#37346 [NEW]: gd have a danger bug

2006-05-07 Thread zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com
From: zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com
Operating system: Windows 2000
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: GD related
Bug description:  gd have a danger bug


gd (ver 2.0.28) have a danger bug

a error image can pass php's test
but it would make a fatal error

other question:Could you tell me if you deal with bug report in Chinese?

i'm chinese
my english is very poor
here's the bug report in Chinese:

php #30340;#33268;#21629;#38169;#35823;
www #26381;#21153;#20250;#20572;#27490;


Reproduce code:
$file = 'http://dev.hkrcn.com/testimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file);  // here a fatal error

Expected result:

cause a error,then stop running

Actual result:

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37346edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37346r=mysqlcfg

#37346 [Com]: gd have a danger bug

2006-05-07 Thread cnstudentmail at Gmail dot com
 ID:   37346
 Comment by:   cnstudentmail at Gmail dot com
 Reported By:  zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

i have the same problem.
i think it's a very danger bug because a lots of server is using gd.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 06:42:53] zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com


gd (ver 2.0.28) have a danger bug

a error image can pass php's test
but it would make a fatal error

other question:Could you tell me if you deal with bug report in

i'm chinese
my english is very poor
here's the bug report in Chinese:

php #30340;#33268;#21629;#38169;#35823;
www #26381;#21153;#20250;#20572;#27490;


Reproduce code:
$file = 'http://dev.hkrcn.com/testimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file);  // here a fatal error

Expected result:

cause a error,then stop running

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37346edit=1

#37333 [Bgs]: incompatibility with libiconv and other progs

2006-05-07 Thread werner at seneweb dot com
 ID:   37333
 User updated by:  werner at seneweb dot com
 Reported By:  werner at seneweb dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: Slackware 10.2
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

I uninstalled the old version (1.9.1.tgz) of GNU (?) 
libiconv, the error messages came, then i installed another 
version (1.9.2.tar.gz), they came again; at the end I 
switched it off for php by configure php without-libiconv, 
then it worked.Also, the most new  progs what I 
install, I compile them from .tar.gz rather than 
installing .tgz (today again abaout ten) without that they 
reclaim about iconv.   And, php should work with both, 
c-libs and gnus iconv;  gnus iconv is not obsolete but 
updated steadily and not only I but other people too use 

Anyway, the problem is reported, and the desenvolvers of 
php may verify what exactly is wrong, and correct it or not 
so that - like do other progs - also php works together 
with all kinds of iconv

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-06 21:27:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But even switching off libiconv, the error in php consists,
Which means that you're iconv is bundled into the glibc, while the
headers are from GNU libiconv.
Which is clearly not PHP bug.

[2006-05-06 20:27:59] werner at seneweb dot com

But even switching off libiconv, the error in php consists, 
and the php developpers should verify and repear the calls 
of libiconv, so that it can be used.

[2006-05-06 20:25:03] werner at seneweb dot com

Yes, naturally I unstalled libiconv before I tried another 
version, without sucess, then cames the same error 

As said, meanwhile I resolved for my own use the broblem, 
by including --without-iconv --without-libiconv  into 
the ./configure  instruction.

[2006-05-06 14:38:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All linuxes I know of come with libiconv bundled into the glibc code.
I'm not sure about Slackware, but please try to uninstall GNU libiconv
at all, it should work fine with the bundled one.

[2006-05-06 14:24:53] werner at seneweb dot com

Yes, and I also tried it with install other versions 
libiconv 1.9.1 , 1.9.2 , .tgz  and with .tar.gz 
re-compiling too,  but all them gave the same kind of error 
messages.   Currently I resolved it, compiling php 5.1.4 
with ./configure --without-iconv --without-libiconv ...  
then its compiling/installing/running without problems.  
All this indicates, that it is the programming interface to 
libiconv inside php 5 what is wrong (probably, the correct 
types of the parameters in the libiconv call) and should be 

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37333edit=1

#37347 [NEW]: move_uploaded_file removes file

2006-05-07 Thread larryf at gmail dot com
From: larryf at gmail dot com
Operating system: Windows 2003
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Filesystem function related
Bug description:  move_uploaded_file removes file


Hi.  I am using a simple upload script to upload files.  It works on many
file sizes, but on file sizes  500 megs i can see the file in the tmp
directory reach 400something megs and then it dissappears. 

Reproduce code:
if (!is_dir(files/$id))
mkdir(files/$id, 0777);
chmod(files/$id, 0777);
$uploadfile =  files/$id/ . $id . . . $file[count($file) - 
move_uploaded_file($_FILES[thefile][tmp_name], $uploadfile);
chmod($uploadfile, 0777);

for the php.ini config i have
memory_limit = 20M  
post_max_size = 5124M
upload_max_filesize = 4500M
apache 2.0

Expected result:

move file to files/id/id

Actual result:
it makes the directory, but the file is not moved there.  This works for
files  500 megs, why not more?  The only error reported in apache logs
are for chmod at the end

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37347edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37347r=mysqlcfg

#37348 [NEW]: pear installation might fail with open_basedir

2006-05-07 Thread jdolecek at NetBSD dot org
From: jdolecek at NetBSD dot org
Operating system: NetBSD
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Safe Mode/open_basedir
Bug description:  pear installation might fail with open_basedir


pear/Makefile.frag from the PHP 5.1.4 source tree disables safe_mode, but
doesn't disable open_basedir. If user has php.ini with open_basedir set,
they would probably get an error when installing pear PHAR.

Reproduce code:
Code inspection only (not tested)

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37348edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37348r=mysqlcfg

#37345 [Opn-WFx]: Multiple inheritance in PHP6

2006-05-07 Thread helly
 ID:   37345
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Wont fix
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
-Operating System: Any
+Operating System: *
-PHP Version:  5.1.4
+PHP Version:  *
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 05:38:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]



I know this is not the first time someone requests multiple inheritance
in PHP, but I really think you should consider it as interfaces are not
always acceptable.

For instance, with the current single-inheritance model, if I'm working
with the ActiveRecord pattern and want to add some adapter-independant
methods, I'd have to copy and paste the _same_ code for each
driver/adapter. This is not handy at all.

I'd be nice to count with this feature in the next major release.


Expected result:

Multiple-inheritance support

Actual result:
Single-inheritance support (only)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37345edit=1

#37346 [Opn-Fbk]: gd have a danger bug

2006-05-07 Thread derick
 ID:   37346
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

We really need a report in english... many people here don't speak any

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 06:51:03] cnstudentmail at Gmail dot com

i have the same problem.
i think it's a very danger bug because a lots of server is using gd.

[2006-05-07 06:42:53] zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com


gd (ver 2.0.28) have a danger bug

a error image can pass php's test
but it would make a fatal error

other question:Could you tell me if you deal with bug report in

i'm chinese
my english is very poor
here's the bug report in Chinese:

php #30340;#33268;#21629;#38169;#35823;
www #26381;#21153;#20250;#20572;#27490;


Reproduce code:
$file = 'http://dev.hkrcn.com/testimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file);  // here a fatal error

Expected result:

cause a error,then stop running

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37346edit=1

#37346 [Fbk-Asn]: gd have a danger bug

2006-05-07 Thread pajoye
 ID:   37346
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  pajoye
 New Comment:

I confirmed the problem, but there is in fact no error messages from

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 10:03:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We really need a report in english... many people here don't speak any

[2006-05-07 06:51:03] cnstudentmail at Gmail dot com

i have the same problem.
i think it's a very danger bug because a lots of server is using gd.

[2006-05-07 06:42:53] zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com


gd (ver 2.0.28) have a danger bug

a error image can pass php's test
but it would make a fatal error

other question:Could you tell me if you deal with bug report in

i'm chinese
my english is very poor
here's the bug report in Chinese:

php #30340;#33268;#21629;#38169;#35823;
www #26381;#21153;#20250;#20572;#27490;


Reproduce code:
$file = 'http://dev.hkrcn.com/testimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file);  // here a fatal error

Expected result:

cause a error,then stop running

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37346edit=1

#35272 [NoF-Csd]: PDO-prepare() (mysql) causes apache 1.3 to crash

2006-05-07 Thread wez
 ID:   35272
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  alexdow__ at hotmail dot com
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.1.0RC5
 New Comment:

Upgrade to latest release.

Previous Comments:

[2005-11-26 01:00:28] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to Open.

[2005-11-18 09:35:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to Open. Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

[2005-11-18 09:07:50] alexdow__ at hotmail dot com

$query = INSERT INTO users

here is a query I use

[2005-11-18 08:17:11] alexdow__ at hotmail dot com


Preparing a query on MySQL 5.0 using PDO results in Apache crashing.

Reproduce code:
$pdo = new
= true));  

$statement = $pdo-prepare($argQuery);

Expected result:

I expect $statement to be a proper PDOStatement object.

Actual result:
Actual result is Apache crashing. I'm not sure how to generate
backtraces in windows other than debugging through VS.NET, if you want

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=35272edit=1

#37342 [Asn-Fbk]: $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA Undefined without Content-type

2006-05-07 Thread iliaa
 ID:  37342
 Updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By: jeff at nokrev dot com
-Status:  Assigned
+Status:  Feedback
 Bug Type:Streams related
 PHP Version: 5.1.4
 Assigned To: iliaa
 New Comment:

What SAPI are you using, I've just tried it with CVS version 
(which at this time is identical to 5.1.4) and both php://
input and $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA have the data.
Is the INI setting for capturing RAW_POST_DATA enabled?

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-06 22:49:20] jeff at nokrev dot com

Also, this is not being called called by a form. The content-
type is not multipart/form-data, so please do not suggest 

[2006-05-06 22:35:31] jeff at nokrev dot com


When making a PHP request, if the Content-type request header 
is undefined, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is empty (or undefined, 
depending on the related ini setting).

Reading from the input stream works correctly, and will read 
all content if the content-type is set or not.

Reproduce code:


// Request method
echo Request Method: .$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].\n;


// Input socket
$inputSocket = fopen('php://input','rb');
$contents = stream_get_contents($inputSocket);

echo Input socket: .$contents.\n;


Expected result:

When Content-type request header not sent:

Request Method: POST
Input socket: post_contents

Actual result:
It should be the same as if reading from the input stream:

Request Method: POST
HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA: post_contents
Input socket: post_contents

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37342edit=1

#37348 [Opn-Csd]: pear installation might fail with open_basedir

2006-05-07 Thread iliaa
 ID:   37348
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jdolecek at NetBSD dot org
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System: NetBSD
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 08:45:48] jdolecek at NetBSD dot org


pear/Makefile.frag from the PHP 5.1.4 source tree disables safe_mode,
but doesn't disable open_basedir. If user has php.ini with open_basedir
set, they would probably get an error when installing pear PHAR.

Reproduce code:
Code inspection only (not tested)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37348edit=1

#37340 [Opn-Asn]: can't fetch cursor position in PDOStatement::fetch

2006-05-07 Thread iliaa
 ID:   37340
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  nowelium at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: SuSE Linux 10.0
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  iliaa

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-06 18:09:06] nowelium at gmail dot com

sorry... It was opposite ..not breathing in... 

Expected result:

array(8) {
  string(5) JONES
  string(7) MANAGER
  string(10) 1981-04-02
  string(7) 2975.00
array(8) {
  string(6) MARTIN
  string(8) SALESMAN
  string(10) 1981-09-28
  string(7) 1250.00
  string(7) 1400.00

Actual result:
array(8) {
  string(5) SMITH
  string(5) CLERK
  string(10) 1980-12-17
  string(6) 800.00
array(8) {
  string(5) ALLEN
  string(8) SALESMAN
  string(10) 1981-02-20
  string(7) 1600.00
  string(6) 300.00

[2006-05-06 18:03:24] nowelium at gmail dot com


When using PDO for simple query for PostgreSQL(8.0.3) and

cannot acquire it though I want to acquire the offset of the specified
and, fetch() is next offset  acquired when acquiring it.

The referred sample is manual://function.pdostatement-fetch.php

in DB
 empno | ename  |job| mgr  |  hiredate  |   sal   |  comm   |
  7369 | SMITH  | CLERK | 7902 | 1980-12-17 |  800.00 | |  
  7499 | ALLEN  | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 1600.00 |  300.00 |  
  7521 | WARD   | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 1250.00 |  500.00 |  
  7566 | JONES  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 2975.00 | |  
  7654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-09-28 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 |  

Reproduce code:
// mysql:host=localhost; dbname=foodb
$dbh = new PDO(pgsql:host=localhost; dbname=foodb, $user, $pass);
$stmt = $dbh-prepare(SELECT * FROM EMP ORDER BY EMPNO,
var_dump($stmt-fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_ABS, 3));
var_dump($stmt-fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_REL, 1));

Expected result:

array(8) {
  string(5) SMITH
  string(5) CLERK
  string(10) 1980-12-17
  string(6) 800.00
array(8) {
  string(5) ALLEN
  string(8) SALESMAN
  string(10) 1981-02-20
  string(7) 1600.00
  string(6) 300.00

Actual result:
array(8) {
  string(5) JONES
  string(7) MANAGER
  string(10) 1981-04-02
  string(7) 2975.00
array(8) {
  string(6) MARTIN
  string(8) SALESMAN
  string(10) 1981-09-28
  string(7) 1250.00
  string(7) 1400.00

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37340edit=1

#37346 [Asn-Csd]: gd have a danger bug

2006-05-07 Thread pajoye
 ID:   37346
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 Assigned To:  pajoye
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Fixed in all branches.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 12:50:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I confirmed the problem, but there is in fact no error messages from

[2006-05-07 10:03:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We really need a report in english... many people here don't speak any

[2006-05-07 06:51:03] cnstudentmail at Gmail dot com

i have the same problem.
i think it's a very danger bug because a lots of server is using gd.

[2006-05-07 06:42:53] zq dot hkrcn at gmail dot com


gd (ver 2.0.28) have a danger bug

a error image can pass php's test
but it would make a fatal error

other question:Could you tell me if you deal with bug report in

i'm chinese
my english is very poor
here's the bug report in Chinese:

php #30340;#33268;#21629;#38169;#35823;
www #26381;#21153;#20250;#20572;#27490;


Reproduce code:
$file = 'http://dev.hkrcn.com/testimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file);  // here a fatal error

Expected result:

cause a error,then stop running

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37346edit=1

#37349 [NEW]: memory corruption within run-tests.php

2006-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: n/a
PHP version:  6CVS-2006-05-07 (CVS)
PHP Bug Type: Streams related
Bug description:  memory corruption within run-tests.php


the streams layer corrupt the memory when running the run-tests.php on a
tidy extension test

Reproduce code:
TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=./sapi/cli/php valgrind ./sapi/cli/php run-tests.php
-U ext/tidy/tests/020.phpt

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37349edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37349r=mysqlcfg

#37350 [NEW]: realpath doesn't canonicalize drive letter case

2006-05-07 Thread k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
From: k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
Operating system: Windows XP SP2
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Filesystem function related
Bug description:  realpath doesn't canonicalize drive letter case


The realpath function doesn't canonicalize the case of the drive letter on
Windows (and possibly on certain other platforms).

For example:
realpath('C:\WINDOWS') returns 'C:\WINDOWS'
but realpath('c:\WINDOWS') returns 'c:\WINDOWS'
(note the different case of the 'C:')

Hence comparing realpaths cannot reliably be used to check that two files
are the same on Windows.

Reproduce code:
echo (realpath('C:\WINDOWS')==realpath('c:\WINDOWS')) ? true : false;

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37350edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37350r=mysqlcfg

#37350 [Opn-Bgs]: realpath doesn't canonicalize drive letter case

2006-05-07 Thread bjori
 ID:   37350
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php


Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 18:08:28] k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com


The realpath function doesn't canonicalize the case of the drive letter
on Windows (and possibly on certain other platforms).

For example:
realpath('C:\WINDOWS') returns 'C:\WINDOWS'
but realpath('c:\WINDOWS') returns 'c:\WINDOWS'
(note the different case of the 'C:')

Hence comparing realpaths cannot reliably be used to check that two
files are the same on Windows.

Reproduce code:
echo (realpath('C:\WINDOWS')==realpath('c:\WINDOWS')) ? true :

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37350edit=1

#21341 [Com]: Calling openssl_csr_sign with a non-null value fails

2006-05-07 Thread bassijunior at yahoo dot com dot br
 ID:   21341
 Comment by:   bassijunior at yahoo dot com dot br
 Reported By:  larry at smog dot com
 Status:   No Feedback
 Bug Type: OpenSSL related
 Operating System: RedHat 7.3 (2.4.18-3)
 PHP Version:  4.2.3
 New Comment:

I have the same problem.

I did what it was said in the forum, but I still have a error:
openssl_csr_sign() [function.openssl-csr-sign]: cannot get CSR from
parameter 1 

What can I do?


Previous Comments:

[2004-06-25 22:15:19] sumans at list dot ufl dot edu

Sorry for bothering you again, but here is the code:

? php

$caCertFile = root.pem;
$req_key = openssl_pkey_new();
openssl_pkey_export_to_file($req_key, newkey.pem,
if(openssl_pkey_export ($req_key, $out_key)) {
   $dn = array(
   countryName= $_POST[countryName],
   stateOrProvinceName= $_POST[stateName],
   localityName   = $_POST[cityName],
   organizationName   = $_POST[organizationName],
   organizationalUnitName = $_POST[unitName],
   commonName = $_POST[commonName],
   emailAddress   = $_POST[emailAddress]
   $req_csr  = openssl_csr_new ($dn, $req_key);
   openssl_csr_export_to_file($req_csr, newreq.pem);
   $req_cert = openssl_csr_sign($req_csr, file://$caCertFile,
$req_key, 1)


I know that root.pem exists, and it is being loaded, but it looks like
the PHP engine just crashes at the openssl_csr_sign.

[2004-06-25 22:11:52] sumans at list dot ufl dot edu


I dont know if this bug was closed, but I am experiencing the exact
same problem now.

I am using the PHP engine and Apache server that came built in Red Hat
Linux 9.

I know that the CA certificate is being loaded into the engine (because
it complains if I give it a wrong path), but then it just crashes.

No messages, nothing. The PHP engine just stops working and nothing is
displayed after the function is called.


[2003-01-17 22:14:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to Open. Thank you.

[2003-01-02 15:27:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

If you still experience a problem try to replicate the problem using
CLI sapi and add 
var_dump($csr) before the openssl_csr_sign() function call and 
add var_dump($cert) at the end of the script.

[2003-01-02 11:49:34] larry at smog dot com

When I try to use openssl_csr_sign to sign a CSR with a CA certificate
I get no error reports, and program output terminates.

Example code:

$cacert = file://caselfsigncert.pem;
$cakey = array(file://caselfsignkey.pem, insecureselfsignkey);

if ($privkey = openssl_pkey_new()) {

openssl_pkey_export($privkey, $pkeyout, $passphrase);
print h2priv key/h2pre$pkeyout/pre;
if ($csr = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey)) {

openssl_csr_export($csr, $csrout);
print h2CSR:/h2pre$csrout/pre;
if ($cert = openssl_csr_sign($csr, $cacert, $cakey, 365)) {

openssl_x509_export($cert, $certout);
print h2x509:/h2pre$certout/pre;

I am certain that the $cacert and $cakey files are being properly
opened. If I change them to reference an invalid file, PHP returns the
appropriate errors. I'm also certain that the key's passphrase is being
properly passed, when I change the passphrase I also get the expected

In fact, OpenSSL returns success, but my program appears to exit. I've
tried the openssl_error_string, but it also reports no information. I'm
no PHP expert, but it appears as if PHP segfaulting when this function
is called. Works fine if I call it with a NULL for the $cacert value
(i.e. self-signed). Using the CA cert with the commandline tool openssl
works fine too.

Using openssl-0.9.6h.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=21341edit=1

#37349 [Opn-Fbk]: memory corruption within run-tests.php

2006-05-07 Thread derick
 ID:   37349
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Streams related
 Operating System: n/a
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-05-07 (CVS)
 New Comment:

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 17:40:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


the streams layer corrupt the memory when running the run-tests.php on
a tidy extension test

Reproduce code:
TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=./sapi/cli/php valgrind ./sapi/cli/php
run-tests.php -U ext/tidy/tests/020.phpt

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37349edit=1

#37350 [Bgs-Opn]: realpath doesn't canonicalize drive letter case

2006-05-07 Thread derick
 ID:   37350
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
-Status:   Bogus
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

Realpath is also used internally for f.e. include_once, so this should
be looked into.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 18:21:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php


[2006-05-07 18:08:28] k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com


The realpath function doesn't canonicalize the case of the drive letter
on Windows (and possibly on certain other platforms).

For example:
realpath('C:\WINDOWS') returns 'C:\WINDOWS'
but realpath('c:\WINDOWS') returns 'c:\WINDOWS'
(note the different case of the 'C:')

Hence comparing realpaths cannot reliably be used to check that two
files are the same on Windows.

Reproduce code:
echo (realpath('C:\WINDOWS')==realpath('c:\WINDOWS')) ? true :

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37350edit=1

#37351 [NEW]: func_get_args() does not return variables by reference

2006-05-07 Thread chris at starglade dot org
From: chris at starglade dot org
Operating system: Any
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  func_get_args() does not return variables by reference


func_get_args() and func_get_arg() should return variables by reference.

Reproduce code:

$one = 'one';
$two = 'two';
$three = 'three';

function change_one_into_two_normal($var)
$var = 'two';

function change_one_into_two_using_get_args()
$args = func_get_args();
$args[0] = 'two';

echo $one;

$one = 'one';

echo $one;

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37351edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37351r=mysqlcfg

#37349 [Fbk-Opn]: memory corruption within run-tests.php

2006-05-07 Thread nlopess
 ID:   37349
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Streams related
 Operating System: n/a
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-05-07 (CVS)
 New Comment:

I already sent a mail to the mailing list with more details. I just
opened the bug so that it doesn't get lost.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 18:41:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2006-05-07 17:40:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


the streams layer corrupt the memory when running the run-tests.php on
a tidy extension test

Reproduce code:
TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=./sapi/cli/php valgrind ./sapi/cli/php
run-tests.php -U ext/tidy/tests/020.phpt

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37349edit=1

#37352 [NEW]: cli do not parse any arguments the first line

2006-05-07 Thread eddi at ai000 dot de
From: eddi at ai000 dot de
Operating system: all
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: CGI related
Bug description:  cli do not parse any arguments the first line


1.) It is not really a bug because it is not provided in php_cli.c. It is
a feature request. PHP should suppord arguments in the first line of a

#!/opt/php/php -c /other/config.ini -z /zend/modul.so


Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37352edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37352r=mysqlcfg

#37352 [Opn-Bgs]: cli do not parse any arguments the first line

2006-05-07 Thread helly
 ID:   37352
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  eddi at ai000 dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: CGI related
-Operating System: all
+Operating System: *
-PHP Version:  5.1.4
+PHP Version:  *
 New Comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

RTFM of your shell systemonly one argument is supported in hash
bang lines

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 19:00:56] eddi at ai000 dot de


1.) It is not really a bug because it is not provided in php_cli.c. It
is a feature request. PHP should suppord arguments in the first line of
a script.

#!/opt/php/php -c /other/config.ini -z /zend/modul.so


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37352edit=1

#37352 [Bgs-Opn]: cli do not parse any arguments the first line

2006-05-07 Thread eddi at ai000 dot de
 ID:   37352
 User updated by:  eddi at ai000 dot de
 Reported By:  eddi at ai000 dot de
-Status:   Bogus
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  *
 New Comment:

Please have look in the php_cli.c. The function cli_seek_file_begin
reads already the first line. Why it seems to you PHP could not support
arguments form the first line like Perl?

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 19:07:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

RTFM of your shell systemonly one argument is supported in hash
bang lines

[2006-05-07 19:00:56] eddi at ai000 dot de


1.) It is not really a bug because it is not provided in php_cli.c. It
is a feature request. PHP should suppord arguments in the first line of
a script.

#!/opt/php/php -c /other/config.ini -z /zend/modul.so


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37352edit=1

#37350 [Opn]: realpath doesn't canonicalize drive letter case

2006-05-07 Thread k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
 ID:   37350
 User updated by:  k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
 Reported By:  k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

bjori: Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.
If you're suggesting that people have to use
strcasecmp(realpath($a),realpath($b))==0 to test if two files are the
same then:
 a) That is unintuitive and undocumented, certainly contrary to the
principle of canonicalization.
 b) That wouldn't work on Linux etc. where multiple files can have the
same name but differ in capitalisation.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 18:41:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Realpath is also used internally for f.e. include_once, so this should
be looked into.

[2006-05-07 18:21:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php


[2006-05-07 18:08:28] k95vz5f02 at sneakemail dot com


The realpath function doesn't canonicalize the case of the drive letter
on Windows (and possibly on certain other platforms).

For example:
realpath('C:\WINDOWS') returns 'C:\WINDOWS'
but realpath('c:\WINDOWS') returns 'c:\WINDOWS'
(note the different case of the 'C:')

Hence comparing realpaths cannot reliably be used to check that two
files are the same on Windows.

Reproduce code:
echo (realpath('C:\WINDOWS')==realpath('c:\WINDOWS')) ? true :

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37350edit=1

#37352 [Opn-Bgs]: cli do not parse any arguments the first line

2006-05-07 Thread edink
 ID:   37352
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  eddi at ai000 dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  *
 New Comment:

Parsing of the shebang line is a kernel task. Linux supports one
argument, FreeBSD parses them the way you would like. This is not a bug
in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 19:17:59] eddi at ai000 dot de

Please have look in the php_cli.c. The function cli_seek_file_begin
reads already the first line. Why it seems to you PHP could not support
arguments form the first line like Perl?

[2006-05-07 19:07:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

RTFM of your shell systemonly one argument is supported in hash
bang lines

[2006-05-07 19:00:56] eddi at ai000 dot de


1.) It is not really a bug because it is not provided in php_cli.c. It
is a feature request. PHP should suppord arguments in the first line of
a script.

#!/opt/php/php -c /other/config.ini -z /zend/modul.so


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37352edit=1

#37353 [NEW]: Miscompile in the 5.1.X series

2006-05-07 Thread root at nk dot ca
From: root at nk dot ca
Operating system: BSD/OS 4.3.1
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Compile Failure
Bug description:  Miscompile in the 5.1.X series


Attempt to add PHP 5.1.X fail miserable in BSD/OS 4.3.1
using Gcc 3.2.2

Reproduce code:
file format not recognized; treating as linker script
parse error
*** Error code 1 

Expected result:

No errors

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37353edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37353r=mysqlcfg

#37349 [Opn-Asn]: memory corruption within run-tests.php

2006-05-07 Thread nlopess
 ID:   37349
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Streams related
 Operating System: n/a
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-05-07 (CVS)
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  pollita
 New Comment:

Maybe Sara is the best person to look into this (as she implemented the
Unicode streams stuff).

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 18:50:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I already sent a mail to the mailing list with more details. I just
opened the bug so that it doesn't get lost.

[2006-05-07 18:41:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2006-05-07 17:40:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


the streams layer corrupt the memory when running the run-tests.php on
a tidy extension test

Reproduce code:
TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=./sapi/cli/php valgrind ./sapi/cli/php
run-tests.php -U ext/tidy/tests/020.phpt

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37349edit=1

#37354 [NEW]: sleep() does not work as expected

2006-05-07 Thread jbricci at gmail dot com
From: jbricci at gmail dot com
Operating system: Windows 2003 ISAPI
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  sleep() does not work as expected


sleep() does not work as it did before...

sleep() now only seems to work up to a certain number of seconds, I
haven't figured what that number is. But if this now how sleep() will work
in PHP, could you please add the maximum value, (number of seconds allowed
to be used in sleep()) to the manual.

Reproduce code:

// some ridiculous amount of time..

sleep ( 63166608000 );


Expected result:

script should sleep...

Actual result:
script continues without sleeping, and triggers a warning, that makes no
sense at all. 

PHP Warning:  sleep() [a href='function.sleep'function.sleep/a]:
Number of seconds must be greater than or equal to 0 in
x:\www\docs\run\load.php on line 4

PHP 5.1.3 and in older versions, sleep() would sleep, no matter how many
seconds were used! snaps.php.net (5.2.dev-latest, 6.0-dev-latest) also
seem to follow version 5.1.3 and older version, sleeping no matter how
many seconds are used in sleep()!

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37354edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37354r=mysqlcfg

#37352 [Bgs-Opn]: cli do not parse any arguments the first line

2006-05-07 Thread eddi at ai000 dot de
 ID:   37352
 User updated by:  eddi at ai000 dot de
 Reported By:  eddi at ai000 dot de
-Status:   Bogus
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  *
 New Comment:

May be it is difficult to understand me without well formed english.
But Firstly nobody scould you it is a bug. Edink, you are scound one
telling me that. Please read this lines and do not forget, here is a
human being too, who said is a feature request.

Secondly it is an undiscussed fact, perl or python use the arguments
from the first line reading itself.

Thirdly perl and python do so on linux and other systems like Mac OS
too. So what is the problem? All I solicit you is to dealing with
arguments from the first line.

Sixthly there are a serious problem with security for written daemons
based on PHP. Interpreter starts and include  the master-ini and each
php[-cli].ini in PWD. May be the last make the daemon unsecure. If I
could define a config file fixed in the daemon script, security is in
my hand exclusivly.

Seventhly there are no way defining discriminative config files for all
problems, that I would like to handle with PHP when I try to start
processes by script file directly. Or I have to change the directory
each time and need a script starting all written daemons too. Exactly
that (and changing my OS) suggest your answers (partially indirect).

Eighthly it is an undiscussed fact, at start up PHP reads the first
line yet. But the function cli_seek_file_begin() (from php_cli.c)
handle the first line peculiarly. Example: #!php\rthis text is in the
first line but still displayed\n?php /* ... */ ?

You may right at the point. Yes it is a handicap of the operating
system. Nonetheless we still need it. Please modifie
cli_seek_file_begin() it will parse arguments.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 21:08:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Parsing of the shebang line is a kernel task. Linux supports one
argument, FreeBSD parses them the way you would like. This is not a bug
in PHP.

[2006-05-07 19:17:59] eddi at ai000 dot de

Please have look in the php_cli.c. The function cli_seek_file_begin
reads already the first line. Why it seems to you PHP could not support
arguments form the first line like Perl?

[2006-05-07 19:07:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

RTFM of your shell systemonly one argument is supported in hash
bang lines

[2006-05-07 19:00:56] eddi at ai000 dot de


1.) It is not really a bug because it is not provided in php_cli.c. It
is a feature request. PHP should suppord arguments in the first line of
a script.

#!/opt/php/php -c /other/config.ini -z /zend/modul.so


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37352edit=1

#35830 [NoF-Opn]: Type mismatch with bind variables

2006-05-07 Thread nate-php at seekio dot com
 ID:   35830
 User updated by:  nate-php at seekio dot com
 Reported By:  nate-php at seekio dot com
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: Debian 3.1 Sarge
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2005-12-29 (snap)
 Assigned To:  wez
 New Comment:

I just tested with php5.1-200605051830.tar.gz which shows up as
PHP/5.1.5-dev in the server banner, and all seems to be working well. 
I'll re-open the bug if we see this error again.

Thank you very much for getting this fixed!


Previous Comments:

[2006-04-17 01:00:01] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to Open.

[2006-04-09 07:41:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2005-12-29 10:08:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Assigned to the PDO maintainer.

[2005-12-29 01:32:54] nate-php at seekio dot com

Same thing:

Exception at line 19 of file testdb.php: SQLSTATE[22005]: Error in
assignment: -9 [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0112E  Error in assignment.
SQLSTATE=22005 (SQLExecute[-9] at

[2005-12-29 01:20:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=35830edit=1

#37355 [NEW]: SOAP uses deprecated __call method by default

2006-05-07 Thread daniel dot oconnor at gmail dot com
From: daniel dot oconnor at gmail dot com
Operating system: Windows
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: SOAP related
Bug description:  SOAP uses deprecated __call method by default


5.1.4 appears to be still using __call instead of __soapCall, in at least
one place this causes exceptions without error codes to be thrown.

Reproduce code:
$wsdl = 'http://vx.valex.com.au/soap/vxsoap.wsdl';

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl);

$result = $client-login(array(username = fake, password =

Expected result:

No SoapFaults thrown, or a SoapFault is thrown with a meaningful error.

Actual result:
-- php --

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [SOAP-ENV:Server]
SoapFault::__construct() [a
Invalid parameters. Invalid fault code. in
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: SoapClient-__call('login', Array)
#1 C:\vx\tests\unit\soap\LoginTest.php(42): SoapClient-login(Array)
#2 {main}
  thrown in C:\vx\tests\unit\soap\LoginTest.php on line 42

Output completed (0 sec consumed) - Normal Termination

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37355edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37355r=mysqlcfg

#35830 [Opn-Csd]: Type mismatch with bind variables

2006-05-07 Thread bjori
 ID:   35830
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  nate-php at seekio dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: Debian 3.1 Sarge
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2005-12-29 (snap)
 Assigned To:  wez

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-08 03:22:32] nate-php at seekio dot com

I just tested with php5.1-200605051830.tar.gz which shows up as
PHP/5.1.5-dev in the server banner, and all seems to be working well. 
I'll re-open the bug if we see this error again.

Thank you very much for getting this fixed!


[2006-04-17 01:00:01] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to Open.

[2006-04-09 07:41:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2005-12-29 10:08:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Assigned to the PDO maintainer.

[2005-12-29 01:32:54] nate-php at seekio dot com

Same thing:

Exception at line 19 of file testdb.php: SQLSTATE[22005]: Error in
assignment: -9 [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0112E  Error in assignment.
SQLSTATE=22005 (SQLExecute[-9] at

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=35830edit=1

#37357 [NEW]: php_tidy.dll cause Apache2 to crash on stop

2006-05-07 Thread jason at 01box dot com
From: jason at 01box dot com
Operating system: WinXP 32bit Apache2
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: *Extensibility Functions
Bug description:  php_tidy.dll cause Apache2 to crash on stop


when enable
Although the apache2 can start and opearate as normal,
it can exit or restart correctly

Reproduce code:
in php.ini
start apache2
then restart or stop the server
an error / message box will be pop up

Expected result:

Apache2 restarted
have a clean exit

Actual result:
an error message popup and
apache2 processes was killed

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37357edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37357r=mysqlcfg

#37358 [NEW]: date_sunrise() date_sunset() handle main zone offset but not count summer time

2006-05-07 Thread ache at nagual dot pp dot ru
From: ache at nagual dot pp dot ru
Operating system: FreeBSD
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: Date/time related
Bug description:  date_sunrise() date_sunset() handle main zone offset but not 
count summer time


In php_date.c I see some (unsuccessful) effort to calculate proper offset,
I mean line

gmt_offset = timelib_get_current_offset(t) / 3600;

but it gets only _main_ zone offset, without current summer time added.
I.e. for Europe/Moscow it _always_ gets 3, but in the summer it must be

This code can't work in any case, because it consider 'time' argument only
few lines later: 

timelib_unixtime2local(t, time);

but at the moment timelib_get_current_offset(t) called, 'time' arg simple
unused, so you can't get summer offset this way, only main one.

Please fix the code to count summer time too,

Reproduce code:
I have following lines in my php.ini:

and call this test script when summer time (+0400) is active:
echo date(r).', '.date_sunrise(time()).', '.date_sunset(time());
echo date(r).',

Expected result:

Two echo calls must produce the same sunrise/sunset results when summer
Moscow time (GMT+4, specified directly in the second echo call) is active.

Actual result:
Sunset/sunrise time of the first echo is one hour behind (GMT+3), when
script called with summer time active. 
date() call itself reports +0400 properly.
Moreover, I consult astronomical tables, first sunrise/sunset is
definitely one hour behind.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37358edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37358r=mysqlcfg

#37218 [Com]: oci_new_collection crash Apache

2006-05-07 Thread cjbj at hotmail dot com
 ID:   37218
 Comment by:   cjbj at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:  xfree at inbox dot lv
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: OCI8 related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.1.2
 Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

I don't get a crash with PHP 5.1.3, but do get an error 'OCI-22303:
type .myCollection not found'.  

To work, the name must be in uppercase in the oci_new_collection()

  $lora_coll = oci_new_collection($lora_conn, 'MYCOLLECTION');

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-02 06:27:40] xfree at inbox dot lv

the same error with the latest snapshot..

[2006-05-01 07:12:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2006-04-27 07:03:38] xfree at inbox dot lv


Oci_new_collection crash Apache Web Server running on Windows XP. Then
I calling this function - Apache just stops, with windows like error
message #8220;Apache service raise an error and will be

Configuration is following:
PHP 5.1.2. Apache 2.0.55. Oracle Database 10.1.3. 
phpinfo() shows: 
Temporary Lob support enabled  
Collections support enabled.

Collection type is very simple:
create or replace type myCollection as table of varchar2(4000);

Reproduce code:
// connect to ora
$lora_conn = oci_connect(_LOGIN, _PASSWD, _TNSNAME);
if ($lora_conn)
$lora_coll = oci_new_collection($lora_conn, 'myCollection');


Actual result:
Apache service crash.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37218edit=1

#37359 [NEW]: with-freetype-dir not used for libt1 test

2006-05-07 Thread john at jcoppens dot com
From: john at jcoppens dot com
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  5.1.4
PHP Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
Bug description:  with-freetype-dir not used for libt1 test


I (tried) to run configure with


(among other options, of course). This works fine for libfreetype itself,
but the config process stops
on (failing) to detect libt1:
If configure fails try --with-xpm-dir=DIR
checking for FreeType 1 support... no - FreeType 2.x is to be used
checking for T1_StrError in -lt1... no
configure: error: Problem with libt1.(a|so). Please check config.log for
more information.

It says 'no' here, not because t1 doesn't exist, but because it cannot
find freetype. From the config.log:

configure:35897: checking for T1_StrError in -lt1 
configure:35916: gcc -o conftest -g -O2  -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib
-L/usr/local/lib  -Wl,-rpath,/opt/gnome/lib -L/opt/gnome/lib conftest.c
-lt1  -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lbz2 -lz -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl  -lxml2 -lz
-lm -lxml2 -lz -lm 15 
cannot find -lfreetype 

Probably because the /usr/X11 path is not included.

Expected result:

I'd expect the path from --with-freetype-dir to be included in all places
where it is needed.

Sorry if I'm incorrect here... I'm not an expert programmer.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37359edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37359r=mysqlcfg

#37360 [NEW]: imageCreateFromGIF have a memory-leak bug

2006-05-07 Thread cnteacher at discuz dot com
From: cnteacher at discuz dot com
Operating system: win32/*nix
PHP version:  5CVS-2006-05-08 (snap)
PHP Bug Type: GD related
Bug description:  imageCreateFromGIF have a memory-leak bug


When I use the function 'imageCreateFromGIF' with some special images
(GIF), the memory will be ran out. I test it with all GD version (above

Reproduce code:
$file = 'specialimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file); 

Expected result:

the memory ran out, and my web server is down.

Actual result:
I put the special gif file on my friend's web, you can download it from
I think some one can use this bug to attack web server. It's so danger.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37360edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.1): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=37360r=mysqlcfg

#37360 [Opn]: imageCreateFromGIF have a memory-leak bug

2006-05-07 Thread cnteacher at discuz dot com
 ID:   37360
 User updated by:  cnteacher at discuz dot com
 Reported By:  cnteacher at discuz dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: win32/*nix
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-05-08 (snap)
 New Comment:

The test gif url


Previous Comments:

[2006-05-08 05:40:23] cnteacher at discuz dot com


When I use the function 'imageCreateFromGIF' with some special images
(GIF), the memory will be ran out. I test it with all GD version (above

Reproduce code:
$file = 'specialimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file); 

Expected result:

the memory ran out, and my web server is down.

Actual result:
I put the special gif file on my friend's web, you can download it from
I think some one can use this bug to attack web server. It's so danger.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37360edit=1

#37360 [Opn]: imageCreateFromGIF have a memory-leak bug

2006-05-07 Thread cnteacher at discuz dot com
 ID:   37360
 User updated by:  cnteacher at discuz dot com
 Reported By:  cnteacher at discuz dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: win32/*nix
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-05-08 (snap)
 New Comment:


If you get an Forbidden error,

you must visit www.freediscuz.net first, and than type the file's url
in brower.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-08 05:44:44] cnteacher at discuz dot com

The test gif url


[2006-05-08 05:40:23] cnteacher at discuz dot com


When I use the function 'imageCreateFromGIF' with some special images
(GIF), the memory will be ran out. I test it with all GD version (above

Reproduce code:
$file = 'specialimg.gif';
$im = imagecreatefromgif($file); 

Expected result:

the memory ran out, and my web server is down.

Actual result:
I put the special gif file on my friend's web, you can download it from
I think some one can use this bug to attack web server. It's so danger.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37360edit=1