RE: [midgard] Authentication stuck off

2000-08-02 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  UPDATE host SET auth=1 where id=x;
  replacing the x with the id of the host you want to set auth for will do
  the trick.

 ITYM update host set info='auth' where id=x;

* BLUSH * , there where all sorts of alarm bells going 'check it before
posting!', but I thought 'nah, I know this from the top of my head'. Hope I
didn't cause too much trouble.

Armand 'should not ignore alarms' Verstappen.

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RE: [midgard] IMAP support in binary Midgard-PHP RPM?

2000-08-01 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 Is the binary Midgard-PHP RPM build with support for IMAP, and how would I
 have checked this myself?

I don't know, but you can check it by creating a page with this content:

?php phpinfo(); ?

,and calling that from your browser. It will show you a lot, and also the
compile options that where used for your php module.

 I am trying to get a PHP-based webmail working (phpWebmail), but keep
 getting the error: Call to unsupported or undefined function imap_open() -
 not a Midgard problem, I know, but I am not certain of where to start
 looking for answers.

...looks like it has no IMAP.



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RE: [midgard] midgard-php3 problem

2000-07-24 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 Tuesday, July 25, 2000, 1:35:27 AM, you wrote:
  Ok. I've got everything build and installed, and now when I try
 and start
  httpd I get the following:
  Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
  /etc/httpd/modules/ undefined symbol: gss_mech_krb5
  Any ideas? Thanks!
 It  seems  that  you've  compiled PHP3 with some library that requires
 Kerberos  support  and  your  system  failed to provide correct shared
 library's binding.

And that library is probably libclient, and you where
configuring --with-imap. I banged my head against this one on a redhat
system for quite some time. I ended up replacing /usr/lib/libclient.a with a
freshly compiled version to get it working.


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RE: [midgard] manual for download?

2000-07-22 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  thanks for the URL (the .rtf.gz ist not a valid archive told winzip me).
 I unpacked it with gzip just now and it appears to be fine. Maybe
 winzip doesn't support max compression gzips?

Winzip only likes tar.gz files, it doesn't know how to hande .gz only.


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[midgard] Help needed on $object-searchparameters.

2000-07-15 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


I want to add documentation for the $object-searchparameters(int where,
boolean [all]) method to the manual. Sadly, I have no idea of what the
function is supposed to do (okay, I guess it searches parameters)
and what the meaning of the parameters to the function is. Reading the
source didn't help.
Can someone (possibly the writer of the method) help me along?


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RE: [midgard] Midgard 1.4beta4 (or pre-beta 5) on

2000-07-14 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  And, seeing the name Emile makes me ask, did anyone read Emile
 Kastner when

 I didn't. Am I too late now?

 Emile "not so young" Heyns

You'll always have the Emile "Daddy" Heyns role as an excuse, so don't worry


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RE: [midgard] how to count the total replies for an article?

2000-07-14 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 $article = 123;
 $replies = mgd_list_reply_articles( $article );
 if( $replies-N == 0 ) {
 echo "No replies to article $article found.";
 } else {
 echo ($replies-N ==1 ) ? 'reply' : 'replies'," to article $article:br";
 while( $replies-fetch() ) {

How about:

 $article = 123;
 $replies = mgd_list_reply_articles( $article );
 if( $replies-N == 0 ) {
 echo "No replies to article $article found.";
 } else {
 echo ($replies-N ==1 ) ? 'reply' : 'replies'," to article $article:br";
 echo "There are " . $replies-N . "replies to this article"; 


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RE: [midgard] CVS Compile Error

2000-07-12 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  install-sh is in the lib and php modules in cvs but not in the 
 mod module.
  Is this correct?
 install-sh should have been installed by automake I think. But you can
 copy it from either of the others.

but bootstrap doesn't run automake in mod. 


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[midgard] $article-create() problem.

2000-07-10 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


I am playing around with the $article-create() method, but I run into
trouble. I have created the following script:


   $article = mgd_get_article();
   $article-title= "\$article-create(); example";
   $article-abstract = "Creating articles is easy ...";
   $article-content  = "Creating articles is easy, and the
\$article-create() ";
   $article-content .= "function makes it easier. Also your code will be
more ";
   $article-content .= "readable, which is A Good Thing (tm).";
   $article-author   = $midgard-user;
   $id = $article-create();
   if(!$id) {
echo "Failed to create articlebr\n";
echo "Reason: " . mgd_errstr(mgd_errno()) . "\n";
   } else {
echo "Article created. ID of article is $\n";
$attachment = $article-createattachment("name","title","text/html");
if(!$attachment) {
  echo "Failed to create\n";
  echo "Reason: " . mgd_errstr(mgd_errno()) . "\n";
} else {
 echo "Created attachment. ID of attachment is $\n";

Which results in the following output:

Article created. ID of article is 17.
Failed to create attachment.
Reason: Object does not exist

So I do succeed in creating an article, and I would assume that that would
only be possible if the $article object would exist. 
LogLevel is set to debug, no relevant messages though.

What's wrong in this picture?


Armand A. Verstappen * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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RE: [midgard] 1.4beta4 on RH62 pain(?)

2000-07-04 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  A last comment.  I tryed to run only php3, just to try the module.
  It was loaded ok (server-info), but ? phpinfo() ? didn't work.
  Just a midgard:0 on the page.  I tried with both modules on
  httpd.conf (php3 and mod_migard) and It was ok, again.  I tried
  in this order, because I wanted close the problem (but didn't
  work my thoughts).

This could also be caused by the fact that the midgard install doesn't
enable php3 by default. If you haven't uncommented the 'AddHandler' bit that
is relevant to php3 (I'm on a windows box now, so I can't perform any
cut'n'paste magic) then php commands will work from a midgard-served page,
but not from a .php3 file on the filesystem.


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RE: [midgard] Preview of frame based

2000-07-04 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


 Hi, I just spent all day throwing together a new interface for
 the admin- Now
 I have to sort out the stuff below - anyway - if anyone is interested what
 could (or should not? :) be done to the admin system...  (editing with
 editlive - defaults to textboxes if you dont have it...)

This looks great! The midgard developers team happens to be planning a
complete rewrite of the admin site to include all the functionality that is
allready in the core. I believe that Alexander and David are working on it.
It looks like you could really could contribute to the midgard development
if you showed them the code of your enhanced admin site.

Keep it up!


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RE: AW: [midgard] Preview of frame based

2000-07-04 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


 Yes, It will be made public - I'm just writing some PHP import / export
 functions for styles in midgard - I think I have them working now


 Yes, editlive - after a very extensive search, It was about the
 only editor I
 could find that would allow editing of HTML in web pages - other than some
 even messier DHTML programs... (there werent even any java applets that
 worked..) - anyway - I can get it to work with Netscape but just get blank
 boxes with IE - MScrap as usual..
 - it defaults back to edit boxes when using real computers (eg.

I suppose it is not a piece of GPL software... but still I'd like the URL to
find it, can I?


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RE: [midgard] PPC comilplies now, But....

2000-07-04 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


 Well I did the changes for PPC. This worked well and realy
 are very small.

 it seems that the problem is that while a phpinfo() shows
 that midgard is running, there are 8 httpd processes and 3
 mysql processes (1.2.5 would have one for each httpd -- but
 this may have been changes or not normal)

Find the line:

LogLevel warn

in httpd.conf and change it to:

LogLevel debug

and restart apache, and check what the error-log has to say. I would not be
surprised if it turned out that Midgard can not access the database. with
LogLevel warn, midgard is very silent about that.

 (I hope to document my adventures with ppc-midgard when its
 up and happen')

I am sure that would be very much appreciated. Please do!


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RE: [midgard] THIS 6.2 installation auth fails

2000-07-04 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 I just repeated my twice-used rh6.2 installation and the new setup fails:

 Logging in as admin*, password I get:
 [Wed Jul  5 03:55:11 2000] [error] (13)Permission denied: access
 to / failed
 for, reas
 on: User not known to the underlying authentication module

 Logging in just as admin,password I get:

 [Wed Jul  5 03:55:16 2000] [error] (13)Permission denied: access
 to / failed
 for, reas
 on: Authentication failure

Hmm... I haven't seen this before...

 So the trailing * makes a difference or does it?

Well yes, it does, the * would be needed if you have compiled midgard with
sitegroups enabled. (If you installed from a package it is enabled by
default, if you installed from source you would have done
./configure --with-sitegroups when compiling midgard-lib.)

 I am trying to connect to
 The vhost entry is:

 DocumentRoot /home/httpd/html.midgard
 ErrorLog logs/midgard-error_log
 CustomLog logs/midgard-access_log common

 I do have

Do you also have:

MidgardEngine on

Somewhere in httpd.conf? You need it. I prefer to set this directive from
within a VirtualHost entry, so that the midgard module isn't called for each
request, even those sites that don't run midgard.

 My host table is:
 | id | name | root | style | info |
 owner | port
 | online | prefix | sitegroup |
 |  1 |   |1 | 1 | auth |
   0 |0
 |  1 || 0 |
 |  2 | |   34 | 2 |  |
   1 |0
 |  1 || 0 |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

It's always good practice to set:

LogLevel debug

in httpd.conf

and send a bit of the resulting log here. It will tell us a lot more about
what midgard thinks about the actual request.



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RE: [midgard] ht://Dig output ?

2000-06-29 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 Any hint on how to "integrate" htdig output on my
 Midgard websites?

 Right now i open a new window with cgi output,
 but it looks much cooler on the midgard-project

 Is it done by php instead?

Don't know, I use PHP on my site for it, and it allows me to integrate it
within my defined style. I did it following this excellent article:
I think it will tell you all you need.


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RE: [midgard] Installation guide

2000-06-29 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  I'm going to start designing an installation guide. I need to know what
  you all think is the most popular method for installation. Are
 we talking
  rpm[s] on redhat and mandrake or from CVS.

 I like RPMs, but if we're comparing RPM vs apt-get vs ... we're heading
 into what platform is most popular. I'd vote for a description based on
 source install.

I would go in between. Package installs are (designed to be) much easier
than source installs, and could be a great help to those just starting with
Midgard. So, although this involves a lot more work, why not go:

Installing RPM:
 - on RedHat
 - ManDrake
 - Suse
Installing on Debian: (vote for best news this week: Alexanders post on
MySQL going GPL)
 - ...
Installing from Source.

Provided we get the packaging and documentation right, a lot of people who
are now scared away by the installation trouble, would get to actually try
Midgard, not just the installation. Downside would be that the number of
questions 'Will it run on [os]' will increase. So I think a visible
statement of platforms that are know/reported to compile would be in order.


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RE: [midgard] mod_midgard, neccessary?

2000-06-29 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  Yes, but I thought the change to "real" name only happens when a
  redirect happens anyway.  I though CanonicalName just told it which
  name to use when it was going to use a redirect.

This is the behaviour is see on an apache dev-box at work I have been to
lazy to either add to DNS or to comment out the CanonicalName directive.

 No, I don't think so. I'd have to do tests on this but to my recollection
 the redirection is done the first time you hit the site.

Which would be nicer/easier for us, but alas.


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RE: [midgard] Midgard 1.4 beta 4 questions

2000-06-28 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 I advise against this approach. First, keep the database server running
 and simply say:

 mysqldump --opt -umidgard -pmidgard midgard  midgard.sql

 (the command aboce assumes the defaults for user passwd and db).

 This gives you a simple sql script which can be used to recreate the db.

  You can then can safely try to run the database-update script
 to adapt your
  existing database to be compliant with 1.4beta4.

 Restore the db with

 mysql -umidgard -pmidgard midgard  midgard.sql

 Simple as that.

...Wich is indeed the correct way to do it. Guess I went into dummy mode in
the thick of the night, sorry.


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RE: [midgard] Optional Auth

2000-06-28 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 From what I have seen so far, a page either requires auth or it does not.
 if it does, it fails without it.
 Yet I have also seen code fragments that control output based on auth.

 How is optional auth controlled.  [ I just read ALL the user functions and
 saw no hint - maybe I'm just tired - its past bed time]

Oh my, you've read them all!!!

I think you could user mgd_auth_midgard to do that. Have the page not
require auth, but have a logon form that uses mgd_auth_midgard to
authenticate the user. Please be careful about using the send cookie
feature, as the are various known security concerns around the use of

Hope this helps.


p.s. I'd be happy to hear any feedback you have on the function reference
(and any other part of the manual actually), as we are working hard to make
it better.

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RE: [midgard] custum topic admin

2000-06-28 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


   Ok, I cannot figure why this won't go through.   I've tried with
 both inherited and required authentication, and by stripping it down to as
 much as the example in the documentation, but it still will not create a
 new article with this.

 $name="demo article";
 $title = "someone";
 $abstract="whatnot goes here";

 $article = mgd_create_article( $up, $topic, $name, $title,
 $abstract, $content,
   $author, $url, $calstart, $caldays, $icon,
   $view, $print, $extra1, $extra2, $extra3,
 echo "created article '$title' with id $article.";

The $up and $topic should point to an existing article and parent topic
respectively. My bold guess is that article with id 123 doesn't exist. I
assume you are running a version of Midgard that doesn't include the
mgd_errno and mgd_errstr functions yet. If the machine you are running
Midgard on is not a production machine, you might considering upgrading to
the 1.4b4 beta release. This version includes these new functions that are a
great help in understanding why something doesn't work.

 If anyone could tell me why this doesn't work and/or what would, I'd be

Hope I was of some help,


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RE: [midgard] New Topic - ID Trouble ( the last topic was too long )

2000-06-27 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Hi Piotras,

 Midgard Main Page, but I changed the code, and wrote this yesterday.
 See yourself fot the url in my mail. Maybe I can't write correct url for
 articles, but it seems , some topics and articles ID are the same.

The id's that are given to a topic are meant to give them an unique
identifier in relation to the other topics. Same goes for articles, and any
record type within midgard actually. This is not an error on midgards or
your side really.
So you can't use one active page to take the parameter (e.g. 25.html) and
than display a topic if it turns out to be a topic or a article if it's an
article, as this may lead to some intresting confusement.


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RE: [midgard] Images again

2000-06-27 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 Hi, this is my log: [Tue Jun 27 12:59:16 2000] [crit] [client] configuration error:  couldn't check user.  No user fi
 le?: /images/rightend.gif

Looks like you've put an access restriction on /www/midgard/images, but
didn't create a userfile (e.g. .htpasswd) and instructed the restriction
rules to use that file.

If so, I don't see a good reason to put access restriction on the images,
and I think you could safely remove it.

 this is for admin site. Document root for admin site is :
 images localization: /www/midgard/images


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[midgard] Meeting notes delayed.

2000-06-27 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


I am sorry to say that I will not be able to get the notes on the midgard

Roadmap for Midgard 1.4 'Bifrost' Release, and
Planning and Design of Midgard 2.0 Release

out tonight, and it will probably take me till thursday to post them here. I
did get my feedback to Ron for the MWS42, that includes highlights of these
and other meetings we had in Paris.

Please bear with me,


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RE: [midgard] Midgard 1.4 beta 4 questions

2000-06-27 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 2. What steps are necessary for backing up my existing Midgard 1.2.5
 installation? Back up/rename the midgard MySQL database, and the
 .so files
 (mod_midgard and libphp3)?

yes, and, but also

To backup your database I would:

Stop the mysql server, copy all relevant files to a safe location (your
database is stored as files on your filesystem in the end), restart the
mysql server.

You can then can safely try to run the database-update script to adapt your
existing database to be compliant with 1.4beta4. If you need return to the
old situation you can just stop the server again and copy back the original

Good luck,


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RE: [midgard] Midgard and https://*

2000-06-26 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


   Apache is configured to listen the port 8082
   Then when I try to connect to, I do not
   have the AdminSite but my default web site !
   (but when I had tried, I have
 the Admin

 But does not return the AdminSite.

 I think that the problem is a bug with Midgard who test the string
 instead of "", then the https can not work
 (according to Midgard, the string is
 not the same that the string

 How could this problem be solved ?

This is not the case, I have the adminsite running successfully on a
development machine at home. It took me some time though to get the
httpd.conf right.

I have:

Virtualhost _default_:8081
Port 8081
Require SSL

In this way, one can _only_ connect to the adminsite using https. If this
doesn't help you out, you may want to post (part of) your httpd.conf here.


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RE: [midgard] Can you give me some examples of commercial websites that have been created using Midgard please....

2000-06-26 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


 Subject: [midgard] Can you give me some examples of commercial websites
 that have been created using Midgard please

 ...or URLs where I can see sites that are currently in
 development. I'm interested in using the software myself
 and I'd like to get some inspiration.

Check out: . The
last of the list of links you'll find there is actually a demo server
running on the 1.2.5 version, where you can play around to create your own
site (the contents of wich will be destroyed every 24 hours, but it leaves
you ample time to get a feel for midgard).


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RE: [midgard] midgard 1.4beta4

2000-06-26 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


 does anybody knows where I can find the Midgard 1.4 beta4 source

Hmmm... good question. Normally you would find them on , but there is only a link to
the datapackage of 1.4beta4, which links to something, but not 1.4beta4 data
package. I am afraid that all the developers that can fix this are still on
the trip back from Paris, so you should have a little patience.

 If I am well informed it should be released last sunday(25th of june)..

Yes, the release is cut, this is true. I am sure it will pop up in a few

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RE: [midgard] Midgard and https://*

2000-06-26 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

  Virtualhost _default_:8081
  Port 8081
  Require SSL
 The poster is trying to get https by using stunnel, so apache doesn't even
 know that SSL is being used. Using stunnel to set up https is an excellent
 way to waste processing and memory capacity of a webserver BTW. This
 better not be a busy box. Or a terribly overspecced one, of course.

Oh, but if stunnel provides SSL, then the client browser connects to the
entrypoint of the browser right? And if it would go in as https:// it would
come out as https:// at the other side of the tunnel. Then apache would see
an https:// request that it probably doesn't understand. If one insists on
typing https, I think apache _must_ be configured to handle it.

But then again, all I know about stunnel is that it is probably a tunnel
with a set of funny curves in it... so I may be completely besides the


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[midgard] swapping live-site and development site.

2000-06-15 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


I maintain a site ( As it is bad practice to develop
on a live system, I want to make a copy of my existing host, and have that
appear on for example. If I am satisfied with the
changes I've made I want the latter host to start answer requests for, and make a fresh copy of it for further development
on .
Has anyone on the list allready done something like that?
I'd be grateful if someone could provide me with scripts or pointers on how
to achieve this goal.



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Re: [midgard] strange problem (permission related?)

2000-05-03 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Sounds even better to me, unless there are users that actually see the
  current behaviour as a 'feature'.

 It's a trivial fix, so I'd check it in, but...


 This in fact creates the same problem. Mixing hosts/subhosts or
 prefix/subprefixes in different sitegroups is not likely to work very
 intuitively with cookie authentication.

OUCH. I think you are very right here. I think I should have given it some
more thought before even mentioning this.

  with the URL request. The path "/foo" would match "/foobar" and
  "/foo/bar.html". The path "/" is the most general path.
  If the path is not specified, it as assumed to be the same path as the
  document being described by the header which contains the cookie.

 And the same problem again.

 Deleting the cookie is simple, and I'd check it in, but I want more
 discussion on the above topics before changing the path in the cookie.

Yes, I do. On first glance it appeared to be easy to avoid clashes, and I
figured sending you the info would be enough, but now that I reread that
page I rather feel that the path/domain thingie is not well thought out when
it comes to this. Looks like our best option is to add some warnings about
this to the mgd_auth_midgard documentation.
Clashes would seem unlikely in 'normal' (what is that) situations, but if
one would offer test-accounts like etc,
the problem would become very real.

A possible work-around would be to include the host-id that send the cookie
in the cookie-value, together with the user/pass info, and then have
mgd_auth_mgd("","",1) refuse to delete the cookie if the existing cookie
doesn't  originate from the same host. Ugly, admitted.


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Re: [midgard] strange problem (permission related?)

2000-05-02 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I fixed this by sending a Set-Cookie:
  header in which I reset the expiration date to a date in the past. This
  me the desired results. Since I had to read the source to find out how
  cookie is set (Netscape is very precise about receiving the exact cookie
  information), it may be a good idea to add a function that does the

 Or we could have mgd_auth_midgard("","",1) delete the cookie. I see no
 problems with that.

Sounds even better to me, unless there are users that actually see the
current behaviour as a 'feature'.

  Also, I noticed that mgd_auth_midgard
  doesn't send the domain with the cookie. I may be wrong, but I think
  could cause problems if I have in sitegroup 1 and
  in sitegroup 2, because the path is set to '/' .

 Don't know much about cookies. If you can tell me what to send I'll make
 sure it gets sent.

All I know comes from this page:

highlights from the page:

Syntax of the Set-Cookie HTTP Response Header
This is the format a CGI script would use to add to the HTTP headers a new
piece of data which is to be stored by the client for later retrieval.
Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE; path=PATH; domain=DOMAIN_NAME; secure

This string is a sequence of characters excluding semi-colon, comma and
white space. If there is a need to place such data in the name or value,
some encoding method such as URL style %XX encoding is recommended, though
no encoding is defined or required.
This is the only required attribute on the Set-Cookie header.

The expires attribute specifies a date string that defines the valid life
time of that cookie. Once the expiration date has been reached, the cookie
will no longer be stored or given out.
The date string is formatted as:

This is based on RFC 822, RFC 850, RFC 1036, and RFC 1123, with the
variations that the only legal time zone is GMT and the separators between
the elements of the date must be dashes.
expires is an optional attribute. If not specified, the cookie will expire
when the user's session ends.

Note: There is a bug in Netscape Navigator version 1.1 and earlier. Only
cookies whose path attribute is set explicitly to "/" will be properly saved
between sessions if they have an expires attribute.

When searching the cookie list for valid cookies, a comparison of the domain
attributes of the cookie is made with the Internet domain name of the host
from which the URL will be fetched. If there is a tail match, then the
cookie will go through path matching to see if it should be sent. "Tail
matching" means that domain attribute is matched against the tail of the
fully qualified domain name of the host. A domain attribute of ""
would match host names "" as well as
Only hosts within the specified domain can set a cookie for a domain and
domains must have at least two (2) or three (3) periods in them to prevent
domains of the form: ".com", ".edu", and "". Any domain that fails
within one of the seven special top level domains listed below only require
two periods. Any other domain requires at least three. The seven special top
level domains are: "COM", "EDU", "NET", "ORG", "GOV", "MIL", and "INT".

The default value of domain is the host name of the server which generated
the cookie response.

The path attribute is used to specify the subset of URLs in a domain for
which the cookie is valid. If a cookie has already passed domain matching,
then the pathname component of the URL is compared with the path attribute,
and if there is a match, the cookie is considered valid and is sent along
with the URL request. The path "/foo" would match "/foobar" and
"/foo/bar.html". The path "/" is the most general path.
If the path is not specified, it as assumed to be the same path as the
document being described by the header which contains the cookie.

If a cookie is marked secure, it will only be transmitted if the
communications channel with the host is a secure one. Currently this means
that secure cookies will only be sent to HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) servers.
If secure is not specified, a cookie is considered safe to be sent in the
clear over unsecured channels.


If a CGI script wishes to delete a cookie, it can do so by returning a
cookie with the same name, and an expires time which is in the past. The
path and name must match exactly in order for the expiring cookie to replace
the valid cookie. This requirement makes it difficult for anyone but the
originator of a cookie to delete a cookie.

I suppose that's all the info you need...


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Re: [midgard] mod_midgard does not work!!!

2000-05-02 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

"xybercool xacs" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 But when it comes to installation of mod-midgard
 it gives an error message saying that midgard
 libraries not found. i have specified the full
 path to ""/usr/local/lib" where the
 is physically located there.

use ./configure --with-midgard=/usr/local

./configure will add 'lib/' when looking for the midgard library. If that
fails, add a line '/usr/local/lib' to /etc/ and then run
/sbin/ldconfig . That should help you out.

Good luck,


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Re: [midgard] strange problem (permission related?)

2000-05-01 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   It basically lists all pages under the rootpage, accept for the nomenu
   page. This used to work fine, until I started to use
   mgd_auth_midgard("username","password",1) somewhere else in the site.
   Now it just works when someone is logged on (received a auth_cookie),
   but when that cookie is reset,  mgd_list_pages(140) above will not
   return an object. Before I started playing with logins $midgard-user
   always was 0, and there where no problems, now when someone is not
   logged in $midgard-user is 0 too.

 mgd_auth_midgard(,1) must be used before any page content is output,
 since it will send a cookie in the headers. This may be related to your
 problem. Another issue could be that after the mgd_auth_midgard you may
 have logged yourself out and fail to fetch things because of that.

Yes, I figured that one out, and actually committed a comment about it to
CVS. But my probs started after that.

  I am using mgd_auth_midgard("=","",1) to 'unlogin' a person. This
  results in the user sending a cookie that does not succesfully
  authenticate. Because of that Midgard apparently decides to not allow me
  to perform the mgd_list_pages function.
  Is there a way to remove the users cookie?

 To forcibly remove the cookie, use mgd_auth_midgard("","",1), which will
 anonimize the currently logged in user and send a cookie to that effect to
 the users' browser. The cookie won't be deleted, though.

I tried both mgd_auth_midgard("","",1) and mgd_auth_midgard("=","",1), but
both did not give the desired result. I fixed this by sending a Set-Cookie:
header in which I reset the expiration date to a date in the past. This gave
me the desired results. Since I had to read the source to find out how the
cookie is set (Netscape is very precise about receiving the exact cookie
information), it may be a good idea to add a function that does the same,
mgd_auth_midgard_delete(void); . Also, I noticed that mgd_auth_midgard
doesn't send the domain with the cookie. I may be wrong, but I think this
could cause problems if I have in sitegroup 1 and
in sitegroup 2, because the path is set to '/' .


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Re: [midgard] Still some problems..

2000-05-01 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

"Gottfried Ryser" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 and here is my answer

 Thanks a lot, hope to come closer now.

 Hmm... I am not sure about this one, I haven't seen this error before.
 de midgard-data package, did you install the html portion in the right
 location, and did you also insert de table-structure and data into the
 midgard database?

 Data and structure is done
 I'm not shure about the html portion, I found only the pics, but is there
 some html to put in /admin and /example

No. The html is generated by midgard, only the pics are served from the
filesystem. In general, anything that Midgard cannot serve will be looked
for on the filesystem. In /admin and /example these are only pics however.

 my Structure in Apache is /home/httpd/html = www-root, midgard sits above
 html/midgard + /example and / admin

 Could you:

 mysql -u midgard -p midgard
 password: ***  (probably 'midgard' in your installation, change if

 select * from host;
 select id,username,password from person;

 In the host table I have
 1, 1, 1, auth, 0, 8101, 1, /admin
 2, 34, 2, null, 1, 8099, 1, /example

 to try it local shall I change my hostname to localhost? with IP
 in http.conf and in the host table?

 in table person

 1 admin **password

What do you get when you browse to and ?

Also, in your next reply, could you give a full update, because I lost view
over where we are now.

Good Luck, we'll get this to work soon!


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Re: [midgard] Still some problems..

2000-04-30 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


"Gottfried Ryser" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I reinstalled the midgard php module and many things looks now better, but
 still problems:

 This is the tail of the error.log

 [Sat Apr 29 18:22:06 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)  (Red Hat/Linux)
 Midgard/Lib=1.4-beta3 PHP/3.0.16+Midgard/Lib=1.4-beta3 configured --
 resuming normal operations
 [Sat Apr 29 18:22:06 2000] [info] Server built: Apr  7 1999 17:17:41

Indeed this looks a lot better.

 [Sat Apr 29 18:22:06 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(127): Midgard:
 database=default, username=default, password=default

By this I know that mod_midgard is trying to connect to the default
database, there are no errors there, so I would think your database
connectivity is setup correctly now.

 [Sat Apr 29 18:22:28 2000] [crit] [client] configuration
 couldn't check user.  No user file?: /midgard/

 PHP is running, on you see all the infos, but there
 must be a problem around the midgard db.

 If I try to login with the default user/pw admin/password I get an server
 error, the last line in the error.log

Hmm... I am not sure about this one, I haven't seen this error before. From
de midgard-data package, did you install the html portion in the right
location, and did you also insert de table-structure and data into the
midgard database?

Could you:

mysql -u midgard -p midgard
password: ***  (probably 'midgard' in your installation, change if

select * from host;
select id,username,password from person;

and send the output of those?

Anyone else on the list, if you are more familiar with this error, please
jump in.

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Re: [midgard] mod --with-apache=?

2000-04-30 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Todd Daniel Woodward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The "--with-apache=DIR" option confuses me a little. (But then, it is
 Friday, and I confuse easily on Friday.)

 It says that it should be set to the Apache server root directory. Is that
 the root directory for the executable (/usr/bin), apxs (/usr/bin),
 DocumentRoot or ServerRoot (/Local/Library/WebServer) ?

That should be the directory where conf/httpd.conf lives, so that upon
installation the modules can be added to that file. Also, make will look for
apachedir/bin/apxs if apxs in not found in your path. If you run into
trouble there, make sure that either apxs is in your path, or symlink it so
that it can be found in apachedir/bin/apxs .

Good luck,


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Re: [midgard] strange problem (permission related?)

2000-04-30 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

 I have a bit of code in a navigation layout-element:

 13: ?
 14:if($list =

 16:  if($list-name != "nomenu") { ? 
 17:  stronga href="(ghost.prefix);/(;" 
 18:? } } } 
 19: ? 
 It basically lists all pages under the rootpage, accept for the nomenu page. This 
used to work fine, until I started to use mgd_auth_midgard("username","password",1) 
somewhere else in the site. Now it just works when someone is logged on (received a 
auth_cookie), but when that cookie is reset,  mgd_list_pages(140) above will not
 return an object. Before I started playing with logins $midgard-user always was 0, 
and there where no problems, now when someone is not logged in $midgard-user is 0 

I am using mgd_auth_midgard("=","",1) to 'unlogin' a person. This results in the user 
sending a cookie that does not succesfully authenticate. Because of that Midgard 
apparently decides to not allow me to perform the mgd_list_pages function. 
Is there a way to remove the users cookie?


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Re: [midgard] Strugling with Midgard

2000-04-27 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


Sorry for the late reply, but here it goes:

"Gottfried Ryser" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I found the error-log, also I see only one instance of the Apache running,
 but some errors in the error_log

 [Mon Apr 24 22:05:10 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)  (Red Hat/Linux)
 configured -- resuming normal operations
This line tells me that your apache is _not_ midgard-enabled, or in other
words, the modules are not loaded.

 [Mon Apr 24 22:05:53 2000] [error] [client] File does not exist:
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:26 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:26 2000] [error] Cannot remove module mod_php3.c: not
 found in module list
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:26 2000] [error] Cannot remove module mod_midgard.c: not
 found in module list
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [error] Cannot remove module mod_php3.c: not
 found in module list
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [error] Cannot remove module mod_midgard.c: not
 found in module list
These lines tell me that you do have the LoadModule and AddModule directives
to insert  these modules into apache, but they are not loaded upon startup.
Check the loadmodule lines for mod_midgard and mod_php3, and see if the
files these directives point to really exist.
I see two possible reasons for this to happen:

a) your apxs has for some odd reason installed the modules in the wrong
place, or
b) you have edited httpd.conf, but not compiled and 'make install'd them.

 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [error] VirtualHost -- mixing
 ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported,
 proceeding with undefined results
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [error] VirtualHost -- mixing
 ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported,
 proceeding with undefined results
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no

These indicate that you have some (non-critical) errors in your httpd.conf,
check the virtual hosts section.

 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [info] created shared memory segment #1664
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)  (Red Hat/Linux)
 configured -- resuming normal operations
 [Tue Apr 25 09:17:28 2000] [info] Server built: Apr  7 1999 17:17:41

 The box is in a network and is the IP address of this Linux
 box. I used the name

 This is what I added to httpd.conf

 LoadModule midgard_module modules/
 AddModule mod_midgard.c
 LoadModule php3_module modules/
 AddModule mod_php3.c

 AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .phtml .php3 .php


Change this to:


 MidgardEngine on

 MidgardRootfile /home/httpd/html/midgard/midgard-root.php3

 Directory /home/httpd/midgard
 require valid-user
 AuthName Midgard
 Authtype Basic

 Port 8101

 Port 80
 DocumentRoot /home/httpd/html
 AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .phtml .php3 .php
 DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.php3 index.phtml index.php

 Port 8099

 Listen 80
 Listen 8099
 Listen 810

Last one should be Listen 8101

This should help you to get rid of some errors, but you really need to get
the modules to be loaded by apache upon start.

 LoadModule midgard_module modules/
 AddModule mod_midgard.c
 LoadModule php3_module modules/
 AddModule mod_php3.c

So check if and are really in apachedir/modules/
. It is very possible that they live in apachedir/libexec/ , in that case
you should change modules/ and modules/ to be
libexec/ and libexec/

Hope this helps,


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Re: [midgard] Use question..

2000-04-24 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Zach Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 First of all, great work on this project!  I just got it up and running
 d I am looking forward to playing around with it.  So here is my problem:
  am having trouble pulling the whole site together.  I can access the root
 page, however, I cannot access any of the articles and I am unsure of how
 he system works.  Can anyone help me?  I'm not on the list, so could
 s be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also? =20

Hi Zach!

First of all, welcome to the wonders of Midgard. I am glad you got it up and
running and am curious if you had any specific trouble getting this far.
Second, I would like to invite you to subscribe to the list. There is a
focussed group working on the current documentation, and your questions
would be a great help to the project, as it helps us gain insight what the
most pressing questions of a new user may be.

Now, I'll have a go and suggest one way to display an article (like in Perl,
There Is More Than One Way To Do It (tm) in Midgard too).

create a subpage under the rootpage, and call it 'artview'.

Enter the following content:

   $getit = mgd_get_article(232);

replace 232 by the number (id) of an article you've allready created. After
submitting, when you access /artview on the midgard host-url you've created,
you will see title, abstract and content of the article you referred to.
This is an all too basic example of what you can do, and probably people on
the list will start replying how much more sophisticated it could be done.
And believe me, it can.

Do checkout our current manual at
You'll find a lot of information there, that will get you going. And please,
even if you don't join the list, keep us posted of your proceedings, as your
feedback will be very valuable to our project.


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Re: [midgard] Use question..

2000-04-24 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Zach Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thank you for your response!  It made some things clearer.  I still am I
 ttle foggy though.  You said 'create a subpage under the rootpage'.  How
  I do this.  The only reason I have a root page is because I copied much
  the example site style.  So my question is, how do you actually create
 es?  How do you create directories and such? =20

Okay, to create a subpage under the rootpage:
- go to host administration.
- click the host you want to work with.
- click 'edit root page:'
- click 'new subpage'.

You can then give your page a name and content, among other things.

There are no directories in midgard. You have a rootpage, which will apear
at http://yourmidgardsite/ , which can have subpages like 'test', which
would appear at http://yourmidgardsite/test/ . Test itself could contain
subpages too, appearing like http://yourmidgardsite/test/to/impress/you . So
in a way you could say that a page like 'test' is both a page and a
directory, which is quite powerfull.

If you copied stuff from the example site, you allready have a grasp of the
style part of Midgard. Here you decide what your pages will look like. Under
host administration you can design your page tree. All you really need to
know at first is that there is no need for directories in Midgard. Under
topic administration you can make trees of topics, topics can contain
articles. You would use a page to display your articles. To do so, you could
use the function mgd_get_topic(int id) as I mentioned in my really simple
example, but there are many more functions available from Midgard.
B.t.w.: do you have some experience with PHP?
 Installation was quite hard.  First I downloaded all of the source
  and tried to install, but some simply would not compile, because of
  in the code.  In another, (mod_midgard I believe), configure died saying
 t couldn't find the midgard libs even though I put the path in my
 f and specified it with --with-midgard=3D .  I ended up downloading the
 che-midgard rpm, which was easy to install, but configuration was still

Ease of installation is one of our concerns. Source installs will never be
really easy, but we're planning to make our installation instructions a lot
clearer. I am glad to hear that the rpm package helped you out.

 The configuration was hard not because of midgard, but because of my la=
 ck of experience with apache.  After the system was up and running I have
 een quite impressed.

 Zach Paine


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Re: [midgard] Strugling with Midgard

2000-04-24 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

"Gottfried Ryser" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 Back from easter-weekend I tried to finish my Midgard installation. But

 Installed all the files. Modified the http.conf file, restarted Apache. No
 error msgs. but nothing works. Made the testfile so see if PHP works,
 not to work, I guess Apache does not recognize my filetype or PHP is not
 running. Any help how to find this?

Hmmm... let's first try to find out wether your apache does load mod_midgard
and midgard_php...

1. find out where your error.log (may well be in /usr/local/apache/logs/)
2. Open httpd.conf in an editor, search for LogLevel, and change it to
LogLevel debug
3. tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/
4. stop and start apache from a different window.

please let us know what the first 15 lines are that apear in the tail -f
window after restarting apache.

be aware though, that if you tried to install from source and later from RPM
(or the other way round) you may have two instances of apache lying around.
Be sure that you are working with the correct error.log and httpd.conf.



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Re: [midgard] Attn Cat

2000-04-21 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Ron Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I used the http integration - User Friendly howto and script the other day
 and loved it, I'm looking for the author's name but don't see it.

Hmmzz.. I took it from the Midgard Workshop sheets, so it may be Jukka's.

 I'm really looking forward to applying whatever it is that you're going to
 teach us.

And so am I


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Re: [midgard] question

2000-04-21 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Janet Pipkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 we are currently using midgard. it was installed by a previous employee.
 i am trying to determine what version it is. would you please tell me
 how i would locate that info.

locate the apache errorlog . It could very well be in
/usr/local/apache/logs/errorlog . Put a tail on that file.

tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/errorlog.

Kill and restart apache from a different window, and watch what happens in
the other. The restart message will tell you what version of Midgard is

b.t.w. I hope you are not suffering the 'They left me with this thing and I
don't know how to deal with it' frustration. ( I mean, you mentioned the
previous employee). If so, feel free to cry for help on this list, as there
are many people out here ready to help you further.


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Re: AW: AW: [midgard] Strugling with Midgard

2000-04-20 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

"Gottfried Ryser" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  make:apxs command not found
  make: ***[] Error 127

 apxs is not in your path.

 $ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin

first find apxs on your system. It might very well live in
/usr/local/apache/bin/ . You could then follow the previous advise, using
the path to apxs:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/apache/bin  (replace this by the directory your
apxs lives)

I myself usually do:

rm config.cache
./configure --with-apache=/usr/local/apache

And then it will find it too. Note that if you don't 'rm config.cache' it
will still be unable to find apxs, if you choose to use this way...


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Re: [midgard] Issues with 1.4b3 Install

2000-04-18 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Henri Bergius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Admin has a plain password of "**password" assigned in the database,
  while the test user has an encrypted password. No matter what I attempt,
  I cannot logon to the admin ID using the given password. However, the
  test user can logon just fine.

I think I just ran into the same problem on my test setup. Changing the
'**password' to '[encrypted-pass]' using an sql-statement solved the
problem. Could it be that an unencrypted password is not allowed foor the
root user? Wouldn't be too bad, I didn't mean to have the password
clear-text anyway, but if so, it should be documented.

  The delimiters are now:

  '*' I am root and want a full view of the system
  '!' I am root and want an admin view
  '$' I am root and I want a user view
  '+' I am an admin/user

Maybe unneeded, but a little clarification:

rootusername* or rootusername*sitegroupname,

is what you would provide as username during you logon challenge.


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Re: [midgard] sample midgard sites?

2000-04-18 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

"Scott Gruber" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i'm very interested to try out midgard, but wanted to get some sense from
 you guys about

 1. how easy it is to set up (php and apache still essentially remain the
 same right? i won't loose anything will I

I think that if you have experience in compiling apache and php, you won't
run into too much trouble.

You will have to compile a patched version of PHP. The version of php that
midgard is running on is 3.0.16. If you have previously compiled php
yourself and still have the sourcetree hanging around, you can copy the
script 'do-conf' to the midgard-php sourcetree. Edit this file to
include --with-midgard and and then execute it. After this make, make
install should leave you with a php module patched for midgard that has all
the functionality that was in your previous one.
If you don't have a do-conf file, you can find out the options your current
php module was configured with by creating a file test.php3 in your
documentroot with the contents: ? phpinfo(); ? and point your browser at
it. Halfway down the resulting page you'll see the configure command that
was used to compile your module. Copy this line to the command prompt in the
midgard-php directory and append --with-midgard to it.

 2. i'd love to see sample sites running midgard to get a sense of
 flexibility of info, nav and graphic design using midgard.

Checkout the documentation section on, it mentions a
few sites that use midgard. There's also an installation manual that should
help you through installation trouble.


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Re: [midgard] Sitegroups and host visability

2000-04-15 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano Heyns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 There is now a script available at
 Rather crude but it will do the job. It's short and simple and if your
 admin site IDs have changed it will happily carry on.

Thank you. There is a typo in the script, here's the patch fixing it and
some added 'cosmetics'.

 $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, "midgard", "midgard");
 $user = "midgard";
 $password = "midgard";
 $doit = "no"; # script will run without making changes if set to no.
   # change to yes to make the changes happen.

 $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password);
   #$sth-do("UPDATE $table SET sitegroup=$sitegroup WHERE id=$id");
   if($doit eq "yes") {
 $dbh-do("UPDATE $table SET sitegroup=$sitegroup WHERE id=$id");
   } else

 print "[testrun:] ";



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[midgard] Sitegroups and host visability

2000-04-14 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


I've installed a sitegroup aware midgard, and created a sitegroup named

INSERT INTO sitegroups (name) values ("envida");

I used the relog button on the updated admin interface and login in with

admin*envida, using the appropriate password.

Created a new host, new group and a new user. made the user member of the
new group. The group nr. turned out to be 4. so:

UPDATE sitegroups set admingroup=4;

I can now login as the new user+envida, and I am told that I am logged into
sitegroup envida at adminstrative level. I can see all the other sites that
are configured, also the ones that are in SG0. Is this how it's supposed to
be? I assumed other hosts would be hidden from view. I cannot change the
ohter sites.



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Re: [midgard] Sitegroups and host visability

2000-04-14 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  UPDATE sitegroups set admingroup=4;
  I can now login as the new user+envida, and I am told that I am logged
  sitegroup envida at adminstrative level.

 This is exactly how it works at the moment. In fact, I think this
 description deserves a place in the manual while the admin site lacks SG
 functionality, although I would quantify which sitegroup you want to set
 the admingroup for. The above works if you have one sitegroup.

Yeah, I'm lazy too.

UPDATE sitegroups set admingroup=4 where id=1; or
UPDATE sitegroups set admingroup=4 where sitegroup="whatever";

would have been better

  I can see all the other sites that
  are configured, also the ones that are in SG0. Is this how it's supposed
  be? I assumed other hosts would be hidden from view. I cannot change the
  ohter sites.

 Whether this is how it's supposed to be is for you, the user, to decide.
 I'm open to suggestions. This is how it works currently, yes. All content
 in SG0 will be available to all sites, read-only. You are not supposed to
 see sites other than those in SG0 or your own sitegroup.

 I realize SiteGroups can be used to attain a level of confidentiality for
 non-root users. The SG0 resources can not be confidential in the current

Ah, then that's okay with me. In a production environment I just have to
make sure that only the adminsite is in SG0.

I'll go now and do a recompile of midgard-php, to check if Alexanders latest
commit solves the php probs.




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Re: [midgard] Sitegroups and host visability

2000-04-14 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Anyway, SG0 hosts will allways require login, so they won't be usuable for
 public sites.

Which leaves me with the headache of getting my existing sites over to a
sitegroup... I suppose repligard is meant for that purpose, but I still
don't have a clue on how that works...



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Re: [midgard] Sitegroups and host visability

2000-04-14 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Which leaves me with the headache of getting my existing sites over to a
  sitegroup... I suppose repligard is meant for that purpose, but I still
  don't have a clue on how that works...

 If you haven't added pages or content to the admin site, I'm working on a
 script that will move all non-admin content to a specified

I haven't, so your script would be more than welcome. It would also be great
if the database upgrade would move all existing sites except the admin site
to a sitegroup 'old' or something. But I suppose that would also only work
if their have been no additions to the admin site?


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[midgard] [Fwd: midgard segfaults.]

2000-04-11 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


 I have a somewhat working midgard-install, but sometimes I don't get a
 full page of output. In the HTML-source there are no messages at all,
 and if I turn on debugging my apache error-log says:

 [Wed Apr 12 02:01:51 2000] [notice] child pid 7383 exit signal
 Segmentation fault (11)
 [Wed Apr 12 02:03:59 2000] [notice] child pid 17534 exit signal
 Segmentation fault (11)
 [Wed Apr 12 02:05:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(120): Midgard:
 database=default, username=default, password=default
 [Wed Apr 12 02:48:54 2000] [notice] child pid 6407 exit signal
 Segmentation fault (11)
 [Wed Apr 12 02:58:24 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(120): Midgard:
 database=default, username=default, password=default

 I doesn't do this on all pages, and on a different machine with the same
 software I don't get this problem at all.  This may not be a
 midgard-related problem, but I don't have a clue where to look now.

 Any advice would be very welcome.




I have a somewhat working midgard-install, but sometimes I don't get a
full page of output. In the HTML-source there are no messages at all,
and if I turn on debugging my apache error-log says:

[Wed Apr 12 02:01:51 2000] [notice] child pid 7383 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Apr 12 02:03:59 2000] [notice] child pid 17534 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Apr 12 02:05:00 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(120): Midgard:
database=default, username=default, password=default
[Wed Apr 12 02:48:54 2000] [notice] child pid 6407 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Apr 12 02:58:24 2000] [debug] mod_midgard.c(120): Midgard:
database=default, username=default, password=default

I doesn't do this on all pages, and on a different machine with the same
software I don't get this problem at all.  This may not be a
midgard-related problem, but I don't have a clue where to look now.

Any advice would be very welcome.



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[midgard] [PHP-DEV] php is core-dumping

2000-04-11 Thread Armand A. Verstappen


Thank you for your swift reply. Yes, indeed I use a midgard patched version.
However, on my development machine I never got these coredumps, and when I
moved all my stuff to what was supposed to be my production-environment, I
ran into these dumps. I don't know enough about backtracing and all to say
wether its midgard or php related, so if I wasted your time, please excuse
me. And thanks again for your time.

So, midgard-people, does anyone outthere have some help on this one? (See



-Original Message-
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 06:15
To: Armand A. Verstappen
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] php is core-dumping

Hrm, you appear to have a midgard-patched version of PHP and the core dump
is a direct result of these patches.  I think you should be asking the
Mindgard folks this one.

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Armand A. Verstappen wrote:

 Hi I followed your instructions on,

 and here is a backtrace:

 [root@envida logs]# gdb /usr/sbin/httpd
 GNU gdb 4.18
 Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
 welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
 Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
 There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
 This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux"...
 (gdb) run -X -f/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
 Starting program: /usr/sbin/httpd -X -f/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x0 in ?? ()
 (gdb) bt
 #0  0x0 in ?? ()
 #1  0x40193db0 in _php3_hash_add_or_update (ht=0x40210a20,
 arKey=0x4021a5bd "create", nKeyLength=7, pData=0xbfffe7b0,
 pDest=0x0, flag=0) at php3_hash.c:162
 #2  0x4019a07c in add_assoc_function (arg=0x4026d294, key=0x4021a5bd
 function_ptr=0x401d866c midgard_oop_topic_create)
 at internal_functions.c:344
 #3  0x401cf764 in php_midgard_oop (object=0x4026d294, class=0x40239bc0)
 at functions/midgard.c:469
 #4  0x401d1de2 in php3_mgd_get_topic (ht=0x8102bf8,
 list=0x40272f20, plist=0x40272ee0) at functions/midgard.c:1447
 #5  0x401e2d3f in phpparse () at control_structures_inline.h:929
 #6  0x401938c0 in php3_parse (yyin=0x80fc100) at main.c:1538
 #7  0x40193b9c in apache_php3_module_main (r=0x80f4b64, fd=32,
 display_source_mode=0, preprocessed=0) at main.c:1892
 #8  0x401909c1 in send_php3 () from /usr/local/apache/modules/

 #9  0x40190a47 in send_parsed_php3 () from
 #10 0x8054d43 in ap_invoke_handler ()
 #11 0x8068279 in process_request_internal ()
 #12 0x80682dc in ap_process_request ()
 #13 0x805fb7e in child_main ()
 #14 0x805fd0c in make_child ()
 #15 0x805fe69 in startup_children ()
 #16 0x8060496 in standalone_main ()
 #17 0x8060c23 in main ()
 #18 0x4007d1eb in __libc_start_main (main=0x80608dc main, argc=3,
 argv=0xbd54, init=0x804e8fc _init, fini=0x8094bfc _fini,
 rtld_fini=0x4000a610 _dl_fini, stack_end=0xbd4c)
 at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:90

 Hope you guys can shed some light on this for me...



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Re: [midgard] filesystem serving stops

1999-11-29 Thread Armand A. Verstappen

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Armand A. Verstappen wrote:

 This is my first post to the list, I have been reading for two weeks now.
 I've encountered this problem before, but with installing 1.2.5 it went
 away and I didn't give it much thought.
 What happens is that my midgard setup works fine, but then all of a sudden
 stops serving filesystem pages. This means that all of a sudden my
 pictures are gone. 

Ahem... It turns out that I misunderstood the function of marking a page
as 'active'. Turning it back to static fixed my problem.


Armand A. Verstappen * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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