[PHP] fopen: space character in filename

2006-07-28 Thread Christian Calloway
Hello all,

this seems like an easy question, but I could sure as hell couldn't find any 
responces to it through initial searched. I am running php on an XP system 
and I need to open a file contained with a set of directories which may or 
may not have a space character; so for example:

fopen (X:\Dont Talk\About\My Momma\please.txt, x);

I tried using \ characters, no luck (even attempted to cancel out the 
backspace characters ala \\ and http space code %20, and still nothing.) Any 

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[PHP] Migration to PHP5

2005-12-06 Thread Christian Calloway

Does anyone have stats in terms of migration from 4 to 5, specifically I'd 
like to know if the bulk of PHP developers have begun to change-over. I am 
(was) a Java developer, but have been doing freelance/consultant work in PHP 
for two years and am still developing on PHP4 platform. I remember when PHP4 
was introduced (while I was still in college), and I made the transition to 
it immediately, but I have refrained from doing so for 5, since most 
development gigs are still working with 4. Basically I am wondering if it 
would be advantageous to make the switch; on another note, with PHP5's 
stronger OO model, I am considering moving from page-centric to an MVC 
model, but it seems there are a million MVC frameworks available and haven't 
had any experience with them. Comments?


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[PHP] gzuncompress mysql blob field

2005-07-21 Thread Christian Calloway
Heya guys,

I've ran into a problem that I just can't seem to get around. Basically I am 
storing file contents in a compressed format (gzcompress -at 9) in my 
database -- why -- basically to affect a search of said content using 
keywords retrieved via an input source (it could be any, doesn't really 
matter). Anyways, all works fine, until the blob size reaches about 64kb, 
then my script (and box) just completely crap out -- the page eventually 
gets forwarded to a page cannot be found after a while (and this is even 
if I have set my max_execution_time to like 5 seconds). Ok, so I theorized 
it may be a memory consumption problem, so I played around with the 
memory_limit directive in upwards of 100mg, and I still get the problem. 
It's very wierd.. it works just fine if the blob size is below 64kb, but 
just craps out when it is =. Oh yeah, xp box. Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] Re: gzuncompress mysql blob field

2005-07-21 Thread Christian Calloway
Still playing around.. if I remove the gzuncompress function.. it works 
perfectly. hmm.. it looks something like this

$resultRecords = 2-dimensional set of associative records from database 
query (i use the pear db class)

foreach ($resultRecords as $record)
$fileContent = gzuncompress ($record[compress_content]); // this 
statement causes problems when compress content  64kb
$fileContent = $record[compress_content]; // this statement works just 

Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Heya guys,

 I've ran into a problem that I just can't seem to get around. Basically I 
 am storing file contents in a compressed format (gzcompress -at 9) in my 
 database -- why -- basically to affect a search of said content using 
 keywords retrieved via an input source (it could be any, doesn't really 
 matter). Anyways, all works fine, until the blob size reaches about 64kb, 
 then my script (and box) just completely crap out -- the page eventually 
 gets forwarded to a page cannot be found after a while (and this is even 
 if I have set my max_execution_time to like 5 seconds). Ok, so I theorized 
 it may be a memory consumption problem, so I played around with the 
 memory_limit directive in upwards of 100mg, and I still get the problem. 
 It's very wierd.. it works just fine if the blob size is below 64kb, but 
 just craps out when it is =. Oh yeah, xp box. Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] Re: gzuncompress mysql blob field

2005-07-21 Thread Christian Calloway
Ahh I think I got it.. max field size reached

Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Heya guys,

 I've ran into a problem that I just can't seem to get around. Basically I 
 am storing file contents in a compressed format (gzcompress -at 9) in my 
 database -- why -- basically to affect a search of said content using 
 keywords retrieved via an input source (it could be any, doesn't really 
 matter). Anyways, all works fine, until the blob size reaches about 64kb, 
 then my script (and box) just completely crap out -- the page eventually 
 gets forwarded to a page cannot be found after a while (and this is even 
 if I have set my max_execution_time to like 5 seconds). Ok, so I theorized 
 it may be a memory consumption problem, so I played around with the 
 memory_limit directive in upwards of 100mg, and I still get the problem. 
 It's very wierd.. it works just fine if the blob size is below 64kb, but 
 just craps out when it is =. Oh yeah, xp box. Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] HTML - PDF PHP Package

2005-07-15 Thread Christian Calloway
Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a PHP based packaged (though it doesn't necesarily have to
be) that will convert HTML files to their PDF representations; on the fly of
course. Anyone know or have any experience w/this? Thanks in advance,


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Re: [PHP] HTML - PDF PHP Package

2005-07-15 Thread Christian Calloway
I am converting simple html files.. reports that were created in Doc and 
then converted to html. I am assuming you are executing this tool from PHP 
and sending back the results once complete? How has it worked for you.


Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I am looking for a PHP based packaged (though it doesn't necesarily have
 be) that will convert HTML files to their PDF representations; on the fly
 course. Anyone know or have any experience w/this? Thanks in advance,

 We use htmldoc.



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[PHP] pixels per character

2005-04-14 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey all,

trying to dynamically size cell widths; what I need is a formula to measure 
pixels per character for an arbitrary font (in this case 10pt verdana). A 
simple function f(x) = strlen(x) * SOMECONSTANT just doesn't seem to cut it, 
as returned widths are to small are long. Any ideas?


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[PHP] PHP CVS solution

2005-03-23 Thread Christian Calloway
Hiya guys,

I need some type of extremely simple (yet intuitive) CVS solution, preferbly 
written in PHP. Namely I want to allow fairly unsavvy computer users (lets 
say my mom for example) to checkout files of interest, located on some 
server, via a web-interface and PHP\MySQL backbone. I really don't want to 
write this myself, does anyone have any suggestions. Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] interesting problem with zlib/ob_gzhandler compression

2004-07-22 Thread Christian Calloway
I have ran into a rather interesting problem while zlib or gzip compression
is enabled on my site. I have an external javascript-php file (a javascript
file that is dynamically generated as in filename.js.php) which is included
in the main template using the script element (for example script
src=filename.js.php/script). This file defines variables that are used
to populate a javascript drop-down menu. With compression turned on, from
time-to-time, I get a javascript error basically saying that certain
variables have not been defined. At other times it works perfectly; this
phenomenom appears to be completely random. My theory is, with compression
turned on (via php.ini), the external php file does not get placed into the
output buffer until some point in time after the currently executing script
has been compressed. The reason being, is that the file is not included into
the script using a php require construct, but rather via HTML's script
element. I have played with this forever, and I have not found a solution.
Has anyone else ran into this problem; any suggetions or comments are
greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] Re: interesting problem with zlib/ob_gzhandler compression

2004-07-22 Thread Christian Calloway
Well 3 hours later I have a solution.. I turned off output_compression using
the ini_set function, within the scripts dynamically generating javascript
variables. This wasn't possible earlier, as I think there was a bug that
didn't allow me to use ini_set on the zlib.output_compression directive.

Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have ran into a rather interesting problem while zlib or gzip
 is enabled on my site. I have an external javascript-php file (a
 file that is dynamically generated as in filename.js.php) which is
 in the main template using the script element (for example script
 src=filename.js.php/script). This file defines variables that are
 to populate a javascript drop-down menu. With compression turned on, from
 time-to-time, I get a javascript error basically saying that certain
 variables have not been defined. At other times it works perfectly; this
 phenomenom appears to be completely random. My theory is, with compression
 turned on (via php.ini), the external php file does not get placed into
 output buffer until some point in time after the currently executing
 has been compressed. The reason being, is that the file is not included
 the script using a php require construct, but rather via HTML's script
 element. I have played with this forever, and I have not found a solution.
 Has anyone else ran into this problem; any suggetions or comments are
 greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] user tracking

2004-07-06 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey everybody,

I am looking for some type of user tracking/stat collecting package. I am
sure there's a million; any recommendations? We have some specific needs as
well, so mostly likely I will be have to make some code changes. So the
simpler package the better.


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Re: [PHP] user tracking

2004-07-06 Thread Christian Calloway
I've been writing LAMP applications for awhile; the option to write a
tracking system myself is always viable.. but since I am extraordinarily
lazy, I am looking for a general package that I could modify. What I really
wanted was anyone's feedback or recommendations on tracking packages
currently available.

Michael Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 What type of tracking ? ... number of hits ? pages visited by # of times

 If you use sessions ... which I am assuming you are. You could create a


 Then when you do the session check you could update:

 INSET INTO webwatch_table SET user-id=' . $_SESSSION['userid'] . ',
page=' . $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] . ', time='

 and somehow increment the times column ...

 Mysql has a INSERT / UPDATE combo command .. which may help.


 On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 12:15:06 +0100
 Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey everybody,
  I am looking for some type of user tracking/stat collecting package. I
  sure there's a million; any recommendations? We have some specific needs
  well, so mostly likely I will be have to make some code changes. So the
  simpler package the better.
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 Michael Gale
 Network Administrator
 Utilitran Corporation

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[PHP] find string position using reg exp

2004-03-29 Thread Christian Calloway

maby I am missing something, but I am trying to find a way to find the N
position/character in a String of a regular expression match. For example,
if I look for the pattern abba in 200 character length string, I would
like to know where, at what position that match was made. Any ideas? Thanks


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[PHP] small business inventory management package

2004-03-09 Thread Christian Calloway

Not looking to reinvent the wheel.. I am looking for an inventory management
software package (written in PHP of course) that would be suitable for a
small business. So in otherwords, nothing with any bells or whistles, just
something that is easily modified/extensible. Any suggestions, Thanks in


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[PHP] compress data before inserting into mysql record?

2004-03-04 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey all,

I had a small question concerning how MySQL stores text and longtext fields.
Long story short, I have to store a large amount of textual data, and was
wondering if I should compress said data and then store it in the db, or
does MySQL already concern itself with compression (which would make it
pointless to pre-compress). Thank you

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[PHP] check if user session exists

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Calloway
Given a set of session id's, is it possible to query whether a given session
exists. I am not talking about the current user session, instead I am
referring to any and all possible user sessions currently in play. For

if (session_exists($sessionId)) doSomething();

I've been looking very hard for this one and haven't found an answer at all.
Any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] check if user session exists

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Calloway
Yeah thats pretty much what I have concluded. I was absolutely sure there
would be a way to check if a session was still active, but I guess not :-(.
Thanks though


Larry Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't know of a function, but you could possibly read the directory
 the SID files are stored.  I use sessions a lot; however, I've not tried
 accomplish this.  I don't know if by default you can read the SID
 from a script or if this is blocked for security reasons or not.  If not,
 you could read the directory, match the SIDs from your list and go from
 there.  There is no way of knowing if the person is still actively using
 SID this way though.


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Calloway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 9:28 AM
 Subject: [PHP] check if user session exists

 Given a set of session id's, is it possible to query whether a given
 exists. I am not talking about the current user session, instead I am
 referring to any and all possible user sessions currently in play. For

 if (session_exists($sessionId)) doSomething();

 I've been looking very hard for this one and haven't found an answer at
 Any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] check if user session exists

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Calloway
Yeah, my solution so far has been to check the last modified time of the
session file and then go from there. If the modified time is  then time
permitted, then that file is removed and the user's session is rendered null
and void. What I am doing is allowing a variable X number of user's to
simultaneously log-in under the same user/pass combo (account), and the
problem I face is, if none of the user's logs-out, then how will I determine
when to pop an inactive account off the stack. Good times.. thanks guys


Rob Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Yeah thats pretty much what I have concluded. I was absolutely sure
  would be a way to check if a session was still active, but I guess not
  Thanks though

 It depends on your definition of 'active.'  If you wanted to see if the
 specific session you are looking at has been used in the past half hour,
 that is possible.  Following is a script I've used to help debug sessions
 sometimes.  While it's not what you're asking for, it may help you figure
 out how to do it.  It may need tweaking to run on your server.

 ?  // sessioninfo.php
   $path = ini_get('session.save_path');
   if (isset($_GET['empty']))
 if (isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']))
   setcookie('PHPSESSID', '');
 header('Location: sessioninfo.php');
   if (count($_GET) == 0)
  echo brPath: $pathbr;
 $dir = dir($path);
  while ($file = $dir-read())
$file_arr[$file]['time'] = filectime($path . '/' . $file);
$file_arr[$file]['size'] = filesize($path . '/' . $file);
  echo 'table
  foreach($file_arr as $fname = $data)
   if ($fname == '.' || $fname == '..')
   $ftime = date('Y-m-d G:i', $data['time']);
$sessid = substr($fname, 5);
   echo trtd$ftime/tdtd{$data['size']}/tdtda
  echo '/table';
   } else if (isset($_GET['sessionid'])) {
 setcookie('PHPSESSID', $_GET['sessionid']);
  header('Location: sessioninfo.php?show=true');
   } else {
 echo 'pre';
 echo '/pre';

  Larry Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I don't know of a function, but you could possibly read the directory
   the SID files are stored.  I use sessions a lot; however, I've not
   accomplish this.  I don't know if by default you can read the SID
   from a script or if this is blocked for security reasons or not.  If
   you could read the directory, match the SIDs from your list and go
   there.  There is no way of knowing if the person is still actively
   SID this way though.
   -Original Message-
   From: Christian Calloway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 9:28 AM
   Subject: [PHP] check if user session exists
   Given a set of session id's, is it possible to query whether a given
   exists. I am not talking about the current user session, instead I am
   referring to any and all possible user sessions currently in play. For
   if (session_exists($sessionId)) doSomething();
   I've been looking very hard for this one and haven't found an answer
   Any ideas?
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[PHP] Need a way to automate user logout

2004-02-05 Thread Christian Calloway
Damn stateless nature of HTTP, hey everyone, can someone point me or give me
an idea on how I would automatically log out (destroy user sessions and make
note of it in the database) on some type of schedule. I have designed a
security system that depends upon people logging out to determine the amount
of time they have accumalated on their accounts. Of course people do not
always (never) do this, so I need a way to do it for them. We are running
redhat linux, I am sure there is a way to say run a certain script at a
certain time blah blah etc etc. But I am only a programmer, and am
absolutely clueless on the finer points of nix. I can write a script in
perl, php, java, u name it, but how do I have it run on a set schedule?


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Re: [PHP] Need a way to automate user logout

2004-02-05 Thread Christian Calloway
I am already doing this, but the problem is is if the user closes their
browser and then comes back 2 days later, I have no choice but to debit that

Lucas Gonze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 One way is to save the time of last access every time a user requests a
 page, then poll to find users for whom now() - last_access_time 

 - Lucas

 On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Christian Calloway wrote:

  Damn stateless nature of HTTP, hey everyone, can someone point me or
give me
  an idea on how I would automatically log out (destroy user sessions and
  note of it in the database) on some type of schedule. I have designed a
  security system that depends upon people logging out to determine the
  of time they have accumalated on their accounts. Of course people do not
  always (never) do this, so I need a way to do it for them. We are
  redhat linux, I am sure there is a way to say run a certain script at a
  certain time blah blah etc etc. But I am only a programmer, and am
  absolutely clueless on the finer points of nix. I can write a script in
  perl, php, java, u name it, but how do I have it run on a set schedule?
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[PHP] Re: Need a way to automate user logout

2004-02-05 Thread Christian Calloway
awesome, thanks for the quick replies guys

Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Damn stateless nature of HTTP, hey everyone, can someone point me or give
 an idea on how I would automatically log out (destroy user sessions and
 note of it in the database) on some type of schedule. I have designed a
 security system that depends upon people logging out to determine the
 of time they have accumalated on their accounts. Of course people do not
 always (never) do this, so I need a way to do it for them. We are running
 redhat linux, I am sure there is a way to say run a certain script at a
 certain time blah blah etc etc. But I am only a programmer, and am
 absolutely clueless on the finer points of nix. I can write a script in
 perl, php, java, u name it, but how do I have it run on a set schedule?


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[PHP] another mysql question, sorry

2004-01-19 Thread Christian Calloway
I am sorry to post another mysql question, but this one is design related. I
need to create a relationship between two different tables in two different
databases. I feel like I am commiting a sin doing so, but it makes sence at
the application level, and to redesign everything would be disastrous. Any
comments? Thanks


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Re: [PHP] mysql question

2004-01-16 Thread Christian Calloway
Well let me try and describe a simplified version of what I am doing. I work
for a group of analysts, and they analyse technical products. Each products
has about 300+ fields associated with it, and each product is vastly
different from the other. Let's say the product foo has a table fields
associated with it, which describes each field in foo (its name,
description, type[float,boolean,text], order) and another table called
data_foo which is 300+ fields in length. Each record in data_foo
represents the technical specfiications of a single company/manufacturer. So
if there are 200+ companies, there will be at least one data_foo record
associated with it (in reality there is a one to many association between a
company and the number of technical specifications they have defined).There
are many different applications designed around the tables foo and
data_foo, and course the relationships are slightly more involved, but I
digress. Each new product specification requires that I create a new table
to hold that data, and with new product specifications being created every
month, you see that the N number of tables will increase. If I store that
data in the fields table or create a table that has 1-many relationship
with it, I endup with thousands and thousands of records (Remember, each
product has 300+ fields associated with it, and each company has at least on
product specfication, and the N number of products continues to increase).
Any ideas?

Miles Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 A red flag is flying.

 Usually, when people start talking about how the number of tables will
 multiply in an application, there is a problem with the design of data
 structures. If that's the case, now is the time to fix it.


 At 05:35 PM 1/15/2004 +, Christian Calloway wrote:
 Sorry to post a mysql question here, but I wanted an answer from a PHP
 perspective. I am currently working on a database (for work) which
 40 tables, and will continue to expand. The reason for expansion of
 is to obscure to get into, but the relationships all do make sence. I
 never worked on anything over like 50 tables, and I was wondering if I
 should expect a performance hit, when say, I have 100 tables, 200 tables,
 etc. Would it be wiser to break up the logical sections into there own
 databases? Wouldn't that cause a bigger hit (to performance) with
 tables from multiple databases being opened on every user query? Thanks
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Re: [PHP] mysql question

2004-01-16 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey Mike,

That is almost exactly what I am doing. I have a table, lets say
product_fields which describes each characteristic/field of a product
(with N possible fields). A definition of a field includes, its name (as the
customer see's it), its type, a named-reference to the field in the data
table, and of course the id of the particular product.  The products_data
table is composed of fields sequentially labeled from f1 to fn, and contains
the actual data. The only difference being that I am creating a new
products_data table for each product (so something like
products_data_$productid), as opposed to storing all field data in a
singular large table. So the real question is, is it favorable to have one
large table with N number of fields (products * fields), or N number of
smaller tables (N products). I have absolutely no idea, but I will do some
digging myself. Thanks for the help


Miles Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I did a bit of digging in the MySQL docs to try and find the limits on
 number of fields in a table, etc. Didn't have much luck. I would not worry
 about thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of rows in a table for two
 reasons. First MySQL is becoming a heavier-duty database, and second, when
 the proper indexes are used it is blindingly fast at retrievals.
 the database engine also handles a large number of tables quite well.

 When tables will be multiplying like bunnies, as you posit here, I foresee
 major code headaches.

 I've thought about following type of design but have never implemented it.
 Might it work in your situation? Maybe this is what you are already doing,
 and I've just  relabelled it. If so, please accept my apologies.

 Have standard tables for the basic stuff.: company, with co_key, address
 fields etc; products with prod_key, co_key, prod_name, etc.

 Have two other tables, let's call them prod_descriptors and prod_data.
 We're violating one of Codd's principles here because the prod_data table
 has meaningless field names, just f1, f2, f3, f4 ... fn. How you sort out
 which data types to use is your business.

 Prod_descriptors contains the meta information which makes prod_data
 useful. Its fields, at a minimum, would be prod_key, prod_characteristic,
 prod_data_field. For a given prod_key M56H there would be a record for
 each product characteristic which you have to track, and the field used in

 This may be a somewhat extreme example, as it is highly likely that there
 are a common characteristics for all products, so things would not have to
 be totally generalized. This design is also somewhat wasteful of disk
 space, but MySQL does a remarkable job, internally, of conserving space so
 it is used efficiently. The thorny issue of which data types to use in
 columns hasn't been addressed either.

 The crunch is whether or not you can ask questions of these tables and
 fetch the data you need.

 At 12:52 PM 1/16/2004 +, Christian Calloway wrote:
 Well let me try and describe a simplified version of what I am doing. I
 for a group of analysts, and they analyse technical products. Each
 has about 300+ fields associated with it, and each product is vastly
 different from the other. Let's say the product foo has a table
 associated with it, which describes each field in foo (its name,
 description, type[float,boolean,text], order) and another table called
 data_foo which is 300+ fields in length. Each record in data_foo
 represents the technical specfiications of a single company/manufacturer.
 if there are 200+ companies, there will be at least one data_foo record
 associated with it (in reality there is a one to many association between
 company and the number of technical specifications they have
 are many different applications designed around the tables foo and
 data_foo, and course the relationships are slightly more involved, but
 digress. Each new product specification requires that I create a new
 to hold that data, and with new product specifications being created
 month, you see that the N number of tables will increase. If I store that
 data in the fields table or create a table that has 1-many relationship
 with it, I endup with thousands and thousands of records (Remember, each
 product has 300+ fields associated with it, and each company has at least
 product specfication, and the N number of products continues to
 Any ideas?
 Miles Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   A red flag is flying.
   Usually, when people start talking about how the number of tables will
   multiply in an application, there is a problem with the design of data
   structures. If that's the case, now is the time to fix it.
   At 05:35 PM 1/15/2004 +, Christian Calloway wrote:
   Sorry to post a mysql question here, but I

[PHP] mysql question

2004-01-15 Thread Christian Calloway

Sorry to post a mysql question here, but I wanted an answer from a PHP
perspective. I am currently working on a database (for work) which contains
40 tables, and will continue to expand. The reason for expansion of tables
is to obscure to get into, but the relationships all do make sence. I have
never worked on anything over like 50 tables, and I was wondering if I
should expect a performance hit, when say, I have 100 tables, 200 tables,
etc. Would it be wiser to break up the logical sections into there own
databases? Wouldn't that cause a bigger hit (to performance) with multiple
tables from multiple databases being opened on every user query? Thanks in


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[PHP] Apache and forward slash

2003-08-29 Thread Christian Calloway

I am setting up Apache 1.3.27 on a linux box (I really dont know much about
linux) and I am having small problem. When a specify a subdirectory off of
my document root, I must include a / forward slash in order for the index
page to load, otherwise I get the The page cannot be displayed message.
For example, I must type:


instead of


My only previous experience with configuring apache is on Win machines,
where I haven't had this problem before. I know this is off topic but u guys
know everything, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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[PHP] mysql or php timestamp arithmatic

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey everyone,

I am writing an application to keep track of employee vacation leave. I have
two timestamp(14) database fields, lets call them start and end, signifying
when start and end of a vacation leave, respectively. What I am trying to do
is get the number of hours between start and end, for example if vacation
started at 12pm on wednesday and ended at 5 pm wednesday, then the total
should be 5 hours (Of course the date ranges are going to be alot more
complicated than that). I attempted to solve this problem in the query,
using the following:

FLOOR((end-start)/3600) as hours

but the values that I am getting are wrong. For example, on what should be a
5 hour span, I am getting back the value 13. Any ideas?


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[PHP] preg_match bug

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey I wanted to see if anyone was getting the same problem. Using preg_match
in the following pattern:

/tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/

PHP seems to be crashing. I get a Page cannot be displayed message from
the browser. I've come across this before, and I just upgraded to 4.3.3, and
no difference.

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Re: [PHP] preg_match bug

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway
Obviously its an example, otherwise the script wouldn't have even parsed.

$regularExpression = '/tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/';

preg_match ($regularExpression, $fileString, $matches)

This regular expression causes PHP to crash for me, not a parsing error.

John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Christian Calloway wrote:

  Hey I wanted to see if anyone was getting the same problem. Using
  in the following pattern:
  /tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/

 You need to escape the double quotes in your string at the very least.

 ---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] preg_match bug

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway

It crashes out when attempting to parse large files. My resource limits are
set to 20m in the php.ini file, so thats not the issue.


//require_once (Application.php);

// constants
$FILE = alargefile.html;

// open file
$resource = fopen ($FILE, r);

// read file into buffer
$fileBuffer = fread ($resource, filesize ($FILE));

// match all table rows
$reg = %tr(.|\n)*?(.|\n)+?/tr%;
$matches = array();

// output number of matches
echo preg_match_all($reg, $fileBuffer, $matches);


Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hey I wanted to see if anyone was getting the same problem. Using
  in the following pattern:
  /tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/
  PHP seems to be crashing. I get a Page cannot be displayed message
  the browser. I've come across this before, and I just upgraded to 4.3.3,
  no difference.

 An error from the browser doesn't exactly prove that php is
 'Crashing'. Please look in the system logs for the crash.

 Also, in order to be able to reproduce this a small snipplet of
 code that can reproduce the 'crash' would be exrememly helpful.

 I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] preg_match bug

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway
Errors are not being logged on my XP Pro box (error logging is on)

Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hey I wanted to see if anyone was getting the same problem. Using
  in the following pattern:
  /tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/
  PHP seems to be crashing. I get a Page cannot be displayed message
  the browser. I've come across this before, and I just upgraded to 4.3.3,
  no difference.

 An error from the browser doesn't exactly prove that php is
 'Crashing'. Please look in the system logs for the crash.

 Also, in order to be able to reproduce this a small snipplet of
 code that can reproduce the 'crash' would be exrememly helpful.

 I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] preg_match bug

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway
Fixed the problem using s pattern modifier: '/regexp/s', without it, it
still hangs using '(.|\n)' in the pattern.

Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Errors are not being logged on my XP Pro box (error logging is on)

 Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Hey I wanted to see if anyone was getting the same problem. Using
   in the following pattern:
   /tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/
   PHP seems to be crashing. I get a Page cannot be displayed message
   the browser. I've come across this before, and I just upgraded to
   no difference.
  An error from the browser doesn't exactly prove that php is
  'Crashing'. Please look in the system logs for the crash.
  Also, in order to be able to reproduce this a small snipplet of
  code that can reproduce the 'crash' would be exrememly helpful.
  I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] preg_match bug

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Calloway
Hmm.. who knows, Ive wasted to much time on this silly problem. I appreciate
your help Curt, thanks.

Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Fixed the problem using s pattern modifier: '/regexp/s', without it, it
 still hangs using '(.|\n)' in the pattern.

 Christian Calloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Errors are not being logged on my XP Pro box (error logging is on)
  Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Hey I wanted to see if anyone was getting the same problem. Using
in the following pattern:
/tr bgcolor=#FF(.|\n)+?\/tr/
PHP seems to be crashing. I get a Page cannot be displayed message
the browser. I've come across this before, and I just upgraded to
no difference.
   An error from the browser doesn't exactly prove that php is
   'Crashing'. Please look in the system logs for the crash.
   Also, in order to be able to reproduce this a small snipplet of
   code that can reproduce the 'crash' would be exrememly helpful.
   I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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[PHP] isset bug?

2003-08-22 Thread Christian Calloway
Ok, here's the deal. I like to use $_GET and $_POST variables without values
to notify my scripts that some action must be taken. For example, given the
following URL:


or given the following form element:

input type=hidden name=edit

My blah.php script will check if edit set using the following line:

if (isset($_REQUEST[edit]))

and then it will take the appropriate actions (lets just say its updating a
record in the database). Locally I am running PHPv4.3.2, and everything
works fine. I have been working on a large web-based application for the
last month, and yesterday I put it up live. Our host unfortunately runs
PHPv4.2.1 and I have no access to the conf files (those bastards) and
globals are set to on. Low and behold, the isset function returns false when
a $_POST or $_GET variable is passed but contains no value, which would be
exactly the same thing as checking the variable itself:

if ($_REQUEST[edit]) { }

What I want and needed to do was check for the existance of the variable,
not whether it has a value. So is this a bug, a feature or just some random
happening? Thank guys


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Re: [PHP] isset bug?

2003-08-22 Thread Christian Calloway
What I was trying to avoid is exactly that. It would require changing links
and hidden fields throughout the entire application, which would take hours
to track down. I am looking for a nice lazy and easy fix.

Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Ok, here's the deal. I like to use $_GET and $_POST variables without
  to notify my scripts that some action must be taken. For example, given
  following URL:
  or given the following form element:
  input type=hidden name=edit

 simply add a value=1 and it will fix your problem.

  My blah.php script will check if edit set using the following line:
  if (isset($_REQUEST[edit]))
  and then it will take the appropriate actions (lets just say its
updating a
  record in the database). Locally I am running PHPv4.3.2, and everything
  works fine. I have been working on a large web-based application for the
  last month, and yesterday I put it up live. Our host unfortunately runs
  PHPv4.2.1 and I have no access to the conf files (those bastards) and
  globals are set to on. Low and behold, the isset function returns false
  a $_POST or $_GET variable is passed but contains no value, which would
  exactly the same thing as checking the variable itself:

 I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] session bug or feature

2003-08-14 Thread Christian Calloway
register_global is currently on. The problem is, I am hacking into someone
else's (awful awful) code, and if I turned off register_globals, the whole
application would go kaput. I am not even using the old session_x functions,
just the new associative session array $_SESSION.

Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hey Everyone,
  I am running Apache 2.047 with PHP (as module) 4.3.2. I ran into
  interesting and I wanted to know if it was a bug, or actually supposed
to be
  that way. Given the following lines of code:
  // lets say this equals bar and it was set on a previous page
  $foo = rab;
  echo $_SESSION[foo];

  The problem is, when I set the global variable $foo=rab, when I echo
  session variable $_SESSION[foo], it outputs rab instead of bar?!
  doesn't seem right? If that is the intended behavior, is there anyway to
  avoid this (perhaps a php.ini directive)? It was a nightmare finding out
  my session variables values were being changed by like-named global
  variables ;-) Hey PHP still rocks though, later

 Apache 1.3
 register_globals: off
 Hm.. I can't reproduce that, what are you're php settings that
 affect session stuff, and your register_globals setting?

 My guess is that you have a session_register('foo') somewhere.

 I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] session bug or feature

2003-08-14 Thread Christian Calloway
Yeah I figured as much. That sucks that they would both reference the same
location in memory even with globals on. Thanks alot for your help, ill
figure out a hack around the hack.

Christian Calloway

Kirk Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Under 4.3.2, and register_globals on, $foo and $_SESSION[foo] both
 a reference that points to the same memory location. So, assigning to
 one effectively causes the same assignment in the other.

 If you can't turn register_globals off, consider making a copy of
 at the top of the script, then use that copy at the end of the script to
 restore any session values you need. You could also rename the global
 variables, e.g., $foo - $g_foo.

 I don't see an easy way out if you can't turn off register_globals, you
 going to have to do some work.


  register_global is currently on. The problem is, I am hacking
  into someone
  else's (awful awful) code, and if I turned off
  register_globals, the whole
  application would go kaput. I am not even using the old
  session_x functions,
  just the new associative session array $_SESSION.
  Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   * Thus wrote Christian Calloway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Hey Everyone,
I am running Apache 2.047 with PHP (as module) 4.3.2. I ran into
interesting and I wanted to know if it was a bug, or
  actually supposed
  to be
that way. Given the following lines of code:
// lets say this equals bar and it was set on a previous page
$foo = rab;
echo $_SESSION[foo];
The problem is, when I set the global variable
  $foo=rab, when I echo
session variable $_SESSION[foo], it outputs rab
  instead of bar?!

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[PHP] session bug or feature

2003-08-07 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey Everyone,

I am running Apache 2.047 with PHP (as module) 4.3.2. I ran into something
interesting and I wanted to know if it was a bug, or actually supposed to be
that way. Given the following lines of code:



// lets say this equals bar and it was set on a previous page

$foo = rab;

echo $_SESSION[foo];


The problem is, when I set the global variable $foo=rab, when I echo the
session variable $_SESSION[foo], it outputs rab instead of bar?! This
doesn't seem right? If that is the intended behavior, is there anyway to
avoid this (perhaps a php.ini directive)? It was a nightmare finding out why
my session variables values were being changed by like-named global
variables ;-) Hey PHP still rocks though, later


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[PHP] Administration packages

2003-06-04 Thread christian calloway
Hey everyone,

I find myself building alot of admin control areas, or in otherwords, a
group of forms that lets an end user control data and appearances of his/her
site. What I am looking for is a package of classes/functions that will help
me automate and modularize this process a little more. I am not looking for
a complete system, just a framework from which I can build. Thanks alot,


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[PHP] how to force a refresh?

2003-03-12 Thread christian calloway
Ok, well I have a form that uploads images, but of course the problem is, is
that IE caches the uploaded images. The only way to clear the cache is to
refresh, but that isn't a very user friendly approach. I've tried the
following header tags:

Header(Pragma: no-cache);
Header(Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT);
Header(Last-Modified:  . gmdate(D, d M Y H:i:s) .  GMT);
Header(Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate);
Header(Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT)

but of course no luck. Is there a way I can force a refresh from my script?

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[PHP] Why use XML?

2003-02-10 Thread Christian Calloway

well Im out of a job so I am sitting around learning XML. It seems like a
great tool, but I am trying to figure out why I would actually use it? All
it does is seperate content and data, albeit on the client, but that is what
I have been doing with Smarty and MySQL for awhile now. Why would I choose
to parse XML documents with PHP and do transformations on the server, it
sounds terribly inefficient and complicated, as opposed to just pulling data
out of a database. I also realize that I can generate XML dynamically (ie
include PHP code in an actual XML template) by editing my Apache config, but
that is not always an option and what would be the point? It would just add
another layer of content/data seperation that would have to processed on the
other end. Thanks


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[PHP] PHP catalog software

2002-12-17 Thread Christian Calloway
Hey everyone,

Im looking for some type of ecatalog/inventory software written PHP thats
fairly good and that I can extend. Any suggestions? Or should I just I write
my own from the ground up. The site I am working on sells fairly specialized
and unique items, antiques and etc.  Thanks

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[PHP] MySQL Access

2002-09-20 Thread Christian Calloway

Can anyone suggest a strategy for importing data from MySQL to Access (it
sucks I know, but I have to do it for my work). I was thinking of using a
text-delimited file as an intermediate, but I am not quite sure on the

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[PHP] include_path? programmatically

2002-09-18 Thread Christian Calloway

I dont have access to the php.ini file, is there anyway to access the
include_path setting programatically from php? Thanks

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[PHP] mysql question

2002-07-26 Thread Christian Calloway

Sorry this may be a little offtopic, but I am currently moving a site I was
developing from coldfusion+MSAccess to PHP+MySQL. I remembered reading
somewhere that there is a utility that will convert/transfer (data and
structure) a MSAcess database to Mysql, and vice versa. Anyone know? Thanks


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[PHP] graphing packages

2002-04-14 Thread Christian Calloway

hey ppl,

I need to create some fairly complex graphs dynamically, and I need to be
able to specify line, bar, or pie charts. Are there any PHP packages that
someone could point me to that would fill my needs. Thanks

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[PHP] PHP timesheets?

2002-01-07 Thread Christian Calloway


Are there any PHP coded timesheet type web application? And if so, what
would we be suggested. Thanks,


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[PHP] PHP4.1.0 Apache1.3.22 under WinXP

2001-12-15 Thread Christian Calloway

Hi everyone,

I'm having troubles getting Apache to recognize .php files, and thus parse
them. I followed the instructions included with the PHP4.1.0 distribution,
and have PHP loaded as an Apache module, checking my services confirms this
as its description reads Apache/1.3.22 (Win32) PHP/4.1.0. But when I
attempt to load a .php file, I will get the entire file, unparsed. I added
the following two lines to my httpd.conf file:

LoadModule php4_module C:\Apache.MySQL.PHP\PHP\sapi\php4apache.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Am I missing something? Thanks,


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[PHP] Application.cfm like mechanism in PHP?

2001-12-11 Thread christian calloway

Hey everyone,

In coldfusion, if you have a file named Application.cfm in the same dir as
the script that is currently executing, then the coldfusion server will
automatically include that file in beginning of every script in that
directory. Is there any way, by manipulating the php config settings,  to
accomplish the automatic inclusion of code libs? Thanks,


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[PHP] OO question

2001-12-11 Thread christian calloway

I want to be able to override a function/method in a parent class, but then
call that function/method from within the overriden function in the child
class. The Zend documentation states you can do this:

In PHP 4.0 you can call member functions of other classes from within
member functions or from within the global scope. You can now, for instance,
override a parent function with a child function, and then call the parent
function from it.

But how do you do it? From the following syntax:

class childclass extends parentclass
function overridenFunction()
// call parent function wich this function overrides.

Would the method being calling the parent method or would it be calling

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[PHP] OO question

2001-12-11 Thread christian calloway

I want to be able to override a function/method in a parent class, but then
call that function/method from within the overriden function in the child
class. The Zend documentation states you can do this:

In PHP 4.0 you can call member functions of other classes from within
member functions or from within the global scope. You can now, for instance,
override a parent function with a child function, and then call the parent
function from it.

But how do you do it? From the following syntax:

class childclass extends parentclass
function overridenFunction()
// call parent function wich this function overrides.

Would the method being calling the parent method or would it be calling

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[PHP] phptriad / apache on windows question

2001-11-19 Thread christian calloway

Hi everyone,

I just downloaded phptriad, which installs apache/php/mysql/perl on a win
system. Im not sure on the language, but I want to be able to define virtual
directories. Currently everything under /apache/htdocs/ is accessible from
the browser, ie test.php located at c:\apache\htdocs\test.php can be
accessed on the browser url at http://localhost/test.php. Now if I wanted to
define say the directory web located at d:\code\web so that I could type
http://localhost/web/somephpfile.php in my browser how would I go about
making that association. Thanks,


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[PHP] Re: poor HTML syntax crashing (!) netscape

2001-07-08 Thread Christian Calloway

I've had the same problem with Netscape, where it would crash/choke on any
platform. I never figured it out, but it has something to do with Netscape
choking on your HTML, it has nothing to do with CSS or Javascript or PHP for
that matter. I'm not an IE fan, but lets face it, Netscape sucks.

Tom Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi guys,

 I have an interesting situation at the moment... my (slightly sloppy) HTML
 is obviously missing a closing tag here or there but displays fine in
 ie etc however when I try and view it netscape (4.x, windows, linux, any
 platform) netscape just nice and cleanly crashes!! If anyone knows of a
 which would cause netscape to do this then please let me know. The code in
 question is very dynamic (what I mean is that it can vary by quite a lot
 depending upon many many different things). Its qutie hard to debug,
 especially seeing as the page returned is browser specific.. the one thing
 have ruled out is that it is JavaScript.. I removed all of that and no

 Any tips will be helpful... in the meanwhile I'm going to go thru all my
 functions to attempt to work out what is doing it  *yawn*


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[PHP] PHPDOC 2.3.5 released

2001-06-20 Thread Christian Calloway

Hi everyone,

I released a new version of PHPDoc, 2.3.5, and is a major update over 
previous releases. PHPDoc can now parse multiple class definitions in a 
single file. For anyone that doesnt know, PHPDoc is documenting tool, that 
converts PHP code to Java syntax, and then hands that result over Javadoc. 
What this means is, instead of trying to copy Javadoc's functionality, 
PHPDoc actually uses Javadoc for the creation of docs. This means all of 
Javadoc's power and options are available to use on our PHP code. And since 
PHPDoc's only job is to parse and convert PHP code, the program has an 
extremely small footprint (only 73kb). You can get it at 

Thanks everyone,

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

[PHP] Re: new release : phpdoc v2.0

2001-02-12 Thread Christian Calloway

Great program man!


"Christian Calloway" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:...
 Hey everyone,

 I just released phpdoc v2.0, which is a program used to document  PHP
 This version is a complete rewrite of v1.0, and takes a different approach
 to creating

 Where most other applications try to imitate Javadoc as much as possible,
 this application actually does very little, because it actually uses
 to create PHP documentation. Since the Javadoc API is quite open, and
 my application is in Java, its a simple matter to plugin to the Javadoc
 program. All my application does is parse a PHP class definition through
 use of regular expressions, and then convert that class definition from
 syntax to Java Syntax, then hand the converted source over to Javadoc.
 this means is that all the options and power of Javadoc is available to my
 program, you can use any Javadoc option, doclet, @tag or whatever in
 and in your source and the resulting documentation will be no different
 if an actual .java file were passed to Javadoc. All is explained in
 at my site, and in instructions I provide.

 A final note, the library of Javadoc doclets are also open to you when
 phpdoc. For anyone
 whom doesnt know, doclets are programs written in the Java programming
 language that specify the
 content and format of the output of the Javadoc tool. By default, Javadoc
 uses the Standard doclet
 which creates the .HTML formatted documentation were all used to. You can
 provide any doclet
 you wish however to customize the output however you like. The wealth of
 third party doclets
 available at the javasoft site allow you to create for example RTF, PDF,
 even Japanese based
 API documentation.

 You must have the JDK installed on your system (of which Javadoc comes

 You can download phpdoc v2.0 at

 Thanks Everyone,


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Re: [PHP] Re: new release : phpdoc v2.0

2001-02-12 Thread Christian Calloway

Sorry, I got this from a user. Didnt mean to send to newsgroup

 Great program man!


 "Christian Calloway" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:...
  Hey everyone,
  I just released phpdoc v2.0, which is a program used to document  PHP
  This version is a complete rewrite of v1.0, and takes a different
  to creating
  Where most other applications try to imitate Javadoc as much as
  this application actually does very little, because it actually uses
  to create PHP documentation. Since the Javadoc API is quite open, and
  my application is in Java, its a simple matter to plugin to the Javadoc
  program. All my application does is parse a PHP class definition through
  use of regular expressions, and then convert that class definition from
  syntax to Java Syntax, then hand the converted source over to Javadoc.
  this means is that all the options and power of Javadoc is available to
  program, you can use any Javadoc option, doclet, @tag or whatever in
  and in your source and the resulting documentation will be no different
  if an actual .java file were passed to Javadoc. All is explained in
  at my site, and in instructions I provide.
  A final note, the library of Javadoc doclets are also open to you when
  phpdoc. For anyone
  whom doesnt know, doclets are programs written in the Java programming
  language that specify the
  content and format of the output of the Javadoc tool. By default,
  uses the Standard doclet
  which creates the .HTML formatted documentation were all used to. You
  provide any doclet
  you wish however to customize the output however you like. The wealth of
  third party doclets
  available at the javasoft site allow you to create for example RTF, PDF,
  even Japanese based
  API documentation.
  You must have the JDK installed on your system (of which Javadoc comes
  You can download phpdoc v2.0 at
  Thanks Everyone,

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[PHP] new release : phpdoc v2.0

2001-02-07 Thread Christian Calloway

Hey everyone,

I just released phpdoc v2.0, which is a program used to document  PHP class
This version is a complete rewrite of v1.0, and takes a different approach
to creating

Where most other applications try to imitate Javadoc as much as possible,
this application actually does very little, because it actually uses Javadoc
to create PHP documentation. Since the Javadoc API is quite open, and since
my application is in Java, its a simple matter to plugin to the Javadoc
program. All my application does is parse a PHP class definition through the
use of regular expressions, and then convert that class definition from PHP
syntax to Java Syntax, then hand the converted source over to Javadoc. What
this means is that all the options and power of Javadoc is available to my
program, you can use any Javadoc option, doclet, @tag or whatever in phpdoc
and in your source and the resulting documentation will be no different then
if an actual .java file were passed to Javadoc. All is explained in greater
at my site, and in instructions I provide.

A final note, the library of Javadoc doclets are also open to you when using
phpdoc. For anyone
whom doesnt know, doclets are programs written in the Java programming
language that specify the
content and format of the output of the Javadoc tool. By default, Javadoc
uses the Standard doclet
which creates the .HTML formatted documentation were all used to. You can
provide any doclet
you wish however to customize the output however you like. The wealth of
third party doclets
available at the javasoft site allow you to create for example RTF, PDF, and
even Japanese based
API documentation.

You must have the JDK installed on your system (of which Javadoc comes part

You can download phpdoc v2.0 at

Thanks Everyone,


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