just as
random as any RNG.  Normally I use hexedit with two or more
malware that have the same size in a given time period.  I
have much more trust in hexcmp than even sha256sum to test
whether two files are the same or not.

There will be more on this in a separate post and it will
delve into even Physics of the large (galaxies) and the
small.  But the big point was GNUPG DID NOT CREATE A
What is it using when it isn't there.

Since you are using the keys in only one place, e.g., you are
moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 permanently then there
may not be an issue with just copying random_seed.  I wouldn't
know.  My work-around below may make that a moot point anyway.

 nope, do not use Outlook. i use TheBat! v5.1.6.2 on my windows machine, 
 have for years. 
 i thought too, as you did, maybe the mailer program was the issue. but i went
 to commandline, encrypted a small test text file with my email key. that 
 but couldn't decrypt it. returns invalid key. no matter i typed in key or 
from my main password database app.

Somebody else just had an issue this way.  Resign all of YOUR
keys with the highest level of trust and see if that helps.
Yeah, I know.  It sounds dumb but there is a slim chance it
will work.  But if you cannot edit your keys because it does
not accept your pass-phrase I would say you are hosed and will
need to export everything that is yours (public, private and
trust) from Windows XP and then import them on Windows 7.
Note that I said you will almost HAVE to do that anyway if
your Windows XP is 32 bit and Windows 7 is  64 bit.  In that
case don't even dream of copying.  It won't work.

Be sure to wipe out your entire AppData\roaming\gnupg folder.
Then create dummy keys on Windows 7. Then import your keys and
trust on Windows 7 from the exports created on Windows XP.
Then edit your transferred keys and make sure they have the
highest level of trust.  Just make sure you are doing a self
sign (e.g., not signing them using the dummy key which you
may want to remove at this point but should do the instant
your keys start working again).

When you publicly encipher a file it doesn't ask for a password
So do one test using a symmetric cipher and then try to decipher
that file (remember to put the original some place else before
you decipher).  Hopefully you can decipher a symmetrically
enciphered file.  Then create a detached signature file since
you have to type your pass-phrase when you create a detached
signature file.

Re: not recognizing my passphrase after moving from XP to Win7

2013-07-07 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/07/2013 03:10 AM, eMyListsDDg wrote:
 now i'm finding out after moving from XP to Win7 that i can't
 edit my keys or decrypt email test messages. 
 the passphrases to decrypt i have aren't working from command
 line or my email app.
 during migration i copied all the files from
 user\apps\gnupg dir on XP to my new machine.

Where do you put them on Windows 7?  It is hard to see where
they are at for me but I just did a dummy key create on
Windows 7 and then copied all of my keys sans the
random_seed file over the newly created files  I cannot see
it right now on Linux due to all of the shortcuts not showing
up the same way with NTFS mounted RO on Linux.
You didn't say what email program you are using so I assume
Outlook which may or may not make a difference.

 is there command line opt for gpg2 to run to sync my key
 ring or am out of luck after moving to new machine and have
 to create new key pairs?

I don't have extensive testing but I copied my keys from 32 bit
Ubuntu to 32 bit OpenSuSE and Windows XP.  I just changed the
XP to Windows 7 but I am using 32 bit Windows 7.  I did the same
there but I do modify the random_seed file with hexedit for
each key-ring which some people object to.  From my point of
view that is far better than just having each key-ring having
the same random_seed file.  But for Windows 7 I just left the
newly created random_seed file in place but copied over all
the other files.  I have two systems with Windows 7 32 bit on
both of them (should have gone with 64 bit - no such thing
as PAE on Windows).

I don't think you can just copy for Windows XP 32 bit to
Windows 7 64 bit.  Is that what you have?  If it is what you
have you may need to do a export / import.  I can say I have
had no problems with my Windows 7 32 bit but I only ran one
test which was to verify a file with a detached signature
file.  I can do the following but I don't read email AT ALL
on Windows (I get lots of malware in my email - the wannabee
hackers think they can catch me off guard):

1. Encipher a file with my public key on Linux and decipher
   it on Windows.

2. Symmetrically encipher a file with the TWORISH cipher on
   Linux and decipher it on Windows.

3. Do the same as the previous two but do the ciphering on
   Windows and deciphering on Linux.

Let me know if it would help to do that (a personal message
would be fine).  After that I could stand by for some tests
using email by enciphering, signing and both.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Do we need / want (or already have) a mascot for OpenPGP?

2013-07-07 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 07/08/2013 01:07 AM, Werewolf wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 10:24:27AM +1000, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
 How about an armadillo?
 Or a Masked armadillo?

There is no such critter.  There are naked-tailed, long-nosed,
and hairy Armadillos but no Masked Armadillo.  There is even a
Pink Fairy Armadillo (one of the rarer species of Armadillo).
What most people think of when you say Armadillo is the nine-
banded Armadillo which is Texas' small state animal which has
the widest range.

GnuPG already has an icon / emblem which you can see on the
GnuPG page which is a padlock with a wing on it.  I was one
of those privileged to be able to vote on the cempeting
designs.  I am sorry you missed out.

But I think the standard GNU mascot applies not only to
GnuPG but to all of the GNU projects such as gcc, g++, EMACS,
et al:

Until Werner, Richard Stallman and the other GNU people announce
a competition for a GnuPG mascot or say otherwise, the GNU is the
official GnuPG mascot.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Debian crypto strength

2013-06-27 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/27/2013 09:24 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
 Some of the discussion in this bug seems relevant to the GnuPG and
 GnuPG2 packages in Debian, but the bug is against the archive

I wouldn't classify it as a bug but I did read all comments
and what I write here should be classified as just the
OPINION of one person, moi.  Like Thomas Jefferson's
religious beliefs I think I will be in a congregation of

 Can anybody else make any comments:
 a) should there be more effort to phase out SHA1?

Maybe not if the argument by one person here is to be believed
and the statemnt by another that ALL of the SHA would have been
vulnerable to the same attack.  Did the discussion come to a
satisfactory conclusion?  Not for me since the arguments were
mostly theoretical.  I am one of those people who much prefers
actual over theoretical.  Where they can't phase out SHA1 they
can't. Where they can they should replace it with SHA-256.  The
one comment saying you can have both SHA1 and SHA-256 is
impractical. It is either SHA1 or something else.  I suspect
the inertia against shifting from SHA1 to something else is
probably more the hassles they perceive it will cause than
any technical considerations due to standards.

 b) how is it being approached upstream?  Is backwards-compatibility
 still emphasized to the same extent?

I don't know how much they are emphasizing backwards
compatability. But in this case I don't see how it could be a
problem if they are using only GnuPG.  Support for SHA-256 has
been in GnuPG for an awfully long time.  SHA-512 may cause
problems going forwards given its status in backwards
compatibility and depending on whether Debian uses something
other than GnuPG going forwards.  SHA-512 also requires
significantly more CPU cycles as well and can be too much
for smaller devices. Is Debian planning on a smart phone or

 c) should this become a general system-wide goal to audit and increase
 crypto-strength in all parts of jessie / future Debian versions?

The comments in the bug indicate that NIST has a directive to
replace SHA1 with something else by 2010?  I don't know what all
that includes but Microsoft is still using SHA1 which means that
if Microsoft is included the directive is hopeless.  Here we
are three years later and people are stubbornly refusing to
shift away from SHA1.

I can remember when was hacked into and they stated
that they had used super secure SHA1.  That is kind of like the
two radar technicians in Tora Tora Tora.  The first notes a huge
formation coming in from the north.  The second whines about
going to eat and the lieutenant they call the observation into
into told them not to worry about it.  The argument that SHA1
just isn't as robust seems to me to be the same type of argument
as the one to ignore that radar warning.  We all know what
happened on that one don't we?  Pearl Harbor and the US was
sucked into World War II whether they wanted to be in it or

In trying to understand the resistance to moving away from SHA1
you have to understand that it is much more dependent on the
personal resistance to change than the technical hassles.  But
if they do it they should write down all the problems they had
and how they solved them in case they have to do it again in
the future.  The second time around for anything is always
much easier than the first.

Thinking has been suspended indefinitely
Anybody caught thinking will be immediately shot!

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Transfer subkey to other keyring

2013-06-25 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/25/2013 06:12 PM, Jack Bates wrote:
 Hello, I want to transfer a subkey from one keyring to another, but I
 get the following error:
gpg: key 7FABB65F: already in secret keyring
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:   secret keys read: 1
gpg:  secret keys unchanged: 1
 Here is the command I am running:
$ gpg --homedir . --export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd \
 --export-secret-subkeys 10D03493\! | gpg --import-options merge-only \
 The destination keyring does not already contain the subkey 10D03493
 (and unfortunately it still does not contain it after running the command)
 What am I doing wrong?

Why are you setting --homedir to the current folder (.) and where
are you at when you are running the command?  I added some
back-slashes for clarity since my mailer wrapped (sorry).

You say one keyring to another which implies two directories
(folders).  IOW, the command implies you are trying to export
from the folder you are in which is NOT ${HOME}/.gnupg into
${HOME}/.gnupg (you took the default for the second gpg which
is ${HOME}/.gnupg unless you set environment variable GNUPGHOME
to something else.  But the error seems to indicate:

1. You are in  ${HOME}/.gnupg, e.g., you did a:
   $cd ~/.gnupg

2. You are setting the the --homedir explicitly to .
   which is now ${HOME}/.gnupg for export and the
   import is also going to ${HOME}/.gnupg (same folder)
   implicitly unless you over-rode it with the environment
   variable GNUPGHOME to be something else.

The error seems to indicate you are importing to the same
folder you are exporting from.  I would suggest using the
--homedir with the actual ${HOME}/FROM-DIR-PATH for the
first gpg and --homedir with the actual ${HOME}/TO-DIR-PATH
for the second gpg.  That makes it explicit where it is
coming from and going to.

I leave it to others to say whether the commands once
that is handled are correct.  It seems to be from the
man pages but since I have never done it ...

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GpgEX for 64 bit Windows test version

2013-06-24 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/24/2013 06:18 PM, Bob Henson wrote:

 When I ran
  regsvr32 c:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG2\bin\gpgex.dll
 it just caused an error, saying The module c:\program failed to load.
 Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to
 check for problems with the binary or dependant .dll files. The
 specified module could not be found.

Try putting double quotes at the start and end of the  string,

regsvr32 c:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG2\bin\gpgex.dll

I can NOT assure you that this will work but it probably

I wished Microsoft had used just C:/Programs/ instead of
C:\Program Files\ for %ProgramFiles%.  I don't know what
to say about 64 bit other than don't mix / match.  Microsoft
could have used C:/Programs/64/ but that would have made
too much sense.  Microsoft wants back-slashes instead of
slashes and a nice mix of punctuation marks in addition to
dot . plus space characters in all folder and file names.
It doesn't work very well, especially for something done from
cmd.exe instead of the GUI.  How bad is it?  I COPY 7za.exe
to use it in scripts because I don't want to make registry
changes (%Path%) just to make it work from where it is at.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: encrypting to a user, There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user

2013-06-21 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/21/2013 07:50 AM, Michael Tokarev wrote:
 Recently I upgraded a Debian machine from squeeze to wheezy,
 which lead to upgrading gnupg from 1.4.10 to 1.4.12.  And
 immediately noticed that many automated tools I used stopped
 working, refusing to encrypt with the error indicated in the
 $ gpg --batch -q --encrypt --recipient rconf  foo  foo.enc
 gpg: 468E35BC: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
 gpg: [stdin]: sign+encrypt failed: unusable public key

Who or what is gconf?  If that is what is actually used then
it is neither an email address or the keyid.  I suggest as your
first step replacing rconf with the actual key-id (number) you
want to encrypt for to see if that works. It is just that GnuPG
seems to be having problems with the supplied user name.  If
rconf was meant to be an email address either it doesn't match
that field completely or maybe you had a define in your
~/.gnupg/gpg.conf that is now missing.

We can go from there if this doesn't work.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: encrypting to a user, There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user

2013-06-21 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/21/2013 10:22 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 On 21/06/13 12:00, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
 Who or what is gconf? If that is what is actually used then
 it is neither an email address or the keyid.
 I don't think that's the problem, gpg is picking the key the OP wants, since 
 complains about key 468E35BC having insufficient validity.
 Michael, what does --edit-key rconf tell you about key validity?
 I don't know what's happening here, it looks to me like you're doing it
 correctly and it ought to just work. I tried to reproduce on my Wheezy system
 and couldn't reproduce it. But maybe I'm missing some detail.
 Do you have any fancy stuff in your gpg.conf? Define fancy stuff broadly ;).
 Anything you feel comfortable sharing might be useful to mention.

Okay, try the following as a test since I had similar
problems with a version update and this got rid of my
problems (but their is no assurance it will help you
since my problems were slightly different but did not
manifest themselves until I had a GnuPG version jump
like what you just got):

1. Backup your key-folder in an xterm:
   $ cd ; rm -f
   $ zip -r9 ./.gnupg

2. Delete they key using gpg and make sure the trustdb entry
   for this key has also been removed.

3. Check to make sure you have an up-to-date version of the
   key and then --import it. lsign it again.

Now test it.  I am not saying it will work but it may.  There
may be a possibility your trustdb got fouled up somehow.  This
test is not catastrophic because you can always go back to
what you had:

$ if [ -s ]
   rm -fr z00.gnupg
   mv .gnupg z00.gnupg
# number others z01, z02, etcetera, if you want to keep a trail.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I make the private key on a OpenPGP smartcard non exportable ?

2013-06-19 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/19/2013 03:21 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
 On 18.06.2013, NdK wrote: 
 If the key is generated on-card, you have no way to backup it. No need
 for unexportable flag: simply there's no command to export it.
 And if the key is generated off-card and properly moved to the
 smartcard afterwards, there's no way to export it either. It's only
 the stub which points to the smartcard left on disk.

Is the original poster still there?  I was going to write and decided
it was wiser to wait for these responses which I almost knew were
coming.  Try the backup from GPA's menu.  I doubt you will get anything
that can be exported. If you get a backupg.gpg (or similar), then try
importing your secret keys onto a second system with GPGWIN installed.
If all that flies (you were actually able to do a --export of your
private keys despite these two people's responses to the contrary
and then are able to do a --import on the second system) then try
these tests:

1. Make a detached signature of a file on system one (with
   OpenPGP card).  Copy the base file and the signature file to
   system two and see if it verifies.

2. Sign on second, copy to first, and see if it verifies on first.
   IOW, reverse of previous.

3. Enciper a file using public-key of said key you supposedly
   was able to import on either of the system.  By that I mean a
   public-key enciphering, not just a symmetric cipher, e.g.:
   Copy the public-key enciphered file to the other system.
   Flash drive, et al.  Decipher it on the other system.

I don't think your tests will work.  In fact I don't believe you
will even get to these three tests.  What is the advantage of using
the OpenPGP key and having a public-key enciphered file over a
symmetric enciphered file?

Symmetric Enciphered:
Let's say your machine gets infected.  Let's also suppose that a
key logger has been installed.  I can assure you that most malware
today either has a mini key-logger as part of the initial install
or a key-logger can be downloaded and installed.  Actually, most
malware will almost do it automatically.  I have over 10,000
malware to back that statement up.  Either the key-logger got
the password to encipher the enciphered file or they saw it when
you temporarily deciphered the file.  So now all the hackers need
are either the plain-text file or the enciphered file and to know
what created the enciphered file.  But even if all the hackers
have are the enciphered file and the pass-phrase they are now
only one step away.

PeskySpammer has even installed SMTP agents on tens of thousands
of Microsoft Windows machines, one of which was at RIPE, one
more at ICANN, and one at Yahoo.  The hackers have your
file and its name alone or what is in the file header reveals
what was used to create the enciphered file.  Within a few minutes
they will have a deciphered file. The only thing that can protect
you is to NEVER encipher or decipher the file while the key-logger
is there and to never have the deciphered file available.  But
once they have the enciphered file and know the password to decipher
the file the game is over and you have lost.

OpenPGP Public-Key Enciphered:
All the same things hold.  Assume they know the key's pass-phrase.
They can also pull down the enciphered file.  But you cannot just
copy the keys since an OpenPGP card doesn't have a file system.
If you cannot --export the secret-keys then the hackers will never
get them.  FOILED!  The hackers have no choice but to move on
or set some sort of trigger that knows when you decipher the
public-key enciphered file.  The longer you let the unenciphered
file hang around the more likely it is to fly the coop.  So
even if the hackers know the pass-phrase (assume they do) and
have the public-key enciphered file, they can NOT decipher the

Now do you see the difference between a symmetric enciphered
file and a public-key enciphered file where the OpenPGP keys
are on an OpenPGP card?  Just don't let the unenciphered file
hang around any longer than normal.  Do not just delete the
unenciphered file - securely erase it when you don't need
it.  If you need higher security use an OS which has moderately
more security (Linux) or even higher security (OpenBSD) with
an OpenPGP card to hold the keys.  Every layer of defense you
add encourabes the hackers to move on in search of an easier

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: File extension is .txt for gpg import. Is that ok?

2013-06-13 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/13/2013 03:20 AM, Anilkumar Padmaraju wrote:
 Hi Gnupg Users,
 I have question that on of the user gave a file to import and the file
 is having .txt extension, for example test.txt.  I usually import
 files having .asc or .gpg extensions.  Can I do gpg --import
 test.txt with that .txt file extension?

If it has -BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK- on the first
line you will probably be fine on 'nix since gpg and gpg2 look
at what is in the file to determine if it is safe to do a
--import or not.

There is one caveat here.  On OpenSuSE  it refuses to do the
following assuming the file Picture. is actually an image file:

$ eog Picture. 

Will fail.  They have made it so eog and many other utilities
will fail unless you have have the proper extension.  For this
one, if Picture. is jpg file, even this rename

$ mv Picture. Picture.gif
$ eog Picture.gif 

will still fail.  Ergo, you should probably make sure the file
has the proper extension.  It takes just a few seconds to do it.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Fail-safe backup

2013-06-13 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
I just answered a question on whether you could import somebody
else's keys from a file named other.txt rather than other.asc
or other.gpg.  While perhaps technically correct I also pointed
out that Windows depends on the proper file-name extension and
some Linux distros like OpenSuSE are very persnickety about the
file having the proper extension.

If you are going into the unknown make a backup of your key
folder before experimenting.  The following in a terminal would
be a good idea on 'nix:

$ cd ; rm -f
$ zip -r9 ./.gnupg

Now go ahead and experiment to your hearts content.  Just be
aware that something like OpenSuSE may block an --import unless
the file-name is something like other.asc or other.gpg.
That doesn't mean any damage will be done with something like
other.txt, The shell will just refuse to let gpg / gpg2 do
anything.  But if you do damage or think you damaged your
key-ring, the old fail-safe can always be put back:

$ cd
# # if you are unsure if you damanged keys
$ rm -fr zzz.gnupg
$ mv .gnupg zzz.gnupg
# # or if you are POSITIVE you killed things:
$ rm -fr  .gnupg
# then put the fail-safe back in place
$ unzip

If nothing else you have a backup of your keys in case of files
being damaged due to power failure, et al.  But you never want
to take steps into the unknown without a way to go back to
something that works.  If you don't believe me, watch the movie
The Eiger Santion some time.  Karl Freytag said: I consider
it self defeating to plan in terms of retreat.  Hemlock replied
I consider it stupid not to.  The ending of the movie drives
the point home in a very dramatic manner despite one of the
climbers saying they would continue in style.

Sooner or later you think can get away with something and you can't
no matter how good you are.  When that happens you need some way to
recover from the disaster.  Now go ahead and gpg --import other.txt.

Gnome 3, Ubuntu Unity, Windows 8 - poor iPhone GUI on Desktop
Thinking has been suspended indefinitely
Anybody caught thinking will be immediately shot!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Clarifying the GnuPG License

2013-06-12 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

On 06/12/2013 09:49 AM, Nils Faerber wrote:
 Am 12.06.2013 07:24, schrieb Navin:
 Since GnuPG comes under the GPL, I would like to clarify if a
 person's proprietary software makes use of GnuPG purely by
 invocation of the command line commands, and the GnuPG exe's and
 DLL's are bundled unmodified with the person's proprietary
 software, can the person use GnuPG commercially in this manner
 without having to publish his/her source code?
 IANAL but from my understanding: 1. by invocation of the
 commandline commands: Yes 2. invocation of GnuPG exe: Yes 3.
 Linking, dynamically or statically, against a GnuPG DLL, presumed 
 that it is licensed under GPL: No
 The DLL usage would require the DLL to be licensed under LGPL,
 which is the very reason why LGPL was invented.
 Im am not sure which parts of the GnuPG suit are licensed under
 which license though, e.g. if the GnuPG DLL (if such exists at all)
 is licensed GPL or LGPL.

I am in agreement on the constraints Nils Faerber gives.

You were not specific as to the OS but since most distros of
Linux have GhuPG bundled I am assuming a Windows OS target.

Merging any of the GnuPG / PGP4WIN files into your install folder
may get you into trouble.  It is because it makes it seem like
you own the binaries.  You don't so they should not be in your
app folder.

There are 76 DLL files in the main folder for 2.0.17 (GPG4WIN).
Licensing for things like GPGOL DLL is LGPL.  Most other DLLs do
not give me the licensing information (looking at actual strings
in the binary files). All the 46 EXE files I looked at were GPLv3
but I didn't look at all of them so some may be GPLv2.  Bascially,
consider the GPG4WIN bundle to be a GPLv3 product.

The last time I looked at it, I had to install GPG4Win or
one of the GPG 1.x installs before I put Enigmail in THunderbird
on Windows. EnigMail is licensed under MPLv2/GPLv2 to avoid
licensing issues.  If Enigmail doesn't bundle when they have
compatible licensing then neither should you bundle.

I would have people download and install GPG4WIN themselves.
Under no circumstances link in any of the DLL files to avoid
licensing issues.  gpg.exe and some other EXE files and
iconv.dll are in the %ProgramFiles%\GNU\GnuPG\pub folder which
is added to the %PATH% in the install for command line use.
Ergo, there is no need to bundle if you use gpg.exe on the
command line.


Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why OpenPGP is not wanted - stupid is in vogue right now

2013-06-11 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/10/2013 08:46 AM, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
 is because for what ever reason they want to complain like mad
 about Prism but then go to Facebook and broadcast their personal
 lives to the entire world.  Why?  I would like to say I don't
 know why and that it could be used for a doctoral dissertation

The reason why is that they are narcissistic.  A good book to
understand younger people today is The Narcissism Epidemic -
Living in the age of Entitlement.  But Jean M. Twenge
at San Diego State (Ph.D. from the University of Michigan) and
her cohort W. Keith Campbell at the University of Georgia (Ph.D.
from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill) are not
graduate students.  I have bad news for them.  The narcissism
has spread far beyond the United States borders now.  Yes, I
have a degree in Psychology as well as degrees in Mathematics
and Computer Science and was just considered for  a teaching
position at a University.  I turned it down.  I am holding out
for that junior level Unix / Linux administration position that
is commensurate with my experience.  That is not a joke.  It is
what I am best at and that is now the level I should work at.

So you if you want to see the social-psychnological reasons
for why encryption is eschewed, read the book.  The puzzle part
for me is why many older people are also falling prey to stupid
ideas just like they are teen-agers that have to be with the

It does NOT bode well for getting encryption used by a lot of
people though.  I just wished I could walk into a Radio Shack
store and purchase my Torx screw-drivers without some stupid
grinning sales person trying to ram an iS**t device down my
throat.  I apologize to the Road Warriors that must use such
a device but I don't want one. I am NOT on Facebook or Twitter
either.  And I unapologetically use encryption when it is
appropriate.  Thanks Zimmerman, Werner, and crew.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Recommendations for handling (multiple) user IDs - personal and company ones

2013-06-10 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 06/10/2013 03:14 AM, Hauke Laging wrote:

What a mouthful.  I shortened it to those things most relevant
to me.  My keys are NOT part of the WoT due mostly to nobody
around my home having OpenPGP keys.  I would say that I have
a higher option that you do of the Wot when contrasted with
one SSL licensing authority after another being compromised
very badly.

 The end result?  decades of cleartext e-mail, long after we had
 the tools to do better :(

I don't know quite what you mean by the tools.  But I would love the
requirement of some sort of secure token from an SMTP server trying
to attach to another SMTP server.  That would slow PeskySpammer from
filling my email box with messages where the sending SMTP server is
running on a hacked Windows PC.  Actually it would stop it altogether
until PeskySpammer figured out a work-around. Yes, I know, we have tons
of hacked SSL certs on web-sites.  But it would at least slow things
down a little bit.  But the big problem isn't technical.  It is as
expressed by one Unix / Linux Admin that I trust not worth the effort.
There is a massive sense of futility that we cannot solve the problem
and thus no new RFC on email.  Trust me on this one.  My other POP email
account can no longer send except through the web-mail account (maybe
that has gone down too) because it is being blocked by something that
has gone wrong.  That something that has gone wrong may be the NSA or
the FBI after my comment in the Washington Post on Prism.  Can it be
fixed?  Yes if it is my current POP / IWSP that is causing the problem.
But it can be done only by moving from my current IWSP to a new smaller
IWSP that will accept input and be able to hack a temporary fix. But
what is needed is a complete revamping on how email works including
a new RFC and some way to reduce spam to a trickle and nobody but me
wants it.  You did see the spam in our mail chutes yesterday morning
didn't you?  They also sent it to the wireshark group and several
others.  I will be blocking not the host in the message but the host
that it led to that had whois information that was bogus.

 The reason hardly anybody uses crypto is not that its usage was
 complicated (I know, I a minute Rob will post his usability study
 link and ask for my sources...). It isn't. Not the basic operations
 if you have a working configuration. And for the rest the users can
 ask for help.
 The reason that most people do not use crypto is the most trivial
 one: They don't think they need it.

That isn't it at all.  One of the people commenting on the Prism
article at the Washignton Post said OpenPGP IS too complicated.
It certainly isn't very easy for most people and I have even
observed engineers struggling to use OpenPGP.  I had a person
that stupidly thought they could email me bad host names through
their Yahoo web-mail account.  Yahoo blocked their send.  I have
even run tests where I am the only person that had a particular
hostname in their block-list and Yahoo even blocked those messages.
That would be admirable if I got my names from email.  I didn't.
I got them from stabbed in links on vulnerable web servers. Even
after I tried to get him to zip them with 7-Zip using the AES-128
encryption cipher he just wouldn't do it.  A current person is
using WinRAR exe installers and dumbly thought he could just send
the EXE file as an attachment in email.  He finally encrypted it
with rar's simple cipher.  Sure, you and others could decipher it
easily but that was enough to get an email's virus-scanner to
leave it alone.  At least he listened to me and didn't use zip
which was banned because of the ever-expanding zips.  Now he has
the problem of false detects due to using the WinRAR installer.
I told him to shift to using Inno Setup.  You do that and the
problems go away, especially with a Legal Copyright string.

The problem is more serious than whether they think they need any
sig says it all and is attached manually because it really does
show what the real problem is now.  People including even the
Computer  Scientists are totally unable to think any more.
Even the knowledge that PRISM is snooping into everything
won't cause them to change.  Why not?  They are using Facebook,
Twitter and other social services to broadcast everything they
do now anyway.  That is a sure sign that enciphering is not wanted.
But encryption isn't just enciphering. It also includes signing.
I would love for them to send me messages that are signed,
especially if we exchanged the keys by hand.  So why do they
hate using encryption?  It takes too much work.  Unless they are
forced to use encryption by somebody else, than dammit all to
hell they are NOT GOING TO USE IT. They also trust the privacy of
their email messages implicitly despite the fact that they use
web-mail.  Me?  I am rather suspicious but I had a half-sister
(blessed) that worked at Arlington Hall.  The latest for me was

Why OpenPGP is not wanted - stupid is in vogue right now

2013-06-10 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
My personal observations agrees with Rob Hansen's studies 100%.
Even when required to use encryption people hate doing it and
their concept is entirely focused on the ciphering with them
thinking that people who use encryption are trying to hide
something. They don't even begin to understand that signing is
also a part of encryption. IOW, there is also an ignorance
factor.  Nobody but me uses my signatures on the stuff I
deliver.  It isn't because my keys aren't part of the WOT.  It
is because for what ever reason they want to complain like mad
about Prism but then go to Facebook and broadcast their personal
lives to the entire world.  Why?  I would like to say I don't
know why and that it could be used for a doctoral dissertation
but I am beginning to suspect the doctoral candidates in
Sociology and Psychology will be similarly nuts any more.  For
those few who use my stuff they don't even use the signatures to
verify that things are okay.. Dumb? Certainly.  But stupid is
in vogue right now and I don't know why.  The Mayan Haab
(365 days per cycle)  and Tz'olkin (260 days per cycle)
calendars both go backwards and forwards forever but nobody
wants to know that these calendars really didn't come to an
end on 21 Decembre 2012 and that was just one of the times
that the first days align.  It also happens every 52 Haab
cycles (years) and 73 Tz'olkin periods.  Don't try to sit down
and explain it to them either.  They go glassy eyed and make
sure they don't understand that (365 * 52) = (260 * 73) and
make sure they don't understand why even when you show the
reduction that is lowest number you can get in the
multiplication where they are equal.  They want to say that
it is completely impossible to understand and they want to
believe what ever lies are told on the History II channel and
elsewhere.  They get away with it because everybody else is
doing the same thing. Why?  BEING STUPID IS IN FASHION RIGHT

If they had complained that my keys were not part of the WOT, my
keys would have been part of the WOT in a hurry.  That was why I
added my legal name as a comment.  I anticipated somebody would
ask me to become part of the WOT.  Nobody has asked because less
than 1/10 of 1% of people are using encryption except when they
don't know that they are using it (443).

What is wrong with the GUI provided with GPG4WIN?  I really don't
want a GUI on Linux since I do most things in a terminal and BASH
anyway.  My only complaint with GPG4WIN is that checking the
signature should come first but that is because that is what I
use it for.  I verify that my own downloads have not been tampered
with.  Hey, the web-server isn't under my control.  I can no longer
send email on the POP email account that goes with that web server
any more either.  Yahoo's SMTP server stopped accepting my email
from Thunderbird just two days ago.  Unfortunately, POP still
pulls down 100 or so messages from PeskySpammer every day.  That
does not instill confidence.  But I can still mail fine here using
OpenPGP on 1and1 with no problems.  So it is not my setup which has
not changed that is causing the problems. Business mail at Yahoo is
either broken or the NSA / FBI retaliated for my comment at WaPo.
I pick broken.  Why retaliate when even some of them will agree with
my comments at WaPo? My snail mail delivered letter to Yahoo will be
my last chance at getting it working again.  My hope is extremely

Until stupid falls out of vogue, encryption just isn't going to
be used.  If the History II channel and my downstairs neighbor
with Planet X (Nibiru) are any indication we will need a
completely new generation for that to happen.  This generation
is so stupid with their iPhones and iPads and Galaxy Samsungs
that I am beginning to wonder how we got here.  It isn't just
the young doing it either.  Many older people have been similarly
afflicted.  I think I will watch the programs on the D-Day veterans
so I can get out of this time warp factor we are in right now for
a while. Those people back then weren't stupid.  They cracked the
Enigma, the Lorenz, and most of the Japanese codes as well.  I
should have lived my life back then with my half-sister Susie and
helped in the cracking.  Now?  The emperor has no clothes and
almost nobody wants to use encryption - ANY KIND OF ENCRYPTION!

Me?  My financial data and passwords are enciphered.  I don't
make any apologies either.  There are too many hackers that
want to steal that stuff.  I strongly avoid using software
that isn't signed unless I created it either.  The people
that aren't doing it?  THEY ARE PROUD ABOUT BEING STUPID!
The reason Microsoft bundled Windows Defender and have it
on by default is because well over 50% of the people weren't
using an AV product on Windows.  Unfortunately, Windows
Defender is removing all blocked entries including even
Facebook and bad hosts from the hosts file now.  Again,
stupid is in fasion even at Microsoft when they attempt
to remedy a problem.  Windows 

Re: certificat for a key pair

2013-05-30 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

On 05/29/2013 07:27 PM, Doug Barton wrote:
 On 05/29/2013 12:09 PM, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote: | On 05/29/2013
 06:12 AM, edgard devaux wrote: | hello using Gnupg with linux
 debian 7.0 and gnome; i created a | key pair. my e-mail client
 asks me a certificat for personal to | sign , and an other
 certificat for the key. How can i get this | certificat for
 keyring , i don't find where . excuse my english | (i'm
 franchman). thanks edgard | | Thunderbird: | | If you are using
 Thunderbird, do NOT install enigmail with an | apt-get with a sudo!
 Also do not set up one common folder but have | separate email
 sections for each POP or IMAP email account. Another | way to add
 enigmail to Thunderbird: | | | | Add
 it as yourself, not as root.  The apt-get way of doing things |
 here may not work.  You end up installing it in the system |
 thunderbird (/usr/lib/thunderbird) folder.  You want enigmail |
 installed in your ~/.thunderbird folder. | | Once enigmail is
 installed, you can specify specifically what key | you want used
 with each email account by clicking on the email | account and then
 view settings then OpenPGP.
 That advice is contrary to the conventional wisdom, which is to
 use the same method to install Enigmail that you use to install 
 Thunderbird (i.e., apt-get + apt-get, or manually + manually). Can
 you please explain your reasoning here?

First, whose advice?  I was advised to blacklist nouveau with
a certain file on OpenSuSE 11.4 that didn't exist because Linux
cannot upgrade the video drivers when you install a new video
card so I had to do the upgrade manually as it always has been
done.  Hint:  look for a file with the pattern blacklist in
the /etc/modprobe.d/ folder and put the blacklist nouveau in
that file to get it to accept the new Nvidia driver - similarly
for Ubuntu which is Debian based for 10.04:

OpenSuSE also installed the clamav program without creating
the requisite clamav group and clamav user (it really IS
necessary).  Ergo, much advice while being given with good
intentions is wrong.  Sometimes that wrong hurts and some
times it doesn't hurt.

In the case of adobe flash Player, just like downloading  my
video drivers files from either the chip creator or the video
card creator it hurts.  For Windows it doesn't hurt too bad
unless you are a gamer.  The drivers from Micorosoft are at
least 3 months and most likely 6 months to a year older than
what you get from the chip vendor.  For adobe flash player you
get a convoluted list of symlink files and no way to backroll
to the previous flash player because of lib or other problems,
with the Ubuntu update not supplying the update anyway.  So I
do it myself:
(click on flash player under downloads)

Now I can backroll if needed.  Sysadmins for even small Linux
shops will set up a symlink on each machine in the plugins
to point to yet another symlink on a UFS mount.  They then
just remove and re-establish the symlink on the NFS mount to
point to the new flash player.  If they run into problems they
just point the symlink on the UFS mount back to the old binary.
That beats the convoluted mess I saw employed by Ubuntu where
they even had links going through /etc for flash player. Ubuntu
doesn't want to handle the flash player anyway since it is
licensed by Adobe.

In the case of enigmail, it is an add-on and like Firefox the
enigmail is just an XPI install file. Just like the XPI installs
got Adblock Plus (ABP), Cookie-Safe, and other Firefox add-ons
which are installed into ~/.mozilla/firefox, by Firefox, the
enigmail XPI install add-on gets installed into ~/.thunderbird
by Thunderbird.  That is the proper way to do it.

That is how I did it with OpenSuSE 11.4 which is an RPM based
Linux.  This time around I just closed Thunderbird on OpenSuSE,
removed all the files in ~/.thunderbird/${HASH}.default/Cache,
then made a backup:

$ cd ; umask 077 ; rm /home/backups/${USERNAME}/thunderbird.7z
$ 7za a -p /home/backups/${USERNAME}/thunderbird.7z ./.thunderbird
(this zips it with an AES-128 encryption - supply password)

I installed Thunderbird on Ubuntu 10.04 (the end of the line)
via Synaptic Package Manager.  I then copied the thunderbird.7z
file onto a flash drive and from it onto the Ubuntu machine which
had an older version of Thunderbird.  I then unzipped it into
the ${HOME} folder.  When Thunderbird started it automatically
checks and in that case backrolled to the previous version of
enigmail because of an older version of thunderbird.  Two days
later Ubuntu upgraded Thunderbird with me closing the Thunderbird
program first via the File - Quit method.  If you click on the

Re: certificat for a key pair

2013-05-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/29/2013 06:12 AM, edgard devaux wrote:
  using Gnupg with linux debian 7.0 and gnome; i created a key pair.
  my e-mail client asks me a certificat for personal to sign , and an
 other certificat for the key.
  How can i get this certificat for keyring , i don't find where .
  excuse my english (i'm franchman).


If you are using Thunderbird, do NOT install enigmail with an
apt-get with a sudo!  Also do not set up one common folder but
have separate email sections for each POP or IMAP email account.
Another way to add enigmail to Thunderbird:

Add it as yourself, not as root.  The apt-get way of doing
things here may not work.  You end up installing it in the
system thunderbird (/usr/lib/thunderbird) folder.  You
want enigmail installed in your ~/.thunderbird folder.

Once enigmail is installed, you can specify specifically
what key you want used with each email account by clicking
on the email account and then view settings then OpenPGP.

If you are using Evolution, GnuPG support is built in.
Just make sure it is set to use your GPG key and the
GPG key has your or other POP
email accounts set up.

You cannot use GnuPG with web-mail easily any more.
I have no experience with Icedove but it should be
similar to Thunderbird.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [OT] Why are you using the GPG / PGP keys?

2013-05-28 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/28/2013 04:17 PM, Forlasanto wrote:
 The fact remains that email is the house that Jack built. The wall
 plugs are upside down, the wiring is sketchy at best, the plumbing is
 crazy and doesn't function correctly, the house is half wood and half
 brick, and/Jack forgot to put locks on the doors./
 The fact that younger generations don't see email as a viable system is
 telling. It's an opportunity for something /better /to take email's
 place. Hopefully something with built-in encryption, rather than
 encryption tacked on as an afterthought. Just my two cents.

It is a pretty good two cents but you don't understand where the
encryption is needed most.  What needs to happen is that the aging
SMTP protocol needs to be replaced by a SSMTP (Secure Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol):

See Mail Delivery Fix.  I have had a sysadmin for a Mathematics
department that I respect both professionally and personally that
didn't think too much of it because of all the shady SSL certs
for web-sites.  Yes, the shady SSL certs are there but I expect
people to use some common sense.  It would help if something like
a browser would allow you temporarily to over-ride the warning.
But what does Firefox and other browsers want to do?  They want
to PERMANENTLY store the exception.  The over-ride should have
that box unchecked.  You should only check it when you are sure
the warning is in error. We could end up with a list of shady email
certificates that the spam houses could block as well. But that
is better than nothing at all. Here is an email header for you
to look at:
(the Originating IP is where the email message really came
from, not 000123gw[GNAT] - and it is a machine that
is in A-YAHOO-US9 that sent the message showing how deep
the problem is - yes, an infected windows machine at Yahoo
sent the message)

PeskySpammer saw me using the term hash-user in my blog so they
sold that email address to other spammers. PeskySpammer is either
completely in the Newark, NJ area or at least have a presence
there.  Not all of these spammers are in Russia or China.

PeskySpammer does more than just spam too.  They need a constant
crop of infected Windows machines to mail from.  They email out
dastardly links pretending to be somebody else (but Thunderbird
which is no longer available in Gnome 3 on OpenSuSE 12.3 that I
could see) does make the hidden links visible:

But not only young people today, but a lot of people that used
to use email no longer use it.  Unless a way to get rid of the
spam can be devised only a few stalwarts that MUST use email
will use it.  But I dumped Gnome 3 entirely after looking at
OpenSuSE 12.3 with Gnome as the last straw because I could only
use Firefox and LibreOffice.  This smart-phone GUI on a desktop
shows that thinking is in short supply.  But they just approved
the iPhone and iPad for military use now.  The world is changing
but most of the changes aren't good.

The spammers and spear-phishers (mostly Chinese) have killed
email.  It is not so much that people have moved on but we
need opt-in policies and a thorough overhaul to make email
work again and nobody wants to do it.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Relevance of e-mail (was [OT] Why are you using the GPG / PGP keys?)

2013-05-28 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/28/2013 04:32 PM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 Personally, I /am/ interested in why people use their keys (the original
 question), and not in the relevance of e-mail.

I use OpenPGP to sign my downloads for others.  Everybody
using my stuff are either French, Belgian, or Canadian
French.  The Linux people DO use the detached signature
files to verify that some hacker didn't sneak in and whack
things.  Don't laugh. The hackers HAVE hit my web-site and
despite the fact I don't use SQL it doesn't mean that SQL
isn't on the multi-homed web-server.  The hackers did do
damage to some of my pages and will probably continue to
do so.  The hackers are interested in replacing the downloads
with some copycat that would say, block legitimate web-sites
and allow infecting web-sites through. The web-site damage
I am referring to is NOT done by just some infected PC sending
SQL attack packets to web-sites at random.  These attacks
are done on purpose by a person / people. So OpenPGP detached
signatures DO help.  Why replace my downloads with false
downloads if the verification fails. I will know immediately
if my .profile or .bashrc files or other relevant files
have been tampered with.

It would be nice for other blockers to use OpenPGP enciphered
email messages where we discuss bad web-sites since an email
scanner WILL block the message.  Encrypting attachments with
7-Zip's AES-128 is messy and time consuming.  IOW, I have a
need for both OpenPGP enciphered email AND OpenPGP signed
email messages because hackers have attacked me and will
continue to attack.  Hackers have sent messages purportedly
from these other people.  But I know their sending IP
addresses and do check these suspicious messages.  But that
is time consuminmg so an OpenPGP signed message would
go a long way to ease my mind.  I got the very same
malicious link in an email message that took down Google
several years ago. The only differnce is that I use
Thunderbird with no HTML rendering for my main email despite
having four web-mail accounts. The spear attack looked
amateurish to me.  But if Google and others would have
used OpenPGP signed messages regularly, until the keys
are stolen and the pass-phrase sniffed, OpenPGP signed
mails CAN enhance security.

Whether people recognize it or not, many of the Linux
distros use OpenPGP signatures in *.deb, *.rpm and other
update files to verify that they really did come from where
they are purportedly from.  More than once on a Linux
distro update I get a message that says This update
cannot be verified.  Do you want it?  NO!  I will wait
for the update package that can be verified.  What is
doing the verification?  OpenPGP for every Linux distro
I have used for years.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: --textmode not retaining the originating EOR

2013-05-24 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/24/2013 04:49 PM, irak wrote:
 I don't understand your answer. The original encrypted (.pgp) is provided by
 a client that transmits the file to me using a binary transmission. On my
 Linux server when I previously deciphered the file, it resulted in a file
 with CRLF as the EOR. When I use gpg, the result is LF as EOR.
 Is there any control over the gpg decipher process that says don't default
 to the local EOR but use what was stored in the file?

NO.  At least I could not find it in the man pages.  My memory
is hazy on this (going back over six years) but it seems like
PGP had an over-ride.  If it did, then it violated the RFC.

Werner is correct.  Do not use --textmode if you want the
original mode for text files preserved.  The default is
--no-textmode implying that is what should be used if you
want to preserve the EOR of the original files.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [OT] Why are you using the GPG / PGP keys?

2013-05-24 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/24/2013 09:09 PM, Zece Anonimescu wrote:
 Robert J. Hansen wrote:


 This is something I wrote for PGP-Basics a few weeks ago.  It's bleak
 and depressing, but I believe it's an accurate picture of where things
 currently stand:

It looks spot on to me.  I cannot get anybody to use OpenPGP
because most don't use email any more and the few that will
still communicate with me via email say they don't need OpenPGP.
I have only one person that will communicate with me regularly
via email any more and he won't use OpenPGP.  He won't purchase
PGP and he stubbornly resists shifting away from Outlook as his
POP email program that he uses.

 Besides, email is not dying. It's plain stupid to support such idea.
 Sorry for the bluntness. Back in 1992 a handful of people were using
 emails. For serious business they went on Usenet. Today every two bit
 service needs an email to authenticate, to change passwords, to send
 newsletters, to confirm shipments, invoices, you name it. The trafic is
 higher. The users are 1.000 fold. I don't know the size difference. I'm
 pulling numbers from a bag. In 1992 it was a way of scamming the postal
 service out of their cents for a stamp. Today all the internal papers in
 companies of all sizes are sent by mail. Blackberry? That's email too!
 Have you got my fax? That's email too!

First, I have been using email and real Unix since the 1970s.
I didn't use email to avoid paying postage.  Mostly I was mailing
Prolog or other programs to others or them to me before 1995.

Second, a fax is not email either from either a transmission or
a legal standpoint.  Instead of being conducted down the
digital Internet TCP/IP highway, faxes are tunneled through telephony
equipment, digital or analog.  It is not legal to use even an
OpenPGP signature on an email as legal tender in a court of law.
But your hand writeen signature on a document that  faxedis legal
tender in the United States and many other countries.

Third, do a search for PeskySpammer in either or
Google.  Initially I was getting as much as a thousand messages
per day before the bounces subsided as more and more mail admins
finally keyed in on my advice on my blog.  Now I get almost no
bounces at all from mail servers.  Most mail systems drop the
spam messages sent directly from a hacked Windows PC machine that
pretend to come from some place else like a hot potato now.

But PeskySpammer's bots got the fake FROM email addresses
accidentally added to their TO lists.  I am still getting as
many as 100 messages per day because I get all of the messages
for users at the securemecca[gnot]com domain.  Others that have
their emsil set up the same way (they are mail admin for the
domain but have no control over the mail server) will be
getting the same thing.  There is so much spam that almost
nobody will answer me any more.  One of the reasons is that they
start a new email address to fight the spam and don't bother to
close down their old email address.  But most people have made
a permanent shift to Facebook or other social web sites so that
if I really need to contact them, I send them a snail-mail
message.  Many times even that is ignored since they monitor
their Facebook or other social service account messages and
that is all..  This doesn't bode well because I neither want
nor need a Facebook account or an account with the myriad of
other social services.

I suspect most people just select and delete all email messages
in their active email account every few weeks or months.  This
does not bode well for the usage of GnuPG.  I cannot get anybody
I know to use OpenPGP.  Even most of the people at SANS and other
people don't use OpenPGP encryption any more.  Maybe we need
a legal threat that says OpenPGP encryption is going to be taken
away from us to get people to use it.  They will use TLS, SSL or
other encryption that is built-in but don't even seem to
take that seriously any more.  I don't know what is happening
but I imagine a sociological or psycnhological dissertation
is in the offing because of people's behavior.  It really is
that bizarre now.  Nibiru - I don't know how many people believe
it but it numbers in the millions.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Generating/Exporting under another user-account(Log on as a batch job rights)

2013-05-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/21/2013 05:06 PM, Werner Koch wrote:
 On Tue, 21 May 2013 18:28, said:
 5. At the of the PATH you add:
;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\
(if it already has a ; at the end you only need one
 You should not add this but 
 ;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub

I stand corrected.  This means NOTHING needs to be
added to the PATH if pub is in the PATH AND if you just
use gpg.exe.  You have both gpg.exe and gpg2.exe in the
pub folder.  One of the commands given to gpg2.exe
attempted to open Kleopatra.  If you want Kleopatra,
use the GUI tools.  You are bound to have a collision
with some of those DLL files in the GnuPG folder sooner
or later.  Yes, I looked at ALL of the DLL file names.

But you don't run the gpg.exe command from the Start - Run
of Windows XP.  You run it from a command window (cmd.exe)
that is ever present until you close the command window.

You can put a pause in a BAT file and that WILL stop
a temporary cmd.exe that was messaged from a double click
on a BAT file from closing.  In my UnixUtil scripts an
echo of a message and then a read does the same thing.
It hangs until you press the Enter key.  But once you
tap Enter, the temporary command window closes and

But you can NOT run a command from the Start - Run of
Windows XP / 2003 Server without the windows immediately
closing once the program or BAT file is finished.  I
thought this was common knowledge for Windows users.
I must be wrong because they took that run feature out
of Windows 7.  On Windows 7 you have no option but to
start a stationary cmd.exe and once that is done this
problem goes away.

Just remember to use gpg.exe in the command window
instead of gpg2.exe if you run into problems.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Total Newbie Can't Unpack Tar Ball on AIX

2013-05-21 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/20/2013 08:57 PM, Bettina Huber wrote:
 Been told I now have to use this to develop keys and sign a file that gets 
 to the bank.  We do not need to encrypt the file.  Have read some of the 
 documentation, but understand very little of it - I can do basic commands, 
 nothing fancy, and have simply not heard of most of the terminology thrown 
 around there.  I figured I'd do it one step at a time and eventually get it.
 I downloaded 2.0 and it is now in my /usr/local/bin directory.  The directory 
 location was a total guess - can't find any documentation saying where it 
 go.  We run AIX 6.1.

This is probably just the source code and if it is then
it should be put into the /usr/local/src folder.

 File name is:   gnupg-2.0.20.tar.bz2
 Command used to unpack:   tar xvjf gnupg-2.0.20.tar.bz2

also going to need a RNG (Random Number Generator)
on AIX.  You may want to sign it on some other system
other than AIX?  I am suggesting this is the EASY way
to do it.  It is the way I would do it and I am a very
good sysadmin.

Usually, I use a - in front of the options but unless
AIX has provided support for bzip2 you don't have it.  The
x stands for extract, the v means verbose, the j' means
bzip2, and the 'f' means the file is specified next. If
you have man pages set up a man tar will give you all
of the options.  To find if you have bzip2, in a terminal

which bzip2
which bunzip2

If you get nothing back then bzip2 isn't on your system. has provided lots of things, but no updates to
gnupg since 2.0.13.  But that does handle your needs and
is available in binary form.  Just remember you may still
have to set up a RNG (Random Number Generator).

I would advise installing bzip2 but even after it is
installed your tar may not support an integrated bzip2
(the 'j' flag).  In that case the above file could still
be extracted with:

bzip2 -dc gnupg-2.0.20.tar.bz2 | tar -xvf -
# or if you don't need a list:
bzip2 -dc gnupg-2.0.20.tar.bz2 | tar -xf -

bullfreewahre has some things for AIX 5.1:

I would go with the bzip2 binary or just zip the folder
with the files using zip or what they can handle.  Then I
would transfer the zipped file to a Linux or protected
Windows system and sign the files there.  Believe me,
it would be far easier to set up your OpenPGP keys
with GnuPG on either Linux or Windows and do it that
way.  Even if you do it from AIX later, you can still
export your keys from Windows or Linux and import them
on AIX.  But setting up GnuPG even from binaries is
NOT trivial on AIX.  Once you have it set up though,
it is just as easy to use GnuPG on AIX as it is on
Windows or Linux.

If you still want to create it from source Here are the
tools you will need at a minimum for making gnupg from
source for AIX:


If you are a real good sysadmin and still want to go this
way, contact me and I will help as much as I can but
remember that I don't have an AIX system in front of me.
Also, many production AIX systems are not supposed to
have gcc on them because that may violate either company
or country regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley or HIPAA,
I will also take it out of group since it is non-gnupg.
Since AIX probably does not have a RNG you will need to
set that up too.  I think it would actually be easier to
generate your keys on Windows or Linux and tranfer them
to AIX if you MUST sign the file(s) on AIX.  You are
biting off a lot of work to put GnuPG on AIX anyway
and doing it from source is difficult.

But if you still want to create it from source, contact me
personally since most of this is AIX specific and only
incidentally related to GnuPG.  Are you sure the files
must be signed on AIX?  Putting GnuPG on AIX is not
trivial, especially if the binary package doesn't
provide some way to set up a RNG.  OTOH, if the binary
install also sets up the RNG ... go right ahead.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Generating/Exporting under another user-account(Log on as a batch job rights)

2013-05-21 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/21/2013 08:48 AM, Lema KB wrote:
 thanks for your replies
 i do have gnupg4win-2.1.0.exe.
 i wanted just to pen this Kleopatra.exe under another user (on cmd using
 runas command) to see the list of keys. but it says it's missing
 libkleo.dll file. but it opens from start-menu.
 where i find this file, or what does it mean?
 thanks in advance

They are in:


That is usually (if %SystemDrive% is C:):
C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\

If you need them in the cmd.exe then just add the REAL folder
(don't use %ProgramFiles%) to your PATH.  To do that on Windows 7:

1. Right click on My Computer on desktop and click Properties
2. In the System Properties Windows click on the Advanced tab
3. In the Advanced section click the Environmmnt Variables button
4. Select the PATH (may be Path) variable then click Edit
5. At the of the PATH you add:
   ;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\
   (if it already has a ; at the end you only need one
6. Save the change and then OK your way back out.

You will probably have to logout and then log back in.
libkleo.dll, kleopatra.exe, gpg2.exe and all the other files
associated with 2.0 are in this folder.  There may be others
but if they are they will be in C;\Windows\system32 which
ia already in the PATH.

I don't have gpg 1.x on Windows.  If I remmber correctly gpg
1.x is also in the same folder.  If so then just typing gpg
on the command line will also work if you have the GnupG version
one.  IOW:

C:\ gpg.exe --list-keys

should list your keys.  If you have gpg2.exe in your PATH,
it should now pop-up Kleopatra to show the keys once
this folder is added to your PATH environment variable:

C:\ gpg2.exe --list-keys

You can always use Windows Explorer or My Computer and ask it
to find gpg.exe or gpg2.exe.  If it finds only one then that is
what you have.  Since you specified gnupg4win-2.1.0.exe there
will be no gpg.exe, just a gpg2.exe.

I leave it as an exercies to you in how to turn off that dumb
hide files misfeature.  While your at it, you may as well set
it to show the entire file name.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Windows 101 GPG4WIN

2013-05-21 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit

I assume anybody who has used Windows for a modicum of time
knows the following:

0. I take an extremely dim view of not setting your Windows
   system up to show the ENTIRE file name, including the
   extension.  I have thousands of malware ending in
   .pdf.exe.  But it is appropriate for another reason
   which you will see shortly.

1. Using runas on Windows XP is only usefule for starting
   programs that will stay around.  Example, use this
   to start the cmd.exe window to type gpg2 in (GPG does NOT
   usually need elevated UAC privileges):  cmd.exe
   OTOH, if you mean runas in terms of the UAC, Windows 7
   doesn't even have a run command input box.  runas in that
   context means you are right clicking on the executable and
   perhaps giving the command higher privileges via the UAC.
   Actually that is more of a problem with Vista than Windows 7.
   Windows 7 usually just prompts you if you want to say,
   install Firefox in the %ProgramFiles% area.

2. Alternatively, cmd.exe can be started via Start, (All) Programs,
   Accessories, cmd (I think that is the name).  This brings
   up a cmd.exe window which will hang around until you close
   it.  THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE TYPING gpg2.exe and other
   commands in.

3. When you say batch and Windows to me, I filter out the --batch
   meaning of GnuPG.  I assume you are talking about a BAT file.
   (make this point explicit).  Here is an example:

   I leave at as an exercise to download this file (and hopefully
   you have set your browser to download it to the desktop).

   Change the name of the file to testsig.bat.  Now you know
   why I advised that you show the entire file name.  The
   added security when you notice the .pdf.exe on the end
   of a file is just a bonus.  But there are times you need
   to see the entire file name not to get all fouled up.
   This is one of those times.

   Right click on the testsig.bat file and from the GPG4Win
   menu make a detached signature file of the testsig.bat file.
   The detached signature file will be named testsig.bat.sig.

   Add this to your PATH (and then logout and back in):

;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG

   Double click on the testsig.bat file on XP (you may need to
   do a runas on Windows Vista (horrors) or Windows 7 (better).
   The pause in a BAT file prevents the cmd window that
   has just popped up from disappearing until you tap the
   enter key.  But you could also have typed the gpg2.exe
   command in a cmd.exe window.

4, With GPG4Win 2.x I have never needed anything but the GUI
   tools.  Given how brain damaged cmd.exe is compared to
   something like bash or ksh I much prefer doing it the
   Windows GUI way but it is your choice.

5. If you are talking about this with a second user and automating
   the verify with a batch (*.BAT) file they need their own
   separate key-pair.  Then they need to import your key onto
   their key-ring to verify.  Example using my public key:

   You would need my C83946F0 key on the key-servers added to
   yor key-ring and given some sort of trust (suggest only
   local trust), preferably in Kleopatra.

Gnome 3, Ubuntu Unity, Windows 8 - poor iPhone GUI on Desktop
Thinking has been suspended indefinitely
Anybody caught thinking will be immediately shot!

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Generating/Exporting under another user-account(Log on as a batch job rights)

2013-05-17 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/17/2013 12:57 PM, Lema KB wrote:
 hi all
 I have to generate a key-pair using another user-account (which is given
 right in local security settings to log on as a batch job) and export its
 public key.
 i did generate on windows cmd, but after i taped the passphrase, cmd window
 just dissappeared. and if i type to list keys, a window appears and closes
 immediately, so fast that i can't read what it writes.
 What would you suggest, ho can i see what it did and which keys it has
 under this another user?
 Any of your help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Which version of GnuPG are you using?  If you are using
2.0.x just firing up Kleopatra shows all the keys on your
key ring.

If you are saying you are using a BAT file with GnuPG 1.4.x,
the cmd window only stays open while the BAT file is being
interpreted.  If you put this on the next to last code line
(I use setlocal at the start and endlocal):

REM I usually put a remark before it but pause prints own message

That will help you see the output of your various commands.  But
it will NOT help you if you want to see the keys or work with them
from the command line.  To do that, first make sure you add the
folder where gpg.exe or gpg2.exe is at to your %PATH%.  You may
need to logout and then log back in to get the GnuPG folder added
to the %PATH%.  Then go to Start, (All) Programs, Accessories,
and select cmd (or what ever it is named for you). In the command
window which now stays up (this is now assuming you are using

C:\ gpg --list-keys

That will let you know if the keys are there.  BTW, you are
STRONGLY encouraged to add the GnuPG home to your path.  It is
usually %ProgramFiles%\GNU\GnuPG  (but you MUST fill out
where %ProgramFiles% really is in the %PATH%) for GnuPG 2.x.
GnuPG 1.4.x may be in a different folder than GnuPG. My
machine that has both installed is turned off right now (heat

Did that help?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG 1.4.13

2013-05-15 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/14/2013 04:39 PM, Laurent Jumet wrote:
 Hello Henry !
 Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:

 Thanks very much - duly installed.

 I'm using this for my own, you may find it useful too:
 Downloaded but will the second one stay there?
 I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
 Second one is my own help I'm using, no more, based on the help in the 

Things are having a way of disappearing faster than they
come now.  At least they are for me.

I am just asking if you will remove it from that location
in the future.  I guess it is okay if we have another
GnuPG version and you replace it with another file.  But
many times people won't upgrade for what ever reason (here,
language issues for Chinese prevents going to GnuPG 2.x
on Windows). Let me illustrate the concern a little more
clearly. Things have a way disappearing right out from
underneath people, expecially if you picked Gnome 1  2
(and KDE has language problems for Arabic and Perso-Arabic)
on Linux:

OS:  OpenSuse 11.4  (the last of Gnome 2 there)
Video:   ASUS GeForce GTX-650  (replaced GeForce 220)
Reason:  Can no longer use GoogleEarth
Problem: Instructions from OpenSuSE point to their special OS
 folder.  But every time they update the kernel KMS
 comes back with a Vengence and my resolution drops
 back down to 640x480 with NO way to increase it
 unless you change the kernel to get rid of KMS.
 Ergo, I have to alter the kernel to get my
 video resolution back up to 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz,  I
 run 1680x1050 for both Ubuntu and Windows 7.  I also
 had to install the approprtiate nVidia driver myself.
 In fact I had to do the entire thing myself and one
 of the instructions provided was WRONG.

I first tried to do this the OpenSuSE way.  But when I pointed
to the proper folder for YUM unpdates, as usual, they were GONE!
I imagine it disappeared the day OpenSuSE 12.1 came out.  They
are up to 12.3 now.  Why fix what isn't broken?  But in this
case they broke what was fixed.

I will finally have to update to OpenSuse 12.4 IF they have
KDE.  Gnome 3 is nothing more than an iPhone GUI dropped onto
the desktop.  You don't even have an xterm which was finally
provided with Unity for Ubuntu 12.04. In addition to having
to remove nouveau, this is just one example that somebody
thinks I have time to do 4+ OS updates per year with every
Linux distro and that I use nothing but Firefox and Libre
Office.  That is way too much change but in this case
Gnome may as well close the door.  Only LibreOffice and
Firefox are provided with Gnome 3 with every distro I installed
or tried to install this spring, I have finally given up
completely on Fedora.  I haven't been able to install Fedora for
years because it doesn't have my current ASUS monitor or the
previous ViewSonic monitor in its X-Windows DB. But with Gnome
3 you can't even use GnuPG any more.  Where is Thundebird and
the xterm to use it in?  I couldn't find them.  Like my friend
who wrestled with Windows 8 for two days I finally gave up and
went back to the very same OS I had, but swapped the machines
they were on.

Here comes another Ubuntu 10.04 update of the kernel and I may
have to reinstall the Nvidia drivers there again (you must
do it with OpenSuSE but I am counting on NO OS upgrades for
the 11.4 version any more).  On that machine I went from on
motherboard Nvidia to a GEForce GT-640, again because
GoogleEarth would no longer run.  At least I can still use
GnuPG because I can have an xterm which most of these modern
GUIs with every Linux distro no longer provide.  I can also run
Thunderbird.  Windows 8 also has the iPhone GUI mentality as
well and even worse, forces you to use their email type setup
which has extremely bad security problems.  By that I mean
your private becomes public and they expect ALL of your
banking and financial stuff to go through them.  I guess
Microsoft fired all of their top-notch security people.
I still consider Drop My Rights for XP in many ways better
than the UAC for Windows 7.

So stick to Windows 7 or Windows XP if you want to use GnuPG
encryption on Microsoft Windows.  You cannot use GnuPG or hardly
anything else other than Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office
on Windows 8.  My friend couldn't find a way to do it.

The reason everybody is getting this is because it DOES have
repercussions on GnuPG.  You won't be able to use GnuPG
encryption any more until all these people provide a desktop
or laptop OS where you can use GnuPG again!  I don't want an
OS where I cannot use GnuPG!


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG 1.4.13

2013-05-14 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/14/2013 09:24 AM, Laurent Jumet wrote:
 Hello Bob !
 Bob Henson wrote:
 Thanks very much - duly installed.
 I'm using this for my own, you may find it useful too:

Downloaded but will the second one stay there?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How can I extract the --embedded-filename for scripting?

2013-05-09 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/09/2013 08:30 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 On 08/05/13 21:01, Werner Koch wrote:
 That is not crude but a standard Unix pattern.
 I considered putting the status-fd stuff into a file, then reading the file 
 finally deleting it a much cruder method than connecting the parsing logic to 
 3 directly.

Peter[gnat]digitalbrains[dot]com's way of doing it:

gpg --status-fd 3 --use-embedded-filename foo.gpg 3foo.status

That is probably incompatible with Windows doing it.  The
original poster already has the cmd.exe (BAT) script for doing
it finished already. The way I handle it on Windows is to
output the results of either stdout () or stderr (2) to a
file and then open that file with VBScript. Trapping the result
in any Windows scripting language other than Power Shell (I am
NOT very familiar with it) is problematical.

That is why my advice is that the original file name should be
preserved with an added .gpg for the encrypted file to make
these things clear, e.g.:

Design-Files is a folder.  It is zipped into either a
7-Zip or zip file with all the contents in the folder
zipped with it (recursive - the default for 7-Zip):

Design-Files 7zips to Design-Files.7z
Design-Files zips to

When encrypting:   is encrypted to
Design-Files.7z   is encrypted to   Design-Files.7z.gpg
MasterFile.txt   is encrypted to   MasterFile.txt.gpg

That way the file name alone gives a clue as to whether further
processing is necessary.  I KNOW that VBScript can handle it
this way.  The only problem is to put an unzipper program some
place in your %PATH% where there is no spaces or punctuation
to that folder for the zip.exe or 7z.exe that you are using.
One more thing.  Windows Explorer should be set to show the
entire file name. That also prevents *.pdf.exe files appearing
to be *.pdf files as well.  Ditto for *.doc.exe and similar
files.  But it makes some of this explicit for OpenPGP
enciphered files and I KNOW that VBScript can handle it when
it is done this way.

'Nix way:
I am pretty sure that a grep for '\.tar\.gz', '\.tgz', /\.tbz'
and '\.7z' after deciphering and redirected to files and than
opening and processing those files on 'nix can also be done to
perform the addiitional processing automatically (use file
with a grep for certain patters as one last check),  You are
better off for the temporary files being put in either the
current folder or ${HOME}/tmp if the perms on those folders
is 700.  Use of /tmp or even /var/tmp is unsafe. unless you are
the only person on the system.  Even if you are the only person
have the script remove the tmp files and unset the relevant VARS.
I turn history off in most of my scripts at the start and then
turn history back on at the end of the script if security is a


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Suggest please

2013-05-03 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 05/03/2013 08:45 AM, Lema KB wrote:

Werner is of course correct but since you need to do a send to
userid_1, userid_2, and userid_3  you will need the public key
for all three of the recipients.  You need the public key for
each person you want to send a public key enciphered (encrypted)
file or message to.

Public / Private Key Enciphering
- encrypted with the other person's (or people's) public key(s).
  No pass-phrase is required.
- can only be decrypted by the person (or people)  that has the
  private key(s) that is associtated with public key(s) that
  the file or message was encrypted with.  They also need to know
  the pass-phrase unless the pinentry program decides to supply
  their pass-phrase forever.  Don't laugh too loud. It happened
  to me.  I must provide my pass-phrase again now.  Thank goodness!

Private / Public Key signatures (used for verification)
- the file or message is signed with your private key. You must
  use your pass-phrase when signing.  This was most critical
  for the pinetry supplying the pass-phrase for me. You should
  be required to supply the pass-phrase for all signings with
  the only laxity being a one-time supply of pass-phrase for
  a batch of files.
- verified with your public key with them importing it and then
  giving it the proper (hopefully) level of trust when they edit
  and lsign / sign your public key.  They have known you all your
  life?  Then your key deserves the highest level of trust no
  matter what you do in life.  The verification is that the
  person is really who they claim to be.

My primer reference book is PGP  GPG, Email For The PRACTICAL
Paranoid by Michael W. Lucas.  I hope he gives another edition
some time since GPG4Win has improved and simpliied a lot of things
for Windows users.  Disclaimer:  I do NOT get a cut of the profits
from the sale of the book.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Suggest please

2013-05-03 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
First, a restriction on who can access folder restricted to
just a group on 'nix should probably be:

drwxrwx---   (chmod 770 dir - all group members can write)
drwxr-x---   (chmod 750 dir - only owner can write)

On OpenVMS you can and the military does just turn off the
world permiesions leaving only SOG  (System, Owner, Groupm
originally it was SOGW). But OpenVMS has theirs done via a
DACL.   Windows has DACLs but really not for files / folders
in the same way that OpenVMS / Unix / Linux do it. Unix / Linux
file permission flags for the files is hard-wired (done deep
within the bowels of the OS).

Symmetric ciphers via GnuPG:

You can use either a symmetric or public key cipher with
GnuPG, but you really sort of need keys to even do symmetric
ciphers via GnuPG or PGP from Symantec.  This script is what
I use if I want to make a file encrypted with a ymmetric
cipher via GnuPG:
(folder - I used decrypt for decrypting encrypted files)
Pros:  Can't think of any other than it saves all that typing.
   It MAY help you understand it.  Maybe it will confuse you.
Cons:  Anybody who knows the password can decrypt it.
   Some times that is a positive.  For top security it
   is a negative if the public key used to encipher a
   file is not yours (belongs to somebody else and
   you don't have the private keys).

Symmetric cipher with AES-128 using 7-Zip:
You don't need keys. Just supply the password and let the other
people know what the password is.  on Unix / Linux you just use:
this for a file:
$ 7za a -p filename.7z filename
and this for a directory (folder)
$ 7za a -[ dirname.7z ./dirname
Pros:  provides symmetric encryption without keys!
   Blissfully dumps the UID:GID so it comes out right
   when root unzips it (owned by root in group root)
   no matter who it belonged to on the other system..
   for 'nix.  That is why I like it.  Would love to
   have ClamAV source code in 7z format.
   It is great for sending lists of bad URLs / hosts
   to others since email scanner doesn't know what to
   do with it.
Cons:  Same as for GPG symmetric but no choice of CIPHER
   (uses AES-128) which may be unsatisfactory for some
   uses.  Must build it yourself for 'nix.  Do NOT use
   7-zip for backups of system stuff or you wull have
   a chicken versus egg problem, encrypted or not.

Public / Private key implementation:

In reality there is a symmetric cipher hidden down in there.
GnuPG pseudo-randomly (hopefully closer to randomly than to
pseudo) creates a password for the symmetrically enciphered
file and encrypts the password for the symmetric cipher using
the other person's (people's) public key(s) with the ElGamal
or similar public-key cipher.  Each recipient gets their own
copy (in the past the whole thing with Thunderbird plus
Enitmail).  But you do NOT encrypt the whole file with the
public key.   You use the public key to encipher only
the password used to create the symmetric cipher.

The way public / private key is normally used:
On Windows, GPG4WIN supplies an Outlook look-alike called Claws
Mail that just looks at the recipients when you select encrypt
and magically encrypts a message that the entire list of users
can decrypt as long as you have the public key for each of the
recipients on your key-ring.  The enigmail plugin for the mail
client program called Thunderbird does much the same thing.
SEE!  Public key encryption doesn't have to be all that
Pros:   When encrypted for JoeGoodGuy in Denver with the
encryption being done in Syria (war-torn) nobody but
JoeGoodGuy can decipher it.  Be sure to wipe the
original unenciphered file(s).  Wikileaks Julian
Assange knew this and encrypted all of those files
with a symmetriic cipher anyway so everybody could
decrypt the zip of all those files some time in the
future no matter how long the password was.  But
if the journalist had their own public / private key
pair it could have been encrypted with the journalist's
public key and then only the journalist could have
decrypted it.  Pubic key encryption is used successfully
for this purpose by civil rights activists world-wide.
Cons:   Initial confusion on how it works.  Don't feel bad
because even PhD engineers may need some time to
finally understand how it works (which is why I
recommended that book).

Don't be afraid of using OpenPGP public key encryption.  It
really is superior when you have two people that semi-trust
each other.  Spies take time to warm up to each other said
one of 

Re: Suggest please

2013-05-03 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA256

On 05/03/2013 08:43 PM, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:

First, I think public key encryption is apropos for what you
are doing if privacy is a concern.  The way you approached
it without telling us you are on Windows until later on
indicates privacy IS a consideration for you.

Now that I know you are on Windows I am curious what you are
using to automate - Visual Basic, BAT, Power Shell, or something
else.  I run into too many problems with their darn spaces no
matter which of these three I use.  It is best to just add where
gpg2 and everything else lives  to your PATH.  Here is where it
is for the latest version of GPG4Win (at least on Windows 7)


From my point of view object oriented scripting is strange.
Scripts should be more verbal than noun oriented.

If you need help in getting it going I will help but do NOT
use what you would be sending to your cohorts.  My public key
is on the key-servers.  For the long way Just go here:

Then enter my email address hhhobbit[gnat]

Click on the top key, copy and paste it into a file and then
import.  Fast way is to just use PGP4Win's GUI to import the
key directly from the key-servers.

The first test is to send a publicly encrypted file.  Then
you do it for two users per Werner's statement and as you
go along you will see what is appropriate for you.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpgee operation failed

2013-04-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/29/2013 03:39 AM, 儒風管理部-潘右文 wrote:
 Hi there ,
 Can someone help me with this error?
 I reinstalled the program ,  and encrypt the file again, still don’t work.
 I used to encrypt file without any issue.  My program version is 1.1.4.

Has the key expired?  I notice you have three files selected
and am wondering why you haven't zipped them and then
encrypted the zip but that is (or should not be) an issue.

I will try it to see what happens.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpgee operation failed

2013-04-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/29/2013 03:39 AM, 儒風管理部-潘右文 wrote:
 Hi there ,
 Can someone help me with this error?
 I reinstalled the program ,  and encrypt the file again, still don’t work.
 I used to encrypt file without any issue.  My program version is 1.1.4.

Are you saing it used to encrypt but stopped encrypting before you
installed the GPG4Win 1.14 again?

Oops.  I should not have spoke up so fast.  I didn't have time to
load GPG4Win, 7-Zip, Firefox, and a lot of other stuff for Windows.
Even worse I haven't had time to tame Windows Explorer to show some
folders. extensions, use lists, etc.  I have that partially done now.

1.1.4 is pretty old and the new GPG4Win 2.10 has worked just
fine for me on both Windows XP Home / Pro and now on Windows
7 Pro (remember, I just installed it, Firefox, and 7-Zip).
Your pictures shows that the validity of the key is unknown.
Have you signed it? But the way you said things sounded like
it was working that way (it should).

I just loaded GPG4Win 2.10 on Windows 7 Pro.  I could not see
where it put things so I generated dummy keys to find the
location.  I found them here:


I deleted the files (keeping random_seed) and then copied my files
from Linux (w/o random_seed) into the folder. I have 32 bit LE
throughout, although Linux is set up with PAE so I can exceed the
3 GB memory barrier. GPG4Win 2.10 uses the newer gpgex and
Kleopatra.  Encrypting the file was easy though.  All I had to do

1. Right click on a Firefox.txt file in Windows Explorer
2. Select encrypt from GPG4Win menu
3. Select a proper recipient (I picked me)
4. Let it encrypt it.

I moved the encrypted file onto a flash drive and decrypted it
on another Linux system.  It decrypted fine with me supplying
my pass-phrase.  I tried an additional test of another recipient
and it could NOT be decrypted which is to be expected.  I don't
have their private keys or know their pass-phrase.

I am trying to think of what could be going wrong.  When you
installed the program again did you still have your exisiting
keys?  You should.  I have upgraded through several versions
of GPG4Win with no problems.  In fact I haven't had any problems
at all on Windows.  Encrypting on OpenSuse 11.4 via GPG
(symmetric or public key) may be impossible.  I now use 7-Zip
with it's bundled AES-128 for symmetric encryption on OpenSuse
and to transfer files back and forth with another Linux system.

Unless it is a damaged key-ring (in which case, why could you see
anything?) I see no reason why you can not just upgrade to
GPG4WIN 2.10 and go from there:

You have ALL the information including where you may need to
move your keys if you have moved from Windows XP to Windows 7.
Hopefully you don't have Vista.  If you do I don't know
where the files go if you have to move / copy them.


Gnupg-users mailing list

OpenSuse 11.4 - OOPS!

2013-04-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit

Correction.  My signfile script makes detached signatures
with no problems, the pcrypt script makes public encrypted
files with no problems, and the decrypt script decrypts the
publicly encrypted files with no problems on OpenSuse 11.4.

Here is what gets printed in the xterm when I try to do a
a symmetric cipher:

gpg: problem with the agent: Bad CA certificate

But despite the message it DOES do a symmetrice encrypion.

Here is where the scripts are:

And here all this time I thought the symmetric encryption
was failing.  I don't get an error on decryption.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: random_seed - no locks available

2013-04-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/29/2013 02:43 PM, M Russell wrote:
 I hope someone might be able to lend me a hand.  I am running
 into an error message that I resolve.  I get a lock error when
 trying to encrypt or decrypt a file.  I found other forums
 that suggest deleting the random_seed file and killing the rpm
 process, but I don't have a rpm process running.  Renaming the
 file allowed the system to recreate the random_seed file, but
 the error persists.  I have noticed the file size is 0 which
 would be appropriate since the file cannot be locked.  An
 strace shows the error message, but it doesn't appear to point
 anything else out.  A lsof doesn't show the file is open.  I'm
 not sure where else to look.  Has anyone seen this and have any
 I'm running centos 6.2, gnupg 2.0.14, libgcrypt 1.4.5
 can't lock `/home/mruss/.gnupg/random_seed': No locks available
 note: random_seed file not updated
 open(/home/mruss/.gnupg/random_seed, O_RDONLY) = 10
 fcntl(10, F_SETLK, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}) = -1 
 ENOLCK (No locks available)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 
 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 
 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No 
 such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT 
 (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT 
 (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No 
 such file or directory)
 write(2, can't lock `/home/mruss/.gnupg/random_seed': No locks available\n, 
 68) = 68
 close(10)   = 0

Note that random_seed is opened RDONLY.  The lock is just for
reading and it is non-blocking.  Why it should be there at
all when you are really locking nothing (len=0) is a bit of
a mystery.  The length was probably set from a file stat.

There are basically three reasons for errno to be set to ENOLCK:

1. You are out of lock table space (most likely).  Closing down
   everything and then rebooting is perhaps the best way to
   return sanity to the world.

2. You have too many segment lockdowns.  What segements?
   Notice that the length is zero.

3. Something like an NFS system problem.  That probably is not

If you want to test for the first this may or may not work
since I am almost asleep and am REALLY rusty on my use of
fcntl for file locking:

Pick your own zip poisoning.  If you get lucky and the program
tells you that you have a locking problem then you are probably
out of available file locks.

In any case I don't know what work-around gnugpg 2.0.14 has for
this particular case or if it has one.  It probably does have
a work-around.

Do you still have the old random_seed file?  If so, after
rebooting I would put it back in place and make sure it has
the proper permissions.  The Read flags and eXecute flag on
the directory are probably okay since you can open the file
for reading.   Just make the sure the Write flags are also
set.  If one of the write permisions is turned off that could
explain a zero length file.

$ cd
$ umask
$ ls -al | grep gnupg
drwx--  3 USER_NAME GROUP_NAME4096 Apr 29 19:32 .gnupg
$ cd .gnupg
$ ls -l random_seed
-rw--- 1 USER_NAME GROUP_NAME 600 Apr 29 16:59 random_seed

My bet is your lock table space is filled up so closing down and
rebooting with your old random_seed file set to the proper
permissions will cure the problem.


Gnupg-users mailing list

No passphrase required

2013-04-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Both of my Linux systems were recently involved in a test of
about a dozen plus replacments for OpenSuse 11.4 and Ubuntu 10.04.

After all the experimenting was over I ended up with the same
operating systems but swapped with each having the OS that was
on the other machine before the experimentation started.  This
means the last great gasp of using Gnome 2.  I will have to
switch to KDE or something else but not for at least another
year. Gnome 3 is OUT as is Unity on Ubuntu!

Everything went fine and the ~/.gnupg folders are the same
except for the random_seed file. That worked before so why
shouldn't it work now?  Ubuntu 10.04 of course still uses gpg.
and OpenSuse 11.4 uses gpg2.  Then I signed the updated cookie
block list for the Firefox add-on named CookieSafe which I
create on the OpenSuse system.  Nothing was checked on the
options so I assumed I was using the default of a pass-phrase
requested each time I sign a file like it did before.

Less than a week went past until I signed my PAC filter files.
Lo and behold instead of being requested for the pass-phrase
for each of the twelve files they got signed with no questions
asked.  IMHO, this is an inherently dangerous situation.  But
searches were yielding nothing that made sense.  But I tried
every one of them (with a backup to scramble back to) in the
hopes that one of them would give me my pass-phrase request
back. The one that made the least sense was adding a certain
line to the ~/xinitrc file.  With OpenSuse using KMS since
11.3 I I can tell you that you should NOT create a ~/.xinitrc
file.  Because I have another user for damage control and for
the ClamAV's AV. I tried it anyway because at that point I was
getting frantic about a way to have the pinentry ask for my
pass-phrase again. Predictably, when I tried to login I just
got logged back out and was given the login screen.  I
repeated the test two more times with the exact same results
of me not being able to login. So I logged in as clamaV and did:

1. started an xterm
2. su -l root
3  rm -f /home/ME/.xinitrc
4. In the xterm - control-D, control-D
5. Logged out as clamav.
6. logged in as me and put everything back the way it originally

But I still had the problem of not being asked for my pass-phrase.
At the very same URL as where they said to put the line in the
~/xinitrc file they had this line to do a test:

echo test | gpg -ase -r 0xMYKEYID | gpg
(replace MYKEYID with what ever your key is)

I will ignore for the moment that you really have gpg2 on
OpenSuse because gpg is just a symlink to gpg2.  But the real
line should be:

$ echo test | gpg2 -ase -r 0xMYKEYID | gpg2

It doesn't matter because both work.  The first may NOT work
if you don't have a symlink of gpg pointing to gpg2. You get a
pinentry window!  So I hastily set it to require a pass-phrase
again.  Like I said, contents of the ~/.gnupg folder on both
systems are identical except for different random_seed files.

Will this work-around work for other versions of Linux that
use gpg2 and a pinentry?  I don't know. Is it a good idea to
have it set for no pass-phrase required to sign a file with
OpenPGP?  I don't think so.  It is NOT a good idea to do it
without at least three warnings before it accepts the change
and it being mandatory that you have to click / alter it to
do it that way in the pinentry. Why did it do a no-phrase
this time around and the first time it didn't do it that way?
Again I don't know but the last time I upgreaded from 11.2 to
11.4. This time I installed 11.4 fresh. That may have made
the difference.

I am giving this in the hopes that if anybody else has a
similar no pass-phrase required problem that it will help

I really don't like the pinentry way becase I still haven't
figured out a work-around for encrypting files from an
xterm with my scripts.  Yes, I set both BASH ways of
keeping the history to no history in the scripts:

The pass-phrase is now required for signing.

Au Revoir

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: question on decryption with missing passcode

2013-04-17 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/17/2013 09:05 PM, Beith, Linda wrote:

 Gpg: can't open 'rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg'
 Gpg: decrypt_message filed: file open error

Daniel Kahn Gillmor is correct on this being a file permissions
problem or maybe an OS problem for a file of that large size.
Like Daniel, I assume the first.

I assume from what you said that it is encrypted with a symmetric
cipher rather than a public key.  You need to rule out something
encrypted with public key in which case only you rather than you
and the sender can decrypt which can be done with a symmetric

The best thing would be to make sure you have the same thing:

$ sha1sum -b rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg

sha1sum may not be good enough for security but it is good enough
for file permission and corruption problems and should give you
the same sum on both your system and their system.  But the message
looks more like like a file permissions problem and in that case
even something as simple as sha1sum will also fail with a message
like Permission denied.  If you get that do a:

$ ls -l rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg

That gives the permissions on the file.  Make sure you have
read permissions (you are in the group specified for the
file or read acccess is also given to Other).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: question on decryption with missing passcode

2013-04-17 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/18/2013 12:28 AM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
 On 04/17/2013 06:25 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
 On 04/17/2013 05:05 PM, Beith, Linda wrote:
 Gpg: can't open 'rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg' Gpg:
 decrypt_message filed: file open error
 This message suggests that there is a problem in the filesystem,
 on further reflection, this might also indicate that the file does
 not exist in the location (or with the name) that the operator is
 For example:
 0 dkg@alice:~$ gpg --decrypt does.not.exist.gpg gpg: can't open
 `does.not.exist.gpg' gpg: decrypt_message failed: file open error 2

I think this is no longer a decryption issue.  If all you want
is something about encryption, TAP DELETE NOW!  Encryption is
not even discussed here!

In that case, either sha1sum or file (why not do two things at
once?) gives a more meaningful message:

$ sha1sum  nonexistentfile
sha1sum: nonexistentfile: No such file or directory

$ sha1sum foo
sha1sum: foo: Permission denied
$ ls -l foo
-rw-r- 1 root root 32 2013-04-18 00:08 foo

I just wrote Linda privately since it was no longer an encryption
issue IMO. I hope the leading rwu. does not mean they are
storing everything in one folder.  No IBM main-frame person would
do that and IBM main-frames have ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access
Method).  Almost a million files in one folder (yes I have saw it
stupidly done not once but twice) is not a pretty sight, and if
you have ext4, something like Reiser isn't going to save you.
You still have O(N/2) on average to do anything with files in
that folder (the dir file, not the inodes the various dir entries
point to).  I would give each client their own folder at minimum
and maybe sub-folders.  Things run much quicker that way all the
way around. What was the clue that they are using a one folder
method?  They are removing the older files.  it could be they
are running out of storage space but we have terrabyte disks now
so it is more likely they are having a one folder for all slow
down.  Disks are cheap.  Make /client an NFS mount and squirrel
away the old drives into storage to be replaced by new disks on
the NFS mount.  You could recycle the old disks after a while.
Make the backups resilient to wait for 30 minutes on fail before
trying again while the old disk is umounted and replaced with the
new disk. And I would much rather have the mount device be a hard
/dev/sd# rather than all the other id stuff too.  Have client folder
pre-made and ready to go before the new disk is mounted.  I have
done some of this stuff in my sleep - literally!  A kot of DB
people do it too.

As I read it, they are somehow able to cd into the folder - perm
711 / 751, (please not 755!), but once they get there the file
has the proper permissions (640) and is hopefully owned by owner
rwu and is in group rwu. I would set each user like rwu with a
umask 027 in their shell start up and then assuming files were
stored in something like (it works for me but maybe not for

- alternatively

me$ su -l rwu
rwu$ cd /client/RogerWilliamsUniversity/${RESTOFPATH}
rwu$ sha1sum -b rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg
rwu$ ls -l rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg
# if succes with sha1sum and ls:
rwu$ gpg -d  rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg | tar -xvf -
rwu$ file rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql
rwu$ ls -l rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql

Use of the v in tar optional.  File not there?

rwu$ find  /client/RogerWilliamsUniversity -type f -name \
rwu.dbdump_Nov2012.sql.gz.gpg -print

There again by having their own folder I reduce the work find
has to do by several orders of magnitude.  I also reduce the
work load in normal operations.  I would prefer 2012_11 which
means you could have  folders and if necessary inside the
year folder a MM folder (month in numerics).  That is just one
method to reduce the directory overloaded with too many files.
But all of the methods have the trait of using subfolders (as
many directories as necessary) according to something that is
naturally there in the data / file names.  Like I said, use
/client/rwu/ if that makes more sense and make the real world
name (GECOS field) for user rwu to be Roger Williams University.

I did ask her to respond on the solution.  It may still be an
encryption issue but I doubt it  Oops, I said something about
encryption.  Excusez mow.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Backing up Private Keys

2013-04-15 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/15/2013 09:07 PM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 On 4/15/2013 1:24 AM, Ashley Holman wrote:
 I also have a followup question.  Is it acceptable practice to make a
 paper backup of your private key by exporting it in ascii armored mode
 and printing it onto some paper?  (with a passphrase applied of course).
 Let me apologize in advance for being pedantic.  I understand the
 question that I think you meant to ask, but that's not quite the same as
 the question you asked.  :)
 Whether it is acceptable practice depends largely on your local security
 policy.  I can imagine some installations would disallow this, on the
 grounds that backups are the sole responsibility of system
 administration staff.

I have been a SysAdmin for years and if there is any way I could
make it so that I could exclude .gnupg folders in the home area
I may do that. OTOH, if hackers knew that and used somebody's
.gnupg folder to stash bad stuff then I want a backup but the
OpenPGP keys are really not my concern.  Whether or not the
system is hacked IS my concern.  I have learned to hate sendmail,
wonder why finger was invented, ...  I could care less about
your OpenPGP keys except for maybe restoring them in case you
get them fouled up and have no backup of your own.  I would
advise against ANYTHING on paper except noted below.  But
since they are YOUR OpenPGP keys even if you use them for
company business backing them up is YOUR responsibility, not
mine past a simple file backup. Restoring all of those Engineering
drawings and source code IS  my concern as a SysAdmin even if
you were stupid enough to type rm -fr without a second and
third check before you did it.

But as a sysadmin, I would frown on a paper copy of anything as
being problematical and almost useless for a massive backup
of entire systems.  Paper is also an issue from a security
standpoint as well.  Well I guess Judge Hardcastle found the
paper backups of his court cases handy when his side-kick sat
there ready to destroy all the records on the computer.

I think you people are making this too complicated.  Here is
what I do for the same keys everywhere on four different 32
bit LE operating systems.  If you have mixed 32 / 64 and / or
LE / BE, this will NOT work.  You will be doing exporting and
importing for mixed hardware architectures.  Sorry.

1. I make a backup of the ~./gnupg folder as given below in
step 4 and put them in MY ~/tmp folder.  Alternatively you
can copy them to another folder.  your choice,  But having
a backup of what you have makes blowing away the mess you
have and going back to what worked possible.

2. Do something about ~/.gnupg/random_seed if desired.  There
IS a security issue here.  Maybe you want to back up. create
dummy keys and export / import.  Since I use only two systems
for using the keys to create something ...  now is the time
to backup and go the export / import route.

3. Copy the files recursively from ~/.gnupg to
/win/e/gnupg for the windows side of that machine.  I always
have a FAT32 E: partition for copying files.  Those files and
folders are copied in AS IS.  I have never had proglems.
Mixed 32 / 64 or BE / LE?  Start exporting and importing.  It
is the ONLY way you will get it done.  Remember you need the
trustdb unless you want to import and give trust levels again.

4. zip up a copy using 7zip's AES128 with a sufficent password
for a modicum of protection.  Just remember that they keys
are sitting on your machine with NO extra level of protection
so either physical or network access to them poses a security
risk that actually has one LESS hurdle in the way.

$ cd
$ umask 077  # my other stuff is at 022 - my login umask 077
$ 7za a -p gnupg.7z  ./.gnupg

The only part that may be on paper are the passwords used to
make the zips.  If it is a backup I would store the Flash Drive
it is on in a safe some place.  Your drawer with a gnupg
written on the flash drive with a Sharpie pen is NOT a safety
deposit box.  You think I am kidding.  The FBI stole the
encryption code at one place I worked at.  My encryption
source code for my platform was encrypted and stored on
media that had something like stuff written on them.  I
would also prefer servers that are named with Disney characters
over names that tell what the machine is used for or where it
is at as well.  Good luck on that one as a SysAdmin.  We
MUST name it sdp2 because it is in the Silicon Deposit Process
group and it is their second machine.  Sigh.  There is nothing
like spelling it all out for a hacker.

Make as many copies necessary for the machines / operating
systems you have.  There after you need only the relevant files
that have been changed.  I do the updates of importing keys, et
al on only one machine that has gpg rather than gpg2.  Some day
in the future that will no longer be possible.  At least my
signfile script still works with gpg2 but none of the other
scripts work with gpg2.  Now you know why I use 7-Zip.  I can
make a backup with encryption.

Re: Using smartcard as RNG

2013-04-14 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/14/2013 12:18 AM, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
 On 04/13/2013 11:04 AM, Pete Stephenson wrote:
 [1] [3]

I take it back.  Farther down Aaron's page it DOES say it fills
up /dev/random.  So it IS compatible. I am doing way too many
things at once and it is way past the time I should have
started my long nap.

I can not find where it says whether it is  USB 2.0 or USB 3.0
compatible.  If it is USB 3.0 capable and he is using USB 2.0
that could explain Aaron's slower speeds than what they claim.

The reason for the slow down on filling orders may be the same
as for why it took so long for the first silicon transistors to
be delivered from Fairchild Semiconductor to IBM in a Brillo
box.  There, some of the time they had nothing when the form
was opened other than dirty sand.  I am sure this is better
than that.

But the demand is probably far greater than the supply is, at
least for now.  What I need is something else and it isn't


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Using smartcard as RNG

2013-04-13 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/13/2013 11:04 AM, Pete Stephenson wrote:
 [1] [3]

Are you sure you aren't advertising it?   Using the URL
you supplied, this one has been written about and the link
you are looking for (well, at least one of them) is from
its links:

David Shaw wrote:

The developers of  the entropy key were clever and instead of
making programs write new code to use the key, they made a
program that reads the key and feeds the Linux entropy pool.
Thus, anything that uses /dev/random (like gpg) benefits
without code changes.

Or were you after the argument that despite their best efforts
it isn't as random as hoped?  David Shaw intimates along those
lines with evil.  I would say the self-similarity of Mandelbrot
meaning order is coming out of chaos despite our best efforts to
prevent it.  I don't think the card is some sort of malevolent
creature with a mind of its own.

You should be able to just plug it in and use it with Debian
and Ubuntu after you install the packages for handling it.  For
other Linux distros they have the source code. So from a mechanical
level (meaning no consideration of just how random it is) it works
with very little effort.

Can somebody point to code that can be used for testing how well
it works?  I as going to give my code for making alpha-numeric
hashes for athletic drug samples but it is totally unsuitable.
The labs have been broken into many times so encountering an
alpha-numeric hash rather than a name would foil sample tampering
for physical break-ins in many cases.  I was more concerned with
hash collisions and just used srand() / rand().  WADA would
probably just store the person -- hash pairings in a DB on
their Windows machines unencrypted anyway.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Using smartcard as RNG

2013-04-13 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/14/2013 12:55 AM, Hauke Laging wrote:
 Am So 14.04.2013, 00:18:09 schrieb Henry Hertz Hobbit:
 On 04/13/2013 11:04 AM, Pete Stephenson wrote:

 [1] [3]


 Are you sure you aren't advertising it?
 Would that make sense? I tried to buy one moths ago. Ordered it via their web 
 page (and Google) and never heard of them. Not even when asking what's up.

I am sorry you are having problems getting it but I do NOT
represent the company in any way.  I knew nothing until the
original question was posed.  Aaron Toponce, Werner and others
know MUCH more than I do.  It is also time for them to speak
up and for me to butt out.

The original question doesn't make sense either given how easy
it was for me to find the answer.  Well it is easy for somebody
like me who can find almost anything on the Internet and even
see some of the problems with hashed JS scripts without even
unsalting them.  I also have one of the RealTek SHA1 certs
that was used in Stuxnet.  It passed muster until the keys
were revoked.  What I had was NOT Stuxnet.  I got it from a
middle school in Southern California.  Think about that long
and hard before specifying SHA1 as your first hash choice.

Maybe you are using the wrong search engine or typing something
wrong or accepting their changes.  I just gave entropykey as the
search term to and came up with much better
results than those purportedly bad hosts somebody had.  Here is
one of the links:

I have Aaron's key on my key-ring.  Look up
aaron(GNAT) at MIT's key server and import
his key to see his email addresses.

I suggest using his gmail address.  Anyway, Aaron said he has
purchased five of them.  They do say on the order form page
that it is in high demand right now.  Aaron will more likely
represent Ubuntu rather than  He posted it
on 2012-10-05 if that helps you make sense on why you are
having problems getting yours.  But Aaron says they are NOT
mixing them into /dev/random but have their own /dev/entropykey/
folder and you use the ekeyd daemon which sets up a tty for
each connection there.  That means code changes WOULD nned to
be made for gpg and other applications (and that means it is
time for me to shut up and let Werner and the others write).

What I was referring to in the Benoit Mandelbrot self similarity
was that IBM was using the telephone lines for SNA networking.
Benoit was assigned to find why there was a problem with what
they thought were random glitches in the transmission.  What he
found was it wasn't random at all.  The disturbance periods were
periodical (but not symmetric) and repeating in nature.  Even
worse than that, when you made the time durations either longer
or shorter the very same patterns showed up.  When they say
they are using PN semiconductor junctions referse biased driven
to high enough voltages to be near to but not beyond breakdown
in order to generate noise I begin to get worried.  But without
hard tests by MANY people you have no way of knowing just how
random they are

PS  Don't be surprised if they show up packaged in a Brillo box.
#^)  - Fairchild Semiconductor

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg2 does not ask for pass phrase

2013-04-11 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On 04/10/2013 03:18 PM, Werner Koch wrote:
 please write to and not to the webmaster address.


Right now I am not subscribed and haven't been for years.  It is
just that this is a serious issue where I had no way that I could
easily find to turn off the nasty behavior of my pass-phrase being
supplied with no questions asked even after a reboot for using my
secret key on OpenSuse 11.4.  I am also battling spam that gives
me about 100 to a maximum of a thousand spam messages in my
other email account per day.  Sorry about the failed request so I
can post.  I am busy!  Why OpenSuse 11.4 and Ubuntu 10.04?  I have
gone through no less than twelve installs of various Linux distros
and gave up on the iPad like interfaces and went back to something
that gives me four work spaces with two xterms in each.  That is
no longer nice.  It is MANDATORY!

It is just that all of the advice out there is wrong.  I don't
know whether you are allowing bots to traverse the old mailings
or not, but DuckDuckGo was NOT finding an answer..  It really
needs to be something that is available some place and the web-site
is authoritative.  Since Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have a PIN entry
panel it is not an issue there.

This URL while safe won't harm you:

It won't help you either.  It seems that gpg2 on OpenSuse 11.4 does
NOT use the ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file even after you uncomment
this line in the ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file:

# use-agent

Since I do not have an  ~/.xinitrc file some of this advice will
kill more than just your GnuPG encryption:

You will never be able to login again!  Well, since I also have
a clamav user and clamav group I could login as clamav, su to
to root (sudo su -l root for debianesque) and do a

# rm /home/ME/.xinitrc

Then ^D ^D, logout.

Now I can login.  But I still had a problem.  My GnuPG
pass-phrase was still being supplied with no questions asked.
I didn't notice or change anything in the pinentry panel which
I was able to use only the first time.  Ever since then the
pass-phrase was magically supplied and there was no way for
me to set it to ask for it in the man pages or elsewhere because
the pinentry panel never appeared again.

Here is how you get it to ask for your GnuPG pass-phrase again
(and it is at that second URL):

echo test | gpg -ase -r 0xMYKEYID | gpg

But you do NOT have to do anything other than that.  Make sure
you set it to something reasonable like ask for it every time
or a time-out before asking for it again.  Never ask for the
GnuPG pass-phrase ever again?  Sheesh!  I may understand that
on a smart-phone but not a desk-top system.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Compression routines - please include 7-Zip

2007-08-20 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit

Für die Unterzeichnung danke.  This is amazing for somebody whose
father was run out of nothern Mexico (Me-hico) by Pancho Villa's

I have been using the 7-Zip compression long enough to give Igor
Pavlov the nod he has longed for.  Bzip2 is good. 7-Zip is better.
If you want to know how much better I will I give you the install
for our PAC filter in 7-Zip.  Reply out of group and I will give
you the goods.  It works in both Anglais  (Etas-Unis) and Français.
It is so blisteringly fast that it is time to give credit where
credit is due.  I had it updating our (my?) PAC filter.  Even with
copying the executable for 7zip.exe on Windows it is so blisteringly
fast I can't believe it.  I am used to the forty years that Microsoft
takes.  When it is done almost instantaneously (the word comes from
Latin to Français to Anglais) it shocked me!  What I need is more
security for the sig downloads to guarantee that things are okay
(email me for the script that will be available in a few hours).

Tell Richard Stallman to stop toking up long enough so that we can
discuss this and head it in the right direction.  Other than the
fact that 7-Zip does not store the UID/GID it is the best
compression algorithm out there.  It is only marginally better than
BZIP2 but it is infinitely better than ZIP or RAR.  If we can adopt
it as a standard in OpenPGP it may be all that is needed to go to the
next level. Why go half-way when you can go all the way?  The UID/GID
problem has no meaning in email anyway.

What I am begging for is people to make the install of 7-Zip not
optional but mandatory.  In the past month I told somebody to stuff
it because they refused to use it on Windows.  It was the best thing
that happened in my life.  I have a French speaking friend who is
infinitely better than all of my English speaking friends.

Thanks for listening.  I am too tired right now.  I have to take a


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Windows / Linux encoding issues

2007-07-30 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Sacha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've created my key pair using WinPT under Windows 2000. I used special
 characters (like ?, ?, ?, ?, etcetera) in my passphrase.
 Since a hard drive crash, I've installed Gentoo Linux on the computer
 and I can not found my Windows 2000 installation CD. I've successfully
 imported my private key in GnuPG from a backup, but when  I type my
 passphrase, GnuPG says that it's a bad passphrase.
 My idea is that there is a charset encoding issue, because under Linux I
 have UTF-8 in my X server and ISO-859-1 in the console. And what under
 Windows 2000 used is, I really don't know (Windows-1252 ? perhaps...).
 Can you suggest me something to find the right passphrase ?
 Thank you - very much.

Find somebody who has Windows system similar to what you had that
will let you use it, install GnuPG on it and import your keys on
to it.  If your keys work there (do a simple test with a file or
something), then change the password on your keys on that platform
to something much simpler with just ASCII characters (subset of
ISO-859-1).  I haven't used WinPT for a long while so if you can't
change the passwd in WinPT you will have to do a gpg --edit-key
and then passwd in a cmd.exe. BTW, I just COPY the pubring.gpg,
secring.gpg, and trustdb.gpg files as long as the chip is the
same, e.g., 32 bit Wintel - 32 bit Wintel. It doesn't matter what
the OS is. I don't know how you backed up your keys though.

Did Windows-1252 precede ISO-859-1 like MacRoman?  I have a feeling
it did which of course doesn't help you.

Do you want to throw in EBCDIC to make matters worse?  Hope that
helps, but ...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg2 for windows?

2007-07-18 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 00:08 +0200, Werner Koch wrote:

 On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 00:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Are there any plans to provide a gpg2 installer for windows?
  as i am not interested in using the gpg4win package.

Nevertheless, use it.  It is what they are standardizing on and
you can pick and choose what you want.  I have no problems with
them doing it this way either.  Now that they have done it you
can go to GnuPG2 on Windows.  That makes me a happy camper!  Or
you can stay with 1.4.X.  It is your choice.  I think you are
demanding too much of the GnuPG team (no, I don't have anything
to do with the effort).  But until you really look at the
gpg4win package you don't know what you are missing.

 Actually gpg4win 1.1.1 already features gnupg2.  However it is at this
 point not very usabable some command line actions do work but there are
 quite some bugs.
 We are working on this, yesterday I achieved to sent the first S/MIME
 mail using Claws and gnupg2.  Stay tuned.

All ears 8^).

  In particular, does anyone know why the gpg4win gpg builds
  does not come with bzip2 support?
 Because it is an optional part of OpenPGP and iirc even PGP does not
 support bzip2.  I'll see whether we can include it into the gpg4win

I would say it a little differently than that Werner.  bzip2 is NOT part
of Windows.  It sounds to me like you are asking for the world.  Which
ZIP add on program do you want the GnuPG team to standardize on?  On
the 'nix systems they just call bzip2 natively via pipes.  On Windows
that becomes a problem with anything other than ZIP, because everything
else is an add-on.  In other words, yes they could demand that you use

In that case, they may be able to handle it, but ONLY if Windows were
as polite as the 'nix machines are in piping (you sometimes run into
problems).  But people will use WinZip or a dozen other utilities
instead, or nothing at all.  That means that the GnuPG team are
responsible for bzipping on their own.  Does that help you
to understand some of the problems?  That is why for a long time
I listed bzip2 as the last resort, and ZIP first.  But the way
Windows implemented the ZIP was to transparently allow users to
see into a ZIP file, thus infecting people's computers.

In short, to Werner and the others - THANKS FOR GPG2 on MS WINDOWS!


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg2 for windows?

2007-07-18 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 12:41 -0600, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 00:08 +0200, Werner Koch wrote:

 I would say it a little differently than that Werner.  bzip2 is NOT part
 of Windows.  It sounds to me like you are asking for the world.  Which
 ZIP add on program do you want the GnuPG team to standardize on?  On
 the 'nix systems they just call bzip2 natively via pipes.  On Windows
 that becomes a problem with anything other than ZIP, because everything
 else is an add-on.  In other words, yes they could demand that you use

Or they use the libraries.  Either way, it is there natively on 'nix
systems.  What I am trying to tell you is that bzip2 is NOT there
natively on Windows.  Oh yes, the 7-Zip produces a substantial more
amount of compression than bzip2.

$ 7z a OutBox.7z ./OutBox 
$ tar -cjf OutBox.tbz ./OutBox
$ chmod 644 OutBox.7z 
$ ls -l OutBox.*
-rw-r--r--  1 hhhobbit hhhobbit 6916234 Jul 18 13:10 OutBox.7z
-rw-r--r--  1 hhhobbit hhhobbit 9947335 Jul 18 13:11 OutBox.tbz

Need I say more?  I have shifted to 7-zip when I can. It is too
bad they didn't add enough information for UID:GID in 7-zip.  The
way around it is to tar first and pipe that to 7z. That isn't bad
for an algorithm that was created on Windows.  Keep that in mind

But be sympathetic to the GnuPG team (all of them).  They are
working their little hearts for us and I for one MUST say ...



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: decrypting many files to stdout

2007-06-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA512

Crest wrote:

 Ken Takusagawa wrote:
 I have many files that are all encrypted with the same public key, and
 the private key is protected with a passphrase.  Is there a way that I
 can decrypt all of them at once, concatenate the results and print it
 all to standard output but only have to type my passphrase once?  I'd
 like to avoid having the decrypted files be written to disk, i.e., I'd
 like -d behavior but with multiple files.
 man gpg # and search for --command-fd


I did, and tried to use the --multifile before that.  When I looked for
command-fd in the doc/DETAILS as promised by the man page it wasn't
there.  A search for how to use it on Google wasn't all that useful
either. Now the following code will get you part way towards where
you want to go (maybe).  It is also available here (with srm code):

For now they are signed with public key 5BA96FAC. Here is the script:


# What this script does is decrypt multiple publicly
# encrypted files and concatenate all the files together
# into one file. Optionally, you can print the file. The
# order in which the files are in the output file is set
# by where you put them in the cryptfiles file list.
# There are so many things wrong with this shell script from a
# security standpoint that I will not claim it.  That holds for
# who ever I am.  Will somebody provide a better shell script
# please?
# The /bin/sh designator does not always mean you are using the
# Bourne shell. Most Linux systems do not have the Bourne shell
# becuase all they have is BASH.  Just make sure you don't have
# any history going out of here.

if test $# -eq 0
   echo usage: OUTPUT_FILE_NAME


if [ ! -s cryptfiles ]
   echo put crypted files in a list in files cryptfiles
   echo with one file per line and make sure they are in
   echo the order you want them in.
   exit 1


echo -n  what is the passphrase:\ \

cat cryptfiles | while read FILE
   if [ -s ${FILE} ]
  gpg --list-packets --list-only ${FILE}  testforkey
  if grep -iq pubkey testforkey
 echo adding file ${FILE} to the ${OUTPUTFILE} file
 gpg  -q -d --passphrase ${PASSPHRASE}  ${FILE} \
${OUTPUT_FILE} 2 /dev/null
 echo file ${FILE} may not bea valid OpenPGP file
 echo skipping it
  echo file ${FILE} either does not exist or is empty
  echo skipping it
   rm -f testforkey


# Uncomment the following and substitute your commands to print
# the file and then securely remove the file

# if lp -q 100 ${OUTPUTFILE}
# then
#sleep 60
# fi



So what is wrong with it?

1. It is dangerous.
   - your secret pass-phrase is in a SHELL variable!?
   - worries about history - where has the Bourne shell gone?
   - pass-phrase is visible; use LCD; if you must use CRT do it
 so nobody can read it with RF sensors; make sure nobody is
 looking over your shoulder.
   - etcetera, etcetera, etcetera - you fill em in
2. It is inefficient.
   - cat cryptfiles | while read FILE ...
   - gpg  -q -d --passphrase ${PASSPHRASE}  ${FILE} \
  output 2 /dev/null
   - etcetera
3. It only gets you part way there.  Ken wanted it to go to the
   printer, not a file.  Yes, he can print the file and use srm
   on it to securely remove it but what if somebody hacks in or
   is in from the internet and steals the file in the process?

So what is right with it?

1. You only type the pass-phrase once.  Repetition of key things
   kills you - look at history.  At least  we aren't repeating
   the typing of our secret pass-phrase.
2. Modify the script to decrypt multiple files into separate
   files as they come in from remote sites.  At least the
   sending is sort of automated by automatic encryption on
   the sending end.
4. IT WORKS!  Well, sorta ...

Now if you can flesh in the details on how to use command-fd
or command-file options we are all ears.  This script is NOT
what Ken is looking for.  But maybe, just maybe, it will give
him some ideas.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


FireGPG Report

2007-06-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA512


Here is the information on FireGPG which primarily does
INLINE rather than OpenPGP/MIME encryption and signing:

FireGPG works well for  INLINE encrypting and decrypting.
You can use FireGPG to send / receive GnuPG encrypted
messages.  Further, despite them focusing on using
GMail it, FireGPG will also work in sending and receiving
encrypted messages with AOL / Netscape, HotMail, and Yahoo
WebMail services.  Read on ONLY if you want to help with
the Signing (also INLINE) which has problems.

I have done some extensive testing of FireGPG.  Here are the
results of the tests (the files will be there until the end
of the present month):

SHA1 sums of files:
- ---

Basically, I had no ends of grief in signing.  That was both
in sending and verifying.  I was using FireGPG 0.3.3 to do
the tests.  The commands used to do the signing in
are the same as they were in 0.3.3.  The main changes from
0.3.3. to are localization. I can't see anything that
they are doing wrong. Here is the main portion of the signing

putIntoFile(tmpPASS, password); // DON'T MOVE THIS LINE !
try { runCommand(tmpRun,
   '' + this.getGPGCommand() + '' ++ tmpStdOut +
--quiet --no-tty --no-verbose --status-fd 1 --armor --batch +
--default-key  + keyID +
--output  + tmpOutput +
--passphrase-file  + tmpPASS +  +
   getGPGCommentArgument() + getGPGAgentArgument() +
--clearsign  + tmpInput); } catch (e) { }
removeFile(tmpPASS);  // DON'T MOVE THIS LINE !

You can find the plugin on 'nix with:

$ find ~/.mozilla/firefox -type f -name firegpg.jar -print

After you copy the file some place else and unzip it using unzip
or your choice of zip program, the files containing the commands

content/cgpglin.js  Linux / Unix  (all tests done w. Linux)
content/cgpgwin.js  Windows

I don't like closed sections so, I changed the VIM directives
at the end of the file using MicroEMACS to:

// vim:ai:sw=4:ts=4:

Your mileage will vary, and if you don't use VIM, it won't
matter.  After that change in all the files I used vim to look
at the files.

The baseline was Thunderbird where all messages signed in
Thunderbird verified in Thunderbird, and all messages encrypted
in Thunderbird decrypted in Thunderbird.

In all WebMail services signing, verifying, encrypting and
decrypting, were always done by selecting the text and then
doing a ^C despite X copying automatically.  But it seemed
to make no difference whether I did that or not.

SIGNING /VERIFYING can only be INLINE. But the results are all
over the wall and you can't trust them! The snatching of the text
is fine, but I suspect that after the message is signed, the webmail
mucks around with the spacing characters or plays around with
some hidden characters.  But if it was hidden characters I could
never see them in the file after saving from Evolution which makes
no attempt to interpret INLINE signed or encrypted messages or other
strange extended characters. All of my tests were done with line
lengths of approximately 64 characters to make sure I didn't have
forced wraps, but I think I got a few of them anyway, primarily with
HotMail. I don't think there is anything that they can do about
the signing failure but if the rest of you can look at the code
maybe you can deduce what is going wrong.  I couldn't deduce a pattern
of when it worked and when it failed for me to try to zero in on what
was going wrong.  It was extremely exasperating to get one result on
the command line and a different one in the WebMail or Thunderbird
I saved the message from.  I shifted to SHA1 for some additional
tests with signing and it made NO DIFFERENCE.  Results were still
all over the wall.  I didn't save those tests.

ENCRYPTION is INLINE but it ALWAYS worked for me!  If you are using
Mac's Mail App, Evolution, or some other mail client that only
understands OpenPGP/MIME encryption, then you will have to save
the message to a file and decrypt it manually.  I was able to get
FireGPG to decrypt on OpenPGP/MIME encrypted message from Thunderbird
but it only did it once so I would stick with INLINE.

WARNINGS:  Always be sure to clean your buffer cache after using
FireGPG.  Do a Tools - Clear Private Data in both closing the
browser and the next time you open the browser. The authors are
native French speakers (one lives in Morocco) so if you want to
converse with them individually by all means shift to Francais
and they will appreciate it and you will get much faster results


Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - 

Re: RSA 4096 ridiculous?

2007-06-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA512

Werner Koch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The sign operation is of course far slower: A single sign operation
 takes 0.28 seconds on my 1500Mhz Pentium M.  Given that this is the same
 time as for a decrypt operation, this will be noticable if you receive a
 mail encrypted to several hidden keys (--throw-keyid) and you need to do
 trial decryptions.


First, thanks for the stats.  What may be suitable for me may be
totally impractical for somebody sending backup files that are
signed and encrypted on the sending machine, then sent across a
network where they are automatically verified by the receiving
machine.  At least now people have some hard numbers to make
reasonable decisions for keys that meet their own needs.  THANK

PLEASE DEFINE NOTICEABLE!  If it is still only 0.xx ... 2 seconds for
your stated conditions which is multiple users with the sender using
- --throw-keyid (which I don't use) that is acceptable to me. I wait
much longer than that for the POP server to start giving me the files
anyway.  Also, even though I type extremely fast my pass-phrases are
inordinately long and rather complex which requires a fair amount of
time for me to type them.  In other words, it may take me far longer
to type the pass-phrase than it does to decrypt or decrypt + verify
all of the encrypted messages.  The primary purpose for these keys
I am going to create is to sign just a few files only a few times
per week or month anyway.

It appears 4096R isn't as awful as some people thought it was.  And
computers are just going to keep getting faster.  That includes PDAs.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Re: RSA 4096 ridiculous?

2007-06-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Ryan Malayter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/19/07, Henry Hertz Hobbit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 than it took me to tar it. It also takes me much less time to
 encrypt the tarred file than it takes to do the final bzip2 of the
 encrypted file.

 Huh? Why would you try to use bzip2 AFTER encrypting?
 Strongly-encrypted data is not compressible. And GnuPG uses gzip
 compression by default *before* encryption anyway.

I gave you the false impression I am doing it.  gpg is the one
that is calling bzip2.  If you say it calling bzip2 first and then
encrypting, I will take your word for it, but I assumed the
compression would be done last.

Generally speaking for small stuff I do use -a, but for this stuff
I don't:

76007185 Jun 12 13:35 Quarantine.tar.gpg

And in this case the encryption isn't so much for protecting the
data from the prying eyes of others as it is for protecting other
people from the data contained therein.  It is all BAD; mostly


Gnupg-users mailing list

Compression before encryption is best

2007-06-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit

That was a bad example to give you, and I DID use public encryption
given what was in the file to give it a little greater protection.
But because it contains all binary files, you don't get much from
compression anyway.  I must hasten to add for the files that are
in the Quarantine folder that I always add a .ck extension for
files I THINK are bad (after analysis), and a .BAD extension
if my decision has been confirmed by at least one AntiVirus
company. By extension changes I mean: -
ReallyBad.exe  - ReallyBad.exe.BAD

But since I had to change the order of compression on my key
to put bzip2 first, to me it was manual.  Frequently I use
just symmetric encryption with the -a flag in a script. I
had some problems doing it without the flag (can't remember
what it was) so I left the script that way. I should probably
modify the script to give a choice. Depending on how big the
file is, I may or may not use the script.  Usually I am in such
a hurry I end up using the script.  I did a short test using
symmetric encryption (AES), and my key set to do NO compression
(my default, and it should have nothing to do with symmetric
encryption). Here are the results of the test (you should be
able to deduce what the other files are from the comments):

1154945   Hosts.tar.bz2.gpg bzipped, then encrypted
1157556   Hosts.tar.bz2
1390758   Hosts.tar.gz.gpg
1390807   Hosts.tar.gz
1407485   Hosts.tar.gpg encrypted ONLY
1407732   Hosts.tar.gpg.gz
1414045   Hosts.tar.gpg.bz2 encrypted, then bzipped
640   Hosts.tar
(using -a option)
1906066   Hosts.tar.asc
1446067   Hosts.tar.asc.bz2

If you aren't using the -a option, you should NOT attempt to
compress it after you have encrypted it because it just makes
the file size LARGER!  This is altered if you do an --armor
as you noted, and my scripts are set to do -a encryption
right now.  Since the size difference was only marginally
larger for the *.asc file I figured I would just bzip2 the
file after it was encrypted.  When I am in a hurry it is easier
to use script and then bzip2, but it is NOT the smallest file.
That file is the one that bzipped, and then encrypted without
the -a option.

Encryption does some compression. It reduced the size of all the
compressed files, and the size of the TAR file considerably whether
you use -a option or not.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: RSA 4096 ridiculous? (was RSA 1024 ridiculous)

2007-06-20 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Snoken wrote:
 Interoperability with PGP 8 matters too.
 Signatures made with RSA 4096-keys (or shorter) and SHA256 can be
 verified by users of PGP 8.
 N.B. Not any other new hashes!
 Please note the option: --pgp8

What I was trying to do was bring a real world perspective to
this question. Are you using PGP 8?  Do you know anybody who
is using PGP 8?
(personally, I think they should close the web pages down,
 I get all the history I need on the History channel on TV)

Since PGP 8 was released in December 2002 and nothing has been
done with it for 4-1/2 years now, it is getting pretty long in
tooth.  PGP Corporation is up to at least PGP 10.x the last time
I checked (last year).  I would advise people using software that
is that old (PGP 8) to update to newer stuff. Whether they drag
the keys they created with PGP 8 along with them is up to them.
I haven't had any problems with building GnuPG 1.4.x for either
FreeBSD or OpenBSD. It of course works with all versions of
Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. I won't discuss the GnuPG 2.0.X
line since it hasn't been built for Windows yet.  Most of the
people using my SIGS to verify that what I have provided is
kosher will be using Microsoft Windows. They will outnumber
Linux users by a factor of at least 4:1.  They will also take
the GnuPG defaults (with a key that lasts forever - how
optimistic). There will be a smattering of Mac and other OS
users.  But they will *ALL* be working from a desktop system.
They may have a PDA, but that is a secondary platform for them.

Werner cautioned that a key size this large (4096R) causes
severe problems with PDAs with limited CPU power and a large
number of signatures on each key. I have absolutely no reason
to doubt his statements and accept them as true.  I don't see
my keys being used with either of those constraints.  What I
am providing is for end user desktop systems and I cannot
foresee these keys which will be part of the WOT as having more
than just a few sigs. Most of the people using what I am
providing have even more powerful machines than I have. You see,
I gave you the actual stuff that is going to be signed - a
blocking hosts file and PAC filter that blocks broad swaths of
the Internet. I am still working on the Ad filtering stuff.
Most web sites that can detect AdBlock Plus in Firefox still
can't detect the presence of a PAC filter. These keys are NOT
the keys that are used with this email account (still 1024 bit
DSA for at least a year and I see no valid reason to change
it - it works well).

Caution and experience teaches me that you never know for
sure how something will end up being used.  Just because it
is technically feasible to use a 4096 bit RSA key doesn't
mean it is the optimal choice.  Each person's choice has to
be tailored to how they and *OTHERS* will use that key. Keep
the *OTHERS* in mind when you make your choices. We have
already established that 1024 bit RSA keys still have a few years
of TECHNICAL life left in them (which should also hold true for
DSA keys as well).  But CPUs just keep getting faster (even on
PDAs - where did the Hobbit chip go?), and I don't foresee anybody
using my keys on a PDA.  If they do, at least they won't have a
lot of sigs on that particular key.  I worked on the nascent PDAs
with the PenPoint OS. The hand writing recognition I worked on
was infinitely superior to what exists now if you ask me. But
for the life of me I can't understand somebody using these keys
on that limited of a platform.  If they do, it will only be for
one or two questions to me and answers from me and after that
they will just delete my key on their PDA.  That has been my
experience up to now and I see no reason for it to change. In
other words, I don't foresee anybody other than desktop platform
users who will be using this key (it does NOT replace my present
key). But that sig will be infinitely better than a check sum
that anybody can change. At this point I am still leaning toward
the maximum which may be seen as a minimum eight years from now.
I am always looking toward the future.  I also want something
that people can't even question from a technical perspective.
Keep that last statement in mind. If I have to, I will remove
keys entirely (secure remove written by myself) for tricky
operations with bad hosts on the Internet And don't think for
one minute that Linux systems are secure from all Internet
for Mac OS-X and *BSD as well.

Why hack in when you can drive in on Hwys. 80, 110, 194, 220, 443, 993,
994  995?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

RSA 4096 ridiculous? (was RSA 1024 ridiculous)

2007-06-19 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Janusz A. Urbanowicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 01:02:58PM -0500, Andrew Berg wrote:
  Atom Smasher wrote:
   gpg does support RSA-2048/SHA-256 (or even RSA-4096/SHA-512)
   which  is what i've been using for a while now. i'll sign
   this email with RSA-2048/SHA-256 (my default on this key)
   just to show what it looks like. it's a big signature block,
   but not ridiculous and on a reasonably powerful computer
   it's hardly a noticeable delay to work with such keys.
  Try signing/encrypting files that are tens, hundreds, or thousands
  of megabytes in size. Sure, your average machine can sign/encrypt
  messages that don't even fill a cluster without breaking a sweat,
  but if the sensitive data is large, RSA-4096 isn't a good choice
  unless a gov't agency wants that data.

 Erm... when you use OpenPGP, or really any other modern crypto
 protocol, you don't put actual plaintext through RSA, RSA operates
 only on a hash or random session key for symmetric cipher.y

Let's put some actual sizes and times on this in a real world
situation.  BTW, I am in total agreement that 1024 bit keys will
be useful for at least a few more years whether they are DSA or
RSA.  It is more likely a crack will come from bad pass-phrases
or key loggers stealing good pass-phrases and stolen secret keys
than from shorter key sizes.

Responding most specifically to Andrew's objections, what is wrong
with 4096 bit RSA keys?  If they are so awful, then why does GnuPG
allow us to generate them? The default for RSA keys in both GnuPG
and PGP is 2048 bits anyway.  I created a temporary 4096 bit RSA
key and compared it to my present 1024 bit DSA key for detached
signing of moderately sized files which in addition to signed
email messages is all I need it for anyway. I have no need to sign
huge files.  On other hand, I occasionally need to encrypt huge
files, and even though I use something like TWOFISH or AES-256 for
the symmetric cipher, it takes me less time to encrypt the file
than it took me to tar it. It also takes me much less time to
encrypt the tarred file than it takes to do the final bzip2 of the
encrypted file.  But the real killer is the uploading of my file
to an Internet file storage server. That seems to take forever!
Download speed is significantly faster. But other than the slightly
longer time it took to create the RSA key, I didn't notice it took
any longer to sign the files and here are the actual sizes. I copied
the *.sig files to the extension names indicating which key was used
to sign it, but cp'd that to  $FILENAME.sig for the verifications:

109238  hosts.min
65  hosts.min.1024D
   536  hosts.min.4096R

535610  hosts
65  hosts.1024D
   536  hosts.4096R

 35435  proxy.txt
65  proxy.txt.1024D
   536  proxy.txt.4096R

Here are the preferences on that RSA key:

Command showpref
[ultimate] (1). Bogus User [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cipher: TWOFISH, AES256, AES192, AES, CAST5, 3DES
 Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA1
 Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
 Features: MDC, Keyserver no-modify

It took me infinitely longer to type the pass-phrase for the signing
than it took to actually create the sigs which seemed to be almost
instantaneous. Timing the signing is sort of ridiculous unless I used
keys without pass-phrases.  Here is the difference in the times of
verifying the file with both sigs (and I don't have a super fast
machine - the CPU is over three years old):

# 1024 BIT DSA KEY

$ time gpg --verify hosts.sig
gpg: Good signature from Henry Hertz Hobbit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sys 0m0.003s

$ time gpg --verify proxy.txt.sig
gpg: Good signature from Henry Hertz Hobbit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sys 0m0.004s

# 4096 BIT RSA KEY

$ time gpg --verify hosts.sig
gpg: Good signature from Bogus User [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sys 0m0.003s

$ time gpg --verify proxy.txt.sig
gpg: Good signature from Bogus User [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sys 0m0.006s

From a user perspective, the time difference for verifying is
the same for both keys and in this case it is almost instantaneous.
The shortest file used in these test is longer than most email
messages unless you have lots of attachments. Although the signature
file is bigger for the 4096 bit RSA key (~ 8.25 times the size of
the 1024 bit DSA key) it is constant in size and 536 bytes isn't
unreasonable even if the message is only a few lines.  After all,
it verified the message, didn't it?  536 bytes to do that is a
small price to pay.  It is nice to do it with less, but that
size becomes more reasonable the bigger the message or file

So the only relevant question as I see it is, can the Crypto Card
and other users handle my 4096 bit RSA sigs?  If they can't then
I will have some problems, won't I?  Correct me if I am wrong, but I
don't think I will have any problems with Crypto Card users

Re: Revoke and expire

2007-06-13 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
David Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 10:24:23PM +0530, Hardeep Singh wrote:

 When a key is revoked using the revocation certificate, does it have
 the same effect as reaching the expiry date of the key? In other words
 if I set a key to no expire but generate a revocation certificate, it
 is equally safe?
 They're similar, but different.  A key that has reached its expiration
 date is not usable, but a new expiration date can be put on it that
 makes the key usable again.  A key that has been revoked cannot be
 easily un-revoked.
 Note that I'm talking about whole keys here.  It is possible to
 un-revoke a revoked user ID on a key.

How do you unrevoke a key, especially if it is on the keyservers?
I can think of making a backup of the key, revoking it and then
sending the revocation to the keyservers, then unpacking the non-
revoked folder, extending the date, and squirreling that away in
some safe deposit box just in case I need it some time in the future.
Once you are pretty sure you will never need it again you can destroy
the backup.  But that means it is only unrevoked for myself. Was
that what you meant?

But more to the point, what would most people prefer for somebody
else to do when they no longer intend to use a key, especially if
it is on the keyservers - allow it to expire or revoke it with
some message like key deprecated?  This is more along the line
of human usability and preferences, not technical.  I am assuming
from what has been said that most people want the key revoked,
rather than just allowing it to elapse and expire like Johannes
Ullrich does. Any opinions?

Why hack in when you can drive in on Hwys. 80, 110, 194, 220, 443, 993,
994  995?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: setting expiration dates

2007-06-06 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Hash: SHA512

Joseph Oreste Bruni wrote:

 This is interesting: After changing my encryption subkey's expiration  
 by a few days (from 2008-02-07 to 2008-01-01), I tried to upload the  
 updated key to the PGP Global Directory (  
 It complained that my key had expired, but it hasn't. Submitting the  
 key to the SKS key servers (hkp:// didn't  
 have a problem. My key ID is CD5518C7 if you want to look at it.

I think PGP Global Directory is complaining that the pub key
your sub key is attached to is expired. If it is working by allowing
people to encrypt to you, maybe these are those new changes WK said
have been made. Here is the key I got from PGP Global Directory for
your KEYID after I imported it:

pub   2048R/CD5518C7 2005-02-17
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni jbruni_FRAT_mac_com
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij_GNAT_earthlink_net
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni joe.bruni_ATBAT_bestwestern_com
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij_NOSPACE_bestwestern_com
uid   [jpeg image of size 1173]
sub   2048R/EEA4EC97 2007-01-31 [expires: 2008-01-31]

Well, the email addresses were changed by moe, but you get the
idea.  Your pub key IS expired!  Assuming you still have the same
email address you used when you gave them (PGP) the key, you can
just have them remove your key with the following page:

PGP Global Directory doesn't work like the other key servers by
giving you the ability to delete your keys (breaks WOT, but ...).
Having just said the foregoing, here is how your key came down
from (HKP):

pub   2048R/CD5518C7 2005-02-17
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni jbruni_FRAT_mac_com
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij_GNAT_earthlink_net
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni joe.bruni_ATBAT_bestwestern_com
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij_NOSPACE_bestwestern_com
uid   [jpeg image of size 1173]

Hmm, where is the sub key? And here is how it comes down from
the Penguin (X-HKP) in Germany:

pub   2048R/CD5518C7 2005-02-17
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni jbruni_FRAT_mac_com
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij_GNAT_earthlink_net
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni joe.bruni_ATBAT_bestwestern_com
uid   Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij_NOSPACE_bestwestern_com
uid   [jpeg image of size 1173]
sub   2048R/EEA4EC97 2007-01-31 [expires: 2008-01-01]

Please do the following as a test for me with the key you
have now (a # indicates a comment):

$ gpg --edit-key CD5518C7
Command expire
# change the expire date of your pub key to match your
# sub key or at least so it is NOT expired
$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys CD5518C7
$ gpg --keyserver x-hkp:// \
  --send-keys CD5518C7

If desired, after you have deleted your key from the PGP
Global Directory, you can also submit it to them again. Let
me know if you do any of this and I will do the tests again.
Next time I will be FAR shorter in my reply (will just show
any changes from what I have here depending on what you have

You will have to ask the others if having a pub key that is
expired on the key servers is a good idea or even if it is
possible - I don't think it is possible but don't know for
sure.  I was able to sign your key but have NO idea what that
means.  What good does it do to sign an expired key?  My
OPINION is to either say goodbye to the pub key and all the
sub-keys, or keep them ALL freshened up on their expire
date so people know that the key is still good. I normally
interpret a pub key that is expired as having an implicit
meaning that it is no longer used and the person has replaced
that key with a newer key.  So if I intend to keep using a key,
I change the expire dates for the pub key and all sub-keys at
least one month before any of them expire for the desired period
I want to keep them - lots of options to consider, like revoking
your present sub-key and adding a new sub-key, when the expire
date for each key is, etc.  Then I upload my pub key to at least
two keyservers again if if was on the keyservers.

No reply from you means you don't want me to do the tests
and didn't make any changes. If you do the changes, let me
know when you have done it with a Bcc: to me.  I only read
the Digest. Sometimes it goes days before I get a new
bundle of messages.  Sometimes I don't seem to get them at
all, but maybe they fell through the cracks.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg and cron

2007-06-04 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Peter S. May wrote:

 Arsha Bertie wrote:
 i have been trying to run a script which encrypts and transfers files
 between 2 branches, i am using gpg for encryption, i have written a bash
 script and the script is working perfectly fine, but when i run it off a
 cron it doesnt want to work. 
 Are you also testing the command manually as root?  If not, you'll
 probably want to run the task from your own user instead (you can edit
 your own user's cron tasks by doing crontab -e).
 30 * * * * root /backup/  /tmp/ab.log

 Thr log file /tmp/ab.log is created after the cron executes but it is an
 If you're trying to get the errors, you need to redirect stderr (i.e.
 2), not stdout (i.e., ).  Try:
 /backup/ 2 /tmp/ab.log
 Good fortune

I am sorry I didn't see this earlier.  I would have answered it
individually.  cron frequently gives your shell script a very
abbreviated PATH since almost nothing is sourced.  In fact it is
so abbreviated that on some systems it is only /bin and /usr/bin.
It varies depending on the system you are on and which shell you
are using. First try a script via cron:



rm -f /tmp/cron.log
touch /tmp/cron.kog
echo default cron PATH is  /tmp/cron.log 21
echo $PATH   /tmp/cron.log 21
echo  /tmp/cron.log 21

# just make sure the gpg version you are using is in the PATH first
PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH}:/usr/local/sbin ; export PATH
echo enhanced cron PATH is  /tmp/cron.log 21
echo $PATH   /tmp/cron.log 21
echo  /tmp/cron.log 21

echo GPG version  /tmp/cron.log 21
gpg --version  /tmp/cron.log 21



The BASH you have may or may not do the history in the way I
mentioned but you probably don't want a history of the encryption
taking place even if you are encrypting to secret key and thus
don't need a password (the history MAY not be advisable, but the
password NOT being in the script IS advisable).

You can get a good idea of what to put where with a:

$ echo $PATH

Rather than adding as I did above, I SET the path in the script
so I know exactly what I have.  I also frequently specify the
path of the shell (in case you forget to give the file the
proper perms):

30 * * * * /bin/sh  /backup/  /tmp/ab.log 21

I don't know what the root is doing there.  If you want it to be
run by root, then login as root and do a crontab -e to enter the
information (be sure to set EDITOR to the editor of your choice).
Are you sure you want this done every 30 minutes? It seems like
something you would want done every 24 hours, and if that was done
at 3:30 every morning the line would be:

30 3 * * * /bin/sh  /backup/  /tmp/ab.log 21
0,15,30,45 * * * * /bin/sh  /backup/  \
/tmp/testgpgpath.log 21

Don't forget to remove the testgpgpath.  The other thing is that
root usually doesn't have keys, but just copying the ones you
want to /root/.gnupg makes that possible.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Can't run GPG --recv-keys under Windows Vista.

2007-05-29 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit

This seems to be going out of the realm of GnuPG.  What I was attempting
to point out was the problems may be far deeper than just the internal
code changes you have already made in GnuPG. I hope the new install
program of both GnuPG and GPG4Win have that patch in place - most
Windows users don't have development systems. I assumed the patches
were in place, which makes the initial question that started all
this even more baffling.  If they were using the patched version of
GnuPG, then why are they still having problems?

Firefox and many other programs had to be recompiled for Vista and
in addition to the reasons you have found (code changes), here are
the reasons why the other programs had to be remade.  The major reason
is that the new Vista programs needed that expensive certification
from Microsoft. You will also have to replace almost all of the
programs you use when you move to Vista for these same reasons.
In other words, the problem is not just peculiar to GnuPG. Here are
some of the reasons for the why software that used to run on
Windows won't run on Vista:

1. Vista considers the %ProgramFiles% area as semi-protected.  Since
   GnuPG is installing into this area, it is a reason for concern.
   Even such programs as Firefox couldn't be installed on Vista for
   a while.  The reason why it is only semi-protected is because if
   it is fully protected, it causes problems for anti-virus,
   anti-spyware, firewalls, and other security programs that need
   to be updated.
2. Vista considers the %Windir% as a protected area.
3. Vista considers certain areas of the registry (HKLM primarily) as
   protected areas.
5. There are some other areas that Vista considers protected areas,
   but I gave you the three major areas.
4. Any program or script that begins to access (not just modify) the
   protected areas frequently needs to be licensed by Microsoft.
   The only way I have observed of getting around it is to run
   that elevated Command Prompt and run the program from there.
   That is the only way my ckdupe.exe program I provided on the back
   end for other people that make blocking hosts files will run.
   When they saw my ckdupe program checks their files for duplicates
   and does it in less than 1/4 of a second (the heapsort is the key
   to the speed) they all started using it. Vista broke the running
   of that program. The only way it runs any more is in that elevated
   privileges Command Prompt. There was no tricky code in it that
   would have caused a problem either. And checking a hosts file some
   place else other than in the protected file system areas doesn't
   help either. So the code changes you are making to GnuPG are in
   addition to this new way of running programs on Vista.  You need
   to understand our blocking hosts file is smack dab in the middle
   of one of their protected areas. It is also why I installed both
   Homer and our PAC filter at the top of the drive (they are in
   unprotected file space).  It doesn't help because Vista still
   blocks the scripts unless run from an elevated privilege Command
   Prompt.  There were things being blocked on Vista that still
   leave me baffled.  They weren't going into any of the protected
   areas and they were still having problems.

Now any changes to GnuPG code in either installer or the run programs
is on top of this new way of doing things which is different from
previous versions of Windows.  As a test, you could TRY to install
my blocked cookie list into Firefox (a binary is included). You
SHOULD have no problems on any version of Windows including Vista:

- Microsoft Windows Version
- Unix version (you must compile it yourself)

But I will wager that you will have problems running it on Vista
(report in group if you choose but also tell me directly if you use
Vista and either had or didn't have problems - you may not be able
to get it to work at all) unless you run the program that installs
the domains not allowed to set cookies in that elevated privileges
Command Prompt.  BTW, the add2ffox.exe only runs in a Command Prompt
anyway. If you use SpyWareBlaster or similar programs I would run
the program each time after you run their updates since they may
remove what I have identified are the most prevalent tracking
cookie domains on the Internet. The only thing that should be in
the blocked cookie list are those domains you hit most of the
time.  That is all it does too, blocks cookies. If you want to
restrict domains, your only option in Firefox is NoScript. PAC
filters, blocking hosts files, and Ad Blockers BLOCK entirely,
not just restrict.

So what does all of this have to do with GnuPG? I think any changes
or attempts to make GnuPG work on Vista need to have these things
kept in mind.  Vista is not just a minor twist in the way of doing
things coming out of Redmond. It is entirely new in many ways. It
is why I finally abandoned 

Re: easy way to confirm email validity

2007-05-24 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:


As an aside, if you are concerned about DNS cache server
poisoning, then take the IP address and stick it into the
hosts file (make sure hosts come before DNS in the
nsswitch.conf file in nix machines).  If nothing else it
stops the chatter happy Zone Alarm firewall from querying
for its IP address every five seconds.  The host / domain
name has more than one IP address?  randomly pick one of
them.  Check back that they are the same but not every five
seconds. Try every six hours for a week or so until all
the DNS TTLs have timed out.  djbdns anybody?

I am interpreting your statement as saying all of the people
you will be sending to are only moderately interested in
verification rather than paranoid, and that they will all be
using Windows. Correct me if I am wrong.  If the conditions
are not these, the next statement has NO meaning.

Now that we know a little better what you want to do (just one
way verification of emails with them verifying you but not
vice versa) you MAY be best served by using X.509.

I really don't like the idea of that web verification scheme.
Once you look at X.509 you will see that is better.  I have
had mail redirects in the past week from several universities,
and one of them was from MIT!  It is just too easy for Mallory
to say click on this link to verify, and back we go to
phishing 101.  In other words, there is no substitute but for
the people who are getting your messages to assume some of the
responsibility for verification themselves.  One of the key
things in Bruce Schneier's security service are people
monitoring what is going on.  The people receiving your
messages need to assume some of the responsibility themselves.


Gnupg-users mailing list


2007-05-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Zeljko Vrba [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jim Berland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There are other flaws in the computer system that would have
 to be addressed (a secretary has root access to the server to
 let her start the daily backup process after work), but I'm
 not in charge of that.

 Huh?  That requires only a single suid-root command.

You said root so I assume Unix.  Better yet, that requires
nobody at all unless you need somebody to change the media.
Just use cron to do automated backups.  For Fedora / RedHat /
OpenSuse / Novell the default crond chkconfig setting enables
it (I can't speak for other versions of Linux or Macs):

crond  0:off   1:off   2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off

On older style Unix systems, they MUST have cron running.  That is
what is used to trim the logs, etc.  For MS Windows you also have
software to do backups for you in an automated fashion.  Your
not in charge makes me worry about the politics of what you are

 Since I'm going through the trouble of setting everything up and
 teaching our employees, though, it would be great to also use GPG
 with business partners. I don't think it's really going to happen,

 If you want secure communication with your partners, you might
 have better luck with X.509 certificates.  They just work
 under windows.  The only needed initial setup is import of the
 root certificate.  Free certificates are available from ...

All of the things Zeljko said here (why repeat it?) are true. More
to the point, X.509 are what most other MS Windows oriented companies
will be using. They may not be using the free certificates though.
Everybody I have heard wants a middle company doing some sort of
investigation of both parties. It gives them that warm fuzzy feeling.
It's not that the companies don't trust the OpenPGP WOT model;
they don't even know about it. There are cases where other
companies will specify OpenPGP, and there is one case in the
GnuPG archives for you to look at.  The posters were using a Sun
Solaris system on their end but I can't remember what the people
on the other end were using other than it was also a Unix system.

Look around your shop.  If it is almost all Microsoft Windows then
lean towards X.509.  If it is all Linux, then lean towards OpenPGP.

But when it comes to other companies other than your own, ASK
THEM.  Ask all the other companies you deal with what they want
you to use.  Zimmerman made the statement to the effect that it
isn't so much big brother that will be doing the spying as it
is other companies that will be spying on your company to gain
a competitive advantage.  You have already alluded to the loss
of confidential information. In other words, you need SOME sort
of encryption.  But more to the point, you need the blessing of
those that are in charge to implement it, at least on a trial
basis in those areas where your company is having problems.
Since you have already had cases of stolen information, that
should be an easy sell.  But sometimes it isn't.  There an awful
lot of Paris Hilton's out there (people that don't secure their
data). Worse, they don't see any reason for securing their data


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg --batch -ea -r keyid filename

2007-05-14 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Jane Grove wrote:

 Message: 4
 Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 12:51:21 -0500
 From: jane grove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Encrypt in Batch Mode with Key ID
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
 I tried to use the command:
 gpg --batch -ea -r keyid filename
 to encrypt a file in batch mode with a recipient public key ID. I got
 an encryption failed: unusable public key error message.
 Interestingly, when I use the command without batch mode like gpg -ea
 -r keyid filename, I'm able to encrypt the file.  So the batch mode
 is having problems.
 How can I encrypt the file using recipient public keyid correctly in
 batch mode?


gpg --batch -ea -r KEYID  filename  filename.asc

On Windows in *.BAT, that would perhaps be best written as
(name the script file pcrypt.bat and put it some place in
your %PATH%).  I leave it to you do add more than one
argument which is best done in VBScript, not BAT.

@echo off

REM Add gpg.exe to the path if you did not do already
REM PATH=%PATH%;%ProgramFiles%\Gnu\GnuPG

if %1 ==  goto instruct

if exist %1 (
if exist %1.asc del %1.asc
gpg --batch -ea -r KEYID  %1  %1.asc
) else (
echo FILE %1 does not exist
goto exit

echo usage: pcrypt file_to_encrypt


You didn't say what platform you are on.  If you are on some sort of
Nix platform, you can use the pcrypt script file in this zipped
folder to automate the encryption (it has MY KEYID, and I tested it
and it WORKS - replace my KEYID with one of your choice):

SHA1:   5b17554888d7ad4fc8376ed71c4a8a92f8ff2888

Check sums were created with the -b option on Linux. Since ALL of
files in the folder have only LF rather than CR+LF on the ends of
the files (they were written with the BASH shell in mind), I suggest
using GVim on Microsoft Windows since it is the only editor that I
know about that can see the files (there are probably others):

I strongly suggest you get the gvim71.exe unless you are a masochist.
If you don't like tilde backup files, add the following line to the
start vimrc file:

set nobackup

If you or others want it in VBScript, let me know and I will try to
add a VBScript file to do it, if I ever get back on MS-Windows. I
have been on Linux for three plus weeks solid right now.  My Anti-Virus
program is probably so far out of date I will have to reinstall it!

You may have a damaged keyring, or the particular key is munged
(hopefully it isn't yours).  In that case search the archives for
how to clean it up.  There is a lot of good advice on how to do
that from quite a few people.  I would try the batch encrypting
with other keys, and if it works with the other keys but not the
one you are mentioning, then the key is the problem.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: W32 version tries to write to /dev/null

2007-05-08 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
Andrew Berg wrote:

 Werner Koch wrote:

 On Mon,  7 May 2007 16:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 gpg: can't create `/dev/null': No such file or directory
 gpg: signing failed: file create error
 Fixed in my working copy by using /dev/nul instead

 How would that help? /dev/nul can't exist on a Windows
 system either.

But NUL (nul) does exist, at least for now:

command 1 NUL 21

I use it all the time in my BAT, VBS, JS and PL (PERL) script
files. But almost none of those script files work properly any
more with Vista because any time you wander into protected areas
you need administration privileges. I am talking about NORMAL
Vista accounts, nothing special. Actually, you can start an
elevated shell on Vista to run the script, but that is a real
pain if you made it so people could just double-click on
script files to run them. Here is the article on NUL and

Just be sure if you are throwing it away, then throw it ALL
away.  If you don't, you will still see the message. I have NO
idea whether it works the same in both scripts and inside
C / C++ / C# programs.  Windows is notorious for having
scripting and binaries frequently behaving differently and you
can't interspangle a script that calls a binary that in turn
calls another script on pre-Vista Windows like you do on 'nix
machines. Supposedly, the new PowerShell (PS1) scripting is
going to make the mixing of binaries and scripts possible;
hopefully NUL will be a first class object.  BAT is gone on
Vista, and PowerShell is Object shell scripting (with LOTS
of gotchas).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Convert Public Key to Decimal

2007-04-30 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
acudetox wrote:

 Thanks man, pardon the very bad  :) Anyhow I'm using
 a pc,  and all the searching on the net for man bc seemed to
 point to Mac's, the most amazing computers on the market by
 the way... Anyhow, do you know how I can use bc on an xp
 windoze verson? Thanks man, no pun this time.

Another way is to use what you have (now that we know
what OS you are using);

Start - [All] Programs - Accessories - Calculator
View - Scientific
Pick Hex radio button
Input hexadecimal number
Pick Dec radio button (it auto converts it)

Sorry, but you will have to toggle back and forth with
the radio buttons, or do as somebody else suggested and
install CygWin (it give a Unix-like environment on Windows).
It just depends on how often you are going to do the


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Generating and storeing keys on usb pen

2007-04-25 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 13:46 -0400, David Shaw wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 22, 2007 at 01:42:37PM -0700, rocko wrote:
  I want to generate a new key pair, but i want to save it to 
  a usb pen drive so i can keep it safe.
  I don't want any gpg keys stored on my laptop, in case it gets
  lost or stolen, the culprits won't have access to my gpg keys.
 There is an incorrect assumption underneath this question.  GPG keys
 are stored on a usb drive in exactly the same format they are stored
 on a laptop: encrypted.  (Well, encrypted by default - if you didn't
 explicitly remove the passphrase, they're encrypted).
 My point is that storing the keys on a usb drive doesn't change
 anything if the keys are lost.  If someone steals your laptop, they
 have the encrypted keys.  If they steal your usb drive, they have the
 encrypted keys.  There is no difference.  Either way you cut it, the
 thief has an encrypted copy of your key.  Unless the thief can figure
 out your passphrase, the key is useless to him.
 It's quite a bit easier to lose a usb drive than it is to lose a

I must preface this with the statement I do not even OWN a USB
pen drive.  That does NOT mean I don't see the advantages of having

Your last paragraph is true but only partially complete. It is easy
to slip that USB pen drive into your pockets or put it some place
else like that to keep it safe. But a lap-top isn't easily stuffed
into pockets. In addition to losing (and it is easier to lose the
USB pen drive than it is to lose a lap-top) which ever, the other
half of the original statement is what you had was stolen. Thieves
usually don't steal USB pen drives; there is almost no market for
stolen USB pen drives. Lap-tops are one of the most stolen items
out there; there is a BIG market for stolen lap-tops.  If your
lap-top gets stolen but you have the USB pen drive, you still have
your keys, safe and sound.

Keeping your keys on a USB pen drive has the additional benefit that
you can use them on multiple machines without having multiple copies
of the keys and the problems inherent with keeping the multiple copies
of your keys in sync. So as long as you make backups of your keys
(and put the backup in a safety deposit box) and keep the working
copy on the USB pen drive, the likelihood of you losing control of
your keys is probably lower.

So your keys were on your lap-top and it got stolen, or they were on
your USB pen drive and it got lost.  Now what do you do?

1. Continue using the existing keys because you planned ahead
   and pulled the copy from your safety deposit box and restored
   them to your new lap-top.

2. Same as number one, but you change your pass-phrase, and you
   upload that to the key servers.  Is this really necessary?

3. Sit there and twiddle your fingers and thumbs because the only
   copy of your keys you had were on that lap-top or USB pen drive
   and that is the only copy you had.  You didn't make a backup.
   You made a revocation file, but you don't have the keys any
   more.  You took the default TTL which is your keys will live
   forever, and you uploaded the keys to the key-servers.  So
   you make a new set of keys.

The thrust is that a USB pen drive is no better than a lap-top.
The FBI of the US has had anywhere from 100 to 1000 lap-tops
that have gone missing (it is hard to pin down actual numbers):

Don't depend on JUST a USB pen-drive.  Do the rest to be

[a] Make a backup of your keys and store the backup in a
safe place where it is hard to lose it, like in a
safety deposit box.

[b] Create a revocation file for your keys and also
store it in a safe place.

[c] Give your keys a expire data rather than assuming
they will be good forever.  Be sure to have your
day planner or what ever else you use give warnings
when the time comes to decide whether to change
the expiration date of the keys or say goodbye to
them and create a new set of keys.  Give yourself
plenty of time; one to two or even three months
before they expire is good.  This takes on even
more importance if you upload your keys to a
key-server.  Sure, you will have problems if
you just created the keys and uploaded the keys to
the key servers, but I would much rather live with
that mistake for 2-3 years, rather than forever.

[d] Encrypt the entire hard disk drive on your lap-top.
PGP Corporation makes this a part of their product.
There are also other good Gnu options for doing this.
Search the archives of this news group for the other

But David Shaw is correct; you don't buy a lot more
protection by moving your keys from the hard drive to
the USB pen drive if that is all you do.  The keys ARE
encrypted.  You just buy yourself less grief if the
lap-top is stolen or damaged to the point that it can't

Re: UID changes (was Key Revocation)

2007-04-22 Thread Henry Hertz Hobbit
David Shaw wrote:


 You select the user id with uid x where x is the number of
 the user ID.  Then revuid.

Optionally, later on you can also do a (again, you have to pick
whether to revuid or deluid) (a # indicates a comment):

$ gpg --edit-key 98E6705C
Command uid
# shows uids so you can pick one.  Sorry, I don't trust order
# to always be right, so I make SURE I get the right one. Use
# the number next to the old UID in the next command.
Command uid 2
Command deluid
# you can type quit instead of save next and no changes
# are made.
Command save

You may get confused, so when editing a key do a:

Command ?

To get a list of the commands.  The ones that are
relevant only to UIDs are the first five.  The last
two are relevant to any changes you make to your keys:

save# changes won't occur unless this is done
quit# bails out and makes NO changes.

Be sure that if you revoke, you revoke the UID, NOT the key.
quit is your friend in case you get confused.  If you quit
ALL of the changes are scrapped.  Nothing is actually done
until you save.

BTW, I would call this UID changes, since you are adding a
new UID (adduid), making it a primary (uid 1, primary - be
sure to do this to make your new email address the primary),
and optionally later on either revoking (revuid) or deleting
(deluid) the old UID.  You are NOT revoking the keys (you have
two - the 1024D/98E6705C DSA key and your sub g/
ElGamal key); you are just modifying the UID list.  It may be
helpful to think of the key numbers themselves as being the
primary entities, and the user IDs as being subservient to
them, but all of them exist together.  You need at least one
UID for the key.  You can have as many UIDs associated with
a key as you need or wish to have (within reason).  I say
that since you may want to purchase your own domain and
email address from a company you think will be there for
quite a while. is selling them for about $20 a
year, and Yahoo is selling them for about $35 a year.  Once
that is done, the musical email addresses can be tamed a
little bit.  You have the additional benefit of a blissfully
short user name ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is available; you
or somebody else already took

Once your changes are done, make sure you generate a new
revocation file with a:

$ gpg -a --gen-revoke 98E6705C  rev_cpollock_embarqmail_com.asc

Store it in a safe place.  If you forget your passphrase,
import it later on to revoke your keys to the key-server
if it becomes necessary.  Oh yes, once all of those changes
have been made, BACK up your keys (pubring.gpg, secring.gpg,
trustdb.gpg).  Store that back-up in the same safe place
as your revocation file.  A bank safety deposit box is not
out of line (no kidding).


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