Cluster hangs in 'ssh-ready' state using Spark 1.2 EC2 launch script

2015-01-17 Thread Nathan Murthy
Originally posted here:

I'm trying to launch a standalone Spark cluster using its pre-packaged EC2
scripts, but it just indefinitely hangs in an 'ssh-ready' state:

ubuntu@machine:~/spark-1.2.0-bin-hadoop2.4$ ./ec2/spark-ec2 -k
key-pair -i identity-file.pem -r us-west-2 -s 3 launch test
Setting up security groups...
Searching for existing cluster test...
Spark AMI: ami-ae6e0d9e
Launching instances...
Launched 3 slaves in us-west-2c, regid = r-b___6
Launched master in us-west-2c, regid = r-0__0
Waiting for all instances in cluster to enter 'ssh-ready'

Yet I can SSH into these instances without compaint:

ubuntu@machine:~$ ssh -i identity-file.pem root@master-ip
Last login: Day MMM DD HH:mm:ss 20YY from

   __|  __|_  )
   _|  ( /   Amazon Linux AMI
There are 59 security update(s) out of 257 total update(s) available
Run sudo yum update to apply all updates.
Amazon Linux version 2014.09 is available.
root@ip-internal ~]$

I'm trying to figure out if this is a problem in AWS or with the Spark
scripts. I've never had this issue before until recently.

Nathan Murthy // 713.884.7110 (mobile) // @natemurthy

Re: Using data in RDD to specify HDFS directory to write to

2014-12-05 Thread Nathan Murthy
I'm experiencing the same problem when I try to run my app in a standalone
Spark cluster. 

My use case, however, is closer to the problem documented in this thread:
The solution for which did not work for me.

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