Re: [libreplanet-discuss] [fsf-community-team] Golden Rule Angle for Libre Software Advocacy

2016-08-13 Thread J.B. Nicholson

Marcos Marado wrote:

I recently read about a woman who has a pacemaker. It had a software bug,
which frightened her. She knows /of/ it but she doesn't know it, since she
doesn't have access to the software running on her own body. Furthermore,
she found out that there is a functionality in it to accept OTA updates,
which she cannot control. Scary. And this is not science fiction, this is a
real case, current technology.

I'm not sure what story you're referring to, but Karen Sandler (a lawyer 
working with Software Freedom Conservancy, co-host of the "Free as Freedom" 
Oggcast at ) tells a similar story: she wears a 
pacemaker/defibrillator[1] due to her enlarged heart which is 3 times the 
size of a normal heart. Her enlarged heart puts her at risk of suddenly 
dying (2-3% annually compounding risk), thus she wears (inside her body, 
screwed into her heart) a $75,000 Medtronic device. She recently had a 
child and found a bug in her device's software during her pregnancy -- 
pregnant women's hearts sometimes race and thus triggered the device to 
deliver a shock to her because her device's software was programmed to 
deliver a shock if the user's heartbeat goes outside an acceptable range. 
This variable heartrate is completely normal for pregnant women, but the 
device is typically only installed in patients who are well past their 
childbearing years (as Sandler's doctor told her when she reported this 
erroneous shock).

When Sandler was first getting this device she tried to get the complete 
source code for the device, even being willing to sign a non-disclosure 
agreement for this source code (look up her name and see/hear any of her 
early talks about her heart to hear the full story on this). But the 
proprietor would not give her the source code. So, like anyone with any 
proprietary software, she is denied permission to fix this problem and has 
to hope the proprietor cares enough about her unusual case to address this 
bug. If the proprietor goes out of business, she's simply out of luck 
possibly undergoing another surgery just to change the device sold by 
developers who care about software freedom or her case.

In a previous talk, Sandler explained that she purposefully did not pick a 
pacemaker/defibrillator device that could accept updates or be read 
wirelessly because she could see how she is not well-served by a device 
programming changing ad-hoc by unknown people, or people reading her 
device's data remotely. She requested an older model which can only be 
reprogrammed and read where the reader device is physically in close 
proximity to her heart. Presumably she would make sure only trusted people 
get this close and thus that would help preserve her life and her privacy. 
But all of the newer devices work wirelessly over greater ranges of 
separation between the device and the reader. This means when she needs a 
new device (the batteries only last for so long, she will need a new device 
if she lives to around 80 years as many women do), she might not be able to 
get the older relatively more privacy-preserving and safer device she prefers.

This understanding of the power of proprietary software versus what society 
needs to operate properly -- software freedom -- converted her from 
"thinking open source was cool" to understanding that "software freedom is 
absolutely essential to our lives, to our society, and to our overall 
framework": "For me, this got me extremely passionate about software 
freedom. Where I previously thought that open source was cool, I have now 
come along to the view that software freedom is absolutely essential to our 
lives, to our society, and to our overall framework. And that has put me 
solidly in the free software space. [...]" (around 5m45s into [1]).

Anyone riding in or being alive near a modern car is in a more similar 
situation to Sandler than they think: when you're in or around any car you 
depend on that car to protect your life. Modern cars use proprietary 
software to govern emissions (hello VW fraudsters!), vet who is allowed to 
get in and drive the car via remote locking, and control how the car 
operates while in use. We're seeing how insecure this code is as people 
provide the public service of breaking into the car (not to steal the car 
or rob what's in the car) demonstrate the insecurity of that software. We 
now understand that car designers don't prevent the software that could 
create distracting & unsafe environments in cars (thus leading a driver to 
spend time fiddling with environmental controls instead of driving) and 
this could create a lethal problem for some innocent passerby when a 
vehicle in motion hits and kills them. Autonomous vehicles look even worse 
-- untrustworthy developers purposefully using proprietary software to 
control where the vehicle goes and how fast, and deal with sudden 
unpredictable changes on the road make me think autonomous vehicles are 
horribly unwise[2]. Then 

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] [fsf-community-team] Golden Rule Angle for Libre Software Advocacy

2016-08-13 Thread Marcos Marado
I won't go as far as to talk about robotic bodies, but the issue is
pertinent today, with current technology.

I recently read about a woman who has a pacemaker. It had a software bug,
which frightened her. She knows /of/ it but she doesn't know it, since she
doesn't have access to the software running on her own body. Furthermore,
she found out that there is a functionality in it to accept OTA updates,
which she cannot control. Scary. And this is not science fiction, this is a
real case, current technology.

Unfortunately I don't recall where I read about this, but it was in the
last couple of weeks. On FSFE's newsletter, maybe?

Anyway, the question can be rephrased to "how ethical it is to implant
non-free software on someone's body?".

Best regards,
Marcos Marado

On Aug 12, 2016 16:42, "Logan Streondj"  wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Hi,
> I recently gave a presentation[1] on my libreware project, and someone
> said they really liked the Golden Rule angle of reincarnating as a robot
> .
> The typical example I've often read advocating for libreware is the
> car analogy, where you have access to your cars internals. This was a
> great analogy when cars didn't have loads of proprietary software
> installed -- unfortunately it is only increasing because of
> self-driving cars.
> However now as we get closer to the twenty twenties, when the
> processing of a human brain should be affordable for a $1000.
> The analogy I use now is:
> "When you reincarnate as a robot, do you want to be enslaved by
> proprietary software and hardware, or be liberated by libre software
> and hardware?"
> Anyways wondering what you guys think of this angle,
> and if you might use it also.
> I have more detailed slides in my presentation[1].
> [1] my presentation SPEL and GI-OS overview (CC-BY-SA): PDF
>  source TEX:
> - --
> Logan Streondj,
> A dream of Gaia's future.
> blog:
> twitter:
> Speakable Programming for Every Language:
> github:
> intro:
> You can use encrypted email with me,
> how to:
> key fingerprint:
> BD7E 6E2A E625 6D47 F7ED 30EC 86D8 FC7C FAD7 2729
> Version: GnuPG v2
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> sGph5uDGAe+KT1BwrmU6
> =rRRg
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