[videoblogging] Re: VLMC for Windows nopw available

2010-04-25 Thread johnleeke

Thanks for the tips, I'll try them out.


[videoblogging] Re: Live stream blog from an event

2010-04-23 Thread johnleeke
Here are the direct links to my launch pages for streaming live video:

where I use FlashMeeting, which is rather low video quality, free service, 
somewhat difficult to get signed up and started using. Strong on video 
conferencing features including text chat, slide shows, drawing on the slides, 

Reports from the Field:
where I use Kyte.tv, much higher quality video, can stream live from any 
computer/cam and from limited cell phones with special software, recordings 
immediately available, can upload edited videos, audio files, photos with 
background audio, free basic service which I use and paid expanded services, 
starting a $150 per month. Player embedable on webpages and viewable on many 
cell phones. Player has a built in text/audio/video chat feature that really 
works well. I usually use Kyte for my live streaming gigs when I don't need 
videoconferencing features.

also, BamBuser.com, live streaming from computer/cam and many cell phones, 
recording immediately available, free service. Player embedable and viewable on 
many cell phones.

When I am streaming for an event I always have a double backup with two other 
services set up and ready to go, in case one conks out. I've need it 3 times 
out of 10, all three times when the big/fancy/costly primary service quit 
working in the middle of the broadcast I was able to immediately switch over to 
the backup. (earned me deep praise from my client twice, especially the time 
when their own amazing computer guru has set up the streaming service that 
died) I have to say that FlashMeeting, Bambuser and Kyte have always worked for 
me and the paid services are hit or miss.

None of the above require special software, just flash drivers on the computer. 
To broadcast from phones special software needed.


[videoblogging] Re: VLMC for Windows nopw available

2010-04-23 Thread johnleeke
I downloaded and installed it on my 3-year old WindowsXPHome system that is not 
particularly powerful.

It ran fine, and imported some MP4 clips from my Xacti HD1010, the import was 
very fast. I was able to put a few clips on the time line. Playback was smooth, 
but the timeline control stick was a little flaky.

The transcribe feature was turned off. No obvious transitions or effects. 
Cutting clips and deleting segments was a little flaky. 

It took about 15 minutes to output 2 min. to a file with H264 codec in an AVI 
container. This was the only output format choice. The avi file played fine in 
VLC, it would not import into MicroSoft Movie Maker 2.1.

Verdict: needs a lot more work to be useful.

I am still trying to find a no-cost editor/low-cost that will take my Xacti mp4 
files directly and edit them. Currently the workflow of converting files to 
edit in Windows MM is too time consuming. I just tried Womble MPEG Video 
Wizard, which work fine but it costs $100. Premiere Elements 2.0 came with the 
camera, but that program simply does not run on my computer in a stable 
fashion--PE acts like it wants me to spend $10-15k for a new computer and five 
or six hard drives for its various needs. I could get a $100 plug in for PE 
that deshake the Xacti's very shaky video, but PE is too demanding for my 
simple computer. Any recommendations, other than getting a camera with better 
stabilization? (Which one?)


[videoblogging] Re: 2010 the year of the tablet?

2010-02-06 Thread johnleeke
 Your videos are the perfect example of how
 niche content works the best for online video. I doubt a million
 people would find a 17-minute video on scraping paint popular, but the
 people who are into restoring old homes must LOVE your videos.

Most of my videos have thousands of views, occasionally one has tens of 
A few viewers (maybe I have fans) are starting to ask where they can buy the 
DVD, or when I'm going to start charging for viewing. This may be the year I do 
just that.


[videoblogging] Re: 2010 the year of the tablet?

2010-01-27 Thread johnleeke
I've been shooting video and editing it or broadcasting it live from my HP 
Compaq TC1100 tablet for nearly 4 years. A lot of my shooting is on building 
construction and restoration sites, so the highly portable tablet form factor 
is extraordinarily useful. Shoot in the morning, edit over lunch and post it. 
Or, when operating live over wireless with no cables at all, bluetooth from cam 
to tablet, wifi from tablet to the internet direct.

Video Reports from the Field:

John Leeke
by hammer and hand great works do stand
with cam and light he shoots it right


[videoblogging] Re: My book was released on Amazon.com today

2010-01-16 Thread johnleeke

The book is great. Back in 2005 I was getting started with video. You comments 
for me here and on the FlashMeeting live video conferences were a huge help in 
my historic building preservation work.

Now I can pass out copies of your book to all my colleagues who what to do 
video over the internet.

Thanks for the help, the inspiration and the new book.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogger's Fundraiser

2010-01-05 Thread johnleeke
Thanks Jay, just the kind of thoughful reply that will be useful.

What was the service you used to handle the money?


[videoblogging] Videoblogger's Fundraiser

2010-01-04 Thread johnleeke
What was the project started a couple of years ago that was designed to raise 
funds for video bloggers?

I recall contributing to a couple of the video bloggers, but now I can't find 
the website.



[videoblogging] Fundraising for VideoBloggers

2010-01-04 Thread johnleeke
What was the project started a couple of years ago that was designed to raise 
funds for video bloggers?

I recall contributing to a couple of the video bloggers, but now I can't find 
the website.



[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogger's Fundraiser

2010-01-04 Thread johnleeke
 are you thinking of http://havemoneywillvlog.com? great project

Yes, that's it! It was operational back in 2006  7.

Ryanne posted a year ago that the project was on hiatus.

I'm planning to start up a similar project in another field, and wondering what 
the organizers think as they look back on it.

What made it work?

Why isn't it still chugging along?

Any advice for someone starting up such a project?

Thanks for your help.


[videoblogging] Re: just saw some of the video conference yesterday, regret missed it

2009-09-20 Thread johnleeke
Dang! I missed it too. Will there be another soon?

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right


[videoblogging] Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Snow Sculpting

2009-02-04 Thread johnleeke
Does anyone happen to be shooting video at Lake Genevea between now
and Saturday and posting it?

Lake Geneva, WI, US National Snow Sculpting Competition of 2009.  


John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: What's in your kit?

2008-12-13 Thread johnleeke
This is great!

I'm going to make me one a them harmonic cam holders tomorra, yep.


[videoblogging] Re: YouTube alternatives - vlog review.

2008-12-08 Thread johnleeke
.. frankly, I
like to actually talk to people and find out their first memory 

Set up live video conferencing for real conversations. Some systems
like MeBeam


are extraordinarily easy for everyone to use.

Other systems like FlashMeeting 


are a bit more involved to use, but record sessions, etc. Their
OpenLearn server is open for anyone to use.

John Leeke


[videoblogging] Re: Live Internet Video

2008-12-04 Thread johnleeke
Gena Writes:
a form of technique preservation.

Yes, after each FlashMeeting session I catalog and index the sections
and ideas on a webpage


 and link directly to those sections within the video recording. Then
the search engines can bring visitors to the page where they find the
link to the video they need.

Most of the recorded video sessions are viewed by 5,000 to 10,000
people within a few or several months. One of the sessions has been
viewed 29,000 times. Here is a live map 


that shows the location of viewers, on every continent in the world
except Antarctica !


[videoblogging] Live Internet Video

2008-12-01 Thread johnleeke
Jon Udell, noted social media innovator, just interviewed me for his
Strategies for Internet citizens blog:


about how I'm using interactive video to train tradespeople and
homeowners in how to care for their older and historic buildings.

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right


[videoblogging] Re: White paper on Residual Marketing Effects of digital video

2008-11-27 Thread johnleeke

What did you learn with your visit to Google?


[videoblogging] Re: Defending Videographer's Rights in Court

2008-11-23 Thread johnleeke
If you do it, it would be fascinating for us if you video blog the
experience. I wonder if they have you sign away all your rights to
shoot and distribute your own video about the experience.


[videoblogging] Re: Fwd: Need some camcorder advice?

2008-09-06 Thread johnleeke
Last spring I was in Atlanta giving some restoration advice to an
historic-home owner. She wanted to document our discussions and my
demonstrations. I had heard of the low-cost (about $200) Flip camera,
she went right out and got one and it performed flawlessly.

At a higher cost (about $700), I just got the Xacti HD1010, easy to
use, and astonishingly good in low light situations. It also takes
excellent stills.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: who are the Green Video Bloggers?

2008-07-29 Thread johnleeke
Nothing is greener than saving older and historic buildings:


although I don't participate in the Great Greenwashing of America.


[videoblogging] Re: White paper on Residual Marketing Effects of digital video

2008-07-14 Thread johnleeke

Thanks so much for this research and paper. I find that about a
quarter of your results fit exactly with my experience. I use
interactive internet video video with live conferencing:


and video player comments:


to promote my print publications:


and workshops/training:


which all has worked quiet well over the past two years.

NOW I'm ready to implement the other three-quarters of what I learned
in your report. It presents a great strategy that I have been missing.

Thanks again.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Sanyo Xacti HD1010 4MP MPEG4 High Definition 1080i/1080p Camcorder with 10x

2008-07-13 Thread johnleeke
I just got my 1010 three days ago. It's very nice to shoot with. I
still have to figure out how to get files over to the PC and editing,

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Review Video up: Canon HF100

2008-06-06 Thread johnleeke

Thanks for the great and very practical review. It makes me want to
get one.

I viewed a few of your other videos--refreshing!

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: job

2008-04-02 Thread johnleeke
What a concept !

A marketer's dream project !

Just right for The Science Babe !


Yikes !

Well that ought to sell a lot of whatever they are selling !

[videoblogging] Re: Looking For Male Co-Host...

2008-04-02 Thread johnleeke
 Experience using an
ear prompter is a plus. 


[videoblogging] Re: 1000 True Fans

2008-03-04 Thread johnleeke
I think this is just about right on.

I've estimated I have about 300 of what Kevin Kelly calls true fans,
and I am earning about 1/3 of my living with my self-publishing (in
print and eBooks). Over the past three years it has been my objective
to shift my position left-ward on the long-tail, increasing access
to my fans, and increasing my income, largely using interactive
video over the internet to connect more closely with those who can pay
me for my helping them care for their historic buildings. 

This past year it really seems to be working and Kevin's essay 1000
True Fans crystalizes my thinking on this and gives me new criteria
for measuring my success, and two new ways to push in that direction.

Andrew, thanks for posting this.

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by pen and thought best words are wrought
by cam and light he shoots it right


[videoblogging] Re: 1000 True Fans

2008-03-04 Thread johnleeke
 So, what do you do when you have zero true fans?

Find a way to help people so much, and make it so easy for them to
give you want, that they spontaneously give it to you.

hammer and hand
pen and thought
cam and light


[videoblogging] Re: I need a nice sounding but essentially meaningless credit

2008-02-15 Thread johnleeke
Location Sponsor

[videoblogging] TrafficGeyser.com ?

2008-02-04 Thread johnleeke
Have you had any experience with 


It is a service with a monthly fee to get your videos at the top of
Google results.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Live Streaming

2008-01-14 Thread johnleeke

If you do live streaming can I pester you with questions?

Be sure to post recordings or videos for later viewing and study.


by hammer and hand
by pen and thought
by cam and light

[videoblogging] Re: Live Streaming

2008-01-14 Thread johnleeke

Blogtv, sound was intermittent
Justin, sound  video was stalling out, herky jerky


Fascinating. I'll watch more. Speeded up might be alright for
entertainment, but I'd rather see real-time, maybe offer both. Also,
I'd like to see and hear more about how you mix colors, and see more
detailed close up on how you handle the paint on the pallet, close ups
on knife  brush technique on the canvas,etc.


more, more, more !

John (six years of art school, never did learn how to paint) Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: thesis on 'vidgets'

2007-12-18 Thread johnleeke
I took a five minute look at the paper and could not figure out what
Vidgets are. So, are there any links to these amazing Vidgets, that
demonstrate what Vidgets are all about?


[videoblogging] Re: thesis on 'vidgets'

2007-12-18 Thread johnleeke
And, what the devil is an exegesis?


[videoblogging] Re: Free Video == Paid Video (How to take the step?)

2007-12-15 Thread johnleeke
Hey Mike!

That's a great opportunity and a testament to your storytelling and
video skills.

Figure out how many hours it will take (preparation, shooting,
editing, delivery, etc.), double the hourly rate you get at your
regular job and do the math.

Dispite how you may feel about it, the total will not be too much, and
it will not be more that if they hired a professional video production
outfit. Remember they are going to used this to make more money for
their cause.

Now you really will be able to afford a leather jacket that says,
Mike Moon, Videoblogger Extraordinaire

yer pal in Portland,

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Online Resume for Sponsorship

2007-12-15 Thread johnleeke

Let's review the obvious. What have you already tried in your
marketing that is not working? (no short cuts, let's see the list)

Anyone with enough money to give you an amount that would make a
difference will not have time to go through two pages. Two pages is
great for someone who already thinks they need to sponsor you, but you
need much briefer more compelling messages to get them interested. 

Boil your message down to 20 words, two still graphics, and 20 seconds
of video. The result is like a perfectly clean window, nearly
invisible itself, that your sponsor can readily see through a get a
perfect vision of who you are.

Then, take the glass from that window, heat to 43,000 degrees kelvin
and compress it down down to no more than 7 words, one still graphic,
and 10 seconds of video. The result will be a sparkling gem that gives
your true sponsor an immediate connection with you. Well, it's a gem,
but doesn't sparkle? See that there, a little smudge on one facet?
Strike out two words and half the graphic and it WILL sparkle.

What's your message? Well, it's not about dogs or training, although
you should use dogs and training to illustrate the message. So,
message? Who you are, who are the people you help, how you make this
world a better place--that would be a good message.

The gem-message simply catches their eye, which leads them to the
window-message that catches their heart, which leads them to two pages
that helps their mind justify what they already have decided--that
they must sponsor your work.


[videoblogging] Re: Online Resume for Sponsorship

2007-12-15 Thread johnleeke
Oops! I forgot to give you an example. Take a look at the flash file
at the top of this page:


This little gem has done more for marketing my old house restoration
workshops and training sessions than anything else in my whole
marketing program.

Yours will look a lot different, but I think you see what I mean. It's
about the people I serve and who they are, not about me and what I do. 

[videoblogging] Re: Voicethread - interesting video commenting system

2007-12-09 Thread johnleeke
Kyte.TV is a free service that does this video/audio/text response
very well, plus a way to publish video, photos, text stories, etc..
Even accessible by mobile smart phone to view and publish.

You can insert the kyte player/recorder on your own webpage or blog
via html object.


here's mine:


Scoble has quite a following on Kyte here:


by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: Voicethread - interesting video commenting system

2007-12-09 Thread johnleeke
Susan writes:
(a want the comments to
 be on my own vlog, meaning my viewers don't have to go to an external

I just spent a few minutes fiddling with Riffly and learned it puts
video and audio tags right on your own wordpress webpage. 

The audio and video files do seem to be on the Riffly server and come
straight from there. This could be a problem for me. If I spent a lot
of time and attention building up a body of content, then the Riffly
service went out of business, well, poof, all my content is gone. This
happened when I was using the www.click.tv service, which was REALLY
good for text commenting WITHIN a video.

 (b don't want to have to watch the video over and over again
 to see all the comments. I would just like people talking.  

You can read down the wordpress blog, and just click on an audio or
video tag when you want to see or hear just that one.

by hammer and hand great works do stand

[videoblogging] Re: Interesting: Transcript scrolls with video

2007-11-29 Thread johnleeke
Looks like this was done with VeoTag:



[videoblogging] Flashmeeting for N93 users.

2007-11-24 Thread johnleeke

This is a good idea. I'll be there. I hope some of the Nokia N93 users
will join in.

lives life in the past lane

[videoblogging] Re: RUNtv will pay $50 for non-exclusive use of your videos

2007-10-25 Thread johnleeke

You may consider any of my videos about restoring historic buidings:



[videoblogging] Re: RUNtv will pay $50 for non-exclusive use of your videos

2007-10-25 Thread johnleeke

You may consider any of my videos about restoring historic buidings:



[videoblogging] Re: Lo-Fi Saint Louis hits 200!

2007-10-24 Thread johnleeke


Both for a fine vlog, and for helping other get into vlogging. When I
was just getting started, your interest, kind words and technical help
were very important. Your making me feel comfortable in the video
blogger community is one of the reasons I jumped in with both feet.
Now I'm stuck and can't get out.

FlashMeeting Intros


FlashMeeting Intros


John Leeke
Website: www.HistoricHomeWorks.com
Vlog: http://www.historichomeworks.com/hhw/video/rftf.htm

[videoblogging] Nokia N93 users

2007-10-24 Thread johnleeke
I'm ready to buy an N93 for vlogging here in the US.

Where did you buy yours? When?

What brand of memory chip works best?

How many hours/minutes of video shooting do you get per battery charge?

Have you had any battery problems? (I've heard of poor-performance
batteries discarding by the factory slipping back into the market.)

Thanks for your help.


[videoblogging] Re: Is my heart a spare part?

2007-10-19 Thread johnleeke
Content:  I like it, feels fresh. 

Production Values: I like it, video shooting and editing with rough
edges, somewhat out of control. Don't polish it up too much. You need
to hire Bre Pettis for technical advise and props development--just a
little flash  buzz on the robotics would be good, but keep it with
cardboard, crayons  aluminum foil. 

Distribution:  Seems just right to take it to the social media
realm, although I don't go there and would have never found it, except
for the message here. Make your own rinky dink webpage, too--just
one page, not a whole website.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: airpress

2007-09-30 Thread johnleeke
Yes, I see the difference between host  client.

Can you direct us to some example blogs where it is used?

[videoblogging] Re: airpress

2007-09-28 Thread johnleeke
Sounds cool, but before I put a lot of time in on installing something
this complicated I'd want to see an online demo of a couple of blogs
developed with this and to know who is developing it.


[videoblogging] Re: In-browser multi-point video sessions

2007-09-17 Thread johnleeke
 Doh! Forgot this
 http://flashmeeting.open.ac.uk/ just not sure you can download the
 stream to edit.
 I forgot who on this list can set up an account.

That FlashMeeting server is a development and research project.

There is a FlashMeeting server that is open for use by anyone.
It is at at the Open University's OpenLearn LabSpace:


where you can register (upper right of the page) and then learn about
and use FlashMeeting (lower left of the page). There are tutorials and
instructions on using the FlashMeeting system.



[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging, As Seen in 19th Century France

2007-09-12 Thread johnleeke
Early adopters agree, the amazing TeleOptiKon technology is the
greatest invention since sliced bread:


John (lives life in the past lane) Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging, As Seen in 19th Century France

2007-09-12 Thread johnleeke
Steve writes:
 Heh its quite funny...But the mirror of the bloke they've used has a
 foot missing!

The use of the amazing TeleOptiKon technology is not without risk of
physical harm to the operator. My guess is that he wore his foot down
to a stump operating that foot-pedal switch which must be pressed
twice for each frame of video--just one of the hazards of life in the
old days. But, don't worry, the use of devices such as foot switches
were strictly controlled by the Board Electrical Impairments during
the late 1920s. I have not heard of a single case in at least a decade. 

lives life in the past lane

[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging videoconference for 6 hours today! VlogEurope welcomed!

2007-09-02 Thread johnleeke
Thanks for stepping up to the plate on vlog meeting setup.

I think Sandy Markus does the VoxMedia Wiki where the meetings used to
be posted. Perhaps he can repost that page. I found it very useful as
an index to past vlog meetings going back a couple of years.

When you book a FlashMeeting be sure to check the Syndicate the
recording and Make the live meeting public boxes, which assures the
meeting goes out on the RSS feed, and is listed in Public

When you post the URL to the meeting, be sure it goes to the Meeting
Details webpage, in the format like this:


from this page others will have access to the meeting and the replay

take care, do good works and keep in touch

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right


[videoblogging] Re: blip.tv redesign!

2007-08-29 Thread johnleeke
Mike writes:
We're going to be updating the Show Player soon 

I hope you will increase the size of the text. It is less than 1/16
tall on my display, which is very hard to read without a magnifying glass.

Also, could you eliminate the play arrow in the middle of the player
image? I know, this is all the rage on every other web-video player,
but I think the viewer should have an unobstructed view of the image.
So often a viewer will give only a split-second consideration of click
to play or not. Why obscure part of the image that may convince them
to click?

Thanks for all your good works there at Blip!


[videoblogging] Re: Movlogging with Bluetooth

2007-08-06 Thread johnleeke
I'm also interested in the bluetooth ear-set Nokia N93 combination.

Jan, in the video was that you, or Michelle or both who had the
bluetooth headset connection to the camera?

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: I feel like a thread crusher.

2007-07-01 Thread johnleeke
 John, Mr Historic House repair guy?

This is AMAZING. I kind of like it. I wish I could go experience it
first hand.


John Leeke,
American Preservationeer


[videoblogging] Re: Screencast: Demystifying Web Analytics

2007-06-27 Thread johnleeke

I must say, after fiddling with Google Analytics for a year and not
figuring it out, your research and screen cast has immediately helped
me get some useful info out of GA. --Thank you!

I hope you will produce a follow up report and screen cast.


[videoblogging] Re: Live Conference about videoblogging?

2007-06-11 Thread johnleeke
There is a long-standing tradition among vloggers to meet up Tuesdays
and Saturdays via the FlashMeeting video conferencing service. Right
now no one is booking the meetings routinely, but you could.

There is a FlashMeeting server that is open for use by anyone.
It is at at the Open University's OpenLearn LabSpace:


where you can register (upper right of the page) and then learn about
and use FlashMeeting (lower left of the page). There are tutorials and
instructions on using the FlashMeeting system.

The second step is to announce your videobloggerlicious FlashMeetings
here on the Yahoo group and by editing the VoxMedia Wiki at:



John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Leechvideo

2007-06-07 Thread johnleeke
Yep, the leaches at Leach are stealing my videos from Google and
YouTube even though they are clearly copyrighted.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging Flashmeetings

2007-06-06 Thread johnleeke

 Ifsomeone else who has a booking account wants to continue, 

There is another FlashMeeting server that is open for use by anyone.
It is at at the Open University's OpenLearn LabSpace:


where you can register (upper right of the page) and then learn about
and use FlashMeeting (lower left of the page). There are tutorials and
instructions on using the FlashMeeting system.

The second step is to announce your videobloggerlicious FlashMeetings
here on the Yahoo group and by editing the VoxMedia Wiki at:



John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: How to move from Amateur Vlogger to Professional Video Creator??

2007-06-05 Thread johnleeke

I made that shift from amateur to getting paid this past winter. One
of my professional colleagues who liked the look of my videos asked me
if I would do some for his business which would pay me. I told him
sure, I would use the same equipment, methods, approach, etc., and the
results would be about the same as what he has seen and likes. He
could pay my usual rate of $700/day and we'd see how much it costs. I
knew how long it usually takes me to do my videos, so we used that as
a planning figure. We've done the first two, he likes them and he
wants more. The 4 to 10 minute videos took me about 8 to 15 hours each
including preproduction (planning), acquisition (shooting), and post
production (editing, uploading, backup copies on discs, etc.) Total
costs were about $1000 to $1500 each, so he has used those figures to
set a budget in his business to do a few more.

You can see the video I do for myself here:


and the videos I did for pay here:


The key for me moving into getting paid and being comfortable about it
was to say to him, this is what I do, this is the result, if that is
what you want, then I can do it. Let's do the first one or two by the
hour and see how much it costs. By the way, they really will be like
what you see here, and they will not be like a Hollywood movie, nor
like television, nor what you would get by hiring a video production

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: ustream.tv a doubt

2007-05-10 Thread johnleeke

One good way to know for sure is to simply do a few test broadcasts.
Start with a couple of short broadcasts, then try a test that lasts as
long as your event.


[videoblogging] Re: Notes: Boston Media Makers, May 6, 2007

2007-05-08 Thread johnleeke

Thank you for posting the UStream coverage of the meeting.

In comparing your recordings from UStream and ComVu, I think the ComVu
is better because it seems to have a higher frame rate resulting in
smoother action video. The UStream recordings seem a little herky

How to you compare ComVu and UStream from a useability point of view?

Have you used your Nokia N93 with both ComVu and UStream? How does the
N93 work with each?

Thank you for operating on the bleeding edge of this technology so
we can all learn from your experience.

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoot it right

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Vlog FlashMeeting Now

2007-04-19 Thread johnleeke
An impromptu vlogger's flash meeting now (3:00-5:00pm EDT)at:


by hammer and hand great works do stand 
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: Minor Milestone

2007-04-17 Thread johnleeke

 and this group for all the info and deabtes.

Did you mean debates or deadbeats?

yer fan in Portland

[videoblogging] Re: New blip.tv show player

2007-04-15 Thread johnleeke
The customizable branding is terrific!


[videoblogging] Re: steve garfield's kitchen

2007-04-09 Thread johnleeke

In one of your earlier broadcasts from the kitchen, I think you
mentioned you were using the N93 and a wireless connection. Were you
on wireless for all of the several broadcasts of the evening, or did
you switch to data transfer?


[videoblogging] ClickTV Vlog, now I need RSS.

2007-04-08 Thread johnleeke
I've reorganized my vlog with the ClickTV player. See it at:


This has the ClickTV players laid out on an ordinary web page, not the
usual blog service type pages.

How can I set up an RSS feed for this ordinary web page?


[videoblogging] Re: Local TV Covers my Vlog

2007-03-23 Thread johnleeke

Cool coverage!

What's that you were drinking?

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Clipser.com

2007-03-22 Thread johnleeke

 OK.  This discussion, especially for technical support etc... can be
 offlist please.

I don't see why it should be taken offlist. I just learned a lot that
I wanted to know.

I'd like to see it continue here.


[videoblogging] Green Vlogging?

2007-03-22 Thread johnleeke
How green is video-blogging itself?

Do personal computers and video cameras grow on trees? Or, are they
made out of petro-chemicals?

What is the carbon footprint of the equipment used to product a
videoblog? Does that include the internet infra-structure?

Where can I buy carbon credits to cover the electricity used in the
making and distribution of my video blog? What is the
carbon-unit-per-minute-of-videoblog rate? Could I win a prize on
Vlogging for Dollars to cover it?

What if, instead of video blogging, we made drawings on recycled paper
in flip-book format and handed the flip-books to our friends, or
left them laying around on the counter down at the diner? That sounds
really green. Lower distribution numbers surely, but with greater
impact on the viewer?

And what about digital-smoke-signal vlogging? 

John Leeke,
member in good standing,
American Alternatives Association

[videoblogging] Vlogging about Vlogging - Vlogging about Life

2007-02-25 Thread johnleeke
Of course, we might expect the weekly video blogger's FlashMeeting to
be attended entirely by dedicated vloggers. Just about a year ago
Stephanie Bryant and Susan (kittykitty) were saying there's mostly
talk on vlogging about how to vlog:


but at this past FlashMeeting Enric observed that most people at the
meeting were from outside the vlog-o-sphere, using vlogging to support
other objectives:


such as,

preserving historic buildings,

selling coffee,

expounding on life in Tokyo,

documenting family history,


[videoblogging] Re: Vlog 101 | Introduction

2007-02-21 Thread johnleeke
 to embark on the latest vlog craze. Any insight, suggestions, website's 
 you can refer me to would be very much appreciated! 

I wouldn't do it because it's the latest craze, but I would do it
because it is effective.

In my work restoring historic buildings:

Historic HomeWorks

I use vlogging:

Reports from the Field:

and live video conferencing:

Since I started about a year ago my talks, workshops and training


have been sold out, packed, standing room only. 

My publications, The Practical Restoration Reports:


have jumped in sales.

I attributed most of this to the promotional effect of my internet
video work over the past year.

To get an idea of the reach internet video can provide, take a look at
this map that shows the location of viewers of the recording of one of
my video conferences:


5,000 views by 3,000 viewers on 6 continents--not big numbers by some
standards, but big enough to do some good in my small business.

This is not viral video and did not happen over night, but with some
work and persistence the promotional effect can be realized.

John Leeke
by hammer and hand great works do stand
by pen and thought best words are wrought
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: Tuesday FlashMeeting

2007-02-20 Thread johnleeke

 Oh well, I think FlashMeeting is having problems.  Or maybe it's
just me.

Not you. It was working at 6:30pm EST, then conked out just after
another FlashMeeting I was in, about 7:00pm. There must have been
server problems over in the UK.


[videoblogging] Re: a gentle suggestion

2007-02-19 Thread johnleeke
I agree. On my screen sometimes the font is LESS than 1/16 high by
actual measurement.

John squinty Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Rocketboom and YouTube on the Nokia N95

2007-02-15 Thread johnleeke
Very Cool.

Will this also work with the N93?

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Video Comments, a WordPress Plugin

2007-02-06 Thread johnleeke
 has any body used video comments for there videoblog?

Yes, you can see a sample use of it at my Historic HomeWorks, Reports
from the Field video blog:


scroll down to the bottom of the page for Steam Paint Removal.

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: What Would you do?

2007-02-02 Thread johnleeke
sean wrote:
 ...I guess Im living the dream. 

I think that's it for me too, living the dream, but I'm not waiting
around for someone to finance it. Here's my little essay on this from
last year:

Do you wish your life had a better outcome, like that really great
movie you saw last year? Do you wish you could get that spark of
insight that solves one of life's major problems by simply reflecting
on the glint of sunlight in your cup of coffee, like the neat vlog you
took a moment to watch yesterday? Then live your life like the movie
or vlog you want it to be. Decide what effect you want your
life/movie/vlog to have on it's viewers, including you and the people
close to you as well as distant observers. Write up a treatment. Shop
it around to your friends. Pitch it to your sponsors, your champions
and even your enemies. Dream up the story. (Don't forget the twist at
the end where everything works out great.) Write down the script.
Sketch out story board. Live the story (hey, that twist at the end? in
reality it double-twisted better than I could have imagined!) Shoot
the footage and edit, edit, edit. Distribute it to the theaters, or
feed it out on your vlog. Five stars? No stars? Either way, learn the
lessons, write the next chapter in your life, live it, vlog it.

Why does this work? Because we humans have an inner need to share our
selves and our lives with others. Because if we follow good plans the
result is good works. Because if we know someone is watching the work
is bound to be better.

With my own work in this world I help people understand how to care
for the historic buildings they live and work in. I earn my living
with hammer, clipboard and camera in hand, writing and vlogging about
my work. I do often make decisions about what to do, with print
articles and vlogs very much in mind. My remaining life is getting too
short to do anything for just one result. If I take a hands-on
contract to restore a porch on an historic house down the block, I
need to get at least three or five results:

1. Earn some money fixing the porch so I can feed my family.

2. Take notes and photos of the work so I can write a print article or
book chapter about that type of work.

3. Shoot some video for a vlog or two.

4. Help out my neighbor.

5. Fix those classically styled Ionic porch columns so they improve
the looks of this neighborhood and make the whole world a little more
beautiful place for all of us to live a better life.

If I have a choice between two projects and the first will give number
1. above, and the second will give 1. through 5. above, I'll
definitely pick the second, which has the greater outcome. 

Cases in point:

Carpenter  the Columns

Bill's House

Stop by sometime to shoot the breeze with with me out on the Front Porch:


- John Leeke
by hammer and hand great works do stand
by pen and thought best words are wrought
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: What Would you do?

2007-02-02 Thread johnleeke

 Like mine, there's no way I could go across the Atlantic to tell the
 story of the Highlanders across there on my own dime.

I, for one, would very much like to hear this story. 

Why are the Atlantic and the travel dollars keeping you from telling
it? Just start telling, with the resources you have in hand right now.
You can always revise, update and add to the story. Make it a
serialized story, everyone is already used to vlogging with repeated
installments. Your first installment is the dream, where does this
dream come from, who are the Highlanders, who are your Highlanders?
Tell your story backwards, starting with you and your dream, working
backward in time step-by-step, working geographically toward the
Highland, eventually you'll get to making the travel installments. 

If you need material shot over there, make some friends over there
(via the low-cost internet?) and have them shoot it for you (they have
no camera? loan them yours. You have no camera? Ask for one, I bet
there's more than one of us on this list who has an old retired cam
that still works and is just collecting dust. convince us it's worth
sending it to you, by starting a story that is so compelling we will
do anything we can to hear the rest of the story.)

So, what's the story? 

John (still hoping to get to Shropshire and dig up my own past) Leeke

[videoblogging] Yikes !

2007-01-30 Thread johnleeke


This contest is obviously taking place in the big-league ballpark. 
Just to enter I'd have to have a lawyer review these terms and advise
on my contest entry, then call my insurance agent and have him put a
rider on my professional liability insurance.  Minimum dollar expense
to enter: $500-1000. I'm wondering how the risk of entering this
contest and getting hauled into court could possibly be worth any
potential positive outcome. I think I'll stay home and play with my
usual stick-ball buddies.

But wait. That's starting to sound like a great story line for a vlog
on how to enter a vlog contest. Hold on no, that's not a good
idea--better not. OK, see ya over at the sand-lot Saturday afternoon.


* The fine print: Exclusions  Limitations. Any material presented in
this message is provided only for its general, informational value. It
may not apply effectively to your situation. It is your decision
whether or not you actually read, pay attention to or use this
material, and you will be responsible for that decision. John Leeke
will not assume any responsibility for any use you may make this

**Just Kidding! ***

***(no, not really kidding) 

it's beginning to look like I'll have to check with my lawyer AND
my seventh-grade English teacher to determine if I'm kidding or
serious, or not

[videoblogging] Off Topic, but fascinating

2007-01-30 Thread johnleeke
Though my friend Geo often says that photographs perfectly capture
moments that never existed.

Well, this explains why I have the great urge, and often do, edit
photos. The editing turns the documentation of the moment into an
illustration that tells a greater truth than the photo could on
its own. 

Does the same apply to raw video footage and an edited piece? I think so.

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: Jeff Pulver

2007-01-30 Thread johnleeke
Steve writes;
Anyway Ive been a bit overactive here recently so I think I should
give you all a rest from my incessant ranting for a while. Sorry to

Steve, I find your comments here stimulating and always a thought
provoking addition to the discussions. When I hear a name like
Elbows I'm already expecting you to elbow your way up to the front
and speak your piece.

John (just don't ask me to fix your roof) Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: Yikes !

2007-01-30 Thread johnleeke

(Have you ever read the Terms and Conditions on the 3,044 websites
you've signed into? Blech.)

I've been on the internet since 1993 and I've only had time to read
the ToS at 23 websites, and signed up at only 7 of those.

John (they never did let out of remedial reading class) Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: videoronk our cc licences

2007-01-30 Thread johnleeke
Mike writes:
  We will block these guys on our end if we have to. 

I noticed that they were prominently displaying the Blip logo, and
wondered if you already had an agreement with them.

Thanks for all your good works.


[videoblogging] Re: Saturday Videoblogging FlashMeeting Presentations

2007-01-30 Thread johnleeke
The FlashBoard feature will take jpg files that can be uploaded by a
registered participant during the FlashMeeting. The person booking the
meeting can, before the meeting, upload a series of jpg files that can
be assembled into a presentation, for display via the FlashBoard
during a meeting.

A new FlashBoard feature is that participants can printout the
FlashBoard at any time on their local printer. The printed image is
high quality.

The FlashBoard does not yet handle video. To present video you can
send a link that will pop up a webpage with the video embeded.


[videoblogging] Re: MyHeavy and Magnify and aggregators in general

2007-01-27 Thread johnleeke
It is fascinating to read between the lines and learn business
diplomacy from Mike.

I agree with David, when it comes to the legality and morality of the
issue, opt out simply empowers the illegal and immoral actions of
these secondary agrigators and distributors of our content. They want
and take our content because it has a higher value that what they have
to pay for it. The fact that their business model is based on paying
absolutely nothing for the content is the problem. 

We cannot afford it sounds pretty lame when they have million dollar
budgets. But even on lesser budgets what happened to the micro
payment idea? Wern't computers supposed to make micro payments
practical? Why don't they set a policy of always paying, then pay what
they can negotiate with the content maker? Blip has done it so we know
it is possible. If they cannot arrive at an agreement with the content
makers, then they don't take the content.

This seems pretty simple, and most of us learned it from our Mommies
by the time we were ten:

If it doesn't belong to you, then don't take it.

Every particle of the conflict in this issue arises out of the fact
that it appears they think they can ignore this basic tenant of our
morality-based society.

I think the fact that they do, or do not, show their faces in this
discussion tells us a lot about their character and intent.

Mike and all, thanks for the good works and thoughtful discussions.


[videoblogging] Re: PC Editing Programs

2007-01-27 Thread johnleeke
I have settled on MovieMaker because I want to be using a vlogging
system that I can recommend to my colleagues who want to get into it,
so it must have these characteristics: no cost, readily available,
easily usable. (unfortunately it does not have MOV output.)

I used  AvidDV for a while, which does put out MOV files, but that
program is so complex that I can't recommend it to people who have a
life outside of computer technology.


[videoblogging] Re: Paid Subscription + CMS

2007-01-26 Thread johnleeke
 For those of us (you do dogs, I do horses) with narrow niche
 educational material rather than shows for wider audiences 

You do dogs  horses, I do old-houses; very, very niche.

Verdi writes:
You could also try giving the videos away for free and make money
from the opportunities that arise from that (that's what happened to a
number of bloggers and some vloggers).

I use that model. Right now people expect to see video on the internet
for free, so I go with that flow (row, row, row your boat gently DOWN
the stream)at my video blog:


and at my no-cost live video conferences, where they can watch the
video conference replays:


which they do by the thousands, world wide (to my amazement):


which helps people understand who I am and what I do, and attracts
people to my website:


where they buy my print (print on demand) publications:


and hire me for consulting:


that includes onsite training, problem solving, etc.

(of course all the onsite work and problems solving provides even more
of the attractive content that I consult, write and vlog about. It's a
vicious circle, and I love it!)

As I build up more video series, I suppose I'll be able to sell them
on DVD or subscribed website content, perhaps in a year or two. But
right now their highest value seems to be promotional, and they really
do well at that.

A few of my colleagues are even hiring me to shoot video for them and
help them get into video blogging!

by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Veoh Playing Nice?

2007-01-22 Thread johnleeke
I've recently been contacted by a person from Veoh, saying they'd like
to feature my videos at their site.

Considering the Veoh brouhaha a while back it seems nice that an
actual person is actually asking. 

Has anyone had some recent Veoh experiences they would like to relate?

Is Veoh playing nice these days? Or, should I stay in my own
neighborhood and play with my old regulars?

John Leeke
by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: Terms of Service post

2007-01-19 Thread johnleeke
  If it was easy to do so the TOS document would be written out 
  as a couple of bullet points!

I think it is a serious FAILURE of our legal/business system that a
binding document cannot be written in plain language bullet points.

At the very minimum the conscientious business provides an easily
UNDERSTANDABLE plain language translation of their legal-beagle

I should NOT have to pay my lawyer to tell me if I want to do business
with a company. Many of these TOS agreements look like I will have to
pay the service provider's legal costs if a third party sues them for
their actions and just suspects that I'm somehow involved.

How could no dollar cost video hosting ever be WORTH the RISK of
paying the legal costs of the service provider in a remote state, even
if I was at fault in a suit?

-- John (keeps his nose clean with more practical methods) Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: FlashMeeting presentations+interviews

2007-01-18 Thread johnleeke

 would the meetings be available retrospectively as well?

some of the ad hoc vloggers' meetings not appearing at voxmedia do
appear at the FlashMeeting Public Listing here:



[videoblogging] Re: Video conference?

2007-01-16 Thread johnleeke

I've been booking the last few meetings, usually on an ad hoc basis on
Saturday afternoons. I've been making them pretty long 3-4 hours to
improve the reach through several time zones because we've been
routinely have visitors from Europe, North America and Japan.

I always announce them right here on the Yahoo group.

If yer real lonely to see our ugly mugs you can see the replay
listings here:


Also, you might be interested in these comments from Marc Eisenstadt
(heads the KMi that makes the FlashMeeting system) and Jon Udell (of
InfoWorld blogger fame), about my use of the FlashMeeting system for
Historic HomeWorks:


by hammer and hand great works do stand
by cam and light he shoots it right

[videoblogging] Re: Codec for Win Move Maker to use MP4's

2007-01-16 Thread johnleeke
When I'm at my best I operate in the realm of low-tech, but most of
the time I'm lost in the realm of no-tech.

In can make heads nor tails of what's at that link. 

Can you tell us a little about how this works. I use MovieMaker and
would like to do MP4s.


[videoblogging] Re: Flickzor: Video Comments on a blog

2007-01-14 Thread johnleeke

 If a few people could try it out, I'd like to see how the video  
 comment stream works.

I signed up with Flickzor and left a message at your Flickzor widget.

First off, if they want this thing to soar, they'll have to rebuild it
so you can leave a video response without joining yet another social
organization, and signing away certain rights that careful people
might not want to.

I bumped into a few gliches during signup and cannot replay my
introduction--definitely in technical beta, as they explain.

Terms: The newsletter is opt-out instead of the better opt-in. More
importantly, a user of their service could end up paying for THEIR
lawyers and traveling to Virginia in the case of a third party
lawsuit. How could the risk of that be worth the service, even if it
is free? (I've got professional liability insurance that would cover
it, but if I sign too many of this sort of agreement my premiums are
likely to go up.)

Taking care of the content providers: Their business model seems to be
the usual taking of content, branding, and surrounding it with
advertising and keeping all the revenue for themselves. They say they
are still in early beta testing on the technical side, but they
already have advertising well established.

I'd rather pay a fee for an unbranded widget and no advertising. I
didn't see any options to test that out.

In any case, I've been waiting for this type of service, and Flickzor
is the closest yet.



[videoblogging] Vlog Video Conference

2007-01-13 Thread johnleeke
Smoke Signal Standby:

All them rangey ol' vlogggers meetin' up out past the gulch by high
noon, er else!

(12:00pm, eastern standard time, USA)


Johnny Durango

[videoblogging] Re: Mike as a kid :)

2007-01-13 Thread johnleeke
A. What do you know, Mikey's always been just as nice as he is
now!  Just look at that face: an open book of knowledge, trust and
enthusiasm, with more than a hint that he's just about ready to sneak
around behind you and do something...something..well, only he
knows what it might be. What better qualification could there be for a
lifetime of good works? 

No wonder we all like him so much.

No wonder Blip is such a good service.


[videoblogging] Re: Vlog Video Conference

2007-01-13 Thread johnleeke

 Okay - where is everybody?
 I'm freakin' out!

Wez all hidin' out up here behind the rocks along the west ridge a the
gulch, jist waitin' ta see who shows up.

Johnny Durango
(his spurs go jingle jangle jingle)

[videoblogging] Re: What do you want in a player?

2007-01-11 Thread johnleeke
What I like about the current flash player is its simplicity!

Click to Play, forward, pause, volume--no complexities to to confuse
and confound the person new to internet video.  

I am bringing a lot of my customers, clients and colleagues to
internet video for the first time. They want and need an intuitively
easy-to-use player. They just want to watch a video about painting
their house, and then go paint their house. A bunch of fancy flash
controls and features flashing out when they mouse-over is just an
annoying distraction from what they came for.

Now, I personally, like those extra snazzy features. But, please keep
them under wraps or optional, so those who need simple can have it.

Thanks for all your good works there at Blip!


[videoblogging] Re: Blip adds Intros Outros

2007-01-10 Thread johnleeke

 We've also got some pretty nifty features up our sleeves for interesting
 things you'll be able to do with intros and outros in the future, but
 those are a little farther off. 

Such as, clickable links? Editable and updatable in the future would
be good. I could use this right now.


[videoblogging] Re: MyHeavy.com Disregarding Vlogger CC Licenses

2007-01-04 Thread johnleeke

 to discuss these very issues.  It's time for the crowd to recommend
 solutions.  MyHeavy is now willing to play ball by your rules.  Write
 the rules.  I'll convey them.

OK, the first rule is: 

If you used content without permission of the owner you have to pay
the owner's asking price for that use. The first use without
permission is not excusable. APPLIED RETRO-ACTIVELY, meaning that you
pay up even though this rule was not in place at the time of
transgression. This rule is to be applied on moral grounds and not
only on legal grounds. The payments are to be made on the
transgressor's initiative, meaning that the transgressor must contact
the owners of the content and ask how much the owner wants for the
use, and then immediately make that payment.

For example, my own rate is $1000 for the first instance, and $500 per
video per any part of a day. They used 11 of my videos and used them
for at least part of one day, so the total they owe me is $6000. If
they can afford to buy fancy prizes for cute models, they can afford
to pay up right away. They can send that $6000 directly to my paypal

To speak frankly to the people at MyHeavy: there are no defensible
moral grounds for taking something that does not belong to you, no
matter how slight or great the value, your intent, awareness, or
excuses! Step up to the plate and take responsibility for your
actions. Whether or not you follow the rule above will be a clear
indication your character.

John Leeke

[videoblogging] Re: MyHeavy.com Disregarding Vlogger CC Licenses

2007-01-03 Thread johnleeke
Well, they appear to be illegally using all my stuff from Blip and
Google. All of my stuff is copyrighted and most even has copyright
notice in the descriptions that display on their site and right in the
video itself.

Plus they are displaying half naked women next to my video, an
association that further devalues my property.

Here you can get the names and see pictures of the alleged perpetrators: 


I'll let your form your own judgment and opinions about their character.

You can get an impression about their views on theft and the practice
of stealing, since, right under each video, they give users of the
site the instructions and the tools to do it:  rate it, share it,
steal it.

So, what's the best way to git these varmints?


[videoblogging] Re: MyHeavy.com Disregarding Vlogger CC Licenses

2007-01-03 Thread johnleeke
Plus they are stamping their logo right on top of my video.

Absolutely reprehensible !


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