Skype plugin

2011-09-09 Thread Juan

Good Day.

I have been trying to download the skype plugin but I keep getting a 
connection error when I click on the link.

Please advise


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Pidgin for Chromebooks/ChromeOS?

2011-09-09 Thread Jenn Forte
Hello!  I'm sure this question has been asked by now, but I was wondering if
there was a version of Pidgin either in the works or already available for
Chromebook users.  It's a fantastic app and I would love to be able to
bundle up my IM services and IRC together in one package, if that's

Even if it's not something that would be Chrome-specific, maybe is it a
possibility to make a web app version of Pidgin?

Thanks for your time!

Jenn Forte
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search - offline friend

2011-09-09 Thread efcia87
I have a stupid question, but it is very important for me.
On my contact list i have a view of only online friends, because my
friendlist is quite long. However, some of them use the 'invincible' status,
or sometimes i want to write to somebody who is offline. And here comes the
problem - when im starting to write the name of a friend that is offline,
Pidgin doesnt show it. I have to switch between views (from 'only online' to
'show online and offline'), then find a friend and start the conversation,
then again switch the view.
Is there any possibility, to make finding offline friends in 'only online
view' more simple?

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2011-09-09 Thread manojit
wheni i log in through pidgin from computer A i have some particular
settings (such as groups, accounts etc)
is there any way i can centralize it like if i login from computer B i get
the same groups and accounts etc, so that i dont have to spend hours to
build my lists/configure etc afresh

thanks a ton
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not able to add buddy

2011-09-09 Thread Vel - Vy Systems

I'm not able to add buddies in (ubuntu OS).

i got the message as 

Unable to Add

Unable to add the buddy because the username is invalid.  
Usernames must be valid email addresses.

Please help
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dont connect lcs/ocs with php phurple.

2011-09-09 Thread ALPAY ONAL

hi.please help me!!
i have a big problem.i can use ocs/lcs connection for php phurple but dont 
connect.i am connecting the msn,yahoo,gtalk but i dont connect lcs/ocs.this 
phurple log.
(11:45:31) account: Connecting to account 
alpay@BOTEGO.LOCAL,BOTEGO\alpay.(11:45:31) prefs: 
/purple/savedstatus/isidleaway changed, scheduling save.(11:45:31) connection: 
Connecting. gc = 0x188eea0(11:45:31) sipe: sipe_purple_login: username 
'alpay@BOTEGO.LOCAL,BOTEGO\alpay'(11:45:31) sipe: sipe_purple_login: login 
'BOTEGO\alpay'(11:45:31) sipe: sipe_purple_login: auth domain 'BOTEGO' user 
'alpay'(11:45:31) sipe: sipe_core_allocate: signin_name 
'alpay@BOTEGO.LOCAL'(11:45:31) sipe: sipe_core_allocate: user 'alpay' domain 
'BOTEGO.LOCAL'(11:45:31) sipe: sipe_core_connect: user specified SIP server 
BOTEGO.LOCAL:0(11:45:31) sipe: transport_connect - hostname: BOTEGO.LOCAL port: 
5061(11:45:31) sipe: using SSL(11:45:31) dns: DNS query for 'BOTEGO.LOCAL' 
and stop. what is problem ?

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2011-09-09 Thread Thomas Mcgovern
I am showing not authorized on my buddy list with a red circle and red cross 


Yet, others on Pidgin see me as available, green.


One person sees me as in a meeting.



Also, whenever I log onto Pidgin and choose Available, my own buddy screen does 
not change to green.


Can you assist me in correcting my Pidgin and/or tell me what error(s) I'm 


Thanks so much,


Thomas M. McGovern

Oracle America

North America Service Logistics

Global Systems Support

415-785-8943, San Francisco

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