Re: process --files-from filelist as given

2023-12-31 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync

On Sun, 31 Dec 2023 20:28:21 +0100 Roland via rsync wrote:

> apparently, rsync sorts the list of files  provided to "--files-from".

> how can i avoid sorting of that list ?

According to the man, this is not possible. See: SORTED TRANSFER ORDER
that suggest also the --delay‐updates option.

> I want to copy a list of files in specific order

Why ?


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Re: rsync 3.2.7 hangs when --usermap is used and receiver is not a super-user

2023-03-08 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 22:21:28 +0100 Tomasz Chmielewski via rsync wrote:

> After upgrading to rsync 3.2.7, the following command hangs forever 
> (using "--usermap" causes the hang; without "--usermap" it doesn't 
> hang):

> rsync -v -p -e --usermap user:user /etc/services user@remote:

This command is incorrect: the -e option needs a command.

Without -e this command works for me on Fedora-37 with


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Re: Trying to diagnose incomplete file transfer

2023-03-07 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Sun, 05 Mar 2023 07:45:16 -0800 Robin Lee Powell via rsync wrote:

> Oh, yeah, I missed that part.  Yeah, don't do that; it's easy to add
> a lock file to a shell script.

Not so easy IMO to do that properly. Use the flock command if your system
provides it.

That said, using a systemd service (resp timer) for interactive (resp
batch/cron) use:

  - gives you that locking for free
  - enforce using the same execution context in both cases (ex: the Unix
environment, the locale ...)


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Re: Trying to diagnose incomplete file transfer

2023-03-03 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Sat, 04 Mar 2023 00:39:52 -0600 Albert Croft via rsync wrote:

> The rsync commands may be launched from command-line or cron, but use 
> the same format and options in either case. As a result, there may be 
> multiple rsync processes pulling files from the same remote path to the 
> same local path.

I think you should first prevent this to happen.

If your receiving machine is using systemd:

  - define a X.service for doing the rsync
  - define a X.timer unit to replace using cron
  - launch from the command line with: systemctl start X
- this will not start a new rsync if one runs already (if X.service is


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Re: [Bug 15254] New: rsync performs full replication with option -I since last upgrade to version 3.2.3 protocol version 31

2022-11-27 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


Note: re-sending to

On Sat, 26 Nov 2022 21:24:45 + just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla 
via rsync wrote:

> I can replicate the issue in a simple test scenario /tmp/source to /tmp/dest
> via

> rsync -rauvxHI --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log \
>   /tmp/source/ /tmp/dest/

> Performs a full replication every time the command is being launched

If you add verbosity (ex: -vvv) you will see:

  delta-transmission disabled for local transfer or --whole-file

and thus full replication.

But you are right, even with adding --no-whole-file or using SSH produces a
full replication with -I

rsync -i -rauxHI --no-whole-file --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log 
/tmp/source/ /tmp/dest/  -n
>f. foo

Number of files: 2 (reg: 1, dir: 1)
Number of created files: 0
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 1
Total file size: 4 bytes

rsync -i -rauxHI --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log /tmp/source/ 
localhost:/tmp/dest/  -n

rsync -i -rauxH --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log /tmp/source/ 
localhost:/tmp/dest/  -n

Number of files: 2 (reg: 1, dir: 1)
Number of created files: 0
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 0

PS: the -a option implies -r: you can thus suppress -r


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Re: [Bug 15254] New: rsync performs full replication with option -I since last upgrade to version 3.2.3 protocol version 31

2022-11-27 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Sat, 26 Nov 2022 21:24:45 + just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla 
via rsync wrote:

> I can replicate the issue in a simple test scenario /tmp/source to /tmp/dest
> via

> rsync -rauvxHI --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log \
>   /tmp/source/ /tmp/dest/

> Performs a full replication every time the command is being launched

If you add verbosity (ex: -vvv) you will see:

  delta-transmission disabled for local transfer or --whole-file

and thus full replication.

But you are right, even with adding --no-whole-file or using SSH produces a
full replication with -I

rsync -i -rauxHI --no-whole-file --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log 
/tmp/source/ /tmp/dest/  -n
>f. foo

Number of files: 2 (reg: 1, dir: 1)
Number of created files: 0
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 1
Total file size: 4 bytes

rsync -i -rauxHI --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log /tmp/source/ 
localhost:/tmp/dest/  -n

rsync -i -rauxH --delete --stats --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log /tmp/source/ 
localhost:/tmp/dest/  -n

Number of files: 2 (reg: 1, dir: 1)
Number of created files: 0
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 0

PS: the -a option implies -r: you can thus suppress -r


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Re: Rsync just hanging sometimes

2022-07-27 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Wed, 27 Jul 2022 13:30:32 +0300 Alexander Gribanov via rsync wrote:
> Rsync starts, goes as in the log below and just hangs like this for minutes
> or maybe even hours and nothing changes...

This may happen when windows is involved.

Try to add the --whole-file option.

--, DSI-SP, Tel: (33) 04 92 38 79 11, Bur: C111
INRIA Sophia, 2004, route des Lucioles - BP 93 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

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Re: Is there a default for 'pid file' for rsync in daemon mode?

2021-01-01 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Fri, 01 Jan 2021 09:57:38 + Chris Green via rsync wrote:

> My backup system crashed a couple of nights ago due to a power cut
> (can't really blame it!) and I went and restarted it after the power
> came back.  However, as I note above, files in /home/chris/tmp/pid
> aren't cleared out so rsync refused to run when systemd attempted to
> start it up.

> I guess the pid file should either be in /tmp or somewhere in
> /run/user.  However shouldn't there be some sort of sensible default
> if it isn't set in rsyncd.conf?

Since rsyncd is launched by systemd, I would say that no pid file is
needed: systemd will prevent simultaneous launch of rsyncd.

Can you try without spicifying "pid file" in rsyncd.conf ?

What is the content of the rsyncd.service file on your system ?

On Fedora it is a system (not user) service:

cat /lib/systemd/system/rsyncd.service 
Description=fast remote file copy program daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --no-detach "$OPTIONS"



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Using --inplace and --sparse to a NetApp NAS through NFS

2020-11-21 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


I noticed, when using --inplace and --sparse to update a file of 36 G
located in an NFS mounted directory from a NetApp NAS through NFS, that
rsync is rewriting most of it: 27 G, while rsync (--stats) indicates a
literal data of only 262,144 bytes.

This do not happens with --inplace without --sparse: only ~204 K are
written, according to the size of a snapshot made before updating with

Is it a known issue when combining --inplace and --sparse or is it due to
the file contents or NFS ?


I'm fine to do the initial copy with '--inplace --sparse' and the
subsequent incremental ones with only --inplace. The NAS will anyway
deduplicate zero-blocks after the copies.


  OS: Fedora-32 running kernel-5.7.8-200.fc32.x86_64


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Re: rsync with mode --delete

2020-06-28 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Sat, 27 Jun 2020 00:23:12 +0700 Budi Janto wrote:
> On 6/23/20 12:37 PM, wrote:
>> If the rsync source path is /mnt/DATA yes, it will remove data on the
>> client, but if the source path is a sub-directory of /mnt/DATA the
>> rsync will fail without doing any deletion.

> Thanks for first information. This is for more detail, which has already
> been done.

> Server side:
> # zfs list
> pool  4.98T  9.07T  4.98T  /mnt/DATA

> # cat /some/path/rsyncd.conf
> [data]
> path = /mnt/DATA

> Client side:
> # crontab -l
> 0   */3   *   *   *   /path/to/

> # cat /path/to/
> rsync -avPH --chmod=D755,F644 --delete rsync://

> Any idea or suggestion to prevent client's data loss? Thank you.

The simplest way is probably to:

  - move any files/directories of /mnt/DATA in a subdir.
Example: /mnt/DATA/data
  - change rsyncd.conf to reflect that

I will do:

  1. stop the rsync daemon on the server
  2. do the move (assuming you have no files matching .?)
 cd /mnt/DATA/
 mkdir .a
 mv * .??* .a
 mv .a data
  3. change rsyncd.conf: path = /mnt/DATA/data
  4. start the rsync daemon
  5. check in dry-run on one client:
 - with /mnt/DATA mounted
 - with /mnt/DATA unmounted


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Re: rsync with mode --delete

2020-06-22 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Tue, 23 Jun 2020 11:14:41 +0700 Budi Janto via rsync wrote:

> I need to know, I use rsync-3.1.3_1 under FreeBSD both of server &
> client side. Server running ZFS with RAID system, stored data mount
> point to /mnt/DATA. Under certain circumstances, ZFS failure to mounting
> data in /mnt/DATA (Just empty directory), so client with rsync running
> periodically with mode --delete it's safety or will remove data on
> client too?

If the rsync source path is /mnt/DATA yes, it will remove data on the
client, but if the source path is a sub-directory of /mnt/DATA the
rsync will fail without doing any deletion.

To verify in dry-run ... of course.


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Re: implied-dirs tail component being chown'd

2019-08-28 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:56:25 -0700 Chris Roehrig via rsync wrote:

> rsync -a --super --relative --no-implied-dirs  "--filter=. HomeWin.rfilter"   
> /cygdrive/c/Users/me/./   myserver:/WinBACKUP/Users/me/

If you are connecting to myserver as you (not root), simply
suppressing the --super option should work.

Otherwise (with a recent version of rsync) add: --chown me:me


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Re: Correct, resumable, large-file flags

2019-07-28 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 11:45:58 +0100 Mark Raynsford wrote:

> Same effect on ^C, unfortunately. The exact command I'm running (with
> names changed to protect the innocent :):

>   $ /usr/local/bin/rsync \
>   -a -L -i '--chmod=ugo-rwx,Dugo+x,ugo+r,u+w' \
>   --delete-after \
>   --delay-updates \
>   --partial \
>   /A/

> If I ^C this command, I see temporary files left in /B, and the next
> time I run this same command, new temporary files are created and the
> old ones are ignored.

I'm unable to reproduce that (on Linux).

With --delay-updates you should see temporary files only in temporary
directories named: .~tmp~

Is it what you see?

> This is on FreeBSD 12.

> $ rsync --version
> rsync  version 3.1.3  protocol version 31
> Copyright (C) 1996-2018 by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others.
> Web site:
> Capabilities:
> 64-bit files, 64-bit inums, 64-bit timestamps, 64-bit long ints,
> socketpairs, hardlinks, symlinks, IPv6, batchfiles, inplace,
> append, ACLs, xattrs, iconv, symtimes, no prealloc, file-flags

Same version for me, except:


instead of

  no prealloc, file-flags

but that shouldn't count (I guess).


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Re: Correct, resumable, large-file flags

2019-07-27 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 20:15:27 +0100 Mark Raynsford via rsync wrote:

> I want to mirror a directory A on server to a
> directory B on The directory A contains very
> large but essentially read-only files. A server process on
> periodically creates new large files and deletes old
> ones. I want to synchronize the directories roughly every ten minutes.
> It's important that a file in B only becomes "visible" (that is, has
> the same name as a file in A) when the two files contain the exact
> same content. Files that no longer exist in A should be deleted from B.

> An initial pass:

>   www1$ rsync -avz --delete-after /A/


  rsync -avz --delete-after --delay-updates --partial /A/

The man indicate also for --delay-updates:

  See also the "atomic-rsync" perl script in the "support"  subdir
  for  an  update  algorithm  that  is  even  more atomic (it uses
  --link-dest and a parallel hierarchy of files).

PS: You may prefer also:

- using -i (--itemize-changes) instead of -v
- do not compress (no -z)

> This works, but the transfers are not resumable for some reason. If I
> ^C the rsync process and then run it again, I see partial files left in
> B, and rsync ignores these the next time I run the command.

Weird: never seen that.


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Re: --delete-missing-args doesn't delete

2019-04-25 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync

On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 16:35:15 +0200 MI via rsync wrote:

> If someone has a good suggestion on how to rsync a list of files and 
> delete from the destination any file that is not listed in --files-from, 
> that would be welcome.

Assuming you are talking about files in a same source directory, you
can do:

   - generate a file (KEEP_FILE) with the list of files you want
   - call: rsync ... --include-from KEEP_FILE \
 --delete --delete-excluded \

KEEP_FILE should have the format:

+ /keep1/***
+ /keep2/***
- *

leading / to match only at the first level

/*** to match any level of sub-directory (if keep1 ... are


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Re: [Bug 13587] New: Add a --dry-run way to show destination for each item

2018-08-22 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync

Hi (sorry to only answer to the list)

On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 23:03:56 - just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla 
via rsync wrote:

> User very much wants to know where the files _will go_ before daring to try an
> actual run.

> He tries even
> rsync -vv --dry-run --itemize-changes -avz x.y.z:dir1/dir2/backup/ backup/

> but still there is no way to make it say
> File x.y.z:dir1/dir2/backup/F1 will be copied to backup/F1
> File x.y.z:dir1/dir2/backup/F2 will be copied to backup/F2

What about that:

  with this hierarchy:

find dir1 dir3

  one may say, for two source directories:

rsync --dry-run --out-format='%i %f -> %n%L' -a dir1/dir2/backup/ 
dir3/backup/ backup/
cd+ dir1/dir2/backup/. -> ./
>f+ dir1/dir2/backup/F1 -> F1
>f+ dir1/dir2/backup/F2 -> F2
>f+ dir3/backup/F4 -> F4
cd+ dir1/dir2/backup/subdir -> subdir/
>f+ dir1/dir2/backup/subdir/F3 -> subdir/F3

Ref: man rsyncd.conf: log format

 %i an itemized list of what is being updated
 %f the filename (long form on sender; no trailing "/")
 %n the filename (short form; trailing "/" on dir)


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Re: Getting --delete to work, simply

2018-05-04 Thread Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync


On Thu, 03 May 2018 15:06:14 -0500 Mike Brown via rsync wrote:

> On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 02:59:11PM -0400, Kevin Korb via rsync wrote:
>> Note that these are working because S* and s* are being applied to all
>> the dirs and files within dirs.  So if you had x/Something it wouldn't
>> get copied and if you had S/else it wouldn't get copied.  Maybe you want
>> to add --prune-empty-dirs and an --include='*/' so that rsync will look
>> inside of all dirs for matching files.

> All not working so when when working with the next HDD backup:

> rsync -vain --prune-empty-dirs --delete \
> --include='[T-Z]*' --include='*/' --exclude='*' \
> /share/Public/videos/ /share/Backup-HDD-05

> When run without the --prune-empty-dirs it picked up a directory starting
> with iZ, but didn't list the sub-directory and its files.  With the
> --prune-empty-dirs, it was no longer listed.  It should never have been listed
> in the first place as I never included "i".  But, worse than that, the
> --include='*/' is causing ALL directories in /share/Public/videos/ to be
> queued up for transfer to the backup HDD.

> The filter rule is not working out in practice. For example, the following
> directories do not get copied:

> Victoria/Season-1
> Victoria/Season-2

> Why?  Because the "S" in Season is getting excluded because it is not in
> the initial include rule.


> How do you get the filter rule to only look at the first part of the path
> and ignore the remaining part of the path?

You can use simply /PATTERN that will match only at the first level.

If you want also to suppress the "others" directories on the
destination you could use --delete-excluded.


  rsync -vain --delete --delete-excluded \
 --include='/[T-Z]*' --exclude='/*' \
 /share/Public/videos/ /share/Backup-HDD-05

> This has been a real brain teaser.

Such a powerfull mechanism cannot be simple :-(


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