[PHP] test

2012-06-07 Thread Sven Kowalski

does it work now?

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[PHP] Question

2005-10-07 Thread Sven Simons
I've installed PHP using the windows installer 
I try to open then php pages containing the following script :
 echo Current IP Address: ;
 $ipx = getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP) ? getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP) : 0;
 $ipx = !$ipx  getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) ? 
getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) : 0 ;
 $ipx = !$ipx  getenv(REMOTE_ADDR) ? getenv(REMOTE_ADDR) : 0 ;
 echo !$ipx ? UNKNOWN : $ipx;
 echo br;
 echo Server IP Address: ;
 $ipx = getenv(SERVER_ADDR) ? getenv(SERVER_ADDR) : 0;
 echo !$ipx ? UNKNOWN : $ipx;
It works and gives me a correct current IP address
When manually installing PHP it always gives me the status UNKNOWN.
The only difference I've seen is that the Windows installer uses the
php5ts.dll for ISAPI filter while the manually installed php uses the
I know that the PHP is working (when manually installed) because this script
works :
The only strange thing is that the phpinfo says that the ini file is located
in C:\Winnt although it is not there (when installing manually it is in
How can I make the IP address script working when manually installing PHP ?
Or is it really so unsafe to use the windows installer on a online server?

[PHP] Re: Custom Open Tags

2004-12-02 Thread Sven Schwyn
Hi all
Thanks for your hints. I need this feature for an easy to use 
minimalistic CMS solution, so tweaking the PHP source is not that much 
of an option. But evals do the trick of course. I ruled that out at 
first because I thought it'll cause a lot of clumsy code. Yet there's 
quite an elegant way to do it, I mail it for future reference:

 * Includes a file executing ?mc ... ? tags as if they were ?php ... 
? tags.
 * @param string $file file to include
 * @param bool $php whether to execute ?php ... ? tags as well
function xinclude($file, $php=TRUE) {
$content = file_get_contents($file);
if (!$php) { $content = preg_replace('/\?php.*?\?/', '', 
$content); }
$content = str_replace(\x3Fmc, \x3Fphp, $content);
$content = print '.str_replace(array(\x3Fphp, \x3F), 
array('; , ; print '), $content).';;

The only downside: No single quote (') is possible outside ?xyz ... ? 
tags in the file included. This can of course be fixed, but only with a 
ridiculous amount of code. If only there was a way to do heredoc 
strings that DON'T parse variables (like in Perl).

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[PHP] Custom Open Tags

2004-12-01 Thread Sven Schwyn
Hi folks
Does anybody know whether there's a way to tell PHP to accept an 
alternative open tag like for instance ?mytag or ?mc along with the 
normal ?php tag?

I'm looking for a way to have two kinds of PHP code in a page. The 
first kind tagged ?mc ... ? contains the PHP code to manage page 
elements (like includes, menus etc) while the second kind tagged ?php 
... ? contains normal PHP code for dynamic pages (like DB stuff). A 
page resides on the Staging (Virtual) Host and contains both kind of 
tags. When viewing the page on the Staging Host, both open tags are 
executed. Yet when publishing a page to the Production (Virtual) Host, 
the mc-tags are executed (and thus complete the page design) while the 
php-tags are left untouched (as they contain the dynamic stuff). Sounds 
more complicated than it is :-)

Thanks for your hints,-sven
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Re: [PHP] Custom Open Tags

2004-12-01 Thread Sven Schwyn
Hi Trevor
I'm not sure, but that may allow you to use ?php ? AND % % tags at
the same time.
Thought about that, it would actually be very elegant if it was the 
other way round. ASP tags would be great instead of a ?mc ... ? 
custom tag, however, that won't do the trick as the execution of the 
?php ... ? tags can't be switched off (or can it?) when using % ... 
% tags.

Thanks for your thoughts though! -sven
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[PHP] Performance issues and trees

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Riedel
I'm currently struggleing with trees built from arrays of arrays and their
performance. During tree traversal php spends a frightening amount of time in
there, which (I guess) is due to the way the tree is constructed.

What I have is an unbalanced  binary tree, the inner nodes of which are 
encoded as Array( [0] - left subtree, [1] - right subtree )
and a string as a leaf. 

Where I need to go is encoded as a binary string, consisting of the letters
0 and 1. My tree-traversal algorithm looks like this:

$bit_array = str_split( $bitstring );
$tree_climber = $tree;  // assign tree-climber to the tree root

// main loop
while( !is_null( $bit = array_shift( $bit_array ) ) ) {
$tree_climber = $tree_climber[$bit]; // going down...
if( !is_array( $tree_climber ) ) {   // we reached a node
process( $tree_climber );
$tree_climber = $tree;// and back up to the root we go

I'm seeing execution times in excess of 30 seconds for a few hundred (~ 200 -
300 ) tree-runs (with the tree in question being of average depth 5,
translating to 1000 - 1500 assignments, which is way to slow to be practical.
And the main holdup _is_ the tree-traversal, the sum of the process()
functions is in the range of 0.3 seconds (measured with microtime(true) ).

Is there any way to speed this up? I've already tried constructing a
lookup-table from the tree, and going through the bitstring along the lines of
// Pseudocode
while( not_done ) {
for( $i = 1; $i  $max_tree_path; ++$i ) {
   $examined = substr( $bitstring, 0, $i ); // lets look at the first $i bits
if( is_set( $lut[$examined ] ) ) {
$result = $lut[$examined];
$bitstring = substr( $bitstring, $i );

but this actually fares worse in terms of runtime.

I'm using php 5.0.


Sven Riedel

. Tel: +49 511 1236364
. Fax: +49 511 1690746

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Re: [PHP] Performance issues and trees

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Riedel
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 09:49:07AM -0500, Michael Sims wrote:
 above is necessary.  If you merely need to traverse $bit_array without actually
 modifying it then I suspect a simple foreach would be much faster, but I'm probably
 missing something...

Ah, I just changed that and now it's a hundred-fold faster, thanks! 


Sven Riedel

. Tel: +49 511 1236364
. Fax: +49 511 1690746

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[PHP] Re: deleting array elements

2004-03-09 Thread Sven
Benjamin Jeeves schrieb:

Hi All 

I have two array one with a list of items in it. Then a second array with a list of items in it what I want to be able to do is compare array1 to array2 and if a match is found in both arrays delete that match from array1 and then so now? Any help would be good.

so array1 = (1,2,3,4,5)
array2 = (1,3,5)
then print array1 and the output be 2,4

Thank you

try array_diff() or array_intersect() or any other corresponding function.
hth sven
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[PHP] Re: regexp appears to be faulty (DONT actually think so)

2004-02-24 Thread Sven
Henry Grech-Cini schrieb:
$result=extractFieldsets('testfieldset attribute=hellocontent of
And it produced;
(0)=[fieldset attribute=hellocon]
(1)=[fieldset attribute=goodbyegoo]
(0)=[ attribute=hello]
(1)=[ attribute=goodbye]

as it is defined in regex-spec: a '^' inside a char-group '[...]' 
defines all chars, that aren't allowed, and not a string!

so the first 't' of 'content' and the 'd' of 'goodbye' don't match your 
regex anymore.

a start for a solution could be:

$rx = '/fieldset[^]*(.*)\/fieldset/i';
if you want to take care of your fieldset-attribs in your result, you 
can set your brackets again: ([^]*)

some probs i can think of are nested fieldsets inside fieldsets (don't 
know by head, if this is allowed by w3). and another prob: is that you 
don't catch multiple fieldsets after another. i think there is a switch, 
that catches only the least result.

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: regexp appears to be faulty (DONT actually think so)

2004-02-24 Thread Sven
Henry Grech-Cini schrieb:

Thanks Sven,

You are quite right with your some probs comment.

think i found it. try this:

$rx = '/fieldset.*(.*)\/fieldset/iU';
the '/U' stands for 'ungreedy'. also note the change in the attribs-regex.

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: regexp appears to be faulty!?

2004-02-24 Thread Sven
Henry Grech-Cini schrieb:

I came accross this link

a href=

http://www.alpha-geek.com/2003/12/31/do_not_do_not_parse_html_with_regexs.html /a
Do we all agree or should I keep trying?

hi henry,

this could be an interesting discussion. i think there can be a solution 
for every problem. it's only a question of the logic.

the main problem in this example are white spaces in every kind (space, 
tab, newline, carriage return, ...) and there are solutions in regex. a 
little example: '/( |\t|\n|\r)*/' checks optional white spaces
you can also give '\s*' a try (any whitespace char). maybe it also works 
with '\r\n'?

just some thoughts.

hth SVEN

ps: it surely is possible to ignore everything between 
'script/script', isn't it?

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Re: [PHP] Mp3 with php?

2004-02-13 Thread Sven
Chris W. Parker schrieb:
carlos castillo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Thursday, February 12, 2004 3:53 PM said:

does anyone know how to reproduce a mp3 file with php?

What do you mean reproduce? Copy? Create from scratch? Represent
In any case.. I'd say PHP cannot do anything but create a copy of a
file. It cannot read in data from a microphone or a cd player or the
like (as far as I know).
but php can call external progs (e.g. exec(); system()).

so you can run lame or other progs and give the desired params like 
source- and target-file, sampling-rate, mode (mono, stereo), and so on.

maybe that's what you want?

hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] STMP Configuration

2004-01-29 Thread Sven
John Nichel schrieb:
Kaushan wrote:

Hi friends,

When I'm trying to use the mail() function I got the following error :

Failed to connect to mailserver at localhost port 25, verify your 
and smtp_port setting in php.ini or use ini_set() .

I'm currently using PHP 2.0.0b1 and localhost (Apache) as the web 

PHP 2???

Do I have to install a seperate STMP server?

If you're trying to send mail thru localhost, localhost needs to have a 
running MTA (sendmail, qmail, etc), and that MTA needs to be configured 
to accept mail from localhost (default for all that I know), and relay 
for mail sent from localhost.

... and if you not want to send from localhost, you can change your 
smtp-params in your php.ini.

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: i need help help with include

2004-01-07 Thread Sven

is this useful?

?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ?

hth SVEN

Php schrieb:

I created a directory and files 3 directory's down


now i need to include my function file out of the root


How do i do this?

I cannot create a htacess file on this server nor set my include path.

Can anyone help please

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[PHP] Re: Counting back 90 days...

2004-01-05 Thread Sven
Tristan Pretty schrieb:

I believe I can minus 10 days from $day by having...
$timestamp = mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day-10,$year);
hi tristan,
i believe, that this works with 90 days, too. mktime() takes care of 
invalid dates. otherwise you had a problem with your code with the first 
10 days of the month. give it a try.

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: Problem with using php at the command line with mysql

2004-01-05 Thread Sven
hi richard,

Richard Kurth schrieb:

Global $roothostname,$rootusername,$rootpassword,$dbName;
$query = SELECT * FROM domhosted;
i don't know what safe_query() does for you. if it's your own function 
from your .inc-file some code could be helpful. otherwise try this:


while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
$result = safe_query(update datasubused set quotaused ='$total' where domname = 
hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: Regex to grab a Windows Path from a String...

2003-12-17 Thread Sven
My regex skills are serious lacking and after scouring the net for
relevant links I'm a bit stuck.  I've got a textarea field where I pull
user input from, and I'd like to search this entire field for a Windows
Directory Path (ex. C:\Documents\Blah).
Basically my users are allowed to specify HTML img tags in this textarea
and I'd like to make sure that they don't reference any images that are on
their local hard drive (which many of them are doing and then thinking
the HTML that I generate from that actually works when it doesn't).


i would start like this:

1. get the entire src-param of your img tag:

$regex = '/src=([^])/';
this should search for everything between the two doubleqoutes and give 
it as $match[1] if working with this param in preg_match().

2. check this string for url or local path:

some possibilities are, to check for backslashes, as they are only 
allowed in win-paths, not in url. or to check whether your path starts 
with a letter, followed by a colon ('/[a-zA-Z]:/') as the local root 
(drive letter). if both is false assume that it's a relative or absolute 
the other (better?) way is, to check generally, whether it's a valid url 
according to rfc1738 (a local win-path isn't). maybe there are existing 

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: sql query and some math

2003-12-17 Thread Sven
Patrik Fomin schrieb:

i got like 100 matches from a database into a $num variable,
then i want to devide that by 3 aslong as it can be done, eg:
while ($num != 0) {

ïf ($num / 3 = true){
some code to display some fields from a database
$num = $num - 3;
else {
some other code to display
$num = 0;
basicly i want the if statement to check if its more then 3 posts left to
print out, if not its gonna print out the remaining last 1 - 2 post in a
diffrent way (for the looks)
hi patrik,

for your second question maybe 'modulus' helps you.

$mod = $num % 3;
gives you your remaining results (0, 1 or 2) depending on division by 3.

another possibility could be the use of 'limit' in your 

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: Q on RegExp extended Char

2003-12-16 Thread Sven
Jswalter schrieb:

 - allow apostrophes, but only if preceded *and* followed by a Alpha/Extend
 - allow hyphen/dash, but only if preceded *and* followed by a Alpha/Extend

hi walter,
how about something like this:

$_alpha  = 'a-zA-Z'; // standard latin letters
$_xascii = '\x80-\xFF';  // extended ascii-codes
$_achar  = $_alpha.$_xascii; // allowed characters
$regex = '/^['.$_achar.']+(\'|-)['.$_achar.']+$/';


hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: logic for displaying hierarchical data (ala windows explorer)

2003-12-16 Thread Sven
Chris W. Parker schrieb:

Hi everyone,

Last Friday I struggled for a long time with displaying some data that's
stored using the Modified Preorder Tree Traversal method. Without making
this email overly long and complicated (like my first draft was) I'd
like to simply ask if someone has any links or functions or instructions
they can give me on how to display my data in such a way.
I want the following:

Level 1A
|--Level 2A
|  \--Level 3A
| |--Level 4A
| |  \--Level 5A
| \--Level 3B
|--Level 2B
|  \--Level 3C
\--Level 2C
   \--Level 3D
What I always end up with is this (or some variant of it):

Level 1A
|--Level 2A
|  \--Level 3A
|  |  |--Level 4A
|  |  |  \--Level 5A
|  |  \--Level 3B
|--Level 2B
|  \--Level 3C
\--Level 2C
|  \--Level 3D
Any help is appreciated.

hi chris,
just some thoughts:
i assume you build your tree from leaves to root via recursive 
functions? if so you need a logic like this:


function isLastChild($self, $parent) {
// check, whether $self is the last child of parent
// return true or false
if (!isLastChild($parent, $grandparent)) {
// draw your vertical line symbol
} else {
// draw just a spaceholder
// following draw the label of $self

hope you understand, what i mean?

hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] trouble parsing an XML document

2003-12-16 Thread Sven
Alfredo schrieb:

Sven wrote:

  take a look at http://www.php.net/manual/language.variables.php:
  A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed 
by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
  so, a minus isn't allowed in varnames!
  hth SVEN

I agree with you but let me say the problem:
I'm parsing some XML documents, I'm not the writer of them and of DTD, 
who wrote them used some tags like: REG-ORIG
This is allowed in XML, but when I initialise varibles I need to use the 
same name of tags(also respect Case-sensitiveness).
This is a big compatibility problem, how can I do? I cannot change all 
the XML docs and the DTD.

hi alfredo,

maybe you can workaround with arrays? for keys you can use any string. 
so $xml['REG-ORIG'] is valid in php.

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: Fatal Error: PDFlib error ...

2003-12-15 Thread Sven
Matthias Nothhaft schrieb:


I'm trying to get the pdflib work...

I use pdflib 4.0.3 downloaded from pdflib.de and php 4.3.4 on Debian Linux.

I wrote this test code:
hi matthias,
if you want to use this lib it's good to be familiar with classes and 
objects in php. the manual can help you at this. now to your code.


$pdf = pdf_new();
you just created a php-object $pdf.
for your further methods you must explicit declare them to your objects:
pdf_begin_page($pdf, 421, 595);
$pdf-pdf_begin_page($pdf, 421, 595);
... and so on.
hth SVEN
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[PHP] Re: help with install

2003-12-15 Thread Sven
Paul Vinten schrieb:

ok, Just installed PHP with Xitami, with Apache 1.3 AND 2. I've used PHP
versions 4.33 and 4.3.4. I'm running Windows XP, mucking around with some
pages that came with my Web Programming book, most of the php pages work,
but anything involving sessions, forms and cookies etc just doesn't work.
Anyone any pages that they know work that I can try, so I can figure out
what the problem is? Should they work, even though the PHP code is actually
quite old? (the version that came with the book is 4.0.3) The stuff works ok
under 4.0.3, but I need the functionality of the latest version for some
stuff on my Uni course... Anyone able to help me, or point me in the right

just some thoughts:

for sessions it's possible, that in php.ini 'session.save_path' or 
'session.cookie_path' isn't correctly defined?

another possiblility is, that your scripts depend on 'register_globals = 
On', which is (now) set to 'off' by default (location: php.ini). either 
you set it 'on' (not recommended, search the newsgroup for that and the 
security issues), or rewrite your scripts for off-support, e.g. 

hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] trouble parsing an XML document

2003-12-15 Thread Sven

Raditha Dissanayake schrieb:

doesn't look like a xml parser problem. I haven't tried your code but i 
think the error is $this-$k
no, why not a variable method depending on $k?

alfredo wrote:

I'm trying to parse a XML doc, but the doc has some tags like:
so when I try to initialize variables:

class Documenti {
var $FILE; //nomefile
var $NUMERO; //numerodiserie
var ${'REG-ORIG'}; // here is the broblem
take a look at http://www.php.net/manual/language.variables.php:
A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by 
any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
so, a minus isn't allowed in varnames!
hth SVEN

function Documenti($aa) {
foreach ($aa as $k=$v)
$this-$k = $aa[$k];
i have an error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '$', expecting T_VARIABLE...
I tryed changing the $ position:
var {$'REG-ORIG'}; // here is the broblem
does not change anything:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{', expecting T_VARIABLE...
thanks for any suggestion,
Alfredo (Italy)

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[PHP] Re: Problem with adding quotations to a mysql insert statement

2003-12-15 Thread Sven
Richard Kurth schrieb:

I need to add extra quotation marks in to the following insert command for
I need one that is part of the info right before the |$wrapper resend and
right after the
$query = insert into majordomoaliases
(/$domname/,\$listname\,\a\,\$listdomain-$listname:\,\ |$wrapper
resend -C $domaincf -l
$listname -h $listdomain $listdomain-$listname-$outgoing,nobody\);
The whole line should look like this when it is printed out to the page it
will be written to from the database
|/var/wrapper resend -C /var/domaincf -l list1 -h domain.com
I am totaly stuped on haw to add this extra quotation mark no mater what I
do I get mysql errors.
hi richard,

take a look at
 /6 MySQL Language Reference
  /6.1 Language Structure
   /6.1.1 Literals: How to Write Strings and Numbers
/ Strings
 A `' inside a string quoted with `' may be written as `'.
so for your query:
$query = insert into majordomoaliases (domain, listname, var, address1, 
address2) values (\$domname\, \$listname\, \a\, 
\$listdomain-$listname:\, \ \\$wrapper resend -C $domaincf -l 
$listname -h $listdomain $listdomain-$listname-$outgoing,nobody\\\);

hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: Q on RegExp extended Char

2003-12-15 Thread Sven
Jswalter schrieb:
I've hit my limit on regular expressions.

I need to check a string to see if it contains legal characters...


OK, this is not a problem.

My problem comes in with extended characters, as these examples...
I'm trying to build a RegExp that will see if the string is a proper name
format or not.
Names only have A thru Z, extended characters for other languages (than
  Dr. Roger O'Malley
  Mrs. Sara Harris-Henderson
I have a RegExp to do English letters, but not the extended set...
  Manuel González
  Försök Bokstäver
  Contém Espaço-Válido
(Ok, these are not really names, but you get the idea)

Any ideas on this?

All I want to know is if a given string contains only these types of
characters. anything else would give me a FALSE.
hi walter,
because most of these chars are extended ascii (decimal: 128-255), this 
regex should work: '/\x80-\xFF/' (hex-values). also take care of the 
minus in your regex if it doesn't stand on start or end of your 
char-group it means 'from-to'!
hth SVEN

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[PHP] Re: var check not working...

2003-12-15 Thread Sven
Jas schrieb:

For some reason this will not work... my $_POST variables check for no 
form variables and display a form... if they choose an item from a 
select box it queries the database for a field matching the $_post var 
and builds a new form creating 8 separate $_post variables to check 
for.. so far it works except when selecting an item from the select box 
it will only display the first form when there are $_post vars present. 
 I think I am missing something, could someone look over my code?
Thanks in advance,

function vlans_dhcp() {
$lvl = base64_decode($_SESSION['lvl']);
if ($lvl != admin) {
$_SESSION['lvl'] = base64_encode($lvl);
$_SESSION['msg'] = $dberrors[12];
} elseif ($lvl == admin) {
$_SESSION['lvl'] = base64_encode($lvl);
if (($_POST == ) || (!isset($_POST['dhcp_vlans'])) || 
(!isset($_POST['sub'])) || (!isset($_POST['msk'])) || 
(!isset($_POST['dns01'])) || (!isset($_POST['dns02'])) || 
(!isset($_POST['rtrs'])) || (!isset($_POST['vlans']))) {
create 1st form with dhcp_vlans as $_post var;
} elseif (($_POST != ) || (isset($_POST['dhcp_vlans'])) || 
($_POST['dhcp_vlans'] != --) || (!isset($_POST['sub'])) || 
(!isset($_POST['msk'])) || (!isset($_POST['dns01'])) || 
(!isset($_POST['dns02'])) || (!isset($_POST['rtrs'])) || 
(!isset($_POST['vlans']))) {
create 2nd form based on dhcp_vlans $_post var and create 8 
different $_post vars...;
} elseif (($_POST != ) || (!isset($_POST['dhcp_vlans'])) || 
(isset($_POST['id'])) || (isset($_POST['sub'])) || 
(isset($_POST['msk'])) || (isset($_POST['dns01'])) || 
(isset($_POST['dns02'])) || (isset($_POST['rtrs'])) || 
(isset($_POST['rnge'])) || (isset($_POST['vlans']))) {
now put 8 $_post vars in database...;
} else {
$_SESSION['lvl'] = base64_encode($lvl);
header(Location: help.php); }
} else {
$_SESSION['lvl'] = base64_encode($lvl);
$_SESSION['msg'] = $dberrors[12];
call_user_func(db_logs); }
hi jas,

the problem is, that your second form is only executed if your first 
condition is false (else if). but because of your or condition (||) only 
  one of them has to be true. right? right! so it doesn't matter if 
your $_POST['dhcp_vlans'] is not set, when any other isn't set. a 
solution might be:

if (
$_POST ==  ||
hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] Display Query Result As Editable Form

2003-12-10 Thread Sven
Sophie Mattoug schrieb:
input type=text name=name value=?=$value?


Hi all,
I am creating a user form whereby I will do an INSERT , SELECT , 
UPDATE and of course DELETE for the form. Right now I am trying to 
create a form whereby when user choose to update their info, they wil 
be directed to a form where the fields region are EDITABLE , before 
that, the fields should contain their old info...so can i know how 
should i go about creating this kinda Editable fields using php 
scripting ???Fields should contain old info retrieved from the 
DB.Anyone have any idea??

Realli need some help here. Thanks in advance =)

... or the long version, if you work with other namespaces or your 
webserver doesn't support these short tags:

input type=text name=name value=?php echo $value; ?

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Re: [PHP] Constraint Violation when INSERT

2003-12-10 Thread Sven

Hi all, 

I got the error  Constraint Violation  when I did an INSERT . 
Gone thru the code umpteen times but to no avail..Wondering 
where my error 
was??...Below is a snip of the block of code: 

$dsn = mysql://root:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tablename; 

$db = DB::connect ($dsn); 
  if (DB::isError ($db)) 
  die ($db-getMessage()); 

//create variables ready to go into DB 

$tutor_name = $db-quote($_POST[tutor_name]); 
$tutor_contact = $db-quote($_POST[tutor_contact]); 
$tutor_email = $db-quote($_POST[tutor_email]); 
$tutor_profile = $db-quote($_POST[tutor_profile]); 

$sql = INSERT INTO tutor (tutor_name, tutor_contact, tutor_email,   

$result = $db-query($sql); 
if( DB::isError($result) ) { 
   die ($result-getMessage()); 

Everything was fine and the INSERT works, user input was 
insert into the 
database successful using the same block of code but the next 
thing i know I 
got this error anyone know watz the proz here??? 
Hope to get some help soon. Thanks in advance=) 


Don't you need to quote your strings? 

$sql = INSERT INTO tutor (tutor_name, tutor_contact, tutor_email,   



Yes, I actually quoted my string at the beginning but whenever i do 
an INSERT it actually insert a NULL value into the fields...why is this 
so???So I try not to quote the strings but I got a Contraints Violation 
errorWhat could be the problem??

Hope to get some help soon. All help are greatly appreciated.


i don't know this db-class, but it seems that $db-quote() already 
quotes your values. so first take a look what comes from your form:

then, take a look what this quote-method does with your vals. eg:

if these vars constist of your information try to setup qour query 
according to mysql manual, depending on the values in your vars.

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[PHP] Re: spambothoney: script to pollute spammer's databases

2003-12-09 Thread Sven
Manuel Lemos schrieb:


On 12/09/2003 12:26 AM, Daniel Hahler wrote:

I proudly announce the first release of my first PHP script:
It provides a class to generate different types of email addresses
(random invalid, combination of users/hosts, with spambots IP/host,
binary output) and is meant to pollute the crawling spambots that
harvest email addresses from webpages.
It uses a MySQL database for configuration (through web-interface) and
for logging purposes.
I would be glad, if this is of some interest for you and you would
take a look: http://thequod.de/comp/mysoft/spambothoney (direct
download: http://thequod.de/action.php?download=1)

That is curious. This seems to be the second class that I see that seems 
to be for the same purpose. The other class also seems to be meant to 
generate honey pot e-mail addresses.

Class: Honey Pot

I'm especially interested into security issues, but feedback in
general is very appreciated..

I read something about e-mail honey pots and I am afraid that may not be 
as useful as you think. When you say polluting crawling spambots you 
will probably be causing harm to innocent mail servers. Let me explain.

The latest spamming strategies consist on using valid sender addresses 
of inocent companies. Therefore, when you make up invalid addresses, all 
the bounces will go to the innocent companies mail servers. The more 
invalid addresses you make up the more harm you cause to innocent 

Anyway, you may want to contribute your class also to the PHP Classes 
site so you can get the feedback of tens of thousands of potential users 
that are notified when a new class is published. Despite your class 
seems to do the same as the other above, it will also be approved for 
publishing and let the users decide which is more useful.

not only the bounces are the problem, think of the traffic and the 
'innocent' isp's. ;-) i think that's not the best method for fighting 
against spam.

ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: PHP eregi filtering problem

2003-12-08 Thread Sven
Purpleonyx schrieb:
Greetings all, I ran into a problem today and was
hoping someone could provide an answer.
I am fetching a web page, and attempting to parse
certain variables from it.  I've done this plenty of
times in the past with no problem.  The only
difference this time is the file that I am parsing is
much larger.  The HTML file is about 42kb in size
(usually I only parse ~4kb worth).  In the web
browser, the script seems to just shut down, but
reports no errors, not even to the web server logs. 
Is there some specific max size that it can accept or
a setting in php.ini I need to modify?


i don't think, that 42k is too much for the size of your file. mut maybe 
php simply times out while parsing? there is a php.ini-parameter 
max_execution_time and a runtime-function set_time_limit(). try 
set_time_limit(0) at top of your script fo debugging.

also take a look at preg_* functions instead of ereg_*. they are said to 
be much faster.

hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] Problem With Apache / PHP Installation

2003-12-08 Thread Sven
Shaun schrieb:

Ajai Khattri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 07:46:07PM -, Shaun wrote:

I have installed PHP and Apache but when i try to view a PHP file i.e. i get a dialog box asking me if i want to
open or

save the file?

Any ideas why this is happening?
Assuming, your Apache is configured to load the php module:

Your Apache is not configured to handle .php files. You need
to add directives in httpd.conf for PHP files.
See PHP installation docs.

Sys. Admin / Developer

Thanks for your reply,

I have added the following lines to the beginning of httpd.conf

LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
AddModule mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
But am still unable to view php files...

Any ideas?

did you install apache 1.x or 2.x?
does or http://localhost show your apache-startpage?
did you stop and restart apache after changing httpd.conf?
did you copy php4ts.dll to one of the dirs as said in the manual?
just some thoughts from me.
every time i install a new envionment i make a file to '/htdocs'-dir 
called 'phpinfo.php' with the following:

i call this file for testing: 'http://localhost/phpinfo.php'. this file 
will also be vey useful when developing new scripts.

hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] New line problem - but for Excel

2003-12-04 Thread Sven
David T-G schrieb:
Manisha --

...and then Manisha Sathe said...
% Actually I do not have phpscript for this. I am using readymade function
% from PHPMyAdmin 2.1.0. They are having option to export to csv file with
% delimeter ';' (It comes on screen first and then i copy to file manually.)


% So my csv fil looks like
% 22;33;address line1
% address line2
hi newsgroup,

maybe a quotation helps? i remember, the php-csv-export-functions have a 
param for that. so if the results look like this:

22;33;address line1
address line2
the line-break isn't interpreted?

maybe someone can give it a try?

ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: HTML form handling

2003-08-26 Thread sven
Chris Baxter wrote:

 I am trying to send the results of a form to my email account and am
 having difficulty carrying the form variable through if I use an html
 mime type.

 Basically, if I send the form using a plain text format, the form
 results are sucessfully copied to the email, however, if I change to
 mime type to HTML (becuase I want to include a company logo and make
 the form a little easier to read by using tabulation and bold text),
 I only seem to get the HTML, not the php variables that carry the
 from info.

 Below is an example of the script for the body of the email, which I
 am then sending using the mail() function:

 $body =  html
 table width=85% border=0  align=center
   td width=50%Applicant 1 Forename:/td
   td ? $App_1_Forename; ?/td
   tdApplicant 1 Surname:/td
   td ? $App_1_Surname; ?/td
   tdApplicant 2 Forename:/td
   td ? echo $App_2_Forename; ?/td
   tdApplicant 2 Surname: /td
   td ? echo $App_2_Surname; ?/td

hi chris,

okay, you try to put your html-code into a string '$body', which will be
used by mail().
but, did you look at $body before sending? i'm afraid your vars are already
missing here?
maybe you have to change your code to this:

$body = 'html
table width=85% border=0  align=center
td width=50%Applicant 1 Forename:/td
td' . $App_1_Forename . '/td ...';

or this:

$body = html
table width=\85%\ border=\0\  align=\center\
td width=\50%\Applicant 1 Forename:/td
td$App_1_Forename/td ...;

look at the quotes. which style you want to use depends on you (i prefer the

ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: How to you compare dates in a query in Mysql

2003-07-31 Thread sven
take a look into mysql-manual Comparison Operators
ciao SVEN

Bogdan Stancescu wrote:
 Depends on what exactly you're after, but for strict comparison
 arithmetic operators work as expected (, , =).


 Safal Solutions wrote:

 Dear friends,

 Plesae help in finding the correct syntax for comparing two dates in
 a query in MySql database

 Thank you
 Subodh Gupta

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[PHP] Re: Mysql query and PHP loops

2003-07-31 Thread sven
did you also play with group by?
what does this return?

select * from `yourTable` group by `val1`

ciao SVEN

Petre Agenbag wrote:
 Hi List

 I've been trying to do something with one MySQL query, but I don't
 think it is possible, so, I would need to probably do multiple
 queries, and possibly have queries inside loops, but I am rather
 weary of that so, I'd like your views/possible solutions to doing the

 Consider this:

 id val1 val2 val3
 1 a 1 1
 2 b 2 3
 3 a 1 2
 4 b 2 1
 5 c 3 3
 6 c 2 1

 I need to query this table to return this:

 id val1 val2 val3
 3 a 1 2
 4 b 2 1
 6 c 2 1

 Thus, I need to firstly only return ONE row for each val1, and that
 row MUST be that last row (ie, the row with the highest id, OR,
 should val3 for instance be a date, then with the highest date).

 if I do a

 select distinct val1, MAX(id) from table order by val1, then it

 id val1
 3 a
 4 b
 6 c

 which is correct, BUT
 select distinct val1, MAX(id), val2 from table order by val1

 it returns

 id val1 val2
 3 a 1
 4 b 2
 6 c 3 --- incorrect

 it then returns the FIRST hit for val2 in the db, and NOT the one in
 the row with the max id...

 Can I do this with one query? ( PS, I cannot use MAX on val2 or val3,
 they are text)


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[PHP] Re: xls2pdf

2003-07-29 Thread sven
Jan wrote:

 what's the best to convert xls to pdf (using PHP) ?

 maybe there is util (binary executable) xls2pdf i dont know about
 which would help me as well 

hi jan,

i don't know, whether there is such a tool.

but for your convertion it depends on what tool you got. as .xls is a
microsoft excel file you either need to parse this file manually to get your
cells and then put them to a pdf-file via a php-class or a php-extension.

but i think its much easier to work with a com-extension and force microsoft
excel to print your sheet to a vitual pdf-printer (i.e. acrobat)

ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: wheres the problem?

2003-07-29 Thread sven
Ryan A wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Am confused about what the @#%# is happening to my scripts because
 this was working yesterday, now i restarted my localhost machine and
 its not working now moreand its real simple stuff as you see.

  $result = count ($id);
 echo $result;
 echo $id[0]. .$id[1]. .$id[2]. .$id[3]. .$id[4];

 then i am passing 2 id[]'s like so:


 /* ***
 html code something like this:
 input type=checkbox name='id[sh1]' value=3
 input type=checkbox name='id[sh2]' value=4
 * */

hi ryan,

from your html-form you get:
$id = array(
'sh1' = '3',
'sh2' = '4',
(or something similar.)

so there is no $id[0] and so on, but $id['sh1'].

my suggestion:
$result = count($id);
echo $result;
echo implode(' ', $id);

hth SVEN

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Re: [PHP] Dynamically generate a drop down list

2003-07-28 Thread sven
... or even shorter (since php 4.1.0):

function init_auth_list()
print select name=author option value=\\select the name of the
$query=select name from author order by name;
while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result))
print option name=\.$row[0].\$row[0]/option;
print /select;

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Re: [PHP] Displaying MySQL data inside of a table

2003-07-28 Thread sven
 $mysql_link = mysql_connect(localhost, USER, PASS);

   mysql_select_db(DB, $mysql_link);


$result = mysql_query($SQL, $mysql_link) or die (mysql_error());

echo table border=1 cellpadding=5;

while($resultat = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo trtd



here is '/tr' missing:

 echo /table;

the echo '/table'; should come after the closed while:
echo '/table';


 Un saludo, Danny

ciao SVEN

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Re: [PHP] Include Problems

2003-07-25 Thread sven
hi eric,

as far as i can see, there is no definition for your '$subnav' in your

if you call your main script like this:
'http://example.com/index.php?subnav=home;', this should work with your

ciao SVEN

Eric Fleming wrote:
 Here is a snippet from the header file.  You can see that I am just
 trying to determine what the value of the subnav variable is set to
 in order to determine which navigational link is bold.  There are
 other places the variable is used, but you can get an idea based on
 what is below.  Thanks for any help.


 title[Site Name]/title
 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=left
 ? if($subnav == home){ ?b? }?a
 href=index.phphome/a? if($subnav == home){ ?b? }?


 Jennifer Goodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Without seeing what you have in your includes, it will be hard to
 determine where your scope is messed up.

  $subnav = home;

 !--- CONTENT AREA ---

 The content would go here.


 ?php include (incFooter.php); ?

 Now, when I try to reference the subnav variable in the
 inHeader.php or incFooter.php files, it comes up blank.  I am
 basically trying to adjust the
 navigation on each page depending on the page I am on.  I am just
 learning PHP, have programmed in ColdFusion for years and in
 this was not
 a problem.  Any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] ereg problem?

2003-07-25 Thread sven
by the way, it's to complicated. the brackets [ and ] are used for
cha-groups. you can leave them for only one char. so this would be the same:
\\n (you have to escape the backslash with a backslash)

Curt Zirzow wrote:
 * Thus wrote John W. Holmes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 who can tell me what's the pattern string mean.
   /*Do err*/

 It's looking for a \ character or a \ character followed by the
 letter n anywhere within the string $username.

 I hope that isn't looking for a Carriage Return, cause it never

 Just in case it is strstr($username, \n);


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[PHP] Re: Classes

2003-07-25 Thread sven
do you get an error-message? which?
maybe you use
var $id = array();
instead of
var $id[];

ciao SVEN

Patrik Fomin wrote:
 I need to create a class that looks like this:

 class Artikel {
  var $id[];
  var $rubrik[];
  var $ingress[];
  var $kategori[];
  var $frontbildtyp[];
  var $frontbild[];
  var $kategoribild[];
  var $aktuell;

  function SetId($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetRubrik($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetIngress($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetKategori($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetKategoriBild($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetFrontbildtyp($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetFrontbild($id) {
   $this-id[$this-aktuell] = $id;

  function SetNextPost() {

  function SetStartPost() {
   $this-aktuell = 0;


 the problem is that php wont let me :/, any ideas?


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[PHP] Re: File upload

2003-07-25 Thread sven
Peda wrote:
 I want to upload some file to my web site.

 The upload_single.php script is just this: ?php
 $ime = $_FILES[thefile][name];
  print ($ime);

 I just want for begining to print the name of file.
 But It doesn't work.

did you look what comes from your form? try:

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Re: [PHP] Get the current file name

2003-07-25 Thread sven
how about this:
ciao SVEN

Shaun wrote:
 thanks for your reply,

 but that doesn't seem to work either, how about removing everything
 after and including the ?, how would i do that?

 Manoj Nahar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 u can try


 Shaun wrote:


 due to a current PHP upgrade i am unable to use the following code
 to get the filename of the page:

 $s = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');

 I need to get the filename without any avariables attached. For
 example if the URL is


 using $s = getenv('PHP_SELF');

 returns test.php?test=yes

 how can I return just test.php i.e. the filename on its own

 Thanks for your help

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Re: [PHP] function: global, static and...?

2003-07-25 Thread sven
Curt Zirzow wrote:
 * Thus wrote Michael Müller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I was just thinking about functions, and I believe there were more
 than two keywords like global and static, which could be used in
 functions... does anybody know them and their functions?

 hm. I dont even know where global and static are defined in the

look here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.scope.php
ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: people who has done a POS system before

2003-07-24 Thread sven
for mobiles: there is a wap-browser for windows-plattform:
ciao SVEN

Tan Ai Leen wrote:
 I was just wondering there is a emulator for us developers to develop
 programs for palm and handphone, etc. Is there a program that
 emulates the output from various printers on screen?

 Tan Ai Leen

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[PHP] Re: Please help!!! thx a lot~~~

2003-07-24 Thread sven
hi joe,
you want a server-script, that lists a dir on a client?
i think that's impossible. think of if you visit a website written in php
and in background your hdd is scanned? that's simply a security reason.
ciao SVEN

Joe wrote:
 any alternative method is also welcome

 Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó·s»D
 I have written a php to show file in directories.
 The problem is due to is_dir() can't opearate on remote files. What
 should I do in order to fix it.
 thx a lot~~~

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Re: [PHP] removing parts of a string...

2003-07-24 Thread sven

Juan Nin wrote:

 I wanna be able to take a URL

 and then remove:

 look at preg_match()

... or preg_replace();


ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: sorting multi-array

2003-07-24 Thread sven
try usort();
ciao SVEN

JiøîÆèî eË wrote:

 i have got a problem, tehere is an array:

 $x = array(

 and I need to sort this arraybz first item of sub-arrays (x[0][0],
 $x[1][0], $x[2][0]). this is the correct result:

 $x = array(

 some idea how sort this multidimensional array? thank you for your

 jiøí nìmec, ICQ: 114651500
 www.menea.cz - www stránky a aplikace

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[PHP] Re: Selectoption....../select

2003-07-23 Thread sven
sorry, i didn't understand your problem.

can you give an example what you can get from your database (your keys,
years, months, ...) and how it should be transformed?

ciao SVEN

Etienne Mathot wrote:
 I am quite new to web programming and PHP/mySQL, I try to find my way
 between all these tools.

 Currently, I have a problem with a page where activities happen in 3

 Encoding Key Fields is the first step, than reading the customer...etc

 Key Fields is composed by Year, month and auto-increment field.

 Up to this step, everything is Ok.

 But the form recalls themselves for going on.

 I use SELECTOPTION../SELECT for the year and the month.

 If anybody knows a way to redisplay the correct values of these
 fields and not Pick Up yours?

 Thanks four your help.

 Etienne Mathot


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[PHP] Re: Mail functions in php

2003-07-23 Thread sven

1. for mime-types try rfc2046. there are two top-level media types for you:
'audio' and 'video'. the subtypes depend on your media files.

2. to send files simply as attachment you can use
'application/octet-stream'. or use a readymade php-mime-mail-class.

ciao SVEN

Uma Shankari T. wrote:

 I need to send audio/video files through PHP mail() function.
 What is the MIME type i need to use?
 or else
 Is there any other way to send attachment as a mail?

 Please help me.

 Thanx in advance,

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[PHP] Re: homemade authentication function

2003-07-23 Thread sven
i think the problem isn't only your 'return false' but also your 'return
true' in your first loop through your foreach will definetly a 'return' be
passed. and return means return a value AND stop the function. not?

try it this way:

foreach ($groups as $value)
if(!isset($this-user['groups'][$value]) ||
return false;
return true;

ciao SVEN

SævË Ölêöyp wrote:
 I'm making an authentication script with groups and roles. This
 function checks if the groups the user belongs to specified groups
 and compares them to the groups required. However, since this is a
 loop, the function doesn't return true or false as expected. If I
 call the function and require 3 groups, and the user belongs to only
 one of them, he is still accepted. Is this method right thinking?
 Should I make the function stop somehow when it returns false for the
 first time? All suggestions and comments are appreciated. Thanks.

 This is the function:

 function require_groups() {
 if (!isset($this-user['groups'])) {
 $this-user['groups'] =
 $groups = func_get_args();
 foreach ($groups as $value) {
 (!isset($this-user['groups'][$value]) ||
 !$this-user['groups'][$value]) {
 return false;
 return true;

 And I call it like this: require_groups(admins,
 This returns true.

 Sævar Öfjörð
 þetta reddast - hönnunarlausnir

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[PHP] Re: Newbie lost in array

2003-07-22 Thread sven
hi tony,
how is your table structured? is is a csv-file, a database, a html-table,
ciao SVEN

Tony Crockford wrote:
 I've got brain fade today and am in need of a clue, please accept
 apologies if this is obvious.

 I have a data table:

  P_ref P_code P_Value

 I want to read the data out where P_ref='somevalue' and create
 variables for the content of P_Code with a value of P_Value

 what should I be looking for in the manual?



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Re: [PHP] Re: Newbie lost in array

2003-07-22 Thread sven
then try:

$query = 'select * from `yourTable` where `P_ref`=somevalue';
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$rows[] = $row;


hth SVEN

Tony Crockford wrote:
 hi tony,
 how is your table structured? is is a csv-file, a database, a
 ciao SVEN


 MySQL sorry

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[PHP] Re: regex help?

2003-07-21 Thread sven
hi john,
try a regex like this:
ciao SVEN

John Herren wrote:
 Can't seem to get this to work...

 trying to yank stuff xxx from
 TD class=a8b noWrap align=middle width=17 bgColor=#ccxxx/TD

 and stuff yyy from

 TD class=a8b noWrap width=100nbsp;yyy/TD

 preg_match(|nbsp;(.*)/TD$|i, $l, $regs);

 works for the second example, even though it isn't the correct way,
 but nothing works for for me for the first example.

 Any help is appreciated!

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Re: [PHP] Mail From option in PHP.ini

2003-07-18 Thread sven
... and how about this?
$headers .= Return-Path: $email_address_from_your_database\r\n;
tell me, if it works.

ciao SVEN

Brian S. Drexler wrote:
 I tried the extra header.  The problem is with the return receipts.
 The mail is being generated by a server other than my main e-mail
 server, so if I want a delivery/read receipt I have to specify a
 From e-mail address or else it will default to the user executing
 the script, i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ini_set() does not appear to
 work with sendmail_path. sendmail_path is in the PHP_INI_SYSTEM group
 so it can only be set in the php.ini or httpd.conf...Thanks for the
 suggestion though...

 -Original Message-
 From: CPT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Mail From option in PHP.ini

 Ok, I want to specify who the mail is coming from by using the
 sendmail_path option in the PHP.ini.  I've added the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to it, but I want to be able to dynmaically change
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or whatever else.  Anyone have
 any ideas how I can do this?  I'm pulling the e-mail I'd like to
 change it to from a MySQL database but can I rewrite the php.ini
 file on the fly or am I stuck.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

 Why not just put it in the extra headers?

 $headers .= From: $email_address_from_your_database\r\n;

 Or you could possibly use ini_set() to change the php.ini setting.

 ---John Holmes...

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[PHP] Re: pdf information..

2003-07-16 Thread sven
a pdf-page can have almost every format you want.

originally you work with postscript-dots, where 72 dots are 1 inch. it's
easy from that point to calculate from metric system, where 1 inch is 2.54
cm or 25.4 mm.

with this in mind you can exactly define the height and width of your
pdf-page. i suggest you use one of the ready-made pdf-php-classes.

ciao SVEN

Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 I have been given a task to generate a business card program over the web.
 The option that i can think of it to make it easier is generate a pdf
 on the user's experience over my preview program on the web.

 Now im wondering does pdf have those image resolution size? I mean on
 you can specify 100x100 pixels and make the resolution into 300dpi. How
 about pdf?

 Thank you,
 Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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[PHP] Re: multi file multi colomn

2003-07-16 Thread sven
can you more clearly explain your problem?

- do your files contain of many lines and you want this:
f1l1;f2l1;f3l1; ...
f1l2;f2l2;f3l2; ...
(f=file, l=line)

- or do you simply want the complete content of the files separated by

ciao SVEN

Fb [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 I have 40 text files.. each files have 1 colomn of a data. I want to write
 script to merge them like


 how can I do that?


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[PHP] Re: Using a drop down box with an udetermined field amount

2003-07-15 Thread sven
hi ron,

there are 2 steps to do this:

1. get data from mysql
   (you can use 'group by' in your select-query for doubles, maybe some kind
of sort)
2. create your 'select'
   for each mysql-row create your 'option value=$var1$var2/option'
   (if you like, add some logic for 'selected')
   close you '/select'

ciao SVEN

Ron Allen wrote:
 What I want to do:
 Have a person input information about individuals into a database.
 One of the fields in the database will be Unit.
 On a form one of my drop down menu's will be Unit.  I would like to
 have the PHP page poll the Unit field in the database and send all
 the different Unit results to the drop down box.

 Unit:tdINPUT SIZE=6 NAME=Unit value=

 This would be an example of the information that would be an entered
 H Co
 H Co
 B Co
 A Co
 K Co

 This should be the results
 H Co
 B Co
 A Co
 K Co

 Any help would be appreciated!

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[PHP] Re: Storing HTML string in database

2003-07-11 Thread sven
is escaping a solution?
addslashes() for your insert-query
stripslashes() for your select-query

Aaron Axelsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 Hash: SHA1

 I have a php script set up for a user to upload a word document,
 which is then coverted to html form, which I would then lke to store
 in a database.

 Howver, when I run the following command:

 INSERT into sermons (data) VALUE ('$output');

 It failes to work, because the $output strings contains , which
 messes things up.  Is there some way that this can be ignored while
 entering into the databse?

 Or am I better of replace all the  with ''?

 Thanks for the assistance.

 - ---
 Aaron Axelsen

 Want reliable web hosting at affordable prices?

 Web Dev/Design Community/Zine

 Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use http://www.pgp.com


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[PHP] Re: SQL select

2003-07-10 Thread sven

JiøîÆèî eË wrote:

 i have got a problem with SQL select:

 I have got a table such this:

 id_k typ name id
  1   f   bla1   1
  2   f   bla2   1
  2   i   bla3   1
  3   z   bla4   1
  3   f   bla5   1
  4   i   bla6   1
  4   z   bla7   1
  5   z   bla8   1

 and id = 1 and I need select these rows:

 id_k  typ nazev id
  1 f   bla1  1
  2 f   bla2  1
  3 f   bla5  1
  4 i   bla6  1

 so, when doesn'i exist component (id_k = component) type f so I want
 component with type i, but when doesn't exist type f noir i I
 don't want to select row with type z.

 jiri nemec, ICQ: 114651500
 www.menea.cz - www stránky a aplikace

don't know, if i correctly understood, but how about this:

SELECT * FROM `YourTable`
WHERE `typ`=f OR `typ`=i
ODER BY `typ`;

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[PHP] Re: too stupid to install php on windows

2003-07-10 Thread sven

Johannes Reichardt wrote:
 Hi there!

 I had a perfectly working installation of apache 1.23 and php4.12  -
 unfortunatly i got heavy problems with the mail()
 function that didnt seem to like my subjects and froms. anyway - i
 just de-installed apache and php and reinstalled the
 most recent versions (apache 1.27 and php 4.32) - i followed the very
 same way like always while installing:

 but i fail. i can´t start apache with php, actually i do not get any
 meaningful errormessage (the only thing is NET HELPMSG 3534)

the only thing i found for this:

Z:\net helpmsg 3534

Der Dienst hat keinen Fehler gemeldet.


Der Dienst hat keinen Fehler angezeigt.


Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Falls das Problem weiter besteht, wenden Sie
sich an den Netzwerkadministrator.

sorry, i got a german windows version. shouldn't be the problem for you (mit
freundlichen grüßen) ;-) anyway, the input at the commandline should bring a

but i think your service didn't start correctly, but also didn't return an
error. does your apache start without php? just comment the lines in

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[PHP] Re: Get previous folder

2003-07-10 Thread sven
... and what about dirname()?

Matt Palermo wrote:
 Anyone know how I can stip off the end of a folder location, so that
 it will be a folder in the next level up?  I want to turn something
 like this:


 into somthing like this:


 I just need to strip off the last folder and that is it.  Can anyone
 help me out?  I appreciate it.  Thanks.


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[PHP] Re: Regex nightmare:(

2003-07-10 Thread sven
Tim Steele wrote:
 i need to uses reg ex to change a href=url to a href=url

 the  brackets have to be represented using lt; and gt;

 I have tried so many ways, but none work. here is an example of my

 $body =
 '.'\\3', $body);


did i understand you correct? you search in real html-code (with '' and
'') and want to replace them later by 'lt;' and 'gt;'?

- if so, your regex can't find any gt;. either you search for an '' or you
use htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() to convert these brackets before.
- also, if in your href= stands a full url (with
scheme://domain.tld) your '\w' doesn't work
- what are the optonal escaped slashes for? '\/?'

hope this helps for your start:
$body = 'a href=http://www.url;';
$body = preg_replace ('/()(a href=[^]+)()/', 'lt;\\2
target=_blankgt;', $body);

ciao SVEN

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Re: [PHP] isset function problem

2003-07-10 Thread sven
... or:


Dean E. Weimer wrote:
 What about the rest of the code?  How is this variable defined?  I
 have had this happen in some code before, I found that the variable
 was set to .  Try using:

 if (isset($SenderEmailAddress)  $SenderEmailAddress != ) {
   mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, $Message);

 I have the following code :


 if (isset($SenderEmailAddress)){
   mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, $Message);


 All I want to do is that , if the $SenderEmailAddress is not
 entered, the mail() function should not run. However,
 if the $senderEmailAddress variable is not set, the error I get is
 No recipient addresses found in header 

 Can someone help and tell me why I get this error?


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[PHP] Re: mail() - how to attach file to the message???

2003-07-09 Thread sven
do you want to send a file via mail (mime-type of the file?) or do you want to attach 
the file to a mail (multipart?)?

the mail-format is defined in rfc2045 and following. but if you don't want to build 
your own function, there are good mime-mail-classes out there. (e.g. 

ciao SVEN
  Szparag [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
i know that in mail-form i need input type=file name=attach

but i don't know how to write message headers to send file with e-mail.

please help me.

IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

Re: [PHP] string modification

2003-07-03 Thread sven
thanks, this works.
ciao SVEN

Leif K-Brooks wrote:

 i didn't find a function for this in the manual, but maybe there is
 one (or a workaround):

 does anyone have a solution for replacing multiple whitespaces with
 a single whitespace whitin a string? similar to trim(). maybe a
 regular expression?

 $string = 'word1   word2 word3';

 $modified = preg_replace('|(\\s)+|','$1',$string);

 $modified = 'word1 word2 word3';

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[PHP] Re: Connect Active Directory using LDAP... please help :)

2003-07-03 Thread sven
hi vince,

Vince C wrote:
 $ldaphost= company.com;

 if(!($ldap = ldap_connect($ldaphost,389))){
  die(ldap server cannot be reached);
 } else {
  $oudc =  dc=company, dc=com;
  $dn2 = ;
  $password = ;

did you define your user and password? afaik win ad isn't searchable by
ciao SVEN

  echo pConnected and ready to bind...;
  if (!($res = @ldap_bind($ldap, $dn2, $password))) {
   print(ldap_error($ldap) . BR);
   die (Could not bind the $dn2);
   echo pCouldn't bind ;
  } else {
   echo pBinded and Ready to search;
   echo brLDAP = $ldap;
   echo broudc = $oudc;

   $filter= sn=*; $sr=ldap_search($ldap,$oudc,$filter);
   echo pnumber of entries found:  . ldap_count_entries($ldap,
 $sr) . p;
   echo brfilter = $filter;
   echo brsr=$sr;

   if (!$sr) {
die(psearch failed\n);
   } else {
echo p Searched and ready for get entries.;
$info= ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr);

for ($i=0; $i$info[count]; $i++) {
 print (TR);
 print (TD width=15% . $info[$i][cn][0] .   .
 $info[$i][sn][0] . /TD);
 print (TD width=85% . $info[$i][mail][0] . /TD);
 print (/TR);
 print brIn the display FOR loop;
echo br After loop.;
  echo pLDAP unbinded;

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[PHP] Re: How can I get all vars

2003-07-02 Thread sven
get_defined_vars (); ?

Slava wrote:
 Can somebody say how can I get all vars and their values from a

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[PHP] Re: Regex Help with - ?

2003-06-27 Thread sven
looks like id3v2 ;-)

how about this:
$string = [TIT2] ABC [TPE1] GHI [TALB] XYZ;
$pattern = /\[TIT2\]([^]*)/; // matches anything exept ''; till '' or
end of string
preg_match($pattern, $string, $match);

hint to your regex:
either use quantifier '*' (0-n times) OR '?' (0-1 times)

ciao SVEN

Gerard Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 I have a string something like -
 Im applying a regex as such -
 // Title/Songname/Content
 preg_match('/\[TIT2\](.*?)(\[)?/', $foo, $match);
 $title = trim( $match[1] );

 The above regex doesn't work.  At the end of the pattern Im using (\[)?
 The pattern may or may not end with [
 For example searching for - [TALB] XYZ
 The string, is *NOT* expected to hold a certain order as how it is
 How does one go about to fix up this regex?


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[PHP] Re: unexpected return from $_POST['foo']

2003-06-27 Thread sven

look into the sourcecode of your output-page, whether there is more
information (html-tags, i.e.).
and try var_export($_POST); instead of you echo to see what information come
with post.

maybe it's your server/php config. your code works for me.

ciao SVEN

Kyle W. Cartmell [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Given a page containing a form which posts data to another page...



Please enter a string.BR

FORM method=post action=nextpage.php
INPUT type=text name=wakka
INPUT type=submit name=submit



And a page which accepts this data...




   echo $_POST['wakka'];




If I type blueberry_muffins into the text field and click submit, the
resulting output is as follows...


However the output I expected was, of course...


Have you ever seen anything like this?
Am I doing something wrong?
Do you need more information?

Thanks! :)

Kyle W. Cartmell
- a mildly confused PHP newb

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[PHP] Re: twodimensional array / word-frequencylist

2003-06-26 Thread sven
hi dore,

Dore Van Hoorn wrote:
 # i would like a similar function that removes interpuntuation like
 . etc. # all i want remaining in the array are the separate words,
 all in lower

maybe you can replace your unwanted chars with preg_replace()
i.e.: $textStripped = preg_replace(/[.:;]/, , $textInterPuncted);

 # i would like a function that pushes this word into a second array.
 # before pushing, it has to check whether or not the same word is
 in the array.
 # if it is: do not push word into array, but add 1 to the number of
 occurrences of that word
 # if it is not: push this new word into array
 # all of this has to result into a word - frequency array (content
 of free text)
 # question 1: how do i produce such an array?

how about this:
if(array_key_exists($wordInText, $occurences))
$occurences[$wordInText] = 1;

 # question 2: how do i get the two elements (word and number of

 # together out of the array and print them to the screen?
 # f.e.: the word computer occurred two times in this text.

look at the array-stucture with print_r, var_dump, var_export, ...

or loop through the array:
echo table;
foreach($occurences as $word = $count)
echo trtd$word/tdtd$count/td/tr
echo /table;

hope this helps. (didn't test the code, just wote it from brain. but the
manual would be your friend)

ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: rtf files

2003-06-25 Thread sven
hi steven,

i don't know the rft-file-syntax, but i would start here. if you find out,
how the page break is defined, you could splitt the whole file by that.

but i assume, that works only on manual page-breaks. and like other
text-files (i.e. .txt or .doc) the page-break is done by the progamm that
opens the file. in that case, maybe a splitt by chapter or by a special
amount of lines would be a start?

ciao SVEN

Steven wrote:
 I need some advice on how to go about importing rtf files page by page
 seperatly into a mysql database, or some way  that can read a file and
 break each page into page sized sections, maybe an array, that i could
 then import to a database.

 The rtf files are mostly about '7mb' in size, and contain anything
 upto 200 pages, and need to be imported by :

 id, filename, page_number , page_content.

 I can read whole file into a data table, but that doesnt split the
 file page by page.

 Has anyone any suggestion to how this can be accomplished,


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[PHP] Re: remove characters, add newline making a twodimensional array

2003-06-25 Thread sven
hi dore,

Dore Van Hoorn wrote:
 Well, i'm kind of a newby, but this is what i would like to do in php:

 i'm writing all instances of a mysql table to a txt file, but when i
 add \n to go on on the next line, in the txt file there is a square
 When i try to import the txt file into ms access, the square is not
 by this program to represent a newline.. how can i add a newline to a
 file, that actually IS a newline (or better: hard return) and that
 will be
 recognized as one, when reading the file into another program?

seems like you are using a windows-machine, so try '\r\n' instead of '\n'.

 a array contains a string of text, multiple words and interpunction.
 my first
 question: how can i remove the interpunction ( i know how to strip
 and trim spaces..)? secondly, after this, i would like to count all
 entries. f.e. when the word computer occurs twice in the sentence, i
 like to make an array that is twodimensional: word-number of
 occurences (f.e. 'computer' '2'). How do i do that, for i don't
 really understand the phpmanual-explanation about this topic. And
 thirdly: how do i get both facts (word and number)
 out of the array? (all this has to produce a word-frequecylist, so if
 has a clue how to do that..)

a little bit confusing with your interpunctation, maybe you can provide some

to your array: why not using a mono-dimensional array with your words as key
and the occurances as value?

$words = array(
'myWord1' = 5,
'myWord2' = 3,

or if you got your $word and $occurance in these vars:

$words[$word] = $occurance;

 how can i upload an image to my server and then call the image back
 a webpage, just by using php?

there are some articles about uploading files. if you got te file on your
server you can simply use the location in the next script:

$location = /path/to/my.file;

echo 'img source='.$location.' /';
(or: echo img source=\$location\ /;)

 NDore van Hoorn
 Ss1000454 AlfaInformatica-RuG

ciao SVEN

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[PHP] Re: Help please!

2003-06-25 Thread sven
hmm, well this post is here twice. so it works better than you thought? ;-)

Nadim Attari wrote:
 Hi php-general,

 I have subscribed to news://news.php.net/php.general. But when I post
 something (i'm using Outlook Express), it seems that the post is
 sent; but in fact it isn't and so I don't find my post(s) on the

 Help please!

 Nadim Attari

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[PHP] Re: ereg_replace and quotation marks

2003-06-25 Thread sven
maybe stripslashes() can solve your problem?

Paul Nowosielski wrote:
 I'm trying to strip quotation marks out of user from input but it
 doesn't seem to work correctly.


 I get a \ mark after I run a quote  through the form. When I want the
 quote turned to nothing.

 Any suggestions??


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[PHP] Re: Problem with GET variables

2003-06-24 Thread sven
hi sid,

this is often discussed here.
if you use your local installation only for development purposes, you can
set register_globals = on  in php.ini.
but if you want a more secure plattform, leave it off and write you scripts
with $_GET[]. (some additional help:
http://de3.php.net/manual/function.extract.php). so you also don't rely on
register_globals by hosting externally.

ciao SVEN

Sid [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 I just updated PHP on my local computer from PHP 4.0.2 to 4.3.2 (Yes, I
know, its a very very long time). I also downloded the latest version of
Apache and installed PHP as a module. Now PHP runs fine on the server. I
have a small problem though. Variables being sent via the GET method are not
getting parsed. I can acess these variables via the $_GET[variable] method
but not through $variable. Any idea why. Most of my old PHP scripts accessed
the variables directly by their name and so this will be a very very big
problem for me. Any idea how I can get this old feature back.

 Thank you.

 - Sid

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[PHP] Re: preg_match

2003-06-20 Thread sven
preg_matchtry without backslashes.

$pattern = /$search/i;
if (preg_match ($pattern, $date[$i]))
echo $date[$i]br /;

you don't need the .*? in your regex (either * or ? multiplier) as preg_match searches 
for any occurance (not from begin ^ or to end $).

ciao SVEN
  Aaron Axelsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hash: SHA1

  I am trying to code a search, and i need to get my matching
  expression to work right.  The user can enter a value swhich is
  stored in the vraible $search.

  What the below loop needs to do, is search each entry of the array
  for any occurance of the $search string.  If i hard code in the
  string it works, but not when passed as a varaible.  Is there
  something I am missing? Do i need to convert the $search variable to

  if (preg_match (/.*?\\\$search.*?/i,$date[$i])) {
  print $date[$i]br;

  - ---
  Aaron Axelsen

  Want reliable web hosting at affordable prices?

  Web Dev/Design Community/Zine

  Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use http://www.pgp.com


[PHP] Re: Compare dates

2003-06-05 Thread sven
you can work with a timestamp.
mktime() changes your date into a number you can sort, compare, ...
ciao SVEN

Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 I have two dates retrieved from a database stored as variables: $mindate
 $maxdate, how can i compare the two with PHP so i can loop and increment

 while($mindate  $maxdate){
   //do some stuff

 Thanks for your help

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[PHP] Re: SQL Select on a DATE field

2003-06-05 Thread sven
just some thoughts to your script:

i don't know (yet) the pear db functions and the database you use. so i
assume you already got some logic to transform your dates into valid
sql-dates (eg. mysql: mmdd or -mm-dd). that is important for valid
results from your sql-statements as the dates must be compared somehow. (in
other words your DD/MM/YY as an example 04/05/03 can be interpreted in many

i assume, that in your order_date-field should only stand one statement, so
i suggest using preg_match.

so for your code i would start this way:

if (preg_match($yourBetweenDatesPattern, $order_date, $matches))
// between two dates
// define your filter here, maybe with your qouted_date-function from
elseif (preg_match($YourAfterDatePattern, $order_date, $matches))
// after a date filter
elseif (preg_match($YourExactDatePattern, $order_date, $matches))
// exact date filter
echo no valid date given.;

For your Patterns:

If you use something like this
preg_match (/between ($YourDatePattern) and ($YourDatePattern)/, $subject,
you can easily catch your date1 and date2 using:
$matches[1] and $matches[2]

hope this helps.

ciao SVEN

Lorenzo Ciani [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 Hi all!

 I would like to ask your advice on a script that I wrote. As you can
 see from my script below, I really need help as I am totally new to PHP.
 Regular expressions are my worst nightmare because I don't have a
 background in software programming: I'm just kidding around here! Please
 post your suggestions. Thanks.

 HTML form to filter records from an SQL database on a DATE field.
 Search expressions are of the form:
DATE (should be transformed into = DATE)
= DATE (or other operator)

 The variable named $order_date contains the search expression submitted by
 the HTML form.

 Here's my script
 // Regex pattern for date, e.g. DD/MM/YY or MM-DD-
 $date_pat = '[0-9]+(\/|-)[0-9]+(\/|-)[0-9]+';
 // Regex pattern for SQL operators
 $op_pat = '|=|=|!=|||=';

 // First, see if there is at least one date in $_POST['order_date']
 $count = preg_match_all('/'.$date_pat.'/', $order_date, $matches);
 if ($count) {
for ($i = 0; $i = $count - 1; $i++) {
   // Quote dates using PEAR::DB
   $quoted_date[$i] = $db-quote($matches[0][$i]);
 // Then see if search string is of type BETWEEN DATE_1 AND DATE_2
 $count = preg_match_all('/between\s'.$date_pat.'\sand\s'.$date_pat.'/i',
 $order_date, $matches);
 if ($count) {
// Yes it's a BETWEEN...AND. We assume that we have two valid dates
$date_filter = ' BETWEEN '.$quoted_date[0].' AND '.$quoted_date[1];
 } else {
// No. Then check if we have a search string like '= DATE'
$count = preg_match_all('/'.$op_pat.'/', $order_date, $matches);
if ($count) {
   // Yes, then use operator and quoted date
   $date_filter = ' '.$matches[0][0].' '.$quoted_date[0];
} else {
   // No, then we just use something like ' = DATE'
   $date_filter = ' = '.$quoted_date[0];

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[PHP] Re: unix time stamp to readable date

2003-06-05 Thread sven
use date().
first argument is the structure of your readable date,
second ist the unix timestamp.
ciao SVEN

Diana Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 I know this is a stupid question but I am confused,
 how do I convert a unix timestamp to a readable date with php?

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Re: [PHP] Link to a Site

2003-06-04 Thread sven
don't echo anything before the header. else there is automatically a header
generated by your server.

Mishari [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 I used it before, but I had a problem

 my code look like,
 if (--) {
 echo ---;

 I don't know what is it?

 --- Marek Kilimajer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Discused few threads ago:
  header('Refresh: 15; url=newurl.php' );
  15 is in seconds.
  Mishari wrote:
   Hi all,
   I need help,
   actually I'm building a PHP site where my users
   wait for a few seconds reading a text then it will
   automatically  link them to another site.
   I'm looking for the command which auto. link to
   Kind Regards,
   Do you Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync
  to Outlook(TM).
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

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[PHP] Re: problem with apache 2.0

2003-06-03 Thread sven
php.ini: register_globals = off?
look at $_POST['id'].

Franck Collineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im

 I have just change my server to apache 2.0.44 and php 4.3.1 (from mandrake
 9.1) and i have a problem now

 When i pass a numeric parameter to a  php script from a form, the
parameter is
 equal zero !

 Here is my form:
 p  Modification d'un matériel: /p

 td align=rightNuméro: /td
 tdform action=edit.php method=POST  target=bas
 input type=text name=id size=3/td
 tdinput value=Modifier type=submit/td

 here is my script php:

 print(ident: $id br);
 $id=(int) $id;

 where does the problem come from ?


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[PHP] Re: LoadModule Help

2003-06-03 Thread sven
do you have an exact error message?

so far i can only point you to some often made mistakes:

- did you copy php4ts.dll to c:\winnt\system32
- did you copy php.ini.dist to c:\winnt, renamed it to php.ini and modified

 - in httpd.conf added these two lines?
LoadModule php4_module PHP_DIR/sapi/php4apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
(note the apache2 module)

ciao SVEN

Tmcclelland [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 Hi all,

 As you will guess from this question I'm new to all this. Firstly I hope
 this is the right list.
  I have installed the latest version of Apache, and the latest version of
 PHP, on Windows 2000. I can start the server fine but as soon as I change
 the httpd.conf file and add the LoadModule section the server refuses to

 I wonder if anyone can shed any light on this. I can run PHP under IIS 5.0
 which I have installed and tried, but would prefer to use Apache. IIS has
 been fully removed from the machine before the installation of Apache.

 Hope someone can help.

 King Regards


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[PHP] Re: Problem on Date Function

2003-06-03 Thread sven
have a look at date() and mktime():

from the manual:
$tomorrow = mktime(0, 0, 0, date(m), date (d)+1, date(Y));

ciao SVEN

Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 Dear all
 Here is the situation :

 Our automation system will generate a large number of pdf file to a
 folder every day. The name format for all these pdf file is
  is the name of the file,
 20030602 is last working date.

 what i want to do is:
 1. create a sub-folder inside this specific folder, and name it to current
 2. move the pdf which is not containning last working's file name to this
 new create sub-folder.
 3. the files with last working date's name will stay on the specific

 question :

 1. I had used a date function with w parameter to check if current date
 execute the script is monday (1), if so , i tell the script to take the
 current date minus 3, so the date will become last friday (as our last
 working day), then i can base on this date to tell the script which files
 should not be move to sub-folder!

 q: how i can do a date subtraction in php? (eg. 2003-06-02 - 3 =

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[PHP] Re: POST Values

2003-06-02 Thread sven
take a look at the $_POST array (or $_REQUEST). they contain all submitted

if there are still empty fields, try foreach() and !empty().

Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 I have a page with 78 textfields on, is there a way of picking out the
 names and values that the user has filled in as they are very unlikey to
 filling in all of them?

 Thanks for your help

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[PHP] Re: $_POST array

2003-06-02 Thread sven
this works too:

$message =
 $_POST['first_name']. .$_POST['last_name'].\n.
 $_POST['city']. .$_POST['state']. $_POST['zip'].\n.

Zbranigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
  Steven == Steven Farrier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steven I have tried using $_POST array variables in the following
 Steven ways $message = ($_POST['first_name'])
 Steven ($_POST['last_name'])\n($_POST['address'])\n($_POST['city'])
 Steven ($_POST['state'])
 Steven n($_POST['comments']);

 Steven $message = $_POST['first_name']
 Steven $_POST['last_name']\n$_POST['address']\n$_POST['city']
 Steven $_POST['state']
 Steven 'comments'];

 Steven Neither of these have worked what am I doing wrong?

 Steven Steve

 try it like this:
 $message = ({$_POST['first_name']})


  $message = {$_POST['first_name']}


 no toll on the internet; there are paths of many kinds;
 whoever passes this portal will travel freely in the world

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Re: [PHP] flawless script

2003-05-28 Thread sven
you can use the default: statement as last case in switch, too.

Jason K Larson [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag

 I prefer to check the $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] before I do anything in a
script that
 operates for both GET and POST methods.  Also, especially for a switch
statement, I'd
 check for the existance of the variable first, you know some sort of
isset() or !is_null()

 Hope that helps.

 Jason k Larson

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[PHP] varible in url question

2002-07-10 Thread sven vandamme

on my page (lessen.php)

i have a variable $sort

if this varible is empty if enterd the page then it will be set on 'day'

i have 3 links in the page


so these links refure to the same page (itself)
on clicked it opens itself and should set the varible to day, game or player
but that doesn't happen.
can somebody help me please

see attachmend

greetz cid

begin 666 lessen.php
M/#]P:' -T*:68H(21S;W)T*7L-B1S;W)T(#T(F1A2([#0I]#0H-F5C
M:\H(G-OG0Z(B N(1S;W)T*3L-C\^#0H-CQ(5$U,/T*/$A%040^#0H)
M,3 P)2(8F]R95R/2(P(B!C96QLW!A8VEN9STB,2(/T*( \='(/B -
MB ( \=0@=VED=](C$W)2(^/$:')E9CTB;5SV5N+G!H#]S;W)T
M/61A2(=%R9V5T/2)?V5L9B(^9%Y/]A/CPO=0^#0H( /'1D('=I

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[PHP] Re: Apache is not rendering php pages. Config problem?

2002-05-10 Thread Sven Herrmann

 There is no phpmodule in there, so I cant activate it. I did   include
 lines from my old config:

 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .php
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

if you're using Apache 1.x you need to add:
LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/libphp4.so

or if you're using Apache 2.x
LoadModule php4_modulemodules/libphp4.so


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[PHP] mail

2002-03-20 Thread Sven Jacobs


Is it possible to put somebody in CC when you use the mail() function ???

RE: [PHP] Making a simple borderless pop up window with a Close button

2002-03-19 Thread Sven Jacobs

class.overlib does that nicely

-Original Message-
From: Denis L. Menezes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: mardi 19 mars 2002 13:12
Subject: [PHP] Making a simple borderless pop up window with a Close

Hello friends.

I am making a database website where I need to add a small help button for
every field on the form. Whenever the user clicks the small help button, I
wish to show a titleless popup window containing the help text and a close
button. Can someone  help me with the php script for this.


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[PHP] dateformat

2002-03-18 Thread Sven Jacobs

hey all

I want to convert 20020211150245 into 2002-02-11 15:02:45.
Does somebody have the correct conversion for this ?

[PHP] how to check session

2002-03-12 Thread Sven Jacobs

How can I check if a session is still valid or if it has been expired.
I want to check that and if not valid then execute an other script.

Can't be that difficult but after 2 hours in traffic jams my brain is not
working anymore .

[PHP] Again Session

2002-03-08 Thread Sven Jacobs


I have 2 values stored in my session, how do I pull them back out ?

[PHP] LDAP question

2002-03-07 Thread Sven Jacobs


I'm testing LDAP and I seem to have an error

Call undefined function ldap_connect()

the code is from php.net

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong :-)


2002-03-07 Thread Sven Jacobs


I have a problem with sessions,
with the code below If I post i always seems to get the same session_id 
That is not the idea.
I want to generate everytime a unique one 
what is wrong with my code 

if ($action ==logout){

print destroy;

if ( $action == post ){
print session_id();
print BRinput type='text' name='azerty' size='100';
print a

if ( $action ==  ){
form name='test' action
='' method ='post'
Login : input type='text' name='username'
Password : input type='password' name='password'
input type='submit' name='blabla' value='blabla'

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RE: [PHP] Why session is not deleted ???

2002-03-07 Thread Sven Jacobs

I've the same problem here
If i do logout it doesn't doe a session_destroy :(

-Original Message-
From: Beta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: jeudi 7 mars 2002 18:54
Subject: [PHP] Why session is not deleted ???

Firstly i create a session, After that when i close the browser the sesion
can still be seen in tmp directory in apache webserver.
I just wanted to know that If i close the browser, Does the session
terminates ?


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RE: [PHP] how the ticks works?

2002-03-06 Thread Sven Jacobs


I want to run a shell script, all the values that are returned normal by
that script I want to put as var.
For example 

tracert X.X.X.X

  1   10 ms   10 ms   10 ms  blablabla.bla.com [X.X.X.X]
  2   10 ms10 ms10 ms  RFC1918-Host [X.X.X.X]
  3   10 ms10 ms10 ms  BUOPS [X.X.X.X]

The 3 values I want tot put in a table when I run the script

Thanks Sven

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