wups, forgot I had an account... I just wonder if there's a quick/easy way for me to add a screenshot or 2 to ones with no pics

2020-10-15 Thread Andrew Derry
I see more are getting pics, but when I started using Ubuntu after a break a 
year or so back, there were almost none.

I'm kinda a chronic app installer to try stuff and so I could sometimes add a 
number a day, if the process is smooth and fairly quick.

Also about some packages like wireshark - being like v2.3 or whatever and 
current is 3.6 or whatever.. would I be able to easily update ones I was 
familiar with... I'm just a bit rusty but have been using linux since kernel 
v0.98 or I think v0.99.. on 35 of those 3.5" "floppies"

I've coded at least a bit in a couple dozen langs, Commodore PET BASIC first in 
1978, and Apple ][+ assembly was totally fun.. the usuals like Pascal, C/C++, 
and some AI courses used Lisp and Prolog back in the late 80's... so I could 
try some light menial coding if any was available. I am available at random 
hours as I'm on disability and play when I can.. loving a lot of the newer AI 
stuff and all that.. but if we could try with screeners and/or minor easy 
coding - bit rusty..

And I got like VSCode and VSCode Insiders, that aren't exactly the same size, 
but all the text and words are the same.

Suggestions?  .. to start slow and easy, as I spend most of my available play 
time coding the AI, and if I beat all the billionaires, I will make the world 
better. But for this stuff, I'm not so used to. (distro maint)

Happy for thoughts. Thanks for yer time!


Vancouver BC, Canada  (that's not private)


2020-08-07 Thread Andrew Derry
Hi,I've been off Linux mostly for a while, and I come back to see the package 
manager has this big huge (on my small screen) blank space that turns out is 
supposed to be a screenshot.. I think it was weeks using Ubuntu before I saw 
one that actually had a screenshot. Surprised me!

Can anyone just make screenshots and put them somewhere appropriate..?  I've 
installed and re-re-re-installed so many things trying stuff out, surely I 
could just grab a screenshot of whatever I used and put it wherever, and at 
least it'd be added to slowly..


Thanks & Cheers,
