[PHP] How to approach a new project?

2002-09-18 Thread Wm

I'm trying to work out the best way to approach a new project, and would
appreciate any suggestions/beware ofs from the experienced PHPers out
there.  I want to build a project where I can enter data from a gym routine
online and generate graphs of the data.  I'm not familiar with GDLIB, but is
this something that can help generate a graph from mySQL data?  Is this
project feasible/realistic for a new PHP programmer?

Also, any suggestions on the structure of the mySQL database would be
appreciated.  The general data that would need to be input would be:


Plus several calculations would need to be made, which I could presumably do
with PHP when I extract the data.

Any/all suggestions on how to plan this process would be greatly
appreciated!  I'm hoping to have a sound game plan for beginning this


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[PHP] Handling variables POSTed from form

2002-09-10 Thread Wm

I'm working on a project for a javascript class, but am having trouble with
passing variables.  Unfortunately, I can't do this with PHP (that would be
too easy), but I have to use Javascript to do some calculations and output
based on input from a form on a previous page.  I am trying to understand
what all I would need to access the variables from page one:

index.html -- summary.html -- payment.html -- thankyou.html
Order Form Order Summary  CC infoThank You/Confirmation
(I understand that these will become .PHP pages when I incl the PHP code)

The Order Form page collects 7 variables:
$state, $Widget1, $Widget2, $Widget3, $Widget4, $Widget5, $Widget6

The Summary page needs to do some calculations, but I can't access the
variables (variable undefined... errors) with JavaScript:
$cost1 = $Widget1 * 10.00
$cost2 = $Widget2 * 20.00
$subTotal = ($cost1 + $cost2 + etc...)
$shipping = ($Widget1 + $Widget2...etc) * 0.1   // fixed 10% charge
$tax = $subTotal * 0.08
$total = $subTotal + $shipping + $tax

What I am *trying* to do, for lack of a better idea, is on the Summary page:


From here, I'm not sure what to do.  Do I need to print an array?  Should
this be done in the HEAD of the page?  Can anyone offer any suggestions

THANX for any/all assistance!


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[PHP] Parse errors: path?

2002-09-03 Thread Wm

I'm getting a parse error with this PHP statement:

?php $path = '/usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/.../httpdocs/thumbnails/';
$dir = opendir($path) or die(Could not open $dir);
while ($file = readdir($dir)){
if (stristr($file, 'jpg') || stristr($file, 'jpeg')){
echo A HREF=/enlargements/$file$file/ABR\n;
The browser is showing me the following error though, with a changed path:

Parse error: parse error in
/usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/.../httpdocs/fashion.php on line 144

That's the only PHP in the entire page, so the error has to be in there
somewhere.  My webhost mapped/aliased my old path to a new directory when
they upgraded my server.  Does anyone see any errors in the PHP, or should I
be troubleshooting the path info???


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[PHP] Re: Parse errors: path?

2002-09-03 Thread Wm

Sorry, I was just snipping part of the path to make it shorter.  The ...
is an abbreviation and isn't really in there, in either the code or the
parse error.  Sounds like the problem must be with the path then.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I get no error with that syntax, thats pretty strange, btw why are you
 putting ... into your directory? You shouldn't.

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[PHP] Re: getting directory info

2002-08-28 Thread Wm

This is giving me a parse error:

?php $path = '/usr/local/...full.path.snipped.../httpdocs/thumbnails/';
  $dir = opendir($path) or die(Could not open $dir);
  while ($file = readdir($dir)){
  if (stristr($file, 'jpg') || stristr($file, 'jpeg')){
  echo A HREF=/enlargements/$file$file/ABR\n;

This is the only PHP on the page, so it arguably has to be in the above...


Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

   $path = '/full/path/to/your/jpeg/dir/'; # Be sure it's world-readable!
   $dir = opendir($path) or die(Could not open $dir);
   while ($file = readdir($dir)){
 if (stristr($file, 'jpg') || stristr($file, 'jpeg')){
   echo A HREF=$file$file/ABR\n;

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[PHP] Re: Using localhost is taking me to localhost.com!!! why?

2002-08-28 Thread Wm

shouldn't that just be /localhost/ rather than http://?  Seems like the
http://; part would be telling it to look for an actual website, which
would default to a .com address...


Ryan A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Hi again guys,
Just tried to use http://localhost/ again but as I do so it takes me
http://www.localhost.com tried it in both IE and NN with the same results...

PLEASE help,

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Re: [PHP] Re: Using localhost is taking me to localhost.com!!! why?

2002-08-28 Thread Wm

OK, I learned something today... g   I thought I'd usually seen localhost
specified without the http:// , so I assumed there was a reason.


Glenn Sieb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hey Wm,

 Nothing prevents you from running a webserver on your local host (unless
 course you're on a corporate network where it's generally pooh-poohed by
 the AoH (Admins on High). Lots of developers run local webservers to check
 their work.

 And, since localhost refers to or the local loopback address,
 http://localhost is a perfectly valid URL if one is running a webserver
 trying to connect to that webserver from the same machine it's running on.


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[PHP] Mime types?

2002-08-21 Thread Wm

Is there a resource somewhere that would show what the various MIME types
are?  For a file upload page, I want to include .TIF, .AI, .PSD, etc., in
addition to the standard GIF and JPG types...


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Re: [PHP] Newman Asks, Do i have to use session_name('sid') every ...

2002-07-26 Thread Wm


Tech Support [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 if ( eregi('^[php].*newman.*', $subject)  $docs == unread)
 move_mail_to_folder(deleted Items);

 Jim Grill
 Web-1 Hosting

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[PHP] Re: Free WEB Hosting with PHP and MySQL support

2002-07-24 Thread Wm

If you want to continue to host it yourself, and simply want a stable
address, try this: http://www.dynip.com/.  I've used it for FTP serving
before, and it works very well.


Crimix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Unfortunatelly I changed my ADLS setting from IP static to IP dynamic
 and now nobody, me too, can access to my data.
 My question is if exist a Free WEB Server where I can place my data
 using PHP and MySQL support?
 Thank you and have a nice day

 Tiziano Crimella - Switzerland

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[PHP] mail() function

2002-07-24 Thread wm

hi all,

what has to be configured, and how, on a bsd server to allow the mail()
function to work in php? using sendmail?



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[PHP] passing arrays

2002-05-23 Thread wm


is there a way to pass arrays in forms or in the url?

if i have $myarray=array(one,two,three);

can i pass the whole array at once as opposed to having to pass each
individual element?


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[PHP] fsockopen

2002-04-26 Thread wm

this might be a stupid question, but what the hell...

can a web page be called and diplayed using the fsockopen and
fputs/fgets functions?

so instead of just using a normal href call i use a script and fsockopen
(not header(Location: )  ) etc.?


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[PHP] passing authorization code

2002-04-26 Thread wm


.htaccess file requires user and pass.

anybody know how to pass this info with a script so that the user is
allowed into the directory? not in the url either. not

needs to be transparent.

the reason i want to do this is so that somebody can't path directly to
a .mov file, but so they can click on a link and a script can fetch
the file from the protected directory by passing the user and pass.  the
file needs to be
embedded in the web page.


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[PHP] posting data with curl

2002-03-01 Thread wm

is there a way using curl or another way to post data to a script, but
then to actually
be tranferred to that page? (of course i mean without a submit
buttonan auto post sort of thing) using curl the script seems to
wait for return data and
doesn't give control to the url that the data was passed to

i know this is possible using the submit() function with javascript, but
that won't work
for this situation

any ideas? is there something in curl that i'm missing that will do
i tried followlocation and it didn't seem to work?


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2002-02-18 Thread wm


wondering if anybody has any insight into this.

i have written some PHP scripts that work every single time under http.

under https (we have a valid security certificate) they work every
single time on IE on mac and on NN on mac and pc.

on IE on pc a this page cannot be displayed error (with possible
reasons like your browser needs to be set to accept SSL2 and SSL3 [it is
by the way]) is generated half of the time. the other half it works.

again, it works every time under http.

i have spent literally 10 hours trying to error trap. there is no
pattern whatsover. the exact same data being posted will produce an
error half of the time and will work the other half.

i'm assuming then that this must be some server side config problem???

does anybody have any ideas as to the solution for this?

it's killing me.


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2002-02-18 Thread wm

hi. i actually found some info at
in case anybody in interested. this problem can be fixed.

J Smith wrote:

 Sourceforge has a bit on this, too. Basically, they have a checkbox that
 lets you drop out of SSL after you login, so your username and password
 aren't sent over the wire in plaintext. However, after that, everything is
 plaintext, no SSL at all. Useful if you want to keep your password safe
 during transmission, but it sucks that everything can't be encrypted.

 I haven't had any problems yet myself, but I've included that option in the
 stuff I work on just in case. I'm using apache 1.3.22, PHP 4.1.1 and
 mod_ssl 1.3.22. Seems to work so far, at least. (Although getting Konqueror
 to work it under KDE 2.2.2 is another story...)


 Michael Kimsal wrote:

  Wm wrote:
  We've worked with this several times - it's an issue with IE under
  Windows.  The claim is that it only affect 'high security' (SGP or
  something) but my own experience is that it's always affected.  IE
  just won't work right with SSL if the web server isn't IIS.  You pretty
  much have no choice but to live with it or move to IIS as a server
  Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] curl

2002-02-18 Thread wm

does anybody know how to have the browser serve up the page that is
to using curl?

i mean, instead of the script waiting for the results, is there a way to
jump to that
url like with a form post?

is there a setopt for this?


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[PHP] curl question

2002-02-07 Thread wm

hi. i've been experimenting with curl and it has been working great. i
wondering though if anybody knows why an extra 0 value is being tacked

on to the end of the post.

here is the example:

$test=i hope this worked;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, http://www.mydomain.com/testing.php;);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, v1=$testv2=20v3=30);


and then the testing.php is:


echo $v1 $v2 $v3;


the output, however is:

i hope this worked 20 30 0

how do i get rid of the extra 0? i'm not sure i need to for my purposes,
but i am


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[PHP] opening a ssl socket...

2002-02-07 Thread wm


i need to be able to open an ssl 'plus' socket (authorize.net told me
this) to post
data. i can use curl to post data, but how do i use curl to open an ssl
'plus' socket?


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[PHP] secure form handling

2002-02-06 Thread wm


i'm fairly new to this.

what i want to do is use a form so the user can specify a few different
of things they want to buy. maybe a few radio buttons with dollar
amounts and
then possibly a couple of quantity fields for items.

this can then be passed to a script and total added up etc. and the user

can input
their billing data. what i don't want is for the user to be able to see
the amount of
the transaction in the source code in a hidden field.

how do i hide this data while still passing it to the credit card script

along with all
the other info?


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Re: [PHP] secure form handling

2002-02-06 Thread wm


Cc Zona wrote:


   Sorry, perhaps I've misunderstood. You would like to charge a customer's
   card without the customer knowing how much you're charging them?

  i want the user to be able to see the amount being charged on the
  screen, but not to be able to view it in a hidden field in the source
  code. most shopping cart applications are like this.

 What would be the point of that?  If they can see it onscreen anyway (as
 they should), why hide it in the source?

 Could you point out some URLs where there are shopping carts like this?


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[PHP] auto form submit

2001-11-20 Thread wm

hi all,

if i pass data through a form (post) to a php script(script must be
separate from form)

is there a way that this php script can then forward that data to
another script without
attaching it to the end of the url?


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[PHP] browser detection

2001-09-25 Thread wm

hi all,

anybody know the function for browser detection?

what i want to do is set a variable $spacerheight to a value dependent
upon whether the user is on a mac or a pc.

then i can say height=? echo $spacerheight; ? in the html.

i tried using javascript a few diff ways with this and it didn't work.

so, if anybody knows that function or if there is another way, please
me know.


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