RE: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To answer some questions below:

Perfectly means it is our production tomcat server.  It performs all the
functions required and is accessed from the legacy webserver.

Getting images from the path http://webserver/PI/image.png.  We have no
direct access linked to tomcat instances on the their ports.

The Tomcat and Webserver will be on the same server.

JkShmFile seems to be for unix installs where this resides on RedHat
Linux EL3.  I can add it if it is required for linux.

Jkmount directives are not new but from a 4.1.24 Tomcat and Jk_mod
that was upgraded.  I will make the changes to be consistent with the
deployed version of Tomcat.

I have 4 workers setup.  1 points to a running 4.1.24 tomcat supporting
an application to be replaced soon I hope.  1 to a separate port on the
4.12.24 tomcat server for one specific application because I was asked
to set it up that way.  1 to the current production tomcat server.  And
one that is for testing and uses the same settings as the production but
I can edit and change as I need to make things work.

I am a bit frustrated as I have not done much to make things break.  I
copied the config files and edited the httpd.conf to be consistent with
the legacy install.  This is the only part that does not work.

If Apache's DocumentRoot does not correspond to Tomcat's appBase, then
any static files contained in the application will not be served by
Apache without some more Apache configuration changes.  Can you give me
an example of this?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Eggers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:54 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only


 I have jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 installed and working
 properly on the new
 server.  It is perfectly accessible from the legacy
 web server.

By perfectly accessible you mean . . . ?

 The main page, home.jsp, loads fine in the servlet
 if no page is given.
 http://webserver/PI/  The home.jsp spawns a 503 if
 is in the URL.
 http://webserver/PI/home.jsp   I can successfully
 get images from the
 page from the tomcat instance.  It does not like the
 .jsp extension.

By successfully getting images, do you mean:




 I have watched in Ethereal as no traffic goes from
 the apache to the
 I have tried using the loopback and local network

Why?  Is this Tomcat instance on the same server?

 # Load mod_jk module
 # LoadModule jk_module modules/
 LoadModule jk_module /etc/httpd/modules/

 # Declare the module for IfModule directive
 #AddModule mod_jk.c

 # Where to find
 JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/

 # Where to put jk logs
 JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log

 # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
 JkLogLevel debug

 # Select the log format
 JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 

 # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat

 # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
 JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T

I don't see the specification for JkShmFile

 # Send servlet for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/servlet/* worker1

The above should be:

JkMount /servlets-examples/servlet/* worker1

 JkMount /PI/* worker3
 #JkMount /PI/*.jsp worker3

Why are you using worker3 here?

 # Send JSPs for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/*.jsp worker1

The above shoould be /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

 JkMount /journals/*.jsp worker1

 Worker Properties
 # Define some properties



According to the documentation this should contain a
comma separated list of all the workers.  However, if
you're going to the same Tomcat instance all the time,
you'll only need one worker definition

 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

First of all, there should only be one worker list.
Second of all, why do you have multiple workers going
to the same host but different ports?  Do you have
multiple Tomcats running on this host?


 # Set properties for worker2 (ajp13)


 # Set properties for worker3 (ajp13)


 # Set properties for worker4 (ajp13)

Even after all that is done, there are some other
issues when connecting Apache httpd

RE: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Eggers
Here's a quick writeup.

This is going to be a long reply, and I hope it will
be useful.

I am using Fedora Core 4 as a model.  I hope it will
be close enough to RHEL 3 to be useful.  You may have
to change paths in order to correspond to your

First of all, my environment:

Dell 8200 with 768 MB memory
Dual boot:
Fedora Core 4 2.6.13-1.1526_FC4
Windows 2000 Professional


Java 1.5.0_4 from Sun
Apache 2.0.54 from RPM
Tomcat 5.5.9 from
mod_jk from source


Java 1.5.0_4 is installed in /usr/jdk1.5.0_04 and soft

linked to /usr/java
JAVA_HOME is set in /etc/profile
$JAVA_HOME/bin is placed in $PATH before /usr/bin

I've left the Apache RPM install alone, which means
the following:

DocumentRoot /var/www
Logs /etc/logs soft linked to /var/log/httpd
modules  /etc/modules soft linked to
conf /etc/conf

I've created a tomcat user with the same group
membership as apache user.  The home directory is

/home/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 Current Tomcat


I've placed in /etc/httpd/conf

# basic worker list

# one to serve the applications

# one to check the status

This is all you really need in order to connect a
local Apache to a local Tomcat.

I cannot think of a good reason to define more
workers.  That isn't to say that there aren't any.

If you put multiple workers going to the same host and
different ports, then you will have to modify
server.xml.  Basically, you will have to add a
connector statement for each unique port that you use
in your file.

You have two different ports, so you will need two
connector statements.

Connector port=10009
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /
Connector port=8099
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8643
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /

I'm following the examples used by Fedora Core 4 in
configuring other add-on modules for Apache.  You can
place the mod_jk configuration information directly in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, but I've chosen to create
a separate file in /etc/httpd/conf.d

The contents of my file are as follows:

# following Fedora's add-on philosophy
LoadModulejk_module modules/

JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogStampFormat  [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
JkShmFile logs/shm-file

# jk status
JkMount /jk-status/ status


Static File Problem
This is where the configuration can become a little
more complex.  It helps to understand how Apache finds
files to serve.

Each host in Apache has a DocumentRoot.  In Redhat
Fedora, the line that defines that reads:

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

That means that when you enter the following URL:


Apache will look for the DirectoryIndex files (usually
index.html) in:


This is fine until you add an application server into
the mix.  Many people package up the entire
application into one war file.  This means that all
static as well as dynamic content gets loaded into the
application server area.

In your case, that's

Apache will know absolutely nothing about this
directory, and any files that are not mapped by
JkMount and served by Tomcat will not be found by

Static File Solutions
1. Change DocumentRoot

The most global change is to change DocumentRoot.  In
order for this to work, all files in
/usr/local/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps must be
readable by the user that runs Apache (typically
apache in a Redhat distribution).

The way to do this is to put the following as your
DocumentRoot statement.


While this works, it means that you will have to place
all web sites in this location, even if they do not
have dynamic content.

In general, I don't like this solution.

2. Add Directory and Alias Statements

Traditionally locating static files in a dynamic web
site has been done by using a combination of Directory
and Alias directives.  The Directory directive grants
appropriate server permissions (who gets to see the
files, etc.) and the Alias directive matches a
directory with a base URL.

For example, here's one way to map application1 living



# This goes in httpd.conf
Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/application1/
   Options Indexes 

Re: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Eggers

 I have jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 installed and working
 properly on the new
 server.  It is perfectly accessible from the legacy
 web server.

By perfectly accessible you mean . . . ?
 The main page, home.jsp, loads fine in the servlet
 if no page is given.
 http://webserver/PI/  The home.jsp spawns a 503 if
 is in the URL.
 http://webserver/PI/home.jsp   I can successfully
 get images from the
 page from the tomcat instance.  It does not like the
 .jsp extension.

By successfully getting images, do you mean:




 I have watched in Ethereal as no traffic goes from
 the apache to the
 I have tried using the loopback and local network

Why?  Is this Tomcat instance on the same server?

 # Load mod_jk module
 # LoadModule jk_module modules/
 LoadModule jk_module /etc/httpd/modules/
 # Declare the module for IfModule directive
 #AddModule mod_jk.c
 # Where to find
 JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
 # Where to put jk logs
 JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
 # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
 JkLogLevel debug
 # Select the log format
 JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
 # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat
 # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
 JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T

I don't see the specification for JkShmFile

 # Send servlet for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/servlet/* worker1

The above should be:

JkMount /servlets-examples/servlet/* worker1

 JkMount /PI/* worker3
 #JkMount /PI/*.jsp worker3

Why are you using worker3 here?

 # Send JSPs for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/*.jsp worker1

The above shoould be /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

 JkMount /journals/*.jsp worker1
 Worker Properties
 # Define some properties


According to the documentation this should contain a
comma separated list of all the workers.  However, if
you're going to the same Tomcat instance all the time,
you'll only need one worker definition

 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

First of all, there should only be one worker list. 
Second of all, why do you have multiple workers going
to the same host but different ports?  Do you have
multiple Tomcats running on this host?

 # Set properties for worker2 (ajp13)
 # Set properties for worker3 (ajp13)
 # Set properties for worker4 (ajp13)

Even after all that is done, there are some other
issues when connecting Apache httpd and Tomcat.  If
Apache's DocumentRoot does not correspond to Tomcat's
appBase, then any static files contained in the
application will not be served by Apache without some
more Apache configuration changes.

There are several ways of accomplishing this, using
the Directory directive and Aliases or JkAutoAlias in
Apache's httpd.conf.


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Re: Mod_jk setup problems

2005-09-20 Thread Don Boling

Thanks Mark,

I this helped a lot ... I'll insert comments as well... ;)

Mark Eggers wrote:

A couple of things here.  I'll try to insert comment
where appropriate.

--- Don Boling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I can't seem to get anything to successfully pass
though the mod_jk connector to the webapp.

What version of mod_jk?

mod_jk 1.2.14


My mod_jk.conf , are as follows.

$ less mod_jk.conf
   JkLogFile  /var/log/jk.log
   JkLogLevel debug

Later versions of mod_jk need JkShmFile on UNIX.

I removed the loadbalance setting... do I still need this? I have not 
seen any reference as to

what this should be set to.


   JkMount /*.jsp worker1
   JkMount /servlet/* worker1
   JkMount /examples/* worker1
   JkMount /docstore worker1
   JkMount /docstore/* worker1

My installs of Tomcat on Linux and Windows do not have
an examples web application.  I have /jsp-examples and
a /servlets-examples contexts.  You might try:

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1
JkMount /servlet-examples/servlet/* worker1

I corrected these, thanks for pointing those out...

I don't know what your other applications are, but
I'll comment on a general setup in a bit.


# Define 1 real worker using ajp13
# Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

You probably don't need worker.worker1.lbfactor since
you're not using load balancing.  Recycle
(worker.worker1.reclycle_timeout) needs to be spelled

oops, thanks ... new mod_jk.conf is ...

$ less mod_jk.conf
   JkWorkersFile /usr/local/etc/apache/
   JkLogFile  /var/log/jk.log
   JkLogLevel debug

VirtualHost localhost
   ServerName localhost

   # Sample JkMounts.  Replace these with the paths you would
   # like to mount from your JSP server.
   JkMount /*.jsp worker1
   JkMount /servlet-examples/servlet/* worker1
   JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1
   JkMount /docstore worker1
   JkMount /docstore/* worker1
mod_jk.conf (END)

[Lots of log stuff deleted]

With the exceptin of docstore, I did not see anything
that matched your JkMount statements.  Since there was
no match, no requests were forwarded.

In general, you will probably not have
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps and Apache's DocumentRoot
ovelapping each other.  Since they don't overlap,
Apache will not know anything about static files
(html, css, etc.) that live in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps.

You can use Directory and Alias directives in Apache
to set up access and map the directory into a URI
space that Apache knows about.

With later versions of mod_jk, you can use JkAutoAlias
to map directories for you.  From the documentation at

JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps

Then you can use JkMount to map certain requests
(*.jsp, /*/servlet/*).

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

The value of JkAutoAlias appears to be prepended to
the JkMount directive to find the physical location.

I've not used JkAutoAlias, but this appears to be a
nice alternative to Directory and Alias directives in

I am trying the JkAutoAlias route ... almost there.

In short:

1. Add JkShmFile to httpd.conf
2. Remove lbfactor from
3. Change the spelling of recycle
4. Use JkAutoAlias or Directory / Alias directives to
put the appropriate directories within Apache's
document and URI space.

I hope that gets you up and running.


I have it running now with 'less' errors in jk.log ...

I have noticed that 8080 is not responding any more if I just try to hit 
TC directly
so I think, correct me if I'm wrong... this won't work even if setup 
correctly, until I

fix that.

Thanks again,


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Re: Mod_jk setup problems

2005-09-20 Thread Mark Eggers
Glad I was able to help a little bit.

In my experience (Linux,Solaris,Win/2K), 8080 should
always work if you have the Connector configured.  If
you can't get to http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/
running, then there is something else amiss.

In your httpd.conf file, I still didn't see something
like the following:

JkShmFile /var/log/memory.shm

This wasn't necessary in 1.2.6 and may not be
necessary in 1.2.14, but according to the
documentation it's used on UNIX platforms.

In lbfactor is used to set the
relative weight of a worker when you're doing load
balancing.  Since you're not doing load balancing,
letting it default to 1 should be fine.

You have two JkMounts for docstore.  I'm thinking that

JkMount /docstore/* worker1

is necessary.

If the entire web application (including static files)
lives in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps, then the Apache
process will need access to those directories and

Finally, a long time ago the order of startup was
important.  I think it was Tomcat first, then Apache. 
It's been a while, and right now I'm on the Windows
side of this machine so I can't check.  The order of
startup issue went away with Apache 2.0.x, but it may
still be an issue with your environment (Apache

I would be interested in seeing your error logs from
mod_jk as well as seeing what catalina.out has in it
when you try to get to a web application via port

Hope this gives you some avenues to explore.


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Re: Mod_jk setup problems

2005-09-19 Thread Mark Eggers
A couple of things here.  I'll try to insert comment
where appropriate.

--- Don Boling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't seem to get anything to successfully pass
 though the mod_jk connector to the webapp.

What version of mod_jk?
 My mod_jk.conf , are as follows.
 $ less mod_jk.conf
 JkLogFile  /var/log/jk.log
 JkLogLevel debug

Later versions of mod_jk need JkShmFile on UNIX.

 JkMount /*.jsp worker1
 JkMount /servlet/* worker1
 JkMount /examples/* worker1
 JkMount /docstore worker1
 JkMount /docstore/* worker1

My installs of Tomcat on Linux and Windows do not have
an examples web application.  I have /jsp-examples and
a /servlets-examples contexts.  You might try:

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1
JkMount /servlet-examples/servlet/* worker1

I don't know what your other applications are, but
I'll comment on a general setup in a bit.
 # Define 1 real worker using ajp13
 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

You probably don't need worker.worker1.lbfactor since
you're not using load balancing.  Recycle
(worker.worker1.reclycle_timeout) needs to be spelled

[Lots of log stuff deleted]

With the exceptin of docstore, I did not see anything
that matched your JkMount statements.  Since there was
no match, no requests were forwarded.

In general, you will probably not have
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps and Apache's DocumentRoot
ovelapping each other.  Since they don't overlap,
Apache will not know anything about static files
(html, css, etc.) that live in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps.

You can use Directory and Alias directives in Apache
to set up access and map the directory into a URI
space that Apache knows about.

With later versions of mod_jk, you can use JkAutoAlias
to map directories for you.  From the documentation at

JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps

Then you can use JkMount to map certain requests
(*.jsp, /*/servlet/*).

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

The value of JkAutoAlias appears to be prepended to
the JkMount directive to find the physical location.

I've not used JkAutoAlias, but this appears to be a
nice alternative to Directory and Alias directives in

In short:

1. Add JkShmFile to httpd.conf
2. Remove lbfactor from
3. Change the spelling of recycle
4. Use JkAutoAlias or Directory / Alias directives to
put the appropriate directories within Apache's
document and URI space.

I hope that gets you up and running.


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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-17 Thread Andrew Miehs

Hi Peter,

That is why I mentioned it. We deliver our static content from other  
and had originally considered hiding our TCs behind apache for  
'security reasons'.

After seeing the speed difference, and the fact that their isn't  
really a security
difference if you just push all the traffic straight through anyway,  
we decided not

to put Apache between our users and our Tomcat servers.

If I didn't need to use re-writes, and complicated rules on our  
apaches, I would also

use THTTP for performance reasons.


On Sep 16, 2005, at 3:39 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:

OK, that's useful information.

But I have 300,000+ static HTML files to server, and about
10 JSP files. I'm surely not switching my entire server to

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Tomcat directory protection (was: Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-16 Thread Peter Flynn
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:29, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
  Apache has better directory/file restricting and handling than Tomcat
 better in what way? What actual *security* issue are we talking
 about -- in other words, what exploit is Tomcat susceptible to
 that Apache is not?

I don't know if Kerem Erkan was talking about exploits, but I have 
looked for some facility in Tomcat equivalent to Apache .htaccess
files and failed to find any mention of them. Is it possible to do
this kind of IP-level or simple username/password restriction in


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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-16 Thread Peter Flynn
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:50, Andrew Miehs wrote:
 We did some comparisons between running Tomcat 5.0 standalone, or TC  
 5.0 and Apache 2.0
 If you are ONLY delivering JSPs, we found that we could only deal  
 with 50% of the requests when running combined Apache TC and mod_jk

OK, that's useful information. 

But I have 300,000+ static HTML files to server, and about
10 JSP files. I'm surely not switching my entire server to 


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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-16 Thread Peter Flynn
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 18:52, Mark Thomas wrote:
  Tomcat is harder to configure and -sadly- it has a far worse documentation
  than Apache (for now).
 I look forward to seeing your documentation patches in Bugzilla ;)

I will certainly document how to fix my problem once it's fixed, but 
anything I have ever sent to Bugzilla either gets ignored or argued 
about ad infinitum and nothing ever done, so any doc I write will go 
on my blog or my web site (from where anyone is free to take/copy it).


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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-15 Thread KEREM ERKAN
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:53 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
  Tomcat is harder to configure and -sadly- it has a far worse 
  documentation than Apache (for now).
 I look forward to seeing your documentation patches in Bugzilla ;)
I would really love to. As soon as I get more experience on Tomcat (I work
with Tomcat for approx. 6-7 months), I will try to contribute a little. ;)

Don't get me wrong, but Tomcat documentation is not very explanatory and
does not have many examples for a newbie to get his hands on Tomcat easily.



RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN
Well I tried both, and as my websites do not have a very high traffic (I
have approximately a total of 50 GB per month) the speed is not primarily a
concern to me, I am looking to the security side of the problem and
Apache+mod_jk does its job better than only Tomcat concerning security.

I have stress tested Apache+Tomcat and only Tomcat and it seems like %30 is
too high. I can suggest using mod_jk 1.2.10 with Tomcat 5.5.9, surprisingly
you get very similar results. Mod_jk  1.2.10 had some performance problems
but I did not thoroughly test why.

I hope this may help a little.



 -Original Message-
 From: marc ratun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:47 PM
 Subject: mod_jk performance
 I just read an article about webapp benchmarks [1] and they 
 mentioned that
 apache+mod_jk+tomcat is about 30% slower than pure tomcat.
 This is sad. Until now I believed that the performance 
 decrease with apache/mod_jk would be marginal.
 Putting apache/mod_jk before tomcat is very nice. I don't 
 want to miss it because it is a good way to integrate other modules.
 Is there any way to speed up apache/tomcat cooperation?
 [1] (german only)
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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Bruno Georges

If the performance of your app is not acceptable using mod_jk , you could
try other alternatives and still keep apache in front to serve static
content and use other modules.
You can use apache mod_proxy to forward request on 8080 [or whatever your
run tomcat on] to tomcat without going through mod_jk
There are pros and cons to take this approach, but it may suffice in your

Hope it helps.

Bruno Georges

Glencore International AG
Tel. +41 41 709 3204
Fax +41 41 709 3000

  marc ratun  
   Subject: mod_jk performance  
  14.09.05 13:46
  Please respond   Distribute:  
  to Tomcat Users Personal?   |---|
  List| [ ] x |




I just read an article about webapp benchmarks [1] and they mentioned that
apache+mod_jk+tomcat is about 30% slower than pure tomcat.

This is sad. Until now I believed that the performance decrease with
apache/mod_jk would be marginal.

Putting apache/mod_jk before tomcat is very nice. I don't want to miss
it because it is a good way to integrate other modules.

Is there any way to speed up apache/tomcat cooperation?


[1] (german only)

FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now!

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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN
AFAIK mod_proxy performs worse than mod_jk.

Just my 2 cents.


 -Original Message-
 From: Bruno Georges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:58 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
 If the performance of your app is not acceptable using mod_jk 
 , you could try other alternatives and still keep apache in 
 front to serve static content and use other modules.
 You can use apache mod_proxy to forward request on 8080 [or 
 whatever your run tomcat on] to tomcat without going through 
 mod_jk There are pros and cons to take this approach, but it 
 may suffice in your case.
 Hope it helps.
 Bruno Georges
 Glencore International AG
 Tel. +41 41 709 3204
 Fax +41 41 709 3000
   marc ratun
 mod_jk performance

   14.09.05 13:46  
   Please respond   Distribute:
   to Tomcat Users Personal?  
  | [ ] x |
 I just read an article about webapp benchmarks [1] and they 
 mentioned that
 apache+mod_jk+tomcat is about 30% slower than pure tomcat.
 This is sad. Until now I believed that the performance 
 decrease with apache/mod_jk would be marginal.
 Putting apache/mod_jk before tomcat is very nice. I don't 
 want to miss it because it is a good way to integrate other modules.
 Is there any way to speed up apache/tomcat cooperation?
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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Mladen Turk

marc ratun wrote:


I just read an article about webapp benchmarks [1] and they mentioned that
apache+mod_jk+tomcat is about 30% slower than pure tomcat.

This is sad. Until now I believed that the performance decrease with
apache/mod_jk would be marginal.

Why would that be sad?
30% performance decrease still offers you a 300% performance
increase over CGI or mod_proxy.
Since you decided to use mod_jk that uses AJP protocol for both
binary HTTP and constant connection pool, you have also the load
balancer capabilities that will allow you to either segment or
double your backend application servers. Thus with two backend
servers you will have both speed increase and failover over
a single box implementation.

OTOH if you just wish Apache with all the goodies, but
with Servlet support, then 30% performance decrease is very much
acceptable thought.

If OTOH you don't need legacy Apache modules, use Tomcat 5.5
with Native support that will both outperform any Apache httpd
server (and most others) for both for dynamic and static content.


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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Hassan Schroeder


... I am looking to the security side of the problem and
Apache+mod_jk does its job better than only Tomcat concerning security.

How so?

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.

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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Bruno Georges
You are probably right, I personnaly never faced any issues with any of
However, Tom can you be more specific about the type of traffic your app
has to serve and what are performance/response time requirements.

Hardware and network, server and JVM configuration  can also be either a
bottleneck or a way to improve the overall performance of your syste.
Ideally, when you have metrics on the different parts of the systems it is
easier to tune .

Bruno Georges

Glencore International AG
Tel. +41 41 709 3204
Fax +41 41 709 3000

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:  'Tomcat Users List'  cc:  
   Subject: RE: mod_jk performance  
  14.09.05 14:00
  Please respond   Distribute:  
  to Tomcat Users Personal?   |---|
  List| [ ] x |



AFAIK mod_proxy performs worse than mod_jk.

Just my 2 cents.


 -Original Message-
 From: Bruno Georges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:58 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance


 If the performance of your app is not acceptable using mod_jk
 , you could try other alternatives and still keep apache in
 front to serve static content and use other modules.
 You can use apache mod_proxy to forward request on 8080 [or
 whatever your run tomcat on] to tomcat without going through
 mod_jk There are pros and cons to take this approach, but it
 may suffice in your case.

 Hope it helps.

 Bruno Georges

 Glencore International AG
 Tel. +41 41 709 3204
 Fax +41 41 709 3000

   marc ratun


 mod_jk performance

   14.09.05 13:46

   Please respond   Distribute:

   to Tomcat Users Personal?

  | [ ] x |



 I just read an article about webapp benchmarks [1] and they
 mentioned that
 apache+mod_jk+tomcat is about 30% slower than pure tomcat.

 This is sad. Until now I believed that the performance
 decrease with apache/mod_jk would be marginal.

 Putting apache/mod_jk before tomcat is very nice. I don't
 want to miss it because it is a good way to integrate other modules.

 Is there any way to speed up apache/tomcat cooperation?


 [1] (german only)

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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN
Apache has better directory/file restricting and handling than Tomcat, it is
more customizable and it is much user/admin friendly to configure :-) (at
least for me)

I configure all security related stuff on Apache and have my Tomcat listen
only on AJP connector with

Tomcat is harder to configure and -sadly- it has a far worse documentation
than Apache (for now).

Best regards,


 -Original Message-
 From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:13 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
  ... I am looking to the security side of the problem and
  Apache+mod_jk does its job better than only Tomcat 
 concerning security.
 How so?
 Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
dream.  code.
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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Andrew Miehs

Apache is easier to configure, but at a 50% performance hit for pure  
JSP pages


On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:18 PM, KEREM ERKAN wrote:

Apache has better directory/file restricting and handling than  
Tomcat, it is
more customizable and it is much user/admin friendly to  
configure :-) (at

least for me)

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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Hassan Schroeder


Apache has better directory/file restricting and handling than Tomcat

better in what way? What actual *security* issue are we talking
about -- in other words, what exploit is Tomcat susceptible to
that Apache is not?

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.

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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN

 -Original Message-
 From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:30 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
  Apache has better directory/file restricting and handling 
 than Tomcat
 better in what way? What actual *security* issue are we 
 talking about -- in other words, what exploit is Tomcat 
 susceptible to that Apache is not?
I am not aware of any critical exploits Apache or Tomcat have. As I said, I
only think about restricting access to some of my server files. You may be
able to do this with Tomcat but from my point of view, it is harder to
configure. That's all.



Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Lionel Farbos
I use Apache/mod_jk/Tomcat for a long time on production servers with load 
balancing/failover (and with high traffic sites) and I'm sure it's not 30% 
slower than a pure Tomcat.

I use Apache to deliver static files, manage SSL and other apache specifics 
Then, Tomcat only manage dynamics requests (servlets and JSPs) without SSL.
With this distribution of the functions, the Tomcat is less stressed and its 
performances increase.
And when the Tomcat load increase, I add a Tomcat in the cluster...

So, I think it's a good way to use it.

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 11:46:51 +
marc ratun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just read an article about webapp benchmarks [1] and they mentioned that
 apache+mod_jk+tomcat is about 30% slower than pure tomcat.
 This is sad. Until now I believed that the performance decrease with
 apache/mod_jk would be marginal.
 Putting apache/mod_jk before tomcat is very nice. I don't want to miss
 it because it is a good way to integrate other modules.
 Is there any way to speed up apache/tomcat cooperation?
 [1] (german only)
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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Andrew Miehs
We did some comparisons between running Tomcat 5.0 standalone, or TC  
5.0 and Apache 2.0

If you are ONLY delivering JSPs, we found that we could only deal  
with 50% of the requests when running combined Apache TC and mod_jk


On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:45 PM, Lionel Farbos wrote:

I use Apache/mod_jk/Tomcat for a long time on production servers  
with load balancing/failover (and with high traffic sites) and I'm  
sure it's not 30% slower than a pure Tomcat.

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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Lionel Farbos
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:55:08 +0300

  Mod_jk  1.2.10 had some performance problems
 but I did not thoroughly test why.

Is is proved ? Where do you find this ?
I tested mod_jk 1.2.14 (but not stressed it) and it seems to be a good 
What sort of performance problems do you mention ?

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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Lionel Farbos
But, in a web site, there is never only JSPs : there is a lot of static files 
(images, css, js, ...)
So, if you don't have a apache in the frontend to deliver theses static files, 
there is an overload for the TC server...

So, your tests stressed only light JSPs or a real site ?
and what is your solution for load-balancing/failover ?

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:50:52 +0200
Andrew Miehs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We did some comparisons between running Tomcat 5.0 standalone, or TC  
 5.0 and Apache 2.0
 If you are ONLY delivering JSPs, we found that we could only deal  
 with 50% of the requests when running combined Apache TC and mod_jk
 On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:45 PM, Lionel Farbos wrote:
  I use Apache/mod_jk/Tomcat for a long time on production servers  
  with load balancing/failover (and with high traffic sites) and I'm  
  sure it's not 30% slower than a pure Tomcat.
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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Andrew Miehs
We run F5 BigIPs as our loadbalancers, and have seperated images, etc  
onto another server

IE: for images, and for dynamic content.

F5 provides a feature call iRules to do the splitting between hosts  
for you, but I would

NOT use this on a high traffic site.


On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:58 PM, Lionel Farbos wrote:

But, in a web site, there is never only JSPs : there is a lot of  
static files (images, css, js, ...)
So, if you don't have a apache in the frontend to deliver theses  
static files, there is an overload for the TC server...

So, your tests stressed only light JSPs or a real site ?
and what is your solution for load-balancing/failover ?

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:50:52 +0200
Andrew Miehs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN
Well, mod_jk  1.2.10 seems slower than 1.2.10 when stress tested. The tests
completed in more time. I do not have the actual test results, because we
have been using 1.2.10 for several months, maybe I can send them when I test

By the way mod_jk site mentions 1.2.13 as its testing version. Is there a
1.2.14 really or did you write 14 by mistake?



 -Original Message-
 From: Lionel Farbos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:51 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
 On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:55:08 +0300
   Mod_jk  1.2.10 had some performance problems but I did not 
  thoroughly test why.
 Is is proved ? Where do you find this ?
 I tested mod_jk 1.2.14 (but not stressed it) and it seems to 
 be a good version...
 What sort of performance problems do you mention ?

Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Lionel Farbos
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:16:59 +0300

 Well, mod_jk  1.2.10 seems slower than 1.2.10 when stress tested. The tests
 completed in more time. I do not have the actual test results, because we
 have been using 1.2.10 for several months, maybe I can send them when I test
I'm interested in such tests (or a link if it exists).

 By the way mod_jk site mentions 1.2.13 as its testing version. Is there a
 1.2.14 really or did you write 14 by mistake?
I wanted to say mod_jk 1.2.14 : it's not a mistake...
but I don't understand what this meens ...?!?

I receive this mail (see Announce_mod_jk_1.2.14 above) on July 26th and, at 
this date, the mod_jk site mentioned 1.2.14 as the latest and stable version 
(you can see the content of this version on the changelog :

Now, the mod_jk site mention 1.2.13 as the latest stable version...
But the latest source version is : 1.2.14 !!!

So, Mladen, what this means ? What is the current stable version ?

Announce_mod_jk_1.2.14 received on July 26th :
Delivery-date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 23:35:01 +0200
List-Id: Jakarta Announcements List
Reply-To: Jakarta General List
Delivered-To: mailing list
Received: (qmail 226 invoked by uid 99); 26 Jul 2005 21:26:36 -
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 23:26:31 +0200
From: Jean-frederic Clere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041023
X-Accept-Language: en, fr
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: [ANN] Apache Tomcat mod_jk 1.2.14 Web Server Connector released
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Virus-Checked: Checked by ClamAV on

The Apache Tomcat team is pleased to announce the release of version 1.2.14 of 
Apache Tomcat mod_jk web server connector.

Tomcat is the reference implementation of a web application server which 
the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications.

mod_jk is a connector which allows a web server such as Apache HTTPD to act as a
front end to the Tomcat web application server. 

This version fixes a number of minor bugs.

See for a 
complete list of changes.

Source distribtions can be downloaded from an Apache Software Foundation mirror 
at: (they are named jakarta-tomcat-connectors- and

Binary distributions for a number of different operating systems and
web servers can be downloaded from an Apache Software Foundation mirror at:

Documentation for using mod_jk with Tomcat 3.3, 4.1, 5.0 and 5.5 can be found 

The Apache Tomcat team.

  -Original Message-
  From: Lionel Farbos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:51 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
  On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:55:08 +0300
Mod_jk  1.2.10 had some performance problems but I did not 
   thoroughly test why.
  Is is proved ? Where do you find this ?
  I tested mod_jk 1.2.14 (but not stressed it) and it seems to 
  be a good version...
  What sort of performance problems do you mention ?

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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Lionel Farbos
So, I think your solution with F5 BigIPs-Tomcat is equivalent to the solution 
with Apache/mod_jk-Tomcat
But the last is free
and I don't know the difference in performances between the 2 solutions.

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 15:14:01 +0200
Andrew Miehs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We run F5 BigIPs as our loadbalancers, and have seperated images, etc  
 onto another server
 IE: for images, and for dynamic content.
 F5 provides a feature call iRules to do the splitting between hosts  
 for you, but I would
 NOT use this on a high traffic site.
 On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:58 PM, Lionel Farbos wrote:
  But, in a web site, there is never only JSPs : there is a lot of  
  static files (images, css, js, ...)
  So, if you don't have a apache in the frontend to deliver theses  
  static files, there is an overload for the TC server...
  So, your tests stressed only light JSPs or a real site ?
  and what is your solution for load-balancing/failover ?
  On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:50:52 +0200
  Andrew Miehs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN

  Well, mod_jk  1.2.10 seems slower than 1.2.10 when stress 
 tested. The 
  tests completed in more time. I do not have the actual test 
  because we have been using 1.2.10 for several months, maybe 
 I can send 
  them when I test 1.2.14.
 I'm interested in such tests (or a link if it exists).

You can try Microsoft's Web Stress Tool which is free but it is old. I am
also actually searching for a better stress tool.

  By the way mod_jk site mentions 1.2.13 as its testing version. Is 
  there a
  1.2.14 really or did you write 14 by mistake?
 I wanted to say mod_jk 1.2.14 : it's not a mistake...
 but I don't understand what this meens ...?!?

It seems there is a confusion in mod_jk's own site :-) I will download and
compile 1.2.14 in a spare time and see how it performs.



Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Lionel Farbos
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 17:27:29 +0300

   Well, mod_jk  1.2.10 seems slower than 1.2.10 when stress 
  tested. The 
   tests completed in more time. I do not have the actual test 
   because we have been using 1.2.10 for several months, maybe 
  I can send 
   them when I test 1.2.14.
  I'm interested in such tests (or a link if it exists).
 You can try Microsoft's Web Stress Tool which is free but it is old. I am
 also actually searching for a better stress tool.

I don't search a Stress Tool; I say I'm interest in the result of the stress.

Another free Stress Tool is JMeter (
Under Linux, I also used httperf 
( and autobench 


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RE: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread KEREM ERKAN

 -Original Message-
 From: Lionel Farbos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:49 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk performance
 On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 17:27:29 +0300
Well, mod_jk  1.2.10 seems slower than 1.2.10 when stress
   tested. The
tests completed in more time. I do not have the actual test
because we have been using 1.2.10 for several months, maybe
   I can send
them when I test 1.2.14.

   I'm interested in such tests (or a link if it exists).
  You can try Microsoft's Web Stress Tool which is free but 
 it is old. I 
  am also actually searching for a better stress tool.
 I don't search a Stress Tool; I say I'm interest in the 
 result of the stress.

Well as I said, I do not have the results for now, but when I test 1.2.14, I
will surely share the results with the list.



Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Mark Thomas


Tomcat is harder to configure and -sadly- it has a far worse documentation
than Apache (for now).

I look forward to seeing your documentation patches in Bugzilla ;)


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Re: mod_jk performance

2005-09-14 Thread Xuekun Hu
Well since I don't understand German, I don't konw how he tested.
However in my stress testing which lots of static and JSPs, I found
Apache + mod_jk performance is a littlle higher than TOMCAT only. I
configured Apache with mod_cache.

So I think only handling JSPs, TC only could be better than Apache +
mod_jk. However in the real world, there is never only JSPs, there
must have lots of static files.

Thx, Xuekun

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Re: mod_jk and text/plain

2005-09-07 Thread Eugeny N Dzhurinsky
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:37:46PM +0300, Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:
 I have a problem with the application resources, mapped with the JkMount. For
 some reason httpd server threats the content-type as text/plain, and ignores
 the text/html set by tomcat.
 any ideas how to get rid of that?
 Tomcat 4.1.31, mod_jk, Apache httpd 1.3
 Defaultcontent is commented out in the httpd.conf

I added .htaccess file with the DefaultType text/html to the WEB application 
and everything seems to work fine now. Also I have servlet mapping to 
the /some URI path, and it won't work, but after I created empty file some in
the root of WEB application - it start to resolve :)

A lot of crutches for simply tasks, huh :)

Eugene N Dzhurinsky

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RE: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

2005-08-31 Thread Guernsey, Byron \(GE Consumer Industrial\)

I believe you can specify the jvmRoute separately by using the domain
attribute, but I'm not sure I see how this would help?


-Original Message-
From: Mott Leroy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

Due to some differences in our applications, some of them can be truly
load balanced, and some of them really cannot (yet). That is, some of
our applications can be (and have been) truly load balanced, and others
need (and only allow) simple failover support (hot standby). I noticed
that workers now support both possibilities (using disabled and
redirect flags to support hot standby).

What I'd like to do ultimately is have a hot standby load balancer and
as well as a normal load balancer, but it doesn't seem like that's
possible. From what I understand, you can really only have 1 load
balanced worker per tomcat instance because it must match the jvmRoute
of that instance -- having one worker that's disabled and one that's not
doesn't seem possible.

So if I define a load balance worker as:

# traditional load balance worker

I cannot really define a second load balanced worker like below (b/c no
matching jvmRoute)

# a hot standby worker based on the worker above

Is anyone familiar with this setup of have any ideas how it could be
achieved? (the same problem exists for what would be the Primary 
server, as it would need a worker that redirects and one that doesn't)

Ps -

Being able to specify the jvmRoute separately would solve this problem:


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Re: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

2005-08-31 Thread Mott Leroy

Well, I was thinking of using something like (truncated for clarity):

# load balanced

# workers 1 and 2 are load balanced


# standby setup

# workers 4 is hot standby for worker 3


Guernsey, Byron (GE Consumer  Industrial) wrote:

I believe you can specify the jvmRoute separately by using the domain
attribute, but I'm not sure I see how this would help?


-Original Message-
From: Mott Leroy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:03 AM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

Due to some differences in our applications, some of them can be truly
load balanced, and some of them really cannot (yet). That is, some of
our applications can be (and have been) truly load balanced, and others
need (and only allow) simple failover support (hot standby). I noticed
that workers now support both possibilities (using disabled and
redirect flags to support hot standby).

What I'd like to do ultimately is have a hot standby load balancer and
as well as a normal load balancer, but it doesn't seem like that's
possible. From what I understand, you can really only have 1 load
balanced worker per tomcat instance because it must match the jvmRoute
of that instance -- having one worker that's disabled and one that's not
doesn't seem possible.

So if I define a load balance worker as:

# traditional load balance worker

I cannot really define a second load balanced worker like below (b/c no
matching jvmRoute)

# a hot standby worker based on the worker above

Is anyone familiar with this setup of have any ideas how it could be
achieved? (the same problem exists for what would be the Primary 
server, as it would need a worker that redirects and one that doesn't)

Ps -

Being able to specify the jvmRoute separately would solve this problem:


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Re: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

2005-08-31 Thread Rainer Jung
I think having multiple load balancing workers for the same group of
target servers is not a problem.

You simply define load balancers e.g. lb1, lb2 etc.

Which load balancer is chosen is determined by your JkMount directives. So
if you have different apps app1, app2 etc. on your tomcats having
incompatible balancing requirements you simply use

JkMount /app1/* lb1
JkMount /app2/* lb2


The balanced workers behind lb1, lb2 etc. are allowed to have the same
name, because each load balancer has it's own list of balanced workers
with associated attributes. I expect no problem from a clash of names of
balanced workers in different balancing workers.

So there would be no need of having multiple jvmRoute for a single tomcat

 Well, I was thinking of using something like (truncated for clarity):

 # load balanced

 # workers 1 and 2 are load balanced


 # standby setup

 # workers 4 is hot standby for worker 3


 Guernsey, Byron (GE Consumer  Industrial) wrote:
 I believe you can specify the jvmRoute separately by using the domain
 attribute, but I'm not sure I see how this would help?


 -Original Message-
 From: Mott Leroy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:03 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

 Due to some differences in our applications, some of them can be truly
 load balanced, and some of them really cannot (yet). That is, some of
 our applications can be (and have been) truly load balanced, and others
 need (and only allow) simple failover support (hot standby). I noticed
 that workers now support both possibilities (using disabled and
 redirect flags to support hot standby).

 What I'd like to do ultimately is have a hot standby load balancer and
 as well as a normal load balancer, but it doesn't seem like that's
 possible. From what I understand, you can really only have 1 load
 balanced worker per tomcat instance because it must match the jvmRoute
 of that instance -- having one worker that's disabled and one that's not
 doesn't seem possible.

 So if I define a load balance worker as:

 # traditional load balance worker

 I cannot really define a second load balanced worker like below (b/c no
 matching jvmRoute)

 # a hot standby worker based on the worker above

 Is anyone familiar with this setup of have any ideas how it could be
 achieved? (the same problem exists for what would be the Primary
 server, as it would need a worker that redirects and one that doesn't)

 Ps -

 Being able to specify the jvmRoute separately would solve this problem:


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Re: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

2005-08-31 Thread Mott Leroy

Rainer Jung wrote:

The balanced workers behind lb1, lb2 etc. are allowed to have the same
name, because each load balancer has it's own list of balanced workers
with associated attributes. I expect no problem from a clash of names of
balanced workers in different balancing workers.

I must be missing something obvious here. I am with you on the JKMount 
part, but I just don't see how the name clash isn't an issue for Simplifying again ...

# as per your suggestion ... where worker1 and worker2 are jvmRoutes

# the balanced workers ... which should they choose ... ?
worker.worker1 (failover version)
worker.worker1 (not failover version)
worker.worker2 (standby version)
worker.worker2 (non-standby version)

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Re: mod_jk: Hot Standby and Load Balance

2005-08-31 Thread Rainer Jung
Of course you are right (and for me it seems to be too late today).

So I agree: you either find out how to use different jvmRoutes in a single
instance or you try to find a workarounf with the domain attribute:

If a load balancer does not find a worker with the correct name
(=jvmRoute), it will next use a worker whose domain name is equal to the
jvmRoute. But this will not be very efficient, because every request will
first look for the correct worker and only after that check for the
domain. Also I'm not sure, how this second class worker will behave, if
you stopp it with respect to it's redirect etc. attributes.


 Rainer Jung wrote:
 The balanced workers behind lb1, lb2 etc. are allowed to have the same
 name, because each load balancer has it's own list of balanced workers
 with associated attributes. I expect no problem from a clash of names of
 balanced workers in different balancing workers.

 I must be missing something obvious here. I am with you on the JKMount
 part, but I just don't see how the name clash isn't an issue for Simplifying again ...

 # as per your suggestion ... where worker1 and worker2 are jvmRoutes

 # the balanced workers ... which should they choose ... ?
 worker.worker1 (failover version)
 worker.worker1 (not failover version)
 worker.worker2 (standby version)
 worker.worker2 (non-standby version)

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Re: mod_jk Apache Permission Problem

2005-08-18 Thread Kyle
I dunno if it's the same in Apache 1.3, but in Apache 2.x the example 
httpd.conf file has a pair of small IfModule tags showing how to run 
Apache under non-root user for diff. OS's.

Basically you have to start Apache as root and it will then switch over, 
or so the example file says. To do this irrespecitve of the modules 
being present or otherwise, I just deleted the IfModule Tags.


Jeshua Lacock wrote:


I can't seem to make mod_jk connect successfully with Apache. Apache and 
Tomcat both works fine on their own (apache on :80 Tomcat on :8080), but 
I seem to be getting a permissions problem using mod_jk. I am able start 
Tomcat without special privileges, but when I try and start Apache as a 
non-privileged user (after starting Tomcat), I get the following error:

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Re: mod_jk Apache Permission Problem

2005-08-18 Thread Jeshua Lacock

On Aug 18, 2005, at 5:45 PM, Kyle wrote:

I dunno if it's the same in Apache 1.3, but in Apache 2.x the example 
httpd.conf file has a pair of small IfModule tags showing how to run 
Apache under non-root user for diff. OS's.

Basically you have to start Apache as root and it will then switch 
over, or so the example file says. To do this irrespecitve of the 
modules being present or otherwise, I just deleted the IfModule 


Thanks for the hint!

I changed the user from 'nobody' to 'www', and it now works.

Awesome! Thanks a million!


Jeshua Lacock ___
Programmer/OwnerPhone:  877.240.1364  Fax:415.462.6211

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RE: mod_jk or jk2??

2005-08-03 Thread MC Moisei

I thought the jk2 is newer... but I can be wrong...


From: Luis Torres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk or jk2??
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 13:47:42 -0500

Hello everyone,

I see lots of posts saying that they are using or implementing jk2? For 
what I understand, that has been replaced by mod_jk... so which one is 
better or what is recommended??

I also have found better documentation related to jk2 so that adds to the 



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Re: mod_jk or jk2??

2005-08-03 Thread Ben Ricker
You want to use mod_jk. JK2 has been deprecated and is no longer in
active development.

On 8/3/05, MC Moisei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought the jk2 is newer... but I can be wrong...
 From: Luis Torres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: mod_jk or jk2??
 Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 13:47:42 -0500
 Hello everyone,
 I see lots of posts saying that they are using or implementing jk2? For
 what I understand, that has been replaced by mod_jk... so which one is
 better or what is recommended??
 I also have found better documentation related to jk2 so that adds to the
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Ben Ricker
He's just this guy, you know?

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Re: mod_jk not detecting loss of a load balanced machine

2005-07-27 Thread Edmon Begoli


Is this issue described below familiar to anyone who is really 
knowledgable of how mod_jk works?

Thank you,

Edmon Begoli wrote:

We've noticed with two versions of mod_jk we've been using (1.2.5 and 
one older) that if one of the machines
hosting load balanced tomcat gets completely off the network (power 
loss) mod_jk will seem not to emove that one from the load balanced 
so the whole site will appear down because mod_jk will I guess try to 
hit it. I can not say for sure that it is the reason behind the scenes,
but I can say for sure that these versions of mod_jk do not respond 
well to machine losses - which is a pretty possible scenario.

My question is - has this been addressed in some of the later 
releases, and if not is there a workaround?


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Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?

2005-07-19 Thread David Hay

Any thoughts?

Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 15:00:33 -0400


We have set up several contexts eg one for client requests and one for 
admin requests, for a set of Tomcat servers, fronted by Apache.

We would like to balance them differently, allowing one machine to take 
most of the admin load.

There doesn't seem to be a lbfactor parameter for a loadbalancing worker, 
so our second option is to create a seperate client and admin worker for 
each machine, and set their lbfactors separately.  Unless you can recommend 
a better way?

If we go down this route, could you explain how to set up two connectors in 
the tomcat's server.xml with different jvmRoute values to put in

many thanks,


From: Mladen Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:49:06 +0200

David Hay wrote:


Is it possible to specify multiple workers for the same Tomcat instance?

But this will impose additional load to the tomcat doubling the number
of connections from apache to mod_jk for each worker.
For ten workers you may end up with 2500 connections with
250 MaxClients defined in the httpd.conf.

We'd like to balance different contexts with different load factors to 
the same Tomcat (hope that makes sense!).

No. But you may feel free to express the idea that led you to consider
something like that.


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Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?

2005-07-14 Thread Mladen Turk

David Hay wrote:


Is it possible to specify multiple workers for the same Tomcat instance?

But this will impose additional load to the tomcat doubling the number
of connections from apache to mod_jk for each worker.
For ten workers you may end up with 2500 connections with
250 MaxClients defined in the httpd.conf.

We'd like to balance different contexts with different load factors to 
the same Tomcat (hope that makes sense!).

No. But you may feel free to express the idea that led you to consider
something like that.


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Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?

2005-07-14 Thread David Hay


We have set up several contexts eg one for client requests and one for admin 
requests, for a set of Tomcat servers, fronted by Apache.

We would like to balance them differently, allowing one machine to take most 
of the admin load.

There doesn't seem to be a lbfactor parameter for a loadbalancing worker, so 
our second option is to create a seperate client and admin worker for each 
machine, and set their lbfactors separately.  Unless you can recommend a 
better way?

If we go down this route, could you explain how to set up two connectors in 
the tomcat's server.xml with different jvmRoute values to put in

many thanks,


From: Mladen Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk - multiple workers for same Tomcat instance?
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:49:06 +0200

David Hay wrote:


Is it possible to specify multiple workers for the same Tomcat instance?

But this will impose additional load to the tomcat doubling the number
of connections from apache to mod_jk for each worker.
For ten workers you may end up with 2500 connections with
250 MaxClients defined in the httpd.conf.

We'd like to balance different contexts with different load factors to the 
same Tomcat (hope that makes sense!).

No. But you may feel free to express the idea that led you to consider
something like that.


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Re: mod_jk / Apache bug - max transfer of 496kbytes

2005-07-01 Thread Emmanuel Courreges
Oups sorry for that, it was due to a bug in mod_bandwidth, so not really 
anything to do with you guys.
For some reason the rule to limit bandwidth on files larger than 500k 
produced a segfault.

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Re: mod_jk configuration

2005-06-22 Thread Colby . Meyer
One way to do this is to declare a host in your server.xml instance

The server.xml will need to contain an entry within the engine like

Host name=myotherdomain.tld appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true 
 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
prefix=YOUR_PREFIX. suffix=.txt
!-- this takes all requests to myotherdomain.tld and associates 
them to the context , may need to play with this-- 
 Context path= 
!-- ** the deva application context ** --

And in your httpd.conf 
virtual host ...
servername myotherdomain.tld
JkMount /* ajp13   -- My worker
/virtual host ...

This seems to work in our configuration to handle this type of operation.

Have Fun...
Colby C. Meyer

06/22/2005 01:31 AM
Please respond to
Tomcat Users List

Tomcat Users List

mod_jk configuration

Hello all,

i am using Tomcat 4.1.3x, mod_jk 1.x and Apache 1.3.x.

I have read all the documentation available on, but
i think i have not understood some principles of JK.

I have java.domain.tld pointing to the root-directory of Tomcat. The 
tomcat site appears. I guess my installations are ok.

I want to have myotherdomain.tld pointing to a specific webapp.
I have a worker (the same as the java.domain.tld Domain), but where
must i declare which context is to use?

In my vhosts i have:
virtual host ...
JkMount /* ajp13   -- My worker
/virtual host ...

In my there is nothing about an context. Documentation
told me nothin about tags to declare. Btw, i installed my app with the 
war-deploy feat.
Maybe this is important.

Any help is appreciated- thank you for reading.


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RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-20 Thread Randall Svancara
Just another side note to this thread.  I was applying the SELinux
Security Policy patch to my fedora core 3 box today and it broke my
apache + mod_jk + tomcat installation.  The fedora team must of changed
the Security Enhanced Linux Policy preventing mod_jk connecting to an
external tomcat server.  Policy.18 is the culprit I am sure of it.  I
will research this some more.  But for right now, you will have to turn
off SELinux for the httpd daemon.  This is easy to do with the GUI tools
provided in the security level settings under the SELinux tab.  


-Original Message-
From: Randall Svancara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 9:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List; naidim
Subject: RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

Is it possible for you to send us your mod_jk configuration along with
your you have one)?


-Original Message-
From: naidim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only

I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
locally and remotely.

mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?


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RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-20 Thread Randall Svancara
Ok, well, I am posting this information to this list in this thread
because we kind of got started down the path of SELinux.  Fedora Core3
comes with a feature called Security Enhanced Linux.  This is a security
feature that you may or may not want to have on your server.  I chose to
enable it, so that is why I am posting this information.  The main
reason for using SELinux is to have finer grain control over what your
processes are doing and how they are doing them.  Also this information
is output to the logs and is great for auditing.  I highly recommend
taking the time to read about SELinux if your distro supports it.  

First of all, I have Apache + Mod_jk on one machine and then tomcat on a
separate machine.  When I upgraded to SELinux Policy 18, I noticed that
apache would not communicate with tomcat using the ajp13 connector.  So
what do you do?  Well you can:

1.  Disable SELinux for apache by going into the gui security level
settings tool.  You have to have a gui installed for this to work.  

2.  Disable SELinux entirely.  Google for this, I can not remember how
to do it.

3.  Configure your SELinux policy to allow Apache+Mod_JK to work.  You
can do this my using the audit2allow tool.  You also need the
selinux-policy-targeted-sources package.  Just do a:

yum install selinux-policy-targeted-sources  

audit2allow -d 

allow httpd_t httpd_log_t:file write;
allow httpd_t self:tcp_socket connect;
allow mysqld_t ld_so_cache_t:file execute;
allow unconfined_t httpd_t:file relabelto;

The content above needs to be placed in 

I had to comment out the last two lines because I was not interested in
enabling them.  The manual on SELinux clearly indicates to analyze the
output of audit2allow carefully.  

Next, cd into the /etc/selinux/targeted/src directory and do:

make policy
make install
make reload

Then restart apache and it may work, or it may not.


-Original Message-
From: Randall Svancara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 10:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

Just another side note to this thread.  I was applying the SELinux
Security Policy patch to my fedora core 3 box today and it broke my
apache + mod_jk + tomcat installation.  The fedora team must of changed
the Security Enhanced Linux Policy preventing mod_jk connecting to an
external tomcat server.  Policy.18 is the culprit I am sure of it.  I
will research this some more.  But for right now, you will have to turn
off SELinux for the httpd daemon.  This is easy to do with the GUI tools
provided in the security level settings under the SELinux tab.  


-Original Message-
From: Randall Svancara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 9:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List; naidim
Subject: RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

Is it possible for you to send us your mod_jk configuration along with
your you have one)?


-Original Message-
From: naidim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only

I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
locally and remotely.

mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?


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RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-17 Thread Randall Svancara
Have you turned off iptables.  

/etc/init.d/iptables stop

That will kill the firewall rules that is built in to Fedora Core3. 


-Original Message-
From: naidim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only

I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
locally and remotely.

mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?


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Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-17 Thread naidim
Guru suggested it was my server.xml.  I had Host name=localhost
appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

So I changed Host from localhost to and it works as, but not as localhost now, and still not by IP.

After a default install of FC3 with httpd, here are the changes I made:

Configure Apache
   13 Jun 05
   Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
   Change ServerAdmin to [email]
   Uncomment #ServerName and change host to
   Verify ServerRoot /etc/httpd
   Verify DocumentRoot /var/www/html
   Change UseCanonicalName from Off to On
   Restart httpd service

Configure Apache for CGI
   13 Jun 05
   Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
   Change Options Indexes FollowSymLings to Options Indexes Includes
FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI Multiviews
   Change Allow Override None to Allow Override Options Fileinfo
AuthConfig Limit
   Restart httpd service
   Change DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var to DirectoryIndex
index.html index.html.var index.shtml index.cgi index.php index.php3
index.phtml index.htm
   Under AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .html .htm
.shtml .phps .fds
   Uncoment AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
   Add .pl to the end of the line
   Restart httpd service

Install Tomcat
   13 Jun 05
   Download jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.tar.gz and
jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9-admin.tar.gz from
   #tar xvzf jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.tar.gz
   #tar xvzf jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9-admin.tar.gz
   #mv jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 /usr/java
   Edit /etc/profile
   Browse to localhost:8080

Open Port 8080 for Tomcat
   13 Jun 05
   Applications-System Settings-Security Level
   Add port 8080:tcp

Autostart Tomcat
   #cp /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin/ /etc/init.d/catalina
   Edit /etc/init.d/catalina
   Add as the last comments at the top
   # chkconfig: - 90 15
   # description: Jakarta Tomcat Java Servlets and JSP server
   Add immediately after the top comments

   status() {
   ps ax --width=1000 | grep
[o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start | awk '{printf $1 
}' | wc | awk '{print $2}'  /tmp/tomcat_process_count.txt
  read line  /tmp/tomcat_process_count.txt
   if [ $line -gt 0 ]; then
   echo -n Tomcat ( pid 
   ps ax --width=1000 | grep
[o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start | awk '{printf $1 
   echo -n ) is running...
   echo Tomcat is stopped
   Comment out [ -z $CATALINA_HOME ]  CATALINA_HOME=`cd
$PROGDIR/.. ; pwd`
   Before echo Using CATALINA_BASE: $CATALINA_BASE add
   if [ $1 != status ] ; then
   After the echo block add fi
   Add immediately before else for if [ $1 = debug ] block
   elif [ $1 = status ] ; then

   elif [ $1 = restart ] ; then
   $0 stop
   $0 start

Add catalina as a service and turn it on
   # chkconfig --add catalina
   # chkconfig catalina on

Install mod_jk for Apache/Tomcat connection
   Download mod_jk-ap20-1.2.10-1jpp.i386.rpm from
   # rpm -ivh mod_jk-ap20-1.2.10-1jpp.i386.rpm

Configure for Apache/Tomcat connection
   Edit /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/conf/
   Change workers.tomcat_home=/var/tomcat3 to /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9
   Change workers.java_home=/opt/IBMJava2-13 to /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_03
   Change worker.list=ajp12, ajp13 to worker.list=ajp13
   Comment out all worker.ajp12 lines
   Uncomment worker.ajp13.cachesize and add =20
   Change worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers=ajp12, ajp13 to just ajp13

Configure server.xml for Apache/Tomcat connection
   Edit /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/conf/server.xml
   Below the line Server port=8005 add
   Listener className=org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig
   Below the line Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false
xmlNamespaceAware=false add

Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-17 Thread Gurumoorthy
Host name=localhost
appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false 

First of all please read the documents of how to install things ...

- Original Message -
From: naidim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

Guru suggested it was my server.xml.  I had Host name=localhost
appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

So I changed Host from localhost to and it works as, but not as localhost now, and still not by IP.

After a default install of FC3 with httpd, here are the changes I made:

Configure Apache
   13 Jun 05
   Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
   Change ServerAdmin to [email]
   Uncomment #ServerName and change host to
   Verify ServerRoot /etc/httpd
   Verify DocumentRoot /var/www/html
   Change UseCanonicalName from Off to On
   Restart httpd service

Configure Apache for CGI
   13 Jun 05
   Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
   Change Options Indexes FollowSymLings to Options Indexes Includes
FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI Multiviews
   Change Allow Override None to Allow Override Options Fileinfo
AuthConfig Limit
   Restart httpd service
   Change DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var to DirectoryIndex
index.html index.html.var index.shtml index.cgi index.php index.php3
index.phtml index.htm
   Under AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .html .htm
.shtml .phps .fds
   Uncoment AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
   Add .pl to the end of the line
   Restart httpd service

Install Tomcat
   13 Jun 05
   Download jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.tar.gz and
jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9-admin.tar.gz from
   #tar xvzf jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.tar.gz
   #tar xvzf jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9-admin.tar.gz
   #mv jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 /usr/java
   Edit /etc/profile
   Browse to localhost:8080

Open Port 8080 for Tomcat
   13 Jun 05
   Applications-System Settings-Security Level
   Add port 8080:tcp

Autostart Tomcat
   #cp /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin/
   Edit /etc/init.d/catalina
   Add as the last comments at the top
   # chkconfig: - 90 15
   # description: Jakarta Tomcat Java Servlets and JSP server
   Add immediately after the top comments

   status() {
   ps ax --width=1000 | grep
[o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start | awk '{printf $1 
}' | wc | awk '{print $2}'  /tmp/tomcat_process_count.txt
  read line  /tmp/tomcat_process_count.txt
   if [ $line -gt 0 ]; then
   echo -n Tomcat ( pid 
   ps ax --width=1000 | grep
[o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start | awk '{printf $1 
   echo -n ) is running...
   echo Tomcat is stopped
   Comment out [ -z $CATALINA_HOME ]  CATALINA_HOME=`cd
$PROGDIR/.. ; pwd`
   Before echo Using CATALINA_BASE: $CATALINA_BASE add
   if [ $1 != status ] ; then
   After the echo block add fi
   Add immediately before else for if [ $1 = debug ] block
   elif [ $1 = status ] ; then

   elif [ $1 = restart ] ; then
   $0 stop
   $0 start

Add catalina as a service and turn it on
   # chkconfig --add catalina
   # chkconfig catalina on

Install mod_jk for Apache/Tomcat connection
   Download mod_jk-ap20-1.2.10-1jpp.i386.rpm from
   # rpm -ivh mod_jk-ap20-1.2.10-1jpp.i386.rpm

Configure for Apache/Tomcat connection
   Edit /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/conf/
   Change workers.tomcat_home=/var/tomcat3 to
   Change workers.java_home=/opt/IBMJava2-13 to /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_03
   Change worker.list=ajp12, ajp13 to worker.list=ajp13
   Comment out all worker.ajp12 lines
   Uncomment worker.ajp13.cachesize and add =20
   Change worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers=ajp12, ajp13 to just

Configure server.xml for Apache

RE: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-17 Thread Randall Svancara
Is it possible for you to send us your mod_jk configuration along with
your you have one)?


-Original Message-
From: naidim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only

I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
locally and remotely.

mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?


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Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-16 Thread naidim
It's not a firewall blocking it as far as I can tell, but I tried your
suggestion with no change.

Locally, I can browse localhost, localhost:8080,
localhost:8080/jsp-examples and localhost/jsp-examples, showing that
mod_jk is working okay.

However, also locally, I can also browse by ip, ip:8080,
ip:8080/jsp-examples, I CANNOT browse ip/jsp-examples.  I get The
requested URL /jsp-examples/ was not found on this server.

Remotely I get the same results.

On 6/16/05, Randall Svancara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you turned off iptables.
 /etc/init.d/iptables stop
 That will kill the firewall rules that is built in to Fedora Core3.
 -Original Message-
 From: naidim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:41 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only
 I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
 locally and remotely.
 mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
 or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
 to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?
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Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-16 Thread Gurumoorthy
send me the httpd.conf and the server.xml and ... i will
have a look ...

- Original Message -
From: naidim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:40 PM
Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only

I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
locally and remotely.

mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?


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Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

2005-06-16 Thread Gurumoorthy
According to your httpd.conf your servername is

Seems that your  server.xml is wrong ...
Change Host name=localhost appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
Listener className=org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig append=true
jkWorker=ajp13/to Host appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false
Listener className=org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig append=true
jkWorker=ajp13/and try
Original Message -
From: Gurumoorthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List; naidim
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: mod_jk works as localhost only

 send me the httpd.conf and the server.xml and ... i will
 have a look ...

 - Original Message -
 From: naidim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:40 PM
 Subject: mod_jk works as localhost only

 I'm running Apache2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC3.  Both work fine
 locally and remotely.

 mod_jk is configured but it only works as localhost.  Browsing by name
 or IP fails to find the files in the webapp directory.  What do I need
 to change so it finds them when browseing remotely?


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RE: Mod_JK error

My apologies...

I should have added that I only get this error when the server comes under load 
and even then the errors are intermittent.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 2:12 PM
To: Tomcat User List (E-mail)
Subject: Mod_JK error

Can anyone give me an idea of what might be causing this?  I have searched the 
web to no avail.

[jk_ajp_common.c (1250)]: Tomcat is down or network problems. No response has 
been sent to the client (yet)
[Tue Jun 07 13:46:09 2005]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1449)]: ERROR: Receiving from 
tomcat failed, recoverable operation. err=0
[Tue Jun 07 13:46:09 2005]  [jk_ajp_common.c (783)]: ERROR: can't receive the 
response message from tomcat, network problems or tomcat is down (some 
IP:8012), err=-131



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RE: mod_jk jkloglevel not showing info/error messages

2005-05-31 Thread bill.shaffer
Can anyone tell me if they see similar behavior, or if they see
appropriate error and info messages with JkLogLevel?

Bill S. 

-Original Message-
From: Shaffer, William (KnowledgeN) 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 3:48 PM
Subject: mod_jk jkloglevel not showing info/error messages

I'm running Apache 1.3.33 + mod_ssl 2.8.22 + mod_jk 1.2.13 on a Solaris
8 box.

If I set JkLogLevel to debug, I get debug messages plus some info and
error messages (when the tomcat instance is down, for example). If I set
JkLogLevel to trace, I get the appropriate trace messages, as well as
the debug and higher messages.

If I set JkLogLevel to info or error, I get no messages in the same
scenario - when the tomcat instance(s) are down. I would expect to still
see the info/error messages.

Can anyone explain this?


Bill S.

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RE: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Try to point your documentroot to point somewhere else and try ... 

-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 08:46
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12


I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for 
instance. I have a

DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
JkMount /domain worker1
JkMount /domain/* worker1
JkAutoAlias /

But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result. 
Wat directive I a have to use?

Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
No its no a problem of finding the right file. It shows the right one, 
i.e. index.jsp but it shows the source and does not execute it. It seems 
to be for dynamic pages. For instance I have a response.Redirect() in 

Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy wrote:
Try to point your documentroot to point somewhere else and try ... 

-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 08:46
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for 
instance. I have a

   DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
   JkMount /domain worker1
   JkMount /domain/* worker1
   JkAutoAlias /
But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result. 
Wat directive I a have to use?

Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.
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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Lutz Zetzsche
Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
 I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for
 instance. I have a

 DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
 JkMount /domain worker1
 JkMount /domain/* worker1
 JkAutoAlias /

 But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result.
 Wat directive I a have to use?

 Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.

Sounds like the pages, where the source code is displayed instead of the
result of the processed jsp file, are served by the Apache server itself
and not by Tomcat as intended. This is possible because the DocumentRoot
of your Apache seems to point directly to your Tomcat web application's

It is difficult to tell you more as you don't give a lot of information.

Best wishes


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RE: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Can you tell me the listing of the /.../webapps/domain directory ?


-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 09:08
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

No its no a problem of finding the right file. It shows the right one, 
i.e. index.jsp but it shows the source and does not execute it. It seems 
to be for dynamic pages. For instance I have a response.Redirect() in 


Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy wrote:

Try to point your documentroot to point somewhere else and try ... 

-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 08:46
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12


I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for 
instance. I have a

DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
JkMount /domain worker1
JkMount /domain/* worker1
JkAutoAlias /

But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result. 
Wat directive I a have to use?

Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
OK, which information would help you. Is it necessary to point the 
DocumentRoot somwhere else? I thought it doesnt matter where the sources 

Btw you are right, I point DocumentRoot directly to webapps under TC, so 
I dont have to have it twice.

Lutz Zetzsche wrote:
Hi Stanislav,
Stanislav Bauer schrieb:

I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for
instance. I have a
   DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
   JkMount /domain worker1
   JkMount /domain/* worker1
   JkAutoAlias /
But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result.
Wat directive I a have to use?
Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.

Sounds like the pages, where the source code is displayed instead of the
result of the processed jsp file, are served by the Apache server itself
and not by Tomcat as intended. This is possible because the DocumentRoot
of your Apache seems to point directly to your Tomcat web application's
It is difficult to tell you more as you don't give a lot of information.
Best wishes
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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
various subfolders
in the root, ie /domain I have index.jsp (also /domain/index.jsp) which 
should redirect to a subfolder.

/.../webapps/domain is a standard structure of a TC WebApp. Its a small app 
with majorly static *.jsp pages which are displayed fine. Just two, where it seems to be 
some jsp-action are displayed as source.
In apaches httpd.conf I also added index.jsp to the DirectoryIndex.

Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy wrote:
Can you tell me the listing of the /.../webapps/domain directory ?
-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 09:08
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

No its no a problem of finding the right file. It shows the right one, 
i.e. index.jsp but it shows the source and does not execute it. It seems 
to be for dynamic pages. For instance I have a response.Redirect() in 

Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy wrote:

Try to point your documentroot to point somewhere else and try ... 

-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Bauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 08:46
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for 
instance. I have a

  DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
  JkMount /domain worker1
  JkMount /domain/* worker1
  JkAutoAlias /
But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result. 
Wat directive I a have to use?

Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.
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RE: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Boocock, John \(CSS\)
Hi there,

I also find a similar problem with my set up here (although it's more
consistant and I can make it do it, but don't know how to fix it really!

I run apache 1.3.33 / mod_ssl 2.8.22 and Tomcat 3.3.2 with mod_jk
1.2.10, mod_security is also compiled in but disabled as a module.

If I go to I get a page as expected

If I go to I get the source code, also
this isn't just on one context or the index.jsp file, we run quite a few
contexts and it consistently displays source code if you put double (or
more) slashes in the URL before the context.

Alias /context/ /www/content/
JkMount /context/*.jsp lb-332
JkMount /context/servlet/* lb-332

Where lb-332 is the connector defined in

This only happens though for any context which is 'split' between Apache
and Tomcat, if for instance I send everything to tomcat by using

Any suggestions?


John Boocock
-Original Message-
From: Lutz Zetzsche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 09:13
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
 I'm trying to connect Apache with TC to serve for
 instance. I have a

 DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
 JkMount /domain worker1
 JkMount /domain/* worker1
 JkAutoAlias /

 But for certain pages I get the source code instead of the TC result.
 Wat directive I a have to use?

 Directly with :8080 the pages are fine.

Sounds like the pages, where the source code is displayed instead of the
result of the processed jsp file, are served by the Apache server itself
and not by Tomcat as intended. This is possible because the DocumentRoot
of your Apache seems to point directly to your Tomcat web application's

It is difficult to tell you more as you don't give a lot of information.

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Lutz Zetzsche
Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
 In apaches httpd.conf I also added index.jsp to the DirectoryIndex.

oh, bad idea!

As Apache shouldn't serve jsp pages itself, you shouldn't instruct Apache
to look for an index.jsp in case of a request like

Remove index.jsp from the DirectoryIndex, reload Apache and have a look if
your problem is solved then.

However, you should re-think your server configuration completely. I don't
think that it is a good idea to mix Apache and Tomcat too much. There are
several security implications. I.e. mis-configurations will allow the
servers to access each other's sensitive configuration files. Tomcat may
be able to read Apache's htaccess files, Apache may be able to read
Tomcat's web.xml etc.

I don't know why you have pointed Apache's DocumentRoot to your Tomcat web
application directory but if this is not necessary, you shouldn't do it.

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
Hmm, when I remove index.jsp then I get just a directory listing.
Concerning the mining, how should the structure be then? Where should 
DocumentRoot normaly point to?

I thought it works that way:
1) Take the pages from DocumentRoot
2) If it is *.jsp pass it to TC and TC will execute them
3) Otherwise Apache sends them directly
But it seams that Apache sends all directly, and if I dont have the 
DirectoryIndex with index.jsp it starts with a listing.

Lutz Zetzsche wrote:
Hi Stanislav,
Stanislav Bauer schrieb:

In apaches httpd.conf I also added index.jsp to the DirectoryIndex.

oh, bad idea!
As Apache shouldn't serve jsp pages itself, you shouldn't instruct Apache
to look for an index.jsp in case of a request like
Remove index.jsp from the DirectoryIndex, reload Apache and have a look if
your problem is solved then.
However, you should re-think your server configuration completely. I don't
think that it is a good idea to mix Apache and Tomcat too much. There are
several security implications. I.e. mis-configurations will allow the
servers to access each other's sensitive configuration files. Tomcat may
be able to read Apache's htaccess files, Apache may be able to read
Tomcat's web.xml etc.
I don't know why you have pointed Apache's DocumentRoot to your Tomcat web
application directory but if this is not necessary, you shouldn't do it.
Best wishes
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RE: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Lutz Zetzsche
Hi John,

Boocock, John (CSS) schrieb:
 If I go to I get a page as expected

 If I go to I get the source code, also
 this isn't just on one context or the index.jsp file, we run quite a few
 contexts and it consistently displays source code if you put double (or
 more) slashes in the URL before the context.

 Alias /context/ /www/content/
 JkMount /context/*.jsp lb-332
 JkMount /context/servlet/* lb-332

1. The above Alias in the Apache conf points to the Tomcat webapps
directory. That means, Apache can access the files of the tomcat web

2. //context/ does not match the above JkMount patterns which start with
/context/. That means, Apache does not forward a request like to Tomcat.

The result from both is that Apache processes requests like itself. If it can find and access the
requested file, Apache will serve it. Due to the fact, that your Apache
has no module installed to process jsp files, it just serves the jsp files

That's the solution from my point of view. I would recommend not to point
to any sub directory of $CATALINA_HOME with a DocumentRoot or Alias in
Apache's conf to avoid such security breaches.

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
Maybe it would be sufficient to write JkMount differently but I dont 
know how for matching

The examples seam to be written just for test scenarios, but not if you 
arrive to the server with

Lutz Zetzsche wrote:
Hi Stanislav,
Stanislav Bauer schrieb:

In apaches httpd.conf I also added index.jsp to the DirectoryIndex.

oh, bad idea!
As Apache shouldn't serve jsp pages itself, you shouldn't instruct Apache
to look for an index.jsp in case of a request like
Remove index.jsp from the DirectoryIndex, reload Apache and have a look if
your problem is solved then.
However, you should re-think your server configuration completely. I don't
think that it is a good idea to mix Apache and Tomcat too much. There are
several security implications. I.e. mis-configurations will allow the
servers to access each other's sensitive configuration files. Tomcat may
be able to read Apache's htaccess files, Apache may be able to read
Tomcat's web.xml etc.
I don't know why you have pointed Apache's DocumentRoot to your Tomcat web
application directory but if this is not necessary, you shouldn't do it.
Best wishes
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RE: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Boocock, John \(CSS\)
Hi and thanks for the quick response

1. On point one, I appreciate that and it's deliberate to get apache
serving the static content without the need to do anything particularly
fancy in terms of where files are stored etc. Especially as we run 3.3.2
which isn't exactly blindingly fast for static content! :)

2. I understand that is what's causing the problem, but am unsure really
of a way to fix it properly. Any suggestions on better pattern matching
for the JkMount as I'm not quite sure on how flexible it is with regex,

I've tried in the past to get around the problem with mod_security but
it seems that it can't stop this because apache is normalising the paths
so Mod_sec can't do anything about then but then when the request goes
to Tomcat it regards, quite rightfully, that the connection doesn't go
to through the connector because the pattern doesn't match.


John Boocock

-Original Message-
From: Lutz Zetzsche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 May 2005 10:21
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

Hi John,

Boocock, John (CSS) schrieb:
 If I go to I get a page as expected

 If I go to I get the source code,
 this isn't just on one context or the index.jsp file, we run quite a
 contexts and it consistently displays source code if you put double
 more) slashes in the URL before the context.

 Alias /context/ /www/content/
 JkMount /context/*.jsp lb-332
 JkMount /context/servlet/* lb-332

1. The above Alias in the Apache conf points to the Tomcat webapps
directory. That means, Apache can access the files of the tomcat web

2. //context/ does not match the above JkMount patterns which start
/context/. That means, Apache does not forward a request like to Tomcat.

The result from both is that Apache processes requests like itself. If it can find and access
requested file, Apache will serve it. Due to the fact, that your Apache
has no module installed to process jsp files, it just serves the jsp

That's the solution from my point of view. I would recommend not to
to any sub directory of $CATALINA_HOME with a DocumentRoot or Alias in
Apache's conf to avoid such security breaches.

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Lutz Zetzsche
Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
 Hmm, when I remove index.jsp then I get just a directory listing.

 Concerning the mining, how should the structure be then? Where should
 DocumentRoot normaly point to?

 I thought it works that way:
 1) Take the pages from DocumentRoot
 2) If it is *.jsp pass it to TC and TC will execute them
 3) Otherwise Apache sends them directly

 But it seams that Apache sends all directly, and if I dont have the
 DirectoryIndex with index.jsp it starts with a listing.

Ok, the directory listing also tells you which server serves the listing.
I assume, it is Apache and not Tomcat, isn't it?

Normally, you use Apache to serve PHP pages and Tomcat to server JSP
pages. Sometimes you want, that Apache receives the requests for Tomcat
and forwards them to Tomcat.

Both ways, you have different web applications which you should keep
separately as regards the directories. The DocumentRoot of Apache should
never point to a subdirectory of $CATALINA_HOME, and the webApp and
docBase attributes of Tomcat should never point to Apache directories. In
my opinion.

It is up to you where to point to with the DocumentRoot. I.e.
/var/www/html/ or where you have your PHP web application, if you have
one. All pages within Tomcat's webapp directory should be served by

Finally, I have had a second look at the lines you have sent:

 DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
 JkMount /domain worker1
 JkMount /domain/* worker1
 JkAutoAlias /

1. What happens if you remove JkAutoAlias?
2. What happens if you set DocumentRoot to /.../webapps/?

(Both just for a moment to see what happens. :-) )

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
OK, First thanks for the patience.
I have now a config that seams to work but:
1) I have a second domain pointing to the same IP, say
2) I put JkMount /domain/* worker1 into IfModule mod_jk.c, where I 
have also JkWorkersFile aso
3) Now if I write I get the right reaction

But how to configure that works the same I realy dont 
know, ie a Virtual Host.

I thought it must be something like this, maybe some more directives:
   JkMount somthing here, but what? worker1
Lutz Zetzsche wrote:
Hi Stanislav,
Stanislav Bauer schrieb:

Hmm, when I remove index.jsp then I get just a directory listing.
Concerning the mining, how should the structure be then? Where should
DocumentRoot normaly point to?
I thought it works that way:
1) Take the pages from DocumentRoot
2) If it is *.jsp pass it to TC and TC will execute them
3) Otherwise Apache sends them directly
But it seams that Apache sends all directly, and if I dont have the
DirectoryIndex with index.jsp it starts with a listing.

Ok, the directory listing also tells you which server serves the listing.
I assume, it is Apache and not Tomcat, isn't it?
Normally, you use Apache to serve PHP pages and Tomcat to server JSP
pages. Sometimes you want, that Apache receives the requests for Tomcat
and forwards them to Tomcat.
Both ways, you have different web applications which you should keep
separately as regards the directories. The DocumentRoot of Apache should
never point to a subdirectory of $CATALINA_HOME, and the webApp and
docBase attributes of Tomcat should never point to Apache directories. In
my opinion.
It is up to you where to point to with the DocumentRoot. I.e.
/var/www/html/ or where you have your PHP web application, if you have
one. All pages within Tomcat's webapp directory should be served by
Finally, I have had a second look at the lines you have sent:
DocumentRoot /.../webapps/domain
JkMount /domain worker1
JkMount /domain/* worker1
JkAutoAlias /
1. What happens if you remove JkAutoAlias?
2. What happens if you set DocumentRoot to /.../webapps/?
(Both just for a moment to see what happens. :-) )
Best wishes
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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Lutz Zetzsche
Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
 I have now a config that seams to work but:

 1) I have a second domain pointing to the same IP, say
 2) I put JkMount /domain/* worker1 into IfModule mod_jk.c, where I
 have also JkWorkersFile aso
 3) Now if I write I get the right reaction

 But how to configure that works the same I realy dont
 know, ie a Virtual Host.

 I thought it must be something like this, maybe some more directives:
 JkMount somthing here, but what? worker1

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about your full Apache configuration,
but if it works with one domain, it should be no problem to make it work
for a second.

Do you have a second virtual host for the second domain? If so, why don't
you remove the virtual host for the first domain and define the first
domain as ServerAlias for the virtual host of the second domain?

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Stanislav Bauer
So I'm working now with just one domain :-), say But 
instead to go directly to the jsp-webapp I have to write with virtualhost like this:

   JkMount /contextname/* worker1
Then the JSP-pages work like expected.
But how is it possible to go directly to the context, ie with I thought something like this:

   JkMount /* worker1
but then I end up at the manager. I wonder if it is possible at all?
Lutz Zetzsche wrote:
Hi Stanislav,
Stanislav Bauer schrieb:

I have now a config that seams to work but:
1) I have a second domain pointing to the same IP, say
2) I put JkMount /domain/* worker1 into IfModule mod_jk.c, where I
have also JkWorkersFile aso
3) Now if I write I get the right reaction
But how to configure that works the same I realy dont
know, ie a Virtual Host.
I thought it must be something like this, maybe some more directives:
   JkMount somthing here, but what? worker1

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about your full Apache configuration,
but if it works with one domain, it should be no problem to make it work
for a second.
Do you have a second virtual host for the second domain? If so, why don't
you remove the virtual host for the first domain and define the first
domain as ServerAlias for the virtual host of the second domain?
Best wishes
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Re: mod_jk shows source - Apache 2.0.53 mod_jk 1.2.12

2005-05-13 Thread Lutz Zetzsche
Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
 So I'm working now with just one domain :-), say But
 instead to go directly to the jsp-webapp I have to write with virtualhost like this:

 JkMount /contextname/* worker1

 Then the JSP-pages work like expected.

 But how is it possible to go directly to the context, ie with I thought something like this:

 JkMount /* worker1

 but then I end up at the manager. I wonder if it is possible at all?

Does the Manager also appear when you try ?

Best wishes


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Re: mod_jk 1.2.11 build failure on solaris 2.8

2005-04-29 Thread Mladen Turk
J. W. Ballantine wrote:
I'm trying to build mod_jk 1.2.11 on a solaris 2.8
system and it fails with:
The configuration command is:
  ./configure --with-apxs=/local/APACHE/Apache2/bin/apxs --enable-jni 
--with-java-home=/a2/JAVA/java --with-java-platform=2

jni will not work anyhow on any unix system. It can work in theory
only for WIN32 on Netware, so just use:
./configure --with-apxs=/local/APACHE/Apache2/bin/apxs
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Re: mod_jk working together with mod_userdir - possible or not?

2005-04-25 Thread Torsten Krah
I got it partially working,

Listener className=org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig

added in server.xml shows local users dirs. but local defined ones only.

Is there anyway to got user directories out from nss, to get home
directories from name service switch modules like nis or ldap?

best regards

Torsten Krah

Am Freitag, den 22.04.2005, 09:36 +0200 schrieb Mladen Turk:
 Torsten Krah wrote:
  is there any chance, to get mod_jk so configured, that it can handle jsp
  files, servlets ( complete webapps ) in the apache mod_userdir
  I want to have ~/pubic_html/*.jsp interpreted by tomcat but it seems
  mod_jk isnt able to handle it, am i right or wrong?
  Any solutions for this problem? Pros  Cons?
 mod_userdir like most other apache modules presume that you are
 dealing with file system.
 For managing virtual uri spaces you will need to use mod_rewrite.
 Mod_rewrite documentation has an example how to deal with home
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Re: mod_jk working together with mod_userdir - possible or not?

2005-04-22 Thread Mladen Turk
Torsten Krah wrote:
is there any chance, to get mod_jk so configured, that it can handle jsp
files, servlets ( complete webapps ) in the apache mod_userdir
I want to have ~/pubic_html/*.jsp interpreted by tomcat but it seems
mod_jk isnt able to handle it, am i right or wrong?
Any solutions for this problem? Pros  Cons?
mod_userdir like most other apache modules presume that you are
dealing with file system.
For managing virtual uri spaces you will need to use mod_rewrite.
Mod_rewrite documentation has an example how to deal with home
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Re: mod_jk working together with mod_userdir - possible or not?

2005-04-22 Thread Steve Ochani
In order to get Tomcat to handle requests as in

you need to use the Tomcat UserConfig class and then have apache pass off all 
requests to .jsp to tomcat with mod_jk.

Details to use UserConfig in tomcat are at a few places including

(tip #7)

Test if first by

If you get beans and servlets working in user's public_html directory let me 
because I've tried for 2 weeks and couldn't get them to work.

Good luck

On 22 Apr 2005 at 4:09, Torsten Krah wrote:

 is there any chance, to get mod_jk so configured, that it can handle jsp
 files, servlets ( complete webapps ) in the apache mod_userdir
 I want to have ~/pubic_html/*.jsp interpreted by tomcat but it seems
 mod_jk isnt able to handle it, am i right or wrong?
 Any solutions for this problem? Pros  Cons?
 best regards
 Torsten Krah
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Re: mod_jk 1.2.10 can't find free endpoint

2005-04-15 Thread Mladen Turk
Andrey Grebnev wrote:
Hello All,
  I try to use:
- Apache 1.3.33 under Windows XP SP2
IfModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkerProperty worker.list=ajp13w
JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.type=ajp13
JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.port=8009
  # Add the cache. Tt should match the MaxClients in httpd.conf
  # and maxThreads in server.xml for AJP connector
  JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.cachesize=150
Apache 1.3 on windows is not prefork so you actually have a
single connection to tomcat without setting the cache size.
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Re: mod_jk under Win32 (Tomcat 5.0.28, apache 1.13.33)

2005-03-19 Thread Pete Eakle
I thought that for apache 1.3, the modules go in the libexec
directory, and if so then your statement above should look like:
LoadModule jk_module libexec/

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:10:42 +0100 (CET), Christoph Kukulies
 I installed apache 1.13.33 and tomcat 5.0.28.
 Both servers are running. I can test tomcat fine on port 8080.
 Now I want to integrate apache with tomcat and downloaded the
 mod_jk 1.2 binary .so file from
 I installed it as in
 but when starting apache I get an error
 Syntax error on line 992 of g:/programme/apache_group/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
 Cannot load g:/programme/apache_group/apache/modules/ into server: 
 ) Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden:
 Portions of my httpd.conf:
 #AddModule mod_vhost_alias.c
 AddModule mod_env.c
 AddModule mod_log_config.c
 #AddModule mod_mime_magic.c
 AddModule mod_mime.c
 AddModule mod_negotiation.c
 #AddModule mod_status.c
 #AddModule mod_info.c
 AddModule mod_include.c
 AddModule mod_autoindex.c
 AddModule mod_dir.c
 # and at the end:
 LoadModule jk_module modules/
 JkWorkersFile g:\Programme\Apache_Group\Tomcat 5.0\conf\
 JkLogFile g:\Programme\Apache_Group\Apache\logs\mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel info
 JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]
 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
 AddModule mod_isapi.c
 AddModule mod_cgi.c
 AddModule mod_asis.c
 AddModule mod_imap.c
 AddModule mod_actions.c
 #AddModule mod_speling.c
 AddModule mod_userdir.c
 AddModule mod_alias.c
 #AddModule mod_rewrite.c
 AddModule mod_access.c
 AddModule mod_auth.c
 #AddModule mod_auth_anon.c
 Any clues?
 Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies
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RE: mod_jk + ssl on a virtual host.

2005-03-17 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Robert r. Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: mod_jk + ssl on a virtual host.
 When connecting, I can access the web application via HTTPS;
 however Tomcat seems unaware that the connection is secure

Have you set secure=true in the connector entry in server.xml that you're 
using for Tomcat?  (Not sure what the side effects might be.)

 - Chuck

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Re: mod_jk + ssl on a virtual host.

2005-03-17 Thread Robert r. Sanders

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Robert r. Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: mod_jk + ssl on a virtual host.
When connecting, I can access the web application via HTTPS;
however Tomcat seems unaware that the connection is secure

Have you set secure=true in the connector entry in server.xml that you're 
using for Tomcat?  (Not sure what the side effects might be.)
- Chuck

No, currently the same connection (ajp13) is being used for both http 
and https.  I have had success with this in the past; but not with the 
admitedly wierd setup that I currently am trying to get working.

   Robert r. Sanders
   Chief Technologist
   (334) 821-5412
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Re: mod_jk: download speed problem

2005-03-09 Thread Mikhail Kruk
No one responded to my previous question, so let me try again.
Is anyone here running Tomcat 5.0.x + mod_jk + Apache and downloading 
large files through it with normal a throughput?

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Mikhail Kruk wrote:

 apache 2.0.53
 tomcat 5.0.29
 mod_jk 1.2.8, worker configured to do ajp13
 Red Hat ES 3
 Going straight to Tomcat or straight to Apache downloads work fast.
 Going through mod_jk uploads work fast.
 Going through mod_jk downloads go at 70Kb/sec.
 Everything tested from localhost, so it's not a network issue.
 Similar setup but with apache 1.3 and Red Hat 7.x running the same
 application works fast for both uploads and downloads.
 I'm stuck and will really appreciate any suggestions!
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RE: mod_jk: download speed problem

2005-03-09 Thread Phillip Qin
Why don't you JkUnMount /download_dir your_worker?

-Original Message-
From: Mikhail Kruk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: March 9, 2005 4:46 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk: download speed problem

No one responded to my previous question, so let me try again. Is anyone
here running Tomcat 5.0.x + mod_jk + Apache and downloading 
large files through it with normal a throughput?

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Mikhail Kruk wrote:

 apache 2.0.53
 tomcat 5.0.29
 mod_jk 1.2.8, worker configured to do ajp13
 Red Hat ES 3
 Going straight to Tomcat or straight to Apache downloads work fast. 
 Going through mod_jk uploads work fast. Going through mod_jk downloads 
 go at 70Kb/sec.
 Everything tested from localhost, so it's not a network issue. Similar 
 setup but with apache 1.3 and Red Hat 7.x running the same application 
 works fast for both uploads and downloads.
 I'm stuck and will really appreciate any suggestions!
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Re: mod_jk: download speed problem

2005-03-09 Thread Mladen Turk
Mikhail Kruk wrote:
No one responded to my previous question, so let me try again.
Is anyone here running Tomcat 5.0.x + mod_jk + Apache and downloading 
large files through it with normal a throughput?

Server Software:Apache/2.0.53
Server Hostname:localhost
Server Port:8008
Document Path:  /servlets-examples/test.jpg
Document Length:1513456 bytes
Concurrency Level:  1
Time taken for tests:   9.203125 seconds
Complete requests:  100
Failed requests:0
Write errors:   0
Total transferred:  151370900 bytes
HTML transferred:   151345600 bytes
Requests per second:10.87 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   92.031 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:   92.031 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:  16062.26 [Kbytes/sec] received
This is on WIN32, also localhost.
I've tried on RH9, SLES8.2 and FreeBSD 4.11 and found no slowdown.
Can you post your config files?
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RE: mod_jk: download speed problem

2005-03-09 Thread Mikhail Kruk
The large download is generated by a servlet, it's not a static file.
This is secure application and it only gives out downloads to 
authenticated sessions.

 Why don't you JkUnMount /download_dir your_worker?
 -Original Message-
 From: Mikhail Kruk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: March 9, 2005 4:46 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_jk: download speed problem
 No one responded to my previous question, so let me try again. Is anyone
 here running Tomcat 5.0.x + mod_jk + Apache and downloading 
 large files through it with normal a throughput?
 On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Mikhail Kruk wrote:
  apache 2.0.53
  tomcat 5.0.29
  mod_jk 1.2.8, worker configured to do ajp13
  Red Hat ES 3
  Going straight to Tomcat or straight to Apache downloads work fast. 
  Going through mod_jk uploads work fast. Going through mod_jk downloads 
  go at 70Kb/sec.
  Everything tested from localhost, so it's not a network issue. Similar 
  setup but with apache 1.3 and Red Hat 7.x running the same application 
  works fast for both uploads and downloads.
  I'm stuck and will really appreciate any suggestions!
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Re: mod_jk: download speed problem

2005-03-09 Thread Mikhail Kruk
 Document Path:  /servlets-examples/test.jpg

And this goes through mod_jk, right?

 Document Length:1513456 bytes
 This is on WIN32, also localhost.
 I've tried on RH9, SLES8.2 and FreeBSD 4.11 and found no slowdown.
 Can you post your config files?

What did you use to get this nice output?

Here is the relevant part of httpd.conf:

# Load mod_jk module
LoadModulejk_module  modules/
# Declare the module for IfModule directive
#AddModule mod_jk.c
# Where to find
JkWorkersFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/
# Where to put jk logs
JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
# Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
# Select the log format
JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
# JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
# JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T
# Send servlet for context /examples to worker named worker1
JkMount  /myapp worker1
JkMount  /myapp/* worker1

- cut --
Here is

- cut ---

I was playing with the file (commenting those lines out 
on the bottom) and managed to get the speed to drop from 70 Kb/sec to 
40 Kb/sec.  Not sure which of the settings did it though.

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Re: mod_jk: download speed problem

2005-03-09 Thread Mikhail Kruk
 - cut ---
 I was playing with the file (commenting those lines out 
 on the bottom) and managed to get the speed to drop from 70 Kb/sec to 
 40 Kb/sec.  Not sure which of the settings did it though.

Yes, if I uncomment the recycle_timeout setting I get 70Kb/sec, when it is 
commented out it drops to 40Kb/sec.
If I set it to something high like 3000 it drops to 40Kb/sec again.

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Re: mod_jk

2005-03-01 Thread Tim Funk
You need to set a content type.
Jörg Lindner wrote:
Hello All,
an ugly effect let me post this message in the list in hope of help.
I run tomcat 5.0.28 connected per mod_jk (ajp13) in Apache 2. 
In Apache the mapping from webapp-URL to the servlet seems to work. My servlet 
get called.
But the result differs by Webbrowsers. In InternetExplorer the Application 
works fine, but Netscape or Konqueror display the HTML-source produced by my 
servlet instead of interpreting the HTML???

Neigther in mod_jk.log nor in apache2/log/error_log  I get error messages?
Now, I wonder why Netscape and Konqueror don't interprete the HTML-Page from 

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RE: mod_jk

2005-03-01 Thread Burgess, Jay S
I think you need to set the content type for your response.  Try something like:


where res is the HttpServletResponse.


-Original Message-
From: Jörg Lindner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 12:26 PM
Subject: mod_jk

Hello All,

an ugly effect let me post this message in the list in hope of help.

I run tomcat 5.0.28 connected per mod_jk (ajp13) in Apache 2. 
In Apache the mapping from webapp-URL to the servlet seems to work. My servlet 
get called.
But the result differs by Webbrowsers. In InternetExplorer the Application 
works fine, but Netscape or Konqueror display the HTML-source produced by my 
servlet instead of interpreting the HTML???

Neigther in mod_jk.log nor in apache2/log/error_log  I get error messages?

Now, I wonder why Netscape and Konqueror don't interprete the HTML-Page from 

Jörg Lindner

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Re: mod_jk

2005-03-01 Thread Jörg Lindner
Thank you, it works now with specified ContentType  :-)


Am Dienstag, 1. März 2005 19:28 schrieb Tim Funk:
 You need to set a content type.


 Jörg Lindner wrote:
  Hello All,
  an ugly effect let me post this message in the list in hope of help.
  I run tomcat 5.0.28 connected per mod_jk (ajp13) in Apache 2.
  In Apache the mapping from webapp-URL to the servlet seems to work. My
  servlet get called.
  But the result differs by Webbrowsers. In InternetExplorer the
  Application works fine, but Netscape or Konqueror display the HTML-source
  produced by my servlet instead of interpreting the HTML???
  Neigther in mod_jk.log nor in apache2/log/error_log  I get error
  Now, I wonder why Netscape and Konqueror don't interprete the HTML-Page
  from servlet?

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Re: mod_jk

2005-03-01 Thread Jörg Lindner
Thanks much!
It works now with the set ContentType :-)


Am Dienstag, 1. März 2005 19:42 schrieb Burgess, Jay S:
 I think you need to set the content type for your response.  Try something


 where res is the HttpServletResponse.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jörg Lindner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 12:26 PM
 Subject: mod_jk

 Hello All,

 an ugly effect let me post this message in the list in hope of help.

 I run tomcat 5.0.28 connected per mod_jk (ajp13) in Apache 2.
 In Apache the mapping from webapp-URL to the servlet seems to work. My
 servlet get called.
 But the result differs by Webbrowsers. In InternetExplorer the Application
 works fine, but Netscape or Konqueror display the HTML-source produced by
 my servlet instead of interpreting the HTML???

 Neigther in mod_jk.log nor in apache2/log/error_log  I get error messages?

 Now, I wonder why Netscape and Konqueror don't interprete the HTML-Page
 from servlet?

 Jörg Lindner

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Re: mod_jk CLOSE_WAIT state and 1 byte recv buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Michael Stiller
No one any clues on this issue? I've got about 3000 connections hanging
around in CLOSE_WAIT now. Especially that 1 byte hanging in the receive 
buffer keeps me puzzled.

 i have the following problem with mod_jk from tomcat-connectors (1.2.5 -
 1.2.8) including 1.2.9 (from cvs).
 apache is 2.0.52, forking model, server os is linux 2.6.10-1.760_FC3smp 
 (fedora core 3), mod_jk 1.2.9 (others tested as well)
 After a while i get sockets stuck in CLOSE_WAIT state and netstat shows
 1 byte in the receive queue for this socket.
 tcpdump shows, that the backend (jetty) half-closes the connection with
 FIN. That FIN is acked from the mod_jk machine but the connection is not
 closed (no FIN is send). 
 sample netstat output:
 tcp1  0 
 tcp1  0 
 tcp1  0 

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Re: mod_jk CLOSE_WAIT state and 1 byte recv buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Mladen Turk
Michael Stiller wrote:
No one any clues on this issue? I've got about 3000 connections hanging
around in CLOSE_WAIT now. Especially that 1 byte hanging in the receive 
buffer keeps me puzzled.

Did you tried the latest CVS HEAD?
It contains the hard close socket by disabling lingering.
Further more try to set the socket_timeout for the worker.
Also you did not mention what is the OS you are using.
Is it suse 9 by any chance?
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Re: mod_jk CLOSE_WAIT state and 1 byte recv buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Michael Stiller
On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 11:19 +0100, Mladen Turk wrote:
 Michael Stiller wrote:
  No one any clues on this issue? I've got about 3000 connections hanging
  around in CLOSE_WAIT now. Especially that 1 byte hanging in the receive 
  buffer keeps me puzzled.
 Did you tried the latest CVS HEAD?

I tried something i checked out from cvs last friday. 
The version is tomcat-connectors 1.2.9.
The OS ist Fedora Core 3.

 It contains the hard close socket by disabling lingering.

Where may i learn about the hard close patch. Maybe a pointer to the 
source file?

 Further more try to set the socket_timeout for the worker.

You mean something like this:


Already tried it, no result so far.



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Re: mod_jk CLOSE_WAIT state and 1 byte recv buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Mladen Turk
Michael Stiller wrote:
I tried something i checked out from cvs last friday. 
Use more recent :)
The version is tomcat-connectors 1.2.9.
The OS ist Fedora Core 3.
Seems that I miss the OS.

It contains the hard close socket by disabling lingering.

Where may i learn about the hard close patch. Maybe a pointer to the 
source file?
You mean something like this:
First, two second recycle is far to small.
It should be at least higher then socket_timeout.
I mean, you have 10 second timeout and 2 second recycle !?.
Second no need to cache_timeout on prefork,
since you have only one cached worker (default),
so you don't need cachesize too.
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