Re: How to run Scala file examples in spark 1.5.2

2016-02-15 Thread Ted Yu
bq. 150.142.11

The address above seem to be missing one octet.

bq. org.apache.spark.examples/HdfsTest

The slash should be a dot.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Ashok Kumar  wrote:

> Thank you sir it is spark-examples-1.5.2-hadoop2.6.0.jar in mine
> Can you please tell me how to run with spark-submit correctly as I did
> spark-shell --master spark:///150.142.11:7077 --class
> org.apache.spark.examples/HdfsTest
> $SPARK_HOME/lib/spark-examples-1.5.2-hadoop2.6.0.jar
> ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.spark.examples/HdfsTest
> at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
> at java.lang.Class.forName(
> at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.classForName(Utils.scala:173)
> at
> org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:641)
> at
> org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:180)
> at
> org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:205)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:120)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
> thanks
> On Tuesday, 16 February 2016, 1:33, Ted Yu  wrote:
> Here is the path to the examples jar in 1.6.0 release:
> ./lib/spark-examples-1.6.0-hadoop2.6.0.jar
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:30 PM, Ted Yu  wrote:
> If you don't modify HdfsTest.scala, there is no need to rebuild it - it is
> contained in the examples jar coming with Spark release.
> You can use spark-submit to run the example.
> Cheers
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Ashok Kumar  > wrote:
> Gurus,
> I am trying to run some examples given under directory examples
> spark/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/
> I am trying to run HdfsTest.scala
> However, when I run HdfsTest.scala  against spark shell it comes back with
> error
> Spark context available as sc.
> SQL context available as sqlContext.
> Loading HdfsTest.scala...
> :19: error: illegal start of definition
>package org.apache.spark.examples
> import org.apache.spark._
> defined module HdfsTest
> scala>
> Can someone guide me how to run these Ccala codes without errors?  Do I
> need to compile them first with scalac -cp $CLASSPATH HdfsTest.scala
> Thanking you

Re: How to run Scala file examples in spark 1.5.2

2016-02-15 Thread Ted Yu
If you don't modify HdfsTest.scala, there is no need to rebuild it - it is
contained in the examples jar coming with Spark release.

You can use spark-submit to run the example.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Ashok Kumar 

> Gurus,
> I am trying to run some examples given under directory examples
> spark/examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/
> I am trying to run HdfsTest.scala
> However, when I run HdfsTest.scala  against spark shell it comes back with
> error
> Spark context available as sc.
> SQL context available as sqlContext.
> Loading HdfsTest.scala...
> :19: error: illegal start of definition
>package org.apache.spark.examples
> import org.apache.spark._
> defined module HdfsTest
> scala>
> Can someone guide me how to run these Ccala codes without errors?  Do I
> need to compile them first with scalac -cp $CLASSPATH HdfsTest.scala
> Thanking you

How to run Scala file examples in spark 1.5.2

2016-02-15 Thread Ashok Kumar
I am trying to run some examples given under directory examples
I am trying to run HdfsTest.scala 
However, when I run HdfsTest.scala  against spark shell it comes back with error
Spark context available as sc.
SQL context available as sqlContext.
Loading HdfsTest.scala...
:19: error: illegal start of definition
   package org.apache.spark.examples
import org.apache.spark._
defined module HdfsTest
Can someone guide me how to run these Ccala codes without errors?  Do I need to 
compile them first with scalac -cp $CLASSPATH HdfsTest.scala  
Thanking you