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Fourth IEEE Workshop on Smart Service Systems (SmartSys)
Co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 
Washington D.C., June 12th/15th, 2019

Technology succeeds when it provides benefits to the society either directly or 
indirectly. Understanding the societal and economic impact and human-centered 
aspects of a smart system or technology in advance and designing the system 
a-priori with potential value-added services help spur the discoveries of new 
tools, methodologies and innovative services.  Smart service systems span 
across a variety of socio-technical facets comprising of devices, people, 
organizations, environments, and technologies to sense, actuate, control and 
assess the physical, cyber and societal artifacts of the human service systems. 
Besides the systems being self-adaptive and fault-tolerant, need to be designed 
in such a way that it can continuously increase the quality and productivity, 
the compliance and sustainability of the smart services it offers. While 
human-centered perspective and cognitive learning help create multi-facet value 
added services and catalyze the sustained economic growth of smart service 
systems, understanding the multi-modal sensing, control, heterogeneity and 
interdependency between different physical, virtual and logical components of 
such a complex system will enable the realization of new transformative smarter 
service systems. If successful, this can help improve the quality-of-service of 
the customers, quality-of-life of the citizens and quality-of returns of the 
stakeholders and investors.
Nurturing the development of smart service systems seeks for inter- and 
trans-disciplinary crosscutting research threads from system and operational 
engineering, computer science and information systems, social and behavioral 
science, computational modeling and industrial engineering etc.  The goal of 
this workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers from both 
academia and industry in order to have a forum for discussion and technical 
presentations on the fundamental knowledge and principles of  smart service 
systems that enable the value co-creation in sensing, actuating, data 
analytics, learning, cognition, and control of human centric 
cyber-physical-social systems and future of work.. 
Research contributions are solicited in all areas pertinent to smart human 
services and systems, including:
• Innovative technologies, tools, methodologies and solutions for smart service 
systems; example includes personalized healthcare, smart energy, smart cities, 
smart manufacturing, intelligent transportation, education, precision medicine 
and agriculture, national security etc. 
• Information extraction and interpretation from sensors, actuators, smart 
phones, smart watch, and human
• Context and situational-awareness of smart service systems
• Design of people-centric services and technologies for providing better 
services such as food, transportation and places to live
• Novel architectures and interoperable solutions for internet of things
• Models and methodologies for designing complex smart systems 
• Big data analytics approaches for innovative smart services
• Modeling, analysis, co-production, and co-evolution of human activity, 
behavior and interaction for the effective adaptation and percolation of 
longitudinal smart service systems
• Role of machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, pervasive 
computing, control theory, information and communications technologies
• Design and developments of intelligent systems, intelligent enterprises and 
• Design of inter-dependent complex global systems such as healthcare, smart 
gird, computer networks, logistics and supply-chains, financial markets etc.
• Smart infrastructure and testbed to support the integration and test of 
autonomous systems and innovative applications

Important Dates
Paper submission: March 10, 2019 
Notification:        April 10, 2019 
Camera Ready:       April 28, 2019 
Workshop Date:     June 12th or June 15th, 2019

Organizing Committees
Workshop Co-Organizers
Nirmalya Roy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Gurdip Singh, Syracuse University
Sajal Das, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Kunal Mankodiya, University of Rhode Island, USA 
Carlo Vallati, University of Pisa, Italy

Publicity Co-chairs
Antonio Arena, University of Pisa, Italy
Mohammadreza Abtahi, University of Rhode Island, USA

Technical Program Committee

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