On 16/10/2007, Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 23:50 +0200, Guy Sheffer wrote:
> > We don't necessarily want ubuntu
> > 7.10. I think 7.10 is alright, it has been tested since it was out. And
> > is probably less buggy.
> 7.10 ? 7.10 ? did you want to use 7.04 for one of these ?
> I think going with 7.04 for Linux newbies would be a mistake - 7.10 is
> tested enough (I'm running it for about 3 months now, and I believe it
> will be very stable when released) and it offers a lot of new user
> visible changes and improvements in usability (and eye candy). If you
> position Linux as a contender in the desktop computing arena, you have
> to take into account the competition and while 7.10 is definitely up to
> par with operating system offerings from other vendors (and I'm not
> talking about other Linux vendors), 7.04 is not - unless you only
> compare it to 5 years old operating systems, which is a mistake I hope
> you are not going to make.
> > Most of our club members are busy people. If you were in August Penguin
> > 2007, you might have heard the theory there about "someone needs to".
> > Most of the JLC members are busy people with no time. I have no way of
> > doing that (nether do I have time for it).
> Ok, I figured this would be coming my way when I wrote my previous
> e-mail :-)
> I have access to a lightscribe writer and while I'm also very busy, I
> think I can find the time to burn some CDs. If other people can help
> fund the supplies (and I'm willing to pitch in here as well), I can do
> the work. I'm not sure what it takes to do a commercial CD burn and how
> it compares in prices and work involved, but I'll check.
> --
> Oded

If you don't mind ugly Tush-marked CD's then I don't mind burning 50
Ubuntu 7.10 discs and sending them to you. I've just installed it over
7.04 and the difference is worth it. I have had problems with 7.04,
Fedora 6 and 7, OpenSuse 10.3, and several other distros on my Dell
Inspiron laptop. 7.10 was the first distro to completely install
itself and get to the GUI upon first boot without X failing. Damned
that ATI X1400 and 1680x1050 screen. :)

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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