[Python-modules-team] The Jewish Led Alien Invasion

2009-02-19 Thread Lawrence Auster
Give me your tired, your huddled masses,
Yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
— Emma Lazarus

The influx of Europeans into North America led the Indian populations to 
displacement and eventually to consignation on reservations. Similarly, 
relentless Jewish immigration into Palestine was against the interests of the 
Palestinian people, but it was necessary for the Jewish takeover of the region. 
It laid the foundation for the Zionist State.Any tribe, race or nation desiring 
to preserve its culture, group interests and sovereignty must preserve its 
predominant status in the geographic region in which it dwells. Most nations 
have had a fundamental understanding of that fact from the time of the earliest 
civilizations, and every modern nation has sought strict control of its borders 
and immigration.

Most Americans view the Indian historical record of resistance to European 
colonization as morally justifiable, but in the skewed ethics of today, some 
find European-American attempts to preserve our unique genes and culture from 
non-European immigration - morally reprehensible. Nevertheless, despite 
pervasive propaganda promoting multiculturalism and the media-touted joys of 
diversity, opinion surveys in America show overwhelming opposition to 
unrestricted immigration. Similar public sentiment holds true in every European 

It was not until the 1965 Immigration Act that the U.S. Congress ignored the 
majority’s wishes and began a policy that discriminated against potential 
European immigrants, and encouraged massive non-European immigration. From that 
time forward, the federal government also showed less willingness to enforce 
our immigration laws and police our borders. These policies resulted in a flood 
of non-White immigrants, legal and illegal. Immigration and higher non-White 
birthrates have transformed the American population from almost 90 percent 
European in the early 1960s to less than 70 percent at the end of the century. 
The U.S. Census Bureau has predicted that by the middle of the 21st century, 
well within the lifetime of many reading these words, European Americans will 
be a minority in the United States. We are already a minority in most of 
America’s major cities and will soon be outnumbered in California and Texas. 
Policies similar to those enacted in the U.S. have introduced large numbers of 
non-Europeans into Canada; Negroes into Britain; North Africans and Asians into 
France; Turks into Germany; and a potpourri of alien races into Scandinavia, 
Spain, and Italy.

As I grew racially aware, it was certainly obvious to me that the new 
immigration policies of the United States and Europe would greatly damage 
Western societies. Only a short time after the change in immigration policy, 
crime problems escalated in all the affected nations. The quality of education 
suffered and social welfare problems increased. As this planned racial 
transformation accelerates, these ills will reach catastrophic proportions.

What groups had anything to gain from this demographic Armageddon? The 
individual foreigners who could benefit from the economic opportunities 
afforded by the Western societies had little political or economic clout while 
outside the Western nations. As I looked into the American fight over 
immigration laws during the last 100 years, the driving force behind opening 
America’s borders became evident: It was organized Jewry, personified by the 
poet Emma Lazarus whose lines I quoted to begin the chapter.

By the time I was a junior in high school, I had become convinced that massive 
non-European immigration poised the greatest short and long-term threat to the 
America that I loved. I saw that the Immigration Act of 1965, unless repealed, 
would eventually sound the death knell for my country. Much of the material I 
read pointed to a long history of organized Jewish efforts to radically change 
America’s immigration laws. I contacted Drew Smith, an elderly New Orleans 
attorney who had authored The Legacy of the Melting Pot, and who had already 
taught me a lot about the immigration issue.[869]

Smith and I met one rainy day after school at the Citizens Council offices. He 
explained the history of American immigration law. After quoting the Lazarus 
lines from the base of the Statue of Liberty, he asked me, “Whose interest 
could have been served in having America flooded with ‘wretched refuse’?” He 
quickly answered his own question. “It was in the perceived interest of a 
cohesive people who use racial solidarity like a weapon, a weapon they want 
only for themselves. The efforts to change the American immigration law and 
ultimately displace the European majority has been led almost exclusively by 

Smith explained that Emma Lazarus — like many other immigration activists — was 
a Jewish partisan who supported the creation of an exclusively Jewish Zionist 
state in Palestine, but who supported “diversity” for 

[Python-modules-team] The Jewish Led Alien Invasion

2009-02-19 Thread Lawrence Auster
Give me your tired, your huddled masses,
Yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
— Emma Lazarus

The influx of Europeans into North America led the Indian populations to 
displacement and eventually to consignation on reservations. Similarly, 
relentless Jewish immigration into Palestine was against the interests of the 
Palestinian people, but it was necessary for the Jewish takeover of the region. 
It laid the foundation for the Zionist State.Any tribe, race or nation desiring 
to preserve its culture, group interests and sovereignty must preserve its 
predominant status in the geographic region in which it dwells. Most nations 
have had a fundamental understanding of that fact from the time of the earliest 
civilizations, and every modern nation has sought strict control of its borders 
and immigration.

Most Americans view the Indian historical record of resistance to European 
colonization as morally justifiable, but in the skewed ethics of today, some 
find European-American attempts to preserve our unique genes and culture from 
non-European immigration - morally reprehensible. Nevertheless, despite 
pervasive propaganda promoting multiculturalism and the media-touted joys of 
diversity, opinion surveys in America show overwhelming opposition to 
unrestricted immigration. Similar public sentiment holds true in every European 

It was not until the 1965 Immigration Act that the U.S. Congress ignored the 
majority’s wishes and began a policy that discriminated against potential 
European immigrants, and encouraged massive non-European immigration. From that 
time forward, the federal government also showed less willingness to enforce 
our immigration laws and police our borders. These policies resulted in a flood 
of non-White immigrants, legal and illegal. Immigration and higher non-White 
birthrates have transformed the American population from almost 90 percent 
European in the early 1960s to less than 70 percent at the end of the century. 
The U.S. Census Bureau has predicted that by the middle of the 21st century, 
well within the lifetime of many reading these words, European Americans will 
be a minority in the United States. We are already a minority in most of 
America’s major cities and will soon be outnumbered in California and Texas. 
Policies similar to those enacted in the U.S. have introduced large numbers of 
non-Europeans into Canada; Negroes into Britain; North Africans and Asians into 
France; Turks into Germany; and a potpourri of alien races into Scandinavia, 
Spain, and Italy.

As I grew racially aware, it was certainly obvious to me that the new 
immigration policies of the United States and Europe would greatly damage 
Western societies. Only a short time after the change in immigration policy, 
crime problems escalated in all the affected nations. The quality of education 
suffered and social welfare problems increased. As this planned racial 
transformation accelerates, these ills will reach catastrophic proportions.

What groups had anything to gain from this demographic Armageddon? The 
individual foreigners who could benefit from the economic opportunities 
afforded by the Western societies had little political or economic clout while 
outside the Western nations. As I looked into the American fight over 
immigration laws during the last 100 years, the driving force behind opening 
America’s borders became evident: It was organized Jewry, personified by the 
poet Emma Lazarus whose lines I quoted to begin the chapter.

By the time I was a junior in high school, I had become convinced that massive 
non-European immigration poised the greatest short and long-term threat to the 
America that I loved. I saw that the Immigration Act of 1965, unless repealed, 
would eventually sound the death knell for my country. Much of the material I 
read pointed to a long history of organized Jewish efforts to radically change 
America’s immigration laws. I contacted Drew Smith, an elderly New Orleans 
attorney who had authored The Legacy of the Melting Pot, and who had already 
taught me a lot about the immigration issue.[869]

Smith and I met one rainy day after school at the Citizens Council offices. He 
explained the history of American immigration law. After quoting the Lazarus 
lines from the base of the Statue of Liberty, he asked me, “Whose interest 
could have been served in having America flooded with ‘wretched refuse’?” He 
quickly answered his own question. “It was in the perceived interest of a 
cohesive people who use racial solidarity like a weapon, a weapon they want 
only for themselves. The efforts to change the American immigration law and 
ultimately displace the European majority has been led almost exclusively by 

Smith explained that Emma Lazarus — like many other immigration activists — was 
a Jewish partisan who supported the creation of an exclusively Jewish Zionist 
state in Palestine, but who supported “diversity” for