[sane-devel] SANE2, time for a decision

2007-01-08 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi everybody,

 I also think we should setup a more or less small
 group of developers who are willing to help Oliver
 to finish the sane2 standard. We might should setup
 a list of stuff that should also go into this new
 standard - this list should be more or less a whishlist,
 which means that some points may find their way into
 the standard, some not.
 Let's keep this list open for lets say 4 weeks.
 During this time the team around Oliver should
 be found and they could start with their work.

reading this sane2 thread and seeing that some people have some quite 
different views of how to proceed regarding openness of the discussion,
i wanted to suggest to use a WIKI page for holding some kind of wishlist as 
Gerhard suggested, and another page for editing the document defining the 
standard. This last one could be read only for everybody except for a 
few 'editors'.
In this way even if the 'core' of the technical discussion and commits goes 
among just a few people, everybody can 'monitor' the results and speak out 
if they come with a brilliant or revolutionary idea ;-)

It is not necessary to have a finished ('written on stone') standard to 
start coding, but it is also not wise to start coding (call it fork sane-1 
or start from scratch, doesn't matter) without having a general idea of 
how the API should look like... 

My 2 cents...

Best wishes, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS50

2005-11-14 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi Johannes,

 As soon as I finish reverse engineering the damn Broadcom
 wireless driver I'll go buy an LS5000 (wanted one for a long time, but

i was curious to know if the Broadcom wireless you're reverse engineering 
is also the one used in Apple's Powerbooks? (airport extreme)
Seems to be the only device of the powerbooks which does not work under 

Cheers, Ariel

[OT] Re: [sane-devel] Nikon LS50

2005-11-14 Thread Ariel Garcia

 i was curious to know if the Broadcom wireless you're reverse

sorry guys, this was not supposed to go to SANE m-l!  :-(

Have a nice day, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS50ED/LS5000 Backend

2005-11-14 Thread Ariel Garcia

 It wanted to try latest version of sane bakend for LS50ED Nikon scanner.
 It seems that I don't get the right version. I have backend 1.0.16. Does
 this include the latest developpement ?

No, you'd need to patch it, or try the precompiled lib. Please refer to the 
following mail in SANE mailing-list:

If you encounter any problems, please proceed as told here:
and send us the debug output :-)

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS50/5000

2005-11-10 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi Spiro,

answering your two last mails here, hope it is not too mixed up

 the package I use is: media-gfx/xsane from http://www.xsane.org/

yes, thanks, i had seen it long ago and already forgotten ;-(
Now i've been testing it with the LS50 and it worked fine, it is quite a 
nice frontend. (tested with a slide, 8  14 bits depth)

  If you get an error there you should enable debugging output and send
  us that output. Something like this will be helpful:
  scanimage  photo.pnm

 It all points to my Epson scanner even if both scanners are turned on.
 So, I am not able to test it this way. Please provide more info so I can
 directly scan with the Nikon scanner.

Henning told you already how to call it,

 scanimage -L
 device `epson:libusb:001:002' is a Epson GT-9300 flatbed scanner
 device `coolscan2:usb:libusb:001:005' is a NikonLS-5000 ED  
 film scanner
 So, the command would be scanimage -d coolscan2:usb:libusb:001:005 
 photo Which reproduced the same exact error, which is:
 scanimage: sane_start: Error during device I/O

 So, we are back to square one. Any idea on this?

please, don't get upset so fast, the answer was in my previous mail  ;-)
Please do
scanimage -d coolscan2:usb:libusb:001:005  photo.pnm

and send me the debugging output you'll get.
If the error you get is with the film feeder adapter, please also test it 
with the mounted slide adapter.

 Well, this is not sufficent for allowing a user to fully utilize what
 was purchased (in my openion). I purchased this device becaue of all its
 features. Leaving some out would not match purchasing goals.
 For sure you know this scanner better than I do just because you are
 deveoloping the driver, but I wish to ask you a question then: How come
 VieScan allows all customizations?

Please, again, don't get upset with the sane developers which do it for 
free/pleasure/etc. You can always go to the manufacturer and request them 
to provide you with a linux software having all the same features as in 
windows :-)

The coolscan2 sane backend supports most if not all the scanner (ie, 
_hardware_) features (of course, something is failing in your case, but 
that's another issue). All the other customizations as you call them 
(dust and scrcatch removal based on the hardware IR data, ROC, GEM, DEE) 
are _software_ functions, not a feature of this particular scanner, so you 
could have them in xsane or other frontends, 
it is just that somebody (with the right knowledge) has to write the 
code... it is probably not trivial to get good results, so experience in 
the subject counts here.
It does not make sense to have these software features in the nikon sane 
backend, because they are general to many scanners so that code would go 
either to a frontend like xsane or even better in a library.

Note that even if there is no direct support for the ICE, ROC, GEM 
functions , you can (try to) replace that with the Gimp and some manual 
work... somebody wrote a Gimp plugin which is able to clean the images 
using the IR data from sane:


And the other two functions are just color enhancement and grain 
reduction (some blur filter could give you something similar)

BTW, xsane can be used as a gimp plugin, so you can scan directly from 
within gimp and run the dust-off pluging/color corrections directly there 

 me. I hope sane or your development will bring the software to a level
 where full customizations and infrared scan become reality.

try the gimp plugin

 came to the conclusion that VewScan is the only application (as of now)
 that is capable of running this specific device. I was/am counting on
 SANE because I like the idea to use it 

well, if you have a relatively big scanning project and you already spent 
1000+ bucks in the scanner, it could be worth spending 50 more in a piece 
of software which could allow you a more time-efficient work or higher 
quality output with the same effort. From what people say, vuescan seems 
to be quite nice, supports lots of scanners, and is in many cases better 
than the manufacturer provided programs.

 and am only thankfull to Ariel 
 and whoever worked with Ariel for spending time for development.

no, you should be thankful to Andras who wrote the coolscan2 backend and to 
all the sane developers who wrote the framework/frontends/libraries also. I 
did just a few patches.

 far, after I will solve my device I/O failure, what does SANE offer for
 this specific device? 

you get the full color depth (14 bits) and full res 4000dpi scans. You get 
the IR channel, autofocus, you can select the focus point, etc (and if 
something does not work it can be fixed, or if it is not yet implemented 
it can probably be supported more or less easily :-)

 I also offer my time and hardware for allowing some 

[sane-devel] Nikon LS50/5000

2005-11-02 Thread Ariel Garcia

 finally I made your patch to work and compiled sane-backends with it. I
 am using version sane-backends-1.0.15

no problem, the coolscan2 driver didn't change since a while ago

 When I run Xsane, I get the option to choose between the two scanners I
 have (Epson and Nikon) and get a new windows with default settings.

 I try to scan, and get this error:
 Failed to start scanner: Error during device I/O

i never saw Xsane, or are you referring to xscanimage?. xscanimage kind of 
works for me, ie,  i get a scanned file ok, but the preview does not get 
the right scales, and the LUT tabs show me just crap inside (but this of 
course has nothing to do with the coolscan backend!)

try scanimage from the commandline.
If you get an error there you should enable debugging output and send us 
that output. Something like this will be helpful:

scanimage  photo.pnm

For a real scan, ie, to get a nice looking image, you will need to fiddle 
with the gamma values of the different colors (--green-gamma-table   etc), 
scanimage --autofocus --resolution 1000 --red-exposure 4000  
 --green-exposure 4000 --blue-exposure 3000  photo.pnm
gives some starting point

 Also, as my scanner has different media (slides, negatives, etc,) is

i didn't test the negative feeder, but the slide adapter

 there a plae to choose for those settings, and redice, and all those
 nikon settings?

no, there is support for reading the infrared channel data but the driver 
will NOT clean up the image based on that data, it is available for you to 
use it. But I don't know how one can process that in linux afterwards. 

As i told you before, many of the features advertised for the scanner are 
actually _software_ features provided by the Windows drivers. You won't 
get that with sane. Other people in this list will perhaps know how to 
imitate those features.

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS50

2005-10-17 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi all,

i just wanted to let you know that i finally got the coolscan V working 
with Sane :-))   it took a while because the docu is quite twisted to 
I still don't have a patch to provide, because i hardcoded some parameter, 
but will get in touch with Andras to get something usable asap. (i also 
didn't check the resulting image, but at least i get the data 8-)

BTW, the Windows driver uses not only reserved (=undocumented) bits but 
also one undocumented command and unused (=undocumented) pages... :-(



[sane-devel] Re: Nikon LS50

2005-10-17 Thread Ariel Garcia
 this is great.! Congrats. Now, how about the NIKON LS-5000? I am waiting
 for your driver so that I can start my project, hopefully. Any idea of
 where you are at so far?

Hopefully the LS-5000 will work also with the same fixes, didn't check the 
specs though, but you'll get to test the patch  ;-)

The driver is working with the LS40/4000 (older model), so with these fixes 
you should be able to get exactly the same functionality of the 
LS-40/4000. Timeframe? 1-2 weeks i hope, at least for a plain patch.

Cheers, A

[sane-devel] Nikon LS 5000 updates...

2005-09-26 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi Spiro,

 I was wandering how were you doing with this scanner. Any luck by
 receiving the SDK fron Nikon?

yes, took 5 months and 3 requests (first lost by processing, second in 
post(??)) but i finally got it a few weeks ago :-))
I'm working on it, i spent some time understanding usb protocol stuff and 
sane code, and now understand how things work, but couldn't find the error 
yet. Seems to be a missing/wrong parameter which the scanner does not like 
and complains about.

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS 5000

2005-08-15 Thread Ariel Garcia

 Finally my request for the NDA was accepted by Nikon i was told (took 3
 months because i didn't request it under a company hood)  so i should
 get the specs soon. I also have the scanner so i hope to be able to
 get it working  ;-)  (hope is the last thing you should loose, right? 
 ;-) But i don't promise any timeframe because holidays are already
 scheduled :-

just to let u know, i am still waiting for the sdk CD from nikon :-(
My request had been approved but somehow the papers got lost _before_ they 
manged to send me anything (person in charge left, etc) so they told me to 
resend the request and now the relevant person is on holidays... 
argh! :-@

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS 5000]

2005-07-07 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi Spiro,

 I am glad you are working on this scanner as I see more people needing
 your assistance.

 As for me, I am now very happy because the project I have to work on is
 very big; it involved about 15000 pictures (35mm) and the sponsor, for
 charity, trusts my work. So, on my behalf, I then trust and rely on your
 assistance. So, I will purchase the NIKON LS-5000 (feeling more relaxed
 and peaceful) and as soon as you are completed with the driver I will
 start my project. I would only ask you one favor, if possible: Please
 let me-us know when you believe to be close to completing the
 development and also, if you need me to do some testing let me know. I
 work on amd64 64bit.
 I hope to hear something soon or some updates.

hey, thanks for your enthusiasm, but please note that there are not 
warranties that i will be able to get it working... zero, nada, niente... 
or it could simply take much longer, so don't base your purchase only on 
the linux driver availability!  I didn't even get the specs yet, so didn't 
even start looking at the issues.

Of course it is a great scanner so it is worth purchasing it anyway, but 
remember that if you intend to do batch scanning relying on the sane 
driver might not be the best option because it would lack the whole set of 
automated functions the original driver provides (ICE, gem, roc,... your 
mileage may vary but depending on how good/bad your slides are these 
functions might save you a lot of time). ICE is the only feature which 
needs hardware support, the other ones are plain software algorithms in 
the driver.
ICE works great for non kodachrome films, and sane will provide your with 
the 4th (infrared) channel, but i am not sure how to use that info in an 
automated way (substraction layer in gimp??)
If windoze is not an option, there is also vuescan which i think it also 
performs several of the color correction features, but i have no 
experience with it.

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon LS 5000

2005-07-06 Thread Ariel Garcia

 Please check out the archives of this list -- we have hashed out quite a
 few times what is necessary, what we have etc. A bunch of people
 (including me) have access to the specifications (under NDA) but not the
 hardware (I don't, for example)

Finally my request for the NDA was accepted by Nikon i was told (took 3 
months because i didn't request it under a company hood)  so i should get 
the specs soon. I also have the scanner so i hope to be able to get it 
working  ;-)  (hope is the last thing you should loose, right?  ;-)
But i don't promise any timeframe because holidays are already 
scheduled :-

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Nikon Coolscan V ED / LS 50 ED

2005-05-17 Thread Ariel Garcia

 I whish to know if somebody has developpe a driver for a Nikon LS 5O ED
 scanner ?

no, the coolscan 2 backend does not work for it (it fails after starting a 
preview, so nothing useful)
I had hoped to be able to make it work but i am still waiting for Nikon to 
decide if they are going to provide me the specs under NDA. The fact that 
i don't have(don't want to use) a company affiliation seems to 
be... bad... i just called and they tell me to wait for another 2 weeks :-(
Some other people have the NDA but not the scanner, so perhaps we should 
organize a meeting at some mid-way point  ;-)

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Re: SANE LS50ED

2005-04-29 Thread Ariel Garcia

On Monday 14 February 2005 10:19, Johannes Berg wrote:
 Yes. Call Nikon, they'll point you to the application forms. You have to
 sign a NDA and they send you the docs on CDs.

well, i sent the request for the SDK some weeks ago, and now i called to 
know the status of my request and they tell me that they are 
discussing it and that they will tell me in 2 weeks... oh well... 

Cheers, Ariel

[sane-devel] Re: SANE LS50ED

2005-02-12 Thread Ariel Garcia
 Thanks a lot Ariel. I have no time at all these days, anyone like to
 volunteer to have a look?

 Can we have the documentation of the scanner protocol ? :-)

Ah! that way it would be easy... the whole fun is doing that without 
it!!  ;-))


[sane-devel] Re: SANE LS50ED

2005-02-07 Thread Ariel Garcia
Hi Johannes and Andras,

yes, it has been a long time since my last mail... :-(  i've been quite busy but
i also spent some time trying to do a usb dump of the Nikonscan communication
with the scanner. After spending some time searching for how to make it i was
amazed to see that a simple mini-scan was creating a 100MBy log... oh well

I did a timed log and i could more or less identify where each thing is
happening. But... trying to compare the sane and nikonscan logs i see many
differences... it is difficult to make something out of that without knowing how
is the protocol (i know... reading the sane code of the driver should help but
that also takes time... did not do that yet). Having a short list of important
commands as of the specs would help... yes, i know, the NDA...

Under windows for instance i see a kind of ping blocks every 2 seconds
which do are not seen at all under sane. Perhaps they are not needed? These
blocks have always the same structure (and data also except for few bytes), and
they are also sent with a 1 millisec interval just 10ms  prior to starting the

What seems to be quite different is that under windows the data sent to the
scanner is initially in packets of size 1, 6, or 64 (=0x40) bytes (also a few of
10, 58), whereas under sane i see writes of 1,6,10,20,58 bytes since the
beginning, but no 64 by ones.

A typical block is appended, i will put the full log online tomorrow, i'll let
you know.

Cheers, Ariel

- A ping block 

: 00 00 00 00 00 00


: d0


: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 00 a0 0f a0 00 00
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 80 00 00 06 c2 00 00
0020: 00 02 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0030: 00 01 01 02 02 ff 00 03 3a 40 00 00 00 00 00 00

: 01

: 06


: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 00 a0 0f a0 00 00
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 80 00 00 06 c2 00 00
0020: 00 02 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0030: 00 01 01 02 02 ff 00 03 3a 40 00 00 00 00 00 00

: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[sane-devel] Re: SANE LS50ED

2005-01-05 Thread Ariel Garcia

 What we need is someone to spare a few hours and check the USB log of
 VueScan or Nikonscan against the Coolscan2 code. There's something the
 scanner doesn't like which is probably not even prohibited by the
 specs. Any takers? I can send you the latest version of Coolscan2 with
 which I've been playing, and a log as well, just let me know.

i would be glad to do that, will have to wait until the weekend though.
I saw your patch to the list also, so i will try that one instead of (or in
addition to) the normal code. Which log can you send? the one of the Nikonscan?
I hope i can reproduce that, but if you have it at habd it is also welcome.

Cheers, Ariel

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[sane-devel] Re: SANE LS50ED

2004-12-19 Thread Ariel Garcia

 Apparently it does not work, sorry. As you noticed, I had cross-posted 
 to sane-devel, and Andras said he also had tried that. I'm waiting for 
 him to send me more of his recent code now.

i've being playing with the trivial add-the-missing-ids patch today, and i
realized that there is a hardcoded device-id in the cs2_open function, that is
why your patch was not not even reporting a connected scanner for me:
LS50 / 5000 have device ids of 0x4001 / 0x4002  while apparently all the other
usb-coolscans(only the LS40?) have 0x4000. 

@@ -1679,6 +1681,8 @@
   sanei_config_attach_matching_devices (scsi Nikon *, cs2_attach);
   try_interface = CS2_INTERFACE_USB;
   sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices (usb 0x04b0 0x4000, cs2_attach);
+  sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices (usb 0x04b0 0x4001, cs2_attach);
+  sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices (usb 0x04b0 0x4002, cs2_attach);

With this add'l patch now the scanned is detected, and if run 
   scanimage -d coolscan2:usb:libusb:001:002 --ae 
then the scanner does all the scanning noise for a while, but ends however with
cs2_phase_check(): Phase check returned phase = 0x01.
Error: cs2_issue_cmd(): Unexpected non-data phase, but n_data != 0.
sane_read() status=9
scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O

The same happens if i run scanimage without options, the error cames pretty soon
in this case:
$ /mnt/soft/source/sane-backends-1.0.15/frontend/.libs/scanimage
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of sanei_usb to 4.
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_init: found libusb device (0x04b0/0x4001) interface 0  at
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b0, product=0x4000
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b0, product=0x4001
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `libusb:001:002' (*dn=0)
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x12, n_send = 6, n_recv = 36.
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x04b0, product=0x4002
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: we already have a bulk-out endpoint (address: 1),
ignoring the new one
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: we already have a bulk-in endpoint (address: 130),
ignoring the new one
[sanei_usb] sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `libusb:001:002' (*dn=0)
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x12, n_send = 6, n_recv = 36.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x12, n_send = 6, n_recv = 4.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x12, n_send = 6, n_recv = 87.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x15, n_send = 18, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x2a, n_send = 30, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x2a, n_send = 32778, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x2a, n_send = 32778, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x2a, n_send = 32778, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x24, n_send = 68, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x24, n_send = 68, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x24, n_send = 68, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0xe0, n_send = 23, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0xc1, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x1b, n_send = 9, n_recv = 0.
# SANE data follows
3946 5782
sane_read() called, maxlen = 32768.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x00, n_send = 6, n_recv = 0.
cs2_issue_cmd(): opcode = 0x28, n_send = 10, n_recv = 11838.
Error: cs2_issue_cmd(): Unexpected non-data phase, but n_data != 0.
sane_read() status=9
scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O

Actually cs2_phase_check() returns CS2_PHASE_STATUS, but with n_data == 11838

Any suggestions for further tests/debugging info is welcome.

Cheers, Ariel

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