Bug#788050: systemd-fsck : Check disks at each reboot

2015-12-01 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek


On 29-11-15 01:28, Michael Biebl wrote:

Can you boot with systemd.debug-shell on the kernel command line, and
then switch to tty9 while the fsck is running and attach strace to the
fsckd and fsck process?

I want to try this, but for some reason, grub always boots, even if I 
keep SHIFT pressed... This used to work at some point, but now I can't 
edit the command line anymore :( Ah, I see, it's bug #768299... so many 
things stopping to work lately :(

I changed timout to 1, so I should be able to test it next reboot again.

Can you respond to my questions, please?

Kind regards,


Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list

Bug#788050: systemd-fsck : Check disks at each reboot

2015-11-29 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

On 29-11-15 01:28, Michael Biebl wrote:

Am 29.11.2015 um 00:12 schrieb Manuel Bilderbeek:

How can I help?

Describe your setup in as much detail as possible. LVM, RAID, fstab etc.

No RAID, no LVM. I've got a HDD and an SSD. I'm now booting from the SSD.

$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# / was on /dev/sdg1 during installation
UUID=8efc387d-cdc0-496d-8f3c-03cc7f4ac8a5 /   ext4 
errors=remount-ro,noatime 0   1

# swap was on /dev/sdg5 during installation
UUID=0a3f3e1b-1141-4033-b619-ec2f6d62b452 noneswapsw 
  0   0

/dev/sr0/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
/dev/sr1/media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
/dev/sda1   /media/olddisk1 ext4ro,noatime   0   2
/dev/sda6   /media/olddisk6 ext4rw,noatime   0   2
/media/olddisk6/manuel/Music   /home/manuel/Music none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0
/media/olddisk6/manuel/Pictures   /home/manuel/Pictures none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0
/media/olddisk6/manuel/photos  /home/manuel/photos none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0
/media/olddisk6/manuel/Documents  /home/manuel/Documents none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0
/media/olddisk6/manuel/Videos  /home/manuel/Videos none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0
/media/olddisk6/manuel/msx-soft  /home/manuel/msx-soft none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0
/media/olddisk6/manuel/docs  /home/manuel/docs none 
defaults,bind,rw   0   0

As you can see I'm bind-mounting some dirs from my HDD (which is 
olddisk6) into my homedir.

Can you reproduce the issue with arbitrary mounts?

Um, not sure, how do I test that exactly?

Can you reproduce the issue with a minimal setup? On a different system?

I don't have another system to test with. I don't know how to go to a 
'minimal setup'.

Do you have any hints how we can reproduce it?

I didn't do anything special for it, as I said, just dist-upgrading 
daily. But this was one of the first times the fsck was due for that 
disk after the reinstall on the SSD, I guess.

Does the problem go away if you use "systemctl mask
systemd-fsckd.service systemd-fsckd.socket"

I'll report about that later. But first tell me: what does this do and 
how can I undo it if necessary?

Does journalctl -u systemd-fsckd.service produce anything interesting?

$ sudo journalctl -u systemd-fsckd.service
-- Logs begin at zo 2015-11-29 11:11:00 CET, end at zo 2015-11-29 
14:27:42 CET. --
nov 29 11:11:00 sonata systemd[1]: Started File System Check Daemon to 
report status.

Can you boot with systemd.debug-shell on the kernel command line, and
then switch to tty9 while the fsck is running and attach strace to the
fsckd and fsck process?

I'll try that next reboot.

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX FOR EVER! (Questions? http://faq.msxnet.org/ )
PPS: Visit my homepage at http://manuel.msxnet.org/

Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list

Bug#788050: systemd-fsck : Check disks at each reboot

2015-11-28 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

Hi again,

On 15-11-15 10:06, Michael Biebl wrote:

I saw some workaround and suggestions, but is there already a direction of a
solution of this issue?

I'm afraid not. Not being able to reproduce this issue (on my side)
makes this harder.

Can you reproduce the issue reliably?

As I wrote before, I get this issue *each and every time* I boot my 
system at the moment. So, I'm having a 9.5 minute delay every time I 
start up my PC. (Which is daily.)

This is getting quite annoying, but the plus side is: as I can 100% 
reliably reproduce the issue, I am very much wanting to help you to 
investigate it.

But you need to tell me what I need to do to help you with this issue. 
Which output of which commands do you need? Which tests could we do?

How can I help?

If there's really nothing I can do (and you're sure about that!), I'd 
rather get rid of this long boot delay... I bought an SSD to be able to 
boot quickly and that joy is now totally destroyed! ;-)

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX FOR EVER! (Questions? http://faq.msxnet.org/ )
PPS: Visit my homepage at http://manuel.msxnet.org/

Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list

Bug#804910: systemd: Invisible fsck, looked like a hanging system

2015-11-14 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek


On 14-11-15 14:09, Michael Biebl wrote:

And alternative could be, to attach the output of systemd-analyze and
"systemd-analyze blame" when such a long fsck happens.

I thought I had already done that, but here it is again in full.

$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 3.802s (kernel) + 9min 50.031s (userspace) = 9min 

and blame:

9min 32.488s systemd-fsck@dev-sda1.service
9min 31.695s systemd-fsck@dev-sda6.service
 16.290s rc-local.service
  1.528s apache2.service
  1.065s nmbd.service
  1.024s samba-ad-dc.service
   649ms shorewall.service
   544ms media-olddisk6.mount
   331ms dev-sdg1.device
   325ms ModemManager.service
   271ms systemd-localed.service
   252ms NetworkManager.service
   201ms systemd-hostnamed.service
   175ms smbd.service
   171ms accounts-daemon.service
   168ms home-manuel-photos.mount
   149ms home-manuel-Documents.mount
   116ms systemd-timesyncd.service
   116ms home-manuel-Pictures.mount
   109ms udisks2.service
   107ms systemd-modules-load.service
98ms exim4.service
81ms iio-sensor-proxy.service
80ms console-setup.service
79ms keyboard-setup.service
68ms systemd-udevd.service
65ms polkitd.service
65ms rsyslog.service
64ms timidity.service
62ms alsa-restore.service
55ms minissdpd.service
53ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
47ms home-manuel-Music.mount
39ms networking.service
38ms wpa_supplicant.service
36ms home-manuel-Videos.mount
35ms systemd-journald.service
35ms packagekit.service
33ms irqbalance.service
31ms systemd-logind.service
30ms avahi-daemon.service
29ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
27ms media-olddisk1.mount
25ms user@1000.service
23ms kbd.service
21ms systemd-setup-dgram-qlen.service
21ms home-manuel-msx\x2dsoft.mount
20ms user@116.service
20ms speech-dispatcher.service
16ms pppd-dns.service
15ms systemd-user-sessions.service
15ms dev-hugepages.mount
15ms dev-mqueue.mount
14ms gdomap.service
13ms sys-kernel-debug.mount
12ms gdm.service
12ms upower.service
10ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
10ms colord.service

 5ms rtkit-daemon.service
 5ms systemd-random-seed.service
 5ms systemd-journal-flush.service
 5ms systemd-update-utmp.service
 4ms home-manuel-docs.mount
 4ms systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
 4ms kmod-static-nodes.service
 4ms systemd-remount-fs.service
 3ms systemd-sysctl.service
 3ms systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service

See my first bug report where I already included the top of the blame 
My conclusion was that it was in systemd, so that's why I filed to bug 
against systemd. But I might be wrong :) Your opinion, please! :)

Kind regards,


Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list

Bug#804910: systemd: Invisible fsck, looked like a hanging system

2015-11-14 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek


On 14-11-15 13:49, Michael Biebl wrote:

Please keep in mind, that fsck for / and /usr is run in the initramfs
nowadays and systemd is not yet involved.
Can you boot and removing "quiet" from the kernel command line.
This should give you more log messages from systemd.

OK, I'll try that.

If this is the cause, then please reassign the bug to the proper package.

These kernel options were the defaults so the point is still valid: you 
don't have a clue what's going on as you get no feedback. This should 
not be the case in a default Debian install, IMHO.
So, IMHO: either fsck progress info is NOT something that should be 
suppressed in 'quiet' mode, or mode should not be 'quiet'.

Kind regards,


Pkg-systemd-maintainers mailing list