Yarn containers getting killed, error 52, multiple joins

2017-04-13 Thread rachmaninovquartet

I have a spark 1.6.2 app (tested previously in 2.0.0 as well). It is
requiring a ton of memory (1.5TB) for a small dataset (~500mb). The memory
usage seems to jump, when I loop through and inner join to make the dataset
12 times as wide. The app goes down during or after this loop, when I try to
run a logistic regression on the generated dataframe. I'm using the scala
API (2.10). Dynamic resource allocation is configured. Here are the
parameters I'm using.

--master yarn-client --queue analyst --executor-cores 5
--executor-memory 40G --driver-memory 30G --conf spark.memory.fraction=0.75
--conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=5120

Has anyone seen this or have an idea how to tune it? There is no way it
should need so much memory.



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Re: Running Hive and Spark together with Dynamic Resource Allocation

2016-10-31 Thread rachmaninovquartet
It seems like the best solution is to set: yarn.nodemanager.aux-services to

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Running Hive and Spark together with Dynamic Resource Allocation

2016-10-27 Thread rachmaninovquartet

My team has a cluster running HDP, with Hive and Spark. We setup spark to
use dynamic resource allocation, for benefits such as not having to hard
code the number of executors and to free resources after using. Everything
is running on YARN.

The problem is that for Spark 1.5.2 with dynamic resource allocation to
function properly we needed to set yarn.nodemanager.aux-services in
yarn-site.xml to spark_shuffle, but this breaks hive (1.2.1), since it is
looking for auxService:mapreduce_shuffle. Does any one know of a way to
configure in order to have both services running smoothly?



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Extra string added to column name? (withColumn & expr)

2016-08-18 Thread rachmaninovquartet

I'm trying to implement a custom one hot encoder, since I want the output to
be a specific way, suitable to theano. Basically, it will give a new column
for each distinct member of the original features and have it set to 1 if
the observation contains the specific member of the distinct feature subset.
Something like feature1.distinct1, feature1.distinct2...

Here is my attempt, which seems logically sound:

for (column <- featuresThatNeedEncoding) {

  for (j <- df.select(column).distinct().collect().toSeq) {

df = df.withColumn(column + "." + j.get(0).toString,  expr("CASE
WHEN " + column + " = '" + j.get(0).toString + "' THEN " + column + "." +
j.get(0).toString + " = '1' ELSE " + column + "." + j.get(0).toString + " =
'0' END"))   

And some of the stack trace:

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Can't
extract value from someFeature#295;

Any ideas how to resolve this or why there is a #295 after my column name?



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Re: Large where clause StackOverflow 1.5.2

2016-08-18 Thread rachmaninovquartet
I solved this by using a Window partitioned by 'id'. I used lead and lag to
create columns, which contained nulls in the places that I needed to delete,
in each fold. I then removed those rows with the nulls and my additional

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Large where clause StackOverflow 1.5.2

2016-08-16 Thread rachmaninovquartet

I'm trying to implement a folding function in Spark, it takes an input k and
a data frame of ids and dates. k=1 will be just the data frame, k=2 will,
consist of the min and max date for each id once and the rest twice, k=3
will consist of min and max once, min+1 and max-1, twice and the rest three
times, etc.

Code in scala, with variable names changed:
  val acctMinDates = df.groupBy("id").agg(min("thedate"))
  val acctMaxDates = df.groupBy("id").agg(max("thedate"))
  val acctDates = acctMinDates.join(acctMaxDates, "id").collect()

  var filterString = "";

  for (i <- 1 to k - 1) {

if (i == 1) {
  for (aDate <- acctDates) {
filterString = filterString + "(id = " + aDate(0) + " and thedate >
" + aDate(1) + " and thedate < " + aDate(2) + ") or ";
  filterString = filterString.substring(0, filterString.size - 4)
df = df.unionAll(df.where(filterString));

Code that is being attempted to translate, from pandas/python:

df = pd.concat([df.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: pd.concat([x.iloc[i: i + k]
for i in range(len(x.index) - k + 1)]))])

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Strange behavior including memory leak and NPE

2016-07-19 Thread rachmaninovquartet

I've been fighting with a strange situation today. I'm trying to add two
entries for each of the distinct rows of an account, except for the first
and last (by date). Here's an example of some of the code. I can't get the
subset to continue forward:

var acctIdList = X_train.select("m_acct_id").distinct()
acctIdList = acctIdList.filter("m_acct_id is not null")

 for (id <- acctIdList) {
println("m_acct_id = " + id.getInt(0))
val subset = X_train.where("m_acct_id in (" + id.getInt(0).toString +

The println's will work, if I remove the subsetting logic from the for loop,
and a few iterations of the loop will work with the subsetting logic. I'm
thinking this might be because the creations of these dataframes in the for
loop are eating up memory too quickly. So I might need a different
implementation. This is the logic I'm trying to translate from pandas, if
that helps:

X_train = pd.concat([X_train.groupby('m_acct_id').apply(lambda x:
pd.concat([x.iloc[i: i + k] for i in range(len(x.index) - k + 1)]))])

and here is the top of the stack trace, I tried on Spark 1.5.2 and 1.6.2:

16/07/19 14:39:37 ERROR Executor: Managed memory leak detected; size =
33816576 bytes, TID = 1908
16/07/19 14:39:37 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 1.0 in stage 96.0 (TID
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame.(DataFrame.scala:131)
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame.filter(DataFrame.scala:755)
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame.where(DataFrame.scala:792)

Any advice on how to keep moving, would be much appreciated!



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Re: Dense Vectors outputs in feature engineering

2016-07-14 Thread rachmaninovquartet
or would it be common practice to just retain the original categories in
another df?

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Re: Dense Vectors outputs in feature engineering

2016-07-14 Thread rachmaninovquartet
Thanks Disha, that worked out well. Can you point me to an example of how to
decode my feature vectors in the dataframe, back into their categories?

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Dense Vectors outputs in feature engineering

2016-07-13 Thread rachmaninovquartet

I'm trying to use the StringIndexer and OneHotEncoder, in order to vectorize
some of my features. Unfortunately, OneHotEncoder only returns sparse
vectors. I can't find a way, much less an efficient one, to convert the
columns generated by OneHotEncoder into dense vectors. I need this as I will
eventually be doing some deep learning on my data, not something internal to

If I were to update OneHotEncoder to have a setDense option, is there much
of a chance it would be accepted as a PR?

Since the first question seems unlikely, is there a way to change a
dataframe, with a sparse vector and index columns into columns, like the
pandas get_dummies method:

or is there a better way to replicate the get_dummies functionality?



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SparkR interaction with R libraries (currently 1.5.2)

2016-06-07 Thread rachmaninovquartet
I'm trying to figure out how to work with R libraries in spark, properly.
I've googled and done some trial and error. The main error, I've been
running into is "cannot coerce class "structure("DataFrame", package =
"SparkR")" to a data.frame". I'm wondering if there is a way to use the R
dataframe functionality on worker nodes or if there is a way to "hack" the R
function in order to make it accept Spark dataframes. Here is an example of
what I'm trying to do, with a_df being a spark dataframe:

#0 filter out nulls
a_df <- filter(a_df, isNotNull(a_df$Ozone))

#1 make closure
treeParty <- function(x) {
# Use sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package
air.ct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = a_df)

#2  put package in context
SparkR:::includePackage(sc, partykit)

#3 apply to all partitions
partied <- SparkR:::lapplyPartition(a_df, treeParty)

Here is R code that works with a local dataframe, local_df:
local_df <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
air.ct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = local_df)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



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