...so please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm going to be 
in the Bay starting this Thursday and the rest of next week.  I'll 
give you all my contact info.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "[chrisbrogan.com]" 
> Hi Guys-
> Video on the Net is coming up quick. It's a conference about the
> impact of broadband Internet on TV, Film, and Broadcasting. March
> 19-22nd in San Jose. Check the schedule at
> http://www.videoonthenet.com for the speakers list to see who you
> might like. 
> Jeff Pulver is offering active current videobloggers access to the
> conference as his guest, provided you show proof of your current
> videoblog and provided you let me know by the 17th (5 days) that
> you're coming. If you want to attend, please email me for details. 
> blog at chrisbrogan dot com. 
> Thanks!
> --Chris...

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