Re: [PHP] Code Check fixed

2005-05-31 Thread janbro
Ok, thx, I've got it done. Dumb mistake, the user didn't have rights  to
delete, it's as simple as that. My trials thru the command line where as
thx guys

Richard Lynch schrieb:
 What you are doing wrong is ignoring the error messages MySQL is storing
 for you...
 On Mon, May 30, 2005 12:37 pm, janbro said:
Hi List, I don't know where else to look. I've got PHP 5.0.0 and MySQL
4.1.3. (on Windwows XP with Apache 2.0.50)

Here is my Code: the Query with the delete is not executed and I don't
know why. If I copy it into the MySQL Command line like it is here,
everything works fine. I have another example with a more simple delete
which works (same syntax)

If I replace the delete with the insert statement it works.

What 'am I doing wrong here?

public function DeleteOldFails (){
 $con=$conClas-mysqlConnect ();

 $query = DELETE FROM LoginTracker WHERE
//   $query =INSERT INTO LoginTracker (IPAttack, User) VALUES
 print $con-query($query);
 echo mysql_error();
   $con-query(OPTIMIZE TABLE LoginTracker );

 $this-discon ($conClas, $con);


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Re: [PHP] Questionary Development

2005-05-31 Thread Rory Browne
On 5/31/05, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, May 28, 2005 10:08 am, ...helmut said:
  I have a form that contains 100 questions. To make it easier on the user,
  will divide it into 5 sections (20 questions per section), then all the
  information will be written to a db. What is the best way to carry along
  through the pages the information that has already been submitted?
  Writing to a DB after each section? Session Variables?
 I would recommend using the DB first.
 If you can't/won't do that, use sessions.
 I would NOT recommend carrying all the variables along as INPUT
 TYPE=HIDDEN -- While that would work it makes it much harder to allow,
 say, a user who got disconnected to complete the form later, or a user
 whose session timed out because their boss walked in, or...
When I suggested hidden input fields, I was working on the assumption,
that the person wouldn't be filling out half of the form, and then
coming back later to fill in the rest of the form.

Assuming it would be nice to cross-reference answers with other
answers from the same answerer, putting them in the DB initially will
not solve your problem. Unless you use sessions, then you know that
somebody answered questions 1 - 20, and you know that someone answered
21 - 40. You don't know that the answerers to the two sections are
from the same person, unless you use sessions as well, which negates
your next point.

 If you've stored their info in sessions, you will still lose it if their
 session times out.
 If it's in the DB, then they can complete the form whenever they have time.
 100 questions is a lot of questions...
 You might even allow them to answer different sections in different
 orders, if there is a nice way to present them with some kind of grouping
 that's less arbitrary than 1-20, 21-40, ...
 'Course, if this is a timed test/exam or something, some of the above is
 moot...  But a student trying to take an exam that gets disconnected?
 Better to log their session start/end in the DB and only count time
 against them if it is contiguous, if you can.
  I read that writing to a database as i go along could be too much of a
  hazzle for the db, specially if I have multiple people filling out the
  at the same time.
 You're not gonna slam the database unless you have *LOTS* of people
 filling out the form at the same time.
 How many is *LOTS* depends on hardware, and you should test this with YOUR
 hardware/network, but I suspect you are worrying over a non-issue on this.
 Like Music?
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[PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Vlad Golodov
Hi All!

are here any people who have tried to develop php application using CVS?
What programms have you used for it? CVS should be located on the internet.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Burhan Khalid

Vlad Golodov wrote:

Hi All!

are here any people who have tried to develop php application using CVS?
What programms have you used for it? CVS should be located on the internet.

I have used CVS before (since its available in Zend Studio) and have had 
to do a bit of reconfiguring of Zend (because I refuse to connect using 
pserver, and the CVS-over-SSH instructions at Zend didn't work for me).

You can get other CVS clients installed and use them for 
checkin/checkout and then edit the files in your favorite editor (if it 
is not cvs-enabled).

Some of the good ones are TortoiseCVS and WinCVS.

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[PHP] Dynamically loading function arguments

2005-05-31 Thread RaTT

Currently we are building a basic content management system where we
would like to be able to write as libral customized tags as possible,

for example  [[select:array_name,title]] or [[form:name]] in the
format of [[function:arguments]]

The problem that we are experiencing are that the arguments are being
parsed as a single string, does anybody know of what function / method
i can use to get around this? My default option is to write the
functions to split the single supplied argument into their respective
arguments, but i am sure there is a easier way around?

I have tried splitting them up, and rejoining them with a , but i
think i am just redoing what php does internally.

Here is my current code,

// function = select, array = _title_,  name= select_title

$str = {{select:_title_,select_title}};  


function parse($str){
$reg_ex  = '/\{\{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+):(.*)\}\}/';   //
// $matches[0] = whole function 
// $matches[1] = function
// $matches[2] = content / params

   echo $match_count = count($matches);
for ($i=0;$i$match_count;$i++){
$output = null;
//function has been declared 
// TO-DO: add safe mode function array to specify 
allowed functions
#echo  DEBUG: 
{$matches[$i][1]} ( {$matches[$i][2]} ) br
$args = explode(,,$matches[$i][2]);
$cnt = count($args);
$params = null;
for($j=0; $j  $cnt; $j++){
#$params .= \$args[$j];
$params .= $args[$j];
$params .= ($j != ($cnt-1))? ,: ;
}// end for 
//eval(echo $params;);
//$output =
$matches[$i][1](implode(,,$args));//single str
   $output = $matches[$i][1]($params);
   $str = 
   } //end if 
   else {
// function not found or allowed remove tags
//echo DEBUG: function not foundbr /\n;
$str = eregi_replace($matches[$i][0],'',$str);
   }// end else 
}//end for
  return $str;  
  function select($array='',$name='',$extra=''){
echo 'pre';
echo '/pre';

Kind regards 

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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

Vlad Golodov wrote:

Hi All!

are here any people who have tried to develop php application using CVS?

yes, everyday :-)
bare in mind that CVS actually creates a bit more work for you (especially in 
beginning when you are still on the fairly steep CVS learning curve) but that
you gain in oversight and ability to step back etc etc.

Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.

What programms have you used for it? CVS should be located on the internet.

when on Windows I use TortoiseCVS as my CVS client. your CVS server should be
setup somewhere you are reach it (I have mine setup so that I can SSH or VPN
to the network the CVS box is on) - alternatively if you are developing on your
own its quite feasable to run the CVS server/repository on your local box
(and move it later if you want to share).

the biggest problem is being able to check out a _working_ copy of your site.
that requires some preparation - often you have 2 or 3 places you need to run
a copy of a site (local/test, staging, live). each copy of the site may have
slightly different include paths, different DB connections, etc.
in order to accomodate the differences I usually keep 'box' specific 
stuff in barebones 1 file that does not exist in CVS (usually called global.php)
and/or make use of a .htaccess file that also does not exist inside CVS.

if you are deploying your sites/apps to remote servers (think linux/*nix) then 
had better get familiar with a few of the basic cmdlines for working with CVS, 
you have a checkout setup (for instance for staging or demoing) with the correct
CVSROOT (etc) its quite simple to update the 'demo' server with the following 
(typed while you are in the appropriate dir):

 cvs up

Don't forget that if you are developing in a different place to where the live 
will run then you will probably have to keep DB schemas in sync as well - you 
have to think about keeping a DB updater script in CVS to allow you to update 
demo/live copies of the DB. Personally I'm a FirebirdDB fan - and I use 
IBExpert to
sync the different copies of a DB that may exist for a given project.

well there you have a little insight into my world, hope you succeed with 
control too!


Thanks in advance,


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Re: [PHP] Dynamically loading function arguments

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

RaTT wrote:

Currently we are building a basic content management system where we
would like to be able to write as libral customized tags as possible,

for example  [[select:array_name,title]] or [[form:name]] in the
format of [[function:arguments]]

The problem that we are experiencing are that the arguments are being
parsed as a single string, does anybody know of what function / method
i can use to get around this? My default option is to write the
functions to split the single supplied argument into their respective
arguments, but i am sure there is a easier way around?

I have tried splitting them up, and rejoining them with a , but i
think i am just redoing what php does internally.

some funcs that might help you:


also I recommend doing everything you can not to have to use
an eval() statement anywhere with this code as that would be comparatively
slow and you have to start worrying about possible security issues...

lastly my personal preference is towards the preg_*() funcs
rather than the eregi_*() funcs. regardless you should minimize the use
of regular expressions if you can... use explode(), strstr() and the like
where ever possible.

if you find a neat way of making use of call_user_func_array() then I think
you can cut the step where you rebuild the params string with commas.

also you might want to check out the way the Smarty guys implemented their
plugin/tag functionality - you may not like their style or implementation
but no doubt there is some overlap in what you are trying to do and what
they have done - so it may give you some ideas.

good luck.

Here is my current code,

// function = select, array = _title_,  name= select_title

$str = {{select:_title_,select_title}};  


function parse($str){
$reg_ex  = '/\{\{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+):(.*)\}\}/';   //
// $matches[0] = whole function 
// $matches[1] = function

// $matches[2] = content / params

   echo $match_count = count($matches);

for ($i=0;$i$match_count;$i++){
$output = null;
//function has been declared 
			// TO-DO: add safe mode function array to specify allowed functions

#echo  DEBUG: {$matches[$i][1]} ( 
{$matches[$i][2]} ) br
$args = explode(,,$matches[$i][2]);
$cnt = count($args);
$params = null;
for($j=0; $j  $cnt; $j++){
#$params .= \$args[$j];
$params .= $args[$j];
$params .= ($j != ($cnt-1))? ,: ;
}// end for 
			//eval(echo $params;);

//$output =
$matches[$i][1](implode(,,$args));//single str
   $output = $matches[$i][1]($params);
   $str = 
  	   } //end if 
   else {

// function not found or allowed remove tags
//echo DEBUG: function not foundbr /\n;
$str = eregi_replace($matches[$i][0],'',$str);
   }// end else 
}//end for
  return $str;  
  function select($array='',$name='',$extra=''){

echo 'pre';
echo '/pre';

Kind regards 

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[PHP] Returned mail: Data format error

2005-05-31 Thread Mail Delivery Subsystem

This e-mail, in its original form, contained one or more attached files that 
were infected with a virus, worm, or other type of security threat. This e-mail 
was sent from a Road Runner IP address. As part of our continuing initiative to 
stop the spread of malicious viruses, Road Runner scans all outbound e-mail 
attachments. If a virus, worm, or other security threat is found, Road Runner 
cleans or deletes the infected attachments as necessary, but continues to send 
the original message content to the recipient. Further information on this 
initiative can be found at
Please be advised that Road Runner does not contact the original sender of the 
e-mail as part of the scanning process. Road Runner recommends that if the 
sender is known to you, you contact them directly and advise them of their 
issue. If you do not know the sender, we advise you to forward this message in 
its entirety (including full headers) to the Road Runner Abuse Department, at 

The original message was received at Tue, 31 May 2005 06:49:12 -0400
from []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

- Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
550 5.1.2 Host unknown (Name server: host not 

file attachment:

This e-mail in its original form contained one or more attached files that were 
infected with the [EMAIL PROTECTED] virus or worm. They have been removed.
For more information on Road Runner's virus filtering initiative, visit our 
Help  Member Services pages at, or the virus filtering 
information page directly at 
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[PHP] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2005-05-31 Thread Automatic Email Delivery Software
Dear user,

We have found that your account has been used to send a large amount of 
unsolicited commercial email during the last week.
Probably, your computer was compromised and now runs a trojaned proxy server.

We recommend that you follow instructions in order to keep your computer safe.

Have a nice day, technical support team.

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RE: [PHP] Replacing 2 strings

2005-05-31 Thread Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
 function replace($string){
   preg_match(/^\^([a-zA-Z]+?)_([a-zA-Z]+?)/, $string, $matcharr);
   $string = str_replace($matcharr[0], $matcharr[1] .   .$matcharr[2]
 . :, $string);
   return $string;
 $string = ^JIM_JONES Leicester, 1720.  Oxford, 1800 CONFIRMED: meeting
 echo replace($string);
 One of the small benefits of this solution is that Will doesn't need to
 what is contained in the target substring beforehand.

I should get into the habit of listing the assumptions my code makes.

In the above example, the following assumptions are present:

- The target substring (in this example, ^JIM_JONES) must *always*
appear at the beginning of the string for the function to perform its task

- The target substring will *always* begin with ^, will feature a _
between the two name elements, and will conclude with 

- There will only be two name elements within the target substring (ie will
match ^JIM_JONES and ^MARY_BETH but will not match ^JIM or

- The function will only replace the first incidence of the target
substring. In the eventuality that the target substring value appears
multiple times in the string being processed, all other instances will be
left unchanged.

- All other contents of the string being processed can vary without impact
on the function.



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Re: [PHP] Dynamically loading function arguments

2005-05-31 Thread RaTT
Hi Guys 

Thanks for your support, i will post the function once done. 


On 5/31/05, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 RaTT wrote:
  Currently we are building a basic content management system where we
  would like to be able to write as libral customized tags as possible,
  for example  [[select:array_name,title]] or [[form:name]] in the
  format of [[function:arguments]]
  The problem that we are experiencing are that the arguments are being
  parsed as a single string, does anybody know of what function / method
  i can use to get around this? My default option is to write the
  functions to split the single supplied argument into their respective
  arguments, but i am sure there is a easier way around?
  I have tried splitting them up, and rejoining them with a , but i
  think i am just redoing what php does internally.
 some funcs that might help you:
 also I recommend doing everything you can not to have to use
 an eval() statement anywhere with this code as that would be comparatively
 slow and you have to start worrying about possible security issues...
 lastly my personal preference is towards the preg_*() funcs
 rather than the eregi_*() funcs. regardless you should minimize the use
 of regular expressions if you can... use explode(), strstr() and the like
 where ever possible.
 if you find a neat way of making use of call_user_func_array() then I think
 you can cut the step where you rebuild the params string with commas.
 also you might want to check out the way the Smarty guys implemented their
 plugin/tag functionality - you may not like their style or implementation
 but no doubt there is some overlap in what you are trying to do and what
 they have done - so it may give you some ideas.
 good luck.
  Here is my current code,
  // function = select, array = _title_,  name= select_title
  $str = {{select:_title_,select_title}};
  function parse($str){
  $reg_ex  = '/\{\{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+):(.*)\}\}/';   //
  // $matches[0] = whole function
  // $matches[1] = function
  // $matches[2] = content / params
 echo $match_count = count($matches);
  for ($i=0;$i$match_count;$i++){
  $output = null;
  //function has been declared
// TO-DO: add safe mode function array to specify 
  allowed functions
#echo  DEBUG: 
  {$matches[$i][1]} ( {$matches[$i][2]} ) br
$args = explode(,,$matches[$i][2]);
$cnt = count($args);
$params = null;
for($j=0; $j  $cnt; $j++){
#$params .= \$args[$j];
$params .= $args[$j];
$params .= ($j != ($cnt-1))? ,: ;
}// end for
//eval(echo $params;);
  //$output =
  $matches[$i][1](implode(,,$args));//single str
   $output = $matches[$i][1]($params);
   $str = 
   } //end if
 else {
// function not found or allowed remove tags
//echo DEBUG: function not foundbr /\n;
$str = eregi_replace($matches[$i][0],'',$str);
 }// end else
  }//end for
return $str;
function select($array='',$name='',$extra=''){
echo 'pre';
echo '/pre';
  Kind regards

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2005-05-31 Thread sbwi
I am changing my e-mail address and I tried to suscribe to this list through 
the automated subscription service.  It didn't work.  Suggestions?


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Re: [PHP] xml

2005-05-31 Thread Marcus Bointon

On 27 May 2005, at 14:16, Andy Pieters wrote:

I recently decided to switch to xml for the configuration of our  

I am now looking for a good way to handle that xml data.

Basically, what I am looking for is a functionality where I say

Get tag x with attribute1=y, attribute2=z,..., read its contents  
and put it in

an associative array.

You have described exactly what the pear config package does: http://

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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[PHP] Plugin systems

2005-05-31 Thread Marcus Bointon
I'm looking to build a plugin system for my web application. I'm  
going to need to handle multiple types of plugin. I know that many of  
them exist already, but I'm wanting something that's very object- 
clean and PHP5-aware. I was thinking about using multiple interface  
implementations, so that I could have a plugin that provides a  
particular kind of database access, provides a user interface for  
admin purposes, and a simple display unit perhaps for connection  
status. In this case I'd define a class like:

class mynewplugin extends pluginbase implements database, admin,  
display {


I would then be able to introspect (using class_implements etc) to  
find, for example, all plugins that implement database access. I  
could easily add more plugin types by adding more interface types.  
The overall benefit being that all kind of plugin are handled through  
a single mechanism.

Does this sound like a solid structure and mechanism?

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Marcus Bointon

On 31 May 2005, at 09:58, Jochem Maas wrote:

Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.

I can definitely vouch for Subversion. I'm using it for all my PHP  
stuff. I'd not used cvs a great deal, but I'd always found it awkward  
and svn is certainly easier.

The home page is here: The  
documentation (an online O'Reilly book) is excellent. It's pretty  
easy to learn (shares most basic commands with cvs), and there are  
many helper apps to work with it, not least TortoiseSVN which looks  
and works just like TortoiseCVS. I'm on OSX with OpenBSD and Linux  
servers and it's been easy to get it working over HTTPS. There are  
some OSX clients (notably svnx), but I find that once you figure out  
the commands, the command line interface is very easy to work with.

Consensus seems to be that if you're just starting out in version  
control, go straight to svn so you can skip all the reasons that made  
them want an upgrade from cvs!

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread M. Sokolewicz

Marcus Bointon wrote:

On 31 May 2005, at 09:58, Jochem Maas wrote:

Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.

I can definitely vouch for Subversion. I'm using it for all my PHP  
stuff. I'd not used cvs a great deal, but I'd always found it awkward  
and svn is certainly easier.

The home page is here: The  documentation 
(an online O'Reilly book) is excellent. It's pretty  easy to learn 
(shares most basic commands with cvs), and there are  many helper apps 
to work with it, not least TortoiseSVN which looks  and works just like 
TortoiseCVS. I'm on OSX with OpenBSD and Linux  servers and it's been 
easy to get it working over HTTPS. There are  some OSX clients (notably 
svnx), but I find that once you figure out  the commands, the command 
line interface is very easy to work with.

Consensus seems to be that if you're just starting out in version  
control, go straight to svn so you can skip all the reasons that made  
them want an upgrade from cvs!


another CVS/SVN helper-application is smartSVN (or smartCVS for CVS): ( for CVS). Those 
applications are really nice, personally I find that they are far easier 
to handle than tortoiseCVS(/SVN)

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[PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Ryan A
Hey guys (and we have one on the list...(that i know of)),

Can anybody recommend a real bare bones forum that i can modify
a tutorial for creating a forum
URLs/Classes etc to help me create a simple forum?

I checked on google but I couldnt find any tutorials or code, went to
hot-scripts and saw a   _c r a p l o a d_ of forums (for free and otherwise)
but I have a client who insists I build him a forum which must fall
to his specifications and work of our currently registered users database.

Worse scenario, I will dl a few of the forums from hotscrpts and go through
each of their code...but I would like to avoid that if anyone can give me a
better option.

2nd question
I will need a kind of client editor for when people write their messages
into the forum,
eg: make this bold and that italics and that centered and that with an image
and so on
I had actually seen a (dhtml, I think) form some time back where you could
preview your
message at the side as you made changes...somewhat like what google has for
ad-cents accounts where you can change the colors of your ad and immediatly
it shows the
changes at the side in a box.
I remember sometime back someone posting some WYSIWYG kind of editors which
on the clients machine with just a textbox and the buttons to go bold,
italics,centered etc
unfortunatly looking into the archives i cant find it.


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Re: [PHP] Re: How to make a script sleep for 5 seconds?

2005-05-31 Thread Mikey

Robert Cummings wrote:

Mr. Lynch, either intentionally or inadvertently, you have succeeded in
making me spray water out my nose as I happened to be drinking a glass
of it when I read your reply :B

Or:  water|nosekeyboard



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2005-05-31 Thread Paul Waring
 I am changing my e-mail address and I tried to suscribe to this list through 
 the automated subscription service.  It didn't work.  Suggestions?

Try emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the new address
that you want to subscribe with (a blank message will do). I had
problems signing up with the web based list manager as well.


Rogue Tory

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Re: [PHP] Plugin systems

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

Marcus Bointon wrote:
I'm looking to build a plugin system for my web application. I'm  going 
to need to handle multiple types of plugin. I know that many of  them 
exist already, but I'm wanting something that's very object- clean and 
PHP5-aware. I was thinking about using multiple interface  
implementations, so that I could have a plugin that provides a  
particular kind of database access, provides a user interface for  admin 
purposes, and a simple display unit perhaps for connection  status. In 
this case I'd define a class like:

class mynewplugin extends pluginbase implements database, admin,  display {

seems like alot of spreadout functionality to be putting it in a single
class (maybe I'm not seeing your example in the proper light).

I would then be able to introspect (using class_implements etc) to  
find, for example, all plugins that implement database access. I  could 
easily add more plugin types by adding more interface types.  The 
overall benefit being that all kind of plugin are handled through  a 
single mechanism.

Does this sound like a solid structure and mechanism?

it sounds like lots of work, with the possibility that it will become
overengineered... which has the affect of:

1. making code slow (introspection and reflection are not the speediest parts 
of the engine!)
2. make seemingly simple things difficult because of all the hoops you
have created for yourself.

but then there is nothing to suggest that you can't make it work
- the kind of thing you suggest doing is a good way of utilizing
the advantages of the object model.

I doubt it will be easy to write it well... but hey thats half the fun right?! 
by all means hit the list with all your tricky little php5 problems,
I for one will be on the look out for them :-)

btw: you may want to ask yourself (in order to help define scope etc):

1. what is the objective you wish to accomplish with such a 'system'?
2. do you have a very strict definition of 'plugin'? (I have always found the
word rather woolly/inexact)



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[PHP] Re: Moving PEAR installation (for self-contained class library)

2005-05-31 Thread Jason Barnett

Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru) wrote:


I have a PEAR-related question. My class library using some PEAR 
packages, and I would like to make it self-contained, i.e. to be able 
to move it to a server (for example MacOS X) which do not have (and 
will not require) installation of any PEAR package(s).

What I would like to do is just to copy whole PEAR directory from 
the /usr/share/php5 in the corresponding subdir of my class library. 
The question is - how to make this work transparently. What global 
php_ini variables need to be changed? Just ¨include_path¨ or anything 

Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).

***   with best regards 
***   Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)

***   Mac, Linux, DTP, Programming Web Site

include_path is the only php.ini setting that might need to be changed. 
 But why exactly are you planning on bundling the PEAR classes?  There 
are several reasons why this isn't a great idea:

- New versions of the scripts you need are released, but users 
downloading your package will have outdated (and probably buggy) versions
- For people that already *do* have PEAR, they're probably going to get 
confused when trying to debug... and get really annoyed when they find 
out it's because PHP was trying to read *your* PEAR library instead of 
the global one
- It's easier (in terms of getting access from server admin) to add more 
php files to the web root than it is to get access to php.ini

There is really only one advantage that I can see here: you don't have 
to worry about BC / your custom library will just work.  In my opinion 
however it's just not worth it for the reasons listed above.

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[PHP] Re: php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread rush
Vlad Golodov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi All!

 are here any people who have tried to develop php application using CVS?
 What programms have you used for it? CVS should be located on the

jap, locally I use TortoiseCVS - apache - php - mysql. Then i connect
through ssh to the remote cvs server.


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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Bostjan Skufca @

is it possible to mount CVS/SVN repository as filesystem?


On Tuesday 31 May 2005 15:46, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
 Marcus Bointon wrote:
  On 31 May 2005, at 09:58, Jochem Maas wrote:
  Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
  newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.
  I can definitely vouch for Subversion. I'm using it for all my PHP
  stuff. I'd not used cvs a great deal, but I'd always found it awkward
  and svn is certainly easier.
  The home page is here: The  documentation
  (an online O'Reilly book) is excellent. It's pretty  easy to learn
  (shares most basic commands with cvs), and there are  many helper apps
  to work with it, not least TortoiseSVN which looks  and works just like
  TortoiseCVS. I'm on OSX with OpenBSD and Linux  servers and it's been
  easy to get it working over HTTPS. There are  some OSX clients (notably
  svnx), but I find that once you figure out  the commands, the command
  line interface is very easy to work with.
  Consensus seems to be that if you're just starting out in version
  control, go straight to svn so you can skip all the reasons that made
  them want an upgrade from cvs!

 another CVS/SVN helper-application is smartSVN (or smartCVS for CVS): ( for CVS). Those
 applications are really nice, personally I find that they are far easier
 to handle than tortoiseCVS(/SVN)

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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Paul Waring
On 5/31/05, Ryan A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anybody recommend a real bare bones forum that i can modify

I don't know what you mean by bare bones exactly (how stripped down
are you looking for?) but here are three fairly small forum systems
you might want to have a look at:

punBB - (used it myself in the past, very nice
and slimmed down)
miniBB - (powers the Textpattern forums)
bbPress - (powers the Wordpress forums, not really
stable yet as far as I can tell but looks promising)

Obviously you might have to put in a bit of work to make them
authenticate against a different database structure, shouldn't be too
difficult though.

 a tutorial for creating a forum

It would be quite difficult to write one of those to be honest,
there's an awful lot you need to take into account for even the
smallest of forums, unless you want something *very* simple like
WWWBoard ( - written in Perl though).

 I will need a kind of client editor for when people write their messages
 into the forum,
 eg: make this bold and that italics and that centered and that with an image
 and so on
 I had actually seen a (dhtml, I think) form some time back where you could
 preview your
 message at the side as you made changes...somewhat like what google has for
 ad-cents accounts where you can change the colors of your ad and immediatly
 it shows the
 changes at the side in a box.

Have a look at the code for the larger bulletin board systems - phpBB
( has this feature and it's open source (I would
recommend vBulletin as well but it's proprietory unfortunately). I
imagine someone out there has probably written a standalone module for
it too - try searching for bb code wysiwyg on Google or something
like that.

Hope this helps.


Rogue Tory

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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Rory Browne
I don't know as much about forums today, as I did a few  years ago,
but AFAIK most GUI BBCode Editors are simple html wysiwyg tools, that
convert to bbcode in the background.

On 5/31/05, Ryan A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys (and we have one on the list...(that i know of)),
 Can anybody recommend a real bare bones forum that i can modify
 a tutorial for creating a forum
 URLs/Classes etc to help me create a simple forum?
 I checked on google but I couldnt find any tutorials or code, went to
 hot-scripts and saw a   _c r a p l o a d_ of forums (for free and otherwise)
 but I have a client who insists I build him a forum which must fall
 to his specifications and work of our currently registered users database.
 Worse scenario, I will dl a few of the forums from hotscrpts and go through
 each of their code...but I would like to avoid that if anyone can give me a
 better option.
 2nd question
 I will need a kind of client editor for when people write their messages
 into the forum,
 eg: make this bold and that italics and that centered and that with an image
 and so on
 I had actually seen a (dhtml, I think) form some time back where you could
 preview your
 message at the side as you made changes...somewhat like what google has for
 ad-cents accounts where you can change the colors of your ad and immediatly
 it shows the
 changes at the side in a box.
 I remember sometime back someone posting some WYSIWYG kind of editors which
 on the clients machine with just a textbox and the buttons to go bold,
 italics,centered etc
 unfortunatly looking into the archives i cant find it.
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[PHP] test

2005-05-31 Thread Justin Hannus


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[PHP] PHP and USB Devices

2005-05-31 Thread Joe Harman
Has anyone out there found a way to get information from a USB device
running on their computer... what i am trying to do is retrive the
fingerprint ID that the Microsoft USB fingerprint reader returns for a
finger print and put it in a webpage form???

There has to be a way to do it...

Joe Harman
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

Ryan A wrote:

Hey guys (and we have one on the list...(that i know of)),

Can anybody recommend a real bare bones forum that i can modify
a tutorial for creating a forum
URLs/Classes etc to help me create a simple forum?

I checked on google but I couldnt find any tutorials or code, went to
hot-scripts and saw a   _c r a p l o a d_ of forums (for free and otherwise)

rather overwhelming isn't it.

but I have a client who insists I build him a forum which must fall
to his specifications and work of our currently registered users database.

do you have a list of specifications? i.e. becareful you don't start chasing
a moving target! sounds like taking a solid existing forum tool and hacking
it so that it uses your own user DB is the way to go - purely from a
feasability perspective.

I'm sorry I can't really recommend one, I have experiencing doing a total
hack job on phpbb which was successful but I don't really like the codebase
so I wouldn't recommend it exactly!

Worse scenario, I will dl a few of the forums from hotscrpts and go through
each of their code...but I would like to avoid that if anyone can give me a
better option.

2nd question
I will need a kind of client editor for when people write their messages
into the forum,
eg: make this bold and that italics and that centered and that with an image
and so on
I had actually seen a (dhtml, I think) form some time back where you could
preview your
message at the side as you made changes...somewhat like what google has for
ad-cents accounts where you can change the colors of your ad and immediatly
it shows the
changes at the side in a box.
I remember sometime back someone posting some WYSIWYG kind of editors which
on the clients machine with just a textbox and the buttons to go bold,
italics,centered etc
unfortunatly looking into the archives i cant find it.

try this:
its a job to integrate but works really well and the price is good :-)

I have also had success with when i had the need
to provide a WYSIWYG editor that had to run on a wide range of browsers
and OSes - downside is it costs money, its also Java - and as many of
you know running Java applets in a browser is not always fun or fast :-/


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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

Bostjan Skufca @ wrote:


is it possible to mount CVS/SVN repository as filesystem?

a. why would you want to? (the whole idea is that you _dont_ edit files 
directly in the repository)
b. this is a php mailinglist not a cvs mailinglist. ;-)


On Tuesday 31 May 2005 15:46, M. Sokolewicz wrote:

Marcus Bointon wrote:

On 31 May 2005, at 09:58, Jochem Maas wrote:

Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.

I can definitely vouch for Subversion. I'm using it for all my PHP
stuff. I'd not used cvs a great deal, but I'd always found it awkward
and svn is certainly easier.

The home page is here: The  documentation
(an online O'Reilly book) is excellent. It's pretty  easy to learn
(shares most basic commands with cvs), and there are  many helper apps
to work with it, not least TortoiseSVN which looks  and works just like
TortoiseCVS. I'm on OSX with OpenBSD and Linux  servers and it's been
easy to get it working over HTTPS. There are  some OSX clients (notably
svnx), but I find that once you figure out  the commands, the command
line interface is very easy to work with.

Consensus seems to be that if you're just starting out in version
control, go straight to svn so you can skip all the reasons that made
them want an upgrade from cvs!


another CVS/SVN helper-application is smartSVN (or smartCVS for CVS): ( for CVS). Those
applications are really nice, personally I find that they are far easier
to handle than tortoiseCVS(/SVN)

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Re: [PHP] PHP and USB Devices

2005-05-31 Thread Mikey

Joe Harman wrote:

Has anyone out there found a way to get information from a USB device
running on their computer... what i am trying to do is retrive the
fingerprint ID that the Microsoft USB fingerprint reader returns for a
finger print and put it in a webpage form???

There has to be a way to do it...


The method you choose willl *have* to live on the client side, and 
unless you are planning to install PHP on all of your clients, then your 
solution will *have* to be written in another language.



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[PHP] .INC files

2005-05-31 Thread Martin Zvarik

I saw files like and

What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

Thank you for replies.


[PHP] [Files suffix] .inc.php files

2005-05-31 Thread Martin Zvarik

I saw files like and

What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

Thank you for replies.



2005-05-31 Thread Martin Zvarik
test dammit, doesnt work

[PHP] Craig's List Clone part deux

2005-05-31 Thread Michael O'Neal
Hi...I posted a while back looking for an open-source or affordable 
Craig's List clone built in PHP, and the advice was to search...there 
are a ton out there.

So far, the only one I've been able to come up with is AJ Classified 
Pro ( which had some 
half-hearted reviews, and has a really cheesy website supporting it.  
So...I'll ask again to see if anyone knows of any others before I plunk 
down $250 for this semi-ok reviewed software.

Does anyone know of a Craig's List type setup out there that is worth 




Michael O'Neal
Head Honcho
Boulder, Colorado
IM:  AOL-emptyo1
Yahoo: bambisapartment

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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Bostjan Skufca @
a. It would create a posibility to run application directly from CVS if http 
server would have access to it

b. details :))

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 18:06, Jochem Maas wrote:
 Bostjan Skufca @ wrote:
  is it possible to mount CVS/SVN repository as filesystem?

 a. why would you want to? (the whole idea is that you _dont_ edit files
 directly in the repository) b. this is a php mailinglist not a cvs
 mailinglist. ;-)

  On Tuesday 31 May 2005 15:46, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
 Marcus Bointon wrote:
 On 31 May 2005, at 09:58, Jochem Maas wrote:
 Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
 newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.
 I can definitely vouch for Subversion. I'm using it for all my PHP
 stuff. I'd not used cvs a great deal, but I'd always found it awkward
 and svn is certainly easier.
 The home page is here: The  documentation
 (an online O'Reilly book) is excellent. It's pretty  easy to learn
 (shares most basic commands with cvs), and there are  many helper apps
 to work with it, not least TortoiseSVN which looks  and works just like
 TortoiseCVS. I'm on OSX with OpenBSD and Linux  servers and it's been
 easy to get it working over HTTPS. There are  some OSX clients (notably
 svnx), but I find that once you figure out  the commands, the command
 line interface is very easy to work with.
 Consensus seems to be that if you're just starting out in version
 control, go straight to svn so you can skip all the reasons that made
 them want an upgrade from cvs!
 another CVS/SVN helper-application is smartSVN (or smartCVS for CVS): ( for CVS). Those
 applications are really nice, personally I find that they are far easier
 to handle than tortoiseCVS(/SVN)

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Displaying forms in stored text

2005-05-31 Thread Niels Riis Kristensen
Hi. I have a problem that consist of a desire to use preformatted  
text in a while-loop while inserting data from another search. The  
code is as follows:



$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT  

$show_var = $record['text'];

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE kind LIKE '20');
echo   html
meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/ 

body bgcolor='#ff'
table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'  
cellpadding='0' height='50'

tdimg src='../../../Media/HMLogo.gif'  
alt='' height='40' width='147' border='0'/td

table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'  

tr height='526'
td width='100%' height='600'
script type='text/javascript'


Needles to say, I hope, that it doesn't work!

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[PHP] test

2005-05-31 Thread Danny Brow

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Marcus Bointon

On 31 May 2005, at 15:40, Bostjan Skufca @ wrote:

is it possible to mount CVS/SVN repository as filesystem?

Yes and no. Both keep stuff as normal files, but often as diffs and  
BDB databases. You really need to go through the appropriate client  
interface to extract data from it meaningfully. Also, you don't  
normally work directly on the repository but on a locally checked out  
version. This is what makes concurrent edits possible. SVN is  
typically implemented as a WebDAV service (possibly using SSL for  
security), and you can simply mount the webdav point as you would any  
other webdav file system. I guess you could check out a version  
remotely, then mount that area via webdav. Not sure what you'd gain  

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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[PHP] test

2005-05-31 Thread Danny Brow
If this gets to the list it's just a test. 

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Re: [PHP] Plugin systems

2005-05-31 Thread Marcus Bointon

On 31 May 2005, at 15:21, Jochem Maas wrote:

seems like alot of spreadout functionality to be putting it in a  

class (maybe I'm not seeing your example in the proper light).

That's possible, and I would only be able to implement a single  
plugin class within any given file (assuming simplistic namespacing).  
However, I do think that it's quite likely that any single plugin  
will likely only implement one or two interfaces so it should not get  
too messy. Think about photoshop here - you can just chuck plugins in  
the plugins folder, and they are all handled in the same way,  
regardless of whether they add file importing, exporting or image  
processing functions, or even all three at once.

it sounds like lots of work, with the possibility that it will become
overengineered... which has the affect of:

1. making code slow (introspection and reflection are not the  
speediest parts of the engine!)

2. make seemingly simple things difficult because of all the hoops you
have created for yourself.

Built-ins are almost always faster than 'userland' PHP code, and it  
seems that this approach might hit quite a few sweet spots in that  
respect. There's no particular reason this should have any great  
impact on speed as it's not really any different to loading a bunch  
of classes (something which is massively improved with an accelerator  

The plugin system needs to do several things:

* locate plugin files (just normal readdir calls)
* within located plugins, locate implementations of particular  
functionality (a simple call to class_implements)

* run preferred implementation

Smarty has quite a neat plugin mechanism, but it's quite limited in  
what it tries o do - for example there's no way you can directly  
build block, modifier and function plugins with identical  
functionality in a single file (though you could do it using a shared  
class and a bunch of includes - exactly the complexity I'm trying to  

How might I achieve this without using these built-in functions, and  
why might it be faster and less complex?

There are some very complex plugin systems, such as the one recently  
added to MaxMediaManager which uses this model:

but I'm wanting to keep things simpler.

but then there is nothing to suggest that you can't make it work
- the kind of thing you suggest doing is a good way of utilizing
the advantages of the object model.

I doubt it will be easy to write it well... but hey thats half the  
fun right?! :-)

by all means hit the list with all your tricky little php5 problems,
I for one will be on the look out for them :-)

I get the feeling that it will actually be quite simple to write -  
that's partly why I'm wondering what's wrong with it ;^)

1. what is the objective you wish to accomplish with such a 'system'?

The system I'm working on implements large chunks of functionality  
internally. I want to make it switchable so that I can reconfigure it  
to use external resources on a dynamic basis. My main aim is to build  
a kind of host environment and reimplement my internal functions as  
plugins so that all implementations of the functionality can share  
the same interfaces. Many applications are built this way - Apache  
and Dreamweaver MX spring to mind.

2. do you have a very strict definition of 'plugin'? (I have always  
found the

word rather woolly/inexact)

That's part of the point. With the mechanism I'm thinking of, I don't  
have to be too precise about what exactly a plugin might do - I only  
need to define the different plugin interfaces (which can be very  
strict) that it might conform to - implementation is wide open.

I'd welcome a discussion of plugin mechanisms generally...

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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Re: [PHP] test

2005-05-31 Thread disguised.jedi
On 5/31/05, Justin Hannus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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What about it?

PHP rocks!
Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil

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RE: [PHP] [Files suffix] .inc.php files

2005-05-31 Thread Jay Blanchard
I saw files like and

What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

Thank you for replies.

Once is enough...wait for an answer.

The suffix is good for identifying files. For instance, say you have a
group of standard functions that you use in all applications. You can
call it (inc stands for 'include'). It is an
organizational method.

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Re: [PHP] .INC files

2005-05-31 Thread John Nichel

Martin Zvarik wrote:

I saw files like and

What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

Thank you for replies.


It doesn't matter.  PHP will parse either if you call them via include() 
or require()

I guess it just boils down to your preference.

John C. Nichel

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2005-05-31 Thread Jay Blanchard
it worked

-Original Message-
From: Martin Zvarik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:40 AM
Subject: [PHP] TEST

test dammit, doesnt work

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Re: [PHP] .INC files

2005-05-31 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf
Martin Zvarik wrote:
 I saw files like and
 What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

I don't see the point in, but is something I use
all the time to indicate that a file is designed to be included and not
accessed directly.  Then I have an Apache config rule that prevents
direct access to the file which looks like this:

  Files ~ \.inc$
  Order allow,deny
  Deny from all

Without this rule people would be able to access the .inc file directly
and since PHP won't parse it, the raw source code would be visible which
could be a security problem.  If you prevent this simply by putting .php
onto the end of your include files, you could have a different security
problem in that files designed to be included could be run out of their
include context and could potentially do something unexpected.


PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] .INC files

2005-05-31 Thread disguised.jedi
On 5/30/05, Martin Zvarik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I saw files like and
 What is the *.inc suffix good for ?
 Thank you for replies.
I think it means that the files were meant to be included...not called
by themselves.  I'm just guessing though...:)  Then the server could
be configured to deny access to these file types.  Then the only way
the code can be executed is to run the file that includes it

Anyone else out there know for sure??

PHP rocks!
Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil

Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 
However, I must say that the ENTIRE contents of this message are
subject to other's criticism, corrections, and speculations.

This message is Certified Virus Free

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Re: [PHP] .INC files

2005-05-31 Thread Sebastian

they're usually used as includes, hence the INC part.
files that have certain functions/classes that another script requires 
and people use them to split up the code.

I don't and have never created .inc files.. all my files end in .php -- 
but that's just me.

Martin Zvarik wrote:

I saw files like and

What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

Thank you for replies.



PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Craig's List Clone part deux

2005-05-31 Thread John Nichel

Michael O'Neal wrote:
Hi...I posted a while back looking for an open-source or affordable 
Craig's List clone built in PHP, and the advice was to search...there 
are a ton out there.

So far, the only one I've been able to come up with is AJ Classified Pro 
( which had some half-hearted 
reviews, and has a really cheesy website supporting it.  So...I'll ask 
again to see if anyone knows of any others before I plunk down $250 for 
this semi-ok reviewed software.

Does anyone know of a Craig's List type setup out there that is worth 

I can't help you with finding other software to accomplish this, but I 
can advise you to steer clear of the AJ Classifieds.  I've spent the 
better part of the last two months doing side work for a company who 
purchased it, couldn't get the developers to fix the bugs, and can't get 
them to complete the modifications that they paid for.

John C. Nichel

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP and USB Devices

2005-05-31 Thread disguised.jedi
On 5/31/05, Joe Harman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone out there found a way to get information from a USB device
 running on their computer... what i am trying to do is retrive the
 fingerprint ID that the Microsoft USB fingerprint reader returns for a
 finger print and put it in a webpage form???
 There has to be a way to do it...
 Joe Harman
 Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
 and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
 PHP General Mailing List (
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AFAIK, the fingerprint reader acknowledges the fingerprint is correct,
then inputs some HUGE password into the form, and if it isn't correct,
it doesn't put the password in.

So is what you are doing really needed?

If so, I'd look into a browser plugin...this isn't something PHP can do

PHP rocks!
Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil

Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 
However, I must say that the ENTIRE contents of this message are
subject to other's criticism, corrections, and speculations.

This message is Certified Virus Free

PHP General Mailing List (
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2005-05-31 Thread disguised.jedi
On 5/31/05, Martin Zvarik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 test dammit, doesnt work

it worksgmail doesn't show you your own posts

PHP rocks!
Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil

Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.
However, I must say that the ENTIRE contents of this message are
subject to other's criticism, corrections, and speculations.

This message is Certified Virus Free

PHP rocks!
Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil

Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 
However, I must say that the ENTIRE contents of this message are
subject to other's criticism, corrections, and speculations.

This message is Certified Virus Free

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[PHP] Re: .INC files

2005-05-31 Thread Jason Barnett

Martin Zvarik wrote:

I saw files like and

What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

Thank you for replies.



.inc is just a shorthand for include files and it's just a different way 
of organizing code

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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Leif Gregory
Hello Ryan,

Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 7:59:10 AM, you wrote:
R Can anybody recommend a real bare bones forum that i can modify or
R a tutorial for creating a forum or URLs/Classes etc to help me
R create a simple forum?

??? That's a hard question to answer. You could make it real bare
bones and just display the entries in reverse order by date / time
entered from the DB.

R I checked on google but I couldnt find any tutorials or code, went
R to hot-scripts and saw a _c r a p l o a d_ of forums (for free and
R otherwise) but I have a client who insists I build him a forum
R which must fall _exactly_ to his specifications and work of our
R currently registered users database.

Again, without knowing what those specifications are, it's a hard
question to answer.

R I will need a kind of client editor for when people write their
R messages into the forum, eg: make this bold and that italics and
R that centered and that with an image and so on


It rocks.

Leif (TB lists moderator and fellow end user).

Using The Bat! 3.5.20 under Windows XP 5.1
Build 2600 Service Pack 2 on a Pentium 4 2GHz with 512MB

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[PHP] Re: PHP and USB Devices

2005-05-31 Thread Jason Barnett

Joe Harman wrote:

Has anyone out there found a way to get information from a USB device
running on their computer... what i am trying to do is retrive the
fingerprint ID that the Microsoft USB fingerprint reader returns for a
finger print and put it in a webpage form???

There has to be a way to do it...

I haven't ever done anything with that new-fangled fingerprint reader 
stuff.  But if there is some digital form of the person's fingerprint 
coming from that machine then there is some way to capture that ID and 
send it to a webserver.  So just find out how a user can obtain this 
digital fingerprint in file / text format and then send the file / text 
to the server via a form.

But as the other poster has already suggested this is a client side 
issue and about the only thing that you can do is find some way for the 
person to send the fingerprint to you.

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[PHP] Re: Questionary Development

2005-05-31 Thread ...helmut
Hello All,

Thank you for all the wonderful ideas, there are so many things that can be 
over look when working by yourself.

When I asked help for a questionary, in reallity I meant a long form. With 
that said I apologize for having some people in mind more like a question 
answer type of thing(school test and similar).

So, after reviewing this project I have come out with the final descicion...

In order to fill out a form the user must have an UN and PASS, so that I can 
write their answers to the DB as they are filling out the form, reason for 
this is in case they have to stop in the middle of the form they can come 
back on a later time to finish with their UN and PASS, they should be able 
to continue their form or to start all over.

I decided to divide the forms into 5 different sections, and as some one 
suggested divide the sections by groups so people can fill out the form and 
concentrate in the section they are working on.

Similar to when you have to fill out your taxes online:

the difference is that this has been done with ASP (ewww! :) )

Thank you everyone for your input. Any more suggestions are welcome


...helmut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I have a form that contains 100 questions. To make it easier on the user, I 
will divide it into 5 sections (20 questions per section), then all the 
information will be written to a db. What is the best way to carry along 
through the pages the information that has already been submitted? Cookies? 
Writing to a DB after each section? Session Variables?

 I read that writing to a database as i go along could be too much of a 
 hazzle for the db, specially if I have multiple people filling out the 
 form at the same time.



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Re: [PHP] PHP and USB Devices

2005-05-31 Thread Joe Harman

actually what I need to have it do is just fill in the user's name and
password... security is not high on the priority list... the only
thing that the fingerprint reader is going to do is make the process
of login fast and hopefuly error free...

I am using the microsoft fingerprint reader... looks like I need to
find an activex (that doesn't seem to exist) that will pop the access
info into the username and password box... the problem with the
packaged software is that there can only be one fingerprint profile
per user account... i need like 80 profiles... there should be some
sort of other hardware/software solution out there that I will run

anyhow... thanks for your help... my apologizes for making an off topic request


 On 5/31/05, Joe Harman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Has anyone out there found a way to get information from a USB device
  running on their computer... what i am trying to do is retrive the
  fingerprint ID that the Microsoft USB fingerprint reader returns for a
  finger print and put it in a webpage form???
  There has to be a way to do it...
  Joe Harman
  Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
  and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:
 AFAIK, the fingerprint reader acknowledges the fingerprint is correct,
 then inputs some HUGE password into the form, and if it isn't correct,
 it doesn't put the password in.
 So is what you are doing really needed?
 If so, I'd look into a browser plugin...this isn't something PHP can do
 PHP rocks!
 Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil
 Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.
 However, I must say that the ENTIRE contents of this message are
 subject to other's criticism, corrections, and speculations.
 This message is Certified Virus Free

Joe Harman
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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[PHP] test

2005-05-31 Thread afrodriguez

Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

Bostjan Skufca @ wrote:
a. It would create a posibility to run application directly from CVS if http 
server would have access to it

doeos anyone else think this is silly? besides which this is webdevelopment,
the http server's config/paths etc matter ... so how do the files inside the CVS
repository know which server is using them?
also have you ever looked at the contents of a repository? its full of *,v files
which are not usuable as-is.

direct access to the files in your CVS repository is a BAD IDEA... unless
of course you are a certified wizard in which case I'll just shut up ;-)

instead write an automation script to update/export/roll-out your
application actually thinking about it a friend of mine setup CVS once
so that checking in automatically caused a test-server to be updated to
the latest version... (can't remember how he did it)...
that sounds more like what you want.

b. details :))

yeah ;-)

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 18:06, Jochem Maas wrote:

Bostjan Skufca @ wrote:


is it possible to mount CVS/SVN repository as filesystem?

a. why would you want to? (the whole idea is that you _dont_ edit files
directly in the repository) b. this is a php mailinglist not a cvs
mailinglist. ;-)


On Tuesday 31 May 2005 15:46, M. Sokolewicz wrote:

Marcus Bointon wrote:

On 31 May 2005, at 09:58, Jochem Maas wrote:

Also I hear lots of good things about subversion (SVN), which is a
newer alternative for version control - some even say its better.

I can definitely vouch for Subversion. I'm using it for all my PHP
stuff. I'd not used cvs a great deal, but I'd always found it awkward
and svn is certainly easier.

The home page is here: The  documentation
(an online O'Reilly book) is excellent. It's pretty  easy to learn
(shares most basic commands with cvs), and there are  many helper apps
to work with it, not least TortoiseSVN which looks  and works just like
TortoiseCVS. I'm on OSX with OpenBSD and Linux  servers and it's been
easy to get it working over HTTPS. There are  some OSX clients (notably
svnx), but I find that once you figure out  the commands, the command
line interface is very easy to work with.

Consensus seems to be that if you're just starting out in version
control, go straight to svn so you can skip all the reasons that made
them want an upgrade from cvs!


another CVS/SVN helper-application is smartSVN (or smartCVS for CVS): ( for CVS). Those
applications are really nice, personally I find that they are far easier
to handle than tortoiseCVS(/SVN)

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2005-05-31 Thread Rory Browne
It sometimes takes a while for posts to get through to the list.

On 5/31/05, Martin Zvarik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 test dammit, doesnt work

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Re: [PHP] php + cvs

2005-05-31 Thread Marcus Bointon

On 31 May 2005, at 17:57, Bostjan Skufca @ wrote:

a. It would create a posibility to run application directly from  
CVS if http

server would have access to it

It doesn't work that way - there are almost no circumstances under  
which you would want to access the repository without going through a  
client. The only case I can think of is for backup. You can automate  
checkouts from your repository - Subversion provides scripting hooks  
to do exactly that kind of thing automatically. You can set up a  
trigger like 'whenever someone makes a commit to this branch, do a  
checkout to this directory'.

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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[PHP] Variabels in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Niels Riis Kristensen
Hi. I have a problem that consist of a desire to use preformatted  
text in a while-loop while inserting data from another search. The  
code is as follows:

$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT  

$show_var = $record['text'];

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE kind LIKE '20');
echo   html
meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/ 

body bgcolor='#ff'
table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'  
cellpadding='0' height='50'

tdimg src='../../../Media/HMLogo.gif'  
alt='' height='40' width='147' border='0'/td

table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'  

tr height='526'
td width='100%' height='600'
script type='text/javascript'


Needles to say, I hope, that it doesn't work!

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PHP] [Files suffix] .inc.php files

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

sorry Martin, forgot to post to list!

oh and the list is a little overworked so don't
go posting double if your post doesn't appear immediately...
it will get there eventually ;-)

Martin Zvarik wrote:


 I saw files like and

I saw penguins :-)

 What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

differentiating between different 'types' of
files - i.e. those with a .inc extension usually denote
files which are included as apposed to being called
'directly' from the browser. another type of
file name you might see is 'file.class.php' for files
which contain (usually a single) class definitions or
'file.funcs.php' for files which just contain a 'library'
of functions.

basically name your files anyway you see fit, php
does not care - do bare in mind that yor webserver needs
to be configured to recognize you php files (which is
usually done by way of file extension) -


// this will work as expected - assuming such a
// file actually exists somewhere alogn your include_path.
include_once 'crufty-include-rubbish';



 Thank you for replies.


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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Ryan A
Thanks guys,
Yep, it certainly sounds like a PITA (pain in the ... ) project but the
client is payingand so..the client's right :-)
The good thing is, I'll learn something here (hopefully), only think left to
do is start going to the URLs you
have mentioned and reading and downloading.

Thanks again.


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[PHP] Variables in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Niels Riis Kristensen
Hi. I have a problem that consist of a desire to use preformatted  
text in a while-loop while inserting data from another search. The  
code is as follows:

$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT  

$show_var = $record['text'];

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE kind LIKE '20');
echo   html
meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/ 

body bgcolor='#ff'
table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'  
cellpadding='0' height='50'

tdimg src='../../../Media/HMLogo.gif'  
alt='' height='40' width='147' border='0'/td

table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'  

tr height='526'
td width='100%' height='600'
script type='text/javascript'


Needles to say, I hope, that it doesn't work!

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

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Re: [PHP] PHP and USB Devices

2005-05-31 Thread tg-php
The fingerprint reader may have software that has COM capabilities too.  So  
you might be able to use a COM call to the software to get the fingerprint ID 
(big huge password mentioned) that it generates.

Reading directly from the device would probably  mean writing a custom driver 
since even if you can connect directly to the bus, you gotta know what to do 
with the data coming in and out of it.

Seeing as it's a Microsoft USB fingerprint reader, there's a halfway decent 
chance that the included software (or some similar third party app or plugin) 
has COM capabilities.


= = = Original message = = =

On 5/31/05, Joe Harman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone out there found a way to get information from a USB device
 running on their computer... what i am trying to do is retrive the
 fingerprint ID that the Microsoft USB fingerprint reader returns for a
 finger print and put it in a webpage form???
 There has to be a way to do it...
 Joe Harman
 Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
 and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:
AFAIK, the fingerprint reader acknowledges the fingerprint is correct,
then inputs some HUGE password into the form, and if it isn't correct,
it doesn't put the password in.

So is what you are doing really needed?

If so, I'd look into a browser plugin...this isn't something PHP can do

PHP rocks!
Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Go to school, become evil

Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 
However, I must say that the ENTIRE contents of this message are
subject to other's criticism, corrections, and speculations.

This message is Certified Virus Free

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Re: [PHP] Craig's List Clone part deux

2005-05-31 Thread Michael O'Neal
Thanks John.  That's one of the reasons I haven't gone that route.  The 
whole operation seemed cheesy to me.

I appreciate the feedback though.

On May 31, 2005, at 11:48 AM, John Nichel wrote:

Michael O'Neal wrote:
Hi...I posted a while back looking for an open-source or affordable 
Craig's List clone built in PHP, and the advice was to 
search...there are a ton out there.
So far, the only one I've been able to come up with is AJ Classified 
Pro ( which had some 
half-hearted reviews, and has a really cheesy website supporting it.  
So...I'll ask again to see if anyone knows of any others before I 
plunk down $250 for this semi-ok reviewed software.
Does anyone know of a Craig's List type setup out there that is worth 

I can't help you with finding other software to accomplish this, but I 
can advise you to steer clear of the AJ Classifieds.  I've spent the 
better part of the last two months doing side work for a company who 
purchased it, couldn't get the developers to fix the bugs, and can't 
get them to complete the modifications that they paid for.



Michael O'Neal
Head Honcho
Boulder, Colorado
IM:  AOL-emptyo1
Yahoo: bambisapartment

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Re: [PHP] Replacing 2 strings

2005-05-31 Thread W Luke
On 31/05/05, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  function replace($string){
preg_match(/^\^([a-zA-Z]+?)_([a-zA-Z]+?)/, $string, $matcharr);
$string = str_replace($matcharr[0], $matcharr[1] .   .$matcharr[2]
  . :, $string);
return $string;
  $string = ^JIM_JONES Leicester, 1720.  Oxford, 1800 CONFIRMED: meeting
  echo replace($string);
  One of the small benefits of this solution is that Will doesn't need to
  what is contained in the target substring beforehand.
 I should get into the habit of listing the assumptions my code makes.
 In the above example, the following assumptions are present:
 - The target substring (in this example, ^JIM_JONES) must *always*
 appear at the beginning of the string for the function to perform its task
 - The target substring will *always* begin with ^, will feature a _
 between the two name elements, and will conclude with 
 - There will only be two name elements within the target substring (ie will
 match ^JIM_JONES and ^MARY_BETH but will not match ^JIM or
 - The function will only replace the first incidence of the target
 substring. In the eventuality that the target substring value appears
 multiple times in the string being processed, all other instances will be
 left unchanged.
 - All other contents of the string being processed can vary without impact
 on the function.

Thanks Murray, and Brian - both excellent and I'm really grateful for
the help!  Clueless when it comes to these types of problems, so
thanks very much,

Will   The Corridor of Uncertainty
 - Sanity is a madness put to good use -

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Re: [PHP] Code Check

2005-05-31 Thread Dotan Cohen
On 5/30/05, janbro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi List, I don't know where else to look. I've got PHP 5.0.0 and MySQL
 4.1.3. (on Windwows XP with Apache 2.0.50)
 Here is my Code: the Query with the delete is not executed and I don't
 know why. If I copy it into the MySQL Command line like it is here,
 everything works fine. I have another example with a more simple delete
 which works (same syntax)
 If I replace the delete with the insert statement it works.
 What 'am I doing wrong here?
  public function DeleteOldFails (){
$con=$conClas-mysqlConnect ();
$query = DELETE FROM LoginTracker WHERE 
  //$query =INSERT INTO LoginTracker (IPAttack, User) VALUES 
echo $conbrDiesen Auf ERFOLG TESTEN! LÖSCHT ER WAS ER 
  SOLL? br$querybr;
print $con-query($query);
  $con-query(OPTIMIZE TABLE LoginTracker );
$this-discon ($conClas, $con);

$query = DELETE FROM LoginTracker WHERE

Take out that ; after the 3600!

Dotan Cohen

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[PHP] Re: Questionary Development

2005-05-31 Thread ...helmut
Hello All,

Thank you for all the wonderful ideas, there are so many things that can be
over look when working by yourself.

When I asked help for a questionary, in reallity I meant a long form. With
that said I apologize for having some people in mind more like a question
answer type of thing(school test and similar).

So, after reviewing this project I have come out with the final descicion...

In order to fill out a form the user must have an UN and PASS, so that I can
write their answers to the DB as they are filling out the form, reason for
this is in case they have to stop in the middle of the form they can come
back on a later time to finish with their UN and PASS, they should be able
to continue their form or to start all over.

I decided to divide the forms into 5 different sections, and as some one
suggested divide the sections by groups so people can fill out the form and
concentrate in the section they are working on.

Similar to when you have to fill out your taxes online:

the difference is that this has been done with ASP (ewww! :) )

Thank you everyone for your input. Any more suggestions are welcome


...helmut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I have a form that contains 100 questions. To make it easier on the user, I 
will divide it into 5 sections (20 questions per section), then all the 
information will be written to a db. What is the best way to carry along 
through the pages the information that has already been submitted? Cookies? 
Writing to a DB after each section? Session Variables?

 I read that writing to a database as i go along could be too much of a 
 hazzle for the db, specially if I have multiple people filling out the 
 form at the same time.



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[PHP] Re: php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Amir Mohammad Saied

For your 2nd question, try kupu
It really rocks!


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RE: [PHP] Variables in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Jay Blanchard
Quite sending this over and is taking a while for the e-mail
to get to the list

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[PHP] Questionary Development - Continued

2005-05-31 Thread ...helmut
Hello All,

Thank you for all the wonderful ideas, there are so many things that can be
over look when working by yourself.

When I asked help for a questionary, in reallity I meant a long form. With
that said I apologize for having some people in mind more like a question
answer type of thing(school test and similar).

So, after reviewing this project I have come out with the final descicion...

In order to fill out a form the user must have an UN and PASS, so that I can
write their answers to the DB as they are filling out the form, reason for
this is in case they have to stop in the middle of the form they can come
back on a later time to finish with their UN and PASS, they should be able
to continue their form or to start all over.

I decided to divide the forms into 5 different sections, and as some one
suggested divide the sections by groups so people can fill out the form and
concentrate in the section they are working on.

Similar to when you have to fill out your taxes online:

the difference is that this has been done with ASP (ewww! :) )

Thank you everyone for your input. Any more suggestions are welcome


...helmut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I have a form that contains 100 questions. To make it easier on the user, I
will divide it into 5 sections (20 questions per section), then all the
information will be written to a db. What is the best way to carry along
through the pages the information that has already been submitted? Cookies?
Writing to a DB after each section? Session Variables?

 I read that writing to a database as i go along could be too much of a
 hazzle for the db, specially if I have multiple people filling out the
 form at the same time.



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Re: [PHP] [Files suffix] .inc.php files

2005-05-31 Thread Leif Gregory
Hello Martin,

Sunday, May 29, 2005, 9:24:00 PM, you wrote:
M I saw files like and
M What is the *.inc suffix good for ?

It's good for a lot of trouble if the webserver hasn't been set up to
parse .inc files as PHP. If it hasn't then someone can request that
file in a broswer and see the code.

I'd just stay away from using .inc for an include and do either of the

or just


Whichever floats your boat.

Leif (TB lists moderator and fellow end user).

Using The Bat! 3.5.20 under Windows XP 5.1
Build 2600 Service Pack 2 on a Pentium 4 2GHz with 512MB

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RE: [PHP] Variabels in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Jay Blanchard
$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT
 $show_var = $record['text'];

do an echo $show_var; to see what is returned right here

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Re: [PHP] Variables in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Niels Riis Kristensen

Oh, I get it. I have been very poor at explaining my problem.

I have a table, table1, in which I have standard text for letters. I  
would like to put data from table2 in the letters, so that the data  
is automatically placed in the letter through code in the standard  
text. It sounds complicated, I know, but I hope I make myself clear.  
English is not my native language.

What happens is, that the $show_var IS displayed. What I in my  
frustration haven't conveyed properly is, that the text in table1 in  
the the form

ordinary text to output to html . 
$var_from_the_result_query_on_table2. some more html text

shows up just like that, no data from table2 is processed. I know  
that I am probably using the wrong function, but I can't seem to find  

And the reason I use SELECT * is that there is more than one field I  
need to output. There is only one in the example so that the post  
wouldn't be to voluminous.

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

On 31/05/2005, at 22.53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

which are you saying doesn't work?

  - outputting the value of $show_var in the html that follows


  - outputting values from this query:

   mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE kind LIKE '20')

from what i can tell, you never actually retrieve values from this
second query.

if the issue is displaying $show_var, you should put a debug in
between these two points, e.g.:

 $show_var = $record['text'];

   $debug = 4;

   if ($debug  3) {
 print show_var: $show_varP\n;

  $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE kind LIKE '20');

so that you actually know that your first data query/retrieval has
separately, why are you doing a select *  when, in the first case
at least, you seem to only want the value from the field text. if
you only want values from specific fields you should enumerate them
on the select as a select *  is very inefficient. also, using the
like operator, when you really should be using the = operator
isn't efficient either.

 Original Message 

Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 09:18:42 PM +0200
From: Niels Riis Kristensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PHP] Variables in stored txt

Hi. I have a problem that consist of a desire to use preformatted
text in a while-loop while inserting data from another search. The
code is as follows:

$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1'
LIMIT  1);
 $show_var = $record['text'];

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE kind LIKE '20');
 echo   html
 meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/
 body bgcolor='#ff'
 table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'
cellpadding='0' height='50'
src='../../../Media/HMLogo.gif'  alt='' height='40' width='147'
 table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='2'
 tr height='526'
 td width='100%' height='600'
 script type='text/javascript'


Needles to say, I hope, that it doesn't work!

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

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-- End Original Message --

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[PHP] using php4 in a php5 environment...

2005-05-31 Thread bruce

is there a way to 'go back' to php4 if i have php5 installed? i have a
website/app that i want to test, and it requires php4. can anybody tell me
if there's some config option that i can set to basically only use the php4
environment for the test app...

i want php5 to be used for all the other apps...



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Re: [PHP] Variabels in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Niels Riis Kristensen

On 31/05/2005, at 22.19, Jay Blanchard wrote:

$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT
 $show_var = $record['text'];

do an echo $show_var; to see what is returned right here

Allready did, no result.

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] Variabels in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Jay Blanchard
 $get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT
  $show_var = $record['text'];

 do an echo $show_var; to see what is returned right here

Allready did, no result.

Is your query failing? You're not doing any error checking, like this...

$myQuery = SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1' LIMIT 1 ; 
if(!($myResults = mysql_query($myQuery, $myConnection))){
   echo mysql_error() . \n;

   $show_var = $record['text'];

echo $show_var;

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[PHP] Re: using php4 in a php5 environment...

2005-05-31 Thread ...helmut
you can install a kit that would enable you to switch from php4 to 5 and 

Or if you have both installations in your computer already im sure you can 
point your development software to use the right php.exe


bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 is there a way to 'go back' to php4 if i have php5 installed? i have a
 website/app that i want to test, and it requires php4. can anybody tell me
 if there's some config option that i can set to basically only use the 
 environment for the test app...

 i want php5 to be used for all the other apps...



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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Jochem Maas

Ryan A wrote:

Thanks guys,
Yep, it certainly sounds like a PITA (pain in the ... ) project but the
client is payingand so..the client's right :-)

out of interest (and maybe to spark new ideas) can you give specs?
what kind of user management system do you have to integrate with? (describe)

end of the day a forum lives and dies on its content/dialogue.
everything else is gravy. :-)

The good thing is, I'll learn something here (hopefully), only think left to
do is start going to the URLs you
have mentioned and reading and downloading.

Thanks again.


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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-05-31 Thread Ryan A

  Thanks guys,
  Yep, it certainly sounds like a PITA (pain in the ... ) project but the
  client is payingand so..the
 client's right :-)

 out of interest (and maybe to spark new ideas) can you give specs?
 what kind of user management system do you have to integrate with?

Its kind of hard to explain the specs but to give you an idea...its real big bells and whistles.
Its for a site very close to this one:
so the functionality of the forum too will be pretty much like that
(sites in Swedish)

 end of the day a forum lives and dies on its content/dialogue.
 everything else is gravy. :-)

True, but this is one of the small parts of the site...the site has other
major sections and this is just a
minor section so not really that important.


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RE: [PHP] Variabels in stored txt

2005-05-31 Thread Chris W. Parker
Niels Riis Kristensen mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:09 PM said:

 On 31/05/2005, at 22.19, Jay Blanchard wrote:
 $get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id LIKE '1'
  LIMIT 1); while($record=mysql_fetch_assoc($get_var1))
  $show_var = $record['text'];
 do an echo $show_var; to see what is returned right here
 Allready did, no result.

Do you get anything with:

$get_var1 = mysql_query(SELECT text FROM table1);


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[PHP] FW: write to file, difficulty inputting data

2005-05-31 Thread mayo
I'm writing customer orders into a file. I'm 
1. getting data from session variables and a database,
2. putting it into a variable called $fileContent
3. then touch($filename);
4. then writing $fileContent to $filename - the code is at the bottom
The test versions of this have all gone well.
The file must contain the data in a preset format. All the data is on
one line (no line breaks) and each field has a preset limit, The file is
FTPed and the data parsed.
So far so good. It works with one customer order
Now when I want to write multiple customer orders it doesn't work?
Abbreviated code is below
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
$thisItemID= sprintf(% 6d,$theItemID);
$thisItemPrice= sprintf(%7.2f,$theItemPrice);
$thisItemQty= sprintf(% 7d,$theItemQty);
\n .
20 .
$thisOrder .
$thisItemID .
$thisItemPrice .
$thisItemQty . \n;
// Make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if (is_writable($filename)) {
// Open $filename in write mode.
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
 echo Cannot open file ($filename);
// Write $fileContent to opened file.
if (fwrite($handle, $fileContent) === FALSE) {
echo Cannot write to file ($filename);

[PHP] Returned mail: Data format error

2005-05-31 Thread The Post Office

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attachments. If a virus, worm, or other security threat is found, Road Runner 
cleans or deletes the infected attachments as necessary, but continues to send 
the original message content to the recipient. Further information on this 
initiative can be found at
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e-mail as part of the scanning process. Road Runner recommends that if the 
sender is known to you, you contact them directly and advise them of their 
issue. If you do not know the sender, we advise you to forward this message in 
its entirety (including full headers) to the Road Runner Abuse Department, at 

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Re: [PHP] Questionary Development - Continued

2005-05-31 Thread Rory Browne
That being the case, you may want to consider ajax, so that users
answers are recorded as soon as they make them.

On 5/31/05, ...helmut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,
 Thank you for all the wonderful ideas, there are so many things that can be
 over look when working by yourself.
 When I asked help for a questionary, in reallity I meant a long form. With
 that said I apologize for having some people in mind more like a question
 answer type of thing(school test and similar).
 So, after reviewing this project I have come out with the final descicion...
 In order to fill out a form the user must have an UN and PASS, so that I can
 write their answers to the DB as they are filling out the form, reason for
 this is in case they have to stop in the middle of the form they can come
 back on a later time to finish with their UN and PASS, they should be able
 to continue their form or to start all over.
 I decided to divide the forms into 5 different sections, and as some one
 suggested divide the sections by groups so people can fill out the form and
 concentrate in the section they are working on.
 Similar to when you have to fill out your taxes online:
 the difference is that this has been done with ASP (ewww! :) )
 Thank you everyone for your input. Any more suggestions are welcome
 ...helmut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a form that contains 100 questions. To make it easier on the user, I
 will divide it into 5 sections (20 questions per section), then all the
 information will be written to a db. What is the best way to carry along
 through the pages the information that has already been submitted? Cookies?
 Writing to a DB after each section? Session Variables?
  I read that writing to a database as i go along could be too much of a
  hazzle for the db, specially if I have multiple people filling out the
  form at the same time.
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[PHP] mysql 4.1.3beta

2005-05-31 Thread bruce

i'm integrating php/mysql into apache. can anybody tell me if it's possible
to have a mysql v.4.1.3beta client version from doing a php4 install, or do
i have to go php5 to get beyond the mysql v.3.23.58 client.

i've tried to use the FC3 php4.3.9 rpms with no luck. i'm also using the
mysql4.1.12 server/client...

any reasonable pointers!!



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[PHP] dynamic drop down

2005-05-31 Thread Danny Brow
Could someone point me to an example with code for dynamic drop downs in
PHP? I would like to be able to have drop downs like Select Country
and another drop down show the states/provinces based on the selected


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Re: [PHP] Craig's List Clone part deux

2005-05-31 Thread Michael O'Neal
Anyone else?  I have a hard time believing it's not out there...but I 
could be wrong!!!

On May 31, 2005, at 1:48 PM, Michael O'Neal wrote:

Thanks John.  That's one of the reasons I haven't gone that route.  
The whole operation seemed cheesy to me.

I appreciate the feedback though.

On May 31, 2005, at 11:48 AM, John Nichel wrote:

Michael O'Neal wrote:
Hi...I posted a while back looking for an open-source or affordable 
Craig's List clone built in PHP, and the advice was to 
search...there are a ton out there.
So far, the only one I've been able to come up with is AJ Classified 
Pro ( which had some 
half-hearted reviews, and has a really cheesy website supporting it. 
 So...I'll ask again to see if anyone knows of any others before I 
plunk down $250 for this semi-ok reviewed software.
Does anyone know of a Craig's List type setup out there that is 
worth trying?

I can't help you with finding other software to accomplish this, but 
I can advise you to steer clear of the AJ Classifieds.  I've spent 
the better part of the last two months doing side work for a company 
who purchased it, couldn't get the developers to fix the bugs, and 
can't get them to complete the modifications that they paid for.



Michael O'Neal
Head Honcho
Boulder, Colorado
IM:  AOL-emptyo1
Yahoo: bambisapartment

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Michael O'Neal
Head Honcho
Boulder, Colorado
IM:  AOL-emptyo1
Yahoo: bambisapartment

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[PHP] Variabels in stored text - retry

2005-05-31 Thread Niels Riis Kristensen
I don't know what is going wrong, but I keep getting an error  
messages. I'll try one more time, and if this doesn't work I'll stop.

I have a table, table1, in which I have standard text for letters. I  
would like to put data from table2 in the letters, so that the data  
is automatically placed in the letter through code in the standard  
text. It sounds complicated, I know, but I hope I make myself clear.  
English is not my native language.

What happens is, that the $show_var IS displayed. What I in my  
frustration haven't conveyed properly is, that the text in table1 in  
the the form

ordinary text to output to html . 
$var_from_the_result_query_on_table2. some more html text

shows up just like that, no data from table2 is processed. I know  
that I am probably using the wrong function, but I can't seem to find  

And the reason I use SELECT * is that there is more than one field I  
need to output. There is only one in the example so that the post  
wouldn't be to voluminous.

Niels Riis Kristensen

NRK Group
- Electronic Music Engraving
- Webhosting
- Dynamic Web design
- E-Lists hosting

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