Re: [Rd] [bug report] Cyrillic letter "я" interrupts script execution via R source function

2018-04-09 Thread Tomas Kalibera

Hi Patrick,

thanks for your comments on the bug, just to clarify - one could 
reproduce the bug simply using file() and readLines(). The parser saw a 
real end of file as (incorrectly) communicated to it by lower level 
connections code - there is no design issue related in the parser (nor 
elsewhere), it was a bug in connections code and is now fixed.

You can specify source encoding in "file()" or "source()" to tell R that 
the source file is in that given encoding. R will convert the file 
contents to the current native encoding of the R session. If in doubt, 
please check the documentation ?file, ?source, ?readLines, ?Encoding for 
the details.

The observation that "я" is represented as 0xff (-1 as signed char) and 
R_EOF/EOF is -1 (but integer) was related to the bug, well spotted.


On 08/28/2017 02:24 PM, Patrick Perry wrote:

My understanding (which could be wrong) is that when you source a file,
it first gets translated to your native locale and then parsed. When you
parse a character vector, it does not get translated.

In your locale, every "я" character  (U+044F) gets replaced by the byte

  iconv("\u044f", "UTF-8", "Windows-1251")

[1] "\xff"

I suspect that particular value causes trouble for the R parser, which
uses a stack of previously-seen characters (include/Defn.h):

LibExtern charR_ParseContext[PARSE_CONTEXT_SIZE] INI_as("");

And at various places checks whether the context character is EOF. That
character is defined as

#define R_EOF-1

Which, when cast to a char, is 0xFF.

I suspect that your example is revealing two bugs:

1) The R parser seems to have trouble with native characters encoded as
0xFF. It's possible that, since R strings can't contain 0x00, this can
be fixed by changing the definition of R_EOF to

#define R_EOF 0

2) The other bug is that, as I understand the situation, "source" will
fail if the file contains a character that cannot be represented in your
native locale. This is a harder bug to tackle because of the way file()
and the other connection methods are designed, where they translate the
input to your native locale. I don't know if it's possible to override
this behavior, and have them translate input to UTF-8 instead.



On Mon Aug 28 11:27:07 CEST 2017 Владимир Панфилов


I do not have an account on R Bugzilla, so I will post my bug report here.
I want to report a very old bug in base R *source()* function. It relates
to sourcing some R scripts in UTF-8 encoding on Windows machines. For some
reason if the UTF-8 script is containing cyrillic letter *"я"*, the script
execution is interrupted directly on this letter (btw the same scripts are
sourcing fine when they are encoded in the systems CP1251 encoding).

Let's consider the following script that prints random russian words:


/>/  *print("Осень")print("Ёжик")print("трясина")print("тест")*

When this script is sourced we get INCOMPLETE_STRING error:


/>/  *source('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding = 'UTF-8', echo=TRUE)Error
/>/  in source("D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R", encoding = "UTF-8", echo = TRUE)
/>/  :   D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R:3:7: unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING2:
/>/  print("Ёжик")3: print("тр ^*

Note that this bug is not triggered when the same file is executed using


/>/  *>  eval(parse('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding="UTF-8"))[1]
/>/  "Осень"[1] "Ёжик"[1] "трясина"[1] "тест"*

I made some reserach and noticed that *source* and *parse* functions have
similar parts of code for reading files. After analyzing code of *source()*
function I found out that commenting one line from it fixes this bug and
the overrided function works fine. See this part of *source()* function

*... *


/>/  *filename<- file*
/>/  *file<- file(filename, "r")*
/>/  *# on.exit(close(file))   COMMENT THIS LINE *
/>/  *if (isTRUE(keep.source)) {*
/>/  *  lines<- scan(file, what="character", encoding = encoding, sep
/>>/  = "\n")*
/>/  *  on.exit()*
/>/  *  close(file)*
/>/  *  srcfile<- srcfilecopy(filename, lines,
/>>/  file.mtime(filename)[1], *
/>/  * isFile = TRUE)*
/>/  *} *
/>/  *...*
/I do not fully understand this weird behaviour, so I ask help of R Core
developers to fix this annoying bug that prevents using unicode scripts
with cyrillic on Windows.
Maybe you should make that part of *source()* function read files like
*parse()* function?

*Session and encoding info:*

/  >  sessionInfo()

/>/  R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
/>/  Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
/>/  Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
/>/  Matrix products: default
/>/  locale:
/>/  [1] LC_COLLATE=Russian_Russia.1251  LC_CTYPE=Russian_Russia.1251
/>/   LC_MONETARY=Russian_Russia.1251

Re: [Rd] [bug report] Cyrillic letter "я" interrupts script execution via R source function

2018-04-09 Thread Tomas Kalibera

Hi Vladimir,

thanks for your report - this was really a bug, now fixed in R-devel and 
to appear in 3.5.0.

Apart from the bug, having source files in UTF-8 and reading them into R 
on Windows is perfectly fine, you just need to specify that they are in 
UTF-8. You also need to make sure R is running in Russian locale 
(CP1251) if that is not the default. On my system, this works fine

source("russian_utf8.R", encoding="UTF-8")


On 08/28/2017 11:27 AM, Владимир Панфилов wrote:


I do not have an account on R Bugzilla, so I will post my bug report here.
I want to report a very old bug in base R *source()* function. It relates
to sourcing some R scripts in UTF-8 encoding on Windows machines. For some
reason if the UTF-8 script is containing cyrillic letter *"я"*, the script
execution is interrupted directly on this letter (btw the same scripts are
sourcing fine when they are encoded in the systems CP1251 encoding).

Let's consider the following script that prints random russian words:


When this script is sourced we get INCOMPLETE_STRING error:

*source('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding = 'UTF-8', echo=TRUE)Error
in source("D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R", encoding = "UTF-8", echo = TRUE)
:   D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R:3:7: unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING2:
print("Ёжик")3: print("тр ^*

Note that this bug is not triggered when the same file is executed using

*> eval(parse('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding="UTF-8"))[1]
"Осень"[1] "Ёжик"[1] "трясина"[1] "тест"*

I made some reserach and noticed that *source* and *parse* functions have
similar parts of code for reading files. After analyzing code of *source()*
function I found out that commenting one line from it fixes this bug and
the overrided function works fine. See this part of *source()* function

*... *

*filename <- file*

*file <- file(filename, "r")*

*# on.exit(close(file))   COMMENT THIS LINE *

*if (isTRUE(keep.source)) {*

*  lines <- scan(file, what="character", encoding = encoding, sep

= "\n")*

*  on.exit()*

*  close(file)*

*  srcfile <- srcfilecopy(filename, lines,

file.mtime(filename)[1], *

* isFile = TRUE)*

*} *


I do not fully understand this weird behaviour, so I ask help of R Core
developers to fix this annoying bug that prevents using unicode scripts
with cyrillic on Windows.
Maybe you should make that part of *source()* function read files like
*parse()* function?

*Session and encoding info:*


R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
Matrix products: default
[1] LC_COLLATE=Russian_Russia.1251  LC_CTYPE=Russian_Russia.1251
[4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=Russian_Russia.1251
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.4.1 tools_3.4.1


[1] 1251

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [bug report] Cyrillic letter "я" interrupts script execution via R source function

2017-08-28 Thread Patrick Perry
My understanding (which could be wrong) is that when you source a file, 
it first gets translated to your native locale and then parsed. When you 
parse a character vector, it does not get translated.

In your locale, every "я" character  (U+044F) gets replaced by the byte 

>  iconv("\u044f", "UTF-8", "Windows-1251")
[1] "\xff"

I suspect that particular value causes trouble for the R parser, which 
uses a stack of previously-seen characters (include/Defn.h):

LibExtern charR_ParseContext[PARSE_CONTEXT_SIZE] INI_as("");

And at various places checks whether the context character is EOF. That 
character is defined as

#define R_EOF-1

Which, when cast to a char, is 0xFF.

I suspect that your example is revealing two bugs:

1) The R parser seems to have trouble with native characters encoded as 
0xFF. It's possible that, since R strings can't contain 0x00, this can 
be fixed by changing the definition of R_EOF to

#define R_EOF 0

2) The other bug is that, as I understand the situation, "source" will 
fail if the file contains a character that cannot be represented in your 
native locale. This is a harder bug to tackle because of the way file() 
and the other connection methods are designed, where they translate the 
input to your native locale. I don't know if it's possible to override 
this behavior, and have them translate input to UTF-8 instead.



On Mon Aug 28 11:27:07 CEST 2017 Владимир Панфилов 


I do not have an account on R Bugzilla, so I will post my bug report here.
I want to report a very old bug in base R *source()* function. It relates
to sourcing some R scripts in UTF-8 encoding on Windows machines. For some
reason if the UTF-8 script is containing cyrillic letter *"я"*, the script
execution is interrupted directly on this letter (btw the same scripts are
sourcing fine when they are encoded in the systems CP1251 encoding).

Let's consider the following script that prints random russian words:

/>/  *print("Осень")print("Ёжик")print("трясина")print("тест")*

When this script is sourced we get INCOMPLETE_STRING error:

/>/  *source('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding = 'UTF-8', echo=TRUE)Error
/>/  in source("D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R", encoding = "UTF-8", echo = TRUE)
/>/  :   D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R:3:7: unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING2:
/>/  print("Ёжик")3: print("тр ^*

Note that this bug is not triggered when the same file is executed using

/>/  *>  eval(parse('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding="UTF-8"))[1]
/>/  "Осень"[1] "Ёжик"[1] "трясина"[1] "тест"*

I made some reserach and noticed that *source* and *parse* functions have
similar parts of code for reading files. After analyzing code of *source()*
function I found out that commenting one line from it fixes this bug and
the overrided function works fine. See this part of *source()* function

*... *
/>/  *filename<- file*
/>/  *file<- file(filename, "r")*
/>/  *# on.exit(close(file))   COMMENT THIS LINE *
/>/  *if (isTRUE(keep.source)) {*
/>/  *  lines<- scan(file, what="character", encoding = encoding, sep
/>>/  = "\n")*
/>/  *  on.exit()*
/>/  *  close(file)*
/>/  *  srcfile<- srcfilecopy(filename, lines,
/>>/  file.mtime(filename)[1], *
/>/  * isFile = TRUE)*
/>/  *} *
/>/  *...*
/I do not fully understand this weird behaviour, so I ask help of R Core
developers to fix this annoying bug that prevents using unicode scripts
with cyrillic on Windows.
Maybe you should make that part of *source()* function read files like
*parse()* function?

*Session and encoding info:*

>/  >  sessionInfo()
/>/  R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
/>/  Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
/>/  Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
/>/  Matrix products: default
/>/  locale:
/>/  [1] LC_COLLATE=Russian_Russia.1251  LC_CTYPE=Russian_Russia.1251
/>/   LC_MONETARY=Russian_Russia.1251
/>/  [4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=Russian_Russia.1251
/>/  attached base packages:
/>/  [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
/>/  loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
/>/  [1] compiler_3.4.1 tools_3.4.1

>/  >  l10n_info()
/>/  $MBCS
/>/  [1] FALSE
/>/  $`UTF-8`
/>/  [1] FALSE
/>/  $`Latin-1`
/>/  [1] FALSE
/>/  $codepage
/>/  [1] 1251/

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

[Rd] [bug report] Cyrillic letter "я" interrupts script execution via R source function

2017-08-28 Thread Владимир Панфилов

I do not have an account on R Bugzilla, so I will post my bug report here.
I want to report a very old bug in base R *source()* function. It relates
to sourcing some R scripts in UTF-8 encoding on Windows machines. For some
reason if the UTF-8 script is containing cyrillic letter *"я"*, the script
execution is interrupted directly on this letter (btw the same scripts are
sourcing fine when they are encoded in the systems CP1251 encoding).

Let's consider the following script that prints random russian words:

> *print("Осень")print("Ёжик")print("трясина")print("тест")*

When this script is sourced we get INCOMPLETE_STRING error:

> *source('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding = 'UTF-8', echo=TRUE)Error
> in source("D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R", encoding = "UTF-8", echo = TRUE)
> :   D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R:3:7: unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING2:
> print("Ёжик")3: print("тр ^*

Note that this bug is not triggered when the same file is executed using

> *> eval(parse('D:/R code/test_cyr_letter.R', encoding="UTF-8"))[1]
> "Осень"[1] "Ёжик"[1] "трясина"[1] "тест"*

I made some reserach and noticed that *source* and *parse* functions have
similar parts of code for reading files. After analyzing code of *source()*
function I found out that commenting one line from it fixes this bug and
the overrided function works fine. See this part of *source()* function

*... *
> *filename <- file*
> *file <- file(filename, "r")*
> *# on.exit(close(file))   COMMENT THIS LINE *
> *if (isTRUE(keep.source)) {*
> *  lines <- scan(file, what="character", encoding = encoding, sep
>> = "\n")*
> *  on.exit()*
> *  close(file)*
> *  srcfile <- srcfilecopy(filename, lines,
>> file.mtime(filename)[1], *
> * isFile = TRUE)*
> *} *
> *...*
I do not fully understand this weird behaviour, so I ask help of R Core
developers to fix this annoying bug that prevents using unicode scripts
with cyrillic on Windows.
Maybe you should make that part of *source()* function read files like
*parse()* function?

*Session and encoding info:*

> > sessionInfo()
> R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
> Matrix products: default
> locale:
> [1] LC_COLLATE=Russian_Russia.1251  LC_CTYPE=Russian_Russia.1251
>  LC_MONETARY=Russian_Russia.1251
> [4] LC_NUMERIC=CLC_TIME=Russian_Russia.1251
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] compiler_3.4.1 tools_3.4.1

> > l10n_info()
> [1] FALSE
> $`UTF-8`
> [1] FALSE
> $`Latin-1`
> [1] FALSE
> $codepage
> [1] 1251
__ mailing list