Re: help SSL on Openldap and java

2010-06-10 Thread s g
Thanks for replying. I was a bit occupied, so I could not back soon. Going
by your mail, I went through the certificate generation process again. What
I found is that for some reason, the cacert.pem file(which is the
certificate for the CA) shows the following -
 X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
I am attaching the steps I followed and the certificate files generated as
per the tutorial

Shouldn't the above field be CA:true? Also, how do I make sure that the flag
that you mentioned below gets set to SSL server.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Brett @Google brett.maxfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 9:39 AM, s g wrote:

 javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: [Root exception is Netscape cert type does not
 permit use for SSL server]
  at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.authenticate(
  at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.connect(
  at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.init(

 You probably have your certs round the wrong way. The server cert (on the
 ldap server)  should have 'SSL Server' usage flag the client cert (on the
 ldap client) should have 'SSL Client' usage flag.

 The usage flags are embedded when you make the csr (certificate request)
 which will then usually be reflected in the generated certificate, unless
 your CA overrides them.

 Do a openssl x509 -in cert file -noout -text to compare the two


[r...@vcheung-181 nextca]# /usr/local/ssl/misc/ -newca
CA certificate filename (or enter to create)

Making CA certificate ...
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to './demoCA/private/./cakey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
Locality Name (eg, city) []:SantaClara
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:MyCompany Inc
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:MyCompany Unit
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:secret
An optional company name []:
Using configuration from /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/./cakey.pem:secret
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
Not Before: Jun  9 20:15:18 2010 GMT
Not After : Jun  8 20:15:18 2013 GMT
countryName   = US
stateOrProvinceName   = California
organizationName  = MyCompany Inc
organizationalUnitName= MyCompany Unit
emailAddress  =
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Netscape Comment:
OpenSSL Generated Certificate
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


Certificate is to be certified until Jun  8 20:15:18 2013 GMT (1095 days)

Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

[r...@vcheung-181 nextca]#
[r...@vcheung-181 nextca]# openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout 
newreq.pem -out newreq.pem
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'newreq.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
Locality Name (eg, city) []:SantaClara
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:MyCompany Inc
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:MyCompany Unit
Common Name (eg, 

Communicate from php/apache to openLDAP over LDAPS

2010-06-10 Thread Jérémy ESCOLANO

I'm writing from france cuz i'm having a big problem with apache and ldap.
let me explain :

I would like to make an Apache server communicate in php with en openLDAP
server (both servers are under win srv 2003), using LDAPS protocol.

In order to activate LDAPS on my openLDAP srv (srvLDAP), I created self
signed certificates with openSSL. I got 3 files:


I configured my slapd.con file and ldap.conf fil (openLDAP side) like this:


TLSCertificateFile  ./ssl/srvLDAP.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile   ./ssl/srvLDAP.key

BASEma branche
URI ldaps://srvLDAP/
TLS_CACERT  ./ssl/cacert.pem

I launched my openLDAP service, and checked ldaps protocol was okay, using
this command :

C:\Program Files\OpenLDAPldapsearch -b o=exemple,dc=fr -s sub -x -w pass-D
cn=admin,o=exemple,dc=fr -H ldaps://srvLDAP/

Now I would like, from the remote apache server, communicate with the
openLDAP server using [b]LDAPS[/b] Protocol.

Here is my simplified PHP code


$r=ldap_bind($ds,cn=admin,o=exemple,dc=fr,pass );
$sr=ldap_search($ds,o=exemplec,dc=fr,(objectClass=maclasse ));
print $info[count]. enregistrements trouvés.;

I get this errror:

Unable to bind to server: Can't contact LDAP server

I know i have to configure certificates in the Apache server configuration,
I tried to to this according several internet ressources but didn't succeed.
I also read this link [URL=]Here[/URL]
which is a french link which speak about an ldap.con and ldaprc files to put
in the apache server. I did it but nothing happened.

Well, i'm lost in all this stuff, that is why i'm asking for help to
configure my servers to use ldaps with php.

Do you have information that could help me ?

I thank you in advance

Re: help SSL on Openldap and java

2010-06-10 Thread Dieter Kluenter
s g writes:

 Thanks for replying. I was a bit occupied, so I could not back soon. Going by 
 your mail, I went through
 the certificate generation process again. What I found is that for some 
 reason, the cacert.pem file
 (which is the certificate for the CA) shows the following -
  X509v3 extensions:
     X509v3 Basic Constraints:
 I am attaching the steps I followed and the certificate files generated as 
 per the tutorial

Did you read the note on top of this paper?

 Shouldn't the above field be CA:true? Also, how do I make sure that the flag 
 that you mentioned below
 gets set to SSL server.

edit openssl.cnf accordingly, or use tinyCA to create a certificate


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
sip: +49.40.20932173

Re: smbk5pwd: ldappassword hangs

2010-06-10 Thread Frank Van Damme
2010/6/7 Marco Göbel
 Same problem as i figured out: in the last two weeks i am testing the
 combination Heimdal+OpenLdap+Samba and
 the smbk5pwd overlay. I compiled the stable OpenLdap and Heimdal release
 successfully and combined it with Samba.
 The error is nearly the same as described above. Only when i am changing
 the password over Kerberos (via pam or kpasswd)
 the password changes will done to the samba password (for userPassword i
 use the {K5KEY} entry as described in smbk5pwd).

 Try the ldappasswd with verbose output, you may see that the command tries
 over and over to change the password...

No, not exactly. I only get this output from ldappasswd:

Enter LDAP Password:
ldap_initialize( DEFAULT )

Frank Van Damme
A: Because it destroys the flow of the conversation.
Q: Why is it bad?
A: No, it's bad.
Q: Should I top post in replies to mailing lists or on Usenet?

Re: smbk5pwd: ldappassword hangs

2010-06-10 Thread Frank Van Damme
2010/6/7 Quanah Gibson-Mount
 --On Monday, June 07, 2010 11:56 AM +0200 Frank Van Damme
 What version of OpenLDAP are you using?  You've failed to mention that

2.4.11 (Debian 5.0).

Frank Van Damme
A: Because it destroys the flow of the conversation.
Q: Why is it bad?
A: No, it's bad.
Q: Should I top post in replies to mailing lists or on Usenet?

Re: Multi master replication

2010-06-10 Thread Aravind Divakaran

Now i have changed the rid of one of my server, now both servers have
unique rid and sid. After changing the rid i have deleted and db and
replicated from the other. Now when i change the password of the user it
says successfully changed. But when i try to login with that password i
was not able to login. Below is my log files

Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xb67cdbf2
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
0x9e513a0 20100610125516.236254Z#00#001#00
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncprov_sendresp: to=001,
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: do_syncrep2:
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: dn_callback : entries have identical
CSN uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search (0)
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0x9f92c48
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 entry
unchanged, ignored (uid=titus,ou=People,dc=avasarala,dc=com)
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
0x9f93d68 20100610125516.236254Z#00#001#00
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0x9f92c48
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncprov_matchops: skipping original
sid 001
Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
0x9f94880 20100610125516.236254Z#00#001#00

Can you please help me why i was not able to login with the new password.

 Hey buddy,

 havn't you seen some time around here.

 I compared your slapd config to one of my own and to this one: (see down
 LDAP Replication)

 From that point I see you're using the same rid for both servers, so both
 servers are in the ldap way are the same and that's a problem because
 both DBs have to be unique even if they hold the same data.
 Please consider to change the rid on one of your servers and repeat the
 to replicate the database.
 Maybe rid=000 to rid=001.


 On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 13:06, Aravind Divakaran wrote:


 I have deleted the db from one server and synced the db from the other.
 Now my contextCSN is same on both the system. But still in my log files

 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa200128
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 entry
 unchanged, ignored (uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com)
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0xa212db0 20100610110242.236793Z#00#001#00
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa200128
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncprov_matchops: skipping original
 sid 001
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0xa202b60 20100610110242.236793Z#00#001#00
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: do_syncrep2:
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: dn_callback : new entry is older
 ours uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com ours
 20100610110242.266299Z#00#001#00, new
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa1fde80
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 entry
 unchanged, ignored (uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com)
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0xa1f8920 20100610110242.255828Z#00#001#00
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa1fde80
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncprov_matchops: skipping original
 sid 001
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0xa212e88 20100610110242.255828Z#00#001#00
 Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: 

Re: Communicate from php/apache to openLDAP over LDAPS

2010-06-10 Thread Howard Chu

Jérémy ESCOLANO wrote:

I tried to put host=srvLDAP but it still doesn't work

Actually the problem is configuring my APACHE server to make it considerate
theses certificate.
I know there is a ldap.conf in the openLDAP directory (on openLDAP server)
where to have to put :

TLS_CACERT  ./ssl2/cacert.cer

but how can we specify it on apache server ?

Ask on an Apache forum.


2010/6/10 Thierry Lacoste

Seems to me that the $host variable is incorrect :  should be 


On 10 juin 10, at 10:57, Jérémy ESCOLANO wrote:


I'm writing from france cuz i'm having a big problem with apache and
ldap. let me explain :

I would like to make an Apache server communicate in php with en
openLDAP server (both servers are under win srv 2003), using LDAPS protocol.

In order to activate LDAPS on my openLDAP srv (srvLDAP), I created self
signed certificates with openSSL. I got 3 files:


I configured my slapd.con file and ldap.conf fil (openLDAP side) like this:


TLSCertificateFile  ./ssl/srvLDAP.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile   ./ssl/srvLDAP.key

BASE ma branche
URI ldaps://srvLDAP/
TLS_CACERT  ./ssl/cacert.pem

I launched my openLDAP service, and checked ldaps protocol was okay,
using this command :

C:\Program Files\OpenLDAPldapsearch -b o=exemple,dc=fr -s sub -x -w pass-D
cn=admin,o=exemple,dc=fr -H ldaps://srvLDAP/

Now I would like, from the remote apache server, communicate with the
openLDAP server using [b]LDAPS[/b] Protocol.

Here is my simplified PHP code


$r=ldap_bind($ds,cn=admin,o=exemple,dc=fr,pass );
$sr=ldap_search($ds,o=exemplec,dc=fr,(objectClass=maclasse ));
print $info[count]. enregistrements trouvés.;

I get this errror:

Unable to bind to server: Can't contact LDAP server

I know i have to configure certificates in the Apache server
configuration, I tried to to this according several internet ressources
but didn't succeed. I also read this link

which is a french link which speak about an ldap.con and ldaprc files to
put in the apache server. I did it but nothing happened.

Well, i'm lost in all this stuff, that is why i'm asking for help to
configure my servers to use ldaps with php.

Do you have information that could help me ?

I thank you in advance

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

Re: Multi master replication

2010-06-10 Thread Benjamin Griese

I have no clue what the problem is in your configuration.

Did you really started with a blank backend database (bdb/hdb)?
Did you read about the differences of replication type RefreshOnly or

Try to avoid changing replication settings while both hosts are replicating,
this could have a strange impact on your database.

Bye and good luck.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 14:58, Aravind Divakaran wrote:


 Now i have changed the rid of one of my server, now both servers have
 unique rid and sid. After changing the rid i have deleted and db and
 replicated from the other. Now when i change the password of the user it
 says successfully changed. But when i try to login with that password i
 was not able to login. Below is my log files

 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xb67cdbf2
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0x9e513a0 20100610125516.236254Z#00#001#00
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncprov_sendresp: to=001,
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: do_syncrep2:
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: dn_callback : entries have identical
 CSN uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search (0)
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0x9f92c48
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 entry
 unchanged, ignored (uid=titus,ou=People,dc=avasarala,dc=com)
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0x9f93d68 20100610125516.236254Z#00#001#00
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0x9f92c48
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: syncprov_matchops: skipping original
 sid 001
 Jun 10 18:25:16 mails slapd[30896]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
 0x9f94880 20100610125516.236254Z#00#001#00

 Can you please help me why i was not able to login with the new password.

  Hey buddy,
  havn't you seen some time around here.
  I compared your slapd config to one of my own and to this one: (see
  LDAP Replication)
  From that point I see you're using the same rid for both servers, so both
  servers are in the ldap way are the same and that's a problem because
  both DBs have to be unique even if they hold the same data.
  Please consider to change the rid on one of your servers and repeat the
  to replicate the database.
  Maybe rid=000 to rid=001.
  On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 13:06, Aravind Divakaran wrote:
  I have deleted the db from one server and synced the db from the other.
  Now my contextCSN is same on both the system. But still in my log files
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa200128
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 entry
  unchanged, ignored (uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com)
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
  0xa212db0 20100610110242.236793Z#00#001#00
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa200128
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncprov_matchops: skipping original
  sid 001
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing
  0xa202b60 20100610110242.236793Z#00#001#00
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: do_syncrep2:
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: dn_callback : new entry is older
  ours uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com ours
  20100610110242.266299Z#00#001#00, new
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000 be_search
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: rid=000
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: slap_queue_csn: queing 0xa1fde80
  Jun 10 16:32:42 mails slapd[23253]: syncrepl_entry: 

Re: smbk5pwd: ldappassword hangs

2010-06-10 Thread Quanah Gibson-Mount
--On Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:36 PM +0200 Frank Van Damme wrote:

2010/6/7 Quanah Gibson-Mount

--On Monday, June 07, 2010 11:56 AM +0200 Frank Van Damme
What version of OpenLDAP are you using?  You've failed to mention that

2.4.11 (Debian 5.0).

There have been multiple fixes to smbk5pwd since that release.  Plus 
hundreds of fixes elsewhere in the software.  I would highly advise you to 
upgrade to a current release, and most specifically to build OpenLDAP with 
OpenSSL rather than GnuTLS.  Once you've done that, then see if you 
continue to have issues.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc

Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

RE: User restriction

2010-06-10 Thread Aaron Richton

On Mon, 7 Jun 2010, Stuart Cherrington wrote:


dn: cn=access,ou=auth,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
cn: access
member: uid=stuart,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=rpratt,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=jason,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=pstuart,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=pfield,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=nereelot,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=scolebro,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=bpower,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=ihunt,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=emoreton,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=lcable,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
member: uid=pmurray,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com


ldapcompare2.4 -v -x -h -D cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com -w 


Compare Result: No such attribute (16)

Yes. Don't compare against ou=auth,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com, compare against 
cn=access,ou=auth,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com in your ldapcompare2.4 command.

Re: User restriction

2010-06-10 Thread Dieter Kluenter
Adam Hough writes:

 On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 4:44 AM, Stuart Cherrington wrote:

 ldapsearch -x -b 'ou=auth,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com' -h -D cn=
 proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com -w xx

This search is done with default scope, which is subtree.

 dn: cn=access,ou=auth,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
 objectClass: groupOfNames
 objectClass: top
 cn: access
 member: uid=stuart,ou=people,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com
 You can clearly see the first Member line is myself. If I now try:

 ldapcompare2.4 -v -x -h -D cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=ldn,dc=
 sw,dc=com -w  ou=auth,dc=ldn,dc=sw,dc=com member:uid=stuart,ou=

A ldapcompare is done one the base DN.
please compare those two DN's:


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
sip: +49.40.20932173