[Spark2] huge BloomFilters

2016-11-02 Thread ponkin
I need to build huge BloomFilter with 150 millions or even more insertions
import org.apache.spark.util.sketch.BloomFilter
val bf = spark.read.avro("/hdfs/path").filter("some ==
1").stat.bloomFilter("id", 15000, 0.01)

if I use keys for serialization
implicit val bfEncoder = org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders.kryo[BloomFilter]
And then try to save this filter in hdfs
the size of this bloom filter is more than 1G.

Is there any way to compress BloomFilter?
Do anybody have an experience with such a huge bloom filters?

In general I need to check some condition in Spark-streaming application.
I was thinking to use BloomFilters for that.

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Run spark-shell inside Docker container against remote YARN cluster

2016-10-27 Thread ponkin
May be someone already had experience to build docker image for spark?
I want to build docker image with spark inside but configured against remote
YARN cluster.
I have already created image with spark 1.6.2 inside.
But when I run 
spark-shell --master yarn --deploy-mode client --driver-memory 32G
--executor-memory 32G --executor-cores 8
inside docker I get the following exception
Diagnostics: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File
file:/usr/local/spark/lib/spark-assembly-1.6.2-hadoop2.2.0.jar does not

Any suggestions?
Do I need to load spark-assembly i HDFS and set
spark.yarn.jar=hdfs://spark-assembly-1.6.2-hadoop2.2.0.jar ?

Here is my Dockerfile

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Re: Spark 2.0 regression when querying very wide data frames

2016-08-20 Thread ponkin
I generated CSV file with 300 columns, and it seems to work fine with Spark
Dataframes(Spark 2.0).
I think you need to post your issue in spark-cassandra-connector community
- if you are using it.

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Re: Spark 2.0 regression when querying very wide data frames

2016-08-20 Thread ponkin
Did you try to load wide, for example, CSV file or Parquet? May be the
problem is in spark-cassandra-connector not Spark itself? Are you using

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Re: Spark 2.0 regression when querying very wide data frames

2016-08-20 Thread ponkin
What kind of datasource do you have? CSV, Avro, Parquet?

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[KafkaRDD]: rdd.cache() does not seem to work

2016-01-11 Thread ponkin

Here is my use case :
I have kafka topic. The job is fairly simple - it reads topic and save data to 
several hdfs paths.
I create rdd with the following code
 val r =  
Then I am trying to cache that rdd with 
and then save this rdd to several hdfs locations.
But it seems that KafkaRDD is fetching data from kafka broker every time I call 

How can I cache data from Kafka in memory?

P.S. When I do repartition add it seems to work properly( read kafka only once) 
but spark store shuffled data localy.
Is it possible to keep data in memory?

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[streaming] KafkaUtils.createDirectStream - how to start streming from checkpoints?

2015-11-24 Thread ponkin

When I create stream with KafkaUtils.createDirectStream I can explicitly define 
the position "largest" or "smallest" - where to read topic from.
What if I have previous checkpoints( in HDFS for example) with offsets, and I 
want to start reading from the last checkpoint?
In source code of KafkaUtils.createDirectStream I see the following

 val reset = kafkaParams.get("auto.offset.reset").map(_.toLowerCase)
 (for {
   topicPartitions <- kc.getPartitions(topics).right
   leaderOffsets <- (if (reset == Some("smallest")) {
   } else {

So it turns out that, I have no options to start reading from checkpoints(and 
Am I right?
How can I force Spark to start reading from saved offesets(in checkpoints)? Is 
it possible at all or I need to store offsets in external datastore?

Alexey Ponkin

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[streaming] reading Kafka direct stream throws kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException

2015-09-30 Thread Alexey Ponkin

I have simple spark-streaming job(8 executors 1 core - on 8 node cluster) - 
read from Kafka topic( 3 brokers with 8 partitions) and save to Cassandra.
The problem is that when I increase number of incoming messages in topic the 
job is starting to fail with kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException.
Job fails starting from 100 events per second.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [streaming] DStream with window performance issue

2015-09-08 Thread Alexey Ponkin
Spark 1.4.1 on yarn

Here is my application
I have 4 different Kafka topics(different object streams)

type Edge = (String,String)

val a = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[...](sc,"A",params).filter( nonEmpty 
).map( toEdge )
val b = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[...](sc,"B",params).filter( nonEmpty 
).map( toEdge )
val c = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[...](sc,"C",params).filter( nonEmpty 
).map( toEdge )

val u = a union b union c

val source = u.window(Seconds(600), Seconds(10))

val z = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[...](sc,"Z",params).filter( nonEmpty 
).map( toEdge )

val joinResult = source.rightOuterJoin( z )
joinResult.foreachRDD { rdd=>
  rdd.foreachPartition { partition =>
  // save to result topic in kafka

The 'window' function in the code above is constantly growing,
no matter how many events appeared in corresponding kafka topics

but if I change one line from   

val source = u.window(Seconds(600), Seconds(10))


val partitioner = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(new HashPartitioner(8))

val source = u.transform(_.partitionBy(partitioner.value) 
).window(Seconds(600), Seconds(10))

Everything works perfect.

Perhaps the problem was in WindowedDStream

I forced to use PartitionerAwareUnionRDD( partitionBy the same partitioner ) 
instead of UnionRDD.

Nonetheless I did not see any hints about such a bahaviour in doc.
Is it a bug or absolutely normal behaviour?

08.09.2015, 17:03, "Cody Koeninger" <c...@koeninger.org>:
>  Can you provide more info (what version of spark, code example)?
>  On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Alexey Ponkin <alexey.pon...@ya.ru> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I have an application with 2 streams, which are joined together.
>>  Stream1 - is simple DStream(relativly small size batch chunks)
>>  Stream2 - is a windowed DStream(with duration for example 60 seconds)
>>  Stream1 and Stream2 are Kafka direct stream.
>>  The problem is that according to logs window operation is constantly 
>> increasing(> href="http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2015-09-0816-06-55.php;>screen).
>>  And also I see gap in pocessing window(> href="http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2015-09-0816-10-22.php;>screen)
>>  in logs there are no events in that period.
>>  So what is happen in that gap and why window is constantly insreasing?
>>  Thank you in advance
>>  -
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[streaming] DStream with window performance issue

2015-09-08 Thread Alexey Ponkin

I have an application with 2 streams, which are joined together.
Stream1 - is simple DStream(relativly small size batch chunks)
Stream2 - is a windowed DStream(with duration for example 60 seconds)

Stream1 and Stream2 are Kafka direct stream. 
The problem is that according to logs window operation is constantly 
And also I see gap in pocessing window(http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2015-09-0816-10-22.php;>screen)
 in logs there are no events in that period.
So what is happen in that gap and why window is constantly insreasing?

Thank you in advance

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[streaming] Using org.apache.spark.Logging will silently break task execution

2015-09-06 Thread Alexey Ponkin

I have the following code

object MyJob extends org.apache.spark.Logging{
 val source: DStream[SomeType] ...

 source.foreachRDD { rdd =>
  rdd.foreachPartition { partitionOfRecords =>

I was expecting to see both log messages in job log.
But unfortunately you will never see string '+++ForEachPartition+++' in logs, 
cause block foreachPartition will never execute.
And also there is no error message or something in logs.
I wonder is this a bug or known behavior? 
I know that org.apache.spark.Logging is DeveloperAPI, but why it is silently 
fails with no messages?
What to use instead of org.apache.spark.Logging? in spark-streaming jobs?

P.S. running spark 1.4.1 (on yarn)

Thanks in advance

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[spark-streaming] New directStream API reads topic's partitions sequentially. Why?

2015-09-04 Thread ponkin
I am trying to read kafka topic with new directStream method in KafkaUtils.
I have Kafka topic with 8 partitions.
I am running streaming job on yarn with 8 execuors with 1 core  for each
So noticed that spark reads all topic's partitions in one executor
sequentially - this is obviously not what I want.
I want spark to read all partitions in parallel. 
How can I achieve that?
Thank you, in advance.

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Re: Spark shell and StackOverFlowError

2015-09-01 Thread ponkin
Can not reproduce your error on Spark 1.2.1 . It is not enough information.
What is your command line arguments wцру you starting spark-shell? what data
are you reading? etc.

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Re: Spark executor OOM issue on YARN

2015-09-01 Thread ponkin
Can you please post your stack trace with exceptions? and also command line
attributes in spark-submit?

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Re: query avro hive table in spark sql

2015-08-27 Thread ponkin
Can you select something from this table using Hive? And also could you post
your spark code which leads to this exception.

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Re: error accessing vertexRDD

2015-08-27 Thread ponkin
Check permission for user which runs spark-shell
(Permission denied) - means that you do not have permissions to /tmp

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Re: use GraphX with Spark Streaming

2015-08-25 Thread ponkin
Sure you can. StreamingContext has property /def sparkContext:
SparkContext/(see  docs
). Think about DStream - main abstraction in Spark Streaming, as a sequence
of RDD. Each DStream can be transform as RDD with method transform(see  docs
) . So you can use whatever you want depends on your problem.

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Re: Spark Number of Partitions Recommendations

2015-07-29 Thread ponkin
Hi Rahul,

Where did you see such a recommendation?
I personally define partitions with the following formula

partitions = nextPrimeNumberAbove( K*(--num-executors * --executor-cores ) )

nextPrimeNumberAbove(x) - prime number which is greater than x
K - multiplicator  to calculate start with 1 and encrease untill join
perfomance start to degrade

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Re: How do we control output part files created by Spark job?

2015-07-07 Thread ponkin
Did you try to reduce number of executors and cores? usually num-executors *
executor-cores = number of parallel tasks, so you can reduce number of
parallel tasks in command line like
./bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--master yarn-cluster \
--num-executors 3 \
--driver-memory 4g \
--executor-memory 2g \
--executor-cores 1 \
--queue thequeue \
lib/spark-examples*.jar \
for more details see

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