Re: [sane-devel] xsane 0.999

2018-03-17 Thread Richard Ryniker
Use "Get Preview", and xsane places a rectangular frame around what it
thinks is the relevant portion in the preview image.  The user can drag
the sides of this frame to what he prefers.  "Scan" then captures just
the area defined by this frame.

Every subsequent scan will use this frame, until the user changes it.

Otherwise, use a separate tool to manipulate images after they have been
scanned.  I find the ImageMagick "convert" command useful if I have
multiple images I wish to crop (or otherwise edit) in the same way.

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Re: [sane-devel]' (No such file or directory)

2018-02-17 Thread Richard Ryniker is in the rpm package at:

but I have only looked to see this file is there.  I have not tried it.
Perhaps it will offer you a path forward.  I suspect the package
referenced above originates from:

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Re: [sane-devel]' (No such file or directory)

2018-02-17 Thread Richard Ryniker
Does Olaf Meeuwissen's post at
help?  It describes imagescan as an Epson product.

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Re: [sane-devel] A Cooperation Message from Plustek Inc.

2016-11-01 Thread Richard Ryniker
>Isn't requiring anything beyond the point 1 a teensy bit over-reaching?

Regarding binary stuff, no.  If some blob of firmware must be delivered
to the scanner, this firmware must be made available under terms that
allow it to be copied and used by anyone who wishes to have SANE operate
with a Plustek scanner.  I believe Plustek can retain intellectual
property rights in this data.

Many Linux distributions will refuse to distribute binary-only code to
run on the user's computer (a proprietary device driver) because it
conflicts with their own license terms.

There are two answers to the question "Who will prepare SANE code to
support Plustek scanners?"  Yes, Plustek could simply publish code and
say anyone who wants to adapt it for the SANE environment is welcome to
do so.  Certainly some people will look at it, and, if they think it
reasonable, may do this.

Assume this occurs, and many Plustek scanners are well supported by SANE.
What happens when Plustek builds a new scanner?  Who will want to go
through new Plustek code and do this again, when they have other things
to do?

A better alternative is to have Plustek adapt their code to SANE.  Surely
those with good knowledge of the SANE environment will answer questions
and offer advice on SANE best practices.  It is likely that Plustek
already has a software build process to create both Windows and Mac OS
products.  This could be enhanced to support SANE as a third target.  Mac
OS has substantial POSEX support, and Windows is moving in this direction
- it might not require much.

The great advantage here is that when Plustek develops code for their new
products, it happens in an environment where SANE is a supported target.
This should make SANE support for a new Plustek scanner almost automatic.

Whatever happens, plus marks for Plustek to consider this.

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Re: [sane-devel] Ubuntu 16.04.1 and Canoscan Lide 220

2016-10-16 Thread Richard Ryniker
Your udev rules file has no entry for your scanner.  Recall that
sane-find-scanner reported:

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x190f [CanoScan])

There should be a udev rule for that device (i.e. one that matches the
vendor and product codes reported by sane-find-scanner).  For example:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04a9", 
ATTRS{idProduct}=="190f", MODE="0666"

In order to use the scanner, a program needs both read and write
access.  The udev rule phrase:


gives this access to all users.  This is appropriate for a single-user
system, and perhaps for one shared by a cooperating group of users.

I hope this helps.  All you may expect from this is to make the device
useable without root or some other elevated privilege.  Whether the SANE
programs will yield good results is another question, one I cannot
answer because I have no Canon scanner.  This post:

suggests the current sane-backends (1.0.25) will support this scanner,
and the device is listed as supported in:

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Re: [sane-devel] Ubuntu 16.04.1 and Canoscan Lide 220

2016-10-15 Thread Richard Ryniker
>$ sane-find-scanner
>found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x190f [CanoScan])
>at libusb:003:002 could not open USB device 0x1d6b/0x0002 at 003:001:
>Access denied (insufficient permissions)

This looks like a permission problem: the user who executed
sane-find-scanner is not allowed to access the scanner device.

A "quick and dirty" test to verify this is to run sane-find-scanner as
root.  For example:

  sudo sane-find-scanner

The udev mechanism controls permissions assigned to devices - use "man
udev" to learn more.  For my Epson scanner, I use the configuration file
that follows (change vendor and product codes to match your scanner; lines
that begin with # are comments):

#  File:  /etc/udev/rules.d/10.local.rules
#  Local (RWR) rules for udev.

# Epson scanneridVendor=04b8, idProduct=012c
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", 
ATTRS{idProduct}=="012c", GROUP="users", MODE="0666"

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Re: [sane-devel] Need sane docs

2016-05-05 Thread Richard Ryniker
I doubt a gigabit Ethernet connection will make any significant
difference.  Data rate from your scanner is dependent on the mechanical
speed of the sensor and scan resolution.  If you scan a page 8.5 by 11
inches at 600 pixels per inch resolution with 24 bits per pixel, there is
about 100 megabytes of data.  With a 100-megabit Ethernet connection,
that is about 10 seconds transmission time.  If your scanner requires 10
seconds for mechanical movement at that resolution, the Ethernet
connection should not limit scan speed.

At 1200 pixel per inch resolution, there would be four times as much data
(400 Mbytes.) This would need roughly 40 seconds to transfer using a
100-megabit Ethernet connection, but your scanner likely moves more
slowly at that resolution.  If you can scan faster than 40 seconds with a
USB connection at that resolution, then gigabit Ethernet might help.  Do
you have any reason to believe your machine even supports gigabit
Ethernet?  Most do not.

Eight seconds instead of two seconds to start a scan sounds like some
sort of time-out situation.  The tcpdump command could provide some
details about timing of the Ethernet traffic, though interpretation of
the data might be a challenge.

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Re: [sane-devel] Need sane docs

2016-05-05 Thread Richard Ryniker
"Timed wait" is the final stage when a TCP connection is closed.  TCP has
the notion of "maximum segment lifetime" - how long a datagram might
remain somewhere in the network.  Before a connection is completely
closed, it remains in the "timed wait" state for twice this maximum
segment lifetime.  The purpose is to allow any left-over or duplicate
datagrams related to this connection to be delivered, so that they cannot
be confused with data from new connections.

If you repeat the netstat command enough time later, you should not see
any remnant of the connection in the "timed wait" state.

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Re: [sane-devel] New hardware / Fedora x86_64 / Canon LiDE 210: "invalid argument"

2015-10-27 Thread Richard Ryniker
>And Fedora22 updated the sane packages to 1.0.25 yesterday!

Also Fedora 21.  Therefore, all supported versions of Fedora now use

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Re: [sane-devel] [SOLVED] Re: plustek backend failing to open device under non-root

2015-09-12 Thread Richard Ryniker
The udevadm program can be very useful when one wants to develop rules
and diagnose udev issues.  I have found "udevadm --debug test ..."
particularly useful when I suspect some rule other than the one I intend
has handled a udev event.

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Re: [sane-devel] No scanner found with Scanimage -L

2015-07-05 Thread Richard Ryniker
what can  be reason for the NET device not to be found

Probably it does not yet exist when scandb starts.  Even when startup
scripts are initiated in the proper order, the actual dependency may be
that a network script finishes (or something started by a
network script finishes) before scanbd starts.

If scanbd cannot find a device it needs, perhaps it should wait a bit and
try again.  Maybe an argument that explicitly requests this behavior.

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[sane-devel] HP Scanjet N6350

2014-04-02 Thread Richard Thornton
Apologies if this is O.T.

Like a complete idiot I just went out and bought one of these used,
having read an incorrect review that mentioned Mac compatibility...

So I have been trying to figure out the best way to get this thing
working in a Mac environment.

I would like to use the networking on it, stupidly I assumed that the
scanner would have a CIFS client embedded and so I could use Samba to
create a CIFS share and then point the N6350 to it as the destination
of a scan... Put the page in, hit scan and a pdf appears on the

Has anyone got something similar working, I was thinking worst case
scenario I could bring up an XP host inside ESX, install the HP
software and go from there but I would really like to avoid that.

Thanks for looking.


[sane-devel] genesys:libusb:.... changes while scanning (sane)

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Ryniker
Summary: you have four USB scanners; plug them in, and SANE can access
any one of them successfully, but then cannot access any of the three
other scanners.

If you unplug one scanner, then plug it in again, can SANE then use that
scanner?  This action should re-create the device's data structures and
thereby clear any status left by earlier activity.  If the re-plugged
scanner works, this suggests SANE changes the state of the scanners it
did not use in some way that interferes with later use.

[sane-devel] Mustek ScanExpress 1200 USB Pro Backend

2014-01-14 Thread Richard Overstreet
Hello all,

I am interested in developing a backend for a Mustek ScanExpress 1200
USB Pro. I have some programming experience in C (I developed a simple
CUDA C code for a Lennard Jones Potential). I currently own the scanner
and could use any programming information available. I contacted Mustek
and am waiting on their response to my request for programmer
information. In addition I'm reading the requisite backend-writing.txt
documentation. If anyone needs to contact me you can reach me via email
or my nick on is hinshelwood.


Richard Overstreet

[sane-devel] MyPen driver

2012-09-05 Thread Richard Ulrich
Hi Allan,

thanks for the script. Yes, the spaces got lost when I initially didn't
have a better means of copying the logs from the virtual machine than
pasting into wordpress.
Now, I can scp, so the logs are better now.

I scanned a vertical line as well as a horizontal line and a reference
number from a payment slip. 

At first sight, it looks easy. 
With the vertical line I see sudden changes from 0xff to 0x00.
With the horizontal line I see some 0x00 in the middle of the 0xff's.
And the payment slip looks a bit more random, but with 0xff's at the top
and bottom.

But I couldn't figure out the parameters needed to restore an image so

I created a simple application where I can manipulate the parameters and
get images for the three logs. But so far, the resulting images didn't
resemble to the scanned content. It's all at:

So far I assumed 8bit grayscale, and tried to interpret the bulk reads
as a single scanline as well as a series of two dimensional images. 
What did I forget to try?

I disassembled the device and saw a chip : mpf sst 39vf010 90-4c-wh
That's a flash memory, so probably no the interesting part. The bigger
chip is virtually unreadable. A picture is at:

And as for the next step. I read somewhere that it's easier to write a
siple userland program that communicates with a new scaner before
creating a sane backend. Does that involve direct usage of libusb? Are
there existing examples that I could use as a starting point?


Am Freitag, den 31.08.2012, 20:37 -0400 schrieb m. allan noah:
 Well, it looks like some leading spaces have been removed from the log
 (not sure if thats github, or your editor or some such), but i have
 modified the attached script to read that file.
 cat usbsnoop.log | perl  usbsnoop.out
 It will prune the log down to the parts that actually matter, the
 contents of bulk reads and writes.
 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Richard Ulrich ricul77 at wrote:
  Hi allan,
  so, here is what I captured:
  The hard part was setting up the virtual machine with USB support...
  How do I proceed with analyzing the log? What do I look for?
  Am Montag, den 27.08.2012, 16:40 -0400 schrieb m. allan noah:
  Get a trace of it working under windows with (preferred) or with
  wireshark. I've got some scripts to simplify the usbsnoop output, but
  you will still spend a bunch of time staring at the logs.
  On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Richard Ulrich ricul77 at 
   I just subscribed to this list.
   After asking C-Channel multiple times for a linux driver for their
   PayPen family of devices, I decided to buy a cheap one from eBay and see
   what I can do myself.
   The USB ID was recognized, but that was about it.
   Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0a93:0002 C Technologies AB C-Pen 10
   This is how it looks:
   Searching on the internet I found out that there are similar devices,
   but none of them seems to be really supported on linux.
   Now if I want to give it a try developing a driver, how should I
   Here is the output of $sane-find-scanner -v -v
   This is sane-find-scanner from sane-backends 1.0.22
 # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
 # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
 # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.
   searching for SCSI scanners:
   checking /dev/scanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
   checking /dev/sg0... failed to open (Access to resource has been denied)
   checking /dev/sgz... failed to open (Invalid argument)
 # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make
   sure that
 # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.
   searching for USB scanners:
   checking /dev/usb/scanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
   checking /dev/usbscanner15... failed to open (Invalid argument)
   trying libusb:
   device descriptor of 0x0a93/0x0002 at 002:010
   bLength   18
   bDescriptorType   1
   bDeviceClass  255
   bDeviceSubClass   0
   bDeviceProtocol   0
   bMaxPacketSize0   8
   idVendor  0x0A93
   idProduct 0x0002
   bcdDevice 1.17
   iManufacturer 1 ()
   iProduct  2 ()
   iSerialNumber 3

[sane-devel] MyPen driver

2012-08-27 Thread Richard Ulrich

I just subscribed to this list.

After asking C-Channel multiple times for a linux driver for their
PayPen family of devices, I decided to buy a cheap one from eBay and see
what I can do myself. 

The USB ID was recognized, but that was about it. 
Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0a93:0002 C Technologies AB C-Pen 10

This is how it looks:

Searching on the internet I found out that there are similar devices,
but none of them seems to be really supported on linux.

Now if I want to give it a try developing a driver, how should I


Here is the output of $sane-find-scanner -v -v

This is sane-find-scanner from sane-backends 1.0.22

  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

searching for SCSI scanners:
checking /dev/scanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/sg0... failed to open (Access to resource has been denied)
checking /dev/sgz... failed to open (Invalid argument)
  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make
sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

searching for USB scanners:
checking /dev/usb/scanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/usbscanner15... failed to open (Invalid argument)
trying libusb:

device descriptor of 0x0a93/0x0002 at 002:010
bLength   18
bDescriptorType   1
bDeviceClass  255
bDeviceSubClass   0
bDeviceProtocol   0
bMaxPacketSize0   8
idVendor  0x0A93
idProduct 0x0002
bcdDevice 1.17
iManufacturer 1 ()
iProduct  2 ()
iSerialNumber 3 ()
 configuration 0
 bLength  9
 bDescriptorType  2
 wTotalLength 32
 bNumInterfaces   1
 bConfigurationValue  1
 iConfiguration   0 ()
 bmAttributes 160 (Remote Wakeup)
 MaxPower 200 mA
  interface 0
   altsetting 0
   bInterfaceNumber   0
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints  2
   bInterfaceSubClass 0
   bInterfaceProtocol 255
   iInterface 0 ()
endpoint 0
bLength   7
bDescriptorType   5
bEndpointAddress  0x81 (in 0x01)
bmAttributes  3 (interrupt)
bInterval 1 ms
bRefresh  0
bSynchAddress 0
endpoint 1
bLength   7
bDescriptorType   5
bEndpointAddress  0x82 (in 0x02)
bmAttributes  3 (interrupt)
bInterval 1 ms
bRefresh  0
bSynchAddress 0

trying to find out which USB chip is used
checking for GT-6801 ...
this is not a GT-6801 (bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for GT-6816 ...
this is not a GT-6816 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 255)
checking for GT-8911 ...
this is not a GT-8911 (check 1, bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass
= 255)
checking for MA-1017 ...
this is not a MA-1017 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 255)
checking for MA-1015 ...
this is not a MA-1015 (bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for MA-1509 ...
this is not a MA-1509 (bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for LM983[1,2,3] ...
this is not a LM983x (bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for GL646 ...
this is not a GL646 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 255)
checking for GL646_HP ...
this is not a GL646_HP (bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for GL660+GL646 ...
this is not a GL660+GL646 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass =
checking for GL84x ...
this is not a GL84x (bDeviceSubClass = 0x0)
checking for ICM532B ...
this is not a ICM532B (check 2, bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for PV8630/LM9830 ...
this is not a PV8630/LM9830 (bDeviceClass = 255)
checking for M011 ...
this is not a M011 (bcdUSB = 0x200)
checking for RTS8822 ...
this is not a RTS8822 (bDeviceClass = 255)
checking for rts8858c ...
this is not a rts8858c (bDeviceClass = 255)
checking for SQ113 ...
this is not a SQ113 (bDeviceClass = 255)
checking for HP4500C/4570C/5500C/5550C/5590/7650 chipset ...
this is not a HP4500C/4570C/5500C/5550C/5590/7650 chipset
(bDeviceSubClass = 0x0)
checking for rts8801/rts8891 ...
this is not a rts8801/rts8891 (bDeviceClass = 255)
Couldn't determine the type of the USB chip (result from sane-backends

found USB scanner (vendor=0x0a93, product=0x0002) at libusb:002:010


  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be
supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking

[sane-devel] updating sane on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit leaves xsane using old sane software

2012-05-13 Thread Richard Ryniker
In my earlier post:

  /etc/ldconfig -p

is incorrect, it should be:

  /sbin/ldconfig -p


[sane-devel] R: Re: R: Re: scanner Epson DX4250 not working in Ubuntu 11.10

2012-04-26 Thread Richard Ryniker
Now it is guess work why the device is temporarily unavailable when
trying to reset it, but replies just fine to the status query to comes
immediately after.

Timing issue?  Perhaps the two bytes written to the device start some
action that has not completed before the read request is tried,
therefore the Resource temporarily unavailable status.  If the read
operation is retried, it might succeed.

If there are other devices on the same bus, activity that involves one of
those devices may be an issue, though I should think this would be
handled in the kernel and usually not directly visible to the

[sane-devel] R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: scanner Epson DX4250 not working in Ubuntu 11.10

2012-04-26 Thread Richard Ryniker
Would this explain why the backend works the first time it is called
from within a shell, and then stops working until a new shell is
opened (as I described earlier)?

No...  unless the first (successful) operation leaves some data behind
(environment variable?)  that causes the second (failed) operation to act
differently.  Perhaps the device type or other data is remembered, and
the original device identification or initialization process is not
repeated.  This difference could explain why the second operation fails,
but a new shell works.

This is only speculation based on the behavior you report, not knowledge
based on familiarity with the device.

If you perform one scan successfully, then unplug and reconnect the
scanner, will another scan in the same shell work?  If it does work,
maybe there is something left behind in the USB system that explains the
failure.  If the second scan fails after the device is reconnected,
something different in user space is more likely.

[sane-devel] Multiple Scanner Support

2011-07-14 Thread Richard Ryniker
Allen has been a steadfast contributor to this list of information and
advice to scanner users, for which it is entirely appropriate to say
Thank you from time to time.  Thank you, Allen, for the significant
personal effort you contribute to make SANE and this list a valuable
resource for many others.

With respect to the original poster's question about what operating
system you prefer, this is the first time I can recall where you have
been discreet, even reticent, to offer an opionion about software.  You
have every right to reserve comment, of course.  Among other
possibilities, you may simply seek to avoid a cascade of posts about the
perceived advantages or problems of different software platforms.

It is possible your discretion on this topic might start a cult among list
readers that tries to infer your operating system preferences from clues
it claims to find in your posts.  I guess that is the price of prominence.

[sane-devel] unclear error message

2011-07-08 Thread Richard Ryniker
You might try an update to 1.0.22, which is in the Fedora 14 updates
repository.  Either use yum update for a general update of your Fedora
system, or yum update sane-backends to update just that.

Alternatively (if your machine has no Internet access) retrieve just the 
sane-backends package from:

and copy it for local installation on the subject system.

I expect the SANE maintainers would prefer to diagnose a problem on the
latest version, instead of 1.0.21.

[sane-devel] New magicolor backend for inclusion in git

2011-01-22 Thread Richard Ryniker
Reinhold Kainhofer reinhold at wrote:

If I use unsigned char*, then I get no warning. However, I fail to see why 
using an additional variable makes a difference...

This does not work (b[0] is a pointer to an unsigned char, right?):
   unsigned char b[4];
   htole32a(b[0], value);

while this does:
   unsigned char b[4];
   unsigned char *bp=b[0];
   htole32a(bp, value);

The first argument to htole32a must be an lvalue.  It is used in the
left-hand side of an assignment by htole32a; this is the exact meaning of

b[0] is an lvalue.  It is certainly well-defined to write something like:

b[0] = 2;

b[0] looks like it should be the address of the first element of b, and
indeed it is, but it is not an lvalue: it does not denote a target (such
as a variable) to which some value may be assigned.  It is not a pointer
type, which can be dereferenced by the * operator. What is needed for the
first argument of htole32a is a pointer P that can be used in a statement

*P = 2;

The statement:

unsigned char * bp=b[0];

is well-defined: the variable bp is assigned a value which is the address
of the unsigned char b[0].  bp is an actual variable, therefore it is an
lvalue and an acceptable first argument to ntole32a.

A statement such as:

*b[0] = 2;

is invalid according to the C language grammar (even if you, a human, can
say you know what it should mean).  That is why the compiler complains
when it parses:

htole32a(b[0], value);

but the compiler is happy with the correct:

htole32a(bp, value);

because that expands into:

*bp = value;

[sane-devel] Any support for Canon LIDE 200?

2010-12-13 Thread Richard Fulton
Any hope for support of this scanner?

-- next part --
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[sane-devel] Failed to start scanner: Invalid argument

2010-06-04 Thread Richard C. Steffens
I recently installed Ubuntu Jaunty on a machine connected by SCSI to an 
Epson Perfection 600 flat bed scanner. When I run XSane I see that the 
program sees the scanner since its name and the port it's connected to, 
sg2, are listed in the window titles. However, when I click on Acquire 
preview I get the error message: Failed to start scanner: Invalid 

Where do I start to try to fix this problem?



Dick Steffens

[sane-devel] Canoscan 8800F]

2010-05-24 Thread Richard Ryniker
At this point, the only thing i can think of is trying different
distros. I think fedora 13 uses the sane-backends 1.0.21, so if they
have a live cd...

Fedora Version 13 does use 1.0.21:

$ scanimage --version
scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.21; backend version 1.0.21

but availability of Version 13 is scheduled for tomorrow (May 25).  Live
images will be available.  If you cannot wait until then, a pre-release
version of a F13 live image can be found at:

[sane-devel] HP F2280 MFP stopped scanning - help please!

2010-05-11 Thread Richard Welch
Hi guys

I posted this about a fortnight ago but have not had any response.  Can 
anyone help?

My F2280 was working happily both in printing and scanning until some 
time in March.  I suspect a routine Synaptic Update made an unhelpful 
change, although I do not use the scanner often enough to be sure of the 
timing, but from about that time the scanner function has gone missing.  
Printing has not been affected.

xsane (v0.995) says there is no device available.
hpcheck -t yields the log below, which I'm told points to an issue with 
sane rather than xsane, and before the log I have pasted the output from 
find-scanner and scanimage (run as me, not root).

I can't find F2280 in the list of supported scanners, but it was working 
before March!!
Can you help me get it working fully again, please?
I don't usually poke around the guts of Ubuntu, so please don't assume 
much technical knowledge.



== find-scanner and scanimage output ==
richard at richard-desktop:~$ sane-find-scanner

 # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
 # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
 # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

 # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make 
sure that
 # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [HP], product=0x2404 [Deskjet F2200 
series]) at libusb:001:006
 # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be 
supported by
 # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

 # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

 # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
 # can't be detected by this program.

 # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once you
 # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as
 # necessary.
richard at richard-desktop:~$ scanimage -L

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
== end find-scanner and scanimage ==

== hpcheck.log ==
hp-check[7025]: info: :
Initializing. Please wait...


scheduler is running


Linux richard-desktop 2.6.24-27-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 24 10:04:52 UTC 
2010 i686 GNU/Linux

hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :---
hp-check[7025]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[7025]: info: :---
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Basic system information:
hp-check[7025]: info: :Linux richard-desktop 2.6.24-27-generic #1 SMP 
Wed Mar 24 10:04:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Distribution:
hp-check[7025]: info: :ubuntu 8.04
hp-check[7025]: info: :
HPOJ running?
hp-check[7025]: info: :No, HPOJ is not running (OK).
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking Python version...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, version 2.5.2 installed
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking PyQt version...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, version 3.17 installed.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking SIP version...
error: SIP not installed or version not found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for CUPS...
hp-check[7025]: info: :Status: scheduler is running
hp-check[7025]: info: :Version: 1.3.7
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :| COMPILE AND RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES |
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :
note: To check for compile-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with 
the -c parameter (ie, hp-check -c).
note: To check for run-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the 
-r parameter (ie, hp-check -r).
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups - Common Unix 
Printing System...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups-ddk - CUPS driver 
development kit...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups-devel- Common Unix 
Printing System development files...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C and 
C++ Compiler...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript 
and PDF language interpreter and previewer...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL 
cryptographic library...
hp-check[7025]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[7025]: info: :
hp-check[7025]: info: :Checking for dependency: libjpeg

[sane-devel] scanimage 1.0.20 hangs on Solaris 10/SPARC (pixma backend)

2010-02-28 Thread Richard Ryniker
...scanimage just hangs forever when I try to use it
to scan.  scanimage will also hang forever when run with the --help option,
after printing out the help text.  It's as if it's trying to print the
scanner name but ran into trouble.

strace is likely to provide some information about why (or, at least,
where) the program hangs.

If you want more information about libusb and threads, this may be

The LIBUSB_DEBUG environment variable can be used to enable message
logging at run-time, as an alternative to explicit use of
libusb_set_debug() during program execution.

[sane-devel] flatbed scanner recommendation

2010-02-22 Thread Richard Reina
I have a bunch of old documents that are on old facsimile paper and can 
therefore not be scanned by our avision document scanner -- unless they are 
first photocopied. Instead of buying a photocopier.  I was considering just 
buying an inexpensive flatbed scanner and was wondering if someone could 
recommend one.  I've look at the list but nothing really jumped out as what I 
might be looking for.



[sane-devel] As instructed by /etc/udev/rules.d/libsane.rules

2009-11-19 Thread Richard Ryniker
Udev rules are never likely to be a stable interface.  Hardware
devices and connection mechanisms change over time, therefore new and
different information will be produced; the events recognized and
reported may change as the kernel's structure evolves; additional
function in the applications that interpret udev rules in response to
events may demand different udev semantics.

Your suggestion to have a user-oriented application that manipulates
udev rules is sensible, though the same factors that force changes in
udev semantics will likely mean this application also changes, albeit
in a more controlled way from the perspective of the user.  There are
lots of examples where this sort of application has been written for
other facilities.  One example: the init scripts in /etc/rc.d were
messy to manipulate, so chkconfig was written to allow one to see
and change a service's configuration without the need to manipulate a
raft of symlinks in half a dozen directories. ntsysv was written to
provide an interactive alternative to the command-line chkconfig
program.  Some distributions have even fancier, graphical userfaces,
such as system-config-services in Fedora.

I think SANE is not the right place to develop a udev
rules-manipulation application.  SANE may assist some other effort
with scanner specifics, but we recognize that udev rules is a
complicated business: an applicaiton to create and manipulate these
rules will be a serious piece of work, will need to address the needs
of diverse sets of users and devices, and will require some
organization to maintain it as udev changes below and user needs
change above it.

It is surprising that such an application has not already been
written.  Maybe it has, and I simply have not heard of it.  Perhaps
some have tried, but failed because udev information and requirements
changed faster than they could adapt their code.

[sane-devel] As instructed by /etc/udev/rules.d/libsane.rules

2009-11-18 Thread Richard Ryniker
The syscall interface is how applications request kernel services.  It is
not a general mechanism for the kernel to start userspace applications.

HAL and udev are mechanisms intended to give the kernel a flexible way to
invoke userspace applications when events such as hardware device
connection occur.  They certainly are less than perfect, but they are a
lot better than a new kernel module for every device in the world.  As I
understand it, HAL and udev use syscalls to tell the kernel I'm
listening; tell me when something of interest happens and then try to be
helpful when notified of events.  This is a sensible strategy, but we
still have much to learn about how to use it most effectively.

I was not aware of the global label glitch for udev rules, but it seems
a good example of where improvement is needed.  The hardware target moves
rapidly (device manufacturers seem obsessed with a need to make esoteric,
incompatible products - SANE authors may have unsurpassed experience with
this) and until it stops, no scheme is likely to be completely
satisfactory.  More general message passing schemes (like D-bus) may
offer more sophisticated event-handling frameworks that supplant (or
augment) udev and HAL in the future.  Clearly, we are short of any
consensus about best practice in this area.

[sane-devel] HP OfficeJet 6110 all-in-one

2009-10-30 Thread Richard Werst
Thanks for your reply Simon;

I added hpaio initially, which brought the same result, and then took
it out because I found a forum link that said it was not necessary/could
create a problem with the newer version of HPLIP (I'm running 2.8.6b).

In response to your email I put it in again with the same result.

HPLIP is running, and working properly I think, but I'm not sure what to
say about hp* daemons.

Do they get activated at boot time, or are they called called when


[sane-devel] HP OfficeJet 6110 all-in-one

2009-10-29 Thread Richard Werst
I may be trying to saddle a dead horse here, but it would be nice to get
the scanner to work with this printer.

Using Debian Lenny, and trying to install an HP OfficeJet 6110

I have had success using Sane with a couple of stand-alone HP scanners
(3300C and 2200C), so the basic Sane utility is installed and should be
functioning properly. 

HPLIP installs the software, and it will print properly.

scanimage -L returns no SANE devices found

 sane-find-scanner locates the unit: found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0
[Hewlett-Packard], product=0x2d11 [OfficeJet 6100 Series]) at

Trying to scan with Xsane and gscan2pdf return No devices available
and the HPLIP scan utility gives an error message:  Failed to open
device 'hpaio:/usb/Officejet_6100_Series?serial=MY31UC23S12R': Invalid
will not work, with the HPLIP giving a error
I added hpoj to the dll.conf, and rebooted with the printer attached,
without any change in the messages.

Internet searches haven't brought any solutions, so I am hoping someone
on the list will have some suggestions.

Thanks in advance...


[sane-devel] Scanned image prints on 4 pages?

2009-08-31 Thread Richard Reina
Hi All,

When I try to print a scanned document it prints out on 4 different pages (top 
right quadrant, top left quadrant, bottom left quadrant, and bottom right 
quadrant).  This does not happen for other documents that I print. Can anyone 
tell me what the problem could be?

I am using an Avision AV210 and the syntax: scanimage  image

This is on an Ubuntu machine.

[sane-devel] ExactImage Help?

2009-08-30 Thread Richard Reina
Hello from Chicago,

I am trying to install exactimage on an Ubuntu machine:

$ uname -a
Linux activesideofinfinity 2.6.28-3-rt #12-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Fri Apr 17 
10:09:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

I was wondering if someone could advise me as I seem to be going round and 
round on dependency issues.  When I run ./configure it says I need evas.  When 
I try to install evas I get:

checking for EINA... configure: error: Package requirements (eina-0) were not 

No package 'eina-0' found

I then proceed to install e17 by installing all the packages that it requires 
and running the  However, then it craps out with:

checking for EDBUS... configure: error: Package requirements (
  dbus-1 = 0.62
  ecore = 0.9.9
) were not met:

No package 'dbus-1' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables EDBUS_CFLAGS
and EDBUS_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

I went to the synaptic installer and installed every package that has dbus in 
it's name. Still no luck. I then tried to install e_dbus and get this:

checking for EINA... configure: error: Package requirements (eina-0) were not 

No package 'eina-0' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables EINA_CFLAGS
and EINA_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

I have been going round and round for a couple days now and could really use 
some help.  If anyone can help me I along with my wife and kids would be very 



[sane-devel] SANE frozen in amber ?

2009-06-12 Thread Richard Ryniker
 a frontend that asks for new, unsupported features, will simply
 get an appropriate error code.

Allen Noah, earlier in this thread (Thu Jun 11 19:08:28 UTC 2009) alluded
to the problem with this approach when he wrote:

bah- then no front-end will use it, since it is not guaranteed to be

A mandatory interface may return a status that indicates something is
unknown or not applicable and its client uses this to proceed in an
orderly way.  In the case of an optional interface, a client will eschew
use if any plausible alternative exists, in order to have a single logic

The situation has potential to become exponentially complicated: two
paths to handle optional feature 1 (available in this backend, or not);
two additional paths for each of those cases to handle optional feature
2; two additional paths for each of the previous 4 to handle optional
feature 3, ...

The worst case is unlikely, but if scores of backends start to implement
optional features, the result could be chaos.

Certainly, there are places where indefinitely extensible interfaces have
value.  XML, ASN.1 are two examples that come immediately to mind.  I
believe SANE, like many other applications, will find it better to change
its API in infrequent, discrete steps than to follow a continuous change
is permitted strategy.

[sane-devel] ICC support - summing up

2009-06-09 Thread Richard Ryniker
Even if you were to do this, the Oyranos backend still has to connect
to the remote saned instance. If saned is running through inetd, this
just cannot happen.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) uses passive mode to address this problem.
A similar strategy could solve the inetd issue, but will not discount
your arguments about how the presence of network link(s) can make a scan
operation clumsy and ill-defined.

[sane-devel] HP4470c - OSX - USB intermittently working

2009-05-13 Thread Richard Bakker
I can't stop any daemons - as there are no 4470c drivers for OSX,  

On 11 mei 2009, at 22:25, Oleg Perelet wrote:

 I've seen similar behaviors with HP  Epson scanners on OSX. Problem  
 (in my case) was that factory scanner software launches daemons on  
 USB hotplug that grab device (scanner).

 My way of dealing with it (and use SANE) - kill HP (or Epson)  
 daemons and anything twain ... and use SANE afterward.


 --- On Mon, 5/11/09, stef at wrote:

 From: stef at
 Subject: Re: [sane-devel] HP4470c - OSX - USB intermittently working
 To: sane-devel at
 Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 2:01 PM
 Le Monday 11 May 2009 11:09:23 Richard Bakker, vous avez
 ?crit :
 I have the weirdest experience with SANE - OSX, USB
 and a HP4470c

 When I unplug the USB, reconnect and execute some
 tests (stripped

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
 found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805,
 rts8891) at libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
 found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805,
 rts8891) at libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
 found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805,
 chip=rts8858c?) at

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ scanimage -L
 No scanners were identified.

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
   # No USB scanners found.


 I can reproduce this output by unplugging the USB
 and/or power and
 I managed once to scan using PS CS4, second scan -
 No devices found


  could you try the same test but with scanimage -L , with
 sane usb debug
 enabled by running :
 SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_USB=7 scanimage -L 2probe.log

  And send debug logs (once compressed) either to the
 mailing list or directly
 to me if it's too big.
  You may also try another USB cable or plug it in another
 port if possible.


 sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
 Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject unsubscribe
 to sane-devel-request at

 sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
 Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject unsubscribe your_password
 to sane-devel-request at

#bottom{position:relative;border-top:1px solid #ccc;height:  
40px;padding:4px 0;width:180px;} a{color:#333;text-decoration:none;}  
p{margin:0;padding:8px 0 0 0;font-size:11px;color:#333;}  
a:hover{color:#f30;} span{color:#888;}

Met vriendelijke groet,

Richard Bakker

email:bakman at
mobile:  +31 (0) 6 387 50 943

[sane-devel] HP4470c - OSX - USB intermittently working

2009-05-11 Thread Richard Bakker
I have the weirdest experience with SANE - OSX, USB and a HP4470c

When I unplug the USB, reconnect and execute some tests (stripped  

Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805, chip=rts8801/ 
rts8891) at libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00

Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805, chip=rts8801/ 
rts8891) at libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00

Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805, chip=rts8858c?) at  

Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ scanimage -L
No scanners were identified.

Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
   # No USB scanners found.


I can reproduce this output by unplugging the USB and/or power and  
I managed once to scan using PS CS4, second scan - No devices found

-- next part --
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[sane-devel] HP4470c - OSX - USB intermittently working

2009-05-11 Thread Richard Bakker
See log attached.


Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_USB=7 scanimage -L  
device `rts8891:libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00' is a Hewlett-Packard  
4470c flatbed scanner

Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ scanimage -L
No scanners were identified.


really strange

I use this port and cable for an external HD as well, never found  
issues with it (afaik), but I will the cable.

-- next part --
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Type: application/zip
Size: 5919 bytes
Desc: not available
-- next part --

On May 11, 2009, at 9:01 PM, stef wrote:

 Le Monday 11 May 2009 11:09:23 Richard Bakker, vous avez ?crit :
 I have the weirdest experience with SANE - OSX, USB and a HP4470c

 When I unplug the USB, reconnect and execute some tests (stripped

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
 found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805, chip=rts8801/
 rts8891) at libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
 found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805, chip=rts8801/
 rts8891) at libusb:004:003-03f0-0805-00-00

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
 found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0805, chip=rts8858c?) at

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ scanimage -L
 No scanners were identified.

 Macintosh:~ richardbakker$ sane-find-scanner
   # No USB scanners found.


 I can reproduce this output by unplugging the USB and/or power and
 I managed once to scan using PS CS4, second scan - No devices found


   could you try the same test but with scanimage -L , with sane usb  
 enabled by running :
 SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_USB=7 scanimage -L 2probe.log

   And send debug logs (once compressed) either to the mailing list or  
 to me if it's too big.
   You may also try another USB cable or plug it in another port if  


 sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
 Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject unsubscribe your_password
 to sane-devel-request at

#bottom{position:relative;border-top:1px solid #ccc;height:  
40px;padding:4px 0;width:180px;} a{color:#333;text-decoration:none;}  
p{margin:0;padding:8px 0 0 0;font-size:11px;color:#333;}  
a:hover{color:#f30;} span{color:#888;}

Met vriendelijke groet,

Richard Bakker

email:bakman at
mobile:  +31 (0) 6 387 50 943

[sane-devel] sane-devel Digest, Vol 43, Issue 64

2009-01-28 Thread Richard C. Johnson

What is the status of available GPL source code for the avision-type
systems? We expect to base our voting system on this code and it
simply has to (1) be available under GPL and (2) work. Is the Avision.c
code with copyright essential to a SANE avision solution?


-- Dick

sane-devel-request at wrote:
 Send sane-devel mailing list submissions to
   sane-devel at

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
   sane-devel-request at

 You can reach the person managing the list at
   sane-devel-owner at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of sane-devel digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Avision.c copyrights (Ed Hamrick)
2. Re: Providing the version of SANE used in VueScan (Julien BLACHE)
3. Another ADD-ON for descfiles :scsi-entry for GT 7000from
   EPSON (Dieter Jurzitza)
4. Re: Avision.c copyrights (m. allan noah)
5. Re: Avision.c copyrights (Paul Fox)
6. Re: Avision.c copyrights (m. allan noah)
7. Re: Providing the version of SANE used in VueScan
   (Olaf Meeuwissen)
8. Re: Another ADD-ON for descfiles :scsi-entry for GT 7000 from
   EPSON (Julien BLACHE)


 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:56:51 -0700
 From: Ed Hamrick EdHamrick at
 Subject: [sane-devel] Avision.c copyrights
 To: jb at
 Cc: sane-devel at
 Message-ID: 504627BA901449B98954C8A081603AC7 at eng1
 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

 Ren? Rebe isn't the sole copyright holder of avision.c,
 and he's been making modifications that he hasn't
 been putting into SANE.  The other copyright holders are:

 Meino Christian Cramer
 Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida

 Other contributors (who contributed based on the GPL provisions):

 Gunter Wagner
 Martin Jel?nek
 Marcin Siennicki
 Frank Zago
 Avision INC
 Franz Bakan
 Falk Rohsiepe

 I've asked him to release the source code to avision.c, and
 I'm waiting to see it.  I want to see how he got the Xerox
 DocuMate 150 working in avision.c.  I don't have one, and
 one of my customers wants to use it with VueScan.

 Ed Hamrick


 Message: 2
 Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 20:43:56 +0100
 From: Julien BLACHE jb at
 Subject: Re: [sane-devel] Providing the version of SANE used in
 To: sane-devel at
 Message-ID: 87iqo0o7pf.fsf at
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 m. allan noah kitno455 at wrote:

 Yes, it seems that some projects are assigning copyright to a single
 entity just to avoid this problem.

 Which is not legal/possible in some countries to begin with, so it's
 really moot for anything contributed by people from these countries.



Richard C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Open Voting Solutions, Inc.
3 Silver Beech Court
Poquott, NY 11733
631-689-3736 Office
631-689-3774 Fax
631-827-6899 Mobile

-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

[sane-devel] Bug in backend/geniusvp2_parport.c

2008-11-19 Thread Richard Hitt
Hi, sane-devel

In the subject source module, in function sane_geniusvp2_parport_open(), 
a test for PARPORT_MODE_EPP fails and as a result sane does not find my 
Genius ColorPage-Vivid Pro II scanner.   When this test is commented 
out, and the function returns 0, my scanner works fine and I am very happy.

I was helped greatly along this path by sadleder on the freenode irc 
channel #sane.

I tried and failed to establish an account on (rbh00).  My cookie mode is 
to manually set cookies for this session only, under firefox; it 
appeared that a cookie problem was inhibiting me from logging on; but 
the message did not say what cookie domain name was at issue, and I 
couldn't find anything appropriate in my cookies.  Let me know, please, 
what domain is used and I'll remove it from my cookie exceptions and try 
logging in again.

I'd be happy to answer questions you may have and to try things you may 
suggest.  My system is Fedora 9 with sane version 
sane-backends-1.0.19-10.fc9, but to get the geniusvp2_parport shared 
object I had to use a mandrake source rpm, sane-1.0.15-7mdk.src.rpm.  I 
went into its sane.spec file and made up for missing mklibname macros 
and missing XFree86-devel build-dependency; I did make; and I copied 
the resulting shared object and its two 
symlinks from backend/.libs to /usr/lib/sane.  I did make a special 

Richard Hittrbh00 at

[sane-devel] scanmaker 4800 still this the right place to ask for help?

2008-02-04 Thread Richard C. Rath

I am new on this list and new to debian and SANE.  I have done the best I can 
to try and troubleshoot this scanner myself, but have not succeeded.  I think 
the problem is with SANE, but I am not sure this is the appropriate place to 
ask for help.  If it is not, please let me know if there is someplace I can ask 
for help with this.  

That said, here is the problem I am having:

I am trying to get SANE to work with microtek scanmaker 4800.  It opens the 
front end, whether xscanimage or xsane, but freezes upon trying to scan.  
Because it fails in both front ends, I am assuming the problem is either with 
the back end or communication with it.  

I read sane-problems-doc.html and followed the instructions as best I could.

Here is what I've tried so far:

uninstalled sane, xsane, and libsane, reinstalled.  

I did this because I installed the driver for scanmaker 4800 myself rather than 
through the package installer, so I guessed that uninstalling and reinstalling 
would write the correct files.  I found out later that the driver, sm3840, is 
included in the distribution for sane or xsane so I did not need to install it 
seperately.  Perhaps I need to do more to uninstall the file I installed, but I 
don't know if that is the case or how to tell.   

then I commented out all other scanners and net in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf.  The 
troubleshooting instructions say it should be in /usr/etc/sane.d/dll.conf, but 
I am assuming the different location is from how the debian package installer 
installs it.

made sure only one version is installed

removed config directories from home dir

searched for g*-config...found neither gtk-config nor gimp-config

ran gdb scanimage with following result:
Starting program: /usr/bin/xscanimage
Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
(no debugging symbols found)
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
(no debugging symbols found)
[New Thread -1219606848 (LWP 7249)]
(no debugging symbols found)

(... indicates prior line repeating many times) 

front end opens, finds scanner sm3840, but freezes when I hit scan or preview, 
and I have to force a quit.

gdb still does not return, so hit ctrl-C, which returned to gdb prompt after 
giving message:

Program received signal SIGTSTP, Stopped (user).
[Switching to Thread -1219606848 (LWP 7249)]
0xb7f84410 in ?? ()

backtrace then gave the following results:

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0xb7f84410 in ?? ()
#1  0xbffd8068 in ?? ()
#2  0xbffd804c in ?? ()
#3  0xc0105500 in ?? ()
#4  0xb76ae789 in ioctl () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#5  0xb77b0204 in usb_control_msg () from /lib/
#6  0xb74a610f in sanei_usb_control_msg ()
   from /usr/lib/sane/
#7  0xb749a843 in sane_sm3840_get_parameters ()
   from /usr/lib/sane/
#8  0xb749a8ce in sane_sm3840_get_parameters ()
   from /usr/lib/sane/
#9  0xb749ac8e in sane_sm3840_get_parameters ()
   from /usr/lib/sane/
#10 0xb749d932 in sane_sm3840_start () from /usr/lib/sane/
#11 0xb77b6a8f in sane_dll_start () from /usr/lib/
#12 0xb77b87bd in sane_start () from /usr/lib/
#13 0x0804f6f4 in ?? ()
#14 0x080cdda0 in ?? ()
#15 0x0002 in ?? ()
#16 0x in ?? ()

had to kill process before exiting gdb

If you need more info, let me know!  I would really like to get this thing 
--Thanks for your help
~Rich Rath

[sane-devel] Avision scanimage image quality

2007-07-25 Thread Richard Reina

Thanks for the quick reply.  My printer is a Samsung ML-2550.  I am printing to 
it  via $:lpr ducument.tiff.  I have tried to attach a sample document but it 
gets rejected by the list moderator.  The documents are shipping documents that 
are often on thin pre printed forms like carbon copys but often are carbonless 
-- if that makes sense.  Here a link that shows some:

Ren? Rebe rene at wrote: On Wednesday 25 July 2007 15:10:08 
Richard Reina wrote:
  Since dropping the mode --Dithered from my scanimage command the quality 
 has improved somewhat.  However, when I print the document it does not look 
 anywhere near as good as it did when viewed with $:display document.tiff.  
 Will optimize2bw help this?  Or do I have a printing quality issue?
  Thanks for the help thus far.

As with all technical systems the devil is in the details. And espeially with 
the different color scanning and also printing techniques - including different

The questions is what kind of techniques your printer does utilize, which
printer is it by the way?

If the document looks good no the screen and totally different when printed
out then you more likely have some problem in your print queue.

However with many print spoolers and rasterizers (including printer
firmware rasterizers) it also depends how the PostScript/PDf is generated
as there several different methods to embed image raster data in those
files and most spoolers and firmware handle them differently.

If you expect this  free and open source scanner related list to help you
out you certainly need to drop some more details what printer you use
and what you try to archive.

Optimize2bw is an automatic thresholding application doing some
sharpening and background color removal on the image and trying
to preserve as much detail as possible to create 1bit b/w image for


 Ren? Rebe  wrote: On Tuesday 24 July 2007 18:29:12 Richard Reina wrote:
  I have an Avision AV210 that I use to scan in documents with the scanimage 
  scanimage --mode Dithered --resolution 200 --format tiff  file_name
  Can anyone recommend syntax to darken the document it and make it more 
 All color tuning, including brightness, contrast and gamma also work in the
 Dithered mode (in the Avision backend). Btw. Why do you use dithered at all?
 If you want automatic thresholding you can scan in Gray (or Color) and use
 optimize2bw from ExactImage:
   Ren? Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
   Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Susanne Klaus, Ren? Rebe
   Sitz: Berlin, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 105 123 B
   USt-IdNr.: DE251602478 | |

  Ren? Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
  Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Susanne Klaus, Ren? Rebe
  Sitz: Berlin, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 105 123 B
  USt-IdNr.: DE251602478 | |

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Your beliefs become your thoughts.  Your thoughts become your words.  Your 
words become your actions.  Your actions become your habits.  Your habits 
become your values.  Your values become your destiny.  -- Mahatma Gandhi
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[sane-devel] Avision scanimage image quality

2007-07-24 Thread Richard Reina
I have an Avision AV210 that I use to scan in documents with the scanimage 

scanimage --mode Dithered --resolution 200 --format tiff  file_name

Can anyone recommend syntax to darken the document it and make it more clear?



Your beliefs become your thoughts.  Your thoughts become your words.  Your 
words become your actions.  Your actions become your habits.  Your habits 
become your values.  Your values become your destiny.  -- Mahatma Gandhi
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[sane-devel] Avision scanimage image quality

2007-07-24 Thread Richard Reina
I am not able to use lineart.  I although the scanimage --help --device lists 
it as a valid mode for my scanner.  I tried it as LineArt, lineart, Lineart, 
Line Art.  All to no avail.  What is a threshold option?  What I am trying to 
do is make the print (which is often light ) on the document, darker without 
having to walk over to the photocopy machine and copy it first.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



m. allan noah kitno455 at wrote: stop using the halftone 
(dithered binary) mode. use a lineart
(standard binary) mode instead. if that is not enough, then do

scanimage --help

and look for threshold options, or switch to grayscale mode.


On 7/24/07, Richard Reina  wrote:
 I have an Avision AV210 that I use to scan in documents with the scanimage

 scanimage --mode Dithered --resolution 200 --format tiff  file_name

 Can anyone recommend syntax to darken the document it and make it more



 Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your
 words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits
 become your values. Your values become your destiny. -- Mahatma Gandhi
 sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
 Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject unsubscribe your_password
  to sane-devel-request at

The truth is an offense, but not a sin

sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
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 to sane-devel-request at

Your beliefs become your thoughts.  Your thoughts become your words.  Your 
words become your actions.  Your actions become your habits.  Your habits 
become your values.  Your values become your destiny.  -- Mahatma Gandhi
-- next part --
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[sane-devel] HP ScanJet N6010

2007-04-26 Thread Richard C. Johnson
We have a special situation for a prospective customer where it would be 
advantageous to have an all HP hardware solution. The HP ScanJet N6010 
would work if we could find driver support for it. I looked on the SANE 
list, but this was not listed. The list dates from 2003 (it says), so 
perhaps somebody has done subsequent work on this model.

Any information you have would be appreciated.


-- Dick Johnson

Richard C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Open Voting Solutions, Inc.
3 Silver Beech Court
Poquott, NY 11733
631-689-3736 Office
631-689-3774 Fax
631-827-6899 Mobile

[sane-devel] Email window freezes

2007-03-19 Thread Richard E. Barmann
After scanning a page the window that allows you to Email the page does
not let you know if that is successful. The window freezes and will do
nothing. You have to close the main window , as it will not scan again,
and when you reopen xsane it is still there. It takes a reboot to be
able to scan another page. I had to scan the second page in kooka.
Dick Barmann
Web Master
For the world's smallest political quiz go to:

[sane-devel] sm3600 issues

2007-02-17 Thread Richard Werst
I have some time today (Friday) if any one would be able to point me in
the right direction on this issues I am having with this sm3600 backend
in Fedora 6.  I think it may be an issue with the USB (libusb?) but I am
not sure how to follow up on it.  I know enough to follow instructions
and to possibly be dangerous with Linux...and I would like to get this
scanner working so that I can start scanning in some old family photos.

As old as it is it may be in the best interest of my sanity to upgrade
to something with a little higher resolution (I write for a newspaper
and occasionally need to scan something for publication) that is more
easily integrated with the newer I am entertaining
suggestions for new scanner models.

If someone has time they can email me directly:



[sane-devel] ScanMaker 3600

2007-02-09 Thread Richard Werst
This is my first post to your list.

Has there been any problems reported with the back end for the scanmaker
3600 in Fedora 6?

The front end recognizes the scanner, and sends it a signal but the
device doesn't actually do anything but make a clicking noise (it
appears to be coming from the motor that drives the belt that moves the
scanning mechanism).  It is the same on two machines running FC6, and
the scanner works under XP,  

BTW typing scanimage -L into a terminal returns the name of the
scanner, and running the front end as root does not make a difference.

I have also removed the SANE program and reinstalled it (from an RPM)
with no effect on the response.

Any help would really be appreciated as I have searched for
troubleshooting tips with out success.

[sane-devel] saned on win32 with HP backend - Mini-HowTo

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Metzger
Hi everyone,

I'm aware, that SANE primarily centers around making Unix/Linux connected 
scanners to their work, but sometimes, there might be the need to make it work 
the other way round.

I've an old HP Deskjet IIcx connected to a Windows box (because it's primary 
use is there) and I wanted to access it remotely from Linux.

After some debugging the involved SANE executables under Win32/CygWin, I found 
out, that when the reader process in the HP backend was forked, the file 
descriptor for the scanner device was no longer valid (in the forked process). 
Later I discovered, that this has been diagnosed earlier already: details can 
be found at

After changing hp-handle.c in function reader_process according to 
sane-backends-1.0.15-BUG-alm.cygwin.tar.gz as described in the above link, it 
finally worked flawlessly.

In order to keep it down to the least amount of files necessary, I copied the 
following files to a separate directory 
cygsane-1.dll   (as generated by compiling SANE)
cygsane-hp-1.dll(as generated by compiling SANE) 
cygwin1.dll (copied from CygWin)
dll.conf(the configuration file for the DLL backend)
enter   (a file containing a CR/LF - needed for runsane.bat)
hp.conf (the configuration file for the HP backend)
runsane.bat (a simple and stupid deamon implementation - see below)
saned.conf  (the saned configuration file - contains the IP 
addresses of the clients allowed to connect)
saned.exe   (as generated by compiling SANE)

In order to restart saned each time after a client (like e.g. XSANE) has used 
it, I wrapped it in a little batch loop:
rem to run saned as a background service
set thisdir=c:\Programme\sane\saned
echo %thisdir%
rem get rid of any possible trace info
del sdtrace
rem uncomment for more debugging info
rem set SANE_DEBUG_HP=255
rem set SANE_DEBUG_DLL=255
set SANE_CONFIG_DIR=%thisdir%

date  enter  sdtrace
time  enter  sdtrace
rescan  sdtrace
saned.exe -d128 sdtrace 21
echo restarting  sdtrace
goto restart
---end of runsane.bat

Usually the scanner itself is not turned on, when that Windows box is booting, 
so I also included a call to the M$ SCSI bus rescan utility (found at to make sure Windows knows the device 
before actually starting saned. 
Also I prefer to have a minimum level of tracing on all the time, hence I do 
some recording to a file called sdtrace.

With this logic I first turn on the scanner, then connect to it from my linux 
system using e.g.
xsane net:ip-address-of-the-win-box:hp
The first connect fails (because the above batch utility is running saned 
already, before the scanner has been recognized). The second start of xsane 
successfully connects and utilizes the scanner perfectly. (a great THANK YOU to 
all you SANE developers !! ).

Now the only remaining cosmetic step was to hide the window the above 
runsane.bat is running in from the desktop. 
I did this using the autoexnt utility following the steps at and using an autoexnt.bat that looks 
rem autoexnt.bat

rem start the sane daemon--

cd \programme\sane\saned

start cmd.exe /c runsane.bat

Again - thanks to the SANE development community.

(hoping this little HowTo might be helpful - and not being too offtopic with 
this HowTo)
Viren-Scan f?r Ihren PC! Jetzt f?r jeden. Sofort, online und kostenlos.
Gleich testen!

[sane-devel] Konica RX-1

2006-09-29 Thread James Richard Tyrer
There are several Konica RX-1 professional scanners on ebay.

Is there any possibility of using one of these with SANE?


[SOLVED] Re: [sane-devel] Canon LiDE 30 FC 5 hotplug question

2006-04-30 Thread Richard England
Richard England wrote:
 I've updated my machine from FC4, in which I did not try Xsane (etc.)  
 to FC 5.  When I plug in my Canon LiDE 30 USB scanner and fire up 
 Xsane, it announces that it cannot find a scanner.  However, if I 
 leave it plugged in, logout, and log back in, then Xsane finds the 
 scanner and every thing works swimmingly.   Under FC3  it does not 
 seem to matter.  Hot plugging the scanner works fine.

 Can anyone shed light on why the hot plug capability is not working 
 for FC5?  I did notice the hot plug scripts are gone but I assumed 
 that was because UDEV (or HAL, or something else) was suppose to take 
 care of this.

 Any assistance or enlightenment would be appreciated.

 Thank you,

Solved, at least to my satisfaction.

hotplug script were apparently removed, as I suspected, in lieu of UDEV.  

contains a list of the various USB plotters Sane knows about. For my 
scanner, the lines read:

#Canon Inc. | CanoScan N1240U/LIDE 30
SYSFS{idVendor}==04a9, SYSFS{idProduct}==220e, SYMLINK+=scanner-%k

By changing the second of the two lines to read:

SYSFS{idVendor}==04a9, SYSFS{idProduct}==220e, 
SYMLINK+=scanner-%k,  MODE=0666

I can successfully hotplug the scanner and use at as a normal user.

I understand that 0666 is a little wide open but without physical 
access to the machine, no one is likely to be able to connect the 
scanner anyway.

I tried limiting this by adding  GROUP=scanner to the UDEV rule, 
creating the group scanner and adding my account to that group but it 
seems that unless I do a newgrp scanner to change my primary group, I 
can't access it.

I'd be glad to learn the proper way to limit this further, or the 
Gnu-Linux-proper way to use groups (they don't seem to be exactly as I'm 
used to on Unix)  if anyone wants to enlighten me.

The only lingering question in my mind is,  is this as it should be?.  
Shouldn't there be something in place to allow the general user to 
simply plug in a supported scanner and use it without be root or 
modifying the UDEV rules?

Thanks for listening.


/Linux, and Open Software, an alternative./
Registered Unix user #409453

[SOLVED] Re: [sane-devel] Canon LiDE 30 FC 5 hotplug question

2006-04-30 Thread Richard England
Martin Collins wrote:
 On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 23:29:52 -0700
 Richard England wrote:

 I tried limiting this by adding  GROUP=scanner to the UDEV rule, 
 creating the group scanner and adding my account to that group
 but it seems that unless I do a newgrp scanner to change my
 primary group, I can't access it.

 If you start a new shell (or log out and in again) it will include
 scanner in its groups.
 You could set the perms to 0660.

 I'd be glad to learn the proper way to limit this further, or the 
 Gnu-Linux-proper way to use groups (they don't seem to be exactly
 as I'm used to on Unix)  if anyone wants to enlighten me.

 There's no difference AFAIK...

 The only lingering question in my mind is,  is this as it should
 be?. Shouldn't there be something in place to allow the general
 user to simply plug in a supported scanner and use it without be
 root or modifying the UDEV rules?

 IIRC the Debian package sets up a scanner group, and UDEV I think,
 maybe you should raise it with the FC package maintainer (one would
 hope they hang out here anyway).


You were right.  I tried a new shell but I hadn't tried logging back 
in.  When I logged out and back in, the new group was recognized and the 
scanner was available.

That means the entry in:



SYSFS{idVendor}==04a9, SYSFS{idProduct}==220e, 
SYMLINK+=scanner-%k,  GROUP=scanner, MODE=0660

Thanks for your response.


/Linux, and Open Software, an alternative./
Registered Unix user #409453

[sane-devel] Canon LiDE 30 FC 5 hotplug question

2006-04-26 Thread Richard England
I've updated my machine from FC4, in which I did not try Xsane (etc.)  
to FC 5.  When I plug in my Canon LiDE 30 USB scanner and fire up Xsane, 
it announces that it cannot find a scanner.  However, if I leave it 
plugged in, logout, and log back in, then Xsane finds the scanner and 
every thing works swimmingly.   Under FC3  it does not seem to matter.  
Hot plugging the scanner works fine.

Can anyone shed light on why the hot plug capability is not working 
for FC5?  I did notice the hot plug scripts are gone but I assumed 
that was because UDEV (or HAL, or something else) was suppose to take 
care of this.

Any assistance or enlightenment would be appreciated.

Thank you,


/Linux, and Open Software, an alternative./
Registered Unix user #409453

[sane-devel] Avision sane_read: Error during device I/O

2005-10-11 Thread Richard Reina
Please forgive me if the answer to my problem is
obvious, but I looking for help getting an Avision
AV210 working.

I downloaded sane-backends-1.0.16 and did a 
make install

everything seems to have installed fine.

scanimage -L gives me:

device `avision:libusb:001:005' is a Avision AV210
sheetfed scanner

However, when I try:

scanimage -v -d avision:libusb:001:005  --format tiff 

Scanimage seems to hang for a while and gives me the

scanimage: scanning image of size 2544x3507 pixels at
24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame
scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 255/0
scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
 -Dwight D. Eisenhower.

[sane-devel] Configuring a Mustek BearPaw 2400 Scanner

2005-08-20 Thread Richard Ibbotson

On 19/08/05, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
 I hope so. Please try the latest backend gt68xx (1.0-73) from or a snapshot of

Umm.. yes, that's what I'm using :)  So, not what to say to you about
that.  I'll try the snapshot as well.


[sane-devel] Configuring a Mustek BearPaw 2400 Scanner

2005-08-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Just got hold of a Mustek BearPaw 2400 CU Plus scanner for my own
Debian Sarge workstation with a Debian kernel.  The scanner
plugs in with USB.  Seems to be detected and works.  Output of
'scanimage -L' shows

 device `gt68xx:libusb:002:016' is a Mustek BearPaw 2400 CU Plus
flatbed scanner 

Before I plugged it in I found the driver from the site.  After grabbing the gt68xx driver I
noticed that this was on the driver page...

 If you can only scan half of the page, use the PS2Dfw2.usb firmware
and rename it to PS2Dfw.usb. 

What I can see as the output which is in PNG or PNM or TIFF format is
that the scanned images are coming out stretched in the horizontal


So that a square OpenBSD CD cover comes out as a horizontal rectangle. 
Also, only half an A4 page is being scanned which is also stretched
in the horizontal direction.  I've tried to rename the ps2dfw2.usb
driver in the way that is described above.  The scanner/driver just
crashes and sits still.  To test the scanner and driver I was using
the following command line argument...

scanimage  --mode col/home/user/scanner/image.png

Does anyone know how to fix these problems ?  I don't want to return
the scanner because it does work and does put out some useful images. 
Just that it's not quite right somewhere.  Also, I've tried Xsane and
Quiteinsane and neither of those applications will detect the scanner
even though it is seen by the command line software.  I think this
might be something to do with permissions and the fact that only the
root user has access to the scanner.  I'm not quite sure how to fix
that.  Any help appreciated.




[sane-devel] Stuck somehow in porting to Win98/ASPI

2005-08-09 Thread Richard Metzger

Henning Meier-Geinitz schrieb am 16.07.05 22:09:14:
 On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 12:48:32PM +0200, Richard Metzger wrote:
  Please, what is the design here? Shouldn't the child block the pipe,
  so that the parent only returns from read(), when the child wants it
 Parent: create pipe, fork, close writing side of pipe, wait for data
 from reading side of pipe
 Child:  close reading side of pipe, send data to writing side, when
 finished close writing side
 Parent: when writing side is closed by child, close also reading side 

Thanks a lot - that helped a lot to get closer to the problem, which seems to 
be that the parent's read returns (indicating EOF) before the child has issued 
it's first write.

I see, that  Peter Kirchgessner has implemented a mechanism to retry the read a 
certain amount of times when EOF is indicated - but only for the non-scsi case. 
I'll try to mimic this for the scsi part. 

Mit WEB.DE FreePhone mit hoechster Qualitaet ab 0 Ct./Min.
weltweit telefonieren!

[sane-devel] Stuck somehow in porting to Win98/ASPI

2005-07-15 Thread Richard Metzger
OK - I sticked my nose a bit further into it...

It looks like the parent closes the pipe (because it returns from read() with 0 
bytes read) before the child even has had the chance to supply anything into 
the pipe.

[hp] do_read: Start reading data from scanner
[hp] do_read: entering request to read 32768 bytes   (- this is from the child)
[hp] sanei_hp_handle_read: EOF from pipe. Stop scan   (_ this is from the 
[hp] hp_handle_stopScan: killing child (16391851)
[hp] hp_handle_stopScan: child signalled, signal = 11
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] hp_GetOpenDevice: device h2b0t2l0 not open
[hp] scsi_inquire: sending INQUIRE
[hp] vendor=HP  , model=C2500A  , rev=3332
[hp] scsi_new: sending TEST_UNIT_READY

Please, what is the design here? Shouldn't the child block the pipe, so that 
the parent  only returns from read(), when the child wants it to?

Thank you very much in advance.
Richard Metzger
Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige Bilder per SMS!
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[sane-devel] Stuck somehow in porting to Win98/ASPI

2005-07-14 Thread Richard Metzger
Hello great sane-team!

first of all - thanks to all you developers for all the sane code and to Frank 
Zago for his Win-port.

Frank is right in one of his statements: it may or may not work on 

Well, meanwhile I know, that it doesn't work on Win 98 - because of missing 
support for opening files like \\.\Scsi0 and using subsequent DeviceIOCTL.
So I started to recode the pieces, that I could identify for using the ASPI 

After the first few iterations in changing sane-find-scanner.c and sanei_scsi.c 
I'm at a point, where sane-find-scanner works as well as scanimage -L.

However the first attempts to actually scan something fail at a certain point

I do 
scanimage  a.pmn
and capture a lengthy log, which shows several dozends of successful 
interactions with my old HPSJ IIcx until the point in time, where the scan 
should start

-- extracts from the log --
[hp] start: No request to mirror image vertically
[hp] start: 2550 pixels per line, 319 bytes per line, 4199 lines high
[hp] sanei_hp_scl_startScan: Start scan
[hp] scsi_flush: writing 5 bytes:
[hp]  0x  1B 2A 66 30 53   .*f0S
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] hp_handle_startReader: parent closes write end of pipe
[hp] start_reader: reader process 16391851 started
[hp] scsi_close: closing fd 1
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] hp_IsOpenFd: 1 not open
[hp] scsi_close: really closed
[hp] hp_RemoveOpenFd: 1 not removed
[hp] sane_start will finish with Success
[hp] sane_get_parameters called
[hp] sane_get_parameters will finish with Success
[hp] sane_read called
[hp] sanei_hp_handle_read: trying to read 32768 bytes
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] do_read: Start reading data from scanner
[hp] do_read: entering request to read 32768 bytes
   I guess it looks ok until here, but the next line might 
indicate that something went wrong.
[hp] sanei_hp_handle_read: EOF from pipe. Stop scan
[hp] hp_handle_stopScan: killing child (16391851)
[hp] hp_handle_stopScan: child signalled, signal = 11
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] hp_GetOpenDevice: device h2b0t2l0 not open
[hp] scsi_inquire: sending INQUIRE
[hp] vendor=HP  , model=C2500A  , rev=3332
[hp] scsi_new: sending TEST_UNIT_READY
[hp] hp_AddOpenDevice: h2b0t2l0 should not be kept open
[hp] scsi_flush: writing 2 bytes:
[hp]  0x  1B 45.E
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] scsi_flush: writing 7 bytes:
[hp]  0x  1B 2A 73 32 35 37 45 .*s257E
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] scsi_read:  16 bytes:
[hp]  0x  1B 2A 73 32 35 37 64 30 56 00 00 00 D0 6D 0F 61  .*s257d0Vm.a
[hp] scsi_close: closing fd 1
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: searching h2b0t2l0
[hp] sanei_hp_device_info_get: check h2b0t2l0
[hp] hp_IsOpenFd: 1 not open
[hp] scsi_close: really closed
[hp] hp_RemoveOpenFd: 1 not removed
[hp] sane_read will finish with Error during device I/O
scanimage: sane_read: Error during device I/O
[hp] sane_close called
[hp] sanei_hp_handle_destroy: stop scan
- end extract ---

I feel like I cant tell the wood from the trees the higher level 
architecture of the HP backend is not described very well and so far I haven't 
been able to reconstruct it from the low level code itself.

I have the suspicion, that there are two processes talking to each other via a 
pipe, which might not be set up correctly.

You might want to ignore the lines, that deal with fd (the file descriptor 
handling) - I'm not using a file descriptor really. I use a hard coded fd=1 so 
that the fd_info array is used as it should, but I've not had the time/nerves 
yet to clean up the related error messages.

If one of you thinks it's worth to persue this old-fashioned environment (I'm 
using Linux since quite some time and dislike Wintendo, but for several reasons 
it has to be Win98 in this case here) I'd appreciate any kind of insight into 
the backend's higher level structure  and/or pointers where to stick my nose in 

Thanks a lot in advance.

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FW: [sane-devel] ASPI sniffing under Win98

2005-07-14 Thread Richard Metzger

Gregory C. Johnson schrieb am 14.07.05 
 I'm looking for a way to log SCSI events under Win98 or 2000...  Do you
 know of any beyond the methods listed in ?

Hi Greg,

just from their high level principles... I haven't used them so far. You might 
also take a look at some samples for an ASPI logger to be found at

Good Luck!

Richard Metzger
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[sane-devel] OT: Document scanner recomendations - advice sought

2005-04-18 Thread Richard Reina
I have been using the Fujitsu M3091DC for about 2.5
years.  I would like to upgrade to a scanner higher
quality faster document scanner, preferrably one that
can handle odd sized pages ( smaller than 8.5 by 11
) and would not require that I darken a document by
fotocopying it first.  Above all the most important
think is compatbility with SANE.

Any suggestions are appreciated.



A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.   
-Dwight D. Eisenhower.

[sane-devel] recommendation for scanner 150$?

2005-02-15 Thread Sharpe, Richard
I too have the same problem and would appreciate any help also.=20



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christoph
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:23 AM
Subject: [sane-devel] recommendation for scanner 150$?

Hi everybody,

I'm searching for a scanner with usb interface which is completely
supported by sane and which is still available in the market for not
more than 150$. Any recommendations?
After browsing through the list of sane supported models and comparing
them to those which are available from local dealers and internet shops
in germany it seems that scanners are either supported by sane or
available from dealers but not both. But I'm sure that I missed
Thanks in advance!


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[sane-devel] Using a remote scanner running on win98

2003-12-26 Thread richard hebert
well .. it had to get to this :)
Got the wife a Epson 3200 flatbed/printer/copier.
Of course being hers .. it's plugged right in her USB
port and she's fond
of it.To get printing from my comp to her's was a
breeze.. but id like
to use her scanner which is way more accurate than
mine :) 

Now.. i dont know of a way to do this.Not sure it can
be done either
but im asking all the same.

Is there somewhere a how-to for this ? 
Can this be done at all using SANE/XSANE  ? 

Thanks for the comments 


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[sane-devel] problem with Nikon Coolscan II

2003-11-25 Thread Richard Poole
I have a Coolscan II connected to an Advansys ABP940U SCSI card. I
haven't owned this scanner from new and I've never seen it working
correctly. So I've no idea what's the source of the following weird

When I scan, using the coolscan backend, some lines of the scan are
offset by 1 pixel from the previous line; about 60% of lines, seemingly
at random, are affected, so after 24 lines I'm typically 14 or 15 pixels
across. After 62208 bytes (24 lines of grayscale or 8 of color), the
next line is back at the original position (62208 bytes is the amount of
information returned by the scanner from a single SCSI read). This
produces a jagged effect; shows the
top corner of a scan, showing the effect I've described at the edge
between a slide mount and a very light slide on a grayscale scan.

In color, I also notice that each line is only one color. - a picture is worth a thousand
words. That's from part of the middle of an image.

So my questions are:

- is this scanner functioning properly but being driven wrongly,
malfunctioning but usable, or a paperweight?

- if the scanner is OK, what is my best route to getting proper scans
from it? I'm happy to do some C programming, so I'd need to know what's
the best way to get specs and whether I should be working on the
coolscan or coolscan2 backends.

If there's any more information I can provide or tests I can carry out
to diagnose this problem, please let me know and I'll do so.
sane-backends 1.0.13, Red Hat Linux 7.3, kernel 2.4.18-3 .


Richard Poole

[sane-devel] Mustek 600 III EP plus

2003-10-19 Thread richard hebert
Morning Gentlemen.

In mustek_pp.conf the  600 III EP Plus reference seem
to have mysteriously disappeared.

#Possible values are:
#  - cis600(for Mustek 600CP  OEM

So that's the driver that should be used now ? 
Im hesitating cause i dont want to damage the 
scanner : ) 


Richard Hebert

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[sane-devel] Mustek 600 solved.

2003-10-19 Thread richard hebert
Thanks Henning :) 

I did just that, took the snapshot and compiled.
the backend suggested works just great.

Once i worked out a compile error i got on my
machine  fujitsu backends would not compile.
so i deleted the reference in the backend Makefile
and it then compiled.

Im using Fedora with the latest packages out of 
rawhide, so i do expect trouble and lots fun
recompiling and fixing bugs :) 

Once again .. if you heed something let me know.


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[sane-devel] Re: R: Problems faxing from a scanner

2003-03-17 Thread Richard M. Teitel
Di Vaio Gianluigi wrote:

Hallo Rich,

I'm pretty sure that the problem is the PS created by your scanner... the
cover page is sent because its created automatically by hylafax, when the
document not... try to investigate what type of driver is used for the
conversion in PS format...


Perhaps someone who is more familiar with Xsane than I can help.  I can 
only deduce that Xsane uses something like pnmtops to create the 
PostScript file from the scanned image.


[sane-devel] Updating sane-backends

2003-03-11 Thread Richard M. Teitel
I am in desperate need of advice from people more knowledgable than I 
(which means most, if not all, of you) about the workings of Linux.

I was advised by several people (Henning Meir-Geinitz and Gerhart Jaeger 
in particular) that most of my problems with the UMAX scanner using the 
Plustek backend would be resolved if I upgraded my sane-backends from 
version 1.0.8 to version 1.0.11.  I much appreciate the advice.  So I 
downloaded the sane-backends -1.0.11 tar file and attempted to install 
it.  When I ran ./configure, I got the following warning:

*** WARNING: SANE is already installed (version 1.0.8). The old
*** installation is at /usr while SANE will now be installed
*** at /usr/local. It is recommended to uninstall the old SANE version
*** before installing the new one to avoid problems.

So I tried to uninstall the old version with

rpm -e sane-backends-1.0.8

 and got the following response:

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by (installed) sane-frontends-1.0.8-4 is needed by (installed) xsane-0.84-8 is needed by (installed) xsane-gimp-0.84-8
sane-backends = 1.0.8 is needed by (installed) 

( is a link to, which is in the same directory)

In other words (or so it would appear), I can't install the new files 
until I uninstall the old ones, and I can't uninstall the old ones 
because of the dependencies.

Can someone please offer a suggestion?  I would prefer not to have to 
uninstall and reinstall sane-frontends, xsane and gimp in order to 
update the backends files.  Or better yet, is there a way to upgrade the 
Plustek driver, without disturbing anything else?

Oh, BTW, I am running Red Hat Linux 2.4.18-14 on an Intel Pentium III 
with a UMAX Astra 3400 scanner connected to the USB port.

Thanks for the help,
Rich Teitel

[sane-devel] Updating sane-backends

2003-03-11 Thread Richard M. Teitel
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:

T. Ribbrock wrote in the last therad you initiated
that he has made RPMs for Redhat. That would be more clean than to
install from .tar.gz

Perhaps I misread T. Ribbrocks message. I thought he said he had rpms 
for sane-backends-1.0.9, but not yet for 1.0.11. My impression was that 
1.0.11 would solve the problems but 1.0.9 might not. So I opted for the 
tar version.

you could . . . overwrite the files of your distribution. That's done by 
running configure in sane-backends with the arguments --prefix=/usr 
--sysconfigdir=/etc. Check configure --help for the meaning.

That's extremely useful information that never occured to me. I will 
check the configure --help files and figure out how to install the new 
files on top of the old ones. I will also uninstall the old files by 
forcing rpm to ignore the dependencies.

Thanks for the suggestions. And for your patience with one who knows so 

Rich Teitel

[sane-devel] UMAX scanner problems

2003-03-09 Thread Richard M. Teitel
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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First, let me apologize in advance for the length of this message.  I am 
trying to solve several problems, which I believe to be related.

I am running Red Hat Linux 8.0 on a 700 MHZ Pentium III using a UMAX 
Astra 3400 flatbed scanner connected to the USB port.  Red Hat came with 
sane-backends-1.0.8, which includes the sane-plustek.5.gz package (I'm 
not sure which release this is).  According to the documentation I've 
read, these are the most recent releases and should work with the UMAX 
scanner.  Indeed, the scanner is detected using modprobe (thanks to 
Henning), and I am able to run the scanner from either the XSANE 
front-end (version 0.84) or GIMP, using the Plustek backend.  I have 
successfully copied and faxed BW images.  But all is not well :-(

First, the Preview function does not work.  When I run Preview, the 
scanner makes an odd clicking noise as it scans and does not produce 
an image.  I am able to use the Preview function to set the scan area, 
but that's all.

Second, the Lamp Off After Scan function does not work.  I set it for 
several different time intervals (from 5 to 30 seconds), but the lamp 
never turned off.  It does turn off when I close SANE, after I edited 
the Plustek driver to do so.  Also, the front panel Power Saver button 
does not turn off the lamp (according to the UMAX tech rep, the button 
sends a command to the software to turn the lamp off).  I suspect this 
problem leads to other problems having to do with overheating of the CCD 
sensor, since the quality of the first image is better than succeeding 

Third, the quality of color images scanned from photographs is terrible. 
I have attached a copy of a color image scanned from a photograph.  The 
brightness, contrast and color of the photo are good.  The scanned 
images appear to be overexposed and bloom badly.  My initial thought 
was that the color saturation was way too high.  The problem gets worse 
as the scanner heats up (since the lamp doesn't shut off), and I have 
been unable to correct the brightness, contrast, or color settings 
enough to make the images look good.  I tried adjusting the brightness 
and contrast of the scanner using the SANE backend, and the quality 
improved some, but not much.  I have not tried scanning from the command 

As a final note, I used to run this scanner under Win98SE using 
Vistascan and Photodeluxe and everything worked well, so I know the 
scanner works correctly.

I would very much appreciate any help you can offer.  I am not a 
developer, but have enough computer experience to do some 
trouble-shooting and file editing.

Rich Teitel

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[sane-devel] How to scan monorome with fujitsu 3091DC.

2003-02-15 Thread Richard Reina

Thanks for the response but I never was able to find a file called 
fujitsu.c ( or even anything similar) to edit.  Does anyone have any 
other suggestions?



Oliver Schirrmeister wrote:

Am Don, 2002-12-19 um 18.03 schrieb Richard Reina:

Does anyone know how I can get my fujitsu 3091DC to scan monochrome 
(simple black  white)?  My choice of modes that are listed in scanimage 
--help --device are:  Gray, Lineart, Halftone and Color.  I'm not sure 
what Halftone is but it does not work.  Lineart gives me a nice small 
image but the black and white is inverted, Gray is too big.  Any help 
would be greatly appreciated.

Halftone does not work with the 3091 because the driver doesn't
implement it. 
Lineart returns black  white images (1bit/pixel). If the image is
inverted you might try to set the RIF (reverse image format) option.
In file fujitsu.c function setWindowParam you can find the following
  if (s-model == MODEL_3092)
  set_WD_rif (buffer, SANE_TRUE);
  set_WD_rif (buffer, s-reverse);

You can try the same for MODEL_3091.


Sane-devel mailing list


[sane-devel] How to scan monorome with fujitsu 3091DC.

2002-12-19 Thread Richard Reina
Does anyone know how I can get my fujitsu 3091DC to scan monochrome 
(simple black  white)?  My choice of modes that are listed in scanimage 
--help --device are:  Gray, Lineart, Halftone and Color.  I'm not sure 
what Halftone is but it does not work.  Lineart gives me a nice small 
image but the black and white is inverted, Gray is too big.  Any help 
would be greatly appreciated.


[sane-devel] Mustek 600 III EP Plus

2002-12-04 Thread richard hebert
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

this is my mustek_pp.conf 
works on RH 8.0

Hopefully it  will help


what should that mustek_pp.conf file should look like
for Mustek 600 III
EP Plus
scanner that I have.
only one parallel port
suse 8.1

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Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=mustek_pp.conf
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Description: mustek_pp.conf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=mustek_pp.conf



[sane-devel] scaning non standard sized pages?

2002-11-16 Thread Richard Reina
When I scan a page with my fujitsu 3091DC that is smaller than 8.5 x 11 
using scanimage, the document will not print and if I try to fax it 
using hylafax I get an error message: Warning, bugus StripByteCounts.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


[sane-devel] 610p protocol Info.. My first cut.

2002-09-27 Thread (Richard A. Smith)
Ok... I've spent the better part of wed night with the 610p, the
logic analyser and SoftICE and VistaScan from the UMAX webpage.

This looks like this may be a tricky RE job as I haven't found the
magic. Pieces of the puzzle that make everything make sense.

Here's what I've learned:

First in order to get valid data under VistaScan I have to have my
parallel port set to _either_ SPP or ECP+EPP.  Strictly EPP does
_not_ work.  If set to EPP the scanner performs all scan functions
but the data that shows up in the preview windows is scrambled.

Perhaps its using the compression feature built into the ECP?  Dunno
how it works in SPP mode though.  

Attempting to start out simple I tried to log the IO from a simple
application called powersave which just turn on and off the scanner
light.  This app works regardless of what mode the parallel port is
in.  My thought was that I would set up the LA to trigger on the
various transfer modes and find the one that matches.

I ran into the problem though that the data I see on the logic
analyser dosen't seem to match any of the timeing diagrams I have for
any of the modes.  At least not for any of the modes listed in Jan
Axelson's Parallel Port Complete.

I can't seem to figure out the exact clocking scheme that will let me
grab the data on the wire.  Of course it could have just been that it
was 3am... 

So I began useing SoftICE to try and get a better understanding of
what it was doing.

SoftICE isn't the greatest thing for logging port IO.  It (at least
my version) won't let me breakpoint on a rage of IO so I have to
specifically choose a port address to watch for.  The powersave app
though appears to have 2 subroutines that do all the IO so I was able
to break on thier addresses and extract the port address and data
from each transfer.  But its really tedious.   And I think that since
I breakpoint on every IO attempt that the transfer is timeing out
causing it to repeat as the code appeared to get stuck in a loop that
would drop out after 10 attempts.   I quit about that time. 

See the end of the message for the listing.

So I got some data but by the time I was done it was really late and
I have not had a chance to study it.  Hopefully somebody can make
some sense of this and give me a boost.

I think my next step is to set up a windows NT machine and use
portmon from sysinternals to grab the IO.  Portmon's webpage claims
to be able to log all parallel IO under NT.  Vistascan is listed to
run under NT.  On w98 portmon dosen't see any parallel activity I'm
guessing because the app is doing direct reads and writes rather than
calling an api call.

Heres the log:


- means write to port.
- means input from port.
side text describes what the next instructions did with the input
data at least up until it jumped away.

Program boots.. Then it does lots of IO's to various parallel port
base IO addresses... You don't have to set the IO base in the app
anywhere so this must be how it finds the scanner.  My base address
is 0x378.  All number are in hex.

40 - 378
06 - 37a
3f - 379   Mask with 78 look for 38
07 - 37a
3f - 379   Mask 78 look for f8
04 - 37a
ff - 379   Mask f8 look for f8
05 - 379
c5 - 37a   Mask 0f look for 05
04 - 37a
cf - 379   Look for bit 5 to be 0
c4 - 37a   Mask 5f assign result to V1. V1 = 44
V1 (44) - 37a
55 - 37c
cf - 379   Look for bit 5 to be 0
c4 - 37a   Mask with 5f assign to V2 V2 = 44
V2 (44) - 37a
aa - 37c
c4 - 37a   OR with a0 assign to V3  V3=e4
V3 (e4) - 37a
cf - 379   Look for bit 3 to be 0

The last test fails and it looks like it will attempt to try this 10
times before jumping ou t of the loop.

Thats it for now... I'll try to get the NT logs this weekend.

Richard A. Smith Bitworks, Inc.   479.846.5777 x104
Sr. Design Engineer   

[sane-devel] A3 Supported Scanners

2002-07-11 Thread John Richard Smith
Thanks for your replys.
I have now had some time to investigate the suggestions.

Mustek Paragon  Pro.A3   36bit
optical resolution 600x1200
price US $699

Mustek ScanExpress A3 USB,   48bit   CIS scanner
optical resolution 300x600 dpi
Price is affordable, around £115 sterling

UMAX PowerLook 2100XL.A3,42bit BET Col,14Grey
optical resolution 800x1600ppi
mirror moving texhnology ?
connection unknown, pp or usb.
price as yet unknown,perhaps 700 Euro

The umax looks to be the technically superior machine,
however it and the Paragon Pro look too expensive.

The question is , would the Mustek A3 USB be well
supported and is the resolution  of 300x600 not
a little low . On the otherhand I am thinking,
if the machine is scanning A3 size images the
files must end up in .pnm file format awfully large.
So perhaps there are practicle limits as to the
resolution scale in A3. A comment from someone with
experience might be appropriate .

John Richard Smith

[sane-devel] A3 Supported Scanners

2002-07-11 Thread John Richard Smith
Thanks for your replys.
I have now had some time to investigate the suggestions.

Mustek Paragon  Pro.A3   36bit
optical resolution 600x1200
price US $699

Mustek ScanExpress A3 USB,   48bit   CIS scanner
optical resolution 300x600 dpi
Price is affordable, around £115 sterling

UMAX PowerLook 2100XL.A3,42bit BET Col,14Grey
optical resolution 800x1600ppi
mirror moving texhnology ?
connection unknown, pp or usb.
price as yet unknown,perhaps 700 Euro

The umax looks to be the technically superior machine,
however it and the Paragon Pro look too expensive.

The question is , would the Mustek A3 USB be well
supported and is the resolution  of 300x600 not
a little low . On the otherhand I am thinking,
if the machine is scanning A3 size images the
files must end up in .pnm file format awfully large.
So perhaps there are practicle limits as to the
resolution scale in A3. A comment from someone with
experience might be appropriate .


John Richard Smith 

[sane-devel] A3 Supported Scannerc

2002-07-11 Thread John Richard Smith
Thanks for your replys.

The  Paragon A3 Pro. may be beyond my price bracket,
although I haven't found much to support it's technical 
specification or price. So leaving that aside for the moment
There appear to be a Musteks and  a UMAX on the market :-

Mustek ScanExpress A3 USB,   48bit   CIS scanner
optical resolution 300x600 dpi
Price is affordable.

UMAX PowerLook 2100XL.A3,   42bits BET Col,14Grey
optical resolution 800x1600ppi
mirror moving texhnology ?
connection unknown, pp or usb.
price as yet unknown

John Richard Smith

[sane-devel] HP 6300C USB Bad Noises

2002-05-10 Thread Richard A Downing
Appologies for a newbie asking questions before lurking for long, but I
have looked back though the arch-hives with no luck on this.

HP 6300C connected by USB using Kernel 2.4.17 and Sane 1.0.7.
Scanner works fine under Windows.
Scanimage (and xscanimage) finds the scanner, starts the scan, after
just a few scanlines the scan stops, the lamp returns to home but the
stepper motor continues to run causing loud clicking noises.
(After this it STILL works under windows)

I tried Sane 1.0.5 some time ago and had this problem, but no time to
fix it.

Any ideas most welcome.  Info below.


richard:~ #: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc= 11/900 us ( 1%), #Int=  1, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB UHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=c000
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=255ms
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=01 Dev#=  5 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=00(ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=03f0 ProdID=0201 Rev= 1.00
S:  SerialNumber=SG88U160H7HL
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=60 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 3 Cls=00(ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=usbscanner
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  16 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=83(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   1 Ivl=250ms

richard:~ #: cat /proc/bus/usb/drivers
 48- 63: usbscanner

richard:~ #: cat /usr/local/etc/sane.d/hp.conf
scsi HP
option connect-device
option disable-scsi-request

richard:~ #: ls -l /dev/usb
total 0
crw-rw-rw-1 root root 180,  48 May  9 22:44 scanner0
richard:~ #:


[sane-devel] AGFA Snapscan 1236s possible conflict

2002-03-13 Thread Richard Davies
On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 07:58:28PM +, Richard Davies wrote:

I don't know what is going on but it suddenly gave me this information when I 
rebooted it and tried the SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -L again

[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of snapscan to 255.
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_init
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_init: Snapscan backend version 1.4.0
[snapscan] add_device(/dev/sga)
[snapscan] add_device: Detected (kind of) a SCSI device
[snapscan] add_device: error opening device /dev/sga: Invalid argument
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_get_devices (0xb348, 0)

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_exit

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

[sane-devel] Re: AGFA Snapscan 1236s possible conflict

2002-03-13 Thread Richard Davies
Further steps taken to isolate the problem

Confirmed conflict between scanner and CD burner.

Removed sane 1.0.6 and replaced it with sane 1.0.7

SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -L

[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of snapscan to 255.
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_init
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_init: Snapscan backend version 1.4.7
[snapscan] add_device(/dev/sg0)
[snapscan] add_device: Detected (kind of) a SCSI device
[snapscan] mini_inquiry
[snapscan] snapscan_cmd
[snapscan] add_device: Is vendor LITE-ON model LTR-12101B a supported 
[snapscan] add_device: LITE-ON LTR-12101B is not one of AGFA SnapScan 300, 
310, 600, 1212, 1236, e20, e25, e26, e40, e42, e50, e52 or e60
Acer 300, 310, 610, 610+, 620, 620+, 640, 1240, 3300, 4300 or 5300
Guillemot MaxiScan A4 Deluxe
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_get_devices (0xb2e8, 0)

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_exit

Removed the CD Burner and now get.

SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -L
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of snapscan to 255.
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_init
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_init: Snapscan backend version 1.4.7
[snapscan] add_device(/dev/sg0)
[snapscan] add_device: Detected (kind of) a SCSI device
[snapscan] mini_inquiry
[snapscan] snapscan_cmd
[snapscan] add_device: Is vendor AGFA model SNAPSCAN 1236 a supported 
[snapscan] snapscani_get_model_id(SNAPSCAN 1236, 4, 1)
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_get_devices (0xb328, 0)
device `snapscan:/dev/sg0' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN 1236 flatbed scanner
[snapscan] sane_snapscan_exit

Replace the CD and the scanner has gone.
Sane-find-scanner will always find the scanner irrespective of the presence 
of the CD.

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

[sane-devel] AGFA Snapscan 1236s possible conflict

2002-03-12 Thread Richard Davies
On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 07:58:28PM +, Richard Davies wrote:


  modprobe aha15*

 This means load all modules that start with aha15 and so it does.
 Not only aha152x (which you need) is load but also aha1542. This
. driver doesn't find any supported controller, that's why you get these

Just me being stupid you are quite right modprobe aha152* works just fine 
with no errors

The following information doesn't change.

  Attached devices:
  Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor LITE-ON Model: LTR 12101BRev:  LKU6
  Type:  CD ROM   ANSI SCSI Revsion: 02
  Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
  Vendor: AGFA   Model: SNAPSCAN 1236  Rev: 1.50
  Type:  Scanner ANSI SCSI revision: 02

# Note that sane-find-scanner will find any scanner that is connected
# to a SCSI bus.  It will even find scanners that are not supported
# at all by SANE. It won't find a scanner that is connected to a
# parallel, USB or other non-SCSI port.

sane-find-scanner: found scanner AGFA SNAPSCAN 1236 1.50 at device /dev/sg1

Makes no difference to the find scanner routine.

 I don't know anything about SnapScans but I will comment on this
 anyway: the SCSI and sane-find-scanner output looks fine.

 Maybe a problem with the firmware file? 
 You will get more output on wht's going on with
 SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -L

SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -L

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).

I have read the documentation and really don't know where to go from here.


There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

[sane-devel] AGFA Snapscan 1236s possible conflict

2002-03-10 Thread Richard Davies
I have just moved my scanner over to a new box and now scanimage -L reports 
no Sane devices.

System is a Dell poweredge 300 running an 800 mhz Intel coppermine and 
Mandrake 8.1

Scanner is AGFA Snapscan 1236s
SCSI card is Adaptec AVA1505
The card and scanner are known to work just fine in an old DELL MMX 200
under Mandrake 8.0

Only other piece of hardware that the scanner hasn't worked with before seems 
to be a Lite On ATAPI CD burner. Guessing it may be a conflict I have 
searched the web but not found anything that I understand on this. The 
following is what I have done so far. Now I am stuck for ideas can someone 
point me in the direction of other things I need to check.

The following is the response I get from the system:-
Just booting the system only finds the CD
Modprobe throws errors that I don't understand but does seem to load the 
module even though it gives an error message.
Checking SCSI now shows the scanner installed
sane-find-scanner correctly identifies the scanner
scanimage says no sane devices.
Sane backend points to /dev/sg1
changed permissions on /dev/sg1 to 777 just in case but makes no difference.

Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor LITE-ON Model: LTR 12101BRev:  LKU6
  Type:  CD ROM   ANSI SCSI Revsion: 02

modprobe aha15*

/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi/aha1542.o.gz: init_module: No 
such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi/aha1542.o.gz: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi/aha1542.o.gz failed

Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor LITE-ON Model: LTR 12101BRev:  LKU6
  Type:  CD ROM   ANSI SCSI Revsion: 02
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
  Vendor: AGFA   Model: SNAPSCAN 1236  Rev: 1.50
  Type:  Scanner ANSI SCSI revision: 02


sane-find-scanner: found scanner AGFA SNAPSCAN 1236 1.50 at device /dev/sg1


scanimage: no SANE devices found

The backend does indeed point to /dev/sg1

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

[sane-devel] Scanner stopped working

2001-12-18 Thread Richard W. Knight
I have a Umax Astra 1200S scanner that has been working perfectly with 
Xsane and Gimp for quite some time. The other day I configured USB 
support on my system and now the scanner won't work. I've tried Xsane, 
xscanimage and scanimage and each time the program just hangs. No error 
messages, nothing. When I run sane-find-scanner I get the following 
error message...

sane-find-scanner: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

My scanner is SCSI, not USB. I have a USB digital camera that works just 
fine and the file mentioned above does exist and is in the right place 
as far as I can tell.

I have a dual boot system and the scanner does work under Win98

Can anyone help me get this scanner working again?

Rick Knight

[sane-devel] Devcom

2001-08-31 Thread Richard Hebert
Yes it is.
Two things.

a ) They have one less chance to make a  sale to me ..  : ) 
( i want  to get another scanner so Devcom is scratched off )

b ) It shows their hardware is not for professional use.A serious
hardware maker would know that Linux is the OS to have if you want  a 
performing and  stable platform to work on.Many manufacturers have 
by now collaborated with developpers in providing them with the 
nesessary information to get their hardware working.othere are joining
everyday.Even Trident have decided to join in ! and  were they reluctant ! 

enough said  ill shut up... : ) 

best regards 

Richard Hebert

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[sane-devel] saned

2001-08-16 Thread Richard
Good Morning.

By now i think i tried it all.

In RH 7.0  inetd dosent exist it was replaced by xinetd.
this is what i did

in  /etc/xinetd.d/sane i got this 
 # default: off
 # description: The sane server accepts requests for network
 # access to a local
 # scanner via the local network.
 service sane
 port= 6566
 socket_type = stream
 wait= no
 user= saned
 group   = saned
 server  = /usr/sbin/saned

in /etc/sane.d/saned.conf 
# saned.conf
localhost  ( commented out  text is not pasted )

in /stc/sane.d/net.conf
# may be necessary to access devices that need special privileges.

in /etc/xinetd.conf
# Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/

service sane
socket_type = stream
server = /usr/sbin/saned
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = no
disable = no

that's just a  pert of that file but  you get the idea ..

and  even though i dont have  inetd just in case i did 
in /etc/inetd.conf
sane stream tcp nowait root.root /usr/sbin/saned saned

ouf ! : ) now  GIMP  still cant use the scanner.

Where have i gone  wrong ? 

I  agree with the previous post  there is a need for a  simple 1,2,3 type
step by step instruction for these scanners.
I use mine in root mode for now cause i need to do this.

An easy way to do this ( that dosent need the user be a programmer ) 
is really needed.As Linux makes it's way in more and more desktops and 
 normal  users are getting Linux on their systems,i am under the impression
that scanner documentation and  software really needs be simplified to allow
normal (read non programmers) users to successfully use their equipment.

Best regards 

Richard Hebert

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[sane-devel] xinetd.conf add this to documentation .

2001-08-16 Thread Richard
i  found it ..and  got it  working .
there was a  } in  xinetd.conf missing at the end.
i modified it but i simply had not restarted xinetd.

all works.

But  still a comment about  xinetd 
the modification i made to the  file works.
I suggest this to be included in the documentation.


Add to /etc/xinetd.conf the file following lines:
service sane
socket_type = stream
server = /usr/sbin/saned
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = no
disable = no

best regards 


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[sane-devel] xinetd.conf contents and file

2001-08-16 Thread Richard
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Jochen Eisinger  wrote:
 I'll note it... could you perhaps send me your xinetd config files?

Hello Jochen

Sure can here is the content.The attachment is the config file itself.But with
viruses out there id understand you if you'd just delete it.

 i sent you this document for you to review i need  your  opinion  
: ) 

Richard Hebert

Contents of xinetd.conf

# Simple configuration file for xinetd
# Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/

service sane
socket_type = stream
server = /usr/sbin/saned
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = no
disable = no

service ftp
socket_type = stream
server = /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = no
disable = no

instances   = 60
log_type= SYSLOG authpriv
log_on_success  = HOST PID
log_on_failure  = HOST

includedir /etc/xinetd.d

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



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[sane-devel] saned to solve root issue ?

2001-08-09 Thread Richard
Well it's been a  while since i wrote and yet i havent had any
success using xsane as non root.

Im no programmer but i gave it a  good shot.

It semed if i had understood well i had to set saned to run as root.
but then  two things pop to mind 

1 - Ok first is  easy  it's how to set  saned to run as root 
   ( im an incompetent  still trying to figure how to make saned
 eun always as root ) 

2 - Second once it's set how do i use the saned daemon ,how do i call it ? 

Keep in mind im no programmer but a simple folk trying to have his
scanner work so i can scan the wife's family photos to put into her 
family tree.. 

PS as ROOT user  i used GIMP and  bingo  works  beautifully
but like Griz mentioned it would be way better  to use both as non root.

And Griz  dont  despair ..there is no actual device .it's a   virtual device 
if i understood correctly , so we  did not find  any  devices to chmod ,
there aint one..   
 :  )

So if anyone can help clarify this both of us would greatly appreciate

Thank you for your patience.
Merry Christmas 


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[sane-devel] Parallel as non root

2001-07-30 Thread Richard
Good evening 

I thought i had it made.
Xsane recognised the scanner and i was in i thought.

In the archives there is a  letter addressing just that.

I changed owner and chmod  the files as suggested.
Then when i tested SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 xsane in non root mode 
i had a  surprise.
Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.
This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper
program instead. For further details, see:

Refusing to initialize GTK+.

Running xsane by itself also returns this unpleasant warning.

So where do i go from now ? 
Is this fixed in the new sane 1.0.5 ? Will a new frontend fix this ?

Sincere thanks 

Richard Hebert

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[sane-devel] RE Peter McConnell Mustek 600 III RP plus

2001-07-29 Thread Richard
On 29 Jul 2001 11:24:13 +1000
Peter McConnell wrote:

 Edit  /etc/sane.d/dll.conf as well
 remove # from mustek_pp
 This wont actualy get you scanner working as (i think)
 the scanner is the same as mine and runs backwards with 1.03

Peter with 1.0.3 i have good results.

I don't know what you mean by running backwards but as is,it works.
i  did  quite a  few scans to test the flatbed and all seems to be
in order.

Best regards 


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[sane-devel] RH 7.0 sane and Mustek 600 III EP Plus

2001-07-28 Thread Richard
Reople at Red Hat asked me to contact you people on this issue

RH 7's kudzu dosent detect the Mustek flatbed.
Even though the mustek_pp.conf file is fixed to make use of the
flatbed ( appropriate settings are given ) when i start xsane
i still have the  no device available warning and it shuts down.

Since the documentation is a bit thin on the subject of scanner recognition
setup ( or even the fact that i would/not need to have RH find the device )
i would like to have a  bit of help to get it going .

When i get it going ill write a simple Mustek 600 how-to
so if anything like this hits someone else they will have a few good 

If anyone can help me set this up ill appreciate.
: )


Richard Hebert

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[sane-devel] (no subject)

2001-07-28 Thread Richard
C/O  Henning Meier-Geinitz

Dear Sir 

There were 2 things wrong.
First mustek_pp was commented out in the dll.conf file.
Second item;the port on which it was looking for the scanner was wrong
It was not attached to lp0, but to lp1.

So the scanner works now. 
Many thanks for the precious help.
I am happy as a canari whistling folk songs !

My offer still stands .If you need translation or redaction help
ill be  glad to oblige and participate.
Sincerely your's.

Richard Hebert

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[sane-devel] Fw: Installing a Mustek 600 III EP Plus

2001-07-27 Thread Richard

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 11:07:42 -0400
From: Richard
Subject: Installing a  Mustek 600 III EP  Plus

the  os  is  RH 7.0 
using Ximian GNOME v 1.4
sane is sane-1.0.3-ximian.2
xsane is xsane-0.75-ximian.2