[Rd] matrix bands

2011-08-26 Thread Jeremy David Silver

Dear R developers,

I was looking for a function analogous to base::diag() for getting and 
setting bands of a matrix. The closest I could find was Matrix::band(), 
but this was not exactly what I wanted for two reasons. Firstly, 
Matrix::band() returns a matrix rather than just the specified band. 
Secondly, Matrix::band() cannot be used for setting the values for a 
matrix band.

Setting or getting a matrix band could be of interest for sufficiently 
many users that you might consider including it in base R. 
Alternatively, something like this could be included in the Matrix package.

I have included two versions of these functions, a simple and naive 
version, and a more efficient version. The band index, n, is positive 
for bands above the diagonal and negative for bands below the diagonal.

Jeremy Silver


## less clear formulation - more efficient
band - function(x,n = 0){
  dx - dim(x)
  if(length(dx) != 2L)
stop(only matrix bands can be accessed)

  max.dx - max(dx)
  n - as.integer(n)

  ij - cbind(i = seq(1,max.dx) - n,
  j = seq(1,max.dx))
  ij - ij[1 = ij[,1]  ij[,1] = dx[1]  1 = ij[,2]  ij[,2] = 

  if(nrow(ij) == 0)
stop('cannot access this matrix band')


'band-' - function(x,n = 0, value){
  dx - dim(x)
  if(length(dx) != 2L)
stop(only matrix bands can be replaced)

  max.dx - max(dx)
  n - as.integer(n)

  ij - cbind(i = seq(1,max.dx) - n,
  j = seq(1,max.dx))
  ij - ij[1 = ij[,1]  ij[,1] = dx[1]  1 = ij[,2]  ij[,2] = 

  if(nrow(ij) == 0)
stop('cannot replace this matrix band')

  x[ij] - value


## simple, clear formulation - not very efficient
band2 - function(x, n = 0) {
  x[col(x) - row(x) == as.integer(n)]

'band2-' - function(x, n = 0, value) {
  x[which(col(x) - row(x) == as.integer(n))] - value

## here are some examples to show that it works

## define a test matrix
 A - matrix(rnorm(12),3,4)
   [,1]   [,2]  [,3]   [,4]
[1,] -1.5560200  0.6452762  1.072565  0.1923451
[2,]  0.7940685  1.2441817  1.699486 -0.2998814
[3,] -0.7762252 -0.4824173 -0.981055 -0.9265627

## access some of the bands

[1]  0.6452762  1.6994858 -0.9265627
[1] -0.7762252
[1]  1.0725649 -0.2998814

## set one of the bands

 band(A,2) - 2:1
   [,1]   [,2]  [,3]   [,4]
[1,] -1.5560200  0.6452762  2.00  0.1923451
[2,]  0.7940685  1.2441817  1.699486  1.000
[3,] -0.7762252 -0.4824173 -0.981055 -0.9265627

## another example - a single column

 A - matrix(1:10)
[10,]   10
[1] 1
Error in band(A, 1) : cannot access this matrix band
[1] 2
[1] 6

## compare the results from the two versions of the function

 for(i in -2:3){print(band(A,i));print(band2(A,i))}
[1] -0.7762252
[1] -0.7762252
[1]  0.7940685 -0.4824173
[1]  0.7940685 -0.4824173
[1] -1.556020  1.244182 -0.981055
[1] -1.556020  1.244182 -0.981055
[1]  0.6452762  1.6994858 -0.9265627
[1]  0.6452762  1.6994858 -0.9265627
[1] 2 1
[1] 2 1
[1] 0.1923451
[1] 0.1923451

## show that the naive version is very slow for large matrices

 N - 1e4
 M - matrix(0,N,N)
   user  system elapsed
  0.005   0.003   0.007
   user  system elapsed
 18.509   2.121  20.754

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] methods() not listing some S3 plot methods...?

2011-08-26 Thread Gavin Simpson
Dear List,

This may be related to this email thread initiated by Ben Bolker last
month: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-July/061630.html

In answering this Question on StackOverflow
http://stackoverflow.com/q/7195628/429846 I noticed that `methods()` was
not listing some S3 methods for `plot()` provided by the mgcv package.
At the time I wanted to check the development version of R as I recalled
Uwe mentioning that `plot.function` was listed by `methods()` there but
not in R2.13.x. I have now compiled the development version on two
Fedora installations and certain plot methods are still not being
listed. Details of the exact revision of R Devel are shown at the end of
this email.

As an example, consider:

Loading required package: mgcv
This is mgcv 1.7-6. For overview type 'help(mgcv-package)'.
 [1] plot.acf*  plot.ACF*  plot.augPred* 
 [4] plot.compareFits*  plot.data.frame*   plot.decomposed.ts*   
 [7] plot.default   plot.dendrogram*   plot.density  
[10] plot.ecdf  plot.factor*   plot.formula* 
[13] plot.function  plot.gam   plot.gls* 
[16] plot.hclust*   plot.histogram*plot.HoltWinters* 
[19] plot.intervals.lmList* plot.isoreg*   plot.lm   
[22] plot.lme*  plot.lmList*   plot.medpolish*   
[25] plot.mlm   plot.nffGroupedData*   plot.nfnGroupedData*  
[28] plot.nls*  plot.nmGroupedData*plot.pdMat*   
[31] plot.ppr*  plot.prcomp*   plot.princomp*
[34] plot.profile.nls*  plot.ranef.lme*plot.ranef.lmList*
[37] plot.shingle*  plot.simulate.lme* plot.spec 
[40] plot.stepfun   plot.stl*  plot.table*   
[43] plot.trellis*  plot.tsplot.tskernel*
[46] plot.TukeyHSD  plot.Variogram*   

   Non-visible functions are asterisked

 pmeth - methods(plot)
 grep(plot.mgcv.smooth, pmeth)
 getS3method(plot, mgcv.smooth)
Error in getS3method(plot, mgcv.smooth) : 
  S3 method 'plot.mgcv.smooth' not found
 pfun - getAnywhere(plot.mgcv.smooth)
List of 5
 $ name   : chr plot.mgcv.smooth
 $ objs   :List of 1
  ..$ :function (x, P = NULL, data = NULL, label = , se1.mult = 1, 
se2.mult = 2, partial.resids = FALSE, rug = TRUE, se = TRUE, 
scale = -1, n = 100, n2 = 40, pers = FALSE, theta = 30, phi = 30, 
jit = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, ylim = NULL, 
xlim = NULL, too.far = 0.1, shade = FALSE, shade.col = gray80, 
shift = 0, trans = I, by.resids = FALSE, scheme = NULL, ...)  
 $ where  : chr namespace:mgcv
 $ visible: logi FALSE
 $ dups   : logi FALSE
 - attr(*, class)= chr getAnywhere

Both `methods()` and `getS3method()` don't list/find this method, but
the function exists in the mgcv name space and this method will be used
via R's S3 dispatch system in `plot.gam()`.

Shouldn't this method be returned by either `methods()` or



R Under development (unstable) (2011-08-26 r56801)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods

other attached packages:
[1] mgcv_1.7-6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.14.0lattice_0.19-33Matrix_0.9996875-3
[5] tools_2.14.0
 Dr. Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
 ECRC, UCL Geography,  [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
 Pearson Building, [e] gavin.simpsonATNOSPAMucl.ac.uk
 Gower Street, London  [w] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfagls/
 UK. WC1E 6BT. [w] http://www.freshwaters.org.uk

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] matrix bands

2011-08-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 Jeremy David Silver j...@dmu.dk
 on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:23:43 +0200 writes:

 Dear R developers, I was looking for a function analogous
 to base::diag() for getting and setting bands of a
 matrix. The closest I could find was Matrix::band(), but
 this was not exactly what I wanted for two
 reasons. Firstly, Matrix::band() returns a matrix rather
 than just the specified band.  Secondly, Matrix::band()
 cannot be used for setting the values for a matrix band.

Yes, but did you not look at  help(band)
or not look carefully enough ?


  See Also:

   ‘bandSparse’ for the _construction_ of a banded sparse matrix
   directly from its non-zero diagonals.

 Setting or getting a matrix band could be of interest for
 sufficiently many users that you might consider including
 it in base R.  Alternatively, something like this could be
 included in the Matrix package.

well, see above and let us know if you see anything lacking in
Till now we haven't got much feedback about it, and there may
well be room for improvement.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich  and co- maintainer(Matrix)

 I have included two versions of these functions, a simple
 and naive version, and a more efficient version. The band
 index, n, is positive for bands above the diagonal and
 negative for bands below the diagonal.

 Regards, Jeremy Silver


## less clear formulation - more efficient
 band - function(x,n = 0){ dx - dim(x) if(length(dx) !=
 2L) stop(only matrix bands can be accessed)

max.dx - max(dx) n - as.integer(n)

ij - cbind(i = seq(1,max.dx) - n, j = seq(1,max.dx))
 ij - ij[1 = ij[,1]  ij[,1] = dx[1]  1 = ij[,2] 
 ij[,2] = dx[2],,drop=FALSE]

if(nrow(ij) == 0) stop('cannot access this matrix

x[ij] }

 'band-' - function(x,n = 0, value){ dx - dim(x)
 if(length(dx) != 2L) stop(only matrix bands can be

max.dx - max(dx) n - as.integer(n)

ij - cbind(i = seq(1,max.dx) - n, j = seq(1,max.dx))
 ij - ij[1 = ij[,1]  ij[,1] = dx[1]  1 = ij[,2] 
 ij[,2] = dx[2],,drop=FALSE]

if(nrow(ij) == 0) stop('cannot replace this matrix

x[ij] - value

x }

 ## simple, clear formulation - not very efficient band2 -
 function(x, n = 0) { x[col(x) - row(x) == as.integer(n)] }

 'band2-' - function(x, n = 0, value) { x[which(col(x) -
 row(x) == as.integer(n))] - value x }

 ## here are some examples to show that it works

 ## define a test matrix
 A - matrix(rnorm(12),3,4) A
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -1.5560200 0.6452762
 1.072565 0.1923451 [2,] 0.7940685 1.2441817 1.699486
 -0.2998814 [3,] -0.7762252 -0.4824173 -0.981055 -0.9265627

 ## access some of the bands

 [1] 0.6452762 1.6994858 -0.9265627
 [1] -0.7762252
 [1] 1.0725649 -0.2998814

 ## set one of the bands

 band(A,2) - 2:1 A
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -1.5560200 0.6452762
 2.00 0.1923451 [2,] 0.7940685 1.2441817 1.699486
 1.000 [3,] -0.7762252 -0.4824173 -0.981055 -0.9265627

 ## another example - a single column

 A - matrix(1:10) A
[,1] [1,] 1 [2,] 2 [3,] 3 [4,] 4 [5,] 5 [6,] 6 [7,]
 7 [8,] 8 [9,] 9 [10,] 10
 [1] 1
 Error in band(A, 1) : cannot access this matrix band
 [1] 2
 [1] 6

 ## compare the results from the two versions of the

 for(i in -2:3){print(band(A,i));print(band2(A,i))}
 [1] -0.7762252 [1] -0.7762252 [1] 0.7940685 -0.4824173 [1]
 0.7940685 -0.4824173 [1] -1.556020 1.244182 -0.981055 [1]
 -1.556020 1.244182 -0.981055 [1] 0.6452762 1.6994858
 -0.9265627 [1] 0.6452762 1.6994858 -0.9265627 [1] 2 1 [1]
 2 1 [1] 0.1923451 [1] 0.1923451

 ## show that the naive version is very slow for large

 N - 1e4 M - matrix(0,N,N) system.time(band(M,2))
 user system elapsed 0.005 0.003 0.007
 user system elapsed 18.509 2.121 20.754

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] matrix bands

2011-08-26 Thread Jeremy David Silver

Thanks for the suggestion, Martin!

I looked at both Matrix::band and Matrix::bandSparse. Maybe I 
misunderstand the help pages and the examples, but from what I can see 
neither of them provides the functionality I was looking for.

For the getter version of the function I was looking for, I can't use 
Matrix::band (by extracting the non-zero elements) because this would 
require the assumption that the specified band is entirely non-zero, e.g.:

band3 - function(x,n){
  x - Matrix::band(x,n,n)
  x[x!=0] ## works for a dense matrix, but not if band n has zeroes

As for the setter version of the function I was looking for, it should 
set the values of a specified band in an existing matrix to be the 
vector of values provided. As far as I understand, Matrix::bandSparse 
constructs a matrix rather than modifying the values of an existing matrix.

The functions included in my last post filled this gap. If Matrix::band 
and Matrix::bandSparse can set/get bands in this way, I would like to 
see how this can be done. If not, then perhaps they could be extended to 
achieve this functionality.

On 2011-08-26 14:08, Martin Maechler wrote:

Jeremy David Silverj...@dmu.dk
 on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:23:43 +0200 writes:

   Dear R developers, I was looking for a function analogous
   to base::diag() for getting and setting bands of a
   matrix. The closest I could find was Matrix::band(), but
   this was not exactly what I wanted for two
   reasons. Firstly, Matrix::band() returns a matrix rather
   than just the specified band.  Secondly, Matrix::band()
   cannot be used for setting the values for a matrix band.

Yes, but did you not look at  help(band)
or not look carefully enough ?


   See Also:

‘bandSparse’ for the _construction_ of a banded sparse matrix
directly from its non-zero diagonals.

   Setting or getting a matrix band could be of interest for
   sufficiently many users that you might consider including
   it in base R.  Alternatively, something like this could be
   included in the Matrix package.

well, see above and let us know if you see anything lacking in
Till now we haven't got much feedback about it, and there may
well be room for improvement.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich  and co- maintainer(Matrix)

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] methods() not listing some S3 plot methods...?

2011-08-26 Thread Martin Morgan

On 08/26/2011 04:44 AM, Gavin Simpson wrote:

Dear List,

This may be related to this email thread initiated by Ben Bolker last
month: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-July/061630.html

In answering this Question on StackOverflow
http://stackoverflow.com/q/7195628/429846 I noticed that `methods()` was
not listing some S3 methods for `plot()` provided by the mgcv package.

Hi Gavin --

In the mgcv NAMESPACE, the methods is not registered with S3method 
(which would have made it appear with a *) and is not export'ed; the 
author of the package apparently intends that it be strictly internal to 
the package. Dispatch works within the package name space, but not 
outside, e.g., a=list; class(a) = mgcv.smooth; plot(a) ends up at 

At the time I wanted to check the development version of R as I recalled
Uwe mentioning that `plot.function` was listed by `methods()` there but
not in R2.13.x. I have now compiled the development version on two

It looks like the cog that has changed between release and devel is the 
addition of export(plot.function) and S3method(plot, function) to the 
NAMESPACE of graphics.


Fedora installations and certain plot methods are still not being
listed. Details of the exact revision of R Devel are shown at the end of
this email.

As an example, consider:


Loading required package: mgcv
This is mgcv 1.7-6. For overview type 'help(mgcv-package)'.


  [1] plot.acf*  plot.ACF*  plot.augPred*
  [4] plot.compareFits*  plot.data.frame*   plot.decomposed.ts*
  [7] plot.default   plot.dendrogram*   plot.density
[10] plot.ecdf  plot.factor*   plot.formula*
[13] plot.function  plot.gam   plot.gls*
[16] plot.hclust*   plot.histogram*plot.HoltWinters*
[19] plot.intervals.lmList* plot.isoreg*   plot.lm
[22] plot.lme*  plot.lmList*   plot.medpolish*
[25] plot.mlm   plot.nffGroupedData*   plot.nfnGroupedData*
[28] plot.nls*  plot.nmGroupedData*plot.pdMat*
[31] plot.ppr*  plot.prcomp*   plot.princomp*
[34] plot.profile.nls*  plot.ranef.lme*plot.ranef.lmList*
[37] plot.shingle*  plot.simulate.lme* plot.spec
[40] plot.stepfun   plot.stl*  plot.table*
[43] plot.trellis*  plot.tsplot.tskernel*
[46] plot.TukeyHSD  plot.Variogram*

Non-visible functions are asterisked

pmeth- methods(plot)
grep(plot.mgcv.smooth, pmeth)


getS3method(plot, mgcv.smooth)

Error in getS3method(plot, mgcv.smooth) :
   S3 method 'plot.mgcv.smooth' not found

pfun- getAnywhere(plot.mgcv.smooth)

List of 5
  $ name   : chr plot.mgcv.smooth
  $ objs   :List of 1
   ..$ :function (x, P = NULL, data = NULL, label = , se1.mult = 1,
 se2.mult = 2, partial.resids = FALSE, rug = TRUE, se = TRUE,
 scale = -1, n = 100, n2 = 40, pers = FALSE, theta = 30, phi = 30,
 jit = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, ylim = NULL,
 xlim = NULL, too.far = 0.1, shade = FALSE, shade.col = gray80,
 shift = 0, trans = I, by.resids = FALSE, scheme = NULL, ...)
  $ where  : chr namespace:mgcv
  $ visible: logi FALSE
  $ dups   : logi FALSE
  - attr(*, class)= chr getAnywhere

Both `methods()` and `getS3method()` don't list/find this method, but
the function exists in the mgcv name space and this method will be used
via R's S3 dispatch system in `plot.gam()`.

Shouldn't this method be returned by either `methods()` or




R Under development (unstable) (2011-08-26 r56801)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods

other attached packages:
[1] mgcv_1.7-6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.14.0lattice_0.19-33Matrix_0.9996875-3
[5] tools_2.14.0

Computational Biology
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N. PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109

Location: M1-B861
Telephone: 206 667-2793

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] matrix bands

2011-08-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 Jeremy David Silver j...@dmu.dk
 on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 15:08:03 +0200 writes:

 Thanks for the suggestion, Martin!  I looked at both
 Matrix::band and Matrix::bandSparse. Maybe I misunderstand the
 help pages and the examples, but from what I can see neither of
 them provides the functionality I was looking for.

 For the getter version of the function I was looking for, I
 can't use Matrix::band (by extracting the non-zero elements)
 because this would require the assumption that the specified
 band is entirely non-zero, e.g.:

 band3 - function(x,n){
x - Matrix::band(x,n,n)
x[x!=0] ## works for a dense matrix, but not if band n has zeroes

 As for the setter version of the function I was looking for, it should 
 set the values of a specified band in an existing matrix to be the 
 vector of values provided. As far as I understand, Matrix::bandSparse 
 constructs a matrix rather than modifying the values of an existing matrix.

Yes, you are right.  The current bandSparse() doesn't do that...
and while you could use constructions like  
diag(A[,-1]) - dd
there will probably better (more efficient) alternatives.

 The functions included in my last post filled this gap. If Matrix::band 
 and Matrix::bandSparse can set/get bands in this way, I would like to 
 see how this can be done. If not, then perhaps they could be extended to 
 achieve this functionality.

That's a good suggestion, and I'll look at it,
further I'll look at your examples of getting ... 
and at the moment I'm still a bit curious why, i.e., to what end
/ in what application you need them [ rather than  band(*,.,.) ].
We may e-talk about this off-public if you want.


 On 2011-08-26 14:08, Martin Maechler wrote:
  Jeremy David Silverj...@dmu.dk
   on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:23:43 +0200 writes:
 Dear R developers, I was looking for a function analogous
 to base::diag() for getting and setting bands of a
 matrix. The closest I could find was Matrix::band(), but
 this was not exactly what I wanted for two
 reasons. Firstly, Matrix::band() returns a matrix rather
 than just the specified band.  Secondly, Matrix::band()
 cannot be used for setting the values for a matrix band.
  Yes, but did you not look at  help(band)
  or not look carefully enough ?
 See Also:
  ‘bandSparse’ for the _construction_ of a banded sparse matrix
  directly from its non-zero diagonals.
 Setting or getting a matrix band could be of interest for
 sufficiently many users that you might consider including
 it in base R.  Alternatively, something like this could be
 included in the Matrix package.
  well, see above and let us know if you see anything lacking in
  Till now we haven't got much feedback about it, and there may
  well be room for improvement.
  Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich  and co- maintainer(Matrix)

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] read.table segfaults

2011-08-26 Thread Göran Broström
  fil2s - read.table(../Data/fil2_s.txt, header = FALSE, sep = \t)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0041c2e1 in RunGenCollect (size_needed=8192000) at memory.c:1514

R version 2.13.1 Patched (2011-08-25 r56798)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8   LC_NAME=C

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

The text file 'fil2_s.txt' is Huge, around 11 million records and 17
variables, but ...?

Göran Broström

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] read.table segfaults

2011-08-26 Thread Göran Broström
Another one:

The 'death.RData' was created about a year ago, but ...? Same info as below.



 *** caught segfault ***
address 0x4e04959, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: match(x, levels)
 2: factor(a, levels = ll[!(ll %in% exclude)], exclude = if (useNA ==
   no) NA)
 3: table(object)
 4: summary.factor(X[[6L]], ...)
 5: FUN(X[[6L]], ...)
 6: lapply(as.list(object), summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12, ...)
 7: summary.data.frame(death)
 8: summary(death)

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace

2011/8/26 Göran Broström goran.brost...@gmail.com:
   fil2s - read.table(../Data/fil2_s.txt, header = FALSE, sep = \t)

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x0041c2e1 in RunGenCollect (size_needed=8192000) at memory.c:1514
 1514        PROCESS_NODES();

 R version 2.13.1 Patched (2011-08-25 r56798)
 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
  [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8
  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

 attached base packages:
 [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

 The text file 'fil2_s.txt' is Huge, around 11 million records and 17
 variables, but ...?

 Göran Broström

Göran Broström

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] read.table segfaults

2011-08-26 Thread Göran Broström
One further note:

No problem with  R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)


2011/8/26 Göran Broström goran.brost...@gmail.com:
 Another one:

 The 'death.RData' was created about a year ago, but ...? Same info as below.



  *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x4e04959, cause 'memory not mapped'

  1: match(x, levels)
  2: factor(a, levels = ll[!(ll %in% exclude)], exclude = if (useNA ==
   no) NA)
  3: table(object)
  4: summary.factor(X[[6L]], ...)
  5: FUN(X[[6L]], ...)
  6: lapply(as.list(object), summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12,     ...)
  7: summary.data.frame(death)
  8: summary(death)

 Possible actions:
 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
 2: normal R exit
 3: exit R without saving workspace
 4: exit R saving workspace

 2011/8/26 Göran Broström goran.brost...@gmail.com:
   fil2s - read.table(../Data/fil2_s.txt, header = FALSE, sep = \t)

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x0041c2e1 in RunGenCollect (size_needed=8192000) at memory.c:1514
 1514        PROCESS_NODES();

 R version 2.13.1 Patched (2011-08-25 r56798)
 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
  [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8
  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

 attached base packages:
 [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

 The text file 'fil2_s.txt' is Huge, around 11 million records and 17
 variables, but ...?

 Göran Broström

 Göran Broström

Göran Broström

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] read.table segfaults

2011-08-26 Thread Scott
It does look like you've got a memory issue. perhaps using 
  as.is=TRUE, and/or stringsAsFactors=FALSE will help as optional arguments
to read.table

if you don't specify these sorts of things, R can have to look through the
file and figure out which columns are characters/factors etc and so the
larger files cause more of a headache for R I'm guess. Hopefully someone
else can comment further on this? I'd true toggling TRUE/FALSE for as.is and

   do you have other objects loaded in memory as well? this file by itself
might not be the problem - but it's a cumulative issue. 
   have you checked the file structure in any other manner?
   how large (Mb/kb) is the file that you're trying to read?
   if you just read in parts of the file, is it okay?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Problem in calling R functions from Matlab

2011-08-26 Thread Vandita Srivastava

I wish to use R (version 2.13.1) from within Matlab(ver R2009a) on windows XP 
plaform (on both 64 bit and 32 bit OS) . For this I have installed 
(http://rcom.univie.ac.at/download/current/statconnDCOM.latest.exe) for calling 
R from within Matlab (R2009a) on Windows XP platform. I have added all the 
files of MATLAB_RLINK folder (downloaded from 
http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5051) into the 
default Matlab working path (D:\User\MATLAB) and also added the folder 
MATLAB_RLINK to the matlab path C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox . It 
seems that Matlab is able to connect to R however I am facing a problem while 
trying to call R functions from within Matlab. I have loaded all required 
libraries. Shown below is the sequence of commands tried in blue, outcomes in 
black and errors/unexpected/ undesired outcomes in red colour, and my comments 
in black,italic  after the command:

 [a b c] = openR

a = 1

b = ''

c = COM.StatConnectorSrv_StatConnector


b = 1 4 9    16    25    36    49    64    81   100

c = 2 5    10    17    26    37    50    65    82   101

I then tried running the Rdemo available on 

evalR('demo(persp)') works well. Also the arithmetic functions all work well:

a = 1:10;


b = evalR('a^2')

evalR('b - a^2');

evalR('c - b + 1');

c = getRdata('c')

However ‘Now copy the volcano data into MATLAB” section and all related 
sessions therefore don’t work.

 volcano = getRdata('volcano')

volcano = []


ans = 0 0


(see the attached figure:surf_volcano_output.jpg)

It seems Matlab is able to read/get data from R. Other subsequent commands 
related to this section don’t work.

I tried looking at the loaded libraries in R and in Matlab. In R everything 
works well, but doesn’t seem to be so in Matlab:

 [a b c] = evalR('.libPaths()')

a = C:/Program Files/R/R-2.13.1/library

b = 1

c =  ''

 [a b c] = evalR('library()')

a =   'ActiveX VT_ERROR: '


    'ActiveX VT_ERROR: '

b = 1

c = ''

 [a b c] = evalR('library(rgdal)')

a = 'rscproxy'













b = 1

c = ''

As it shows that rgdal library is loaded, also the rscproxy library is loaded, 
in addition to all others. I tried following:

imshow(imread('testimg_p.tif')) displays the image properly, however calling 
this from R using rgdal from within Matlab gives error;

 [a b c] = evalR('img - readGDAL(testimg_p.tif)')

a =  []

b =  0

c = Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Object is static; operation not allowed

The command works from R prompt:

 img - readGDAL(testimg_p.tif) 
testimg_p.tif has GDAL driver GTiff 
and has 280 rows and 272 columns

It is giving same error while loading gstat library:

 [a b c] = evalR('library(gstat) ')

a = []

b = 0

c = Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Object is static; operation not allowed

I guess the error is not related to readGDAL or gstat library but something 
else which I am unable to trace. I have also tried to explore if this is 
problem related to version of Matlab/windows 64/32 bit or R version but even 
that does not seem to be an issue. (I have tried this on two differemt machines 
one Workstation with WinXP 64 bit OS with R version 2.13.1and Matlab Version 
7.8.0 R2009a and also on another portable workstation with WinXP 32 bit OS with 
R version 2.12.1 and Matlab Version 7.8.0 R2009a. This indicates that version 
of R or Matlab or win version 64 bit/32 bit does not seem to be an issue.

I also checked for some solution on page 
http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5051 where others also 
faced somewhat similar problem and it was suggested to check for setting R_HOME 
and PATH variables in the environment variables for your system. I understand I 
had followed all instructions carefully and hopefully all paths/R_HOME were set 
correctly, as the command evalR('.libPaths()') recognized R home path 

I request R team to help.

Vandita Srivastava 
Scientist/Engineer SE, 
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing(NRSC), 
ISRO/Department of Space, Govt. of India

Please don't print this Email unless you really need to - this will preserve 
on planet earth.








R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] S3 methods in default namespace

2011-08-26 Thread Michael Lawrence
Hi guys,

Are there any plans for figuring out potential S3 methods and declaring them
with S3method() in the automatic default NAMESPACE?


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] read.table segfaults

2011-08-26 Thread Ben Bolker
Scott ncbi2r at googlemail.com writes:

 It does look like you've got a memory issue. perhaps using 
   as.is=TRUE, and/or stringsAsFactors=FALSE will help as optional arguments
 to read.table
 if you don't specify these sorts of things, R can have to look through the
 file and figure out which columns are characters/factors etc and so the
 larger files cause more of a headache for R I'm guess. Hopefully someone
 else can comment further on this? I'd true toggling TRUE/FALSE for as.is and
do you have other objects loaded in memory as well? this file by itself
 might not be the problem - but it's a cumulative issue. 
have you checked the file structure in any other manner?
how large (Mb/kb) is the file that you're trying to read?
if you just read in parts of the file, is it okay?

  There seem to be two issues here:

1. what can the original poster (OP) do to work around this problem?
(e.g. get the data into a relational data base and import it from 
there; use something from the High Performance task view such as
ff or data.table ...)

2. reporting a bug -- according to the R FAQ, any low-level
(segmentation-fault-type) crash of R when one is not messing
around with dynamically loaded code constitutes a bug. Unfortunately,
debugging problems like this is a huge pain in the butt.

  Goran, can you randomly or systematically generate an
object of this size, write it to disk, read it back in, and
generate the same error?  In other words, does something like

d - data.frame(label=rep(LETTERS[1:11],1e6),

do the same thing?

Reducing it to this kind of reproducible example will make
it possible for others to debug it without needing to gain
access to your huge file ...

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] methods() not listing some S3 plot methods...?

2011-08-26 Thread Gavin Simpson
On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 07:06 -0700, Martin Morgan wrote:
 On 08/26/2011 04:44 AM, Gavin Simpson wrote:
  Dear List,
  This may be related to this email thread initiated by Ben Bolker last
  month: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-July/061630.html
  In answering this Question on StackOverflow
  http://stackoverflow.com/q/7195628/429846 I noticed that `methods()` was
  not listing some S3 methods for `plot()` provided by the mgcv package.
 Hi Gavin --
 In the mgcv NAMESPACE, the methods is not registered with S3method 
 (which would have made it appear with a *) and is not export'ed; the 
 author of the package apparently intends that it be strictly internal to 
 the package. Dispatch works within the package name space, but not 
 outside, e.g., a=list; class(a) = mgcv.smooth; plot(a) ends up at 

Thanks for the explanation Martin. This strikes me as being somewhat
suboptimal and not conducive to studying and understanding code. Now
that I am aware of the distinction I won't be surprised when methods
don't show up.



  At the time I wanted to check the development version of R as I recalled
  Uwe mentioning that `plot.function` was listed by `methods()` there but
  not in R2.13.x. I have now compiled the development version on two
 It looks like the cog that has changed between release and devel is the 
 addition of export(plot.function) and S3method(plot, function) to the 
 NAMESPACE of graphics.
  Fedora installations and certain plot methods are still not being
  listed. Details of the exact revision of R Devel are shown at the end of
  this email.
  As an example, consider:
  Loading required package: mgcv
  This is mgcv 1.7-6. For overview type 'help(mgcv-package)'.
[1] plot.acf*  plot.ACF*  plot.augPred*
[4] plot.compareFits*  plot.data.frame*   plot.decomposed.ts*
[7] plot.default   plot.dendrogram*   plot.density
  [10] plot.ecdf  plot.factor*   plot.formula*
  [13] plot.function  plot.gam   plot.gls*
  [16] plot.hclust*   plot.histogram*plot.HoltWinters*
  [19] plot.intervals.lmList* plot.isoreg*   plot.lm
  [22] plot.lme*  plot.lmList*   plot.medpolish*
  [25] plot.mlm   plot.nffGroupedData*   plot.nfnGroupedData*
  [28] plot.nls*  plot.nmGroupedData*plot.pdMat*
  [31] plot.ppr*  plot.prcomp*   plot.princomp*
  [34] plot.profile.nls*  plot.ranef.lme*plot.ranef.lmList*
  [37] plot.shingle*  plot.simulate.lme* plot.spec
  [40] plot.stepfun   plot.stl*  plot.table*
  [43] plot.trellis*  plot.tsplot.tskernel*
  [46] plot.TukeyHSD  plot.Variogram*
  Non-visible functions are asterisked
  pmeth- methods(plot)
  grep(plot.mgcv.smooth, pmeth)
  getS3method(plot, mgcv.smooth)
  Error in getS3method(plot, mgcv.smooth) :
 S3 method 'plot.mgcv.smooth' not found
  pfun- getAnywhere(plot.mgcv.smooth)
  List of 5
$ name   : chr plot.mgcv.smooth
$ objs   :List of 1
 ..$ :function (x, P = NULL, data = NULL, label = , se1.mult = 1,
   se2.mult = 2, partial.resids = FALSE, rug = TRUE, se = TRUE,
   scale = -1, n = 100, n2 = 40, pers = FALSE, theta = 30, phi = 30,
   jit = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, ylim = NULL,
   xlim = NULL, too.far = 0.1, shade = FALSE, shade.col = gray80,
   shift = 0, trans = I, by.resids = FALSE, scheme = NULL, ...)
$ where  : chr namespace:mgcv
$ visible: logi FALSE
$ dups   : logi FALSE
- attr(*, class)= chr getAnywhere
  Both `methods()` and `getS3method()` don't list/find this method, but
  the function exists in the mgcv name space and this method will be used
  via R's S3 dispatch system in `plot.gam()`.
  Shouldn't this method be returned by either `methods()` or
  R Under development (unstable) (2011-08-26 r56801)
  Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
  attached base packages:
  [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
  other attached packages:
  [1] mgcv_1.7-6
  loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] grid_2.14.0lattice_0.19-33Matrix_0.9996875-3
  [5] tools_2.14.0

 Dr. Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
 ECRC, UCL Geography,  [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
 Pearson Building,