[LincolnTalk] LLCT Plant Sale May 18th

2024-05-07 Thread LLCT Information
Lincoln Land Conservation Trust's  Pollinator Plant Sale is on May 18th at
Lincoln Station, 145 Lincoln Rd.

New this year-all plants will be available first come, first served.
10-11am LLCT members hour, 11am-1pm public welcome.

All species are native perennials (plus a few shrubs) that provide
important nectar resources to wild pollinators from early to late summer.

Cash, check, card accepted. No pre-orders.

This year, as part of Lincoln Common Ground's "no mow may" effort, LLCT has
included a selection of early blooming groundcover plants to include in the
sale. These plants make great lawn replacement or garden understory plants.
Lincoln Common Ground volunteers will be at the sale to answer questions
and provide planting recommendations.

Learn more and see the offered plants here:

Questions? Email l...@lincolnconservation.org
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[LincolnTalk] LLCT Plant Sale

2023-04-18 Thread LLCT Information
LLCT's plant sale is open through April, so there's still time to place an
order. Some species have sold out, but we still have lots of great native
perennials on offer. All sales are pre-order and pick up is on May 19th in
Lincoln, MA. Learn more here.

*What's available? *
*Big Bluestem and Little Bluestem:* These native grasses form attractive
tufts. Both enjoy full sun to part shade and tolerate dry soil. They are
larval hosts for several species of Skippers. Songbirds eat the seeds.

*Sweet Goldenrod and Early Goldenrod: *Goldenrods are hardy perennials (and
they don't cause seasonal allergies-that's ragweed). They offer important
late summer blooms to pollinators. Both like sun and moderately dry soil.

*Calico Aster: *This fairly low growing aster blooms late, offering
important nectar resources into October. Tolerates some shade and likes
medium soil.

*Winged Monkey Flower:* This low growing perennial tolerates sun to part
shade and medium soils. Its pale flowers are a favorite for long-tongued

*Purple Joe Pye Weed: *This tall perennial likes a bit more water but
enjoys full sun or shade. The larger flower heads attract long-tongued bees

You can also choose to "donate a plant" which will support planting efforts
at LLCT's pollinator gardens throughout town.
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