My name is Miss Sandra damah, female 30 years of a age. I am sending you this 
message believing that you could help me,As a matter of fact, my late father 
was killed recently by the politicians and been the only child, i have given it 
a second thought to re-locate to any were in the world.
Furthermore, i have come to discovered that my late father left up to(9.6m$) 
with 10 kilo grams of gold which is now with one of the Bank  here in Accra 
Your main responsibility is to stand on my behalf with your experience and  
ensure the total evacuation of the funds and the Gold from  where it is secured 
at the moment.

Dear i am counting on you believing that you will give me all your support to 
enable me relocate and after the selling of the gold, you shall assist me 
invest the fund into a profitable business while i forward in my education in 
your country.

Please note that your assistance herein will be of mortal benefit to both of 



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