Re: [l2h] help with latex2html not working

2016-09-02 Thread Marc Shapiro -- at work

Thanks for the answer.

I made a copy of html.sty inside the same directory as the latex source file, 
so this is not the problem any more.

The problem seems more that the latex2html is not executing properly.  It spits 
out a whole lot of error messages (see transcript attached), and finally fails 
with this message:

Fatal (syswait): exec " ./images.tex" failed: Permission denied
 at /usr/local/bin/latex2html line 3785.

Cannot read logfile './images.log': No such file or directory

Looking at line 3785, even though I don’t know any perl, it’s pretty obvious 
that immediate cause of the error is that the $LATEX variable is empty.  Again, 
not knowing perl, I don’t understand how that happened.

Could it just be that I am using the wrong version of perl or something?  I 
have v5.18.2 and v5.24.0 available on my machine but both give the same error.


This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71)
by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

Revised and extended by:
 Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan and others
...producing markup for HTML version 4.0  

Extension: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/versions/
HTML version: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/versions/

 *** processing declarations ***


Note: Working directory is 
Note: Images will be generated in /tmp/l2h5825

texexpand V2008 (Revision 1.12)

Loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/texdefs.perl...
Package: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/article.perl
Package: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/inputenc.perl
Loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/versions/
*** Constructing conversion iso-10646 -> Unicode ***

Warning: No implementation found for option: `protrusion_true' for `microtype' 

Warning: No implementation found for option: `expansion_true' for `microtype' 

Package: loading 
/usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/natbib.perldefined(@array) is 
deprecated at /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/natbib.perl line 1454, 
 line 4.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)

Package: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/babelbst.perl
Warning: No implementation found for option: `sort_compress' for `natbib' 

Package: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/eurosym.perl
Warning: No implementation found for option: `defblank' for `paralist' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `obeyspaces' for `url' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `verbatim' for `svn-multi' package

Package: loading /usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2015/styles/html.perl
Reading ...

Reading aux file: 
Processing macros ..., *** Could not find argument for command \providecommand 
\providecommand \HyperFirstAtBeginDocument<<202>>\AtBeginDocument<<202>>
\gdef \newlabel#1#2<<316>>\newlabelxx<<206>>#1<<206>>#2<<316>>
\gdef \HyperFirstAtBeginDocument#1<<211>>#1<<211>>
\providecommand \HyField@AuxAddToFields[1]<<212>><<212>>
\providecommand \HyField@AuxAddToCoFields[2]<<213>><<213>>
<<218>>subsection<<218>><<318>>\numberline <<219>>0.1<<219>>Background and 
problem statement<<318>><<220>>1<<220>><<221>>subsection.0.1<<221>><<348>>
 and problem statement<<225>><<226>>subsection.0.1<<226>><<227>><<227>><<319>>
<<232>>subsection<<232>><<320>>\numberline <<233>>0.2<<233>>PhD research 
<<237>>subsection<<237>><<321>>\numberline <<238>>0.3<<238>>How to 

[l2h] help with latex2html not working

2016-08-31 Thread Marc Shapiro -- at work
Hi.  I had an installation of latex2html working fine with MacTex (I believe 
2015) on MacOS 10.11.6.

Then I updated MacTex to the current version (2016) and latex2html stopped 
working properly (the html.sty file couldn't be found).  I tried to fix it by 
reverting to the old MacTex or reinstalling latex2html from homebrew, no 
improvement.  I tried completely deleting MacTex and homebrew and reinstalling 
from scratch, but things only got worse.  html.sty is still not found, and 
latex2html fails with outlandish error messages (it seems the $LATEX variable 
is not set).

Any suggestions what to do next?



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