Am Tue, 21 Aug 2018 15:50:49 -0700

> Hi all, I am about the 4th sysadmin for our organization, and our 
> openldap is old, 2.4.40 system version for CentOS 6.9.  Also there
> might have been incorrect modifications to the slapd.d files since it
> was really difficult to update things.  The olcRootDN was set to
> "cn=config" somehow so I had to manually update that to the Manager
> account and figure out the CRC32 and everything, but at least I could
> make some updates now.

The cn=config rootDN is correct, if this is bound to a config database.

> Anyway, I would like to get our installation updated to a current 
> version, as well as set up some sort of replication with our other 
> server, in case one goes down then our users could still login and
> use our applications, or I could still add/delete users.  Perhaps a 
> multi-master config would be best?  (Also maybe update the databases
> too since they are using bdb format?  but maybe that is just
> unnecessary extra work)  I tried to setup replication by following a
> guide, but was not successful and actually made things worse for our
> demon, so had to undo the changes for now.  I guess 2.4.40 has some
> problems with replication anyway from what I've heard.

A simple mirror mode schould work anyhow.

> First, to get openldap updated, would it be as simple as compiling
> the new version and then updating the init script /etc/init.d/slapd
> to point to the new binaries?  I would stop slapd and get a backup of 
> /etc/openldap and /var/lib/ldap.  Then I could just leave our current 
> config in /etc/openldap and databases in /var/lib/ldap?  I've already 
> built the new version and "make test" was successful so am ready to 
> proceed from there with your assistance and suggestions.

1. slapcat(8) the old database to a file,
2. install libraries and binaries
3. setup a new config database, that is: creat a slapd.conf file to
   your requirements, configure a slapd-mdb(5) database, load the
   database file by slapadd(8), slaptest(8) will create a config


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID: E9ED159B

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