Re: [PHP] Retaining data across multiple sites

2002-02-20 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hey Ben:

Ben Sinclair wrote:
 These are all workable solutions

Not really.  JavaScrap and cookies are not a solution.  They're a quick
answer which doesn't work 100% of the time.  *IF* you're going to use
sessions, use a URL based session ID, which will work in 100% of browsers. 
Not all browsers have cookies and/or JavaScrap eneabled, let alone have the
capacity in the first place.

 If I link to hidden images on non-secure servers, the browser will display a
 warning. I'm also trying to avoid buying multiple certificates when all I want
 to do is brand a site.

What EXACTLY do you want to track?  User movement patterns?  Hit counts?  Ad
clickthroughs?  Ad impressions?  The proper solution to the problem depends
on what the goal is.



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Re: [PHP] how to pass variable and an internal link

2002-02-20 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hey Sergio:

Jena wrote:
 how can I pass either the internal anchor and the variable in the url?
 I tried in many ways
 echo a href=\page.php#my_anchor?variable= . $my_variable . \go to/a;
 echo a href=\page.php?variable= . $my_variable . #my_anchor\go to/a;

This URL works for me:

So, your second attempt should work.  Personally, I'd rewrite your line as
   echo a href=\page.php?variable=$my_variable#my_anchor\go to/a\n;

If this doesn't working for you, there's something wrong with the HTML in
page.php or with your browser.  Most likely, you haven't set the name/id
anchor correctly.



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Re: [PHP] getenv $REMOTE_ADDR

2002-02-20 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Steven:

Steven Walker wrote:
 Does anybody know why the predefined variable $REMOTE_ADDR would be
 null, while getenv(REMOTE_ADDR) works fine?

Put register_globals on via your php.ini or .htaccess file.  In php.ini,
   register_globals = Off
   register_globals = On



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Re: [PHP] textarea form input converting lt; and gt; to

2002-02-20 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Byron:

Byron Albert wrote:
 The major problem here is that some times we want lt; and some
 times we want to input html tags.

The solution depends on what you're trying to do.  What's your goal.  Are you
using the text area to store full web pages, or examples of how to write
HTML, or

See you,


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Re: [PHP] dealing with MSWord curly quotes in text

2002-02-20 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hey Austin:

 text has been edited in MSWord and the
 quotes that it uses get turned into question marks.  does anyone know a
 way to convert these MSWord quotes to normal  marks?

Replace the nasties with preg...

   $Data = preg_replace('/[\x93\x94]/', '', $Data);

I figured out the Hex numbers of the offending characters by pasting such an
offensive character into the following piece of code where the x is...

   echo dechex(ord('x'));

You could use the same principles to replace all sorts of junk.



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[PHP] exec()/PGP: long file names, hanging.

2002-02-19 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Folks:

Upgraded today from 4.0.7-dev to 4.1.1 on my Windows NT / Apache system in
hopes of eliminating a problem I'm having.  But, doing so brought up another

First, I found that in my 4.1.1 implementation, I had to use short file names
when running PGP in an exec() statement.  In 4.0.7-dev, long file names were
fine.  Wondering if anyone knew what changed.

Second, the problem I was trying to quash is still there.  The script loops
through an array, putting the contents into a file and then PGP signing that
file.  It works fine the first 17 times.  But, after the 18th file is run
through PGP, PHP hangs.  I added some debugging after PGP is exec()'ed.  That
statement doesn't get executed the 18th time.

If I then kill PGP via the Process list in the Task Manager, the PHP loop
contiunues on, creating the file showing the results from the 18th exec() of
PGP and then going into the 19th loop and then hangs after the PGP exec(). 
Killing PGP again, the 19th debug file is created and the process goes onto
the 20th file...

Is there some process or file limit I'm running into in PHP?  Or is it a PGP
problem?  I don't think it is.  I've added sleep() statements to slow things
down, in the event that was the problem.  It wasn't.  Still gets cought at
the 18th round.  The size of the stuff being saved in the file doesn't
matter.  Things hang after 18 tries.

Looking through the PGP documentation, various PHP and PGP related newsgroups
and general web queries found nothing relevant.

Here's a code sample...


   #  OKAY in 4.0.7-dev.  BAD in 4.1.1.
   $PGP = 'l:/program files/network associates/pgpnt/pgp.exe';
   #  OKAY either way.
   $PGP = 'l:/PROGRA~1/NETWOR~1/pgpnt/pgp.exe';

   $PGPFile = './zoo';
   $PGPUser = 'xyz [EMAIL PROTECTED]';

   $Count = 25;

   for ($i = 1; $i  $Count; $i++) {

  $fp = fopen($PGPFile$i, 'w+');
  fputs($fp, stuff);

  #  In the 18th itteration, the process hangs AFTER executing
  #  this statement...
  exec($PGP -sta $PGPFile$i -o $PGPFile$i -u \$PGPUser\, $x);

  #  Let's log PGP activity to see what happens...
  $fp = fopen($PGPFile$i.txt, 'w+');
  fputs($fp, implode(\r\n, $x) );

  $fp = fopen($PGPFile$i.asc, 'r');
  $Out = fread($fp, filesize($PGPFile$i.asc));

  # unlink($PGPFile$i);
  # unlink($PGPFile$i.asc);

  echo pre$i++\n$Out/pre\n\n;



Thanks for your thoughts,


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Re: [PHP] Form Data History

2002-02-11 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Howdy Steven:

Steven Walker wrote:
 If data is missing or incorrect, the user is alerted to 'go
 back'... but upon going back in history, all the data that was in the
 form is lost. This did not occur on my regular not-secure web server.

Page caching.  You can alter that through the header() function.  But, a
cleaner way handle user validation problems is to reprint the form and data
on the present page.  I like to have both the initiating form and the form
validation take place in the same script.  Put the form itself in a function
or an include file.  The form should use PHP variables in the value.  If
there are validation problems, tell the user what's up and have the script
re-display the form and the data they just entered will be filled in!  An
example of such an input element would be...

input type=text name=foo value=?php echo $foo; ? /



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Re: [PHP] Forms and IE

2002-02-10 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Sean:

Sean Hurley wrote:
 Agree input type=checkbox name=agree[] value=agree
 I Do Not Agree input type=checkbox name=disagree value=disagree

 if ($agree)  /* (I have tried this also with ($isset = $agree))  */
 { header (location: ?link=form);
 { header (location: /LETS);

Several things here.  You're probably having problems because you defined
agree as an array (via the brackets in name=agree[]), but in your code
you're examining it as a regular variable.  By the way ($isset = $agree)
isn't real, at least in this context.  You mean if ( isset($agree) ) {...

Now, to do this job right...  First, use radio buttons.  Second, make
disagree the default.  Third examine the information in PHP.  Fourth, use a
full URL in the Location.  Fifth, write clean code, using indents to
demarcate nesting so your code is easier to read.

   input type=radio name=Agree value=Y / I Agree
   input type=radio name=Agree value=N checked / I Do Not Agree

   if ($Agree == 'Y') {
   } else {



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Re: [PHP] attachment problem

2002-02-09 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Olev:

There are several threads on this in the archives.  In fact it was discussed
just the other day.

Put mime email into the search criteria and that discussion is the third
one down.



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Re: [PHP] Verisign / Payflow Pro

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Ed:

 I saw PHP has built-in support for Cybercash, but that Verisign has
 purchased them.  It looks like I'll have to go with Payflow Pro, but I'm
 wondering if PHP has built-in support, available modules, or what the best
 approach is.  Any recommendations?

PHP does indeed have support for Payflow Pro.  See

All these functions do is ship off the data to Verisign and return the
response to a variable.  You still need to assemble the data in Payflow
format and then handle the response codes.

I've written my own purchasing procedure which compiles the information in
Payflow format (including Level 3 line item transaction data), passes it to
Payflow Pro, handles the response codes, and stores the data in text files
which get downloaded to an offline system, and finally imported into the
offline database for historical and reconcilliation purposes.



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Re: [PHP] Calling PHP function from Perl - as external program

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hey Vaclav:

Vaclav Muchna wrote:
 system('/fullpath/ob', '100');
 produce this message:
 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.0
 Content-type: text/html
 No input file specified.
 but, when i remove -q parametr from ob, it procude this message:
 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.0
 Content-type: text/html
 #! /usr/bin/php
 so, it is executed, but seem to be parsed by some other php in system (due
 to string output #!/usr/bin/php), but no parametrs are given.

But what does your ob script look like?  There may be an error in it
causing the No input file specified response.



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Re: [PHP] How to find out what country the visitor comes from

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions


SED wrote:
 I'm trying to find out what country the visitor comes from to offer them
 suitable language 

Domain names and IP's are NOT the way to go.  Way to unreliable.  Use the

Take it easy,


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Re: [PHP] How to Configure the MySql Database?

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Mr K:

Karadamoglou Kostas wrote:
 I don't know to configure MySql Database On Apache Server in
 Windows System. What I must do? (step by step)

Read my MySQL Basics tutorial:  It's a really straight
ahead, step by step explanation on how to setup MySQL on Windows platforms.



PS:  fix your email program.  First, turn line wrapping on to about 77
characters.  Second, make it send pure text/plain documents rather than the
silly multipart/alternative format.  On this last point, see

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Re: [PHP] Re: automatic forward URL to other URL

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions


Baloo :0) wrote:

The header funcion really requires a fully qualified URI, and needs a space,
so make that




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Re: [PHP] Creating Tab-Delimited Text File

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Phillip S. Baker wrote:
 Greetings All,
 What I want to do is create a tab-delimited text file for download from
 records in a database.

Construct then execute the desired query

Loop through each record, putting each row into an array, then implode the
array with tabs.

The user can then save the resulting output manually.



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Re: [PHP] http://

2002-02-07 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi John:

jtjohnston wrote:
 I'm looking for a function that will find occurences of urls in any
 given string and do this:
 a href=;

$Val = body of text you want to process...;

$Val =
'a href=\\1\\2\\3\\1\\2\\3/a', $Val);

You'll have to undo the line wrapping before you use that.



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Re: [PHP] Sending MIME emails with base64 encoded attachments

2002-02-06 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Petr:

 I using PHP4 on SuSe Linux.
 I'm sending an MIME email (I generatate all the headers and so on) with

Your coding worked fine for me.

 When I then send it, the mail arrives, but the attached file (e.g. *.zip) is
 In original there are #0 (char. ascii 0), in attachment they come as \0

Two things I can think of...

First:  things might run differnetly on SuSE Linux.  Perhaps there are
configuration settings on your server that are throwing things off.  Check
your OS documentation and newsgroup archives.  I guess, also check the PHP
mailing list archives too:  You might need to
take a look at RFC-2045 Section 6.8 to see why that your system is properly
converting things.

Second:  the way you've formatted the MIME headers et al may be causing some
problem.  Here's a test script (fix email line wrapping as needed) of mine
that works (on PHP 4.0.7-dev / NT 4 / Apache).  Try it on your system and see
what happens.


# Set accordingly...
$FirstName = 'Joe';  # name of person who wants file
$Subject = 'the big test';
$Email = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';  # from address
$Name = 'Analysis and Solutions';  # your name
$FileName = 'email.attach.test';  # should be a .zip file
   # don't include file extension
$InDir = '.';  # directory where file can be found

# Used for purposes of this example,
# but set another way in my real script...
$Invoice = date('YmdHis');

# Leave this.
$Encoding = 'base64';

# Make sure variables are empty to start with...
$Body = '';
$AdditionalHeaders = '';

# Here we go...

if ( !$InHandle = @fopen($InDir/$,r) ) {
   echo h3Couldn't open input file./h3;

$Boundary = =_$Invoice . ==_;

$AdditionalHeaders .= Mime-Version: 1.0\n;
$AdditionalHeaders .= Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

$Body  = This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n;
$Body .= --$Boundary\n;
$Body .= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n;
$Body .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n;
$Body .= Greetings $FirstName:\n\nThanks for your order.\n\n;
$Body .= The copy of $Subject you ordered is attached below.\n\n;
$Body .= \n\nSincerely,\n\n$Name\n\n;

$Body .= --$Boundary\n;
$Body .= Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed;
$Body .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: $Encoding\n;
$Body .= Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\$\\n\n;

$Body .= chunk_split(   base64_encode(  fread( $InHandle,
filesize($InDir/$ )  )   );

$Body .= \n--$Boundary--;

mail($To, $Subject, $Body, From: $Email\nX-Loop:

# Show results in browser...
echo 'pThe following body was sent:/p';
echo \npre$Body/pre;




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Re: [PHP] RE: RE: Sending MIME emails with base64 encoded attachments

2002-02-06 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hey Petr:

 2) I realize that in string obtained by fread() the following characters are
 #0 () - #92#48 (\0)
 #34 () - #92#34 (\)
 #39 (') - #92#39 (\')
 #92 (\) - #92#92 (\\)

WAIT A SECOND!  You've got the magic_quotes_runtime configuration variable
turned on!  To solve your problem you can:

a) turn off that feature via the the php.ini or .htaccess file


b) use stripslashes() on the string you get back from the file 



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Re: [PHP] PHP / MYSQL security bug

2002-02-05 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Folks:

Gerard Onorato wrote on the PHP-GENERAL mailing list:
 Security Advisory DW020203-PHP
 Release: 3rd February 2002
 PHP Safe Mode Filesystem Circumvention Problem

 ... snip ...

 Currently, no fix exists. 
 ... snip ...
 A suggested fix for the PHP developers might be to scan
 mysql_query()s for strings similar to LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.

But they're forgetting about MySQL's permission handling.  The LOAD DATA
command can be controlled by the File_priv permission at the User level. 
Also, the Insert_priv can be regulated at many levels, including the User,
Database, table and column level.  Naturally, if one can't insert, there's no
way for them to run a LOAD DATA statement.



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Re: [PHP] Duplicate e-mails

2002-02-05 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Anthony:

Anthony Rodriguez wrote:
 The following php script sends two (2) e-mails to each addressee.  Why?

I'll bet the email addresses in question are listed in the table twice.  Open
up a MySQL command line prompt and enter select * from con_inf; to make
sure.  To keep this from happening, you can delete the duplicates then add a
unique index on the e_mail field in the MySQL table definition.

 $qry_1=select * from con_inf;

Side Issue 1:  why are you selecting everything (via *) rather than just
e_mail, since that's all you're using in the script?

 $result_1=mysql_query($qry_1,$connection) or die (No query # 1!);
 while ($row_1=mysql_fetch_array($result_1, MYSQL_ASSOC))

Side Note 2:  You can combiune those two lines into one:


Side Note 3:  You don't worry about these commands in scripts you're about to
exit anyway.



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Re: [PHP] Collecting Meta Tags and Traping Errors

2002-02-04 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Philip:

Several problems...

 $get_url =;;

Put a / on the end there.  Without it, you're not really hitting a page,
but rather a redirect to a page.

 $metatags= get_meta_tags($get_url,1);
 echo $metatags[Keywords];

The manual indicates that the key names are converted to lower case, so you
need to use keywords rather than Keywords.  Also, since they key name is
text, it's best to quote the key name.  So, rewrite the line like this:

   echo $metatags['keywords'];

 echo br;
 echo $metatags[Description];

Same principles apply here.



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Re: [PHP] Redirect problem.... UGH!!

2002-02-04 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Robert:

 Perhaps you can help, since my posts don't seem to be making it to the

 I have been trying to use readfile() or header() to load another PHP...

Check the archives:

Good luck,


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Re: [PHP] Collecting Meta Tags and Traping Errors

2002-02-04 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Philip:

Philip J. Newman wrote:
 $get_url =;;
 $metatags = get_meta_tags($get_url,1);
 echo $metatags['keywords'];
 echo $metatags[description];

This code works perfectly for me, on an NT 4 machine using PHP 4.0.7 dev. 
Oh, perfectly, spare the fact that the page at; has absolutely no contents.

Try; instead and see what happens.

Are you running into problems mentioned in the manual of unix v mac?  What
happens if you take out the ,1 in the get_meta_tags() call?



PS:  In the future, pleaes be kind enough to 1) just send emails to the list,
not to me and the list and 2) snip out content from the message you're
responding to.  Thanks.

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Re: [PHP] Redirect problem.... UGH!!

2002-01-30 Thread Analysis and Solutions


  #Header(Location: index.html);

You need to put the complete URL, not just the file name.

By the way, folks, DON'T use JavaScript for redirection (or other
essential navigational stuff).  Plenty of people out there keep Java'Scrap
turned off for security and privacy reasons.



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[PHP] Apache PHP File Disclosure Vuln

2002-01-28 Thread Analysis and Solutions

Hi Folks:

I haven't been reading the list lately.  I went to the mailing list archives
on Google and MARC to see what's been said about the Apache Win32 PHP.EXE
Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability.  I was surprised to find only one post
to the php-dev list:

 As I responded on Bugtraq, this is, if anything, an Apache bug, not a PHP 
 bug.  It could be a configuration bug too, but the bottom line is the 
 Apache doesn't determine that the file is a PHP file when requested in that 
 way, and doesn't even invoke PHP on it.

I was surprised that nothing is mentioned about it on the PHP web site.  I
did a search on the whole site for apache File Disclosure and got no hits.

Similarly, looking in the Apache Bug Report Database brought up nothing. 

So, I wanted to give the php-general list a heads up on this matter.  As Zeev
points out, it's an Apache problem, but it's something we, as PHP users, will
run into...

   clip from Security Focus  

SecurityFocus Newsletter #127.  Tue, 15 Jan 2002.

1. Apache Win32 PHP.EXE Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability
BugTraq ID: 3786
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Jan 04 2002 12:00A
Relevant URL:

A vulnerability exists in the suggested default configuration for the
Apache PHP.EXE binary on Microsoft Windows platforms. This issue has the
potential to disclose the contents of arbitrary files to remote attackers.

The ScriptAlias line of the following configuration in the httpd.conf
Apache configuration file is known to be the source of this issue:

ScriptAlias /php/ c:/php/=20
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php=20
Action application/x-httpd-php /php/php.exe

As a result, it is possible for an attacker to append a filepath to the
end of web request for php.exe. Files targetted in this manner will be
served to the attacker.

It is also possible to run executables in the PHP directory via successful
exploitation of this vulnerability.


A temporary workaround I though of off the cuff is modifying some of the
settings in the Apache configuration (httpd.conf, .htaccess, etc) files. 
This way, crackers would have to guess the vulnerable path.  Of course, this
isn't a real security measure, but it reduces the likelyhood of problems.

   Action application/x-httpd-php /php/php.exe
   ScriptAlias /php/ f:/Program Files/php4/

   Action application/x-httpd-php /SomeOtherName/php.exe
   ScriptAlias /SomeOtherName/ f:/Program Files/php4/

Another thing Win32/PHP/Apache users on NT and 2000 machines can do is run
the Apache service under a particular user id and tighten permissions granted
that user.

I guess mod_rewrite could be used to head off these calls to /php/php.exe. 
But I'm not familiar enough with mod_rewrite to do this.  If anyone is,
please be kind enough to post the _complete_ set of commands one would need
to handle this situation.



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