Re: [PHP] Would this work? (mod_rewrite)

2002-04-21 Thread bvr

This can also be achieved by doing

Alias / /home/blah/script.php

no need to use mod_rewrite !!


[ rswfire ] wrote:

 Assume I want *.domain.*/*.* to automatically call index.php (without 
 the user knowing and without any redirecting at all):

 RewriteEngine  on
 RewriteRule*.* index.php [R]

 I don't know what in the world the [R] is, but it's in almost all of 
 the mod_rewrite examples...  :-)

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Re: [PHP] Build static with Apache 2.0.35

2002-04-09 Thread bvr

I don't know an answer to your first question, but I 'm currently 
running PHP under Apache 2.0.35 and I could only get it work through apxs2
and only with the very latest PHP version (4.3.0-cvs).

Tried with 4.1.2, 4.2.0RC12 but the Apache 2 programming interface 
apparently has changed (a lot) recently.

About static/dso ; I don't think one method *performs* better than the 
other, they both have advantages, that's why it's an option.


Marc Delisle wrote:

Is PHP 4.1.2 (or 4.2.0) supported only with apxs2, or can I build it static into 
Apache 2.0.35?

And is it still true that running static is faster than DSO?


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Re: [PHP] Test for one bit set?

2002-04-07 Thread bvr

This shows all integers from 1 to 10 that have the 2 least significant 
bits set:


   for ($i = 1; $i = 10; $i++) 
  if ($i  3)
 echo($i . \n);


Charlie Killian wrote:

How can I test if a number only has on bit set?

So testing different numbers will return TRUE or FALSE:

testing 0001 would return TRUE.
testing 0011 would return FALSE.



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[PHP] The PHP Filter did not receive suitable input data

2002-04-06 Thread bvr


I'm expirimenting with apache 2 and PHP, I've got things running but 
there's one problem left:

When I request a directory, and the index is a PHP script, the following 
error is reported to the client:

'The PHP Filter did not receive suitable input data'

Apache also reports this error to his error_log:

'Directory index forbidden by rule: name of the PHP script!'

And when I enable the 'Indexes' option, Apache logs:

'Not a directory: Can't open directory for index: name of the PHP script!'

I'm using my Apache 1.3 configuration but with Filters instead of 
AddType , I hope this is simply a configuration issue.

versions used:
Apache 2.0.35
PHP 4.3.0-cvs (03 Apr 2002 23:53 GMT+1)

apache conf:
LoadModule php4_module modules/
FilesMatch \.(phpc?|phtml)$
   SetOutputFilter PHP
   SetInputFilter PHP

# Indexes
DirectoryIndex index.phtml index.html index.php

Any clues ?


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Re: [PHP] changing the color from black to blue on an image. Helpon imagecolorset.

2002-03-30 Thread bvr


$col = imagecolorallocate($im, 51, 51, 204);


ImageFill$im, $x, 
$y, $col);


ImageSetPixel($im, $x, $y, $col);


Andy wrote:

Hi there,

I would like to change the color on a png file from black to blue. This png
file is
transparent and contains only a spot which is black. It is needed to stay
because I am gonna merge it later on with a jpeg.

I tryed imagecolorset but anyhow I do not understand the syntax.

Here is my try:

  # set home color
  $farbe_b = imagecolorallocate($country_image,0,0,0);  // create index for
the black color
  imagecolorset($country_image,$farbe_b,51,51,204); // darker blue

Can anybody help on this.

Thanx in advance,


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Re: [PHP] php configs in the apache config file?

2002-03-30 Thread bvr

It doesn't work with CGI installations of PHP.


Robert Montgomery wrote:

Supposedly, in your apache httpd.conf file you can
specify php config values.  I'm trying to shore up
security on a new box by setting the following 
within VirtualHost tags:

php_value open_basedir /path/to/virtualhost/

However, it doesnt work.  If I set the values in the
php.ini file, it DOES work...  What am I missing??
Are there any restrictions to setting these php values
in an httpd.conf file?  The doc's dont really mention
anything...  I'm baffled!

I'm running apache_1.3.23 + php-4.1.2 on a linux box.


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Re: [PHP] Qmail Question

2002-03-30 Thread bvr

This is what you've been waiting for:



Vins wrote:

I have qmail on my server.
I've set up and email address to send all incoming mail to a php script.

How would I break down the message and read the to field and the from field

where can i find information on that ?

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Re: [PHP] class extends

2002-03-30 Thread bvr



caspar kennerdale wrote:

can you use class extends feature to refernce more than one class-

so a class called contnet could call functions fromone called html and one
called db?

thanks in advance

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Re: [PHP] Security hole using cookies for sessions. Workaround?

2002-03-30 Thread bvr

Three tips:

- Let the session expire after X secs.
- Use BODY's ONUNLOAD attribute/JS event handler
- Provide a 'Logout' button.


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Re: [PHP] Qmail Question

2002-03-30 Thread bvr

I'm west-european, and I don't want to fuck with you and I don't know 
what it's like..



Vins wrote:

Listen here.
I'm south african.
You wouldn't want to fuck with.
I'm sure you know what we all are like.

Watch what you say

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Qmail Question

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2002-03-30 Thread bvr

Yeah, pretty obvious .. you must have figured that from the .NL
extension to my e-mail address..

Lemme guess, .ZA that's Japan nie waar nie ??

You are obviously not an expert so don't make us filthen this list with
(anti-)SPAM messages and stupid off-topic definitions.



Vins wrote:

 Lets define that
 Large quantities of email sent to large ammounts of email address at one
 I posted 2 messages.
 You people take everything too seriously.
 I'm sure you've also doen it once in you life before.
 And a message for bvr and caspe kennerdale.
 You are obviousely Americans

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2002-03-30 Thread bvr

WHEN DOES IT GET TO YOUR BRAIN that i'm not American..

grammatica hulp is niet nodig, ik spreek *echt* nederlands ;)


 oh dam
 and American that can actually speak some Traditional Afrikaans that makes
 absolutely no sense.
 listen check the south african afrikaans gramma website before trying to
 message me with shit like that

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[PHP] please /ignore childish spammer (Auction for sale)

2002-03-30 Thread bvr

I'm sorry,
I made a mistake even responding to this person and with that annoyed
lots of people on this list and wasted my time.
Now we're running the risk that he will turn into a spoiler which can be
pretty bad on an unmoderated list..
Therefore I'll stop replying to his messages (including 'spammish' PHP
questions), and I hope others will do the same thing, .


Duncan Hill wrote:

 On Sat, 30 Mar 2002, vins wrote:

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Re: [PHP] NNTP Services

2002-03-28 Thread bvr


press Ctrl-F and type 'nntp' .. click ok.

bvr. wrote:

 Hello everyone
 I have a problem to post messages to newsgroups. How can i do it.
 Muhammad Fawad

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Re: [PHP] best way to read a file

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

you didn't mention file()

that one can be pratical because it returns an array of lines (linefeed 
intact, implode with empty string),
but can be memory consuming for large files, because the entire file is 
in memory
the at the same time.

some times you don't need the entire file (at a time) ..
for example
fread() allows you to read a specific length
fgets() one text line at a time with max length
fgetss() ..and strip HTML..
fgetcsv() or return a line from a .csv as an array..

not really ambiguous,
and I think these functions being flexible enough to handle other 
resource types can hardly be seen as a disadvantage..


Erik Price wrote:

 This is a really simple question that I've wondered for a while now...

 what is the best way to read a file?  There are so many different 
 functions for reading files that I have no idea which I should use.

 readfile() returns its values to standard output -- I don't want to 
 use this, since my script needs to load the data in the file into a 
 variable (it's a .xsl file).  fgets() looks like it could work if I 
 made an array out of each line read and then imploded them.  fread() 
 looks like the 'main' function for reading from files.  fpassthru() -- 
 I guess if you're already in the middle of a file it's a good way to 

 There are other functions for reading files, but they are less 
 ambiguous, with purposes like reading from sockets or certain kinds of 
 files.  I'm not interested in those -- I just want to know which 
 function I should use to simply read a file and store the file's 
 contents in a variable (for later actions to be performed on/with this 

 Thank you.



 Erik Price
 Web Developer Temp
 Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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Re: [PHP] Why?

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

2. Definition and Etymology

   bar /bar/ n. [JARGON]

   1. The second metasyntactic variable, after foo and before baz.
  Suppose we have two functions: FOO and BAR.  FOO calls BAR

   2. Often appended to foo to produce foobar.

   foo /foo/

   1. interj.  Term of disgust.

   2. Used very generally as a sample name for absolutely anything, esp.
  programs and files (esp. scratch files).

   3. First on the standard list of metasyntactic variables used in
  syntax examples (bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply,
  waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud). [JARGON]

  When used in connection with `bar' it is generally traced to the
  WW II era Army slang acronym FUBAR (`Fucked Up Beyond All
  Repair'), later modified to foobar.  Early versions of the Jargon
  File [JARGON] interpreted this change as a post-war
  bowdlerization, but it now seems more likely that FUBAR was itself
  a derivative of `foo' perhaps influenced by German `furchtbar'
 (terrible) - `foobar' may actually have been the original form.




Alberto Wagner wrote:

Why everyone uses $foo or $foobar as examples?

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Re: [PHP] require or include ?

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

both include the file, but
use require() when it is required, and include() when it's not.

In the new behaviour these two make no further difference.


Javier wrote:

If I include for ex. common.php in a script and this script also calls
common.php what should I use require or include?

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Re: [PHP] Can I search for a partial match in an array ?

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

preg_grep(/^file/, $arr)


Dalton Hunter wrote:

 Hi, I want to search for a partial match in an array? Does in_array() or
 search_array() support this or is there another way? For example if I have
 30 file names in an array in the format ...
 ... how can I check to see if any values in the array start with the
 partial word file?

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Re: [PHP] Include Error on PHP 4.1.2

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

Fix 'include_path' in php.ini

I think you want it to look in the current directory (.\) as well.


Alberto Wagner wrote:

I can't include anything on my php scripts

Failed opening 'Pagina_Inicial.php' for inclusion (include_path='c:\php4\pear')

How to fix it?

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Re: [PHP] best way to read a file

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

 not really ambiguous,

 (actually, that's what I was saying, that they are -less- ambiguous, 
 and more specific, but no big deal on that little matter). 

ok, misunderstood

 Every time I try to use one of these functions, I get an error message 
 from my browser (not from PHP) that the attempt to load the URL 
 failed.  Is this a sign of running into memory problems?  If so, what 
 can I do about it?  It seems that the only file-reading function that 
 doesn't create this error message in my script is fgets(), but as soon 
 as I try to implode the lines I pulled with fgets() into one string, I 
 get the error message again.  In other words, every time I try to pull 
 my XSL file into my script, it happens.

 (I would not have imagined I would run out of memory b/c I have 
 php.ini set to 16M per script and the XSL file is only 8kB, though the 
 script does do a lot of things.)

 Anybody know what's going on here? 

Try not to use MSIE when developing or install the debug thingie, 
otherwise you will not get sensible feedback on what went wrong during 
page load..

Anyway, it's probably not the memory limit, because in that case PHP 
reports an error..

Did you even enable-memory-limit ?? If you did, use can try this with 
your httpd.conf :

Add somewhere global :
LogFormat %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b %{mod_php_memory_usage}n php

Add to mainserver/virtualhost:
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/access_log php

This adds an extra value to the access log entries that indicates the 
largest number of bytes of memory used by the script at a time.


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Re: [PHP] Get Current Filename HOWTO

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

note that this var. includes the query string, for example:



Patrick Hartnett wrote:

 It seems I spoke to is how to get the current file name.

 $this_file = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
 echo( $this_file );

 the result is formatted as follows:


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Re: [PHP] Talking XML over SSL with PHP?

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

It is going to be very easy !

On read:

...As of PHP 4.3.0 (not yet released), if you have compiled in support 
for OpenSSL, you may use https://; to open an HTTP connection over SSL...

Meanwhile you could do this with CURL which is slightly more complex, 
but also advanced.
(It's in the manual)


Devin Atencio wrote:

I am trying to write a program that will talk to UPS. It appears that
the requirements is that i must talk SSL and then submit XML type documents
as a POST. Would it be easy in PHP to talk SSL via Socket Layer? Any help
would be appreciated.

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Re: [PHP] fputcsv ?????? (was: best way to read a file)

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

A fputcsv() would be nice, doesn't seem to exist (yet) though ?


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Re: [PHP] fputcsv() (was: best way to read a file)

2002-03-28 Thread bvr

Didn't test.

*blair at squiz*
14-Aug-2001 07:19

Here is a function that takes an array and adds a CSV line to the passed
file pointer.


function fputcsv ($fp, $array, $deliminator=,) {

  $line = ;
  foreach($array as $val) {
# remove any windows new lines, 
# as they interfere with the parsing at the other end
$val = str_replace(\r\n, \n, $val);

# if a deliminator char, a double quote char or a newline 
# are in the field, add quotes
if(ereg([$deliminator\\n\r], $val)) {
  $val = ''.str_replace('', '',
}#end if

$line .= $val.$deliminator;

  }#end foreach

  # strip the last deliminator 
  $line = substr($line, 0, (strlen($deliminator) * -1));
  # add the newline 
  $line .= \n;

  # we don't care if the file pointer is invalid, 
  # let fputs take care of it
  return fputs($fp, $line);

}#end fputcsv()


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Re: [PHP] PHP/mySQL hosting

2002-03-22 Thread bvr

go to google, put in 'free mysql hosting', press 'feeling lucky' ..


Daniel Negron/KBE wrote:

Does anyone have a good site for free mySQL and PHP hosting ?


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Re: [PHP] Perl NewsGroup?

2002-03-21 Thread bvr

Why not try ???

I found:


David Duong wrote:

This may be the worst place to put this but here goes:

Does anyone know of a Perl NewsGroup?

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Re: [PHP] Making a simple borderless pop up window with a Closebutton

2002-03-20 Thread bvr

The 3rd parameter to JavaScript function allows you to 
disable a number of window elements every browser has,
these include the toolbar (buttons), location, status, menubar, scrollbars.
This functionality is provided by the most common browsers and versions 
(MSIE and Netscape) and will also work in Mozilla and Netscape 6.  I 
don't know about the JavaScript implementation in Opera, but if it 
supports JS it is likely to support these options too (or at least 
ingores them).


Joe Webster wrote:

It only works in IE -- it makes use of the 'Full Screen' (F11) option and
tricks IE into doing so... hope you don't want it to work in NS, Opera... or
anything else

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Re: [PHP] mail()

2002-03-20 Thread bvr


The SMTP option in php.ini is for Windows only.
On other platforms you should specify a delivery program (sendmail).

If you still want to use an external server, there are classes available 
send mail through an SMTP server without using mail().


Jennifer wrote:

 sorry...i should have mentioned also that I am not using the internal 
 mail server but i am using an external mail server

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Re: [PHP] Please explain...

2002-03-19 Thread bvr

This is because of type conversion, see also manual chapter 'Type juggling'.

foo converted to integer type is also zero, if you try 1foo for 
example, it will convert to one.

if you want to check without type conversion use the === operator instead.


Jan Rademaker wrote:

Can someone explain why this works?

$x = 0;
if ($x == foo) {
   print yeah;

This prints 'yeah', but i can't figure out why...

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Re: [PHP] replacing all non [a-z] chars possible?

2002-03-17 Thread bvr

A good solution is to store the file under a random generated filename 
and store that name,
together with the real name, to the database.


andy wrote:

Hi there,

I am wondering if it would be possible to replace all chars which are not
inbetween [a-z] with a valid asccii coresponding to it. I have a db with a
bunch of citynames and I would like to create valid filenames out of those.
The prob is, that I do not know all special chars. For example there was
one: ï  which I did not know. So maybe there are a lot others similar like

The point is, how could I create a valid filename out of those citynames
which contains only the chars from a - z? I tryed erregrplc, but I do have
to know the char for that.

Thanx for any help,


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2002-03-15 Thread bvr


Yes, you have to be connected while someone looks at your site.
A webserver on a modem would be terribly slow, but possible if you just 
want to expiriment.

If you want to start 'quickly' without too much RTFM, find out what 
webservers are good and
have an installer package for your platform/distribution, sometimes 
these are even pre-compiled.


Dani wrote:

Hi all,

I appologise if this is off topic but I don't know who to ask. I hope
you guys don't mind.

Does any body know where I can find information about the steps of
setting up a server(LINUX) so that people can find a certain URL

I want to sent up a small server for myself from home with my machine
but I don't know how to make it so that the web pages that I put in
server accessable by other people around the world.

do I have to connect my modem into my phone line (online) all the

Does my question make any sense?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Help - Variables

2002-03-15 Thread bvr

isset($_COOKIE[$var1 . $var2])
isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$var1 . $var2])  // (for ancient PHP versions)


isset(${$var1 . $var2})


BUDINSCHI Cosmin wrote:

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Julio Nobrega Trabalhando wrote:

:if (isset($var_name)) {
:echo 'Isset!';
:  ?
   This I knew ... i don't know the variable's name untill I execute 
the script.
   I want to found out if a cookie is set who's name is $var1.$var2
and $var2 is the result of a function.
: I have  a variable with the name
: $name(=the_name_of_the_variable)
: and I want to know if $the_name_of_the_variable
: is set.

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Re: [PHP] How to access arrays from $GLOBAL?

2002-03-15 Thread bvr

Maybe it makes sense to you like this:

$mtxt = $GLOBALS['mtxt'];

$mtxt === $GLOBALS['mtxt']
$mtxt[1] === $GLOBALS['mtxt'][1]


 hmm.. the '===' operator, now that's weird ;)

Because in my mind (which I know is totally wrong in this instance, I'm just
explaining for your benefit) using:


is like saying give me element 1 of the globals array when I was thinking
but I want element 1 of the mtxt array which is why I tried the various
combinations of mtxt[1] _inside_ of the globals[].

Hope that explains a little.

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Re: [PHP] array within an array (one more reply)

2002-03-15 Thread bvr

Sorry, replies to really deep threads looks nice in my mail program..


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Re: [PHP] cache

2002-03-06 Thread bvr

Hallo Jeroen ;)

There are several ways to control the caching of pages and images, 
including sending headers
and META tags. These are ofcourse HTML/HTTP features and not specific to 

Because it seems to be needed to send a combination of these to make it 
work for a situations,
I prefer another method which works quite well on images, example:

IMG SRC=test.gif?? echo(time()); ?

This appends a UNIX timestamp to the image location so the browser sees 
a different image location
on each page load, forcing it to download the image every time.


Jeroen Timmers wrote:

is there some command with php dat 
the page some images not load out the cache
but reloading the image?

Thx Jeroen

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Re: [PHP] Version difference (4.0.4pl1-4.1.2)

2002-03-06 Thread bvr

Check the release notes or changelogs..

I believe there was a notable change in 4.0.5 regarding 'referencing'
you may have to deal with,
and 'reference counting' was added later on but this should have little
affect on backwards compatibility.

Also, the input mechanism has changed, although you could get the old
behaviour back by changing
the php.ini , it is recommended for a number of reasons to 'upgrade'
your source to ensure it will continue
to work in future versions of PHP. See:


Aras Kucinskas wrote:

 I want to upgrade PHP from 4.0.4 to 4.1.2.
 Where I can find docs apbout version differences.

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Re: [PHP] Is it correct having number of forms in the same html page?

2002-03-05 Thread bvr

Yes, that can be correct, however:

-You can only submit one form at a time
- You cannot have 'nested' forms (forms in forms)


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Re: [PHP] How can I use PHP4 module for Apache Win32 ????

2002-03-05 Thread bvr

Download it from wwwphpnet

Read install notes, come back when you really need help


hei wrote:

How can I use PHP4 module for Apache Win32 

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Re: [PHP] serialize

2002-03-05 Thread bvr

Instead of serialize(), you could also fix your existing code like this:


for ($i=0; $i$HTTP_GET_VARS['num']; $i++)
echo felnummer INPUT TYPE=\ TEXT\ name=\felnummer[  $i  



for ($i=0; $i$HTTP_GET_VARS['num']; $i++)
echo felnummer INPUT TYPE=\ TEXT\ name=\felnummer[]\BR;


 for ($i=0; $i$HTTP_GET_VARS['num']; $i++)
 echo felnummer INPUT TYPE=\ TEXT\ name=\felnummer[i]\BR;

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Re: [PHP] Help about Linux password change script

2002-03-05 Thread bvr

# passwd -?
Usage: passwd [OPTION] accountName

  --stdin   read new tokens from stdin (root only)


Henry Zambrano wrote:

 Hi, I'm trying to do a script for changing the Linux password of an 
 user in a web page  I don't know how to implement the command 
 passwd in a php script or to do a shell script which would be 
 invoked by the php script  I hope someone can help me  Thanks

 Henry Zambrano

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Re: [PHP] Re: Value of $_* variables

2002-03-05 Thread bvr

Yes, there is, strings should *always* be quoted!

See: http://wwwphpnet/manual/en/languagetypesarrayphp

it's under do's and don'ts 


Mike Eheler wrote:

  $result = mysql_query(select user from users where id =
  $_SESSION[id], $db);
  No need to quote the key name in a string

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Re: [PHP] keeping the dot

2002-03-04 Thread bvr

I think he was trying to say you should take a look at the manual 
regarding regular expressions.

Once you get to the part that explains what [^ ] actually does you see 
how obvious the answer is.

However, the synical reply from LuC isn't correct.

To match the dot character (.) you should use escape it like this: \.
Otherwise the dot will match any character for it's a 'wildcard' and the 
result of your replace will be empty.



Try thinking?

Don't be a jerk.

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Re: [PHP] how do I use php and mysql to print mailing lables

2002-03-04 Thread bvr


It all depends on what you want

Ofcourse you could output the labels somehow and just print that For 
example by generating HTML or PDF

Another option is to connect to MySQL through ODBC and use the data as 
you would using an MSAccess database

I don't think there a builtin functions that allow you to print directly 
from PHP, however there may be several ways to
accomplish this
For example you could use COM to open Word with a template document, 
paste the label text and print it


Ivan Carey wrote:

Hello and thanks for your help

how do I use php and mysql to print mailing lables?

I would like to be able to print mailing labels from an mySQL online database using 

Is it possible to do this as the same functionality as in an MSAccess offline 



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Re: [PHP] -loop question-

2002-03-04 Thread bvr

Nope, you can't, use the loop to create a temp variable containing the 

or do this:

mail($to, $subj, implode(\n, $Name_Passenger_), $header);


Richard Bradley wrote:

I want to run a loop inside of the body section of the mail() function

mail ($to, $subj,
for ($i = 0; $i  $passengerNumber; ++$i) {

, $header);

I can't seem to run the loop inside a variable either Any suggestions?

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Re: [PHP] HELP SECOND TIME - header for download gzip file using IE and Netscape with HTTP and HTTPS

2002-03-04 Thread bvr

First thing, do you want the visitor to receive the file as-is (gz 
encoded) ? Or should it be decoded automatically to text ?

In the first case, the browser shouldn't be aware of the encoding type 
(Content-Encoding header).

You should only send 1 Content-Type header.

The Content-Disposition header is nothing but trouble, and this is 
mainly caused by MSIE 5.5 .
Microsoft managed to supply an update that changes the behaviour of MSIE 
5.5 regarding this
while the version still is 5.5 .. So there's no way to tell what header 
to sent for it to work properly.

You could also expiriment with the extra keywords 'inline' and 'attachment'.

header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=text.gz' );

But as I said, since browser behaviour varies on this header (even 
within same browser type/version)
it's not easy to implement correctly for all browsers.

I'm also not sure wether this header made it to the HTTP1.1 specs, but 
if you still want to use it I recommend
consulting the website of W3C (, they should at 
least have some notes about it.


Krzysztof Kocjan wrote:


 I have big problem with headers which I send to www browser: IE 5.5 
 and Netscape 6.2. On my web site I have PHP script to download huge 
 text files to client side. The text file is compressed by gzip program 
 before it will be downloaded to client. My problem is how to send to 
 www browser correct headers to download gziped file for example 
 text.gz and force www browser to store this file with name text.gz.
 I tested with protocol http sending headers like below, but it work 
 only with IE 5.5. Using Netscape 6.2 downloaded file should be stored 
 as text.gz but is stored as name of the PHP script. There is PHP 
 code with headers I send to www browser:

 header( 'Content-Encoding: zip');
 header( 'Content-Length: 100' );
 header( 'Content-Location: text.gz' );
 header( 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' );
 header( 'Content-Type: application/zip' );
 header( 'Content-Disposition: filename=text.gz' );

 readfile( 'text.gz' );

 When I switched the protocol from http to https the I've got second 
 problem. Downloading gziped file text.gz using IE 5.5 it didn't work 
 completely. IE showed me strange error message with information that 
 this resource couldn't be opened. Using Netscape 6.2 the problem is 
 the same.

 Thank You for any suggestions.


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 Jako jedyna oceniona bardzo dobrze przez Komputer Swiat (nr 5/2002)

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Re: [PHP] CheckBoxes....

2002-03-03 Thread bvr

Yes, well, PHP supports that a little bit differently

If you append '[]' to the name, an array will be returned after submit 
with the values of the checked checkboxes



$test now contains array(1,3);


Ben Turner wrote:

Don't checkboxes, if you name them all the same name, produce a comma delimited 
string in php of the values selected???

such as for 15 checkboxes with numeric values would produce a string such as


when the form was submited??  This is the way it was handled in ASP is there 
something different for PHP?


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Re: [PHP] user input in HTML

2002-03-01 Thread bvr

Use strip_tags()


Erik Price wrote:

 I was hoping to solicit an opinion:

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Re: [PHP] mysql and telnet.

2002-03-01 Thread bvr

What do you want to know?

Is my ISP offering mysql ?
Is it available to me ?
Is it installed on this particular server ?


If you would like to use MySQL, you should have *access* to a
mysql server If you don't know a username and password, you probably 

And as you say it, you connected to your *web* server
Doesn't that sorta mean it's not a *database* server ?



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Re: [PHP] eregi, ereg or smth. else???

2002-02-26 Thread bvr

You don't need regular expressions for this.

To match case insensitive, just upper or lower case both strings
and use strpos() to find an occurence. Now you allready have the
position of the match it'll be easy to get that part of the string.

I suggest you substr() it into 3 parts and put the B and /B in between.


On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:50:31 +0200 (EET), Kristjan Kanarik wrote:

I've never had time to get into those ereg, eregi etc. functions, and now
I am affraid I probably need to use them. Here is the problem I need to

I have a string (lead of an article), about 200-250 characters long. And
then I do have a search query - variable $q

Now, what I'd like to do is to check wheter this string contains the
search query or not. Case sensitivity is not important, so if the $q
equals to 'SoMeThInG', the script would find also 'sOmEtHiNg'. If the
string contains the search query, I'd like to display 100 characters of
this string (lead) - the search query should be in the middle of this
substring and within BOLD and /BOLD tags.

If the search query is in the beginning of the string, say at position 10,
then I'd like to display 100 first characters of the string... and if it
is say at position 230 (250 chars together), it should display the string
starting at position 250-100.

I know it shouldn't be difficult to do, but I am kind of stuck and


P.S. Pls. CC me as well - I am only in the digest.

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2002-02-26 Thread bvr

Please note that plain this:

if (action==cgi) echo `./cgi-bin/cgiscripts/${scripts} 21`;

is not a good idea, because it allows a visitor to run arbitrary
commands on your server.


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Re: [PHP] Telnet

2002-02-22 Thread bvr

You can send mail using PHP's  mail() function.

On windows this works with regular SMTP (mail server), 
on UNIX it executes a binary (local delivery agent) that 
may handle the message as desired.

If you really want to sent through a  telnet service, you can
fsockopen() to the telnet server and regular file functions 
to send login stuff and run the appropiatemail software on 
the server ('sendmail'?).

Ofcourse this is not recommended, because it has unnecessary
overhead and you'd be better off using an SMTP script or class
(as noted before) or make one yourself according to the 'SMTP RFC'
(put that in google).


On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 09:47:08 +0530 (IST), Uma Shankari T. wrote:


  By using telnet option how i will send a mail from my machine using 
 php..If any one came to know this plz tell me how to do it...


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Re: [PHP] Any way to display a changing value?

2002-02-22 Thread bvr


You  could use a plain form and JavaScript to do this.

It's fairly simple and it makes for nice little progress bars and graphs and other 
'realtime' info.

A few tips:

- first output the form (completely)
- use *implicit* flushing when outputting your JS.
- use a new SCRIPT .. /SCRIPT part every time you sent commands (for Netscape)
- do all calculations and stuff in PHP, minimize your JS code to something like 
echo(document.myform.mytext.value = ' . addslashes($newval) . ';\n);
- try to do updates 'smartly', i.e. on when the values *really* change, and not with 
infinite speed.


On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 23:00:30 -0500, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

I was wondering if there's any way to display a value to the user that keeps
changing?  I know about flush(), but that just prints it out before the
script ends, but doesn't display it in one place.  Is there a way? 

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Re: [PHP] using sendtohost on a secure site

2002-02-20 Thread bvr

The answer to this and many related questions is:

Use CURL. See manual.


Is great for posting results to a regular http site.  But what I need to do
is post to a secure site (https).  I looked through some of the php
documentation and couldn't find anything about manually encrypting the data
to send or anything like that.

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Re: [PHP] Removing every thing between ( )

2002-02-20 Thread bvr

what do you have so far ?

at least you need to 'replace', and I recommend
perl style preg_replace() which is very powerfull.

then you need an expressions that matches the
'(001 Test)' part, how to do this can be found in
the manual, however here's a small tip:

/[0-9]+/  matches a series of one or more numbers


On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 14:24:33 -0800, Brian Paulson wrote:


   What would the regular expression be to remove all the text
between  (  )

$string = This is a (001 Test) and (002 Test);

The numbers always change but the word stays the same 

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You
Brian Paulson
Sr. Web Developer

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RE: [PHP] Removing every thing between ( )

2002-02-20 Thread bvr

I believe I *am* helping you!


On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 16:06:24 -0800, Brian Paulson wrote:

Ok help me out here, isn't the point of this list to get help?

How long is too long to work on a solution before ask for help?


-Original Message-
From: bvr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Removing every thing between ( )

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[PHP] Zend debug server trouble

2002-02-20 Thread bvr


I'm trying to install the debug server for linux, but having
trouble to make it work for remote clients through Apache.

I installed the debug server and compiled php with --enable-debug

The debug server works when I use the 'gdbclient -c' command.

The Zend studio windows client debugs fine using local php.exe .

When I click 'Go' in Zend studio a dialog pops up saying it could
not establish a connection.

I went through the troubleshooting list in the dialog but to no avail.

When I look at the apache logs, there's just the plain request the
IDE did, and there's no errors.

When I paste the request into my browser I get 'document contains no data'.

phpinfo() reports the following:

ZEND_DEBUG  enabled

Please help!


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RE: [PHP] INT function?

2002-02-20 Thread bvr

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:10:53 +1100, Martin Towell wrote:

$z = (int)($x / $y);   // should work


$z = $x / $y;
settype($z, integer);


$z = intval($x / $y);


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Admin Tool

2002-02-14 Thread bvr

Ok, I'm over it.  Now...
Does anyone know how to set up MySQL, or phpMyAdmin to restrict users to a
single database?  For instance, the user JoeBlow...
Joe has a database called JB, I want him to have full access to it and
nothing else.  How would I go about doing this?  I'd also like him to have
access to it via PHP, so he can write his own PHP script that'll let him
manipulate his database.  I just need to lock him out of averything else.

This is a MySQL question, and it looks like you haven't even read the install notes.

And also...
How do I go about securing PHP functions.  For example, at the moment Joe
can upload a PHP script that deletes /etc/named.conf.  NOT GOOD!
Is there some options you can parse to PHP at compile tim that will
deactivate these features, or maybe some other way I can give users full
access to all of the PHP functions, but they're restricted to their home

You can set the open_basedir option in php.ini (look that up),
you may be able to set this in a smart way through apache config somehow
to get it to reflect the requested website's directory.

Also you could try and 'chroot' Apache to make sure it never touches system files.

Do some research!


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Admin Tool

2002-02-14 Thread bvr

No, you're right..

Permissions for that file could probably be tighter, 
but it's better not to rely on file system permissions only.


 And also...
 How do I go about securing PHP functions.  For example, at the moment Joe
 can upload a PHP script that deletes /etc/named.conf.  NOT GOOD!

Surely this is a general security issue? If an ordinary user is allowed 
to delete /etc/named.conf (whether by PHP, Perl or a command line rm 
/etc/named.conf) then the permissions are not right (only root normally 
having write permission). Joe may be able to run a script that _tries_ 
to delete /etc/named.conf but the permissions should not allow it.

Or am I missing something?

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Re: [PHP] How to POST a HTML-page with the header function

2002-02-13 Thread bvr

If you really want, you can emulate a form POST by using the CURL library.

Please refer to the manual for more info on CURL.


 But instead of showing the variable $CODE we would like to hide it. Just
 when you POST variables to a HTML-page. Is there any way to do this?

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[PHP] Includes in your document root (was: Re: [PHP] MsSQL PASSWORD())

2002-02-11 Thread bvr

In that case, forget what I said ';)

But since you can't say this enough, here is it once more:

*** Always remember to keep those includes *out of* your document root;

This prevents accidental displaying of source code or
(which I heard on this list could even be worse) out-of-context execution.


On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:09:38 +1000, Liam MacKenzie wrote:

I think by saying under the webserver root, he means any directory below
it.  For instance, if you webserver root was /www/root, put it here: /www

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Re: [PHP] How to find out what country the visitor comes from

2002-02-08 Thread bvr

The way Google determines what language to use is by checking the
Accept-Language header which is added by your browser.

The value of this request header is stored automatically in the $_SERVER
array. Check with phpinfo() or print_r($_SERVER);

Although IP may be more reliable to determine the local language of the 
visitor's country, it may not at all be the *preferred* language of the visitor.

This way the user still has full control over what language is used through
browser settings.


On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 12:56:52 -, Jon Farmer wrote:

One you have the IP you need to do a whois on the RIPE database to work out
who the IP is assigned to and which country they are in.

 I'm trying to find out what country the visitor comes from to offer them
 suitable language (like does) but I haven't found a method
 that works 100%. What I have come up with so far is to use




 Sometime I get domain which does the job (and that works) but often I
 get just IP number which leaves me out in the cold. Is there any other
 way to capture the visitors country?

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Re: [PHP] determining script url

2002-02-08 Thread bvr

I'd say you should store the base url of your site in a variable somewhere.

then append the REQUEST_URI and you have the url.

or ..

and you might need some other variables to make it recognize SSL and
prefix with httpS ..


How can I get the full URL of the currently running script? $DOCUMENT_ROOT is not 
what I need, instead I need the url (be it domain if exists, or ip if not).  
$SERVER_NAME works but if a domain isn't paired with the server, I could get some 
information (right?).

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Re: [PHP] difference !!??

2002-02-07 Thread bvr


1 is IMO not correct, a string should be quoted.

2 and 3 make no practical difference in this situation,
although 2 is probably somewhat faster because PHP
doesn't substitute variables with their value when they're 
within single quotes.

for code readability it is probaby best if you always use double quotes,
and only if it saves a whole lot of escaping $'s and double quotes within
the string use single quotes.

note that if you like to include both single and double quotes in a long
string (HTML for example) but still want to be able to use variables
in it, you can use 'heredoc notation'.


On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 10:05:18 +0100, B. Verbeek wrote:


What's the difference between:

1.- $row[column_name];
2.- $row['column_name'];
3.- $row[column_name];

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Re: [PHP] show something

2002-02-06 Thread bvr

By default, PHP's output is buffered.

To disable output buffering use


somewhere in your script.

This flushes previous output to the client and disables buffering.

For more info look at the manual's chapter on 'Output buffering'.


On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 09:32:29 +0200, val petruchek wrote:

Hello, list!

I've php script that works for seveeral minutes (3-5) - it indexes my site
and when page is indexed it echoes a one-row table (page bla.bla.bla
indexed). But browser shows it only when it gets all the page.

I want it to show line by line... I know it can be done in perl

How can this be done in php: sending to a browser parts of html generated?

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Re: [PHP] socket - e-mailaddress validation

2002-02-06 Thread bvr

Yes, this is possible.

However you would need to connect to the users mailserver instead of just the domain.

Use getmxrr() to retrieve the mail exchanger associated with the domain.

To check if the user is accepted on that server you can issue a RCPT TO: command
on it and see what happens.

Also you can use a local SMTP server that supports the VRFY (verify) command to check
if the address is accepted.

Google for 'RFC SMTP' for more details on the SMTP protocol.


On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 11:05:31 +0100, B. Verbeek wrote:


Is it possible to validate an e-mailaddress by opening a socket-connection
to the specified domein ( and then search for username
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to validate an e-mailaddress?

I know how to set up a socket-connection, but how do I search for the user
in the given domain?


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Re: [PHP] Check if var is a domain name

2002-02-06 Thread bvr

You can online check for a valid domain using

if (checkdnsrr($mydomain, SOA))
echo(is valid domain);

note that CAN be a valid domain also.


On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 07:59:22 -0800, Brandon Orther wrote:

Does anyone know a function or how I could make a function to check a
variable for being a valid domain name without the www. http://www./
 In fron of it?
Ex. $var =   that would be TRUE
Ex2. $var =   that would be FALSE
Ex3. $var = My Great Domain   that would be FALSE
And so on.
Does anyone have a function that makes sure there are no illegal
characters and there is a period in the middle of the text?
Brandon Orther 
WebIntellects Design/Development Manager


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Re: [PHP] how to pass value from popup window to php program

2002-02-06 Thread bvr

For info on JavaScript functions, like use google to find resources.

For passing back values to PHP you need a script that does 2 things:

- Ask for the email address
- Handle the address with PHP

Because PHP will not wait for a user to put in it's e-mail address,
these are two separate pieces of code.

You can do this for example by checking if the email address has
been entered:

?php // myscript.phtml

if ($email)
// Part 1
} else
// Part 2

Part 1 handles the email address the way you want

Part 2 can be done in a number of ways, as long as the e-mail address
gets entered and send back to the script.

A simple way is using a form:

FORM ACTION=myscript.phtml

But you could also use JavaScript to create a dialog
and 'redirect' to your script, passing the email address
in the URL, probably something like:

  email = prompt(Please enter your address);
  document.window.location.href = myscript.phtml?email= + escape(email);


On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 07:52:46 -0800 (PST), Zhunbao Zhi wrote:

it can be done, i really do not know how to produce
the popup window and how to pass value from the popup
window to the php main code.

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Re: [PHP] how to pass value from popup window to php program

2002-02-06 Thread bvr

Storing variables on the client-side using JavaScript
can be done by setting a cookie.

The cookie data will ofcourse be available to PHP when
the next script is executed (for example through a link or redirect).


On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 11:13:01 -0500, Erik Price wrote:

Sounds like if you don't want to do a lot of form-submitting, you'll 
have to use JavaScript to store/display the variable dynamically on the 
client side.  I don't know how to grab JavaScript variables and use them 
as PHP variables, perhaps someone else on the list can help here.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Is this possible?

2002-02-06 Thread bvr

Yes, it's entirely possible to abuse the PHP mailinglist
by sending MySQL tutorials and useless complaints like this one.


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Re: [PHP] Dynamic Dropdown menu question.

2002-02-05 Thread bvr

Lose the single quotes, quoting a single variable is nonsense.

Quotes are used to define strings, it is a feature (called substitution)
of PHP that allows you to use a variable within a string.

The reason it doesn't work is that this subtitution is only performed on
strings enclosed in 's (double quotes).


On Tue, 05 Feb 2002 17:23:06 -0700, Michael O'Neal wrote:
if ($job_id == '$my_job_id') {

echo  selected ;

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Re: [PHP] using HTML objects into PHP code

2002-02-04 Thread bvr

best regards,

eduardo melo
copmuter programmer

Any cops on this list:
watch out for this guy!


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Re: [PHP] How to get the URL into a var?

2002-02-04 Thread bvr

You can get the requested location from:


and use the dirname() function on it.


On Sat, 2 Mar 2002 10:29:09 +0100, Andy wrote:

Hi there,

I am trying to find out which dir the user is browsing. How can I get the
URL into a var? I tryed path_info, but it only returns the filename.

Here is an example:


Should return :


Is this possible??

Thanx for any help

Cheers Andy

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Re: [PHP] Yet another regex question

2002-02-04 Thread bvr


To prevent user input from messing with your query you just need to
escape the characters used to delimit query values.

MySQL for example uses ' (single quote) to delimit values so you should
use addslashes() on all values.

This will make inserting values containing the ' character work and prevent
user input from manipulating your script to run arbitrary queries on your DB server.

The practical thing about MySQL is that it accepts quote delimited values even for
integer fields. However, if you want to make a 'db safe' integer you can use $var = 

For more advanced input validation, regular expressions can be very adequate but I'd 
recommend separating this from previous mentioned 'escaping' which is simply needed
for your DB to function properly and safe.


On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:18:20 -, Simon H wrote:

I'm trying to validate an input form, for database INSERT/UPDATE.  I'm
looking for a couple of Techniques and I cant seem to find examples

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[PHP] strnpos() (was: Re: preg_replace() 'space' the final frontier)

2002-01-31 Thread bvr

Here's a recursive approach using strpos() and it's offset parameter.



function strnpos($haystack, $needle, $occurrence, $offset = 0)
$pos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); // find next occurrence

if ($pos !== false) // needle found
if ($occurrence = 1) // done
return $pos;

return strnpos($haystack, $needle, $occurrence - 1, $pos + 1); // 


On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 00:03:23 -0800, hugh danaher wrote:

Thanks for your input on this.  I'm getting better at php, but it does take
Thanks again,

- Original Message -
From: Mike Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 4:53 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: preg_replace() 'space' the final frontier

 Okay that was quicker than I thought.  Here's the code to find the nth
 occurrance of a string within a string:

 function strnpos($string, $search, $nth) {
  $count = 0;
  $len = strlen($string);
  $slen = strlen($search);
  for ($i = 0; $i  $len; $i++) {
   if (($i + $slen)  $len) { return FALSE; }
   if (substr($string, $i, $slen) == $search) {
if ($count == $nth) { return $i; }
  if ($count != $nth) { return FALSE; }

 It returns the STARTING POINT of the nth occurrance of the string.  If you
 are looking for the first occurrance of the word test and test covers
 positions 10-13, the function returns 10, just like the built-in functions
 strpos() and strrpos().  $string is the string to be searched; $search is
 what you are searcing for; $nth is the number of the occurrance you are
 looking for.

 Hope you all can make use of this!

 Mike Frazer

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Re: [PHP] gd library with GIF support

2002-01-31 Thread bvr


The GIF enabled versions are not officially available anymore
for reasons stated on GD's website .

And even if you were able to get hold of a copy, compiling it against
the latest PHP is not that easy and may become harder in time.

Therefore it would be recommended to avoid problems in the future and
use PNG instead, however, if you want to use transparency in your images
bear in mind that a number of implementations do not support this.
For example the quicktime plugin that handles PNGs in Netscape 4.x .

Unfortunately this makes it impossible to use GD for certain purposes,
I had this problem when I was trying to migrate websites from PHP 3
to the latest PHP 4 and was unable to compile the older GD lib against
PHP versions  4.05pl1 .

Also check this effort to compile later versions of GD with GIF *and* PNG


On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 21:21:53 -0800, Ed Lazor wrote:

I'm trying to play with the gif functions this program supports.  I'm 
having trouble finding it.  Could someone e-mail it to me?

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Re: [PHP] variable function call (Re: [PHP] unset a function?)

2002-01-31 Thread bvr

Hoi Bas,

$func = make_ . $wat; 

$temp = $$func($this);


On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:55:12 +0100, Bas Jobsen wrote:


 Thanks all. I will rename the second function.

Now if have:

else if($wat==anderenaam)$temp=make_anderenaam($this);

But i would prefer something like

How can i do this?



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RE: [PHP] Fwd: PhpSmsSend remote execute commands bug

2002-01-29 Thread bvr

I agree, but it may be usefull to tell those newbies that when you
execute a command from PHP that will get some parameters from an external
source (like a form or a get variable) ALWAYS use the


function to prevent users from executing arbitrary commands.


There's such a large possibility of crappily-written code out
there, I don't know if its worth the traffic on this list
given that it's usually newbies.

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Re: [PHP] Trying to remove bad charactors.

2002-01-28 Thread bvr

Special characters must be escaped with a backslash:

$q = preg_replace(\!, , $q);


$q = preg_replace( preg_quote(!@#$%^*()), , $q);


On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:24:30 +1300, Philip J. Newman wrote:

I'm trying to replace !@#$%^*() with nothing how ever every thing that I try it 
takes out the space too which is bad. Siggestions

$q=preg replace(!,,$q);

Philip J. Newman
Philip's Domain - Internet Project.
Phone: +64 25 6144012

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[PHP] Syntax highlighting through Apache (Re: [PHP] Got a problem I cant figure out)

2002-01-28 Thread bvr

I just thought of this good tip:

To show the highlighted php source without constanly renaming your scripts
you can add the the following to your httpd.conf :

  Alias /src /your/document/root
  LocationMatch /src/*
 ForceType application/x-httpd-php-source

Now, for example to show the source of


you can use



On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 08:27:05 -0400, Miles Thompson wrote:

A goog first step is to rename the page with a .phps extension and display 
it in the browser. The coloring of the text often gives you an idea where 
PHP got turned off or something critical was commented out.

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Re: [PHP] get process id of a script?

2002-01-28 Thread bvr


I remember doing this once under linux:

$pid = readlink(/proc/self);

but there seems to be a special function for it :

$pid = getmypid();


On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 13:26:48 +1300, Matthew Delmarter wrote:

Is there any way to get the process id of a script running on Apache?


Matthew Delmarter

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2002-01-28 Thread bvr

Then why not do this :

   echo(? xml version=1.0 ?);


On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 18:49:18 -0500, Erik Price wrote:

On Saturday, January 26, 2002, at 05:49  PM, ,,, wrote:

 When I have an ? xml version=1.0 ? inside my php script it wont work 
 php parses it as php code.

 Will short_open_tag = Off solve it? I would really like to use ? ? 
 for the
 rest of my php code...there must be a better solution than 

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Re: [PHP] MySQL Newbie

2002-01-28 Thread bvr


You can do the exact same thing but instead of connecting to localhost,
you connect to the remote server.

To do this with the mysql monitor tool, use the -h command line option, followed 
by the hostname or IP of the server.

If you cannot access the online database directly (possibly for security matters)
you can write a simple PHP script that runs your query/queries, upload it to the
server and point your browser to it.

Creating tables and records like you mention is exactly the same this way, since
they're just plain queries.

Ofcourse in both cases you would need a MySQL login that has permission to CREATE,
which is granted separately from INSERT or UPDATE.


On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:49:11 -0800, Ben Clumeck wrote:

How do I use MySQL through the web.  I currently have MySQL running on my
personal PC on WinXP.  I use a command prompt to add tables, add records,
and so forth.  How do I create tables and records when my database is on the

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Re: [PHP] Split files

2002-01-24 Thread bvr

 =Hmm, I'm still come at it from the other way around (all due respect to
 Jason) - but then I don't recall OpSys details, or know if there is a
 utility/tool for the job in your choice of OpSys.

Well unless it's a *really* obscure OS I'm sure there must be some readily 
available file splitter utility. No point doing more work than necessary by 
writing your own file splitting routine :)

Think about a multi-volume archiver, like tar.
Also pkzip, rar and ace have an option to archive without using compression.


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Re: [PHP] delete a file from the server

2002-01-24 Thread bvr

That is indeed very tricky.

You may try this routine:




On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:56:09 +0100, Tommy Straetemans wrote:

I'm new in PHP and i have a question:

How can i delete a file from the server in PHP

Tommy Straetemans

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Re: [PHP] Checking ps aux

2002-01-23 Thread bvr

What is your question ?


On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:30:58 -0500, Alan Todd wrote:

I need to help makeing a script that will ps aux | grep and file to see if
it is running -- if not start it up
i have a pl file running in the back ground and i wanted to check it ..


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Re: [PHP] open/read file/directory and file test

2002-01-20 Thread bvr


You can find the PHP !manual! at

Try searching for open , opendir, readdir .. or whatever other function
you're looking for. 

If that doesn't give you an answer straight away, you could go back to the
manual index and find the appropriate category, like Filesystem functions.

About question 3, I think it depends on what you want, but it's possible to
get the access time of a file; also see chapter Filesystem functions.

Also search the manual for preg (if you didn't figure yet) to see how to
use perl style regular expressions.


On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 04:39:52 -0500 (EST), Juni Adi wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, Juni Adi wrote:

Hi folks,
After meessing up with installation stuffs, now
it's time for PHP code:

1. How to tell PHP to open a file like Perl do

  open (FILE, $file);

2. Same question, this time to open/read a

  opendir (DIR, $dir);


  readdir DIR;

3. Do PHP have a file test like -A $file in Perl?

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Re: [PHP] Edit program

2002-01-20 Thread bvr

Or go to, search for 'PHP'

Sort list by 'number of downloads'.


 Plesae forgive me for asking and OT question.  Can you please recommend an
 edit program, (Freely downloadable).

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Fwd: Re: [PHP] Regex error

2002-01-18 Thread bvr

split() takes a regular expression,

this means you have to escape the | char with a \

like this:

$rgTemp = split(\|,$szTag);


On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:40:25 -0800, PHP List wrote:

Can someone please tell me why the this is happening:

1)   $szTag = test|3;
2)   $rgTemp = split(|,$szTag);
3)   $szTag = $rgTemp[0];
4)   $nItemID = $rgTemp[1];
^line numbers for ref only, not in actual code.

Will give me the error:
PHP Warning:  unexpected regex error(14) in /test.php on line 2

What is an error 14 ?

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2002-01-18 Thread bvr

Maybe anyone volunteers as moderator ??

thought so ;)


On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:16:17 +, Shane Wright wrote:


Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a 
php-advanced ?

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