Hi everybody,

I'm using different routes for my application, which also determine
the response format (xml or json for an REST-based web service).

This is an example rule in routing.yml:

  url:                  /user/me.:sf_format
  params:               { module: user, action: getUserMe }
  requirements: { sf_method: GET, sf_format: (?:xml|json) }

Is there a way to set sf_format to XML if NO .xml|json is given in the
URL (the Suffix should be optional)? So that this ressource can be
called via the  following URLs:

(1) /user/me.xml -> XML-Response
(2) /user/me.json -> JSON-Response
(3) /user/me -> XML-Response

Actually, a 404 is raised by symfony if the ressource is called via

Thanks for your help in advance,
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