Re: Use a wallpaper

2024-04-18 Thread Vitaly Shevtsov
If you start X with startx, then you can put "feh --bg-fill wallpaper.png"
into .xinitrc before last "exec "

ср, 17 апр. 2024 г., 23:35 Todd Gruhn :

> My current root (?) window is black.
> How do I put a graphic or wallpaper on there
> when I start X11?

Re: Use a wallpaper

2024-04-17 Thread RVP

On Wed, 17 Apr 2024, Todd Gruhn wrote:

How do I put a graphic or wallpaper on there
when I start X11?




Re: Use a wallpaper

2024-04-17 Thread adr

On Wed, 17 Apr 2024, Todd Gruhn wrote:

My current root (?) window is black.

How do I put a graphic or wallpaper on there
when I start X11?

Look at the documentation of your desktop|window manager.
If there is not such option and you are using xinit|startx
use some program capable of doing that and put something like

feh --bg-fill /path/to/wallpaper.jpg

in your .xinitrc|.xsession.


Use a wallpaper

2024-04-17 Thread Todd Gruhn
My current root (?) window is black.

How do I put a graphic or wallpaper on there
when I start X11?