Top on Google

2016-07-20 Thread info

I hope you are well.
I was doing some research on your industry and I landed on your website. The 
thing is, it was on Page 2 of Google!
I had a look at some of the other businesses who are currently ranked on Page 1 
and I truly believe you have a better website and a better brand.
The stats show that only 4% of people go to page 2...In other words this no 
man's land.
Long story short, I have created a Website Report which addresses all of the 
technical and web errors on your website that is stopping you from ranking on 
I am happy to send you this website report.
All I want is the chance to talk to you and discuss THE WEBSITE REPORT in 
greater detail and see if there is a good fit for us to work together.
What do you think?

Looking forward to chatting

Senior SEO Advisor
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

[no subject]

2016-03-02 Thread info

Brauchen Sie Geschäft-Darlehen, Privatkredit, landwirtschaftliche Darlehen oder 
Wir haben gute Nachrichten für Sie.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Do you need business loan, personal loan, agricultural loan or project funding?
We have good news for you.
For more info, please Contact: eloan.infoserv...@gmail.comp.R.O

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

[no subject]

2016-03-02 Thread info

Brauchen Sie Geschäft-Darlehen, Privatkredit, landwirtschaftliche Darlehen oder 
Wir haben gute Nachrichten für Sie.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Do you need business loan, personal loan, agricultural loan or project funding?
We have good news for you.
For more info, please Contact: eloan.infoserv...@gmail.comp.R.O

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Apagado de correo electrónico

2015-10-12 Thread Info
Usted no será capaz de acceder a su cuenta de correo electrónico si no 
actualiza dentro de las 24 horas. Este aviso es para informarle de que 
actualmente estamos cerraríamos cuenta de correo electrónico de usuarios 
inactivos. Y le hemos enviado varios avisos para actualizar su correo 
electrónico sin respuesta. Actualización de inmediato.

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

IN TOSCANA NEL CHIANTI VENDO Azienda agricola con casali ristrutturati

2015-04-14 Thread info


*/ /*
* *
*Ubicata in provincia di Arezzo nel Chianti Colli Aretini, *
*con attività di allevamento, maneggio e pensione cavalli, *
* **Tel. 055998182** - **Fax 055998182*
* Casale tipico Toscano, in pietra a vista, tutto ristrutturato, con
travi in legno *
* e pavimenti in cotto. Ubicato nel cuore del Chianti Colli Aretini,
in collina a *
* 315 metri di altitudine, in zona assolutamente NON franosa e NON
alluvionabile. *
* A 5 minuti dal paese di Ambra, a mezza ora da Arezzo e Siena a una
ora da Firenze, *
* a una ora e mezzo dal mare a 2 ore dagli impianti sciistici delle
montagne dell’Amiata *
* e dell’Abetone, a mezza ora dalle terme di Rapolano, a mezza ora
dall’uscita di Monte *
* San Savino o di Valdichiana, dell’Autostrada del Sole A/1. *
* A 4,5 Km. da scuole, negozi e banche ed a 20/30 Km. dall’ospedali
di Siena e *
* Montevarchi.*
* In zona tranquilla ma con ottima viabilità fino alla casa, con
soltanto 150 metri di *
* strada bianca. *
* *
* Coordinate GPS **- Latitudine Nord 43.382257 Longitudine Est
* *
* Descrizione della proprietà*
- *3 Appartamenti, 2 grandi e 1 piccolo per un totale di 310 mq.*
* calpestabili, totalmente ristrutturati, tutti e 3 con cucine in *
* muratura e elettrodomestici e più dettagliatamente: *
* *
* 1 **Appartamento a piano terra con travi in legno e composto da: *
* 2 camere matrimoniali, 1 cameretta, 1 grande cucina in muratura con*
* Tutti gli elettrodomestici, 1 grande soggiorno 2 bagni con doccia e
* vasca, 1 Terrazza di circa 40 mq. 1 giardino di circa 400 mq. *
* Tutto completamente arredato con mobili In stile con la casa.*
* *
* 1 **Appartamento al 1° piano con travi in legno e composto da:*
* 1 grande camera matrimoniale, 1 cameretta, 1 cucina in muratura,*
* abitabile e con tutti gli elettrodomestici, 1 bagno con doccia e
* 1 terrazza di circa 18 mq. 1 giardino di circa 50 mq.*
* *
* 1 **Appartamento a piano terra composto da: *
* 1 soggiorno/cucina in muratura con tutti gli elettrodomestici,*
* 1 camera matrimoniale, 1 bagno con doccia, 1 tipica cantina *
* Toscana, seminterrata di 24 mq. dove si può anche ricavare una *
* Camera o un soggiorno. 1 giardino di circa 70 mq.*
* *
* **Tutti e 3 gli appartamenti di cui sopra sono con ingresso
* *
- *Tutti gli appartamenti sono serviti di acqua calda e fredda,
corrente *
- *elettrica, telefono, internet ADSL e riscaldamento centralizzato
che *
- *può funzionare a GPL oppure a legna o pellet.*
- *Classe energetica G, IPE 165,2 kwh/mq anno*
- *Tipico Antico forno a legna per fare il pane o cuocerci anche altre
- *1 Annesso agricoli per 50 mq.*
- *9 Ettari di terreno dei quali 5 ettari a bosco di quercia e 4*
* ettari di campi a oliveto e pascoli.*
- *2 Piccoli torrenti che a valle delimitano la proprietà.*
- *Posizionata in assoluto silenzio tranquillità e relax, ma non
troppo isolata*
* *
- *Un allevamento di cavalli americani, con 16 Box. *
- * Un tondino per domare i cavalli, che si può adoperare anche come
*Maneggio coperto.*
- *3 ettari di recinti, campo da lavoro in sabbia di 40x25 mt. *
- *Attività di maneggio, scuola di equitazione, allevamento e vendita
* cavalli americani, già avviata da 5 anni con 11 cavalli e tuttora *
* funzionante che porta un reddito netto di 20.000 € all’anno già
detratte *
* tutte le spese e già compreso anche il costo di un dipendente
fisso. *
* *
*- L’azienda è riconosciuta come Azienda Agricola ed usufruisce di
tutte *
* l’agevolazioni fiscali e tributarie che hanno l’aziende
agricole, ma può anche *
* essere usata come casa privata abitativa, casa vacanze, BB o
*- Oltre quanto sopra, la regione Toscana, a questo tipo di aziende
agricole di *
* questa zona, da dei contributi a fondo perduto del 30% per:
* degli immobili, ampliamenti o costruzioni sia edili che in legno ma
inerenti *
* l’attività agricola o di agriturismo, nuovi impianti stabili di
produzioni o*
* lavorazioni agricole, ammodernamenti in genere, acquisto,
attrezzature, *
* risparmio energetico. *
*- Oltre il contributo di cui sopra che è per tutti, ce ne sono sono
anche altri *
* per, l’imprenditoria giovanile e femminile. *
*- Il profilo produttivo dell’azienda è di allevamento di cavalli o
altro bestiame, *
* ma può essere anche cambiato con la produzione di vino, olio o
* - Tutte le costruzioni sono già state urbanisticamente
*- La proprietà è libera da vincoli o ipoteche.*
* *
* *
* *
* Prezzo 700.000 € trattabili, compreso il terreno, tutto quanto
elencato sopra,*
* più: Box , Tondino/Maneggio coperto, Allevamento, Selle, Finimenti
e Cavalli.*
* *
* *
* *
* Per maggiori informazioni, planimetrie o fotografie scriveteci o
telefonateci *

Re:Listing on Web

2014-10-28 Thread info

I recently sent you an email regarding Listing on Web. And I am expecting
your response please let me know if you would be interested in this.

We can email you more details or schedule a call. We will be pleased to
explain our service in detail.


Best regards,



From: [] 
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 12:23 PM
Subject: Listing on Web



My name is Sam and I am an Online Marketing Expert.

I've been tracking the success of your website while doing some research on
your industry-I'm impressed with your company, but there are some real
opportunities for growth that you currently are missing.

Are you interested in several proven strategies to use SEO or PPC to drive
relevant traffic to your site? In 20 minutes I can show you how to fuel your
brand and generate more revenue from search engines and social networks.  

I'd like to follow up about this with a quick phone call. Can I call you
this week to discuss your campaign?


Best regards,




pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Listing on Web

2014-10-27 Thread info

My name is Sam and I am an Online Marketing Expert.

I've been tracking the success of your website while doing some research on
your industry-I'm impressed with your company, but there are some real
opportunities for growth that you currently are missing.

Are you interested in several proven strategies to use SEO or PPC to drive
relevant traffic to your site? In 20 minutes I can show you how to fuel your
brand and generate more revenue from search engines and social networks.  

I'd like to follow up about this with a quick phone call. Can I call you
this week to discuss your campaign?


Best regards,






pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

FINANZIAMENTI PER AZIENDE e privati cattivi pagatori

2014-06-27 Thread info


*/ /*
* **Con la cessione del 5° dello stipendio o della pensione *
* *
*Si erogano in tutta Italia. Chiamateci per un preventivo gratuito.
Tel. e Fax 055998182*
*Tel. 0559139272*
*o scriveteci a **inf***

* *
* *
*Da erogare tramite un famigliare o un amico, pensionato, o lavoratore
dipendente con contratto a tempo indeterminato.*
Con la sola firma del finanziato anche se coniugato, senza dover
spiegare a cosa serve il finanziamento e senza ulteriori garanzie. 
* *
*Dipendenti pubblici e privati di tutte le**categorie compresi quelli
delle piccole aziende **(con minimo 5 dipendenti)*
*Pensionati di tutti gli enti previdenziali*
*Si erogano fino a 85 anni di età, (termine del finanziamento)*
* *
*Si finanziano anche/:/**/Cattivi pagatori, segnalati in CRIF, con
ritardi di pagamento, prestiti rifiutati di recente, falliti,
protestati, pignorati, stranieri./*
* *
*ALCUNI ESEMPI, (Ma si possono avere anche cifre intermedie di
qualsiasi importo)*
*Erogato** **6.000**€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **80
€** al mese - *T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 10,28%
*Erogato**14.000**€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **180 €
**al mese** -*T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 9,8%
*Erogato**25.000**€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **318 €
**al mese -*T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 9,4%
*Erogato**50.000€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **632 €
al mese - *T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 9,26%
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
Gli esempi di cui sopra, sono riferiti a dipendente pubblico donna con
35 anni di età, 15 anni di servizio con dilazione massima di 120 rate
mensili Gli esempi sopra indicati *sono tutto incluso* e quindi
comprendono il: TAEG, coperture assicurative per rischio vita, perdita
d'impiego, commissioni bancarie o finanziarie. Periodo di validità
del TAEG per pratiche erogate dal 1 Aprile 2014 fino al 30 Giugno 2014
* *
*Questo è l’unico tipo di finanziamento che le banche ancora
approvano **perché sono garantite dall’assicurazioni che nascono
nel finanziamento stesso. L’assicurazioni garantiscono la banca
erogante per il caso morte e perdita posto di lavoro se è un
lavoratore dipendente, solo per il caso morte se è un pensionato.*
* *
*/Noi rappresentiamo 4 banche specializzate in questi tipi di prestiti
e siamo pagati dalle banche che rappresentiamo, quindi per i suddetti
prestiti il cliente, a noi, non ha da darci niente./*
*/ /*
*Noi siamo un’Agenzia Finanziaria e per poter fare questo lavoro
siamo autorizzati da Banca d’Italia con autorizzazione N° A/96056,*
*più Autorizzazione O.A.M. N° A/4587 e autorizzazione IVASS (ex
isvap) N° 000432658*
* *
*Possiamo erogare i suddetti finanziamenti in tutta Italia, e tutto
quanto dichiarato sopra è assolutamente vero*
*/ /*
*Per saperne di più telefonateci o scriveteci a Tel. e Fax 055-998182
Tel. 0559139272 ***

* *
*/VALDARNO CONSULTING/**di Bartalesi Nedo*
*/Finanziamenti e Prestiti/*
*Agenzia finanziaria con autorizzazione Banca d'Italia N° A/96056,
IVASS (ex isvap) 000432658 e OAM A/4587*
*Sede* *- *Via I Poggioli 3 AMBRA - Bucine (AR)
Tel. e Fax 055998182 Tel. 0559139272

Messaggio promozionale con finalità pubblicitarie. Tutti i
finanziamenti sono sempre salvo approvazione della banca o 
della finanziaria erogante. Presso i nostri uffici sono a disposizione
dei clienti, i fogli analitici delle condizioni.

* *
*LAVORA CON NOI NELLA TUA CITTA’ * Si cercano collaboratori
procacciatori d’affari per segnalarci clienti interessati ai nostri
finanziamenti. Lavoro semplice e guadagni subito. Se interessati,
telefonateci o scriveteci a: Tel e Fax 055998182 Tel. 0559139272

Se non vuoi più ricevere email a
href=;clicca qui/a

powered by phpList, --

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list


2014-05-26 Thread info


* Prestiti facili per tutti e subito*
*con la cessione del 5° dello stipendio o della pensione*
* *
*Anche con la crisi, questi prestiti le nostre finanziarie li erogano
* *
*Si erogano in tutta Italia. Chiamateci per un preventivo gratuito.
Tel. 055998182 *
*o scriveteci a ***
* *
* *
* *
*Dipendenti pubblici e privati di tutte le**categorie compresi quelli
delle piccole aziende **(con minimo 5 dipendenti)*
*Pensionati di tutti gli enti previdenziali *
*Si erogano fino a 85 anni di età, (termine del finanziamento)*
* *
*Da erogare tramite un famigliare o un amico, pensionato, o lavoratore
dipendente con contratto a tempo indeterminato.*
* *
*Si finanziano anche/:/**/Cattivi pagatori, segnalati in CRIF, con
ritardi di pagamento, prestiti rifiutati di recente, falliti,
protestati, pignorati, stranierie. /*
*/Questo finanziamento viene erogato/**/ con la sola firma
dell’interessato, senza dover spiegare per cosa gli serve/*
*/il finanziamento e senza ipoteche di nessun genere/* 
* *
* *
*ALCUNI ESEMPI, (Ma si possono avere anche cifre intermedie di
qualsiasi importo)*
*Erogato** **6.000**€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **80
€** al mese - *T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 10,28%
*Erogato**14.000**€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **180 €
**al mese** -*T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 9,8%
*Erogato**25.000**€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **318 €
**al mese -*T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 9,4%
*Erogato**50.000€**Tasso fisso e rate fisse a partire da **632 €
al mese - *T.A.N 6,1% - T.A.E.G. 9,26%
* *
Gli esempi di cui sopra, sono riferiti a dipendente pubblico donna con
35 anni di età, 15 anni di servizio con dilazione massima di 120 rate
mensili Gli esempi sopra indicati *sono tutto incluso* e quindi
comprendono il: TAEG, coperture assicurative per rischio vita, perdita
d'impiego, commissioni bancarie o finanziarie. Periodo di validità
del TAEG per pratiche erogate fino al 30 Giugno 2014

*Questo è l’unico tipo di finanziamento che le banche ancora
approvano **perché sono garantite dall’assicurazioni che nascono
nel finanziamento stesso. L’assicurazioni garantiscono la banca
erogante per il caso morte e perdita posto di lavoro se è un
lavoratore dipendente, solo per il caso morte se è un pensionato.*
* *
*/Noi rappresentiamo 4 banche specializzate in questi tipi di prestiti
e siamo pagati dalle banche che rappresentiamo, quindi per i suddetti
prestiti il cliente, a noi, non ha da darci niente./*
*/ /*
*Noi siamo un’Agenzia Finanziaria e per poter fare questo lavoro
siamo autorizzati da Banca d’Italia con autorizzazione N° A/96056,*
*più Autorizzazione O.A.M. N° A/4587 e autorizzazione IVASS (ex
isvap) N° 000432658*
*/ /*
*Per saperne di più telefonateci allo 055-998182 o scriveteci a

* *
*/VALDARNO CONSULTING/**di Bartalesi Nedo*
*/Finanziamenti e Prestiti/*
*Agenzia finanziaria con autorizzazione Banca d'Italia N° A/96056,
IVASS (ex isvap) 000432658 e OAM A/4587*
*Sede* *- *Via I Poggioli 3 AMBRA - Bucine (AR) 
Tel. e Fax 055998182 -

Messaggio promozionale con finalità pubblicitarie. Tutti i
finanziamenti sono sempre salvo approvazione della banca o 
della finanziaria erogante. Presso i nostri uffici sono a disposizione
dei clienti, i fogli analitici delle condizioni.

* *
*LAVORA CON NOI NELLA TUA CITTA’ * Si cercano collaboratori
procacciatori d’affari per segnalarci clienti interessati ai nostri
finanziamenti. Lavoro semplice e guadagni subito. Se interessati,
telefonateci allo 055998182 o scriveteci a:

Se non vuoi più ricevere email a
href=;clicca qui/a

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pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list


2013-08-22 Thread info info
My name is Miss Sandra damah, female 30 years of a age. I am sending you this 
message believing that you could help me,As a matter of fact, my late father 
was killed recently by the politicians and been the only child, i have given it 
a second thought to re-locate to any were in the world.
Furthermore, i have come to discovered that my late father left up to(9.6m$) 
with 10 kilo grams of gold which is now with one of the Bank  here in Accra 
Your main responsibility is to stand on my behalf with your experience and  
ensure the total evacuation of the funds and the Gold from  where it is secured 
at the moment.

Dear i am counting on you believing that you will give me all your support to 
enable me relocate and after the selling of the gold, you shall assist me 
invest the fund into a profitable business while i forward in my education in 
your country.

Please note that your assistance herein will be of mortal benefit to both of 



pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

TNS Evaluating Research Inc.® (RECRUITING NOW)!

2013-07-01 Thread info

A position is currently available for any individual in the UNITED 
STATES/UNITED KINGDOM/EUROPE who is interested in becoming an evaluator/Secret 


1. Minimal Computer usage skill e.g Desktop, Laptop or Mobile phone.

2. To become a mystery shopper with TNS Evaluation Research you must be over 
the age of 18 and all you need to do is to register with us today by providing 
your details below and start shopping Evaluation!

Kindly reply with the basic information below to get started.

Full Name...
Full Address ...
Zip Code
Mobile/Home number (s)...
Email Address

We're looking for thousands of participants to become mystery shoppers,tell us 
about their experiences in shops, pubs, clubs, hotels and many more places

It is a flexible, fun and rewarding job. There is no charge to become part of 
our teams.

You do not need previous experience, US Applicants would be paid $200 For Two 
Surveys Per Day; $600 for 3 days surveys completed in a week and UK/EUROPE 
Applicant would be paid 200 pounds for two Surveys per Day; $600 for 3 days 
surveys completed in a week

NB: Only participants who replies or responds with their informations above 
would be taken seriously.

If you did not request this subscription, please accept our apologies and 
simply ignore this message.

Warm Regards.
Daniel Brown
Recruitment officer/Payment Co-ordinator
TNS Evaluating Research Inc.®

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Conference Invitation Notice!

2013-05-03 Thread INFO
You are kindly invited to participate in the upcoming International conference
meeting on Human Right and Global Financial Crisis, taking place from 12th to
14th June 2013 here in United States of America, California and in Dakar-
Senegal Africa from 17th to 21st June 2013. Registration is freely open to all
interested participants; please contact the event secretary email for more
information on registration:
If you are a holder of an international passport that may require visa to
enter the United States and Dakar Senegal, you are to inform us when sending
your request for registration, as the organizers of the event is fully
responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistance.
Once again we thank you for taking out your time in your busy scheduled to
attend these conference meetings with us and we hope to see you at the event
Yours faithfully,
Miss. Nancy Jeffrey
Program Coordinator

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Welcome to shoptheme

2013-01-12 Thread info

We provide a lot of template for many purpose such as game portal website, news, sport, business, travelling, entertainment, etc. Let's go our website and choose one of templates that best for you. We pround to welcome youIf you have an interest in writing for us, please use the contact form to get in touch.

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

(pas de sujet)

2012-05-02 Thread info


We manage more 400 foundations and deliver loans

Need of a finacement (5euros-5euros) at a fixed rate of 2 % 
the year


Business Loan
Personal Loan





Nous gérons plus 400 fondations et délivrons prets.

Besoin d'un prêt (de 5euros-5euros) à  un taux fixe de 2% 


notre offre comprend:
Prêt personnel
Prêt Entreprise



pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list


2012-04-20 Thread info
HalloIch freue mich,eine gute Websitefür SievorstellenWirverkaufen hauptsächlichiPhone,Digitalkamera,Computer,gultar, Moto-, PS3Wir führen einegroßeAktivitätvor kurzem,sokönnen wir IhnenbestePreise und kostenloseVersandkosten fürSie
w e b :
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

info services

2012-04-07 Thread info services

Avez-vous besoin d'un prêt commercial? ou un prêt personnel? Fondations Edmond 
de Rothschild vous offre à la fois des prêts entreprises et des prêts 
personnels à taux d'intérêt de 2,5% selon les critères suivants

Choix du montant : à partir 100.000 € minimum

Choix de la durée de remboursement : 3 ans minimum

2,5 % de TEG annuel fixe selon le montant et la durée du prêt

  FONDATIONS EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD veut vous faire profiter. Si vous êtes 
intéressé par notre emprunt contactez 





18 rue de Hesse,  1204 Genève Suisse


Website :

Do you need a commercial loan? or a personal loan? The Foundations Edmond de 
Rothschild offers to you at the same time loans undertaken and personal loans 
with interest rate of 2.5% according to the following criteria

Choice of the amount: to leave 100,000.00 € minimum

Choice of the duration of refunding: 3 years minimum

2,5% of annual TEG fix according to the amount and the duration of the loan

  FOUNDATIONS EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD wants to make you profit. If you are 
interested by our loan contact 





18 rue de Hesse,  1204 Genève Suisse

Website :  www.ebdrf.com___
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list


2012-02-13 Thread info
salve, pkg-multimedia-maintainers
questoè un sito dielettronica,ci sono molti tipidiorologio, iPhone, fotocamere, computer portatile, prezzo è spedizione è gratuita
s i t e: www.
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

hola, pkg-multimedia-maintainers

2011-11-14 Thread info
holaEstoy muy contenta depresentarun buen sitio web,hay clasesmmanyde cámara digital,,moto.watchsi usted está interesadoen nuestros productos, podemos ofrecerel mejor preciopara usted
s i te : bodoeo. com
2011-11-14 23:47:20

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

buen` regalo`

2011-10-09 Thread info
Esta es unabuena noticia para usted,le deseamosunfelizEstaes una buena noticiapara ustedweb : bodoeo.comhay muchos tiposdecámaras digitales, telé, motos.todos nuestrosproductos son nuevos yoriginales,pero podemos ofrecerel mejor preciopara ustedsaludos
2011-10-10 3:56:05___
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

buen día

2011-10-08 Thread info
Bienvenido anuestro sitio webWeb: bodoeo.comque vende principalmenteproductos electrónicos.todos nuestrosproductos son nuevos yoriginales,queson las más grandeswholesellerelectrónica.por lo quepuede ofrecerel 70%de descuento entodos nuestros productos,si usted está interesadoen nuestros productos,póngase en contacto connosotros¿Te gustaríatener un buen día___
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

buen día.

2011-10-07 Thread info
buenas noticias para ustedWeb:rl.comque vende principalmente productos electrónicos originales, como el teléfono mobible, cámara digital, televisión, computadora, scanner.motobike.projector porque el día Chirstmas viene, podemos ofrecer el mejor precio que cualquier otro sitio refiere a
2011-10-8 13:58:02___
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Ardour 3

2011-09-27 Thread info

I agree with Robin, Paul Davis has been explicitly clear on this, I'm
curious as to why there is any packaging of Ardour3 required when it is
now distributed by Paul Davis himself as a universal Linux standalone
binary? Unfortunately various distribution packaging problems (not
necessarily Debian) over the years have played a part in these binary
bundles being created in the first place.

I personally asked about Ardour 3 alphas being included in AV Linux 5.0
and was told in no uncertain terms that A3 alphas or beta were to be

Just thought I'd pass that along.

Regards -GLEN

 On Sep 27, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:

 2011/9/27 Reinhard Tartler
 On Di, Sep 27, 2011 at 14:25:32 (CEST), Jaromír Mikeš wrote:

 I am just curious if exists in team plan to introduce Ardour 3 alpas
 in experimental?

 No, but I'd say If you feel like doing it, go for it!

 Hmm ... Ardour is very complex package and it uses cdbs ...
 I don't dare to work on it just by myself ... somebody else interested



 Please check Paul Davis' Note on packaging ardour3. It has been a
 recurring subject on the linux-audio-dev and ardour-dev email lists.
 In short: No Linux distribution should be packaging Ardour3 alpha

 Certainly it is not illegal do to so but you'll annoy the developers when
 packaging it at this point in time for various reasons.

 This may change with upcoming beta1 - but ask on IRC #ardour or the
 ardour-dev email list before starting that endeavour.


 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Ardour 3

2011-09-27 Thread info
My apologies,

In my previous comment I meant to say Ardour3 alphas and betas were NOT to
be distributed. Just to clarify...


 On Sep 27, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:

 2011/9/27 Reinhard Tartler
 On Di, Sep 27, 2011 at 14:25:32 (CEST), Jaromír Mikeš wrote:

 I am just curious if exists in team plan to introduce Ardour 3 alpas
 in experimental?

 No, but I'd say If you feel like doing it, go for it!

 Hmm ... Ardour is very complex package and it uses cdbs ...
 I don't dare to work on it just by myself ... somebody else interested



 Please check Paul Davis' Note on packaging ardour3. It has been a
 recurring subject on the linux-audio-dev and ardour-dev email lists.
 In short: No Linux distribution should be packaging Ardour3 alpha

 Certainly it is not illegal do to so but you'll annoy the developers when
 packaging it at this point in time for various reasons.

 This may change with upcoming beta1 - but ask on IRC #ardour or the
 ardour-dev email list before starting that endeavour.


 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list


2011-09-18 Thread info
questa è una buona notiziasi vendono soprattutto l'elettronica originale. telefono cellulare, fotocamera digitale, computer.dvd.motorbilke Giorno di Natale è in arrivo, siamo in possesso di un acitvity grande. possiamo offrire il 60% di sconto per i nostri prodotti durante l'attività
2011-9-18 23:28:27___
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list


2011-09-06 Thread info

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Bug#637637: yoshimi: Yoshimi seg faults when started with -j -A option

2011-08-13 Thread info

If I'm not mistaken this bug and another JACK related bug here by the same
reporter are 'avlinux' packages, therefore not packaged by pkg-multimedia.
The yoshimi issue has been reported on the AV Linux forums and seems to
disappear simply by increasing the JACK 'Timeout' to 1000 or more. Yoshimi
is custom packaged in AV Linux and has no dbg package currently.

I append an 'avlinux' package name suffix to all my custom packages, and
would suggest to the reporter to feel welcome to seek assistance on the AV
Linux user forums when there are issues with them since they are not
endorsed or the responsibility of the Debian pkg-multimedia team.

I thought I'd better speak up on this to prevent any misunderstanding. As
always my props and encouragement to the pkg-multimedia team.

GMaq - AV Linux maintainer
AV Linux forum:

 tags 637637 confirmed

 On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Live session user
 Started Yoshimi without options; it didn't appear in JACK. Started with
 -j -A
 option, segfaults.

 I confirm those -j -A options prevent yoshimi to start fine.
 I haven't noticed this before because I use ladish to manage my
 audioMIDI connections, and if launched without options it appears in
 I need some time to investigate further.

 Could you please install yoshimi-dbg and provide a backtrace?

 Alessio Treglia          |
 Debian Developer         |
 Ubuntu Core Developer    |
 0FEC 59A5 E18E E04F 6D40 593B 45D4 8C7C DCFC 3FD0

 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Request for an open dialog between projects

2011-03-31 Thread info
Jonas (Adrian, Benjamin)

I've given this a bit more thought and firstly Jonas don't put too much
weight in the 'mongrel dog' was just a (failed) attempt at
viewing derivatives with a bit of humor. I don't pretend to know what you
like or dislike, just what possibilities are within the Debian framework
to keep things efficient. ;)

Perhaps a combination of all ideas could work like this:

I personally bring pkg-multimedia related bugs to this mailing list from
my users that they report to my forum. That way you deal with only one bug
reporter from AV Linux (me) and the unique identifier that Adrian alluded
to is simply my name on this mailing list and the info I provide. This
also lets me determine if the bug is worth reporting to you or it is
something I can fix or address with the upstream developer to save wasting
your time.

Regarding fixes, like you guys I am personally in contact with many of the
upstream developers as well, for instance I recently have worked closely
with Yoshimi's developer on fixing some bugs on his 0.060 series that you
guys I'm sure will be interested in. In this way I can get help with bugs
and hopefully equally contribute some information to help fix them or make
you aware of upstream developments that you may not have noted yet.

I am preparing my user manual for the 5.0 release and would like to put a
Support section in there to clarify how to get help. To paraphrase our
discussion here I will explain the difference between my packages and
yours and suggest people report all bugs to me first, and then go from
there depending on if it is pkg-multimedia related or not.

Does this sound like a workable arrangement?


 On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 03:03:30PM -0700, wrote:
I truly appreciate what Adrian is proposing and appreciate as always
that willingness to help especially with JACK and ffado etc.

I do understand that an idea like Adrian's somewhat can be seen as a
'slippery slope' and if you let one mongrel dog in from the cold soon
you will have ten of them all with specific needs that differ from
Debian's core mandate.

 Either I lost you or you are confusing who said what:

 Benjamin suggests to tell your users to bypass us and go straight
 upstream with bugs in upstream code.

 I recommend to report all bugs at the upstream level closest to you, the
 way that upstream level prefer to have them reported.

 Adrian suggests that you systematically add a hint that the packages are
 tied to a derived distribution.  I am not against that specifically, but
 am concerned generally that lowers awareness among _end-users_ about who
 are their closest upstream compared to who they are reporting bugs to.

 It seems to me that the mongrel dog you are talking about is derived
 distributions, and that I dislike working with those.  I don't!  I love
 Debian being used - both directly by end-users and by indirectly via
 derived distributions like yours.

 My concern is another: It is to help you as derivative and your users to
 maintain a good relationship with Debian.  Debian consists of a big
 bunch of individuals and teams, not all of them equally happy working
 with bugreports coming from all corners of the world.  Heck, some even
 dislike working on bugs coming from me, even if I am a Debian Developer
 for 10+ years.  One thing I believe helps in communication is to talk
 straight.  Here it means that the person filing a bugreport - end-users
 of your derived distro - are aware that they are using a derivative, and
 that they are filing the bugreport and discussing it with someone who
 are quite likely unfamiliar with that particular derivation and might
 have political opinions against working with derivatives or whatever.  I
 believe it is better to educate end-users about this than to add a tag
 to the initial bugreport.

It is not lost on me that the rigorous and unflinching adherence to
it's ideals and conventions is what make Debian the wonder that it is,
and what makes it the ideal choice for projects like mine.

To be blunt what I am asking really is for you to be aware of my
project and in the infrequent case that a bug report comes your way for
a pkg-multimedia issue to say OK we've heard of it and we'll see if we
can help rather than 'AV Linux...never heard of it, go away!

 If (or when, because it _does_ happen) we say go away to _indirect_
 users of Debian, I believe we violate §4 of the Debian Social Contract:

 Our priorities are our users and free software

 Indirect users are users too, IMO.  Some may disagree and say that only
 direct users of Debian are our users which means it is only our
 priority to talk to _you_ the maintainer of the derivative, not your

 Since Adrian do not suggest to have you always work as proxy between
 your users and us, I feel we basically agree on interpreting as indirect
 users also being our users.  And I recommend to help teach them what is
 the relationship when they report bugs directly

Re: Request for an open dialog between projects

2011-03-30 Thread info

Thanks for taking time to reply and for being willing to examine a course
of action. If there is no further comment from the team I will very
cautiously pass this along to AV Linux users with the clear understanding
of the scope you are talking about.

For your information AV Linux 5.0 is to be released in roughly a month
based on Squeeze (with some Sid/Debian GIT) modifications to be current
with ffado and JACK/JACK Session. Because it will not be Wheezy/Sid based
it should automatically cut down on the need for pkg-multimedia to fix or
maintain it's packages. Although I am praying that the Squeeze Backports
come to fruition to fortify and improve Squeeze's long term viability. I
realize you guys already have much to do.

Thanks for your consideration. -GLEN

 Am Montag, den 28.03.2011, 10:15 -0700 schrieb
 The point of all this background is to pose a question about maintaining
 pkg-multimedia packages in AV Linux. My custom packages in AV Linux all
 have an 'avlinux' suffix appended to them to differentiate them from
 packages, these packages of course I maintain myself. When users have an
 issue with one of your packages I find it a little 'politically' awkward
 to handle. I would very much like an open dialog with pkg-multimedia so
 can have a good working relationship and I would like to be able to
 send users and bug reports that pertain to you without masking the true
 origin of where these reports are coming from. Although I am an arms
 length project that may politically differ from Debian ideals I think we
 have far more in common than these minor differences.

 Here's my opinion: Send users to us if they experience a packaging bug
 or to the (original) upstream developers if it is an upstream bug. For
 small package, you can forward all bug reporters to us. For big
 packages, there's the risk to collect too many bugs without having the
 manpower to process and forward them all.

 Benjamin Drung
 Debian  Ubuntu Developer
 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Request for an open dialog between projects

2011-03-30 Thread info

I truly appreciate what Adrian is proposing and appreciate as always that
willingness to help especially with JACK and ffado etc.

I do understand that an idea like Adrian's somewhat can be seen as a
'slippery slope' and if you let one mongrel dog in from the cold soon you
will have ten of them all with specific needs that differ from Debian's
core mandate.

It is not lost on me that the rigorous and unflinching adherence to it's
ideals and conventions is what make Debian the wonder that it is, and what
makes it the ideal choice for projects like mine.

To be blunt what I am asking really is for you to be aware of my project
and in the infrequent case that a bug report comes your way for a
pkg-multimedia issue to say OK we've heard of it and we'll see if we can
help rather than 'AV Linux...never heard of it, go away!


 On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:53:16PM +0200, Adrian Knoth wrote:
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 09:17:45PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

 Generally I encourage all users of Debian to file bugreports at

I second this.

 Just make sure to mention anything unusual about the installed

Seems useful. Maybe Glenn could ship a custom /etc/reportbug.conf,
adding something like X-AV-Linux: $VERSION

I don't know if it's too much work, and I guess we can derive the use
of AVLinux from the fact that some libs or packages might be called
-avlinux (the list at the bottom of a bug report)

 Well, it would be nice with such hint but really I don't see the need:
 Instead of trying to encourage redistributors to derive even further
 from Debian by hinting explicitly, I would prefer if we all - Debian
 users, redistributors and anyone else helping other users with e.g.
 adding or in other ways distort systems from using
 Debian the way it was tested to be used - clearly tell such users that
 if/when they later run into problems with their systems they are better
 off to a) report back to the mothership but also b) clearly mentions how
 they are off of the mainstream usage pattern, e.g. by simply mentioning
 which derivative distribution or what mixin repository they've used.

   - Jonas

   * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
   * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

   [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Request for an open dialog between projects

2011-03-28 Thread info

I recently noticed the link in the Debian Multimedia Wiki to AV Linux
which I maintain. It is no secret that the excellent work you guys do here
is a huge factor in the growing acceptance of the project. I have also
noted a couple of names of maintainers here are also members of the AV
Linux forum. To give an idea of the relative scope, AV Linux ISO's see
about 10,000 accesses per month, of course this does not indicate actual
successful downloads or end users it simply indicates there is measurable
interest in the project. About 80% of the packages in AV Linux are of
pkg-multimedia origin. The remaining packaging is done by me and includes
some commercial Linux Audio software demos that would not meet Debian's
criteria. I can guess there may be some question as to why I don't just
join pkg-multimedia for the other packaging I do, and the simple answer is
my packaging is narrowly focused and would not meet all Debian standards
and more importantly maintaining a distro by myself has become all I can
currently handle and then some!

The point of all this background is to pose a question about maintaining
pkg-multimedia packages in AV Linux. My custom packages in AV Linux all
have an 'avlinux' suffix appended to them to differentiate them from your
packages, these packages of course I maintain myself. When users have an
issue with one of your packages I find it a little 'politically' awkward
to handle. I would very much like an open dialog with pkg-multimedia so we
can have a good working relationship and I would like to be able to openly
send users and bug reports that pertain to you without masking the true
origin of where these reports are coming from. Although I am an arms
length project that may politically differ from Debian ideals I think we
have far more in common than these minor differences.

I know there is discussion of reviving demudi and I also know AV Linux
would not be a candidate to evolve or adapt into demudi however currently
AV Linux is the only actively maintained Debian non-Ubuntu multimedia
distro out there. I make it a priority with every release to promote and
give pkg-multimedia the attribution you most certainly deserve. I am also
willing to allocate donated funds upstream, for instance to assist with
the proposed Squeeze backports or other purposes, I certainly do not
expect this to be a one-sided relationship.

To summarize I don't expect you to endorse or assist AV Linux only to be
open to maintaining and fixing the pkg-multimedia content within it.
Thanks for taking to time to read and consider this, whatever you may
decide I am grateful for all your efforts and truly and sincerely hope to
increase our collaborative efforts.

Best Regards, Glen MacArthur - AV Linux maintainer.

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

E.U driving licence in only 5 days! Car, bike, trailer, HGV, you pick the category.

2011-03-28 Thread info
E.U driving licence in only 5 days! Car, bike, trailer, HGV, you pick  
the category.

disqualified? Medical renewal coming up? Have you failed your test  
because of nerves on the day. Have you been convicted of traffic  
offences where the judge has unfairly taken your licence away. Have  
you reached the age when you have to retake your test. Do you want to  
have more categories on your licence, ride a motorcycle for example or  
become a truck driver?

This service is for any resident or non-resident of the U.K or E.U. to  
obtain a full driving licence without any tests. So no matter what  
country you are resident or citizen of, we can help. Even if you live  
outside of the U.K or E.U! Once you have a driving licence through us,  
you can exchange it in your OWN country for a local licence. E.U.  
driving licences are accepted 'as is' worldwide for driving and  
exchange. It does not matter what nationality you are!


Yours Sincerely,

DLTransfer  Team
Paralegal Driving Exchange Service

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

E.U driving licence in only 5 days! Car, bike, trailer, HGV, you pick the category.

2011-03-28 Thread info
E.U driving licence in only 5 days! Car, bike, trailer, HGV, you pick  
the category.

disqualified? Medical renewal coming up? Have you failed your test  
because of nerves on the day. Have you been convicted of traffic  
offences where the judge has unfairly taken your licence away. Have  
you reached the age when you have to retake your test. Do you want to  
have more categories on your licence, ride a motorcycle for example or  
become a truck driver?

This service is for any resident or non-resident of the U.K or E.U. to  
obtain a full driving licence without any tests. So no matter what  
country you are resident or citizen of, we can help. Even if you live  
outside of the U.K or E.U! Once you have a driving licence through us,  
you can exchange it in your OWN country for a local licence. E.U.  
driving licences are accepted 'as is' worldwide for driving and  
exchange. It does not matter what nationality you are!


Yours Sincerely,

DLTransfer  Team
Paralegal Driving Exchange Service

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

JACK Session Support within Applications + Squeeze Backports

2011-03-08 Thread info
Hello pkg-multimedia team,

A huge thanks for getting stuff like the new JACK 0.120.1 out so quickly.

A couple of questions:

Are there plans to update to new JACK Session ready builds of apps that
support it like Bristol, Yoshimi, Qtractor etc. in order to have them take
advantage of this functionality either with ladish when it matures or
Qjackctl which already supports it or pyjacksm which is yet another

I also was wondering about the status of pkg-multimedia backports for
Squeeze, is it in the works or are there not sufficient human resources or
sustainable dependencies in light of all the new developments and
libraries in Testing/Sid?

These questions are out of curiosity only and certainly not loaded with
expectations. The team is doing an incredible job and I know many of you
are stretched to the max.

Best Regards, Glen MacArthur - AV Linux Maintainer

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Request for pyjack to be included in pkg-multimedia

2011-03-02 Thread info

As always thanks and a big tip of the hat to all your efforts here, having
all of this great multimedia stuff in Debian is a dream come true.

I recently have been discussing JACK transport and JACK support with the
developers of the Openshot Video Editor who have made incredible strides
in Linux Video Editing. They are starting to examine ways to improve and
enhance the audio side of the app. One of the methods being discussed is
to incorporate JACK transport support which is also on the todo list at
KDEnlive. A key ingredient to making this happen is the 'pyjack' library
which is not currently packaged within Debian. This library has been
successfully used to lock transport with Ardour and Blender and the
Openshot developers have said having it available in Debian (and of course
Ubuntu) would be a big step in the right direction and would make it
available as a dependency instead of an obscure outside librsry. I think
the potential with Blender, KDEnlive and Openshot for development avenues
makes it worthwhile to look into. Of course as a member of this list but
not a maintainer it's easy for me to suggest without knowing exactly what
packaging it entails. I respectfully offer the suggestion for what it's

pyjack project is here:

What do you guys think??

Best Regards, Glen MacArthur - AV Linux maintainer,

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Request for pyjack to be included in pkg-multimedia

2011-03-02 Thread info

Thanks very much for your response and willingness to look into this when
you are so busy otherwise. I have filed a report and named the package
'python-jack' at which point the bugreport utility closed, I'm not sure if
this is normal or not, I will wait for email confirmation, if it hasn't
been filed properly I will make a second attempt.

Thanks again to you and the entire team. -GLEN

 On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 07:14:35AM -0800, wrote:
A key ingredient [...] is the 'pyjack' library

pyjack project is here:

What do you guys think??

 Sure thing.  Sounds promising!

 Please file an RFP bugreport against the pseudo-package WNPP, then -
 if noone else volunteers (I am involved in quite much already) I will be
 happy to help maintain it.

   - Jonas

   * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
   * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

   [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: oom git repo created

2011-02-03 Thread info
Great addition guys, great to see, it's very impressive app. In speaking
to Alex the developer it is still Beta and there are multiple daily
commits, but it's coming along very quickly. Plug in support is pretty
dodgy and LV2 is not a high priority currently. Thanks for getting it into
the system!

 Hi Jonas!

 I've seen you've filed an ITP for openoctave. In the meantime, they have
 their second release, commonly named oom2.

 I guess there will be oom3 one day, hence I decided to name the source
 package oom:

 Let's start the work? ;)


 PS: If you think openoctave would be more appropriate, we can rename
 the project.

 mail: a...@thur.de  PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Debian Multimedia Menus (discussion)

2010-12-23 Thread info


The problem is in my experience that even if you make a menu with
alternative additional sub menus most packagers create their launchers to
strict standards and the end user or distributor has to
manually edit and allocate launchers to the correct submenu. In AV Linux I
have a heavily customized menu built to the freedesktop standards and have
heavily modified /etc/xdg/ but if there is a new or 3rd
party package I haven't prepared for it still ends up in the wrong place.
I think getting something like this to work on all D.E's and with a
variety of package sources would be next to impossible.

Just my .02 input

 On 12/07/2010 04:33 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:

 When working with Multimedia / Proaudio on Linux | Debian, you have a
 lot of small packages installed pretty soon (one task one tool). With
 as consequence a very long list in the menu part for multimedia
 packages. Ubuntu Studio tries to make the situation better by
 providing a 'audioproduction' and 'videoproduction' menu. In my view
 this isn't always a good solution cause some packages are in the wrong
 part, displayed twice and most of the installations do still have a
 long list of applications.

 A quick look at Tango Studio showed that they have more menu parts,
 one for audio mixing plugins and synths etc.

 I thought, isn't there a way to make a better menu by the Debian
 Multimedia Team? A bit like Ubuntu Studio has done e.g. an extra menu
 package you can install if you want to do Multimedia production, but
 then better?

 What do you think?

 Best regards,



 Got no comments so far...

 This is what I'm talking about (brainstorming):



 I split up Multimedia (players) and Sound  Video (production)

 At this point I have 7 extra entries in Sound  Video

1. Audio Editing (Editing, Mixing, Mastering: Audacity, jack-rack,
   lv2rack, guitarix etc )
2. JACK (Jack and Alsa tools like qjackctl, japa, jack_mixer and
   software mixers for alsa audio cards for example)
3. MIDI (Midi tools like Vkeybd, qsynth)
4. Musician (Musescore notation editor, solfege, Chordata, gtklick etc)
5. Recording (DAW: ardour, qtractor)
6. Synth (phasex, yoshimi, puredata, Qutecsound etc.)
7. Video Editing (pitivi, xjadeo, kino etc)

 I tried to keep it as simple as possible, not to many entries and pretty
 broad areas cause every Debian Audio production app should be able to be
 entered in a certain entry...

 If we want this, this means we should make a DebianMultimedia menu like
 the Ubuntustudio-menu package. Moreover, we should make little additions
 to the Desktop files of the Multimedia applications and add new

 A other thing that has to be thought of, is how this all applies to
 other WMs like KDE, XFCE etc. All though, if you create a
 DebianMultimedia-menu, people are free to install it or not...

 Waiting for your response.

 Best regards,


 pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

linuxsampler and liblinuxsampler

2010-12-04 Thread info

I see there are some linuxsampler related packages in pkg-multimedia
however not actual linuxsampler and liblinuxsampler. In my experience the
3rd party packages available from the linuxsampler site are incompatible
with jackd2 due a libjack0 dependency however they work just fine with

Are there plans for jack2 compatible liblinuxsampler etc.? or is there an
issue with the current version?

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Kernel 2.6.36 and libraw1394 2.0.6 wrt Firewire Audio Devices

2010-11-22 Thread info

Please don't misunderstand, Your (the pkg-multimedia team's) work here is
nothing short of incredible during the past Squeeze development phase, I
as a user/3rd party distributor am certainly aware of that as much as
anyone else, I also know that the freeze is beyond the control of
pkg-multimedia and I know the 'Debian' way of doing things. Because SO
much has been accomplished it is frustrating to see Squeeze unreleased
still missing key things like JACK Session and latest ffado, which will
seriously hamper efforts for keen multimedia users to move forward with
Ardour 3 and other important developments which will more than likely
occur before Squeeze is even released.

My complaint was never about your work, it was a frustrated comment on the
unfortunate timing of the freeze in cutting off your work before a more
sustainable plateau was reached. If you or any of the team percieved my
comments to be otherwise I apologize and hope this clarifies my intent.


 Dear Glen,

 Am 21.11.2010 14:23, schrieb
 I'm not sure if libraw1394 falls under your jurisdiction or not but the

 No, it does not:

 latest release (November 1) supports daisy chaining multiple firewire

 A bug requesting upgrading to the latest upstream version has already
 been filed:

 devices on the new firewire stack when used with Kernel 2.6.36. Testing
 AV Linux users has confirmed this.

 Squeeze will ship with linux 2.6.32.

 Note daisy chaining was previously only possible with the legacy

 I've seen some Squeeze exception requests for this that have been flatly
 denied (as Squeeze for multimedia slides hopelessly further into

 Sure, these changes are not targeted at the kernel considered for
 squeeze release anyway and some changes do simply come too late...

 obsolescence) but there seems to be no updates to libraw1394 2.0.6

 Thanks for declaring our team effort for multimedia support in Squeeze

 available in Sid or experimental either. Use of the new stack makes
 supported Audio devices plug and play, the addition of 2.0.6 would
 that to multiple firewire devices being plug and play.

 Thought I'd pass that along.

 Thanks anyway.

   - Fabian

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: Kernel 2.6.36 and libraw1394 2.0.6 wrt Firewire Audio Devices

2010-11-22 Thread info

I don't pretend to be as 'in the loop' as you guys but speaking to Paul
Davis on Ardour IRC a few weeks ago it seemed Ardour was going to migrate
to a self contained binary model (like Renoise or EnergyXT has). If this
coincides with an alpha A3 release then the dependencies etc will be
radically different and compilation not required. I know this is in the
works but not when it will appear.

 On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 07:08:50PM +0100, rosea.grammostola wrote:

 It's then possible to package Ardour3 for experimental, and I think I
 will do once alpha1 will be released.
 Alpha software... do you also provide a 'debug' package for it?

 Would probably make sense. Not that the official ardour version will
 still be ardour2, but outside a freeze, I think we should provide users
 a convenient way to try upcoming stuff.

 This way, we'll also have time to get the packaging right. ;)


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Re: Kernel 2.6.36 and libraw1394 2.0.6 wrt Firewire Audio Devices

2010-11-22 Thread info
Adi, Well hmmm

I can't elaborate much more than that unfortunately, it was not discussed
in specifics but a standalone binary (like the others you mentioned) was
the general idea, Seablade also said something similar on the Ardour forum
recently again without any detail.

A sincere and heartfelt THANK-YOU!!! for the updated JACK and FFADO
stuff, I am still shipping JACK1 to satisfy some 3rd party dependencies
but I'll look forward to it whenever you get to it.

At the risk of sounding stupid (well perhaps stupid-er), I have this
'experimental' line in my sources.list:

deb experimental main non-free contrib
deb-src experimental main non-free contrib

However there doesn't seem to be any of the pkg-multimedia stuff in there
I'm looking for, am I missing another or different experimental

Guidance appreciated, and thanks again for your attention to JACK, FFADO,
and Ardour packaging!

Best -GLEN

 On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 11:00:47AM -0800, wrote:



 I don't pretend to be as 'in the loop' as you guys but speaking to Paul
 Davis on Ardour IRC a few weeks ago it seemed Ardour was going to
 to a self contained binary model (like Renoise or EnergyXT has).

 Could you elaborate on this? I've seen a single line like we're going
 to provide the binary, so we don't have to rely on the distro, but I
 don't know how much work has already been put into this.

 Anyway, there's still the code, and we can at least try and compile on
 our own. Like chromium-browser or openoffice: Debian provides
 self-compiled versions, but the user is always free to pick up the
 upstream provided one.

 For your convenience: I just uploaded updated FFADO and jackd2
 (including jack-session) to experimental. I'll also update jackd1 soon,
 but Paul said something about an upcoming release, so I'll wait a couple
 of days.

 We then try to get this into squeeze-backports, so squeeze-users won't
 need to recompile everything.

 mail: a...@thur.de  PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Kernel 2.6.36 and libraw1394 2.0.6 wrt Firewire Audio Devices

2010-11-21 Thread info

I'm not sure if libraw1394 falls under your jurisdiction or not but the
latest release (November 1) supports daisy chaining multiple firewire
devices on the new firewire stack when used with Kernel 2.6.36. Testing by
AV Linux users has confirmed this.

Note daisy chaining was previously only possible with the legacy firewire

I've seen some Squeeze exception requests for this that have been flatly
denied (as Squeeze for multimedia slides hopelessly further into
obsolescence) but there seems to be no updates to libraw1394 2.0.6
available in Sid or experimental either. Use of the new stack makes ffado
supported Audio devices plug and play, the addition of 2.0.6 would further
that to multiple firewire devices being plug and play.

Thought I'd pass that along.

Regards -GLEN

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

JACK1 to JACK2 wants to rip out all JACK related packages

2010-08-22 Thread info

I have been playing around with both JACK1 and JACK2 for the last little
while. Since I distribute AV Linux I settled on JACK1 because it seemed to
have much better across the board compatibility with a broader range of
both hardware and software. Recently I have been investigating the
inclusion of Ladish (which I think the pkg-multimedia team should also
consider). The main thrust of Ladish development seems to favour JACK2 and
it's included dbus capabilities.

It seems currently if I want to crossgrade from JACK1 to JACK2 all JACK
related packages will be removed?? I was under the impression from
previous experiments that both JACK versions could be drop-in replacements
for each other. Has this changed? Is there a possibility of a dbus enabled
JACK1 within Debian? If I have to I can build my own way around these
issues but I much prefer to work with the pkg-multimedia packages to
ensure future compatibility.

I appreciate the team's time and efforts!

Regards -GLEN

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Adi YAAU Yet Another Ardour Update! 2.8.10

2010-06-16 Thread info

In case you didn't know they have released Ardour 2.8.10 to fix keyboard
shortcuts with LADSPA Plugins. Just passing it along.

Thanks very much for being so on top of the latest Ardour releases!

BTW I have released AV Linux 4.0 and put a nice blurb about the
pkg-multimedia team in the release notes, have a look if you like.

Regards -GLEN

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Hey Adi, Here we go again... Ardour 2.8.9 released!

2010-06-02 Thread info
Hi again Adrian,

Apparently the mute button issue has now been corrected in the source code
and they have an updated release. Thanks again!!

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Hey Adi, Ardour 2.8.8 finally here!!

2010-06-01 Thread info

Just a note for Adrian that Ardour 2.8.8 is here, hopefully in time for
Squeeze. Thanks for all that you guys do!!

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Ardour and the Squeeze Freeze

2010-04-01 Thread info

I'm guessing Adrian will likely be the guy to answer this but here goes:

There has been talk of an Ardour 2.8.8 release in the very near future,
Although I hesitate to second guess Paul Davis this will most likely be
the last release of the 2.X Series since 3.0 seems to be getting closer to
release (who can say for sure).

Anyway the point is it would be nice to see at least the most recent 2.X
series Ardour released into Squeeze, Is there still time if Ardour 2.8.8
materializes in the next week or two? Also good call on JACK2 you
guys...great to see it as an option for Squeeze.

Keep it comin'!

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

Re: What is the multimedia future for Squeeze?

2010-03-21 Thread info

Thanks for the reply,

I'm sorry to have not been more concise with my question,

My question about Stable was semi-rhetorical. Having observed the pattern
of Debian Stable in the past (and yes I was complaining a little wee bit).
Now that there is a dedicated multimedia packaging team I wonder if AV
Linux should continue with Squeeze (less fresh packages, far more core
library stability) and will there be a better representation of multimedia
updates through down to Stable?. Or will I need to continue using Testing
as a base in order to continue keeping pace?.

Does that make more sense?

I'm not even sure if it is an answerable question...but opinions are a
valued response as well.

Thanks, -GLEN

 Hi Glen,

 On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:55:07PM -0700, wrote:

I am a member of this list but not the packaging team, I develop AV
Linux and use your packages from GIT, Unstable and Squeeze regularly.
Last year when I released AV Linux 2.0 based on Squeeze I had to build
about 75% of the Audio applications from source in order to fulfill the
status quo with other Multimedia intensive Distributions. The amount of
ground this team has covered in less than a year is earth-shattering, I
now have less than 10% of my applications outside of the official
Debian channels.

Perhaps in the long term you guys will make me redundant but my user
numbers continue to grow and I have to contemplate what direction to
continue in.

 Perhaps you could see the benefit of maintaining those remaining 10% at

 In other words: Why not join the team - even if your target it a
 derivative of Debian rather than Debian itself?  I could certainly see a
 benefit in working as close together as possible! :-)

I haven't found Debian Testing/Unstable to be a terrible easy thing to
distribute, as a single developer I don't have an extensive breakage
buffering infrastructure like SiduX does and I basically have to tell
my users not to update and provide them with regular updated ISO
snapshots that I have broken and fixed to a point of useability.

 Interesting.  Seriously.

 I have quite some opinions on ways to produce custom distributions based
 on Debian, but that's off topic for this list.  I'd be happy to discuss
 this topic further at the list instead.

Finally to my question(s) much of the current pkg-multimedia
inventory will find it's way into Debian 6.0?

 Do you know about the Debian QA pages?  Have a look here:

 ...and notice the Testing column - that's what will end in next stable
 Debian distribution release, if all goes well.

Also now that there is a pkg-multimedia team in place for the next
stable release will new applications eventually make their way into
Stable? Or will it be the age old pattern of Debian Stable being bliss
for the first few moths of it's release and then being woefully out of
date for multimedia heads?

 Yes, that is exactly how it is: after a few months WHAM! everything is
 old, boring and shitty and everyone are just longing for the next
 release happening ages later.

 Or were you not trolling?  Seems you knew the answer already and really
 wanted to complain.  Perhaps if you rephrase your question it might be
 easier to understand (for me at least).

I wish I could say that Xorg, Udev, Grub2 and other libs have been fun
to work with this past year...but NOT! I'd like to know what to expect
to continue on for the next year. (Or until you guys get rid of me!)

 Again - what is your question here?

 kind regards,

   - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Continuing usage of libwine 1.0.1

2010-01-19 Thread info

Before you read this rest assured I am well aware of the minefield that is
VST support in Linux!

As someone who builds and benefits from your work, I was wondering about
the libwine dependency in any VST related packages like DSSI-VST and LMMS.
My distro (AV Linux) uses the lamaresh repository Wine packages which of
course I don't expect you to support but I can't use your packages for
LMMS or even DSSI-VST without ripping out the existing Wine install. In my
experience libwine 1.0.1 has reduced abilities with VST plugins in
comparison to more recent builds of Wine and although I have noted the
there is a new libwine-unstable none of your existing VST related
packages will use it as a dependency.

Would it be possible to at the very least link to the libwine-unstable
packages or even better allow for regular Wine and Wine-dev packages to
satisfy the dependencies as well?

I wouldn't think that this is an uncommon scenario with many Debian users
let alone AV Linux users to be wanting to use the lamaresh packages
instead of relying on the very outdated libwine 1.0.1.

Lastly does the pkg-multimedia team have a donations link? I would very
much like to send some AV Linux donations (meager as they are) upstream to
the team in appreciation for this unprecedented effort in Linux multimedia
packaging, soon there will be no need for Multimedia-centred Debian
Distros at all. (perhaps that is your goal!?)

Regards -GLEN

pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list