Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread J D Hammett

Hi arachnids,

Lace diagrams are not quite as easy to follow on the e-readers. Can one 
photocopy a diagram? With really complicated patterns my students are 
allowed to use a 'idiots' board - a piece of polystyrene with the 
photocopied diagram pinned to it - so they can put pins in the diagram to 
show where they are. I use an older Kindle when I am away from home, when 
space is at a premium or when it is a very heavy, thick book which I would 
have difficulty holding for longer periods.

However, I love 'proper' books and possess many. My family has called it my 
very expensive insulation for a long time as several walls are lined with 

Happy lace making,

Joepie, East Sussex, UK

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread The Lace Bee
I find ebooks great for crochet because they are following written instructions 
but because I have an iPad but not an apple computer printing becomes a problem 
as you loose resolution between screen shot and printing.

If the original is a pdf then this does make it easier but you have to ensure 
with PDFs when you print the pattern for lace, that the pattern size doesn't 
change because reared are you printing on patter that is the same size the 
book.  I first had this problem when went a pattern from the US electronically 
- it was sized for letter paper and I printed on a4.  Luckily it was obvious 
that the pattern had side.

Kind Regards

Liz Baker

On 19 May 2013, at 07:35, J D Hammett wrote:

 Hi arachnids,
 Lace diagrams are not quite as easy to follow on the e-readers. Can one 
 photocopy a diagram? 
 Joepie, East Sussex, UK

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[lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Jean Nathan
I can't see me ever getting an e-reader. For me there's nothing so 
comforting as holding a book in our hand.

They also cost nothing to run, can be recycled, the covers are attractive to 
look at, (as Joepie says) they provide insulation to your walls, you don't 
need a printer to get hard copy, you can walk into the nearest stationers 
and get a photocopy if you want extra hard copies, you can make notes in the 
margins if you want to.

I've tried audio books, but never got past more than a few sentences before 
falling asleep.

I'm sure e-readers, tablets, computer phones (mine is just that a phone - 
I've even had texting switched off by my service provider), etc have their 
place for many, but while there are people like me about, books will never 

I've still got a lot of books on my book shelves, and I like getting 
distracted and thumb through them when I'm trying to find a particular lace 
pattern or idea as I have been in the past week. Can't imagine doing that on 
an e-reader.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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[lace] Knipling-Tonder 2013

2013-05-19 Thread Vibeke Ervo
I will be in Tonder too.

Let me know when and where you will meet and I will do my best to turn up.

Vibeke in Copenhagen

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[lace] Books v. Kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Dmt11home
I love my Kindle!
Speaking from the standpoint of a person who has begun to  suspect that she 
doesn't own the books, but instead the books own her, I ask  myself before 
every book purchase, is it possible to get it on Kindle. Moving to  a bigger 
house is not a possibility and there are no more walls for shelves.  When I 
buy more books, I go to my shelves and try to find ones that I can get  rid 
of to donate to the library book sale. But, the library book sale is so  
flooded with books that they stop taking them after a week. Meanwhile, I live  
near a city of readers with small apartments who force books on you because 
they  think you will like them, and sometimes even secretly leave bags of 
them in  your house. There seems to be some rule against throwing away 
books, so no one  can do it.
Yes, some books, like lace books, reference books, books with  a lot of 
pictures and books that will be used in wet places are better in paper.  But 
books that are just read are cheaper in the Kindle edition, and they can be  
reread and they don't waste trees. In fact, I probably have 50 books on my  
Kindle (I think its capacity is over a thousand) and that means I don't  have 
to have a shelf in my house for them. When I go somewhere with a high  
expectation of time to read, I often decide I need a book that is easy to read  
and fast moving for some occasions, and a book that is difficult to read 
because  I really want to read it. But what if I am almost finished with both 
the easy  and the hard book. If I am within 50 pages of the end, then I need 
a back-up  book, in case I finish it. This starts to weigh a lot. The Kindle 
is lighter  than any single book, but it can be an infinite number of 
books, and you can  hold it and turn pages with one hand. This is convenient 
because  I sometimes lose circulation in my hands or have them cramp up from  
prolonged book holding. In addition, suppose you are somewhere and you  
desperately need a book because you haven't bothered to download one in advance 
or you didn't know how long a glucose tolerance test took. Then you can  
download and read several excerpts of books for free and decide which one  to 
buy. The excerpts are quite long. Often more than a chapter and there  are a 
lot of books I decide not to buy after reading the first 40 pages or  so. 
During my glucose tolerance test I downloaded one preview after another  of 
books I had thought I wanted to read, before deciding which one was  actually 
worth reading and buying and downloading that. Thus you can equip  yourself 
with a book from anywhere. This reins in the expensive practice  of  
stockpiling books that you think you may want to read, but never  actually 
because you happen to see a physical copy and are afraid you  won't be able to 
find a physical copy on that day you actually want to read  it.  The 
electrical cost of the Kindle is negligible  compared to the savings on the 
editions and the charge on the battery  seems to last forever. I only wish 
there were more books in Kindle format. 
I love libraries, and sometimes find myself checking out  a book  that I 
think I must own, but the library organizes them so you  can find them. They 
have a paid staff to do it. Many of my books are not  organized by any other 
principle than the size of the shelf. My wallet bulges  with library cards 
and I was asked to serve on a focus group for the future of  my local 
library. A very interesting thing that emerged from the focus group was  that 
older participants were converting to Kindle, despite liking the  feel of 
holding a book and the sensation of the paper pages, because of  the weight 
factor of carrying books, and once they converted, they loved not  having to 
port books around on vacation. Meanwhile, the younger participants,  parents 
mostly, were reading Kindles themselves, but were adamant that their  
children be exposed to paper books with lots of illustrations, lovingly read by 
librarians or parents, in a fun atmosphere. I thought that this was sort of  
interesting, since it was imperative to book loving parents that children 
be  exposed to books the way the parents were, but that the children would 
actually  be observing their parents reading Kindles not paper books, and as 
we all know,  children actually tend to want to copy their parents because 
their activities  look grown-up. 
As for audio books, they are great for marathon lace making  sessions. 
Sometimes I put the TV on while making lace, but there is this visual  aspect 
TV that I then miss. With audio books that is not the case. Then, when  the 
effects of marathon lace making sessions begin to impinge on my health, I  
disconnect the chiclet sized device that I keep only for audio books from 
its  speaker, clip it to my T-shirt and connect the earphones and go for a 
walk  or to the gym. I only wish there were more books on audio books!
I think that the various shortcomings of the 

Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread lynrbailey
Dear Lin et al,
I think modern technology can help us in so many ways.  I listen to books on my 
iPod a lot.  But the idea that paper books will go the way of the dodo is not 
going to happen in our lifetime.  There is a definite place for the traditional 
way, and a definite place and use for all the new fangled technologies.  But 
neither are going to go away, and the dust hasn't settled on it all yet.  Nor 
is technology done.  No one has decided to put a lacebook solely on Kindle.  
But digital printing on demand is a hopeful solution to lace book scarcity.  I 
suspect both will live side by side for many, many years to come. Even with 
lacemaking.  No one would think of paying someone to read aloud while other 
lacemakers throw the bobbins.  It's time for radio, or CD's, or iPods, for 
books or music or the Saturday afternoon opera.  On the other hand, doing it 
the way it was done before electricity, with the water filled globes also has 
its place, although not a big one.  And no one would willi!
 ngly work in a tubercular cellar to keep the linen thread damp. 

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, with clouds and drizzle.  61F, 17.5C at 
8:30 a.m. 

Lin Hudren wrote:
 I am a full time RVer and am always looking for a new book to read.  I
 have space and weight concerns.  my security blanket is a book.  to make
 room for those extra pillows and bobbins, tatting shuttles and threads,
 etc., i invested in an eReader (kindle keyboard) a bit over 2 years ago.  i
 was able to replace all those stored books in epub or mobi format and have
 purchased thousands of others.  i have about 45,000 books in my library
 (stored on 12 DVDs).  i have a book no matter where i am.  since i read 6
 or 7 books a week (entertainment), it was a blessing to be able to have so
 many at my fingertips.  i wish i had had this technology many years ago.  i
 have several lace books, pattern books for my favorite crafts, etc. usually
 in pdf format. I have a book stand i secure to my pillow (along with a 
 magnifier and a
clip on light which attaches to my tripod pillow stand) which holds the
reader for easy reference (a bit heavier than a couple sheets of paper) but
i do have to use a rubber band to make sure it doesn't accidentally fall

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Lora Coldbeck
Hi everyone,
Im the first to admit shunning technology and think its ease of
use has had a negative effect of ability and concentration over the last
generation or so

So it may be surprising that I would never be parted from my
kindle, its again the lack of need for storage space, portability of entire
librarys . You dont have pages falling out from overuse its a handy way of
reading older books from and you can still highlight and make
notes, in fact my only problem with it is the lack of lace books available for
it in the uk! 

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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Re: Fw: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Jenny Brandis
I use my android tablet to store and read books. I have become great friends 
with amazon, google books, ellorra's caven, the professor's site and the 
Gutenberg project! PDF how tos and manuals for gadgets get carried and my lace 
tutorials are on here too. Mills and  Boon light reading has a place and scans 
of lace books can inspire me while i wait for appointments.

My local library has just started to' lend' ebooks so even the library system 
is keeping up with literary trends :-)

I chose not to buy a reader on its own as they are generally dedicated to 
specific formats - this tablet can read PDF, TXT, EPUB, MOBI, DOC and some 
formats I have never needed. All in color 

Having said All that  i still have over 2000 novels and over 100 lace books in 
print format :-)

All up, a very happy reader.

Sent from my ASUS Pad

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[lace] Music symbol pricking

2013-05-19 Thread Liz and Ken Roberts
Someone requested a pattern for a music symbol.  Here is one, but I don't
remember if this is the one they were looking for.

Liz in humid Missouri where we may get some severe storms overnight.  The sun
is shining for now and we have all kinds of birds carrying on and making happy
sounds today.

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Bev Walker
Hello Jean and everyone

I like being able to share books, usually not possible with e-versions as
they want everyone to buy their own copy. When I've read something light,
it increases the value for me if I can pass the book along. I bought my
Kobo purely so I could borrow e-books from my local library online -
because of driving distance and the trouble it took to return paper books
 within the borrowing limit I was for quite awhile, an infrequent customer.
The e-book borrows simply vanish when time's up. The library embraces
reading in all dimensions and will loan the devices also.

I like paper books, and I like the option of virtual books. There are
pluses and minuses to both! Per Jean's remark about browsing, one can, and
it is fun, until the thing needs re-charging...
On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Jean Nathan

 I've still got a lot of books on my book shelves, and I like getting
 distracted and thumb through them when I'm trying to find a particular lace
 pattern or idea as I have been in the past week. Can't imagine doing that
 on an e-reader.

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Bronwen of Hindscroft
I live in an 800 sq ft, 2 bedroom apartment, that I share with my husband
and small dog.

We have 8 bookshelves full of books, along with 3 boxes of books in
storage.  And when I say full of books, I mean, double layer deep, with
books laying on the tops of other books.  We're going to have to weed out
some more books and put them in storage.

I have about 200 books living in my cloud or on my Kindle right now.
 That doesn't count the probably 200 books I got free or for $.99US to
$1.99US that I decided weren't worth the space on my shelves or in storage.
 I've even bought some lace books, and have downloaded some of the books
from the Professor's site, so I can even read about lace when I go out!

Although I do still pick up the paper versions of books from authors the
hubby and I really like, I tend to go for the e-version anymore.

The funny thing is, I'm one of those people who always said I'd NEVER get
an e-reader.  Conall gave me the Kindle last year for Mother's Day, and
it's become my most valuable toy.

in sunny but cool Colorado


It is sometimes the most fragile things that have the power to endure and
become sources of strength.
- May Sarton

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Ilske Thomsen
Dear All,
I bought my Sony e-reader two years ago and I am happy I did. It's handy has a 
very long working batterie and lots of space for books with more than 700 pages.
This was the main reason I wanted one. I like not only to read I like 
literature and lots of books I like are very thick which became  a problem for 
my hands.
I will not read technical lace instructions or regard big picture-books on it. 
I want to have a light weighting thing with lots of books in it nothing more. 
And for this purpose it's wonderful.
Others have other reasons and requirements and therefore must think for 
themselves to find out what fits for them.
There are lots of possibilities.


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[lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Jean Nathan
You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader - where 
do you put your lace book mark?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Bronwen of Hindscroft
Why not just make a lace cover? :)

who has just added a project to her growing list of lace projects

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Jean Nathan

 You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader -
 where do you put your lace book mark?

 Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK


It is sometimes the most fragile things that have the power to endure and
become sources of strength.
- May Sarton

Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.- Albert

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread suebabbs385
On the cover - you make a lovely piece of lace for the front and another for 
the back


Please note I am stopping using, and switching my email 

Subject: [lace] books vs kindle

You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader - where
do you put your lace book mark?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Bev Walker
LOL...I put mine in a drawer 0:-)

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Jean Nathan

 You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader -
 where do you put your lace book mark?

I've seen knitted e-reader covers, should think of one made of lace!
Bev surrounded by a lot of paper diagrams, working on patchwork lace in
Shirley BC, near Sooke on a fine Victoria Day weekend, Vancouver Island,
west coast of Canada

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Ilske Thomsen
it's not a problem I don't have one. And the cat bookmarks are in the 
paper-books, I still read


Am 19.05.2013 um 19:38 schrieb Jean Nathan:

 You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader - where 
 do you put your lace book mark?
 Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 
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RE: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread C Johnson
RE:  You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader -
where do you put your lace book mark?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

Hi Jean and lacemakers...

I could hand stitch it to the bag I put my e-reader in for safe keeping???

Then everyone could admire it.

Morris, IL

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Lin Hudren
I use my bookmarks in my craft books - which are the only treasurers i keep
in that format.  i convert patterns for projects for the reader, but i like
to have places marked for future projects - the lace bookmarks work
perfectly.  And i get a fond smile when i see them again.  a walk down
memory lane.

 Hugs, Lin and the Mali
Overton, NV USA

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more
painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin

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Re: [lace] books vs kindle

2013-05-19 Thread Isabel Wear
Frame it.
Isabel Wear
Sutton Group - West Coast
7547 Cambie St.
Vancouver, BC V6P 3H6
Mobile: 604-377-3475

-Original Message-
From: Bev Walker
Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 11:00:48 
To: Jean
Reply-To: Bev Walker
Subject: Re: [lace] books vs kindle

LOL...I put mine in a drawer 0:-)

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Jean Nathan

 You've all left out the most important problem of owning an e-reader -
 where do you put your lace book mark?

I've seen knitted e-reader covers, should think of one made of lace!
Bev surrounded by a lot of paper diagrams, working on patchwork lace in
Shirley BC, near Sooke on a fine Victoria Day weekend, Vancouver Island,
west coast of Canada

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